Your Next BLESSING! 🥹🎁✨ Pick a Card Tarot Reading

Thanks for stopping by! I’m KINO ♈️☀️♊️🌙♉️👆I hope you enjoy your reading ❤️

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Intro – 0:00
#1 (Titanium Aura/Pagan Cats) – 3:13
#2 (Aquamarine/Way of the Panda) – 30:57
#3 (Moonstone/Divine Feminine) – 1:00:26
#4 (Rose Quartz/Gentle Heart) – 1:37:39

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Decks Used (in order):
📍Uchuu Megami Oracle by Himiko Amano
📍Vivid Aura Birth Card by Luna Factory
📍Ryujin Card by Hikari Ohsugi
📍Sacred Traveler Oracle by Denise Linn
📍Group 1: Tarot of Pagan Cats by Lola Airaghi & Magdelina Messina
📍Group 2: Way of the Panda Tarot by Fables Den
📍Group 3: Divine Feminine Tarot by Cocorrina ※
📍Group 4: Gentle Heart Tarot by Vanessa Somuayina

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💍Gold Bracelet (Use code kino15 for 15% off!):
💍Howlite Bracelet:
🕯 EsoTarot Unicorn Love Candle:
🕯 Archangel Michael Candle:

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The readings on my channel are not meant to substitute professional advice. I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy for any reading. Please use your own judgement when making any decisions based on a tarot reading.

#pickacard #tarotreading


[Music] Hi guys it's Kino welcome to another Video so in today's pick a card reading We are going to be finding out what the Next big blessing is to come into your Life and as you can see I have these Little papers under each group I got the Fortune papers again maybe some of you Guys remember or watch this video but Many months back I did Another Blessing Reading and I got these little Fortune Papers from a trip that I went on to Northern Japan they're cute and funny And they make a nice little segment in The reading so we're going to use them Again Today and I will include them in the Option selection I'll show them up close Because you might be drawn to the design Of a certain Fortune paper but let's get Into it let's give you a close-up look At each of your options there are four Readings for you guys to choose from Today I will be showing you the crystal The back artwork of the Tarot deck the Front artwork there will also be a Random card associated with each group So that might be something that you are Drawn to and then of course the fortune Paper so there's many different factors Today to choose your group if you do Feel drawn to more than one group today You are definitely welcome to listen to More than one reading in fact if you are

Drawn to multiple that's likely a sign That you are receiving many many Blessings in this next chapter of your Life so without further Ado let's take a Look at the options number ones you have Titanium Ora quartz the tarot of the Pagan cats and this red floral Fortune Paper and your random card is the nine Of Wands number twos you have Aquamarine The way of the panda tarot this Fortune Paper that says fantastic on it and your Random card is Justice number threes you have this Moonstone starfish the divine feminine Tarot and this green floral Fortune Paper and your random card is the page Of Cups and number fours you have this rose Quartz maraba the gentle heart tarot This pink Fortune paper with unicorns And planets and constellations on it and Your random card is the king of Cups okay so these are all of your Options laid out side by side so that You can compare them and see which one Or ones are calling to you the most as Always take all the time you need to Pick you can pause the video if you need To and I'm going to go ahead and get Started with number one hi number ones So if you guys chose the titanium Aura This is going to be your reading all About your next big blessing this is the

Full breakdown of today's reading we Have the reading here on YouTube as well As an extended on YouTube we're going to Start by taking a look at your fortune Paper then we're going to take a look at These oracle cards to see the nature of Your blessing or multiple blessings that Are coming your way and then we will get Into the tarot that you guys chose the Tarot of the Pagan cats to see more Details about what specifically these Blessings entail how they're going to Come into your life what your life is Going to be like after that we could Could also get any advice that your Spirit guides have if they have any for You and then in the extended reading We're going to see the likely timing of This blessing coming into your life We'll also see what could affect this Timing so what could possibly speed Things up or what could possibly slow Things down and then at the end we will Answer one yes no or maybe question of Your choice so that is the reading today Let's get into your fortune paper I just Want to mention if you guys did watch my Previous video where I used these uh I Remember them being kind of silly so These are not to be taken too seriously It's just something that we're doing for Fun although there could be some Messages of confirmation for you in here So let's see what my group number ones

Have okay so your luck it's says you Have half half good luck and we have a Score of 50 out of 100 here so you may Be in a phase where your life of your Life where things don't seem to be going Super great but they're also not going Terrible either let's see what message This card has for you I'm going to Roughly translate it your message says Every living thing no matter how small Has a soul inside of them the same size As yours and that if you help Smaller beings then this will create Good karma for you in your next life so I guess it's kind of giving the feeling Of helping animals or helping smaller Creatures and this giving you good karma Interesting message um in terms of your Message it Says love is not a difficult Thing and that you can find love Anywhere Or like any way of finding love is okay So there may be a message to not worry About the specific way that love comes Into your life you can find it in in so Many different Places see this is what I mean by these Fortune papers being kind of silly when It comes to your luck in terms of your Cognitive abilities it says that you're Going to forget the name of a celebrity And just give up like you're going to be Like oh come on like what's that actor's

Name you know the one they look like This and they were in that movie I'll Forget it I can't remember and you're Going to give up um if you change your Name you should change your name to Kento or Midori so Kento is a guy's name And the character here means like Healthy and then the girl's name Midori Means Green uh a job that you would be good at As an actor which is funny cuz I just Use actor in that example in a parallel Universe you are I'm assuming this is Like a mermaid or a my person because it Says a half fish person so you're you're A mermaid in another world um in terms Of your zodiac compatibility it says That you should marry a Sagittarius your Best friend should be a Gemini you Should date a Scorpio and your pet Should be a Cancer in in your past life you were Madong in your life before that you were A white Rhinoceros and in your life before that You were a Neanderthal your lucky color is pure White your lucky food is seaweed soup Your lucky place is a station your lucky Item is Calcium your lucky proverb is nothing Lasts forever and your lucky friend Phrase is like it's it's out of the Question it's out of sight so those are

Interesting together like maybe and also With pure white it's like wiping the Slate clean nothing lasts forever we're Releasing something and out of the Question we're not going back we're Starting completely Fresh even with your lucky Place being a Station kind of feels like you are ready To move On Okay so This was your fortune paper oh and also Your fortune paper is number 90 so that Could be a relevant number for this Group but now let's get into your oracle Cards to see the nature of this blessing That is coming your Way so we are starting off with the Goddess of omnipotence and the goddess Of omniscience if that's how you Pronounce it and this represents your Higher Self we have [Applause] Wisdom we have the Treasure Dragon and It says that you are getting rid of Insecurity and then we have unknown Territory you are exactly where you need To be Wow so there actually is a common theme Between this Fortune paper and your Oracle cards that you are about to Venture into a completely unknown Territory a completely new phase of your Life even with this card having snow on

It this pure white snow it it is Symbolic of like a clean fresh blanket Being placed over your life and you can Create something completely new there May be a blessing for this group where You are being freed from commitments of Your past that no longer resonate with You like your higher self wants you to Know that you will not be stuck with These commitments you can be freed from Them if perhaps looking back you feel Like you took a wrong turn at some point In your life like you made a mistake and You're worried that that's going to Affect you moving forward I do feel like You're going to be liberated from that You will not have to be weighed down by Anything in your past whether that's Like your past choices your past Mistakes your past commitments your past Challenges um today moving forward or This chapter moving forward is a Completely Fresh Start for You there could also be I do believe There's an improvement in your financial Situation coming in this next chapter That's what the Treasure Dragon is Making me think but your higher self is Coming through very very strongly in These cards for one we literally have This card talking about your higher self Next to Wisdom so emphasizing your higher self As a being that holds a lot of wisdom

The most important wisdom for your life And then we have the number 35 which you Guys might know maybe you've heard me Say this before but the numbers three And five together um that always makes Me think of like the third dimension and The Fifth Dimension so you know you Existing here in this Dimension as a Human and your connection to your higher Self your higher self is coming through Really strongly here and just wanting to Emphasize how closely connected you are To them because you are them at the end Of the day and I feel like your Soul's Guidance has been really present with You especially during this chapter of Your life and your higher self is your Primary source of guidance um if you do Your own readings or if you watch many Other readings you may hear messages About like oh your Spirit guides are Saying this or your spiritual team is Saying this and I feel like that Guidance is often coming from your own Soul and your own soul would say that You are a blessing to them you as your Human self is a blessing to them and They're very grateful for the for the Connection that you have they're very Grateful for the lessons that you are Helping them integrate like on the work That you're doing here on the ground so To speak as a human and I think Another Blessing coming to you is feeling this

Connection more strongly and that giving You confidence As you move forward in Life that giving you Faith this card is Talking about you getting rid of an Insecurity so I feel like for any of you Who have struggled with like questioning If you're in the right place questioning If you're on the right path questioning Is this guidance coming through really My higher self is this really my Intuition I do feel like those worries Are more or less dissolving in this Chapter of your life and you are so Confident In your connection with your soul in the Fact that the guidance you're receiving Is is sound is divine and it's like Nothing could nothing could shake you From that the confidence that you're Cultivating in your higher self and in The guidance you're receiving is like is Unshakable you recognize the wisdom that Is coming through and that's definitely A blessing that's going to spill out Into many different areas of your life Um I feel like with this book coming to Life as as well this is really a chapter Of your life where you get to create the Story you get to create the narrative I Feel like this is a chapter of your life Where Free Will is really coming in and You're Choosing you're choosing a new adventure You could actually be literally going

Into unknown territory like you could be Visiting a place visiting a part of the World that you have never been before And finding exciting Adventures There um like I said I do think there's Opportunity for abundance Here in terms of symbols of your higher Self an owl could be a symbol of your Higher self or I believe this is a Chicky down here that could also be a Symbol of your higher Self so let's get into your tarot and Just get some more details about this [Applause] Energy [Applause] What else does group number one need to Know about Their Blessings so we are starting off with The Chariot oh my goodness the two of Cups The Three of Swords the Star Wow a card which almost fell on the Floor it is the Knight of Wands and then At the bottom of the deck we have the Six of Wands Okay so where do I start I think we just Go in Order actually I think we start with I Think we start with the bottom of the

Deck energy um in this next chapter of Your life there is Victory there is if There's a big goal that you have been Working towards the six of Wands is Indicating the accomplishment of of this Goal or if there's not a specific goal That you have in mind right now this is Indicating reaching an important Milestone in your life or overall Feeling a sense of Victory and Accomplishment and pride this is also Indicating a sense of like confidence And a boosted self-esteem feeling very Feeling very good about yourself and Whatever it is that you're accomplishing Here there's people Watching so this could be people in your Life applauding you for your Accomplishments celebrating you it could Also be an audience on a larger scale Especially cuz we have the star here I Don't know if if some of you guys are Wanting to build a following or be Famous in some way but these are two Cards that very much um indicate that And also the The Chariot because the Chariot can talk about public Recognition so for those of you who are Wanting to gain a following or gain an Audience I do feel like this is a strong Confirmation that this is coming um but If not I do think that these cards are Representing the people around you being Proud of you and celebrating your

Accomplishment there's like a big goal That you've reached or a milestone that You've reached Um I also want to Say the Year wait I need to count a little bit The year 2026 could be very significant To this group like you could be reaching A a peak of success in your life or a Peak of happiness in your life um around That year now looking at the Chariot when this card came Out I was wondering if there was going To be a message about like a significant Soul partner or a Divine Counterpart because we had just finished Talking a lot about your higher self and Then if you look at this card we have The higher self here and then we have The these two beings underneath and I Thought okay I wonder if this is like a Divine partner situation and then what Came out right after that the freaking Two of Cups so yes for a lot of you a Blessing is coming in in the form of a Partner in the form of a union um if you Are already in a committed relationship This could be indicating like the next Level of your union if there is a next Level of course like engagement Marriage something like that or of Course if you do not have someone in Your life at this time this would be a Strong indication of this person um

Coming into your Life um for those of you who do resonate With the idea of like sharing a soul cuz There is one being at the top here this Could be a confirmation of that however I think for most of you who chose this Group it is indicating that you and a Partner share a spirit guide or you Share many same members of your Spiritual team with the star here this Could also be an indication of you Having the same star origins of you Sharing past lives in places other than Earth like this being a member of your Star family I do see that very often and Of course this union doesn't have to be Romantic either but it is two souls Coming together who have a very very Special bond who make each other feel Seen and understood kind of in a way That that others can Um I want to say as well cancer energy Seems to be quite significant we have Two cancer cards in a row so there could Be a person coming in who has um who has Strong cancer placements we also have Aquarius Leo and Libra energy here um Which could be significant but yeah There's definitely there's definitely a Partnership coming in and also for those Of you who do have a partner in your Life and you've been facing some kind of Obstacles with them whether that's like Um interpersonal problems or you and

Your partner have been facing tough External circumstances like you've been Facing obstacles in your life or Obstacles to being together um I do feel Like those obstacles are going to be are Going to be Removed we do have the Three of Swords Here which is a card that talks about Like pain suffering Disappointment and then we have the star Next to it which talks about a bright Future and having hope for the future so I do want to tell this group That for those of you who are in Pain there is a brighter day on the Horizon and what is waiting for you on The other side of this pain is more Beautiful than you could have ever Imagined the star and even in the major Arcana of tarot the star is the card That comes after the tower so after it Feels like everything in our life has Fallen apart the star is like the Ray of Hope that things can and will get better So I love that this has come out after Kind of a painful card like there is Happiness on the other side of this pain And it's better than you've ever Imagined I also even think in some ways You could be seeing it's not that you're Seeing your pain as a blessing but I Think your Capacity Your Capacity to Feel this pain

Because that's what makes you human and That's what allows you to empathize with Others and maybe your pain moves you Into like helping other people or your Pain moves you into taking positive Actions and I think you'll realize like It's it's a blessing to be able to feel This deeply and just as deeply as you Can feel pain sadness grief anger and Those tough Emotions it it makes you able to feel Joy and love and excitement and inner Peace just as Intensely it's Like when your emotional capacity Expands it expands in all directions and The the deeper you can feel emotions on This end of the spectrum the deeper you Can feel on this end and maybe that's Just like another way of saying you need To know the dark to know the light but Um I think you're really feeling your Own emotions as a blessing and also Because they's such a beautiful form of Guidance for you like even the tough Emotions provide excellent guidance for You there is definitely a feeling of a Wish close to your heart coming true Here with the star literally Representing a wish coming true and the Six of Wands representing like Victory Accomplishment feeling proud of yourself This may be one of those things that is Is different different for everyone who

Chose this group but there definitely is A very deep and significant wish of Yours that is coming True I also think there could be a wish Of yours that is coming true for the Collective if there's something heavy That weighs on your heart when it comes To like your Society your town your country your World the the state of humankind the the Environment the animals like if there's Something in the collective especially Something that really weighs on you that Maybe you spend a lot of time thinking About that maybe even makes you sad like One of your wishes is coming true for The collective because this is like Aquarius 11th house energy this is this Is the collective this is the community At large so um just for one example Maybe you are Something that weighs on you a lot is Like the oceans the state of the oceans The pollution of the oceans um how human Activity is a danger to marine life the Coral reefs the marine animals like that Might be something you really and you Might actually have an affinity for the Ocean cuz we did have that message of You being like a myr person in another World so maybe that example is is not so Random but like if that's something that Really weighs on you then there could be A wish coming true where maybe there's

Like new regulations that are put in Place or like um a certain kind of Species is saved or like a population is Being Restored some wish of yours in that Regard um could be coming true when it Comes to like human rights as well or When it comes to like Mental Health Resources for the people I'm just Thinking of many different examples Right now of course but some collective Wish like that I think is is coming true For you as well and then these two cards Together are just very much giving a Vibe Of of Confidence I think something that might Be shifting in you is coming out of your Shell More [Music] Um I'm I'm not going to speculate about Whether this group is introverted or Extroverted because I don't think it Matters but I do think you're coming out Of your shell more and maybe finding That more than before you are enjoying Like going out and socializing and You're actually getting energy from Social interactions this shift will Especially feel significant if you have Identified as an introvert mostly um Noticing that you're wanting to like go Out and talk to people and that it's

Actually making you feel more alive and That it's something you're really Enjoying and maybe you don't feel as Tired afterwards you know that will Probably be like a a very notable Change um and I think a big part of that Could Be anxieties are kind of dissolving if You're someone who finds social Interactions tiring one of the big Reasons for that could be because of Anxiety and like overthinking all of Your interactions worrying takes a lot Of mental energy so if you're having a Conversation with someone and you're Constantly worrying about was that thing That I just said weird did I um did I Say something wrong do they are they Bored with my story did like did that Come across right what are they thinking Of me right now and then you go home and Keep thinking about that interaction Like yeah that's going to drain you and I think that those anxieties are getting Better those anxieties are healing and You're able to just be in the moment When you're talking to someone and You're able to just have fun And I do think that's just a shift in You that's happening in general but it Could also be because you're surrounded By Soul family and so you just naturally Feel comfortable but it's this feeling Of wow like socializing is a lot less

Draining when I'm not constantly Overthinking what I'm going to say and I'm just in the moment and appreciating This moment of connection with another Person it actually becomes something That's really like beautiful and Energizing for me and as a result that Might allow you To um do more Networking you know we have messages About Recognition being in the public eye or Being seen being in the spotlight the Community the collective there could Also be a message of you um networking Here making connections making Connections for Creative Pursuits for uh For your career for business Endeavors And you Also getting to help other people Network you might meet people and think Oh my gosh these two people should meet Each other they would work together Really well and and that's actually Something that's happened for me Recently where I've gotten to see like Two um creatives who I really like and Admire and gotten to like introduce them And and see them work together and it's Like it just makes me so happy like it Makes my heart so full so um That um process of facilitating Connection and getting to watch the People in your circle Inspire each other

And fulfill each other I think that's Also something that will be really nice For you so I do think becoming more like Social more outgoing more connected more Active in your network and more involved In your community is is another blessing For you that you will really enjoy so There's there's a lot of stuff coming up For this group and it looks like a Really beautiful and fulfilling time of Your life and I want to say I'm so proud Of you I'm so proud of how far you've Come and so we are going to take it over To the extended reading now where we are Going to see since we talked about a lot Of Blessings um I will let you guys pick The one blessing you would like to know The the timing of when is this going to Happen and we will get a timing Prediction for that blessing we will Also see what could affect this timing What could speed things up what could Slow things down and then finally we Will answer a yes no or maybe question Of your choice so if that sounds good to You and you'd like to join me over in The extended I'm going to have that link Down Below in the description as well as In the pinned comment of this video However if you're going to leave the Reading here I want to say thank you so Much for letting me do this reading for You I hope you have a wonderful day or

Night whenever you're watching and I Wish you all the best please take good Care of yourself stay healthy don't Forget to like comment and subscribe if You feel like doing doing that if you Enjoy my content and you'd like to find Me elsewhere I'm going to have link down Below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like this one You can also decide on topics for future Readings I will link my music channel Which includes the intro song of this Video that is an original song I'll also Have my latest release link down below And finally my Vlog Channel and my merch Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video thank you Guys so much for supporting me my Channel and literally anything I do I Really really appreciate having you here Thank you so much and I'm sending lots Of love to you to everyone who appeared In this reading directly or indirectly I Am sending love to your higher self your Spirit guides your spiritual team and All of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one Bye-bye hi number twos so if you guys Chose the Aquamarine this is going to be a reading All about your next big blessing here is

The full breakdown of today's reading we Have the reading here on YouTube as well As an extended today we are going to Start off by taking a look at your Fortune paper then we're going to look At these oracle cards to see the nature Of your blessing or multiple blessings Then we are going to get into the deck That you guys chose the way of the panda Tarot to get more details about the type Of blessings coming how they'll manifest What your life is going to be like and If there's any advice um from your Spirit guides we will get it in this Part of the reading as well then in the Extended we are going to see when your Blessing is likely to happen we are also Going to see what could speed up or slow Down this timing and then we are going To answer a yes no or maybe question of Your choice so that is the reading today Let's start off with your fortune paper I do just want to mention if you watch My video previously where we use these You will remember that they are kind of Silly so this is not to be taken too Seriously this is just a little thing That we're doing at the start of the Reading for fun but with that being said There could be some some messages of Confirmation for you in here So let's see what we have ooh there's There's other words on here we had Fantastic there's also believe and dream

And fancy Okay and happy so oh my Goodness jeez I have not seen this one Before you have very very very good luck Your score is 500 out of 100 so Congratulations and your fortune paper Is number six so that could be a Significant number for this Group oh my goodness so the message here It starts off by saying just keep doing What you're doing don't change anything Because this is a time where even if You're literally doing nothing happiness Is going to find you happiness is going To come to you This literally says like it's coming From the other side so you could think Of this as like for example if there's Um another person involved they're Coming towards you you don't have to Come towards them or just life is going To bring it to you I can I can translate It like that life is going to bring Happiness to you even if you're Literally doing nothing so in terms of Your Love Message it says there are current Currently 100 people who think you are Absolutely amazing so you have a lot of Admirers in terms of your like cognitive Or intellectual luck again even if you Don't do anything you are just naturally A complete genius you don't even have to Try then if you change your name it says

You should change your name to den or Haruna so d means Lotus and Hada this is Like the sun or sunlight it's actually Um the character for Yang like of Yin And Yang cuz it's like light or the Sun And then na is a kind of flower I Think uh then for job that you would be Good at it says you should be the head Of a company or you should be a bullet Train Driver um in another world so like in a Parallel universe you Are I think this is like you are a like Some kind of warrior or fighter but I'm Going to look it up just to make sure a Martial artist yes you are a strong Martial artist in terms of your zodiac Compatibility it says that you should Marry a Sagittarius you should be best Friends with a Libra you should date a Cancer and you your pet should be a Capricorn okay in a past life you Were I don't know who this is this is a Japanese person one second in your past Life you were this person okasi Japanese Samurai okasi was the captain of the First unit of the Shinsengumi a special Police force in Kyoto during the late Shogunate period he was one of the best Swordsmen of the Shinsengumi and was Alive in the Ado period in the 1800s that's you in a past life and then Before that you were an African Elephant and before that you

Were you were this it it appears to Be a Fish before that you were this A species of a arapa native to the Basin Of the Amazon River once believed to be the sole Species in the genus it is among the Largest freshwater fish oh this is you In your past past life your lucky food Is seaweed your lucky place is on top of A pedestrian bridge your lucky item is a Straw your Lu lucky proverb is kind of Something like Telepathy which is interesting and then Your lucky phrase so this is of course Like a Japanese language thing but this Is like a phrase ending that kind of Emphasizes what you're Saying yeah so there's your fortune Paper Okay so let's take a look at your Oracle cards now and see what blessings Are in store for you my 500 out of 100 Good luck group let's see what we have So we are starting off with the goddess Of Enceladus which this is one of Saturn's moons and it says supporters of The universe's light and Co-creation we have Passion live Passionately We have the auspicious Dragon an Unbelievable Mir Miracle is Happening wow this group is strong and Then we have finding Sanctuary opening To your spiritual Source okay there's a

Couple things I have to say right away For this group um the first thing is That I do feel Archangel Michael's Presence strongly around this group so He could be helping you at this time or Could be just in general with you all The time also this auspicious Dragon This is the first card that I pulled From this deck when I first got it and I Remember that I was doing a reading for My boyfriend that had to do with like Real estate and like getting Property so I thought that that could be Relevant to this group and then right Next to it we have finding Sanctuary and there's this building here So for some of you guys there could be a Blessing that is coming in the form of Like buying or selling a home or moving Or even like if you are looking to have A career in real estate or architecture Or something to do with homes and Buildings um or if you're looking at Like renting an office anything to do With real estate and properties you Could be blessed in that area you could Also be blessed in terms of your Physical environment so there could be Changes happening in your physical Environment or you could be relocating To an environment that is very conducive To your inner peace and that is Conducive to you uh being focused and Productive and being

Inspired if you already know of a place Like that if there's like a particular Studio or office or cafe or maybe it's Even The Great Outdoors where you feel The most like in the flow and you can Get your best work done I feel like you Will be spending a lot of time in that Place there's an emphasis on physical Environment here which is is very Beautiful now going over here this is a Lovely message as well it's interesting That this is like a moon of Saturn that In itself could be a sign if I think of A moon of Saturn it makes me think of Like moon in Capricorn or moon in Aquarius cuz those are signs that are Ruled by Saturn so you or someone Significant could have those placements But I'm also thinking of Saturn as your Hard work and your Discipline and you're like this Moon That's going around Saturn what I think This is indicating for my group number Twos is that you're likely the type of Person who finds it hard to like stick To habits Or or to like commit to a project or to Stay driven and disciplined if your Heart isn't in it like if you don't have Some kind of Emotional attachment to the work that You're doing or you just don't care About it I feel like you're not the type Of person who can be disciplined like

Just for the sake of being disciplined There needs to be some kind of emotional Fulfillment that comes comes with that With passion right next to this I could Even say that some of you it's very hard For you to do work that you're not Passionate about and I think this is Something that you need to be aware of Because you could Falsely label yourself as like a lazy Person or feel like there's something Wrong with you because you can't like Force yourself to do unfulfilling work Or or it's like it really affects you if You're if you're stuck in work like that And this is not this is not something to Judge yourself for it's just something To be aware of so that you can choose Paths that that serve you and that light You up and that that lend themselves to This aspect of your personality it's Like when you do find something that You're really passionate about you can Do an excellent job at it and I think That you know with all of these unicorns I often talk about unicorns representing Like embracing what what makes you Unique and I think this group has maybe Spent too long like trying to squish Yourself into boxes that were never Meant for you because you were meant to Fly free like this unicorn and it's not That it's not that you can't be a hard Worker it's not that you can't be

Disciplined it's that you are Rightfully selective about that it's Like if you don't feel if you don't feel The passion if you don't feel emot Al Connected to what you're doing like it's Just not going to work and and that's Something that I Think you are being encouraged to honor And and something that will bring Blessings into your life when you do Honor it and because this is a reading About blessings perhaps what these cards Are saying is that you will find that Thing that that lights you up that You're passionate about and that can you Know monetarily sustain you and also This card is talking about co-creation And you know there's not just one but Several unicorns flying around the earth Here so Another Blessing of yours could Be finding like the group of co-workers Or the group of collaborators or like Your fellow light workers on Earth who Inspire you and who light up this Passion in you you know with with this Being an unbelievable miracle I I I Genuinely feel like you're entering into Um a path where you wake up every day And you're like oh my God I can't Believe this is what I get to do for a Living like I can't believe that I just Get to wake up and do this every day and It is possible for you to find that it's Not it's not too good to be

True your spiritual team wants you to Know that you do not have to Settle so with that let's get into your Tarot let's get some more details about This Energy or if there's any other blessings We should know About they can also make themselves Known in this part of the [Applause] Reading what else do my group number Twos need to know I should also mention The number 30 and 38 could be Significant these could be ages of your Life that will be significant if they're Coming up for you when you're 30 or when You're 38 years old or honestly it could Be this whole period like your whole 30s Could be like a super blessed time in Your life there could also be a Significant Person um like just thinking of 30 and 38 years old there could also be a Significant person with whom you share Uh an 8 year age Gap your first tarot Card is the Fool then we have the Tower the nine of Swords [Music] Mm the Five of Swords the page of Pentacles and then at the bottom of the Deck we have the 10 of Cups so the final

Outcome for you guys which this makes so Much sense because you got I'm guessing This is the best luck you can get from This Fortune paper the the very very Very good luck and then we finish off With our bottom of the deck energy being The 10 of Cups which is like the Happiest card in the deck this is your Happily ever after having everything you Could ever need and more it's really Sweet that we see the panda with their Little one this could be symbolic of a Few things for some of you this could be Indicating that you are fulfilling a Dream that you've had since childhood Like of what you want to do with your Life what you want to do with the world And I almost see for a lot of you this Is you lifting up little you like your Child self oh my God I'm getting Emotional being like we did it we did it Buddy like I know that you've been Discouraged at times and maybe you were Made to feel like this world wasn't made For you at times but there is a place For you in this world and there is a Place where you are wanted and loved and Where your talents are recognized and Like I'm so happy I never gave up on you And I'm so proud of you and we did it Like this is you uplifting your like Little you and letting little you know That they were always beautiful and There is never anything wrong with them

And they just needed the right support And little you still very much exists Within you and even the like the child The younger version of you the teen Version of of you that exists in the Past can benefit from love you send them Right now because the way we perceive Time isn't real like it's all happening Now and you can send love to this past Version of you this could also be a Blessing that has to do with children if You have children or you desire children Um this could be indicating that you Will be welcoming a little one into your Life or if you already have a child one Of the blessings could be like Something good happening to your child Like if there's a certain wish that you Have for your children um this could Indicate that wish is coming true and of Course for those of you who do not have Children or do not plan on having Children I think this is little you it Could also be like a nonhuman little one Like a companion Animal that maybe you are reuniting with Or that you are like welcoming a new Companion animal into your home for Those of you who have an animal who Crossed over to the other side they may Actually be like coming back again Reincarnating again to be with you but In any case this is Representing complete happiness and

Emotional fulfillment with you and I Love that this is your bottom of the Deck energy because that makes it like The main theme for you and what I do see Here Oh my gosh wow this is really telling a Story even the repetition of this bamboo Thing where here we see this bamboo is Snapping and falling apart and then here The panda is like growing new Bamboo I feel like it's So it's so Symbolic this is this is all giving the Feeling of You not finding your purpose but finding A way to do your purpose that is Sustainable that cuz I think this group It's like you know what you love you Know what you want to do and maybe and Maybe you do need confirmation that that Is in fact what you're meant to do and That you shouldn't feel ashamed for Wanting to do with your life what you Want to do and you should fully pursue It with all of your heart um I think This is About Finding like finding the right Profession or finding the right approach That allows you to carry out your Purpose in a way that fuels you in a way That fulfills you in a way that sustains You so that it's not just like you're Like feeding the machine or like

Exploiting your gifts it's a way that's Sustainable and feels good to you and There is a feeling with the page of Pentacles of starting fresh or of Starting something new so some of you Could be going through a career change Starting a new Venture a new project a New business you could be going to School even or going back to school it's Like the start of a new professional or Academic Journey that's going to allow You to live a more um fulfilling life And there's strong emphasis On on avoiding burnout and avoiding like Exploiting your energy in a way that Just doesn't feel Good so the story that these cards tell We can see here with the fool you're Setting off on a New Journey the fool Does kind of have this feeling of going Into unprecedented territories or taking A leap of Faith and what I think is happening here With the tower is that when you Initially set out on this journey I Think you do have a safety Net but then once you go a certain Distance after some Time that safety net Disappears and then you start to worry And then you start to panic and you're Like oh what have I done I made a Mistake but this is really just your Brain psyching you out and if you keep

Going on your path you will be Successful and it it's funny because It's Like when you were on this Journey you felt good about it you felt Like this is awesome this is fun I feel Like I'm doing the right thing and then The second it's like the second your Safety net is gone or your your backup Plan your plan B is Gone your brain changes its tune and is Like we made a mistake we should have Never done this cuz it's just it's just Like a knee-jerk reaction of like the Part of your brain that wants safety and I think think you just need to be aware Of this like of this trick that it's Going to that is going to play on you I Can I don't know if if my example Completely fits with this but I'm just Remembering a conversation that I had With like the administration at my School when I decided to take a year off Um I had to like have a meeting with Them and they were Saying um that actually I am allowed to Take up to 2 years off but they don't Recommend doing that because sometimes The curriculum changes at the school and If the curriculum changes while I'm gone Then I won't be able to come back cuz It's like I won't be up to speed with Like what's going on in the program um Not that I'm going to do the 2-year

Thing but in this example like let's say This fool is me and I'm like I'm going To I'm going to take a break from school And I'm going to try to start my own Business and if it doesn't work out then I'm going to go back to school but then While I'm gone the school changes their Curriculum and so I can't go back to School now and I'm like that was my Plan B and now that this it now that I Feel like this plan a has to work now I'm scared like now the pressure is on Like I'm feeling it now so I guess you Can apply that same energy to many Different things but it's that feeling Of uh-oh like our backup plan just went Up in Flames so we have no choice but to Make this work now And it's I guess like be aware of the Way your brain shifts Because I with the nine of Swords I Really do feel like it will go into a a Panic mode when it it doesn't have To this is like I think this is how you Feel when you feel like your your safety Net is gone but I think what the Universe wants you to realize is that This plan B was never your safety net Because it it it wasn't actually Something that You wanted at the end of the day I think It was something that you chose To Conform or to be what others expected of

You like if being myself doesn't work Then I can go back to this plan B almost Like to save face or so that I can go Back to being this conforming member of Society but it was it was never Something you really Wanted that's what it feels Like and I I think I think when that Backup plan goes away I guess there's a Moment of like just got real Because now I I really have to be Successful but your safety net is the Universe the universe is not going to Let you fall the universe is not going To let you Fail when you are brave enough to start A new path of authenticity when you are Brave enough to pursue your dreams the Universe will reward You I feel like this is you this I find This Five of Swords funny cuz it's like A full-on brawl and I I do feel like Again this is you to you being like why Did you do that we made a mistake this Is the wrong path you know the Five of Swords it sometimes makes me think of Disalignment and it can certainly talk About uh about conflict and it's just Funny how your brain does that it's like Your ego will do anything in in a last Ditch effort to go back to what's Familiar and to go back to what's safe But you you must not listen to this Voice that is saying you made a mistake

And like oh my God look at what you did You should have just stayed here cuz now You can't go Back no we're going to keep going we're Going to keep going and we're going to Make it Work that's what this page of Pentacles Is showing when the old bamboo falls Apart we are going to plant new bamboo And it's going to Thrive and this is your new life and This is your 10 of Cups this is your Happiness so it it may be a bit scary at Times but committing to your Authenticity is is one of the bravest Things you can do it's the best thing You can do for yourself and it's the Best thing that you can do for Others when you hide who you truly are You're depriving those who need your Light you're depriving those who will be Inspired by your true colors and Depriving the world of the beauty that It needs and diversity and Uniqueness no one no one truly benefits From you hiding your light there may be Some people who are appeased who are Comfortable but no one truly benefits From their Soul So please accept these words of Encouragement group number two I'm Rooting for you you have such good luck Behind you it's

Crazy and these are all of your messages So we're going to take it over to the Extended now where we are going to see a Timing prediction of your blessing um we Did talk about a few different things in This reading but I will leave it up to You what specific event you would like To know the timing for we will see that And we'll see what could affect the Timing of this event what what could Speed things up what could slow things Down and we will also answer a yes no or Maybe question of your choice so if that Sounds good to you and you would like to Join me in the extended I'm going to Link that down below in the description As well as in the pinned comment of this Video however if you're going to leave The reading here I want to say thank you So much for letting me do this reading For you I hope you have a wonderful day Or night whenever you're watching and I Wish you all the best please take good Care of yourself stay healthy don't Forget to like comment and subscribe if You feel like doing that if you enjoy my Content and You' like to find me Elsewhere I'm going to have linked down Below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like this one You can also decide on the topics for Future readings and I will link my music

Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I'll Also have my latest release link down Below and finally my Vlog Channel and my Merch which features the floating Temple That was at the start of this video Thank you guys so much for supporting me My channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here group Number two and I'm sending so much love To you to anyone who appeared in this Reading either directly or indirectly And I'm sending love to your higher self Your Spirit guides your spiritual team And all of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one bye-bye Hi number threes so if you guys chose The Moonstone this is going to be your Reading all about your next big blessing And here is the full breakdown of Today's reading we're going to have the Reading here on YouTube as well as an Extended today and we're going to start Off by taking a look at your fortune Paper then we're going to look at these Oracle cards to figure out the nature of The blessing or multiple blessing Bings That are coming your way and then we are Going to get into the tarot that you Guys chose the divine feminine tarot to Get more details about these blessings What they entail how they will manifest What your life will be like and if

There's any advice from your Spirit Guides we will look at it in this part Of the reading then in the extended we Are going to see the likely timing of This blessing entering your life we also See what could impact this timing so What could speed things up or what could Slow things down and then we will answer A yes no or maybe question of your Choice including the reason so that is Our reading for today without further Ado let's take a look at your fortune Paper a quick note about these um if you Watched the video the last time I used These you will remember that they are Quite silly so this part of the reading Is really just for fun uh the messages In the fortune paper are not to be taken Too seriously although they could be a Confirmation for you So let's see what we have for my group Number [Applause] Threes okay so right off the bat you Have Fortune paper number 67 so this Could be a relevant number for you you Have medium good luck your overall luck Score is 85 out of 100 I would say that Is pretty good and your message here I'm Just going to roughly translate this so Basically what this message is saying is That time goes on time passes whatever You do time is going to pass and I guess It's encouraging you to be mindful of

How you use your time it's saying as the Days go by if you keep making efforts Day after day they will add up and they Will ultimately lead to significant Growth and it's encouraging you to learn At least one new thing today and it says That time passes the same way for Everyone but your growth is up to you so You know basically everyone gets the Same 24 hours in a day but what you do With that time is up to you and even if You're just doing little things every Day it can really add up to something Big so don't underestimate the power of The efforts that you can put in today And every Day okay in terms Of your luck in love it says that your Love biorhythm is going to be suddenly Increasing I'm not sure what that means But maybe good luck and love is coming And it's telling you to ride the wave And to go with the flow Then in terms of your cognitive or Intellectual luck it says that you are Going to get the second best grades in Your class so that could be a specific Message for those of you who are Students or in a more General sense this Could be indicating that you are very Close to your Peak you are very close to Being one of the best in your field or You are one of the best in your Field if you are to change your name

Then you should change your name to Takuma which is a man's name and honoka Which is a woman's name these characters Mean like to open and truth and then These ones mean this is like an ear like An ear of corn or wheat or rice and Fragrance in case in case you were Wondering a job that you would be good At is like an Emergency responder an emergency rescuer In another world so like in a parallel Universe you are a master of a spear Which I guess is like a weapon in terms Of your zodiac compatibility it says That you should marry a Capricorn your Best friend should be a Leo you should Date an Aquarius and your pet should be A Virgo Um in your past life you were Gregor Johan Mendel who discovered the law of Genetics I think is what it says in your Life before that you Were this is a type of whale a blue Whale so before You discovered the law of genetics you Were a blue whale and then before that You were an Iguanodon which I'm GNA Guess is a dinosaur yes here he is this Was You your lucky color is like tangerine Orange your lucky food is oh this is a Kind of cake B um it's like around like this this

Kind of round cake that's your lucky Food your lucky place is under under a Vending machine maybe you'll find some Money under there your lucky item is a Point card it's a sign to start saving Points and your lucky proverb is nine Deaths one life okay I just looked it up And it means like a narrow Escape so That's your lucky proverb narrowly Escaping and then this doesn't really Translate cuz it's like your Lucky phrase but it's a Japanese Language thing so this is Your fortune paper 85% luck very nice so let's get into Your oracle cards now to find out the Nature of the blessing that is coming Your way group number one got this one As well so this card represents your Higher self it represents an all knowing And all powerful goddess Then we have the Unexpected we have the world dragon and This says arranging a comfortable Environment and then we have answering The call the time is now right away I Want to say that dear could be an Important symbol or an important spirit Animal for this group the time is now And you can see this person is like Running out of a gate so may be time for You to leave somewhere maybe time to Leave Something it is time for you to leave

Something behind or it will be time to Leave Soon because your new environment Is Ready Interesting so what I'm seeing for my Group number threes is that there is Something that you are meant to walk Away From but it's something where you would Need the next thing to be set up for you So for example if you're like breaking Up with someone it's not like you need Your next significant other to be lined Up for you before you break up with them Um but if you for example if you left a Job maybe you need your next job lined Up before you leave your current one or If you want to leave your apartment you Need your next living Place lined up Before you can leave it there there Can't really be an in Between and it's something of this Nature that you are going to leave Probably like a career or a living Situation or or maybe there's something Else you can think of that that fits That Description some of you Maybe have felt like you've been wanting To walk away but you've been kind of Hesitant or you're not really sure Whether the time is right for others of You you maybe have even been in an

Energy of like I know that I'm going to Leave at some point but I just don't Think it's going to be anytime soon like I don't really want to leave anytime Soon um that's kind of how I I feel About my current apartment like I know That at at some point in my life I'm not Going to stay here forever but I also Would like to stay here for the time Being but what's going to happen I think Is that you Are receiving this download out of the Blue that comes in the form of like an Unexpected urge of like it's time to Leave it's time for me to put an end to This phase in my life and you might not Really understand where this comes from It's just like a strong urge of it's Time now and the reason that you are Receiving this download the reason that You are feeling this urge is Because your spiritual team is finished Preparing arranging the comfortable Environment for you they are ready they Have prepared the arrangement so that This transition can be smooth for you And the place that you are meant to move To from here is now now in the perfect Condition to welcome you does that make Sense like the new place is ready for You so in the case that you're like Leaving your living situation your Spiritual team is saying well we have a Perfect place for you but it's not ready

For you yet like maybe there's someone Still living there or maybe like there's Some work being done on it right now so That it will be in tiptop shape for you And now it is ready to receive you and So we told your high yourself to let you Know in the form of this very strong Urge you as a human might not realize That oh like my next environment is Ready for me it's time to leave I think To you it just feels like this Inexplicable feeling of like I have to Go now I must leave now it is time and You know same thing with a career there May be like your dream perfect job that Is out there for you but again someone Is still in that position or maybe the Company didn't even exist yet so it's Like yeah you you could leave your Current job but like where would you go Your dream job isn't ready yet so There's there's no need to do anything Yet we're still getting the new Environment ready for You and I think that's something Important to note for those of you who Have felt bad about your Indecision it's almost as if even your Hesitation was divinely guided if you Were hesitant to walk away it's because Your soul knew that it wasn't time yet And so there's no need to judge yourself Like for not being able to make the Decision it's because your soul hadn't

Been informed yet that the new Environment was ready for you so it's Like what's the point of leaving Now so even in those moments where you Were ah what should I do I don't know if It's time yet I don't know when the Right time is it's almost like that was All that was was all divinely guided That was all you making the right Call we we really don't see most of what Goes on behind the scenes and I think It's just important to remember that we Don't know enough to Judge our our feelings and our thoughts And and the choices that we might make There's something more intelligent this Is the all intelligent the all- knowing All powerful Goddess AKA your higher self And they're always working they're Always working within us whether we Realize it or not even if we feel like We're we're stumbling we have no idea What's going On so I think the best advice for you is Trust like if you haven't made changes Yet it might not be time and to not kick Yourself of like why haven't I made the Change yet why haven't I like gotten up And done something about it yet why Haven't I started on this This endeavor yet it it may not be the Time it may not be the best time for you To make this change for yourself and for

The world that your actions will Impact yeah don't be quick to judge Yourself because your spiritual team has Been having this Plan and you will know very soon when It's time from this unexpected urge Very interesting so let's get into your Tarot Now and see what else you need to know About this Situation Okay my group Number Threes what else does group number three Need to Know about the blessings coming their Way so so we are starting off with the Hermit I am going to be just putting Little crystals on these cards because I Don't know how YouTube feels about Like Illustrated chests but just to be Safe what else does group number three Need to Know about these blessings then we have The [Applause] Moon we have the 10 of Wands We have the Ace of Wands then we have the Queen of Wands And more boobies I guess it makes sense Cuz this is the divine Feminine and then at the bot bottom of

The deck we Have the star and I'm going to put a Little star on Top okay group number threes this is a Pretty specific Energy the biggest blessing I'm seeing That is coming your way is that life is About to Be less tiring for you or I should say It's not going to be a tiring Experience I Feel I feel like a deep fatigue when it Comes to this group and this could be Physical mental Emotional all of the above some of you Could be in an energy of burnout or you Feel like you're on the verge of Burnout um you could just be physically Not feeling 100% and that's kind kind of The norm for You and for some of you there's even This feeling of like Why why does everything take so much of My Energy why why does everything feel like A Chore why are like the simple tasks of My day-to-day life so Exhausting why am I so Tired there's this kind of Heavy feeling with this group and I feel Like there's some sort of Energetic Reset that is happening for you where

All of these things that have been Draining your energy are Being Lifted and I can see this with the 10 of Wands and the Ace of Wands first of all The 10 is the completion like in the Minor Arcana it goes from 1 to 10 so This is the last card in the cycle and The ace is the first one so we can see Here it's very much like an out with the Old in with the New and also just the energy of these Cards this is being burdened this is Being exhausted being overworked having This heavy load to Carry and then the Ace of Wands it's so Vibrant it's so light it's so full of Life it's enthusiasm it's motivation It's energy it's a zest for life like These two energies are so different and I feel like you have this Ace of Wands In you but it's Been it's been weighed Down there are there are certain things That have been Really taking your energy away whether That's like your Responsibilities things that you have Committed to it could Be like mental things that have been Taking your energy away like if you have A lot of if you have a lot of tabs open In your brain if you have a lot of this Is kind of weird wording but like

Programs installed in your brain that Are that are leeching your Energy um the the source of this fatigue Or like what is taking your energy away It could be different for those of you Who chose this group but I think Those being brought to Light is a part of your blessing they Need to be brought to light so that you Can clear them away and with the moon Here I do think that maybe they are Things that are not so Obvious the moon tends to be things that Are going on behind the scenes so a lot Of these things could be like Subconscious or they could be um Psychological actually I don't know why It took me this long to realize this but The moon can talk about like your Sleeping so it could also be like the The quality of your sleep or the amount Of sleep that you're getting I just have A feeling That you know with the Moon it always Goes deeper I do have a feeling that it Goes a little bit deeper than that it Could be something like mental Emotional spiritual it's not just Something physical it's not just Something as simple as like oh just Sleep more I I think it it goes a little Bit deeper than that But I I think that this next period of Your life is

About finally figuring out what has been Taking your energy away and I think Another Blessing is even just the truth That life is not it doesn't have to be Inherently hard or it doesn't have to be Inherently exhausting this might be Something that you have accepted as your Norm just because you've gotten so used To it but it does not have to be this Way like it doesn't have to feel like a Chore it doesn't have to feel like hard Work it doesn't have to feel like things You have to show up for it can feel like Things that you that you want to do that Are that excite you tasks that give your Energy and not just take it Away something that could be happening Or maybe you're in this Energy already I'm taking the energy of This card pretty literally as you going Into a Hermit mode and I do think that This is necessary for you guys I feel Like you Need you need space and time to Process the I want to say the Bombardment of information that has been Coming at You constantly Being out in the world it's very Stimulating interacting with people Everyone has different personalities Different energy different beliefs Different views different opinions and You're taking all of that in if you're

On social media that makes it even worse Cuz now not only are you taking in the Energy of people around you but like Thousands millions of Strangers and it's all coming at you a Million times Faster it's like this Perpetual onslaught of information and Stimulation that has been coming at you And even that in itself is freaking Exhausting And I don't think that you're Disconnected to your intuition I think You very much Are but it's like it it just seems like It's been difficult to really carve out Uninterrupted undisturbed Time with your higher Self it's like we need we need just a Breather we need a moment to breathe and Reconvene with our higher self and we Need to not be taking in information From the outside for a While I Think finding out what it is that you Need will will be something that is very Personal and it's like something that You figure out in an intimate place with Your soul and it doesn't have to make Sense to anyone Else perhaps a blessing that you are Receiving soon is like a break from all The noise of your Life time to just be with

Yourself and this is making me emotional I want to say like give yourself Permission To to unplug give yourself permission to Disconnect it it doesn't mean that You're going to be gone forever doesn't Mean that you're abandoning people or Abandoning the world it means that You're taking time to tend to your body To tend to your nervous system to be With your Soul And that's you're right and and you Shouldn't Feel you shouldn't feel ashamed about That and if you need to do this more Often than other people you also Shouldn't be ashamed of That so the first blessing I think is This time and space to just be with Yourself to just be with your soul And it's in I don't think this is one of Those situations Where and of course I'm not knocking Taking advice from people but I don't Think this is something where like Someone else has the solution for you it Can be like I know why you feel so tired It's because you need to drink water Like and also by the way drink drinking Water is good advice but I just mean it Goes a little bit deeper than that it Takes you who has been with you through All of your lived experiences who who

Knows the inner workings of your mind You know what you need Best and I I do feel like this is Something the root of your problems or The root of your fatigue I do think it's Something that You'll you'll realize from within you It's an answer that your soul will Present to you so the root of this could Be deeply Spiritual or Emotional for some of You cuz we spoke about you like leaving A certain Environment for some of you it could Even be after you leave a certain Environment that you realize the things There that were burning you out it could Actually take Take like the source of your fatigue Going away to be like oh that's what it Was But we need time to reflect on it and to Think About how am I going to make my life Different moving forward to protect my Energy and to prevent this from Happening again like of course I'm going To feel overwhelmed sometimes of course I'm going to feel overworked sometimes But what we're not going to do is go Back to that being the norm we're not Going to have that be my Baseline Anymore this is going to be my

Baseline feeling energized feeling Excited about life feeling Inspired Another Blessing for some of You is getting back to a creative Pursuit that you haven't done for a long Time even if it's just for fun so maybe You used to love playing an instrument And but you haven't picked it up in a Long time um getting back to that could Be a blessing of yours getting back to Reading books for fun like maybe these Days you've been reading like reading For work or reading like for the purpose Of improving your life or gaining Knowledge and maybe you're going back to You know reading fiction or like Watching movies for fun rather than Always listening to like I don't know Self-improvement podcasts which again Nothing wrong with those things But I think a blessing is like getting Back To claiming time for your own Pleasure and exploring creativity I Think is a big One and like getting back to an old Hobby getting back to something you once Loved to do I think is a big thing for Most of You with the Ace of Wands there could Also be a blessing coming in that has to Do with your physical body body this Card makes me think of that sometimes uh I can definitely see how your physical

Health will be improving as you go Through this Transition and you could also be Starting to feel more confident in your Physical body which could or could not Be because of a change in your physical Appearance um it doesn't have to be you Could be you know in the same body and Just feel more comfortable in It and yeah same thing with the Queen of Wands actually she very often makes me Think of you know feeling yourself Feeling radiant being Confident I do think that for those of You who resonate with the creative Message that you will be sharing your Creative works and receiving positive Recognition for it but it's up to you on What scale you would like that to be Whether you just want to share with your Close friends and family Or like share to the few followers that You may have or even share it on a Larger scale maybe you even want to Build a platform or increase your Platform by sharing your creative works I really think it's up to you the scale That you want it to be On but I don't really see you straying From that original motivation that this Is for fun this is for my Pleasure I don't see you Entering into an energy of like how can I shape my work to please my

Audience I think you're more sharing Like this is my passion this is what I Love feel free to come and bear witness To it and maybe you'll get something out Of it and if it's not for you then That's okay um sharing without Pressure sharing without the motivation To make it something like consumable or Palatable to a larger audience and just Just have it be something that's Authentically You you can just share it with close Ones you can share it publicly but I I Do feel like others will be seeing it And others will be giving You like it will be received Well others will be giving you positive Feedback and then with the star here This is the bottom of the deck energy so What this is telling me is that your Future is brighter than you Realize some of you may even be going Back to a goal that you Once gave up On or That or that you never fully Completed And you may be a little bit Rusty when You get back to it but that's okay Because you're doing this for you and You have all the time in the World And I think it's done as Like a demonstration of your commitment

To Yourself I'm not going to Be it's like I'm not going to be ashamed Anymore I'm not going to deprive myself Of my own Joy anymore I'm going to get Back to the things that I love I'm going To get back to the goals that I once Have some of you guys may be like coming Out of a depression or like recovering From an illness or It's like there may have been a period Where you couldn't do the things that You wanted to do you didn't have the Energy to do them and now you're getting Back to them and it's Like there may have Been a period where like you were afraid To get back to it cuz you're like oh my Gosh I'm going to be so Rusty like what If I can't do it like before and then You just kind of put it off and put it Off and I think you're overcoming that And you're like yeah I'm probably not Going to be at my Peak because I haven't Done it for a long time but I remember How happy it made me and so even if I Try again and I find that I'm back to a Beginner level I don't Care I'm I'm not going to let that stop Me from experiencing Joy I'm not going To let things like that make me afraid Or make me ashamed Anymore it's like you're claiming back Your

Power by choosing kindness to yourself That's like it's actually like you're Choosing kindness and gentleness but That's actually a very bold and and Strong action that you're Taking it's like a Big middle finger to your shame and to Your Insecurities a this Is this is an emotional one But yeah it's the star like you can Rebuild you can rebuild your energy you Know the star comes after the tower So yes the tower has fallen down but it Can be rebuilt again I'm I don't know Why I'm thinking of this right now but When I was in school we had to um it was A translation and interpretation school And so one of our assignments was to Interpret like a tour of a temple in Tokyo and it was crazy like on several Occasions we would be studying the Background knowledge of these beautiful Temples and a lot of them would be like Oh yeah this Temple completely burned Down or like this this Temple was Destroyed in the air strikes and it was Rebuilt again and it's like all all we See is this stun Elaborate Structure and to think that it once Existed and the whole thing got burned To the ground and people just came Together and we're like we're building

It up again it's Like that just makes it even more Beautiful like to know the history and To feel That Resilience and you can rebuild as as Well to even better to what it was Before and that's the star that's Like reclaiming your hope in a bright Future and this is confirming that your Future can be even brighter than you Ever dreamed or than you ever Imagined my group number threes these Are all the messages that I'm seeing for You so we're going to take it over to The extended now in the extended we are Going to See the timing of one of your blessings There's a few things that we talked About in this reading so it will be up To you which event you would like a Specific timing prediction for then we Are going to see what could impact this Timing what could speed things up what Could slow things down and then we're Also going to to answer a yes no or Maybe question for you So if that sounds good to you and you'd Like to join me in the extended that is Going to be linked Down Below in the Description as well as in the pinned Comment however if you're going to leave The reading here I want to say thank you So much for letting me do this reading

For you I hope you have a wonderful day Or night whenever you're watching and I Wish you all the best please take good Care of yourself stay healthy don't Forget to like comment and subscribe if You feel like doing that if you enjoy my Content and you like to find me Elsewhere I'm going to have link down Below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like this one And you can also decide on topics for Future readings I will link my music Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I'll Also have my latest release link down Below and finally I will link my Vlog Channel and my merch which features the Floating Temple that was at the start of This video thank you guys so much for Supporting me my channel and anything I Do I really really appreciate having you Here and I'm sending lots of love to you To anyone who appeared in this reading Directly or indirectly your higher self Your Spirit guides your spiritual team And all of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one Bye-bye hi number fours so if you guys Chose the rose quartz this is going to Be your reading all about your next big Blessing and here is the full breakdown

Of today's reading we have the reading Here on YouTube as well as the extended And we're going to start by reading your Fortune paper then we're going to take a Look at these oracle cards to see the Nature of the blessing or multiple Blessings that are coming into your life Then we will use the gentle heart tarot The tarot that you guys chose to look at Further details about these blessings What they entail how they'll manifest What your life will be like things like That if there's any advice that you need We will get it in this part of the Reading as well and then in the extended We are going to see the likely timing of When your blessing will happen we're Also going to see what could impact this Timing so what could speed things up What could slow things down and then we Will answer a yes no or maybe question Of your choice including the reason so That is the reading for today without Further Ado let's take a look at your Four Fortune paper a quick note about These if you watch my previous video Where we use these Fortune papers they Are pretty silly so these are not to be Taken too seriously this is just a Little thing that we're doing for fun Although there could be some Confirmation in some of the messages Here so let's see what our unicorn Fortune paper has to

Say okay you guys got the same as Wait a minute this one is exactly the Same as group number three's it's number 67 so each um each Fortune paper has Like a number and then you know each one Has a different message on it and of all The ones cuz I took these out of like a Giant box and two of them are the same Wow I don't know if you guys felt drawn To group number three but this might be A sign that there's messages for you in Group number three or if you're coming Here from group three cuz you also felt Drawn to group four then this is your Confirmation that maybe these two piles Are going to kind of go hand in hand in Some way um luckily I'm probably going To read this to you guys a lot more Smoothly because I've already seen it And I don't really have to like Translate on the fly but you have medium Good luck your overall luck score is 85 Out of 100 100 and this message for you Over here it says that no matter what You do time is going to pass and if you Make efforts day after day they will add Up and ultimately lead to significant Growth and it's encouraging you to learn At least one new thing today and it says That time passes the same for everyone But your growth is up to you so everyone Has has the same amount of time in a day But what you choose to do with that time And how you choose to grow is up to you

And even if you're just doing little Things day by day they will add up so Don't ever think that Like your efforts are going to waste is Essentially what this message wants to Say um in terms of your luck in Love this was kind of a a mysterious Message it says that your love biorhythm Is suddenly going to go up so I don't Know if it's like your luck is going up Or maybe your interest in love is going Up but your love biorhythm is going up And it says to ride the wave to go with The flow in terms of your intellectual Or like cognitive luck it says that you Will be the second best grade in your Class so whatever it is that you guys Are pursuing like professionally Academically creatively when it comes Com to your skills when it comes to your Intellectual prowess this Fortune paper Wants you to know that you are Definitely up there you are very close To being at the top of your field or you Are one of the best in what you do um if You were to change your name you should Change your name to takuma which is a Men's name or honoka which is a woman's Name these characters for takuma this One is like to open or to clear the way And this is truth and then for honoka This is Like an ear like an ear of corn an ear Of wheat or I don't know if ear of rice

Is a thing but I feel like you can say This about rice too and then this is Like a scent of Fragrance a job that you would be good At it says like an emergency responder Or like emergency rescuer in another World you are like in a parallel Universe you are a master of the spear And for your zodiac sign compatibility It says that you should marry a Capricorn your best friend should be a Leo you should date an Aquarius and your Pet should be a Virgo in your past life See group three and group four can't be The same person in the past life can They or maybe you can um it says in your Past life you were Gregor Johan Mendel Who I did look up during group number Three he discovered the law of heredity Or the law of genetics um before that You were a blue whale and before that You were an Iguanodon I I can show you Picture of Iguanodon cuz I showed group Number three but it it is a dinosaur This is past life you right here and Then Your lucky color is tangerine orange Your lucky food is Bamu um I don't know what country this Comes from but it's the cake that's like Round and it has a hole in the middle Bal Bal oh it's a German it's a German Cake and it is a popular dessert in

Japan and your lucky place is under a Vending machine your lucky item is a Point card your lucky proverb this is Like narrowly escaping something your Lucky proverb is a narrow escape and Then yeah this last thing doesn't really Translate cuz it's like a language thing But anyway so crazy I wonder if there's A hundred different Fortune papers but Out of all of them group number three And group number four you both got Number 67 that's wild um okay so now we Are going to take a look at your oracle Cards to see the nature of the blessing That is coming your way so to start off We have the goddess of lra and we have The keywords God Consciousness and the Energy of creation very interesting so Some of you guys may resonate with lra Resonate with Len star seeds my eyes are Going to this ring here here some kind Of commitment could be coming your way As a blessing also Leo energy could be Significant to this group someone with Leo placements Sun Moon Rising Venus I also want to say Chiron and Leo For some reason um or Leo season Especially the month of August because We have the number we have the number Eight could be significant to this group Ooh then we have Adventure an adventure In Life we have the rainbow dragon and it Says the climax is

Soon and then we have interesting so we Have adventure and we have wandering Path enjoy the journey so this group you Are embarking on a journey as one of Your blessings I actually am taking this Literally in that you will likely be Going on a trip as a blessing or you'll Receive an opportunity that involves Like traveling to many different Places I also want to say that a Fox foxes or any kind of cat could be a Relevant spirit animal to this group so That includes you know house cats like I Have my little pyite cat here this is Baffy my angel and it could also be Lions tigers panthers leopards like any Any kind of big cat as well I feel is Relevant to this group but yes it Definitely seems like traveling is a Part of your Blessing I wonder some of you guys could Be going on a honeymoon I know that very Specific but there's like this really Looks like a wedding ring this diamond Ring here and then we have messages of Travel as Well for those of you who are Creative I think that one of your works Is really taking off and it's going to Cause a Crazy unexpected chain reaction in your Life when I look at this Adventure it looks pretty pretty Turbulent doesn't it like this kind of

Looks like a stormy Sea And I mean it could be indicating that The next chapter of your life is a Little bit chaotic but I think it's more Because you don't know where this this Journey is taking you but ships to me Feels like a long-term Endeavor so I don't know where this is Taking me but it's taking me very far so One easy example of this is like let's Say you are a musician and you just Posted a song and you did not really Think anything of it it wasn't really Different from any of your other Releases and little did you know like This song is going to get picked up and It's it's played on the radio and then The next thing you know you're contacted By a talk show to talk about the Inspiration behind the song and then the Next thing you know you're doing like a Press tour and then and then you're like Touring across the country oh my gosh I Just whacked my tripod sorry um you're Doing like a tour across the country and Performing your music and it's like you Would have never thought that just this Simple Act of posting one song would Have been a chain reaction to all of These things something you put out it's Going to take you places it's going to Take you far and I feel like this is Especially a message for those of you

Who who are creator Like one of your works is just going to Blow up and bring like a whirlwind of Opportunities into your life that you Would have never Expected and this is like enjoy the Journey I really think you weren't Planning this like you don't know where It's going to take you and and another Thing is that it could all be happening So fast so this enjoy the journey I do Feel like it is saying don't worry about The destination and just enjoy the Process but also this is going by really Fast so make sure that you're like Taking a moment to just stop and and Take it all in and this message still Applies even if you are not a a creative Even if you are not like making art this Could be a presentation that you do that After the presentation someone in the Crowd comes up to you and they're this Like really big important person and They invite you to speak at an even Bigger event and then now you have People wanting to to invest in what You're doing or um you're making all These connections and you never thought Like on that day you gave the Presentation that this would happen or Maybe there's like maybe you published a Research paper or you published an Article it's it's just something that You are putting out something that you

Are Presenting something that you're Performing it could even be like one day You submitted something to your boss and You thought like oh this is just like Any other task but your boss is like so Blown away by the work you did that the Next thing you know you're getting a Promotion and you're or you're going on This big business trip with important Clients it's like just this one little Submission or this one little like Publishing of something into the world Is going to take you like physically Take you To more places and bigger places and Increase your connections which then Leads to more opportunities it's just The only way I can describe it is like This big chain reaction and this card Describes it as a a Climax which is it's like a culmination Of all this effort that you've been Putting in and I feel like your big Break or like your big moment of success Is is happening in a way that's Different than what you Planned and it's kind of just a Testament to how you cannot really plan Your your life like we might pretend That we can plan it because it brings us A sense of security and maybe it it does Bring us a sense of direction and where We want to be putting our energy but at

The end of the day something could just Completely come out of left field and Change your plans and I think this is Kind of what's happening and life is Just kind of taking you on a crazy ride Wow how exciting so let's get into your Tarot now and get some more details About This [Applause] But yeah there's something about like Some of you could be getting Engaged Or like if you're single and looking for A partner this whole crazy Journey one of the things it could do is Bring you to a person you're going to Marry I just had this really specific Image of you like at some kind of like Conference or like event that you got Invited to and you're speaking to Someone who is like a really like your Senior and who is much older than you And then they're like I want to Introduce you to my child and then like You end up marrying this person that Maybe just be for like one of you who is Watching but I just had this really Vivid image of like you're speaking to An old older person and then they they Introduce you to their Child and it starts a Romance Interesting for those of you who are

Already married or you're already with Someone your significant other could be Like accompanying you on this journey And supporting You I also think something you need to know Is that you are Very Charismatic and charming and people Naturally like you if you were ever Wondering like the impression you make On People people really enjoy being in your Company PE you could be talking about Anything and people will be mesmerized You have like a very strong magnetism to You There's also like quite a few people who Envy you but what I'm hearing is that You are either like and I don't mean This in a bad way but it's like you're Either too naive to notice or maybe you Are even just too humble that you would Be like oh no like that person they Would never be jealous of me what do They have to be jealous of and it's like Honey come on Like there's a lot there's a lot that an Envious person could Envy about you like Have you seen you that's kind of the Vibe My group number four is what else do They need to know about Their Blessings we have the oh we have the six

Of Cups we have the queen of Cups Okay something you need to know as well You are blessed with energetic Protection so even As your life is fastpaced and there's a Lot of changes and you'll probably be Interacting with all kinds of people With different kinds of energy your Spiritual team is helping you to Stay grounded to stay in your own energy And to keep your energy Protected So you don't have to worry about any Like negative energy latching on to you I'm I'm hearing like energetic Sovereignty I think is the word like You're staying anchored in your Own energy and no one can mess with It you may also be having um prophetic Dreams during this period you may dream About a certain uh physical environment And then find yourself in that that Place like a month later and be like I've I've literally seen this place Before pay attention to your dreams for Creative inspiration as well we have the Nine of Cups you are definitely very Attractive to people I'm seeing you as This queen of Cups and then this is like I mean this could be a specific person But I feel like this is represent presen In onlookers who are just watching you

And mesmerized by you and they want you They either want to be you or they want To be with you or they want to work with You you are very very attractive at this Time um cancer energy could be Significant as well someone who has Cancer Placements or someone who who's like Zodiac sign is next to yours if that Makes Sense if you're not familiar with Astrology that basically means that Their birthday is like a month away from Yours Roughly we have the 10 of Wands yeah this is a time of growth of Expansion Of this is a time of exceeding your own Expectations like of your Accomplishments going above and beyond Your expectations we also have the four Of Pentacles more of a sign Of more of a sign of um Protection of protection and remaining Grounded and then at the bottom of the Deck we have the five of crystals which Is the five of Wands um something that Is kind of I want to say it's ironic I Don't know if that's the right word but I feel like a lot of the things that you Are being blessed with during these During this Period are things that you never really Prioritized in the first place that are

Maybe just kind of like an icing on the Cake for you so one example of this like If we go back to the musician example This would be like someone who has Always been just motivated by like their Passion for telling a story um their Passion of like connecting to others Through their music and moving people With their message um just the passion Of creating in general music oh 2222 as I'm talking about this as a form of like Self-discovery and stuff like that and Maybe this person Just never cared About money like never wanted to Prioritize that or never cared about Getting famous um not that caring about Those things is bad but this person in This example just never really cared About that and then Ironically Like those are the very things that they Will be blessed with so it's like things That you Never things that you never really put On a pedestal maybe I should say things That you never really put on a pedestal That you never really prioritize that You never like put at the center of your Decisionmaking like I feel like you're Not the type of person who would put Like what's going to make me the most Money or like what's going to what's Going to make the most people like me I

Feel like you're more of the type of Honoring your soul and honoring your Intuition and yet it's like the very Things that you were not not chasing That you are now going to be blessed With whatever that might be for you like You Weren't and I think a lot of it has to Do with worldly things if I'm being Honest like you weren't chasing money And then you're blessed with money you Weren't chasing status and then you're Blessed with status you weren't chasing Popularity and then you're blessed with Popularity so it's like you didn't Really care you weren't really looking For these things and that's not to say That you don't appreciate Them at all I don't mean it like that But I feel like it's just kind of ironic It's Like when you don't care about it you Manifest it it's like that kind of Thing yeah Um I also think like I'm thinking of the Meaning of Competition with the five of Wands some Of the things that you are achieving Here like the opportunities that you're Being offered here they could be kind of Rare like not a lot of People get to experience that but there Could be a lot of people who want to Experience that for those of you who are

Manifesting a partner you could Be entering into a relationship with Someone who's in the public eye or like Someone who a lot of people want to be With you know what I mean like someone Who's very Popular um but I feel like this this Queen of cups is really You like in the midst of all of this External like busyness and Chaos still Keeping to yourself still staying lowkey It's like you're enjoying the experience And you're enjoying the ride and you Trust the universe in in bringing you on This ride CU you know that it's going to Like serve you and serve others in some Way but like all the flashy stuff that's Going on on the outside it really feels Like you're not you're not letting it Get to your head I feel like with the Six of cups as well it's like You've you're very firm in like you're Standing very firmly in who you are and In your roots and I don't really think That any of this is like fundamentally Going to change who you are it's it's Just like a journey that you're going on Um with the six of cups as Well um this could very much be talking About a soulmate Union or or a Soul Family Union Another Blessing could Be getting to See family or old friends that you

Haven't seen in a long Time Or um Financial abundance coming in that You can Use to help or to uh benefit Family Like um taking care of your parents Or Treating treating your children or just Taking care of your family members in a Way that like it makes you really happy To be able to do that or like flying Family out to come be with you things Like that you're definitely throughout This process you get to be close to Loved ones whether that's like friends Family your significant Other or on this Journey you are coming Into Union with your soulmates with your Soul Family And you can pick them out easily it's The people who again it feels ironic It's like it's the people who are not Impressed by all this stuff going on Around You Um that you'll be able to tell who is Your soul family Because it's like the people who are Putting you on a pedestal the people who Are wanting something from you I feel Like that will kind of turn you off and It's the people who like don't care

About your success and who are just you Know treating you like a a Friend that you'll know those people are Your soul Family um we also Have the 10 of Wands which usually this Would indicate like having a heavy Burden on you being overworked I Definitely do think you're going to be Very very busy I want to say almost like Pushed to your Limit you are going to be pushed to your Limit in terms of your energy in terms Of Your Capacity but your spiritual team Is showing this as a blessing so this Could be an opportunity for you to Realize how much you are capable of So for example let's say you are someone Who sleeps a Lot and during this Experience you have been sleeping less Maybe you used to sleep like 9 hours but On this journey you've been sleeping Like 6 Hours and past you before this Experience would have been like really Scared to hear that I'm kind of like This I'm like oh my God like I'm not Going to get enough sleep and then I'm Going to and then I'm going to get sick And I'm not going to be able to do this Like and I make myself anxious about Like not getting enough sleep cuz I feel Like oh there's no way that I could

Possibly per perform and be present and Do a good job with that many hours of Sleep and I feel like there's something In terms of like your limits that you Thought you couldn't do and you're Proving yourself Wrong whether that's like sleeping a Little bit less or like working a little Bit Longer Or like whatever it might be there's Something kind of rigorous that you're Doing or you're just very very busy and It's something that really would have Scared past you because you thought that It was like outside of your limits and I Think you're kind of realizing that you Are more like you're more perseverant Than you think or you can like take on More than you originally thought I I Really want to be careful with this Wording but I want to say like you're Not as as fragile as you thought and I Really don't like that wording cuz I Don't want to say like people who need More rest are like fragile but I feel Like there was a part of you that that Thought Like that thought you would fall apart Under this kind Of like workload and you don't like you Rise up to it um again not that you Should have to do that all the time but I think it's just kind of a moment of oh

You know when when the demands on me Temporarily go up when my workload Temporarily goes up I can rise to the Occasion and I can handle It it's something like That um yeah and then we have four of Diamonds so definitely you are Energetically protected also You your finances or your your financial Situation Is Protected you will make a lot of money During this time and I think that your Spirit guides are advising you to just Hold on to It Or like to just take care of yourself And those close to you for Now I guess what they are saying is that It's better to be more frugal or to be More Conservative with this money coming In my mom always tells me when I make Money like make sure you don't think This money is all yours cuz make sure You set it aside for taxes and you know You hear stories sometimes of people Making a lot of money and then thinking That like wow I'm rich and spending it All and then and then the what is it Called IRS the CRA if you're a Canadian is Going to come after you so just I think A large sum of money is coming in

And I don't know what's happening but it Looks like your spiritual team is Advising you to like be frugal with it Be careful with it set it aside like Play it safe basically and it it doesn't Have to be something scary like like Taxes or like an unexpected expense it Could be something like a little bit Farther down the road I don't know maybe You and your new fiance want to buy a House like it could be something happy Like that we're saving money because Somewhere down the line um we want To make a big exciting purchase for Ourselves and want to make sure we have The funds to do that it's so it's like Just think about your long-term future Don't spend it all in one place it's Like that kind of vibe yeah um all right So we are going to take this over to the Extended reading now where we are going To get a timing prediction for a Blessing I know we talked about a few Things in this reading so it will be up To you the specific event that you would Like to know the timing for we're also Going to see what could impact that Timing what could speed things up what Could slow things down and we will also Answer a yes no or maybe question of Your choice including the reason so if That sounds good to you and you would Like to join me in the extended I'm Going to have that link Down Below in

The description as well as in the pinned Comment of this video however if you're Going to leave the reading here I want To say thank you so much for letting me Do this reading for you I hope you have A wonderful day or night whenever you're Watching and I wish you all the best Please take good care of yourself stay Healthy don't forget to like comment and Subscribe if you feel like doing that if You enjoy my content and you'd like to Find me elsewhere I'm going to have Linked down below my tarot reading Instagram my personal Instagram my Patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like this one and you can also Decide on topics for future readings I Will link my music channel which Includes the intro song of this video That is an original song I will also Have my latest release link down below And finally my Vlog Channel and my merch Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video thank you Guys so much for supporting me my Channel anything I do I really really Appreciate having you here group number Four I'm sending so much love to you to Everyone who appeared in this reading Directly and indirectly and I'm sending Love to your higher self your Spirit Guides your spiritual team and all of Your loved ones both here on Earth and

In the other Realms and I will see you Guys in the next one Bye-bye

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