What’s Next in Your CAREER / PROJECTS? 🧪🎨📚🎶 Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading

Thanks for stopping by! I’m KINO ♈️☀️♊️🌙♉️👆I hope you enjoy your reading ❤️

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Intro – 0:00
#1 (Strawberry Quartz) – 2:43
#2 (Azurite) – 43:40
#3 (Ametrine) – 1:33:59
#4 (Celestite) – 2:23:13

💝 Thank you so much to TAROT STACK for providing all the decks used today! Remember you can get 10% off any of these decks with the code KINO 💝
📍Livett the Ghost Tarot ※
📍Cupid Says Oracle by SayPa SayMa Toons ※
📍The Creative’s Compass Oracle by Amal Awad ※

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#pickacard #tarotreading


[Music] Hi guys it's Kino welcome to another Video as I'm sure you can tell we have a Bit of a different setup today and that Is because I'm currently traveling I was Just in Taiwan now I'm in South Korea And I'm going to be back in Japan for a Few weeks and then going back to Canada So anyway different setup I apologize if The quality is not what it usually is But today's reading is going to be all About your journey in your career and in Your creative project so I have this List of everything that's going to be Covered in the reading today we are Going to start by seeing the energy of Your current job or your current project We are going to see what gifts you are Developing so if there are any new gifts That you're developing at this stage in Your journey or exist in gifts that you Are currently using that will help you And others we are going to see what is Coming your way next and get some advice For what next steps you should take and Then at the end of the reading we are Going to get messages from both your Higher self as well as from the members Of your spiritual team so there are four Readings for you guys to choose from Today and when picking your group if There is a specific spefic project that You are really focused on right now um a Specific project that you want guidance

On or maybe there is a specific member Of your spiritual team that you would Like to hear from these are things that You can keep in mind when choosing your Group if you focus your energy on those Things it might help to lead you to the Right group and if you are drawn to more Than one group today that is totally Fine there may be messages for you in Multiple readings so please feel free to Choose any and all that are calling to You but with that being said I'm going To show you each of these crystals up Close one by one and please pick Whichever one or ones you feel called to The most number one is strawberry Quartz number two is Azerite number three is Ametrine and number four is is Celestite okay so as always take all the Time you need to pick you can pause the Video if you need to I'm going to go Ahead and get started with number one hi Number ones so if you guys chose the Strawberry quartz this is going to be Your reading so these are the Decks that We are going to be using today for the Main messages about your career and Creative projects we're going to be Using the liveit the ghost ter tarot Then for the messages from your higher Self we are going to be using the cupid Says Oracle and finally for the messages From your spiritual team we're going to

Be using the creatives compass Oracle And all of the Decks that we are using Today were kindly provided by our Sponsor tarot stack I'm sure you have Heard me often talk about tarot stack on This channel but just in case you Haven't heard of them before they're an Online shop that carries a huge Selection of Indie tarot and Oracle Decks one thing that I always mention That I love about tarot stack is that They are an active supporter and Participant in the tarot Community with 50% of their profits going towards Funding Indie tarot and Oracle deck Projects and in fact all of the Decks That you see here are published by tarot Stock so they teamed up with the Creators of these decks and helped them Create or revamp their decks and get Them printed and published and marketed And get them out there into the world For everyone who needed to receive their Messages so I'm really excited to use All of these decks today if there's one In particular that you feel called to That you interested in you can get 10% Off any of these decks using the code Kino but thank you so much chot stock I Love what you do I love you guys and I'm So excited for everything that you will Create in the future and I'm so excited To continue collaborating with you and With these amazing deck creators so

Without further Ado let's get into your Reading we are going to start with the Live at the ghost tarot which I Absolutely Love my group number one so focus on if You have a particular question a Particular project that you are focused On right now keep this in your mind as I'm [Music] Shuffling group number ones what is the Energy of group number one's current job Or Current project What is the energy surrounding group Number one's current job or group number One's current Project so we are starting with the Wheel of [Music] Fortune and the lovers okay we have two Major arc so what I can say right off The bat group number one one is that the Job you are currently in the project You're currently working on or focused On is no mistake it is very much a part Of your destined path it's a very Significant part of your life and what I Can say from The Wheel of Fortune is That there are likely heavy elements of Fate and destiny surrounding this part Of your Journey your spiritual team is Working with you very Closely so whatever you're doing right

Now or whatever you are wanting to do Right now it's like you are destined to Do this this is a part I want to say of Your highest life path this is really Something that you are meant to do the Universe and your spiritual team are Always working in your favor to bring The best possible outcome but one thing That is important to note is That things might not always go as you Are expecting with the Wheel of Fortune There's sometimes this feeling of an Unpredictable Journey that has quite a Few twists and turns and when we're in The middle of this kind of energy it's Really important to remember that it is All divinely guided I'm hearing for some Of You the it it actually makes you laugh Like you're able to find the humor in it That anytime you plan something with Regards to this job or with regards to This project it tends to just go in a Completely different direction that it's Almost become funny at this point but I Think the more you can surrender to the Unpredictable nature of this journey um The smoother you will Flow things might go differently from What you are envisioning right now but They will go better than what you are Expecting they will go better than what You are Expecting and it's interesting that we

Have the lovers here as well because This also tells me that there is a very Significant connection or multiple very Significant Connections that are involved in your Current career or in your current Project so there could be people that You already know they're already in your Life and you are destined to work with Them or the universe is currently Working to bring you together with Certain people and it's like you you and This other Soul or these other Souls Have already made an agreement in this Incarnation we're going to come together We're going to meet at this place at This time we're going to work together On this project it's it feels very um Written in the Stars it feels very Destined and I do think it's a mixed Group here where some of you already Know this person or already know these People that you're meant to work with um If you don't already I can tell you for Sure that the universe is working to Bring you together with this people but It's like these people sorry but it's Like um like a work soulmate or a Creative collaborator soulmate or a Business partner soulmate for some of You it could even be a romantic partner Cuz the lovers as you can tell from the Name of the card it can very well have a Romantic vibe to it so you could be

Destined to um carry out this project With your significant other with your Spouse with your love interest or the Romantic soulmate that you are currently Manifesting will be someone you are Meant to move forward with in your Career together or work on a significant Project together I also feel that the Universe is working To bring People like Show you people that's a Good way to put it the universe is Working to show you people who are meant To inspire you so this is not just People that you're meant to meet in Person and directly work with but Spirit Could be showing you people through Media through the internet who are meant To inspire you or influence you in some Way so if you've recently stumbled Across someone's work or stumbled across Someone's art and you're like mesmerized By it and you feel really inspired by it That is also not a Mistake o some of you might even stumble Across someone's work and be really Inspired ins spired by it and yes it's Because they're meant to influence your Work but it could also be that one day You will meet up with them and work Together with them so the main energy of This is that the universe is Orchestrating destined Partnerships Right now

Significant work or creative Soulmates and yeah with two major Arcana There's really really heavy elements of Destiny so if things are not going how You planned um please don't think that You did something wrong I feel like fate Is just working working over time right Now and surrender will be the best thing That you can do we do have Gemini energy Here with the lovers card so uh someone With Gemini placements could be Significant sun moon or Rising I also Want to say Gemini midheaven because This is a career reading so someone who Has the sign of Gemini in the 10th house Um could be significant whether that's You or someone Else or Gemini season could be a Significant time in your career so late May to late June I also feel like the universe is Going to be bringing in a lot of diverse People into your experience so it could Be like for example the universe could Bring in five people who have the same Profession but all of those five people Have a different approach have a Different philosophy have a different Path like how they became successful Because the universe is trying to show You that everyone's journey is unique And that there's no right or wrong way To do it so if you've been really stuck In your head that um I have to become

Successful through this path or this is The approach that I have to take these Are the rules that I have to follow the Universe may be bringing in a lot of Diverse people with diverse stories to Show you that that's not the case like For just as many people as there are in This field there's a different success Story there's a different approach There's a different vision and you also Have your own unique Vision there is no Like Cookie Cutter way to be successful And you shouldn't put that pressure on Yourself for your journey to fit a Certain Mold so you're like I see you Surrounding Ed by people who are just Unconventional and doing it in their own Unique way and that's really Inspiring Virgo placements could be Significant as Well Virgo Sun Moon Rising or mid Heaven so let's take a look at your Current gifts that are being developed Or your gifts that you are currently Using okay so this is the 10 of [Music] Wands and we have the Three of Wands both of these are fire energy so I Feel like if you're not feeling this Energy yet you could be entering into to A stage in your career or in your Creative Journey where you are really Really passionate I also feel like you

Are becoming more ambitious I think You're originally an ambitious person But that quality is being heightened Because you are finally giving yourself Permission to dream Bigger the Three of Wands feels Like this big Goal that for the first time is finally Becoming Visible or that finally seems doable to You and that makes It worth it to work very hard let me try To put that in a better Way if if someone had a very big goal But it seemed unrealistic or it seemed Like there's no there's no way I'm going To make that happen anyway then in order To conserve energy their brain would Probably tell them there's no point in Working hard because you're not you're Not going to reach that goal anyway or Like you don't know how you're going to Get there so there's no point in in Wasting your energy right Now but this feels Like it kind of feels like if you were Running a marathon and you were really Really tired but then suddenly you can See the Finish Line and so you have a Sense of like how much farther I have to Push myself the end goal is now visible And the way there is now Clear so your brain like a switch goes Off in your brain and you're like okay

It's okay to be really really ambitious It's okay to work really really hard Because I can see the end goal because I Can see that it will be worth it so it's Like your ultimate goal is now becoming Visible and so you just like kick into Really really hard work mode that's kind Of how I'm reading this energy so this Is actually very very exciting because For those of you who have had a goal That until recently or maybe even still At the time you're watching this seems Just too big too Impossible Too Far Away Too Overwhelming um it's going to become Something that is in reach and something That really seems possible for you and I Feel like that's going to really light a Fire under you and I think you're going To be working really really hard for the Next few months and and I should Mention that's not an energy that you Want to be always in because the 10 of Wands can lead to burnout but for a Short Term I do think that you will be working Really really really hard and then You'll be tired after but in the moment It will be very very Exciting um and an example that's coming To my mind is a musician who got asked To tour with a really big Artist and tours can be very taxing Because you're you know you're traveling

All the time probably not getting a lot Of sleep maybe possibly even going into Different time zones and when you're on Stage you have to be on all the time and Really energetic so it can be quite a Taxing Venture I imagine but because you See this big opportunity in front of you And it's so exciting and it's such an Honor some switch just goes off and You're like okay we're doing it it's go Time maybe it's adrenaline I don't know But it's just the excitement comes over You like this light lightning bolt is Making you think of excitement and of Course that's just one example this kind Of energy could apply for any field of Work that you're in but it's like this Big opportunity that you you can't pass Up and you don't want to pass it up and So for a short period of time you just Get really really full of energy and you Just do it like past you would have been Like how the heck am I going to do all This work and current you is like you Just do it something just comes over you And you just get into a Zone and it gets Done and maybe even after the fact You're like I don't know how the heck I Did that it's like I was possessed it's Like I just had a fire in me and I just Did it so I almost feel like with these Two numbers like some of you you could Be doing 10 months worth of work in 3 Months just an insane amount of work in

A short amount of time and you don't Even know how you did it but you just Became really really ambitious because This big goal was right in reach and you Just had to do it and so I actually Think that your gift is and this is Going to sound weird but it's like the Ability to push yourself and the ability To just put your nose to the grindstone And just work really really Hard with that being said this is a gift That you should use with discernment and This is a gift that you should use in Short bursts you should not be in this Mode all the time that is not Sustainable but it is a gift that you do Have it's like channeling massive Amounts of energy into your small human Vessel that is a gift that you Have that you should not use all the Time but that can be very very powerful When you Do And I'm really you know even though There's a lot of work ahead I have to Say group number one I'm not worried About it Because the universe is bringing Partnerships in the universe is bringing Collaborators in so I know that you're Not doing this work alone the universe Is bringing you your amazing supportive Team who will allow you to do more than You could ever do alone because this is

Like you're expanding your horizons and More doors are opening for you you're Going Bigger you could be able to do things on A larger Scale than what you could have done by Yourself Partnerships are helping you Scale your work scale your projects do It even bigger reach even more people Use even more advanced technology Whatever it might be it's like you're Going Bigger there could Be travel involved or there could be Correspondence with people who are far Away so we're going to go into a second Row of cards now and See what is coming your way Next What's coming next for my group number Ones oh my gosh the ace of cups Emotional Fulfillment a happy new [Music] Beginning And oh my gosh and the eight of Wands I Actually don't know which way this goes I think it's this Way this is so beautiful I love that we Have the ace of cups Here what you're Experiencing it's a whole different type Of tired like I feel like there's Physical exhaustion and there's mental

Exhaustion and after this what I think That you'll be exper experiencing is the Physical kind and it is possible to be Physically like worn out but in your Heart to be so fulfilled and be like That was awesome that was amazing now I'm going to go sleep for 3 days but I'm Just so happy and I'm so proud of Myself the mental and emotional Exhaustion I think largely comes from When you are doing something that you Don't want want to do when you're doing Something that you dread when you're Doing something that requires you to Mask who you really are or that requires You to mask your Needs that is what is truly like Psychologically exhausting and so the Exhaustion exhaustion that you're Experiencing here is not that it is Purely just I used a lot of energy but I Loved every second of it I love what I'm Doing And now I'm going to sleep I'm going to Collapse on my bed with an overflowing Heart so moved by everyone who helped me So moved by what we accomplished so Moved by the response that we received It's that kind of tired and you this is Maybe the first time you're experiencing This in your career or it's the first Time in a long time and and I feel like In a way it could sort of shift your Whole perspective

Of using up your energy because maybe Before you saw it as this scary thing That okay I'm the work I'm about to do Uses up a lot of energy so I have to Hype myself up I have to psych myself up For it I have to promise myself a reward At the end so that it motivates me to do It but in this new energy the work Itself is the reward and using up your Energy on this feels good so I just feel With the ace of cups it's like a a sense Of emotional fulfillment of loving what You're Doing and it can also talk about a new Love and falling in love so again for Some of you it could be the first time That you feel you you genuinely love What you're doing but it could also be a Hint of a New loving or romantic relationship if You are not in one of those already but Actually even if you are in a romantic Relationship this could be a Confirmation that you are going through This with your partner with your Significant other and it's bringing you Closer but you're definitely feeling in Love in love with what you do in love With life in love with the person and People you're with in love with yourself And in love with all of those you Are impacting through the work that You're Doing with the eight of Wands again

There's a feeling of having a lot to do I do think in the long term as well You're moving into a More busy life or a more fast-paced Life Um definitely not continuing in this T Of Wands energy Forever it this feels like just one Really big push that you give and then It's like when a plane takes off it Needs a lot Of energy to get up there but then once It does get up there it can kind of Coast I'm Assuming so this is like you're at You're working at 100 Capacity this is like 80 it's more Manageable so after this your lifestyle Will become more manageable you'll be Maintaining the success and the rewards That you reaped but still I feel like You have this could be you have a bit More of a fast-paced lifestyle or it Feels like for some of you this could be It's more diverse you know like no two Days look the Same uh in and out of meetings with Different People working on several different Projects and several different Partnerships so if it's not that it's More fast-paced and busy it could just Be that in this new lifestyle you need a Little bit more

Organization because it's not just like Oh I go to this office every day at 9:00 A.m. and I leave every day at 5:00 p.m. It's like every day you have to remember And be like oh what am I doing today Okay I have a meeting with this person At 2 and then I'm going across town to Talk to this person and then I have to Turn in this project by by midnight Tonight for this client like it it could Just be a bit more varied and so it Keeps your brain on its toes you're not Doing the same things all the time and Even the wheel of force Fortune feels Like that The Wheel of Fortune is Very it's Change it's the constant of change and You never know what it's going to give You so and that's kind of like an Excitement element of your job I feel That you're you're waking up and you're Like oh what's on the schedule for today What are we doing today it just it feels Very exciting it feels very fun this is Sagittarius energy actually both of These are and Sagittarius energy just Feels so jubilant and joyful and Expansive and and diverse because it is A mutable Sign it just feels very fun what you're Doing so let's get some advice of what You should do Next advice for what group number one Should do next

Next we have the Emperor and the King of Swords an emperor and a king so we have Two masculine figures so I wonder if There is advice for you guys to step Into your masculine energy or to get to Know the masculine side of you I'm also Noticing that both of these beings have Their eyes closed this cat is sleeping The King of Swords it looks like he's in A Serene meditative state so it does Feel like going Within it does feel like Reflection it's almost like getting in Touch with your Divine masculine energy And Understanding what motivates Them understanding whom or what they Desire to Protect whom or what what they desire to Provide and whom they desire to provide For what their vision is what makes them Feel confident what makes them feel Empowered it's like meeting meeting a Certain aspect of yourself and getting To know them and this next stage of your Career care or creative projects might Require you to step into a masculine Energy so being an initiator being an Action taker being a leader rather than A follower I'm hearing being able to Assert your opinion and your vision so I'm Imagining you're on a team with people

And you need to get good At um it's funny cuz there's that saying I feel feel like people say like speak Only when you're spoken to but this is Actually an energy that we want to move Out of and and you taking initiative to Speak your mind you're not just waiting Until someone asks you what you want to Do you're assertively saying I think we Should do this so in a meeting rather Than just sitting quietly and listening Which is important but rather than just Sitting there quietly the whole time and Only only speaking if someone addresses You this is like stepping into an Empowered energy of stating your Preferences stating your vision stating The direction that you want to take Things and also having a Clear opinion where when someone asks You what do you think we should do about This you're not like oh whatever you Think is good or it's you know it's fine I do this a lot by the way when I have a Preference I'll State the preference but Then I'll be like oh but like whatever You think is is fine just to kind of Soften it even though deep down I know Like no this is how I want it done I Feel like I have to be like but that's Just me like whatever whatever you think Is best you know maybe I'm wrong I I Have a tendency to do that maybe you do As well but I feel like this is getting

Into that energy of being like I think We should do this point blank period and People are allowed to disagree you know But to not water down whatever you were Going to Say like oh but it's it's fine if you Don't want to like just just you don't Have to add all of that that cushioning I feel like this is about just being Very straightforward of this is what I Like this is what I prefer this is the Vision I had and that will Leave that will leave a lot less room For um for people to guess what you Meant because you said it very very Clearly and that's going to really speed Along the process and and trust that People want to hear from you people want To hear your honest Feedback and they're not going to take It personally like these are Professionals they're used to it Interesting message so yeah getting into That masculine energy I think is Important I feel like the the King of Swords is about communicating you know Politely respectfully but very clearly As well and and the Emperor you know with the cat it does Have a feeling of Independence but you Definitely have some great Interdependent energy going on with your Team so I think that the emperor is more About just stepping into your power and

Recognizing that your opinion matters And that you do have informed opinions And that and also that you make sense You know you might be the type of person Who's like I hope that makes sense which I say that a lot but you make sense your Opinion is valid your vision is valid And really just believing that and and I Feel like you could have twice as much Confidence as you currently have when You're in the workplace or when you're In a meeting and just just believe in Your vision more and that will come with Time I think you know with the crowns This is about recognizing The Authority That you do have in your field you Do okay So next we are going To get some messages from your higher Self we're going to use the cupid says Oracle which usually I use this as like Channeled messages from your person but Today the person is your higher self so Let's see what your higher self has to Say about this point in your [Music] Journey we have why am I Crying this is not All this is not a Phase and I feel so Guilty this is this is emotional this is A your higher self this might be kind of A specific message but I really think You know I really think that there is a

Big goal of yours that you are Achieving in this stage of your journey There's a big goal of yours that you're Achieving and you know we spoke about With these cards it's like now that the Goal really seems like it's in reach you Have that motivation to work really hard Towards it but there may have been a Point in the past where the way there Wasn't so clear and this goal didn't Seem that Realistic and so and this is not Something to feel guilty about because This is just how our brains conserve Energy when when the way is not clear or When it seems too far out of reach to Begin with your brain tends to say it's Not worth it and I feel like that's Probably a Survival Instinct it's like it reminds Me of if you were Hunting and if the prey seemed if it Seemed like too unlikely that you were Going to catch the prey your brain might Tell you don't even bother because You're just going to waste calories you Know it feels like a survival mechanism And so that same mechanism I feel was at Play with your goal where your brain Said like this goal is too big it's too Overwhelming we don't know what we're Doing you're just going to waste time You're just going to waste energy if you Try to go for it and so I almost feel

Like part of you like your ego maybe Tried to Downplay this goal and how much you Really wanted it and maybe even said Like oh it's just a phase I'll get over It I don't really want this goal I just Like the idea of it like trying to talk Yourself out of wanting to pursue the Goal and I feel like When when the Finish Line becomes Visible to You you realize how much you longed for It all Along it kind of feels like if you were Saying oh I'm over that person I'm over That person because your brain thinks You can never be with them so it talks You out of it I'm over them I'm over Them and Then you find out that they're in town And they want to see you all those Feelings come flooding back and you're Like oh oops I was never over them why Am I crying why am I crying right now Like I I never got over It but with a goal so it's like your Brain talked you out of the goal Suddenly the goal seems doable all the Longing comes back and it's very Emotional that dream never went away That passion never went Away so that yeah it could be quite an Emotional experience realizing that it Wasn't a phase and you're your soul your

Higher self was always longing for this And I feel like this I feel so guilty Likely has to do with denying that Longing for so long but there's really No need to feel guilty because like I Said I really do think it's a survival Mechanism of your brain that's it's Meant to save your energy it's meant to Help you survive of course if we're Aware of it we can override that but if You were in that energy of Like dismissing your goal or kind of Talking yourself out of going for it Because it seemed too big or it seemed Too Overwhelming it's nothing to be ashamed Of you know it's it's easy to look back It's easy to look back and say I should Have believed in it more I should have Just went for it even when I didn't Know it's easy to say that now that the Goal is within your reach but when it Wasn't it's really hard to just believe In it and just go for it when you don't When you don't see the Finish Line when You don't see the way There easy to judge yourself in Retrospect but it was hard for your past Self and so there's no need to feel Guilty about it and your higher self Forgives you gez your higher self Forgives You okay what does your spiritual team Have to say Creative

Unfurling Discovery authenticity rawness Vulnerability is a cure for many ills so I think there's going to be an Opportunity in your Career to be vulnerable and and Definitely now that this now that we're Not hiding our longing from oursel now That we're not hiding our deep desires From Oursel there's a big opportunity for Self-discovery for those of you who are Creatives you could be pouring a lot of Showing a lot of your vulnerability in Your work creating something that is Very But regardless of what field of work You're in I do think this is about Opening up and being vulnerable with the People around You and recognizing that you're not Alone there's probably a lot of people Who've had a similar experience to you So I think the advice from your Spiritual team is to not hide to not Hide what you've been through to not Feel guilty about it to not feel ashamed About it or or like embarrassed in any Way and have these kind of open and raw Conversations with people because I Think ultimately people want to open up And so if you take that initiative if You step into your masculine Body Energy And if you take that initiative to open Up and to start that conversation people

Will respond it's like they're waiting For an opportunity to be vulnerable and You might create That and let's get one more messages From your spiritual team catharsis that Makes a lot of Sense this is a cathartic time we're Opening up we're being raw we're having An emotional Release and yeah not always the point But often an Outcome so regardless of what you're Doing catharsis and emotional release is Going to be a a product of It even this working really really hard That can be cathartic sometimes Like when you get into that zone I find That like old emotions come bubbling up Emotions that were stuck come bubbling Up like when you're exerting yourself Really hard or when you're really deep In a creative flow things just kind of Bubble to the surface so I love these Keywords together unfurling and Catharsis just it feels like a big Release that is is long over do and There's great healing that is coming Here so group number one those are all Of the messages that we have for you Today this was my first time using all Of these decks Together but I think I think they worked Great together thank you very much to Tarot stock thank you very much to the

Creators of these amazing decks and I Can't wait to see more of your Collaborations with Indie artists and to See more of your Publications if you Guys want to check out any of these Decks I will have them linked down below And if there's one that you feel Particularly called to remember that you Can get 10% off with the code Kino so Thank you again to tarot stack thank you Guys so much for letting me do this Reading for you I hope you have a Wonderful day or night whenever you're Watching and I wish you all the best in Your career in your creative journey in In any in all Journeys that you may be On right now and in all of your future And past Journeys as Well please take good care of yourself Stay Healthy don't forget to like comment and Subscribe if you feel like doing that if You enjoy my content and you'd like to Find me elsewhere I'm going to have Linked down below my tarot reading Instagram my personal Instagram my Patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like this one this topic that we Did today was actually um a popular Suggestion on patreon that we ended up Doing over over here on YouTube so um Feel free to check that out we have a Lovely community over there and I will

Also link my music channel which Includes the intro song of this video That is an original song I'll also have My latest release link down below and Finally my Vlog Channel and my merch Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video group Number ones I'm sending so much love to You to everyone who appeared in this Reading to your team team your higher Self your Spirit guides your spiritual Team and all of your loved ones both Here on Earth and in the other Realms And I will see you guys in the next one Bye-bye hi number twos so if you guys Chose the azerite this is going to be Your reading so these are the Decks that We're going to be using today for the Main messages about your career and What's coming next we're going to be Using the live it the ghost tarot then For the messages from your higher self We're going to use the cupid says Oracle And finally for the messages from your Spiritual team we're going to be using The creatives compass Oracle and all Three of these Decks that we are using Today have been kindly provided by our Sponsor tarot stack if you are a Frequent Watcher of my channel you have Definitely heard me talk about tarot Stack many times we love Tarot stack Here on this channel for those of you Who have not heard of them before they

Are an online shop that carries a huge Selection of Indie tarot and Oracle Decks you can browse decks from all Different creators of all different Styles all in one place and you've Probably heard me mention many times Before that tarot stack is a wonderful Supporter and participant in our tarot Community with 50% of their profits Going towards funding Indie tarot and Oracle projects and in fact fact all of The Decks that we're using today are Published by tarot stack so they teamed Up with the Indie tarot or Oracle deck Creators and helped them create or Revamp their decks helped them get them Printed publish marketed and get them Out there into the world for those of us Who need to receive their messages I am So excited to be using these decks today And I'm also so excited for future tarot Stock projects I'm going to have all of These linked down below If there's one in particular that you Resonate with and you want to check it Out you can see every single card in the Deck on tarot Stack's website and if you Would like to purchase any of these Decks you can get all of tarot Stack's Original decks for 10% off using the Code Kino thank you so much tarot stack We love you I'm so honored to Collaborate with you once again and Without further Ado let's get into your

Reading so we're going to start off with The live at the ghost Tarot And we are going to See we're going to start by seeing the Energy of your current job or your Current Project okay my group number two what is The energy of group number two's current Job or current Project if there's a Particular project or goal that you have In mind that you would like to hear About just keep this in your mind as I'm Shuffling what is the current Energy of group number two's job or Project okay we are starting off with The world And then we have the tower so two major Arcana I feel like group number one also Had two major Arcana for their current Energy so you are definitely at a Destined point in your career or the Project that you are currently focused On is a part of your destiny with the World here this is a card that talks About Completion but I also wanted to Mention when I was shuffling the deck There was a feeling Of like confusion or Apprehension and so this sort of feels To me like an uncertainty of whether Something is complete or not or an Uncertainty as to whether we are ready

For the next step because the world very Much feels Like we've accomplished everything we've Done everything that there is to do here We're reaching a place of completion we Are ready to graduate so to speak we're Ready to move on to the next level to The next challenge and so those of you Who chose this group you may be Questioning whether you are in this Energy so for an example those of you Who are Creatives you may find yourself in an Energy where you're working on a project And you can't tell if it's finished or You're like how do I know when this is Done how do I know when this is ready to Be released into the World or if I'm meant to still ruminate On it if I'm meant to still tweak some Things there's a feeling of how to do I Know when it's finished or even in other Fields of work there's a feeling of how Do I know I'm ready to end this chapter And move on to the next one you may have This sort of I'm hearing like itching Like an inner itching of I feel like I'm Ready for New Horizons I feel like I'm Ready for something new but how do I Know for Sure that I have done everything there Is to do here how do I know for sure That I'm ready to move on from my Current

Chapter it could be that you feel you're Ready to move on to a new job but you're Not sure about the timing of leaving the Current one maybe there's still skills That I have to gain here maybe there's Still lessons that I meant to learn here I don't know what's the right timing and With two of these cards being major Arcana this sounds very cliche but it's Going to happen in Divine timing your Current chapter will end on its own when It's meant to happen major arcas it Feels faded it also feels like divine Intervention like external factors Coming in to to make what needs to Happen Happen so your current chapter will Likely not end based on your own plan or Your own decision or an action that you Take it will just end on its Own um this this is kind of an Interesting example but I'm thinking of Someone who's having a baby it's like You don't have to think about when when Should I have this baby it will just the Baby will just come when they are meant To come and you will you you will feel It and you will know and it will happen When it's meant to happen and with the Tower here you may know this is a card That talks about things suddenly falling Away and things suddenly coming to an End so I do feel this Tower card is Confirming there is something in your

Career that is meant to end that is Meant to be finished but rather than you Consciously making the choice to end it It will just finish when it's meant to Finish and you don't have to think about It or or plan it so Much and that might be something that is Scary Because I think for many of you it will End when it ends you may not have Preparations for the next stage and so There could be a scary kind of in Between of like oh my gosh this chapter Is ending now what do I do now I need to Scramble to get things Ready it feels like it's Happening Suddenly again I'm thinking of like a Baby coming and you're like oh my gosh I I wasn't expecting them to come today I Don't have anything packed like I'm not Ready to leave the house I don't have a A pet sitter whatever it might be it Feels like something's suddenly ending And you're like oh my gosh okay new Chapter is starting in my career um I do Not feel Prepared it Goes It goes from like this H I think I'm ready for a new era in my career but It it doesn't feel scary when in your Head you have it I'm going to be the one Who decides when this ends you're like When should I when should I end this

Chapter and then suddenly it's ending And now it feels like out of your Control and out of your hands and you're Like oh my gosh it's real it's Happening So it's it's that kind of thing maybe Scary but it definitely is a big Blessing and this Tower is only falling Down because you are Ready you are ready to grab graduate From whatever you are currently doing You're ready to move up to bigger Adventures and bigger challenges I Wonder what the world if for some of you This has to do with moving Internationally or working for an International or multinational company Or getting a job that requires you to Use another language or to interact with People of a different Culture some of you could be working Online as Well you know like you can reach people From all over the world you can do your Work from anywhere in the World it's like something that you Wanted to end but because it ended in a Way that was out of your control it Feels Uncomfortable So now we're going to see at this stage In your career Journey what gifts are you currently Developing or what existing gifts are

You [Music] Using we have the Chariot which is Another major Arcana And we have the Queen of Wands beautiful energy this feels like a Very strong connection to your Intuition to your inner guidance uh when The Chariot appeared right away there's A Feeling of moving quickly on your feet Of being able to just keep it pushing And keep moving Forward even in uncertain Times in this phase you may be making Like quick decisions almost like making Important decisions on the fly with with Not a lot of time to think about them But somehow you just end up always Choosing the right thing and that is Because even in in times that are Outwardly Hectic or Uncertain you have a Very strong and very deeply rooted Connection to your intuition there's a Feeling with the Chariot that like your Gut feelings never lead you Astray and I feel like in times of Uncertainty your response will be to Take action like to keep moving forward It feels like you're not someone who Will um who will freeze up Chariot very Much feels like keeping the ball Rolling and it it's very much like this

Is cancer energy so you're very much Moving with your intuition and moving With your gut feelings looking at this Creature that has two heads this this is Making me think of taking Logical and emotional factors into Consideration but it's like a Calculation that you make immediately You might not even realize that you're That you're doing it and that you're Processing all of these factors and like Spitting out the best possible course of Action because it's like you're doing it Instantaneously and you just you just Feel it in your gut you may not know how You got there that that this is what we Have to do right now but you just go for It and there's this automatic trusting Of your gut that I feel always leads you To the right place so this is a very Strong in intuitive ability that you Have that you are going to be using at This stage in your Career even I don't think this is what It's supposed to be but the hat that This person is wearing it kind of looks Like a siren or the light that would be On top of a a police car or something Like that so it kind of feels like I Don't know if this maybe an emergency is Is taking it too far but a situation That requires immediate action and You're just like okay I just have to Make this choice right now so you could

Be having to make kind of time Sensitive decisions there's just a Feeling of like something suddenly Changed and you don't have a lot of time To think about it And there may be a pretty significant Changing of Plans Because you got offered something that You weren't expecting and so you hadn't Made space for that in your Plans but this thing that comes out of Left field it's like we're not going to Let this pass so now I have to rearrange A bunch of stuff to make space for this In my life and I don't have a lot of Time to think about it but I'm just Going to make it work it's like Something kicks in and you just make it Work so that you can take the Opportunities that are presented to you So that you can redirect kind of Suddenly and go into the door that just Opened for you um and all of this is Definitely happening as a blessing it's A sudden Blessing that it will feel hectic Rearranging your life to accept this Blessing but you will make it work And this Queen of Wands she feels like She's blessed she feels like she's Thriving also with the branches growing Out of her and and the flowers growing Up from under her I'm thinking of that

Expression Bloom where you are Planted so there's also a feeling of Immense self trust here where you might Not know where you're going to end Up but you trust that wherever I am Planted I'm going to bloom and I'm going To thrive so it feels like at this stage In your career Journey the universe is Asking of you to have Flexibility and to be able to adapt and To trust your gut instincts and also to Trust that wherever the universe does Take you wherever the seed that is you Gets Planted that you Are a fertile seed and you are going to Bloom and you are going to flourish so I Feel feel a lot of I feel a lot of self Belief with this Queen of Wands card I Also feel like this is likely a group That you've been through a lot of Tough crap and chaotic crap in your life And So there may kind of be a feeling like Yes you didn't expect this but you're Also like what else is new universe like You're always throwing me these curved Balls the this is nothing I haven't seen Before life is always doing This and you really trust in your Ability to handle it and and I just I Think that's very beautiful and the fact That we have a queen here who is you Know the king and the queen they're the

Higher evolved Court cards there's Really a feeling of you coming out on Top coming out Victorious and ending up In a higher position in your career More respect is coming through first and Foremost more respect more Recognition more opportunities the Queen Of Wands also has a feeling of you Becoming uh more attractive to people More visible and more attractive to People meaning more people want to work With you more people want to hire you um More people want to collaborate with you More people want your input more people Want to be associated with you because That would make Them look good by association with you You are Becoming in demand you are becoming a Hot Topic someone may be covering a Story about You the story of your journey may be Documented and may be shared with others As Inspiration the next thing we're going To See what is coming your way next in your Career or in your creative Projects what is coming next for my Group number Twos we have this is the five of cups And we also Have the seven of Swords one thing that I did want to

Say is That just the fact that we have such Overwhelming major Arcana here and then We have this queen that looks grounded And Serene I think a big part of your Success in this stage in your career is How well you are able to Surrender to the waves of change and Surrender to the Divine interventions That are Unfolding and just flow with it because Fate is going to be playing a very big Role at this stage in your career as Soon as I saw the Five of Cups this also Made me thought think of an ending And I really do believe that deep down This was an ending that you wanted to Happen and that you knew would happen Someday but I think there's something About the timing of it so maybe it's Happening sooner than you thought or It's not happening in the way that you Thought or it's not happening on your Terms kind of thing that could make you Feel disappointed because there is a Feeling of upset and disappointment and And even a feeling of loss with the Five Of Cups but with this being a number Five card this is talking about a Significant change coming in your career I'm actually thinking of a card in a Different Oracle deck that I just got Recently and it's this character that Kind of looks like the Grim Reaper like

It's a skeleton with a with a hood and It says something on the card like death Is just one character I play my real Name is change So what might Feel like an ending in your career is Really just a transition to something Greater and it is very okay and very Valid to feel however you feel about This transition there it may feel like a Loss there may be some things or people Or a place that you are grieving in a Way and you may have conflicting Emotions because I feel like on one hand You longed to get out of your comfort Zone but then once you do get out of it You're like I kind of miss my comfort Zone and then you feel conflicted that You feel that Way But I think it's just important to not Lose sight of the fact that this is not Really an ending at all it it's just a Shift it kind of feels like yeah it kind Of feels like the death card like death Energy and on that note um Scorpio Season could be a significant time Because the death card is related to Scorpio the tower can be as well because It's related to Mars and the world can As well because the world has all of the Fixed signs on it So late October to late November could Be an important time but nothing is

Ending it's Just changing form So you will likely now that I say this You will likely be you know pursuing the Same goals and in the same Field that you were currently in or that You have always Wanted but maybe it's happening in a Different place maybe it's happening in A different way maybe it's happening With different People so it's not really an ending it's Just your shapeshifting in some way and You're evolving into something Greater and there may be a part of you That feels like you Miss you miss the old days that's what This five of cups feels like and there's A there's a yeah there's a conflicting Feeling here with the seven of Swords Almost like I'm looking at this Snake you may almost kind of feel like Your emotions are betraying you with Finger quotes because it's like I know That deep down this is what I always Wanted these are the changes that I Thought of Making so why do I feel like I've lost Something I'm moving in the direction That I always envision myself going that I always told myself I wanted to Go why do I feel sad about what once was I always thought I wanted to move on and Now that I am it feels I'm like I wonder

If I'm making a mistake or I wonder if This wasn't supposed to happen or just Just like sentimentally missing the old Way and that's okay I think every every Transition is Bittersweet and I think That you can simultaneously miss the old Way but also know that it's time to move On and that's not Like I don't really feel like that's Contradicting it's just you're holding Space for for two different emotions and They can be true at the same time And I Think it's kind of unfair to expect Yourself to have onedimensional Emotions you know like it's like you got What you wanted why are you upset it's Just it's not fair and it's not a kind Thing to say to yourself and it doesn't Allow space for your raw and Authentic human emotions and so I feel Like this seven of Swords it's like being confused about How you feel or again like feeling Betrayed by your emotions and I do think You might have these kind of mixed Feelings for the first while after this Transition but eventually it will the Truth will really settle with you that This was the right thing to happen this Is what was always meant to Happen and again I feel like surrender Is super important also realizing this Card is Scorpio too the Five of

Cups so lots of lots of Scorpio energy Going On it could also be like a person with Scorpio placements is significant Whether that's you or someone Else there's Scorpio energy here um Aquarius energy cancer Energy it would be interesting if some Of you Are Aquarius Risings because I think you would have a Scorpio mid heaven and that's Like your career Obviously that's not everyone but if you Had an aquarius rising and a Scorpio mid Heaven that would be kind of a cool [Music] Confirmation okay we are going to see What steps should you take Next what step should group number two Take Next what advice is there for group Number virtu moving Forward ah we have the six of Wands That's Beautiful this I love that Image I love this Deck then and then we have the Ace of Wands Okay very cool that we have the six of Wands because there was that message Coming through with the Queen of Wands About you being very attractive and Receiving more recognition and receiving

More respect and that is very much what The six of Wands talks about in this new Stage you could be gaining More Fame which you could be famous but I think I just mean that more people Know about you more people know about You more people are watching you more People are following what you do the World gives that feeling as well I just Heard thrust into this spot light so Some of you could be pursuing a larger Audience for some of you it could be Something that inadvertently happens It's like you were never trying to Pursue fame or trying to have a moment In the spotlight but it's just something That accidentally Happens which I don't know how Comfortable you feel with that but it it Does feel like many eyes are on you with This six of Wands And at the end of the day today I feel That this is Feeling very proud of yourself for how Far you've come and also for How you Handled these you handled these chaotic Times and you handled these abrupt Changes with Grace looking at this Rose to I think There's a sense of Pride that you feel With How even when your emotions were Confusing you never neglected

Them and you Always made space for the complexity of Your emotions you made space for your Sensitivity you made space for your Softness or this is advice to you moving Forward to create space for all of your Emotions and even in the midst of External circumstances that seem rough You soft and you honor your Softness and I definitely do see worldly Achievements and material achievements Coming your way but I think that when All is said and done what you will feel Most proud of it's it's about your Character you know it's not about how Many people follow you or how much money You made or how good of a reputation you Earned while those can be things that You are very proud of I think think that At the end of the day like if someone Were to ask you what are you most proud Of what are you most happy about in this Journey it would likely be about your Character development and I'm I'm proud That I trusted my gut I'm proud that I Trusted my intuition I'm proud that I Trusted the universe and surrendered to These Changes even when they were crazy and Even when times were uncertain and I'm Proud that I always made space for Any emotions that came up and I I Welcomed them and I I showed myself Compassion you will be proud of your

Character you'll be proud of how you Committed to loving yourself and Committed to believing in Yourself even the the Ace of Wands for Me this is Like being in sync with your higher Self and the number 61 very much feels Like like Selflove and your human self and your High yourself in this Beautiful reciprocal Relationship the things you're most Proud of it's your inner Journey it's Your spiritual journey and that's what Will inspire people the Most I do see you having many admirers But even your Admirers they don't admire you most for Your accomplishments or your reputation Or your your money or whatever it might Be they admire your Soul they Admire who you Are And the the phrase like separating the Art from the artist is coming to my mind And I think that when it comes to You this is kind of a weird message when It comes to you people will never have To do that because your work is so pure And your soul is so pure and it just Makes this beautiful package and for Those of you who are actually it doesn't Matter if you're creators or not but There was just a message that when

People get to know you as a Person when they understand who you are And when they understand your Journey it adds a whole new level of Appreciation to your work so let's say You were a Songwriter people could just listen to Your song and enjoy it because it's a Good song but if they knew knew who you Were as a person and they knew what you Went through and what that song was Referring to and like the lore behind it So to speak it would just make them love The song so much more and make them love You so much more it's just this Beautiful thing as like when I get to Know you as a person and know like where You come from and what you're all about It makes the work that you're doing so Much more meaningful and that goes even If you're not a Creator when people know The story of of how you got into this Field of work and what motivates you and Why you do it it's just like oh it's so Moving you are becoming this figure who Is moving and inspiring to many people That many people want to know About and so I think the advice for you Is just to Never I mean this is so so easy to say Never doubt yourself don't doubt Yourself don't betray yourself don't Abandon Yourself because it's your commitment to

Love and believe in yourself that is Going to be the most Inspiring and that you ultimately will Be the most proud of and what's going to Keep you grounded too because when you Have all of this recognition and Admiration if you don't have your like Firmly what is it firmly grounded Roots within your sense of self and Within your inherent sense of selfworth Earth it's easy to get swept away in all The praise and it's easy to get swept Away in people's uh projections of you But you always stay grounded and know Who you are and you don't get swept away In all the hype around you it's like You're Staying I really like the Queen of Wands In this deck because there's really a a More grounded sense to her you know the Queen of Wands is a ray of sunshine she Knows she's hot She knows she's beautiful and talented And amazing but there's just this very Grounded and down to earth and humble Feeling with this Queen of Wands and It's like you're staying humble you're Staying grounded you're staying Connected to yourself through this Honestly Whirlwind of a journey that You're about to go on in your career and Honestly you may not Feel that different after all of this Stuff happens

Externally I think you still feel like The same old You because of how grounded you are Because of how connected to your higher Self you are even if the world around You made a 180 you're Still you're still the same you like You're still Jenny From the Block is That kind of feeling um okay So now we are going to get into messages From your higher self with the cupid Says Oracle I would normally use these as Like channeled messages from your person But today your person is your higher Self so let's see what your higher self Has to say about this point in your Journey messages from group number two's Higher Self okay so we have two falling out and One of them fell on the floor So we Have the time is now and it still hurts Yeah so I feel like this is talking About that energy of Like having to having to step into a new Chapter before you Are before you're completely done with The old One so this also gives a feeling of like It feels like you don't really no you do You do get to Decide if you're going to move on or not

But there's a feeling of like the Universe comes knocking the universe Comes knocking with the new Chapter before you maybe feel 100% ready To step into it And you don't have to step into it the Universe can't force you to step into The new chapter but there is a feeling Of like if I don't go Now there may not be another chance Exactly like this one so I just have to Take this chance even though I'm not 100% ready and your higher self is Actually Saying let me let you in on a Secret you will never feel 100% Ready that's just your brain like it Will always try to like psych you Out when something new and unfamiliar Presents itself and so the fact that you May be scared or the fact that you may Be nervous it doesn't actually mean that You're not Ready even it's like at the point even When you're still feeling scared and Nervous that is actually when you are Ready and even just going back to that I Think it's one of the very first Messages in this reading about not being Sure when a work is done I feel like Sometimes sometimes it never feels Completely done because your again your Brain psyches you out of like oh you There could still be more things to

Tweak there could still be more things To improve and So you're your mind might try to tell You that you're not ready But your gut will know and sometimes That gap between what your gut is Telling you to do and what your mind is Screaming at you to do it can be painful And it can be [Music] Confusing so Being can you say being in your gut Maybe that sounds kind of weird but Being in your gut and and acting from Your gut will help you on this journey Even when it is Scary We have I want to Believe this is another Thing what you Might what you might label as wishful Thinking is actually revealing to you The true desires of your Soul and I would also say that maybe the Term wishful thinking has a negative Connotation like oh that's not really Going to happen but but what the heck Let your soul wish let your soul wish Let your soul Long when your soul has a deep Longing I truly believe it is because Somewhere out there there exists a Timeline line where you have that thing Or you are doing that thing if if you

Can perceive of it there is a timeline That exists where you have it or where You are doing it or where you are Experiencing it and why would you not Allow yourself to believe and allow Yourself to Wish that's what your soul wants to do Your soul wants to dream and your soul Wants to be optimistic And this will really help you go with Your Gut because when these opportunities Present Themselves as much as your mind might Scream at you that like this is scary We're not Ready the reason you will go for it is Because deep down your soul wants to Believe that this is Possible so I would actually say like to Pay attention to what you might call Your wishful thinking Because it's revealing the deepest Desires of your soul and it's actually a Very effective guide for You if you want to believe in it then You you can believe in it you can make It Happen oh interesting we also have this Has this happened before Deja Vu So gut Feelings what you might refer to as Wishful thinking but it's actually your Higher self speaking to you in addition

To this any weird feelings of deja vu That you have could Also are also worth paying attention To that's your your higher Self um what do you call it your higher Self Indicating uh I feel like there's a an Expression that I'm trying to think of But whatever um that's your soul Indicating that this situation is Important the reason you may be feeling Deja Vu is because this very Moment like we talked about this before Your Incarnation we sat in the writer's room We watched a simulation of it we planned This very Event so when you're in it and you're Experiencing it especially because you Do have such a strong connection to your Higher self you might get weird feelings Of deja vu during moments that are that Are Faded okay so now we are going to use Our final deck which is the creatives Compass Oracle and we are going to see What your spiritual Team has to Say What does group number two spiritual Team want to let them know we have Creative marination the buildup is hard Sometimes find something to do but don't Cut yourself off

Completely so this definitely feels Like a period Of immense Growth I'm also thinking of Like letting the universe cook I think Just the word marination is making me Think of that so the universe like we've Seen will probably be introducing some Abrupt changes into your life and I Think there's a piece of advice to not Be which I think you're going to do an An amazing job at this because of your Ability to trust and surrender but to Not jump to conclusions about what this Change means Or what this change is going to bring And to just give the universe time to Like to fully let the events Unfold there may also be Uncomfortable periods where like you're Waiting to hear back from someone and You don't know what the result is going To be and there's this feeling of like Oh my gosh the weight is killing me um And it will be important in those times To again surrender it is what it is like I'm just waiting for a response now There's nothing I can do at this point To control the Outcome so worrying about this is not Going to be productive and let me find Something else to Do we also have this makes a lot of Sense

Versatility diversity is a strength not A weakness a painter does not just use One paintbrush or color the writer has More than one Muse so your spiritual Team also wants you to know that there Are Multiple multiple ways in which you can Fulfill your life purpose multiple ways In which you can utilize your talents Multiple ways in which you can find Success and this next chapter of your Career might be Bringing more diversity To the projects that you're involved in To your daily tasks to your skills and Talents that you're using I feel like You're definitely Wearing more than one hat you're doing a Lot of different things and so you know The universe at the start of the reading We talked about how the universe may be Asking of you to be more flexible but I Also just think in this next stage of Your career you are also being granted More flexibility to express yourself in Different ways or to take on different Roles And while I do think you have a strong Sense of what what living your life Purpose looks like and what that entails It also might Look slightly different than what you Had in mind there's a feeling with Versatility you may have more gifts than

You realize or kind of the way it's Coming through is that what you may have Considered as a secondary gift of yours Could actually end up being a primary Gift so what I mean by that is you might Have this idea of yourself this skill is What I'm really really good at this is My main skill and then I have these Other things that I'm kind of good at These are like my side skills and Something that you had always identified As a side skill of yours like a a Secondary skill to your main big one Could actually end up being one of your Strongest gifts the one that ends up Really being developed and I think that You'll surprise yourself with the types Of projects you get involved in And how something you thought was just Like oh I'm just casually talented at That you're actually very very talented You just needed the right opportunity to See it so yeah I see you involved in a Lot of diverse things and and I see that Being something that is very that is Very fun for you but that also requires Surrender cuz I think something you will Be the main challenge in this stage of Your career is to not give in that voice That says you're not ready you're not Ready for that or like you're not Qualified for that um and to just trust And to just dive into it And prepare to be amazed by how your

Gifts just just wake up and shine Beautifully it's an expansive time for Sure so group number two these are all The messages I have for you so I'm going To end your reading here thank you so Much for letting me do this reading for You and once again thank you so much to Tarot stack for collaborating with me For providing these beautiful decks to Us and thank you so much the creators of These decks I absolutely love using your Decks and it's such an honor and I I Love how they all work so well together So I'm going to have all of these decks Linked down below if there's one in Particular that you feel called to you Can see every card in the deck on tarot Stack's website and remember for these Tarot stack publish decks you can get 10% off using the code Kino thank you Very much tarot stack and I hope you Guys have a wonderful day or night Whenever you are watching and I wish you All the best please take good care of Yourself stay healthy don't forget to Like comment and subscribe if you feel Like doing that if you enjoy my content And you'd like to find me elsewhere I'm Going to have linked down below my tarot Reading Instagram my personal Instagram My patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pig card readings Just like this one and you can also Decide on topics for future

Readings this topic that we did today Actually was a a very popular suggestion Over on patreon but we ended up doing it Here so if you want to leave your Suggestions and get exclusive content we Have a lovely community over there um I Will link that down below I will also Link my music channel which includes the Intro song of this video that is an Original song I'll have my latest Release link down below as well and Finally my Vlog Channel and my merch Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video thank you Guys so so much for supporting me my Channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here and I'm sending so much love to you to Anyone who appeared in this reading Directly or indirectly and I'm sending Lots of love to your higher self your Spirit guides your spiritual team and All of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one Bye-bye hi number threes so if you guys Chose the Amrine this is going to be Your reading so these are the Decks that We are going to be using today we are Going to start off with the live at the Ghost tarot for the main messages about Your career journey and what is next for You then for the messages from your Higher self we're going to be using the

Cupid says Oracle and then finally for The messages from your spiritual team We're going to be using the creatives Compass Oracle and all three of these Decks that we are using today have been Kindly provided by our sponsor tarot Stack if you are a frequent Watcher of My channel you have definitely heard me Speak about tarot stack many times we Love Tarot stack here on this channel But just in case you haven't heard of Them before they are an online shop that Carries a huge selection of Indie tarot And Oracle decks and their selection is Always growing you can browse from all Different creators all different styles Of decks all in one place and I often Talk about how wonderful tarot stack is As a supporter and also a participant in Our tarot Community with 50% of their Profits going towards funding Indie Tarot and Oracle deck projects and in Fact all of the Decks that we're going To be using today are published by tarot Stack so they teamed up with Indie tarot And and Oracle deck creators and helped Them create or revamp their decks and Get them printed and published and Marketed and out there into the world For all of us who need their messages so I'm so excited to be using these decks Today I'm also so excited to see what Decks they'll create in the future but I'm going to have all of these linked

Down below so if there's one in Particular that you resonate with and You want to check it out you can see Every card in the deck on tarot Stock's Website and for these decks which are Published by tarot stock you can get a 10% discount using the code Kino so Thank you so much Taro stock I'm so Excited to use these decks today and Without further Ado let's get into it so We're going to start with the live at The ghost Tarot to see your current and future Energies in your career and in your Creative projects if there's a Particular project that you are focused On right now or a particular goal that You would like to hear about just keep This in your mind as I'm Shuffling and let's get into it my group Number three is what is the current Energy of your job or of your project What are the current Energies We are starting with the page of Wands exciting and let's get one More and we have the Moon Okay so let's start with this page of Wands because we have a page here if you Chose this group it's likely that you Are at the start of a New Journey in Your career or you are in the early Stages of a project or you are about to Start something new the page represents

New beginnings and it's Also The it's the first of the Court cards It's like the least evolved or the least Developed so this could be an indication That you are like stepping into a Beginner energy or you're just at the Start of a New Journey and you're not Sure where it's going to lead yet but This is something that is Exciting we don't know where this Journey is going to lead but it's coming Through in more of a way of like there's Infinite possibilities and infinite Potential and that's something that is Very exciting it's also very likely that This new journey is going to allow you Or encourage you to step into your Creative Energy so for those of you who Are creatives you do something creative For a living or you are aspiring to do That this new journey is going to have You very inspired and coming up with all Kinds of new ideas and there's something That feels like new and fresh about what You are doing so for for example if you Are an author this would be like you're Starting a new book and you're so Excited and you you don't know exactly What the storyline from start to finish Is going to be yet but you just got hit With this new idea and you can't wait to Develop it and see where it leads so It's that kind of feeling of like I

Don't know where this is going to go but I'm just really excited about this Initial idea that I have um this could Also be regardless of what field you are In uh you're starting a new job and You're in like an entry level position Or there's just so much that you don't Know about this job or there's so much You don't know about this field yet but You can't wait to learn I think I really Want to emphasize that the unknowns here It's not something that makes you Anxious it's something that makes you Excited because you're like I can't wait To discover um I can't wait to discover What this is going to lead to I can't Wait to see how I'm going to develop my Gifts I can't can't wait to see what the Finished product is going to be like It's it's really that kind of vibe and Even with the moon as well this is pisci And energy which is is very creative I'm Hearing no rules as well like there's Something about this new project or this New job where there's literally no rules Like you can do whatever you want or You're stepping into a new environment Where there's less restrictions you have More freedom to Explore and you can make something Whatever you want it to be whatever You're doing or whatever you're creating There's maybe not like a very strict Structure to it and so you have a lot of

Freedom to to be original and to come up With your own Ideas this could also be indicating that Pisces season is going to be an Important time which now that I think About it when this video is up we're Actually going to be coming to the end Of Pisces season but the next time Pisces season comes around uh could be a Significant time so that's late February To late March one thing that the moon Card is actually making me think these Two cards together gives me the vibe of Someone who is so passionate and so in The flow and into what they're doing That they end up staying up until like Like the we hours of the morning and not Because you have to but just because Like you get so into what you're doing And then you look at the time and it's Like 3:00 a.m. and you're like oh my Gosh where did the time go you could Also be getting inspiration at very Random times you could be in bed about To fall asleep and all of a sudden You're like oh my gosh this idea is Amazing I need to get out of bed and Write it down or like I need to go and Work on it right away so this level of Passion and excitement and creative Ideas coming in it could make your Sleeping schedule a little bit irregular Because it's like when the inspiration Hits you just have to go for it this

Could also be indicating that you get Inspiration through your dreams so you Have a really Vivid dream and then you Wake up and you have to immediately Write down the dream so you don't forget Because it had some message in it about Something that you're meant to create or What the next step is for you or it Could also be that you've had dreams About being in this role you've had Dreams about having this job and now it Is coming true but I also really like And this is the first group where you Have a mixture of major Arcana and minor Arcana and so there's this beautiful Feeling of you co-creating with the Universe but more that the universe is Following your lead and I'm actually Realizing that that's reflected in how These came out you are this page of Wands and you are leading and this major Arcana represents that the universe is Following and it literally looks like That like I'm going this way universe Come with me and so this is really a Period where the universe is going to Work in your favor and I want to say the Ball is in your court like you decide What you want to create you decide what You want to do and the universe will Literally rearrange itself to manifest Whatever your vision is this is a very Exciting time and I want to say the more Sure of yourself you

Are the smoother things will Go because this is a stage where you are Taking initiative about what you want to Make this is not really the time To be passive and be like Universe what Should I do the universe is waiting for You you to make the first steps and then It will arrange itself based on what Your vision is or what your desire Is I also think with this page here That embracing a beginner mind is Important and that doesn't necessarily Mean that you're a beginner in what you Do but just embracing the truth that There's always something more for me to Learn and seeing the excitement in that Like when I learn new things it's Exciting and not seeing it as like a Like beating yourself up that oh my gosh I still have so much to learn it's more Like how exciting is it that I I've been In this field for so long and I'm still Learning new things like oh it's just so Amazing like the learning never ends and I'm always finding new ways to do things Really approach ing it from the mind of An artist regardless of what your work Is like I'm not trying to prove myself About how good I am at something or how Much I deserve to be in this field That's a very rigid way of looking at it And and kind of a boring way of looking At it to be honest like I'm just here to Experience this field and to observe it

And to learn from it and to have fun With It okay so so in the next part we are Going to See your gifts so this could be new Gifts that you are developing in this Stage of your career or it could be Existing gifts that you are Using what gifts is group number three Developing what gifts are they using at This time so we have the eight of Swords And we have the Knight of Pentacles Which I think is very interesting that In this deck it is represented as a Child because what I wanted to say with The eight of Swords is I think a gift That you're developing at this time is Just going for it and not holding Yourself Back I feel like you guys maybe healing From and moving out of an energy where You held yourself back from trying Things or you held yourself back from Speaking up because you were afraid of Being wrong you were afraid of having a Bad idea you were afraid what if I sound Dumb what if this idea is weird what if What if my idea doesn't work what if I Make a mistake and now it's like you're Moving into a new energy where you Embrace all of those things and that's It's really like going back to being a Child like when you're a small child you

Don't you're not like I want to walk but What if I fall down you just try it and You fall down a bunch of times and That's how you learn to walk and when You're a small child you say Grammatically incorrect sentences and You spell words wrong and and that's Okay like we Embrace that as a part of Learning but I feel like when we get Older we put this pressure on ourselves Of like I have to know how to do Everything perfectly now and I think That this mindset has been blocking you From a lot of really cool and fun Experimentation your spiritual team Really wants you to get into this energy Of like there are no rules you're Allowed to make all the mistakes no one Is testing in you right now like no one Is evaluating you no one's judging you As hard as your inner critic might be Judging you and just letting Yourself learn through making Mistakes I can use myself as an example For this because when I was learning Japanese I would not say anything if I Thought maybe this is Wrong and that actually I think impeded My learning and made it it took a lot Longer for me to learn than I think it It had to if I had just let myself say Things wrong and let myself get Corrected that would have been a much Better learning experience than putting

This weird pressure like what what the Heck I'm not a native speaker why is There pressure that I need to say Everything correctly but I would hold Myself back from participating in so Many conversations Or like trying to practice because I was Like what if I say something unnatural What if I say something awkward and it's Like yeah that's kind of the point like You have to you have to feel your way Through it but I think there was this Sense of perfectionism and taking myself So seriously and putting these standards On myself that actually worked against Me because if your goal is to learn you Have to put yourself in situations where You can learn and if you hold your Tongue and just hold yourself back You're not going to learn anything and Even I'm also thinking like for example A Musician in order to learn how to make a Good song you have to be okay with Making a lot of bad songs and it's it's Through those bad songs that you will Figure out what works and and I feel Like you've been in this energy where You're not even allowing yourself that Grace of making bad things or of making Mist mistakes because it's like Everything must be a testament to how Good I am and if I make something bad or If I do something wrong or if I have an

Idea that's not perfect it means that I'm it like you feel like it discredits You And the irony I think is that people you May look up to who you think like oh my Gosh they're so good at this they're so Perfect probably got there through Making a lot of bad stuff maybe maybe You didn't see it but behind the Scenes they're allowing themselves to Make these mistakes and they're staying In this beginner mindset and it's like Ironically staying in this beginner Mindset is how you Reach expert Hood expert level advanced Level and not taking yourself too Seriously and that's why I think it's so Important that this Knight of Pentacles Is being portrayed as a child I feel Like that's the energy your spiritual Team is encouraging you to embody and The Knight of Pentacles it has this Feeling of commitment to your Craft and slowly but surely moving Forward this is like your higher self Who is leading You but and the universe is leading too But in order for the results to follow It's like you have to get through this Eight of Swords which is like doubting Yourself and holding yourself back Interesting so that's the gift you're Developing is Fearlessness Fearless

Experimentation and not letting your ego Get in the way of Important learning Experiences The the biggest blockage to Reaching to reaching Perfection is Feeling like you already have to be Perfect or maybe I should say Mastery cuz we're never really perfect The biggest blockage to your Mastery is Is putting the pressure on yourself that You already have to be a Master okay so we are going to see what Is coming your way Next what is coming next in group number Three's Career We have the Six of Swords which I'm very Happy to see that because that means Things are getting easier your outlook Is improving your self-perception is Improving your mental health is Improving while this feels Like ideas are blocked and communication Is blocked this feels feels like they're Flowing Smoothly also I feel like every group so Far has had some kind of message of Travel are we all collectively traveling And Moving this could also be the Six of Swords could just be you changing your Environment because there is you know There is a feeling of moving on to more

Peaceful Waters with the Six of Swords which which I do think is very Much happening mentally for you like You're going on a mental journey to a More peaceful state of Mind but some of you could be going on Like a retreat for creatives or some Kind of trip for creatives or or you Could be going To a class or attending a session that Promotes Meditation or something of that Nature but this could also be talking About you being in a new environment That is more Encouraging because if you have been Very hard on yourself and you have had Perfectionistic tendencies That could have been a result of your Environment and what was expected from You in that environment or or the people Around you and how they talked to you or You observing how people around you talk To themselves like if you're surrounded By people who are really hard on Themselves you may internalize that oh That's how I'm supposed to be towards Myself and so this could actually be you Moving into a new environment that where There's less pressure where the people Around you are in general more easygoing But also are kinder to themselves and Also more Vulnerable because I feel

Like I feel like you've been exposed to People whether this is in person or Virtually I feel like you've been Exposed to people who Only put their best foot forward who Only show the shiny Perfect final Product And there's new people in your Surroundings who kind of show Everything they show the good days and The bad days and they don't just show The final product they show everything That it took to get There so you could be moving into a new Workplace where people are more honest About the mistakes they've made oh like Yeah it's okay that that's really hard For me too oh yeah that took me a Million tries to get it or people who Are honest about like I'm just not Feeling it today I'm feeling I'm not Feeling inspired I'm not feeling very Confident in my abilities today just to Kind of Normalize the imperfections of this Journey and toing like to decrim ize Them because it's like we really make it Feel like not being perfect is a crime And and making a mistake is like gasp It's it's a disaster when it's actually Very normal this could also Be people that you are like following Online or an online community where you Know they're not just sharing highly

Edited versions of themselves or of what They do But they're also Showing their bad days or showing the More human side so you Know you entering into an energy where You're not holding yourself back anymore I think it is very much an internal Journey but it's also a journey that is Facilitated by what you see in the world Around you and who is around you and I Think moving into an environment that Just in general is more gentle and Kinder and also just more realistic will Be will be very helpful for [Music] You I just have this feeling Of you working with someone or working With people who maybe are more skilled Than you or who have been in the field Longer than you But they don't make you Feel I guess they don't make you feel Inferior and that's because they are Very secure and they don't feel like They need to to prove anything and and I Kind of wonder if in the past you had Been working with people who are above You in the sense of like they have more Experience they have more knowledge but It's like they never let you forget it Like I almost like they want to feel like They're better than you and any chance

They get feel like they're smarter than You and I just feel like you have more Secure people around you Who like yes you may be in this beginner Level but that's where they came from Too so it wouldn't it wouldn't make Sense for them to judge where you're at When that's also somewhere they have Been like and Just I just feel like you're going to be More Supported what else do we have what's Coming next for my group number Threes The Three of Wands both of these Cards can indicate travel and group Number one got this as well and group Number two had the world I think like There's these kind of travel or moving Messages coming up for all of the groups And maybe it's just that every group has People who are going to be moving or Relocating uh I just think I think for Most of you who chose this group this is Indicative of you being in a different Environment and also in a different Culture like you being in a different Workplace culture or being in an online Community where the culture is very Different like it's a lot more accepting And there's less ego and less Competition and everyone is just very Everyone is just very Genuine I don't know what it is it could Even be like same

Field like the same field but a Different Position you move to a different Department in the same company and You're like whoa everyone's way nicer Here like what's going on or you you go To a branch in a different city and You're like wait you guys are super Chill like I thought it was the culture That was that was stifling but everyone In this city is super chill or like I Don't know you go from writing this Genre of Novel to this genre of Novel And why are all this genre novel people So awesome it's like just a different Environment a different culture where You feel yeah you feel more supportive And there's more there's more Opportunity for growth and Expansion these two energies are So Opposite because this is like Constricting this eight of swords and This is growth The Three of Wands it's Growth and expansion and I love that the Three of Wands is represented by like Vines or by a plant because that's Nature it's in our nature to grow and Expand and what stops us from growth is The swords it's this man-made thing it's This fabricated thing it's a story that We have to keep repeatedly telling Ourselves otherwise we would just Naturally grow and expand it actually

Takes a lot of Energy to hold ourselves back and to Make ourselves smaller and it's actually In our nature to grow and grow and Grow this is maybe a bad analogy but It's kind of like you're a weed you will Just naturally take root and Contin Continue to grow and continue to Spread and if you haven't gone through This growth yet it's because you've Actively had to keep cutting yourself Down and actively keep holding yourself Back and when you stop doing that I Think you'll be surprised at how Quickly you can Grow so growth is next but also Relief relief of not having to put this This stifling pressure on yourself Anymore and being supported by those Around You okay so now we are going to get Advice for what next steps you should Take what are the next steps for group Number three to Take The Ace of Wands which yeah page of Wands and Ace Of Wands is very clearly like a new Exciting Beginning new creative job new creative Project there's also a feeling with the Ace of Wands Of Coming out of a slump coming out of you

Know coming out of a rut coming out of a Funk coming out of a stagnant and dull Energy and feeling like life is bright And vibrant and excited Again I think you need to like get out Of a Routine get out of doing the same things Every day and you know with this these Travel messages it might just be that Some of you are encouraged to go on a Little trip and it doesn't have to be Super far away but just to get out of Your regular setting for those of you Who are feeling creative blocks it may Really help to just go somewhere else Even if it's like rather than sitting Down to work in your living room you go To a cafe or you go to the library or You go to the park like it doesn't have To be you know a crazy trip where you Spend a bunch of money but just putting Yourself in a different environment I feel like is Very Important what else what advice do you Have also just checking in with your Higher self more often if you're already Doing this Often then you're doing something right But even just like once a day just Sitting down and hey higher self how's It going Because your higher self is not the one Who is being mean to you I can say that

For Sure your higher self is so kind and Forgiving and sweet and Cheerful and Encouraging and just checking in and Remembering like to just sit with your Higher self let your higher self's Energy fill you up and take note of how It feels how it's warm and bright and Expansive so that when these Self-doubting thoughts do hit you can Recognize like that's not my higher Self yeah making it a daily practice to And you don't have to even say anything Specific to your higher self just take a Moment to sit and breathe and and just Let them come in and fill up your whole Body We also have the Five of Cups you have two cards that also Appeared in group number two's Reading and this one appeared in group Number On's Anyway Um the five of cups as Advice I Wonder okay it's funny because When I was talking about connecting with Your higher Self there Was a little Whisper of like you should Connect with your inner critic too but I Didn't say it and now this card is Here so I do think there's also advice

To connect with your inner critic to Connect with the Voice who is being mean To you because You know this is a card that often we Would see spilled cups we would see some Kind of Disappointment and while your inner Critic might not have the best ways of Going about it what they really are Trying to Do is protect you from some kind of Disappointment or protect you from Rejection Um I'm just seeing those cups in the Five of Cups card how some of them are Spilled and some of them are Not And there's this feeling of we've Spilled cups before and I just want to Make sure that we don't that we don't Spill the remaining ones that we do have I just want to make sure that we don't Make this worse it's like your higher Self is really coming from a place of Creativity and exploration and Expansion Whereas the inner critic it feels like They're in an energy of disaster Prevention or what they feel is a Disaster and it's funny that I was using That wording before of like oh my gosh You made a mistake what a disaster like It's a crime I was using very dramatic Words and I feel like your inner critic

Does think that they are preventing some Kind of Disaster that will happen if you are Wrong or if you make a mistake or if you You make something that is not the most Masterpiece they really think they're Protecting you and so I think in the Same way that you sit with your higher Self and recognize what that feels Like it may also be helpful To ask your inner critic what their Motivations are and what they are trying To protect you from I don't know if you Guys will resonate with this as well but As I talk about this When I talk about connecting with your Higher self it feels like an expansive Feeling in my Belly when I talk about the inner critic It feels like a tightening feeling in my Chest it may be different for you but Perhaps Noticing where it is in your body what It feels Like and even asking yourself my friend Actually taught me this Like finding out where it is and it Might actually be outside of your body When you ask yourself where is my inner Critic you might feel like oh it's on It's above my head or it's behind me Slightly to the right it's um in front Of me but you may be able to kind of Position where it is and what it feels

Like and even when is the first time I Felt this Way um when I Was doing a presentation in elementary School and I I said a word wrong and Everybody laughed at me and said I was Dumb and how can you not know that word Or just an example obviously But or like when was the first time I Felt this uh what is it uninhibited Joy When my higher self was was dancing Through Me cuz maybe you can find out what your Inner critic is trying to protect you From and ease their worries and you can Also find out what makes your higher Self excited and and what you want to Pursue more Of okay so next we are going to get some Messages from your higher self using the Cupid says Oracle group number three's higher self What do you have to say to Group number three okay she oh sorry she Fell on the floor and then I knocked you Guys a little bit uh [Music] Okay oh I'm going to cry you are Incredible do you know That enough Said that really hit me in the feelings After everything we just talked about we Have no more secrets so this also feels Like being very open and being

Very Vulnerable sorry I feel like I knocked This kind of or maybe it was never Completely centered to begin with but Yeah this feels like complete openness And Vulnerability ooh I think about us a Lot Your higher Self I think about us a Lot I think this is letting you know That not just your higher self actually But your spiritual team are always There they're always there with you your Guides are always there with you they Are always available to talk to they are Always Listening if you feel like they're not There it's an illusion they are always Always there with You and with no more secrets as well I Feel like your higher self is telling You that like I am you and you are me And I I know what you truly Desire it's like you can't lie to me Because because I am you and you also Can't lie to your Spirit guides because They can read your energy and they know What it is that you truly want I wonder If you guys Have a Desire that you try to downplay or that You're kind of shy about and they're Like don't be shy you can tell

Us we already know we already know what It is and I wonder if for some of you it Has to do with another person or other People like if there's someone that you Really want to meet or someone you Really want to work with uh someone you Have feelings for or a community that You really want to be a part Of and maybe it feels silly to wish for That maybe you feel like oh but that's Not that's not really Important like I keep using like writers As an example but maybe there's like a Really Famous a really famous author in the Same genre as you and you're like oh I Wish that one day they would read my Book or I wish that I could meet them One day and then and then another part Of you is like let's settle down that's Not the main point of what we're doing Here and your higher self and your Guides are Like we think about it too you know like You I guess it's like you're allowed to Have wishes that are just that would Just make you happy it doesn't Necessarily have to be oh because this Is this will further my growth because This is in alignment with my purpose Because this will serve the collective Those are all wonderful things but you Are also allowed to wish for things just Because it would make you happy and you

Don't have to feel like that is Frivolous or not important or not the Point because you know what you being Happy is the point and and you getting What you want is the point and serving The collective and furthering your spir Spiritual growth is also the point and Those two things can be true at once and So It's really just about not holding Yourself back and that also goes for Your for your desires and for your Manifestations there's like yeah it's Just coming through there's like a Special connection a special person or Special People and your guides are like we see How you truly feel don't be Shy don't be shy we can we can pursue This connection we can aspire to this Connection we can do it the universe is Following your lead so I feel like this Also became messages from your spiritual Team but let's let's get into our Creatives Compass deck now and see what Other messages your spiritual team has For You creative Seasons creative expression Has its Seasons Winter may seem like a Void but there is no Endless Summer Recover hibernate prepare spring thaws You out that is so cool cuz we got a Message about you coming out of a funk And coming out of a rut I feel like your

Spring is coming like with this page With this Ace you have been in a winter Season and your spring is coming now and I think there's something about not Attaching a moral value to what season Of life you're in so when you're in Winter you're not you don't have less Worth and when you're in Spring you Don't have more worth they're just Seasons they just come and go so you Know feel this spring season coming and Get excited about it and also know that Winter is going to come again and that's Okay winter comes and it's meant to come And one day you will be meant to slow Down and be more in a reflective mode And more in a planning mode and then the Next spring will come again and it's Like I think it's just about Appreciating every season and not you Know some Seasons you're going to be More productive some Seasons you're Going to be less productive Um some Seasons you're going to be more Like successful in a worldly way or Busier and sometimes you're going to be Less so and that's natural and all of Your seasons are worthy and you maintain The same worth throughout all of the Seasons and also it's important to not Well you shouldn't compare any of your Seasons to other people's but especially To not compare your winter to someone Else's spring or summer because I feel

Like Society wants to be in an Endless Summer wants to be always on the up and Up always inspired always productive Always full of energy that's what we Tend to Value which is unfair and Inaccurate but then when we're in a fall Or winter Season we tend to compare where where We're at to someone else's summer and That is just very harmful especially When said Person does not show their winter some People are really out here pretending That their life is an Endless Summer and I don't judge them because if that's if That's the pressure that's put on you if That's what's expected of you then you Might fall into that temptation of Performing an Endless Summer but it's a good thing that your New culture or your new environment that You're in we're honest we're open about The seasons that we're going Through this winter is a little hard Guys this this winter is a bit longer Than I expected but I know that it can't Last Forever we also have that makes so much Sense too creative Connection meeting yourself in another And or in your work communion Collaboration quiet collectives exist They are wonderful for your soul oh I Love that just such a beautiful

Confirmation of the lovely connections Coming your Way of perhaps a specific connection That you are Manifesting there's something about Quiet Collectives I think you're in a Community Where people mind their own business and Stay stay in their Lane and focus on Themselves and it's just so it's just so Peaceful and I think there's also Something here About I'm just thinking about social Media the internet and how usually it's People who have like extreme views who Are the Loudest you know like I'm thinking let's Say you shared something you shared your Work The the majority of people who think This is fine nothing wrong with this This person is expressing themselves That's usually the majority that doesn't Comment and it's like the 1% who are Going to be weird and rude and Judgmental that comment and then it Creates this bias that like oh a bunch Of people think what I'm doing is is Invalid no most people are completely Fine they have no problem they're Minding their own business but those are The people who don't say anything so Maybe just keep in mind

That what you hear or the people who are Like really vocal don't represent the Majority I think there's a message there And I also just think there's a message Of you staying Lowkey with your Circle moving in Silence like Lasagna I think that's a little Wayne Lyric Real G's move in silence like Lasagna but is the G really silent it Has it it makes the ne sound anyway Group number three these are all the Messages I have for you so I'm going to End your reading here thank you so much For letting me do this reading for you And thank you so much to tarot stack for Providing these beautiful decks and Thank you so much to the creators of These decks for your amazing and Inspiring work it is such an honor to Use your decks and I love how these go Together I'm going to have all of these Decks linked down below if there's one In particular that you would like to Check out you can see every card in the Deck on tarot Stock's website and you Can also get 10% off any of these tarot Stock published decks with the code Kino thank you so much again for letting Me do this reading for you I hope you Have a wonderful day or night whenever You're watching and I wish you all the Best please take take good care of

Yourself stay healthy don't forget to Like comment and subscribe if you feel Like doing that if you enjoy my content And you like to find me elsewhere I'm Going to have linked down below my tarot Reading Instagram my personal Instagram My patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like this one and you can also Decide on topics for future readings This topic actually was a very popular Suggestion over on patreon but we ended Up doing it here on YouTube so if you'd Like to make suggestions and get access To the exclusive content we have a Lovely community over There I am also going to link my music Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I'll Also have my latest release link down Below and finally my Vlog Channel and my Merch which features the floating Temple That was at the start of this video Thank you guys so much for supporting me My channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here here And I'm sending so much love to you to Anyone who appeared in this reading Directly or indirectly and I am sending Love to your higher self your Spirit Guides your spiritual team and all of Your loved ones both here on Earth and In the other Realms and I will see you Guys in the next one

Bye-bye High number Fours High number fours so if you guys Chose the celis D this is going to be a Reading so these are the Decks that We're going to be using today for the Main messages about your career journey And where you're headed we're going to Be using the live at the ghost tarot Then for the messages from your higher Self we're going to use the cupid says Oracle and finally for the messages from Your spiritual team we're going to be Using the creatives compass Oracle and All three of these Decks that we're Going to be using today have been kindly Provided by our sponsor tarot stack if You are a frequent watcher of my channel You have definitely heard me talk about Tarot stock many times before we love Tarot stock here on this channel but for Those of you who have not heard of them Yet they are an online shop that carries A huge selection of Indie tarot and Oracle decks their selection is always Growing you can browse decks from Different creators different styles all In one place and I love the support and Love that they show for our community With 50% of of their profits going Towards funding Indie tarot and Oracle Deck projects and in fact all of the Decks that you see here are tarot stock Published so they teamed up with the Creators of these decks and helped them

To create or revamp their decks and get Them printed and published and marketed And out there into the world for those Of us who needed to receive their Messages I'm so excited to use these Decks together today I'm so excited to See future tarot stock projects I'm Going to have all of these linked down Below so if there's one in particular That you feel called to you can check Out every card in the deck on tarot Stack's website to get a closer look at It and if you would like to purchase any Of these tarot stock published decks Today you can get a 10% discount using The code Kino thank you so much Tera Stack I love you it's a pleasure to work With you again and without further Further Ado let's get into it so we're Going to start off with the Beautiful Live at the ghost tarot and we are going To check on the current and future Energies of your career Journey now if There is a particular goal that you're Currently focused on or a particular Project that you have in mind that you Would like guidance on just keep this in Your mind as I'm Shuffling My group number Fours the first thing we want to see is The energy of your current job or your Current Project we have the ace of cups and I am

Noting that this came out fairly Quickly And then we have the Two of Pentacles Okay starting with the ace of cups right Away for those of you who have a Specific wish with regards to your Career or a specific wish with regards To a project that you're working on This ace of cups is so clearly a sign That this wish is going to be Fulfilled not only is it going to be Fulfilled but it is going to make you Just as happy as you are imagining if Not more so you are very much on the Right track with the things that you are Pursuing or the things that you Invision For yourself and another thing that is Coming Through is that How do I word this it's like if there's Any Negatives that you feel could be Associated with this wish coming True those negatives are not going to Happen or they're not going to be as big Of a deal as you might Worry and I guess what I mean by that is You know in life nothing is all good and Nothing is all bad and so you might have In your head like yeah I really want to Make this wish come true I really want To achieve this goal but I also think That there might be some some bad things Or some hard things or some challenges

That come with that and I feel like You've made peace with that you're like I want this for for all the blessings And all the challenges it brings me for All the good and all the bad and I feel Like what this ace of cups is saying is That whatever negative or challenging Aspect you may be expecting from this Wish coming True is not going to be that way like it Is going to be overwhelmingly positive And peaceful like a lot of the stresses That you might be expecting to come from This thing entering your life it is Really not going to be that stressful That's kind of how it's coming through I Hope that makes sense um the ace of cups Can talk about falling in love and I Love to see that in a career reading Because it means that you truly are in Love with what you do and the ace of Cups also makes me think of selflove in Particular and I think something that's Really lovely about what you're doing is That when you are doing it you really Feel like Yourself you know you don't have to like Put on a work face so to speak to go and Do what you have to do or like mask or Hide certain parts of yourself it feels Like a job or a project that comes very Naturally to you like you are in your Element you are like a fish in Water yes and with this Two of Pentacles

Here this does often especially in a Career reading make me think of having Multiple projects going on for those of You who have two things or multiple Things that you want to do maybe you Have multiple projects that you're Interested in um multiple things that You're passionate About with Proper time management and with the Proper support you can absolutely do Both or all of the things that you are Thinking of so you are not I don't Really see you in a position where you Are pressured to choose one or the other If anything you may have to choose which One do I want to focus on first but You can absolutely do any and all things That you want to do like I often see the Two of Pentacles as someone who is Juggling multiple Projects and is like multitasking and It's funny cuz we just had that message About something that you think could be Hard or stressful is not going to be so Much so for those of you who are Pursuing two projects at a time or Working two jobs at a time or something Of that Nature there's a feeling that it's not Going to be as stressful as you might Imagine you might find that once you get The hang of it the balance is Actually relatively easy so we have some

Really nice energy here to start off we Are going to See your gifts next so this could be new Gifts that you are developing as a Result of this current job or project or This could be existing gifts that you Are Using Which of group number Four's gifts are Coming Out so this is the nine of Wands And now I'm seeing that some of you guys Have Been quite patient for this wish to come True and have had to really keep going When it seemed like the odds were Against you And we have the fool beautiful okay So with this nine of Wands yes this is What gave me the feeling of having to Hang in there having to be patient Having to keep Believing it is it is a challenging Energy I feel like Whatever this wish is that you are Realizing it has likely not been an easy Journey and so with that being said I do Hope that this reading can bring some Comfort because I do see that once this Wish comes in life in general is going To get much easier but you do have a Gift of resilience you do have a gift of Endurance and you have a gift of

Patience of there's a feeling with the Nine of Wands that's like hanging there You're almost there and I love that in This deck this is such a cool image but It looks like a wild plant like not a House plant but just a plant that grew Outside in the wild and plants can grow In some really tough conditions like Randomly growing out of the cracks on a Sidewalk or You know in it's not so much like a House plant they can be a little bit Pickier if you will but there's a Feeling of wherever you end up and I Think I said this in another group as Well like wherever you are planted You're not only going to grow but you Are going to thrive because of your Immense Inner Strength you're able to keep going even When the conditions are tough like I Said said even when the odds are against You you are able to keep the faith the Nine of Wands is related to the Moon which makes me think of a strong Connection to your intuition but it's Also related to the sign of Sagittarius Which is growth expansion it's also Higher Learning I think you have a Beautiful gift of optimism and Also you have a gift of no matter what You're going through You're able to stay connected to that Deep knowing that everything is

Unfolding for you even if something is Uncomfortable or unfavorable in the Moment you understand that it does Contain a lesson it does contain Something valuable for you and Ultimately it will prove itself to be a Blessing and I feel like this group you Genuinely believe this I feel like You're not really the type to fall Into I guess a victim mentality of like Why me how could this be happening to me And you understand that the Universe has A plan for you and that you kind of and That's not to say that it's not Challenging or that the the Circumstances I don't think you're like Oh this is great but even in the midst Of challenges I think you can understand That okay there's there's definitely Some some reason that I'm here there's Some blessing in this for me or at the Very least there is something for me to Learn that is going to contribute to my Growth and this is an amazing gift that You have and even like with the fool This is a really really strong faith in The universe that carries you through no Matter what you are going through I also Think the fool represents an ability To suspend judgments So you understand like I'm still in the Middle of my journey I'm still a work of Progress it's too soon to jump to Conclusions about what this turn of

Events means there's no reason for me to Believe that this has to turn out in a Pessimistic way so it's like no matter What you're going through you can stay Optimistic and you can stay trusting and It's just it's really beautiful to see That that this is going to pay off for You this is a beautiful Energy so we're going to see what's Coming next for You what is coming next for group number Four in their Career or in their Projects what's next for My group number Four oh I also want to mention with the Fool this is Aquarius energy so the next Aquarius season from whenever you're Watching this could Represent I want to say like a climax or A peak in your journey so that would be Late January to late February and also now that I think about It the fool is related to the planet of Uranus so it's it gives the feeling of Sudden Change for some reason Uranus Gives me the feeling of timeline Jumping cuz I just feel like you're Shifting Into you're shifting out of an energy Where there maybe was quite a bit of Challenges and resistance and you needed A lot of power just to Traverse a short Distance

Oh there's a car honking outside so That's confirmation the new energy that You're shifting Into it's Like air hockey like how the puck you Only have to hit it very gently and it Just because there's no friction there's No Resistance things will be Accelerating and you can do more with Less Effort And that makes sense cuz I feel like You're going to be for those of you who Are juggling multiple things I do think You're going to be surprised with how Once you get into it the multitasking Just comes quite Easily I also Hear it's like your spiritual team Saying Oh come on you didn't think we forgot About you or like you didn't think we Would go through all that to not give You everything you Desire they're saying like come on and a Card just honked outside Again what is next for my group number Fours okay okay so we have oh that's so Cool so it's the hofan and the high Priestess but this deck is in French so It's Like they're like it feels like they go Together that's so cool so partnership

Maybe significant partnership coming in For you and it's very cool too that There's like a masculine being and a Feminine being but they are very much a Pair so and they're both major Arcana which I feel like is quite Significant so there could be a very Important partnership coming in for you With regards to your career or your Creative Journey this could also be two elements Of you like your masculine energy and Your feminine energy coming Together and you know both of these Are spiritually Advan Ed Beings but just looking at the Imagery The High Priestess is reading books right but the Hierophant looks more like they are just Channeling something from the cosmos so If these are two aspects of You I feel like in your Work you are benefiting both From Your academic gifts or like the Knowledge that you have gained through 3D ways if that makes sense like your Education and Your Practice but you're also benefiting from Wisdom that you Channel and so this Feels like yeah it makes sense cuz this Is okay we have I feel like they're kind Of flipped but we have Taurus energy

Here which is like the pragmatic down Toe practical energy and then we have Water energy here which is more mystical And more Intuitive but it's kind of cool that They're coming out opposite it's like This Beautiful Fusion of practical experience And practical knowledge helping you in Your journey but then also something That you cannot really place like I Don't know how I got this gift I don't Know how I got this knowledge it just Came to me I just felt it I just Channeled it and you have both that's What will make you successful and that's Also what will make You I'm hearing that will make you stand Out from the Rest so in this next part of your Journey you are setting yourself apart From the rest in your own unique way I I Actually really do think That this is representing two different Aspects of you that are coming together To bring your ultimate Success however it's also very likely That there's a significant partnership Coming your Way this could even be like Divine Counterpart energy for those of you who Are manifesting That or com information that you have Found your Divine

Counterpart what else what is next for My group number Fours king of Pentacles we we love to See that we love to see that abundance And prosperity and look at the cat Sleeping you could do it sleeping like Is that not more confirmation of the Ease I think when I say ease it's not That you're not working hard because I Think you are but I just see very low Stress Levels and kind of low Pressure for this next stage of your Journey and I think this card is Confirming That you do have ample time for rest you Do have ample time to be Alone the role that you're stepping into May be one that Does use your social Battery but this is confirming that you Will have a lot of time to decompress on Your own a lot of time to reflect and Brainstorm and even work on your own if You feel inspired to do That there is a feeling of mastering With all three of these cards honestly Like the Hier The High Priestess and a King very strong feelings of Mastery and of Victory as well and like Coming out on top I also think with all Of these cushions there could be a Message of you living a cushier Lifestyle so in the material sense

Having everything you need and having Everything you want as well the king of Pentacles can also o Indicate being able to take really good Care of your family your loved ones even Building long-term generational Wealth the king of Pentacles is Long-term wealth he's definitely not an Easy come easygo energy he is like a Consistent Hefty stream of Income and a very comfortable lifestyle That is coming your way and that means Comfortable in the material sense but Also comfortable in the sense of not Having a lot of stress and having an Abundance of time to work on whatever You want if you so desire or to rest and Rejuvenate if you so desire the king Could also be indicating something like You are the boss so you have the freedom To choose how much you work when you Work you could be self employed or you Could be in a role that has a lot of Flexibility that you know you can choose Your hours as long as you get the work Done there could also be freedom in the Sense of you could do it from home or You could do it in the office or you Could do it when you're Traveling there's something about you Being the boss and you being in charge Of like the terms and conditions of how You get your work done with this king of

Pentacles and also this is a very Interesting combination because with the King of Pentacles I often get this Feeling of someone who who has reached Expert level in their Field and a lot of people would love for You to like Mentor them or give them Advice they want to hear like how did You do it can I ask you some questions About how you came to do this and what Methods you used so you're going to be In that position but the the interesting Thing is that I feel like many of You even if you were asked you can't Really explain it Because half of your Gifts just come from your Divine Wisdom maybe you gained it in a past Life maybe you downloaded it from your Higher Self it's just like an innate gift that You have that makes you really really Good at what you do so even if people Ask you how did you do it how did you Learn it I feel like you can give them Half of the formula you can tell them What you studied you can tell them how You practiced you can tell them what Your routine Is but that's only going to get them Halfway there because the other part of It is just your magical touch and cannot Be really explained in in worldly terms And it cannot

Be Duplicated it's just your magic But other people have their magic too It's just That you May yeah it's like you're attracting People who want to learn from you but Who maybe haven't found their own magic Yet and so they're just looking to do it Exactly like you even though they didn't Come here to do it exactly like you they Came here to do it in their own unique Way so with that being said because I Know you have a generous spirit with This king of Pentacles and you want to Help as much as you Can please don't Feel Guilty of like I wish I could have Helped that person more I wish I could have explained Better how I did it and what my journey Was like I feel like I didn't give them A lot I feel like I didn't it's cuz you Weren't meant to give them Everything half of it the Practical Advice maybe you were meant to give them But the other half they're meant to Discover on their own you can't give Someone else their own magic they have To find it on their Own So yeah it's like you have this Beautiful spirit that wants to help and

Serve and and give people like you don't Want to gatekeep you want to give people All of the information that will help Them but you I think you have to Recognize that you can't give them Everything and even if you could tell Them exactly how to do it like you that Wouldn't really be serving them because They're meant to find their own Way Yeah there's a strong feeling of you Just wanting to share as much as you can And maybe this is also referring to you Sharing your wealth like sharing your Wealth with your loved ones or sharing With your community sharing with those Who are in need in the World you're very generous in That I see you freely sharing your Wealth and freely Sharing any like tips and tricks and Information that you Have so let's get some advice about what You can do for your next Steps I have a very strong visual of an Egg so it could be a metaphor of like Your about to hatch you're about to Emerge an egg feels like potential it Also could be you coming out of your Shell you will know I'm hearing you will Know when it's time to come out of your Shell not too soon not too late you will Come out of your shell at the perfect Time advice for my group number fours in

Moving forward on this Journey we have the Eight of Cups and the five of Wands okay so with The Eight of Cups I would say that That there is something that you're Going to want To walk away From or something you're going to want To end or something you're going to want To say no To for some of you it could be walking Away from an existing position or an Existing commitment but I actually feel For quite a few of you this is about Just saying no saying no to Opportunities that come your Way Because deep down you know that it's not What you really Want deep down you know I actually want To say you know that it is too small for You it's too small for you it's not it's Too much in your comfort zone it's not Really going to be Fulfilling And okay there's a couple ways I can Interpret this five of Wands Energy some of you and Yeah that would be why we got that Message about you setting yourself apart From the rest because the five of Wands Can have a meaning of Competition some of you in this next Stage of your journey I think you're

Meant to go into to a field where you Feel like there's quite a bit of Competition or that you feel is like Saturated like there's a lot of people Trying to do It but you will stand out from the Rest okay I'm going to give two Interpretations so Please claim one or both if you resonate With both the first one is that I think Some of you Are You could almost Be self-sabotaging in a way By accepting or pursuing opportunities That deep down you know are too small For you or too easy for You Because you're afraid of the competition Like where you really want to Be so you you keep yourself in smaller Ponds so that you can be the big Fish when really you're meant to be in a Bigger Pond but then that's scary because You're like oh I know there's probably Fish that are bigger than me over there And I can't compete with them so I'm Going to stay in this environment that Is like easy and comfortable and Small and the advice for you is To believe in your own magic and believe In your own abil ability to stand out And also that you don't have to fight

With people to stand out you just Naturally Will you're Not and also to Recognize by you you shining and you Gaining success does not mean that You're you're taking that spot from Anyone else you can't take if someone's Destined to be successful you can't take That away from them just as much as Nobody can take your destined success Away from you so I feel like this idea Of you being in competition with someone Else it is it's a scarcity Mindset from The ego's Playbook and you Have to realize that even if you are in A really big pond with a bunch of really Big fish you have your magic you have Your destined Plan and you will stand out and you will Rise to success and and keeping yourself In these shallow Small Ponds is not Doing you or the collective any favors Cuz the collective will benefit from you Shining and from you striving for Greater Heights the other Interpretation is That you may have opportunities coming Your way that you know are too small for You and you are turning them down so Some of you are turning them Down however there could be people Around

You Who don't agree with that or who don't Understand That which would also be people with a Scarcity mindset So just for an example let's say there's Someone who is not employed and they Have been looking for a job and they Have some standards of the type of job That they want They know what they're going to enjoy And also they know Realistically what is going to be Sustainable for them and what kind of Job they're going to be able to stay in And what's going to work for their Energy levels and for their mental Health they know what works for them and So they know when an offer comes their Way that's not it they're like no I'm Not going to do that like they don't Want to Settle and then they may have people Around them like friends or family Whatever it might be being like why Didn't you take that job that was a good Job well maybe you think it is but That's not what I want to do and I know That I can't force myself to do it like Even if I did take it I know that it's Not going to be sustainable for me And it's like someone who Won't lower their Standards who won't take the offers or

Take the opportunities that they know Deep down aren't meant for them but then Other people around not understanding That and that causing some kind of Friction if you Will But regardless of which you may resonate With or maybe both can apply to you in Some way I do think that the piece of Advice from your spiritual team is to Keep aiming for that big Pond and There's no shame if you need to Temporarily stay like if your small pond Or shallow Pond is just a a stepping Stone even if you have to stay there for Quite a while um like I don't want you To have any feelings of Shame about That but I feel like the big pond is Ultimately where you are meant to get To So next we are going to get some Messages from your higher self so we are Going to use the cupid says Oracle for That we have it's going to take Time definitely feels like a nod to your Patience and we need to talk this is Really beautiful so I do feel like You've been on a long Journey in your career and you've had to Be patient but I really like we need to Talk here because it's like your higher Self saying I'm going to be with you on every step

Of the journey even in this fool card The the fool always has their dog with Them and the dog is like their loyal Companion and I feel like for you the Dog is representing your higher self and Your spiritual team that basically what They're saying with we need to talk is That they're not going to keep you in The Dark so if you're feeling like you're Struggling and you want to know like What what is this For why is this happening I I really Don't feel that your higher self or your Spiritual team would keep that a secret From you like they're not they're not Here To test you or to play around with you Even though it may feel like that Sometimes they're always here to provide Guidance they're always here to be Honest they're always here to reveal any Part of your journey you feel you need To Know they they want to be open with You you know I I see sometimes you might Feel like this is taking a long time or Feel like there's a a Delay And if you ask what's going on or why is This Happening it's not like they're going to Be like you See or like seen at 3:30 p.m. they're

They're going to tell you they're going To give you the guidance you need and Maybe this is even your higher self and Your spiritual team expressing a desire To talk to you more and and to to keep You in the loop of your own Journey Because you deserve to know about your Own Journey we have how could you be so Attractive that's cute these are if you Can't tell these are often used as like Channeled message from your person Cards Which I don't know maybe there's if There's a a partnership here if you Resonated with that there could be Someone who's very attracted to you or You feel very attracted to Them that do doesn't necessarily have to Be in the Romantic sense but just if you Feel yourself very very drawn to Someone they're likely in your life for A reason you're likely meant to create Something together or to help each other On your Journeys but I also think that Your higher self is telling you your Higher self is telling your human self That you are very attractive And that again you will yes like the Word attract you're not like battling it Out for your success you're not fighting For your success you're just attracting It with your magic that we've been Talking about and your higher self wants

You to know if only if only you came out Of your Shell and really stepped into the Spotlight you'll see you'll see how many People are attracted to your energy and How many people admire You I support your decision no matter What I want to get one more cuz that one It didn't really shoot out it just kind Of like flipped over and I felt like I Wanted to take It a I support your decision no matter What make me Believe Wow your higher self is really Really your loyal Companion And I guess that's another thing like Your higher self maybe wants you to see Them as an equal and that they're not Like this this authority figure over you Who's going to tell you what to do they Want to figure it out with you they want To co-create with You so maybe you're in the habit of Asking your higher self what should I do What should I do wanting them to take The lead as if they are the one who has The guide book they are the one who has The script and you're waiting for your Higher self to feed you your next line And there may be wanting your input of Rather than asking them what should I do They want to know from you what what do

You want to Do because if you tell me what you want We can make it Work And maybe they're they're trying to help You believe in this right Now That with Your if you can more comfortably Express your desire and your direction And Trust in your judgment of what the Next steps Are you can co-create something really Beautiful together So I feel like we've kind of been Getting messages from both your higher Self and your spiritual team in this Part but for this last part we are going To get just some additional messages From your spiritual Team group number four is spiritual team What would you like to say to group Number Four at this stage in their Journey Two coming out at the same time again And they're the same Color we have fear what are you so Afraid of unpack it for a moment and set It free or use It and we have Uncertainty fear and uncertainty doubt And fear have their uses but they Cloud The View be careful of how much you

Allow in and it's hold over You it feels like some of you are Dealing with fear of going bigger for Example a fear of going into the bigger Pond a fear of Really putting yourself out there in a Vulnerable Way and bearing all Or a fear of taking the Wheel Because if the universe has the wheel or If someone else has the Wheel then it's not your fault if Something goes wrong and also it's not Your fault if something goes wrong if You do have the wheel but your ego may Be seeing it that Way and that also kind of feels like a Self Sabotage it's like I can't be Disappointed that things didn't work Out if I didn't give it my 100% in the First Place some of you there may be a Fear a fear of giving something 100% Because it's Like I don't want to know What that looks Like because if I give 100% and it still doesn't work where do We go from There so instead I'll just give it 50 or 60% and if it doesn't work out I can

Just tell myself it's because I'm not Giving a 100 but the trick is that I Never actually give a hundred and then I Keep myself stuck in this Loop yeah it's a fear of going big or a Feel fear of taking the wheel yourself Or a fear of giving something your All we also have Recognition Acclaim the pat on the Shoulder and the shiny things are Significant but they don't affect the Truth of your work you are not defined By these you create because you are a Creative So recognition which I do think you will Receive is always a lovely icing on the Cake but it is not the entire cake Itself so I do think there's a piece of Advice from your spiritual team of Whatever you are pursuing or whatever You are Creating to just check in with yourself And make sure that and it's okay to want Recognition I think everyone does but For that desire of recognition to not Be the place from which you are Moving you know there's a difference Between I made this thing and I love it And if it gets recognition that would be Awesome versus I made this thing because I want Recognition and this could be Recognition from the public from your Peers could be from your parents it

Could be from your significant Other um I'm saying this for myself cuz I feel like when I get messages of Recognition in a reading I tend to Assume it's like recognition from the Public but it can be on a interpersonal Level as well it could be like I'm Pursuing this career because I want my Parents to Recognize my efforts or I want them to Be proud of me or I want my my husband To see that I can do it you know it can Even be on an individual level like that And if people love what you do and Praise and appreciate what you do that Is a beautiful thing like receiving Praise and external validation is a Beautiful thing for humans it makes us Feel Connected it makes us feel Accepted but we can really Lose sight of our self we can abandon Ourselves if we put if we Center Recognition and what we're Doing I'm honestly I'm not super worried About this group Because with the hant with the king of Pentacles it does seem like you are a Grounded and down toe person and you Know who you are and you know what you Stand for and you know what you want to Create um I wonder if some of you as you rise to Your success and you get a taste of that

Recognition and adoration could be a Little bit Intoxicating I don't know but I think This is more of a confirmation from your Spiritual team Like oh you know what it could Be like for those of you who have been Really you've been really sticking to Your Authenticity and sometimes you feel like That's not working You might feel that Temptation sometimes Of like I have been staying true to Myself and that's not really working so Like maybe I should make something just For recognition maybe I should be Playing that game cuz that's often what That's often what is Encourage So this could be your spiritual team Telling you to like stick to what you Know is right for you and stick to your Unique vision and to not be tempted to Go that route of like playing the game Of competing for people's attention and Competing for people's Recognition you don't have to do That okay So oh at the bottom of the deck we have Compass it's like sticking to your inner Compass sticking to your inner Guidance Beautiful into the unknown but you are Never really

Lost be nimble curious and flexible Trust not everything this is your this Is literally your magic not everything Has to be understood only experienced It's like you don't even understand why You're you're so gifted or where you get Your special sauce from but but you have It and it flows through you you may not Be able to explain it or put it into Words but you just know that you got It you got that Mojo mhm it doesn't have To be understood it just has to be Experienced Yeah and and it will be Experienced you could do something That's really deeply moving to people You know like give people Goosebumps bring tears to people's Eyes um yeah I think those are all the Messages for my group number fours so I'm going to end your reading here thank You so much for letting me do this Reading for you I hope you have a Wonderful day or night whenever you're Watching and I wish you all the best and Thank you so much to tarot stack once Again for collaborating with me and for Providing these lovely decks and for Helping Them get out there into the world and Thank you so much to the creators of These decks it's always a pleasure to Use them and I loved using them together I'm going to have all three of these

Decks linked down below if you wanted to Check out any of them if there's one in Particular that's calling to you you can Look at all of the cards in the deck on Tarot Style website and for any of these Decks that are published by tarot stack You can get a 10% off discount using the Code keyote thank you so much once again For letting me do this reading for you Please take good care of yourself stay Healthy don't forget to like comment and Subscribe if you feel like doing that if You enjoy my content and you'd like to Find me elsewhere I'm going to have Linked down below my tarot reading Instagram my personal Instagram my Patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like this one this topic was in Fact a very popular suggestion over on Patreon but we ended up doing it here so If you'd like to leave suggestions or Just watch the exclusive content we have A lovely community over there I am also Going to link my music channel which Includes the intro song of this video That is an original song and I'll also Have my latest release link down below And finally my Vlog Channel and my merch Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video thank you Guys so much for supporting me my Channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here and

I'm sending so much love to you to Anyone who appeared in this reading Directly or indirectly I am sending love To your higher self your Spirit guides Your spiritual team and all of your Loved ones both here on Earth and in the Other Realms and I will see you guys in The next one Bye-bye

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