🔮Accurate AF (Single’s) LOVER Prediction💏💡✨Tarot Reading✨Based on Your D.O.B.💫🧝‍♀️Pick 2🦋

🔮This Single’s love reading will clear up any misconceptions you might have had about your love life. If you are looking for a pick-a-card tarot reading that will help you figure out what’s coming for the future of your relationships, this personal psychic reading is not just based on the three groups and crystals I introduce you to during the intro of this video. But you also get to pick a second, even more personalized group and reading which is based on your date of birth: your life path number. If you want to understand what a life path number is, what it means, and how you can calculate yours, you can learn everything there is to know from my Life Path number numerology video here:
Getting a reading based on your life pah number is even more personal and accurate than just using a tarot reading off of your zodiac sign. So make sure you receive your full 2-part prediction.
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🦋Jewelry worn:🦋
Rainbow Moonstone And Sky Blue Topaz Crystal Necklace:
Aquamarine Earrings:
Citrine Double The Attention Gold Ring:
Larimar Empress of the Sea Ring:
Celestial It Girl Ring Labradorite:
Adjustable Moonstone Ring:
Crystal of truth Sky Blue Topaz Ring:

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⚡️Time Stamps⚡️

🍇Group 1 – 4:12 (Dark Heart Tarot Deck)
🧿Group 2 – 22:59 (Heavenly Bodies Astrology Deck)
🍯Group 3 – 39:07 (Ephimere Tarot Deck)

Discover Your LPN
Life Path Number 1 54:53
Life Path Number 2 1:05:35
Life Path Number 3 1:15:06
Life Path Number 4 1:23:36
Life Path Number 5 1:30:31
Life Path Number 6 1:36:59
Life Path Number 7 1:44:21
Life Path Number 8 1:51:51
Life Path Number 9 2:00:50
Life Path Number 11 2:10:26
Life Path Number 22 2:19:37
Life Path Number 33 2:25:31

❤️ Watch your LOVE-STORY predictions here: ❤️

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About Me
Name: Vanessa
Sun: Cancer
Moon: Sagittarius
Current Location: Switzerland

Note that my ‘pick a card’ readings are for entertainment purposes, advice, and positivity only. Please consult with a legal or medical professional before you proceed to act on any advice shared during this video. Intro from 00:00
#tarot #love #youtubetarot #pickacard #tarotreading #astrology

Hello all my beautiful little unicorns And welcome back to my channel and if This is the first time that you're on my Channel my name is Vanessa Soma you guys Know me as your big sis from the Internet as well as your favorite Psychic medium right here on YouTube so Guys for today I have a accurate AF Singles love prediction prepared for you Which I am so excited to share with you Guys because this is a two-part reading Which makes this tarot card prediction Just like a personal reading because Guess what during part one of the video You get to pick from three groups that I Am about to introduce you to and once You've selected the group of your choice You click your timestamp and you'll be Fast forwarded to the relevant portion Of the video of the group that you chose For part one and then part number two Gets even more intricate and personal Because this is based on your life path Number your life path number is far more Personal than your zodiac sign because It is based on the exact date on which You were born now you may be asking Yourself Vanessa what is a life path Number now I have a video that has close To 300,000 views where I explain Precisely how to calculate your life Path number and I also explain to you What every single life path number means So if you're then wondering what your

Life path number means what implications That this has for the rest of your life Make sure you check out that video I've Got the link below in the description Box as well you can also refresh your Memory even if you know your life path Number but you just want to learn a Little more about it alternatively you Can also consult with our dear friend Google type in your date of birth and Ask for your life path number and it Will spit it out for you however within My video I explain in far more detail How to calculate it and also ultimately What your life path number means so each Life path number 1 through 33 has its Very own timestamp in the description Box as well as pin to the comment Section so all you need to do is Click Your life path number and you'll be fast Forwarded to the second even more Intricate part of your prediction you Guys I wish I could do some sort of poll Here or something like this I've got a Self-care Oracle deck that has been Ready for months for some reason I just Haven't gotten myself to hit print yet Guys let me know in the comment section If you think I should hit print because It's been a minute since I've published My last deck and I'm in the mood to Publish another one you know what I'm Saying but anyways you guys let's get Into the reading so I will now introduce

You to the three groups that I've got Prepared for you this will be from an Overhead view so we can focus on the Cards and on your readings make sure you Combine both parts as they are needed in Order for your reading to be as accurate As possible and I can't wait to catch You within your predictions all right so These are the three groups that I've got Prepared for you for your singles love Prediction and I will now introduce you To these three groups and then provide You with a moment of privacy so you can Meditate on them and pick the perfect Group for you in order to receive part One of your love reading group number One corresponds to my dark heart Tarot Deck as well as the labradorite Crystal Sphere group number two corresponds to The heavenly bodies astrology deck as as Well as the amethyst Crystal and group Number three corresponds to the fimir Tarot deck as well as the rose quartz Crystal point the timestamps to all Three of these groups as well as each Life path number can be found Below in The description box as well as pinned to The top of the comment section for quick And easy access for you so now I will Give you the moment of privacy you can Pause the video right here if you need a Little longer to select the perfect Group for you and then I'll be right Back to guide you into your reading

[Music] Things all right so by now you've Hopefully been able to select one of These three groups I will be starting Off the love prediction readings with Group number one which corresponds to The darkart Tarot deck as well as the Labradorite Crystal sphere so if this is A group that you chose then please Continue watching and to my other lovely Groups and all my life path numbers I Will catch you at the click of your Timestamps hello group number one and Welcome to the first part of your Singles love prediction you chose the Darkart Tarot deck as well as the Labradorite Crystal sphere the dark Heart Tarot deck is my very own Publication my own Tarot deck that I Created designed and self-published and Of course we have our gorgeous Labradorite and then we of course also Have this gorgeous labradorite sphere Which I'm going to do a closeup of for You and also explain to you why you felt Drawn to this Stone and why you may have Picked it so see how this glimmers so Beautifully depending on how the light Hits it well the labradorite crystal is Actually a stone that is iridescent and Has these highly mystical and protective Qualities about it it is said to be a Bringer of light and it can be found in Italy Greenland Finland Russia Canada

And Scandinavia and it deflects unwanted Energies from the aura and prevents Energy leakage psychologically speaking Labradorite helps to banish fears and Insecurities especially when it pertains To love and it also removes any kind of Previous debris from disappointments Including those that you experienced in Past lives so this is an extremely Cleansing Stone which I will just put Over here for you make sure it doesn't Roll away by just kind of putting it Onto this little sticky substance okay Let's get into it group number one and Figure out precisely what messages that Are here for you for your singles love Prediction I can't wait for us to get Into this and to see what your guides Have to say so let's see what we're First going to receive we've got the Ace Of crystals now the Ace of cryst Crystals may seem like a little bit of a Mysterious card for you you may ask Yourself okay what does this mean what Does this have to do with love so the Suit of crystals corresponds to the Element of fire the element of fire Represents everything that has to do With passion enthusiasm things such as Hobbies but also hot love all right so The Ace of crystals shows us this hand That's stretched out with this Crystal Wand that seems to be growing from the Hand or floating levitating and then we

Also have a structure here that is Almost like a castle so this shows that We have a new beginning the ace always Corresponds to A New Beginning we have a New beginning of something where you're Building something that you feel Passionate about right crystals Represent passion they represent Enthusiasm and you're building a house It's almost as though no we're not Playing house anymore we're really Building a house and a fort and a castle So that is what your guides want you to Know right at the start of Your Love Prediction you are in love to build not Just to pretend not just to be in a Situationship but you are going to be Creating a life with another person that You feel passionate about that you feel Proud of that lights you up when you Think about it and when you talk to Others about all of the things that You're doing with your partner next up Oh I love this for you group number one We have got the empress the empress Corresponds to the number three and the Empress is actually indicative of love And also shared core values about how to Raise children and about what kind of Dynamic you want in the relationship Different kind of gender roles or just Roles between you two depending on who You identify as and the empress also Shows us here this Vibe of beauty this

Vibe of your your person really wanting You seeing you as the prize seeing you As someone who is absolutely stunning And who they want to actually have Offspring with as well so I definitely See here that when it comes to your love Life you are in a state where you have This beautiful Empress energy which is Almost like dark feminine energy siren Energy seductive type of energy and for The first time in your life you are Feeling as though you're in control of Your love life the Empress is also a Card actually that depicts motherhood as Well as abundance so having more than What you need and also your love life Containing a motherhood aspect in it That actually makes you even more Attractive so having this Empress energy Shows us here that you have a highly Highly seductive highly appealing love Story before you next up we've got the Nine of of blades but in Reverse so if This card shows up upright it usually is A sign that something is up that's hard To manage something that you probably Don't want to deal with but this card Did show up in Reverse for you group Number one which is then again an Amazing sign that actually a lot of your Overthinking even if you've had Nightmares that have to do with loved Ones or love in general that is leaving Your life that is leaving the vicinity

That's not something that you are going To have to deal with anymore especially If you have been worried about being Alone dying alone not having anyone in Your life romantically speaking because Maybe up until now it just didn't work Out or when you're single you're Extremely single and it seems as though You will never find the right person I Do just want you to know here in the Nine of blades reversed that those Thoughts and that feeling is something That is just so temporary you may be Feeling it right now and it's something That you're going to not deal with in The near future anymore I see here Within the lovers card ooh that why You're not going to be dealing with this Anymore is because well you've got a Lover coming towards you we have Romantic love here just around the Corner for you I want you to know within The lovers card that we have two Opposites right it's almost like we've Got the beauty the fairy and the Beast So I do see here that the person that You will be with is the complete Opposite of you they have completely Opposite traits not just physically but Also within their personality and this Is something that actually attracts you To them because it's like you complement One another and that really helps you to Create the best life possible together

Because you get to lean into your Strengths and they get to lean into Their strengths and nobody feels as Though they are constantly forced to be In an energy that they don't want to be In like for example I absolutely Despise constantly being pushed into a Divine masculine energy because it's Just not where I feel the most Comfortable that's just me personally so Being with a man for example and that's My experience that pushes me into my Masculine where I'm constantly the one Doing organizing dealing with things That I don't want to deal with then What's the point in even being with that Person so I definitely see here that You're in a state of love where you have That person where finally there's this Balance where of course you will have Times where you have to be in your Masculine or in your feminine energy but You will mostly be in that energy that You really want to be in and actually That gives you a lot of strength in the Relationship because it brings Authenticity and I love that this is the Next card that Spirit Drew into your Reading for you because the more you can Actually be authentic authentic and be Yourself and enjoy who you are the more You will have strength in the Relationship because you just radiate Beauty because whenever you feel

Comfortable your body moves differently You speak differently you have a Different sense of self and I want you To know here that when it comes to your Love life this gives you a lot of power Over your Beast so to say all right so If you are the type that is a little More soft petite you listen to Lana Del Re Jen Aiko Ariana Grande you like Poetry you may be write poetry you liked Megan Fox's poetry as well as rupy Core's poetry I just want you to know Here within strength that this gives you Such a deep strength from within where On the outside you may look harmless but Everyone can tell that you are strong And it gives you this power in the Relationship that you'll have where when You say no it's a know and they're Afraid of losing you you're not chasing Them it's the other way around they're Afraid of losing you and it's like you Have them completely under control even If they would never admit it and even if You don't have to use Force you don't Have to be mean you don't have to Threaten it's just kind of like an Unspoken agreement between the two of You and I do see here within the six of Coins that when it comes to your love Reading there are a lot of people who Come to you for advice as we have here All of these little I would say insects These bugs and it's like you're giving

Them these coins or these Little I don't even know what this would Be that they would want but it does look Like coins and we do have the six of Coins I don't know why these insects Would want coins but for some reason They want the coins I guess they want to Go shop they want to go do something With the coins so the entire message Here within the six of coins is the Generosity aspect right you're giving And here we have this white fox creature Which shows that it comes from a very Authentic place you're giving not to Receive but because you really want to Cuz it's just your natural instinct to Give and being a giver is something that Makes you really attractive because the Person that you will be with your lover Is not only the polar opposite of you But they love the softness that you Display when you want to give to others And here with in the emperor wow your Love life is going to be set in stone It's going to be so powerful to the Point that not much is going to change Once you've locked in the right person You're most likely going to be with them For the rest of your life the emperor is A card that pertains to building but Also kind of creating a legacy it Corresponds to the number four and it Represents fatherhood so for one we had The empress which represents motherhood

And and then we've got the emperor which Represents fatherhood so we've got both Depicted here now within the emperor This also shows structure Authority this Shows that both energies are present in Your love life and in your love story And it doesn't matter who you identify As or who you're attracted to having Both energies within a relationship will Always be important the emperor shows us Here that you are attracting somebody Who is a very structured well-organized Type of individual and I want you to Know here that they will even set aside A budget for giving so you can give to Others so you can engage in more Philanthropic events and so that you can Also spend money doing things that makes You feel good and at the same time you Don't have to worry about how much You're spending and they're going to Love giving you this even if you make Your own money even if you're Independent because they love to see What you do with the funds when you're Given the opportunity to just do good Next up oh wow we've got the fountain The Fountain I know it seems like a very Vague depiction but as we see here Within the fountain we also have the Infinity symbol the eight laying on its Side again this is an indication that Your love life is going to end up in a

Forever relationship a relationship that Is meant to last that's what we have Here here in the fountain a fulfilling One a fulfilling one between a king and A queen basically someone who knows what They want someone who's loyal someone Whom you can count on someone who knows How to communicate and someone with whom You can basically have the world with And here in the four of Swords I want You to know that there will be some People on the sidelines that feel Alienated a friend of yours is going to Feel really jealous they're going to Feel as so why did this happen for her And not for me why did this happen for Them and why am I still waiting the four Of Swords shows us here that that can Also actually be someone who has Girlfriend Tendencies but is actually a Family member all right like a sister a Mother a aunt as well the four of Swords Shows us here that they will feel left In the sidelines because they haven't Experienced this in so long they haven't Been as successful romantically as you Are and I see for you group number one That that is definitely going to cause a Little bit of friction with how they Feel internally and they may even choose To express that now the Two of Wands is Indicative of picking your battles and Understanding okay do I want to be right Or do I want to be happy do I want to be

Right or do I want to be rich depending On whether you're dealing with someone Who has to do with your financial assets So if this is someone that you're Working with someone who has some sort Of hold over that or if this is someone That is a family member oh okay we have More cards that revealed themselves for You let's see what they are we also had The world which is a very favorable card To show up for you so you're going to Actually choose the world you're going To choose peace you're going to choose Whatever gives you the most quiet and Just peaceful moments because you don't Have it in you to be arguing to be Struggling to be going through any kind Of back and forth with anyone that is Just not for you group number one you're Not interested in that we also had the Two of coins that showed up for you when I was shuffling as you saw some cards Pop themselves right side up which Clearly need to be within your reading And here the two of coins is a Representation of having two coins we Have an infinity symbol but there's Tension between the two coins this is About creating your life in a way where There's not so much tension between what You're doing and I mean professionally And your private life so this shows us Here that there will be a lot of mixture Between private and business in your

Love life and sometimes it can feel like A bit of a strain or a balancing act but It will always be like that because You're most likely going to have a Business another stream of income with The person that you're with a joint Venture and you're most likely also Never going to stop working you're going To be one of those people who loves to Work and who in old age people are like How do they have so much money and are They ever going to stop working so the Two of coins shows that it will always Be a part of your life working but work Will be fun when you're doing something That you love and it's just important That you learn to find a balance so you Don't feel as though you are stuck in it And I see here with an Temperance card Which is the last card that popped Itself right side up for you is the fact That it's important to temper yourself And remember Life's a marathon not a Sprint take your time don't feel as Though you have to already do everything Right now or in the next 2 or 3 years You have decades with your person you Have an entire lifetime in love and if You're feeling lonely right now cuz this Person isn't here in this very second Remind yourself that if you are meant to Be with them for 50 years actually this Is the shortest period in your life in Which you get to just enjoy yourself and

Your own company and the only person Whose feelings that you have to take Into account are your own this is a Luxury that Spirit wants you to enjoy And to temper yourself in any emotions That are strongly rooted in feeling lack Cuz when you feel lack your body Actually creates chemicals that can Continues to reinforce that feeling your Thinking becomes your mind and the thing Here is that when you think these Thoughts that make you feel lack all of A sudden your body feels as though it is Experiencing that lack it is creating Different genes to Signal okay the lack Is happening and it gives that feedback Back to your mind back to your brain and It creates this Loop this endless cycle Of actually living in state of lack Which is completely unnecessary as we See here within your reading within the World you are supposed to have the world You're supposed to have everything you Desire in love you're supposed to have a Lasting love a forever love we have this Empress and Emperor energy which are two Beautiful energies that show a solid Relationship where kids can grow up and Be well educated have stability be Well-mannered and you have this basic Basically Picture Perfect image of a Family we had the lovers card we had the Strength card you basically could not Have gotten a better reading the world

Card is one of the most favorable cards In the deck if not the best card to Receive and all the others are highly Positive cards as well so group number One I'm really looking forward to you And your love story playing out I thank You so much for being here for receiving Part one of your prediction but now it's Time to Del into your life path numbers Part of this reading so scroll down into The description box click your Life Path Numbers Tim stamp then you will be fast Forwarded to the second even more Intricate part of your reading which is Based on your life path number that I Urge you to add and put together with This reading in order to create your Personal singles love reading now group Number one I will catch you at the click Of your Life Path numbers time stamp Camp hello my lovely soul of group Number two welcome to the first part of Your reading that's all about your Singles love prediction you chose the Amethyst in connectivity to the heavenly Bodies astrology deck and first up I Want to show you a closeup of the Crystal that you chose so this is the Gorgeous amethyst Crystal and in case You didn't know this Crystal can be Found in the US in Britain in Canada Brazil Mexico Russia Sri Lanka Uruguay East Africa Siberia as well as India and It is an extremely powerful and

Protective stone with a high spiritual Vibration it guards you against psychic Attack which may be why you felt drawn To this Crystal and it transmutes the Energy into love Instead This is a Natural tranquilizer amethyst blocks Geopathic stress and negative Environment energies so these may be the Reasons why you intuitively felt drawn To this Stone I'll just put your Crystal Over here for you actually I don't like When things are off balance so I'll put Your Crystal right here in the center of Your reading and we will allow for its Energy to transmute we will allow her Amethyst to give us a deeper Understanding of what's coming towards Your love life and what your love story Is really meant to be my gorgeous soul Of group 2 so first up we've got the Moon in case you didn't know the Moon is The Heavenly Body of the divine feminine It is the Heavenly Body of satisfying Emotional needs you need a lover who's Emotionally available I do see here that When it comes to love this is a Non-negotiable and you're the type who Really analyzes their own patterns their Own traumas and I see here that Nurturing yourself and others is what You do in love and the Moon shows us That it's indicative you must end up With a partner who is emotionally Intelligent spirit is trying to say to

You you will be protected until that Person comes into your life which means Situationships will fall apart they Won't Thrive people will leave your life Who are not meant to be part of it Because as the amethyst protects you and This is the stone that you felt drawn Towards also wear amethyst jewelry I'm Wearing amethyst jewelry right here I've Got this beautiful it girl Crystal ring As well as the double the attention ring The link to it is below in the Description Box by the way and I love to Wear this Crystal because it helps to Facilitate decision making especially in Love and it gives you common sense and Spiritual insights you know that feeling When intuitively you actually know Someone is not for you but you're trying To rationalize you're trying to make Them the one somehow somewhere in Another alternate reality and universe In a different Multiverse almost but Deep within you just know it will Eventually end and the amethyst and the Moon combination stops you from getting Too deep in and getting your feelings Hurt now within the sixth house we Actually have the house of all things About health and your daily life Practical details too I want you to know Here that the sixth house is actually The house that is ruled by Virgo the Sixth house is the house that shows us

That not only do you connect well with Virgo energy and viros Virgo Moon that's An amazing combination here for you if You are a Virgo moon I want you to know That when it comes to love you will pick The person who is the perfect match Energetically and in a psychic sense You'll know the moment that you meet Them if you're not a Virgo Moon I just Want you to know here that we're getting Virgo Moon placements in your love life So your person or you either one is Going to have a Virgo Moon sixth house Virgo Moon situation next up we've got The eighth house so I want you to know That the eighth house is the house of Transformation Karma facing fears and Kind of really questioning what Legacy Do you want to leave and the eighth House is the house that is ruled by Scorpio and it's also the house in Relationships of joint finances and why This is representing death in a way as You can see here within this bird did You know that the number one reason why Couples break up well there are two or Three reasons I think two actually from What I read in the statistics it is for One finances and not agreeing on those And then for two intimacy so I do want You to know here that this showing up in The sign of Scorpio shows us that Actually what's important for you is to Feel really comfortable with your person

Financially but also in a sexual way so Being intimate with them and I do want You to know here that why this is the House of transformation for joint Finances is because you're not meant to Have split finances with your future Partner your future spouse you are meant To have shared finances okay and I see Here within Scorpio Moon moon since the Eighth house is ruled by Scorpio Scorpio Rules how house 8 and we've got the moon Scorpio Moon placements also very Powerful this reading was specifically Tailored for you I want you to know that Having a Scorpio in your moon sign means That people see you as extremely Mysterious and extremely sensual this Showing up within your reading shows us That people view you as a master Seductress as a master Seducer depending On of course who you identify as but I Do want you to know that you may feel Very different about this however don't Let that take your confidence from you I Love how after shuffling and then Revealing the next card we've got the Two of Cups you know why because the two Of cups is the ultimate love card as you Can see we've got two people here the Person here next to this individual is Kind of holding them on their arm and They've got these two cups that are up Here in the universe that they're Looking up to that they're holding up

And they look hopeful so this is about a Real deep relationship where you both Have dreams and aspirations and you're Longing for the dreams together you're Going for the joint dreams with each Other in support of one another this is A mutually respectful and beneficial Relationship where no one is trying to Kind of do their own thing or leave the Other one out that's also why the Finances are so important because for a Long lasting relationship you can't have Friction in that area of life because Ultimately it will break down so much Trust and so much fun within the Relationship when you don't agree on That next up we've got the Wheel of Fortune you're lucky you'll end up with Someone who comes from an affluent Background and who comes from a place Where somehow they are always in luck Whatever they touch turns to Gold The Wheel of Fortune for you group number Two it shows us that karma is on your Side trust me some of the hardship that You went through and you thought to Yourself man I could make a big deal out Of this but I will let just let Karma Deal with these people trust me karma is Dealing karma is doing karma is Definitely within her element and you Won't even have to look too far to see How a lot of people that wronged you That crossed you that went behind your

Back backstabbed you made you feel like You were stupid for even trusting and Believing in them and establishing a Deep connection with them they are Suffering right now they are not in a Good place they wish they wouldn't have Done that even if they never admit this To you I want you to know and The Wheel Of Fortune that what goes around comes Around and the fact that you have always Looked to cultivate real deep loyal Trustworthy and loving Connections that is something that you Will be rewarded by tfold we've got the 10 of Wands which shows us that the hard Times are done and dusted and over with It's time for a fresh beginning you may Still have to tie up some loose ends From past hurt and relationship traumas But you've got this group number two It's no big deal I want you to know here In the 10 of Wands that there's a huge Ending of your current cycle that will Come for you and rather feeling like You're carrying all of these wands and Like there's heaviness and it's hard to Move forward it'll actually be so easy For you it'll feel like wait so that was All I'm already in the next cycle I Already left my ex and this Situationship behind like it literally Only took like one to two weeks and I Was really over them and I really Stopped the crying the feeling sad the

Feeling down and out the thinking about Them ruminating next up we've got the Five of Swords now I want you to know Here in the Five of Swords that if you Thought about getting revenge in love That's also why we have this in Connectivity to The Wheel of Fortune in Your reading don't do it there's a Reason why you received this me message Group number two and it is so that you You know not to exert any type of Revenge don't try to get back or get Even your guides in the universe is Doing it for you keep your hands clean And I mean really clean not like Jenna Said in the classic Man song where he Said keep my gloves dirty and my hands Clean no okay no gloves either you're Not getting your gloves dirty and Keeping your hands clean you're keeping Everything in pred Condition and clean we're not going There group number two because you know What you don't need to that's why we're Not going there because there's no point Because your guides and your angels They're already doing the dirty work for You and it's not even that it's dirty Work it is just the Law of Attraction it Is just the law of energetic frequencies And abundance next up we have got the Knight of coins let me tell you what We've got here in the Knight of coins Your love life shows us that there's

Someone here like a earth sign Capricorn Taurus Virgo they've got coins all Around them and you see here they've got Knowledge and they have some sort of Hammer so they're the type of person who Is well educated who is in the process Of building more of their reputation and More financial soundness and security And right now they're still young and Hot they're not that much older than you Are you may feel as though though they Are younger because you're just an old Soul biologically you're not that far Apart and this is the type of person That wants to share everything with you This is the type of person that you can Even still mold into the perfect partner Because they're malleable they haven't Gone through too much relationship Trauma yet they're very open to this Love story I do see here in the Voyager On the other end a message for you about An old older gentleman who is anchored In the fact that love can really hurt so This is someone who has been through Betrayal and Heartache potentially even already a Divorce so that sparkle and that Innocence of what it's like to for Example get married for the first time That has already come and gone and in The Voyager I want you to know that they Will flutter into your life and they'll Try to stay they'll try to see whether

They can start a connection with you but Their intention is not to stay forever Their intention is not to actually get As vulnerable with you because as Already mentioned they already went Through some hurt and they're not ready To open up yet there are a lot of people Who go through hurt and divorces and the Most terrible relationships and they Still see the sparkle when it comes to Marriage they still believe in forever But also a lot of people get a little Bitter or it takes away from it do do You really want to be that person that Walks down the aisle and you know in the Voyager that he has already cried when Another woman walked down the aisle that He already did all of that with another Person I see here within the six of Wands that actually Spirit wants you to Have a fresh start a fresh slate to be Triumphant as the first wife the first Husband again my readings are for all Genders and anyone one who identifies as Whoever they want to identify as but for Simplicity purposes I use he and she now Here within the six of Wands I want you To know they want you to succeed in Being with someone who is a green flag And by they I mean your guides your Guardian angels they know that sure you Could go for this Voyager but why do That because within the Knight of Pentacles we have a perfectly hot young

Fresh specimen that is ready to fulfill Your every wish and need however the Thing with this person is that you will Have to teach them a little bit you'll Have to be a little bit patient remember That it does come with a lot of plus Points to be able to create a type of Relationship that just suits you Specifically perfectly and to have Someone who is eager to very quickly Learn and adapt to what it is that you Like and what it is that you want so I'm Not talking about being Barbara the Builder and building someone for years And them never really getting there but Then as soon as they have the next Person cuz it didn't work out with you Because they never actually put in that Effort that you wanted then all of a Sudden they know how to be considerate Kind how to do birthday surprises Valentine's Day how to text regularly How to say good morning good night Before they go to bed I'm not talking About that I'm talking about someone who Is devoted I'm getting golden retriever Energy here Labrador type of energy and They want to please you can tell and Then you tell them once how to do it and They do it they execute that's what I See here for your love life coming next My gorgeous Soul we have options we've Got the Voyager we've got the Knight of Pentacles and we have everything that

You need to know about their birth chart And the dynamic in your love life so This was part one of your prediction Which I hope that you enjoyed and you Found insightful leave a moon emoji Below in the comment section to let me And others know that you chose group Number two cuz that's the only way Anyone would know you'd have to choose Group number two and then watch it all The way to the end and actually be a Real one like that and now we're going To delve into your life path numbers Portion of this prediction so scroll Down into the description box click your Life Path numbers timestamp and then You'll be fast forwarded to the next and Second portion which is even more Detailed of your personal love reading Hello my beautiful gorgeous soul of Group number three you chose the fimir Tarot deck in connectivity to the rose Quartz crystal which we're going to do a Little closeup of so you can get Acquainted with its energy and vibration So the rose quartz crystal is a crystal That can be found in South Africa the United States Brazil Japan India and Madagascar this is a crystal that you've Maybe already previously seen or come in Contact with rose quartz is the stone of Unconditional love and infinite peace Which may be why you chose it Specifically in context to the topic of

This reading and it is the most Important Crystal for the heart and the Heart chakra teaching the true essence Of love it purifies and opens the heart At all levels and brings deep inner Healing and self-love this is a stone That is calming and reassuring and Excellent for use in trauma or crisis if You want to attract love look no further Than this beautiful rose quartz so this Is the most iconic Stone when it comes To love which is probably also why you Intuitively felt drawn to it group Number three so now I want to get into Your reading and figure out precisely What is here for you when it comes to Love and what spirit and your guides Want you to know I love this deck I Think it's so beautiful and artsy it was Sent to me as PR and I just cannot get Enough of it so first up we've got the King of coins now spirit is saying there Is a snack coming your way the king of Earth signs Capricorn Taurus Virgo Practical loyal grounded reliable that's What I get here in the king of coins Look at the snack defined wellb built Broad shoulders good jawline nice hair What more could we want really and we Have the perfect mixture between Earth Sign energy which is feminine energy but Then we have the masculinity of being The king of Pentacles of holding the Scepter of also understanding that life

Is not just about money but also about Pleasure and spending time enjoying life So this is the type of person that of Course is a hustler they are successful In the Earthly Realms but they've only Worked so hard so that yeah later in Life they can enjoy I.E with you and the Family that they've created next up we Have got the page of Swords what I want You to know here is that they love an Outspoken independent person an Outspoken woman shall I say here in the Page of Swords or at least that is what They look to be I want you to also know That regardless of who you identify as Please use the pronouns that are Suitable for you so here within the page Of Swords they love someone who is Confident in their own skin and in their Own body regardless of what your body Looks like what they love is to see you Stand tall straight to speak without Fear and they like someone who has Youthful younger energy than them the King of Pentacles is coming into your Life next when it comes to love and There are some amazing odds that this Connection will last for a good amount Of time but oh look look at that we've Got the Knight of Cups okay another Option for you I see the Knight of Cups Shows us the Knight of water signs Cancer scorpio Pisces this is someone Who is elegant artsy I see that they are

The type of person who may have been a Dancer doing something such as ballet Creating art and music that's what I see In the Knight of Cups whereas the king Of Pentacles is a business this person The king of Pentacles is more Conservative more old school so you get To pick really my gorgeous soul of group Number three which I'm excited about for You and sometimes being in a little love Triangle in the very early stages can be Fun whereas of course don't take it too Far if it's not something that you know How to handle next up we've got the king Of Wands I mean is this going to end There are only so many male figures Within this deck I believe there are are Eight male figures within this deck and It seems as though they're all coming Out for you within your reading group Number three what are you doing to these Men what are you doing to these people It must be the rose quartz energy too Though the fact that you are so Attractive you're the type of person That everyone can see as the perfect Lover everyone can see themselves having A family with a long lasting Relationship with the king of Wands is The king of fire signs Aries Leo Sagittarius energy this is is the type Of person who is most likely a Professional athlete or someone who Works with their hands okay a builder a

Doctor someone who is on their feet a Lot the whole day and it is taxing on Their body but nevertheless they have This masculine energy through and Through they never complain they just do What needs to be done and I see here Within the eight of Pentacles that all In all you are meant to pick the one With whom your life is better that's What spirit is trying to say to you it Doesn't matter for example who is the Richest if they're not willing to share Anything with you if they're super Stingy for example right then it doesn't Make sense because why would you want to Be with someone who has everything to Give but doesn't want to share so spirit Is trying to say to you be with the Person who is emotionally the most Giving financially the most secure and Also the type of person that will give You their time and attention in an Undevoted and loyal manner I know when There's so many options group number Three things can get a little crazy when The roster is rostering but enjoy this Time of being the center of attention And also the more that your roster is Rostering the less you're afraid of Alienating any of them and the more they Will chase you because when they can Feel that you're not afraid to lose them That is like the secret sauce to men When it comes to you attracting them so

Here within Jupiter you're growing and Expanding in love you've never been this Confident You' felt as though oh my Goodness am I ever going to find the Right one what is going on here in love And what comes next as we've seen here Is a roster building up for you Jupiter Shows that this is growing this is a Time of you also learning the fact that A lot of time times guys are so much More advanced in knowing how to quote Unquote play the game because they have Been entertaining a lot of women a lot Of prospects for far longer than you Ever have like you will meet someone and You will feel this weird sense of Loyalty towards them and cut everyone Else off meanwhile a guy will still be Texting other people far beyond that Even years into an actual committed Relationship for example so I do see That when it Comes to Love as harsh as It sounds like now is your time to grow And expand now is almost payback time Where no you're not just going to settle People have to prove themselves to you Because also you have options and I see Here within the ninth house that this is Not coming from a place of Vengeance This is not coming from a place that is Unhealthy it's just coming from a place Of Having learned the ninth house is Ruled by Sagittarius and it is also the House of long distance travel so I see

You putting in some of those Air Miles Traveling seeing some of the people You're interested in in other cities and Other countries and growing spiritually In the sense of understanding that you Get to pick you are the prize and you Don't have to settle there are a Plethora of options for you out here and What comes next is really going to open Your eyes especially if you have been Inside all the time if you're a homebody If you don't go out a lot if you're not Really the type of person that has felt As though they've got options if you Have had fear of like basically dying Alone being by yourself for the rest of Your life I want you to know here in This Gemini energy that's showing up Within your reading regardless of you Being a gemini or not I want you to know That this is all about very curious type Of energy and being able to connect with More than just one person so so your Guides are trying to say to you enjoy The next stages of your love life and The freedom that comes with it and be Like the social butterfly at least for a Little bit at least for a moment we can Lean into it even though it may not be Naturally you it is just beautiful for You to explore another way of being in Love and to not confine yourself at the Worst you'll have some really funny Stories to tell I see here within the

Hermit that Spirit wants to reiterate I Just spoke to you about being more of an Introvert The Hermit is the ultimate Introvert card but the hermit also shows Us a light coming from the hermit and This is about illumination spiritual Enlightenment an aha moment so of course Continuing to invest in yourself first And invest time in you first but also Know that sometimes when you live a Seditary life and you spend so much time With yourself and in your own thoughts All of a sudden when you go out more You'll be out in your car you'll be out Getting a matcha that just happened to Me a couple hours ago 2 hours ago I went Out I went to this mall not far from my Home I just wanted to get a matcha okay I ended up buying a new outfit too some Chocolate whatever we got the matcha and On my route home I just felt this Enlightenment I felt the sense of girl You really forgot got during some Moments who you were you really were Hung up over some guys that well not Guys guy that like barely had a birth Certificate and look at you if you were To put a picture of you and him next to Each other people could just see the Radiance in your eyes and your skin the Glow and he is not a bad person but like We can also be real and say to ourselves You know sometimes we get hung up on People who haven't done the work who are

So unhealed but they are arrogant enough To think they are the prize somehow and That's just not the type of energy that We want to go for so spirit is trying to Say to you in moments where you're Actually out and about and you don't Expect it you will find these epiphanies Of remembering who you are remembering How stunning you are how much you've put In and how here in the seven of coins You really want someone who honors and Values you and sees you as this Beautiful rose that they delicately look At and delicately handle and they just Want to see grow and Blossom more and Trust me there are people like this out Here and when making a choice in your Love life spirit and your guides want You to pick based on who makes you feel The most appreciated and the most wanted And the most like you can just be Yourself and be vulnerable pick the Person who sees the beauty in how much That you have have accomplished at your Young age and just how well spoken and Intelligent that you are because some of Them will just see you for your external Look I'm getting that from the king of Wands I'm getting this very just wanting You for the Youth for your beauty for How you can make them appear how you can Boost their ego and boost their status But we want to be with someone who Really values us to the core and where

You can feel the sincerity just Radiating through them furthermore I Want you to know that what comes next in Love for you with a Gemini in the ninth House placement that's really important And it shows us an outspokenness in Spiritual growth so having Gemini in the Ninth house those people tend to in the End become leaders tend to become public Speakers tend to become people who are Really good at sharing spiritual wisdom And the epiphanies that they've gone Through and with Jupiter and Gemini in The ninth house we just have a very kind Of in a sense expans expansive energy With Jupiter and Gemini of putting your Story in the spotlight a lot more not in The Romantic sense but I see that when It comes to career things you are meant To be the one that inspires others That's the kind of energy I'm getting Here from this combination and you need A partner who supports the fact that you Will be a lot more well-known than you Are now you will become famous in the Area of expertise that you are choosing To lean into for you it could be healing Traumas that have to do with racism with Having gone through through some sort of Sa having gone through depression for Example you know this depends on your Story but you need a partner who is Secure in themselves and strong because For one you will be inspiring people for

Two you will get notoriety and you may Actually also end up being the one who Makes the big bucks even if your partner Does well for themselves I do see here That there's definitely a huge windfall When it comes to finances for your your Career and your accomplishments and you Can't be with someone who isn't secure In themselves who isn't confident now Group number three this is the first Part of your reading that I received for You and I hope that you enjoyed it and That you found it insightful leave a Butterfly Emoji Below in the comment Section to confirm that you selected Group number three for the first part of Your reading and also to just affirm Your transformation from catfly to from Catfly interesting catfly wow Vanessa This is that's a new one from Caterpillar to butterfly but I got to Say I really like catfly somehow it's Like this in between of there always Being more transformative stages to be Done so you are forever like both catfly A caterpillar and a butterfly I actually Really really like that can we just make This our thing unicorn fam can we just Know that I was the originator of the Catfly I think this has to become a Thing but anyways you guys by the way if You agree let me know in the comment Section comment catfly and I'll know That you're part of group number three

And you're really feeling this so group Three now we'll move on to your Life Path numbers portion of this reading so All you need to do is Click your life Path number and you will be fast Forwarded to the second even more Intricate Part of Your Love Story so I Can't wait to catch you over There hello my beautiful life path Number ones you guys are also known as The leaders and the innovators your Traits are Independence being very Ambitious determined Innovative as well As confident if that resonates then make Sure that you let everyone know Below in The comment section that you indeed are A life path number one as a life path Number one you are a natural leader That's often driven to achieve and to be At the Forefront of any endeavor you are Said to be a Pioneer always seeking new And innovative ways to approach Life as A life path number one your Determination and self-reliance makes You successful with whatever it is that You set your mind towards but of course Also be mindful to develop patience and Understanding in your relationship with Others as this is precisely what we're Looking at within this reading of yours This is a love reading your singles love Reading this is a Time less one as you Know so whenever you tune into this Video is precisely when you are supposed

To receive these messages in regards to Your love life so let's see what Spirit Has to say for you all right so the Queen of rods represents the queen of The element of fire this shows us that When it comes to you and being a life Path number one you are a doer when it Comes to love you are the type of person Who doesn't like to guess about whether You're in a relationship whether this Person is obsessed with you or not you Just want to know you don't have time For games and I want you to know that When it comes to your love life this is Actually a really healthy trait for you To have because rather than some other Life path numbers that will get stuck in Situationships for far longer than they Probably should as a life path number One you are the type that gets in and Gets out at a good rate okay at a good Time of course you need to allow people To prove themselves and to get to know You but typically what's amazing about You is that you don't stay for too long Like for example decades in a Relationship you shouldn't be in next up We have the 10 of coins now the 10 of Coins shows us here that romantically Speaking when it comes to your love life We've got fulfillment ahead of you we've Got a time of you having everything that You desire and more when it comes to Love and here the 10 of coins also

Represents that as a life path number One your love life ised suppos to be Successful in the Earthly realm so you Having an amazing career and being with Someone who also has an equally amazing Career path because you can't be with Someone who is boring you can't be with Someone who isn't ambitious because Otherwise you're exclusively in your Masculine energy and that will that will Throw the relationship off balance Because you're not meant to only be in One type of energy we all have masculine And feminine energy And for you it's important that you can Express both and be in both in your Romantic relationships I see here in the Five of coins that when someone isn't Successful when someone is in a way Unambitious it can never work in a Romantic relationship with you that is When there's just friction that is when There's just a loss of respect because You yourself are a busy bee you are the Type of person that always is active That's always doing doing something that Always has something going on so for you To just be with someone that sits around And does nothing it is not a Vibe group Number one I mean life path number one Of course so I do see here that being With someone that just is not on the Same wavelength is most likely not going To be a good match for you here within

The Ace of Elixir we've got a love Potion so spirit is trying to say to you That love potions are what's up for you Next creating your own love potions that Is something that you can do whenever You feel called to just increase the Amount of love in your life or actually Attract that soulmate and twin flame one Thing that I recommend that you do is to Take some water put a rose quartz in it Pray on that water meditate on that Water set the intention of who you would Like to attract into your life Romantically speaking with that water And then if you like place that water For example in a place where you can see It for the rest of the day like having That glass next to your desk or even Watering your plants with it because Then you're Watering your plants with The intention of love and as you see Your plants grow as that water and Nourishes the soil and the plant you Will also find that Your Love Potion Makes love in your life grow another Thing here with the Ace of Elixir is That this is a symbol of a new beginning In love so a new lover coming into your Life soon my beautiful life path number One and you may ask yourself all right Vanessa soon is very good I'm happy About that but how soon and I want us to Figure out from Spirit precisely how Soon that this is going to be so we've

Got the hermit the hermit shows us here That though you are a leader and Although you are the type of person that Others look up to and find really Independent and inspiring you have a lot Of homebody qualities to you you have a Lot of qualities to you where it's time For you to put yourself out there so Spirit is saying to you look they will Come to you when you put yourself out There a little more at the moment you're Not doing that enough at the moment You're a little bit too much in a Seditary place but you may have had an Idea of how to put yourself out there Not long ago like thinking of signing up To a dating app or for example going out A little more going to other parts of Town that you usually wouldn't visit not To look look desperate or like you're Looking for something but just to you Know run your errands or go have some Nice lunches some nice dinners perhaps Go to a coffee shop even by yourself to Just do work but at the same time be Open to the POS possibility of love and Spirit is confirming that opportunity Will knock and then it will be time for You to go for it for you to explore this Romantic connection now going for it Means stepping out of your comfort zone And stepping out of what you're used to Right now and trying something different Trying something new with your love life

I'll just put your card right here and It is definitely all about looking at Things from the lens of you get to Create your own bubble your own world Your own sphere and your own romantic Reality and if you for example want to Meet someone who is refined who is Successful go to the affluent areas of Your city or of your town go to cafes There relax there make sure that you're Engaging in different hobbies that also Attract people who are affluent if you Would like to attract someone who is for Example very much into spirituality go To breath workshops go to yoga workshops Engage in these different places where You're more likely to meet such an Individual why leave it up to chance When you can create now here within Gratitude be grateful for all that you Have right now that will attract a lover Who is just as positive and grateful Because trust me you don't want to spend The rest of your life with someone who's Constantly complaining you want to Express gratitude and the importance of Gratitude and the more that you're Grateful for your life right now the More the universe and your guides will See oh life path number one is actually Grateful and ready now grateful and Ready ahead of the experience of having Found their twinflame or their soulmate So let me bless life path number one a

Little more Let me give life path number One a little more to be happy about and See whether they're still grateful and See whether they're still humble next We've got get more information I want You to know here life path number one Being a Pioneer in many different ways In life is Definitely sometimes putting you in Positions where you haven't gotten Enough information about a situation and You're asking yourself why it isn't Working out so if for example love is a Big question mark in your life get more Information about how you can kind of Undo this question mark in the sense of All right am I even putting myself out There enough am I even considering the Fact that maybe I am in my home the Whole time or all I'm doing is working And what am I supposed to do wait for my Dream person to break into my home so The thing here that Spirit wants you to Say is no to that all right no we have To be honest with ourselves we have to Be honest about what's going on here and Love and why you are still single Especially if this is something that You're looking to change in the near Future no more cop outs no more excuses Spirit is calling you out and spirit is Saying to you no Now's the Time to act Now is the time to be grateful and to Feel as though you're already in a

Relationship even though you're maybe Not but feeling the emotion ahead of Time is what will Ex what will allow you To create the experience in the 3D right Now and I want you to practice gratitude And saying no to everything that isn't The love life you desire putting Yourself out there and also no in the Ace of Elixir we do have a sign a symbol That your lover is coming sooner than You ever expected it to be we also have A lot of this blooming blossoming kind Of vibe and flowers here so I want you To know that during a time in which a Lot of very colorful Gorgeous Flowers Are bloom and blossoming you will have a Special someone coming into your life so We've got summer time for you we've got Also a late Autumn type of vibe that I'm Getting here within your reading and of Course don't be afraid life path number One to put yourself out there in ways That you maybe haven't done before and Be okay with having your standards and Keeping those standards high now life Path number one this is the reading that I received for you and I hope that you Enjoyed it and that you found it Insightful thank you so much for Spending this Divine time and space with Me and I can't wait to connect with you During one of my upcoming Readings hello life path number two you Are also called The Peacemaker your

Traits are said to be that you are very Diplomatic sensitive yet Cooperative You're empathetic and supportive as a Life path number two you are known for Your ability to mediate and and create Harmony you're like the glue that keeps A family and everyone together you're an Excellent team player you value Relationships and you seek to understand Others that is also why when traveling You love to immerse yourself in other Cultures your sensitivity and empathy Make you a compassionate friend and Romantic partner you Excel en roles that Require tact and Diplomacy however you should be cautious About BEC overly dependent on other People's approval and you need to Develop your self-confidence a little More but let's move into it my gorgeous Life path number two to see what you Need to know about your love life and if This resonated then let everyone know Below that you're life path number two To confirm so here we've got the page of Elixir as well as the death card I want You to fear not that the death card Appeared because the death card is Actually just symbolic of a new Beginning of a transition and being Single wanting to unsingle yourself This Is an amazing card to show up the page Of Elixir shows us here that you are Going to be eternally youthful you have

Got this page of Elixir kind of energy Going for you and whenever you desire a Fresh start in love you're always going To be successful and there's always Going to be someone out here that Actually wants to be in a committed Relationship with you because you always Have this eternal useful energy to you Not just physically but also Energetically you always have a very not I don't want to say childlike or naive But you know when someone is like in Their 70s and they still have useful fun Energy and it radiates throughout them And it seems like they're so much Younger than their peers just through The energy and being the person who is Open-minded always who gets excited for New newness and new things and in Correspondence to the death card I do Want you to know that if you're in a Situationship or you've been in a Relationship where you found that your Value just wasn't really being seen Breaking it off soon ASAP is what Spirit Wants you to do cuz you don't need that You can start fresh any day anytime even If you're 40 years old there will be People who are crazy about you and want You you're not expired or old news You're never too old to find true love And life path number two spirit just Wants you to know that even if a lot of People around you are in these

Relationships that seem like you're Behind or you're not really where you Should be or you're not in a place where You've got a stable life or environment Nonsense group number two you're taking Your time to find the right one not just Someone next up we've got the four of Rods now the four of rods shows us here That once you are in a committed Relationship you will be building a Legacy for your future kids I see within The four of rods that you are building Something that they can still benefit From and that will give them peace of Mind so creating Financial stability for Your Offspring is one thing I see here In the four of rods and then the Ace of Rods shows us that you're starting a Business romantically with your romantic Partner so starting a business Romantically what I meant by that is That the person with whom you'll be in a Relationship with is the same person With whom you are going to build this Business with and with whom you're going To strive to create more and I do also See here that there will be some Philanthropic Pursuits with this person Because you both want to give back and You're both people who really love to be There for others as a life path number Two you are an amazing person to be in a Relationship with because you don't like Drama you don't like arguing and you're

A very honest upfront type of individual Now Spirit wants you to boss up when it Comes to love and to get in and get out Quickly what this means is that if you Have a weird feeling about a person get Out we don't need to waste our time to See what this weird feeling is about Just to find out that actually they have Like three other girlfriends or Potentials within their roster that They're actively seeing even though You've been with them for months we Don't need to see through this feeling That actually they don't value you as Much therefore in a relationship they Want to split all of the bills and They're kind of being very cheap with You in a way that you wouldn't be Especially if you were in their position We don't need to see through where this Is going to go when we already have all The red flags right here that's one Thing I want you to know here within Boss up just because you can do things For yourself and you're successful Doesn't mean that you should be in a Relationship with someone who lets you Do everything by yourself then you might As well be alone that will bring you a Lot more now within endless Serendipity My gorgeous life path number two is when You boss up and when you pack your stuff And move on quickly without wasting your Time and your energy you will actually

Find that before you know it you're with Someone who wants to make your life so Much better and easier who wants to do Everything for you and who celebrates You every single step of the way that's What I see with an endless Serendipity And we've also got these perfect moments I have travel plans for you spending Time outside of the country and perfect Moments beachy waves bikinis Tans SPF I'm getting this whole picture of you With this person it's so romantic and a Proposal a Beach proposal being with Someone where you just feel like oh how Did I get so blessed and so lucky what Did I do to deserve this there is just So much love and care and peace here and As a life path number two being a Peacemaker this is so beautiful for you To experience on your romantic journey And it's such a gorgeous initiation into Your Forever relationship don't stop Like path number two you're doing Everything right if you needed Confirmation about whether you're Spending the right amounts of time being Concerned with your love life whether You're doing the things you're supposed To do yes you are just don't stop keep Putting yourself out there keep being Open to love I do want you to know here Stop doubting yourself is when you're on This frequency of expecting the best and When you expect when you let go of the

Thought of anything negative but instead You just expect the best that is when You will find that the best finds you Every single time so let go of the old You let go of any kind of feeling that Isn't in alignment with what you want They say if you have expectation then You can be disappointed but this is About the right kind of expectation so Not expecting for example the perfect Person to appear in 2 hours from now but Actually expect ing the best in your Life and in your love life and seeing How that appears rather than being in a Place of expecting worry expecting more Of what you don't want this is about Letting go of all of the unhelpful Thoughts and generating The Helpful ones And the thing is a lot of people say oh You should just completely let go of any Expectation that is one way to do it but Why just be neutral and lukewarm when You can be in the positive it makes Complete sense to not expect more Negativity to not overthink to not be in An energy or vibration of anxiety but Rather than being in that we don't have To just say we don't expect anything we Can expect the best why not put Ourselves in the frequency of positive Rather than just neutralizing negativity That's what your guides want you to do Here for your love life life path number Two and also remember your Eternal

Youthfulness your eternal baby face and Amazing skin quality is definitely a Huge Plus in this world that is a little Vain okay that does put a lot of Emphasis on looks and you'll always have This to your advantage but step into More confidence when you enter room like You know shoulders back chest up chin up Make sure that you enter rooms showing That you are confident about yourself And that you understand your worth your Value and that you are attracted my Gorgeous life path number two I hope That this reading resonated and that you Found it insightful let me know Below in The comment section and I can't wait to Connect with you during one of my Upcoming Predictions hello life path number three You are said to be the communicator the Creative expressive sociable and Optimistic one of the life path numbers You're very charismatic and as a life Path number three you're often very Artistic and you love to express Yourself which means that as a lover in A romantic relationship you are so Beautiful and fun to be around because You know how to express yourself in Really meaningful ways you're the type Of life path number that always gives The most thoughtful gifts even if you Don't have a lot of money to spend on a Gift for example you will make it the

Most memorable and thoughtful thing that You possibly can you are amazing at Communicating through writing art music And speaking and you're so charming and Your enthusiasm can light up any room And often you are said to be the life of The party and the guest that people love To invite because you can talk to Absolutely anyone you're a natural Communicator and you inspire others with Your optimism but it's important that You don't scatter your energy and you Should work on maintaining focus and Discipline for what you want let's see How this affects your love life we've Got the four of Wands we have a Depiction of you feeling very confident And comfortable with another person I do Want you to see here that when it comes To romantic love you need to feel secure You need to feel like you can trust like You can rely on the person that you're With and like they've got your back That's what I see here for the four of Wands you definitely need someone who is Even more well-versed at life than you Are so someone who is mature someone who Is stable someone who knows what they Want because as a life path number three You're already a very outgoing and fun Lifeof the party type of Personality Compared to the other life path numbers And you don't need someone who Constantly wants to put themselves into

The spotlight what you really need is a Person that understands that you need a Bit more grounding in your life that Because you are often so all over the Place and so artsy what you really Desire in a relationship is stability And here within the nine of Swords I do Want you to know that as a life path Number three what often happens is that People fall in love with you who are Already in committed relationships even With kids even married you have this Irresistible it factor that a lot of People just want to be around and often You've got people falling in love with You because of your goddess Divine Beautiful feminine energy that you know How to express you don't do it on Purpose but it just happens it doesn't Mean that you engage in this but you're Just in this siren type of vibe and Energy that attracts a lot of people to You that even quote unquote shouldn't be Attracted to you and should be minding Their own business and taking care of Their own relationships so that means Life path number three always be careful When you're just dating someone to Ensure that they are for sure single all Right that they don't have some sort of Hidden relationship somewhere or another Life I see here in the king of coins That the best signs for you that are Actually reliable are Capricorn Taurus

And Virgo now these are the signs that The king of coins represents as the king Of coins shows us this tortoise upon Which you know we have this tree that's Being able to be carried around slowly But surely that was able to grow and the King of coins represents someone who has A slow and steady approach where Everything is fruitful and who is Financially very successful and Dependable the king of coins also shows Us here that this is the type of person Who understands that just because a lot Of people fantasize about being with you And a lot of people would like a little Piece of you that doesn't mean that you Will ever entertain that or engage in That so you need someone who is Self-confident next up we've got the Devil all right life path number three The devil is depicted here in form of This flaming red snake and it represents That there is Temptation and it makes a Lot of sense with the nine of swords and What we spoke about that you are just so Tempting for others you will always have People flirting with you people wanting To be with you it's important that you Pick the ones who have a very pure heart And pure intent with you cuz you'll Always have some people people around You that love the way that you look or They love your energy but you want to be With someone who appreciates you for you

Also in your Quiet Moments the days Where you don't feel cute where you just Want to wear like an oversized t-shirt And some sort of like shorts and you Don't want to dress up you don't want to Put on makeup you don't want to do your Hair or however your beauty regimen Looks you want someone who loves the Authentic you even though it can be Tempting to sometimes go with an Individual that is head over heels for You but we have to make sure that the Head Over Heels energy is coming from The right place nevertheless life path Number three your love life is going to Be a success so if you've been worrying About this your angels are here to Confirm with you there's nothing to Worry about your love life is heading in The right direction you're doing all of The things that you quote unquote should Be doing for a successful love life and You have nothing to worry about romantic Speaking your love life will play out Beautifully next up we have a year from Now a year from now everything is going To be different life path number three And you're going to find that your love Life has completely transformed your Life your entire world looks different You've traveled more you've been to more Countries and you are divinely protected By your angels and you're stepping into Your purpose With Your Love Story and

Your love life because your love life is Allowing you to Embrace and express Yourself in more ways than you could Before so being with someone who's Actually supportive we have another Confirmation in case you were wondering How do I know that this reading is Really for me as a life path number Three well we've got expressive which is One of the things that we spoke about When describing you as a life path Number you are expressive you're the Type of person who's very artsy we have A harp depicted here and harps may have Always been something you've had a Natural Affinity towards and perhaps You've even kind of experienced or Dreamt of it some point playing a harp So the harp showing up shows us a very Harmonious love life and a year from now Having a love life where you've overcome The Temptations I mean you will always Be tempting to certain people even if You're married even if you have kids Even if you're advanc in age you'll Always be attractive but that is not Your your problem the thing here that we Have confirmed within your reading is That you are loyal and that loyalty is Something that you can also expect back From the partner that you're with Loyalty is so important to you as well As the person with whom your love life Will play out with and I want you to

Know life path number three that being Loyal is the most beautiful trait that You've got because a lot of people in This day and age they don't know how to Be loyal anymore but you have a little Bit of the old school personality which I want you to know is serving your love Life dearly now life path number three And this is the reading that I received For you and I hope that you found it Insightful and that you enjoyed it make Sure that you let me know Below in the Comment section further more if you love The crystal rings that I'm wearing here Within this reading and you would like Some of these crystal rings I've got Them on bowlife.com which is my store They all ship worldwide make sure that You check that out in order to add one Of these beautiful pieces to your Crystal jewelry collection now life path Number three I'm sending you so much Love and I can't wait to connect with You during one of my upcoming Readings hello life path number four you Are also known as the Builder you're Practical disciplined hardworking Reliable and detail oriented as a life Path number four you are known for your Strong work ethic and your very Practical approach to life and also love You are known to be the builders you lay Solid foundations for your future as Well as the future that you will have

With a lover and with a family and Through careful planning and consistent Effort you often create things that are Bigger than anyone expected them to be But you already knew that life would be Successful now your reliability and Attention to detail make you invaluable To any project or job but you should Make sure that you don't become too Rigid or stubborn and you should strive For balance with work relaxation and Your love life let's see what messages That Spirit has I shuffled the cards for You we've got two cards that Energetically felt like they had to be Revealed as the first cards within your Reading so let's see what your guides Have to say for you when it comes to Your love life you are becoming nobody And this is actually a great thing Because your romantic life allows you to Completely reinvent and revamp yourself So starting from a fresh slate starting From a place where you don't feel like Your pressure to be a certain way is Actually going to create a type of Dynamic in your relationship that is Going to allow you to follow your dreams That's what we've got here within your Jar of Dreams being with someone who Wants you to always be the same person That they met at the start of the Relationship they want you to look the Same way they want you to be in the the

Same job they want you to have the same Aspirations that's not for you even Though you are the Builder who is said To love stability at the same time you Also love to build new things you love To engage in new projects that you've Never tried before rather than just Constantly repeating the same thing so Becoming nobody and writing on a blank Page is something that you want to be Able to do time and time again even in a Committed romantic relationship and you Need space to do that with an upside Down I do see that for you what comes Next in your love life is seeing things From a completely different perspective Like being single for example rather Than seeing it as in a sense loneliness Or being by yourself you're seeing it Upside down as in this might be my last Opportunity to only focus on myself to Be quote unquote selfish to do what I Want and not have to consider a partner Because well I'm going to be in a Forever relationship I'm going to be in A lifelong marriage and commitment so This is a time in my life that's Actually really rare and I should really Enjoy rather than want to be over very Quickly so you're actually seeing things From perspectives that are always Supportive and helpful to you rather Than seeing things from a perspective That make you feel less than or make you

Feel worried here within the grounded Card I can see that for you life path Number four you love a very sincere Honest grounded type of relationship That is rooted and first and foremost Liking one another and you don't like For people to be too extravagant that's Just not your kind of thing if someone Is financially illiterate not good with Money overspends or wears all of these Designer things but can't even keep a Job or doesn't even have anything else To show that is a big no no for you you Like grounded and humble types of Individuals and I see here within Demanding that the reason why you like This is because you have been with the Other type of individual you've seen how It goes and you don't have time for Someone who is very demanding you have Your own demands and love that you would Like fulfilled and you don't really want Someone who is equally demanding which I Know sounds bad in a sense but let's be Real none of us really want to deal with Someone who is robbing us of our last Nerve especially when you're working Hard and building a legacy and building And projects that require a lot of your Time and effort because you're a very Work oriented type of life path number So you don't need someone who brings Drama you need someone who kind of can Deal with the little drama that you

Bring from time to time and that's the Most that you want in any romantic Relationship cuz drama is just not your Thing now here within illusion your Guides want you to embrace the truth Like life path number four now embracing The truth means being honest with Yourself on your romantic Journey if Someone doesn't text you very often and You can just feel that the enthusiasm is Lukewarm embrace the truth and the truth Is that's how they feel about you they Are not hiding their deep undying love For you no if someone is lukewarm Embrace that truth and ask yourself if That's really what you want because life P number four I want more for you I want Someone with whom you know that your Children are protected I want someone With whom you know that you are Protected where you think oh who would Be an amazing person to have kids with And build a family and Legacy with you Immediately think of this individual and No one else and you know they will be There whether it is during a time of Labor whether it is during a time of Being in Hospital of not being well of Having to kind of decide what schools to Pick what Vacations To Go on if you want To stay home and you don't want to work Anymore and take care of kids and it Doesn't matter whether you identify as Male or female but you want to be able

To count on this person you want them to Be dependable and for that you need Someone who is infatuated and obsessed With you you deserve nothing less life Path number four and I want you to stay In your grounded energy and to be Demanding until you find someone that Naturally meets those demands and on top Of that is just like wait that's all I Want a bigger list of things to do now Life path number four never settled for Less as a life path number four you are Such an amazing partner with whom you Can build a life with and you deserve The same kind of energy and return I Hope that you enjoyed this reading I Hope that you found it insightful let me Know Below in the comment section that You are a life path number four to Represent your life path number thank You so so much for spending this Divine Time and space with me and I can't wait To connect with you during one of my Upcoming Readings hello my gorgeous life path Number five you are also known as the Adventurer you are free-spirited Adventurous adaptable energetic and mega Curious as a life path number five you Thrive on change and Adventure you're The type of life path number that is Constantly seeking new experiences and Knowledge and your adaptability and how Resourceful you can be makes you a

Fantastic partner to be with you're the Type of partner with whom one can Actually navigate life's ups and downs With ease you are a natural Explorer an Innovator and it's important that you Try to get some rest too life path Number five when's the last time you Actually slept for eight full hours all Right let's get into your love reading To figure out precisely what this means In regards to your love life as a single So with an unappreciated I can see that Life path number five unfortunately you Do have this faith of having been Unappreciated in many previous Relationships and situations in which You really did not belong in you did not Belong in a situation where you were Treated like you were not special like You were unlovable you did not deserve All that is life path number five and as An adventurer that can really take the Wind out of your sales but we're done With that life path number five I see Here within expressive that it is either People who are allowing you to be Expressive that are allowed around you Or none I see here with an unappreciated That you have to be in a relationship in Which you can express yourself and also In which you can travel and be free Someone who is extra possessive and Jealous in an unhealthy way these Individuals they need to stay away from

My life path number fives all right and If you're having an issue with any one Of them send me their address send me Their number I just want to talk I just Want to talk next up we've got peaceful Yes life path number five you are Already on such a high naturally through Life you naturally are so much more Energetic than the other life path Numbers that all we need for you in love Is peacefulness all we need for you in Love is to be able to be loved in Accordance to the love that you give Reciprocity right not just a taker but Someone who is a giver as well because You are a giver you're the type of Person where when you want to express Yourself and put your love declarations Out there oh you will and it will not be Missed and I do see here that it's so Important for whoever you're with that They understand precisely that you are The kind of Giver that's ready to Receive you're ready for the next step You're ready for commitment you're ready For a real relationship that can last a Lifetime and the thing here with being Ready is that you have to match with Others who are ready as well someone who Says to you I'm not sure whether I am Prepared for that real relationship I'm Not sure if I'm ready to be committed no Life path number five they are not meant For you you are not meant for them I

Don't want you in that situation cuz you Deserve better you deserve a peaceful Life where you know that your person is There for you regardless of what life Throws at you so you know where you Stand you don't deserve any less than That here within meditation brings Answers I see for life path number five That being still sometimes is really Medicine and if you've been falling off On your meditation practice or it's just Quite frankly speaking been difficult For you to do because you do have a more Restless nature I just want you to know That this is really the answer to a lot Of the questions you have in love and Also a lot of the situations in which You're maybe feeling stuck or you're Entertaining something for longer than You should so meditation brings an Answers and you can have the Duality Sometimes I meditate and then I put on Some really cool beats or even like House music and dance to it as though I'm in some sort of concert as though I'm at some sort of Rave or something Like that so here within the ow follow Your intuition life path number five you Know what's best for you in love and you Also know when someone is actually Serious there's a difference between a Person saying I'm not sure and I need a Little more time and it's early on Versus someone you've been giving your

Heart and soul to and they're like um I'm not sure about you actually life Path number five I need to put you Through a few more months of me getting All the benefits of you but giving you Zero commitment what kind of BS is that I do see here within legends that you're Meant to remember life path number five You are iconic you are the type of life Path number that leaves a mark on People's lives in the best possible Manner live it express it show people That you get that too that you Understand it as well the thing with Life path number five is like I don't Think you get how iconic you are I don't Think you understand how inspiring that You are that you are the teacher that You are the adventurer that breaks Barriers in so many different ways you Break the social norms you break Norms When it comes to race when it comes to Age when it comes to gender when it Comes to socioeconomic backgrounds and I Want you to know here that you can learn From those who inspire you but also you Are an icon yourself and icons deserve To be with people who at least at the Least see that they're icons at the Least value and respect them at the Least reciprocate all of the love and Energy that is really Irreplaceable that You put into relationships so I wanted To remind you of that life path number

Five that's really what Spirit had for You within this reading it was a Reminder of who the f you are and to Never settle for anyone that takes you Out of that feeling of knowing who you Are and understanding that you are Special you are iconic you are literally A legend who deserves the type of love That they give now life path number five Let me know Below in the comment section How you like this reading that you Enjoyed it I'm sending you so much love Thank you for spending this Divine time And space with me right before I forget You can also check out all of my crystal Rings and my online courses below Below In the description box and I can't wait To connect with you during one of my Upcoming videos Hello life path number Six you're known as the nurturer and by The way I'm a life path number six as Well which I'm so excited for us to get Into precisely what love has in store For us for the future now you are said To be a caring responsible nurturing Supportive and Community oriented life Path number life path number six Individuals are the caregivers that's Why we're called the nurturers and we're Often drawn to roles where we can help And support others hence why I am a Tarot reader and you do what you do to Support others my gorgeous fellow life Path number six so whether it's in

Personal Endeavors or your professional Lives as a life path number six we are Highly compassionate and we also sense Like a duty of being reliable and loving Friends and family members and one thing That's important for life path number Six especially in love is to be cautious Of becoming overbearing or neglecting Our own needs while while caring for Others but let's see what our guides Have to say about that okay big happy Changes coming for our love lives I love Seeing this my gorgeous fellow life path Number sixes big happy changes coming Your way I can't wait for us to see what These big happy changes are but spirit Is starting off our reading with a bang Next up we've got compromise Okay so in the past you may have thought To yourself in order for big happy Changes to come I have to compromise on Every corner in every nook and cranny I Have to make so many compromises will This love life even be what I want at The end of the day but I want you to Know here that the compromises that You're making are so minuscule in Comparison to the big happy changes that You're gaining you're not even going to Feel like you're compromising you're not Even going to feel as though you're Making yourself small for anything I see Here within communicate clearly that for You moving forward what actually happens

Is that through clear communication you Will find that you get everything that You desire as a life path number six Because you're the natural nurturer and In a sense also the people pleaser it Can be hard for you to communicate Clearly what you want and what you Desire because you don't want to seem Needy or like a burden but here within Communicating clearly compromizing and The big happy changes that Spirit brings For us as messages for you it is very Clear that once you open up to just Saying what your needs are and what you Want you will find that Things fall into Place because now people know precisely What you desire what you're going for And you'll get there because people love Clarity the universe loves Clarity and Unrecognized I can see here that in many Many ways you have gone unrecognized and Unnoticed especially if you're a Creative and you've always wanted to Have a little bit of Fame and Recognition and for your art to be seen For what it is and for you to be seen For who you are I want you to know that When you communicate clearly that's what You can do about being unrecognized and Going from that place to being Recognized to being seen to being being That person that is actually at the end Of the day untamable you have a spirit Within you that isn't so predictable

Like people know you to be you have Another version another side of you that Is very untamable that is in a sense Like this Dragon Spirit if you will and When it comes to love that that actually Puts you in a position where your lover Has so much fun being with you because You are like multiple partners in one You have multiple personalities and I Don't mean that in a scary way in the Sense of that you have some disorder That you're dealing with of course if You are of course if you are dealing With some mental health issues then for You that may not always be very easy but I would say for the larger portion of You who actually have multiple Personalities in a way that isn't hard To deal with that is fun you make for This amazing partner that brings Stability but also excitement now we've Got big changes showing up again for you We already had this show up at the start Of your reading life path number six so These big changes these big happy Changes are coming sooner rather than Later because spirit is reiterating Spirit is doubling down telling you hey These big happy changes are coming this Is a huge difference this is a huge Change that we have coming your way and We also have the dove right here within The big changes and I want you to know Here within the dove that has showed up

Within your reading this is an animal of Peace this is a symbol of you being at a Point where yeah you know what these big Happy changes bring peace to me now I Can relax and my love life is where I Want it to be it's peaceful it's good It's been a huge change and tell it like It is is symbolic of the iconic version Of you that speaks up that says what They want remember how we had Communicate clearly spirit is really Doubling down within your reading Telling you how important it is for you To be outspoken for you to say what you Want for you to tell it like it is Communicate clearly allow these big Happy changes to come for you and to not Feel as though you have to decide Between being kind nurturing caring but Also asking for what you want and Getting it you can have both here within Devoted Spirit sees as though you are This type of person where once they have Devoted themselves to something whether It's your career a loved one a marriage You are the type of person that is not Going to stop when it comes to caring For that once you are devoted you're in It you are not looking left and right You are the type of person who is Fiercely loyal who would never stray and I definitely see here within devoted That it's so important important that You realize that you are hard to come by

You are a rare breed now here within Guide your Spirit guides are telling you That your love is divinely guided the More that you speak up and say what you Desire the more you will actually Attract the type of people into your Life that you know are the ones who will Give you what you desire not because They feel forced to but because they're Actually showing and reflecting how you Value yourself cuz when you value Yourself and you expect the best for Yourself others will value you in that Way too others will give you exactly What you expect because you're not Afraid to ask for it and you do it with A type of energy not of entitlement but Of certainty that you are deserving of It and that changes everything now my Gorgeous life path number six is thank You so much for being here for spending This Divine time and space with me don't Forget to check out my crystal jewelry And all of my tarot and Oracle Decks That I have self-published and created From scratch on bowlife.com it's linked Below in the description box and of Course I also have my iconic courses There where you can learn tarot and you Can also learn how to create publish and Sell your very own decks so make sure That you check that out my beautiful Souls and life path number sixes Wherever you are in this world know that

I'm sending you so much love and I can't Wait to connect with you during one of My upcoming Readings hello life path number seven Welcome to your portion of this video I Hope that you enjoyed the first part Where you got to pick from the groups at The start of this reading but now let's Talk all things life path number seven You are also known as the life path Called The Seeker because you are Introspective analytical spiritual wise But can also be pretty reserved as a Life path number seven you are the type That always seeks for deeper meaning in Synchronicities and in life life you're A thinker and a philosopher you're drawn To spirituality and intellectual Pursuits your analytical mind and quest For knowledge is what makes you so wise And insightful so you've probably heard That you are wise beyond your years many Many times before or people couldn't Even believe your age when you used to Speak as a kid because they felt like You were so much more mature beyond what Your biological age was saying now you May need to work on balancing your Introspective nature with social Interactions so that you don't become Too isolated but let's see precisely What's going on here within your reading So within the goddess it is completely Clear that you've got this Divine

Goddess type of energy and your guides Want you to know that when it comes to Love this means that you pick great Partners because you've been through the Ringer you've seen what it's like to Pick people who don't really value you Or treat you like this goddess or God That you are whoever you identify as of Course and you're just not doing it Anymore because why should you you don't Have to so why settle for that why Settle for something when you can do Better next up we've got guide so I do See for you here beautiful life path Number seven you often turn into the Guide you often turn into the person That is leading everyone else in the Right direction because others trust you And in in a romantic relationship you Are meant to be the leader even if your Partner doesn't know it so by that I Mean even if your partner feels as Though they're in full control you're Still the one who's actually leading the Relationship and who's actually pushing It in the direction that you want but You're doing it in a very like lowkey Type of way so they never really feel it And that gives your partner a feeling of Being in control even though they're not And the thing here within deceptive is That you're such a chameleon that you Can deal with anyone in any situation Because you have the emotional

Intelligence to do it but within Receptive and also the number 13 I want You to know that this shows that when Someone tells you something you take it On board and not only do you use that to Make the relationship better but it also Tells you a lot about who that person is Internally and that way you can use that Knowledge in order to steer the Relationship down healthy route and path That you wanted to go down so I do want You to know here that when it comes to Your love life you are the secret leader And you are the one that calls the shots But your partner is never truly going to Know and I see here within healthy Boundaries that this all comes after You've experienced some trauma some Deceit some letdowns that really Shouldn't have been yours to experience At this point in your life and at this Point in time but you know what it Happened we got through it we learned From it we dealt with it and now you're Just this gorgeous life path number Seven that you have become but you have A lot of dark demons and confessions Within you that need to be kind of Shared you have to be able to speak you Have to be able to be honest and I do See here that because you're so Introspective and analytical if you Don't have a partner with whom you can Be honest with and kind of share

Absolutely all of your thoughts with It's going to be like a golden cage it's Going to be a very challenging situation For you to be in to live in to existant And of course we don't want that for you Life path number seven we want you to be Able to speak up and to be honest about All of the traumas and your past Experiences that you've been through Spirit is however warning you that when Dating don't share this too early on That's a big no no people have to earn Your trust and you have to keep those Healthy boundaries up and going until You feel as though enough time has Passed in order to let someone in and I Know it's not always about a certain Amount of time what's also important is How people make each other feel and how They interact with one another and how Deep the bond is but at the same time Time still is an important factor and Still shouldn't be underestimated in how People subconsciously judge you like for Example if you go on a date and you are Too intimate with someone too early on Too quickly that is still often Subconsciously judged even if people are Not going to admit that it is so within Peaceful resolution know here that your Love life is actually going to come to This really nice resolution where you Have been through your ups and downs and Your challenges you've been through

Failed relationships and then what comes Next is actually you understanding How to maneuver relationships down to a Tea you just become better at them so That when you meet the right person you Know exactly how to behave you know Exactly how to guide the relationship Towards success because I truly believe That sometimes two people would be Amazing together but it doesn't work out Because they're very inexperienced on How to handle relationships and Inexperienced and actually seeing the Value in a partner that is before them That is an amazing partner so sometimes People still think oh there's better out There there's more out there and they Don't really realize that what they have Before them is the most amazing partner That they could ever get and here with An ask for help from others I want you To know my gorgeous life path number Sevens that there's nothing wrong in Asking for help and that's probably even How you're going to meet your special Someone by simply asking them for help Not having thought that it would turn Into anything it was just more you Asking someone for support and and help And then that person turning into your Future partner your future spouse from a Place where all you asked of was a Little bit of insight a little bit of Help support maybe their expertise on

Something and then you got into talking And all of a sudden you develop this Deep kind of feeling of wanting to be With one another of wanting to be Together so that's one thing that I see Here for life path number seven for your Path and journey with love now my Beautiful life path number seven this is The reading that I received for you and I hope that you enjoyed it and that you Found it insightful feel free to let me Know Below in the comment section and of Course don't forget to check out my Crystal jewelry it's linked in the Description box as well as my Self-published tarot and Oracle decks You guys I cannot wait for us to connect In an upcoming video and wherever you Are in this world I'm sending you love And I'll speak to you next Time hello my gorgeous life p class Number eight welcome to part two of your Two-part love reading let's figure out Precisely what influence that your life Path number has on your love life and What you need to know about your Romantic future so first up we've got Money life path number eight did you Know that people see your life path Number as the life path number of Abundance of the life life path number Called the PowerHouse you are ambitious Authority ative disciplined practical And financially Savvy life path 8

Individuals are natural Leaders with a Strong drive for success and power hence Why you will always have your finances Together and you will always have Abundance whether in a relationship or Outside of one life path number eight is Often focused on achieving material and Financial success and your authorative Presence and business Acumen can lead You to Great Heights within your career You should be mindful to not become too Materialistic or domineering and you Should strive for a balance between Things in the material realm where You're being ambitious and you're Getting everything that you've ever Dreamed of and also having empathy and Fairness towards yourself your life Partner and potentially also Offspring So that you're spending enough time with Everyone and you don't end up feeling Guilty because all you've done was work Next up we've got the peacock all right So the peacock shows us here that for Life path number eight it's time for you To raise your standards for yourself and For a potential partner life path number Eight when you meet someone who is Seemingly a little out of your league Sometimes that can scare you back into Your shell because you're usually the One that's out of everyone's league so When you meet the prize all of a sudden You become a little bit unsure what to

Make of it but the thing here with the Peacock is it shows that this is Actually a great opportunity Unity for You to raise your standards Simultaneously because there is no one Who is out of your lead there's simply Someone who can challenge you and push You to become even better than you would Be by yourself that's the right person For you there are few and these are Spread in between different continents So don't be shy to do some longdistance Dating as well however it is important That once you know you settle in in that Relationship ship and then you focus Back on your career and your finances I See here within the animal bond that you Are the type of person who has a bond That naturally flows with animals so Animals naturally feel safe around you The animal Bond also shows us here that You definitely benefit from having an Animal companion around you and standing Up for all animals not just that animal Companion that has the privilege of Being yours and have the priv has the Privilege of having your protection Exclusively so your guides are trying to Say to you that on a bigger scale there Are some philanthropic Ventures that Have to do with animals where you would Really Thrive and that would help life Path number eight the PowerHouse to find Themselves in a situation in which they

Feel balanced again because balance Comes through having different Experiences for you next up we've got The Page of Cups now the Page of Cups Shows us a young water sign water signs Are cancer scorpio or Pisces that is Influencing your love life greatly and Here we have a white rabbit and the White rabbit is indicative of luck as Well as innocence and multiplying what You already possess here in the Page of Cups we also have the six moons well Seven but these discs it almost kind of Reminds us of coins right and we had Money finding a way to abundance so know Here that this page of cups is your Ideal person to help you to multiply What's already there this is someone who Has younger more fun bubbly energy than You do and I see here in the five of Wands that they're an amazing contrast To the day-to-day struggles and life and Competition that you face because things Are fierce in your workspace things Aren't funny everyone wants to be on top Everyone wants to be the best everyone Wants to have the most kind of how Should I say make the biggest impression On the world right everyone wants to Have the biggest following everyone Wants to do the most so coming home to Someone that understands you that is Emotionally safe and sane and fun and Just a nice person to be around is

Imperative for life path number eight Next up let's see what Spirit has for You we've got no strings attached up Until then up until you feel you have The one we are just heavy on the no Strings attached because life path Number eight once you get attached you Get attached for good you get attached For ever there's no leaving there's no Breaking up here within no strings Attached I just definitely see that when It comes to finding love and being in a Romantic relationship you do not Tolerate the whole in andout notion you Don't like that that's only something That you'll do with someone that you're Not really that interested in and here Within becoming nobody I see that once You have showed someone your true self That is completely uncovered of all of The different ways in which you protect Yourself through your accomplishments Your accolades your looks the things That you have been able to accomplish This far once you have stripped yourself Of all of that and you've shown someone Who you truly are on the inside within Becoming nobody I just want you to know Here that then things are solid for you The solidification always happens Through this act of vulnerability so if You've asked yourself why you get so Attached to certain people it is because You have taken it to that level so until

You're sure that it is reciprocated try To steer clear of that try to steer Clear of being so obvious when it comes To laying out all of your demons the Personal things that lay within you that Can sometimes kind of come to the Surface and you want to share eventually You will share but I want you to share With the right people so you don't get Your heartbroken next up we've got Beauty sleep now within beauty sleep the Message we're receiving here from your Guides is life path number eight you Don't sleep enough you don't get enough Beauty sleep you are not prioritizing This and a great way that I am now Currently prioritizing beauty sleep Because this card kept showing up in my Own personal readings that I do for Myself life path number eight how I'm Doing it now is I'm saying to myself When I go into overthinking mode and When I go into this energy of just Feeling down and out and anxiety and Overthinking my life and my Accomplishments I just say no what I'm Going to do now is I'm either going to Take a nap or I'm going to act and work And do something that is actually Inspiring me and is actually solving the Problem but what I'm not going to do is Just sit here and dwell on the problem And that is a great way I have found to Calm my nerves because for one I'm not

First spending hours of overthinking and Then tiring myself and then needing the Nap anyways I'm going straight to the Nap I do the nap for 45 minutes an hour 2 hours and I feel so refreshed and I Haven't wasted all that time that I Would usually waste and that also works Fantastically well when overthinking About love especially if you've gone Through a breakup or you're currently Going through a breakup that is still Lingering that still has physical Effects on you just sleep tell yourself I deserve this sleep I deserve this rest Your body your mind your nervous system They're all going to thank you for this And it is going to help you to get over The hurt everything that you're Overthinking about love in a manner that That is faster and healthier and you Will start to associate negative Feelings with okay I need a break rather Than sitting there dwelling on it and Overthinking it so it's really just Rewiring your patterns your brain as Well as the usual ways in which you Would behave now life path number eight This is the reading that I received for You and I hope that you've enjoyed it And that you found it insightful feel Free to let me know Below in the comment Section I love to read your comments and To hear from you for more life path Number eight all of the links are below

In the description box as well whether It's my crystal rings my self-published Decks such as the wild Muse Oracle deck Right here or anything else such as my Courses that can help you to manifest to Create the life that you desire you can Find all of that linked below as well All of my beautiful life path number Eights wherever you are in this world I'm sending you love and I can't wait to Connect with you during one of my Upcoming Readings hello life path number nine you Are said to be the humanitarian of all Of the life path numbers compassionate Idealistic selfless artistic and Generous are some ways in which life Path number nine is described and I Can't wait for us to figure out Precisely what AFF that the date of your Birth hence your life path number Affects your love life as you are this Visionary of the world and this Humanitarian in life path n you're often Driven by a desire to make the world a Better place and you are deeply Empathetic and compassionate your Idealism and generosity inspires and Uplifts everyone around you and you Should be cautious of becoming overly Idealistic or neglecting your own Personal needs in your pursuit of Helping others first up we've got the Ship has sailed my gorgeous life path

Number nine I want you to know that Anyone up until now that hasn't claimed You that has wanted to put a ring on it That hasn't been serious about your Relationship it's done the ship has Sailed there's no going back to them I Don't know why we're even wasting any Time thinking about these situation Ships get get the memo you see we have The ship has Saed situation ships we're Not doing it anymore you get the pun and Just remove the anchor like let them Loose let them out into the open ocean Let them see what they find out there Let them see what kind of sirens and Harlots and sea monsters that they Encounter and they will wish that you Were out there with them and they didn't Have to deal with it by themselves next Up we've got updates to your nervous System so once we have let all of the Ships sailed all of the ghosts from our Past all of the exes all the Situationships I want you to know that Now is a time of updating your system Updating to a new standard you know why You were even in a position where you Felt heartbroken where you felt torn Where you felt like I'm in a Situationship and I don't know how to Steer it towards a relationship cuz I'm Not happy with where it is now I want Commitment I want someone to love me to Be there for me to care for me to not

Leave me well we are getting these Updates to our system life path number Nine because you're a giver because You're a humanitarian because you're a Lover often you don't prioritize your Needs and in relationships some people Shamelessly take advantage of this and I See here within being authentic that the Thing for you is that you have to learn To wear different masks at different Times you are often too authentic too Early on yes I said it I am 100% guilty Of the fact that I think it's not okay To be too authentic too early on in a Relationship not in this day and age if You're all love and light and oh I feel These feelings that are so deep and so Filled with love for you please try it Try it and let me know how often your Heart breaks in this St AG you have to Be a little strategic you have to test The person that you're dealing with and Be a little inauthentic if you feel Really really strongly for them play it Cool a little bit I know we shouldn't Have to but it's the reality play it Cool for a little bit always remember Your needs always remember you're also a Human being who needs attention who Needs love and affection and see what They do in situations that are Challenging see what they do in Situations in which they are given the Power I want you to know here with an

Alchemic that we have this very slow Kind of growth that's why we've also got The tortoise of love for you you want to Take things slowly and steadily before You reveal everything about yourself and Your personality and your past and your Traumas you're going to want to verify Who sits next to you or before you You're going to want to verify that They're the type of person who is even Worthy of opening up to because life Path number nine you're such a devoted Partner and lover you're such a devoted Spouse to be with let's not waste this On someone who is not seeing that on Someone who does not value that on Someone who does not see the Rarity the Importance and how devoted that you are Because unfortunately there are a lot of People who get with someone who is Extremely devoted extremely loving very Caring who's the perfect partner and They don't appreciate it and that is Where I do also see here within psychic That you have some abilities that others Don't really understand or get that go Beyond just the regular realm the Material realm and your psychic Abilities are actually here in order to Teach you wow I have this six sense and It's important that I use it even in Love I don't have to hide it I don't Have to keep it from anyone it's now Time for me to be able to use this for

My own highest good and for me to Discern who is a great partner to be With and who I should probably just Leave alone and the thing here is that You are so empathetic and compassionate That as a life path number nine as a Humanitarian you can tend to be the type To pick up projects and that's a big no It's not what we're doing we've got king Of Cups energy for you king of water Signs we've got Scorpio cancerian Pisces Energy big loud proud very masculine Type of energy even though this is a Feminine element I want you to know this Is someone who has that Dragon Spirit Who wants to do things exactly how you Like them this is about a giver a lover Someone who is generous that's your Person all right not someone who sees That you're the generous one you're the Empathetic one and then they let you do All the work and then they let you be The one who is giving everything Emotionally speaking doing all the Emotional labor in a relationship and They just lean back and let you chase And please them no thank you life path Number nine The Three of Wands shows us Here that you have already worked so Hard to get to where you are now you've Put so much effort into your healing Journey and you will always be climbing And you don't need someone who is Pulling you down the ladder you don't

Need someone who is sawing like Different little breaking points into The ladder you just don't need that life Path number n you don't deserve it and For as long as I am doing these readings For as long as I am still breathing I Will not allow it I will not allow Myself to see how my life path number Nines are struggling because their own Partner or lover is sabotaging them we Are picking better updates to our system When you meet someone and you can Already tell they're a clown you can Already tell they're the type of person Who is just going to use your kind Nature remind yourself of the update That you just did and don't allow it to Crash just because it feels familiar cuz You've dated clowns before it doesn't Mean that you're going to continue Dating clowns in the future which is Precisely also why your guides have Brought the moon into your reading which Is another nod to your psychic ability You know right from the beginning life Path number nine but the whole thing is Will you allow yourself to take it Seriously will you allow yourself to Actually see that some someone is not For you and then to act on it or are you Going to keep talking yourself into Believing that they are the one even Though you know that they're not the one And I see here within the Ace of coins

What comes next is a new beginning in Your career and I do see that when it Comes to your lover you will meet them Through a career related hobby that you Both have career related hobbies for me For example I love going to any anything That has to do with growth seminars Webinars I love reading certain books Going to different places where I can Buy books like bookshops other shops Like that I love going to anything that Has to do with growing my Entrepreneurship because that is just Interesting to me so that is a career Related hobby where I'm not necessarily Working but it's still a hobby that's Related to career and I'm going there And that's precisely where I see you Meeting your person life path number Nine that is where I see you being with The one and where you can make a genuine Connection with someone who wants to Grow with someone who is authentic Already with someone who is empathetic And emotionally intelligent cuz that's What life path number nine needs you're The most emotionally intelligent of the Life path numbers and I'm tired of you Being with people who have the emotional Intelligence of a carrot I don't want to See it anymore and I won't allow it and I urge you to take this reading really Seriously I know this was a little bit Of a wakeup call this was your big sis

Talking very very real to you okay in a In a slightly pushy way but you guys Know that I'm just doing this because I Love you because I care about you life Path number nine so this is the reading That I received for you and I hope that You enjoyed it and that you find found It insightful please let me know Below In the comment section I love to read Your comments and that way you can Represent life path number nine I'm Sending you so much love wherever you Are in this world life path number n and I can't wait to connect with you during One of my upcoming Readings hello master number 11 or shall I say life path number 11 you are said To be intuitive inspiring charismatic a Visionary and highly spiritual life path 11 individuals you have a heightened Sense of intuition and spirituality Basically psychic abilities you're often Drawn to roles where you can Inspire and Uplift others through their vision and Their insights and you're very Charismatic your sensitivity and depth Of understanding makes you a powerful Influence or influencer if that's what You're looking to become however it's Important that as a life path number 11 You work on managing your heightened Sensitivity and you should strive for Emotional balance and stability I see Here first and foremost you're meant to

Be creative and your love life will Thrive off of you having creative Outlets so you're not constantly feeling This pressure to be perfect and you have Creative Outlets where you can just be You and do whatever you want to do for Me for example it is these tarot Readings tarot videos creating my Courses doing things where I can just Let my inspiration flow through me for You it may be art it could be writing Poetry singing dancing it could be also Doing sports where you can just be Yourself but I just want you to know Here that that is also the most Beautiful state for your partner to see You in when you're being creative I see Here within threatened that in love a Lot of people feel threatened around you It is weird but as a master number you Just have this heightened kind of energy Or role that makes others feel Self-conscious so it is very very weird When you're in a relationship with Someone and it's almost like they're Jealous of you it's almost like they're Jealous of your accomplishments they're Jealous of your potential and where You're still going and you just never Expected a romantic partner to be Jealous but people prove time and time Again that it is possible and I do see Here within loving the thing is like as A life path number 11 you are so loving

You are so caring you're so much of the Type of snake that believes Transformation is possible just as a Snake sheds its skin to transform to Grow to become bigger the thing here With the snake is actually this analogy The problem is you believe and you're so Loving that you will even love a snake In the negative sense where when they Shed their skin all they become is a Bigger snake if you see snake as a Symbol of betrayal in context to what We're talking about right now so let's Just slip into that role for a second Because I love snakes you guys know I Even have a pet snake but if we slip Into the role of a snake being someone You can't trust a snake being someone Who will never have your back who will Always have their own interests at heart Because bless my snake I love her Venus Is the most amazing pet but it's not Like she loves me it's not like if it Was herself or me that she would ever Even think to consider me they are Selfish creatures and they're not social So when you are loving so hard and so Dearly on someone who just sheds their Skin to become a bit bigger snake once You fed them and cared for them that can Be hard life path number 11 and your Guides want to remind you of the fact That there are a lot of snakes here in This world and because you are an

Inspirer you have a little bit of an Idealistic worldview you sometimes tend To see the best in people rather than Seeing some people for just who they Truly are but when it comes to your love Life there's so much hope on the horizon For you to change this into your biggest Strength because you have this psychic Insight and because you are a big Achiever when a lot of people feel Threatened by you rather than trying to Dim yourself to make them feel Comfortable it's great for you to just Let them fall away and instead to just Keep moving on until you find someone Where you can tell they are so Comfortable in your success and where You're going that actually they really Really love that and they want to see You do even better here within Prioritize reflection let me tell you Looking in the mirror and prior Prioritizing Self-reflection is right now the best Thing you can do for your love life Because you're not seeing yourself for The beautiful angel and queen that you Are for the beautiful individual that Life has created in you I want you to Know that when your mother gave birth to You literally she gave birth to a life Path number 11 a master number who is an Angel who is sent on this Earth to Inspire others you are the type of

Person who is so charismatic you're the Type of person who walks into a room and Everyone feels the energy shift and it's Important that you start seeing yourself As such life path number 11 have you Even thought of that do you even see Yourself in that way because I Definitely see a lack of this here with An endless Serendipity your love life Has endless Serendipity endless Abundance Endless Options endless lovers Endless people obsessed with you right Here just prepared for you to see but The only way that you can really see This is when you value yourself and when You start dipping out of any kind of Connection in which people feel Threatened by you in which you're loving A snake that just turns into a bigger Snake and where you're actually dealing With people who are on your level who Are in your same Intentionality of being in a healthy Mature connection ction because once you Start to only align with that energy There are so many good people out here Romantically speaking amazing matches For you and I do see here within Vacation that your guides are trying to Say to you that when it comes to love it Should feel like a vacation and most Likely every time you see them it will Be a vacation and it could be because Yes you are having to get on a little

Flying carpet or shall I say an aircraft To fly over and see them because we have Some longdistance activity going on for A while but I want you to know here that You most likely need that because you Are a workaholic you are someone who Does too much and when you do too much You burn yourself out however if you're With someone that actually encourages Vacations and downtime you will find That it's so much more relaxing to just Do life with an individual that balances You out within Legends life CL number 11 I want you to know that you are a legend You are iconic as an icon learn from Those who inspire you take the best Traits and add them onto your own iconic Traits because one thing that no one Will ever be able to take from you is The fact that you are just iconic there Is no life path number like you there is No life path number or Master number That comes with such Visionary insights And a charismatic Pres presence you Deserve the type of love where someone Goes above and beyond to the degree that You did not even imagine you thought it Was cute to be going through your cycle Through that time of the month and Having someone bring you your favorite Snacks and drinks now imagine that but 10 times more effort so rather than Someone just going on like Uber Eats app No they're actually baking you something

From scratch that you love they're Actually setting up an entire atome date With hot water bottles with gifts with Books with incense with you watching Your favorite shows and home making your Favorite meals for you literally being The sweetest softest person you can Imagine whenever it is that you need it Just know you deserve all of that and More and it exists it's out here but we Have to first remove ourselves from Anyone who is not that and then pursue Energetic frequencies that are only on That because that's the kind of Frequency you're on and I want you to be With that frequency too now my gorgeous Life path number 11 this is the reading That I've received for you I hope that You liked it and that you found it Insightful and that you can appreciate My very straightforward and honest Approach to your tarot readings let me Know below that you are a life path Number 11 by commenting it in the Comment section that way you can Represent your very rare life path Number and furthermore wherever you are In this world life path number 11 I'm Sending you so much love and I can't Wait to connect with you during one of My upcoming Readings hello my beautiful life path Number 22 you are a master number known As the master builder as a life path

Number 22 you are a Visionary practical Disciplined and ambitious extremely Powerful too life path 22 individuals Have the potential to achieve great Things through their unique combination Of practicality and vision you're often Drawn to large scale projects and you Have the ability to turn dreams into a Reality your disciplined approach and Ambition can lead to significant Accomplishments you should however be Mindful of balancing your grand Visions With practical steps and you should Avoid becoming overwhelmed Med by the Magnitude of your goals that you have in Life I do see here that when it comes to Love we also have Master number 33 for You you are a 22 however 33 is an Excellent match for you which is the Master teacher which is a very very rare Life path number this makes for a Relationship that is extremely mature And is going to last for a lifetime so If you're wondering with whom you would Have an amazing bond with that's Master Number 33 then we also have the 21 in Unconditional the number 2 one as well As three is 2 + 1 = 3 these are amazing Life path numbers for you as well I want You to understand that that brings Unconditional love this is a great match For you and here with an unconditional I See that you are unconditionally loving Which is a huge sign to the fact that as

A natural empath as a master builder in Life path 22 it's important that you Don't only invest in others but you also Allow for others to invest in you I see Here that now your Spirit guides want You to wait they want you to wait until The right person crystallizes themselves Out of the crowd until the right person Actually shows that they want to be with You don't settle for someone that you Need to Chase or where you need to jump Start the relationship cuz chances are If you continuously need to jump start That relationship it's not going to be What you're looking for nor is it going To be bringing you the happiness that You deserve so if right now you're Feeling called out because you have been Entertaining a person an ex a Situationship where you have to Constantly jump start and save the Relationship and make sure it doesn't Sink it's time that you reconsider it's Time that you reconsider whether this is Truly what you want whether this is Truly what you desire whether this is Really part partner lifelong partner Material you know husband material wife Material whatever it is that you are Looking to settle down with so I want You to be very very reasoned in when it Comes to your unconditional love and Understanding that yes you can give it To everyone but only very few should

Have access to it next up we've got good Fortune so if you've wondered about your Love life and whether it will be Fortunate yes we've got good fortune Here for you invite the Magic in allow For that perfect lover to enter your Life because they are ready they want to Be with you I want you to also know here Life path number 22 that inviting magic In means saying no to everything that Isn't that magic and to wait it out Alone for that new person to come in so Don't entertain frogs while you're Waiting for your prince to appear here Within sensuality there are different Ways you can express your sensuality Especially if you have a high s Drive Okay a high urge to express sensuality You can do this by yourself there are Different ways in which you can you know Touch yourself massage yourself do all Of these types of things that I cannot Name here on the YouTube platform but You get what I'm trying to say you don't Need to allow for another person's Energy into your field uh in order for You to experience that because that is a Real energetic exchange that is to be Taken seriously that's also why the Temperance card is showing up for you Which is a card that shows up when You're being called to temper yourself To take things slowly especially when it Comes to being intimate with another

Person as a master builder you take Other people's building blocks with you So that means that whenever there is Someone that you're intimate with you Take so much of their energy onto Yourself onto your field and it's so so Essential that you don't fall prey to This whole like taking on people's Energy who don't deserve you the nine of Coins here shows us financial prosperity It shows us wealth in the material sense But I'm getting digital wealth so being Able to make a lot of money digitally And that then being able to afford you a Lot of things in a material sense and I See you being with a tech entrepreneur Like a tech CEO someone who has built Something that isn't quite tangible to You when they first explain it but when You see what kind of issues that it Solves you think to yourself wow this is Really really cool so the nine of coins Definitely shows us that you will be in A romantic relationship that is very Financially prosperous now my gorgeous Life path number 22 this is the reading That I received for you and I hope you Enjoyed it and that you found it Insightful feel free to share below that You are a life path number 22 because You are extremely rare so please Represent and wherever you are in this World I'm sending you so much love and I Can't wait to connect with you during

One of my upcoming Predictions hello life path number 33 You are known as the master teacher life Path number 33 you are a compassionate Nurturing selfless inspiring Visionary Life path number that is extremely rare People with the life path number 33 born Under this mystical number you are said To be the master teachers and healers Often driven by a deep desire to nurture And uplift others your compassion and Selflessness make you powerful Influences for good in the world and You're often drawn to roles that involve Teaching healing and inspiring but it's Important that you work on maintaining Your own well-being and avoid burnout From your intense focus on helping Others now when it comes to love your Guides are asking you to ask them more Often life path 33 you can get yourself In unloving situations and relationships Because the thing is that you are just Such a giver you are just such a Selfless person that you always run risk Of being with someone who is the Opposite but when you love them you see No fault and I see here within trust That your guides have have someone lined Up that is perfect for you but you've Got to trust that they're out there You've got to trust that you can Actually speak to your guides or God or Whatever you like to call it whatever

You pray to for some of us it's the Universe for some of us it's God for Some of us it's something else but when Was the last time you actually spoke to Your Source when was the last time you Actually said hey I I really want an Amazing partner hey what should I do hey Angels guides God what can I do in order For me to have a love life that actually Makes me happy where I'm actually Settled where rather than being single I'm in a lifelong relationship with Someone that I can actually trust and Rely on when was the last time you asked That life path number 33 because it is About time that you use these energies That you use these Spirits they are here Just waiting for you to make use of them Within murky Waters it is completely Clear but in a way it can be exciting to Be with someone mysterious for you it Can be fun it can feel as though ooh There's a shark in the water and you Don't really know what else is in these Murky Waters and sometimes you feel as Though this may reveal some traits that You could really love to in another Person so within murky Waters do become Aware of the fact that when it comes to Your life path number there is so so Much of you that likes Adventure that Likes things to be a little different a Little mystical that sometimes you give People boundaries that are walking red

Flags to everyone else but you're just Like oh they have potential or they have Something about them that's different And here within healthy boundaries your Guides are trying to say to you to Maintain your boundaries and to maintain Them Above All Else main maintain them Above the feeling of losing another Person maintain those healthy boundaries Above feeling as though well if I Maintain this boundary will they still Like me will they not who cares life Path number 33 if someone is really Destined to be yours they want to Respect these boundaries they don't want To disrespect them you should be with Someone who is afraid of losing you by Overstepping your boundary again I see Here within be authentic that when it Comes to you life path number 33 the Thing is you are so authentic to the Point where you reveal so much of Yourself your weaknesses your want your Needs that sometimes people craft these Perfect stories in order for you to let Down your guard and let them in now of Course you should be authentic but I Said it you should also be strategic I Don't care that people want to say well It's love we should just be real and we Should be able to be mature and both Communicate and express our feelings Okay but isn't the issue the fact that When you do that you give someone a road

Map to precisely how to control you to Make themselves out to be this person Person that they're maybe not see how People are naturally when you give them The option of Behaving however they want To behave give them the opportunity to Be authentic before you put your Authenticity all over the place all Right be open to receiving people in who They are in the state that they're in Some people will be ideal partners for You and most honestly aren't good enough For you life path number 33 that is the Honest truth being a master teacher Requires of Your Love Story to be with Someone who is secure in themselves and Who is not only open to receiving but is Also open to giving because this is now Your time to receive this is your time To be in a situation where someone cares About you deeply and knows how to show It so be open to receiving because the Right lover will give the right lover Will want you to have everything that You desire next I'm within wild life Path number 33 you do have a little bit Of this wild side to you this is a wild Side that a lot of people love and wish That they had as well as a life path Number 33 you are no joke you are a Adventurer and you're the type of person Who has learned some big life lessons in Order to even be able to to teach those Is what I meant to say and you're also a

Warrior life has thrown so many Curveballs at you life has been so Challenging in so many ways but you've Always gotten back up you've always put Yourself back in a situation where you Were able to float where you were able To thrive you don't just survive and Here within the warrior I do also see That that will continue to be the case Also within love now I do want us to get Into a final message life path number 33 In regards to your love life and see What Spirit has to say to you reconsider In your love life who you want to pick And are you really picking based on what You truly want or are you picking based On what you deem as realistic let me Tell you life path number 33 if you want To be with someone who is the most Successful person in a field don't feel As though you're not good enough for Them like you are literally the prize Life path number 33 go for what you Really want pick one or two things looks Wise then pick one or two things when it Comes to who they are their character Pick one or two accomplishments go for It don't settle for less reconsider The fact that I think I know spirit is Telling me this you have been wildly Underestimating the type of amazing Person that you will end up with and You're meant to be with reconsider who You would settle for life path number 33

This is the reading that I've received For you I hope that you found it Insightful let me know Below in the Comment section that you are life path Number 33 which is an extremely rare Life path number that way you can Represent your life path number and let Me and others know that you're not just A fictitious life path member you really Exist and you're here furthermore Wherever you are in this world I'm Sending you so much love and I can't Wait to connect with you during one of My upcoming predictions [Music]

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