How They TRULY FEEL About You • PICK A CARD •

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Hello lovelies!
Todays video is a ‘pick a card’ reading. Pick the card you’re most drawn to, to find out ‘How They TRULY FEEL About You’! Once you’ve picked, skip ahead to the timestamp below where I reveal what it is…

𓂀 *Time Stamps* 𓂀
⁺˖ Intro: 0:00
🀧 Pick Your Card: 1:25
🀧 Card 1 (Rainbow Moonstone): 5:15
🀧 Card 2 (Selenite Wand): 23:03
🀧 Card 3 (Fantasy Quartz): 38:43
🀧 Card 4 (Rose Quartz): 54:54
🀧 Card 5 (Pyrite): 1:11:07

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Hello my loves and welcome back to my Channel today's video we have a new pick A card reading but before we dive into It I have a huge special announcement my Jewelry company Luna is having a huge Sale in order to celebrate the summer Solstice and also our full moon if you Have not heard of my jewelry company Luna Jen before we hand make the most Gorgeous beaded bracelets that use Authentic crystals they are also made According to your wrist size so that They fit you perfectly we use high Quality gemstones as well that have the Most amazing energetic properties that You can read about online so whether You're wanting to attract abundance or Love or magnetize more confidence more Self- Lov whatever it is that you're Wanting to attract we have a crystal for Whatever it is that you desire again you Can read about them in the descriptions And our bracelets are also made using Really high quality gold fill which Means that you can wear these bracelets In water and they will not tarnish they Are super high quality and we also have Tons of other jewelry on the website as Well including earrings necklaces rings And other crystals that you can browse From if you want to decorate your home So if you want to get 20% off of your Entire order you can use the code full Moon and that will get you 20% off all

The information will also be linked Down Below in the description box as well as The discount code which again is full Moon for 20% off and thank you so much Again for joining me here for today's Video and allowing me to sponsor my own Videos I'm sending you all so much love And let's go ahead and dive right into Today's pick a card reading hello my Loves and welcome back to my channel Today's video we have a new pick a card Reading all about how they feel about You so if you are curious about how your Person feels about you from their Perspective this is the video where We're going to dive in we're going to Get as much information as possible if You are new here welcome my name is jeem And we dive into tarot readings on this Channel we also dive into some astrology Occasionally and we also talk about Manifestation self transformation and Manifesting and creating the life of Your dream so that is what we do here And I'm so excited that you joined me For today's video also if you want a Quick explanation about how this Particular video works I have five Different groups in front of me over Here we have group number one 2 3 4 and Five and depending on which group you Are the most drawn towards that is your Intuition speaking to you and that is Going to be the pile that holds all the

Information for you revealing how your Person feels about you so this is an In-depth love reading if you are Currently talking to someone in a Relationship with somebody or interested In somebody and you're curious how they Feel towards you then this is the video Where we're going to dive into all that And get all of the information so super Excited to get into this one also if you Want a closeup of the crystals in order To kind of see which one you resonate With over here on group number one we Have this gorgeous piece of rainbow Moonstone so if you are drawn to pile One or this beautiful rainbow moonstone Then that is going to be your Reading group number two we have this Gorgeous piece of selenite in the shape Of this wand so this is like used for Raiki a lot of the times but yeah if you Are drawn to the selenite wand this is Going to hold all of your information For how your person feels about you so That's group number two group number Three if you are drawn to this pile or Towards this piece of fantasy Quartz then this pile is going to hold All of your Information on how your person feels About You group number four we have this Stunning piece of rose Quartz so if you're drawn to group four

Or this piece of rose quartz this is Going to be your reading all about how Your person feels about you and then Group number five we have this gorgeous Piece of Pyite so if you are drawn to group five Or towards the pyite that is going to be Your reading so those are our group Options so just take your time even Pause the video if you need to in order To see which group um you're the most Attracted towards you can also close Your eyes and wait for a number between One and five to pop into your head and The first number that pops into your Head that is going to be your intuition Speaking to you and that's going to be The the pile for you another method that I like to use sometimes is to hold my Hand over top of the groups and feel Which One I'm just magnetized towards Sometimes you'll get like a hot Sensation sometimes you will feel um Like just drawn towards it like a Magnetic kind of feeling towards a group And that is again your intuition letting You know which pile is going to be for You and there's time stamps linked Down Below in the comment box as well as the Description box so that you can skip Right ahead to your personal reading all About how they feel about you I'm so Excited to get into it and without

Further Ado let's go ahead and dive Right into today's Video all right my group number ones for Those of you that chose this pile this Is going to be a reading so let's go Ahead almost knocked that out of the way Let's go ahead and dive right into your Reading all right my loves my group one Okay we have square Scorpio Trine Saturn We also have six of Swords upright five Of Wands being reversed eight of Swords Upright seven of Cups and judgment Upright your person I am getting some Just a very interesting feeling off the Bat where it seems like um there's some Like there's something going on between You two okay Six of Swords this person Wants things to go well they want things To go smoothly they want things to get Better but it seems like also the fact That we have this Square card coming up I almost wonder if there's some sort of Like obstacle you two are facing or Something where there's like This kind of feeling like there's a lack Of clarity or lack of Direction when it Comes to you two it's like where are we Going are we on the same page do we want The same things it definitely seems like There's some sort of obstacle that you Two might be trying to figure out right Now especially with five of Wands being Reversed as well like the person that You're asking about the person that you

Are currently seeing or together with Like they definitely want things to move In a good direction but it seems like There is a lot of figuring out to do and It also seems like this person is Holding back when it comes to Communication the eight of Swords so the Way that they feel about you is Like they want it to work they want to Explore it more but they're also seeing Different things that are maybe making Them question or hold back and maybe Close off their heart a little bit they Might even see you as somebody who Hasn't fully opened up yet and they're Kind of wondering where you're at what Exactly is it that you want like maybe They're currently trying to open you up More this eight of Swords like could Represent again like how they're seeing You this is how they feel about you Right and they're wondering where are You at are you on the same page do you Want the same things do you have Feelings for me what exactly do you want In your future they they want to know More of the details about who you are to Kind of see like where things can really Go and they want things to maybe go a Little bit deeper so that they can See what it is that you want and they Can see um if it's compatible also how They feel about you they have so many Different feelings about you I think

That they think about all the different Qualities of like oh I really like this About them I really like that and they Think about that regularly there's Multiple things about you that I feel Like this person is really drawn to but At the same time it's like you're a bit Of a mystery to them and they're really Still trying to figure you out um they Also want to know how you're feeling Especially if both of you were facing Something recently like some sort of um Obstacle some sort of challenge that you Two might have faced recently they're Wondering how you're feeling after that And they're really wanting you to open Up more it's almost like the eight of Swords can be when we're going through a Little bit of the silent treatment and We're kind of just like well where are They at I want to know more or like it Can be when we feel as if we're not Getting the answers we need So yeah this person is feeling that way Right now and also try is such a strong Card it's such a positive card so when It comes to this person's feelings as Well they feel like both of you could Have a really good foundation and Perhaps maybe if you two have already Been in a relationship for a while they Feel like it's really solid and they Feel like there's so many positives Within that relationship but maybe you

Two are navigating something right now And they're like okay I need you to open Up more I need to really see where You're at we need to sort things out and Get to the get to the bottom of it like Scorpio is about getting to the bottom Of something and getting to the depth so That we see what we need to see the fact That we also have Saturn coming up as Well Saturn is a card of commitment Saturn is a card of going through the Long Haul making it through the Difficulties making it through the Challenges Saturn is the energy of that So like I wouldn't be surprised if this Person is really like dedicated of Wanting to make things work wanting to Figure stuff out like I see that this Person has this really strong pull and Dedication towards you and they really Want to see things through um with you As well we do also have this judgment Card and this one makes me feel like Your person is really trying to assess a Lot of the situation that you're facing They're they're in their head a lot Trying to figure it out they're trying To figure you out um I'm also hearing That at times like maybe maybe when you Two talk Maybe at times like there's a Defensiveness that comes up maybe out of Fear of where the other person is at Maybe out a fear of like oh is this

Going to end I think both of you might Have this fear um but what I'm really Sort of getting from this and what I'm Really sort of feeling is like both of You are actually really Wanting to figure it out both of you are Really wanting to like come back to the Solidity and Enhance the positives but of course we Do need to navigate and figure out the Challenges that pop up as well and I Just feel like that's what you two are Navigating right now um and really Trying to get on the same page when it Comes to those things so let's go ahead And see some more cards and let's see What else we get here for you uh my Group ones let's see what we have all About your person and how they feel About you ooh okay let's see we have a Lot of cards coming out so your person Definitely has a lot of feelings we'll Say that so enjoy the Bliss of holiday Time together we have the honeymoon card This person regularly thinks about the Positive times that they've had with you The positive memories um they regularly Think about that and I think that they Hold those memories near and dear and They really want to come back to Bliss they want to come back to Bliss They want to come back to happiness we Also have trust and new Love there could be something here to

Deal with trust that maybe they're Wondering um like maybe this person they Have like an insecurity about you Leaving or they're trying to win your Trust in some way there's something here To do with trust this this person is Wanting more solidity when it comes to Trust they're wanting deep trust they're Wanting deep commitment um and all of That but this person 100% has feelings For you like let's be honest if this is Like a new relationship that you are Navigating and let's say we haven't like Exchanged those important words yet this Person 100% has feelings for you and They want to know whether or not that They can trust opening up to move Forward to let you know those deep Feelings but I definitely feel like you Know your person they have feelings for You and they want things to go well um But I do feel like there's this lack of Communication like eight of Swords is Really making me feel like there's this Fear around communication there's this Fear around getting your Heartbroken And they want that trust they want to Feel that trust they want to come to the Honeymoon area they want to open up About their their feelings but there's This fear around it and that's why we Had that eight of Swords eight of Swords Is when we are blocked by all of our

Thoughts and worries and our thoughts And worries are keeping us hostage and We feel like we can't make a move Because of all of those like thoughts That are just stopping us those fears Those worries about what might happen if I do step outside of my comfort Zone so this is how your person is Feeling they have so many mixed emotions Going on because like they really want Things to work Out but they need more communication but It's almost like they feel going into The communication cuz they fear what Might come of it but I'm I'm really Getting the feeling like both of you are Kind of feeling the same way about each Other I feel like that's what I get from This is that both of you are feeling Like oh I want to get back to the good I Want to trust and I want to talk about Like our truest deepest feelings but Then I feel like both of you are holding On to this fear around it uh just Because of the challenges that you two Have faced Before and all of that um so let's go Ahead and dive into some more cards here To get some more information on how your Person is feeling about [Applause] You let's see they want to resolve Conflict like whenever five of Wands is Reversed it can indicate that we've been

Going through some like disagreements And things like that um but it can also Indicate that we're wanting to find a Resolve we genuinely want to but we Might end up accidentally like Triggering each other with the things That we say misunderstandings might be Coming through and then we feel like we Have to hold up because we're like oh my God what if I say something and what if It gets taken the wrong way again what If I get misunderstood again and what if I ruin it all like it's almost like There's a little bit of that energy Going on so I really feel Like coming from a compassionate place And having patience with this situation Is going to be the best thing to work Through whatever it is that you guys are Facing right Now yeah so let's see what else do we Get for You my group ones let's see what else do We have we also have appreciation wow Maybe there just needs to be some words Exchanged about appreciation about about The good things that you both feel and Focusing a little bit on that too so That we can see more about like where Each other are at Emotionally um but this person also they Really appreciate you they really really Really do they are Fearing they're fearing

Like walking away and it's almost like So the way that they feel about you is I Think that they're scared of losing You and that could be like a vice versa Feeling but the this is coming up for Them cuz we're talking about their Perspective right their perspective They're they're scared of losing You um but I also feel like they want You to be happy okay yeah I'm also Getting this message they really want You to be happy and if that Means letting you go they're like okay Well I'll have to do it if it means that They're going to be happy like I will Allow them to do that but but I just Think that they're they have so many Feelings for you that they would love For it to mend they would love for this To get figured Out but they also do want to see you Happy um yeah so this is getting deep Right now okay like this this is deep I Feel like there's so many emotions Involved between you and this person um There's clearly something really big That you two are facing right now Now they want to come out of it and win On the other side with you but they also Genuinely want to see you happy and if That means like going in opposite Directions it's like They're They have that in their mind where

They're like okay like like I'll let Them go if that's what they want but It's not necessarily what they want you Know what I mean like they they do want To see things work out so let's dive Into some more cards here and see if we Can pull any more information on how Your person is feeling about you let's See oh wow see look at this we literally Have The Mending card coming up if you Needed any more confirmation that your Person is really wanting to work on Things they want to mend whatever is Broken like here it is but it really Depends like how do you feel that's what I feel like um Spirit really wants you To ask yourself right now don't Necessarily focus on how they feel how Do you feel do you want to work on Things do you want things to work out is It worth it for you like you know your Situation right so um I think it's about Asking yourself how do you feel here but Your Person 100% is what they want and what They feel for you is that they want to Work on it they want to mend It Okay All That Glitters New Life yin to Be Fair your person again so Regularly thinks about those good times With you they also see you as somebody Where you are like such a a bright light

To them and they see so many positive Qualities within you that they admire Like this person really admires you in So many ways for so many reasons um this Person's also really attracted to you But they also need to See deeper I feel like that's what They're really needing right Now and so with when it comes to how They feel about you they're like oh my God I really want this to work out but I Also really need more I need Communication um they want a new Beginning with You let's put that over there Yin and to Be fair they want to emotionally heal With you Yin is the feminine energy and It talks about nurturing and it is also Relaxing getting deep into Comfort Getting more of that um like deep Emotional connection back Together they want you both to get on The same page they're really hoping that You feel the same way about This and I feel like this person they're Willing to work on things they're really Willing to work to mend things to step Up to pull their own weight whatever They need to do they're really ready for That So wow my group number ones that is what We have about how your person feels About you it's like they're really Committed and they want to work through

Whatever it is that you two are facing Right now but they also respect with When it comes to whatever you want and They're ready to to hear it but they Just really need communication right Now and perhaps you're feeling the exact Same way or maybe you're not but what I Do feel from this is that you do feel Similarly to this person at least Similar um but it's going to come down To your communication with this person And really kind of seeing where each Other are at and that's what this person Is really needing right now but they do Feel feel really strongly for you um I Would definitely say that they feel love Whether this is a new relationship or if This relationship is going on for a While they're definitely in love with You um they definitely have deep Feelings uh of course the longer you've Been in a relationship the deeper those Feelings probably are um but I will say That what I'm getting from this is is Even if this is like a newer kind of Relationship I definitely get that this Person loves you and already has those Feelings for you um and yeah I feel like They want to open up about all of that But they're also afraid of getting their Heartbroken right and so they want that Reassurance of like are we both on the Same page here we both going to dive all In or what um so yes that is what we

Have that is what we have going on um For how your person feels about you it's Definitely so many strong feelings and I'm sending you so much love into all of This situation I know sometimes Relationships can be um interesting to Navigate you know sometimes we go Through ups and downs and challenges and This and that and but your person is Definitely like you know they're really Committed to to having this work out so I sending you all so much love that's What we have from Spirit today all about How your person feels about you and all Of that thank you so much for joining me Here for today's video and I am wishing You the best of luck for your future I'm Sending you all again so much love as Always thank you again and until next Time bye all right my group TW thank you So much for joining me here for today's Video let's go ahead and dive into how Your P person feels about You okay my group twos let's talk about Your person's feelings for you this is Uh from their perspective so we have Venus Libra North Node we also have six Of Wands upright and then we have three Revers cards The Three of Swords seven Of Wands and the Two of Wands here so Starting off with Venus and the six of Wands this person really admires you I Can tell you that right off the bat they Find you so attractive they are

Attracted to you in all the ways and They really see you as somebody who they Could see themselves with the six of Wands I feel like they almost question Like how did I get this person how is This person even talking to me how do They even give me the time of day cuz They actually really put you on a Pedestal and they think that you are are Above them and out of their league to be Honest this person definitely thinks Like you are out of their League however we do also have the Three Of Swords seven of Wands and the Two of Wands here which makes me feel like this Person at the moment they are kind of Winded and they are like whoa am I ready For all of what this could be am I ready For where this could go the Three of Swords being reversed kind of lets me Know that maybe they recently Just got out of something maybe they are Still healing their heart in some way Shape or form um perhaps they just have Fears in general maybe because of their Past um maybe they have just different Fears Of of relationships not working out you Know they have a fear of getting their Heart broken and honestly because they Because they put you on such a high Pedestal I think that this person does Have like a pretty prominent fear of Possible getting their heartbroken by

You however the fact that we start off With these cards like I feel like both Of your situations right now it's in a Place where it's like it's really Positive and I'm getting the feeling Like there's no reason for them to be Thinking this I do feel like this comes From their past or again if they're just They weren't really looking for love They weren't really looking to fall in Love they weren't looking for a Relationship and all of a sudden it's Just like woo all of a sudden you come Along and they're just like wo this is Like my dream Person how do I navigate this um if you Two have been in a relationship for a While I think that this person regularly Looks at you and thinks how did I catch That how did I catch that and I feel Like they regularly have a fear of Like like they have some insecurities Because they hold you on such a pedest Such a high pedestal so again yeah if You two have been together for a while Like um your person regularly just has You on that pedestal and regularly Wonders how did I land you how did I get You how so that is their biggest Questions so yeah two different angles There depending on how long you've known This person and if you are in a serious Relationship already or not but yeah I Definitely get the feeling for most of

You who chose this pile I think that You're like recently talking to this Person and it hasn't gone too far quite Yet um And yeah it's like this person has so Many fears around it but I do feel like There's some of you maybe like honestly Less than 20% of you that chose this Group that you've already been with this Person for quite some time and you Already know like yeah my person totally Looks at me that way which is really Cute um they just look at you in the way Of like whoa how did I land that and They just regularly think that but There's a lot of um a lot of zest here a Lot of Attraction a lot of this energy Of like wao I could fall so deep for This person and I could fall deeper Every day I think that this person Really likes talking to you and I think That when they're around you they kind Of feel they love your banter honestly Like they Love your conversation the way that you Connect together with your words um and They love how you balance them they Honestly look at you like oh my God you You could be my perfect match seven of Wands being reversed is kind of a card That would indicate feeling not ready or Feeling Um Like

Under under pressure a little bit when We're yeah like we're just not ready or We're just feeling again insecure Because we feel like I can't step up to That plate I can't step up to that Height how do I even how do I get that like they don't I don't know It's just they really this is an Insecure kind of card where they look at You and they're like oh my God they just Have you on a pedestal really they have You on a Pedestal Two of Wands uh being reversed As well is an energy of them holding Back I think it comes from a place of Fearing getting hurt and so they're like Oh I'm just going to hold back like to Them it's like too good to be true a Little bit and so I do feel like they Hold back and you might notice that Things progress a little bit slowly There's such great banter when it comes To your two your both of your guys' Connection and B banter talking things Like that so positive so good it is Their favorite thing about you they this Person lights up when they get a message From you they get excited it like Rings Through their body with like tingles and Excitement of like oh my God I'm talking To them again and like let's say you two Meet up in person and talk like this Person gets butterflies they get so Excited when they see you and they love

Making plans with you but they are Holding back and you might feel that From them that there's like this nervous Energy that they hold back and things Like that but we also have the North Node Destiny and challenges like they do Want to move forward 100% they do There's a lot of fears though in the way A lot of Insecurities um because they really yeah They just put you on that pedestal but They really want to explore it more I'll Tell you that North Node this person Really wants to explore things more but With that being said let's go ahead and Dive into some more cards here and see What else we get for You my group Twos my group twos my group twos Let's See we have a keep an open Mind this person when it comes comes to All of their insecurities and maybe the Fact that they weren't really ready for All of this they're still keeping a Really open mind because they're like I Don't know if I could let that go so I Kind of have to pursue it I kind of have To force myself to be ready because Like look at this like how do I how do I Not pursue that more so this person's Definitely keeping an open mind when it Comes to you and they're kind of just Like you know What I got to dive in more I got to see

More of where where this is going so Let's see what else we get for you we Also have flirt oh my Gosh this person loves your Conversations and I do feel like both of You kind of flirt around with different Ideas they love flirting around with you And exploring those things honestly this Person their feelings towards you Are they get flutters they get Butterflies they get Tingles they love talking to you Um so Yeah let's dive into a little bit more Here and see what else we get my group Tw's let go of control issues one thing That they're having a difficult time With is um like they're keeping an open Mind but they have a really hard time Letting go of their inner restrictions I Do feel like they're having all of these Inner restrictions that say oh my God You're not good enough you're going to Get your heart broken you're not ready For this this is too good to be true There there must be something wrong here It's like they're really holding Themselves back quite a bit from all of These like thoughts and fears and um They're trying to see how this how this Unfolds they're taking a back seat to Kind of like see how it unfolds so you Might notice that maybe it feels like You're in limbo with this person quite

Often it's like you're flirting but then You're kind of wondering where is it Going is it going to go anywhere and This person they're sort of like they They haven't open mind to where they're Open to it going somewhere but they are Also holding themselves back um and I Feel like they're doing that sort of Unconsciously they're just unconsciously Holding themselves back because they Weren't really ready for all of this but At the same time they're like how do I Pass it up I can't so let's keep Going all right let's see what else we Get for you my group Twos how does your person feel about you Magician and the Mirror they see you as somebody like They really yeah they hold you to a high High high pedestal door to romance wow I Mean they feel a lot of things let's Just say that they feel a lot look at we Even have the cage here so they do have A bit of a caged heart right now but um They already see that you are the type Of person that could unlock that which Is why they're still pursuing it it's Why they're keeping an open mind cuz They're like yeah this person could Definitely open my heart and I don't Know if I want to have the regret of not Seeing where this could go so I would Just in regards to this person Like yeah I mean allow it to unfold

Unnaturally see where it goes that's Where they're at um magician and the Mirror as Well they want something to happen I Feel like they regularly think about What could happen and they do feel quite Magically towards you like honestly you Make them feel that inner Magic you know When you meet somebody and they make you Feel that certain way that you're like w I haven't felt that in so long or maybe I've never even felt that way before Like that's how you make them Feel and so that I feel like they Regularly look at themselves having pep Talks of like get it together and like You know um I do feel like I am getting A feeling from this card that this Person regularly has conversations with You in their own head which might sound Weird but like we all do this Occasionally right um this person goes Through conversations with you in their Head about like what to say how to act What to do um how they they imagine how Things might go they imagine their Future with you a Lot but yeah I think they just need to Get over their Um the inhibitions that they have that Are holding them back so let's see what Else we have my group TW is about how Your person feels about you By the way the Libra energy that we have

Libra is like um known as like the flirt Of the zodiac they are the flirtiest Sign of the zodiac I would say that they Rule flirting um in astrology and it's Interesting that we have Libra and flirt Like this Person they make it pretty obvious that They like you and I think that you know That this person clearly likes you like It's it's clear right but I do feel like There's a a little bit of that limbo Energy of like but is this person like Committed do they see it going anywhere Cuz I think right now they're sort of Keeping it low-key and Playful but wow we have door to romance And then look at the door with this owl With all the hearts truth be told ooh I Feel like this person is going to open Up to you pretty soon about their Feelings I do feel like there's a Situation that is accumulating and Building right now between you two where This person won't be able to hold back Forever ever right and I do feel like There's already a lot of feelings Accumulating um and I just see like an Opening up happening quite soon between You and this person they also really Want to know more about where you're at But I feel like both of you can like Really feel it from each other I feel Like it's so obvious like it's so Obvious right like you both can feel the

Energy between you two both of you see It both of you feel it um and then we Also have the the fates Like they feel so intertwined with you And they feel like it was kind of faded That you came into their life like it's Just so special it seems so Serendipitous it seems so like oh my God This is like a once- in a-lifetime Opportunity so I need to pursue it more I need to dive into it more and see more Again for those of you that are in more Of a long-term relationship and you've Known this person for a while I still Feel like they wake up every day being Like how did I get this person and you Literally have the key to their heart um And they've had to break down a lot of Walls in order to be with you because I Feel like they used to have walls up Until you came into their life and then They were like oh that's got to break Down now so basically if you're watching This and let's say you've been in a Relationship with this person for a While and you know I've been reading This reading mostly for those who have Kind of recently just met this person um I wouldn't be surprised if this is how Your relationship started again speaking To those of you who are have been with This person for a while like this is Clearly how your relationship started it Started with the wo oh my God how did I

Even get this person I need to open up Need to need to work on just exploring This more it started out really flirty Really like oh my God where is this Going maybe it took a while to open up About the the true actual feelings like Maybe it took a while to open up about That but both of you felt it like it was Clearly being said without being said Through a lot of flirting and lot a lot Of eye contact like eye Flirtation which you can always read People's emotions through how they look At you right and their small minute body Language like you've already known that This person is like in love with you Before they've even said it right but it Might take a while for them to say it Because they're sort of like they're Scared of getting hurt by you because You're on such a pedestal in their eyes Um but yeah that is what we have here my Beautiful group number two is all about How your person feels about you they are Really into you to say the least um and They Are keeping an open mind because they Want it to work out and they want it to Go somewhere beautiful but they are Scared you know when you're so into Somebody that that it actually scares You that is where this person is at they Are so into you that it scares Them and yeah it scares them

Regularly but they're so into you that They're like I can't I can't stop so Yeah that is this energy my group number Twos thank you so much for joining me Here for today's video I sending you all So much love what a fun group to read And um I'm sending you so much luck in All that is to come and I'll see you Next time bye all right my group number Three is if you chose this pile this is Going to be your reading all about how They feel about you so let's get into it All right my group threes we have vertex Sex style New Moon Leo we also have Queen of Wands High Priestess being Reversed eight of Wands upright Page of Cups upright and then the Moon being Reversed so a lot of fiery energy right Off the bat the fact that we have Leo And the Queen of Wands and we also do Have eight of Wands here as well there's A lot of fiery energy fiery energy I Will say it's very it's like sexual it Is uh when we find somebody really Attractive we're really attracted to Them so immediately the feelings that I Get from this is that your person they Do find you very physically appealing They love your physicality um when they Look at you they are just like wow like That person is smoking like that would Be a way in which this person would Describe you um as well with the eight Of Wands too it's like they have a lot

They want to take a lot of action Towards you so you might notice that This person they are they're really Direct with like oh I want to see you or Let's hang out or things like that like I feel like this person um They're really motivated to see you and Talk to you and get to know you however I I'll be honest I am getting a feeling From this group like this person is a Little bit more after the physicality Right now rather than the emotional side Of things page of cups is like the very Beginning stages of something emotional So I'm not saying it couldn't grow I Will throw that that out there and I Want to be clear I'm not saying that This can't grow to a to a more emotional Um connection but I will say it's a bit More minor right now compared to the Physical aspects of it like I'm kind of Getting the feeling that you and this Person might be you know what your Conversations might revolve more around The physicality and the attraction and The firness of the Relationship um and it's not it's not Building as much of the emotional quite Yet but if you do want it to go in that Direction I would suggest focusing a bit More on that to build that um in order To get that going because it definitely Seems like you know the physicality part It's there that's already built I don't

Know if that needs to be built anymore Cuz that's that's here so the way in Which your person feels about you I do Feel like they have a little bit of like An emotional calling but I do feel like This person is wondering if there's more Than just a physical connection I think That this person regularly Wonders that They are wondering is there more here Than the physical but they are very Physically into you to the point where I Do feel like they want to talk to you All the time they want to see you all The time things like that but will it Grow to more this person regularly Wonders that and they're wondering where You are at emotionally what you want Emotionally this person is thinking About that they're wondering about that And they also wonder how to connect with You more emotionally page page of cups It's like it wants to know more about The emotional side of things it wants to Know more it wants to explore that more To see what is there right so they might Be dipping their toes into the water Being like like okay like where are you At here you know just to see like where The compatibility is with that high Priestess being reversed is sort of like Being out in the open kind of opening up Um they also see things like this this Is just really making me feel like the The physicality is really explored um

With high priestess being reversed cuz It's like it's not being reserved this Person is not seeing any reservations With that so they see it as like like oh Me and this person are both really Attracted to each other the Moon being Reversed um here as well the moon does Rule our emotions the Moon is the thing That pushes and pulls the tides when it Is reversed here I do feel like this Person wants to see again Like a main thought of theirs is like is There is there more depth to this than Physicality that is what they are Wondering is there more depth than just The physicality also I apologize my Computer just made a noise I totally Forgot to put it on silent before um Doing these readings I'll go do that in A bit um hopefully it doesn't go off Again but yeah they're that's a big Question for them is there anything more Than that um so yeah we also do have Vertex vertex is a very powerful point In astrology so karmic Point sinistry Faded connections turning point they I Feel like this Person like physical is important but There's a real big question here on Emotional sides of things sex tile okay You could read this in like an actual Like um direct way of like sex tile does Have the word sex in it this person's Wondering if there is more okay but sex

Tile is also a very positive aspect in Astrology but I am also getting that That spirit is saying that the reason Why this came up um is also because Like that has been a big focus it seems Of this Connection but sex tile is also Cooperation integration tools skills Ingenuity Harmony and empathy so this Person definitely feels like like oh We're getting along like we're on the Same page but is there more sextile it's It's a positive Connection in astrology But it's not a strong connection and the Big question that this person keeps Wondering is can this be more can it Build to more okay that's the biggest Question because a sex tile it's not as Strong as a Trine a Trine is the Strongest shape right it's the strongest Shape in science is the strongest aspect In astrology it is powerful a sex tile Is something where it's like ooh there's A good connection here but is it strong Can it withstand the storm can it go Further can it become more that's the Big question that a sex tile has okay And that's the big question that your Person has when it comes to your Connection together the physical aspect That's there that's good new moon New Beginnings it's interesting we have the New moon we have the moon showing up This person does want to see if there's

More that's really coming out here Strongly so New Beginnings planting Seeds setting intentions blank page Ooh both you and this person want to Know what you want what you want to Explore they want to plant some sort of Intention with You they want to either be clear on is This literally just fun and play or is This moving towards Something more and if so we need to Focus on also building that side of Things and doing that you know building That um so they want to plant at least Some sort of intention they really want To figure you out and you might have a Conversation coming up soon about those Things and seeing like where things are At with all of that so they're very Curious they want to see and explore More of the emotional side to see if There's compatibility within the Emotional side of things Leo again they Really like looking at you um they Really enjoy being around you they Really enjoy being with you I think that They're really proud to be with you Honestly I think that they're like wo Look at that beautiful being like let's See what more is there they want to get To know your heart more cuz Leo also Rules the Heart by the way so they want To know they want to know more about Your heart and they want to see they

Want to see more there so that's a big Thing that this person is thinking about Regularly I know I'm going off about um Some of the same stuff here but Spirit Just really wanted to make those things Clear but let's go ahead and see what Else they're feeling towards You and let's see what comes up here so We also have ooh so they are a little Bit worried right now so when it comes To You they are worried That like is this not going to be Anything more more than than the Physical they're a bit worried about That they want like an honest real Conversation with you I feel like this Person's like really thinking about that They want a real honest conversation and I also feel like Um they they don't want to hurt you and They don't want to be hurt either so That's why they're they're really Wanting to have a a conversation about What intention are we planting here what Are we actually going to do what is the Intention behind Us seeing each other flirting together Exploring this what what's the intention Behind it they really really want to Figure that out because I don't think That they they don't want to hurt you Nor do they want to get hurt so um I Think that's going to be something

Important but I also do feel like There's a little bit of fears around Having that Conversation so yeah maybe both of you Are kind of feeling that way but I do Feel like this conversation inevitably Is going to come up very shortly um for Both of you free yourself so um I do Feel like they see you as somebody who's Very Carefree they see you as somebody who Can't be tied down a little bit and I Think that That it might worry them a little bit Because I feel like they see you right Now as somebody who's very free and very Um like can't be tied down that's sort Of how they're seeing you right now um And Yeah let's see what else we get for You so I think having a conversation About where you two are at and what you Two want is going to be really important We do also have healing family issues so Um when this person also sees you I Think that they See like some sort of healing that needs To Happen um or some sort sort of like Opening up your heart like maybe they See maybe they want more emotionally but They're feeling like you're not opening That side up for some reason and they Might equate it to like maybe there's

Healing that needs to still Happen something like This maybe there is also something to Deal with each other's family that's Been holding you both back from diving In deeper that could also be another Aspect of this like thinking about like What is my family going to think are They are they what is expected there and It's like well of course we don't need To like please our P our families that's Not the point of us finding a Relationship right the point of us Finding a relationship is to find Somebody compatible for us but sometimes That those are just fears that do come Up so somehow there's like some sort of Thoughts around that oh I Just I just heard a message that your Person might also be thinking like what Will their family think of Me that might be a thought that they Actually have they might be worried About what your family might think of Them so Yeah that's popping up there too let's See what else we have here we have Caring Connections yeah this person they don't Want to hurt you and they don't want to Be hurt either so they really want to Figure out like okay what what is Our Intention what is what is going on here Door to Spirit they do feel like like

This person cares about you I can tell You that this person they care about You they Do so where is it going let's have the Conversation about where is it going They definitely feel a connection to you Um they care about your feelings they Yeah let's see what else we get here my Group Threes okay we also have orphaned they Don't want to be left Behind this person doesn't want To get hurt or left behind or feel Unchosen I feel like there's re fear of Rejection Here this person has a fear of rejection Therefore they might hold back Emotionally you might be holding back Emotionally there's a fear of Rejection I feel like this person has Been rejected very deeply in the past Ooh I'm also getting that this Person and this could be vice versa but This person may Have um issues trusting maybe because Divorce has been in the Family and there might be like a fear of Creating something deep with Somebody because of how they were hurt As a child through something like Divorce or something like something like This And yeah they might be sort of Still scarred from that a little bit

Um but this person like I am getting the Feeling like they do want to take a Chance on love like they want that but I Do feel like there's a fear of rejection That Might pop up that might show up um and This could also be what they're feeling From you too by the way but I am feeling Like this is talking a little bit about Their own inner self as well so yeah They want to explore to see if there's More that is the main thing that is on Their mind that is the biggest biggest Thing that's on their mind this person Cares about you they want there to be Something more cuz they are so attracted To you like they're like they could fall For you in the Realms of Attraction but Also part of falling we have to have an Emotional connection too right and this Person really wants to figure out what's There Um And yeah they want to figure that out Because the only way to pursue something More is to also you know focus on all The aspects not just the physical it Also needs to focus on the on the Emotional so I know I'm I'm being a Little bit repetitive here but I really Wanted to make it clear the that the Biggest thought on their mind is like do You want something more and if not then What are we doing why are we doing this

If you don't that's like the biggest Thing that they're Wondering so they really want to explore That they really want to figure that out That is their big thing um I do feel Like there's a fear of rejection here as Well there's a fear of being left out There is a fear of getting hurt um that Is also showing up but it's like really Wanting to figure that out on both sides They're so attracted to you they're they Really want to be around you they love Talking to you eight of Wands they love Love talking to you they love the and The fun that you two have I feel like There's a lot of zest and fun within This Relationship but yeah that is what we Have here my group number three is all About your person's thoughts and Feelings towards you what's going Through their mind so that is what we Have here I'm sending you all so much Love and all of the good luck and Blessings for your future and everything That is to come and again thank you so Much for joining me here and I'll see You next time bye all right my group Number four is if you chose this one This is going to reveal all about how Your person feels about you so let's go Ahead and see what we have all right my Group four is here's what we have for You we have conjunction series

Retrograde and we also have three of Cups two of Cups and nine of Cups woo Look at that little situation we got Going on there with the cups then we Have Six of Pentacles and then Queen of Swords being reversed here so a bunch of Different messages that I'm getting First off your person they brag to their Friends about you you and they love Talking about you they also love your Compatibility I think that they have so Much fun when they're with you they feel Comfortable around you that's like a Main situation main thing that they feel With you is like this comfortability Where they can be themselves they can Laugh they know that they're going to Have a good time whenever they're with You they know that they can talk to you About anything like this person loves Talking to you this is the type of Person that I feel like would call you Up and be like hey guess what I just Experienced at the grocery store blah Blah blah just happened can you believe It like like this person is going to Talk to you about all the things and They just love talking to you it's Almost like there's like sort of just a Really beautiful even like best friend Connection between you two but then also Two of Cups like there's also romance This person's definitely into you They're interested in you um nine of

Cups they also just feel so proud of you Like I feel like this person likes to Brag about you honestly and they like to Talk about you and They love the fact that they know you Six of Pentacles here they see you as Somebody who's really giving really Nurturing and they really enjoy that and They know that if they're going through A hard time you're going to be there for Them they know that I feel like you've Already gone through enough experiences That they know if they ever need you You're literally right there and that's Something that they really appreciate Queen of Swords um being reversed here There's a couple interesting things that I want to mention with this one okay First off she is pregnant here you know Queen of Swords which which Queen of Swords doesn't represent a pregnant Woman however in this tarot it does Which every tarot and its symbolism it Always has a purpose for that particular Deck so anyway there's a pregnant woman We also have serus which is the asteroid Of nurturing and also represents the Mother and can represent your children In astrology so I almost wonder if this Person like thinks about having babies With you quite often Or that maybe you two have been together That long that maybe you two do already Have children together and you're just

So happen to be clicking on this video Um but yeah somehow children are somehow A thing here like they see you as being Like a really nurturing person they see You as being a really caring person um And they see that you would be a really Good partner to have children with and They just see you as like a really good Like mother or father figure Queen of Swords also being reversed can indicate That they know that you like you're Willing to say no you have boundaries They can't just like slip one over you And I feel like that's a really Attractive quality like you have this Confidence to say no if you want to say No and they actually find that quite Attractive um it's very alluring to them That you just hold your own and that you Say things how it is and that's Something that they find quite Attractive about You also another thing that they feel About you is I do feel like they want They want to know more about what you Think at times because I do feel like Maybe at times you're quiet about what It is that you're actually thinking and They're curious about that and they want To know more about what what's going on Underneath they want to know you more They feel so comfortable around you they Are totally an open book around you they Want to know a little bit more about you

Because sometimes I feel like they Wonder maybe even if you do tell them Maybe they still like they're like but I Want to know More um this person I feel like really Wants more words of Affirmation from you that's a main thing That they probably think about and Desire but we also have this conjunction Card which makes me feel like again they Feel such a strong connection to you um And they feel like you two are on the Same page when it comes to what you're Interested in and it's like you two just Really connect as people and they feel That sius we already kind of touched on That one it's very nurturing they also Feel very nurtured by you you just have A very nurturing energy that they really Enjoy retrograde makes me feel like You've already known this person for Quite some time the person that you're Asking about I feel like you have either Been in a relationship with them for a Long time already or you have history With this person in some way shape shap Or form you got some history together um So that's like a definite thing here With retrograde showing up it's like There's history of in some way with this Person some sort of historic connection Together so let's see what else we get Let's dive into our next set of cards to See some more information about what

Your person feels about you my group Fors Let's see pay attention to the red flags Is coming Up let's see what else we have my group Fours we also have passion coming up This person feels very passionate Towards you I almost wonder if you two Have had history Together where things like haven't been Just flowers and roses like I almost Wonder if there was some sort of History Here where maybe you two have split up In the past and then gotten back Together or something like this um Because they're still cautious about That but they Really like they have such a deep Connection with you that I feel like This person cannot imagine their life With somebody else they have so much Passion towards you um and things like That so I feel like there's such a deep Connection between you two but yeah I Almost wonder if like there's something From the past Here um or something from the past that Alarms them that they just want to know More about that could also be a thing Here so regarding your past Maybe maybe you haven't talked a lot About your past and maybe they're kind Of like should I be concerned about that Or like should I just let it go or are

They going to give me some more Information some more details so that I Can just have a clear understanding of Things like I feel like this person is Kind of curious about that and they they Wonder that because maybe there's not a Lot of conversations about the past that Come up and they're they're Like or it could even be that past comes Up a little bit too much and they're Like I don't want to hear about that as Much it could go either way but there is Something here with past and there being A little bit of like a like a either Like an I need to know more about this Or like a red flag of like okay we've Been talking about that a lot are we Going to let it go is it ever going to Be done um so there's something here With that regarding Past let's see what else do we have here My group fours regarding your person and How they feel about you I do also get a Feeling that this Person might be worried about their past And your judgments of their past that Could also be a thing and they might They might um worry about that cuz I do Feel like this person they have a lot of Feelings about you and they want things To really work out with you so that Could be just like a a thing whe have Children coming up wow the fact that we Had series coming up which is literally

Like the children asteroid in astrology And then we also do have Queen of Swords Here which is represented as a pregnant Woman on this card which is really Interesting and we literally have the Children card popping up children is Somehow a thing here either you two have Children together or one of you already Just has kids from like a previous right Previous past thing that you know this Person is wondering like okay are we all Good here is this all complete and done Don't have to worry about anything yeah Like there's definitely something here Where this person wonders they're either Wondering about the past or they're Wanting to move on and away from the Past it could even be a little bit of a Combination of both but yeah children Are definitely part of this I do feel Like this this person wants kids with You they want kids with you and if you Two have kids Already they want to just deepen that Connection because they really they Think about the family unit with You we also have engagement and very Soon engagement can be when we when we Want things to go to a higher level of Commitment we want to know more about Our person where they're at what they Want So higher level of commitment is what Engagement uh represents they also want

More time of like genuine engagement Between you two because engagement it Doesn't just deal with with your level Of commitment it also talks about like Quality time together think about like When you're really engaged into a Conversation you're really engaged Together in in the moment this person Wants more of that they also really Appreciate those moments with you that That's kind of like their favorite times With you is when you're when you're Doing stuff like that we also have very Soon so this person they they want to Move with with you they want to move Forward They they want the things they want to Move forward with you I feel like They're ready for things there is stuff That I feel like they want to talk about With You um or at least leave in the past but They're they're ready to get things Going that's for sure they're ready to Also this could be literally that very Soon there's going to be an engagement Very soon there's going to be a wedding Very soon there's going to be a will you Be mine forever type of sort of thing Right very soon it could be like will You move in with Me something like this um so yeah wow Group four what what a thing we have Going on over

Here your person is definitely very into Very very interested they want to get The ball rolling that's for sure and Let's see what else we get for you group Fours how Else is your person feeling about you we Have walking away why do I get that There has been history where you two Have split up before why do I feel that Or there's at least been conversations About I'm going to I'm going to leave And this person worries about that they Worry about you walking away like this Is worry about You um so yeah that that's a concern That they have they don't want that like The way that they feel about you is like Very soon I want to like move forward And and lock things in and get things More Committed let's see let's see what else We got here group Four let's see ooh okay that card flew Out door to romance look at That so this person has very strong Feelings for you when it comes To like they want more they they're very Passionate towards you and they want More they want more of that Um they want more of that connection Somehow I feel Like a heart needs to be unlocked More and some things like C there could Be bottled up feelings bottled up

Thoughts especially since we had Queen Of Swords being reverse too there's like There's something where we haven't Talked about it or there's something That we've been holding back from That maybe we need to talk about more Maybe we need to open up more About and that way we can move Forward okay and once it's talked about It it's like okay we're good let's heal It let's let's move on So let's get any last cards for your Reading Here my group Fours how else does your person feel About you oh I was feeling like that one Wants to come out between Worlds Peace this person is so happy when you Two are together like all of a sudden They're they feel like they can breathe They feel like they can be at peace when You two are not together they feel not At Peace their mind Wanders um not towards other people but It wanders towards like what if I lose That You know like they're they're at peace When they're with You they're comfortable when they're With You Between Worlds here I feel like They're happier when they're with you

They also want to move and transition They want to transform in some way they Want the relationship to Transform for the better they want it to Get Brighter there could also be a move that You two have been talking About there could be Distance there could literally be Distance between you two where it's like We have to be between worlds a little Bit I feel like that's only going to be Relevant for like less than half of you Watching this that there's going to be Distance but if that's the case Obviously you're going to know if that's Your situation but if so they're really Wanting to close the gap they really Want to be in the same they want they Want to live with you they want to be With You um if there's no distance this would Just be them wanting to transition into Like a better time a closer time a Happier time rather than being in this Fog they also want to change I feel like They've been working on self-improvement To change and become a better version of Themselves I feel like this person Listens to your critiques and they're Like oh I really want to work on that And fix that and become better so that Is coming through as well and that is What we have for you my beautiful group

Number four is I also just want to point Out we have a lot of Threes we have Three three three coming up a lot of Three energy here threes symbolize um Networking Communication they symbolize Celebrations we did also have the three Of Cups by the way so this person Um like they really put you on a high Pedestal and they enjoy talking to you They they love talking to their friends About you and they regularly do that Maybe you have a history of being Friends and they want to take it to the Next level that could also be an aspect Of this right um or maybe you two were Once lovers and now you're friends and Now they they want to be more again Something like this or you've just gone Through those transitions before things Like that um another aspect of this is That you know you two are really Romantically involved but they also feel Like you're their best friend there's Somehow like a Friend aspect to this um like deep Friendship on top of also romance and Children and all these other things so That is what we have here my beautiful Group number four is for your reading All about how your person feels about You that is all that we got here so Thank you so much for joining me here For today's video I'm sending you all so

Much love and until next time bye all Right my beautiful pyite group if you Chose this one this is going to be your Reading all about how your person feels About you so let's go ahead and Dive Right In all right my group FES how does Your person feel about you we have South Node fifth house we have the eighth House we also have ESS being reversed Ace of Pentacles upright five of Pentacles seven of Pentacles lots of Pentacle cards and Knight of Swords um So the way in which your person feels About you the South node represents Things that are more in our past and it Represents our past uh it can also Represent the lessons that we've learned So I do feel like the way that your Person feels about you is that they've Been learning a lot from you and they've Learned a lot from being around you Already so I am getting the feeling from This like you two have known each other For a little bit already like a while um Maybe for some of you this is still Fresh but I really get for like honestly Like over 90% of you watching this I Feel like you've known this person for a While already they've learned a lot from You um you've brought a lot of gifts to Their life however the South node is a Little bit more of this like past kind Of Energy so when it comes to how they feel

About you um In regards to your future together I'm Getting like a little bit of mixed Messages from this person and I I'm Curious if you get mixed messages from This person too where it kind of feels Like one moment they might seem invested And curious and then another moment they Might seem like they're moving on I'm Curious if you get those messages from This person too because I'm getting a Little bit of like they leave you out Sometimes like five of Pentacles being Your Center card here this person might Give you these signals at times where You feel left out you feel left behind You feel forgotten about from them um They there might be times where they Might ghost you I'm getting or that Again they just give mixed signals like One moment they seem like they're Invested one moment they seem like They're going for it that they're you Know moving forward with you and then Other moments it kind of seems like it's Questionable right um Empress being Reversed I feel like this has like taken A toll on your selfworth and I I just Have to say right now my group fives oh My gosh this this should not Define your Self worth the fact that we even have The empress popping up I feel like this Is totally representing your energy and Your energy is the empress the fact that

It's reversed I feel like this person Has you questioning your worth and you Should not and I know that we're going To be this reading is going to be Focused around how they feel about you But I just like have to say this right Now CU I'm I'm just getting this clear Message and I feel like Spirit really Wants you to hear this right now too That you should not let this question Your worth you should not let this Determine your worth it does not oh my Gosh if somebody is not seeing you for Your worth that is all their fault right It's nothing to do with you um you are The empress you are the empress energy Like you have this Empress energy which Which is a abundant by the way it's an Abundant nurturing loving full Hearted energy where it's like you have The ability to offer your whole heart You have this ability to like light up Somebody's life and if they're not Seeing it then they're not seeing it and What I'm getting from this Empress being Reversed is that this person is not Seeing it I feel like at times they see Like glimpses of it and they're like oh Yeah let me like invest into this but Then at other times they're like removed And leave you behind and it's like They're not respecting your feelings is Honestly what I'm getting from this so When it comes to their feelings about

You for one they do have a lot of fun With you the fifth house coming up this Person has a lot of fun with you they Feel like they can also be themselves Around you so I feel like you two do Have this connection you two do have fun Together but this person they keep Transforming on you they keep shifting There's this shifting energy with that Where one moment it's deep and then one Moment you feel like you're getting Stung it's kind of like the the Scorpio Right the Scorpion um I'm not saying all Scorpios are like this oh my God Scorpios can be totally loving totally Nurturing all of that right but in the Symbolic energy that's coming through Here for this person is like this Stinger where it's like you know one Moment they're deep one moment there's a Emotional thing there and then one Moment it's like we're being stung That's the energy that I'm getting here From this so let's dive in more um I do Feel you are learning a lot from this Person they've also learned a lot from You and I feel like that's why there's This pull To it's almost like they can't let you Go and it's almost like you can't let Them go But maybe we need to re-evaluate this Especially because of like what's coming Up here it just seems like this person

Is stringing you along a little bit and They're not respecting Your feelings because any person who's Like going to really respect your Feelings they're not going to hang on to Somebody and put them through all of This you know this five of Pentacles Energy they're not going to put them Through this energy for their own Selfish reasons of being undecided or Whatever like a respectable person is Not going to do that right um but yeah Other ways in which they feel about you They love talking to you they love Coming Sation with you I'm also feeling Like this person loves that they can Talk to at any time and you're just Going to be there like Knight of Swords Is this very fast moving energy where I Feel like for them they're probably Making these really fast decisions of Like oh let's hang out let's not let's Do this let's not like they're very Quick with these you know communication Things they also do love the fact that You seem to be at their beck and call When they need You it's like you it's just seems like You're just always there when they need You um and they do like that about you Um but is that really what you Deserve no um but yeah anyway they like That quality about you seven of Pentacles right here there's times where

They're like oh should I put my ener Like this person's just really back and Forth and you I'm just going to say it Right now you don't deserve that it's All up to you though what you decide to Pursue P pursue I'm not here to tell you What to do what not to do um but I will Just say you do deserve more I'm going To say that right now especially because This person they don't see your full Worth which is why they're so back and Forth they're Not yeah it's Not it's a them issue not a you issue um Because other people I'm sure you have So so many amazing friends that you're Around that 100% see your worth 24/7 I Would never even question it um so yeah Anyway diving more into this um there's Times where this person is like yeah in It and then Not and the center card here is the Knot and it's just what I'm picking up From them is that they are so back and Forth which is what creates this they're So Undecided but like when something is so Undecided you know when you go shopping And you're so undecided about Something like it's kind of a sign that You probably shouldn't get the thing Because if you were supposed to get it Like you know when you yeah when you go Shopping there's two different things

That happen or there's three different Things that happen either it's a hell no I don't want that item that is not what I want not at all or it's like a I'm Really undecided about this I can't Decide and then let's say your friend Goes oh you should totally get it and Then you're like oh I don't know though I still don't know I don't know and then Your friend goes okay don't get it and You're like but I don't know I I don't Know you know like that sort of feeling And then there's other times that you go Shopping where you see something and You're just like full body yes I'm 100% Getting that that is 100% what I want There's no questions about it you know Nobody could stop me from it okay There's those three different scenarios There's also those three different Scenarios when it comes to dating and People there's times that you're going To date somebody when you're just like Oh no that's not my person hell no then There's other times where you're just Like I don't know I don't know I don't Know we're just forever in limbo forever In limbo we can never decide and even if We do decide then all of a sudden we we Go back on it and we're just like do I Return it though did I really need it And then we're just like I don't know I Like having it but I also don't like It what the freak and then there's also

The other scenario where you're just Like oh full body yes I want that person 100% let's go Yes the same thing happens right you Deserve somebody who's going to be so Fully into you I'm just going to say That you deserve that okay you deserve That Yeah you deserve somebody who's going to Be invested this person sees potential In you 100% that's why they're there Ace Of Pentacles like they see potential but It's like a seed like they haven't it Hasn't become Anything And they see that you're invested they See that you're always going to be There and I feel like you give them a Confidence boost honestly I feel like Whenever they need a confidence boost You give that to them because I feel Like you kind of are there for their Beck and call and it's like they can Always feel better when you're around But then they they can also leave Whenever they want and that is not a Fair place to Be um so let's see what else we get for You um all about this person's feelings Towards you these just came out okay I just got the biggest message here so We have calling in your soulmate Reconciliation and Soulmate I feel like this person is

Scared to fully let you go because They're scared that you would actually Find somebody and then they wouldn't Have you at their beck and call anymore Even though they're they're Like not actually investing in you in Any Way but then at the same Time they're actually scared that you Will find your person Um so I feel like whenever you try to Call in your person they're just like oh No wait let's see each other Again so that yeah that's what's coming Through that's what's coming Through Um and one thing that Spirit also wants You to know is you do have a soulmate You do have somebody who's going to be There for your back and call you really Do Um and you deserve to find that person And that person is going to be 100% About you I'll tell you that right now Anytime that you are with an actual Soulmate they will be 100% about you Because anytime that you go shopping and You're meant to buy something because That's like your soulmate item you feel It off the bat you just feel like that I Have to get it I have to it's exactly What I need it's a 100% what I need but Anytime that you're like humming and Hawing it's like it's because it's not

100% what you want or need right um Which again has nothing to do with the Thing because it's the right thing for Somebody else but yeah these messages Just really need to come through right Now um Spirit has a lot to say about This I feel like I have a lot to say About this um so yeah again follow what Feels right for you but what I'm getting Is that this person they're really Into Um keeping you as theirs And it's almost like they hate to see You move on it's like a fear of of Theirs to see you move on and Find like if you found your person and Was committed to them this person would Be really hurt by that because they know That they wouldn't have you anymore but Then again it's like they're clearly not Willing to fully Invest it Seems that five of Pentacles as your Center card is Like they leave you high and dry And then come back whenever it works for Them let's see what else do we Have okay we also have this card fourth Chakra your heart oh my Goodness like there there clearly is a Connection between you two but is it a Healthy Connection Um let's see how else do they they love

Your heart they see that you have a Really big heart they really do they see That you have an extremely big and loyal Heart and I feel like that They they 100% see that and that's one Of the reasons why they love being Around you so much is because they see You this is how they feel about you you Have a massive heart and they feel Uplifted by how big your heart is they Feel nurtured by how big your heart is That's why they have such a hard time Letting you go even though You know five of Pentacles do I need to Say it again they so back and forth so Wishy-washy this person they are Wishy-washy they know that they are they They know that they are the deceit card Coming up Like they they're they are aware that They are stringing you along they are Aware that they can't seem to be fully Honest like and maybe at times they are Honest with you and things like that but Like like I feel like this Person isn't really taking into Consideration your heart I feel like This person is kind of a little Bit they'll say things To please you or for you to forgive Them I feel like this person is a little Bit of a gaslighter a little bit of an Manipulator I'm just getting a little Bit of that energy from

Them unfortunately so My group fives my heart goes out to you Because these situations are always so Hard to navigate and sometimes we can be So blinded by it I feel like this person Sees how easily they can like say Something and they see how easily Like like you're able to just accept It and yeah Um let's see what else we get for how Your person feels about you my group Fives Between Worlds okay yeah one foot in one Foot out one foot in one foot Out let's see group Fives okay these cards want to come out No place like home they do feel homey With you you do make them feel this Sense of like Hominess Um and then we have Yang Yang energy Which is masculine action Energy they see you as somebody who Like you bring this sense of like home This sense Of peace to Them this sense of Fun Um they also see you again as somebody Who they could call into their life Whenever they want cuz it's just like You're kind of always there and oh they Also see that they have a piece of your Heart and that like yeah they see that

You're you're Always partially thinking about them They they see that they feel that they Know that I think that's why it's easy For them to be so half and half like It's so easy for them to to be like I Don't have any answers for you yet I Don't have any commitment for you yet I Don't have any like like I'm still Figuring it out because they know that You're already you know so invested that They they can feel That um this Yang energy it's very Masculine so I would say that this Person they really enjoy like the action That you two have together they really Enjoy the fire that you two have Together Um but yeah It also boosts their sense of Masculinity I feel like they get a boost Of Masculinity around you they get a boost To their ego when they're around you so Anyway I know this sounds Like you know Um like really direct really like C with This reading but this is just what's Coming up here so if you are in a Situation like this where it just seems Like somebody is Kind of just stringing you along and Things like that I would just say really Take your time to re-evaluate the

Situation if you have felt you know Strung along by this person cuz like you Don't deserve that you don't deserve to Be excuse me dragged Along by Somebody you don't deserve that um you Deserve somebody who's going to be fully Invested in you fully invested in your Future together You deserve somebody that is going to Give you everything not just half in and Half out not just like oh I'm going to Give you like a lot of things but like Not commitment I can't promise you uh Forever but I'll promise you like right Now like no you deserve so much more Than that my group fives you deserve so Much more than that and it's interesting That pyate was on the group because this Is the crystal of confidence which like Like I think you you need the confidence In yourself to realize that you're so Worthy of so much more than that my love Your soulmate is out oh I Spirit has a Message for you right now your soulmate Is literally out there but I really feel Like the only way for you to find them Is to disconnect from people who are Stealing your heart but not giving you What you deserve in return we need to Distance ourselves from that we need to Fully cut it out in fact not even just Distance we need to fully cut that out And that way our soulmate can come in CU I do feel like your

Soulmate you have a soulmate I mean we All have soulmates um and you deserve to Find that person you deserve to have the Person who's going to be so fully Invested in you and all of that so yeah That is what we have here my beautiful Group number fives so your soulmate is Out there and your way to get to them is Honing in on your Boundaries boundaries boundaries Boundaries honing in on your Boundaries not allowing somebody Into the Depths and the in because Eighth House is also intimacy when we Let somebody into our intimate world With one foot in one foot out ooh like Um oh there's a saying what's the saying It's the saying of Um why would somebody buy the cake if They could eat it for free right like There's a there's a saying like that so We need to have boundaries of of like We're not going to cross into that world Unless we are getting what we deserve Which is commitment somebody who's fully Invested into us somebody who's fully Going to say yes right and those are the Only things that we should buy too right That's the only that's the only places Where we should spend our money if it's A full body yes and if we're also Getting a full body yes back from the Other side So that is what we have here my group

Number fives my heart is with you I know That you are going to navigate this and Find your absolute beautiful Connection um with your soulmate I know That you are going to find that it is Out there for you it is meant for you I Am sending you so much love thank you so Much for joining me here today for this Video and until next time bye

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