THE NEXT TIME YOU SEE THEM 👀✨ Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading ❤️

💚Donate directly to Fares’s Gofundme:
🍉 Project Love Brocade:

All Groups:
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
Group 4:

Intro – 0:00
Choose your group – 6:13
#1 (Lepidolite/Cats) – 8:52
#2 (Moss Agate/Landscapes) – 51:19
#3 (Pink Calcite/Lucid Minds) – 1:32:59
#4 (Crazy Lace Agate/Golden Marseille) – 2:19:49

Decks Used (in order):
📍Moonology Messages Oracle by Yasmin Boland
📍Angel Wisdom Tarot by Raleigh Valentine
📍Sacred Geometry of Relationships by LON
📍There Are No Coincidences by Aliza Kelly
📍(Group 1) Cat Tarot by Megan Lynn Kott
📍(Group 2) Tarot Landscapes by Yoshi Mari
📍(Group 3) Lucid Minds Tarot by Elena ※
📍(Group 4) Golden Tarot of Marseille by Lo Scarabeo
📍The I Ching Oracle by Catherine Pilfrey
📍Moonology Oracle by Yasmin Boland

💍Snake Ring
💍Heart Bracelet:
💍Bracelet w Stones:

🔮Shop Tarot/Oracle decks by independent creators here: ※

※ If you purchase from links with this symbol, I will receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting my channel!

The readings on my channel are not meant to substitute professional advice. I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy for any reading. Please use your own judgement when making any decisions based on a tarot reading.

#pickacard #tarotreading


Hi guys it's Kino welcome to another Video so some of you guys might be Wondering why there is another reading Going up so soon after we just posted The last one I wanted to share this Reading with you guys as soon as Possible because today's reading is Actually going to be a fundraiser so all Of the ad revenue from here on YouTube As well as all of the sales from the Extended readings are going to be Donated I have teamed up with project Love brocade which is an aid initiative Found and run by registered therapists In my home country of Canada and they Are providing eims to families in Gaza So that they can communicate with the Outside world and they're matching these Families with people in the outside World with the goal of creating real Human connections with the people in Gaza as well as amplifying their Crowdfunding campaign so that they can Evacuate to safety and rebuild their Lives I was matched with fattis who is a 17-year-old boy he is raising funds on On behalf of his family of eight which Includes his parents three sisters and Two brothers one of whom is just a baby I've been keeping in touch with fattis Every day and he is the sweetest boy Ever he is a double Pisces yes I did ask His birthday and he also taught me that His name Fus means night as in the KN of

Cups and I think that's just such a Beautiful name before the war on Gaza Fus had a dream of following in his Older sister's footsteps to study Software engineering he says I am a Dreamer boy who excelled academically And I wanted to complete my scientific Studies to achieve myself and help my Family his sister Donia she's 24 and she Graduated from the College of Engineering and urban planning and she Also had Big Dreams for the future but She's been unable to pursue them fetus Also introduced me to his baby brother Muhammad who is so adorable he's just Starting to respond to his family's Movements and try to make sounds and he Currently needs formula because there is Such a lack of proper nutrition it's Been difficult for him to receive milk From his mother fattis says I hope that Gaza will be free soon and we will Experience the feeling of Freedom like You I would like to experience those Feelings I had high hopes of being Successful in my country which I love But I did not have much luck now I Aspire to complete my education and Travel outside the country so again all Of the revenue generated from today's Video is going to go to fattis and his Family so if you'd like to support them The easiest way to do this at no cost to You would be to let the ads play on this

Video of course if you do feel called to The extended reading today and you would Like to purchase an extended that is Also a great way to help them and I will Include the link directly to their GoFundMe campaign just to leave that Option open if you would like to donate An amount of your choice this is the Most effective way to support them Because GoFundMe I believe it's only 3% Of a transaction fee That they would take from your donation Which is significantly less than the cut That YouTube and Vimeo would take from Our earnings so I'll leave that option For you as well of course if you feel Comfortable and you feel called to it I'll be checking the earnings on this Video once a day and I'll be donating The equivalent to the GoFundMe campaign Myself for complete transparency I will Share screenshots of our earnings here On YouTube as well as on Vimeo and the Donations that I'll be making every day So that you can follow with the progress Of the campaign if you would like to I Will share those on my Instagram story So if you did want to keep track of the Progress feel free to check that out on My page and I also recommend checking Out project love brocades page they have Information about how they verify these Campaigns and how they get the funds to The families they are also looking for

More amplifiers if that is something That you're interested in and as we move Forward with this campaign I will Continue to brainstorm ideas of Different content or different ways that We can help fattis and his family so if You guys do have any ideas please feel Free to let me know before we get on to The reading Fus sent me a video of Himself that he would like me to share So that you can see him and the Situation that he's currently in hi Everyone let me introduce myself to you I am FIS I am a night from Gaza I am 17 Years old a very ambitious young man I Had hope for life but for 10 whole Months we have been fighting death we Survive with our bodies but our souls Died the moment the occupation killed Our dreams and threw them to the ground In the wind today I am speak Specifically about myself and my family But many young people are in the same Situation as and are suffering the same Being the suffering of displacement and F mind and providing the Necessities Life has become very difficult life in Gaza is expensive and leaving it is much More difficult but I have hope that you Will help me and my family to save our Lives and get out of Gaza as quickly as Possible as the cruising will open soon After it was destroyed the occupation While the cost P person reaches $5,000

With other supplies so I hope that Living Conses thanks I'm confident that we can Come together and help ftis and his Family get through this it is because of You that I even have this platform and That I'm able to to do things like this And I really really appreciate it thank You so much I can't do my little arm Thing because there is a pug sleeping on My arm but I can do it with one arm Let's get on to the Reading hi guys it's Kino welcome to Another video so for today's pick a card Reading I am so excited for this topic I Feel like we haven't done this one in a Long time but we are going to be seeing What will happen the next time you meet Your person so this person can be Anybody who is on your mind any type of Connection I am looking today at your Next inperson encounter so this will be The next time you actually meet face to Face and we are going to get all the Details surrounding that whole encounter This is going to be a juicy one I'm Going to get into like the full list of What's covered in this reading once we Choose your group so for now we're just Looking at the options there are four Readings for you guys to choose from Today and for each group we're going to Be using a different Tarot deck and I've Also placed a crystal Palm Stone on top

Of each and I am going to be showing you The two of cups from each deck so that You can get a feel for each deck's Artwork so when you're choosing your Group you may be drawn to the crystal The back artwork of the Decks that you See here or the front artwork so there's A few different factors to help you Choose but without further Ado let's get A close-up look at each of your options For my number ones your stone is Lepidolite and your deck is the cat Tarot and here is the two of Cups for my number twos your stone is Moss agot and your deck is the Landscapes Tarot and here is the two of Cups for my number threes your stone is Pink calite and your deck is the Lucid Minds Tarot and here is the two of Cups and for my number four is your Stone is crazy lace agot and your deck Is the golden Mar Tarot and here here is the two of Cups okay so just in case you need a bit More time to pick these are all of your Options laid out side by side so that You can compare them and see which one Is calling to you the most as always Take all the time you need to pick you Can pause the video if you need to and I'm going to go ahead and get started With number one hi number ones so if you

Guys chose the lepidolite this is going To be a reading all about your next Encounter with with the person on your Mind so I want to just start off by Going through our list of everything That is going to be covered today we Have the reading here on YouTube as well As an extended and here on YouTube we're Just going to start off by looking at What is going on in this connection with Your person so we'll take a look at your Energy their energy and the energy that Exists between the two of you sort of Like the main themes of your Connection then we are going to see your Guides insights on this connection Anything they would like you to know or What they think about the connection the Main juicy part of this reading of Course is going to be about your next Encounter with this person so there's a Lot that we're going to get into for This we are first going to see who will Initiate this next encounter what will Lead to you meeting again the setting And the environment of your meeting so Where is this going to happen is it Going to be just you is it going to be Other people there like what is the Event um then we're going to see how You'll feel when you see them how They'll feel when they see you what you Will talk about during this meeting and What you will do together during this

Meeting and then we're going to finish Off the reading with messages and advice From your guides so that is the YouTube Reading and then in the extended we're Going to see how your person will feel After seeing you what will this Encounter lead to um we're going to Answer a yes or no question of your Choice I am assuming it will be about The connection or about the encounter um So my answer Might assume that but you can ask any Yes or no question you want and then at The very end of the extended we're going To see any hints about when this Encounter is going to happen so that is The whole reading today thank you so Much for being here and now let's get Into it so we're going to start by Seeing the overall energies of this Connection you can think of this part as Like an energy check to make sure that This is your group but these cards on The left represent you these cards on The right represent your person and this Card in the middle represents um the Energies between the two of you if you Listen to this description and you feel Like it's flipped this sounds more like Your person this sounds more like you That is totally fine you may even find That you resonate with the energies on Both sides um or even that you tend to Alternate between them depending on the

Day or your mood that is totally fine Too but if you don't see yourself Anywhere in this spread then this is Probably not your group so without Further Ado let's get started so these Cards representing your energy are the Seven of air which is the seven of Swords awareness caution and Consequences and then we also have Moon Magic with Transformation the cards representing Your person's energy we have the seven Of water which is the seven of Cups Choices overanalyzing and Procrastination and then we have Moon Struck take a breath And then for the energy that is between The two of You we have time the energy of time Supports our understanding of the Relativity of time and our capacity to Be present in the moment so the fact That we have this time card in the Middle it really makes me think that Divine timing is likely a big factor in This connection it may have been Quite some time actually since you last Saw this person maybe it's been longer Than you expected or in general it is Taking longer than you expected for Things to progress the feeling that I do Get intuitively about this connection is That it will be quite some time from the Moment that you first meet or for the

Moment that you first know of each other To the moment that you're connection Really comes together in the way that it Was meant to I feel like that is going To be quite a long span of time 444 as I Say that so definitely there's a feeling Of divine Orchestration but also Divine timing and You are coming through with the seven of Air I'm thinking how air is quite a fast Element it is the fastest one so and Also this is a card that can talk about Decep but it's more so giving me the Feeling of disillusionment in this Situation where perhaps at the start of This connection you were feeling really Excited and you anticipated things to Move forward quite smoothly or quickly And when it didn't do that you maybe Felt disillusioned by it like oh I was So naive to think that things were going To happen that easily or you know things Were going to come together that quickly With deception you may feel that this Person misled you into thinking that That things would move along more Smoothly or maybe even felt misled by External signs you were seeing or Messages you were receiving about the Connection Because I know I know this person looks Quite disappointed and when I was Holding this card up to the camera it Actually wanted to focus on this person

So you may be feeling like this right Now or you have spent some time feeling Like this in the connection but I also Want to mention that this card has the Energy of aquarius so I do think that You have been working On getting out of your feelings in this Situation like detaching from your Emotions trying to look at the situation Objectively and I do think at this time You have been focused on your own growth On your own transformation it does seem Like you're in an energy of focusing on Yourself and actually I do think it's Relevant that both of you have number Sevens I think that this is a sign of Mutual feelings in the connection you Also both have fixed signs in your Energy so you have the sign of Aquarius They have the sign of Scorpio you or Your person could have these placements That could be a confirmation but I think That more so they're here to represent The fixed energy meaning that the Feelings are mutual and neither of you Are going to be changing how you feel Anytime soon that can say for sure but I Feel like you have gone through that Disappointment and that disillusionment Of okay this is probably going to take Longer than I was expecting whereas I Feel like your person is still very much In their Feelings we have this message of

Overanalyzing so your person could be Spending a lot of time thinking about You and overanalyzing past interactions Overanalyzing what this connection ction Is and what you mean to them and what is Supposed to happen and kind of swirling Around in their head like that and I Also think they could be overanalyzing And overthinking when it comes to how to Reach out to you next you know it could It could be theoretically very simple For them to just make a move reach out To you arrange a next meeting but this Seven of Cups energy it kind of gives The feeling that they are making it more Complicated than it needs to be because They are overthinking so much about like What is the best way to do it and how How are they going to perceive it if I Come forward like this versus if I come Forward like that and especially when When time has gone by I don't know if You've ever been in a situation where It's like the more time has gone by Sometimes the more the more awkward it Can be to reach out because it's like Really after all this time like it's a Bit too late for that now so it's like They're making it later and later by Overthinking and then the fact that it's Getting later makes it worse and then They're just overthinking about it more So it this really has the feeling of Someone who is is stuck in their head

And we have the number 444 here this Could also be oh my gosh we actually saw That number earlier on the camera timer But this could be a sign that your Person is seeing signs that remind them Of you or more generally they are just Seeing a lot of things in their Surroundings that remind them of you I Do think that this person is thinking About you a lot and is is is very much In their feelings I am also looking at These chakra cups there could be a sort Of clar sentient connection that is Going on where you're picking up on Their emotions and vice versa and you May actually feel them in specific parts Of your body and it's really interesting To sit with those and feel where in your Body it's coming from when you do pick Up on a sign from your person um oh and Literally yeah procrastination that that Is definitely their energy um I think With take a Breath quite literally I I feel like They do need to chill because the place That they're in is is kind of over Complicating things but it it does seem Like they're in an energy where they Need to just like sit with how they're Feeling and process it and understand Where it's coming from and I feel like You're more so in an energy where Maybe Have already done that because I do see With the the seven of air that you're

Ready to accept like okay the situation Wasn't what I thought it was you know I Was like super excited and thought Things were moving forward but like That's not what it is I'm I've processed My feelings and I'm going to focus on me Right now so that seems like your Vibe So if this sounds like what you have Been through in this connection Then then Congratulations you found your group and We're going to keep going so the next Thing we are going to see is your guides Insights on this connection anything They would like you to know we have Mirrors with the number 26 and we also Have 1111 on the camera timer as I'm Showing this card which is a mirroring Number cuz it's all the same number so Um yeah definitely signs of you and your Person mirroring each other I wouldn't Be surprised then if listening to this Description you can see yourself in both Sides you could even simultaneously be In both of these energies because humans Are confusing like that or you may kind Of alternate between the two depending On how you're feeling if there's like External triggers and things like that But yes this is confirmation that you And your person are absolutely mirroring Each other and then we also have Blades the numbers 26 and 29 could be Relevant somehow like someone's age or

Like dates the numbers 2 69 26 29 could Be numbers in significant dates like Birthdays or the day that you met or Something like that um and these are the Same color as well they're both orange So ah and orange is the color of the Sacral chakra which I feel like Corroborates that message of having a Clear sentient connection with this Person so you and your person you are Definitely picking up on each other's Emotions for some of you I I do feel Like you can discern like oh this is my Person's emotion that I'm picking up on Right now some of you it might actually Be hard where does my emotion end and Where does theirs Begin But I also think for those of you who Are creatives you might Channel each Other's feelings through your creativity Or like your big Inspirations for each Other's creative Process um because sacral chakra does Have that Creative Energy too it also Has a sexual energy but I don't know What kind of connection this is so um Just in case that's like an Uncomfortable thing to talk about for The nature of the connection I won't Really get into that but for those of You who do have that type of connection Just know that that energy is is there Like it's it's there and it's strong um

But in particular with Blades it does give a feeling of Your insecurities mirroring each other Or your wounds mirroring each other so You could have very Similar things that you are working Through on your inner Journeys how your Insecurities and limiting beliefs Manifest outwardly may look different But it it does give the feeling that You're struggling with the same things And so you may be able to you know at First glance the other other person's Behavior might seem confusing and like Why are they behaving like this but I Think if you go to the root of it you Would be able to relate and empathize With that um wound or insecurity that is At the heart of It um and also both of these cards oh That's probably why they're the same Color because they're both threshold Cards me trying to think what threshold Means it's like a Tipping Point or like A point of Change so I wonder Okay we're going to have to get into the Rest of the cards but you could be Reaching a threshold in this connection Where things are about to [Applause] Change okay so we're going to get into The main part of the reading Now where we look at your next

Encounter so keep person in mind as I'm Shuffling the first thing we want to see Is who Will Who will Initiate this next meeting right away I Feel kind of a messy energy just the way The decks are behaving so there could Also be a lot of of time and a lot of Back and forth between when you Originally decide that you're going to Meet okay so that would actually imply That your next meeting is going to be a Conscious decision and that you're not Going to be like randomly bumping into Each other somewhere it seems like the Two of you are deciding that you are Going to meet um but from the moment That you decide to meet to the moment it Actually happens might be a little bit Messy so it might be hard to find a time That works for both of you or like one Of you is like forgetting to reply and Then the date that you had decided like Already passed you know when you're like Do you want to hang out this weekend and Then the person responds like next Wednesday and they're like oh [ __ ] sorry I just saw this um are you free this Weekend no and then like not being able To find a day there could be some Cancellations there could be some Reschedulings it just feels kind of Messy for lack of a better word to Finally get it to

Happen Okay so we have the Eight of Cups And I'm just going to go ahead and lay All of them out and then we'll just We'll get into everything what will lead To you finally meeting Again we have the nine of swords The setting and the environment of your Meeting I also feel like this thing Keeps happening where a card almost Falls out but then it doesn't so it just Feels like messiness surrounding making Plans like for some reason it's hard to Make plans and you might actually end up Meeting in a different place than what You decided so just for one example Let's say you were going to like meet at This side of town and then and they text You right before and are like sorry I'm Still at work but I know it's getting Late like can you meet me near my office And so there could be like a sudden last Minute change of location or change of Plans on the day Of this messy energy could also be like You or your person or both of you the Next time you meet it's going to be kind Of a hectic time in your life but you're Making it Work okay We have what is this the eight of this Is the eight of Swords how will you feel when you see Them lot of Swords the seven of Swords So there's that same energy

Again how will they feel when they see You The Five of Swords holy Crap and what will you talk about when You see each Other the Star okay and what will you do Together when you see each other The four Of Cups Okay wow I'm shocked at how much sword Energy is here and a lot of Air energy So air air air air and then the star is Also Air energy because it's the sign of Aquarius and then we have these water Energies which are like Encompassing all of the Air okay So I think how this is going to happen Is that you will be messaging back and Forth in terms of who is initiating It if one of you has Pisces Placements then it could be that person Who is initiating or the person who is Older between the two of you will be the One to Initiate and it seems like you're Talking back and forth and you decide to Meet up and then I think it's going to Be your person who is acting kind of Hard to pin down I'm just thinking of Pisci and energy that is it's elusive It's water you know it's hard to like

Get water to stay still and to hold it And also Pisces is like a slippery fish So I I do feel like it's going to be Hard you you may have those moments Being like are you free on this day and By the time they get back to you that Day has already passed or there may be Like last minute cancellations and Things like that and I actually think That they Feel really bad about it I don't think It's them just it's not like they don't Feel like meeting you anymore I think Things are actually Popping up for them and with the nine of Swords here I do see this as kind of Anxiety on their part because it's like They can sense they can sense that every Time they do this it's frustrating you And they may even be blowing it up in Their head like maybe for you it yeah Like it's an inconvenience it's Frustrating it's disappointing because You wanted to see them but in their head They're like oh my gosh group number one Is going to be so done with me they're Going to be so mad at me because the Nine of Swords is really like Catastrophizing and blowing up the Situation like oh my gosh this is the End of the world and so it does seem Like there's going to be a couple times Where they have to reschedule or cancel Or they just didn't get back to you on

Time and and every time that happens It's like they get more and more anxious That they are messing things up and I Actually do sense that after a couple Times of this happening you will likely Feel like just leaving them you know Like okay I'm like maybe this is not a Good time for us to meet up it seems Like you have a lot of stuff going on so You just kind of like it seems like You're going to kind of ease off of it And leave them to you know like you let Me know when when you can meet cuz like I've proposed a few things and it hasn't Worked so you let me know and then just Kind of cuz you're in this more detached Energy you see this is what it looks Like to me so after some time of going About your life I do think that they Will get back to you and that they will They will then be the one to initiate And be like let's meet here let's go to This place it does Seem with this eight of Swords Here I can't say a specific place that You're going to meet but I do feel that It's going to Be Lowkey so I don't see you like in a busy Place with a bunch of people so even if You did meet in public it would probably Be a more quiet place place like a more Quiet and intimate place like for Example like a little hole in the wall

Bar or Cafe where there's not that many People or it could very well be Someone's house I just don't see you out With a lot of noise and with a lot of People Because you might have a lot to talk About with this person like they they May sense that that there's a lot for You to talk about And Or or they just want to talk to you a Lot so if you're in like a noisy place Or if there's a lot of people right Around it might not be that Comfortable to have that kind of One-on-one conversation but it seems Like you're either meeting with the Intention of talking over a lot of Things or you just both kind of Intuitively sense that that's what's Going to happen you both just have that Knowing of like oh yeah when we meet up There is going to be a lot to talk about And so with that I do think that your Person might feel a little bit nervous Leading up to this meeting you might be Feeling a little bit nervous too or just Like you're anxious to get things off of Your chest and it's funny how this works E like how old versions of you can be Triggered Because what it seems like to me is that You were in this place of being quite Detached and focusing on yourself and

That was going really well for you like It genuinely felt really good and really Right and and then when it comes to the Time that you are going to see this Person again it's like that old Nervousness comes up again that those Old attachments come up again it's just It's interesting how that happens so in Terms of how you will Feel when you see Them we have the seven of Swords which Was is already your current energy so I Do think that you are stepping into this Meeting with the intention of not Getting in your feelings with the Intention of not getting too attach with The intention of not getting your hopes Up but there is this feeling Of you might be kind of fighting with Yourself because I think there is an Emotional part of you that when you're On the way to see this person you are Kind of starting to expect something you Are kind of starting to get your hopes Up maybe you feel getting excited maybe You feel those old feelings kind of Bubbling up again and so there's this Part of you that's telling yourself like Okay we have to chill we have to keep it Cool we have to not get too attached we Have to not get our hopes up but that Might not feel the most authentic in the Moment it's like playing it cool when on The inside you're feeling

Like I don't know what that Screech was Your just inner feeling like oh my gosh Oh my gosh I'm seeing them I'm seeing Them be cool be cool it's like that kind Of Feeling um in terms of how they feel When they see you there's this Recurring I mean it started at the very Beginning of the reading there's this Recurring thing that your person feels Like you are mad at them or you are Upset with them you see how these cats Have their back turned and like you know There's a disagreement that has just Happened um they It's not that they think you don't like Them but they they might think that You're upset and maybe that's true maybe Maybe you are upset at them for some Past things or just disappoint Disappointed with how things have Progressed or or how things have not Progressed in this connection but they Are definitely in their head during this Meeting and feeling like you're upset It's interesting that there's two cats With their back turned so if if you have Any like mutual friends or mutual people In your life they might assume that They're upset as well or it might be Something where like oh group number one Is definitely mad at me and they've Probably like told their friends about Me and their friends are mad at me too

They they have this feeling That people have their back turned But I I mean you you could very well be Upset or frustrated or disa disappointed I imagine that you're not done with this Person or it's not like you don't want Anything to do with them Otherwise you wouldn't be going to meet Them again but it does feel like the Energy could Be a little bit tense between the two of You at least at first because like I Said I feel like it's been some time Since you've seen each other and maybe Some sometimes since you've really Communicated about your feelings so You're just kind of going Off assumptions about how the other Person feels which I think when you let Your head make assumptions it tends to Choose a more negative narrative I think If you were relying on your clar Sentient Connection like those those Sensations That bubble up within your body you Would know that neither of you is mad or Neither of you is done with each other And both of you are actually longing for More Closeness but when you let your head Call the shots and when you let your Head make the assumptions your brain Tends to be like they hate you they Don't want to see you anymore you know

It just kind of jumps to the the most Negative thing cuz our brains have that Negativity bias and so I think they're Definitely in an energy of making Negative assumptions about how you feel And what you want to do with Them um but when it comes to what you Are talking talking About this is interesting cuz the star Talks about hope for the future and a Bright future but the way the cat is Knocking over the Glass you may be talking About you are talking about the future That you had Envisioned for Yourselves before things messed up so to Speak at least they're perceiving it Like they messed something up and and You might have feelings too of like oh If only I had done this or that things Could have gone better kind of there's a Feeling of kind of talking about what Went wrong and so when we're talking About the future rather than it being Like an actual what do you see our Future looking like what would you like To do in the future you're more talking About what you wanted to happen What You Envisioned to happen at that time and It's you know secretly it may still be What you actually want to happen like um Like let's say let's say this was like Someone you were in in a talking stage

With or you were going on dates with Them or something and they're saying Yeah like I really I really saw us Ending up together they're kind of Speaking about it in past tense you know This is the future that I wanted at the Time but secretly it's the future that They still Want but it might it's like at this Point it feels weird to say that at this Point it feels awkward so you may both Be kind of secretly talking about a Future that you still do actually Want but talking about it in past tense If that makes sense as if these are the Wishes that you did have at that Time and then with what you'll do with The four of Cups um there is actually the cat is Drinking so you could be going for Drinks or like where drinks are present Whether that's alcoholic drinks coffee Tea which also does feel more lowkey you Know it doesn't feel like oh we're going To have this like eight course meal Together it's like let's meet for coffee Or let's meet for I don't know Boba Bubble tea and and talk about our Stuff and the four of cups does make me Think that this conversation you will be Talking about the important stuff but I Do think that there's going to Be quite a bit of Silence in between because you're taking

Time to think about what you want to say Next and you're taking time to process What the other person just Said it doesn't feel like you're just Blurting things out and like exploding With all of these things that you wanted To say it feels like you're you're Communicating very slowly so they're Thinking a lot and then they're saying You know I I feel like this and this and I wanted this and this to happen and Then you're sitting there and you're Taking it in and it's Quiet yeah I get it and I was feeling Like this and so the the way I'm seeing It is like if there was another person There like at the next the next table For example and they were like watching You they'd be like wow they're so quiet Like I feel like a lot of the the Communication is happening in the Silence it's happening in the in the Nonverbal cues and I don't know it just Could be a situation where both of you Are feeling a bit awkward cuz it's like It's been a while but it just feels like A conversation that needs to happen and Then once once you get everything out in The open then you've like cleared away All of that uncomfortable energy and now You can start building a new Foundation Where things are smoother and things are More comfortable between the two of you Because deep down I think that that's

That's what you guys really want And yeah I kind of wonder if you or your Person you were imagining this meeting As like it's going to be so intense and When we see each other it's all just Going to come spilling out and we're Going to say all the things that we've Been thinking for these weeks or months Or years and then it just ends up being Like a very slow Silent Exchange and it's like oh I See um yeah but you need time like you Need time To process and even after this meeting I Think you need time to process what each Person has said And probably I Mean I don't know but I I imagine this Is just to clear the air about things in The past and like these were my Intentions at the time this is what I Want wanted at the time and so I feel Like for your next meeting after this it Begs the question well what do you want Now like we have to discuss that as well Because clearly clearly we have both not Let go of each other and clearly we both Feel like there's unfinished business And clearly we both wanted things to be Different so are we going to try to Rewrite this story because we can are we Going to try to do that or are we to let Go cuz I know neither of us want to do

That so this is like I guess an awkward Conversation that is really constructive And that really needed to Happen yeah so for the last part of the Reading we're going to look at messages And advice from your Spirit guides so we Are starting with Revolution again seems like the Possibility for change yeah literally Things have got to change Things have got to change move carefully Gather support make sure the timing is Right be Fearless trust yourself to be Successful work for positive Change we also have great power I don't Know if these are exactly the same shade Of red but they are both red so Reds and Oranges coming through for this Connection so when we're speaking about Your clar sentient connection when you Are picking up on this person's energy You will likely feel it in your Lower regions like in your lower abdomen Kind of Situation Um yeah there is a lot of Potential yes exactly like there's so Much potential here and I feel like Neither of you are ready to just throw Things away there there's a lot of Potential use your power for good be Careful strong and principled so we have Move carefully and be Careful strong and principled do what is

Right be humble in your strength think Of others and act with Grace and then finally we have a time For healing with balsamic Moon and what I really love about this moon is that it Is so close close to being a new moon Meaning that you are so close to Starting a new chapter with this person You're so close to like a fresh slate And a new beginning in this connection And I feel like this last sliver of moon Represents this awkward conversation That you need to have and then once you Do that you can like breathe out and you Can move forward in a new energy and I Feel like this may be an change where a Lot of the healing happens afterwards Because I'm sorry I I sound like a Broken record but I do feel like in the Moment the exchange between the two of You might feel like pulling teeth and it Might feel kind of uncomfortable but Then after the fact and with gather Support I do think you should talk to Trusted friends or anyone you feel Comfortable talking to of course about What went down during this meeting and And how you're feeling about it um Because insights you receive from others Could shine a new light on the exchange That you had with your person that you Realize oh wow it was actually really Good that we had this talk it's really Good that we that we moved through that

And and we got our emotions out on the Table and you may with like be careful Make sure the timing is right you may Take some time like after this meeting You may take some time to just process Things and not like rush into seeing Them again and also thinking of them Like they may need time to process Things as well and I do think it's funny Like before this meeting I could see you Being in like an anxious energy and like Wanting things to happen quickly but Then once you do see them again it's Like something shifts and now suddenly You're Patient you're like now you are Intentionally creating more time until You move forward you go from like why Aren't things moving fast why aren't They moving faster to then seeing them Having this conversation and being like I think we should take it slow but it Feels good because it's your decision It's not like the universe is making you Wait it is your decision I feel like it Is best to take things slow right now Cuz I do think there's a lot of healing That's going to happen after this Exchange And okay you you guys are low-key like Doing energy work on each other during This exchange and yes exactly cuz I was Just going to say I've had a few people do energy work on

Me sometimes they're consciously doing It sometimes they are unconsciously Doing it but a lot of the energy work Happens not in the words that are being Said but just that in the energy in the Silence in in the in the nonverbal Communications even when the person is Not speaking downloads are coming in and It's less about the the exact words that They're saying and so so when you're With your person in these silences your Higher selves are doing work on each Other are healing each other and after a Session like that it can take a few days Or even a few weeks for all of the Downloads you received to implant Themselves so to Speak why am I thinking of like a Fertilized egg no it's it's just it's Because I've been I've been reading a Book about Like um cycles and that's why I'm Thinking about eggs but like it needs it Needs like 10 days or something at least 10 days to implant so you you need to Have a luteal phase that is at least Like 12 days or Something anyway this is not about Periods and eggs this is about Implanting downloads that you received From each other but in the same way you Need the download needs time to I also Sometimes think of it as like when you Swallow a pill it doesn't break open and

Go into your bloodstream right away it Needs time to Like to dissolve and your your body and Your your Energetic body needs time to absorb it So the healing is not just going to Happen in the moment of your exchange It's going to happen over the the Following days and the following weeks Yeah that that went a lot off the rails But I hope that you understand what I Mean so anyway this is what I'm seeing For this part of the reading so we're Going to take it over to the extended Now where we see how your person will Feel after seeing you what will this Encounter ultimately lead to we're going To answer a yes or no question of your Choice and then we are going to see any Hints about when this next encounter Will Happen so if that sounds good to you and You would like to join me in the Extended I'm going to have that link Down Below in the description as well as In the pinned comment of this video However if you're going to leave the Reading here I want to say thank you so Much for letting me do this reading for You I hope you have a wonderful day or Night whenever you're watching and I Wish you all the best please take good Care of yourself stay healthy don't Forget to like comment and subscribe if

You feel like doing that if you enjoy my Content and you'd like to find me Elsewhere I'm going to have linked down Below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like this one And you can also decide on topics for Future readings I will link my music Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I Will also have my latest release link Down below and finally my Vlog Channel And my merch which features the floating Temple that was at the start of this Video thank you guys so much for Supporting me my channel and anything I Do I really really appreciate having you Here and I'm sending so much love to you To your person to your higher selves Your Spirit guides your spiritual teams And all of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one Bye-bye hi number twos so if you guys Chose the Moss OT this is going to be a Reading all about the next and encounter With the person on your mind so I want To start by just going over the full Breakdown of today's reading we have the Reading here on YouTube as well as an Extended today and here on YouTube we're Going to start by just seeing what is Going on in this connection so we're

Going to look at the overall energy of You your person and the energy that Exists between the two of you and sort Of the main themes of this connection Then we're going to see your guides Insights on this connection whatever They would like you to know then the Main part of the reading so this is the Real juicy part we are going to look Into your next encounter and we're going To be looking at a lot of different Things so we're going to see who will Initiate this next Meeting what will lead to you meeting Again the setting or the environment of Your meeting so what type of place is This going to happen in where is it Going to be what's the vibe going to be How you'll feel when you see them How they'll feel when they see you what You will talk about during this meeting And what you will do together during This meeting and then at the end we're Going to get some messages and advice From your guides so that is the reading On YouTube then in the extended we're Going to see how your person will feel After seeing you what will this Encounter ultimately lead to for the two Of you we are going to answer a yes or No question of your choice so this can Be literally Any question you want I might actually For group number one it didn't matter if

It was about the connection or not so Yeah it can really be any yes or no that You want to ask and then finally at the End we're going to see any hints about When this next encounter will happen so That is the reading for today thank you So much for being here and for watching And now let's get into it so this part Of the reading is going to be like the Overall energies of the connection so You can think of this part as an energy Check to make sure that this is your Group these oracle cards on the left are Going to represent your energy and these Oracle cards on the right are going to Represent your person and then this one In the middle 222 as I'm talking about The energy that exists between the two Of you and you guys are group number two This in the middle is going to Represent the energy of the connection The energy between the two of you if you Listen to to these descriptions and it Feels flipped like these cards feel more Like your person and these cards feel More like you that is totally fine you May even find that you resonate with the Energy on both sides but if you don't See yourself anywhere in this spread Then this might not be your Group so without further Ado let's take A look at the cards representing your Energy and we have Awakening so this is The hanged man pause perspective and

Selflessness Then we have the cold moon face your Fears for the energy representing your Person we have the two of Earth which is The Two of Pentacles balance Prioritization and [Applause] Playfulness and we have how will at the Moon process your feelings And then for the energy in between the Two of you we have the divine feminine The frequency of the divine feminine Supports our soft receptive and Nurturing side facilitating our Intuition and intrinsic understanding of Our connection to the cosmos what a Beautiful energy to have between the two Of you I am getting really good vibes From this connection group number two The fact that we have this divine Feminine in the middle this lets me know That your connection to this person has Allowed you to embrace your divine Feminine energy or to just appreciate More the divine feminine energy also Something that I'm picking up is that This person has a very grounding Influence on you especially if you start To feel like you're getting lost in your Head like you're getting stuck in a loop Of thoughts if you're feeling Overwhelmed with life 444 as I'm saying this which is like the Number of grounding and stability so I

Really think that is an impact that this Person has on you like they help you Come back to your body they help you Come back to earth they help you Simplify and work through the situations That you are worried about and and Realize that one step at a time you can Make make things better in a practical Way and I think that this person Inspires you to take action when you're Stuck like when you get stuck in your Head when you get stuck in overthinking I feel like this person really helps you Out of it and shows you how you can Practically take action to improve your Situation so it seems like they have a Really positive influence on you And I think that okay I'm looking at This hanged Man which often talks about us gaining A New Perspective so I feel like this person Helps you see yourself in a new light or More specifically they might help you See your feminine energy in a new Light what I'm intuitively picking up on Is that perhaps some of You viewed Being in your feminine energy as like Unnecessary or frivolous Or like you had an aversion to being in That energy which reflects how our Society is But upon being with this person I

Think you may have realized that it's Not actually that you have some kind of Like disdain for the feminine energy or An aversion to the feminine energy it May actually have been that you were Afraid to stand in it because to be in This soft and receptive energy you need To feel safe and so a lot of us moving Through the world we can have a hard Time being in our feminine energy Because Unfortunately sometimes we don't feel Safe in the world or we don't feel safe With the people we're around to really Soften like that so we have to like move Through the world with this hard shell And in order for that to not hurt I Think we tell ourselves this story about Like I don't need to be in my feminine Energy like I'm a strong man because That's what Society values not that There's like inherent man and woman Attached To feminine masculine energy but but we Do be living in a patriarchy and being In your masculine energy is what really Gets you ahead and what is praised and What is prioritized so a lot of us adapt To that in order to survive Al and I Think that being with this Person maybe for the first time ever Maybe for the first time in a long time It it seems like you feel safe to really Be in your feminine energy and to be to

Be in that receptive sensitive soft Energy and to just to just be I think This person makes you feel safe to just Be without having to prove yourself or Without feeling like you're not enough Because you're not you're not doing More and yeah I think this person Embraces just being rather than forcing Your life to be a linear Journey where You go from A to B where you go from Unsuccessful to successful where you go From unworthy to worthy it's like no Just be here and just be you and that's Already perfect that's already enough That's we even have like playfulness and Balance here I think You have this effect on each other where You really just remind each other what Life is all about and you make life Sweet and you make life fun and I just Oh I love this energy I'm just letting It fill me up because it feels very good So thank you thank you group number two I'm noticing a lot of P's in the Keywords like pause perspective Prioritization playfulness process so That could be someone's Initial and actually is the 16th letter Of the alphabet so the number 16 could Also be relevant to this connection Somehow um but I Just I and I think your guides really Love how this person has worked with you And how they have influenced you and I

Do think that when we're talking about Facing your fears it is a fear of Letting your guard down a fear of Softening Also a fear of surrendering and just Being receptive to what life has to Offer You getting over a fear of like you Don't always have to have it all figured Out you don't always always have to know What you're doing you can just surrender To the flow sometimes and that doesn't Make You lazy that doesn't make you Irresponsible that doesn't make you Unmotivated in fact a lot of the time Accepting that you don't know what's Going to happen and surrendering to the Flow makes you a like reasonable makes You Realistic um and it's I feel like we Just have it backwards a lot of the time Or we just need to be more balanced And I think your connection is a Beautiful example of of balancing Masculine and feminine energies in a Helpful way your person has balance on Their side too so I know that you've Really helped them balance things out as Well I wonder wonder if this was someone Who before meeting You they maybe took life very seriously Or took themselves very Seriously which robbed them from a lot

Of pleasure like they might have been Also out there in the world feeling like They needed to prove themselves and Receiving your unconditional care and Support and and having you around as Someone who just loves them for their Soul and their Essence rather than you Know their job their status or their Money or their possessions or anything Like that maybe helps them to realize That feeding their soul was was also Important and and was also Fulfilling I just see this boat that is Left unattended and there's a feeling of Like yeah we got places to be but we're In no rush so let me just play on this Fence for a while I think that both of You help each other just slow down and And enjoy the Journey it's almost like your souls are Saying to each other like where are you Rushing to what are you trying to prove Why do you move around the world acting So busy like we have time do you want to Stop and play with these butterflies do You want to just Vibe together like it's Just Very it's very beautiful and I I Wonder I wonder if you guys kind of met In an unexpected way like you weren't Really looking for each other but life Just kind of brought you together and I Feel like the story of how you met or How you became friends or how you ended

Up together whatever your relationship Is with this person it feels very Serendipitous like it's it's Interesting And I feel Like I also feel like you the version of You let's say 5 years ago would not Expect you to be at this place in your Life and it just all feels very Beautiful and Faded how you how you came Together And I really like this word Prioritization as well I do really think This is someone who who makes you a Priority that you are one of the first People they think about when they think Of people who are important to them People they care about And I do feel like for quite a few of You who chose this group they are Already demonstrating that and like Finding ways to show you that you're a Priority and backing that with their Actions if they're not doing this yet They're definitely moving things around In their life so that they can 1313 as I'm saying that they might be releasing Or ending things walking away from Things in their life to make more room For you because they really want to Demonstrate that you're a priority and I Also Think when this person is with you they Feel Brave

To go into the Misty abstract world of Their emotion They feel courage to go into their Shadow and see what's down There which is something that they maybe Had a hard time doing in the past or That it was hard for them to do on their Own because it's almost like I feel like For your person they might know that They have Shadow work to do but they They don't know what prompts to use if That makes sense I feel like when They're talking to you you ask them All of the right questions you ask them All of the right insightful Things so that they can find the Answer you are a really good Catalyst For them in their inner work and you I Think you've helped them have a lot of Epiphanies like wow you mean this whole Aspect of me was like based in a wound You mean this ambition was a trauma Response like just things like that Those are just examples but I think Things that they kind of took for Granted in their personality or like This is just the way I am you've you've Helped them to see what the root is and If this is a habit or an aspect of my Personality that I want to keep or do I Want to change it and and to know that They can change it if it's not serving Them um there's there's kind of a Feeling of maybe they had just been

Living on autopilot and you helped them To stop and be introspective and helped Them to see emotions that were swimming Inside of them that they they hadn't Realized before they hadn't realized They were there but they were very much Governing their choices and their Actions and so it's like now they can Move forward more consciously and so I Just feel like both of you you must have An immense gratitude for each other and I really do think you've had a beautiful A beautiful impact on each other's lives Moving forward so um in terms of zodiac Signs that are here we do have Pisces Energy with the hanged man and then Two Of Pentacles is Capricorn energy more Specifically it's Jupiter and Capricorn These could be confirmations for you you Don't have to have these signs but I Just mention them in case it fits um Yeah so next we are going to see your Guides insights on this connection Anything they would like to point out we Have elixir with chance so again this This word chance makes me think that the Way you met and came together was very Serendipitous or your guides are hinting At serendipitous events that are about To happen in the future and elixir it Does feel very Healing and then we have Earth with Nature a like I feel like both of you Are just such You're such awesome people

You're so down to earth you're so humble You're So like you treat everyone Equally and I think that when you're Together well I think that you guys are Just laidback and being yourself in General but I think when you're together Just something really special happens Where you can totally be your most Natural self and never worry about is This person going to judge Me um you know when it comes to for Example your appearance or the things You say you know that I mean obviously You are respecting each other but you Don't have to worry about like are they Going to think I'm weird are they going To judge me are they going to be turned Off by me like you know that you can Just be your natural self and they will Just and they will just get it and I Also love this seed growing I think Youve really contributed to each other's Growth but but little by little you know This connection feels very grounded and Realistic where it's not like You met each other and suddenly you Solved all of each other's problems but It's like through going through the Motions Through being in this connection over Time little by little you have Experienced real and Lasting growth and Perhaps your guides are also hinting

That there's a lot of growth to come With this person but it just feels like Elixir and Earth it feels very Nourishing like you really nourish each Other the letter e could also be a Significant if initial or the number Five could be significant what numbers Do we have here 12 16 2 42 and 13 yeah So we're going to get into the main part Of the reading now which is looking at Your next encounter with this Person so we are going to be using your Tarot This deck is so pretty you guys made a Good choice So the first thing we want to see is who Will Initiate this next Meeting which one of you is going to Initiate this next Encounter we have the queen of Cups what will lead up to you meeting Again The Chariot Okay what is going to be the setting or The environment of your next Meeting we have the nine of cups lots of Water energy like all of these are water So Far how will you feel when you see them Ah the six of Wands how will they Feel when they see

You Justice what will you talk about the Next time you see them the nine of Swords what will you do together the Next time you see them the Eight of Cups Okay this is really nice this is really Nice so in terms of who will initiate This next meeting who is going to be Moving towards who so to speak with the Queen of Cups here this could be Indicating um if one of you is a fem and One of you is not then it could be the Fem person who is initiated Or if one of you has is a water sign or Has strong water placements it could be Indicating that it's the more watery Person you could also say like the one Of you who is more emotional the one of You who is more sensitive the one of you Who is More like tapped into their spirituality Tapped into their intuition that will be The one who is initiating but I also Think that there are external forces That are bringing you together this Looks like being swept up in the current The Chariot which being a major Arcana Feels like the universe is working to Bring the two of you together So rather than one or the other of you Like initiating the idea to see each Other again I feel like it's that the Universe is facilitating you coming

Together and the universe is going to be Moving you to Them I do wonder if for some of you There's travel involved in seeing each Other again because the Chariot does Indicate movement so and especially cuz There's a bird flying some of you could Be flying to go see this Person or or again this Chariot is just Indicating that You will be moving towards them in terms Of what will lead to you meeting again The Chariot does feel like receiving Some kind of green light so for example If there is travel involved maybe Someone needs to get time off work or There is some Visa process that needs to Be approved or something like that it Feels like the external circumstances Have to line up and you have to receive Some kind of green light from the Outside that says okay you can go now You can go see each other now and I Think that that whole time you are very Much wanting to see each other but You're also at peace knowing that you Will I feel like for this group it's Pretty much a given that you're going to Meet again and I think you know that so I think most of you are not watching This reading trying to be like will we See each other Again it's like you already know you Already know and you're just here for

The Vibes of what's going to happen it's It's really hard to imagine a world in Which you do not meet again because You're just that close with this person Or your souls are bonded like that it Just it doesn't really makees sense that You wouldn't and yeah so I think even Though there may be suspense of like or Like anxiousness not anxiety but like I'm so anxious to see you again I think That deep down there is a Calm deep down you both know that you'll You'll meet again and that you'll be Together and I feel emotional when I say That I do think that that this person is Missing you quite a bit and and we'll Get into that but in terms of the Setting and the environment of your Meeting it is going to be somewhere Where you feel very much in your element Where you Feel at home where you feel the most Comfortable so for some of you this Could be like well I feel the most Comfortable when I'm when we're in uh Their living room and we're like Snuggled up on the Couch uh for others of you it might be Part of the world you might be like well I feel the most at home when I'm in my Country or when I'm in their country or When we're in this other place in the World like wherever you feel the most Like unstressed and natural you know we

Were talking about nature and being your Most natural self and I feel like that's Where you're going to get to see them Again Um yeah like and this just looks like an Oasis you know I think being with this person feels Like an oasis it's Like if the world is a desert it's like Coming back to the water and just Being being in your element and being Where it feels Right and in terms of how you'll feel When you see them again this is Interesting too with this six of Wands Because well obviously this means you're Going to be feeling really really happy This is Jupiter energy and Leo energy And Leo energy is Extremely affectionate affectionate Loving generous passionate so this Reunion with your person is going to be Magnifying all of those energies within You so I think when you see them you're Just going to be feeling over the moon And wanting to shower them with love and Affection so you might be like clinging On to them quite a bit um like wanting To have your arms linked or wanting to Be hugged them a lot or cuddling them if It's that type of relationship or just Really wanting to be in close proximity To them I also think you're going to be Very vocal about how happy you are to

See them you could be complimenting or Praising them a lot and just being very Sweet together honestly and it's also Coming through That this reunion does represent some Kind of milestone for you in your life Or some kind of milestone in your Connection so this is just one example But this would be like if this was Someone you met Online like an on like an online friend Like an internet friend and this is your First time meeting in person that is a Milestone in your connection that you're Always going to remember like when ASO And I met for the first time in New York City like we will never forget that we Will reminisce on that we will observe The national holiday that is the first Time we met so it's like it's that kind Of thing or like maybe this is a Long-distance partner and you're finally You can finally move to be with them and Live in the same place that's a Momentous day you know it feels like Your next meeting there's something Important about it it's a date that you Will like put in your calendar and you Will remember it this is the day we United this is the day we reunited or Like this is the day we're Starting a new chapter together and it Does feel like something to be Celebrated I also feel with the six of

Wands that you probably had to overcome Some obstacles to get Here Especially external obstacles with like Logistics like the time and the place And the there may be Some rules or laws Surrounding seeing each other again Especially if travel is involved So it's like it's definitely going to Feel celebratory and like we did it we Did it we got through all the crap and We've we got to see each other again and Now we can just hang out and let our Guards down and be happily together Again and then we get to Justice which Was what made me think how much your Person is missing you because when they See you they're literally going to feel Like justice has been restored when this Card came out I heard In my mind all is well in the world when They see you again all is well in the World this is what they've been waiting For and for your Person things do not feel normal when You're far Away you being together you being close To each other that is their normal that Is Their um is stasis the word homeostasis I don't know that's their That's when they feel like everything is In balance and everything is as it's

Supposed to be and if you're gone or if You're far away something just feels off And like like a piece is missing and They're waiting for it to slide back in And then when you come back it's like ah There there everything is right again Everything is in order again so I do Feel like they're going to feel a great Sense of relief when you are together And I do think that they're going to be Really Gratefully receiving your affections and Receiving your excitement and your Passion and any any sweet words that you Want to say to Them and and this also makes me feel Like you are going to see them because There's a feeling of them graciously Receiving you and and having everything In order and having everything Prepared to receive you properly and to Make a transition easy for you and like To show you a good time So yeah it kind of seems like they're Going to be making arrangements because They know they know you're coming and so They're like cleaning things up making Space for you they may be you know Making an itinerary like it's not going To be like you just show up and they're Like okay what do you want to do now It's like oh no they were ready were Ready they've been planning they're like Okay we're going to we're going to do

This and then we're going to go to this Place and and I do feel like you're Going to be together for quite some Time at least more than a day cuz it's Like they have a whole thing planned About what they want to do with you and They're just going To it's like they're they're graciously Welcoming you and and holding space for You it's really beautiful in terms of What you will talk about these Cards you know obviously the nine of Swords is kind of a heavy card but I Feel like these two together are really Nice and this also this Eight of Cups Really Does reinforce that message of this Reunion being a milestone like Definitely from this point forward from This next meeting forward there is a Chapter that you are leaving behind and A new chapter that you're Beginning and so It's almost Like I just heard the word toasting like You're toasting to the new chapter I Think you're just celebrating a new era That you're entering into with this Person And you don't want to bring Any baggage with You and so I think That something you will be doing is Talking about your

Fears talking about what maybe makes you Nervous or makes you Anxious talking about negative outcomes That you want to avoid talking about Your Concerns Which might feel like a damper on the Jovial energy but I think that it's it's Necessary to talk about so that you can Leave them behind in the old chapter the Feeling this is giving it's it's as if You you're meeting on December 31st and so you're like getting all your Grievances out about the year that Passed and saying like this is what I'm Worried about moving into the new year And just like proactively addressing all Of it so that if obstacles do come Up you've already talked about it and You know what the other needs to feel Safe in that situation and you know how You're going to address it so that you Can move into The new year starting January 1st with Like a plan and feeling lighter and Feeling like no matter what happens We've got each other so I wonder If one or both of you like you're Together you're having a great time and Then you have these concerns that you Want to mention but there may kind of be A feeling of oh no I shouldn't bring Them up right now cuz like I don't want

To I don't want to kill the mood but I Actually you think That these kind of topics will be Welcomed because behind them is is the Desire to maintain this happy energy and If these things go Ignored then they're going to fester and Then somewhere down the track they're Going to blow up in your face so it's Actually good to just like address them Now and then like move into the next Chapter with Clarity there's kind of a Feeling of we've overcome a tough Chapter and we're celebrating that but Also we still have a lot of work to do Moving forward and we we recognize that Yes we've gotten through a lot of Challenges but there's also more Challenges ahead and those challenges Are this this this this and this and the Nine of Swords can talk about really Being in your head and blowing things up Like kind of blowing things out of Proportion which I don't know about you Guys but I often find that if I don't Talk about my worries I will just like Run off with them and magnify them times A million in my own head whereas if I Just talk about it I'm like oh it's not That scary and we can handle this and we Can fix it so it's kind of like we're Not going to ignore these challenges We're going to talk about them and That's going to make it easier and we

Know that we're in this together and There's going to be ups and downs in the Path ahead but for now we're just so Happy that we're that we're together and That we're United so yes that that is The vibe of your next meeting which is So cute and for the last part of the Reading we are going to just get some Messages and advice from your guides so Oh these are upside down we have Repairing things have gone wrong through Your own doing look inward to find out Why be determined seek guidance work Hard to change things for the better Believe in Yourself it feels like you guys are Going to Be in a reflective energy and it's Interesting this message of things have Gone wrong through your own doing look Inward to find out Why it feels like you could be cuz this Is a long event you know this doesn't Feel like oh we're just like meeting for Dinner for a couple hours like this is a Long next meeting like could Be several days that you are seeing each Other or like it it feels like a longer Kind of thing and so there's going to be Times where you're just like happy and Celebrating and enjoying each other's Company and then there's also going to Be these moments where you're looking Back and oh I wish that I had done this

Differently and I'm sorry that I behaved Like that before and just you both could Be it it feels like you you want to tie Up Loose Ends before moving into this Next chapter together and so I think That both of you are going to be in an Energy of like taking accountability for Things that maybe went wrong in the past Like for Miscommunications or if you had hurt Each other in the past and just kind of Taking ownership of things and both kind Of declaring here and now that you are You're willing to put in the work to Make things better in the Future we have Increase I feel like you guys are Entering into A era of abundance with this person I honestly my mind did immediately go to Money when I saw this so you guys could Both be entering into your wealthy era You could you could even be doing Something together that is Profitable or you're just both thriving In your respective careers but that is The very first thing that came to my Mind when I saw increase make the most Of New Opportunities focus on your Priorities find mentors develop a Positive mindset be generous and pursue Worthy goals There's a common theme between these two Cards of seek guidance and find

Mentors I get the feeling that one or Both of You is embarking on a New Journey and you might need Some professional help with that whether It's like a manager an Advisor a lawyer perhaps like you're Planning something you're planning a new Stage of your Life that you may need some help With it feels like something pretty Official there's maybe like documents Important documents Involved but whatever you're doing it's Going to cause an increase of abundance In your life but just make sure That make sure that whatever you're Doing is something that you really want And it's not just like to make the other Person Happy or Like it's not a temporary fix to a Problem like if you're going to commit To something make sure it's something That you really want and make sure You're you've Heard professional opinions or opinions From someone more experienced and just Weigh your options Carefully yeah interesting message and Then the final card is conclusions are Within reach with the full moon eclipse So yeah this definitely gives a feeling Of ending a

Chapter tying up loose ends and also Just full moon eclipse I feel like is a Time of really intense emotions it's Like a very Intense Climax and so I do think when You see each other again there's going To be there could be a lot of mixed Emotions coming up I do feel like it's Over overwhelmingly happy but it's kind Of like okay shit's getting real now in Our life we've got to like Properly talk about the future and talk About the challenges ahead and talk About what scares us and what we're Concerned About I feel like you Guys you guys have been through a lot And I think you are really close to like Your breakthrough and being together in Your happiest way but also there's still Like quite a bit of work to do ahead but I'm not worried about you guys because I Feel like you're Both like facing the reality of the Situation being realistic communicating A lot with each other and so I have no Doubt that that everything is going to Go amazingly so I'm very happy for you Guys these are the messages that I'm Seeing for this part of the reading so Next we're going to move into the Extended and we're going to see how will Your person feel after seeing you what Will this encounter ultimately lead to

We're going to answer a yes or no Question of your choice and we are going To see any hints about when this next Meeting will happen so if that sounds Good to you and you would like to join Me in the extended I'm going to have That link Down Below in the description As well as in the pinned comment of this Video however if you're going to leave The reading here I want to say thank you So much for letting me do this reading For you I hope you have a wonderful day Or night whenever you're watching and I Wish you all the best please take good Care of yourself stay healthy don't Forget to like comment and subscribe if You feel like doing that if you enjoy my Content and you like to find me Elsewhere I'm going to have linked down Below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like this one And you can also decide on topics for Future readings I will link my music Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I Will also have my latest release link Down below and finally my Vlog Channel And my merch which features the floating Temple that was at the start of this Video thank you guys so much for Supporting me my channel and anything I Do I really really appreciate having you

Here and I'm sending so much love to you To your person your higher selves your Spirit guides your spiritual teams and All of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other realms and I will See you guys in the next one bye- Bye hi number threes so if you guys Chose the pink calite this is going to Be your reading all about your next Encounter with the person on your mind So I want to start off by just going Through the list of everything that's Going to be covered in today's reading We have the reading here on YouTube as Well as an extended and here on YouTube We're going to start by seeing the Overall energies of what is going on in This connection so we're going to look At your energy your person's energy and The energy that exists between the two Of you we are also going to see your Guides insights on this connection Anything they would like you to know About it and then we're going to get Into the main juicy part of the reading Which is all about your next meeting With your person so we are going to see Who will initiate this meeting what will Lead to you meeting again the setting or The environment of your meeting so like Where are you going to be what type of Place what's the vibe like we're going To see how you will feel when you see Them how they will feel when they see

You what you'll talk about together During your next meeting and what you Will do together during your next Meeting and then we're going to finish Off with messages and advice from your Guides then in the extended reading We're going to see how your person will Feel after seeing you what will this Encounter ultimately lead to for the two Two of you we are going to answer a yes Or no question of your choice so any Question that you have on your mind and We will also see um the reason for the Yes or no answer and then any hints About when this next meeting is going to Happen so that is the reading for today Thank you so much for being here and Watching and now let's get into the Energies of the connection so this part Can be like an energy check for you to Make sure that this is your group these Or or Le cards on the left actually one Of them is tarot I've been calling them Oracle cards but it's a Tarot and an and An Oracle and these on the left are Going to be you these on the right are Going to be your person and then this One in the middle represents the energy Between the two of you but if you listen To the descriptions of the energies and You feel like it's switched so this Sounds more like your person and this Sounds more like you that is totally Fine you may even find that you resonate

With the energy on both sides but if you Don't see yourself anywhere in this Spread then this is probably not your Group but without further Ado let's see The cards representing your energy we Have the dreamer which is the fool card Beginning believing Protected and we have exalted moon with Self-regulation Oops on your person Side we have the five of fire which is The five of Wands conflicts annoyances Competition and then we have Night moon With Shadow Work finally for the energy between the Two of You we have the second chakra which is The sacral chakra the energy of the Sacral chakra helps us to navigate our Lives through emotions and supports our Ability to enjoy the sensual World okay with sacral chakra being the Energy between the two of you the first Thing that I want to say is that I do Think that the both of you are deeply Emotional people I think you feel things Quite deeply and intensely and because Of this you just get each other whether Or not you display these intense Emotions in front of each other I do Think that Intuitively your souls can tell that Emotionally you're kind of on the same Wavelength when it comes to How Deeply

You feel things you could both be highly Sensitive people you could both be Highly empathic highly sentimental I just think you get each other Emotionally this could also be a sign of A clar sentient connection so you may Pick up on your person's emotions and Vice versa I also think that both of you Are very inspiring for each other I feel That there is a mutual uh sense of Inspiration with each other and a mutual Admiration and a big theme of this Connection will be intimacy so that Could be something that you are already Developing with your person or that you Are wanting to develop if there are Aversions or fears of intimacy that will Definitely be something that comes up And that you trigger in each Other I also think that both of you are Very attractive uh you're to each other But also just to people in general I Think both of you are externally Attractive and both of you just have This inner magnetism that draws people To you you both have a very special Charm about you so if this is a romantic Connection I have to say you guys would Make a very attractive couple um but Anyway it doesn't have to be romantic But let's take a look at the cards on Your side so you have the dreamer which Is the fool beginning believing Protected and you have the exalted moon

With self-regulation by the way as you Can maybe tell from This bull ox or maybe you already knew This but the Moon is exalted in the sign Of Taurus so Taurus Moon could be Significant to this group it doesn't Have to be um also the signs of Aquarius And Leo could be significant but I think That you are in a very good place not Just in this connection but you have Cultivated a place of Security inner Peace within yourself You seem to be in quite a stable energy Even if like Aquarius and Taurus are not Your signs I do want to point out that Both of them are fixed and so I think That it is a sign of you being very Stable and very secure right Now and it seems like you're in a good Place yes because this is air and this Is Earth so it's like you're in a good Place mentally you're also in a good Place like in your physical surroundings And in the material world and if you're Not feeling this energy yet I have to Say that this energy is imminent for you That you feel like you're in a really Good place mentally you feel good about Where you're at in life where you're at In your worldly goals there's also a Sense of inner peace and Self-sufficiency that is coming from you That you truly feel whole and complete

On your own and it seems like you're not Really putting any pressure on this Connection right now and you're just Really focused on your own journey and You are Thriving I believe that there is a new Exciting opportunity coming for you that You may not see yet you're already doing Amazing I think things are going really Well for you but they are about to get Better and you're about to enter enter Into an era of your life where you are Really Shining you should be so proud of Yourself group number three I am so Proud of you you're doing great you're In a really good place when we look at The energy of your person we have the Five of Wands which is kind of a Troubling frustrating conflicted energy We have the keywords conflicts Annoyances Competition and then we have this Shadow Work card so from the current energies Of your connection it seems that perhaps Your Person especially Mentally might not be in as stable of a Place as you Are I actually get the sense That you might be at similar levels in Terms of the pursuit of your worldly Goals like your Material successes like you both might

Be doing pretty well in your careers and Like moving forward in that respect but There seems to be a difference In Perception that really a like like that Really affects your well-being so for Example I feel like you have really Worked on cultivating feeling whole and Complete within yourself and not needing External things to Define your worth and I also think you've really Cultivated uh an energy of gratitude That even like just look at how joyful This child looks chasing the butterfly Like it gives the feeling of there are Miracles even in the little everyday Things and so if you're moving through Life in that energy then and when you Don't want for more or you don't expect More every little thing feels like such A blessing and such a miracle and you Feel so grateful and then that gratitude Generates more happiness whereas I feel Like your person may be struggling with An energy of always feeling like they Don't have enough or always feeling like They're not doing enough and it puts Them in this perpetual state of Frustration and grappling with their Selfworth and either feeling like like They've done something wrong or like the Universe is um what's the word the Universe is like I don't even know what The word I'm trying to say is being like

Cheap with them like oh they're entitled To more they should have more and like Why isn't why aren't things working out They seem to be struggling with a Feeling of of lack of like I'm not doing Enough I'm not good enough and maybe Have not realized that they cannot solve This with more external accomplishments With more hard work and ambition with More validation from others like they They maybe haven't realized that the Solution comes from within and like Cultivating a good place within yourself They may be in the process of realizing This but I think it's very interesting That in this deck there's only one Person you know sometimes in the five of Wands we see five dudes fighting with Wands and so it gives more of the Feeling of conflict of Others other people getting in the way Of your best interest other people Getting in the way of your own success And so the fact that there's only one Person and they've kind of cornered Themselves with all of these wands I Think it's kind of showing it's your Person's own limiting beliefs that are Cuz all the abundance that they want to Feel already exists in this moment all Around them so if they have an idea that Like they're lacking in abundance or They're lacking in Worth or they're Lacking in Talent OR they're lacking in

Intelligence like that is not true it's All an illusion but it's like they can't See that it's not life keeping them from Those things it's their own mental Barriers that are preventing them from Realizing that it's already there and so It feels like they're kind of stuck in This wanting For more wanting to achieve more wanting To obtain more wanting to prove Themselves More and if I'm being honest with them In this mindset it could cause them to Have feelings of Envy towards You Which may be strange or confusing to you Because I feel like you're both Externally like you're both doing really Well but it's just That they think that you have something That they don't and then they feel Envious of that and perhaps you do but It really what you you have that they Don't it's just a mindset it's just a Gratitude mindset it's just a a Wholeness and completeness and secure Mindset and like gratitude you know did I already say that whatever gratitude And abundance mindset that you have Um but the way they see it it's like You're doing so well for Yourself and they're not doing enough And like you have all these great things And they

Don't um Which may cause them to pull away Sometimes they might feel like they're Not good enough to be with you or to be In your Company also looking at competition they Might have this kind of subconscious Thing where they feel like they're in Competition with you or or in Competition with others to prove Themselves to You And this is a very specific message but It's coming through that in one of your Previous Interactions they maybe tried to make You jealous but like it didn't even Register because you're not on that Wavelength Um if that makes sense So just For an Example let's say you're you know you're Getting caught up about your life and They're like oh yeah like I've been I've Been messaging with this really you know High up person this really like famous Or important person and like they're Talking about how good of a job I'm Doing and they want to work with me like They're talking about their Accomplishment and you're hearing about This and you're like oh my God that's Amazing I'm so happy for you and like

Cuz you're genuinely really happy for Them and don't even realize That they maybe said that with the Intention of trying to like get under Your skin as if like oh I don't have That going on for me like and it's it's Just Like that wound within them like wants Company or something or or feels like That's the way to connect con with you It's kind it's very distorted I have to Say Um they feel like that's how they can Get get close to you or like keep you Interested in them or something like That but you're not even playing that Game I don't think you would you would Have even realized that because it Probably just came across to you like They're sharing an amazing story and You're very happy for them um and then And then you're sharing your amazing Stories thinking that they'll be so Happy for you but it's actually like Making them feel inferior and I just I Just have to really really clarify that That is not you're doing or that is not Your fault it's a really honestly I it's Sad and I do feel for them that they Have this Like Internal wound I I used to have a friend Who when people around her would Announce happy milestones in their life

She genuinely thought that they were Saying it to rub it in her face and I'm Like I think they're just happy and they Want to like share it with their friend You know so but when you're in that Place of insecurity you start to view Things in a in quite a distorted way and So I think they may be struggling with That a little bit at this Time So we are going To take a look at these oracle cards to See what your guides have to say about This connection so we have Miracles with The number 44 and I feel like that just Fits so well with um with your energy of Just feeling Miracles all around you and Feeling blessings all around you I do Want to tell you guys with this number 44 that you are safe that you are that You are Protected you are really you guys are Leveling up and you're really shining And you're really thriving in life and Your spiritual team just wants you to Know that you're protected and To to not dim your light to make anyone Else comfortable whether that's your Person whether that's anyone else Because at the end of the day that's not Really at the end of the day that's not Really what helps them I'm just noticing Something about the backgrounds of these Cards like you have this white light and

Blue sky behind you and they have this Yellow light and orange sky behind them They're different but they're both very Beautiful and I think your person just Needs to realize that their success is Has nothing to do with Measuring Up Quote unquote to someone else or meeting Someone else's standards or being Anything compared to anyone else their Beauty is inherent and it's Unique to Them And I think if you were to try to like Make yourself smaller or downplay your Accomplishments it would only Be enabling these wounds and limiting Beliefs to continue and I think That Eventually like your truth that this is Just a state of mind that you live in I Do think that ultimately it will shine Through and that on a soul level it is Inspiring this person and it is helping This person heal and the discomfort that They feel is maybe just something that They need to go through and come out on The other side as like part of their Healing and I'm just looking at this I Don't think this is a unicorn does it Have a Horn I think it's a pegasus but pegas Pegasi Pegasuses unicorns they do make Me think of just embracing yourself Embracing your uniqueness and so just Know that you continuing to shine as

Bright as you do and continuing to Celebrate life and continuing to be Grateful for everything that comes your Way on a soul level it is help helping This person heal and embrace their true Selves as well and one day it will click For them so I think trying to like Accommodate these insecurities by like Dimming your own light may actually be Unhelpful for the healing work that they Are doing and it really does feel like a Click it really does feel like one day Something will just shift for them and And ah 1919 as I'm saying that which is Like the sun it's like the truth is Being exposed and they they will learn To shine their light as well and they Will learn that it comes from within Then ooh so we have the number 44 and 22 So repeating twos or repeating fours Could be significant to this connection It's funny how Miracles comes up on your Side and Stones comes up on their side Cuz it's just it just shows the Difference in your perception Like like this pink calite for example When I when I look at this and probably When many of you look at this it makes Us so happy it's like so beautiful it's So magical it's a miracle that these Rocks exist but someone else might look At it and be like that's just a rock but That doesn't change the inherent truth Of this so I think they're they're

Really realizing that Miracles and Blessings it's all it's all in your Perception And they need to empower the M Themselveses to realize that they can Create their own narrative about what is Valuable and what is magical and what They believe rather than trying to fit Society's narrative or fit someone Else's narrative but it feels like at This time they may not even realize that They're allowed to do that so to speak Like yes you are allowed to create your Own narrative you are allowed to look at This pink calite and see a Miracle They it's like they just need to wake up To the magic that is all around them and I'm already so excited for the day day That they do because I know that they're Going to and I think you know that They're going to as well and the best Thing you can do to serve them and to Serve their healing is to keep standing In your light because you will you will Call them in to that same Energy yeah all right so we are going to Get into the Tarot deck that you chose Now we're getting into the juicy part of The reading and we're going to See all the details about your next Encounter with this Person so I'm just going to lay them all Out at

Once the first thing we're going to see Is who will initiate this next Encounter so we have the Moon And what will lead to You meeting again what will lead to you Meeting with this person the next time You see each other so we have two coming Out at the same Time the Ace of Pentacles and the eight Of Wands okay and what about the Setting of your next meeting or what Type of environment will you be In we have the Ace of Swords Okay how will you feel when you see them The seven of Pentacles how will they feel when they See you these are coming out quickly eh Justice that is the exact card that Group number two got for like how will They feel when they see you that's funny Uh what will you talk about when you see Them Next the Eight of Cups And what will you do together when you See them next we Have the 10 of Swords okay so when it comes to Who will initiate we have the moon So if there is in this connection if There's one of you who is fem or a Feminine and one of you who is not then

I feel like this is indicating that the This is kind of similar to group two It's like the same message that the fem Person or the feminine person will Initiate this next meeting or it would Be the one of you who is more like Spiritual the one of you who is is more Um in tune with your intuition and in Tune with your psychic Abilities and another thing with the Moon is that you may start to dream About this person or dream about them More frequently leading up to your next Meeting Or did I already say this that the Dreams could be more intense or more Vivid and they'll probably be dreaming About you as well I also think that this Invitation could come at night It could Be it could be an impromptu thing you Know like reaching out to someone the Night of and being like what are you Doing Tonight Or or it could be like one person like Let's say one person extends an Invitation for Saturday night and then That person doesn't respond until Saturday night being like okay I'm Coming tonight it feels like the plans Are solidified on that night and I I do Think that you yeah I guess you'll be Meeting at night because we're talking

About this a lot yes you will be meeting At night as for what will lead to you Meeting I do think it is a specific Occasion with the Ace of Pentacles here There's something that is Happening in the 3D that becomes an Opportunity for you to see each other Again so rather than it just being like Oh there's nothing going on in Particular tonight I just want to see You it would be something like hey There's this there's this party Happening on this night like do you want To go or this there's this concert of This musician we both like or this movie Is out that we've been talking about It's like a specific event that is Happening and it it becomes an Opportunity to be like hey this thing is Happening would you like to go Experience it together it's like it's That kind of thing and then eight of Wands this is just communication coming In and so Oh okay and so it's Definitely it just feels like it feels Casual just like cuz it's Mercury it's Sag energy it's Lighthearted this feels like a Light-hearted invitation being extended Like hey there's this thing going on and I I'd love for you to be there for that Like it's like that kind of vibe and There's also a message coming through

That whoever is accepting this Invitation there were several other Things that that they could be doing or Several other things that they should be Doing on that day but they choose to Prioritize this Meeting yeah in terms of the setting or The Environment we have the Ace of Swords so I do Think this is indicating that you can Decide that you can decide where this Happens and based on based on what your Intentions are with this person so for Example if you're thinking yeah it feels This Ace of Swords feels like it is Going to go according to plan mhm the Knight is going to go according to plan So if you wanted to have like a quiet Environment with this person so that you Can just spend quality time or there's Specific things that you want to talk About and you're thinking okay well a Good place for that would be at my house Then you can get them to come to your House or like we spoke about if there's This a specific event that is happening Then it's very obvious where it's going To be like it's going to be at that Event but I do think that once these Plans are formed there's not really Going to be any surprises in terms of Like where you're going and what you're Doing like that's all going to be that's

All going to be Clearly communicated beforehand it I Feel like this is an encounter that You've been waiting for and perhaps one That you had visualized like how it's Going to play out and what we're going To talk about and and I feel like it's More or less happening just like that You know there's always certain things That we don't expect but there's not Going to be any crazy surprises or like Sharp left turns in the night and I I do Think that there's going to be a lot of Conversation a lot of like good Thought-provoking Conversation and just Vibes like whether It's just you and this person and you're Like talking hours into the night or Maybe there's other people present but It it feels like The Vibes are Immaculate honestly like and you're just You're really on a roll like exchanging Ideas and and getting into deep topics And stuff like that um as for how you Will feel when you see them I do think It seems like you do have some kind of Like ultimate goal that you want to Reach with this person in the connection But it feels like with the seven of Pentacles that you are in no rush to Make this happen um this is just one Hypothetical example and it is an Example in a romantic connection so I'm Sorry if this is like a weird example

For those of you who are not asking About a romantic connection but let's Say Um your person like your ultimate goal Is that you really want to kiss them or Something and so you're you know you're At this party with them and that is your Ultimate goal but you're not going to Rush into it because you're enjoying the Vibes and you don't you don't want to Just like cut to that like there's Important buildup and there's important Catching up and like just being in each Other's company and talking it's like You do have an end goal Maybe maybe but You also want the whole experience or a Non-romantic example maybe this is Someone you would like to do business With you know you're not going to go go Like hi anyway would you like to do Business with me like no that is your Ultimate goal but you got to you got to Ease into it so you know you have to Talk and form the bond and get caught up And blah blah blah and just let it natur Naturally let it naturally happen you're Not going to force it to happen you're Not going to force the kiss to happen You're not going to force the the Business offer to happen you're not Going to blurt it out you're going to This is Taurus energy okay she is Natural she is organic she takes her Time like she no rush so I think you're

Kind of in a mentality of of keep uh Taking it slow taking it slow and even Like if there's you know you're talking All night and there's one thing in Particular one particular topic that you Really wanted to address Tonight it's like you're just you're Holding it you're saving it you're Saving it for the right moment where it Feels Natural which may sound like you're Being calculated but it's really not You're just like you're just keeping it In the back of your mind and you're Letting the night unfold naturally and When it feels right and when it feels Good to do so then you I think you trust That the Divine is going to give you the Chance to do to do this in your own time So you're just not really worried about It and then this telescope looks like Observing I honestly think you're just So happy to be in this person's company I think you really admire this person And there's something you might just Like looking at them whether that's like In a romantic way in a friend way or you Like to watch them in their element you Like to watch them do what they do you Like to watch them at work whatever it Might be I think you're just really Going to enjoy watching them and I do Wonder if there's going to be a portion Of this meeting where other people are

Involved because something that just Came through is that you do like to Watch how they interact with other People and like what different facets of Them come out depending on who they're Talking to so you get to see more sides Of them you may really appreciate how They treat others and how they show up For others so just observing them do do What they do I think brings you A lot of joy and I think that's also why You're in no rush to like get to the Chase of what you cut to the chase of What you ultimately want because really The blessing on this fine day is just Being in their presence and that's Really just enough for you and so even Like if the big thing you want to happen Doesn't happen today like that's okay I'm just I'm just freaking happy to be With you dude like that's kind of how It's coming through and I'm not Surprised because that's that's your Beauty beautiful abundance mindset and So even within this meeting I just see You in a really good place and then as For how they'll feel when they see you We have the Justice card and like I said This is exactly the card that came out For this question in group two and I am Reading it in a similar way well where They feel like balance has been Restored when they're around you I Think and it makes sense you offer them

Another perspective that calms Them you offer them another Perspective that they needed to be Reminded that they were allowed to have I feel like this person might be Surrounded a lot by one type of person In their day-to-day Life um the example that's coming to my Mind is let's say they're they're Surrounded By uh like hustle productivity type People in their their day-to-day life And so those are the type of people who Are Like um I can sleep when I'm dead like I'm just going to I'm just going to push Through I'm going to keep working and Then when they talk to you they might be Like I'm thinking of taking a week off But I don't know and you're like oh I Think that's a great idea and they're Like wait a minute like because they're Expecting they're just expecting the Answer of like ah ah yeah like you're Going to fall behind eh like well I Don't know if you're a Canadian um the a jumped out Um yeah like they're expecting that Answer that they would get from everyone Else but then you're like no I think Rest would be like really good for you I Think it would give you time to like Reconnect with yourself it would give You time to rejuvenate yourself and

They're like whoo I I for God that I'm Allowed to think that way um which also I feel like is a piece of advice don't Be afraid to challenge this person Because I feel like a lot of the time Especially with this Libra energy like Libra can be kind of influenced by Others around them and match their Energy whether it's conscious or not and Definitely try to accommodate everyone Around them and so I feel like a lot of The times the things that they are Asserting may not even be their own Value Which you probably realize it may not Even be their own value it's just Something that they feel like they're Supposed to say so when they're like Yeah like I'm pretty tired but just I Just want to like push through and get This stuff done that's probably not Their Values and hearing it from you that Alternate perspective of like maybe it Would be a good thing for you to take a Little Break I think it snaps them out of that Like oh yeah I'm allowed to have my Own view on this I don't have to just Like regurgitate what the people around Me say you kind of get them back to Their self by providing the other side Of it if that makes sense and like That's just one example but they may

Really be influenced by the people Around them more than they realize and Just kind of unconsciously perpetuate Their values and their narratives about Life and I feel like you just have this Way Of providing balance for them providing The alter View and so whenever they're Around you they feel like they come back Into balance like they're centered again Like they remember what's important to Them and there's also a feeling with Justice that like it just Feels right when they're around you it Just feels right like when when you're Not talking a lot or when you're not Seeing each other a lot when you're not Around something just feels kind of off And it's so funny like because I just See them in this energy of like Something feels off but I can't I can't Figure out what it is like something my Energy just feels off something feels Off and then when they see you it clicks Into place and they're like oh that's What it was I was missing group number Three cuz everything feels right again Then you part ways again and they do it All over again like do you not remember What just happened they're like oh Something feels off but I can't figure Out what it is yes you can it's because You miss group number three and it's Like how do you that's impressive how do

You do that every time where you like Forget that you that you crave group Number Three's Company and then only When you see group number three again You're like oh yeah this feels nice Bro um yeah So then we are getting into what you Talk about and we have the Eight of Cups So this could be one of your energy it Could be both of you but I do feel like Someone is at a Crossroads in their life Where They are thinking of quitting something Of not doing something Anymore because they feel like they've Outgrown it the Eight of Cups very much Gives a feeling of like there's nothing Here for me anymore I don't really enjoy This anymore I've kind of outgrown it I Maybe want to stop doing this and this Could Be something it could be anything from Like yeah I'm not really into Like I don't know partying anymore like I think I'm going to stop doing that or It could be literally like I'm thinking Of leaving the city I'm thinking of Leaving my job it could be something big Like that but I feel like you are kind Of going to talk about yeah because You've both this is Saturn energy so Both of you have matured I think since You last saw each other and you both Recognize that like let's just say the

Last time you met was like a year ago You both kind of recognize that like Okay I need to fill you in on how I've Changed since a year ago and I need to Show like I'm not that same person so I Want to tell you about the things that I've realized since then and the things That I've outgrown like I'm not I'm not Really that same person anymore I'm not Really feeling that anymore I'm feeling Like moving into moving in a New Direction and and then with the 10 of Swords with what you'll Do I feel like That's this is emotion right So this is Like I feel like I I don't want to do This anymore I feel like I'm moving in This direction whereas this feels like Clarity like Clarity that something has To end so one of you might be helping The other or you might be helping each Other realize something it's like you Already knew something needed to end in Your life but you're maybe giving each Other the courage to actually do Something about it or like creating a Plan This is actually reminding me of a Friend of mine who I guess had been Thinking about leaving his job and then We hung out like a group of us hung out And by the end of the night he was like Yeah okay I'm definitely like I'm

Quitting I'm doing it like he just had These Realizations um from the conversation And from The Vibes and oh 2:22 as I'm Talking about this it's 2:22 o00 right Now uh and then realize like yeah okay This is what I have to do and then he Actually did it so you could be Assisting each other in in leaving stale Energy behind or like Having the courage To walk away from something that had Been nagging at you like I know I have To do this eventually like it's starting To not feel right anymore and just like Giving each other that that push to do What you need to do and it could be Again it could be like one of you Helping the other to do this it could be Both of you mutually who are doing it But that is the vibe of what you will do I also feel like with the 10 of Swords You're probably going to stay awake for A very long time because T of Swords is Just and you might go for a walk Together looking at these Footprints you might go for a walk Together during this time especially if You're with other people you might like Leave to go for a walk together and then This feels like literally staying up and Talking until you are like dead like you Pass out kind of thing So I think it's going to be like a very Late night that you spend with them it

Could even be like an all nighter Something like that but this is what I'm Seeing so for the last part of your Reading we're going to get some messages And advice from your Spirit guides these Are upside down so we have inner truth With the number 61 and this is a number In another deck sorry there's a hair on My hand in another deck uh a numerology Deck actually the card number 61 I Believe is self-love and so I kind of Love that because it reminds me of your Person like self-love is their inner Truth and self-doubt is not their truth And so that's why making yourself Smaller to accommodate their self-doubt Is not going to help them step back into Their inner Truth by standing firmly in Your light and standing firmly in your Secure place you are calling them in to Remember their own inner Truth look Inward be openhearted and genuine gain Insight act with Integrity be your Authentic self cultivate gentleness and Compassion to make the world a better Place I do think you also just you both Have this way of calling each other out Or calling each other in in a very Gentle and compassionate way and I think This is something that you do verbally In person but but it's also something That you do on a soul Level and then we have

Nourishment oh Isn't that cool like These are both blue and these are both Green so there's Like you are on the blue side and they Are on the green Side we have nourishment nourish your Body mind and soul love and honor Yourself I feel like this is the best Thing you can do to help your person Heal and to help the connection move Forward nourish your body mind and soul Love and honor yourself take care of Others and Empower them to help Themselves be positive and optimistic Nourish others to nourish Yourself beautiful and it's so funny cuz When I read this I think of the Six of Pentacles and Six of Pentacles is moon in Taurus if you or your person doesn't Have a Taurus Moon I wonder if there is Like a Taurus moon in your life who is Significant or I don't know when you're watching this But an upcoming new moon in Taurus or an Upcoming full moon in Taurus could be Important and then for your final card We have wa you know what's interesting Though that oh wait I forget the order I Always forget but the full moon in Taurus would Happen either right before the new moon In Scorpio or right After the new moon in Scorpio um since I

Don't even know what year you are Watching this if you feel called to if You wanted to you could look up when the Next new moon in Scorpio is and when the Next full moon in Taurus is because they Will be like two weeks apart from each Other I just saw four four four four so Maybe that is like it could be a very Powerful time for manifesting Healing in this connection it could be a Really powerful time where breakthroughs Are happening so I would definitely see Um when those are yeah Like whether you're watching this in 2024 2025 yeah So group number threes those are all the Messages I have for this part of the Reading so we're going to move into the Extended now where we see how your Person will feel after seeing you what Will this encounter ultimately lead to For the two of you um an answer to any Yes or no question of your choice Including why and any hints about when This next meeting will happen so if that Sounds good to you and you would like to Join me in the extended I will have that Link Down Below in the description as Well as in the pinned comment of this Video however if you're going to leave The reading here I want to say thank you So much for letting me do this reading For you I hope you have a wonderful day

Or night whenever you're watching and I Wish you all the best please take good Care of yourself stay healthy don't Forget to like comment and subscribe if You feel like doing that if you enjoy my Content and you'd like to find me Elsewhere I will have linked down below My tarot reading Instagram my personal Instagram my patreon where you can watch Tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card Readings just like this one and you can Also decide on topics for future Readings I will link my music channel Which includes the intro song of this Video that is an original song I'll also Have my latest release link down below And finally my my Vlog Channel and my Merch which features the floating Temple That was at the start of this video Thank you guys so much for supporting me My channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here and I'm sending so much love to you to your Person to your higher selves your Spirit Guides your spiritual teams and all of Your loved ones both here on Earth and In the other Realms and I will see you Guys in the next one Bye-bye hi number fours so if you guys Chose the crazy lace egot this is going To be a reading all about the next Meeting with the person on your mind I Want to start off by just going over the List of everything that's going to be

Covered in today's reading so we have The reading here on YouTube as well as An extended here on YouTube first we are Going to see the overall energies of This connection and what is going on With you with your person and with the Energy between the two of you we're also Going to see your guides insights on the Connection what they have to say about It then we get into the main part of the Reading which is all about your next Encounter so there's a lot to look at For this part we're going to see who Will initiate this next meeting what Will lead to you meeting again the Setting and environment of your next Meeting so where is this happening or What type of place is this happening and What's the vibe how will you feel when You see them how will they feel when They see you what you'll talk about During your next meeting and what you Will do together and then at the end We're going to get messages and advice From your guides so that is the YouTube Reading then in the extended we're going To see how your person will feel after Seeing you what will this encounter Ultimately lead to for the two of you we Are going to answer a yes or no question Of your choice including why the answer Is yes or no and any hints about when This next meeting will happen so that is The reading that we're doing today thank

You so much for being here and thank you So much for watching so let's get into Looking at the energies of your Connection you can think of this part as An energy check so if what I'm Describing here does sound like you then That's a sign that this is your group if Oh this is you by the way these cards on The left will be you and these cards on The right will be your person I was Going to say that if it sounds reversed So if this sounds more like your person And this sounds more like you it is Totally fine to switch the energies Around you may even find that you Resonate with energies on both sides Which is totally fine however if you Don't see yourself anywhere in this Spread then this is likely not your Group so without further Ado let's take A look at the energies that represent You we have the 10 of air which is the 10 of Swords ending ings recovery and Freedom the Y moon with Strength then to represent your person's Energy we have the high priestess Intuition wisdom Patience and moon Memories the past Then to represent the energy in between The two of You we have transparency the energy of Transparency supports our expansion Toward a higher vibrational state of Being with more insight honesty and

Clarity okay group number four the Energy of this group is quite specific So I think that you will know pretty Early on if this is your group or not it Does seem like there is an ending that Has happened in this Connection and it seems like it was Initiated by you over Here because you're coming through as The 10 of Swords which talks about an Ending and you also have this Yang Energy which is you know the masculine Energy so to speak the initiator the Action taker it seems like you ended Things in this connection or you made The decision to stop reaching out to This person or you made a decision to Put some distance between the two of You and with this transparency in the Middle this could be indicating that There was some truth that came out about This person about something they did or Just something about them it could be Like what they want for the future Or a way that they need love or give Love that is incompatible like it was Like some truth came Out that you just had to respond Accordingly To and I also feel like this Transparency is you being honest with Yourself that ending things or putting Distance was what you needed to do in That moment is what is best for you and

What was best for both of You but what I can see is That from an emotional place it looks Like something that you didn't really Want to do and there may have been a Time where you were hanging on because You still had feelings for this person Or you still you know cared for them or Had attachments to them in some way But when you looked at the situation Objectively it's like you knew that you Needed to move on you knew that you Needed to face the reality face this Incompatibility or face this truth that Came out face this way for example in Which they hurt you or a boundary was Violated maybe there was a a deal Breaker thing that came up or a red flag Where you're like I really don't want to Let go because I care about you so much But I just know that this is going to Cause problems in the future this could Also be a situation where this person Was not meeting your needs in the Connection and so you were often left Feeling disappointed or Confused Or Discouraged and at some point the the Love and care that you had for them and The hopes that you had for the future Were just outweighed by all of the Things that drained you or stressed you Out and and I just see you coming to

This decision after like really hard Really difficult deliberation like I Don't I don't think that it's good for Me to keep going with you I don't think It's a good thing for me to be this Close to you or to be investing so much Of my energy in this connection so I Feel like this transparency it's like You facing the reality and being honest With yourself and then also being Transparent with your person about this Is just what we need to do and I feel Like this strength it is talking about The the great deal of inner strength That it Required for you to make this decision Because I feel like the part of you that Was still Attached maybe would tell you like no It's okay we can we can figure out a way To make it work like it's like I don't Know if you've ever had someone like Well if this resonates then yes you have But sometimes when someone really hurts You or really oversteps a boundary But emotionally you don't want to let go Of them it's almost like part of you Tries to justify it like oh it's not Really that bad I'm sure we can forgive It I'm or like just for one example Maybe this was a significant other and You want to have children and they are Saying like no I absolutely do not and So the part of you that's not ready to

Let go of them yet is like well maybe Maybe I'll be okay without having kids But deep down you know that that that's Not true it's just that you're not ready To like say goodbye yet it's it's that Kind of it's that kind of feeling so you Had to do something really really strong Even though you care so much for this Person you had to be honest with Yourself and be like no I can't I can't Move on like this and then on your Person's end we have the high priestess So when I look at This it does make me think that they saw This coming in a way so for example if This if this is because there's a Fundamental incompatibility between the Two of you and like building your future Together is just not going to Work they kind of had a nagging feeling For a long time like a nagging gut Feeling that this was not going to work Out or this could also be like a Long-distance situation where you're Just like I can't do this anymore it Could be so many things right but they Kind of felt it coming and it's Interesting like you are in this Yang Energy so you're the initiator The High Priestess is in like a feminine Receptive energy so it really it really Does paint the picture that you are the One who said this to them they received This message of like I want space or I

Want to end things or this isn't going To work or whatever it is and the way The high priestess is sitting down also Makes me think That they did not fight for you Which honestly was well I don't know how You felt about that I think from their Perspective they didn't fight for you Because they wanted you to know that They respect what you're Saying and if you had said to them like I don't think this is working and they Were like no come on like give me Another chance I think in their mind That's like not respecting your wishes Or it's not respecting your boundaries So that's why they didn't like chase you Out so to speak and be like no come back I feel like they just allowed it to Happen and they wanted to show that they They hear what you're saying and like They get it and if this is a situation Where they were failing to meet your Needs I feel like they also saw that Coming so it's like they saw themselves Not being able to meet your needs and They knew that this day would come where It would reach a breaking point for you And so I feel like they're just in an Energy of receiving what you said and Accepting It but with that being Said I also think that this person would Always would always leave a door open

For you so I think that whatever truth That came out I feel like it's more Something that is hard for you to Accept and so they're saying they want It to be your decision because it Affects you the most And so it's like if you're going to walk Away I'm not going to chase you because I respect your decision but also if you Ever wanted to come back I would take You back in a second I would let you Back in in a second I wouldn't even Think twice about It and I feel like there's a part of Them that's waiting for you and they're Definitely missing you a lot with this Moon Memories the past Thinking about the past with you a lot Maybe thinking about what they could Have done differently or or if they Could have done anything differently and Just the fact that this is like a Tropical environment and they're walking On the beach it seems like they remember A time when things were easier when Things were Happier But I think they recognize like if You're really feeling this way Then there's nothing there's nothing That can be done at this point that's How they're seeing it and I think they Feel like the only way that you could Move forward together is if somehow

You reconcile with the truth of the Situation but they don't want to try to Like convince you to feel differently About it I think they would find that Like Disrespectful so it's like if you come To the conclusion by Yourself that you still want to be with Me I would welcome you back like just Like that but I'm not going to try to Invalidate how you're feeling right now By being like no like forget about that And just be with me it's like yeah it's Just it comes from a place of respect Sorry I'm like a broken record but Anyway let's see what your Spirit guides Have to say about this connection so we Have Portals with this is a category of Thresholds and then we have Air with Nature yeah we had threshold cards in a Different group and talking about how It's like 1313 as I'm saying this which Is the death card like endings and Release when something reach reaches the Threshold it's like a point of a point Of change and I think That your guides would want you to know That you really did everything that you Could on your end to make things work so This is in no way like your fault and Definitely they would not want you to Perceive this as like you gave up on the

Connection or like you weren't strong Enough or something like that because It's this is actually you standing up For Yourself and you saying like this isn't Working for me is actually what makes You so strong like you did something Really admirable for yourself by like Sticking to your values and sticking to Your boundaries and and what the kind of Treatment that you deserve and respect And what you want out of a relationship So I do think that your guides are proud Of you for this decision And they their hope and actually maybe This is not just a hope but them saying That the energy will get lighter So things may feel quite heavy right now But with time you will feel like a Weight has been lifted you will feel Like you've made the right decision I'm Wondering if this is still kind of fresh For some of you or if you're still Feeling the heaviness of it but I think They want you to know that it will get Easier and easier but they also want you To know that your your brain will trick You you know so Let's say you did everything you could To make this work and it just wasn't Working so you chose to walk Away when those feelings of missing them Seep in your brain will start to trick You and say well maybe you didn't try

Everything maybe you were being too Harsh no you tried everything you looked At the situation from every angle but That sneaky part that misses them that Wants to get what it wants you know so We'll say like are you sure are you sure It's that big of a deal are you sure you Tried everything maybe it's okay but I Feel like this is really it takes a lot Of inner strength to Like it's like sticking to your values Is kind of how it feels or sticking to Like what you know you want and need in The long-term Future No Matter How Upsetting it might be in the current Moment because there's a lot of love or Care There okay so so we are going to get Into the tarot that you guys chose Now and see everything about the next Encounter with your Person so I'm just going to pull all of Them at once we're going to start by Seeing who will Initiate this next Encounter we have the Tower and what will lead to You seeing each other Again we have have the page Of page of Swords the setting or the environment of Your next Meeting the Eight of Cups or no that's the six of cups I

Don't know why I saw eight there but It's six How will you feel when you see them I Can kind of tell already but let's see How will you feel when you see Them the five of Wands how will they feel when they see You the magician What will you talk about when you see Each other Next what will you talk About okay there's two we're going to Take these Together so we have the ace of cups and The Knight of Swords and what will you Do what will you do Together the next time you see each Other we Have the page Of Pentacles okay we are starting with the Tower card to answer the question of who Will will initiate this next Meeting and this is neither of you this Is definitely a divine intervention this Feels like bumping into each other being At the same place at the same time when You didn't expect it because just the Fact that there are two people which This is you and your person falling out Of the tower it's like you were Completely blindsided and I think the Tower is also very symbolic because

The tower is something that you build up From the ground and then in this case it Gets knocked down and there's a feeling Of I know this might be kind of a Disheartening message but there's a Feeling of lost progress so for Example you you know you walked away From this connection and you haven't Been talking you haven't been thinking About them and like you're doing Well and then you go out with friends One night and you're like oh my God That's them over there and it's like as Soon as you see Them it feels like all of that Progress that you made in getting over What happened or of like not missing Them anymore it could be many things but It's like it's almost like you very Suddenly I actually had a moment like This Recently Um where something kind of traumatic Happened and I for like a week I just Like returned to being 23 for like a Week I was just like in my old version Of myself and it was the it was so weird Because it that event brought me back to That a certain time in my Life and it kind of feels like something Like that Where there was that past version of you Who really missed them and still thought About them a lot and then as time went

By you're like oh yeah I'm fine like I Don't I don't care anymore I moved on And then when you actually see them Again and they're in front of you it Just it feels like it all comes tumbling Down and I don't think that's Necessarily permanent because the Progress you made is real and it's Meaningful but it feels like a temporary Lapse back to that old version of you Like seeing them just triggers that and Those feelings of of missing them or or Having a longing for them just Get retriggered again it doesn't mean You have to identify with them forever But it that part of your brain lights up So to speak and it just feels very Surprising it feels like you weren't Expecting to see them there at all and They were probably not expecting to see You you Either and in terms of what will lead to You meeting again I think this is so Interesting Like we have this page of Swords Who is looking down at the tower and Looks much bigger than these two People 2222 as I'm holding these up and So this does give me the feeling of like A spirit guide who orchestrated This I don't know why they have on this It could be because they feel you're Meant to meet again it could be a test Of like are you really healed have you

Really moved on maybe we'll find out as We keep going but it does feel like a Spirit guide has orchestrated this and Another thing I will say is that for the Past few days for me the page of Swords Has been appearing with a kind Of mischievous energy so it's almost as If they kind of knew this would be an Uncomfortable or trying situation but They orchestrated It Anyway the page of Swords he has a point but sometimes the Way he delivers it can Be insensitive or blunt or jarring so Like for example if you were on a Journey of getting over over this person I could see you thinking like really Spirit guide is there really not a Better way that you could help me see The parts that are unhealed rather than Like putting this person right in my Face like did you it's like I get what You're trying to say spirit guide but Did you have to do it in this way or it Could be that the universe is being a Little bit like of all the ways we could Have learned this lesson and you have to Make you have to make me bump into my ex Or you know I I don't know if this is Your ex but it's that it's that kind of Feeling it just feels like even the Tower it feels quite shocking when it Happens actually I did have a moment Like this Where my I had blocked my ex and

Then and then and then my friend had to Text me and be like your ex is trying to Get in contact with you can you unblock Him and in that moment like my heart was Racing and I unblocked him and I'm like Oh my God like he's going to say he Misses me and then it was like something Was still getting build to his credit Card and he wanted me to cancel it but That moment made me realize like okay [ __ ] I'm I'm not over this person Because when that happened I was like Highkey expecting him to say he misses Me and then was disappointed so it's Like these kind of shocking things Happening to show you how you maybe Truly feel about the situation but it's Like did you really have to do it in That way so yeah it feels like the Universe being a bit blunt or I don't Know if mischievous is the perfect word But just really like putting it in your Face if there's unfinished business if There's something unhealed or anything Like that um in terms of the setting and Environment of your meeting it will be Somewhere with the six of Cups it will Be somewhere you have been many times Before Somewhere you are familiar With it could Be it could actually be somewhere you Used to spend time with this person or Somewhere it could be somewhere you used

To Live it could be a HomeTown Situation just a place where you are Familiar with and I do think that I mean Obviously if you're bumping into each Other you're not at home so you're going To be out in public somewhere this of Cups could also indicate that you're With you're with friends like because There's an element of you feeling very Familiar and comfortable and in your Element so like people that you're very Close with or a place that you go all The time and then like in walks this Person just when you thought you were Having like a chill relaxing night in Your safe place and then boom you bump Into them and it's like oh my gosh that Is the feeling so that makes a lot of Sense then that we have the five of Wands for how you will feel when this Happens because the five of Wands it's Like a conflict which I just think means In this situation that you are Not let's say you're not super happy That this has happened or maybe you have Mixed feelings about it because the Conflict can I was thinking more of it As like you are opposing the universe's Orchestration like why did you do this And kind of in resistance to it but the Five of Wands can also indicate an Internal Conflict so you could have

Conflicting mixed emotions about it Where on one hand you're like annoyed But you're also kind of weirdly happy to See them but you're also Overwhelmed but you're also sad like You're also nervous there could be a lot Of a lot of things swirling around Inside of you and maybe you don't really Know how to feel on the other hand I Think that your Person is happy to see you because they Never they never had any hard Feelings they were perfectly happy in The connection like They they would never have changed Anything about you their do is always Open for you they will always want to be With you So when when they see you it's like oh My gosh it feels like a positive thing For them they feel happy to see you and The fact that the magician is here like They kind of Manifested this encounter I think I I Don't think they consciously did it I Don't think they purposely went to that Place because they knew you would be There but I think subconsciously because They were thinking about you so much and Missing you so much they ended up Manifesting your Presence what I could say is that maybe If they didn't consciously go to this Place because they knew you would be

There they maybe unconsciously went There because it reminded them of you or Like cuz the six of Cups can also talk About this this very energy Memories the Past and specifically romanticizing the Past so you know if There's uh like let's say a restaurant You used to always go to together it's Not like they're saying oh I'm going to Go to that restaurant because because I Bet group four is going to be there it's Like they might have just subconsciously Had an emotional pull to go there Because they wanted To they wanted to relive the memories of Being there with you so it is kind of Like You're they followed your energy or like The the thoughts and feelings of you Pulled them there but it was not this Conscious thing of like I'm I'm going to Go run up on group four cuz I feel like They're just a Surprise they're just a surprised as you Are that that you're actually there but They're like pleasantly surprised Whereas I feel like you're more like H Here we go like you Universe you really Did that e like okay and then have all Of these like mixed emotions coming up It does look like you will talk It's funny cuz when I was when I was Shuffling the deck and I'm I'm asking The question like what will you talk

About I kind of wondered maybe maybe you Won't talk like maybe you'll just kind Of awkwardly look at each other I don't Know But it does look like you will talk Because we have the Knight of Swords Here which is someone like running in Running in with a sword which represents Communication and I would imagine Because they're the one who is happy to See you that is probably going to be Them who comes up to talk to You and also just the fact that even the Knight is moving this way so moving from Your person's side of the spread over to You and I wonder if that's even how you Realize that they're there like maybe They just come up to you and are like Hey or like tap you or they text you Like are you at this place I think I see You or something like that but it it Does look like they're going to initiate And come up and and start a conversation With you And with this ace of cups here now this Can mean two different things it could Mean that you are I definitely think You'll be catching up on like how life Has been and blah blah blah and stuff Like that um because it's been a while Since you've spoken and and seen each Other at this point And it seems like you will be when You're hearing about each other's lives

You will be very happy for each other so You know the updates that you have to Give each other about how life has been Will be pretty positive things and some Of the things that you used to talk About when you were in each other's Lives will have come to fruition and so There's a feeling of being mutually like Excited and happy for each other just For an example maybe when you were in Each other's lives one of you had a Dream school that you wanted to go to And so now when you're meeting up you Get to say like oh yeah I I got into That school that I always wanted to go Oh my gosh congratulations and they know Exactly what you're talking about Obviously so and that may actually be a Prediction for this group if there are Hopes and dreams that you would Frequently talk about with each other Other this is a sign that you will Accomplish those hopes and dreams and That they will accomplish their hopes And dreams and when you see each other Again you'll get to share that good news With each Other that and O it's bittersweet Because I'm just seeing this moment that You tell them that big thing that you Accomplished and they're like smiling And they're like oh my gosh that's Amazing I'm so happy for you And hearing that from them

Feels really good and it feels Really comforting like you've already Told this to many people in your life And many people have already Congratulated you but when when they Smile at you and say they're proud of You and say they're happy for you it Just like fills a hole inside of you Like it just it just makes you happy to Hear that from them and it makes you Happy to know that that they're happy And they're doing well so yeah I just Think this ace of cups is talking about Happy Feelings resurfacing And maybe like feelings of love Resurfacing that doesn't mean like these Feelings are valid as much as you Were as much as you were maybe Uncomfortable when you saw them or when You realize that they were there and When they approach you I think once you get to talking it's Just like you slip back into that place Of Ease cuz this is the person you know Like it's still the Same the same person that you knew and That you loved And the idea of them being there might Have been jarring But once you're talking to each other it Just Flows really smoothly and it's very

Nice and then in terms of what you will Do together there is some small Offering that is happening between the Two of you and this can be so many Different things for some reason the First thing that came to my mind was Exchanging contact information so I Wonder if like one or both of you had Had changed your number or something or Maybe you have a new social media or May Maybe you're unblocking each other or Maybe you you unfollowed each other and You're reowing there's something about Offering each other that that way of of Connecting Again just as like a token of something Um it could also be that they're Offering you an Opportunity whether that's directly from Them or through one of their connections Like they might have some connections That can help you out or They might offer to help you with Something they might offer to drive you Somewhere which is very Specific it's And I do think for many of you again Because we have again it's coming from Their side towards you I think that they Are making some kind of small offer like That to you kind of as a way to test the Waters of how you feel at this point and Also just to let you Know like I'm always going to love you

Like how I feel about you is never going To change and I'm always going to be Here for You so yeah I don't think it's a super Big crazy offer like but it's just a Little thing so that you know that They're that they always care and that They're always going To be here if you need them And I do think this exchange is going to End on a positive Note it might feel I feel like when you Try to analyze it you get confused but When you let yourself just be in the Feeling of being around them it does Feel like happy and comfortable and Peaceful cuz that's just how they made You feel and that's why it was so hard To to come to this decision So I could see you after this Encounter Being confused and maybe have to work Out with your guides or with the Universe like why did this happen and That's a whole other can of worms But that's what I see happening in this Next exchange so for the last part of The reading we are going to get some Messages and advice from your guides so We have gentle Influence effect change oh effect change With small gestures yeah that's that's What they're doing affect change with Small gestures yeah they

Like I feel like they Really they really miss you and want you Back in their life but they don't want To push it cuz they feel like you've Made your Decision take a gentle approach be clear In your purpose and devoted to your Cause be patient and flexible and Persist I feel like this is them feel Like that's their energy That they're Just they're always going to be there Unless if you're like go away I never Want to see you again then they'll go Away but they're always going to care About you and I feel like their energy Will be Around and then we have Decrease so interesting we have two They're not exactly the same blue but Two blue cards so the color blue could Be significant it could be related to The throat chakra meaning that there There is maybe some unfinished business That the two of you need to talk about Simplify your life decide what is Important find balance in life's up and Downs ups and downs draw on your inner Strength be your best self things will Increase in Time and then we have luck is on your Side with new moon in Sagittarius Which generally when this card appears It makes me think that no matter no

Matter what happens or no matter what You choose to Do you will be happy and whatever choice You Make the universe will work in your Favor so you won't be rewarded or Punished for choosing one thing or the Other you will Be worked with And this is also not a time sensitive Situation Because this Person I honestly don't think they're Going to move on at least not anytime Soon okay So those are all the messages for this Part of the reading we're going to take It over to the extended now where we see How they will feel after seeing you what Will this encounter ultimately lead to For the two of you we're going to answer Any yes or no question of your Choice Including why and any hints about when This next encounter will happen so if That sounds good to you and you would Like to join me over in the extended I'm Going to have that link Down Below in The description as well as in the pinned Comment of this Video however if you're going to leave The reading here I want to say thank you So much for letting me do this reading For you I hope you have a wonderful day Or night whenever you're watching and I

Wish you all the best please take good Care of yourself stay healthy don't Forget to like comment and subscribe if You feel like doing that if you enjoy my Content and youd like to find me Elsewhere I'm going to have linked down Below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like this one And you can also decide on topics for Future readings I will link my music Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I Will also have my latest release link Down below and finally my Vlog Channel And my merch which features the floating Temple that was at the start of this Video thank you guys so much for Supporting me my channel and anything I Do I really really appreciate having you Here and I'm sending so much love to you To your person your higher selves your Spirit guides your spiritual teams and All of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one bye-bye

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