Your Spirit Guides REALLY Want You To Hear This Message 🪽✨ • PICK A CARD •

Hello lovelies!
Todays video is a ‘pick a card’ reading, ‘Your Spirit Guides REALLY Want You To Hear This Message 🪽✨’! Pick the pile you’re the most drawn to, and once you’ve picked, skip ahead to the timestamp below where I reveal what your message is…

𓂀 *Time Stamps* 𓂀
⁺˖ Intro: 0:00
🀧 Card 1 (Angel Aura Quartz): 3:15
🀧 Card 2 (Opalite): 21:55
🀧 Card 3 (Peacock Ore): 44:55
🀧 Card 4 (Citrine): 1:11:30

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Terra Soleil Stardust Tarot:
Moonchild Tarot Shadow Edition:
Accurate AF Tarot:
Starchild Tarot:
Messages From Mermaids Oracle:
Archetype Cards:
Threads of Fate Oracle (discontinued, similar one):
Mystical Shaman Oracle:

🎥 My Camera Gear:

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Hello my loves and welcome back to my Channel today's video we have a new pick A card reading and this one is a message From spirit Spirit really wants you to Know this message I felt Spirit coming Through really strongly today and when I Was thinking about what pick a card Reading to do Spirit just kept saying oh We have messages to share so if you felt Drawn to this video then Spirit has a Message for you and if you are new to These types of videos and readings I Read the tarot cards I connect to Spirit Of 100% pure white light to bring you Information for your highest good at This time and if you want to know a Little bit about how this works as you Can see I have four different groups in Front of me these are the different Groups with different energies that you Get to intuitively choose from in order To get your personal message from Spirit So over here we have group number one This one has a piece of Angel Ora quartz On top of it so if you find yourself Drawn to group number one that's going To be your pile group number two we have A beautiful piece of opalite on top of It so if you're drawn to this one that's Going to be your pile group number three We have this piece of peacock ore on top Of it so if you're drawn to group three That's going to be your pile and then Group number number five we have this

Gorgeous piece of citrine on top so Depending on which group you are the Most drawn towards that is going to Reveal your message from your Spirit Guides at this time and there's also Time stamps link down below so that you Can easily navigate through this video And Skip right ahead to your personal Reading once you find out which group You're the most drawn towards I also Want to mention that if you find Yourself drawn to multiple groups that Just means that there are multiple Messages for you in today's video and You would go ahead and listen to both of Those groups so that is how this video Works if you need more help tapping into Your intuition a few different things That I really like to do is for one I Either like to close my eyes and wait For a number between one and four to pop Into my head and then the first number That pops into your head without you Even thinking about it that's your Intuition speaking to you and that is The group that would be for you Another thing that you can do is pause The video and guide your hand over top Of each of the Groups sensing which one feels just like Either hot or cold or magnetic or you Just feel a pull towards that pile so You can just go over with your hand over Top of each of the piles and just see

Which one you are magnetized towards so Those are a few different ways of Tapping into your intuition if you're Having trouble just visually tapping in But yeah that is how today's video works Thank you again so much for joining me Here for today's uh pick a card reading And without further Ado let's go ahead And dive right into today's Video all right my group number ones if You chose this pile this is going to be Your reading all about your message from Spirit so let's go ahead and Dive Right In okay so first off we're actually Going to start with our asra dice to get A little bit of information just right Off the bat so we have the sun in Aries In the third house for you ooh the third House can deal with making new friends Connections networking getting yourself Out there using your voice if there's Anything that you've either been Thinking about when it comes to Communicating More expressing Yourself um Creative Expressions this Could also be writing or talking or Explaining things teaching things Learning as well comes up through this Um that is something that spirit is Saying yes do more of that when it comes To communicating networking getting Yourself out there um connecting with Other people or sharing information

Learning more joining a course things Like that spirit is definitely saying That that is coming through as something That is going to um kind of brighten Your soul more or allow you to shine Your light more or even be in the Spotlight okay putting your voice and The things that you have to say in the Spotlight that is coming through if There's any spontaneous little trip that You're thinking about taking as well um The third house can deal with short Little spontaneous trips especially with The Aries energy it's just saying jump In go for it stop overthinking it you Know Aries is the sign that jumps right In so Spirit has a message about Jump Right In just say yes just do it give Yourself 5 Seconds to make a decision Make your decision and let's go because Sometimes when we overthink we can just Tend to hold ourselves back and that is No bueno okay our two tarot cards that We're starting off with is the four of Wands and ace of cups the four of Wands Is setting up a beautiful foundation and It's also something to celebrate so I Wouldn't be surprised urised if Something is coming into your life where There's some sort of like graduation or Something to look forward to four of Wands is something to celebrate so it Can indicate engagements weddings Graduations um buying a home it can also

Indicate things around the home that are Improving and getting better and setting Up a foundation it can also be the Beginning of a business like opening up A business starting a new Venture it's Sort of like this opening and this Celebration of like oh look at this next Stage that I'm going into look at this Next phase that I'm going into so There's something here with a message Around that also with ace of Cups Fulfillment I am also getting a message For some of you just because ace of cups And four of Wands together can Definitely indicate Like a committed Relationship or going to the next level Of commitment in a Relationship can also indicate a new Relationship that is very solid and very Reliable so if any of you have been Trying to call that in I'm kind of Seeing like a social situation calling That in and spirit is saying be open to Those things when you get invited to Them if that is something that has been On your mind but besides love and all of That I am also seeing like fulfillment And inspiration coming into your life New ways of fulfilling Yourself the next chapter that you're Going to go into I feel like spirit is Really saying let's focus on your

Fulfillment here And um focus on saying yes saying yes to New Opportunities saying yes to where your Emotions are guiding You especially if it feels exciting if It feels good if it feels right spirit Is saying that that is a sign to go in That direction we do also have the Moon Being reversed here so one thing that Spirit also wants to bring up is Sometimes stepping into the unknown can Be a little bit Scary so if you are thinking about Writing a book starting a podcast going Out in networking putting yourself out There um doing things even with social Media can sometimes be the third house As well occasionally um so If there's something that you've been Thinking about but maybe there's Hesitation or if there's a person that You've been wanting to talk to and Network with or get to know better but There's been Hesitation spirit is coming through Saying like let go of the hesitation Because the potential that you have here With this thing whether this is an idea Or a person that is in your life there Is such great potential here four of Wands is something solid and Reliable it's something that we can Count on something that can be

Longlasting Ace of cups is something that is Fulfilling and it's new and it's it kind Of excites us when we wake up in the Morning and we just feel Generally like emotionally fulfilled From what this thing is but again Sometimes hesitation can hold us back And so spirit's main mage message here Is To let go of fear and hesitation and Become a little bit more Aries and just Dive Right In um yes it is good to think About things sometimes a little bit Longer than an Aries typically does or The typical zodiac sign of Aries like The the quality of Aries is to kind of Dive Right In without even thinking About Anything but sometimes it is good to Think about it a little bit of course so I'm not saying to to completely be naive But I am also saying not to overthink Because sometimes overthinking can put Us in this Moon reversed stage where all Of a sudden we start thinking about like All the things that could go wrong and Then it just holds us back from ever Exploring something that could Potentially be so amazing so I wanted to Mention that nine of Wands being Reversed here as well Okay the spirit wants to bring up Different things in your past that might

Have kind of gone wrong Or things that maybe you feel like You've failed at before fears of failing Fears of it not being successful fears Of a broken heart fears of Rejection that's nine of Wands energy Okay nine of Wands being reversed I Really feel like spirit is coming Through Saying we need to let go of that Because like think about the Potential that you could have over here Is it worth Is it worth taking that risk and when it Comes to things like love you know so Many people are like yes it is so worth The risk of putting yourself out there And at least finding out Because you know if something does fail Or something goes wrong we will learn From it and that learning can help us Ascend better the next time and it can Help us take wisdom with us the next Time so that we can do better and that We now have more insight we have more Wisdom moving Forward so you still gain something Regardless and spirit really wants to Make that clear you still gain something Regardless whether you fail at it or Whether you win at It it's worth that risk especially if It's something that feels right to you Which based on the four of Wands ace of

Cups over here this is something that Does feel right to you this is something That's like Yeah this is worth Exploring yes this is worth going into Yes it is worth getting over those fears And facing this and even though you know Diving into it at first it might feel You might feel nervous or anxious or you Know all those different things but That's going to fade away that's Temporary whereas the four of Wands is Something that's very long lasting it's Very positive it's worth celebrating It's something that we're going to take With us for a long time that we can Build upon even more and then we also Have Eight of Cups Eight of Cups being Reversed I'm getting this energy like There tends to be This um habit of walking away from Something when it gets hard or avoiding Something that's Difficult this this tendency to want to Avoid difficult things um a tendency to Want To avoid where we Feel Inadequate um but spirit is really Saying That oh man the potential that you have Going on over here and I love that Spirit opened with these saying like oh My God you have something on the way

That's like really Beautiful but we have to get over Ourselves in order to fully Embrace what This is and to To really get on that Path but it's right there and I'm just Like so excited for you to learn more About what this is but let's go ahead And dive into some more cards here to Get some more information on this Reading so my group ones let's see what We Have what else does Spirit have to Say ooh those two cards are really Wanting to come out so we have Communication I'm not even surprised That that's coming up literally we had The third house right here and then Positivity if we just communicate if We're just open about you know the Things that we feel and if we're honest If we put ourselves out there if we just Open up only good can really come from That you know even if we do get rejected Or something let's say let's say that The worst thing does happen I mean well Then we know at least then we can go Focus our energy Elsewhere but at least we know and we Don't have to just sit there always Wondering like what if right So communication this is spirit is Really saying it's time to use your Voice it is really time to use your

Voice put yourself out there if there's A important conversation that you've Been really feeling like you need to Have go have it if you've been feeling Like you need to write a book or put Yourself out there start a podcast or um You know teach something learn something Network uh make new friends whatever it Is that you feel like you've been being Pulled to do in regards to communication And using your Voice spirit is really you know giving The green light there and saying that This is going to be really important it Is going to lead to positivity it's Going to lead to expansion and Liberation of this energy that's been Sort of withheld I want to say Withheld because it's being restrained Of because of like overthinking and Things like that So yeah I mean spirit is really given in This message of communication right now I also really want to pull an archetype Card as well and see what comes up for You and we're going to look at the Archetype this is going to represent um Something that Spirit wants to mention Within your energy okay so we have Henness light attributes Inspires Creative Energy to embrace the Good things in life celebrates the Beauty in yourself okay this is the Embodiment of what spirit is saying is

Important to embody right now the shadow Attributes are pursues pleasure to the Detriment of Health indulges at the Expense of others so that could be one Shadow attribute another Shadow Attribute that I'm getting is also Denying yourself pleasure Out of fear of rejection or fear of Failure that is coming through just kind Of what we were talking about earlier But then yeah again the shadow attribute That's being expressed on this card is Pursues pleasure to the detriment of Health so is there anything in your life At the same time that maybe we Are consuming in order to repress old Emotions because a lot of the times when We get get either addicted to constantly Eating unhealthy food or like drinking Smoking or other negative habits or even Consuming too much social media um Overthinking blah BL pursues pleasure to The detriment of Health Right that's no no bueno it's no good It's you know we also have to focus on Being healthy yes we do need to enjoy The pleasures of life but there's a Balance there's so balance between Enjoying the pleasures of life but also Taking care of yourself at the same time And being conscious and aware right and Then also indulges at the expense of Others for some reason I'm feeling like That's going to be only relevant to a

Very small few of you but yeah indulges At the expense of others so like saying Jokes at the expense of other people Or um yeah you know that can be taken in Many many different ways so that might Be something to look at but the light Attributes so what spirit is saying is Positive the positive aspect of the Hedonist and what we should uh Embrace More of is inspires Creative Energy to Embrace the good things in life Celebrates the beauty in yourself Celebrate the good things in life four Of Wands is celebrating the good things In life but we also have to give Ourselves the chance to experience the True good things that are also good for Our health they're good for our Expansion they bring us to the new Levels they open up new chapters for us That are are beautiful that you know Allow us to grow and expand as a human So spirit is saying to dive into that More let's go ahead and see what else we Get for You so any last other messages from Spirit Here okay we have Withraw I'm really feeling like the Reason why this is coming out Is um the message of not withdrawing From what you need but also Oh this has two different Messages don't withdraw yourself like

It's time to really put yourself out There and not walk away when things get Hard and not avoid things that you truly Do want out of fear of you know Rejection or failure all those other Things but at the same time this is also Talking about withdraw from the Unhealthy things that you know and I Feel like you've been thinking about This like in the back of your mind Already repeatedly of like I need to let This thing go I need to let this thing That's unhealthy for me I need to let it Go we need to withdraw from it we need To remove ourselves from it we need to Stop indulging in the things That we know are at the expense of Ourselves we also have the card of Reflect self-love is coming through in This one practicing self-love um also Becoming the reflection of who you Really want to be so who who do you Really want to be moving forward what do You want your life to be and how can you Match that new reflection what needs to Maybe change in your life to match that New Reflection okay and let's see any other Last messages for my group ones we have This Sun card coming up this has been Coming up in a lot of readings not Necessarily from this deck but um from Some other decks And so the sun it's positive in all

Directions whether it comes up upright Whether it comes up reversed the sun is Always positive it always indicates the Sun shining and we also have the sun Coming up in your astr dice so the sun Is stepping into your Light being authentic being honest Opening your voice allowing yourself to Shine Not not keeping yourself in the shadows Right not holding yourself back from What you feel really really called to do In your life this is time to shine this Is time to be authentic this is time to Take action the sun is about taking Action um and it's also about listening To your soul and what your soul is Really guiding you towards the staff is Calling back your power it's very Similar to the Ace of Wands in Tarot It's inspiration calling back your power Taking action and really Seeing the power that you have Within giving yourself permission to yes I'm going to go do this and I'm not Going to wait until anybody else says That I should I'm going to do it for me And it's it's really taking initiative The staff is like taking initiative so That is what we have here as spirit's Message for you my group number ones That is what we have lots to deal with Like opening up your voice communicating Really getting yourself out there ending

Negative habits that have been holding You back but also starting to pursue and Move towards and take action towards Those things that maybe we've been Putting off that we know we actually Truly do want to do so that is your Message thank you so much for joining me Here my group number ones I am sending You all so much love and until next time Bye all right my group number two is if You chose this kle this is going to be Your reading all about your message from The Spirit guides your Spirit guides so Let's go ahead and dive right into it All right so we're going to start off With our Astro dice here and let's See your first messages okay so we have Pluto in Libra in the sixth house Pluto Is the planet of transformation and Metamorphosis Pluto you can imagine like The caterpillar going into the Cocoon And then being born a butterfly so Although it loses its ability to be the Caterpillar it does grow wings and gains Something even more so it is a blessing Pluto is the planet that removes things That no longer serve us and it does give Us a gift afterwards so that is quite Interesting um let's dive into a little Bit more of this so being in the sixth House this would be around your Environment your routines your health um Being of service to others the different Kind of like the lifestyle that you have

So there might be some sort of big Transformation around your lifestyle That you are thinking about or even when It comes to health if you're wanting to Make like a physical transformation for Yourself that is coming through this Could be like you know eating healthy Going to the gym and like creating like A big transformation in that way but it Does deal with like physical health Physical Transformations um and also Transformations of your life style and Routine it can also be a transformation In career the sixth house can also touch On Career so it is the house that Connects to Virgo which is all healing Health career routine environment that Is the sixth house so there's a huge Transformation there this transformation Is going to bring you more in Balance Because Libra is the zodiac sign of Balance it is also the zodiac sign That's like flirtatious so it's kind of Like it's it's ruled by Venus and Venus Is the planet of love beauty and money So this this is a transformation that's Going to make you love yourself more This is a transformation about stepping Into your light where you're like oh you Know what I'm really loving who I am and It's connecting To a a higher balance within Yourself so I am very excited to see

What comes your way but spirit is Definitely saying that right now you are Going through this this is something That I think has either been on your Mind or it's been something that you've Even been working towards already um and Yeah Spirit definitely says that that's Going to be really great and that that Transformation is in the works it's on Its way um so yeah the effort that You're putting towards that that's going To pay off and um yeah four of cups is The next card that we have ooh I have Such a message for you So if you have been trying to create Change in your life regarding all the Things that we were just talking about But maybe you haven't seen results as Fast as you were hoping for and it Either sometimes feels like you want to Give up on it or sometimes you might Even feel down about it four of cups is A reminder that the hard work will pay Off we do need to stick to it and also I Feel like there is new inspiration Coming your way but we also have to the Four of cups reminds us of a really Beautiful concept because in the four of Cups in the regular tarot it's a man Looking at three cups that have spilled Over he's dissatisfied with it it's not Giving him what he wants it just feels Like life is against him but because He's so focused on those cups that he

Currently doesn't Appreciate and are not bringing him Fulfillment he doesn't see the cup that Is coming out of the sky that God or the Universe is literally him ing him and It's the cup of his Dreams but he can't see it because he's So focused on what he doesn't want he's So focused on what he's disappointed by So a huge message right now from Spirit Is it's time to broaden your perspective It's time to stop focusing on the Negative so much and you know start to Kind of look at what's positive even Practicing gratitude you'd be surprised At How Deeply it can shift you and how Deeply it can start shifting your Direction in life um so that is a huge Message coming up right now spirit is Like please please please start focusing On the good because right when you do You're going to see that I've been Trying to hand you a gift or an Opportunity or an idea this entire time I've been trying to hand you your desire And the path to your desire and the Knowhow and the key to your desire this Entire time but you haven't been able to See it because you've been focused on The negativity you've been focused on What's not going your way and spirit is Like things are going your way but Because you're you're looking in that Direction you can't see that things are

Going your way and um that is what the Four of cups reminds us of and this is Literally the reason why I love Tarot so Much you guys is because it gives us These keys to life this is literally a Freaking key to life that that comes up And and shows us like oh our perspective Has literally been holding us back um And that is something important to Remember whenever we get stuck in those Phases we need to turn around cuz right When we turn around we kind of realize Like oh wait now I see that the key has Been there the whole time the thing that I wanted has been there the whole time But I wasn't able to see it or even Grasp the concept of it um because of You know yeah what I've been focused on We also have page of Wands okay so right When you Do turn your focus to focus on the Positives inspiration is going to come Your way motivation page of Wands is Motivation it's inspiration it's new Ideas it's an inner spark that brings us Back to life that inspires us to take Action in a new way it can also be a new Opportunity coming our way that we're Inspired to Pursue and you're ALS also going to be Able to liberate yourself from past Judgments why am I kind of feeling like Perhaps there's been some like uh Self-criticism and which is a normal

Thing like you know all of us go through That sometimes but when the Judgment Card came up here it just makes me feel Like spirit is saying you're going to be Liberated from self-criticism you're You're just going to liberate yourself From it through shifting your focus Focusing on what is good focusing on the Positivity focusing on your future Vision because page of Wands is also Page of Wands has a vision in mind that They want to Achieve and they keep that Vision at the Top of their head and that's what drives Them that's what gives them that Motivating force and I really think as You shift into That judgment is going to dissipate You're going to be able to release Yourself from that and Yeah I I just really feel like there's This big Liberation judgment can also Come up when we have a bigger higher Calling coming through that all of a Sudden because of that bigger higher Calling all of the other stuff that was Holding us back before we're just like Oh forget that because now I have this Way bigger Vision to move towards that I No longer want to be that old self Judgment is a shedding cycle so if you Also look at the regular imagery it's These people that are rising from Coffins and they're naked because

They've just shed their old self so They're ready to like be reborn um and That's kind of like the idea of what's Behind the Judgment card it's being Reborn because we're releasing old past Judgments and we're just becoming a new Which is so connected to our Pluto Energy that we had coming out here so Let's see what else we have for you we Also have the Wheel of Fortune so Changing around fortunes and I love that This card came up upright because it Is talking about how this is a shift in The right Direction this is all a shift in the Right direction I also feel like if You've been doing work to kind of like Bring in more selflove spirit is saying That that's working that is working Continue moving in that direction Because it is Working let's see what else we get here Wheel of Fortune I also feel like okay So there's a lot of like Positive new shifts that are coming up Especially as you follow this new kind Of way that's opening up for You there's going to be a lot of Positive shifts I also feel like so Whenever The Wheel of Fortune pops up it Talks about getting lucky but it's I Don't really like to believe in the Concept of luck because I don't feel Like anything is really pure luck I feel

Like it's meant to be right it's Karmically meant to be for us and that's What I'm feeling for you for from The Wheel of Fortune there is something Coming up where it's just like you're Going To achieve something that's like this Nice win this this feeling of winning at Something this feeling of landing on a Fortune this feeling of landing on the Right spot this feeling of being at the Right place at the right Time you are going To come across this this is like right You're on the precipice of coming across This things are on the up and up okay And you're going to be in the right Place at the right time and it there's Going to be something really Monumental that is going to happen here It's like a big transformation and it's Going to shift your direction in life Truly I really feel like actually the Direction in your life is Shifting it's A Monumental shift and this new Direction is going to be so much more in Alignment with who you really want to be It's going to evoke so much more self Love Liberation movement action it's Just more inspiring to be on this path For you and we also do have page of Swords here as well so it's a shift in Your way of thinking and it's almost This new plan this new idea and maybe

You even have a slight concept of what That is already maybe for some of You but I'm really seeing Like like move towards the opportunistic Mindset because the more that we focus On the I can't or it won't happen or Look at what failed before here's the Proof that it can't work out for me in The future the more that we talk about Those things like the more that we stay Stuck in That so spirit is really trying to talk About your self Criticism that's coming through strong o I just want to get into this for a Second I'm sorry if this sounds Repetitive but Spirit really wants to Make this clear because this is so Powerful so hear me out Okay if you have been stuck in the Thoughts of like H it's just never going To happen for me or oh it's too hard or Um I'm not the type of person who is Capable of this or I can't because this This this there's these self-criticisms These self- judgments of like I can't Achieve my vision or goal because of Blank or because I'm blank or it's Almost this feeling this this Unworthiness that you have inside of you Of not feeling worthy of your ultimate Vision spirit is saying that this is the Thing that has been holding you Back this is the

Thing and as you liberate from That right cuz just like what I was Saying with the four of cups the more That we focus on those fallen over cups Such as the I can't or look what Happened before look what's continuing To happen in my life look at this here's More proof that it can't happen the more That you're looking at that the more That you're not seeing the key that the Universe is trying to give you the Universe hears exactly what it is that You want the universe is sitting there Waiting with the cup if you if you need More imagery to to see what I'm talking About search up the four of cups and Look at the rer weight version of the Four of cups if you just Google it it's Going to be the first image that pops up It's a man looking at the cups that he Is dissatisfied with this is you looking At all of those like reasons why I can't All the unworthiness and as you look at That you literally are being blind to The fact that the universe is giving you The path the key the Opportunity the gift of what you've been Asking for but you cannot see it when You're focused on all of these negative Things we have to release the Judgment That is going to be what puts you back Into the driver's seat that's going to Be what puts you back into this page of Wands oh I'm inspired and I'm motivated

Kind of energy that's going to be what Puts you back onto the Wheel of Fortune Where Fortune is coming into your Life things are moving up rather than Moving Down but the only way to do that is to Shift your focus you need to start Looking at the opportunity you need to Start looking at the how and the fact That I can you need to start finding Reasons why you're worthy because as you Count the reasons why you're worthy as You count the reasons why you can as you Count the reasons why it is going to Work for you and that you're just going To grab hold of all the opportunities And you're saying yes to yourself the More that you look at that oh my Goodness this is when The Wheel of Fortune the wheel starts turning in your Favor in your direction because this is A time to liberate Yourself this is a time to Transform yourself from the Caterpillar who can't get where they Want to go and realize that holy Wait a caterpillar literally has the Potential to be a Butterfly right now you just been Looking at yourself like the caterpillar And you're just like oh I can't get Where I want to go I want to I want to Get to somewhere far away but I can't Get there I'm a

Caterpillar Honey you're a Caterpillar go in your cocoon for a Second do some inner transformation do The inner work shift your focus grow Your Wings and Bam now you can get where you Want to go you've had that potential With you within you all along it's about You seeing it it's about you doing that Inner work that inner transformation to Stop looking at the negative start Looking at the Positive then it's going to shift Everything for You okay I'm going off on these cards Right now let's dive into some more Shift your attitude page of Swords is a Huge reminder of shift your attitude Shift your inner Mentality the swords deal with your mind What's going on in your mind what are The words shifting through your mind Perhaps even listening to things like Affirmations is going to be really Beneficial for you and really helpful um But really like saying them out loud and Believing them as you listen to them Right otherwise they're not going to do Anything so we really have to feel it we Have to listen to it maybe even write Your own affirmations actually I find That way more powerful than than even Just listening to them sometimes it's

Nice to listen to them to get inspired By affirmations if we're having trouble Creating our own however create your own Say them out loud be like you know what I'm freaking beautiful I am like so Capable we have the card contemplation And miracles oh my goodness Contemplation okay let's stop Overthinking the negative and let's Start contemplating the Miracles let's Start contemplating the positive because That's going to be where you start Seeing the opportunity that is literally The secret freaking wisdom of the four Of cups okay I love this card it's one Of my favorite cards in Tarot because of The wisdom that it has within it so Contemplation whatever you contemplate Is going to grow whatever wolf you feed Is going to grow so if you keep feeding The wolf that's like you can never make It you cannot have it like that's going To be what grows in your mind that's Going to be the garden you are Nourishing and growing but let's instead Grow The Garden of I can and I'm going To figure out how and I'm so worthy of That and I'm going to freaking do it and It's not hard work because I'm inspired It's not hard because this is what I Want and I'm so motivated and I can't Wait to experience That huge beautiful thing so I'm just Going to tap into that I'm going to tap

Into the miracle of it and then I'm Going to have the spark I'm have the Motivation I'm going to have the energy And it's not going to feel like this Detrimental huge amount of work that I Have to do it's just going to feel Natural it's going to feel inspiring I'm Going to be excited to do it every day Because cuz I know I can do It so yeah you can either tell yourself It's easy or you can tell yourself it's Hard either way you're correct both Times it's whatever you choose to Believe okay so we're also going to grab A um archetype card Here to get a little bit of information On some archetype energy that Spirit Wants to talk about so we have Advocate who is your biggest Advocate You Are by the way um but anyway light Attribute inspires you to put compassion Into Action ooh Shadow attribute embracing Negative causes or committing to causes For personal Gain okay what have we been embracing Have we been an advocate for all of the Negative causes like oh I can't do this Because of this or I can't achieve this Dream because I am blank or I can't Achieve this because I am the like you Know are we embracing the negative Causes and and embracing that victim Mentality where we're giving all of our

Power away and we're saying oh I can't Because of something external well guess What the external things if we give them Our power they're going to have our Power and we're we're going to be stuck We cannot change however if we put our Power back into us and we say you know What I'm not going to let that thing Stop me just because that was a thing or Just because this happened to me or just Because I'm here right now doesn't mean I can't get to where I want to Go Advocate you need to become your Biggest cheerleader your biggest Advocate it it's not about waiting Around until everybody else sees that Your dream is feasible it's about you Seeing it you are the only person that Needs to see your dream and desire as Feasible in order for it to happen Because other people they're not the Ones doing it they're not the ones doing The action it's you so only you need to See it you need to become your biggest Advocate you need to become your own Biggest cheerleader And that's going to be what gives you All of the energy all the inspiration That's going to be where your Perspective shifts and then you're Seeing that the Universe has been trying To help you towards this goal the entire Time the universe has literally been Trying to guide you there this entire

Freaking time but we've just needed to Turn our head around AKA shift our Perspective from negative to positive in Order to see the positive things that Have been trying to guide us all along So yes that is that let's dive into any Last cards here to get any last messages For you we have love and get wild ooh So the love card what sets your heart on Fire this is time to fall in love with Your vision and also love yourself Enough to see that yes it is freaking Possible for me yes I can freaking do it And nothing's going to stop Me okay you need to set your own heart On fire in a good way with love with Self love self motivation get wild this Is time to get wild and break through Those obstacles okay that is the energy Spirit is coming with it is this is time To set yourself free let's not keep Ourselves caged up over here because This is what's been draining your energy If you want to know what drains your Energy look at the four of cups where The guy is sulking over the overturned Unfulfilling cups the more that you Focus on the things that are Unfulfilling and that are not giving you What you want they're literally draining Your energy just like the spil over cup That's literally draining out it's going To steal your energy you are going to Feel unmotivated you are going to feel

Heavy it is going to feel hard to move Into the direction that you want to However when you focus on the fulfilling Things when you focus on your own inner Worthiness your own inner love when you Focus on all of the good stuff that is a Full cup that is a cup that gets filled Naturally and that is a cup that has Limitless energy that's how you tap into That page of Wands energy that I was Talking about that's how you tap into This heart on fire I'm in love with life Again kind of energy that's where we tap Into the get wild I have so much energy To just move towards Miracles and Happiness and be my own biggest Advocate And get stuff done and do that inner Transformation and then all of a sudden I realize oh wait this path is easy like That is how you tap into That okay I went off on a tangent there Let's dive let's dive into one last um Deck of cards before we end this off Here okay so any last messages from Spirit here for you we have the sun this One just came up for the last group That's so weird but anyway I love that This came up for you this is embracing Your Radiance embracing your light Embracing what's Possible embracing your authenticity Letting your light Shine the sun is also a reflection of Optimism and

Positivity let's dive into that and Let's let ourselves shine Mine that is the message to end us off Here thank you so much for joining me Here for today's video my group number Twos I'm sending you all so much love I Hope you have a beautiful amazing day Week and year and I know that you are Because look at what's shifting for you Look at what's happening here like okay So anyway I love you all so much and I'll see you next time bye all right my Group number three is if you chose this Pile this is going to be a reading from Spirit so let's go ahead and dive right Into it all right my group threes before Diving into your tarot we're going to Roll the Astra di to get some Information to start us off with so we Have Uranus in Scorpio in the fourth House ooh Uranus symbolizes like massive Changes and shifts and um the fourth House deals with our home life massive Changes and shifts when it comes to our Foundation and our home life and our our Sense of security and when I say changes In regards to sense of security I mean Positive changes here Scorpio helps us Do a massive transformation and it also Helps us dig up what needs to be sorted Out and what needs to be let go of so When it comes to your foundation when it Comes to your home life when it comes to Your family is there anything that we

Still need to like dig back up in order To kind of like sort out and balance Better or clear out and heal in our Family home or foundational life so our Foundation the fourth house can deal With our literal home our literal home Or it can deal with our savings so our Sense of security when it comes to our Bank account and our Savings um and it can also again deal With our family life so the people that We live with um or even our family in General Scorpio is signifying a sort of Transformation here that needs to happen Or some sort of change that needs to Happen in this area of your life so it Could be dealing with all of the above Maybe we need a big overhaul and Transformation in regards to all of Those different aspects of the fourth House or maybe it's just one or the Other for you but it definitely seems Like spirit is talking about a Transformation and a big change when it Comes to your home life so let's see What else we get here for you um my Group threes ooh Okay so we have queen of Cups we have The sun the sun being reversed over here And then the spirit of Cups also being Reversed okay so the spirit of cups is Also the Knight of Cups in regular Tarot okay so with the queen of Cups she Is somebody who takes care of herself

She takes care of her emotional Well-being but she also takes care of Fulfillment and making sure that her cup Is filled she doesn't like having an Empty cup she does not like being Drained and she very much focuses on What is going to fill me up and it's so Interesting that we also do have the Spirit of Cups which is the Knight of Cups being reversed over here because One message that I'm feeling for you you Is that perhaps there's been this Tendency to allow yourself to get Drained whether that be by other people Or even in the ways in which we are Spending our money um since that also Relates to our fourth house that we have Going On maybe when it comes to our savings we Just feel a little bit drained and maybe We're needing to look at how we can Better balance that area of our life but It can also deal with our Rejuvenation Our home life and making sure that we Have enough time for rest Rejuvenation And relaxation because that's also the Fourth house right so have we been Allowing ourselves time to rejuvenate or Have we been pushing ourselves in a way That has been draining us because when We feel drained energetically that Reflects to all other aspects of our Life so we're unable to give emotionally When we are drained we're unable to give

To other people in the same way that we Could if we were fulfilled right also it Reflects in our finances anytime that We're fe uh feeling energetically Drained it's going to reflect in our Money and we're going to notice that our Money somehow also continues to get Drained as well because it's a Reflection of your internal state so I Know that can sound like woo woo and all Of that but oh my goodness if you start Like researching that and looking into That it's always spiritually it's a Reflection of your energy so one advice That's coming through from Spirit and a Message for for you from spirit is is Hey it's time to change it's time to Make some changes and it's time to um Really deeply look at our current Routine our current habits our current Way of being and it's time to step into The queen of Cups energy it is time to Nurture yourself it is time to nurture Your energy so that you can fill your Cup and that you're no longer giving From an empty cup cuz we can't give from An empty Cup right like that's not a Place place to be it's so hard to give From an empty cup so I think one of the Biggest things to focus on is your Emotional well-being um when it comes to Other people such as like other family Members or people that you live with one Message that I also see coming through

Is creating better boundaries like look At this bubble it's like creating better Boundaries so that you can also have Time to be in your own energy and not Feel constantly bombarded or influenced By the other people that you might live With or your family if they uh if you Tend to be around them a lot so one Thing that's going to be really Important for you is to get time for Yourself alone time is going to be Especially important for rejuvenating Getting back into your own energy Getting back into your own element is Something that I'm hearing rather than Feeling like you're constantly sort of Living a life that you don't feel in Alignment with because I am getting this Energy by group threes I tend to get This energy for you that you are a bit More of like a mystical child or Somebody who like you stand out you're Different and you're you're kind of on Your own path but I also always get this Feeling like you guys are are the Empaths um and I get that feeling in Some other groups too but it it is a Consistent thing with my group 3es the Fact that we also have two cup cards Here you tend to absorb other people's Energies very easily so having better Boundaries which is also fourth house Having better boundaries when it comes To

The people that you hang out with or at Least the energy that you pick up on From other people creating a better Boundary so that you're not constantly Picking up on other people's energy and One thing that I'll I'll share with you Here with our queen of cups look at how She's like in a bubble so you can Actually wrap yourself in an energetic Bubble and I'm going to teach you how And this has helped me since I very much Relate to being an empath and picking up On other people's energy so what you can Do you can close your eyes and actually Visualize wrapping yourself in a bubble And you can set an intention with this Bubble that you're only going to allow In positive good energy and you're not Going to allow your energy to escape and Get absorbed by other people and get Taken by other people and you're also Not going to allow in negative energy Into your bubble and absorb other People's problems thoughts and feelings So you can set that intention that your Bubble is going to be that beautiful Filter that beautiful force field so Anytime before you go out in your day if You just put yourself in that bubble and Anytime that you feel like you need to Reinforce that bubble or make it Stronger you can just quickly close your Eyes I usually like to do a little Movement with my hands like around my

Body as if I'm totally wrapping myself In that little bubble or you can even Blow out as if you're blowing a big Bubble and visualize it surrounding you Or feel it surrounding you you know Whatever works for you But that will actually help protect your Energy um so that's a little trick that I do um and I've been doing that for a Long time I learned about that one when I was really young and it's like always Helped me so there I share that with you And it's so cute that it came up in this Card and it's like the perfect Representation of that bubble so that's Really funny also the sun reversed so The sun deals with prosperity abundance Positivity optimism Radiance shining Your light it also deals with rebirth Energy And the fact that it's reversed no Matter if the sun comes up reversed or Upright it's always positive in any Tarot Reading but it's an indication that Things can get much better so Spirit Wants you to know like things can go on The up and up here things can improve Even more when it comes to your Radiance When it comes to your energy when it Comes to feeling more energized because The sun being reversed I'm almost Getting this energy that you've been Feeling drained lately um

And this could even be Drained because this also deals with Abundance it can be feeling drained Abundantly it can be feeling drained in Your energy all of the above we need to Protect our energy better that's one Thing coming through also creating Boundaries in your life so that we're no Longer leaking we don't have these parts Of ourselves that are leaking right if We have a leaky cup that cup isn't going To last us very long and your cup Represents your fulfillment the cup of Your energy and when we're full of Energy we feel fulfilled especially if It's full of positive energy but we need To fix the leaks so where do you Generally get drained from what drains Your energy how can we create better Boundaries how can we Create um space for us to fill up our Cup because of course there's going to Be things through the day that do take Our energy away um you know sometimes we Have to clean and you know maybe that's Going to drain us a little bit but what Is something that makes you feel good at The end of you know doing that what What's going to fill your cup is it Something that's like oh let me get Myself a spa and I light some candles Cup of tea face mask give some time to Myself where I am not going to think About my problems I am not going to

Think about all the things that I have To do I'm going to genuinely give myself Time to just relax and rejuvenate Because you deserve it right doing that And making sure that your cup is full When you go about the next day and you Have a full cup like oh your ability to Just handle situations your ability to Get stuff done is just otherworldly After that So um Spirit definitely has that advice Is to focus on filling your cup and then We also oh I love this okay so we have Oh my God these are the perfect two Cards to show up and they came up in the Perfect positions 10 of Cups upright and Then 10 of Wands Reversed this I I can't because it's Just so perfect like we could put these In any order and it's still perfect but I'm going to put them in this order um So 10 of Wands when it's reversed Indicates us Releasing carrying so much weight Putting so much responsibility so much Um pressure on Ourselves we need to release some of That we don't need to have constant Pressure on and I know sometimes we get Into moods like that and sometimes even I get into moods like that where I can't Relax cuz I'm constantly like how can I Relax more productively or like like Even when I was sick recently I was like

H how can I be productive during this Downtime and then I noticed that the Universe was like no you are sick this Is time to focus on your healing this is Time to focus on your rejuven like what Are you trying to do so then I was like Oh right I need to like let go of that And I need to genuinely just relax and I Need to not think about all the Responsibilities because when I do that I literally had a day when I was sick And I was thinking about all the things That I had to do and I kept trying to do Things but I couldn't do it because I Was sick but I kept trying to anyway but It just wouldn't turn out because I was So Sick and then I was like wait a second I Accomplished absolutely nothing today Because of how sick I was but I also Didn't relax either because I kept Trying to push myself to do something But it kept flopping because of how sick I Was so it was this beautiful Realization that I just really wanted to Share with you here today because it's So interesting that when we don't have a Full cup or when we when we try to relax But we try to do it more productively or We try to like throw in other Responsibilities like it's like well we Didn't actually relax then we literally Didn't relax nor did we get really

Anything done because we have a drained Cup so Anyway hopefully this message can like Turn on a light bulb for you in some way Shape or form um but yeah so what I'm Seeing for you is as you let go of all Of that pressure all of that like Responsibility and you genuinely create More balance in your life 10 of Cups 10 Of Cups this is one of the best cards in All of tarot because it indicates Fulfillment it indicates like things Growing and becoming more prosperous so If you've been having different things Like let's use the metaphor of a garden And maybe you've been wanting to grow Your finances maybe you've been wanting To grow new opportunities maybe you've Been wanting to grow new new things in Your life have more fun have more Beauty Around you whatever the case may be Whatever Garden that you've been trying To water the 10 of Cups indicates that We are overflowing with fulfillment that It's watering all of our Gardens and Everything in our life is improving that Is what the 10 of Cups represents we are Overflowing with fulfillment that all Everything in our life is getting Watered and nourished and growing and It's prosperous it's abundant it is Flourishing that is your key that is the Message Spirit came up and I Know I know because I've been in this

Situation myself where I've like put so Much pressure on myself to be productive And sometimes I'm I'm in this mindset of So much stress about how much I have to Do that I'm like no I can't can't relax Because if I do everything's going to Fall apart but the thing is is like Things are falling apart because you're Not relaxed and you're not rejuvenated And you're completely drained and burnt Out so already things are going to Things Fall Apart when you're drained And burnt out Okay yes it might seem like in your head That if you give yourself that time that That oh my God I'm like not being Responsible and I'm you know Whatever no the responsible thing to do Is to create balance the responsible Thing to do is fill your cup so that It's not some leaky hole and you're not Completely drained and burnt out all the Time Okay that way you get to this 10 of Cups Energy where when your cup is Overflowing it is able to water all of Your dreams and desires it is able to Overflow into all aspects of life and Make all aspects of Life flourish and Grow More okay so let's dive into our next Deck of cards to get some more Information on this reading for you my Group

Threes also when it comes to um like Family sorry I'm I still have a little Bit of a cough but anyway so when it Comes to Family expressing your feelings for some Reason I'm feeling like is really Important expressing how you truly feel About Them do you do do you appreciate them And do you tell them that enough do you Really love them and do you tell them That enough do you um you know notice Certain thing like what are your true Feelings and like is it expressed enough Because one thing that is also coming Through is expressing that bringing that To Light right like the sun is the sun is Like the radience that shines that Expresses so there's some feelings that Need to be expressed here that I'm Feeling is coming through this could Also be honoring your own feelings as Well right so how do you Feel how do you feel on a daily basis How can we honor our feelings if we are Feeling negative or drained how can we Sit with that and honor that and heal That and come back to a space of Fulfillment and you know address those Things how can we navigate life better To create a more fulfilling happy Serene Environment and home home life where we Have proper boundaries and we're not

Always absorbing other people's energies Because I know as an empath like if you Live with other people it's like Really easy to just take on other People's emotions and feelings and it Can be hard to be in our own space it Can be hard to honor our own path and Our own uniqueness and our own and That's that's Uranus it's uniqueness Honoring your own uniqueness taking time Away to be by yourself so that you can Be in your own energy Okay so that's a big message that's Coming up for you my group threes is Like creating boundaries so that you can Be in your own energy if you live with Other People so let's see what else do we get Here okay we also have letting go and we Have Solitude so being alone yes that's Exactly what we were talking about is Going to be so important for you finding Time for yourself to also just be on Your own which I know can be hard when You live with other people and that's a Huge message coming through because your Home life has been a major Focus here That spirit's wanting to bring up it's So important for you to find your own Energy to rejuvenate your own energy to Do the things that you really want to do And not feel like you constantly have to Um you know Be absorbing other people's energy or

You know focused on them or all of that Or feeling like you can't be yourself When you're around other people like Like this this is a big message that I'm Feeling for you is like taking time for You to be yourself to pursue the things That you want to pursue all of that Letting go okay letting go of the the Weight that you keep on yourself the Resistance that you keep on yourself the Pressure that you keep on yourself Letting go of that letting go of the Need to feel like you need to pick up All the pieces letting go of the feeling That you know you need to not ever relax You need to do things productively all The time letting go of all of that Energy is going to be so vitally Important for you And let's also dive into our um Archetype cards we're going to get an Archetype card for you so Spirit what is Our archetype Ooh group three your archetype is the Goddess coming through okay so there's a Light and dark attribute of the god of The goddess and of course spirit is Going to be wanting You to dive into the light attribute More so the light attribute is the Feminine expressed through Wisdom nature life force and sensuality So stepping into your goddess energy or Warrior kind of energy if you know you

Don't resonate with the goddess but yeah So the feminine expressed through wisdom Nature life force and sensuality getting Back to the life that makes you feel Good feeling like you're the main Character energy of your story stepping Into your goddess energy where you are The light of your life you are the Leader of your life and the goddess Doesn't Like does does she feel like she needs To be productive 24/7 does the goddess feel like she Needs to uphold everyone else's wants And needs before her Own does she feel does she put all that Pressure in her weight on herself where She feels in a lack based you know Setting or a lack based life no the Goddess she's fruitful she's abundant She's sensual she's fun she's focuses on Her fulfillment you know and focuses on The good feeling like surrounded by Beauty right Shadow attribute Exploitation of the female nature and Form so that could be um a direct Message but it can also be taken a Little bit more Um uh metaphorically in the sense of so The feminine she nurtured Are we over nurturing everyone else Rather than Ourselves are we exploiting our feminine Nature to be productive

24/7 because the Fe the feminine energy Is not supposed to be that way you know And all of us no matter who you are male Or female we all have a balance of Masculine and feminine energy within us But we tend to kind of live in a bit of A world especially in the western world Like in America it's like really pushed To be productive 24/7 and take action 24/7 In order to be a worthy human being and I notic a lot of women tend to have this Lately and we tend to move away from our Goddess light which the goddess light She Rejuvenates she relaxes she's sensual She's fun she brings Beauty and nurture First and foremost to herself and then To others once she has a full cup but She doesn't give to other people if she Doesn't have a full cup yet she focuses On herself cuz that way she can give to Others when she's fully fulfilled and Then it can trickle down to everyone Else right but she always puts herself First and that's why she's always Fulfilled that's why she's always in That sensual energy right so that is a Message coming through for you there Let's go ahead and dive into some more Cards Here so my group threes what else do we Get for you messages from Spirit we also Have speak truth so being honest

Being real like spreading your wings Speaking truth so if if somebody asks You something they're like oh can you Take care of this can you do this just Be honest and be you know if if you Don't have the energy or the time for it Be like no I I unfortunately can't so Yeah I need to prioritize blah blah blah Blah blah right now I need to prioritize Myself I need to prioritize you know Getting my energy back whatever the case May be speak truth say no when you need To say no and don't feel bad about it Because saying no like that's it's Totally within your right the pillar is Setting up boundaries strong boundaries That are going to help keep things in Alignment to help keep you feeling good To put yourself in that you know nice Filter bubble to where you can be Yourself so um couple different messages There that spirit is wanting to just Reinforce and then let's dive into any Last messages for you Here okay we also have Standstill I'm getting a message that Sometimes it's important to just do Nothing and that's like totally Okay okay oh that was a lot of cards but Let's let's do it because maybe Spirit Has a lot to say here so we also have The Moon which is stepping into the unknown But also listening to your intuition

This is the feminine intuition which I Feel like you have a strong intuition my Group Threes listen to your intuition listen To your emotions if your emotions are Feeling like they need a second if your Emotions are feeling Confusing stand still like just sit with It don't try to force don't try to like Avoid it don't try to run from it Like let's give oursel time to connect It's time to see where we're at Emotionally the flow getting back into The flow of Life things flow better when we focus on Balance that's when energy is going to Flow that's when money is going to flow That's When like ideas are going to flow Eagle Is when we have our sights set on Something And it is also seeing something way in The distance like a goal that we have And I feel like that goal is going to Flow so much better so there might be a Goal that you have right now that you Have your sight set on that's going to Flow so much better as we focus on our Balance and our fulfillment and then we Also have Earth getting grounded getting Centered having some sort of practice That helps you get grounded again Getting grounded is when we feel Balanced we gain Clarity we have peace

We're not trying to move super fast We're just trying to move at a steady Pace one that is balanced where again We're focused on fulfillment and also um Moving forward at the same time but Earth is not in a rush at all Earth does Not Rush Earth moves at a peaceful Pace that's the Earth element it's slow Steady but sure and balanced Okay so sometimes even like who wins the Race the tortoise or the hair the one Who rushes or the one who goes at a Steady but sure pace and stops to smell The roses along the way and all of that We of course know that story The Tortoise is the one that wins not the Hair so this is your message slower is Better Rejuvenation is the key to Success so that is what we have my group Number threes thank you so much for Joining me here for today's video I'm Sending you all so much love and until Next time bye all right my group fours If you chose this pile this is going to Be your reading from Spirit so let's go Ahead and dive right into It all right so before we dive into the Tarot we're going to roll our asttr Dice And let's see what comes up for you so We have Saturn in Gemini in the 6th House so Saturn is the planet of Discipline of responsibility the sixth

House house is our routine our work our Health our healing our immediate Environment around us so Ooh Responsibility Saturn Commitment there's a message here about Committing to your health committing to A solid routine that's going to get you Where you want to go committing to your Work committing to what you need to get Done rather than been letting stuff pile Up and Gemini is the energy of Communication it is um our mind our Mentality it is Communicating so ooh and also planning I Feel like Spirit right now wants a solid Plan when it comes to your routine when It comes to your health and well-being When it comes to your work and the Things that you need to get Done that is your first message to start Us off and let's see what else we get For you when we go into our tarot cards Here um I am also feeling like for some Of you there could be something with Career coming through as well the fact That we have Saturn and also the sixth House here kind of makes me feel like Picking a career or figuring it out so For some of you if you're still kind of Um figuring that out like I this is Signing a contract or getting an Agreement or getting a yes for a Particular career um that you're wanting

To go towards so that is also coming Through and spirit is saying to dedicate To the process put your best foot Forward um yeah And I feel like that's like has a good Outcome with it but let's see what else We get here for you so my group fours What else does Spirit have to say for You right now so we also have the Akashic records coming through ooh okay So an interesting thing about this card Is it's not an actual card in the Regular tarot but in this deck it is its Own Unique Card the akashic records is Tapping into secret wisdom it's tapping Into getting epiphanies Realizations um so for you if there's Been something in your life where you're Like I need more information to figure This out or I want to find Who I Really Am what my deeper purpose is the akashic Records card indicates discovering more About who you're meant to be what your Purpose is meant to be and also tapping Into kind of like ancient wisdom gaining More insight and all of that So if you've been on a spiritual journey To kind of like figure yourself out or Even figure out more when it comes to The universe and getting what it is that You want and just navigating life in More detail and better and understanding The world more understanding your place In the world more and understanding how

To navigate that all of that is coming Through and I feel like um spirit is Saying that you are you're on the path Of already figuring that out and we also Have the card of transformation here the This one is actually the death card in Regular tarot and it is reversed here so There's something about resisting change Or not wanting to change fearing change Even that's coming through that Spirit Wants to talk about so if you are in a Stage of your life where perhaps there's Been fear of change fear of losing Control fear of um trying something new And then it going to shambles or Something like that if if there's been Fear of actually like stepping out and Doing something different Spirit wants To address that because spirit is also Saying that having a plan is going to Help however over planning is a form of Procrastination sometimes we can get Stuck in over planning because we're so Scared to take action and actually do it That we get stuck in the planning stage And the over preparation stage which can Actually hold us back as well so one Thing that Spirit wants you to to know Is like yeah let's create a plan but Let's also dedicate to moving forward on That plan and putting in the work Because the sixth house with Saturn is About putting in the work doing your due Diligence to get forward and move

Ahead so that is coming through here as Well let's see what else we get also oh I'm getting a side message as well Oh that some of you have a tendency To change your Mind um before actually fully pursuing Something or you might give up on Something and change your mind and be Like oh no I'm going to go in that Direction instead or oh I'm going to do This instead before you give something a True fair chance and that might come From a fear of failure a fear of Rejection or a fear that you know you Still don't know what it is that you Actually want But the thing is is nothing is ever Going to come to fruition nothing is Ever going to be successful until we Fully dedicate Saturn the planet of Dedication till we fully dedicate to That Path maybe there's some sort of Transformation that you're wanting to Make in your life maybe you're really Wanting to reach success or reach some Sort of personal transformation but we Keep Quitting before we're actually ahead we Keep keep changing our mind and Redirecting our life redirecting our Energy before we can actually see any Result we give up too Fast so another message here is to to

Dedicate um to really Dive In To Go 100% In on what it is that you Want otherwise it's never going to come To fruition so like it's a form of Keeping ourselves safe when we change Our mind too Quickly um so yeah that's coming through Here as well let's see what else we get For You my group fours what else do we have My group fours four is also a number of Dedication it's also a number of Success so I feel like that's Significant for you as well but the only Way to reach success is dedication even When it's hard like Saturn reminds us That sometimes it's not always going to Be fun sometimes we're going to have to Take action even through the mundane Days sometimes we're going to have to Persevere and push through even when we Feel bored and we don't feel as excited About the thing anymore even when we Feel like oh it's really hard and I'm Not seeing results as fast as I wanted To Saturn reminds us that oh well too Bad we have to keep going if we want to See results at all if we want to see Results ever we have to keep going Because if we keep changing our mind and Starting fresh and starting from A New Beginning Constantly I mean we're also not going To see any results with any of those

Things there's no easy way through There's no fast way there's no Shortcut to what you want and I feel Like this is a reminder like Gemini is Also an energy of Shifting and changing Changing their mind Gemini is a sign That changes their mind really fast and Really easily so that's also a message That's showing up is like in order for Something to actually come to fruition We need to not give up on it we need to Fully dedicate fully go in and we need To keep going even when it gets boring Even when it gets tough even when we Don't see results as soon as we wanted Like for example when I started YouTube Like I didn't have success right away I Was making videos for 5 years without Seeing any growth without seeing any Results without making a single penny on YouTube for 5 years and then Eventually I you know had this Epiphany On on oh I need to like make videos About what I'm truly passionate about Which is spirituality which I that's What I've been passionate about my whole Life but I was like so nervous to even Pursue that because I was like oh people Are going to be so judgmental of that Path because there's a lot of people That are you know judgmental of Spirituality and things like that cuz They think it's just like woo woo but I Was like you know what if if I'm gonna

Do me if I'm gonna honor me if I'm gonna Do what I'm truly passionate about I Need to just like Get over myself and I Need to dedicate to that and I also like I was already dedicated to YouTube after 5 years of no results I was still making Videos like every week and sometimes Multiple times a week so like that's a Lot of time to be putting towards Something without seeing any results but It eventually led me to having my Dre Dream career so when I look back I'm Like oh thank God I stuck to that thank God I never gave up on that but there's So many people that would you know try YouTube for like a month 6 months maybe Even a year and then give up because it Doesn't go anywhere but it's like well You might have had to give it a lot more Time than that for it to become Something and how how much how badly do You want the thing how badly do you want Your desire how badly do you want Success because if you want it bad Enough you're going to continue and not Give up on it page of Crystals it's so funny that this came up Too this card came up reversed for You which by the way it makes so much Sense so page of crystals is the page of Pentacles the Pentacles are when we Dedicate to something we have an idea We're focused we're detail oriented We're moving forward we are slow and

Steady and sure page of crystals when it Is reversed kind of looks at all the Work that's ahead of them and they're Like that's a lot and they're they they Kind of take a backseat or they're Procrastinating or they're stuck in the Forever planning stage of something or They're stuck in perfectionism because They're like oh I can't do it because It's not perfect enough yet or they're Comparing themselves to other people who Maybe are already successful and they're Like oh well my path and what I'm Creating isn't as good as theirs Therefore I'm not worthy of this and I Should just give up now but the thing is Is like it's of course it's not going to Be as good as theirs you've been doing This for like a week or you know a year Or whatever and maybe they've been doing It for like 10 years I've now been on YouTube for 10 years here like it's been A long time coming and I've learned a Lot in that time and my videos when I First started were terrible literally Terrible they're not even out there Anymore they're literally on private Because like they're like they're Terrible so the thing is is Like you are not going to be perfect at First but if you let that stop You then you're not going to get Anywhere you're not going to grow you're Not going to become that higher level if

You don't just start if you don't just Put yourself out there if you don't just Start doing it And that's what's coming through let go Of perfectionism let go of comparison Let go of needing things to be a 10 out Of 10 right out the gate because they're Just they're not going to be and page of Crystals reversed reminds us of of all Of that like it's just not going to be That perfect thing right off the bat and It it's impossible for it to be that way So we just need to continue on anyway And believe in Ourselves for us to continue forward we Also o have four of crystals being Reversed this is when we feel either Like we don't have enough time or Resources to invest into making it what We really want it to be maybe we're Comparing what we have and we're like oh I don't have the nicest camera therefore I can't film this video or I don't have The best lighting therefore it sucks and I'm not going to put it out there it's Like well the only way to get there the Only way to grow and improve and attain Those higher level things is to start From the bottom we start from the bottom And then we get better we grow we climb The ladder like my early videos were Filmed on a much shittier camera and That's just the reality of it and with Crappy lenses and with crappy lighting

And but the thing is is like as I did it More I learned more then eventually I Had more money to invest into improving Things and that's how you climb the L Right so I I know I'm using all these YouTube examples but that's just like What I have as a personal example for This but this goes with anything this Goes with starting a relationship you Know it's not going to be Like you you know you're not going to Know immediately is that person like am I going to marry them right off the gate Or like you know we we have to take time To get to know somebody we have to take Time for things to bloom we have to take Time for things to grow in order to know Is that the right path we we also have To be dedicated we have to put ourselves Out there and that is the reminder of What's coming through here with all of These Pentacle cards we have to dedicate We have to go for it we can't get stuck In perfectionism we can't get stuck in Comparison we can't like comparison Really eats us away cuz let's say that You want to go to the gym because you're Just like you know what I want to get Into a good like shape for myself and I Want to like you know make myself feel Amazing about myself but let's say that You're comparing yourself to somebody Who has like you know the biggest gym Butt and you're just like oh I'm never

Going to get that or like the thinnest Waist or something and you're like oh It's impossible and then you just kind Of like give up before even getting Started because you're like I'll never Reach that well that's just going to Kill you comparison will like kill you So why not do something for you knowing That yes you are going to improve you're Going to Bloss into your own freaking Diamond that's going to be unique and Inspiring on its own it's going to be Different than everybody else so there's No point in comparing yourself to Anybody else there's no point in trying To strive to to be like anybody else Like we can use people for inspiration Sure but we if it's from a negative Place that's like holding us back or Putting us down we need to stay away From that because then we're just Stealing our own light we're letting Something steal our potential of Becoming something great on our own you Know so like Yeah this this is the advice coming Through with our Crystal cards being Reversed here let's see what else we Have okay those ones are wanting to come Out and then these ones are also flipped Over so let's just get into all of it This is a lot of cards by the way but We're just we're going to go with It three of crystals this is a card that

Talks about collaboration it's also a Card that talks about um getting Feedback but also constructive feedback So anytime that you get criticism or Anything like that this is a card of Taking criticism lightly not taking it To heart but also at the same time it's A card that encourages us to learn from Other people's feedback to grow from Other people's feedback to also seek out Feedback for growth um and using it to Your Advantage right so putting yourself out There not being afraid of judgment not Being afraid of criticism because Instead it's like well let me embrace The criticism that I get so that I can Improve from there just like going to The gym for the first time like if You've never been there Before and you're like intimidated and You're like oh are people going to judge Me it's like well they might but like if I don't know how to do something and There's somebody else there that looks Like they really know what they're doing Maybe I can just ask them like hey What's the proper way to do this and you Know then we know you know we grow and You have the right to be there you have The right to be doing what you want you Have the right to pursue your dreams Nobody can stop you from that okay we Also have queen of crystals ah look at

You this is you stepping up into your Light of getting stuff done being Productive and then also looking at what You've created and being so proud of it I think over time oh my gosh if you Start now and you just really Dedicate the way that you'll be looking Back on your life 8 months to what year From now you're going to be like oh dang Look how far I've come oh I promise you You're going to be thinking that but if You don't get started on It and let's say 8 months to a year Rolls around you're going to be Looking Back and You're be like oh my God I just Wasted all that time I literally could Have been so much further ahead if I Just started and got over myself and I Just started that Day I okay my Love I dare you to get started today to Take one step ahead today to do Something that you've been Procrastinating on today to take real Solid action today it doesn't need to be Massive but do the thing that you're Afraid to do do the thing that you're Afraid just do it just just go and do It like if it's filming a YouTube video Film it and like put it out there I Mean if anything 10 people are going to See it and who cares like just do it Just go do the thing Um you know if it's going to the gym

Just just go do it like who cares if you Look like you don't know what you're Doing like it's okay everyone learns From some place everyone starts from Somewhere and we also have the empress Being reversed here I feel like you are Like the empress in creation right now You have this new idea that can so come To fruition but you have to put the bun In the Oven the empress talks about um so she's Represented by a pregnant woman and the The pregnancy indicates something that You are creating a vision that you are Creating or something in your future That you are putting time and energy and Effort towards which could be a physical Child could be a physical pregnancy and Baby or it can also be like an idea that You have or a vision for yourself a goal That you have that's Brewing the empress Being reversed is like we're delaying Putting the bun in the oven to cook Right we're delaying planting the seed In the soil because we're scared so like We need to re-evaluate this and use that Discipline to go ahead and say yes to Ourselves your whole message from Spirit Is like let's say yes to you okay I'm Going to go through these next four Cards a little bit quicker here so we Also have time to get into our oracle Cards but let's see what else we have we Also have Awakening being reversed

Awakening is the Judgment card being Reversed let go of judgment the worst Judgment that we can have is the Judgment of ourselves or the expected Jud judgement that we might get from Elsewhere that hasn't actually happened But we're letting it stop us anyway Because we don't ever want to put Ourselves out there for that but let me Tell you let me tell you a secret people Are judging you no matter what you do if You choose to do nothing and not pursue Your dream life people are still judging You for what you're doing people are Still judging you for where you're at Right now so you're just trading off one Form of judgment for another you know What I mean like if you're scared of Judgment rejection whatever other People's opinions other people's Thoughts So would you rather trade off the Judgment that you're getting right now Which you're inevitably getting but You're comfortable in it because you Know you're familiar with where you're At right now or would you rather dive Into the thing that you actually want to Do where you're going to find success You're going to see results you're going To move forward and then sure you're Also going to get judgment there but Like at least you're doing the thing That you want to do right so like you're

Yeah it's it's trading it off trading Off one for the other we also have the Magician being reversed so you are this Talks about your inner potential you Have so much inner potential but when We're not taking action we're not making Our dream a reality we're not making our Vision a reality the magician is the Card that is taking your thoughts and Your vision your ideas and manifesting It into physical reality which you Absolutely have all of the power to do So but it's about planting the seed Doing the thing releasing judgment Releasing the hold in the restraint that You have on yourself and just pursuing Something dedicating to something again Even when it gets hard uh cuz inevitably There's going to be challenges within it It's going to be hard some days and That's okay that's like totally normal But we just need to dedicate we need to Do it we need to like be committed um And that's going to be what gets us There next card we have Ace of Swords Being reversed so not getting stuck in Over Planning Ace of Swords also being Reversed is finding Clarity but also not Holding off cuz some people use this as An excuse they're like oh well my my Idea isn't fully flushed out yet Therefore I can't take Action I'm not fully sure I don't have

All the details planned out yet so I Can't do it but the thing is it's like You don't need all the details yet when I again I'm going to use this example When I started YouTube I didn't know What Niche I wanted to be in I just Started making videos cuz I just knew That I wanted to pursue that but I Didn't even my Niche changed so many Times when doing YouTube At first I Started out making lifestyle videos and Then I started making makeup and Beauty Videos and then I switched to Spirituality it's like you don't need The full idea flushed out before you get Started because the thing is is if you Start if you just delay it because You're like oh I need to have every Single detail figured out you might not Even figure it out because you need to Be on the path in order to figure it out Right sometimes we need to get in the Car to figure out how to get to the Place like We need to be already in the driver's Seat you know you don't need to see the Entire staircase before you take the First Step sometimes it's impossible to see The entire staircase sometimes it's Impossible to see the entire road ahead Of you but the thing is is you do see The first 12 feet so then you just keep Driving you keep going and more gets

Revealed as you go but you have to start Going before you're going to see the Rest of it so Ace of Swords being Reversed just because you lack every Single like like all the flushed out Details that doesn't matter that's not An excuse we still have to get started Because that's the only way to have the Full vision reveal itself as we go Along okay so next card King of Swords Being reversed again we also have a Message of clarity and figuring things Out So that's sort of repeating or similar Kind of message that we had um over here But again we don't need to have every Single detail figured out we don't need To feel like are ready because there's Never going to be a day where you feel Like where you wake up and you feel like Oh I'm Ready there's not going to be a day Where you feel that every day is Generally going to feel the same as the Other day and every other day it's just Up to you of saying you know what I'm Willing and I'm going to do it anyway And I'm just going to start and even Though it's Scary even though it's mindboggling like I'm going to figure out and akashic Records is literally a card of figuring Things out it's a card card of Epiphanies it's a card of finding your

Purpose it's a card of finding where you Belong it's a card of figuring out the Universe and figuring out your own Unique path within it and figuring out All of the the secrets of the world That's what the akashic records is it's Like all of everything um so spirit is Saying you are going to figure it out But you have to get started to figure it Out you have to get in the car and start Driving to be able to see the entire Path So let's dive into our oracle cards now And see what else we Get um we already were diving into so Much cuz we got so many tarot cards here But let's see what else we get with our Oracle so my group number four is is There anything else that Spirit wants to Reveal to you right now we have feelings And we also have Solitude coming Up So I feel Like there is times Where you feel like maybe closing Yourself off but I really feel like Coming out is going to be your key I Also feel like taking time to really Reflect as you take action is going to Help you figure things out more but Again don't get stuck in the planning Stage because it's just another form of Procrastination and feelings here as Well listen to your inner guidance

System what feels right for you what are The things that you love Don't let fear get in the way of the Things that you love and the things that Mean the most to you I can say that Personally because again I was so scared To actually do spirituality on YouTube Because I was so afraid of the Judgment That I would get from people being like Oh my God you're all woo woo like that Like I was right but that was where my Real passion lied that that's what my Real passion Was and so you know I never considered It before and I let my feelings deter me From that even though I felt I felt such A calling to it but there was also the Feeling of fear so you have to get rid Of the feeling of fear to see where it Is that you really belong you have to Get rid of the feeling of unworthiness Or that it's unattainable in order to Fully connect with where your heart and Soul is truly calling you so let's go Ahead and dive into our archetype cards We're going to get one archetype card For you where spirit is going to reveal Sort of um your archetype right now that One wanting to come out so we have the Card of athletes so the light attributes This is what Spirit wants you to move Towards more dedication to transcending Physical limits let me focus on this so You can see it better so dedication to

Transcending physical limits including Handicaps so if there's anything in your Life right now that you feel is like Maybe an excuse to not pursuing what you Want by saying like oh well I don't have Enough money or um my physical wellbeing I I get these headaches or these Backaches or other things like other Things that that are just like some sort Of physical Limit this is dedication to transcending Those physical limits development of Personal willpower and strength of Spirit o that is what we're meant to Step into the shadow attributes are Misuse of athletic ability for selfish Needs or false sense of in inability and Ement so for you I'm actually feeling a Different Shadow attribute the shadow Attribute that I'm feeling on your end Is more of Um giving Into all the reasons perhaps why we Cannot do Something but the more that you focus on There's always going to be reasons why You can't and there's always going to be Reasons why you can both exist at all Times for all people regarding all Things there's always going to be Reasons why you can and there's always Going to be reasons why you can't if we Are giving power to the reasons why we Can't then that is going to be our

Reality if we start giving power to Transcending those physical limits Realizing what we're truly capable of Which you'd be surprised what people are Really capable of like oh my gosh if you Could even tap into an ounce of all the Power that resides within you you are Unstoppable so um that's one aspect that This card talks about there are athletes That Go beyond what scientists have deemed The physical limits of the human body And there's athletes that that exceed Those and prove Otherwise this is a message that I'm Getting for you is to prove to yourself Otherwise that you actually hold more Power than you give yourself credit for So with that being said let's go into Our next deck of cards I'm also going to Restart my camera cuz it is about to cut Out all right we are back let's see any Last cards we have release so release Yourself from the cage that you have Your in that you have yourself in um is The first and foremost message that I Get there also releasing inhibitions Releasing fears Releasing any sort of like hold that you Currently feel is on You O those cards Just like flew out of my hand but maybe That's Spirit wanting to say something So we have Surrender and then the other card is

Paradox I think that you're going to be So surprised At what you're truly capable Of I think the truth is is going to be Surprising to you about what you're Truly capable of um also surrender is Like let's let go of all the things that Are outside of our control let's focus On what is in our control and let's do It and guess what's in your control you What you decide to do your action and What you do with Yourself that's what you are in control Of no we might not be in control of the External things that we cannot Change that's okay we don't need to Change them you just need to change Yourself so that your ability to Overcome them Is that's just your ability you have the Ability to overcome them you have the Ability to change yourself you you have The ability to overcome anything that is Standing in your way okay so diving into Our last deck of cards here let's see Any last messages for my group Fours what is our last Message let's see here group four okay o That's a lot of cards but let's let's do It we just have a lot of cards coming Out for you and it's been like a Freaking reading here you know like this Has been Like so we have the serpent the serpent

Can sometimes indicate a Kundalini Awakening which is like a time of Enlightenment a time of epiphanies Realizations Um the serpent can also indicate our Fears such as fearing that we're going To get bit in the Butt but the thing is is Like is it like what do you want in life Because there's always going to be some Sort of like caveat to everything if we Decide to stay where we are where we're Not very happy with it that's the caveat We're getting bit by living a life that We're not super satisfied with or would We rather pursue what we really want and Then maybe there's judgment maybe There's rejection along that path maybe There's challenges along that path which End are we choosing to be on because as You can see it's a double-headed Thing which path would we rather Choose um we also have wild woman so This is getting into that feeling of Freedom realizing that you have the Freedom to create what you want you have That freedom stepping into your Wilderness energy of Let Me Be Free let Me free myself we also have the Seer The Seer is one who uses their Intuition to see into the future or they Even use the power of visualization to See What it is that they want to gain

Clarity on that and I really feel like Your vision is going to gain more Clarity as you move towards it and as You dedicate more towards it we also Have the Ghost Dance coming through and The Sorcerer one message that I'm getting From the Ghost Dance card is like Continuing to Perpetuate um potential realities or Potential um experiences in your mind And we continue to kind of like play Them out even though like they might not Actually even happen so like the Ghost Dance it's almost like we're we're Dancing with a potential we're dancing With an idea like for example when You're worrying about Something when you're worrying about Something you're like oh my God what if This happens it's almost like we're Dancing with a ghost like it doesn't Actually exist but we keep playing Around with the idea and that just kind Of will inhibit us we think that by Doing so we'll be like better prepared For what's to come and what's in our Future but the more that we worry we Actually just hold ourselves back and we Put more pressure and stress on Ourselves which makes us less able to Handle the problems that are ahead of us And most of the things that we worry About never actually happen

Ever most of the things So what I'm getting for you is to step Back into your power step back into your Magic into your Freedom and choosing what life do you Really want would you rather the life Where like yes I'm working towards Big Goals or I'm staying where I'm At which one are we choosing so more of Your path is going to get revealed along The way but we have to take action and Spirit right now is absolutely giving The message of action and giving the Message of letting go of comparison Letting go of this fears of judgment all Things like that so that is your message My group number four there was so many Cards that came up for you I can't even Believe it that was like a big reading But I love it I love the messages that Came through I hope you enjoyed it as Well I'm sending you all so much love Thank you so much for joining me here For today's video I hope it helped and Gave Insight in some way shape or form And um thank you so much for again Allowing me to read your tarot and I'm Sending you so much love and until next Time bye

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