How They Currently Feel About You 💭💕 Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading ✨


🌙 Thank You MoonFlower Co for my shirt and makeup 🥺🤍

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All Groups:
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:

Intro – 0:00
New song & spirituality rant – 0:33
Music talk & creative pep talk ✨- 3:25
Choose your group – 7:05
🐚#1 (Shell/Weaver Tarot) – 9:32
💙#2 (Angelite/True North Tarot) – 36:56
⭐️#3 (Starfish/Gilded Tarot) – 1:19:23

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#pickacard #tarotreading


Hi guys it's Kino welcome to another Video so in today's pick a card reading We are going to be finding out how the Person on your mind is currently feeling About you this is a reading that I Actually filmed quite some time ago that Happens sometimes where I will film a Reading but then I don't feel called to Post it until quite some time later but It always seems to find you guys at the Right time which is really cool when I Filmed this video I was in Canada so Instead of hearing yumi's snorting During the reading you're going to be Hearing Molly singing before we get into It I just want to Yap a little bit I Wanted to let you guys know that I have A new song that just came out it is Called love and light it is sort of a Satirical song I am singing as somebody Who is spiritually bypassing the reason Is called love and light and I do not Want to [ __ ] on love and light we love a Love and light moment but I was thinking About this sort of brand if you will of New age spirituality That sometimes promotes this sort of Toxic positivity spiritual bypassing and This sort of individualistic mindset That says just focus on you raising your Own vibration and ignore anything or Anyone else that brings you down in the Past few months I have been thinking a Lot about our spiritual Community as a

Whole but also my individual Channel and The type of spirituality that I promote And like I said this is not to belittle The concept of love and light and that Kind of spirituality but I do think that It is not enough this is something that I've been ranting about in my notes app For many months now so many times I've Just written out my thoughts and wanted To share them but it always just comes Out kind of messy and I feel like I'm Not articulating what I really want to Say in the right way so maybe someday it Will come where I do a more in-depth Talk about my thoughts on this community And the type or the brand of Spirituality that is often pushed out But for now I have this song and I'm Sure you will be able to glean how I'm Feeling about it I'm sure you know what Inspired this song if you feel like you Would resonate with the message of this Song I have the vision visualizer linked Down below if you would like to check it Out and thank you so much if you do Thank you so much to everybody who Checks out my music that is like the the Easiest way to make my whole day and my Whole life some other links I'm going to Have down below a GoFundMe campaign Where you can help my friend fattis and His family evacuate from Gaza thank you So much to everybody who has donated to That campaign so far and thank you so

Much to the kind words that you have Left for and about Fates another way That you can support them is to watch my The next time you see them reading it Was posted I think mid July maybe the 15th or 16th but all of the AdSense Revenue is going to go to them and all Of the extended reading sales are going To go to them I don't really make [ __ ] From my music but for what it's worth I Will donate the streaming sales and if You purchased a personal reading Recently thank you very much that's Getting donated to him as well this song Is quite special for me because it is The first release that I have done Completely by myself it just felt like It was time to challenge myself to that And I'm really happy that I did it as Some of you guys might know I do write And produce my own songs but I have Always gone to an engineer for the Mixing and mastering I'm so grateful for How they have helped me and how they Have taught me and really elevated my Records but it's also always been a Dream for me to be able to do that on my Own it's something that I would always Write in my manifestation journals like I want to release a a self engineered Song and this is almost like a star card Moment for me because until now it felt Like something that oh I'm going to do It someday but it's this far away dream

And there were a few times where I did Try to do it by myself I tried to mix Gemini by myself and I just completely I Don't know what I did it was beyond Repair and so I asked my engineer Warren I was like you got to help me with this But this one I was like let me not give Up if I mess it up I'm going to try Again I'm going to save all the version So I can go back to a previous one if I Feel like I've [ __ ] it Beyond repair And by the way are there any audio Engineers in this community because you Guys are literal Wizards you are Magicians like I don't know about you Guys but that is hard it's hard for me Obviously I still have a long way to go And it's not perfect but I am proud of Myself with how it turned out and it's Only going to get better from here I Didn't want to let that perfectionistic Mindset get to me because even when Somebody else is engineering I have that Perfectionistic mentality towards my Songs where I'm like it's not enough It's not enough like we need to change This we need to change that and at some Point you have to just let it go and say This is good enough to be released into The world because you will drive Yourself crazy thinking that there's Always something more to change so when I'm doing it myself that is further Exacerbated and I'm just so

Hypercritical of everything I know that There's things that could sound better But I don't want to get paralyzed and Like not put anything out I have to just Keep doing them and they will get better And better so this is your sign to just Do it and to not let your Perfectionistic Tendencies get the Better of you at the end of the day I Think what matters is that it's not like Super professional and refined although If you can do that that's amazing but What matters is the message and is it a Vibe and so I hope it's a Vibe for you Guys thank you very much for your Support and thank you for listening to Me at on that note this shirt that I'm Wearing right now and this lip cream That I'm wearing right now this is from A small business of a viewer of my Channel who I've been so lucky to be in Contact with over the years and she Finally took the leap of faith and Launched her business and I so impressed With the quality with the dedication I Will support this small business for Life shout out moonflower Co thank you Let this be your sign to do the thing to Take the leap so that's everything I Wanted to say thank you so much for Providing this platform where I can just Say what's on my mind and hang out with You guys it really means so much to me You guys often make me tear up with your

Comments with your emails with your DMs I feel so so lucky to be able to connect With you and in general just to have Such a caring and compassionate and Brilliant Community it really really is An honor So thank you I'm send you guys so much Love and finally let's get on to the Reading [Music] Hi guys it's Kino welcome to another Video so in today's pick a card reading We are going to be finding out how the Person on your mind is currently feeling About you and I really felt called to Keep this reading simple today so we are Only going to be using the tarot I just Feel like this is going to allow us to Get the clearest messages possible so There are three groups for you to choose From today as you can see there's going To be a different Tarot deck used for Each reading and I've also placed Actually these are not all crystals Little objects on top of each deck to Help you pick and I will also be showing The lovers card from each deck so that You can get a feel for what the artwork Looks like so when choosing your group You may be drawn to the object the back Artwork of the deck that you see here The front Artwork and yes so We are going to show you each of the

Options up close one by one and please Pick whichever one you feel drawn to the Most for my group number ones you have This shell and the Weaver Tarot and here is the lovers Card for my group number twos you have This angelite heart and the true north Tarot and here is the lovers card And for my group number threes you have This starfish and the Gilded Tarot and here is the lovers Card okay so just in case you need a bit More time to pick these are all of your Options laid out side by side so that You can compare them and see which one Is calling to you the most as always Take all the time you need to pick you Can pause the video if you need to I'm I'm going to go ahead and get started With number one hi number ones so if you Guys chose the shell and the Weaver Tarot this is going to be a reading so Like I mentioned in the intro we are Just going to be using this Tarot deck For today's reading and this is the Spread that we're going to be doing Today so there's going to be two rows of Cards the top row is going to represent The current energies of the connection So we're going to see the energy between The two of you then we're going to have Your cards on this side and we're going To look at what you show versus what you Don't show in this connection and same

Thing for your person we're going to see What they show and what they don't show And then the bottom row is going to be All about your person's feelings so We're going to see what's in their head What's in their heart and what's in Their soul when it comes to this Connection we are also going to see Their hopes and intentions for the Future of the connection and finish off The reading with messages and advice From your Spirit guides and then we do Also have an extended reading today Where we are going to see what your Person would say to you if they were Being completely honest and unfiltered We are also going to get a message from Your person's higher self we're going to See what their next move is in the Connection and what the likely outcome Is of this connection based on the Current Energies and then just anything else you Need to know so I'm going to leave this Open if it's like an event coming up you Need to know about a time frame whatever It might be yes so this is the reading Today thank you so much for being here Thank you so much for watching and let's Get into [Applause] It so we are going to start with the top Row and I'm just going to lay it all out At once

Starting with the energies between you So what is the current Energy between my group number ones and Their [Music] Person okay we have temperance And what energy is group number one Showing we have the Five of Swords and what are they not Showing the eight of Swords interesting okay and Then what is your person showing in this Connection the star Are and what are they not Showing the Seeker of Swords which is The page of Swords okay it makes a lot Of sense to me that the temperance card Is here because I was noticing when Shuffling the deck that it was taking a Long time for the first card to come out And so I was thinking okay this is Probably a connection that is moving Quite Slowly and then Temperance which this Can talk about patience but another Thing that it can talk about and I think This is the case here is self-restraint I feel like this is a situation where Both of you are feeling more strongly Than you let on and it feels like There's a lot that both of you want to Say but you both Hold back so you may not be revealing to Each other just how much you care or

Just how much you want to see each other Or want to be together and I even think The frequency at which you talk to each Other is quite held back like you if you Were not holding back you would probably Reach out to this person a lot more or Like initiate conversation or you know Express the desire to see them a lot More and I think that they would do the Same but you are you are Mutually holding back for some of you This could be your energy or your Person's energy but there is an energy Coming up about not wanting to repeat The same mistakes from the past so it Could be that one or both of you um pre Previously in this connection or even in A past connection before this one there Maybe was a time where you felt that you Kind of went overboard like you became Too attached or you became too obsessed With the other person so to speak and You really don't want that to happen Again and so you want to be like you Want to be past that you want to be like I'm more mature than that now I'm more Self-controlled than now than that now I Won't do that same thing again but yeah There's this mutual self-restraint and It's interesting when we look at your Energy you are showing the Five of Swords you are Hiding the eight of swords I think that you are

Showing or you are Expressing disappointment in your person For how they are holding back with You But what you may not Even what you may not even address Yourself is that you are doing the same Thing because this is very much showing Like you're you're not happy with the Situation you might say like well why Why don't they reach out more why aren't They talking to me why aren't they Moving towards me seeing so clearly how How they are stuck in this pattern and Maybe not like turning that back to Yourself and realizing well you're You're not really showing them either Like you might not be demonstrating Enough or you might not be initiating so Much or reaching out to them when you When you think of them and when you Really want to and so I do I do sort of get the feeling they Don't your person doesn't Realize how much you care about them or They don't realize how much you want to See them or talk to Them I also think if you have any Insecurities or any Hang-Ups in this connection or in General your person doesn't really see Them and I'm hearing that they might Actually be surprised to know that You would you would struggle with the

Lack of confidence because I think they Just see you as someone who is so Amazing and so they they would assume That you're like you're super confident And that if you wanted to reach out to Them you would have no problem doing so It's almost like they can't really Fathom a version of you that would be Like I want to reach out but I can't um I guess they don't really see you in That way or they maybe just don't Understand how much you care about the Connection or how much weight you put on It they they maybe think that that's Something that you could easily Do um in terms of you know what I'm also Noticing I'm a bit late to notice this But there's a lot of Air energy going on Here we have Gemini energy Aquarius Energy all of these are air and then we Have a bit of sag energy in the middle So these could be placements that you or Your person have um it doesn't have to Be but there there's a there's a whole Lot of air going on here and air it is An element that is related to Communication so I do think that there Is a very strong desire between both of You to communicate more air is also the Element of the heart the heart Chakra so I think you really do have a Special place in each other's Hearts you Have a lot of affection for each other You may find each other to be like very

Cute or very adorable or want to protect Each other and I think both of you you Have a really a really strong desire To to speak from the Heart with the page of swords as the Energy that your person isn't Showing they it seems like they want to Be able to be more forthcoming to you I Feel like there's been several occasions Where they've tried to directly tell you How they feel but they end up saying Some vague [ __ ] that's how it's coming Through and it may just be because they They freeze up in the moment or like They're scared to tell you Directly so they end up just saying Something kind of vague that that leaves You Confused with the star here I do think That that makes sense because it seems Like what they do show to you is that They want you in their future so they Maybe talk about oh we should do this in The future or we should do this together Someday and they seem to talk about the Future in this positive and optimistic Way where you are in it and they want You there and they're excited for it but When it comes to actually making those Plans and actually Executing it like it doesn't happen so This is just one example but maybe They're like oh we should we should Really go see that the Grand Canyon one

Day random example but talking about Like oh it would be so fun to travel Together or like I really want to take You for a drive or I really want to show You where I grew up or it but it it all Seems like these flowery talks of some Future That Never Comes and but when it Comes to Actually like being concrete about it Like hey are you free this weekend hey Are you free next month hey I'm thinking This is how we could do it like let's Actually make plans I feel like they Don't do that so it just becomes this Fluffy this like fluffy abstract thing And I do I do feel like that's bringing You frustration but at the same time I Also think that you you're not being Forthcoming about making these concrete Plants either it kind of feels like you Are both just waiting for each Other and and they might see it as like They Are extending offer putting it out to See how you feel about it But if you don't propose specific times Or specific plans they might be thinking Like oh I guess they're not interested It seems like you both kind of default To assuming I care more than you do and So maybe I should stop trying so hard And then and then you both just hold Back that is what it really feels like So we're going to get

Into the second row of cards Now and do a deep dive into where your Person is at with you and this Connection no I'm not going to take that Let's give it one more Shuffle okay so we Are zooming in on your person now we Want to see what is in their Head when it comes to this connection What is in your person's Head what are their thoughts so we have The seven of Cups what is in their heart when it Comes to this connection The Three of Swords what is in their soul And your person's soul is the Chariot oh My Gosh And what are their hopes what do they Hope to happen in this connection or What are their Intentions the ruler of coins which is The king of Pentacles and then what messages or Advice do your spirit Spirit guides have For you we have Justice okay so now all Of the air signs are coming through Gemini Libra and Aquarius are all coming Through we also have Cancer and Scorpio Energy and Virgo energy I am saying a Lot of signs but I just want to mention All of the energies that are here this This makes so much sense like I'm not Surprised to see any of this it really

Just reinforces a lot of the things that We have been talking about I do actually Want to start with your person's hopes And Intentions because we have the king of Pentacles here this person definitely Sees you as a potential forever person a Potential life partner or at least a Long-term partner and this tells me that They are very serious about you and that They do see you in their long-term Future you are someone that they would Want to make space for and really perish And hold on to in their long-term future They want to see you progress in life And achieve all of the amazing things That they know you're going to achieve And they would love to be there as a Provider and a supporter and a nurturer And I'm hearing a rock through all of That and my left ear is kind of ringing When I say that so maybe that's a Confirmation like they really want to be A rock for you and they want you to know That they are not they're not going Anywhere And this person definitely sees your Worth and how just how precious you are And that yeah I often see with this like King or queen of Pentacles there's this Message of you deserve the world you Deserve the world you deserve all of the Amazing things this person I forget if I Already said this basically they just

Hold you in such a high regard and they Have so much respect for you and you are Like life partner material they're very Very serious about you I can tell you That for sure and even the fact that we Have this full Moon in this deck it's like very very Strong Emotions it also Represents like they're hopeful for the Future and the full moon represents a Culmination or a climax of sorts and I Feel like they are just so they're like Bursting to the brim that's not an Expression but we're going to go with it Bursting to the brim maybe it is with Emotions for you and are just like when They talk about these future plans they Really mean it in the sense of that's What they really are hoping for and That's what they're really dreaming of And that's a wish that they really want To fulfill and then with the energy of Their soul we have the Chariot and I Feel like this is just their soul and Also their gut like their gut feeling is Telling them to just go go for it just Do it like they really want to make a Move and really want to move things Forward that is what their soul and Their intuition tells them so on a soul Level on a spiritual level something Just feels really really right with you I think that if if your person were

Really tapped into their intuition and Their gut feelings I'm hearing this Would be a no-brainer for them it's all Of the the extra complication that comes From mental chatter and insecurities That that makes it Confusing but if they were really fully Expressing themselves from their soul it Would be like it's not even a question What do you mean that's like is 1+ one To of course I'm going to move forward Of course I'm going to move towards Group number one and of course I'm going To make them mine and I'm going to Support them forever like duh it's all Of the Extra BS that just makes it comp at for Them because with the seven of Cups Being their head and what they're Thinking of this is a huge sign of Overthinking of overthinking and of Being overwhelmed so it could be that Your person just in general has Overthinking Tendencies And the word indecisive is coming up but I don't necessarily think that's the Perfect Word because it's not that they don't Know what they want it's that they have Learned through some past Experiences that like they can't trust Their judgment or that they don't really Know what they want when deep down they Do but maybe their judgment has been

Challenged a lot or um Dismissed in the past and So they've sort Of lost touch with that gut feeling that So accurately and so quickly tells them Like this is what you need to do So if They if they were in a space and you Were there their gut's going to tell Them just like go just go talk to them But then their mind is like yeah but but I don't know what I'm going to say and Like what if they think this or that and Maybe it's too soon but that's not how They actually feel it's it's kind of how I'm hearing it's like a A Coping Mechanism like question myself before Others question me judge myself before Others judge me keeping myself in check So I don't do anything Reckless like They may through their life experiences They may have come to associate just Like going with their gut and trusting Their gut as being Reckless or being Impulsive or being dumb and so it's like They it I'm hearing they can't do Anything so this is not just within your Connection this is like in their whole Life it's like they can't do anything Without questionings a million times and Being like maybe this isn't the right Thing just Very critical of of any thought that

Comes to their mind or any emotion that Comes up or any action that they want to Take I feel like even with their life Path it's like deep down they know what They want to do but then they're like ah But maybe I shouldn't do That just I feel like have a mind that Really complicates things and that's not A judgment I actually really feel for This person and for you if you go Through this as well and for anyone who Struggles with overthinking because it's Just so exhausting and I find it very Interesting in this imagery that there's An eye in the sky I am thinking of this As the third eye or the eye of your Higher self and when they look with the Eye of their higher self it is so Obvious the course of action that stands Out Above the Rest and that is right so If they can learn to look at the Situation from their soul and go with Their gut it will be so simple there's Just a lot of overthinking that's Happening and I do see that it's hurting Them with this three of swords in this Deck we have a bird but as you might Know very often The Three of Swords is Depicted as a heart with swords through It and so for this to come out kind of Kind of like this Actually for this to come out when we're Talking about your person's heart it It's so clear that this is hurting them

And it's almost like they can see Themsel doing it and they hate that they Do it it's like being aware that you're Overthinking being aware that you're Complicating things and not wanting to Do that and yet it it may just be Something that is so ingrained or that Your ego is afraid of letting go of There's I'm hearing the statement it Really can be that easy and they have a Lot of resistance to that statement for Some reason it really can be that easy It really can be that simple so in some Way their ego has created a positive Association with going through these Really hard processes and and analyzing This very complicated situation and Finding what is the best thing to do Their ego's holding on to that pattern The statement it really can be that easy It's Like they I'm literally like H yeah their their ego is in resistance To that but that's that's the energy That their soul wants to Express for actions to come to them Easily because it's through divine Inspiration it's through true desire and True Passion Um in terms the this is interesting cuz This is messages and advice from your Spirit guides we have Justice Actually know that makes sense because

This is about balance and equality and So I do think that your guides are Pointing out that you are matching each Other's energy and you may be mirroring Each other so you know if you're ever Questioning like why are they behaving This way or why are they doing this or Why are they not doing that I feel like in some way it would Mirror a pattern that that you have or Or something that you're doing or not Doing and So if You I mean I feel like you'll influence Each other like if they're if they're Able to change a little bit then then You can change a little bit as well and If you're able to change a little bit Then they can change a little bit as Well and I don't think it really I Really don't think it matters in this Case who initiates like sometimes in Relationship readings I see that oh for Your you know for your lessons for this Particular Soul contract it's really Important that this one of you like Initiates because it's like part of a Lesson you're supposed to learn whereas I I don't really see that for this group I think that either one of you could Break this cycle and either one of you Could initiate and then it will create a Positive cycle if if you start to hold Back a little less then they start to

Hold back a little less and then you Hold back a little lesser and and it Will just create a positive momentum Like that and I honestly think that your Guides are encouraging this not just for This connection because the way this is Coming through your person is not just Like this with you it it seems like they Are like this with with everything in Their life and it's objectively a shitty Way to live because it feels bad so and It keeps you from your true Joy so I Think your guides are saying don't think Of this as like I need to open up more And I need to make changes so that I can Be with my person because it's not just About this connection this is how you're Going to experience more joy in your Life is if holistically if that's the Right word Overall you Become a more open person and work Through your Inhibitions you know it's not just Happening in the vacuum of this Connection it's as you holistically Become that person who is less inhibited Who who follows their joy and who goes With their gut and yes who may overthink At times but does not let those Overthinking voices win that's just Naturally the benefits of that are just Naturally going to spill into this Connection so the advice is not really

Like oh you should say this to your Person or you should behave this way Towards your person it's just in general Focus on on freeing Yourself Um thinking of that um I'm thinking of Bob to the top from High School Musical Because there's something about like Something away your inhibitions and that Was maybe the first time I heard that Word as a kid po to the top slip inside And R that Rhythm yeah I uh I was at the Age where I would watch that ironically Cuz I was already like too cool for it By the time it came out but there's some Bops in there for sure um yeah so uh These are the messages that I am seeing For your connection so we're going to go Into the extended now where we see what Would your person say to you if they Were being completely honest and Unfiltered we are going to get a message From your person's higher self we're Going to see what their next move is Towards you um the final outcome of this Connection based on the current energies And then just anything else you need to Know whether that's an an event coming Up a time frame you should know about We're going to leave that open to your Spirit guides um so if that sounds good To you and you'd like to join me in the Extended I'm going to have that link Down Below in the description as well as

In the pinned comment of this video However if you're going to leave the Reading here I want to say thank you so Much for letting me do this reading for You I hope you have a wonderful day or Night whenever you're watching and I Wish you all the best please take good Care of yourself stay stay healthy don't Forget to like comment and subscribe if You feel like doing that if you enjoy my Content and youd like to find me Elsewhere I'm going to have link down Below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like this one And you can also decide on topics for Future readings I will link my music Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I Will also have my latest release link Down below and finally my Vlog Channel And my merch which features the floating Temple that was at the start of this Video thank you guys so much for Supporting me my channel and anything I Do I really really appreciate having you Here and I'm sending so much love to you To your person your higher selves your Spirit guides your spiritual teams and All of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one Bye-bye hi number twos so if you guys

Chose the angelite and the true north Tarot this is going to be a reading so Like I mentioned in the intro we're just Going to be using this Tarot deck today And this is the spread that we're going To be doing so there's going to be two Rows of cards the top row is going to be About the connection overall so we're Going to see the energy between you and Your person and then over here these are Going to be the cards about you so we're Going to see what you show versus what You don't show in the connection and Then same thing for your person over Here we're going to see what they show Versus what they don't show and then the Second row of cards this is going to be All about the Deep dive into your person And how they're feeling so we're going To see what's in their head what's in Their heart and what is in their soul When it comes to this connection what Are their hopes and intentions for the Future with you and then we're going to Finish off with messages and advice from Your Spirit guides and then we do have An extended reading today where we are Going to see what your person would say To you if they were being completely Honest and unfiltered we are going to Get a message from your person's higher Self we're going to see what their next Move towards you will be and what the Likely outcome is of this connection

Based on your current energies and then At the end of the reading this is going To be very open so just like we're going To see anything else that you need to Know whether that is an event coming up Or a specific time frame whatever wants To come through so that is our reading For today thank you so much for being Here thank you so much for watching and Without further Ado let's get into It Okay my group number Twos so we want to see the overall Energy of the connection first so what Is the energy between my group number Tw's and their Person what is the energy I'm hearing Very clearly you you take their breath Away or you you took their breath away With something Recent what is the energy between the Two of you we have the World so for your energy what are you Showing in this Connection The Five of Swords wait that's the same That's the same card that group number One got for what they're showing in the Connection what are you not showing the Three of Swords what is your person showing in This Connection page of of Wands and what are they not

Showing the empress okay so oh I'm like Blushing with this Empress card let's Get into it we have the world in the Middle which is a very good sign when it Comes to relationship readings for me This is a strong indication of mutual Feelings so However 333 as I said that by the way so That's a huge Confirmation if in fact if you do see Repeating threes or in general if you See Angel numbers that could be a sign That your person is thinking of you or Just a confirmation that feelings are Reciprocated so yeah however you feel About your person and also all of the Amazing things that you perceive in them Like the reasons you admire them that They literally think the exact same Thing right back at you I'm wondering With the world if I do interpret this in A more literal way I'm wondering if There's some kind of physical distance Between you and your person right now Because I do sometimes see long distance Uh connections with the world or just That you're maybe not seeing each other In person or not seeing each other as Much as you would like at this time such That the majority of your Communications Are happening online it could also be Indicative of a difference in cultural Background or like a language barrier Something like

That in general this is a very strong Sign of mutual admiration I think that Both of you look up to each other very Much you see each other in a very high Light and I think that both of you would Be very proud well you are very proud Proud of each other but the way it's Coming through is like for example if You were like seen in public with this Person you would be very proud or you'd Be very proud to know them or to be to Be close to them and there's a feeling Of just wanting like you want the world To know how awesome they are and they Want the world to know how awesome you Are and this does seem like the type of Relationship where if you were a couple You would be showing each other off you Would be bragging about each other even When the other person is not around and Maybe that's something you already do Like you might talk about how amazing This person is when they're not around To miring to anyone who will listen and And same thing for them they will talk About you when other people are not Around I just see nothing but but Positive feelings towards each other I Think both of you have a very uplifting Impact on each other and I just saw 555 so both of you have maybe inspired Significant changes in each other's life Like you were the Catalyst that they Needed to improve their life for the

Better and they were the Catalyst that You needed I I hope I am making it clear That everything is really everything is Really Mutual so you know the the Immense admiration and respect and and Gratitude that you feel from this person And and the inspiration that you get From them and just how much they lift Your spirits that is all they're going Through the exact same thing on their End that is exactly how they feel about You that's what I see with the World I I do think that for many of you That message will apply that you don't Get to see each other that much Because with you showing the Five of Swords with this being the energy that You show to the connection I do get the sense that you are Disappointed with the way things Currently are and and that has nothing To do with who your person is as a Person or or how their energy makes you Feel I think it more so has to do with The circumstances so you could be far Away you could be in minimal contact I Kind of wonder if your person has a lot Going on cuz with these energies it does Seem like doing some pretty cool things In their life right now and so while I Do think you're probably so proud of This person and so impressed by what They're doing I I think there is a Disappointment of I wish I could see you

More I wish we could be closer and it Does seem with this being the energy That you do show it does seem like you Make that known what I think you might Not show so much is just how much it Affects you uh emotionally So you may make it a little bit more Lighthearted without Mentioning like how intensely you are Are longing or or how much this person's Absence or distance does affect you Emotionally um for some of you I'm Hearing this is because you don't want Them to worry about you like I think for Many of you who chose this group it's Already established that you do care About each other a great deal and so Maybe you know that this person would Would worry about you if you showed how Much you missed them or or like if you Were sad or if you were struggling so Maybe in general you just might not Really Show the more and I'm saying this with Finger coats but like negative or you Might not show the more heavy emotions To this person for some of you it's Because you don't want them to worry for Others of of you I'm hearing it's Because you don't want to scare them off Which I don't think you would but that That could be a fear that you have or if You see them in a really high light you May feel like you're going to dampen the

Mood or dampen their Spirits if you come To them with this heavy energy so that Does seem like you know your sadness Your anxieties things like that it does Seem like a part of you that you hide Away I think in some way or another you Do communicate them but you try not to Show maybe the heaviness of it or the The intensity of it so for example you You might text this person like I miss You crying Emoji but you know that feels A bit more light but on the inside it's Like I feel so sad without you here like It it Feels the the depth of it is maybe not Conveyed so much by you and for some Reason I have a feeling that if they Knew it would be deeply moving to them You know you might think oh I'm going to Worry them or I'm going to kill their Vibe or something but if they knew just How much you cared they would be really Really touched by that I'm actually Seeing I seeing Misty Eyes I don't know If it would make them cry maybe it would But but it's like in a in a beautiful Way not that they want you to be sad but Just to know that to know that you care That much and to know that you would Want to see them that much and want to Be close to them that much they actually See that as an honor because you have to Remember that this person admires and Looks up to you just as much as as you

Do to them And okay this is very poetic maybe this Is your energy like you or your person Are very poetic people maybe you're Literal literally a poet or like a a Writer or a songwriter or something but You have this rain and there's there's All these flowers here and what just Came through is that the rain Waters the Flowers 11-11 as I'm saying that and it Makes them grow into something beautiful So you know if we if we miss each other Or if we're sad about the way things are We should let ourselves cry because that Emotion is what's going to make the Flowers of our love bloom even more like And it's going to make it even more Beautiful when we do see each other and We do have each other and when we are Together I think that this person first Of all like this person does not view Emotions that way where like where Happiness is automatically positive and Good vibe and high Vibe and sadness is Automatically like negative and low Vibe Um I think this person values Authenticity over anything else and so And Views if anyone is displaying their Emotion to you that's an honor because That is the utmost form of intimacy is Like to see into someone's heart and to See into someone's Emotions and

So they're not whatever emotion you show Up with they're not judging it they're Not like oh that one's good that one's Bad no it's if it's authentic and if It's coming from your heart then it's Beautiful and it's an honor to be Receiving it and so you can come to them Anyway with with light feelings with sad Feelings with happy feelings and they're Just they're so grateful that you would Open up to them like that And yeah I think maybe there's a message Of you don't need to be so guarded Around this person or you don't need to Like curate your emotional experience so Much and you can just tell them straight Up you can just tell them straight up How you Feel like Really really get into it yeah There's cuz I know I know you guys feel Deeply and and you're maybe hiding some Of that away but the empress is divine Feminine energy so your person has some Beautiful divine feminine energy Regardless of their Gender but the empress is nurturing she Is Accepting but she's also very receptive And I feel Like again with like messages are coming Through in such a poetic way but it's Like they want to Be I'm seeing them standing here and

You're like a wave and they just want to Be washed over by the wave or they want To Like they want to bathe in your Waters Whatever that means um but yeah they Want to receive it all they want to take It all they want to have the full The Full Experience they want to experience You in IMAX 4d with the moving chairs Like they want to be fully immersed in The experience and so it's like whatever Whatever you're going through whatever You want to share with me I will hold That [ __ ] so preciously like I will Cherish that so much they're just I Think they're just so eager To absorb more of you the wording the Wording is a a choice there's some Interesting verbage coming through with This person um yeah so then we have Their energy Here um oh and this yeah this makes Sense so we have the page of Wands I do Think that this person has a very sunny Energy about them with these with these Sunflowers and but they actually have a Lot of depth and so sometimes when People see their Sunny Disposition they might assume that this Person is like Good Vibes only or that Like they can't handle the full spectrum But they actually can this person has Hella shadows and hella depth and they Can go all over that Spectrum just

Because they may choose to appear on the Surface as this Sunflower it doesn't mean that they Don't have all of that depth behind them And that they they don't have the Capacity to to hold those emotions and Maybe this person has kept it kind of Light with you I feel like they act in Kind of a a Charming way towards you They are concerned with charming you in A way that they're not really concerned With charming others it's an interesting Message But there's a lot of love that they have Yet to express and I I don't think this Is something that they want to Intentionally hide from you it feels More like they just haven't gotten the Opportunity to to Really demonstrate to You how much love they have for You And the empress and just feminine energy In in general she can be so giving and So generous but she needs to receive in Return and it's almost like this person Is saying I can love you I can care for You I can I can dot on you I can shower You with affection but you got to give Me something like you got to you got to Give me something to work with it it Feels like they need to maybe know more About your depths Or or how your mind works or what you Need like they need more intimate

Details about you cuz it's like they Want to love you they want To they want to lay it all Down on you but they need they need Access they need to be shown those Deeper more intimate parts of you to Know how to love you because they don't Just want to start randomly showering You with stuff they have to know what Kind of flower you are and what And oh my gosh I'm like what kind of Fertilizer you need and then I'm Like maybe this person wants to Fertilize you I don't know Anyway let's um let's just keep Going cuz this energy is putting me in a Silly mood I'm Hearing the song Summer Love by Justin Timberlake which is such a banger tell Me where you're from what you do what You like how does it go let me something Your brain girl and tell me how they got That pretty little face on a pretty Little frame girl oh my God that song is So good I used to listen to Future sex Love sounds album on my way to school on My little IPod when I was in Elementary School I can't wait to fall in Love with you I can't wait to fall in Love Okay by the way Justin Timberlake is an Aquarius so

There could be some aquarians [Music] Here Okay yeah Aquarius um the world is like fixed Signs but it's also ruled by the planet Of Saturn so like fixed sign ruled by Saturn is Aquarius Libra energy could be significant too Because we have Libra Here um Libra here with the empress Being ruled by Venus Aquarius Libra Taurus as Well you don't have to fit these signs But they could be a confirmation so Let's dive Into your person's feelings now what is In their head when it comes to you what Are they thinking about The six of Wands oh okay when it comes to their Heart that's a lot okay but just I'm not Going to take all of those but just so You know a bunch of cards just exploded Out so there's a lot in their heart and Maybe they actually feel like their Heart is going to explode when they Think about you yeah I'm like I'm Feeling a little flustered with this Group it it a good way with the Ace of Wands there's definitely like I'm so Sorry if this is not a romantic Connection but there's like Strong Sexual Energy with the with the

Ace of Wands okay we're going to get into it We're going to get into It wo in terms of their hopes and Intentions we have the Star I wasn't even paying attention when I I pulled this so I'm going to do Another one for their Soul for their soul we have the page of Swords and the Two of Wands for their hopes and intentions we Have the Star and then for advice from your Spirit Guides we have the three of Cups okay yeah six of Wands makes a lot Of sense and you know we were talking About with the world how this person Would be really like proud to know you Proud to be seen with you would want to Show you off the six of Wands is very Much another card that contains that Same message this person just thinks you Are the coolest thing ever and this Remember this is their head So you know when like you have feelings For someone you'll just think everything They do is amazing that's not what this Is cuz this is separate from from the Feelings that they have for you this is Just like Objectively looking at you even if they Had zero feelings for you they would Still be like that person is so freaking

Cool like there's something about your Personality or your lifestyle or your Your job or your talents your talents And also how you express yourself that They just objectively find very cool and Very Inspiring and there's some way in which They look up to you or would want to Emulate the things that you do this is Just one random example of course this Can be so many things but let's say you Are like very fit and you like to Exercise 2222 as I'm saying that and They're like oh my God that's so cool Like I don't know maybe you're a really Good dancer or when they watch you play Your sport and you're just like moving And your muscles are popping and they're Like oh my gosh that's so cool and they They you inspire them to start Exercising it's like that kind of thing They take some kind of inspiration from You and wanting to get on your level in Some way but yeah it could be like if You're a creative person it could be Watching you express yourself watching You perform your art or watching how you Interact with other people and how you Treat other people it's just something That they watch you and their eyes are Sparkly and they're just in awe of you It could literally just be how you exist How you exist in the World they they yeah they take a lot of

Inspiration and then we have these Two there could be something About your Position or something about their Position That they think about I don't even know What that Means I don't know what that means okay Um with the Ace of Wands and the five of Wands this is really interesting because We have the six of Wands and then we Have Ace and five which makes six wands I feel like there's a message about them Wanting to stand out from the crowd when It comes to you or wanting to stand out From the Competition they may p perceive that There's a lot of competition to to be With you which that could be true or They might just perceive it that way They definitely perceive that a lot of People would want to be with you so Whether there's Actual like specific people they can Point out who's like that's my Competition or maybe they just generally Think I'm sure so many people want to be With you but that's the vibe that they Get and they want to be the the one who Triumphs cuz the six of Wands is also About victory So they want to be the one who stands up From the rest or this could also be them Letting you know that that you stand out

From the rest and that there's nobody Else and that there's no competition Look at how this wand is shining the Other ones are being messy and this wand Is transcending she is levitating above It all and she is shining so she's very Much standing out I'm hearing like I Only see You I I feel like there could be there Could be like 100 people in the room and They will just like be blind and they'll Be like oh look it's group number two What do you mean there's other people There it's like you Just Consume all of their attention like Don't don't ask them what color the Walls were because they won't be able to Tell you they'll be Like group two's outfit was on Point what where were we I don't know Don't ask me anything Else just oo like yeah there's a feeling Of being consumed and and they are not Mad at it okay yeah but again like you Know going back to the Ace of Wands can Talk about like sexual energy or sexual Attraction or it can just talk about Having a lot of passion and this five of Wands could also be talking about having To fight that off for for some Reason cuz maybe it's I don't know there Could be a lot of situations where when It is not the appropriate time or place

To to be thinking that way or feeling That Way Or or they might feel I feel like they Have some thoughts about you and then They're Like I don't know maybe they feel like They shouldn't be They feel like it's like disrespectful To you in some way I I don't I don't Know if if I don't think you would feel That way But they're like let me not let me not Put group number two in these scenarios In my mind Palace like let me be Respectful like yeah Uh sorry I'm getting like this group is Flustering me okay there's a lot of just Like warm and bubbly and exciting energy Here Um yeah and there's also that weird Message that came up about like your Position or their position I don't know If that means like a professional Position or just like your status in the World or some other status But that could also be a reason that They have To fight back feelings sometimes or feel Like they don't want to go There I don't know if that's for you You'll probably know because you know Your situation with your Person uh but yeah feels like their

Heart is Exploding And it feels nice honestly I feel like This person really enjoys having Feelings for you I don't I don't think They're Like uh distressed by it or or upset About it you know when you're like when You're falling for someone but you're Like resisting it and you're like GH cuz Like sometimes feeling so intensely can Be uncomfortable but I think they're Just vibing with it they're like this is Awesome it feel like it feels good to Be in love or to be infatuated or you Know and like I'm not going to fight it It's just it feels nice and I feel when I suppress my feelings I just feel bad And I feel weird and who am I even Kidding because I know that I'm being Inauthentic when I do that anyway so I Might as well just not you know like I can't lie to Myself cuz you know I'm there's always That part of me that's observing me and Knows and I cannot I cannot [ __ ] Myself so whatever I'm just going to Enjoy It um okay now we get to their soul and We have the page of swords and we have The Two of Wands I think spiritually the Way it's coming through is that Spiritually you are not like bound to This person

It's not like you you have to end up Together or you're destined to end up Together I do think That you and this person's Souls had an agreement of Like it feels like you gave your souls a Lot of freedom so you're like if we end Up meeting each other and we and we want To be together then we'll facilitate That but we're not going to force Anything I think That maybe one or both of you happened To choose an Incarnation this time where Your free will is really taking the lead Cuz there's just this feeling of wanting To give your human selves a lot of Freedom and wanting it to be their Decision and you're not you're not going To push it it feels like your higher Selves and your spiritual teams don't Really have this agenda of like let's Make sure that they get together and Let's pull them towards each other They're like if you if your human selves Want to do that like hell yeah we're Going to facilitate it and it's going to Be awesome and we're going to be excited About it but we also know that there's So many ways for both of you to be happy In this lifetime on your individual Journeys and if you choose to be with Someone else or if you choose to go Somewhere else that is totally fine and That's not a wrong path either so yeah I

Think there's a message that it's not Really like you're destined to be with This person and so your higher selves Are waiting for your green light so There may need to be actions Taken on your parts or like really show An intention to move in this Direction With your free will and really make it Happen and then and then the universe Will respond because I don't know with The page of swords gave me this feeling Of like we're waiting for your Instructions like your spiritual team if You like do you want to go for it and I Feel like as long As as long as you are passive about this Connection or wishy-washy about it or Just like waiting around for something To happen uh it's probably not going to Happen I think it it's going to take cuz This is Mars and Aries that's like the Boldest the boldest action taker Independent taking things into my own Hands kind of thing I also think that The relationship between your souls Might be relatively new with this uh Page of Swords I just feel like your higher Selves and spiritual team don't want to Put so much pressure on this connection To turn out in in any sort of way and so For those of you who have been kind Of sitting with this energy of like I Just want to know what's meant to happen

Like I just want to know what I'm Supposed to do and your spiritual team Is like well you're the one who decides That you're the one who gets to write This story and that's the that's the Exciting thing and if you're looking for A sign well sheesh like the fact that You feel this way about each other is a Pretty good freaking sign that you Should go for it like I don't know what Else you need like this this is what It's all about this magical Feeling this magical feeling that you're Full of that is the sign this is Rare this this is rare This is Rare I feel that right in my heart and It's like it feels heavy in my heart but Not heavy it feels heavy like a weighted Blanket you know like a comforting heavy Like it's not going to blow away in the Wind like that statement holds weight This is rare this is special the way you Feel in itself is the sign And whatever you feel to this towards This person you should say it with your Whole Chest and you should Not lie to yourself because what does That even Achieve who who is who are you Convincing when you do that you No Anyway page of Swords also could be a

Sign of like telepathic communication Happening between the two of you 3333 as I'm saying that which I think is is you Your guys' you folks's number 33 33 or Repeating threes so yeah that's a Confirmation of telepathic communication And for some reason it might happen more Often when you are physically far away When you're in close physical proximity You might not get a lot of messages from Them from their higher self and then if You go far Away somehow you you you do more Telepathy In terms of your person's hopes and Intentions we have the star so this is Very literal because the star quite Simply is is having hope for the future And like believing that the future is Bright and so this person definitely Dreams of a future with you but it it Might seem more vague this was something That was coming through as Well you guys have some similar cards to Group one but the energy is kind of Different it's not very different it's Kind of different I don't know you might Be drawn to group one as well but like We had three of swords Five of Swords Star and the star was coming through is This kind of vague and fluffy thing that Was not really Concrete and it's kind of coming through In the same way here where this person

Does dream about having you in their Future and when they dream about a Future with you they are just over the Moon like it brings them so much delight It feels like a dream though you know so At this point in time they might Not either they don't even know what a Future with you would look like so they Can only they can only Daydream and Fantasize about it and they recognize it In their mind as like this is just a Daydream this is just a fantasy I by no Means am presuming that this is my Future it's just a little Daydream that I like to Do Or they they know specifically what they Want to happen but they just at this Time don't don't see a way that it would So there's there's some like external Circumstances I think that are that Are they're not in the way but the External circumstances at this Time are not Presenting an obvious way that this Connection could unfold and that's okay It just means that that faith is Required and perhaps some action is Required but I don't know if they Necessarily have Intentions well they just intend to love You they intend To drown in You

Um But in terms of like I'm going to do This and this and this and then and then I can approach them and then we can be Together I don't I don't think they have Concrete thoughts like that it feels More like a it feels more like like a Daydreaming and like wishing and hoping Kind of Energy right Now and sometimes I feel like a message Of too good to be true with the star so They one of the reasons they might think It's just a Daydream is because the Things that they Envision just seem like It seems unrealistic it seems too good To be true like surely it wouldn't be That amazing or surely it wouldn't be That Easy but I'm going to keep dreaming About it Cuz because it is beautiful thing And Then for your last message which Is uh messages and advice from your Spirit guides we have the three of Cups So a couple things Here I think one is to not take things So seriously in this connection and to Just Um lighten up and when I say lighten up That doesn't Mean to avoid heavy things or to avoid Darkness it means

To to bring those to the light because Your your dark emotions aren't What brings heaviness it's ignoring them It's the pain of hiding them if you can Openly bring them Out then they become Light um yeah and there's a feeling of Not taking yourself too seriously so I Think you don't really need to do Anything to impress this Person you don't need to like think and Worry so Much uh you don't need to take the fate Of this connection so seriously because It seems like there is no predetermined Fate or like mission that you have to Accomplish with this person it's just Whatever you want to happen we're going To work with you so taking that pressure Off yourself of like am I doing the Right thing am I am I moving towards the Destiny of this connection or what am I Meant to do it's like no this connection Just exists to bring you Joy I feel like That's all all you wanted to do for each Other all your souls wanted to do for Each other was to contribute to each Other's joy and to love each other and You can do that in so many different Ways you can do that in so many Different relationship Styles you can do It from afar like it can look like Anything all you want is for each other To be happy and so there's not really

One predetermined Mission or like a Strict contract that you abide by with This Soul it's like it feels like the Energy is not heavy I think a lot of the Heaviness maybe comes from your own Worries or your own uh Projections like internal pressure that You Feel it's okay but you you should know That the way you make each other feel is Not going to Change And yeah also three of Cups could be Talking about Mutual mutual friends or third parties And I don't mean third parties as in Like a love triangle or something like That I just mean a person who is not you And is not your person a third person so Like a mutual friend or someone you work With or just a mutual acquaintance in Your Circle this could be indicating that if If they don't already your circles could Be overlapping with this person you Could be meeting more people who are who Are significant in their life or vice Versa they could be meeting more people Who are significant in your life and That could help you get to know each Other better help you feel closer and More connected to each other or it could Even help you to get closer to each Other if you feel that you're not that

Close with this person yet in the 3D um Like making connections with mutual People might be something that helps or Something that just that starts Happening yeah so I oh yeah and there's Aquarius again Like we were talking About um yeah I think I'm just going to Mention those otherwise I'm going to say Like every freaking sign in the world so So this is everything I'm seeing for This part of the reading we're going to Take it over to the extended now where We're going to see what your person Would say to you if they were being Completely honest and unfiltered we are Going to get a message directly from Their higher self we're going to see Their their next move towards you and The outcome of this connection based on The current energies and then just an Open like a free message anything else That you need to know so if that sounds Good to you and you would like to join Me in the extended I'm going to have That link Down Below in the description As well as in the pinned comment of this Video however if you're going to leave The reading here I want to say thank you So much for letting me do this reading For you I hope you have a wonderful day Or night whenever you're watching and I Wish you all the best please take good Care of yourself stay healthy don't

Forget to like comment and subscribe if You feel like doing that if you enjoy my Content and you like to find me Elsewhere I'm going to have linked down Below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick card readings just like this one And you can also decide on topics for Future readings I will link my music Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I Will also have my latest release link Down below and finally my Vlog Channel And my merch which features the floating Temple that was at the start of this Video thank you guys so much for Supporting me my channel and anything I Do I really really appreciate having you Here and I'm sending so much love to you To your person your higher selves your Spirit guides your spiritual teams and All of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one Bye-bye High number threes so if you Chose this little starfish and the Gilded tarot this is going to be your Reading so like I mentioned in the intro We're only going to be using this Tarot Deck today and this is the spread that We're going to be doing so we're going To have two rows of cards the top row is Going to focus on the main energies of

This connection the current energies I Should say so we are going to start by Looking at the energy in between the two Of you then for your cards on this side We're going to see what you're showing Versus what you are not showing and same Thing for your person on this side what They are showing versus what they are Not showing and then the bottom row is Going to focus on the Deep dive into Your person and how they're feeling so We're going to see what's in their head What's in their heart and what is in Their soul when it comes to the Connection with you we're going to see What their hopes and intentions are for The future with you and then finally get Some messages and advice from your Spirit guides and then we do have an Extended reading today where we're going To see what your person would say to you If they were being completely honest and Unfiltered we're going to get a message From their higher self see what their Next move is towards you and what the Likely outcome is of this connection Based on the current energies and then At the very end of the extended this is Going to be a totally open message so Anything you need to know whether that's Some events coming up or some advice or Some time frames you should know about We are going to leave that open to your Spiritual team so that is the reading

Today thank you so much for being here Thank you so much for watching and now Let's get into It so our top row of cards is going to Be about the current energies of this Connection Group number threes what is the energy Right now between you and your person What are the energies of this connection Right Now we have the Ace of Swords and on your side what is Something that you are showing Or what are you showing in this Connection the Magician and what are you not Showing the seven of Cups on your person side what are they Showing the World what are they not showing Strength okay so we're going to start With this Ace of Swords in the Middle this could mean a couple of Different Things well actually first of All I want to say That Molly singing upstairs I want to Say that there's no funny business going On in this connection I don't know Exactly what that means but I guess There's No there's no sneakiness and there is no Deception going on in this connection And you can rest assured that your

Person is being truthful with the things That they have shared with You there could be some things that they Are omitting but it doesn't come from a Place of wanting to deceive you if any Truths were being omitted right now it Probably just comes from not feeling Ready or feeling a little bit shy to Open up or feeling nervous it doesn't Come from wanting to you know Deceptively or maliciously portray a False version of yourself for your own Gain I just I don't see any funny Business so to speak like that going on I feel like you and your person both Have pure intentions and you both want To be honest and forthcoming with with Each other and if there's anything that You haven't shared yet I feel like both Of you do want to reach a place where You are able to share more openly with That being said I think another Interpretation of this Ace of Swords is That you are in frequent communication With this person or you are about to be There's a feeling that you you have been Talking more or you have been you have Been opening up more and there's also a Message that you shouldn't really Question this person's in intentions you Know if if they start talking to you More or if they start praising you more And you have these thoughts of like oh They must want something from me or

They're only saying that because XYZ It's like no I feel like their Intentions are really pure so you know If they're suddenly complimenting you More than usual it's just because they Really mean it and they really want to Say that to you or if they if they say That they can't see you because they're Busy that's really all that it is I feel Like there's a message of not of taking Things that face value with your person And not really reading deeper into their Intentions because I don't think they Have any ulterior motives or they're not Being sneaky about anything and it's Very much like if they when they want to Talk to you they will and when they're Doing something else they're doing Something else and there's no need to Like read deeply into it I also think That there's maybe a message of you you Don't need to overthink about how much Are you talking to them or you know for Example sometimes people can feel a kind Of way about double texting you know Like oh I texted them two or three times In a row or maybe I'm talking to them Too much and maybe I'm bothering them And and I feel like there's no need to Worry about that because this person's Energy feels kind of simple it's just Like if you text me a lot I'll just I'll Just get back to you and I can get back To you I'm not going to thinking

Anything about it or being annoyed about It like there may just be things that You overthink about quite a bit that This person is not thinking about it That deeply And yeah I just feel their energy as Frank and simple and straightforward and So if you are used to dealing with People who have a ton of ulterior Motives and who are you know being Manipulative because want you to feel a Certain way about them or they want to Portray themselves in a certain way or If like if you're used to people always Saying one thing and meaning something Else you could be kind of anticipating That with this person and so you're You're like reading into everything they Say and everything they do but I'm Hearing like it's not that deep just in The sense Of whatever they're telling you is is Accurate and they really don't have any Kind of sneaky intentions going on I Just think this is a Very like direct person and they're just They're not thinking about things as Much they're not thinking about you as Much as you think they are but that's a Good thing because I feel like in your Head you might be thinking that oh They're annoyed with me for this or They're judging me for that or I made Them feel this and that bad way about me

And in their head they're just like oh Group number three yeah we're cool you Know it feels more simple than what you May be projecting on to them and I am Seeing that as a a good Thing yes so on your end we have the Magician here for what you are showing And then for what you're not showing we Have the seven of Cups so I do think Actually you and I say actually because I think maybe you don't feel this way You actually come across to your person As very like selfish assured and and put Together and confident and Capable what you're not showing is this Seven of Cups so you might be one of Those people who you're actually very Impressive and very excellent but you Feel on the inside like I don't know What I'm doing and I'm a mess and so Just from the energy I've been picking Up since starting this reading I wonder If you guys group number threes are the People who tend to be quite hard on the Themselves and who like you overanalyze The things that you do and say and what People are Thinking um which I really feel for you If you're struggling with that I just Really want you to know that this person In no way is judging you as much as you Might judge yourself and is not Analyzing you as much as you might Analyze yourself or analyzing your

Interactions you know they're not there Like well 32 minutes into our Conversation group number three made an Off-putting comment I did not like the Way they worded that because it made me Like no they're just like yeah we had a Good conversation it feels like they're Just looking at the big picture and H And your Vibe and how you make them feel And you make them feel good I'm noticing As well you have this Mercury energy With the Magician that's Gemini and Virgo energy Which could be significant but basically Mercury energy can be quite analytical And can really get in their head I I Feel like you may be really examining The details whereas your person is is More so just going off of Vibes Especially with the world the world is It's big and it's all encompassing and They for example if you went on a date With this Person Um they're just looking at it as a whole They're not analyzing everything that Was said and and all of the body Language they're just like oh I feel Good around group number three's energy And that was a good time and just kind Of taking the whole taking in the whole Experience it definitely feels like They're more about Vibes and I I feel Like there's maybe some things that

You've worried about in this connection That like that you said or did something Wrong or you made them feel a certain Way that they they didn't maybe didn't Even notice you Know and the way that you come across to Them is just like Super sure of yourself like a a a bad [ __ ] or a badass like that's how they See you they see you making amazing Moves in your life they see you as Someone who is incredibly smart I feel Like this person really values your your Advice and they really believe in your Capabilities they think that you could Do anything that you set your mind to And group number three you probably can Okay so this person thinks you're Freaking Cool and I hope that you could reach a Place where you're more Uh relaxed with them and not Overthinking the interactions because I Can see that they view you in a really Positive Light um when it comes to their Energy what they are showing is the World so I do think that your person is Successful in some way and I also think That they're popular I think they may Have a lot of friends or a lot of people Who want to get close to them or I have a friend like this Especially when when guys meet him like

Guys just love him guys just fall in Love with him like my partner in love With him um that's just that's just his Vibe um your person might be someone Like that where people people just Really take a liking to your person and And and look up to your Person and I think that they make this Look Effortless but what they don't show is How much effort goes into it I for some Reason the example that's coming to my Mind is about hair and maybe it's Because both of these people have hair Flowing in the Wind but or no this is a good example Like the the how much makeup it takes to Look like you're you look effortlessly Natural and like you're not wearing any Makeup like that no makeup makeup look That actually takes a lot of effort or You know they might have this hair that Looks like oh my gosh they just they got Out of bed like this and they just have This natural beautiful hair and it's Like no this is actually like a 18-step Hair care routine so they or even like Their professional successes I think They just and I think it's the way they Carry themselves like the confidence and The breeziness which with with which They carry themselves that it might come Across that oh they're just this Beautiful effortlessly or they're just

This successful effortlessly and I think That makes people really admire them it Could also attract some People who project their ideals onto Them but yeah they don't really Show how much work it Took to to get to this point Why don't they show That maybe part of them wants to appear Effortless like that's that's the vibe That they want to give off maybe they Don't want to seem like a tryhard there Might be a bit of an egoic thing Where if they were to say and that's Funny cuz I feel like some people their Egoic reaction would be to really beef Up that I worked so hard for this you Know some people ego really likes to say That they work super and they try super Hard but your person I think they want To just come across as like Nonchalant you Know which that makes a lot of sense cuz That is how their energy has been coming Through they they don't want to seem Like they're trying so hard or they Don't want to seem like they care so Much like oh this just came to me this Just came to me Naturally And I wonder if Maybe this P your person has been trying To impress you and they're not showing That there's a bit of mirroring going

On I Think okay we're going to we're going to Pull the next row of Cards um for I mentioned Gemini and Virgo energy we also have Leo and Scorpio energy coming through I want to Say Aquarius as Well I think Aquarius came up for all The groups Today a specific combination could be Virgo with Venus and Scorpio or Scorpio with Venus and Scorpio Or a Leo with a Mercury in Virgo it doesn't have to be but those Could be extra confirmation so now we're Going to do a deep dive into your person And see how they're feeling about you so What is in their head when it comes to You what are their thoughts of you group Number three what are your Person's thoughts of you We have the seven of Pentacles going to just move this a bit So that it can fit Better what is in their heart for you What are their feelings for you we have The four of Cups what is in their soul when it comes To You how does their Soul feel about You the 10 of Swords their hopes and intentions for This connection we have the Five of

Swords and messages and advice from your Spirit guides Messages and advice from your Spirit Guides we Have the Knight of Wands Okay starting here with the seven of Pentacles For this person's thoughts of You I can interpret this in a couple of Different Ways I I do think that there is a desire That this person has right now to spend More time with you And invest more in the Connection there is also a feeling of Them wanting to take things Slow which that could just be their Style of Relationships I think this person has a Deceptively small social Circle Because they since everybody likes them And everyone wants to be around them and They they can oh that's the other thing They can easily get along with a lot of People but that doesn't mean that they Let everyone get close to Them when you see this person's Persona With which they engage with the world You might assume that they're like a Social butterfly and they're very Extroverted and they're like a people Person and they have a ton of friends Which I think I maybe even said that at

The start of the reading like this Person might have a lot of friends I Think that they might have a lot of People whom they're friendly With But I don't think they have that many Close friends or or people that they Would Consider super Close And there was something else I wanted to Say but I can't think of it it now I Think that basically this Person is pretty selective when it comes To who they let in their Social Circle Like who has an intimate role in their Social Circle and I Think they might Take they might take a bit longer to Open up than other people the other Thing that I wanted to say is that this Person Does have this I I don't want to say Persona cuz that makes it sound like It's fake cuz I do see that like they Get along with people and they have a Very friendly and chill and inviting Aura around them and sometimes people Might mistake that for something more Intimate than what it actually is it's Like um I've heard of some people who People constantly think that they're Flirting but they're like oh I'm just Being nice to you that might happen with

This person I wonder if they have Libra Placements as well cuz I feel like I Mean that's so stereotypical but I feel Like that can be a Libra Thing where like they're just they think They're just being friendly and they're Just like chilling and they're just Vibing with you but the other person is Taking it as something deeper maybe Because they're not used to experiencing Warmth like that so sometimes people Might mistake that this person is Flirting or that or that they're Becoming besties with this person and And for them it's it's not really it's Not really like that and something That's kind of interesting about this Person is that they don't they don't Want to be close with that many People but they care about the opinions Of many many people Even even someone that they don't want To be friends with or that they don't Want to get close to they care about Their opinion like your person might Care about the opinion of strangers and I think that's why they kind of try so Hard to present themselves in a certain Way and that's probably Also why people misunderstand their Intentions sometimes because it's like If you're trying so hard for me to like You or if you're trying so hard to Impress me that must mean that you like

Care about me and want me close to you But that's not always the case for them Like they I feel like they would make Efforts To impress someone even if they don't Want to be close with them like that cuz It's just I don't know it's maybe like An egoic thing that they want to be Liked Or they might be I don't know if it's a People pleaser but I think maybe I feel Like they just want to be liked and so They I feel like it might take some time To get closer to this person but I don't Think it's personal and now I can see Why maybe you're in like an overthinking Energy if if you feel like things are Going really well between the two of you But but you're not reaching deeper Levels of intimacy in the way that you Want you might think that it's like Something wrong with you and and start Overanalyzing yourself and it's not like I have to be clear that it's it's not That this person is trying to deceive You or or trying to lead you On it's just it's just their personality I Think like this person Hasn't it's just coming through that This person hasn't lied to you or like Said or said anything that they don't Mean but to you and to some people it Might be like oh but if you're not like

If you're still wanting to take things Slowly then why are you being so like Friendly or forward or why are you Trying to impress me so much and it's Like that's just kind Of that's how they Are I feel like they maybe need more Time when it comes To moving things forward with You in terms in terms of what's in their Heart we have the four of cups cups here And this is an interesting one because Normally we would see that this Person is not paying Attention to the cup that is being Offered to them usually they're staring At these cups and they're not happy with Them and then spirit's like hey take This other one but they don't notice the Other one cuz they're too busy being Upset at their current Situation um in terms of emotions I wonder If spending time with you or talking to You or being with You it sometimes might feel like an Escape for this person I think being With you relieves their Stress which is a good thing but I just Hope it's not like an escapism thing for Them it's interesting how much bigger The cup is than the Rest I Think your person definitely sees the

Emotion that you're offering Them they definitely see the feelings That you're offering Them and it might be bigger than what They're used to or bigger than what They've received Before I think you're probably the type Of person who feels very deeply and when You give your heart to Someone Like You You give all of It and for all of the offers that I'm Sure this person has received like for Friendship for romance whatever it Is I don't think they've ever quite Received emotion that is so big or so Genuine as what you have given Them and it may overwhelm them that's Not necessarily a bad thing but it just May overwhelm them cuz I feel like this Person up until now they've received a Lot of offers from all different kinds Of people but perhaps many of them are Shallow Because people are not really seeing Them and offering them love for who they Are but more so an idealized version of Them or what they project onto them and So they're just not really interested And now you've you've offered something Very big and genuine like your true Heart and you've offered seeing them for Who they are And I think it just Feels it just feels overwhelming for

Them yeah it really feels like they've Never been offered something so Big I can also confirm I don't think That they are like they're not Interested in anyone else right now cuz These are all the smaller cups and They're Not they're not even looking at them They're just looking at this big cup in The Sky but I I am noticing you see how this Person's Hands are resting on their lap and it's Almost like they're looking at the cup Wistfully so there is this feeling of Them Acknowledging the emotional offer that You extend to them but at the same time Not feeling ready to take It And that could be Disappointing for Them like are they disappointed in thems That they're not ready to take the cup Or or maybe they're confused like why Why can't I why can't I embrace this cup why can't I reach out and take it it's like they Wished they wished that they were ready To take It they wish that they wanted to take It and then When it comes To when it comes to how they feel in

Their soul we have the 10 of Swords this person is quite in their Head But like they're in their head about Themselves they're not in their head About you per Se yeah they're like confused and Disappointed with themsel Because this is what is happening and This might be kind of a hard message but It's like You have all of the traits that they Would want in a Partner and they see you extending this Beautiful offer to them or they can Sense that you have these feelings for Them maybe maybe you have told them Before or maybe they can just sense It and it's like they want they want to Reciprocate Because that just makes so much Sense but they like they can't or they Don't reciprocate and it's like they've They try to and they want To And for some of you it could be that They're just not ready like it could be A matter of Time but for some of you it's just like They're not Feeling it yeah so it actually seems Like they've been in this almost inner Turmoil where they're they see what You're offering them they see your

Feelings they're moved by it they Appreciate It they like you they like being in your Company you have all the the traits that They're looking for and just their heart Is not like following suit or or it Could be like a spark that that they Just don't feel Or and it's like they've tried to I feel Like with all of these swords it's like They've tried To reason with themsel oh that's what This might be the seven of Pentacles Like taking it slow like they've maybe Reasoned with themsel to to give it more Time you know I'm just Imagining a person who's talking to Their mom for some reason and saying Like Mom I don't know what to do like I've I've been on I've been on five Dates with with this person and like They're perfect but I just don't feel it And the mom is saying like it's okay Sweetie like maybe just give it a bit More time sometimes these things take Time like just just see them just see Them a few more times and and you'll Start to feel that spark that you're Looking for or like something will Awaken with you and I feel like they They Have given this so many chances and and Something is just not Clicking for

Them and in their soul it does feel this Does feel like exhaustion from Overthinking trying to reason with Themsel and trying to force something That is not There and So you know when it comes to their Intentions we have this Five of Swords Which is a card that talks About well disappointment cuz I do think They are Disappointed and just disalignment like When something is just not a fit for you And there may be Realizing this is not something that I Can talk myself into or something that I Can think myself into it's like I Either I either feel it or I Don't and yeah so it's like they've been Spending I'm thinking a lot but it's They're thinking about themsel they're Thinking about their own reaction They're thinking about their own Emotions as opposed to like oh and it's So sad because then I can see why that's Why you might overanalyze your Actions feeling like am I not enough for This person or do they not like me and It's like no and And and so They're overanalyzing themsel too like Why Why Can't why can't I feel differently or

Why why can't I feel something or feel As much as group Three cuz logically it makes so much Sense to them like they you're Everything that they would want like They wouldn't change anything about you But it's just it's something that is not Clicking and maybe maybe you know what It is but I feel like it's it's Something that is out of out of their Control and so I feel like at this point With the Five of Swords maybe they don't Know they don't know if things can move Forward or they they don't know if if They can feel Differently And honestly I think like it's a hard Message but I think they might be Tired they may be tired of like Forcing things and it could be it could Be a situation where they just Can't see things like playing out Romantically and it's like they really Really care about you as a friend but They can't they can't get with it Romantically or something like something Is is stopping them from going there and They can't control it you know it's Not yeah it's not like the feelings are There but they just can't see them it's Like they're just not there and and like It it feels like they're upset about That cuz they wish they were there Because it would be amazing and it would

Be easy and it would make Sense in terms of the messages and Guidance from your spiritual team we Have the Knight of Wands so they are Definitely asking you to keep your chin Up it is absolutely not personal like This has nothing to do with you not Being good enough this is like there's Leo energy in this Knight of Wands and Sometimes Leo energy can take things Personally and yeah this has nothing to Do with you not being good enough or not Having done enough or having done Something wrong it is really a situation That is out of everyone's control and it Doesn't change how amazing this person Thinks you are and and how much they Like you and And Um this is okay this is kind of a Personal story but when I was in high School I had a really big crush on this Guy but but he was gay but he didn't Know that yet and so we like he thought He liked me for a while and we kind of Like tried to make something happen but It just wasn't happening and then and Then he finally told me he was gay and He was like you're the person who made Me realize that I'm gay and I was like Ouch cuz when you first hear that you're Like like how repulsive am I but no it's The opposite because it's like if I Can't have feelings for you then I can't

Have feelings for any woman like that's What he was actually saying and so of Course I don't know if it's that exact Situation But this this Outcome if anything they hope it helps You see how amazing you are because it Literally it wasn't anything about you That was lacking or that needed to be Changed it's like you you can be the Most amazing person in the world and Sometimes it's just Not it's just not it it's just not the Right match and like there's nothing There's nothing that anyone can do about That It's kind of that feeling so I think you Know this is a very uplifting and Motivating card it wants to lift your Spirits it wants you to be confident and Believe in yourself and so I really just Think your spiritual team is saying like 100% this is not like it's not you it's Not personal like you're amazing you're Perfect So this is Where your person's head is at right Now um I'm going to look at what the Extended is so yes we we're going to do What they would say to you if they were Being completely honest and completely Unfiltered we're going to get a message From their higher self Um yeah honestly we can just we can just

Do it as it is because we're going to See what's coming next I Might I might also Just make space For in terms of like what's next I might Make space for like other potential Connections to come in if you're feeling Like you want to move on to new energies I think we'll check that as well so We'll see what your person's next move Is and then we'll also see like if There's anything else any new energies Coming in yeah and just anything else You should know so That's what we will be looking at in the Extended if that sounds good to you and You would like to join me there I'm Going to have that link Down Below in The description as well as in the pinned Comment of this video however if you're Going to leave the reading here I want To say thank you so much for letting me Do this reading for you I hope you have A wonderful day or night whenever you're Watching and I wish you all the best Please take good care of yourself stay Healthy don't forget to like comment and Subscribe if you feel like doing that if You enjoy my content and you'd like to Find me elsewhere I'm going to have Linked down below my tarot reading Instagram my personal Instagram my Patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings

Just like this one and you can also Decide on topics for future readings I Will link my music channel which Includes the intro song of this video That is an original song I'll also have My latest release link down below and Finally my Vlog Channel and my merch Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video thank you Guys so much for supporting me my Channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here and I'm sending so much love to you to your Person your higher selves your spiritual Teams and all of your loved ones both Here on Earth and in the other Realms And I will see you guys in the next one Bye-bye

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