8/8 PORTAL 🦁🌈 ABUNDANCE Coming in! 🍀 Pick a Card Tarot Reading Collab with @LunaTarot1

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Intro – 0:00
💗 #1 – 4:44
🐸 #2 – 41:04
🍄 #3 – 1:15:25
🐏 #4 – 1:54:04

🎶 Group 1 song: “My Future” by Billie Eilish
🎶 Group 3 song: “Death” by Melanie Martinez

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Decks Used (in order):
📍Fairy Lenormand by Marcus Katz, Tali Goodwin & Davide Corsi
📍Light | Codes | Oracle by Christina Georgieva
📍Magic Girl Oracle by Starseed Shelter / School of Magic
📍Astrol-OG Oracle by Krystal Banner
📍l’Oracle d’Aggelos
📍Cosma Visions Oracle by James R. Eads ※

💍Snake Ring:

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The readings on my channel are not meant to substitute professional advice. I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy for any reading. Please use your own judgement when making any decisions based on a tarot reading.

#pickacard #tarotreading


[Music] Hi guys it's Kino welcome to another Video so today's pick a card reading is To honor the Lion's gate portal that is Happening today at the time that this Video goes up August 8th which is 88 and Actually this year it is 888 because the year 2024 when you add Up the digits it adds up 28 so this is a Very powerful day for manifestation for Spiritual growth and advancement it is Said that on this day there is a portal That opens and that delivers a higher Frequency energy to us here on Earth Which I personally believe that we can Harness this energy on any day but it is Very fun to celebrate this day and it is Fun to do these readings and today's Reading is very special because we are Collaborating with Luna who is an old Friend of mine in this community we have Been friends since the beginning since The early days of my channel and I've Actually been friends with her since Before she started her Channel and we Have a tradition where on every Repeating number date we do a Collaboration so we did one on the 555 666 777 and so this is our fourth Yeah cuz I don't think we did 444 anyway we've done many of these Collaborations together if you guys Aren't familiar with Luna you should be She is an absolute ray of sunshine every

Time I connect with her every time I Think about her I just get filled up With so much light she is truly a Blessing to this community and her Readings focus on discovering your Talents pursuing your life purpose Purpose excelling in your career Manifestation abundance so if that kind Of stuff interests you I would highly Highly recommend checking out her Channel what I love about Luna is that She reads the energy in such an Optimistic way it is accurate but in an Optimistic way so she reads my energy in Such a high light that I know deep down Is true but maybe I'm having a hard time Believing that about myself and really Embodying that energy and so it's always So uplifting to listen to her messages I Promise if you check out her Channel Your spirits will be lifted a thousand Times over thank you so much Luna you Are my soul sister I love you I'm so Happy to be collaborating with you again I have the biggest smile on my face Right now that is just what your energy Does to me so today's reading is going To be all about abundance and we want to Make sure that we cover abundance of all Kinds that are coming into your life at This this time so on Luna's Channel she Is going to focus on abundance in your Career in your finances and over here on My channel we are going to focus on

Abundance of the emotional nature and The spiritual nature so if you watch Both of the readings together you will Get a full picture of all the abundance That is making its way into your life so We have four groups to choose from today And as you could probably tell already We have a green theme today to honor Abundance and so I have four green Crystals this is actually made of glass But it's all green and I'm going to show You these up close one by one and please Pick whichever one you feel drawn to the Most you can also choose multiple if you Do feel drawn to multiple today that is Just a sign that there are multiple Different blessings coming your way so Please don't limit yourself the universe Does not want you to limit yourself the Universe is not going to limit itself it Is going to generously give you Everything your heart desires at this Time so if you feel drawn to multiple That is for a reason okay so without Further Ado let's get a close-up look at Each of your options for my group number Ones we have this fluorite Heart for my group number twos we have This little glass frog couple sitting on A Bench for my number threes we have this Adventuring mushroom And for my number fours we have this Adventuring

Ram okay so as always take all the time You need to pick you can pause the video If you need to I'm going to go ahead and Get started with number one hi number Ones so if you guys chose the fluorite Heart this is going to be your reading All about the abundance that is Manifesting in your life so it's my Intention today to receive these Messages from Spirit however if there is A particular spirit guide or member of Your spiritual team whom you'd like to Receive messages from today and that Includes higher selves just keep them in Your mind as we go throughout this Reading the first thing I want to do is Just roll a couple of dice and of course I have to use my green dice to see if There's anything in particular that Spirit would like me to focus on today So we have the North Node and we have the sign of Capricorn So group number one this is a Confirmation that you are currently in The best profession to carry out your Life purpose or you are already in Alignment with this path so I do think That a big source of abundance in your Life is going to be this sense of Fulfillment that you know you are in the Exact right position to best develop Your strengths and to make an impact on Your community you're going to feel Empowered in that you can really make a

Difference that you're really helping Others and that you are really tapping Into your fullest potential so yeah this Feels like success and fulfillment in What you do I also feel that you could Be receiving a lot of respect or Enjoying a high reputation it's like You're highly respected or highly Appreciated for what you Do okay so let's get into your cards and See what else we need to know about the Abundance you are manifesting we have The St love is the highest Truth get up and try Again opposition confrontation Reflecting mirroring seeking balance Tests interaction Push Pull Dynamic Internal conflicts uncertainty wavering Acknowledgement and Respect and yeah and then we literally Have abundance and it says I receive and I already have everything that I need What an auspicious sign to literally get An abundance card in an abundance Reading definitely Spirit wants to Confirm to you that you are in the the Right place in your life to receive your Abundance I'm also I want to just look At the numbers that are here because we Have the number 17 which correlates to the major Arcana Of the star so there's a big wish being Fulfilled in your life and I personally

Feel with the star this is a wish that For quite some time has Felt kind of far away or like it's it's It feels more like a distant dream than Something that could tangibly come true It almost feels like too good to be true And then the universe is saying psych no It's real like it's part of your reality There's this feeling of the future is Brighter than you expect and not only is Your specific wish going to come true But it's going to go even beyond that Things that are beyond your wildest Dreams would come true an easy and kind Of silly example of this is like if your Biggest wish was to be a a millionaire And it's like no you're actually going To be a billionaire it's it's that kind Of energy where the universe is meeting Your wish and then giving you even extra So I think you need to know that the Future is brighter than you are thinking We also have the number 13 which is the Death card so there is yeah and the stor It is about Changes because it has that symbolism of The migration of a bird so there's a big Change coming in your life and a big Fulfillment of a Wish with get up and try again this does Look like something that you have Already been trying to make happen so it Doesn't really seem like something that Is materializing out of thin air it's a

Wish coming true because you didn't give Up and you contined to work hard I know With this Capricorn energy here and Maybe you do have Capricorn placements You don't have to but what I can tell About you is that you are incredibly Hardworking and disciplined and you Follow through with what you say you're Going to do like if you say you're going To show up if you say you're going to Make it happen you're going to make it Happen and this is really a sign of your Hard work paying Off also I want to say that the things You are currently focused on and the Things that you are pouring your efforts Into are very much in alignment with Your life purpose and that is why I Think that's part of the reason you feel Such a strong drive towards them but This wish that's coming true it is Something that you have have been trying To make happen or you've made multiple Attempts at something there's that Feeling of getting knocked down seven Times getting up eight times no matter How many times you fail with finger Quotes or no matter how many times you Get knocked down you're going to get up And try again It feels it feels like a Breakthrough after after adversity after So many times of things not coming Through and feeling like you're going to

Lose hope things are finally coming Through for You Also and I I don't think this is for Everybody it may just be for a few of You but there is that tale of baby Being brought in by a Stor and these little fairies kind of Look like babies and this is the Queen Of Hearts which corresponds to the queen Of Cups and the queen of Cups has little Spirit babies on her throne and she has That nurturing energy so for a few of You there is a message of Confirmation about a little one coming Into your life uh whether that's your Own or someone close Close to You Someone in your Family especially if this has been a Wish of yours cuz this is that Star Energy like for those of you who have Wished to start or expand your family or Have have a little one in your life and I say little one because it it could Very much be like giving birth having a Baby it could be adopting a baby um but It could it doesn't have to be human it Could be your fur baby it could be your Companion animal just having having that Little life to nurture and to raise and To to shower with love that could be Something that is coming into your life And bringing you a lot of joy and Bringing you a lot of

Abundance and I do think that life is Going to become more gentle for you this Is something about the nature of your Goal because there's some goals that you Have to work really hard to achieve them And then you have to keep Working that hard to maintain it and I Feel like your particular wish it's a Bit different it it will take a lot of Hard work to make it happen but then Once it comes true there's like this Sigh of relief and then things get Easier once you make it happen once you Give that initial push it will be easier To maintain so something that you need To know is that the hardest times are Behind you or maybe you are in the Hardest times right now and it's only Going to get easier from here on out Because a big part of your abundance is Not having to give so much of your Energy to the hustle and the struggle a Big part of your abundance is getting to Focus on what really makes your heart Happy and getting being able to Prioritize your inner peace and your Emotional Well-being I also think you're creating A life for yourself where your emotions Can Lead you can ask yourself what the best Thing is to do based on how you feel and Your life is going to be set up such That you can honor your heart and honor

Your emotions and honor what you love This definitely gives me the feeling of Being able to do what you love and and The highest truth of what is right for You is embedded in the things and people And places that you naturally Love that is naturally what is best for You and love is also the reason that you Haven't Given up I'm hearing you're not crazy The you're not the reason you're not Giving up it's not because you're crazy Or delusional or well maybe you are Stubborn but that's not why you're not Giving up it's because of Love that's what has kept you Going love for what you do for yourself For your loved ones even for I'm hearing People and things that don't exist yet On this Earth Love for the future cuz this star energy Is the Future and now I'm thinking of the Billy Ish song where she says I'm in love with My future I haven't properly listened to That song but I know I know she says That so maybe I will link that song Down Below for you if you feel called to It um but I do know that she's a Sagittarius So you know what I just realized cuz I Said SJ and I'm like okay SJ Capricorn This the star that we've been talking About is Aquarius energy and this 13

Death is Scorpio and when you put all of those Together it makes a a chunk of time like Scorpio s Capricorn Aquarius season Which is from the end of October to the End of February so that could be a window of Time where things are gradually starting To get better and better and better And then once you move out of that Things will be significantly Easier with this opposition card I do Think this is talking about the Adversities that you have been through And that you haven't backed down from Them you have met adversity with a Strong Will with a strong desire to find a Solution you've maybe kept going where Others might give up on that Journey Hearing cut your losses I think is the Expression or just just take the loss You know you've already invested so much Just take the loss maybe somebody told You this I'm hearing you have to move on With your life as well you've already Put in so much time energy Resources just accept the loss and you You have to move on you have to go back To normal whatever that Means um but no it was and it was your Calling that kept pulling you Forward this could also be About cuz I'm thinking about how this a

Disco ball reflects light this could Also be about Shining Light on what was Keeping you from living a peaceful life And I think you've realized that your Key to having inner Peace is not not through avoiding Discomfort or avoiding Confrontation that actually makes the Discomfort Persist and so your version of inner Peace is one where you Can confront the things that are out of Alignment for you where you can call Them out or remove them from your life Or speak up against them or face Them that is true peace for you like Facing the chaos is true peace ignoring It and letting it Fester is not true Peace and recognizing that every time You face this opposition it's a chance For you to Grow regardless like it could be that You're growing because you're Integrating a little bit of that Opposing energy and learning something From it or standing even more firmly in Your energy because it provides contrast I really know that that's not for Me but any any opportunity where you get To See Your Shadow or you get to see the Other side of the coin or the other side Of the polarity it's an opportunity for You to grow I hope that that makes Sense I also think something that's kept

You going is just this deep-seated Knowing that it's already yours even if It's maybe not tangible and in front of Your physical eyes right now there's a Deeper knowing than that that has told You that it's already yours it's the Knowing of your Soul yeah I'm thinking of the death card which This isn't even the death card but it's Just the number 13 keeps making me think Of that energy it often makes me think Of the the metamorphosis of caterpillar To Butterfly and I'm thinking of The Very Hungry Caterpillar when the caterpillar Is just like eating and eating and Eating And because it needs energy to turn into A Butterfly and maybe the caterpillar Doesn't know Why it's eating so much but it's just The Instinct that it has its body is Wise and its body can sense that a Transformation is coming and so it needs That Energy So pay attention and that's been coming Up a lot with Queen of Hearts queen of Cups energy recently as well is really Getting in touch with the cues of your Body and trusting its wisdom so if You're feeling like you need more or

Less of something it could be because Your body knows something that you don't So you may find a difference in your Energy levels in your appetite levels in Your tastes in your preferences and what You gravitate Towards before you understand why and It's cuz your body already senses a a Transformation coming or a breakthrough In your life coming and knows how to Prepare for it and so it will be best to Honor those cues of your Body um One Last Thing Before we get Into the tarot is that this m message of Stor and migration it can be interpreted Literally as in you're going to go Through a a geographical relocation or You're going to travel somewhere so that Could be a confirmation for some of you But it's also a symbol of something Being a promising Endeavor in the long Term something that is longlasting so It's really important for you to know That once this wish does come true it's Not going to go away it's going to it's Going to stick I mean it's going to Stick it's going to be [Applause] Secured I'm thinking of a rocket launch Where it's like you spend all this time Building a rocket and when you launch it You don't even know if the mission is Going to be Successful and it's like it will it's

The launch is going to go well and then It's going to stabilize and it's going To maintain Yeah long-term Success so we are getting into the tarot Now what else does group number one need To know about the abundance that is Coming their way we have the Phoenix Which this is the hierophant but Very similar to that Transformation rebirth energy we've been Talking about we have the six of trees Which is the Six of Pentacles we have life map which is the Wheel of Fortune The two of Embers which is the Two of Wands and then at the bottom of the deck We have the veil okay so something Interesting just happened with the veil Um this is Roman numerals it's the Number 17 but I read it as 12 and I thought it was the hanged man But for some reason it's like my brain Missed the the V and just saw x i i and Just saw 12 so there is a five that I Missed five is the number of Change especially we have a five here With the Phoenix change metamorphosis Transformation the hanged man which I Thought this was it's about looking at Things from a different perspective so It's

Like your wish is coming true but the Ing Ingredient is a change or A New Perspective so yes you're going to keep Trying again but you might try a Different way or a different Approach it could be that a new way is Going to present itself to you like if You think you've exhausted all the Options there may be a new Option you Haven't tried that is presenting itself To you for some of you there may be Another option that you know of but you Just haven't had the resources to be Able to do it it's like yeah I know that That option exists but it it costs money Or it's only accessible in this place And I can't go to that place so it could Be that the universe is going to provide The means you need to access that other Option to make your wishes come True and and then it could also be a Perspective thing It could be looking at the task at hand In a different Way looking at what You what you think you know about the Situation at hand because some of it Might be assumption some of it might be Like a Common a common misconception that You've just taken on as your Own um this is also one that is coming To my mind and I think it's because we

Were talking about like conceiving and And children and stuff like that it's as If somebody was trying to conceive on Day 14 of their cycle cuz they just That's just the common knowledge that's What you do but maybe that person Doesn't ulate on day 14 of their cycle Maybe it's a bit before maybe it's a bit After so it could be some kind of common Knowledge that you've just accepted that Is actually hindering you because the Truth is a little bit more nuanced than That or it's even um it's even just Different or yeah like another another Option another perspective of looking at The situation at hand that's going to Reveal itself to you cuz the fact that My eyes missed the five it it just feels Like the missing ingredient is is like Change or doing something in a different Way and also the Veil it's Like the veil conceals things there's Something you don't know that if you did Know it or or is something that's not Available to you if it was available to You it would make things a lot easier to Achieve your goal and so I feel like the Universe is preparing to give that to You or reveal that to you I'm also Thinking of veil as in like a veil of Secrecy So someone could Be

Withholding information from you or Withholding something from you that is Impeding your growth or your success and You'll get a chance to confront that Veil could also be a a wedding veil so I Mean that might be a whole other message But for some of you your the abundance You're receiving could have to do with Marriage or your Spouse like um a marriage Union as part Of your abundance or gaining abundance Through a marriage Union something like That um we Have two Taurus cards in a row as well Taurus energy in general and then Taurus Moon which it could be that someone with Taurus placements is significant or Somebody who has a double like sun and Moon sign like someone who has like Scorpio Sun Scorpio Moon Aries Sun Aries Moon you know same sun and moon Sign Someone or like for example I'm an Aries Sun Gemini Moon so if this is my reading Maybe somebody with a Gemini sun is Significant or someone with an Aries Moon is Significant the Six of Pentacles this also gives the feeling of Hard work paying off but there's a Feeling of energy being reciprocated to You you're being reciprocated you're Being supported so all of this hard work That you've put in is now being matched

By by another Party and that will take some burden off Of you it's like you've had I think You've had to do a lot of this journey Alone like you've had to make a lot of These efforts alone up until now and This is some support coming In you could be receiving abundance in The form of education training Counseling Mentorship Guidance you could be entering into a Part partership with someone who has a Lot of experience that can help you a Lot of knowledge and expertise that can Help you resources and Connections the hofan gives the feeling Of a mentor or even like a veteran in a Certain field or someone who has a lot Of authority in a certain field and so Partnering up with this person it could Give you more re resources I'm also Hearing by associating with this person You would automatically gain more Respect more esteem I'm hearing people Might take you more seriously if you're Associated with this person it could Also be a group or an institution like If you had if you got for example a Scholarship to a certain school or you Have a degree from a certain institution You could automatically just have more Respect because of that because of how People perceive it or people will take

You more seriously in the sense of oh This person knows what they're talking About this person knows what they're Doing so it's like you're linking up With the energy of another individual or Or a group or a a um yeah an individual Or a group or an institution an Establishment that Raises your the resources available to You that raises your reputation and that Does help how people perceive you Because in this World in this material world and in this Some superficial World those things are Important and I do think there's Something About like becoming legit if that makes Sense like you could be gaining a Certification in something or your Efforts are being recognized I'm also Thinking of when when musicians sell a Certain number of records and then they Get that gold certification Platinum Certification and if you have that Attached to your Um your resume like oh you're a two Times Platinum it it adds some it adds Some respect to your name like there's Something like that that is is happening For you or by association with somebody Like oh you've been published in this Person's journal or you've been on this Person's uh TV show or podcast right it Could be so many different things but

Getting getting that boost In recognition or that boost in Reputation also the fact that the Hier Can talk about someone providing you Guidance and mentorship and the fact That this is a bird I'm thinking of that Expression of taking someone under your Wing so you could have someone doing That for you like someone who is going To coach you through a certain process And I'm hearing that this makes you feel A lot safer because you know that if you Have any questions you have someone to Turn to you have someone who's going to Know the answer and you have someone who Makes you feel like there are no dumb Questions who really encourages your Learning process there may be some Things on this journey that you're that You're just learning now and that you Feel kind Of ashamed in your own subjective Experience you might feel ashamed like Why am I only learning this now why did It take me so long to know about this Why why wasn't I educated about this Before and your your spiritual team is Saying don't be ashamed because it's not Your fault it's like culturally or Societally we do a horrible job at Sharing this information and we do a Horrible job at supporting people and And making resources accessible to them Like and and I don't say that to

Discredit people whose whose line of Work it is to support others and provide Them with Information And actually if you are an educator or Something in that vein let me know how You feel about the field you're in and If you feel Like I don't know I'm just I'm curious To know but I feel like Sometimes Society fails to provide the Best information and resources and Education um again that's not to judge Any individual Educators it's just the The system like I don't think for Example in a school schooling system I Don't think the teachers get to pick What the curriculum is they just have to Teach what the board tells them to teach So Um yeah so I think this is just about Don't feel ashamed if you didn't know Something or like if no one ever taught You how to do Something that's normal and that's not Your fault and that's nothing to be Ashamed of and also to know that it's Never too late and and that you are not Too late and that this support is coming In and in Fact you are very much on the right path And on the perfect timing in your Destined path I think what is so Interesting about the Wheel of Fortune

In this deck is that it looks a lot more Complex it's not a perfect circle where You go down and then you go Up it's multifaceted and it's all over The place and this is very often what Our life map looks like my camera really Wants to focus on this abundance card Right now in your life map you receive And you have everything that you need in The moment that you need It don't it's so easy for me to say Right but don't feel like you're behind Or that you're you're not on the right Path or Or anything like that and then we have The Two of Wands Which can it can talk about Partnerships And it's interesting that there's three People on this card it it it almost kind Of gives me a three of Cups kind of Feeling like the three women dancing Together you know it's a a Sisterhood It's a friend group it's a community it Makes things more light-hearted so You're definitely a journey that you've Gone through alone especially trying to Make your dreams happen on your own you Are no longer alone and so another way That you're receiving abundance is Through Community like being cared for By a community receiving Love by a Community being uplifted and also the The Fulfillment that comes with getting To uplift and assist your community

Right back it's that kind of mutual Support the Six of Pentacles says the Same thing a beautiful reciprocated Exchange of Energy this feels like a partnership Where each individual's boundaries and Wishes are really respected so it's like We're not losing oursel in the community It's a community made up of so many Vibrant individuals who each have their Own goals and dreams and beliefs but all Come together over this shared desire To to support each other and to feel Interconnectedness you will also have in Abundance in the form of more Opportunities to Explore your strengths your talents your Interests and getting to interact with More People might spark curiosity of oh maybe I'm interested in that maybe maybe I'm Good at that as Well and it's just man it's just coming To me like it's so silly that we place These random deadlines to find out what We like and to find out what we're good At you could be 70 years old and Discover your passion and discover a new Hobby and it's so silly that like your 20s you're you're a Baby I still feel like a b well I don't Feel like a baby but I don't I don't Feel like I'm just getting started I'm Still figuring out what I like to do and

What I what I want to do and you can Figure that out Forever cuz your time is yours and your Life is yours and who do you need to Meet this deadline For who's what's going to happen if you Don't figure out by age 25 or whatever Who's going to punish you you have to Pay a fine to somebody no cuz it's your Time it's your life anyway I don't even Know why I went on that rant But I think it's just that That certain people are peing your Curiosity about certain certain Interests of Yours and it's like if I hadn't met this Person if I hadn't divinely met this Person I wouldn't have realized that I Had this interest or this Talent But but I I had to meet them first at This point in my life and so how could It be too late this is exactly when I Was meant to meet them and have this Revelation It's just So baseless and Boring to put all of your deadlines at Such an early time in your Life you have no idea what is ahead of You yeah so I I feel like oh okay I Totally forgot the last thing I want to Do I wanted to read that was actually How I realized I had the wrong card cuz

I was like I want to read this from the guide book When I first laid out the cards and then I'm like wait a minute the hanged man is Not called The Veil it's called Sacrifice the veil is the star So let's Read uh the star which is on page 42 which might be relevant for you 42 is The answer to life the universe and Everything um we have the messages of Hope and reassurance almost invis ible You feel a light Veil cascading down Your being knowing anywhere could be Better than where you came from you push On hoping for somewhere better on the Other side you emerge and notice a light And then more lights start floating Around you brightening up the space you Are in you start to feel a little Lighter as well the colors around you Have returned and so has your Will the veil is a gentle reminder that Hope is sometimes invisible this card is A beacon hope is driving or it's soon on The way hope can come in many forms and Can feel as easy as flipping a switch You'll be surprised how drastically Things can go from dark to light like a Comet blazing across the night sky let Yourself feel hopeful and your faith in The future will surely Return that's making me really emotional Look for the small Joys remember the

Brightness of the sun and the magic of The Stars group number one those are all of Your messages thank you so much for Letting me do this reading for you if You would like to know more about your Abundance in the sense of career and Finances that will be in Luna's reading So make sure to check that out as well And thank you so much to Luna for Collaborating with me it it always Brings me so much joy to connect with You I hope you guys have a wonderful day Or night whenever you're watching and I Wish you all the best please take good Care of yourself stay healthy don't Forget to like comment and subscribe if You feel like doing that if you enjoy my Content and You' like to find me Elsewhere I'm going to have linked down Below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like these Ones we do on my main Channel and you Can also decide on topics for future Readings over on patreon so I'll have That linked down below I will link my Music channel which includes the intro Song of this video that that is an Original song I'll also have my latest Release link down below and finally my Vlog Channel and my merch which features The floating Temple that was at the

Start of this video thank you guys so Much for supporting me my channel and Anything I do I really really appreciate Having you here and I'm sending so much Love to you to your higher self to Anyone who appeared in this reading to Their higher self and to your Spirit Guides your spiritual team and all of Your loved ones both here on Earth and In the other Realms and I will see you Guys in the next one Bye-bye High number twos so if you guys Chose these adorable little frogs Sitting on the bench together this is Going to be a reading so it's my Intention today to receive these Messages from Spirit however if there is A particular spirit guide or member of Your spiritual team whom you would like To receive messages from today just keep Them in your mind as we are going going Through the Reading and before we get into the cards I wanted to just roll a couple of my Green dice to see if there's anything in Particular that Spirit would like me to Focus on Today okay so group number two what does Group number two need to know Today we have the planet Pluto so There's definitely some groundbreaking Change a Complete change or a complete overhaul To the structure of your life the

Structure of your day-to-day or you Could be going through a profound inner Change or profound Healing and wow we have the planet of Scorpio which is not the planet of Scorpio the sign of Scorpio which is Ruled by the planet of Pluto so strong Strong Scorpio Vibes strong plutonian Vibes and strong Vibes of transformation Yeah yes this feels like deep emotional Healing so it starts Inward and then That healing radiates outward and allows You to create a completely new life like The life that healed you will create and That healed you will live looks a lot Different there's a message coming Through about your future bearing very Little resemblance to what you have Lived in the past up until now but this Is meant to be a comforting and Reassuring message it's almost as if the Past hardships you've been through or The past things that you have identified With that that brought you down they're Not going to haunt you anymore there's a Feeling of being able to be completely Free from something and start completely Fresh Pluto and Scorpio could also be The placement of a person who is Significant whether that's you or Someone else but let's get into your Cards now and see what Spirit has to say About your abundance we have the Woman let love be your

Why fight like a Queen Chiron healing insecurity wounds Vulnerabilities deep-seated pain Teaching Powers spiritual strength Difficulties guilt transmuting healing Others and then we have omniscience I Already know the answers to my Questions okay so we have the numbers 29 And 1 which could be significant the Dates January 29 um February 19 September 12th September 21st these Could be significant dates to you Someone who's 29 years old a life path One um this could just be confirmation For some of you it doesn't have to all Apply to you I'm also noticing there is A strong presence of feminine energy With the woman here and the Queen with Scorpio being a feminine sign As Well there's strong energy of healing of Healing deep seated Pain I'm hearing deep Clean and it's kind of funny but I have This visual of when you deep clean a Carpet so it's not the same thing as Just vacuuming it it's like you're Getting deep into the fabric and pulling Out all of the Old dust and dirt that was sitting there So I I really really think this is a Healing that is leaving you Feeling cleansed and brand new and truly

Truly free from your past and truly free From things that you may have gone Through or that may have happened to you It's like this Dark Cloud that was Hanging over you is not there anymore Some of you could be coming out of quite A dark place and it's like you're Finally seeing that light at the end of The tunnel And I would not be surprised if you go On to heal many others who have similar Journeys whether that's through directly Working with them or just being a Beautiful inspiring example and success Story about how there's always a way out Of the darkness I do think you will be a Beacon of Hope for many People also we have the the suit of Spades here which is related to Swords in Tarot and then we have a one We have 29 which reduces to 11 uh repeating ones like 1111 111 could Be signs that abundance is on its way to You or a fresh new beginning is on its Way to you but I'm also sort of getting Ace of Swords Vibes especially because This is Omniscience you could be gaining Abundance in the form of knowledge Knowledge information Communication you could also be really Developing your intuitive abilities and Your clar cognizant Abilities Scorpio is deeply intuitive

And a deeply psychic Energy so yeah I definitely feel an Abundance of psychic energy around you But also there's this feeling of an Abundance of information coming to you And answers to all of your questions You may find at this time that spirit And your spiritual team are really Answering all of your questions in a Clear and direct way this will be a time When you ask for answers and when you Ask for signs they will be shown to you With no room for Doubt in in a Very in a very literal way and I was Just going to say maybe there's some Portal that is open that's allowing you To access this information now and then I remembered that this whole reading is Dedicated to the Lion's gate portal so That portal opening might be bringing You some some new answers some new Information some new upgrades but There's this feeling of just knowing as Soon as you have a question or a Curiosity in your mind you know the Answer you feel the Answer this could also be a time of Epiphanies especially epiphanies about Something or someone you love And epiphanies About something that is worth fighting For and and maybe this is you maybe this Is an epiphany of the love that you have

For yourself and that you are worth Fighting For it could also be towards somebody Else like having an epiphany about your True feelings for somebody or an Epiphany about a certain connection Maybe there's a reason you were drawn to These this frog Couple you and another Person having an epiphany about the the Meaning of a connection or the purpose Of a connection this could even be the Other Party having an epiphany that that the Connection with you is worth fighting For or about the love that they have for You if somebody has hurt you whether It's romantic Platonic any type of connection if Someone has hurt you They might be having a sudden Realization of the mistakes that they Made there was a message about an Abundance of communication so it could Be that someone is reaching out to you To to try to reconcile or to reconnect Or to make things right because this is A reading about abundance and blessings This would only be true for you if There's someone you want to hear from That you would be happy to hear from Them so if there's someone who's hurt You in the past and like hearing from Them would make you really upset um it's

Not that person or this message is just Not for you because it feels like Something that will be very healing for You receiving Clarity or an explanation Or an apology from this person or Receiving a desire to reconnect and Reunite from this person if this is your Message it would be something that feels Like joy that feels like relief that Feels like finally we're on the same Page finally we understand the truth of This Connection I also think with with Chiron Healing insecurity wounds this could be A time where a lot of insecurities and Wounds or one in particular that was Quite strong that have been in the Subconscious are now rising up and Becoming known by your conscious mind And once they are known KN by your Conscious mind they lose a lot of power Over you your patterns and cycles that Are not serving You if you're aware of them they're Already losing power they're already on Their way Out you're gaining more power you're Gaining more control in your narrative Because you have more clarity and Awareness so we're going to get into Your Tarot Now let's see what else you need to know About this energy or if there's other Energies that Spirit would like you to

Know About with the number 29 here as well Some of you maybe have gone through your Saturn return Someone with Chiron in the sign of Scorpio or Chiron in the first House Chiron in the 2th 9th 11th house Could be Significant or like a Chiron Pluto Aspect which oh my God I feel like that Would be quite intense What else does group number two need to Know Spirit we Have the shape Shifter the two of trees Karma and the eight of lotuses and then At the bottom of the Deck we have the eight of Embers I'm Going to check in the guide book about The shape shifter it is a court card but I'm not very good at remembering these So the shape shifter is the Knight of Wands but when I look at this spread in Its whole Context I do feel like this will more so Be interpreted as the the archetype of a Shape Shifter I feel like this is your Energy I feel like you have the ability And as it says in the guide Book The Shape Shifter Can be two things at once and can Appease Oppositions I think that you have the

Gift of matching others Energy and appeasing others and I think That this is maybe something that you Had to Develop to stay safe or for Survival at some point earlier on in Your life it could even go back as far As Childhood there's a feeling of you being Caught in a power Struggle you could have been caught in a Power struggle with another party or you Were caught in the Middle of a power struggle or caught in The middle of a conflict between two Parties and maybe you had to be The Peacemaker you had to appease both sides Or you you had to make sense Of you had to make sense of both sides Truths or both sides demands I'm hearing And this was not a place for you to be In this never should have Been this never should have been your Job for example it could be like being Caught between two parents or two Friends or even two people whom you work With and there was there was a power Struggle And I feel like with this being the Knight of Wands there is some there is Leo energy associated with this card Which is the sun this is your your life Force your Authenticity and I feel like there was a

Time where there was there was no room For you to shine your own light because You just had To reflect the light of others or or Mimic mimic what was being projected From others you had to assume a role That people expected you to be in you Could have been put into a certain box Or you just had to be what others needed From you at that time and it's like There was no room or no Grace for you to Explore and discover your own authentic Light and let that shine Out and and to let you Express Yourself you could be overcoming Blockages that have to do with with Creativity like a creative a creative Rut or a creative drought could be Solved by this profound healing and this Profound purging when all of the Emotions start pouring out so does your Creativity reconnecting with your inner Voice reconnecting with your inner Expression reclaiming your Crea Creativity that's coming through as Well creating in a way that is authentic And remembering what it's really all About remember what the creative process Is really all about and why it really Matters it's not a performance it's a It's a ritual it's a purging it's a Healing Experience or it can

Be I think you're becoming a lot more Intimate with yourself as well like Emotionally spiritually Perhaps even physically like coming back Into your body and being comfortable in Your body Again I think there's an abundance of Space for you and this transformation is About taking up that space again rather Than making yourself smaller and smaller And smaller so that there's more space For Others you are reclaiming your space That is meant for you to fill Up we have message of Karma and then we have the eight of Lotuses which is the Eight of Cups there's something that you are Walking away From because you recognize your power to Free yourself and to break this Cycle and this walking away it feels More emotional it feels like you are no Longer I mean you could be leaving a Certain physical Environment but it feels emotional in This sense of I am no longer going to Engage with this I am no longer going to Entertain this I'm I'm no longer going To stay in this space in this Environment in this relationship Whatever it might be that that requires Me to be smaller and that requires me to Stifle myself that other people feeling

Like they have space is hinges on me Being Small that shouldn't be a thing that Shouldn't be a a Dynam DC that that I Have to be in or that anyone has to be In for that Matter You're Refusing to be someone Else's Peacemaker or someone else's Healer I also feel like you could Be it's like I'm not going to try to Save people anymore I'm not going to try To save people from the consequences of Their own actions I'm not going to try To save people from their own Karma like I'm not going to Interfere with someone else receiving Their karma they might need to go Through that experience because that's Their Karma um I feel like Scorpio energy is Very Karma karmic as Well but this is this is the Justice Card um you are definitely receiving Your karma this abundance that you're Receiving is because you have Accumulated Good Karma Someone someone is getting their karma Too and you don't have to worry about it You don't have to do anything the Universe will take care of that so Looking at this eight of Embers this

Eight of Wands there is a feeling of Destruction Here with these meteors hitting Earth And even maybe this is a bit of a reach But I'm thinking about how Chiron is an Asteroid and I think asteroids can hit As well and just pluton plutonic Plutonian Energy yeah plutonian energy is Destructive as Well it has that energy of death and Destruction and upheaval as well and This could be something that happens Suddenly and quickly because the eight Of Wands has this feeling of of many Things happening at once so when you What this feels like is when you make This decision to walk away and to stop Engaging with certain things ah a lot of Things in your life are going to fall Apart because it's going to cause a Chain Reaction it's as if You let's say what you're healing is That you have had a lot of struggles When it comes to asserting your Boundaries and saying no to things that You want to say no to when you start Doing that it's like all of these Endings happening in your life because There were so Many it's like there's so many I'm Seeing Tents and the tents can only

Stand if you maintain sounds weird to Say it this way if you maintain the Inability to assert your Boundaries and so when you say I'm no Longer engaging with the activity of Ignoring and violating my own boundaries I'm not doing that anymore I'm not Betraying myself anymore all of these Tents fall Flat cuz without your betrayal of Yourself they don't have a leg to stand On they can't be Maintained so your decision like to Emotionally walk away from something or To stop doing something that that harms You or that makes you uncomfortable or That is just it's not good it's not for Your highest good that will cause a lot Of endings and destructions in your life And it's like the one Domino that knocks Over all the other dominoes and and yes This can Be it almost kind of feels like a tower Energy which is also related to Scorpio But it's it's the Mars the Mars part of Scorpio there's but these endings Happening are part of your abundance so I feel like your abundance has to do With freedom freedom a fresh start and In abundance of your own time and energy Being Yours and you you get to do whatever you Want with your time and energy and this All starts with some Epiphany you

Have of of something or someone or or Some place that you love and that is Worth fighting For this this love helps to pull you out Of this dark Tunnel the Two of Pentacles here the two Of trees two of trees is the Two of Pentacles I just had something happen in My throat just now which I would often Think is a like a throat chakra blockage Being Addressed Um this can talk about many things in in Some decks there's a feeling of Embracing a more playful Energy I think That part of this is Realizing how much energy you have okay This is this is maybe going to be a Strange example so please bear with Me I'm seeing someone who has no idea What their income Is and has no idea what their expenses Are they just know I make money every Month and I have to pay for groceries I Have to pay for gas I have to pay for Utilities I have to pay for insurance or Something so they know that they have These things to pay for but they don't See the exact amounts that are coming in And Out but once They stop paying for all of these

Things their money accumulates and They're like holy that's how much Money I was Making every month like it's like they Didn't even realize what their income Was because it's like as soon as it Comes in it has to go to this and this And this and this and This when their money doesn't have to go To those places anymore they can Actually see it pooling in their bank Account and they're like oh so that's my Income that's a lot and I feel like Something is happening with your energy Where you were giving your energy to This person and this situation and this Drama and these Worries and so it's like a as soon as You were generating your energy it was Going off to somewhere else so you Didn't even really See accurately how much energy you have How can you know how much energy you Have if it's suddenly running away Somewhere else and now that you're Generating energy and it stays with you You're like holy crap I actually have a Lot of energy to do stuff so you have an Abundance of energy now that you can put Into Endeavors and Journeys and projects That that you want to use it On and I love that for you and life is Going to Feel more playful and life is going to

Feel more like a fun collaboration with The Universe rather than just endless Mountains for you to Climb tasks for you to complete Things will feel more like a fun Adventure you have an abundance of time Energy freedom and space to really take Up you could be gaining more recognition Or more visibility for your talents as You now have more time to prioritize Developing your gifts and Creating and I think that What you have been through in the past It could Definitely Inspire the work that you do Or the things that you create it's like You're transmuting the darkness of what Happened to you into Beauty through your Work and through your Creations so you can Still [Music] Um borrow from that's a weird word but You can still borrow from those Experience you can still channel from Those experiences To create something that is deeply Relatable and moving and healing for Others but those past experiences don't Control you you wield Them you transmute them how you please And You you control The Narrative of of what

Happened in your past it doesn't control You so the last thing that I want to do Is read this eight of Embers the bottom Of the deck energy from the guide Book And it's on page 59 in case that is relevant for you Rapid action and quick decisions a loud Explosion catches you offg guard and a Plume of dark black smoke spills into The sky it's midday but the sky is dark From the suit clouding the air deafening Booms echo in the distance and the Ground is hot with fire this is a time Of war and you have arrived at an Inopportune moment this is a dark card And something you hoped You' never live To see but now you must let your Survival instincts kick in and learn how To make quick Decisions okay right Away your spiritual team is so proud for Proud of You For like your instincts have Been so quick and so sharp And I think your spiritual team really Doesn't want you to judge yourself if Now you see that you have certain like Patterns or certain ways of interacting With people or certain coping mechanisms That you feel are not helpful and are Not serving you don't judge yourself Because you have those because at one

Point they did serve You and you adapted to your Circumstances because that is the Amazing Gift of your survival instincts and your Adaptability this card has shown up as An alert rapid action may be required at Any moment waiting in place is not an Option anymore this is not a card for The faint at heart it asks much of you And you must be willing to give it you Must learn to be comfortable executing a Big decision on your own make moves Before you are taken down so you might Feel that this walking away is I don't Know if time sensitive is the right word Or like it's urgent in some Way like I need To for example I need to leave this job Before I really burn out or I need to Leave this job before I get sick or I I Need to distance myself from this person Before I like have a nervous breakdown There's something that feels kind of Urgent or perhaps a a tipping Point where you can't just pretend it Doesn't exist Anymore but this is also this is also a Blessing in disguise it's it's like a Smoke alarm notifying you that there's a Fire don't get mad at the smoke alarm It's doing its job thank the smoke alarm The smoke alarm is is amazing it's Saving

You I'm even thinking of in my own Experience I've Had like really bad anxiety attacks like Thank God I haven't I don't even know if This is wood but I haven't had one in a Long time but there was a period where I Was very much I was taking on way too Much and then oh I was taking on way too Much and I was exhausted but then there Was a cockroach in my apartment Which is not uncommon here in Japan um And it was so sneaky I couldn't find it But because I was so scared of it I Couldn't sleep and it was just Completely devastating because I was Really relying on being able to sleep Because I had so much to get done and Because I was sleep deprived and like Stressed Out I just I had a really bad anxiety Attack and I had to cancel my plans the Next day but that was a wakeup call of Like holy I need to stop Overextending myself I need to stop Overc committing to things like this is Now my body and my health is being Affected And ever since then I've been a lot more Careful about doing too Much and not overstimulating myself and And everyone's level is going to be Different right like the point to where You feel like this is too much this is Too much stress this is too much

Stimulation it's going to be different But you have to Honor what your higher self is telling You and what your body is telling you so I don't I don't want to scare you and be Like something like that is going to Happen to you this could manifest in Many different ways but I think it's This moment of like oh crap I I cannot Keep going like this cuz it's not going To be pretty but But to be thankful for that cuz that's That smoke alarm that's telling you like Get out of the house and that is a Blessing okay group number twos I think These are all the messages that I have For you so thank you very much for Letting me do this reading for you I Hope you have a wonderful day or night Whenever you're watching and I wish you All the best if you'd like to know more About the abundance coming your way in Terms of your career and finances then That is going to be in Luna's reading so Be sure to check that out and thank you So much once again to Luna for Collaborating with me it always makes me So happy to be able to connect and do These readings with you and group number Two please take good care of yourself Stay healthy don't forget to like Comment and subscribe if you feel like Doing that if you enjoy my content and You like to find me elsewhere I'm going

To have linked down below my tarot Reading Instagram my personal Instagram My patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like the ones we do here on my main Channel and you can also decide on Topics for future readings over there I Will link my music channel which Includes the intro song of this video That is an original song I'll also have My latest release link down below and Finally my Vlog Channel and my merch Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video thank you Guys so so much for supporting me my Channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you Here I just want to blow you kisses and Give you a hug group number two this is My Hug and thank you so much for being here I'm sending so much love to you to your Higher self to anyone who appeared in This reading to their higher self and I'm sending love to your Spirit guides Your spiritual team and all of your Loved ones both here on Earth and in the Other Realms and I will see you guys in The next one bye-bye Hi number threes so if you guys chose The adventuring mushroom this is going To be your reading so it's my intention Today to receive these messages from Spirit however if there is a particular

Spirit guide or member of your spiritual Team whom you would like to receive Messages from today just keep them in Your mind as we are going through the Reading and before we get into the cards I wanted to roll a couple of my green Dice to see if there's anything in Particular that Spirit would like us to Focus on today or any hints about what This reading is going to be about so Let's see what we get for you group Number Three we have oh you got the North Node Which is the same as group number One and we have the sign of Leo so we are going to be talking about You aligning with your life purpose your Call calling um and your most authentic Expression there was something in there About stepping out of your comfort zone Which I find interesting because it's as If spirit is Saying at the time that you are watching This right now your most authentic and Badass Expression may actually be outside of Your comfort Zone and I'm being shown actually Something that looks very much like the Dials that are on my ring light there's Two dials one of them is for warm light And one of them is for Cold Light and it Just makes it brighter or dimmer and so It's not about you being in a different

Expression it's you turning up the dial More that's what might be out of your Comfort zone it's like do what you're Already doing but do it bigger and do it Brighter with more oomph with more Confidence with more self-belief with More boldness um Spirit could be asking You to be more bold more Experimental a bit less Filtered to create what you really want To create as opposed to what you think Someone else might Like to not be afraid of pushing the Boundaries to not be afraid of being Weird yeah your authentic expression is Just doing whatever you're doing but Bigger and with less inhibitions and With less filters and that's something That right now might be a little bit Outside of your comfort Zone Spirit may also be encouraging you At this time to get more comfortable With standing out or sticking Out and not blending in with the crowd Interesting okay let's look at your Cards we have the man Sometimes we need to remind ourselves That the universe is our loving Parent love oh interesting love is not Always Obvious Neptune mystery confusion Imagination dreams Artistry Pisces Spirituality subconscious intuition Clairvoyance illusion dreams Visions

Depth and Consciousness and then we have Powerlessness and it says I fully Reclaim possession of my own Energy or of my energy I I added the own But you get the picture I'm reclaiming Possession of my own energy I actually Want to check something because we Have the North Node and we also have the Sign of Pisces here and Pisces is the Next sign that the North Node is going To enter Into when does the North Node enter Pisces January 12th 2025 and it's going to stay in Pisces Until July 2 26 2026 So the beginning of 2025 like Literally as we enter into January of 2025 I feel like things are going to be Popping off in your life I think that's Going to be a period of big growth when The North Node enters Pisces and when The South node enters Virgo very interesting mark your Calendars January 2025 and that's going To be the year of the Snake yes um look out for snakes as well That could be A sign of abundance like if you see even If it's just images of them or Illustrations Or I don't know carvings that's coming To my mind too I feel like that's a sign

Of abundance coming your way I feel like There's a lot going on here there's a Lot of messages so I I apologize if it's A bit all over the place we might find Some way that all of these messages are Linked with each other but for now I'll Try my best to go through them neatly One by one first of all this these two Messages coming out together I feel like Is very interesting sometimes we need to Remind ourselves that the universe is Our loving parent and love is not always Obvious this definitely gives me the Feeling of rejection is divine Protection because I'm thinking of the Way in which uh a parent might withhold Something from their child not not allow Their child to do something or not allow Their child to have something because They love them and because they have Their best interests at heart and the Child in their perspective maybe cannot Yet understand why this thing is bad for Them or why they shouldn't do this Because you know it could be dangerous They could get hurt it could be Unhealthy for them but they just don't They they can't understand from their Perspective and of course the universe Sees the TR of our life from a larger Perspective and so there may be some Times where you Are temporarily I'm hearing temporarily Withheld something cuz maybe it's not

The right time yet Or kept away from a certain place or Certain people or certain offers because The outcome could be negative or Harmful so for those of you who have Experienced rejection recently that may Be something something you need to know This was the Universe um stepping in and And showing love for you and protecting You from something or making sure that You'll be available for something that Is even better and even more in Alignment with your wishes and Dreams some of you are Being something is being held because It's just not the right time Yet so I I thought these two together Were quite Interesting we have this man this Masculine energy Here who is looking at this love is not Always Obvious for those of you who have a love Interest and it doesn't even have to be A man But for those of you who have a love Interest and you're trying to drop hints I feel like they might not be picking up On the hints or picking up on the signs They might need something a little bit More obvious But we do have the heart here this card Is related to the suit of Hearts so There is something about a man or a

Masculine Energy connecting with their heart Connecting more with their Emotions so it could be that a man or a Masculine energy in your life is Becoming more emotionally open or Emotionally vulnerable and so part of The abundance you're experiencing is one Of Connection open Intimacy vulnerability affection you Know someone opening up their heart to You there may also be someone in your Life who has love for you or or is in Love with you and maybe they haven't Been that obvious about it maybe they're Sending you hints and you're not picking Up on them so I feel like this is Simultaneously talking about the ways in Which the universe loves and protects You and it's not always obvious because You know it's a blessing in dis in Disguise or it's rejection in the form Of protection and then I also feel like There could be something about a human In your life where the love is mutual But it's not super obvious and and Someone is finally opening up and so There's there's finally that abundance Of love and affection that is being Shared Neptune can talk about confusion And things being kind of fuzzy and Things being kind of blurry so if you Have been confused about your own Feelings or about someone else's true

Feelings and intentions I do think that The universe is bringing you an Abundance of clarity on that and I do Think that you will be happy with what You See Also this is kind of pisci and energy as Well the number 18 reminds me of the [Music] Moon Neptune is illusion so it's like an Illusion of powerlessness if we put These two together And then this masculine energy which is Like taking initiative taking action There may be a situation that you feel Powerless in But you actually have the power to make This situation Progress with your Actions I'm thinking of just before I Started filming your group I was I was Looking on Instagram and there was a Post from be badi life which if you're Not following her I would recommend it She has a YouTube channel as well I'm Not sure if she posts frequently on YouTube I mainly see her Instagram post These days but I've been a fan of hers For for many Years And she said something like you will see Now that the the things you thought were Holding you back are the things that are Now setting your growth into

Motion so for a lot of you it feels like Something was was blocked or not Progressing or something was withheld From you just because it was not the Right time yet and if you had moved Forward too Early it wouldn't have panned out in the Right way it wouldn't have panned out in The way that you were Dreaming or hoping For And I'm seeing when that thing goes down On the train tracks to keep you from Crossing and and yeah it's frustrating But the reality is that there's a train There's a train going by so you have to Wait and then when the train is done Going by then the it comes up and you Can keep moving forward so there's Something like That where it wasn't time but now is Time trains could be significant in some Way Um and I Wonder if those if there were certain Delays or redirections or changes in Plan that made you feel Powerless but your power it's not about Exerting control on the way everything Goes and being able to control every Outcome but it is About keeping your Vision you Empower Yourself by keeping Your vision

By knowing that the universe is working In your Favor and by continuing to move Forward I think maybe sometimes you've Interpreted that I don't know what it's Called the train thing going down as the Universe saying you're not allowed here Or you're not supposed to be here or This isn't going to happen for you which Yeah that would feel disempowering but That was not the case it was the Universe trying to keep you Safe And I don't think anyone would feel Disempowered by the universe keeping Them away from the the moving train They' be like oh thank you Universe I'll Wait for the train to pass and then They'll keep moving forward on their Merry way so what you maybe thought was Something disempowering you was actually Something keeping you safe and keeping You available for that perfect moment That you Wanted and You should never doubt your Manifestation Powers because all this While you have been manifesting and Whatever perceived delay or perceived Holding you back happened that was Actually happening to ensure that you Reach your manifestation and that's you That's your magic it's almost as if you You manifested that thing going down you

Manifested something keeping you there Cuz your higher self wanted to make sure You were arrived at the right Time yeah it's like if you arrive there Too soon it's not going to be ready for You Okay we're going to get into the tarot Now I feel that many of you Are you could be very talented Artists very Creative with this Leo energy Pisces Energy Neptune energy you could create Work that is ethereal that is trippy That transports you to another world you Could be into Fantasy um you know drama filled action Filled Art I'm hearing provocative as well like Thought-provoking or again pushing the Boundaries What else does group number three need To know About the abundance coming their Way we have death which in this deck is Actually the fool card so the journey Starts with death which is that kind Reminds me of uh Portals which this reading is about a Portal but the the melody Martinez album Portals uh starts with death and ends With womb which is interesting it's like All of the everything that happens in The afterlife and then starting the next Incarnation and death is a beautiful

Song Okay we have the six of lotuses which is The six of Cups the Ace of birds which is the Ace Of Swords And we have the shore which is the Tower number 16 and then at the bottom Of the deck we Have Karma which is Justice I'm going to Drink some of my Tea I've been on a oolong tea kick it's Just I don't know it feels makes my Insides feel Fresh I don't know what I'm saying Anyway also recently I had it was like a Mix of Jas is jasmine tea a kind of Green tea anyway it was like jasmine tea No cuz Jasmine is a oh gosh I'm about to Go on a a tea rabbit Hole is jasmine tea green Tea jasmine tea is typically based on Green tea which is packed with Kakin and I think kakin is a antioxidant Anyway jasmine tea green tea it's so Freaking good yes and cakin are Antioxidants Um yeah I maybe there's something Significant about tea for this group The The drink kind or maybe like you're Learning the tea about something or Someone Um or Jasmine like the name Jasmine Could be significant or Yasmin or some Other uh variation of that

Name and I'm thinking of the Disney Character from Aladdin um Okay enough enough with That okay so we have the death card Which is Actually the fool and this feels like a Completely new life it feels like Completely stepping into the Unknown the fool marks the beginning of A new adventure an unpredictable journey And sort of not having any frame of Reference of what it's going to be like It's you know we Cannot we cannot say for sure what Happens after death because we have Nothing to To go off of from our human incarnate Perspective and so I do feel like this Is a message about you stepping into a Completely new world so and and I mean This could manifest in so many ways Right it could be you entering into a New industry a new field of study that Really has little to know similarities From what you've done before I'm Thinking of someone who is changing Majors and maybe none of their credits Count but that's okay they're going into A completely new Journey or I'm thinking Of someone moving to a new country where They don't know anybody they don't speak The Language they've never been there it's

Like they have nothing to reference to Make this Situation more Familiar it feels completely New so there's something like that that You could be doing soon which that Definitely feels like stepping out of Your comfort zone and and taking a leap Of faith into the Unknown and this can also be about Unexpected opportunities coming your way So it could also be something being Offered to you that you weren't Necessarily looking for for example Getting a job offer when you weren't Even applying for jobs or like you were Applying over here and then this came Out of left Field or being on a a dating app to meet New people but Then meeting someone when you're out at The park it's like in a completely Different way than what you were trying Something is coming in or something is Coming in when you weren't even Trying some of you could be going Through an experience where you were Completely messing around around and Doing something for fun and then it just And then it just took Off like you could gain a bunch of Recognition or you could go viral or you Could start to get a bunch of Invitations because word got out about

What you were doing but that wasn't Really your main Goal you were just trying to have fun The fool very much gives the Vibes of Someone who's frolicking and it's like And not really looking where they're Going and just vibing And running right into an Opportunity because when the time is Right when it's your time you cannot Escape your blessing does that sound Like a Threat when the time is right you cannot Escape the blessings that are meant for You you cannot escape the abundance that Is meant for you and that that blessing Is going to ominous positivity that Blessing is going to find you whether You like it or Not and that's I feel like this could be A big lesson in Divine timing or a big Experience in Divine timing cuz I feel Like you're going from trying really Hard to make something happen and it Doesn't to not trying at all and then it Happens and Realizing man like it's Really it's really Divine timing it's Really about going with the current and Going with the tides and I I see this Current here and I see these waves in The shore it's as if there's this Current that goes this way and then it Changes and it goes this way if you want

To go that way you should probably wait Until the current's going this way does That mean you're not powerful No it feels like there's some part of Your ego that was like stubbornly trying To swim against the current to be like I'm powerful I can do it but It's just smarter to swim with the Current and that's that's when you're Going to get there anyway when you go With the Current I feel like there's an abundance Of divine support coming your way to Achieve your goals and to receive the Opportunities you want because it's your Time it's your moment like everybody has Their moment but this one is Yours the currents are moving in your Favor the energies are moving in your Favor the six of Cups has to do has to Do with a lot of things the past Childhood has kind of a a sweet feeling A nostalgic feeling even a romantic Feeling I dare say um for some of you This could have to do with a childhood Dream of yours coming True it could have to do with a union or A reunion with a Soulmate and Stepping out of your comfort zone only To find that it's actually quite Comfortable out here it's like a leap of Faith that you were scared of Taking but once you get there everything

Is Fine um just using that example again of Moving to a country where you don't know The language and you don't know anyone And this and that that could be quite Scary that could be definitely out of Your comfort Zone but the message here is that once You get there you're like wait I kind of Love This I kind of I kind of love like not Knowing anyone I can the very thing that You were afraid of it's like you kind of Love it I can be whoever I want here Because nobody knows me I could I could Just start a new life I could be a new Person or I don't have any Previous uh background in this field so I don't have Any biases I don't have any assumptions So I can actually learn this more Accurately so this not having experience Or not being familiar outside of your Comfort zone is actually really going to Work in your favor it's going to give You an edge I'm hearing and it's going To make you it's going to make you stand Out you could be experimenting and doing Things that Are Wrong but it produces something really Cool and really amazing and I'm being Shown like if someone had a guitar and They were playing it like this just like

Knocking on it and people are like um Actually that's not how like yeah they Would be right like that's not how you Play it per se you're supposed to like Use the Strings but Because I mean I guess this is an Example where you you don't know what a Guitar is how a guitar is used but just Go along with it because you don't know You're doing something really cool and Innovative that other people wouldn't Have thought to do because of their Programming it's like you're thinking Outside the box cuz you don't even know What the box is or where the box Is and so some people might be like Snoody about it and be like don't they Know that this is the box and you're Supposed to be like this and then other People might be like oh my gosh this Person is a genius this person is Revolutionary and it's just it's just You vibing it's just you having a good Time like you know what I mean and I've Seen it I've seen for example people who Who haven't studied tarot and they're Still able to do an accurate reading Because like the conventions are just They're just conventions they're Guidelines and And in well sometimes the guidelines do Need to be followed but when it comes to Art they don't so maybe maybe this is

Something artistic or something I mean It could be anything but I feel like You're you're experimenting and you're Going outside the box not because you're Intentionally thinking to do that Because you don't even perceive the box And that actually that's your Advantage that gives you more freedom or You're exploring the field from a more Pure place you don't have that Programming of this is how you're Supposed to perceive things and this is The like the flow that you're supposed To be in and and the approach that You're supposed to take cuz sometimes You don't even realize how how ingrained You are with that stuff you don't Realize how much your previous Experiences and programming and Assumptions really affect the way you See things you know like if if a ET came Here they probably do some really cool Stuff cuz their their mind is fresh it's A fresh slate coming into this world They're going to see all different kinds Of opportunities and and beauty And solutions that we can't see cuz it's Like when you see something too much you Kind of Become blind to it as how it's coming Through you don't really Um it reminds me of How you know when you're you could be Reading a sentence and the wordthe is

There twice and you don't see it because Your brain just deletes the secondth cuz It's it's so used to knowing how to read A sentence it just omits it or maybe a You know when you you could have sworn You proof read your essay five times and How did you miss that typo it's cuz you You've just seen it too much and your Brain makes assumptions that the the Word is spelled a certain way that you Might not even see the typo that is like Staring right at you and so if the alien Comes here with no reference to how Things are supposed to look of course They're going to see the secondth they Don't even know that they're supposed to Be one so they're not they're not Looking at it with any bias or Preconceived anything so I don't know That's that's something that's really Going to help you so for those of you Who have ever felt insecure about like a Lack of knowledge or a lack of Experience or this or that that is going To be that very thing is going to be Your Gift that's going to help you the Ace of Swords followed by the tower there is Something About destroying what you thought you Knew and then we have Karma which this Is the Justice card so I think this is Talking About balance

Partnership doing the right Thing you could be entering into a new Connection or Partnership or restoring Harmony in an Existing partnership or Connection Because of Uncovering the truth Of how much in your Dynamic was left to Assumptions assuming how the other Person feels assuming what the other Person Meant and I feel like there's a lot of Times where our brain is like well That's just common sense of course they Meant that cuz like what else would they Mean but even that is an assumption or Of course they feel this way about me Otherwise they wouldn't have done that That's also an Assumption Um when You are a aware of and remove your Assumptions from the equation that Unlocks more abundance for you more Opportunities for genuine connection More opportunities for understanding and Hearing each other Out I think there's a part of well There's a part of everybody's ego that's Concerned with being Right and I think that that part of your Ego is stepping Down because they're no longer

Afraid I think the desire to be right it Does come from like a fear of being out Of control or like a shame associated With being wrong and I feel like that Shame is Subsiding and now you're just like I Could be right I could be wrong I don't Know I'm exploring I'm observing I'm Learning I'm Experimenting I don't have anything to Prove I'm just Learning so that part of you that needed To be right cuz it made you feel more Safe or it made you feel more Valuable that part of you is leaving you Alone cuz I feel like it has caused Stress in your life it's like thank you Ego we don't need that right now Appreciate your service we don't need That right Now Even even trying to swim against the Current it's like the desire to be right About your destination couldn't wait I Have to prove to myself that I'm on the Right path and I can't wait I got to go Even if the even if it's not Divine Timing it's Like we're just Relaxing there's a connection of yours That's really Improving because both parties are no Longer assuming how the other Feels and rather than fing the blanks

With assumptions they're reaching out They're asking questions they're Communicating with each other they're Being honest about their desire for more Closeness there's like you and someone Else and you love each other But you've been holding back like I feel Like it's Mutual And we simply cannot do that anymore the Fool energy it's so pure and innocent And it has no sneaky motives it just Wants to live and experience and Connect it's really the energy that is Closest to source And so that that is being awakened in You reawakened in you and it's being Reawakened in a counterpart as well this Could be a romantic or platonic soulmate But it is a soulmate cuz the six of cups Is here and even Karma and the Justice Card that does feel like a Divine Counterpart um I don't need to be quote Unquote write about you or write about How you feel I'm going to remove all of My assumptions about how how you feel And just create this space for you to Come forward and to show me and and I Want you to do that and I want to Connect with you and the reality of who You are not who my ego like wants you to Be or expects you to be or or needs you To Be I just want to love you as you are

And as you naturally express yourself to Me so yeah there's there's a lot of Things going on here and and maybe all Of these These are linked somehow but It's you Know Overcoming an illusion of Powerlessness excelling in a field Because it's unfamiliar to You deepening a connection with a Soulmate being creative pushing Boundaries blowing up from something you Were doing just for fun oh my gosh how Many things did we talk About rejection is protection It wasn't Divine timing before but it is Now like this this reading was all over There's a lot of things that that came Up that you needed to hear but and if You know what this is referring to and You know how these things are linked Please do let me know I'd be really Interested to know but the last thing I Want to do is read this uh Karma card From the guide book so this is on page 36 in case that is relevant to you Honesty and restoring balance karma is Universal justice it can never be Controlled and will always restore the Balance in all things it is at the core Of why we are brought together with People in our lives karma is like a Complex knot you spend your life trying To undo we all start with an unnoted

String and as life goes on we have more Karmic debt to Untie Karma brings Clarity and Truth Through cause and effect it is invisible To the naked eye but is what tips the Scales and what morphs Universal Coincidences into Cosmic Enlightenment karma is a card that asks For brutal honesty it is easy to Convince yourself that you have not Wronged but we all have it is a part of Being Human don't be afraid to try and Mend broken relationships the actions You take now will Ripple far into the Future on the other side of it if you Feel you have been wronged Karma will Eventually restore balance in the end it Is always the ultimate truth that is Rewarded and kind be truthful with Yourself others will be truthful with You so something that I am thinking when I'm reading this is that if you have Been confused or frustrated by someone Else's Behavior it you may be doing some of the Same behavior Yourself so like why isn't this person Being more forthcoming with me have I Been forthcoming with this person and Maybe if I want them to do more of XYZ I Need to do more of x XYZ as Well so just something to think about Feel free to ignore me but that is That's all the messages I have for you

Today group number three so I'm going to End your reading here thank you so much For letting me do this reading for you And thank you so much to Luna once again For collaborating with me if you would Like to receive messages more so Centered on your career and financial Abundance that is coming your way then Be sure to check out her video I will Have it linked down below and thank you Guys so much I hope you have a wonderful Day or night whenever you're watching And I wish you all the best please take Good care of yourself stay healthy don't Forget to like comment and subscribe if You feel like doing that if you enjoy my Content and you'd like to find me Elsewhere I'm going to have link down Below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like these Ones we do on the main Channel and you Can also decide on topics for future Readings over the there I will link my Music channel which includes the intro Song of this video that is an original Song I'll also have my latest release Link down below and finally my Vlog Channel and my merch which features the Floating Temple that was at the start of This video thank you guys so so much for Supporting me my channel and anything I Do I really really appreciate having you

Here and I'm sending so much love to you To your higher self to anyone who Appeared in this reading to their higher Self and to your Spirit guides your Spiritual team and all of your loved Ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will see you guys in the Next one Bye-bye hi number fours so if you chose This little guy right here the Adventuring Ram this is going to be your Reading I just wanted to mention at the Time that I started filming your group It was 3:33 p.m. so so that might be a Number that you see as a sign that Abundance is on your way it is also the Number of the empress so something that You will be enjoying in abundance is Beauty Pleasures Comforts inspiration as well I feel like You're entering into a time of Ease yeah it feels more easy it feels More leisurely it feels feels more about Enjoying the fruits of your labor and Enjoying your essential Pleasures so Let's get into your reading it's my Intention today to receive these Messages from Spirit however if there's A particular member of your spiritual Team a particular spirit guide whom You'd like to hear from today just keep Them in your mind as we go through this Reading and the first thing I want to do Is roll my green dice to see if there's

Anything in particular that Spirit would Like us to focus on today or any hints As to what this reading will be about so Let's see what we have for My we have the planet of Venus yep that Is exactly what this reading is going to Be about group number four Venus is the Planet associated with the empress which Is all of those things that we were just Talking about so again ease Comforts Pleasures Leisure art creativity Inspiration this this is amazing this Could be a time where you are feeling Very beautiful inside and out you could Even be going through some sort of Upgrade in terms of your beauty or your Aesthetic at least in a way where you Feel more beautiful and you feel more Comfortable with your aesthetic you Could also be receiving an abundance of Invitation or an abundance of people Approaching you making offers to you Whether that's romantic offers or offers Of friendship it's kind of like Everybody wants to be around your energy Right Now yeah there could be a lot of social Gatherings happening parties events I'm Hearing stuff that you don't want to Miss out on cuz it's going to be a great Time great company amazing people like Opportunities to make good connections You're definitely going to feel very Connected at this time so for those of

You who have been feeling lonely or Isolated that is definitely going to Change you're experiencing an abundance Of connection really feeling safe in Your network in your Social Circle Feeling like you have a support system Feeling that love all around You and ooh we have a sign of Leo so Venus and Leo that could be a Significant astrological Placement for you or someone else but This now this is also giving me the Feeling of passion there's going to be An abundance of passion in your life at This time and Leo also makes me think of Someone who's like hot and attractive so I don't know what you're doing group Number four but it's working and you are Really feeling yourself at this time This could also be an abundance of Confidence like feeling feeling hot Feeling badass feeling beautiful feeling Like you want to show off and flaunt Your beauty this could also be Beauty in The things that you create so for those Of you who create you might notice that The quality of your work is really Improving or you really like the things That you are putting out right now You've really um refined your approach So that you can precisely make exactly What you Like like mastering your Technique is Something that is is coming through some

Of you could be like mastering your Makeup technique like finding the Perfect way to look exactly how you want Because I'm I'm being shown you know This kind of like expectations versus Reality meme uh I see it a lot with like Cake for some reason where it's like This really beautiful elaborate cake and Someone's like I tried to recreate this Cake but then when they try to do it it Just like looks like a mess so there's Something about you being able to Recreate something exactly as you see it So maybe you um like watch makeup Tutorials and you're like I wish I could Do my makeup just like that and you're Finally getting the technique down that You you can do it exactly like that or I'm also hearing like taking prettier Pictures whether that's of you or like Taking pictures of nature you're like I Want it to look like like this Photographer's quality or like like you See in the magazines I want to be able To take that high level of photo and Then it's like you're finally getting it You're finally getting the perfect Lighting and the perfect angle and the Perfect lens and stuff to take it Exactly how you envisioned it rather Than feeling like the expectation versus Reality is so different you're nailing Something you're getting hang of Something I just kicked the tripod by

Accident but we are back so um another Thing I think you could be experienc ing In abundance is affection so people Being very affectionate towards you and You also feeling comfortable to express Your affectionate side there could also Be an abundance of playfulness of Playful energy you could be spending a Lot of time with people who bring out Your inner child or spending a lot of Time with Children spending time with whoever Really makes your heart feel warm and Fuzzy this could even be an Animal okay let's take a look at your Cards and See let's see what we have we have the Lily with the number 30 so there's your Number three again and this is literally About pleasure and goodness I feel like It just matches so well perhaps someone Is gifting you flowers if if you have a Birthday coming up soon or a certain Milestone or if you're being celebrated In any way soon people could be very Generous with the gifts that they give You like you're receiving an abundance Of gifts from people or like very Generous very nice gifts someone could Even be giving you a gift for no Particular reason you know like for Example a significant other buying you Flowers just because you know just Because they love

You we have allow yourself to fall apart Only then will you be able to start Rebuilding a truer version of You you don't need me but I'll be There we have look at this Leo fifth House same same energy pleasure is a big One abundance of pleasure is a big one Romance creativity fertility sex Children childlike fun joy love passion Entertainment art culture and Hobbies and then we have chaos I Understand that chaos gives me an Opportunity to reenter Myself all right I think it's So so cool how strong the venusian Energy is and how strong the Leo energy Is in this reading um clearly Spirit wants you to know that this is Going to be a beautiful time let's just Go through all of these because I think All of these are things that you are Receiving in abundance um your romantic Life your love life your dating life Your sex life all of that is looking Really good right now there is a feeling Of that kind of fun and flirty energy With the sparks flying you know like When you're just developing a crush on Someone or you're just starting to date Someone and it's like new and fun and Exciting so for those of you who are Single I think that your dating life is Going to be really fun at this time but Even if you are in a long-term committed

Relationship it seems like that spark is Coming back sort of like a Renaissance Of the honeymoon phase or or you're just Going through a particularly passionate Period with your significant other and And or with your love interest it does Feel like Love is in the air and romance Is in the air and perhaps even being in Love with someone is what's going to Inspire you creatively as if someone is Um amuse for you we do have fertility Here as well so that will be a great Sign for those of you who are wanting To have Babies um if that's if that's not Something you want make sure that you Are being Careful yep and yeah we have childlike Fun entertainment passion like these are These are all Things that we've been picking up on Since the start of the reading so Spirit Really really wants you to know that Those things are coming in abundance you May have a lot of opportunities to for Example go see your favorite artist or Go to music festivals or again go to Parties and events where people are Mingling I feel like you're going to Have a lot more opportunities to be Surrounded with like-minded people and To be surrounded with people who inspire You people you aspire to be like people Who you can kind of I don't know if I

Like the expression of pick their brain But that getting to have a conversation With them and getting to ask them Questions about their Journey and their Road to success and their philosophies And their craft and their techniques Like getting to hear all about them Would be a super enriching experience For you we do have the King of Spades Here who would correspond to the King of Swords so there is something about a Person who's maybe a bit farther along On their Journey on their worldly Journey than you are who has a lot of Information knowledge and wisdom to Impart on you and this is related to Your passion or your creative expression So talking to this person or these People it's going to be like a huge Energy charge for you it's going to get You really hyped about what you're doing And what you're creating and it's really Going to boost your confidence you might Be receiving an abundance of compliments And praise from people you really admire And so receiving a compliment from them It's like a million times more precious To you versus like just hearing it from A stranger you know when someone you Look up to really compliments you and And compliments your Work And this is actually really sweet you Don't need me but I'll be there you're

Receiving an abundance of a lot of Things that are not necessary so to Speak but they are gifts because the Universe loves you and the universe Wants you to have nice things and I I Feel that some of you might like when You're Manifesting maybe think like oh well I Don't really need that or like maybe It's frivolous maybe it's not actually a Part of my deeper spiritual advancement And the universe says that's okay if It's just going to brighten your day if If it's going to make you feel confident If it's going to make you have fun then You deserve to have it you deserve to Have your your sweet treats like the Universe is bringing a lot of sweet Treats into your life right now and I'm Also thinking because we have romance in The air it's like you're really feeling Like you're in love with yourself you're Independent you don't necessarily need a Partner but the partner is there so you Could be manifesting a relationship Where with a partner who really like Respects your Independence and respects Your ability to manifest your own stuff And to help yourself but also they will Be there to provide for you and they Will be there to support you I'm even Thinking of your friends your support Circle who it's like if you ever are Struggling we be there to help you you

Don't need that right now cuz you're Doing great but it's nice to know that You do have friends who would be there For you if ever you were struggling if Ever you had a burden that was too heavy For you you know that these people would Be here to share that burden with you You seem to be in quite a Self-sufficient energy so you're not Really in an energy of Leaning super Heavily on your support system right now But just the fact that they're there is Very Heartwarming and I do feel like you're Going to be receiving a lot of Praise Affection and gifts from the people in Your circles right now and these are Things that you should graciously Receive and know that you deserve them Just because you're you and just because You're you're Amazing this orange color and this red Color as well is making me think of Confidence the the lower chakras feeling Really secure with yourself comfortable In your body comfortable with your self Expression you could be getting more Comfortable with like your your physical Appearance or not just feeling Comfortable in your body but really Feeling confident and really Enjoying your sex sexuality for example Or enjoying moving and expressing Yourself with your body some of you

Could be dancers or you could be getting Into dance or there's maybe a certain Exercise or physical activity that makes You feel really empowered and really Good about yourself we also have Abundance in the form of hobbies coming Through here which is amazing it's like You're just so full of passion and Having a great time with your hobbies And this is just such a bright and sunny Energy These two Cards seem to be kind of saying the same Thing allow yourself to fall apart only Then will you be able to start Rebuilding a trer version of you I Understand that chaos gives me an Opportunity to reenter myself I feel Like the chaos Is the falling apart of Something what is that no squeaking Noise is that a bird or is that my chair Squeaking I can't tell um I don't know If you could hear that but I don't think It's my Chair I just heard it sounded like a Bird going like ch ch ch ch but that I Don't know maybe that's significant in Some way maybe someone has a pet bird or Twitter is significant in some way but Anyway I feel like This chaos speaking of chaos and me Being all over the place and kicking the Tripod earlier

Um I feel like allowing yourself to fall Apart is what this chaos is referring to And then the rebuilding a truer version Of you is the reentering of yourself so This could be with regards To your own like your journey of Personal growth it could also be a Project that you're working on And it may just be better to start Something from scratch rather than Trying to keep fixing it as you Go it's better to just start from Zero I guess the easy example is like if You're building a house and the Foundation is shaky maybe it's better to Just start from the bottom again and Rebuild the foundation cuz if you start Trying to build stuff on top of that It's going to be wobbly and like you Have to go back a few steps to fix it I've never built a house before But Yeah to access a more authentic version Of Yourself you may have to kind of Deconstruct yourself First just looking at the number five Like May 24th or May 30th or like the last week of May could Be Significant maybe there's like a May Gemini in your Life maybe there's a Gemini with Venus In Leo or a Leo with Venus and Gemini

[Applause] What else does group number four need to Know about the abundance that is coming Their way we have the crow with um the Number one so that's the Magician there's our Bird crows could be significant to you Also since this is the Lily it could be That someone named Lily Or something that sounds like Lily or Something that means Lily in another Language um someone with that name could Be significant to you we have past Lives which is the death Card this looks like manifesting past Life Connections this looks like manifesting Your soul family There's also a message that the older You get the more fun you will Have so for those of you who may be Feeling afraid of getting older um don't Be afraid you're just going to have more And more fun and give less and less um we have oo have the six of Embers which is the six of Wands and That's even more Leo Energy this is Jupiter in Leo this is Leo energy and this is Gemini energy Gemini and Leo coming out Strong we got a bit of Scorpio Too with the death card and then we have The four of trees four of Pentacles and Then at the bottom of the deck we have

Life on Earth which is the world card It's card number 21 and as I'm showing You this the camera timer is on 2121 which 21 also reduces to three so That's your three again repeating Threes is the number for this Group Wow past lives life on Earth you are Manifesting your soul family Family the Beloved Souls whom you've had Many past lives with and there's a sense Of mutual admiration between you and Your soul family members like oh I'm Thinking of me and ASO because before we Were friends we both watched each Other's videos and like we both Appreciated each other's content and Then like wanted to be friends so and Honestly that's my wish for you that you Will manifest a friendship like that but That that's kind of the feeling of oh 2222 as I said that so confirmation yes You're manifesting Soul family Connections like that where you first Know of each other and you admire each Other's work and kind of wishing you Could connect and wishing you could be Friends maybe you're wishing that you Could collaborate and then when you meet Each other and I've I've had this moment With other people as well where it's Like oh my gosh like you watch my videos I watch your videos like I'm you're a Fan of me I'm a fan of you there's

There's that kind of feeling cuz this is Like admiration and looking up to Someone I mean that can be one of the Things but this is Also confidence Victory you could be winning an Award or winning a contest you could be Getting a Medal or getting a plaque A trophy perhaps like you're you're Winning something or you're receiving a Claim for something that you've Done um which is maybe a bit of a Tangent but yeah this is giving like Your creative counterparts your Like-minded soul Family and you inspire each other and Admire each other's Work and One of the reasons you're inspired by Each other is because you kind of Reflect back to each other Your talents and your Potential and what what you could become Or what you could Create this kind of looks like it's a Light that people are gathering around So you could also Be yeah the magician it feels like a Powerful influential person people might Think that what you do is magical or What you make is magical and it's like How do you do that or how do you come up With that there's a sort of Genius

Element to you but I feel like this is a Crowd gathering around to see to see What you're doing so you're gaining an Audience and for those of you who aren't Really performers in that sense that you Would have an audience this could be you Manifesting your like your customers Your Cent clients this could be you Manifesting sponsors or like people Investors like a crowd around you who is Watching what you do and wants to uh Support you in some way so you know Apply that message the way it makes Sense for you depending on what you're Making or what you're doing for a living But it's you know you're you're catching The right people's attention and you're Finding your people who believe in your Vision so this this goes beyond just Your soul family but it's like the crowd That you Are that you're pulling in I'm seeing a Street performer who at first Everybody's just walking down the street Minding their own business but as they See or hear what you're doing more and More people start to organically gather Because like a magician they are Entranced by what you are doing they're Mesmerized by what you're doing so You're also gaining an abundance of Attention not necessarily on your Personal life but on your talents and Your gifts and what you have to offer

What you are creating and people want to Support you in any way they can whether That's with their with their attention With their praise with their word of Mouth with their direct funding or Investing so that you can keep you can Keep doing what you do and the four of Pentacles this is I mean This reading is not meant to be focused On like money and material stuff However I got to say it when I see it Four of Pentacles that's like you're Going to be good financially Financial Stability and maybe why this is coming Up like maybe a reason money is coming Up in your reading about emotional and Spiritual abundance is because money is The tool that you need to sustain and to Keep doing what you love like your Support like the support of this crowd Your support allows me to keep doing What I Love and you know we talked about Hobbies a you know a lot of hobbies cost Money I'm I'm currently learning pole Dancing and DJing as a hobby and I'm Like taking lessons for both of them That costs money um I also had to buy a Treadmill cuz my other hobby is running And I can't go to the gym cuz I have Tattoos and I can't run outside cuz it's Like 30° and 60 70% humidity and I will Pass away so that costs money Too so you know things cost money and so

I do think that having this money coming In is going to bring you that emotional Abundance because you get to do all of Your hobbies and you get to you know if Your favorite artist comes into town you Can get the tickets or maybe you can Even get the the meet and greet because You have the funds to do So so or you can you can get gifts for Your friends and your loved ones like Those are things that will emotionally Fulfill you and the thing about the four Is that it's it's stable so this is like A stable income coming in where you know You might not be Mega rich but you Certainly don't have anything to worry About it's stability it's security it's Safety it's knowing that you're going to Be supported and that you're going to be Okay and that your work is going to be Sustained you can keep going on doing What you're Doing we do have the world so you are or You are becoming someone who I think is Very Aspirational to a lot of people I also Think a lot of people will aspire to and Be inspired by your soul family Connections or perhaps even by your Romantic connection you might have a lot Of people saying that you and your Partner are like couple goals or you're A power couple or power relationship and That people wish they had a friendship

Like you and your besties like you and Your soul family and you can confidently Tell people you will Because I was in that same position once Where I wished for these people to enter My life and they did and I know that the Same thing will happen for you so not Only do you inspire others but I think You really give them Hope and I think you Attract you attract people who are Ambitious and you you attract people who Are really serious about committing to Themselves and and bettering their lives And who Who just love you so much um okay I want To the last thing I want to do is read This life on Earth from the guide book So here she is she's on page 46 in case That is relevant to you and also as I'm Holding this up uh the camera timer is 303 um which is a mirroring number I don't know if I already said this but Someone could be 30 years old or like Turning 30 um the year 2003 could also be Significant I guess the year 2030 could Be too but that might be too far away For us to really be thinking about That um Okay fulfillment and Harmony giant hands Lift you up they pulse with love so deep You can feel it coursing through your Being

In this first embrace you are home in Your new life on earth when you are a Young human you can often recall your Previous lives Before oh we got a shout out to past Lives um when you are young human you Can often recall your previous lives Before being inside of this bodily Vessel it is comforting it inspires you This new life is exciting for a long Time but as you grow older having spent More time on this plan minute you start To forget your old soul it seems so far Away a different life and this is your Life now so you adopt this world as your Own forgetting the real one behind until The next time around and with great Harmony another cycle Begins that's so interesting so one Thing about this deck is that the fool Card which is the first major Arcana is Death so it's like the journey starts With death and then The last card which is the world the Journey ends with coming into a new Life so I really feel there's something About exploring your past lives Or Exploring the place that we go to Between Incarnations or connecting with your Loved ones not just human to human but Really connecting with their souls and Remembering your history together that

Could be something that really enriches Your Relationships and also just remembering That yeah this is something that will Help you to have more fun and to help You take outcomes less seriously because This is just One this lifetime is just one snapshot In your whole Story And this Human that you you see in front of your Eyes and this vessel that you inhabit it Yes it is you and it is the real you but It's just a part of you you are much Bigger than this whole Thing and that knowing that truth in Itself that is abundance like your Existence is Abundance life on Earth has existed on This planet for billions of years and You are here witnessing it when you see This card in a reading take it as a Wonderful sign it asks nothing of you But Appreciation breathe in the air feel it In your lungs and exhale back into the Universe you are alive and that is Enough 3333 on the camera Timer as we finish reading this Passage So another thing that's happening for You is just it's not even necessarily

About new abundance coming into your Life but also just about recognizing the Abundance that has always been there and That has always been around you and just Recognizing what a gift it is to be Alive to be able to Experience life on Earth life in a body Life in this in this natural world life Alongside other creatures alongside Other people getting to connect with People getting to share ideas and share Laughter and all those little things Like seeing that that in itself is Abundance it Just it opens you up to feeling so much More abundant in your day-to-day Life yeah and all this card asks of you Like the guide book said is to Appreciate It so group number fours these are all The messages that I have for you so I'm Going to end your reading here thank you So much for letting me do this reading For you and thank you so much once again To Luna for collaborating with me if you Would like to hear more about your Abundance surrounding finances and Career then be sure to check out Luna's Reading as well it will be linked down Below but I hope you guys have a Wonderful day or night whenever you're Watching and I wish you all the best Please take good care of yourself stay Healthy don't forget to like comment and

Subscribe if you feel like doing that if You enjoy my content and you like to Find me elsewhere I'm going to have Linked down below my tarot read reading Instagram my personal Instagram my Patreon where you can watch tons Of Timeless exclusive pick a card Readings just like these ones that we do Here on the main Channel and you can Also decide on topics for future Readings over there I will link my music Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I'll Also have my latest release link down Below and finally my Vlog Channel and my Merch which features the floating Temple That was at the start of this video Thank you guys so so much for supporting Me my channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here and I'm sending so much love to you to your Higher self to anyone who appeared in This reading to their higher self and to Your Spirit guides your spiritual team And all of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one bye-bye

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