⏰The Next 72-Hours: Uh-Oh😱EVERYTHING Happening 4 You🐈‍⬛📜🔮💏💡(Pick A Card)♣︎Psychic Tarot Reading♠︎

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👉My self-published decks used in this video:
✨the dark heart tarot deck
✨the wild muse oracle deck
✨the below the surface oracle
✨the pastel journey tarot deck
✨the gentle heart tarot deck

💍My handmade Crystal Rings:
💎Double The Attention Citrine Ring (fully adjustable):
💎Moonstone And Sky Blue Topaz Crystal Ring:
💎Angel Tears White Topaz Crystal Ring:
💎Psychic Goddess Amethyst Crystal Ring:

⌛️Time Stamps⏳

🦋Group 1 – 8:14 (Aqua Aura Crystal)
🧠Group 2 – 51:12 (Amethyst Crystal)
🥐Group 3 – 1:24:25 (Cognac Caclite Crystal)

Follow Me On Instagram: @Vanessa_Somuayina
Follow My Brand BEAU LIFE SWITZERLAND On IG:https://www.instagram.com/beaulife_switzerland/
Watch My Short Tarot Readings on TikTok:

Business inquiries ONLY:

About Me
Name: Vanessa
Sun: Cancer
Moon: Sagittarius
Current Location: Switzerland

Please note that my ‘pick a card’ readings are for entertainment purposes, advice, and positivity. Please seek advice from a medical professional if you are experiencing any physical or psychological challenges.💡Don’t forget to turn ON your notifications to never miss another reading! Intro from 00:00
#tarot #love #youtubetarot #pickacard #tarotreading #astrology

[Music] Your 72-hour countdown begins now from The moment of you clicking this video Hello all my beautiful little unicorns And welcome back to my channel you guys If this is the first time that you're on My channel my name is Vanessa Som most Of you know me as your big sis from the Internet and for all of you who are Completely you to the space I will be Your psychic medium for today so what This pick a card psychic prediction is Going to do for you is that it will give You complete Clarity over the next 72 Hours from the point of you clicking This video and choosing your group if You're feeling anxious uncertain or have A very big decision to make this is the Perfect reading for you to receive right Now and I also just want to say I'm Proud of you for choosing such a healing Place of self reflection on the internet When most people are just after a quick Fix and dopamine hit after dopamine hit You are here consuming deep content that Isn't going to fry your brain cells so Yay to us hello my gorgeous Soul it's Your big sis from the internet just Checking in with you to see how you're Doing so you click this video for a Reason there's a reason why you're meant To receive these messages about the next 72 hours of your life and I want you to Know that these readings are extremely

Detailed extremely precise because I Wanted to give you guys all of the Insight and information that was coming Through but also you then be able to Actually apply what you have learned Within this reading cuz like I know I Read tarot and I'm totally into psychic Abilities I mean our intuition is Something we were born with for a reason I truly believe that our ancestors Literally for thousands of years they've Used their intuition so that they don't Turn the corner to then accidentally Find a massive lion about to Chow Down On them so I really do love implementing The Unseen the unknown the whole gut Feeling of why is this happening why is This showing up but then actually giving You practical logical big sis kind of Advice cuz I mean not to knock the tarot Or spiritual Community but sometimes There can be some really weird things Going on with these cards so all of my Lovely subscribers you guys already know This but for everyone who has tuned in And is new this is a safe and healing Open-minded space on the internet that Welcomes every single individual that is Fascinated by tarot oracle cards and Divination and wants to use that as a Tool for self-reflection and growth and To use these tools to see things from a Perspective that you otherwise may have Never taken into consideration and I

Really love how the Unicorn family is Such a beautiful blend between people Who are Highly Educated highly Intelligent but at the same time you Understand the fascination for Spirituality for tarot for intuition for Inexplicable synchronicities and psychic Abilities so I love that we have been Able to create this Melting Pot I just Wanted to welcome everyone who is new to The channel on to the channel and I Wanted to say hi to my beautiful unicorn Family and that I love and appreciate Every single one of you and I cannot Wait for you to receive these readings So without further Ado let's get into Figuring out what is coming towards you Within the next 72 hours from the point Of you clicking your reading remember There's a reason why you're here there's A reason why you felt called to watch This video and we're about to find out Why so I'll catch you within your Readings and you guys before I get into These three groups it's only fair that I Also announce on YouTube that this is The last chance for you to get into my Daily reading members ship at a heavily Discounted rate and what you will get in This membership is every single day a New tarot reading unlocks itself so as You are in this membership your library Of personal readings continues to grow So not only can you receive daily

Guidance whenever you need but if it's Been a couple days and you haven't had Any time to tune into your membership You can binge watch all of the videos That have unlocked themselves and pick And choose whatever reading resonates With you at the time because that will Have the perfect message and answer that You need on any given day the reason why I created this subscription is because I Know a lot of you guys would like daily Guidance and unfortunately I am unable To do so here on YouTube on a daily Basis as of right now so my membership Is really here to support you in the Highest form and it also comes with a SE Community section this is called the Society of empresses and unicorn Army You are able to interact and connect With me as well as all of the other Members and on top of all this you have Access to members only exclusive pick a Card reading videos that can only be Found within the membership there's so Many other beautiful bonuses within this Membership and the feedback so far has Been incredible so thank you to all of My beautiful subscribers who are now Also members so I let you guys know on Instagram that this discounted rate is Only going to be available until the 8th Of August so 0808 the numberers of Abundance however I did not give my YouTube family a heads up or the same

Opportunity to join at this heavily Discounted rate so I will extend that Period of time for my YouTube family Specifically all the details are below In the description box and what you you Guys can also find in the description Box is the link to my completely free Mini course that teaches you how to Build a successful YouTube channel from Scratch and grow organically so make Sure that you make use of these Resources they are in the description Box and now without further Ado I will Introduce you to these three groups that I have prepped for you today group Number one corresponds to the crystals The stone Oracle deck as well as the Aqua Ora Crystal Point group number two Corresponds to my pastel Journey Tarot Deck as well as the amethyst Crystal and Group number three corresponds to the Fimir Tarot deck as well as the KAC Calite now the timestamps to all three Of these groups can be found Below in The description box as well as pinned to The top of the comment section for quick And easy access from your phones your Mobile devices your tablets and your TVs I know a lot of you guys like to watch My videos on the go as you're driving or Even to fall asleep too so make sure That you put this on even in the Background as you're cleaning up or as You're doing your self-care routine so

You can get into this healed and super Relaxed energy so what I'm going to do Now is I'm going to give you a little Moment of privacy to meditate on these Three groups I want you to feel free to Pause the video right here if you need Need a little longer to meditate on the Choices in order to pick the perfect Group for yourself and then when you're Ready I'll get into these readings Starting off with the first group which Corresponds to the crystals the stone Deck and the aqua Ora Crystal point so If this is the group that you chose then Simply continue watching and to my other Two gorgeous groups I will catch you at The click of your Tim stamp [Music] [Music] Welcome my beautiful soul of group Number one my name is Vanessa Samina and I am going to be your reader who will Uncover precisely what's coming for you Within the next 72 hours your countdown Begins now there's a reason why you're Here in this space why you chose the Aqua Ora Crystal point and why you are Receiving these specific messages right Here and right now so this is the Gorgeous Aqua Ora point which I will Just put up here for you to continue to Soak up the energies of throughout your Reading and then the crystal that is Depicted on the deck that you chose is

Actually an Amrine now remember there is A deep under underlying current of Energy that is present here within this Reading and that is the reason why you Felt drawn to group number one and the Ametrine is a mixture between an Amethyst and a citrine Crystal I'm Wearing citrine today for example an Amethyst is a stone that you may know it Has this beautiful dark purple color and I want you to know that this mixture Between a stone of intuition which is The purple amethyst and a stone of Financial abundance which is the citrine Makes for the perfect combination for You to make the best business decisions Within the next 3 days this Stone and This Crystal is for anyone who needs to Now turn their Big Dreams into their big Life so if you have had dreams that you Think are almost too big to dream of too Big to think of you know when you're Dreaming and you almost almost feel a Little shy in front of yourself about Your own dreams and you almost feel like Holding back and you've got to remind Yourself hold on a minute the whole Point of dreaming is to dream big the Whole point of dreaming is to not hold Back why am I feeling a little bit of This shame mixed with guilt and anxiety For the Big Dreams that I have for Myself remember that that is something That may have been programmed into you

Through your family through your l Lineage especially if your family has Never had someone accomplish as much as You have throughout the past years and Decades so group number one I'm getting A message for you right here for the Next 72 hours you're going to have a big Lifechanging decision come up and you Will choose your big life you will Choose as we've got here within the Magician success and with success will Will come some sacrifice where you have To say to yourself all right I'm taking On this new job I'm starting this Business I'm finally uploading my first Instagram real or my first YouTube video And I know that I still have some Challenges ahead of me but the magician Understands here with the infinity Symbol above this monkey's head and him Holding this it's kind of like a scepter If you will the magician understands That Of course in order to live your big life Your Big Dreams you will have to make Some big decisions you can't just sit Around watch pick a card reading videos All day once you've taken in the wisdom The knowledge you've gathered the Confidence and you have the guidance you Have got to act on it the magician also Corresponds to the number one it doesn't Say it here on the card but you guys Know that the magician has number one

Energy it is is it is technically the Second card of the tarot in the major Arcana book this corresponds to the Number one as the tarot begins with zero Actually and zero is the Fool's card the Magician being the number one after Having zero in the tarot the number one Is a number of putting yourself first The number one is a number of picking You picking your dreams so in the next 72 hours I do also see that you will Talk to people who you really shouldn't Be talking to but there's a reason why You're receiving this reading right and It's to protect you and what I'm getting Here as a message as to why you Shouldn't talk to these people is Because you should never tell someone With a limited World viiew your big Dreams they are just going to r on your Parade and what you need here for the Next 3 days is actually someone to Support you so be very picky about who You talk to who you text and who you Share voice notes with in the next 3 Days I see in the 10 of Cups actually a Really deep relationship that you have With another person that you have slept In the same house with so it's a very Deep connection you know each other in That intimate sense you know how Friendships for example they get to that Next level once you've actually had a Sleepover together the same with

Relationships it's almost like you don't Really know the person until you've like Quote unquote lived with them or been Roomies with them at least for a moment At least for a night and I see that here In the 10 of cups as you can tell one of These birds has one of these little hats On which represents you know that Sandman hat and closeness here so a Close relationship there's a sleepover Planned with this person in the next 3 Days and I see here that what this will Do is it will give you the courage to Take your steps forward because the Magician shows us the next 3 days is Going to bring you a huge opportunity in Your life to make your Big Dreams your Big reality and you've got to take it And take it while also being in close Contact with someone who is actually Supporting you who can actually see you Being famous actually see you being rich Actually seeing you be happy in your Career in your personal life I see here Within the two of swords that the next 3 Days is about making big decisions not Just when it comes to your career but Also when it comes to your personal life This means that you will decide who gets To stay and who has got to go the next 3 Days someone will text you and you will Ghost them because you know that they Are Absol absolutely not helping your Growth they are just here to distract

You and one thing that a lot of people Don't understand is even seeing them for Example in your WhatsApp chat list or in Your Instagram DMS it continues to kind Of fizzle out your energy into multiple Directions so what your guides are Trying to say to you here in the two of Swords as you can see this Falcon's eyes Are kind of like covered is out of sight Out of mind and the swords represent Making a decision make the decision to Delete the chat if you can delete the Chat with your ex delete the chat with Those situationships I know sometimes You've got data in there like images and Things that you want to be able to look At again in the future either to give Yourself an ick or to break your own Heart again because sometimes we look at These memories knowing that it will do Something to us emotionally but a lot of Us a lot of us are recovering heartache And heartbreak addicts so let's not Judge each other for that if you can Please delete group number one and if You cannot at least archive at least Make sure that you don't constantly see Their name and their image and the last Message between you and that person Because it just continues to pour salt Into the wound and spirit is trying to Say to you these next 3 days are going To bring some really big times for you For your life and the only type of

Person who deserves to be part of this Energy is someone who's actually Supporting you and going to continue to Be here throughout your life not people Who were just temps next up we've got The Judgment card now the Judgment card Actually refers to you being very open Openm minded in the next 3 days about These offers that are coming your way by Offers I mean there will be a sale that Is launching in these next 3 days this Is something quote unquote very mundane So a sale of your favorite store online I'm getting clothing I'm also getting Books and I'm getting health and Skin Care the Judgment card is a card of Discerning of being very real with Yourself about what you need and what You don't need and I want to enable you Group number one to make a list of the Items that you want and need because There can be an intersection and life is Here to be enjoyed you were not put on This Earth to just suffer to just work And never actually enjoy what you work So hard for never actually reward Yourself in in the Earthly Realms I Think in so many ways way spirituality Is the balance between being spiritual But also understanding that we live in a Material world and humans animals Creatures have always had a Fascination And an affinity towards material things Even in this day and age I mean animals

Still do mating rituals in which the Male usually gather something material To present to the female to gift the Female with so m material tangible Things still play an important role we Have some sort of Fascination and Connection to it and it is completely Natural and the Judgment card is telling You Splurge buy the outfit get the Skin Care get the supplements you are not Going to regret it you've been thinking About this for so long trust yourself And before we get into the next card Trust yourself that you will make the Money back tfold trust yourself to act As your highest self because sometimes We can't pivot we can't get to the next Level in our lives unless we take action As though we were already that person That we want to become so if you want to Become someone who is capable of Fulfilling your Earthly dreams whenever You feel like it so being able to Purchase things just on a whim just for Fun without feeling bad without feeling Like you don't have the money for it Sometimes you need to behave like that Person and trust yourself that you will Make it back tfold cuz when your back is Against the wall and you've got some Pressure to perform to do it a lot of You need that in order to take action a Lot of you need that in order to become The person you've always wanted to be

And spirit confirms it's wild how Within These readings as you can see here we Have these two coins in a crab holding This up the two of coins shows us here You're strong look at how the crab is Holding these coins up that are I'm sure A lot heavier than the crab and pretty Hard for the crab to balance but yet You're still here doing it and I want to Remind you that the difference between Someone who is financially super Abundant and super free and you is just That they took different action man all Right so it's not that there's something Inherently different in them it's just That they chose to bet on the M Themselves and they chose to believe That they would make the money and they Found a way to make it the two of coins Is a Representation of fearlessly giving Yourself the stuff that you've always Wanted not judging yourself and Understanding that this is within your Realm it is within the quantum field for You to live abundantly but will you Access it will you do it will you Believe in yourself the next 72 hours Believe in yourself make the purchase And trust yourself I promise you're not Going to regret this let's see what else Spirit has to say we've got the Counterpoint now the Counterpoint shows Us here that you are going to have an

Encounter with someone that you knew From school someone that you knew from Your past you're going to bump into them In the next 72 hours so if it is Important for you how you appear to the World and let's just be very honest here Group number one to a certain degree I Think all of us care about our Appearance and how others view us to a Certain degree does it not give all of Us a little bit of satisfaction when we Bump into someone that we once knew or Were once in school with or working with And we look our best we have amazing Energy and when they say how are you we Get to answer with I'm successful how Are you I think as human beings with Human egos it's only normal and natural That we want to bring that kind of Appearance and it is not vain it is Actually something that shows that You're proud of everything you've Accomplished of how far you've come Especially if this person was a huge Bully towards you because we have all of These swords and I see that they said Some harsh things to you that stuck with You and you still remember it to this Day and in the next 72 hours from the Point of VI receiving this reading you Will bump into them and when you bump Into them what will actually happen is It will become apparent how much further You've made it in life and how they

Should have maybe focused more on Themselves rather than focused on just Being a big bully and it's going to give You a sense of satisfaction and to just Amp up this satisfaction a little more Spirit is giving you this message spirit Is giving giving you the certainty that This is what's going to happen in the Next 72 hours and revealing this to you So that for the next 3 days after you Watching this video do your hair exactly How you want to do it every single day Don't skip don't miss a beat make sure Your nails are on point make sure you Love the outfits that you're wearing and They are flattering so you can feel as Confident as possible just amp yourself Up to the level that you know if you Bump into this person which you will so Basically when you run into this person That you're going to feel so good proud And confident about yourself and you're Going to think to yourself if I was ever Going to run into this person today is The perfect day and in a sense it will Give you a little bit of a personal Satisfaction in the sense of well that Kind of showed them that they were very Wrong for being so mean to me that Showed them that actually maybe they Should should have focused more on being A kind person and working hard rather Than being this person who's judging Others and now look at where they are so

We've got the desert Jasper next within Your reading and what the desert Jasper Which is a crystal for all of you who Didn't know what this stands for is a Resolution and the resolution that You're getting so in a sense the Clearing of any kind of doubt that you May have had Over whether this person was maybe right About what they said about you whether This person had a point whether anything That they said had validity just seeing In real life how tired they look and how Their life has actually not amounted to Even half as much joy as you have been Able to create for yourself it's not That you are judging it's just that You're seeing wow it is proof of concept That this really has nothing to do with You if someone says you are not going to Be successful if someone says you are Not attractive you're never going to Find love it has nothing to do with you Group number one literally zero it has Absolutely nothing to do with your Future it has absolutely nothing to do With your success it has everything to Do with that person and what triggered Their insecurity to try to drag you down To their level and it is confirmed in You seeing this person from your past And you seeing that wow misery really Does love company and they've attracted A lot of misery into their life probably

Due to their own making and this will Shock you this will kind of scare you Into making sure that you are never like That to anyone else you never put anyone Through that cuz you see that karma is Real now in the pink amethyst which is a Beautiful Crystal that connects to the Solar star chakra there is divine love Coming to you in the next 72 hours group Number one how exciting that we've got Divine love here we've got two peach Colored roses and what the pink amethyst Represents which is another amethyst Showing up right and we have that here In the Amrine too a mixture between Amethyst and citrine remember and here With the pink amethyst this is a more Soft version of regular amethyst as Already mentioned regular amethyst looks Somewhat dark purple like this so the Pink amethyst is lighter it's more pink Colored I actually currently do not own One as I've gifted my pink amethyst that I had to a close friend of mine who Really needed that energy of divine love At the time and here within Divine Love Not only am I reminded to also splurge On a new pink Amethyst in the next 3 Days to add back into my collection but It is also symbolic of the next 3 days Being a time of you attracting Divine Love into your life so group number one Don't be Shook and shocked or as Instagram likes to say in this day and

Age don't be shik Shack shook when Someone comes into your life in the next Three days that is actually going to be A lover for the next while that's Actually someone that you're going to Spend a lot of time with don't be Surprised if you find a soulmate in the Next 3 days and why I say a soulmate is Because a soulmate does not have to mean A husband or a wife it doesn't have to Mean a romantic partner so for all of You who didn't know soulmates can also Be friends who feel like long lost Family members soulmates can also be Romantic lovers who will be your husband Your spouse your Forever person but they Can also be temporary lovers who you Just get along with so well and are here For a season and a reason to teach you Something as of recently I was thinking Back at a soulmate that I had for just a Couple months and I asked myself why They're no longer within my sphere why They're no longer in my life why did Things end and spirit answered to me They were here to teach teach you health So they were really into health and they Are here to teach you to eat more Healthily to eat clean to really up your Physicality and it's true because had I Not met this person I wouldn't have Taken my physical glow up so literally And so seriously I wouldn't have taken My health to this next level so for that

I will forever be grateful and they were Just there for that reason we've got the Healer card they were just there for That reason for that season to teach me That to make sure that became the norm And to make sure that became a new habit Of mine but they were just there for That purpose they were not here to Become my husband they were not here to Become my forever soulmate they were not Here to become my best friend forever They were just here for that purpose and They served their purpose and once that Purpose was served I could release them Spirit and the universe released them For me thank thankfully because what you Don't want to do is hold on to something Cuz when you hold on you can't heal the Healer brings you a message that in These next 3 days you're going to have Some profound thoughts and Awakenings Around people that you have let go of And you will also find it in you to be So grateful and thankful for the period Of time that you did have them in your Life and you will understand precisely What purpose that that connection served And what it's going to do is it's going To heal any unfinished wounds and Business that you had with the energetic Tie that you still had to that person so When you look through your camera scroll When you see some of the screenshots of The messages that you shared you're not

Going to be so triggered anymore you're Not going to be in a place where you Wish you could have them back you're Actually going to be in a place where You know that you deserve more and they Were there for a season and a reason now Next up we have got the seven of Wands For you the seven of Wands shows us These next 3 days are going to be Intense it's going to feel like a lot of Attention is on you the next 3 days you Will have a speech now the speech now You may be thinking to yourself Vanessa I have not booked a speech I'm not a Public speaker how am I going to have a Speech in the next three days you're Going to give another person a very very Important message that is a speech if You speak publicly in front of another Person in front of other people you are A speaker and you are holding a speech Because what you're doing is you are Letting them know that you have an Opinion you're letting them know that While a lot is expected from you it's Not just a one-way thing all right we Also received sin for you sin an act Thought or way of Behaving that goes go Against the law or teachings of a Religion especially when the person who Commits it is aware of this so there is Some sinful Behavior going on in the Next 3 days sinful behavior I'm seeing That others deem as sinful and they're

Going to tell you that they feel like You're going against the religion that You grew up in or that you're surrounded By and the thing is you don't really Care group number one you are here to Live your life not to follow an Organized religion that is actually just Encroaching on your life and your Enjoyment of life and I also do see that You will have a speech you will very Clearly and publicly communicate your Beliefs and that your beliefs have the Same validity as someone else's beliefs So if it is not a sin to you to date to Be a relationship to Live Your Dream Life to work a job that you love to Maybe not go to church every Sunday if That is not a sin to you because your Connection to the Divine the universe And God is between you and your maker It's between you and the Divine not Anyone else and that's one thing that You're making really clear in these next 3 days that you don't need anyone Judging you within your life you've got Other things going on and here what I See that you've actually got going on is Going abroad in or to another country or Other countries in public or into General Circulation over a wide area away from Your house or home that's where you're Going in the next 3 days you're Obviously going to be leaving your house

So that is for short-term travel for Example going to work going to the gym Going to school going wherever it is That you need to go but I also have here An abroad This feeling of not just going abroad Short term but also looking at flights For where you can go abroad to live for A while or live for an extended period Of time and planning that I literally Just before turning on my camera and Beginning to film this video for you I Just booked my flight to London I just Booked a flight to go there for a few Days and I am so excited to not only be Attending a very close friend's Beautiful wedding ceremony but also to Connect with other gorgeous individuals To see my best friend who is coming to London just to hang with me just to be With me I feel so grateful and loved and Cared for knowing that going abroad is Filled with so many beautiful Experiences that will allow me to come Back reignited you continue to delve Deeply into the Divination practice that You see right here but also to give me a Sense of purpose by seeing the world and Connecting with a lot of other people Cuz I have met a lot of you guys in Person as well I've literally bumped Into you guys in all types of places in Like the craziest corners of this world The one time I went out at night in

Zurich and I never go out at night in Zur or in Switzerland I bumped into one Of you guys the one time I was in like In Slovenia and Bosnia and another place Close by I can't remember what it was Again I bumped into one of you guys and You guys dming me that you know you saw Me in this place and I was really there Please do come up to me whenever that You see me in public because I spend Most of my time in my safe spaces so With friends and family or within my Divination Studio my tarot reading Studio I don't really do much Outdoors Except walking and running and Hiking so I want you to definitely know here that One thing about going abroad is that it Gives you fresh perspective and we all Need that we all need a little change of Scenery here and there and to deny Yourself of this is going against what We spoke about with you investing in Yourself and knowing that you will make The money back tenfold having that Belief that intuitive kind of feeling of All right I'm scared but I trust myself And I will splurge on this because I Deserve it and because investing in Myself is never a wrong decision Investing in myself is never going to be Something that I regret so spirit is Trying to reiterate this for your next 3 Days my gorgeous soul of group number One so we've got some more messages here

For you I can feel it what I'm going to Do is I will clear and cleanse the space Of all of this energy that we currently Have and then we'll start on a fresh Slate moving deeper into these next 72 Hours of your life from the point of you Viewing this video and picking your Group so group one just hold on tight And I will be right back with you Actually group number one in the Meantime leave a crab Emoji Below in the Comment section that way you'll let me And others know that you're part of Group number one you're real one and You're still here so don't forget to Leave the crab Emoji in the comment Section you don't have to lift a finger Otherwise and I will be right back to Guide you even more deeply into the next 72 hours of your Life all right welcome back group number One we're going to delve a little more Deeply into your reading with our Divination board and also our charms so I've got charms here within this charm Bag as you can see so we are just going Going to intuitively be pulling the Charms the way that Spirit needs for you To receive these valuable messages Okay So we've got the key we've got a bird And we have an arrow that is intertwined Within a rocking chair so these next 3 Days I can see with the arrow and the Rocking chair someone is going to say to

You very clearly that they want children And they're looking for ways how they Can get there so for ility struggles Will be revealed to you by someone else In the next 3 days and it also landed on Try again do you see that here so they Have been trying and the thing is they Need to try again they need to try more They need to try differently they need To consider IVF for example then we've Also got the key that landed on Sunday As well as the number eight which is the Number of abundance I want you to know That Sunday is the day of opening the Door to abundance for you this might or Might not be within the next 3 days of You receiving this video which is why Spirit wants it to be abundantly clear To you here with the key on Sunday that This is your day to unlocking More Money More abundance more time so on Sunday Which is not a work day you will still Receive an email and an update and a Notification you will get a positive Message about what's going on for you Professionally now we we have a bird Here that landed on unknown I'll just Bring this a little closer for you to be Able to see there is an unknown bird and I'm getting a bird that is either dead On the road like the side of the road You'll see that as you're driving or as You're walking by somewhere so I'm Getting this dead bird Vibes and an

Unknown reason as to why this bird Perished and you seeing this in the next 3 days is going to confirm that this Reading was for you seeing this deceased Bird that's what I'm getting here for You group number one then we've got two More charms we've got a ship's wheel That landed on Tuesday as well as a Lotus flower that landed on V you guys Know my name is Vanessa and your lotus Flower landed on V which obviously Intuitively draws me to the fact that as A lotus flower opening up Fanning open This reading this divination for you These messages is what we've got here in The lotus flower but also V standing for Vivacious V standing for V which is life In French and just Life opening up in The next 3 days and Tuesday is the day Of taking the lead so the next Tuesday From the point of VI receiving this Reading please don't be surprised if you Get promoted please don't be surprised If you're the one who is in charge of Making a very big decision for other People cuz I definitely see here that When it comes to Tuesday that's the day Of the next big deciding factor now we Received the message of the finger to Feel or move the fingers across Something often in a gentle affectionate Or thoughtful way to inform the police Of the whereabouts or illegal activities Of somebody that's a definition of f

Finger and I want you to know that the Next 3 days something is going to happen With your finger where you'll think to Yourself oh my God why is this going on So so in the next 3 days you will notice Something about your finger and purchase Something for your finger so a new ring For example New Nails as well or having To fix a broken nail a hang nail I do Also see here within finger that in the Next 3 days you will have someone very Affectionately caress you with their Fingers and that what is coming towards You for the next 3 days is paying close Attention to your hands so moisturizing Them making sure that they are looking In good condition that they are taken Care of and I see here within the finger That the reason for this is also because People look at your hands as you're Presenting things people will be looking At your hands in the next couple weeks More than usual and that's also why it's So important for you to keep them clean Now we do have the nude naked card here I'm not sure if I'm even allowed to be Saying that here on YouTube since YouTube is wild about censorship but Okay we said it now the question here And in correlation to finger you know Let your imagination run wild about What's happening in the next 3 days Group number one I'm not going to judge But since we're not going to get into

That on this familyfriendly PG-13 Platform let's talk about the other Meanings of this card and what this card Stands for is actually what's coming to You in a dream so in the next 3 days you Will have a dream of not wearing any Clothes of being exposed in front of Others and this dream is either coming At night or in a day nap so the question That you're going to want to ask Yourself when this dream happens is do You feel exposed or outed in some way What is making you feel inadequate Guilty ashamed or vulnerable what do you Need to Release this is what the dream means it Means that there are these questions That are popping up about what's making You feel vulnerable what do you need to Release what is making you feel exposed In some way and an interesting fact that You may have not known is that about 80% Of people actually remember their own Dreams but the thing is that 5 minutes After the end of a dream we've forgotten Like 50% of the dreams content and 10 Minutes later we've forgotten about 90% Of its content which is why I encourage You whether you dream often or you don't Dream a lot right now to keep a journal A pen a piece of paper next to your bed So immediately as you wake up you can Note down jot down these dreams in the Next three days you will have a dream of

Being exposed but from there on out you May want to still write down your dreams And the contents because your dreams Often hold a lot of information that's Already within you but that had to be Revealed during R sleep rapid eye Movement sleep because during your Conscious waking hours you didn't have The space in order for this to be Brought to your attention so let's move A little more deeply into your reading And some people say dreams are just what Is happening subconsciously and that Dreams are based on what's happening in Your current reality some people say That within dreams you receive Divine Messages that you couldn't possibly have Just concluded to on your own this is Really up to your own personal Interpretation as we all dream Differently and only you know whether Your dreams are coming from Angels Guides or your subconscious so let's Move a little further into this we've Got leadership now didn't we talk about How you will lead group number one in The next 3 days you are no longer The Supporting Cast you are the leading man Or woman take the initiative and lead The way for others to follow you will be Judged by The Company You Keep and those You admire so as a leader you are always The one being being judged which is why It's not easy to be a leader it's

Actually one of the most challenging Things to do because not only may you Judge yourself and this is something you Have to keep to yourself because think About it all of the great leaders what Do they have in common they're confident And you feel confident to either put Your life in their hands or to trust Where they are going like for example a Pilot is a leader you're trusting the Pilot with your life you're putting Basically your life in their hands for Them to lead but if you saw a pilot that Was not confident at all and maybe You've even experienced this where you Got on a plane and the pilot seemed Really unsure about himself and that Gave you a feeling of fear of not being Safe of maybe even thinking of Disembarking the aircraft of questioning The entire flight and its entire safety And validity so being a leader means Being confident and not showing a lot of The uncertainty and fears that you may Have to the outer world so that's a Challenging part of being a leader but Then what's also challenging in you Becoming this leader is that you have to Trust your decisions are the right ones Because you're being watched and you're Being judged and even the best leaders Of course make mistakes and how do you Deal with those mistakes right and I see In the finger and leader that in the

Next 3 days people will Point At You to Make a big decision people will ask you What you think how you would move Forward what you would do given the Situation so it is really important Group number one that you trust yourself And that you trust that you are put in a Situation of feeling exposed of being The one who is judged by others Positively and negatively being part of Your life's calling because we need Leaders as Humanity as a society and you Happen to be one of these leaders group Number one and I want you to step into The power to step into the role yes These three next days are going to be a Little challenging on the front of Having to be very confident on the Outside even though on the inside you May be feeling all types of emotions but You've got this and the emotions that You're feeling here make sure you write Them down then you can meditate on them And you can figure out why you feel this Sensation of being exposed and Vulnerable or inadequate because there's A reason why this is happening and for You to come to the bottom of it to Understand why this is going on is Actually going to give you a leg up on a Lot of other people who feel Uncomfortable and rather than still Following through they then shy away but Not you group number one your mother did

Not raise a quitter or someone who was Fearful your mother raised someone Strong someone independent and quite Frankly speaking I'm getting Warrior Energy out of this leadership card these Next 3 days are 3 days of relentlessness From you I know it sounds extrem dream But when you put your mind to something You're going to do it and I want you to Know these next 3 days are going to show You once again just how powerful and Strong that you really are in case you Ever doubted this my gorgeous soul of Group number one so this is the reading That I have received for you I hope that You enjoyed it and that you found it Insightful if you are completely new to The channel make sure that you subscribe It's free it's easy to do and that way You are part of the Unicorn family and You'll never miss a beat when it comes To more Divine messages that you're Meant to receive furthermore as Mentioned during the intro make sure That you join my free course on how to Create a successful YouTube channel I Think next I will make a free mini Course for reading tarot and I'm also Thinking of opening up a community for All of my free courses so in there you Can ask more questions you can interact With other students in the free mini Courses from all over the world just as All of my paid courses and memberships

Also have their very own community and That would be a great space for us to Share with one another to do challenges As well and to just stay connected so Let me know if you think that's a great Idea group number one because I think it May be very very beneficial for all of Us and furthermore furthermore if you Want your own personal library of daily Tarot card readings as already mentioned In the intro that link is below in the Description box as well only for a Limited time so make sure that you check It out on the page I also describe Precisely who this membership was made For and who this membership is not made For so you can figure out if this is a Space that you are meant to be in so you Can make an informed decision group Number one cuz that's the entire point Of my videos and everything that I'm I Am offering so group number one this is The reading that I've received for you Wherever you are on this gorgeous Planet I'm sending you so much love and I can't Wait to connect with you during one of Our upcoming Predictions welcome my beautiful soul of Group number two you chose my pastel Journey Tarot deck as well as the Amethyst Crystal remember there's a Reason why you chose this group and why You're here right now to receive these Messages Mees about the next 3 days of

Your life so this is the gorgeous Amethyst Crystal this is a stone that Strengthens your intuition so as I like To say take what resonates leave what Doesn't your intuition your feeling is What brought you here so it is also Going to reveal everything that you Needed to know about these upcoming 72 Hours so first up we've got the hanged Man that popped right out of the deck I Love how the pastel Journey deck has These very sweet Kawaii Vibes to it Which is a deck that I was looking for It wasn't on the market so I created it And here we are today with thousands of You having your own pastel Journey decks In your collection now the hanged man Shows us seeing things from a different Perspective just as I could have thought To myself oh I would really really love A deck that has these Kawai Vibes oh it Doesn't exist oh well someone's going to Do it eventually no I saw it from a Different Viewpoint I thought to myself Why don't I become the creator of it why Don't I create a deck like that what's Stopping me and this is a type of big Picture thinking that Spirit sees you Doing in the next 3 days so a shift from Thinking someone else is going to do it Or the solution is going to miraculously Come through some sort of other Avenue To actually creating the solution to Something that you desire yourself so

Shifting from thinking maybe someone is Still going to come and save you to Saving yourself the same goes for anyone Who is feeling like well once I have a Partner my life will be better because I'll have someone to talk to I'll have Someone to be close to to spend these Evenings with someone to help me in Different ways but the thing is when you Think in that scarcity mindset you Usually attract toxic people who can Sense that there is a little air of Desperation within your energetic field So when you step away from needing some Sort of external influence or validation To make you feel good you become Incredibly powerful and I see a powerful Shift in how you view yourself and your Capabilities and your life in these next 72 hours and what it does within you Group number two I see this in the King Of Swords is it ignites this power that You didn't even know you were capable of A power to say no to literally anyone Even if you're are crushing on someone Even if you feel like oh this person is Attractive if they are not valuing you If they're not showing respect it's just A no and you will be tested in these Next 3 days so as mentioned someone is Going to chat you up virtually or in Person they're hot they're attractive But the way they're chatting you up you Can already tell it is slightly

Disrespectful it is slightly too Intrusive you think to yourself would my Future spouse do this and the answer is No and in the past you may have thought To yourself well you know maybe they're Just being funny or maybe they'll change Well maybe they're just trying to make Conversation but you're putting a hard Stop to this in the next 72 hours group Number two because you've been through So much is in your life you're not going To go through more especially now that You found your inner wisdom and power to Say no to anything that doesn't resonate With honoring you the Justice card shows Us someone who is holding a scale and We've got a sword again the sword is a Phallic symbol which means a masculine Symbol and the Justice card reveals to You precisely that the next 3 days are 3 Days of finding balance and for me for Example group number two the past week I Have been glued to my computer updating And upgrading all of the online courses That I've got for you guys all of the Online spaces because I I promise you This is not a hope this is not a wish This is a promise I am creating the best Space on the internet for tarot readers And aspiring tarot readers and I'm not Going to stop until I have perfected it Until I have created something that is So amazing and inviting that literally Every tarot reader on planet Earth knows

About it and is like yeah I learned so Much more there there's such a beautiful Community in there and that served me so Much on my journey to reading tarot for Myself and others and for me working Really hard and then going to the gym Last night for so many hours it just Gave me a rush it gave me so many Endorphins that were just rushing Through my veins that put me back into Balance from living such a seditary Lifestyle for the past week of doing Deep focused almost monk Mode work and I Want you to know that this is not just Something bringing you back into balance In 3 days that happened to be like a Week-long event that put you out of Balance I'm talking getting back into Balance here finally having Justice in The sense of a lot of your hard work You've put in over months and years Being Recognized okay so being the one Considered for a promotion but I see Here with Justice and the hanged man That it will be revealed to you a few Days later but you are considered for it People are talking about you and they're Saying how actually you are really Deserving of this promotion and how you And how you should probably be the one Who gets this promotion now for all of You who run your own businesses I want You to know that what Justice does and

Master number 11 in the next 3 days is That it brings your personal life back Into balance at least for a little bit So if you've only been focused on your Work you've only been focused on making Money on actually creating the life of Your dreams you can sometimes get into This very drained state where you just Got to take yourself out for lunch for Dinner you just got to treat yourself Spoil yourself buy yourself something so The next 3 days you are highly encourage To do so to bring your energies back Into balance cuz right now they're out Of whack all right and in order to be Successful of course you need Focus but What is the success going to do for you If at the end of the day you have no Time or energy or even any feeling of Wanting to enjoy the success because You're feeling so depressed and Overwhelmed so the thing that Spirit Wants to say to you is that in these Next 3 days you're going to rise in love When you invest back into yourself and Your well-being and your self-care going For a massage to a spa these are great Ways for you to rise in love book it Right now group number two no more Procrastination no saying through the Screen yeah yeah I'll do it but then What happens when your big sis is no Longer here in the room with you did you Do it did you take care of yourself I

Think in a lot of instances you like the Idea group number two but then when it Came to the execution you questioned why Are you questioning whether you're Worthy of a timeout why are you Questioning whether you will be able to Make up that time or that money that you Could have made while you were relaxing Others do it all the time group number Two it is not about whether you can it's About your own beliefs it's about your Own energetic frequency honesty at the Edge of quiet so your guides want you to Take this moment to call yourself out And I know I am literally the channel That calls you guys out I don't even Know how you guys come back to these Readings because I feel like I'm the Only reader who's like you know what sis Like this you need to look at this And here with an honesty at the edge of Quiet message I'm getting for you is That right now of course you're still You're quiet you're just taking in your Reading be real with yourself be honest With yourself when was the last time That you really truly saw things from a Perspective of you know what me getting This beverage me get getting this piece Of clothing sure I don't quote unquote Need it I can drink a matcha at home I Can make myself a coffee or a tea at Home I can get clothes out of my storage out

Of my closet the back of my closet that I didn't even know that I had but let's Be real isn't life also here for you to Enjoy aren't coffee shops here to be Visited and to have social interactions And to give yourself just a moment of Pleasure a little feeling of yeah I did This for me and it just tastes different When it's in a Togo cup or you're Drinking it somewhere and someone else Made it for you it just feels different When you get yourself a new hoodie Rather than wearing the one that is Ill-fitting just because you have it now Waterfalls of white light shows us that You are so much harder on yourself than You ever are on anyone else we've got These Waterfalls that are literally showing How much water how much emotion always Gets Spilled Out day by day you are Going in on yourself but not in the Sense of calling yourself out and saying Hey why am I always going in on myself No you are calling yourself out by just Going in going in going in group number Two like give yourself a rest come on Now group number two there are people Who go shopping day in day out who Literally are just eating out every Single day of the week drinking out Every single day of the week and you're Feeling bad about giving yourself that One time know here within the Equinox

Your message for the next 3 days is to Have this balanced release okay balanced Release of money releasing money back Into circulation and just giving thanks To it saying thank you that I even had These funds to be able to spend on Something that I wanted balanced release In the sense of you've got tension in Your body go for a walk sitting in the Same chair in the same position day in And day out hunched over on your laptop It's so detrimental to you group number Two and we don't even realize it because It is the norm and the next three days Are about doing Polar Opposites of what You would usually do and not being Afraid to do it because when we're doing Something completely different than what We're used to there's always a little Bit of fear attached to it because well We're not used to it wow look at what Spirit is saying to you about the next 3 Days abundant present in great Quantities providing a more than Plentiful supply of something existing Or available in large quantities your Abundant group number two spirit wants You to know that these next three days Will be filled with abundance and we Have so many messages in here the fact That you received abundant of all of the Messages that you could have received Group number two it is meant to be that You feel into the Abundant you she

Exists the Abundant you is in the Quantum field but how do you access her Well how you access her is is by feeling Like her is by behaving like her is by Talking like her walking like her or him Or them whoever you identify as and it's Time in the next 3 days that we make This mental and energetic shift from who We are today as we're watching this Video to who we know that we want to be Next so it's a version of you but an Improved one so prior you may have Thought oh it's so risky to start a YouTube channel or a blog or my own Business a lot of businesses fail okay And group number two so a lot of them Also Succeed and the story of success that Would be your story and I see here Within the solar plexus energy that your Guides are trying to tell you to stand In your light and you'll see a dove two Doves in the next 3 days we also have The abundance number eight here which Has appeared multiple times in your Reading already we've got 28 here within The honesty at the edge of quiet card Right up here then within the Equinox We've got number 18 and now in the solar Plexus energy we've got the number eight The fact that this showed up in Succession you saw me Shuffle the cards On camera this is no coincidence this is Meant to be

8828 it shows us that in every stage of The these next 3 days it showed up three Times group number two three times so Within the next 3 days you will find Abundance in every single day as the Number eight is a number of abundance Every single day something abundant Mesmerizing and fantastic is going to Happen to you every single day you are Going to unlock the next level and think To yourself man this couldn't get any Better this is Serendipity meant to be So some coincidences that are so Positive amazing and light that you Didn't expect but they're still here and They're still happening for you that's What Serendipity is and I see here Within the number 40 and the collective Heart that what this does is actually Increase the likelihood of you bumping Into people that want to have you in Their lives Forever and the thing here within the Collective heart I also want you to Notice in these other so on this side We've got the number eight and then on This side guess what numbers we've got 34 40 and 42 what do they all have in Common the number four the number four Is a number in numerology that describes Stability it describes completion right We've got four seasons four directions Homes are usually built with four walls So I want you to know here that the

Number four the number four gives us the Confirmation that this abundance that's Happening in the the number eight right These positive shifts they're not Temporary even though it may seem like Oh my God 3 days is such a short amount Of time for me to shift who I am Internally for me to become this new Person it doesn't always need to be such A long- winded process group number two Sometimes you just decide something you Do it and then you're that person it's For me I have an example within my own Life I decided I'm going to go Plant-based I did it and that's how it Was from there on out one day to the Next I decided I was going to be a successful Tarot reader and I did it of course in Between there are going to be times Where you question yourself or you ask Yourself whether you picked the right Path whether you know you're really Going to actually make it especially at The beginning stages but I find that Even once you have excelled a little bit In your field there come so many moments Where you doubt yourself more than even At the beginning because the more that You know the more obstacles that you see However when you have this naive vibe to You of doing something for the first Time and never having done it before you Don't see obstacles because you don't

Know them because after all you don't Know what you don't know and I see here That what this new found version of you Is all about is taking action from a Place of naive so taking action just Like you're doing something for the First time not seeing what could not Work but but instead focusing on where You do want to go and with certainty Reminding yourself life is abundant Everything is stacked in your favor These next 3 days next three days are The keys a pivotal moment to the next Cycle within your life that's actually Where you want to be where you've Intended to go for a long time group Number two so I do want you to take a Moment either within this reading right Now I'm about to clear and cleanse a Space delve more deeply into it or after You have received this reading and write Down the things that you want write down The stuff that you want to manifest Regardless of how big it is make a list And I want you to know that within that List after receiving this reading after Being in this energy of divine abundance And protection within the next 3 days You will be shocked at what part of that List I actually comes true you will be Shocked at what you're able to manifest That is a preview so for example if you Want to manifest let's just say a lump Sum of money you want to manifest seven

Figures you will be shocked that you Will make that first step which is a Confirmation from the universe within 3 Days of watching this video so either For example receiving a big refund that You didn't expect making extra cash that You did not see coming so quickly and That hitting your account and knowing This is confirmation that what I'm doing Is working the universe is with me and I'm moving in the right direction so Group two as already teased I'm going to Clear and cleanse a space leave a full Moon emoji Below in the comment section To let me and others know that you're Here that you are part of group number Two cuz that's the only way that you Would know and then I will be right back You don't have to lift a single finger And we'll delve more deep ly into what's Coming towards you within the next 72 Hours of your life from the moment of You watching this reading welcome back My gorgeous soul of group number two so We have our divination board ready and We're going to delve more deeply into What's coming towards you within the Next 3 days we'll also use our Astro Dice so we can get into this in the most Accurate and detailed way possible all Right so we've got double zero and Unknown then we have the number six Between Saturday and Sunday and the Number one on unknown so I want you to

Understand that what this means is Between Saturday and Sunday we've got Six of an item in your life that is Important and within 1 and 01 100 Between Saturday and Sunday Saturday Being the sixth day of the week that is Where you will be able to do one 100 Things that were unknown before so Obviously it is a little bit of an Exaggeration but you'll get a lot done Between Saturday and Sunday of your Upcoming week of things that were Stressing you out things that were Causing you a lot of anxiety so it's Like a 100 little tasks that you're Getting done so here we've got Scorpio That landed on Taurus and April and then Outside of the video frame we have got Our beautiful planet of mercury so Here's Mercury all right we're all Zoomed in now so let's make sense of all Of this Mercury at the time of me Filming this video is in retrograde Which means it's not surprising that a Lot of things especially technology Related things are not working out Computer's crashing having issues with Your phone so on and so forth so this Landed outside of the frame and then We've also got Scorpio and Scorpio is Ruled Scorpio is ruled by The Eighth House and the ruler planetary wise of Scorpio is Pluto so I see that when it Comes to communication and Scorpio we

Have very intense energy so what you're Going to get done a hundred of these Little things you're going to get done On the next weekend is finally replying To all of those unanswered and unopened WhatsApp chats and DMS that you have Been procrastinating for so long finally Catching up on a lot of the emails that Are just sitting there that are marked That are in your inbox that you you know You need to do something about so that's What I'm getting here when it comes to The communication and Scorpio being a Sign that is intense that loves Transformation that loves to get things Done and that loves to just overall say It how it is so I do see that the Weekend is going to bring you a lot more Of clarity in a sense that you can step Into the next week after the upcoming Weekend and feel fresh feel like the Slate is clean and like you've Everything that needs to be done and you Can finally not have all of this Procrastinated stuff that's still Sitting somewhere on your to-do list What this does here as spirit is Communicating is that it increases your Respect the respect that you have for Yourself and the next 3 days increasing The respect that you have for yourself Also means that you will get more done In the future again because you're Associating get getting things done with

A feeling of self-respect and when you Respect yourself and you respect your Time other people start to respect you And your time a lot more as well and it Is like this ripple effect that starts With you it's a domino effect like when You push over a domino and you have a Lot of dominoes lined up and all of a Sudden they just keep hitting one Another until the end point until there Is no additional stone that is laid Before the next and you've come to to an End quote unquote but within life and Your self-respect and what goes on Internally it's like an endless domino Effect and you just have to make sure That you keep hitting that next Domino That you keep nurturing that you keep Building so it's not like three dominoes Hit one another and then you're done no It's an endless loop but you have to Make sure that you continue to nurture You continue to feed into your Self-respect and you continue to show That self-respect is something that's a Non-negotiable it's a non-negotiable From you to you so a gift that you are Giving to yourself and you are also Giving to Future you you see how we're Kind of like holding ourselves here We're in this position that's almost Like a fetus position and it's giving Yourself a big hug knowing here that Your wings your scales mean that you can

Thrive in any element any environment But what you've got to do is you you Have to make sure that wherever you Enter a room you respect yourself and You don't make yourself small let me Tell you it is dangerous to not respect Yourself because there are situations in Which people who can see and sense that Will take advantage of your lack of Self- respect and we got to avoid that At all costs group number two imagine For example you walk into a room imagine For example you go to a job interview And your self-respect is low which means That phys physically you are sending out Physical cues behavioral cues that will Tell the other person oh I don't have a Lot of confidence like you may be more Slouched you may nervously look away When you shake their hand your hand Might be a little clammmy your handshake Might not be as firm and as confident as You would the way you look them in the Eye all of these little cues even though It's happening subconsciously with the Other person will allow for them to Understand to what degree you value Yourself and who they're dealing with And that will have an effect directly on The bottom line of what kind of pay that They offer you do they even offer you Bonuses do they already deem you as the Type of person who is okay with none of That and the same also goes for romantic

Relationships if you enter a Relationship chasing being the one who Seems to always keep the relationship Going you keep jump starting it when the Other person ghosts or doesn't put Effort to make sure it carries on it Will continue that way and the Disrespect will just deepen and worsen And the thing is you are transforming You were there once group number two and It's nothing to feel ashamed of I Totally feel it and get it and Understand it's not easy but now is a Time for transformation and Breaking Free we've got the butterflies here the Butterflies represent transformation Freedom spreading your wings and another Thing that we do also have here within Transform is you looking at different Ways in which you can spread your wings And get out of a situation in which you Can tell that you haven't been respected So for example if you feel like you get No recognition for all of the work that You put in if you get to family get Togethers and people just like make fun Of your lifestyle choices why even show Up anymore why go to the family meetings And please don't say Vanessa sa from YouTube told you to quit your job but Like lowkey quit your job if you're not Appreciated why why even be there I see Here within grateful that we are only Focusing on people who are actually

Grateful to us who are actually grateful For the fact that we exist and want to Keep us around grateful shows us that in The next days you will also have another Person reach out to you and tell you Just how Greatful that they are to have You within their lives I'm going to tell You exactly who this is all right we've Got a Libra a Libra and then we've got l And m so a Libra named Lisa Larry Mona Leon Melanie lawence Melania Maria we Have their initials and we know Precisely that they are a Libra so I Want you to understand that this person Reaching out in the next 3 days Expressing to you how grateful that they Are you seeing butterflies okay because We've got butterflies here again we had A lot of butter flies in transformation What this does for you group number two Is it reminds you that there are people Out here who deeply appreciate you and You sure as hell don't need to settle For the ones that don't and the next 3 Days having this recognition it is like A big ego boost for you it is a big Increase internally that reminds you of Your worth and reminds you like yeah you Know what I get to walk around with my Head held high I get to wear this outfit I don't look silly in it because it's Not the outfit wearing me I'm wearing The outfit and if I say something looks Good it looks good I am my own Beauty

Standard I see here within the queen of Air we have communication in the next 3 Days that is increased so your phone Time is going to be up which means You're going to be on the phone more Frequently we also have again a huge Repetition of the number four the queen Of light corresponds to the number four Grateful corresponds to the number 47 Then we have the number 43 here this was The card of respect then we've got the Number four the card of nurture here We've got 35 which is basically the only Card that does not correlate to the Number four numerologically speaking and Well what does four mean stability Creating strong bonds and relationships The queen of air is the queen of Communication which means that talking More on the phone having more voice Recordings in the next 3 days that You're sending back and forth on Messenger on WhatsApp in the DMS as one Thing that I can see here for you group Number two and an increase in Communication also means an increase in Your relationships being strong and you Being surprised that people want to do Things for you that you absolutely Didn't expect them to do because they're Actually thinking to themselves man I Would really really love to give back Because I always get such great advice I Always get so much value from this

Person now we've got the Labyrinth of Sweet surrender the next 3 days we've Got someone who is laying here in the Water they're not struggling they're Just laying on their back they're Floating and then I'm not sure if this Represents like a block or something but There's also flowers in the water and it Shows us here that there's this floating This surrendering to being carried right Because if you're just floating in the Water if you've ever done that just Floating on your back if you're nervous If you're like fidgeting around then It's not going to work you're going to Sink your legs are going to drop and You're going to have to swim but if you Allow yourself to really surrender Really relax into the space then you can Float and you have to stay in the Surrendered mode if you want to stay Floating and that is the message that we Have for you if there's one thing Spirit Wants you to take from this reading is That the next 3 days are about this Sweet surrendering the next 3 days are About surrendering ing to what comes Towards you dealing with it as things Arrive in the mail via email without Having the usual response that you do to Things that are challenging or stressful But instead here in the queen of air Address it immediately A lot of people There are a lot of crooks out here there

Are a lot of cheaters out here who will Send you bills who will say that you owe Them something who will say that you Still got to do X Y or Z for them and For all of you who are empaths for all All of you who are citizens that do the Right things that adhere to being honest To being kind to never taking advantage Of another person you were not raised on That type of energy so you may not Understand it and it may stress you out That's exactly what people are trying to Achieve who are in the dark energy of Trying to claim something that isn't Theirs be it your time your money or Your energetic space and frequency and Vibration and try to suck that out of You like a vampire so us softies and Empaths we have to learn to protect Ourselves and that means when these Things come surrender to the fact that People like this exist but then use your Communication light language to make it Very clear you are no fool you are not To be played or taken advantage of you Know what's going on you know what's Rightfully yours and you know where you Still have depths to pay and where you Have absolutely nothing that the other Person has to expect from you so this is About clear communication the next 3 Days of standing up for yourself showing That you respect yourself remember we Spoke about that nurturing yourself and

Whenever you have a little moment of Self-doubt we'll have that person Calling you texting you who is grateful To have you within their life and that Will serve as a reminder that you are Doing the right thing group number two I Can't wait to see you stand up for Yourself and to communicate more Fiercely and I'm so excited that you Were here and that you received this Reading let me know Below in the comment Section that it resonated for you and as Already mentioned during the intro this Is the last opportunity for you to Become a member at a highly discounted Rate and the information and link to the Membership is below in the description Box where you get daily tarot card Reading and full access to a member's Only library of exclusive pick a card Tarot videos that you cannot find on YouTube I also have manifestation videos In there and other bonus content and Lastly I also want to point out that What you will see in the description box As well is my free course on how to Build a successful YouTube channel Organically just the way that I did with All of my tips and tricks and you can Take this course for free I created this For all of you who dream of doing YouTube either full-time or as a side Venture because I truly believe that the Most important thing once you have

Created a path is to pave the way for Others so make sure that you check that Out it's linked in the description box As well and if this is the first time That you're on my channel make sure to Subscribe to never miss any upcoming Prediction so group number two thank you For being here and for spending this Divine time and space with me and I Can't wait to connect with you during One of my upcoming Gretings hello my beautiful soul of Group number three so you chose the Emir Tarot deck as well as the conac calite Crystal let's first do a closeup of the Stone this is a stone that is set to Rejuvenate you and also for all of you Who are chronically dehydrated sleep Deprived and depressed this is a stone That is set to increase the healing Energies surrounding you helping you to Get rid of those symptoms so let's get Into your reading so we can figure out Precisely what's happening for you Within the next 72 hours in case you're Completely new here my name is Vanessa Sa and I will be your reader today I am A psychic medium who has conducted tens Of thousands of readings on and offline And if you're already feeling Comfortable in this healing space on the Internet make sure you subscribe to my Channel to never miss an upcoming Prediction that is meant for you so

Let's get into it first and foremost the Six of coins you know what's happening In the next 72 hours you are going to See one of your accounts one of your Savings grow so an account that you had Forgotten about or a wallet an old Wallet that you had replaced and it's Going to come to the surface again You're either going to see it by Coincidence or as you're cleaning out Deep cleaning your space you're going to Come across some extra money that you Thought was here at the bottom buried But it's actually turned into this tree Which all of a sudden has increased in Your assets so the thing is you having Additional money that you're coming Across and finding it is an instant mood Booster for you group number three and We also have the money tree depicted Here in the six of coins in case you've Never seen a money tree this is what a Money tree looks like and you will walk Past a money tree in a store and Literally think to yourself should I bu This or not in case you didn't know that These plants these little mini trees are Money trees have it in your living room I have had two Money Trees in my home For years they've been in the Backgrounds of my videos and they are Set to attract prosperity and good luck Especially in any kind of Eastern Cultures money trees are seen as sacred

And are seen as energetically super pure Next up we have the eight of Swords so This shows a bird that looks like a mini Phoenix that seems to be entrapped Within These swords that are surrounding This beautiful creature but you will Think to yourself wait what this is a Strong Invincible Phoenix like surely it Can just kind of fly upwards and get out Of this situation and free itself and Yes you are right about this group Number three but eight of Swords so the Suit of Swords is the suit of what goes On in your life mentally and logically And I want to remind you of the many Times in which logic had nothing to do With a situation you were in like when You were in love with that person that Didn't even text you back you were Obsessed with them did it logically make Sense to still try to be with that Person to still have hopes for that Relationship no but how you feel and What the heart wants is different from Logic and the suit of Swords is a Masculine suit that is so rigid where Logic Cuts so deeply whereas sometimes You've got to follow your heart and here Within the eight of Swords what this Shows is in the next 3 days you will Free yourself from a situation that you Thought logically had to be one way but Your heart is giving you guidance how You can get out of a troubled situation

And into a new state that you can Actually thrive in like in a Situationship you think well I will Never find someone like this again They've got green eyes they've got an Amazing job they're tall they are the Type of person I could see myself Starting a family with they come from a Good background they speak four Different languages something about them Is just really hot they have big hands They have a defined body whatever the Traits are that you're worried you won't Find in a unique combination like this Person again you free yourself from the Fact that the only way that a Relationship will work work with another Person is if they too want the Relationship and they want to be in it And when you free yourself from Situation such as the example that I Just mentioned what that does is it ends Your own suffering the same goes for a Job that you don't like you may feel Just like this Phoenix ENT trapped by Logic like oh I have to finish studying This because I already started and my Whole family will see me as a failure if I stop I have to do this job because I Stud I spent so much time and money now I can't not become a lawyer or a teacher Or a caretaker now I can't not go into Being a therapist yes you can group Number three it's your choice and

Sometimes we entrap and encapture our Own selves there is actually a real term For this you may have heard of this Before it's called Stockholm syndrome And it refers to the bond that can Develop between hostages and their Captures in hostage taking and Kidnapping situations and in some Situations the hostages even develop Sympathies and love for their captors And even turn against for example the Authorities who are trying to rescue Them or family members so that's why a Lot of people and this is a completely Different scale and level but it's just To reiterate to you how feeling captured How being in a situation where you are Actually held hostage by your thoughts Is a real thing there are people who are Literally kidnapped who have been Hostages for years and they go out with The abuser they go out with the captor They go and they do shopping they go on Vacation they just do normal human stuff And they never run away they never ask For help because mentally they are so Attached and bonded to this situation And this person and that's all they know Especially the longer it's been going on That even when they have have Opportunity to free themselves a lot of People don't so the Stockholm syndrome Is very similar to what the H of Swords Is trying to describe here group number

Three and I want you to know that Freeing yourself from these bonds of Course to a lesser extent than the Actual Stockholm syndrome and the way I Just described it to you now but it is Necessary and liberating and that's the Only way you'll find your freedom again We've got the keeper all right group Number three it's time to gas you up did You know you're a keeper did you know That you make for the perfect spouse the Perfect partner a keeper that one will Never want to let go of kind of like This golden egg right here and I see Within the keeper that anyone who has Not realize that they're filled with Regrets and in the next 3 days someone Is going to use these literal words it Could be in the English language or if You speak a different language whatever Language it is that you're speaking in Someone is going to tell you that you're Such a keeper and that you're the type Of person that one should be grateful to Even have an opportunity to talk to People should be grateful to even Breathe the same air as you do and here We've got the Counterpoint which is Indicative of group three you then in Turn realizing you deserve nothing less Than this love encounter point you see How he is so infatuated by her how he's Leaning back and has his head on her lap And she's looking down at him and he's

Enamored he trusts he leans back he's Vulnerable and he's exactly where he Wants to be as mentioned earlier you Cannot force anyone to be somewhere that They don't want to be and I see that the Next 3 days will bring you to this huge Realization that a love that doesn't Feel like this counter point that Doesn't feel like every time you kind of Hit the ball towards Wards them it's not Reciprocated the ball keeps Landing in Their court and they're not playing ball They're not playing back that you Deserve someone who plays back you Deserve someone who counters and Actually who puts more effort into Counter so you are not constantly jump Starting a relationship that doesn't Deserve to be jumpstarted because group Number three we spoke about this you're A keeper but until you put out that Keeper energy no one's going to know That you're a keeper if you don't even Know you get what I'm saying group Number three so let's move a little more Deeply into this reading I hope you're Enjoying this just as much as I am if You are please make sure you leave a Money bag and tree emoji Below in the Comment section to further manifest more Funds coming your way and also to let me And others know that you're part of Group number three you watched past the Money tree section so hence why the tree

And the money bag leave that Below in The comment section C so next within Your reading we have the Wheel of Fortune The Wheel of Fortune represents Seeing things from a different Perspective just as if you're looking at This wheel depending on where you stand If you were to stand on the perimeter of This wheel the Outlook the view is Different and the thing with the Wheel Of Fortune the message we have is that In the next 3 days we also have a very Close relationship here with these birds What you'll realize in the next 3 days Is that there is someone in a close Relationship that you did not agree with That you now understand and as you Liberate yourself from self-induced Suffering and self-induced kind of being Captured if you will group number three You also understand that this can happen To other people because we always think Oh it's never going to happen to me I'm Never going to be cheated on I'm never Going to lose money or be scammed or be Unwell or be in a situationship until Something like that happens to us and Then we are humbled and I see in The Wheel of Fortune that you have been Humbled before and it's not that we wish This on anyone but all of us need to Come to a point of being humbled to not Become arrogant and extremely judgmental The Judgment card showed up and it is

Because you have learned to refrain from Judgment Through The Wheel of Fortune And seeing things from different Perspectives you understand when someone Is going through a situation even if you Would never find yourself in it or you Have learned that lesson and it's just Not something you would do you've been In other situations you never thought You would be in so you get it you get That we're all human and you have Developed this very mature empathy for Other people where you understand life Ain't easy for any of us And rather than judging another person You would rather be that individual that Sees it from their perspective and can Learn you never see someone's Misfortune Or someone's challenges that others Would call stupidity as stupid because You understand we all have weaknesses For some it's a relationship for some It's giving money to other people who Seem in Need for others it's being Really unhealthy in our diets and making Ourselves sick we all have weaknesses we All have addictions we all have ways in Which we are imperfect and I see here Within the Moonstone that you have Transcended from a place of judgment Group number three and instead you are Connected to using every encounter and Every story that you hear in order to Grow from the inside out you actually

See it as a beautiful opportunity to Learn more about Humanity every time You're dealing with some sort of Judgmental thoughts here within the next 3 days I do also see that what is coming For you is some sort of lucid dreaming So being half asleep half awake and a Dream being so real that it feels like You can touch it you can taste it you Can smell it and the citrine brings us a Message of clarity the citrine is a Crystal of abundance and wealth and your Dreams becoming a reality so so in the Next 3 days whether you want it or not Whether you planned it and this is part Of your spiritual practice or it's just A coincidence you will be thinking Really intensely about your dream life Where you want to go next and your goals And the emotion and the energy expended Will be so intense that you will get Into this lucid dreaming state so as Mentioned whether you are purposely Doing a visualization or you're about to Drift off into a nap or into a restful Night's sleep sleeping within this state Falling asleep within this state being In a lucid dreaming State and feeling All the feels like this is actually Happening like this is actually real This is the most powerful way to Manifest the things that you want into Your current realm because it is out There it is within the quantum field it

Is accessible but it is about getting on The same energetic wavelength and Frequency in order to actually possess Those things finally to possess that Life so let's move oh okay we have a Card that popped right into your Reading we're going to get some extra Information from Spirit okay so we have Enclos and you know what popped into the Reading you saw as I was going through The bag of words and one popped out like It had to be there like it had to give You this message like it was meant to be Look what it was it was abundant look at That group number three isn't that the Most the most fortunate message that you Could have received within your reading Abundant present in great quantities Providing a more than plentiful supply Of something existing or available in Large quantities and then we also had Enclose to surround or shut in something To add something to the contents of an Envelope or package so I see here that In an envelope or package you will see Receive something in abundance so a gift You maybe ordered something group number Three and it's on its way to you and It's making you feel abundant if you Haven't ordered something yet you're Thinking about it you've got a lot of Filled carts online make sure that you Actually check out and give yourself a Little gift a little treat you deserve

It group number three I promise you You're never going to regret doing Something for yourself that is an Investment so if you've got a card full Of educational content courses books Maybe incense crystals journals use the Check out get the credit card out get PayPal ready check the F out group Number three like come on now what are You on this planet for to just look at Things and suffer to never actually live The life that you want if not now then When cuz honestly you've been thinking About this for far too long pull the Trigger because what is the worst thing That could happen if you don't do it You'll stay the same like you've always Been if you do invest in yourself or in Something that makes you feel better and Something that makes you feel more Worthy it's only up from there and You're going to pay either way either You're going to pay in time because it Takes you so long maybe even lifetimes Maybe you don't even have enough time in This lifetime in this what 80 90 100 110 Years that you've got on planet Earth You're either going to pay in your time Or you can pay someone in order to feel Better to learn faster and to not make The mistakes that they made to acquire The wisdom and live the life that you Want to live for example if you wanted To build a business why do everything

From scratch without ever reading one Business book or listening to One Business podcast or even researching one Thing yeah it will probably take you About 500 years to get anywhere you are Then paying in time or you can literally Pay to use the resources to use the Different tools that we've got and you Can build a successful business in a Matter of days weeks or months so you Pay either way it just depends what the Value is that you're attaching to time What the value is that you're attaching To money and the meaning that you're Attaching to these things I personally Choose to attach to money the meaning of A means to be grateful for because wow With money I get to pay rent and have a Beautiful roof over my head wow with Money I get to go out and eat food and Be served and not always have to cook Everything myself three times a day wow With money I can buy myself a plane Ticket and I can travel to another Country and see a different culture and Even live there if I want to wow with Money I can invest in the best possible Softwares and hosting platforms and I Can create beautiful community and Online courses for people who can learn From my Mistakes that's literally what money can Be seen as that's what money can do for You it doesn't have to be a stressor it

Can literally be something you're Grateful for and you see is doing a job For you so you can enjoy life and Experience more group number three Spirit is telling me to clear and Cleanse the space and be back and move More deeply into your prediction so That's what I'm going to do right now in The meantime if you haven't already Leave the tree and money bag emoji Below In the comment section to let me and Others know that you're part of group Number three that you're a real one You're still here and then we'll move Even more deeply into your prediction You don't have to do a thing you don't Have to lift a finger I'll be right back With you welcome back my gorgeous soul Of group number three so let's delve Even more deeply into your 72-hour Prediction shall we so we've got a our Divination board and we also have our Charm pouch let me just show you we've Got all of these charms in here it's a Little hard to see but you get the Idea here we go so we are going to Intuitively see what Spirit has in store For you when it comes to oh okay we Already have some charms that are Revealing themselves so first off we've Got this angel wing that landed outside Of the board so you are always protected Not just in the next three but days all Right we've got your angel wings your

Guides who are telling you we're here We're here to protect you we're here to Make sure that you are doing well at all Times group number three and that Nothing happens to you that you can't Handle that you can't stem so then we Also have the key between the unknown as Well as no and then we have Wednesday With the acorns we have a flower and a Star within the Middle where this moth Depiction is so let's first talk about The key you are not meant to open some Unknown doors you know how some people Say oh we don't need to open that door Yeah well there are certain doors you Don't need to open certain doors that Won't lead to Narnia group number three And in the next 3 days you're being Called to just focus on what makes you Feel like a star and where you feel like You can plant seeds and grow hence why We've got the star and the flower things That will make you bloom because not Every door should even be interesting to You cuz the actual lock of the door has Been changed And there's no point in having the key Any longer so if you also have a key Literally in your possession group Number three that is of no use that you May just mix up with the keys that you Are actually using either label it or Get rid of it just make sure you put it Somewhere where it's not going to cause

Confusion and where no one is going to Think oh this is actually a key that Works and take it and then it doesn't Even work especially if you're trying to Give that key to a family member or to a Friend who needs to be able to get in Somewhere in order to help you or to be Able to access a space now in Wednesday And the acorn you will see acorns on the Ground the next Wednesday and what the Acorns on the ground will symbolize for You is that this is the start of you Leaving certain doors closed as we spoke About here with a no and the key and Another message that I'm getting is Instead FOC on the doors that you do Have the key to that you can open and Unlock often we think to ourselves when I lose weight I'll wear that outfit when I feel ready I'll start that business When I feel confident in myself that's When I'll get that new hairstyle or I'll Finally put myself in a situation to Date when I have time then I will clean Up I will reorganize when I have time I'm going to call my parents or my Siblings group number three we are Always busy and This is a huge Revelation for a lot of You and I'm not even trying to be Sarcastic but it's like if we're busy All the time that means theoretically You will never have time until you Accept the reality that there is no

Excuse for some of these things and that You've got to make time for it so spirit Is trying to say to you here that within The next 3 days you will see a lot of Colors and numbers that you are going to Know are sign for precisely what needs To happen next and you will see all of These signs and think to yourself Spirit You need to stop following me and it Will make you to acknowledge feelings That you've been struggling with you Will be able to see what's not adding up Within your life by following the advice From your guides and here we also have Master number 22 we have this clock Tower that is hanging onto these Balloons and then we have the stop sign With the number So in your environment there will be Different symbols that are reoccurring Like you connecting the color blue to The fact that you have to do something About your depressive disorder you have To do something about feeling bad about Yourself and you keep seeing blue Everywhere you get a gift from someone It's wrapped in blue wrapping paper it Comes in a blue bag you see a balloon in The sky it is blue you literally turn on Your laptop and what do you see a blue Page you see in an email someone sends You a link and everything is just blue And I want you to know that feeling Connected to the fact that you have to

Do something about your struggles with The for example color blue but for you It could apply differently it could be That seeing the number 111 is giving you This feeling like I really need to take Action and call my friend or call my mom I really need to make sure my taxes are Done So whatever correlation it is for you When Spirit keeps sending you these Signs spirit is talking to you spirit is Saying to you there's a reason why you Make a connection between blue and Needing to go to the doctors for a Checkup needing to go to the dentists Getting more of your anti-depressive Meds getting more of your ADHD meds Whatever it may be there's a reason why You've made this connection in your head And why it's continuing to be reiterated Because you know what needs to be done Group number three you know what needs To be solved what you need to stop Putting off and spirit is saying to you Stop playing these games spirit is Literally calling you out and saying why Are you playing these head games she's Literally holding her head as though she Had like a headache or she was going Insane from her own thoughts and her own Procrastination and spirit is trying to Say to you here like stop with the game Stop playing yourself group number three These are the questions we've got do you

Feel that you need more fun and play in Your life is someone playing games in Your working or personal life do you Need a game plan to improve your status Or a Direction so this would be the last Question right needing a game plan to Improve your status or Direction having A game plan and spirit is not going to Let go of this you're going to keep Seeing symbols so we have yellow Balloons Red Balloons blue balloons We've also got some sort of watch face a Watch Tower and we've got signs with the Number 30 but also the number 22 for furthermore we have here a red Bow and also we've got a choker with a Heart in the middle of it and then we Also have black bangs and a black dress That fans out at the bottom I do see Here for you and I'm getting that one Thing you have to look at is how can you Incorporate more fun and play into your Life in these next 3 days because the Deprivation of fun and play is what Causes a lot of tension and friction and Tightness in you actually doing the Things that need to be done because you Delay them it's almost like harming Yourself even more but trying to in a Way liberate your let me explain this so When you're having fun when you're in a Good mood isn't it easier to do things You've been procrastinating because you Think to yourself okay things have been

Going so well for me let me just get This done so that it's not going to come Between me and my success and being on a Really positive fortunate lucky streak Right so you do things that you usually Would procrastinate with ease because You're already in a good streak so that Helps you to overcome challenges but Think about it this way when you're Already in a dire heavy hard situations And there's a lot of things that you Don't want to do and a lot of stuff Weighing on you you feel depressed you Feel like there's no hope you feel like There's no way out and then one extra Thing gets piled onto that it's almost Like every single straw breaks the Camel's back and you're like One more thing and you don't get to it You continue to put it on the pile and The pile continues to grow and you think To yourself what's the point in even Doing this or you procrastinate it you Shy away from doing what needs to be Done even though it's actually more Necessary for you to do it then than When you're in a good place but when You're in a good place it's easier to Overcome these challenges because Mentally you're in a space of clarity You're in a space of winning so I want You to know that understanding this Understanding human behavior and how Your brain works once you understand

More of this you become free and spirit Is trying to say to you to be open to Receiving the fact that yeah up until This point your programming may have Been the ladder it may have been you're Already in a challenging situation and When an extra challenge comes it's just So heavy and challenging that you don't Even want to like deal with it you don't Even want to face it but you don't have To stay like that be open to receiving This information today in this reading And to use it to your benefit to use it To your advantage that's also what I Even create these readings for group Number three it is for you to use to Your advantage and to improve your life Now in becoming nobody the message that We've got for you group number three is That in order for you to start on a Fresh slate in order for you in these Next 3 Days To improve your life to the Max that you can 72 hours after Receiving this reading is to rewrite the Script and quote unquote become nobody So to become completely detached from Who you identify as and I don't mean Pronouns all right I mean for example if We work hard we go to school we go to College University we study something And then we are someone we are somebody Some people are bigger somebodies Because they're lawyers or they're big Entrepreneurs or they're doctor s and

Some people in our society are classed As smaller Somebody's janitors clerks somewhere People who do any kind of labor Intensive job and then you become Somebody and you identify as this Somebody you introduce yourself I am so And so and then the next thing is I am This person I am somebody who works here I am somebody who lives here and you Have this attachment to who you are you Have this attach attachment to oh this Defines me you know this says a lot About me if I am a engineer that says That I'm educated it says that I'm most Likely comfortable financially it says That I'm part of society that is deemed As good if I am somebody in the sense of Oh for the last couple months I've been In and out of rehab haven't been able to Hold a stable job and I have been Married and divorced a couple times and I have kids that I'm struggling to take Care of then you become somebody that is On a lower tier as society says you Become somebody that people don't want To be or people don't want to associate With as much so detaching from the story That you tell yourself is the only way That you will have an opportunity to be Someone else and be who you really want To be because let me tell you that Single mom that's in and out of rehab Might even be less unhappy with herself

And her life than that engineer that's Overworked and that feels like they've Invested their whole life into just Becoming a slave of a company and Keeping up this facade that they can no Longer keep up with wow did we not just Talk about in and out of rehab did we Not just talk about the single mom in And out of rehab and now we receed the Rehabilitation card when I tell you guys In my last videos that I am beyond in Tuned that when it comes comes to my Reading capabilities I really do see Myself as having reached a new level an Echelon I really was not playing I Really mean that group number three and Here within Rehabilitation look what You've got the next 3 days are about Self-rehabilitation so you're not quite Literally speaking going into rehab in The next 3 days however if you do need That kind of help make sure you sign up For rehab in the next 3 days so you can Get in as quickly as possible possible But now for the 99% of you who are not Going to literal rehab rehabilitation at Home getting all the healthy foods Stocking yourself up with comfortable Clothes workout clothes your favorite Movies your favorite shows and Rehab at Home all right face masks taking care of You taking baths if you've got a bathtub Going on walks the next 3 days Spirit Wants you to dedicate to your selfcare

To Rehabilitation from the internet too I know it sounds strange since I am a Reader online and my entire business is Online so me telling you to go offline Is basically shooting myself in my own Foot but group number three your Well-being is number one there's no Point in having everyone be online and Be sick and unwell we need Rehabilitation we need time and space Away from the technology our bodies have Not been able to adapt to all of this And most perfect moments most moments of Happiness of just experiencing some Intense Joy happen outside of the Internet happens outside of our mobile Devices Spirit wants to remind you of This and wants to encourage you to take Time away from any of these devices that Sure they are smart they can help us but At the same time they can also impair Us By putting a lot of pressure on us Mentally by making us constantly Reaffirm who we are or who we think we Should be rather than giving us the Opportunity to wake up and every single Day identify as a new or better version Of Ourselves you don't have to identify as Anyone who you are not group number Three but it starts with you so let's See what messages that we're still Getting here from Spirit so we have e We have o we have C we have H and we

Have B so I will add a few extra letters into Your reading if I may group number three I hope you permit me to we also have r As well as you so I'm immediately Getting hero here so the next 3 days be Your own hero group number three being Your own hero is necessary sometimes Especially if for a long time you Thought someone would come and save you And no one has come and that can put you Into a really dark place and make you Lose hope meanwhile you forgot that if It's sink or swim you will learn to swim And you have in the past and you can do It again I know sometimes it can be Challenging in this lifetime because you Can feel really alone but I want you to Know that this is necessary for survival And to get yourself out of a space that Is challenging And then another thing that I'm getting Here is the name Rob so in the next 3 days we have some Sort of Rob some sort of Robert that is Reaching out to you that you're thinking Of that is going to enter your life Again and then another thing that I'm Getting here is an Uber all right using An Uber in the next 3 days to get to Where you want to go so your Uber ride An Uber ride to a place that has an a H C or o in it also your Uber driver's Name having c h o as initials and for

Their name actually being this so we Have for example Caesar Hernandez Otto Omar so I want you to know here having This Uber ride with this person in the Next 3 days is going to do something With you cuz I know it's not always the Most comfortable place to be in in a car With a stranger and usually you don't Even like talking too much to you it's Actually the more quiet the better you Don't need to hear everyone's life story But this person has had such a fantastic Life story you're going to think to Yourself I'm so grateful I encountered This person I'm so grateful I had this Conversation because I really needed it This really did something with me that's What I see here for you in the next 72 Hours a life-changing conversation and It will actually make you feel like a Star like nothing can stop stop you Because you'll think to yourself if they Went through all of this and they're Still smiling every day and so grateful I have so many opportunities that I Haven't even tapped into let me stop Feeling like the victim and let me start Doing because I can't let him down I Can't let my family down I can't let Myself down and I see a huge deal of Empowerment so if there's one thing that You take from this reading group number Three then that is the fact that you can Use every single day to be the person of

Your dreams every single day is an Opportunity to have the best day of your Life every single day is a day in which Spirit will send you signs and reiterate To you what needs to be done until you Do it until you learn the lesson and Show that you did comprehend why you Constantly keep attracting toxic Partners why more bills keep coming in Your post box than you can actually pay Why why you keep getting nose from job Applications until you learn the lesson To detach to become nobody to not Identify with a person to whom that is a Reality those lessons will keep coming Up until you energetically shift into The person who can either pay the bills With ease who only attracts Partners who Love and adore them or who actually is So wanted in the job market that you get To pick and choose choose there's Nothing different from someone who has That as their reality than you except The fact that they picked that reality They made sure that was their bare Minimum they made sure that in their Mind and soul body and energetic field The only broadcast that they've got is That they deserve nothing less than the Best and that's a broadcast that you are Tuning into group number three there's a Reason why you were here there's a Reason why you were energetically drawn To the KAC calite and why this is the

Only broadcast that we are allowing from Here on out and that's the energy that I'm willing into this space that I'm Willing into this reading and that I'm Sending you off on this energetic note Of the best now group number three this Is the reading that I've received for You I hope that you enjoyed it and that You found it insightful as I mentioned During the intro don't forget to don't Forget to become a member of my daily Tarot reading subscription so every Single day you receive a reading because I know a lot of you guys want daily Guidance and at this point I am Unfortunately not able to upload a YouTube video every single day hence why I created this daily reading membership There are also exclusive members only Videos on the platform for you as well And lots of other bonus videos that Cannot be found on YouTube but are only Within your membership the link L to That is below in the description box and You can read all about it on the Gorgeous site that I created for you to Figure out precisely if this membership Is for you because I've created two Columns where I said who this membership Is for and who this membership is not For because I want you guys to always Make informed decisions and know exactly What you're getting and for any of you Who are aspiring terot readers tarot

YouTubers just YouTubers in general the Link to my absolutely free YouTube mini Course on how to build a successful YouTube channel is below in the Description box so make sure that you Sign up get this course for free while It still is free and learn from my Mistakes pick my brain use my knowledge Ask me comments in the comment section Because one of the things that I find Imperative is once you have lit your own Torch on fire it is time to pass the Torch on it is time to pass the fire on On my fire will go out unless I pass on The knowledge the heat the fire to the Next person and then you do the same and That's how Humanity has continued to Evolve and to progress so it is my Responsibility to give you guys all the Resources that you need for your growth And I'm taking that really seriously so All of that can be found Below in the Description box as mentioned don't Forget to subscribe if you felt Comfortable in this healing space on the Interweb and congratulations for tuning Into a long form video that is not just Frying your brain with dopamine hit After dopamine hit but is actually Helping your nervous system to calm and Allowing you to connect and learn group Number three I'm sending you so much Love and I can't wait for us to catch up In one of your upcoming predictions


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