Tarot Spreads – FREE download

Firstly… what is a ‘spread’?

With Tarot cards, the ‘spread’ means the collection, layout or bunch of cards that you draw during a reading.

Basic spread – three cards

A very basic spread involves shuffling the cards and drawing out three cards, which you place face up from left to right. The left card (first card drawn), signifies the past. The middle (second card drawn) signifies the current situation. The right-hand card signifies the future and what may become.

Comprehensive spread – the Celtic Cross 

The Celtic Cross is a well-known and classic spread that has been used for many years to gain deeper or comprehensive insights.

It involves drawing 10 cards and displaying them in a specific pattern. Each card plays a role in your reading.

You can download our FREE PDF templates – click here to download: A4 size OR A3 size diagrams.

We hope these will help you perform comprehensive readings for yourself and/or others.

Please note

Most but not all contemporary Tarot readers, do not apply different meanings to cards that are reversed or ‘inverted’ (cards that when turned over appear upside down).

Most Tarot card decks include some instructions about specific card meanings but other resources can be easily accessed including various books and/or using your internet search function to search for specific card names.


There are many different types of card spreads. Which you use and how you use them is up to you.

Cards must be shuffled thoroughly while considering your question or those of the ‘querent’ (person seeking guidance). You should also shuffle between selecting individual cards – let your fingers search for the card that feels ‘right’ each and every time you draw one from the deck!

We trust the information above will help you achieve meaningful and insightful readings.

Free Tarot Reading