
Welcome to Soul Mate Tarot!

Although Tarot is all encompassing, we focus specifically on helping and enabling you to use Tarot to find Love, meaningful relationships and ultimately your Soul Mate.

We don’t charge you for readings. We don’t ask you to subscribe or download an app. instead we provide you with tools and some instruction on how to use Tarot and your intuition to bring true happiness and real love into your life.

Admittedly, right now is a fairly challenging time for those searching for that special person. Covid 19 has changed us – it’s made many people reluctant to go out and meet new people… and heaven forbid the idea of sharing that first magical kiss might include removing a surgical mask!

So how do you meet that special someone? That’s a pretty general question that can be tricky to answer – in some cases the sort of answer that Tarot can provide is simply “soon things will change for the better” or “first there are challenges to overcome… but it will happen”.

This is where Tarot is fantastic because it can help you address the now, deal with the past and prepare for the future – with more information and guidance than you may have had ever before!

Tarot can be amazingly insightful and fun but it can also be quite confronting because it is about introspection and developing self-awareness.

So congratulations for making it this far, strap-in and prepare for something totally amazing.

Three great options

  1. Visit our friends at Lotus Tarot for a FREE online reading plus get access to FREE Tarot reading course if you sign up before the end of the month.
  2. Already have a Tarot deck? Have a look at our Tarot Spreads webpage for some inspiration!
  3. Get a professional reading right now from Psychic Source – Find out if he’s the one for you. Go to PsychicSource.com for a free compatibility profile.

Whatever option you chose, we’re here to help you on your journey of discovery. Visit us regularly for updates, tips, tricks and relationship hacks to help you use ‘the cards’ to get the results you want and deserve.


Free Tarot Reading