⚠️(Do Not Miss)👉URGENT + Important Messages from Your FUTURE SELF🔥🍀🏡✨tarot reading✨🔮🧚‍♂️Pick-A-Card✨

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Have you ever wondered about what your future self would say to you? What advice would your future self share with you? Well, in this video, we are finding out just that. So instead of needing to wait and learn lessons “the hard way” you get to enjoy your future self’s wisdom and healing words when picking one of the 4 groups/piles of cards I have prepared for you. Enjoy!🦄💕 📩

✨Edit: The Crystal Rings are all my designs from my shop:✨

Welcome to one of my many pick a card reading videos here on YouTube.
My name is Vanessa and I have dedicated my time to bringing psychic predictions and divine messages from the Universe to you.
In today’s tarot card reading, we’ll be figuring out exactly what messages that your future self has for you. This way, you can already make positive changes to your life ahead of time. Sign up to the next free LIVE event I’m putting on, on Sunday, June 2nd:

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♥Time Stamps♥

Intro from 00:00
Group 1 – 2:41 (Sacred Destiny Oracle Deck)
Group 2 – 35:20 (Pink Pain Tarot Deck)
Group 3 – 1:04:26 (Divine Feather Messenger Oracle)
Group 4 – 1:30:06 (Goddesses, Gods & Guardians Oracle Deck )

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About Me
Name: Vanessa
Sun Sign: Cancer
Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Current Location: Switzerland

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Beau Life GmbH
Hölzliwisenstrasse 2
8604 Volketswil

Please note that my ‘pick a card’ readings are for entertainment purposes, advice, and positivity. Please seek advice from a medical professional if you are experiencing any physical or psychological challenges.💡Don’t forget to turn ON your notifications to never miss another reading! Intro from 00:00
#tarot #love #youtubetarot #pickacard #tarotreading #astrology

[Music] Hello all my beautiful little unicorns And welcome back to my channel and if This is the first time that you're on my Channel my name is Vanessa SAA and you Guys know me as your big sis from the Internet and of course as your favorite Psychic tarot reader right here on YouTube and in today's pick a card tarot Reading we are going to be revealing Important messages that you are meant to Receive from future you right here here And right now that's right you guys if You've ever wondered what your future Self would say to you right now Especially if you're feeling lost or Going through some challenges in life That you just don't know whether you'll Get through then this is the perfect Tarot reading for you and how this video Works is that I have four groups Prepared for you and I will be Introducing you to these four groups in Just a moment's time and I would like You to pick one of these four groups Intuitively go with whichever group that Your intuition is drawing you toward and Of course if you absolutely cannot make Up your mind then feel free to tune into Two or more readings because sometimes Your personal reading may be a mixture Between multiple groups all right you Guys so the four groups I've got Prepared for you today are as follows

Group number one corresponds to the Sacred Destiny Oracle deck group number Two corresponds to the pink pain Tarot Deck group number three corresponds to The Divine feather messenger Oracle deck And group number four corresponds resp To the goddesses gods and Guardians Oracle deck the time stamps to all four Of these groups can be found Below in The description box as well as pinned to The top of the comment section for quick And easy access from your laptops mobile Devices TVs and smartphones so I will Now provide you with a little moment of Privacy feel free to pause the video Right here if you need a moment to pick The perfect group for yourself and then I'll be right back to guide you into Your readings with every single message That future you needs current you to Know right [Music] Now all right my beautiful soul by now You've hopefully been able to select one Of these four groups and I can't wait For us to get into your readings I will Be starting off the readings with group One which corresponds to the sacred Destiny Oracle deck so if this is the Group that you chose then please Continue watching and to all of my other Beautiful groups I will catch you at the Click of your timestamp hello my Beautiful soul of group number one you

Chose the sacred Destiny Oracle deck to Help guide you to uncover all of the Important messages that your future self Has for you so we can reveal them here Within this reading my name is Vanessa Sam and to date I I have published Thousands of individual readings on my YouTube channel and I cannot wait for us To use my Divine insights and psychic Abilities to uncover more of the Messages that you must receive from Future you so if you have sat back as of Recently and asked yourself what would Future me do what would my future self Tell me to feel right now how would Future me handle this situation Well you're in the right spot on the Internet first up we've got new Beginnings now future you wants you to Understand that you've got new Beginnings just around the corner for You group number one if you have been Stressing out about life being in Shambles or going through a lot of Challenges that seem like Insurmountable obstacles to overcome Know that new beginnings lay right ahead Of you life is going to go through Through a fresh new exciting and Invigorating cycle that you absolutely Didn't expect so if you're going through A lot right now group number one and Life seems like you need a reset like if You had a reset button on life man you

Would have pushed that a long time ago I Want you to know that reset is coming to You very very soon I see here within Power that this will bring the power Back for you future U is trying to say To you hey you you have got more power To shape and create the life that you Desire than you have realized as of Recently you know this you understand That you play a huge role and factor in How your life goes but as of recently You have allowed for some insecurities To creep in and make you feel more Powerless than you truly are and if you Agree with this group number one if this Resonates with you leave a lightning Bolt emoji Below in the comment section To let me and others know that you've Chosen group number one cuz that's the Only way we would know that you chose Group number one and also to affirm that You are indeed taking your power back And that you're in agreeance with future You that you are more powerful than You've been given yourself credit for And you're going to step back into your Personal power and start this new Beginning with a huge bang now next up Here within inner peace future you wants You to stop stressing ing out your Future self would say to you right now What has stressing over a situation ever Done for you how has it ever made your Love life better how has it ever put

More money in your bank account how has It ever gotten that exam to be passed With amazing grades you just sitting There and stressing and overthinking and Ruminating please let me know group Number one because I am also dying to Know how stressing out has ever helped You but all jokes aside and all all kind Of sarcasm put to rest I want you to Know here within inner peace and the koi That future you is trying to say to you Inner peace is something that comes with Time with age and with maturing and you Will have an abundance of it the koifish Is representative of an abundant life of An abundant source that you have access To and I want you to understand that This is actually a really really Positive foreshadowing of your new Beginnings and stepping into more of Your personal path power now we also Received the tiger the tiger is an Indication of courage and strength and Also Rarity your future self is trying To say to you that you are a rare person You are a rare breed you are a jack of All trades in the best possible way and You are also the type of person that Anyone can speak to about anything Without fearing that you will judge them And that actually makes for great person Who is a teacher a counselor a therapist Also for example hairdressers people who Do nails and other beauty treatments

Aesthetic treatments nurses they are the Ones who really thrive in this tiger Energy because guess what anyone can Talk to you in any life situation that They're in and they understand that Their secrets are safe with you so I do See here within the tiger as well that Your future self wants to say to you That you are intimidating in the best Way let's explain why group number one Now you being intimidating and scaring Certain people off May in the past have Seemed like a weakness but what it Really is group number one it's just Divine protection because when you're Intimidating to people who want you to Lower your standards and we just spoke About this in our live the other night I A free live Google meets if you want to Join those in the future just make sure You watch the space you check out the Description box of my videos my latest Videos you follow me on Instagram check Out my story because I always post about Upcoming lives on there and of course Also if you've purchased anything from My store then you are on the email news List you will receive notification of Lives happening and then you can join so What I was trying to get to is in the Last live you and I spoke about Elevating your standards keeping them High and moments in which those elevated Standards actually improved your life

And the whole message here is that when You elevate your standards it will Remove people out of your life it will Remove Frenemies out of your life it Will extract family members that don't Actually want the best for you out of Your life it will remove situationships Quickly because they will be able to Tell that you're not one to mess with And also that you are just not the type Of person that is going to settle for Their low effort uh low effort Vibrations so I do want us to add Another card from this beautiful animal Spirit animal Oracle deck into the Reading so spirit is guiding us towards This card it feels right and we've got The hawk I want you to see here within The hawk that this is a symbol of being Watched over future you is trying to say That you do have people watching over You more than you actually thought and What I also am getting here is that your Social media is being stocked there is Someone who is stalking everything that You're doing and you have a gut feeling About who this may be and they're doing So from like an incognito account so That you can't figure out that this is Actually what they're doing all day Every day because they would be Embarrassed for you to find out that's What I see here within the hawk and Future you wants you to post

Deliberately in a way that resonates for You not because you want your exes or Past situationships to see that you're Actually doing amazing and that you Don't care about them don't do all of That post authentically post as though You would anyways even if you hadn't had Exes and all of these like friend Enemies in your viewing list of your Stories and just be yourself without Overthinking that just cuz you're Watched over doesn't mean that you have To perform for them remember that now Moving on the rose quartz brings us the Message from future you to open up your Heart to new possibilities when this Card shows up it is a symbol it is a Sign that it is now time for you to open Up your heart to a new connection Opening up your hard to a new connection Doesn't always have to be a romantic one Even though it can be however this can Also mean a new person entering your Life in the form of a new family member A new baby being born a new pet that You're taking into your home that you're Taking into your kind of heart space if You will you're welcoming them and You're allowing for that relationship to Start to Blossom so the rose quartz is Not only a stone of love but also of Platonic connection but I do also want You to see here within power and the Rose quartz that future you is saying to

You that you are the powerful one in Romantic relationships and you haven't Realized how much power you hold in your Romantic life because the rainbow Obsidian shows us that you needed a lot Of time to heal your heart you've been Doing the work you've been doing the Healing you've been doing the entire Revamp of how you feel about yourself Like writing down affirmations positive Affirmations about yourself writing down Ways in which you are an amazing person Chanting it meditating saying it out Loud speaking it into existence I see With the rainbow obsidian and the rose Quartz that you have been putting in the Heavy work group number one and I'm so Proud of you for this and I hope that You know just how beautiful and Meaningful it is that you are such a Thoughtful individual that you are such A driven individual and that you are Learning to put yourself first and to Love yourself before you allow for Anyone's Dusty son or daughter to bring You out of balance or out of character You're not doing that anymore now the Ocean Jasper shows us that your schedule Is all you and this applies even for Those who are in relationships and Marriages like when you put yourself First when you don't care too much about The other person as heavy as it sounds They gain more interest in you you

Become more interesting you become more Attractive you become a lot more Appealing to be around because guess What people do value what is hard to get A lot more than something that's always There and always accessible and we are Real on this channel we're honest we're Not going to sugarcoat things and the Truth of the matter is even if someone Loves you dearly even if you are in a Committed beautiful relationship chances Are if you're always there at their beck And call if your partner always has Access to you never sees you going out With friends never sees you doing your Own thing you're just 100% centered Around the relationship and all of your Attention is placed on their existence Chances Are Over time you will become Less interesting and in a way they will Value you less because for some reason Internally subconsciously they know You're always there anyway so there are Little micro forms of taking you for Granted that will start to reveal Themselves and I want you to not fall Into that which is why future you is Also giving you this message to keep Yourself interesting do yourself care Schedule yourself in you've always Wanted to try Pilates Google a local Pilates class go there schedule it in You've always wanted to get your nails Done you've always wanted to get your

Hair sorted find the best Salon that you Can go to spend the day there and make Sure that you are aligning your life That is what future youu is saying to You right now what is no longer in Alignment with who you truly are and how Can you extract that because if there Are things that are just not in Alignment with who you truly are like For example Le not taking care of Yourself anymore not putting yourself First not scheduling yourself in kind of Losing yourself in a romantic Relationship it's time to step out of That vibration and to come back into Alignment with who you are to Reconfigure your true self now within You're already doing it your future self Is also telling you to stop overthinking Keep facing your true north and I have Fallen into this for a while I feel like For the past months I have been figuring Out how to get out of it and it's about Overthinking and not understanding hey You're already doing it so when you're Overthinking like when I'm for example Overthinking how I can make my setup Even more gorgeous how I can offer you Even better different types of readings Whether it's on Patron whether it's the Daily readings that I sent to your inbox All of these different offers that I Have available when I'm thinking of how Can I just up the quality how can I make

It even better I'm overthinking and I'm Not realizing hey you're already doing It you're already bringing the messages You're channeling from the ancestors From the future self and there's nothing That you need to overthink here you've Been doing this literally for years You've done thousands of readings and You have come to a point where you have Such a beautiful following that is here To support and I want you to remind Yourself that you've got the same you've Already been doing it you've been Putting in the work you've been putting In the time to heal to revamp and to Take care of your mental health and also To make yourself this person who is not A project so remind yourself like you're Already doing it keep facing your true North which means to keep facing what is Authentic to you and where you know that Your strength and your greatness lies And continue to double down on that Group number one so at this point in Your reading I am going to clear and Cleanse the space because I know that Spirit has a lot more messages from Future you that we are meant to uncover Here so group number one just hold on Tight you don't need to do anything but Continue to receive these messages and Your reading I will now proceed to clear And Cleanse This space and then I'll be Right back so we can delve even more

Deeply into your prediction all right Group number one did you miss me let's Get a little more deeply into these Future self messages shall we so I'm Using my gentle heart Tarot deck and First up we've got the world which I Just want to congratulate you on because The world is basically the best card of The entire Tarot deck there are two Parts of a Tarot deck there's 78 cards And there's a major Arcana and a minor Arcana the world belongs to the major Arcana which goes from 0 up until 21 the World corresponds to number 21 which Means that this is the last card of the Major Arcana now this being the last Card of the major Arcana shows complete Fulfillment Serenity and having Everything that you could want the world Card when this shows up this shows Success completion your life being in an Amazing place where you're actually Going to wonder why you were so worried Why you were overthinking things and why You were literally so hard on yourself And future you is trying to say this to Current you stop being so hard on Yourself you've got the world as your Oyster and sooner rather than later you Will actually find that the world is Yours next up we have the nine of Diamonds and the nine of diamonds showed Up in Reverse so we're going to read This card reversed as well well cuz you

Guys know I like to incorporate that Into my readings the revers meanings now The nine of Diamonds In Reverse shows us That why at the moment it seems Far-fetched and it may seem like there's Still so much to do so far to go is Because there are some delays in the Earthly outcomes of some of the work and Some of the efforts that you've been Putting in by delays I mean delays in Getting those results financially delay Delays in getting results when it comes To an exam that you've taken delays in Finally living in your own home driving Your dream car having that business that Creates another stream of income another Stream of passive Revenue so because you Feel as though you're behind and there Are people younger than you who have Already done more or quote unquote more Successful made more money it can feel As though you're just trickling Meanwhile others abundance is flowing But please don't be fooled by what you See on the internet a lot of it is not Real a lot of it is fake a lot of it is Exaggerated and you are already in an Amazing spot especially if you actually Look at where you started and also where Some other people are that you went to School with that you started this Journey this thing called life with in Kindergarten in middle school not to say That you should compare someone else to

You in order to like elevate Yourself by Judging them and their slower progress But sometimes it is interesting to see How you have developed in comparison Because as human beings I think a Comparison can be positive but it can Also be detrimental and it is the thief Of all joy if you start going on the Internet and comparing yourself to the 0.1% of people that post perfect stories And reals and your guides are trying to Say to you That you're doing everything right right Now future U is giving you a full body Yes if you've asked yourself whether You're on the right path group number One it is a full body yes it is a clear Green light from future you about where You're headed and what you're doing so If you've been worried about whether you Will actually have the rewards set in Financially also with your health if You've been eating more healthily and Working out but you don't feel like you See a change in your body this yes is a Very happy fulfilled yes this is not a Yes that is saying yes to something Challenging this is a yes that shows us You've got another thing waiting for you In the best possible way and future you Wants you right now to receive this Message of staying positive don't step Out of the energy of believing in Yourself and believing in all of your

Efforts that you have put in don't step Out of the energy of gratitude once you Step out of that frequency you become Prone to Misfortune so remain positive Remain on the frequency and in the Energy of abundance and then it will be Unlikely that anything will happen that Won't serve you so future U is trying to Say to you that the likelihood decreases Of things happening that are detrimental The more you remain positive and the More that you stay in this full body yes Of your success I love where this Reading is headed group number one I Absolutely love all of the messages that We're receiving they are enlightening They are really beautiful and I can't Wait for us to add some more messages From future you future you is here right Now giving you this peacock Spirit Within your reading to remind you to let It shine to not be afraid to be yourself Even if that means you're eclectic You're different you're wearing bold Colors you are someone who physically Also just doesn't blend in when you look At photos of yourself already as a kid Like in kindergarten or at anyone's like Birthday party and you look at photos of Yourself and you stick out you're Different it was already clear then that You're meant to have a really unique Place and path in this world I want you To know here that this is further

Confirmation in the spirit that you Can't help it anyways why try to hide Why try to hide something that can be Your biggest strength and for me group Number one for example as a kid I grew Up in well partially in Switzerland and When I came to Switzerland because I am Swiss um and I went to school here Everything was so different and Literally there was almost nobody in my Town even that was a person of color let Alone in my school I was like the only Only one in the entire like Middle School maybe there was one other person So of course I have like curly hair cuz I'm mixed race Etc and that made me Really different and a lot of people Made fun of me bullied me put me down For it and I'm so grateful that I had a Mother who always told me your hair is Absolutely gorgeous and beautiful and They're just jealous and today at 27 Years old I have such beautiful big Luscious Hair cuz I take care of it and I let it shine F all right I take good Care of it and I am the person now that People come to and they compliment and They say wow this is so beautiful I've Never seen such big natural hair like You have so be open to the fact that What seemed like it made you different In a bad way is actually something that Yeah may have just stemmed from a place Of jealousy and as you grow older and as

You embrace it fearlessly people will Come to you and actually tell you how Beautiful and amazing that this thing is That makes you different whether it's Your style whether it's your hair Whether it's your face the way that you Conduct business I want you to know here In the starfish spirit that your future Self is telling you to be open to the Possibilities that come from that you Will have opportunities and Possibilities come your way that you Never expected through the things that Make you so different allow for me to Explain to you the starfish Spirit shows Us that because you are different Because you are the black sheep you will Have a different set of possibilities Brought to you shortly after receiving This tarot card prediction I want you to Check your emails I want you to check Your inbox and especially the junk Folder because there is an opportunity In there that you actually did not know You didn't notice but now that you Received this reading which you had to Receive at this point in time there's a Reason you're here right now group Number one listening to your tarot card Reading you are able to access that Opportunity and that possibility and It's going to bring you abundance future Self is confirming check that junk Folder group number one check the mail

Group number one make sure that you Listen to those voice notes those uh Voicemails on your phone is what I meant To say and I do see here that future you Is confirmed in that there is more Abundance available for you than you Actually knew was around but it's about Not just being open to it to even see it But actually also checking actually also Making sure you are available for it now Let's move a little more deeply into Your reading we've also got Solitude for You now future you is saying that Solitude is your best friend at this Point in time you are the type of Individual that really thrives within Solitude because a part of you is just So creative so free when you're by Yourself and you don't have to deal with Other people and the thing here within Solitude is that it doesn't have to be Lonely introverts recharge their energy In solitude because if you're an Introvert then being around a lot of Other people is just going to drain you And it's going to make you feel like you Have given a lot of your energy up just To be in a social situation now if that Sounds familiar if that is you cuz group Number one I am sensing here within your Reading that Solitude is something that Allows you to also step into your Personal power because you can online Shop you can plan outfits you can play

Around with makeup you can play around With how you want to do your hair you Can Journal you can really work on Yourself internally and externally and Then when you do step out into the world You have taken that private moment Private time to do so and and then you Feel really confident about how you're Stepping out because you actually had The opportunity to take time to really Like revamp yourself and turn yourself Into who you've always wanted to be so Being alone that's what future you is Saying to you is actually really healthy Even though it might sometimes feel a Little depressing if you look at your Friends who have like these Relationships family and they are a lot More social you feel and sometimes you Think you're a Hermit or you get fomo Fear of missing out you're not missing Out on anything group number one you're Doing amazing we've got the rose quartz Again group number one rose quartz is Really your stone and just in case you Didn't know we have Rose quarts all over Our reading setup here it is the stone Of Love of abundance of friendship of Care and this showing up within your Reading twice just shows that your Future self is trying to say to you that Love and care and friendships all of This is meant to be part of your life's Quest and journey so if even if you are

Single please like don't worry don't Feel like you'll never find anyone or Like something is wrong with you you are Meant to have all of that you are meant To have an abundance of love but the Thing is you're not meant to have that With just anyone you're meant to have That with a very special someone and the Tourmalinated quartz is a message from Future you telling you to get out of Your own way how many times have you Allowed overthinking to stop you from Actually putting yourself out there the Way you wanted to how many times have You overthought how you will set up your Own YouTube channel where you maybe post Your own psychic readings your own Videos on self-development your own Videos that will help people and Entertain them and then you never got Around to doing it because you got in Your own way of overthinking it of Asking yourself is it good enough maybe You even compared some of your things to My Channel or to my post or to my Quality or whatever it is and I want you To step out of that and to remind Yourself you're just getting in your own Way you are you you're are one in8 Billion and you will do things exactly How you want to do things you don't have To adhere to how everyone else has Already done it we want to see you being Unique and I want to also remind you

Really quickly but in a very deep Profound honest way that when I started Doing readings my aesthetic was not a Thing like the bright white pastel Colors and the cute cards it was not a Thing I created this I created my Aesthetic My Vibe of course it's been Copied since then because that is just What happens but it didn't exist and I Also asked myself am I too much of a Light worker kind of energy is my Channel one that is like too different From the other ones but I stepped out of Getting in my own way I continueed to Post I continued to develop my readings The way I wanted them to be and the way I felt like they were the most valuable To my viewers and look where we are Today group number one and I want you to Get out of your own way of overthinking And to do the same for yourself and your Future we've got Unbound next so you are Releasing Soul patterns contracts and Past lives it is time for you now that's What your future self is saying to stop Overthinking the past and to release Some contracts that you had and Contracts show up in the form of lessons Hard lessons that you feel like you have To learn over and over and over again You know being too nice to people and Them taking advantage of you yeah that's An old contract that's an old soul Pattern that needs to be released that

Is a lesson that you have learned that You no longer need to have show up Within your life and we have aligning Your life again spirit is putting a lot Of Synchronicities to reiterate messages From your future self about letting go What is no longer in alignment with who You truly are and what's no longer in Alignment with who you truly are your Future self is telling you that being Too nice to people where you already Have this gut feeling that first of all They wouldn't do the same for you and Then second of all you may be putting Yourself in a situation where you will Be disappointed just extract yourself Don't make promises always tell people You will get back to them don't make Promises on the spot get grounded first Your future self is telling you no Matter what it is whether it's promising Someone you just met that you will help Them or spend time with them because you Know once you set that date when the the Day rolls around you're not going to Want to even leave your house we know This group number one same goes for work Contracts and opportunities yes you may Have this opportunity right before you But don't sign the dotted line Immediately get grounded you are an Empath you are a highly sensitive person Go meditate and connect with nature

First consult with other people that you Trust possibly even a lawyer if it's Something like an employment contract Get grounded and then decide to sign and Then decide how you want to move forward I just want to make it abundantly clear That future you is protecting you in This way and reminding you of the fact That you often say yes to things and Then it is detrimental to you because You always put others first and yourself Last you often put others first before You've even thought of yourself and Group number one your future self is Trying to tell you this lesson doesn't Need to be repeated you've been there Done there got the postcard we know You're an empath and a good person now It is time to get off the floor you are Not a doormat and to put yourself first The way everyone else is doing group Number one because you deserve to you Deserve to have the life that you desire You deserve to have nice things in your Life you deserve to be successful Without always having to give up a Little piece of what you've worked so Hard for because someone just simply Asks for it you don't do that to others Either yes you may ask for help or Support every now and then but even that Is very seldom and you will never do it At the expense of someone else's success So don't allow for others to do things

Like that at the expense of your success Because this is your life you will have To deal with repercussions not them so This is your time group number one for You to put your dreams and your Aspirations on a pedestal and to make Sure that those become a reality now Group number one this is the reading That I received for you I hope that you Enjoyed it and that you found it Mega Insightful feel free to let me know Below in the comment section if you're Not subscribed to my channel yet make Sure that you do hit that subscribe Button to never miss out on an upcoming Piece of content group number one Wherever you are in this world I'm Sending you so much love and I can't Wait to connect with you during one of My upcoming Readings hello my gorgeous soul of group Number two you chose the pink pain Tarot Deck in order for us to receive the Urgent and important messages that your Future self has for you my name is Vanessa zinaa and to date I have Conducted thousands of individual card Readings here on YouTube but also Offline and I can't wait for us to Channel these Divine Mega accurate Messages for you so we can figure out Precisely what future you would say to You right now in this very moment I want To remind you of the fact that you are

Here for a reason group number two there Is a reason why you felt drawn to this Video why you clicked this reading and Selected this group and why we are now Going to uncover these Divine pieces of Information for you so I'm just Shuffling your deck until I feel as Though Spirit wants us to unveil the First message that your future self has For you all right first up we have the Three of bottles but in Reverse your Future self is saying to you right now That it's okay that you don't have a Huge Squad and a huge friend group it's Completely fine that you're the type of Person who prefers quality over quantity And as a child or even as a teen you may Have felt as though you're weird you're A loner you're an outsider and that you Don't have very many friends and that That somehow speaks badly of you or Makes you seem quote unquote like a Loser group number two but I want to Remind you of the fact here in the three Of bottles reversed that people who Really value their time and value close Relationships and strong intimate bonds Are often the ones who actually have Support when they really need it cuz Think about it if you have a wide Variety of friends you may always have Someone to go out with you may always Have someone inviting you to come Somewhere but in those moments where

Life is challenging and you really feel Down and out and you need real support You need true friends true people who Are there for you and who really care About your well-being in good and in bad Times you will be so appreciative of the Fact that you've got real ones around You and maybe fewer of them but at least You can count on them when you need them Rather than a group of so many friends That aren't even really that close to You and don't even care that much if you Win next up we have the six of knives in Reverse now as we can see here within The six of knives in reverse we've got These knives we've got this almost like Catlike feline like creature and we have This little like red symbol it's almost Like something hanging out of its head And what the six of knives or six of Swords as it is in the traditional tarot Actually means is a time of recovery and It is a time of traveling as well so the Six of knives and the three of bottles In Reverse both show us here that it's Better for you to try travel and to heal With those you can trust with those who Are closest to you rather than to be Around a lot of people that you don't Truly truly know you don't truly know as Deeply as you'd maybe like to to trust Them in the most challenging moments now The pink pain Tarot deck is not called Pink pain Tarot deck for no reason

Little bit of a tongue twister there but Here we have the four of knives and fear Not I know these depictions are are a Little bit more dark a little bit more Vulgar if you will I personally really Love this deck and here within the four Of knives I can see that you are going To see very clearly in the next coming Weeks and months who you want to keep in Your life and who you're okay with Losing the four of Swords shows us a Time of rest contemplation and quiet Preparation for the next stage within Your life and when you're in this time Of quiet preparation you don't need Drama and your future self is saying That you've had all of the information Delivered to you about the people that You have in your life and now it's time To decide based on that information by Information I mean you saw how they React when you're in need you saw how They are when you do something that Pisses them off is that what you really Want to deal with or are you deciding That you deserve better the Ace of Knives shows us here it's time for a new Beginning the ace always represents a Freshh start depicted in this deck we Have this knife going through the Fingers and here what this means is a Fresh start as in cutting off what no Longer serves you this deck is very Straightforward and blunt and to the

Point and I hope that you can appreciate This group number two if you are one of Those people who can appreciate this Bluntness please do leave a little Rainbow Emoji Below in the comment Section to let me and others know that Not only did you choose group number two But you're also one of those people who Likes Aesthetics but at the same time You're also cool with a little bit of a Darker approach to things because you Understand that we all exist in Different facets and different ways and We express ourselves differently which Is also why I love to show so many Different cards on my channel because it Shows a variety of energies and moods And different card deck creators next up We've got pades now within plates you've Got this double mission going on you're Channeling and uplifting Humanity that Is what you're meant to do in this Lifetime your future self is bringing You the important message that your Positive and radiant energy is not to be Taken for granted I know it can Sometimes feel as though it is not an Inconvenience but almost as though your Positive energy is something that annoys Others you know when others just want to To be in a bad mood when people want to Be grumpy in the mornings and you're Like but why there's no reason like we Got up this morning we were able to open

Our eyes see walk talk whatever we were Capable of doing that day that in itself Is something to be grateful for and you Bringing this positivity that others Struggle to see and to actually embody It is a gift and your future self wants You to understand that actually this Shows that you are just from a different Plan Planet a different realm pades Quite literally speaking and I do want You to understand that feeling a little Bit of this extraterrestrial Vibe it Just confirms that you are someone who Is a little different and who may Actually come from a completely Different place within our galaxy I see Here within take a break that the Message future you gives to you at this Point is that it's a life's work not a Season get off the track Mill all right You have been overworking yourself group Number two you've been working yourself To the Bone you've been doing too much You have not been taking breaks you are Nearing burnout and future youu is not Happy to see this and future you is here To call you out in the most loving kind Way and you know why that is it's Because future you can see precisely What kind of effect that this will have On you a couple months and years from Now and future you obviously doesn't Want you to go down a route that is Unhealthy and that you don't necessarily

Need to go down remind yourself that Life is a marathon it's not a Sprint get Off of the treadmill it's time for you To ensure that you are also relaxing now The cheetah shows us here that your Concern is speed you have fomo you don't Want to miss out and you also don't want To feel like you are behind you look Around you and everything seems to be Happening so quickly well rather than Than looking around you or looking on Social media on reals and feeds and Seeing how quickly everything seems to Be moving I want to remind you of the Fact that we consume so much every Single day we forget that often the Things that we are consuming takes a Very long time to make and to create and To put out there even just this video That you're watching right now the Amount of time that it takes to set it Up to learn the cards to film each Individual reading to edit it to post it All of these things even the timestamps I want you to understand here that while We have so much to consume it seems like There's just so much being put out there So quickly but at the same time when you Look at it individually everybody needs A certain amount of time to accomplish Their work and you're allowed to have That as well I want you to not undermine Your personal speed because you are Comparing it comparison is really the

Thief of all joy and feelings of pride In your own work and it's time for you To honor the speed at which you go and To know that that is fast enough you are As fast as you need to be group number Two the cheetah shows us you are elegant You're fast you know where you're going But even cheetah they Sprint and then They need a break and your guides are Trying to say to you you are a cheetah At this point and it might be time for You to take a little bit more time to Focus on endurance rather than short Spurts of inspiration and motivation the Cosmic egg is symbolic of you having the World at your fingertips and having Opportunities that you are wrapped Around the cosmic egg shows us an egg Filled with these different rainbow Colors if you will or let's say all Colors of the rainbow that sounds better And then we also have of course the Serpent wrapped around it now with the Serpent that has its tongue out I want You to understand here that you have Already done a lot more than other People in your age and in your Demographic and you don't give yourself Enough credit for that future you wants You to celebrate your wins along the way Not to burn yourself out and to overwork Yourself before you finally give Yourself a little bit of credit what is That group number two why can we not

Just give you the credit that you Deserve now and for you to accept it and For you to allow us to celebrate you Because it's finally time that that Happens now the labradorite is Indicative of seeing the magic future You wants to show you that life has so Much magic around you that you may have Not even noticed up until this point and The magic happens when you take a break I see that in connectivity to our card That we received earlier about it being A life's work and not just a season all Right you have your entire life to work On things and unless you take your foot Off of the gas unless you take a little Step back to see things from a different Viewpoint you won't be able to see the Magic in the small or the large things And spirit your future self they want You to see the Magic in all of your Accomplishments up until today now the Cellon night shows us that there's a lot Of clutter that future youu wants you to Get rid of right now and I myself have Clutter that I know I need to get rid of Old clothing old items games just random Things literally sitting in my cellar in Different boxes and the thing is I have Started to clear out the Clutter but I Still have a lot of progress that can be Made and your future self is kind of Calling you out on this a little bit Group number two and telling you hey

It's time for you to clear out the Clutter it's time for you to stop Procrastinating this because honestly What are you doing with all this stuff That you don't need that is just taking Up room in your life and in your head Remind yourself here within the vulture That you can always give things away to People that are more in need of it than You are and who may like something that To you is not useful and that's where The vulture comes into place you know How vultures they eat parts that are Inedible to other living creatures So for you something may not be useful a Piece of clothing it could be home decor Literally a pair of shoes that are Uncomfortable for you that you can't Wear it can also be a kitchen appliance That you never use you purchased it it Looked cute you thought that you would Use that little mixer thing but it's Just there's no recipe that you ever Want to make with it and what the Vulture shows us here is that there are People around you who would be really Grateful for it and who actually would Have a great use and immediate family is Always a great place for you to ask but Donating is another way in which you can Get rid of things you can clear out what Is clutter for you but what is actually A really helpful tool for someone else Next up here within the shark I can see

That future you wants you to remember That many occasions in life are very Lonely roads I know this is too real too Dark at times group number two but no One cares as much about your success as You you can have the most loving spouse And partner and boyfriend or girlfriend On the planet I just want you to know Here in the shark at the end of the day You are responsible for your success and You care more about your career and your Success than they do and it makes sense Right because they also should care more About their success and their career Than you do it doesn't mean that they Can't care immensely and that they're Not rooting for you and vice versa but What this just means is like if you Aren't rooting for you then how would Anyone else go hard for you if you are Not convinced about your career about Your offerings about what you can bring To the table how can it be convincing to Anyone else and this is especially true For my fellow business owners and Entrepreneurs you you have to remember That you must be confident in what You're putting out there and if you're Not confident in it then adjust make it Better evolve until you feel like it's Good but remind yourself here that it's No one else's Responsibility but yours to be real with Yourself about whether you need to work

On the confidence aspect because what You've created is amazing or if you need To make your creation a little different If you need to put a little bit more Sweat into it if you need to roll up Your sleeves and adjust it in a way that It becomes irresistible and I know this Is a very deep very personal kind of Reading I hope that you can appreciate That we are a no joke no BS Channel over Here and we talk about everything in Depth and just because some things can Be uncomfortable or make us feel called Out that doesn't mean that we're not Willing to see it to receive it because In life a lot of the most valuable Things the biggest accomplishments have Come with discomfort that is true most Of the time and I love that we've Created this space on the internet where We can have these intelligent and deep Conversations about how we can Elevate Now group number two I will cleanse and Clear the space and then I'll be right Back so we can delve more deeply into Your reading I hope that you've enjoyed It up until this point you don't need to Lift a finger all that you need to do is Continue to lean back relax and enjoy Your tarot reading and I will be right Back to guide you even more deeply into Your prediction of all of the messages That future you has in store hello group Number two and welcome back let's move a

Little more deeply into these messages From future you to current you so you Know precisely what to do today and Moving forward forward so we've got Reconsider future you wants you to Reconsider something and I want us to Get into the deeps about what this may Be because future youu is trying to say Oh there is an area of your life in Which you are considering making a Choice that isn't an alignment with you And I see here within action that it has To do with an area in your life in which You are not taking action all right Right reconsider why you're afraid to Take action and then ask yourself if It's really worth the Procrastination with reconsider and Action I do see that this has to do with How you're living your life and also With your career your professional life We've got a sword here which is all About logic and I see defying logic so To say when you hear that most YouTube Channels or business owners they don't Make it or they don't end up having a Company that stays afloat and so on sure You can say that that's a higher Probability but at the same time there Are also so many people who do win and That shouldn't stop you from taking Action so reconsider why you're afraid To finally launch that YouTube channel Why you're afraid to finally make your

Presence known on social media and have Your business Thrive why you are letting That stop you from taking action and Actually finding out and here future you Is trying to say to you look reconsider The inaction that's been happening like It's time for you to take action to take Leaps and reconsider what that would be Like when you've got this new beginning When you've got a new you a you that Isn't afraid to do things a new you that Isn't afraid to take action to make Things happen and also to start some new Chapters and by starting new chapters Not every chapter is going to lead to Love or riches or happiness but hey Every chapter teaches you valuable Lessons along the way every chapter Brings you a little closer to those ones That you truly want to experience and Here with an unlikely spirit is also Trying to say to you that there is Something going on in your life right Now that is Unlikely going to end up how you thought It would and I want us to figure out What that is I want us to figure out What is going on there okay relaxation My gorgeous Souls of group number two Have you been considering taking a Vacation or doing some Relaxation because I do see here with an Unlikely that you are a busy body you Are a busy bee you try to relax you try

To go to bed early and the likelihood of That actually being fruitful It's often very low honestly speaking Because you're just someone who has this Racing mind and within Solitude I do Also see that part of this is because You're taking care of yourself a lot Right now so you take care of others as Well group number two that's not to take Away from it but in these moments where You are overworking yourself where you Want to take a break but then when you Finally get around to it you feel lazy Or you think oh let me just do a little Bit of laundry let me just clean up here Let me just make this phone call let me Just do this little piece of work and Then you end up never actually relaxing Or taking a break and it's unlikely that You will ever find peace that you will Ever find a moment to recharge and Actually feel as though your energy is Back with you and like you have regained Some energy so sometimes it's great for You to actually have someone to hold you Account accountable that's what I see Here in solitude and Relaxation this is an unlikely Combination to work you by yourself Relaxing try to actually make it almost Like a challenge invite someone over for A chill evening you can watch movies you Can put on face masks you can just talk Relax Chill on the couch and just do

Nothing and I want you to understand Here that the whole notion of the day You plant the seed is something future You wants you to stand also needs Relaxation the day you plant the seed of Fruit that you are trying to pick and Enjoy is not the day that you will Harvest that fruit right when you plant The seed you need to wait you need to Water you need to fertilize but mostly You need to wait and that's precisely What your future self is trying to say To you you've planted the seed group Number two you've put in a lot of work But now it's also time to relax now it's Also time to make sure that yeah you're Watering and you are Fertilizing but you're also taking time To sit back relax and let things grow so That you actually have the energy once The fruit is there and ripe to even pick It cuz what a shame it will be when the Fruit is there but you're too exhausted And tired to notice it or to be able to Harvest all of it next up we have trust Your intuition group number two do you Often question your intuition how was it When you were picking this group was it A full body yes or was it a little bit Of a ooh I hope I'm picking the right Group for myself I hope this resonates I Hope I'm doing the right thing I want You to know that if it was the latter if You felt a little bit nervous or unsure

Whether you picked the right group Future U is trying to say that trusting Your intuition is deeply connected to Taking action because when you trust Your intuition you are more likely to Also take action immediately you're not Putting things off you're not waiting When you trust yourself and your Intuition you're doing you feel your Intuition tell you precisely what to do You go for it you don't wait around you Don't question it you don't ask yourself Whether this is the right thing to do so I do want you to understand here within Trust your intuition as well as action And relaxation that this all plays Together with one another this is all a Game of taking action knowing when to Relax trusting yourself when you are Relaxing and not feeling as though Relaxation isn't productive cuz it's not True even the most productive people on The planet they need to relax they need Vacations group number two we have a few More messages I am sure of that I will Now clear and cleanse the space and I'll Be right back with you you don't need to Do a thing or lift a finger just Continue to stay tuned as we delve even More deeply into these messages from Your future self all right group number Two let's see what we've got from future You that you need to hear right now Right here today so we've got the rabbit

Spirit the seahorse Spirit as well as The ant Spirit reverse now I want to Talk about the ant Spirit reverse Because I am instantly getting a very Clear visual from your future self about This and the Ants Spirit reverse shows Us that now is not a time to take on Other people's opinions on board about What you want to do professionally I see A lot of this fear that others are Projecting onto you that has to do with Your career that has to do with your Professional life and these are not the Type of people that you want to Collaborate with neither business-wise Neither with them sharing their Unsolicited advice and fears and Thoughts with you the seahorse Spirit And the the rabbit spirit on the other Hand this is your future self saying to You that now is a lucky time the rabbit Is a symbol of luck and the seahorse is A symbol of watching and waiting and Understanding that exactly how you are Doing things is how it will work out for You everybody has their own path and Their own Vision remember your vision Was given to you and not me for a reason And vice versa the same goes for your Path I have had my path with my business With YouTube with my personal life with My own self-development with my body Image I have had my own path my own Headaches my own trials and tribulations

My own hurts my own disappointments and You have had that too and your future Self is trying to say to you that your Path is unique and it's meant to be Yours and your path being different than Other people's path doesn't mean that You won't get to the goal that you won't Get to that end spot that you want to be In it just means that you are taking a Route that is unique to you and your Experiences and it's just as valid as Anyone else's path so never allow for Anyone to tell you otherwise group Number two your path is important it may Be a path that others haven't seen up Until now but do not let that be your Main concern as to why things are taking So long future you wants to remind you That now is a lucky time in your life Now is a time of Good Fortune just watch And wait and see shortly after this Reading will receive the most excellent News I assure you of that I promise you That future self is telling me that that You didn't expect and you will know man I am ready I have been waiting for this For lifetimes and now I finally get to Step into my highest self and you will Think back at this future self reading And I hope you come back back and Comment in the comment section and let Me know your experience and you will Think to yourself yeah this is a lucky Time and I'm happy that I just watched

And waited that I gave things time to Prepare themselves in the actual Material realm for me and that I didn't Listen to other people's unsolicited Advice that was fear-based that's what I Can see here within your reading group Number two and we've got remain positive For you now future you wants you to Remain positive and for you to remember The fact that sometimes when it doesn't Look like you're getting all of the Things that you want and it looks like It takes time remain positive as that is Going to attract more abundance into Your life rather than repel the Abundance you are ready for what is to Come next you are ready for this lucky Time you are ready to finally receive The financial gains and the public Recognition that you have worked so hard For watch and wait don't join others on Tangents of complaining of passing the Buck remember to remain positive Surround yourself with positive and Like-minded individuals watch how things Change on a daily basis for you group Number two because future you is telling You that there is a huge surprise coming Sooner than you expected within your Life and you will know that you're ready There will be no doubt it will be so big That it will scare you but at the same Time it is so abundantly clear that this Is your opportunity and your time to

Shine and you're going to take it Immediately you're going to have no Doubts now group number two this is the Reading that I received for you and I Hope that you enjoyed it and that you Found it insightful feel free to let me Know Below in the comment section I love Reading your comments I try to reply to As many of them as I can I always reply To comments on a daily basis and I just Want you to know that wherever you are In this world I'm sending you so much Love I'm sending you hugs I'm grateful That we got to share this Divine time And space with one another and I can't Wait to connect with you during one of My upcoming readings Hello group number three and welcome to Your reading about all of the messages That your future self has for your Current self that are important and you Must receive right now remember there's A reason why you're here and why you Chose this group and why you felt called To even click this video so now let's Get into it within this feather that you Chose from the Divine feather messenger Oracle deck we've got the orial now this Is a absolute Stunning bird that brings you the Message that a new creative Venture is On the horizon see it as a positive Change so what's coming next for you Group number three is actually a

Creative Venture on the horizon that Does does imply that there's a lot of Work ahead of you and perhaps even a Feeling of having to start from zero Again but future you is trying to say That this is a lifechanging venture this Is a lifechanging opportunity for Positive change in the long term the sea Serpent shows us actually the image of Not just a sea serpent but this is also Called an oroborus you may be like Vanessa what is that what is oroborus Now an oroborus is an ancient symbol of A snake biting its own tail which we Have here in form of the sea serpent now The sea serpent shows us that when it Comes to your feelings of success future You wants to remind you that there will Always be these Transitions and Different phases different Cycles so It's never that you're starting from Zero it's just entering a new cycle a New creative Venture for new outcomes And life will always be this way for you So rather than feeling as though what's Coming next is a lot of work and Starting from the bottom and that you Have to work yourself up to get to where You want to go This is merely another phase another Part of your cycle to your own fullest Exploration and living the life that You've always wanted to live it's not Starting from the bottom you are not at

The bottom group number three and future Youu wants to remind you here within the Deer that you have so often in your life Taken the back seat put others before You been selfless and given people the Benefit of the doubt where you didn't Need to do that at all but you just Wanted to be a nice person and now it is Time for you here within the deer to Actually protect yourself and whenever You feel as though you're dealing with Someone who's an energy vampire you are In a situation where you can't actually Thrive move on move away scadaddle into The forest deers do not put up with Predators with Wolves at all and that Doesn't mean mean that you are weak it Just means that you understand there's No point in dealing with this type of Person and the deer is actually Indicative of you having a very gentle Soul the deer shows us that your future Self is trying to say to you not every Battle is worth fighting and it's Important for you to know when to just Leave the scene and future you wants you To see that what comes next in your life Creatively is a positive change even Though you're starting small remind Yourself that all big things one started As a little fleeting idea the crow shows Us here that you will be able to receive Something that looks really valuable and Shiny don't get carried away future you

Is saying to you that you have a lot More where that came from waiting for You and what I mean by small shiny and Valuable I mean a piece of jewelry with A precious gemstone something that has Gold on it literal gold and something That you feel is now finally in your Possession and is of some value like you Can resell it and actually make a profit On it and I see here within the starfish That you're receiving this sooner than You expected on a special day it is an Anniversary or a birthday and a starfish Shows us that future you is reminding You of the fact that you have gone for So long being the person that always Gives it is now time for you to learn to Receive and also to honor your Gentleness you are someone that I see Here in the deer and the starfish that Is really gentle you like nice things I See that in the crow but you don't have Shiny object syndrome at all so while You may like nice things you are not the Type of person who's going to go out and Buy an expensive pair of shoes or a bag Or a piece of jewelry over paying for Things that you must like your rent for Example and I want you to understand Here that people like yourself need to Learn to speak up for themselves and to Stand up for themselves and to find a Way in this world that can be harsh to Create boundaries around yourself that

Still allows you to express your Gentleness that still allows you to be An empath to be a kind gentle person cuz You will never be different and that's One thing that future you is trying to Tell you never try to change who you are Because there's no point the authentic You is the most beautiful version of you And there's no point in trying to deny It the satellite shows us that you are a Very truthful person people love it when You speak your truth you are an amazing Podcaster you may not be a podcaster Right now group number three but future You is trying to remind you you have Stories to share you have Tales to tell And the selite shows us that for you Your future self is saying that your Story will be shared either via an email List or Instagram reals or coming on a Podcast being in your local newspaper or TV station being invited to share your Story and that speaking your truth is Going to show everything that you've Been through how you've still managed to Keep a kind heart and kind Empathetic nature and the rainbow Obsidian shows us that future you Understands that you are an inspiration To how one can heal their heart so a lot Of people have gone through similar Experiences like you have but it has Hardened them it has changed them it has Turned them into someone they don't want

To be and group number three part of Your life purpose is to share this Strength and to show people in a very Inspiring way that regardless of what They may have experienced and been Through they don't have to allow that to Callous them and Harden their heart and Never let anyone in again you're a prime Example of how forgiveness being a gift To you not someone who wronged you is Actually so freeing and healing now the Ocean Jasper gives us this message from Your future self that you should Schedule yourself in now and a message That I'm seeing here from future you is A hairdresser appointment when was the Last time you went when was the last Time you actually got pampered when was The last time you scheduled self-care in That you actually also splurged on Yourself and self-care why I'm getting Hair for some reason is because within The deer and the crow we have this very Like gentle fine Hair texture and hair that is it's not That it's brittle but you definitely Have to be delicate with your hair it's Definitely hair that takes time to deal With to comb through to moisturize and I Want you to know here in the ocean Jasper that it's not just you that must Take care of your appearance but it's Also important for you to sometimes give That job to someone else we live in a

World where there are so many Professions whether it be people who Give massages who do hair who do nails Who do body scrubs it is completely fine For you to enjoy these luxuries and to Understand like you deserve this group Number three why are we not giving Ourselves this VIP treatment why are we Not allowing ourselves to just be Treated like almost like a star or like A celebrity that's what future you is Asking you and future youu wants to say To you start now because having a Self-care routine taking time out for You if you start now you will make it a Habit and in the long run it's going to Be so important and so helpful for Maintaining good mental health Especially when you've got a sole family A real family of your own that will keep You in balance and make you someone who They can depend on and your family won't Feel as though you are just a mess or Someone who is super emotionally like Volatile and unregulated So within Soul Family I can see that you don't need to Do things alone you don't need to do Things by yourself you can actually ask Others for help and future you is trying To say you know sometimes it is great For you to be independent and for you to Do your own thing but sometimes it's Also just really not necessary group Number three and a lot of people would

Love to help you I see here in the deer That sometimes you give this damsel and Distress kind of vibe off and don't let Your ego get in the way and try to prove That like no I can do it by myself like At work if there is a task that someone Wants to help you out with because maybe You've never done it before or it's just Like heavy boxes that need lifting sure You can do it by yourself just like the Other day I can mow my lawn myself but Someone was like hey let me help you out I have a better lawn mower I have a Better system for this why not group Number three it doesn't make you any Less capable or independent it just Shows here that you're not afraid to Accept help and that you're not afraid To say yes to new encounters I see here Within align your life that we have a Little bit of a shattering that's coming That your future self wants to warn you Of because it can be difficult when we Slowly start to realize we're Transforming out of what we thought we Were because as human beings it's like We're constantly Reinforcing this person that we think we Are we think I'm a teacher I'm a nurse I'm an accountant I'm a YouTuber I'm an Entrepreneur we keep reinforcing that Day in and day out and then when Something challenges the vision that we Have of ourselves the picture that we

Have of who we are it can feel like Something is breaking us like this Shattering of an image we had of Ourselves it's like if you look in the Mirror and you were to have a mirror With a crack and all of a sudden you Look completely different than you Remembered and it can be hard to Associate with this but your future you Wants you to ask yourself what is no Longer in alignment with who I truly am And if something is no longer in Alignment with you that was once so Close and near and dear to your heart This is just a sign this is just Symbolic of needing to grow of needing To move on I used to be the person who Definitely identified a lot with things In my external appearance that now they Just don't align anymore I do it for fun I wear makeup because I want to I wear Wigs and outlandish costumes because I Love it but what completely changed is The need to do it every day what Completely changed was the need to do my Makeup in a way that was conventionally Attractive and suitable for the male Gaze for example and when that image Shattered it was like that's actually Not me it never was me I was just Conditioned to be this person and in a Way I fell into it and it was the norm And all of the girls and women were Doing it but it had nothing to do with

Who I was or my most authentic self Group number three I feel called to Clear and cleanse the space so we can Delve even more deeply into these Messages from your future self that are Important for you to receive right now You don't have to do a thing just Continue to lean back relax and enjoy Your reading I will clear the space and Be right back so we can receive even More messages that you must hear welcome Back group number three so let's dou a a Little more deeply into these urgent and Important messages from your future self So we've got a few letters that we Intuitively received from future you We've got g d we've got NS and I so one Thing that I'm getting here is dine so We received dine as well as S and G so Your future self wants you to go out for Dinner with this individual whose name Starts with s or G and whose last name Also has the s or the G within the first Letter so going out for dinner spending Time in a place that you wouldn't Usually be in spoiling yourself future You wants you to have the best time okay Future you wants you to live your life Next up we've got Rehabilitation another thing that I'm Definitely getting here within your Future self-reading is that you've gone Through a lot group number three like It's time for a little bit of rehab and

I don't mean actual rehab I mean Rehabilitation in the sense of taking Yourself out of stressful situations Okay going on vacations and trips just Because just for you spending the Weekend in doing nothing as much as you Possibly can I know it's not always easy If you've got dogs or children or a part Partner that needs a lot of your Attention and sometimes it can feel like You have this obligation to be there for Absolutely everyone but going on date Nights is really important and sometimes Even doing that by yourself too and not Feeling guilty for it that's one thing That future you wants to speak of and Future you wants you to remember also Trust your intuition popped right out of The pile as I was about to shuffle don't Worry about rubbing someone the wrong Wrong way or being quote unquote selfish Trust your intuition on going out and Dining out having a good time spoiling Yourself group number three You've Got One Life to Live what are we waiting for And in Queen of everything future you Wants to remind you of the fact that you Are a boss group number three like you Have this very very like outlandish side To you that can be bossy that can be Direct that can be so so different than How you are on a day-to-day basis where People are like hold up I didn't know You had this side to you I didn't know

You were this much of like a g basically And I do see here within queen of Everything that future you wants you to Remember your personal power wants you To remember you are more attractive than You give yourself credit for you are Stronger than you have been giving Yourself credit for and also why are you Allowing for other people to make you Feel like they are the prize uh-uh they May have thought that they were the Prize until they met the prize which is You group number three which is my Gorgeous Soul watching this reading Right now there's a reason why you're Receiving this message there's a reason Why you're here why you're in this space On the internet why you're subscribed to My channel and it is for you to receive This confirmation that actually stepping Back into that energy stepping back into That confidence that you have at one Point and when you look back at it You're like I don't know how I thought I Was all that but I did at one point and I confidently walked into rooms without Ever thinking that I didn't belong there Let's get that back group number three Next up here we've got the hummingbird For you this is an indication that your Future self wants you to make some Little tweaks to your appearance and by Little tweaks I want you to know that This means optimizing things such as

Your Oral Care make sure that you are Flossing I know flossing is really Annoying and it's so easy to skip it but It's so essential to not getting Cavities another thing here with the Hummingbird that future you wants you to Do is to use some really Divine oils on Dry patches on your skin and also Ensuring that you're leaving out any Scents that are chemical or like Man-made you don't need anything with Perfume in it it just dries out your Skin it dries you out in general next up We've got the dragonfly so future you Can see a big transformation that's Coming on the physical plane and you Kind of taking a little bit of a risk so Maybe you've thought of doing some sort Of like facial or nonsurgical treatment And enhancement and future you is saying Look if that's what you want don't Deprive yourself of it but also do your Research and ask yourself if the side Effect possible risks are worth it to You and ensure that you're doing it in a Safe environment the hummingbird shows That there's so much that you can do With little things such as great skin Care amazing makeup supplements eating More healthily than you currently are That can have a huge impact on how Radiant that you actually appear to Others and future you is trying to say Now's a time for you to research these

Things and it doesn't need to be hard Google in what ways that that is Actually good for you or serves you and Then have more of it within your life Like if you for example are the type of Person who doesn't actually like that Many healthy foods but you love berries Google what is healthy in berries Incorporate that into your routine Incorporate that into your diet more Than anything you don't have to make it Hard for yourself if you don't like Working out but you like walking in the Forest go get those 10K steps every Single day you guys know I post those Frequently on my Instagram story it's Not hard to do it's fun now the B spirit Is reminding you that sweet results Await and future you is giving you this In form of the number seven as well as This beautiful symbol of the be future U Wants you to understand that your hard Work will be rewarded that you are the Type of person that others deem as Trustworthy and that amazing results Await you even when it feels like you Just want to crawl into bed and sleep All day the spider spirit is that Confirmation that in order to make your Dreams real you have to spin a web you Have to cast a web some sort of net in Order to catch anything right just as Spiders a lot of spiders they create Webs and that is how they can catch

Their prey that is how they sustain Themselves that is how they're able to Eat basically and I would say the ones That spin webs when they spin them in The right places if you've ever seen it There can be a lot of prey in there There can really be a lot of little Insects that fly into that web and they Don't stand a chance and the spider has An abundance of food and of course there Are also spiders that don't spin webs That just basically hunt their prey but That is like an effort every single time Whereas the ones that create a web can Just kind of take receive and eat in Abundance if they spin it in the right Place so Spirit wants to tell you that Your future self is here to say we need To spin this in the right place we need To create something that makes our life Easier in the long run delayed Gratification of an amazing web that We've created now the night and Gale Spirit brings you a really wholesome Message from future you that if you've Worried about your selfcare in the sense Of love if you've worried if you have Had worries about romantic love and Where your life is going to end up when It comes to love romantically speaking Stop worrying about this future you is Reminding you of the fact that you are a Lovable person you are the type of Person that is worthy of amazing things

Happening to them romantically as well Stop feeling so self-conscious stop Feeling as though there is some sort of Reason why you are not finding that Lover that forever person and that that Reason is you or that maybe it will Never happen for you it is so easy to Get to that conclusion when you feel as Though love has never truly worked out For you but group number Three future you knows that when it Comes to romantic love there is nothing To fear let's move a little more deeply Into it we've got the five of crystals Reversed now this card showing up in Reverse from my gentle heart Tarot deck Is indicative of a lot of challenges Being alleviated being a lot easier for You to deal with and challenges no Longer seeming as big as they used to be So you've kind of gone through so much Is group number three that nothing Surprises you anymore and also people Don't surprise you anymore the Six of Swords shows us that you have become This person that doesn't really get Moved by little things you don't sweat The small stuff and this is especially Because of the experiences that you've Had had at the hands of other people That were not always pleasant but hey It's made you stronger and your future Self is trying to say to you that they Are proud of you they love you they are

So so so proud of how far you've come How much you have been able to overcome And to thrive and what an amazing person That you've turned into and where you're Still going so future you just wants you To understand that in those moments Where you feel a little bit like H life Is just a merry go round of different Experiences that aren't easy you've done A lot and and it's understandable that You're tired when it comes to certain Things but hey give yourself a little Credit now here within the younger man We do have Spirit communicating with you That there will be dealings or a Relationship with a younger man in your Future now they don't have to look Precisely like this this is about them Being a younger man and this younger man Is someone that will have an impact on Your life that you didn't expect an Impact that is one that makes you feel As though yeah this is exciting this is Really fun I see that here within the Firecracker so someone who has an Extremely young spirit and young Youthful appearance that brings Excitement into your life group number Three that makes you feel as though you Are just here to enjoy you're just here To experience erience and you're quite Frankly speaking grateful that this Younger man has appeared in your life at Just the right time because who doesn't

Like a little bit of fun useful bubbly Energy within their life not that you're Old group number three but it's like Having someone fun by your side having Someone who has a lot of energy and does Things for you and wants to make you Laugh and smile that is definitely Something that in many ways is Irreplaceable now group number three This is the reading that I received for You and I hope that you found it Insightful and I hope that this gave you A lot of insight as to what future you Wants you to know let me know Below in The comment section and don't be shy Leave a little B Emoji Below in the Comment section to let me and others Know that you were here and that you Chose group number three cuz that's the Only way one would know that you are Part of group three three now I'm Sending you so so much love wherever you Are in this world whether it's day or Night and I can't wait to connect with You during one of my upcoming Readings hello my gorgeous soul of group Number four welcome to your reading About the Urgent and important messages That your future self has for you you Chose the goddesses gods and Guardians Oracle deck in order to help guide you And my name is Vanessa Som I will be Your tarot reader and guide to today Once again you guys know I've got

Thousands of individual readings Published on my YouTube channel and I Can't wait for us to figure out in this Reading precisely what your future self Needs to say to you right now because Your current self let me tell you group Number four your current self is going To absolutely love and resonate with These messages so let's get into it my Gorgeous Soul first up we have got Bridget and Bridget your future self Wants to remind you of the fact that you Are A Healer you are a giver you are Naturally the type of person that makes Other people's lives better and in being A Healer it's important that you follow This path in an authentic way honor the Gift that you were given as a Healer Some of us heal through music others Through actually working within healthc Care there are also healers who actually Heal through words through their writing And I see here within Bridget that Future you wants to remind you of your Life Path and your life purpose and of The things that actually make you Excited to share now let's see what else Your future self wants to say to you We've got Anana Anana brings the message Of believing in yourself future you Wants to say to current you why are you Overthinking why are you worrying about Whether you can do this why don't you Believe in yourself more future you

Knows that you've got what it takes to Get to your biggest dreams goals and Aspirations and your future self is Trying to say to your current self stop Wasting time on sweating the small stuff Or allowing for insecurities to even Penetrate your mind believe in yourself You are a Healer you are the type of Person that is meant to make other People's lives better and you will be Rewarded for this greatly in large Quantities and Bridget as well as inana Gives us this highly personal message For you group number four that now is Actually the time for you to embrace all Of your quirks and the things that make You different and perhaps even the black Sheep in your family and the black sheep Within your community I see here within Adad that the difference between you and Others is that you put a lot of your Energy into the things that you do it's Very personal whenever you do something For another person you don't have facet You always do 100 50% or nothing and That's why it's also so important that You protect your energy you see what how We have Dad sitting here alone and Almost like this egg shaped kind of Opening so behind this egg shaped Opening you have your own cave you have Your own little rabbit hole situation And future U is reminding you of the Importance of your privacy your personal

Space going down your rabbit hole be it Watching endless amount of YouTube Videos that actually make you feel good It could be reading it could be cleaning Your home reorganizing something cooking Watching documentaries and learning I Just want you to understand that future You is encouraging you to protect your Energy now and to believe in yourself Now because why wait when you believe in Yourself sky the limit and your future Self knows this group number four and Wants you to always always always be in This energy of understanding that Believing in yourself is a necessity to Your success next up we've got the Hummingbird now this shows a very fast Movement your future self is trying to Say to you once you start believing in Yourself and at the same time protecting Your energy everything will move way Faster than it did before so you will Advance quicker in your career your love Life will change in various ways as well So lovers will either go or properly Commit and I see here within the owl Reverse that the thing is you are an old Soul you've always been wise beyond your Years and now it's time for you to Actually have fun and to let others Worry about Organization and in Bridget as well as The owl revers I do see here that Because you are naturally A Healer this

Can sometimes put you in positions where You have a lot more responsibility than Everyone around you plus you got to take Care of your loved ones because for some Reason you are like the mom of everyone Even the mom of your own mom and I see Here within the panther that your future Self is trying to tell you to sometimes Just set boundaries and not always be Parentified like made the adult in Situations and to also have that Childlike sense of wonderment and energy That you're able to enjoy because Otherwise you are literally just in Service just giving and that can be Really draining remember driad is about Protecting your energy a message that You really need to receive is that You're the golden egg you're special You're one of a kind and a lot of people Can see that and people with shiny Object syndrome will want to have you as A trophy on one of their displays and as You can see the golden egg has all of This like hay straw like kind of Substance around it so it is to be Protected and kept safe and how better To keep yourself safe than to rely on Yourself protecting your energy and Believing in yourself because in the Golden egg as well as the panther I see That there are a lot of people who want Someone like you in their life Romantically and they want to be with

You and then they get so jealous and Overprotective to the point where they Are not allowing you to explore your Highest self cuz they're constantly Calling you they want to know where you Are who you're going out with they wish That you would literally just be theirs And almost like their property without Having anyone else within your life They're not going to say it openly group Number four but they feel as though they Don't want someone else to experience This and there are levels and degrees to This but group number four you are meant To share your gifts You Are Meant To Be A Healer to the world and you can't be With someone that is stifling you your Future self wants to remind you that Jealousy isn't necessarily love it's Sometimes just possessiveness and that Has nothing to do with love when you Don't allow for people to unfold the way That they need to now until it like it Is your future self group number four is Trying to get you to speak up for Yourself when you don't like something Right at the beginning now I see that You've let things slide in past Relationships with friends but also Romantic partners and then it turned Into a bigger problem and I see here in The panther they started to get vicious They started to get more and more Disrespectful and if you would have just

Told it like it is from the beginning And told them that you're not going to Tolerate that and then actually stood on It when they still decided to step out Of the boundaries and disrespect you and Call you out of your name or just say Something that they know that you didn't Like you can't let that happen anymore Group number four it is about telling it Like it is standing on those boundaries Executing and we don't need anyone Trying to test them emotional baggage Shows us that your future self is Protecting you from amassing more Emotional baggage by teaching you these Lessons by teaching you how to stand up For yourself and precisely say what you Want and what you don't want and it is a Really clear thing that I know it can be Hard because when you say exactly what You want and you're not playing games When it comes to love group number for Yeah a lot of times you will end up Alone for longer than if you just accept More of what you don't want because when You know what you want you've got Standards and not everybody is willing To meet those standards not everybody is Willing to actually put in the effort or Seize that kind of value in you and I Know that sounds really harsh but this Is a real Channel we're not playing Around here please do leave an owl Emoji Below in the comment section to let me

And others know that you're here that You selected group number four and that You love how blunt and honest and real That we are on this channel so when Someone invests time energy effort and Money into you and why I mention money Is because money is actually symbolic of Yeah they worked hard for it and Investing it into you means that they See a future with you and I do see that It's important that if you want someone To do certain things for you in a Relationship voice it say what your Standards are because otherwise you will End up in a situation that you're first Of all not happy in because your Standards aren't being met and then Second of all you're going to continue To enable this and make it the norm and They're going to have you at a Discounted price if if you want them to Spend more time with you if you want Them to take over certain financial Responsibilities you guys you've got to Speak up and it doesn't make you a bad Person because you also know what you Are wanting to provide and bring to the Table and your future self doesn't want To see you suffer doesn't want to see Your future children suffer your future Self wants you to be in a situation in Which you feel secure and in which you Have spoken up and you can live a soft Life life I see here within blessings

That future you just knows that what Comes next are a lot of blessings from Speaking up because here in the Blessings card if you look closely we've Got a canary well you don't even need to Look closely it is obvious we've got a Canary and guess what the canary is a Bird that represents speaking up it Represents actually using your voice to Say what you want it represents being Blunt being direct being honest and I do See here within blessings that when it Comes to your future self they can tell That the more you just say what you want The quicker you'll get to the type of People that are meant to be in your life And yes it is taking risk yes you will Be afraid and nervous to tell another Person actually you know I think you Should pay for the dates or actually you Know I think if we live together you Should pay for these utilities or Actually you know I think I really want You to have two days a week to spend With me yeah actually I do think you Should mow the lawn actually I do think You should be the one to take the trash Out these are just examples and of Course it feels gut-wrenching when You're really into someone and you want To be with them you don't want to Sabotage it you don't want to mess it up With them but let me let you in on a Little secret group number four you

Cannot mess things up with the right Person there is no way someone that Loves you endlessly and wants to be with You you're not taking a risk by telling Them what you want they will do their Their best to accommodate it even if That means that they have to do Something that they don't necessarily Want to do even if that means that they Have to work overtime they will try to Accommodate your wants and wishes just As you would do for someone that you Deeply love think about it group number Four how often you've done stuff that You didn't actually want to do that you Were uncomfortable with but you love the Person so much that you did it anyways And this is not about tugging and Pulling and making each other deeply Uncomfortable and seeing how far we can Go that's not what I'm getting at group Number four it's about asking for what You want and understanding that any kind Of relationship is compromised it's give And take it is also sometimes doing Stuff you don't want to do for the other Person group number four I am strongly Inclined by your future self to clear And cleanse the space and then I'll be Right back with more messages from Future you that you must receive So just hold on tight you don't have to Do anything but continue to relax into This space and enjoy your reading and I

Will be right back with the rest of your Prediction all right group number four Let's delve a little more deeply into These messages from your future self Shall we first up we've got Odin Odin is Your future self telling you that this Psychic Insight is precisely what you Need at this very moment and why it is That you need it at this very moment is Because you are an intuitive individual That understands precisely that there's A reason why you're here right now There's a reason why you click this Group why you're in this video why You're receiving these messages and Odin Is also a messenger of you trusting your Own psychic insights future you wants You to stop questioning your insights And questioning your third eye kind of Viewpoints and your Sixth Sense really And what I mean by Third Eye viewpoints I mean seeing Truth for what it is and Not questioning your gut feeling and Asking yourself why it's not rational And whether others will understand or Not who cares group number four the most Important thing is that you follow that Instinct because it was given to you for A reason next up we've got lady Porsche And master Buddha that just popped out While I was shuffling now here within Lady Porsche I want to talk about the Divine order that future you is bringing As a message do what you feel is right

An important lesson is unfolding that is Confirmation and synchronicity of the Message we just spoke about here within Odin that you are now being called to do What is right for you because guess what If you do something that isn't right for You that others pushed you to do or you Felt like you had to make this choice Because it looks better or it's more Rational guess what when the Repercussions come you're going to have To deal with it and I see here within Master Buddha that this is about Trusting your inner voice especially When it comes to your education and your Job studying something you don't really Want to study being in a job that you Don't want to be in just because it Looks good or because of public Recognition is a slippery slope to an Unhappy life in existence because guess What you will have to put up with the Repercussions of not loving that job not Loving that existence because you felt Pressured into this kind of professional Life and I want to remind you that Especially in cultures in which Education and a certain type of Education like me being half Nigerian It's there's this joke that either you Become a doctor a lawyer an engineer or You're a failure and I know that you Guys like get it and you get like that It's humor and that it's funny but to a

Certain extent it is also really like That um and I want you to understand Within this message of your future self Is that you should always pick what Really lights you up because you will Never be successful at something that You're doing just to please others or to Uphold a certain image you'll never be As successful as following a path where You feel really inspired and obsessed With something that actually Sparks joy In you now let's Shuffle okay we didn't Have to shuffle too long we had the Yoke Now the yoke is is confirmation that Future you can see that if you don't do This you will feel tied down and Frustrated so pick you every single time When it comes to your path in your Career and pick you every single time When it comes to your education and Furthering your education I know it may Seem easier and more peaceful to go with What looks good but what feels good is What future you wants you to now get Used to that how you feel and how things Look they are two very very different Landscapes just as how you feel in your Body and how your body looks completely Different some of us thrive on a body in Which we have more muscle more fat Deposits some of us Thrive at a higher BMI some of us Thrive at a lower BMI That's body mass index that's the Composition of your body you know how

Much body fat percentage you have and so On so do what feels good to you you are Not everybody and it's not one size fits All and future you wants to remind you That no you are not a burden you are not Being difficult because a lot of people Then try to say oh well you're being Sensitive you're being difficult that's The cop out for taking responsibility For their Insensitivity and I see here within you Are ready that your future self is Telling you that you're ready now to Pick you and to even go down a very Unconventional path and to make your Dreams become your new reality now Within your ready we have this altar we Have this rainbow Vibe we have this Vibe Of abundance as well we have coins here And you standing in a place where you Feel confident and where you're bringing Something to life it's almost like You're birthing something into existence And future you is saying you know what You're ready for this you're ready to Take on responsibility you're ready to Birth something to life that hasn't Existed before and then there's Something better oh group number four Your future self is not letting up There's something better for you out Here you have not yet even experienced 5% of what you're supposed to experience The wins you're supposed to have and if

You are sitting in a space right now Receiving this reading group number four And thinking to yourself I really do Think I can do more I really do think I Can do better and this is not for me What whether it's your career or a Romantic lover like a situationship this Is your confirmation from your future Self telling you there is something Better out here but in order to access It you have to let go of what's holding You back of what's tying you down the Yoke is about feeling tied down or Frustrated and you're ready to do so You're ready to follow that gut feeling That there's way better out here for you And if you've always felt like you were Destined for something greater if you've Always felt like you were To be really successful famous a role Model there's a reason why you felt that Deep inside of you group number four and This is your confirmation that that's Really who you're meant to be in this Lifetime you are really meant to be this Person that others look up to and who Paves their own way and who does Something that everyone else didn't Think was possible or was too afraid to Even try I see here within the Carnelian That your future self is telling you to Fe your creative Endeavors future you is Saying it is time now to get behind all Of the creativity that you have within

You and actually use it in order to make Something happen because there's no Point in being a creative but not Creating you see what I mean group Number four you can be a very creative Person but being in a 9 to5 going to School taking exams trying to just do Life like trying to be healthy trying to Have a career build your professional Life Also trying to see friends and family Then working out all of these things Where's the time to be creative you have To carve out time to be creative and I See here that if you're not being Creative then you can never actually put Something out there if you're not making Time to feed the creativity and now your Future self wants you to actually loosen Your grip when it comes to your schedule On everything that you're doing for Others like this is now your time to Feed your creativity group number four Future you is tired of seeing you let Your creativity and talents go to waste Your talents are so beautiful they're so Needed they can make a change in this World that you have just not even given Credit to and group number four Now's The Time to loosen your grip a little Bit like the aurite shows get laser Focused future you wants you to focus on The things you love and that you're Obsessed with for me it it's been tarot

Card it's been my business it's been Providing you guys with psychic Insight I am obsessed I am laser focused when it Comes to that and now it's time for you To find your laser focus and to unify That with purpose with passion with Professionalism with creating a life for Yourself that you know is not only Sustainable but also allows you to live A standard of life that you deserve Group number four I am tired of you not Getting what you want and so is your Future self and the these are the keys To getting out of that cycle and out of That hamster wheel now future you is Telling you very clearly that you've got Happiness here happiness is meant to be Part of your path part of your life part Of your existence so if you've gone Through depression or you're currently Even battling depression I want you to Understand that there is a better time Out here for you still coming towards You don't give up I know some of you are On the brink of giving up some of you Are feeling tired and exhausted and lost Now is not the time to give up group Number four absolutely not future you See so much happiness so many amazing Accomplishments that you will be so Proud of and if you give up now future You like they're thinking to themselves How could you because there's so much That you have yet to experience that

Makes your life worth living 10 times Over even when things seem Bleak even When it's hard or you feel as though You're a failure group number four You're not there's a reason why you're Here there's a reason why you're Receiving these messages it's because You want to do better you want to see The light you want to live in abundance Future you sees abundance for you you're Ready for it now it's all about shifting Out of this place of pleasing Expectations of living up to Expectations that aren't yours you're Ready to meet your own expectations now Group number four it's not about other People's wants and needs anymore they Can pack their is and go we're tired of That group number four we are now Meeting your needs your wants your Expectations and I see here that the More you loosen your grip around what You think you should do and you do what Actually feels good the more you will Find abundance come towards you and That's precisely what I also started to Do when it comes to my own life I Loosened oh okay we have a card that Turned itself right side up which is the Magician in Reverse we'll look into this Right now just allow for me to complete This message with my example my example Was that I loosened my grip on what I Felt like I should be doing when it

Comes to tarot astrology psychic Insights and I felt into what I was Called to do and that changed everything When it comes to abundance now in the Magician reverse I see here that you are Already on your journey and the thing Why I'm saying you're already on your Journey because group number four you May feel like you haven't even started Yet like you don't know where you're Going or what your purpose is you are Already in your purpose it is just about Crystallizing it and getting more Specific in your purpose so getting more Specific when it comes to your healer Type of energy the energy of giving and Deciding exactly how you want to give Let me give you an example for me giving Is through tarot and Oracle readings Crystals Divine insights and my psychic Ability ities and I always knew I wanted To help people somehow I didn't know how I would do it some people work as nurses Or doctors and they give in that way Others are lawyers or they take care of Animals and that's how they give and Then there are people like myself and You perhaps group number four who want To give through their creativity and Their art form and some gifts that they Were granted in this lifetime and I see Here within the ace of cups which Actually did show up in reverse I'm just Going to show it to you upright for a

Second but this card showed up in Reverse and you are being called to do The opposite of walking away which is What the Eight of Cups upright Represents but reversed we have you Actually staying put in the gifts that You were granted and actually Understanding them and making them part Of your Ventures professionally as well So not always feeling like oh well I I Haven't even started this journey I need To start doing this I need to start Doing that you are already on your Journey you are already going towards Your highest self towards your calling Now it's just about how many detours are We going to take until we get there and I want you to know here in the Eight of Cups reversed that to avoid more detours Than necessary what you can do now Actually group number four as soon as We're done this reading is to write down What sparks the most Joy within you what Type of activities would you want to do That you think to yourself every single Day this is something I can do this is Something I would love this is where I Would Thrive write it down and that will Give you an amazing idea of what kind of Professional outcome that you are meant To have in this lifetime and you can Develop your own job think of for Example a lot of jobs that didn't exist Before like even just working with

Social media it is something that people Made happen and there was a need for it There was aich for it now it's more and More like the norm but just remember Because you are a unique individual with A unique set of talents and gifts that Means that in many ways your perfect job Your perfect professional Endeavor is Most likely something where you got to Like kind of create it and put it Together by yourself a little bit it's a Little bit of a DIY thing and it's Something that hasn't really been done In this way before but don't allow that To make you fearful don't allow that to Make you feel as though it's not Possible the most successful people are People who are pioneers Who Loved Something that was Unconventional and who packaged it in a Way that other people could enjoy it and Other people could consume it and feel Supported and entertained what comes to Mind is for example drag race I mean That's not something that really existed Before the way it does someone had to Love the art of drag for example of Transforming oneself and then package it In a way that it was never done before And look how successful it's been Another thing that also comes to mind is Coaching there's so many coaches out Here and it's also something that hasn't Existed for that long right there may

Have been mentors to people in the past And within you know human history but to Actually make it a thing that you sell And that you create a business around It's relatively new and there's so many Innovative ways to do this now next up Within your reading we have got time to Move on your future self is Communicating to you group number four That now it's time for you to move on to Newer better things you see these flames You see the scratches you see that you Have been through the ringer you have Had your fair share of challenges and Now it's time to move on to the light It's time to move on from anything that Doesn't serve you or that even hurts you So to say group number four and you Deserve a soft life your future self is Trying to tell you anything that feels Hard and heavy and somehow just not in Alignment move on from it sooner rather Than later because there is nobody and No part of future you that will say oh Thank God I stayed for longer in this Really hard tough relationship in this Really hard tough spot when it comes to Making a decision about my career future You is not going to say that future you Wants you to move on future you wants You to understand that no you don't have To suffer things don't need to be hard And you can leave that chapter in the Past use it as wisdom and as fuel for

Moving forward but it doesn't have to Define how moving forward is going to Look like now group four this is the Reading that I received for you and I Hope that you enjoyed it and that you Found it in insightful make sure that You check out the description box if You'd like to see some of the card decks That I used within this reading I'll List them below and wherever you are in This world group number four I am so Thankful to have been able to spend this Divine time and space with you and I Can't wait to connect with you during One of my upcoming readings [Music] [Music]