🏝🔮 JULY 2024 🔮🏝 Messages & Predictions ✨ Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading

🏝🔮 JULY 2024 🔮🏝 Messages & Predictions ✨ Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading

Thanks for stopping by! I’m KINO ♈️☀️♊️🌙♉️👆I hope you enjoy your reading ❤️

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Intro – 0:00
#1 (Fluorite) – 1:13
#2 (Green Onyx) – 36:12
#3 (Mookaite Jasper) – 1:11:16

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Decks Used (in order):
📍Saltwater Reading Cards by Laura Bowen
📍Ryujin Card by Hikari Ohsugi
📍Astrol-OG Oracle by Krystal Banner
📍Oracle of the Radiant Sun by Caroline Smith & John Astrop
📍Tea Leaf Fortune Cards by Rae Hepburn & Shawna Alexander
📍Chakra Wisdom Tarot by Tori Hartman
📍Chakra Wisdom Oracle by Tori Hartman

💍Moon & Star Rings: (Use code KINOTAROT20 for 20% off!)
💍Snake Ring (Use code KINOTAROT20 for 20% off!)

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The readings on my channel are not meant to substitute professional advice. I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy for any reading. Please use your own judgement when making any decisions based on a tarot reading.

#pickacard #tarotreading


[Music] Hi guys it's Kino welcome to another Video so today's pick a card reading is Going to be messages and predictions for Your month of July 20124 we're going to Start off with the general overview of Your month where we look at the main Themes and the main energies that you Will be working with this month then We're going to get into the specific Areas of your life so we're going to Look at predictions for your love life And relationships your career and Studies and your spiritual and personal Growth there are three readings for you Guys to choose from today I'm going to Show you each of these crystals up close One by one and please pick whichever one You feel drawn to the most number one is Fluorite number two is green Onyx and number three is mukai Jasper okay so as always take all the Time you need to pick you can pause the Video if you need to I'm going to go Ahead and get started with number one hi Number ones so if you guys chose the Fluorite this is going to be your Reading we are going to start off with The general overview of your month where We look at the main themes and the main Energies that you'll be working with as Well as significant events or changes Coming your way and to do that we're Going to be looking at these oracle

Cards so let's get into it your first Oracle card is Tides with the number 34 And we have the keyword Cycles so I would say that for my group Number On's a main theme for you this Month is Change things are going to be changing This month and more specifically it Seems like you're kind of entering Into a new season of your life just as There are four seasons here on Earth and Just as the moon has different phases That it Cycles through we have the cycle Of seasons in our life and it feels like In July you are moving into a new one so For Example if things have been really busy And fast-paced in your life you could be Moving into a new season where things Are more slow and things are more still Or vice versa things have been really Stagnant in your life you could be Moving into a new season where things Are picking up for you and this could Also be something that's going on Internally so if you have been for Example feeling not very inspired low Energy low motivation um you could be Entering into a new season where you do Have a lot of energy you're wanting to Work on a lot of things or create a lot Of things and vice versa if you have Been really productive Ive and really Inspired that energy could be slowing

Down as you move into this new season of Course this is a general reading and I Think that everyone watching is going to Be at different points in their Energetic Cycles but I think you're going to feel A Significant Shift in your internal energy this month Or perhaps in the circumstances around You so change change shifting Seasons Shifting energy that is major theme for The month of July we also have the Purple dragon so purple could be a lucky Color for you which is interesting Because you guys chose the purple Crystal so having purple crystals around You or um wearing the color purple that Could bring you good luck this month and Oh my gosh I just noticed this says Accepting change or embracing change so It's literally the same message again Change is coming and are being Encouraged to embrace it and yeah I Think that's something that your Spiritual team wants you to know because Maybe some of you will be in resistance To these changes but just as no season On Earth can last forever like no spring Lasts forever no summer lasts forever no Full moon lasts forever um seasons of Your life will also not last forever and That is a good thing they shouldn't they Should fluctuate we should stay moving

So for those of you who are in Resistance to change this might be a bit Of a challenging month but if you are Wanting and embracing change I think That this will be a great month for you I also think it's interesting that this Is card number 10 because 10 is the Number of the Wheel of Fortune in Tarot Which is also about change and how like Change is the only constant and change Is inevitable like if you're going up on The wheel it's it's only a matter of Time until you're going down and if You're going down on the wheel it's only A matter of time until you're going up And you will be most happy and most Fulfilled if you can embrace all of your Seasons so your productive Seasons your Slow Seasons your introverted reflective Seasons your social outgoing Seasons Like they all have their purpose and They're all Beautiful so embracing change is going To help you have the best month Possible we have the second house and we Have Taurus here and um the planet Venus I just saw 420 on the camera timer which Could be relevant for some of you and Actually I think if your birthday is 420 You could be a Taurus but anyway Taurus People people with Taurus placements Could be significant to you this month Um with the planet Venus here if you Know your Venus sign people with uh the

Same placements of your Venus sign could Be significant so for example my Venus Is in Pisces so if this is my reading Then Pisces people or people with Pisces Placements could be significant so Anyone who has like the same signs as Your Venus sign um we have the keywords Material Goods money values security Work ethic income expenses career Possessions budgeting assets Financial Stability and personal finances so there Could could be a change in your Financial situation in the month of July There could be Unexpected in uh money coming in there Could be unexpected money coming out so It's just something to be aware of there Could be changes in your career as well For those of you who have been thinking Of changing jobs I think the energy is Favorable for that this month and this Is perhaps a confirmation that you will Be finding a new job this month Um or there could be a change in your Shifts in your working hours like you're Randomly getting a lot more shifts than Usual or randomly getting a lot less Shifts than Usual you could be in a job where your Income is not the same every month or if You resonate with getting a new job you Could be entering into a job like that Where it's not like a fixed Salary every month and and I feel like

For many of you your income this month Could Be significantly different than the Average and for some of you it's going To be significantly more for some of you It could be less but I think the point That your spiritual team wants you to Remember is just That this isn't going to last forever It's just like a little blip that's Happening this month so for those of you Who do end up making uh more than Usual I think there's a piece of advice Here to not spend it all and to make Sure that you hold on to some for Savings or for taxes whatever it might Be um because it might not be this way Forever and then same thing if you make Less than usual your spiritual team also Wants you to know this isn't going to Become a regular thing it's just one Month where things were a little bit Weird and so don't worry about it with Work ethic here I also feel like you Could notice um an unusual shift in your Productivity levels and in your Motivation levels which should also be Embraced and accepted while it lasts and Recognized that that's just Temporary and then we have escape with Mars in Pisces oh there's that's funny I Used myself as an example like people With Pisces placements could be Significant so maybe they are maybe

Pisces people are significant for this Group um and people who have if you know Your Mars sign people who have the same Sign as your Mars sign could also be Significant um we have the numbers 10 And 12 so these could be important dates Of the month the 10th the 11th and the 12th of the month something important Could be Happening I actually think for many of You you are getting extra money than Usual this month just randomly like so If you're self-employed maybe you're Just randomly having a really good month Something sells really well you're Getting a lot of traffic and it's it's Unusual like it's welcome don't get me Wrong but it's like it's not normal to Get this much coming in or maybe you're Just getting a you're picking up a lot Of extra shifts and so you're making Extra Money cuz this coin is making me think That and also the fact That Mars and Pisces that's the Placement of the 10 of Cups which is a Really really happy card So I do think for most of you as long as You Embrace these changes you're going To be really Happy like if you just lean into them And allow them to come you're going to Be really Happy Escape is making me think of

Travel just because we have this is this A chariot I don't know but I feel like You guys could be going on a trip like Maybe you're getting this extra money And then you're using it to go on a trip Or with Escape you could be using it to Take a Vacation um for those of you who do have Extra money coming in this could also be A little bit of a heads up like hold on To this money because pretty soon you're Going to want to take a trip and you'll Be glad you'll be glad that you have These savings to do It so let's take a look at our tea leaf Cards to see anything else that you Should know about this month specific Events things to look forward to things To look out for or just any other Messages from your guides we have Seahorse with Family Matters we have bow you are highly Thought of okay right away these two Cards together is making me think that Your family is proud of you or maybe There's a particular family member who Is quite proud of you oh look and then We have kite with vacation hm Vacation confirmed that's so cool I feel Like I'll pull a card and say a message And then the next card that comes out Confirms that like we have the message Of change twice we have the message of Random extra money coming in twice and

We have the message of vacation twice I Wonder if some of you are in Resistance you could be having extra Money coming in and you're in resistance To Treating yourself to Something Or you're in resistance to taking a Vacation because you feel like it's a Waste of time or you feel like you Should be doing something more Productive or you're worried that you're Going to fall behind so it's like if You if you're in resistance to the Restful energy then you're going to have A horrible vacation but if you embrace The restful energy you're gonna have an Awesome vacation kind of what your Spiritual team is saying is That the the seasons are changing no Matter what and so it's really a matter Of are you going to resist the change or Are you going to embrace it and if you Embrace it you're going to have an Awesome Time some of you may also Worry what people think of you if You like Embrace a more slow energy or Embrace rest or even you're worried what How you will judge yourself like worried What your inner critic will Say um which it's so easy for me to say This but don't like you you deserve the Things that are coming to

You some of you could be going on a Family vacation as well or taking a Vacation from family I don't know General reading um so this concludes the General overview part of the reading so We're going to get into the specific Areas of your life now as you can see I Have one tarot card and one oracle card Each for your love life and Relationships your career and studies And your spiritual and personal growth So let's start off with your love life And Relationships for your tarot card we Have The Two of Wands for your oracle card we have Victim these are both chakra Decks that I'm using today and so we have the Sacral chakra and the heart chakra Coming through and this is making me Think that you guys have maybe a strong Link between your heart and your gut so When something is like when your heart Is happy when something feels Emotionally good for you you may feel it In your gut like you may literally feel It in your lower abdomen so with matters Of the heart you might want to pay Attention like to how your gut is Feeling does it feel expansive does it Feel Contracting does it feel excited Does it feel painful I feel like your Gut holds a lot of answers for matters Of your

Heart and the Two of Wands it definitely Has a feeling of we have options we have Paths to choose so This could be a month where you're kind Of there could be a specific Relationship that you are making a Decision about or just in general you're In an energy of taking stock of your Relationships your Partnerships your Connections and really asking yourself Like how does this person make me feel How do I feel when I'm around this Person do I feel at ease do I feel like I'm becoming better um does this Relationship make me feel smaller does This relationship put me on edge Um and really I don't know there's Something EV evaluatory if that's the Word like you're evaluating your Partnerships and really asking yourself If this is good for you if this is in Alignment with you and there's something About really tuning in with your gut and How you feel in your gut about the Relationships in your life um for those Of you who are single and looking for a Romantic partner you could have multiple People who are interested in you you Could have multiple people approaching You asking you out demonstrating their Interest there's a feeling of Independence and Empowerment with the Two of Wands So feeling

Like yeah like you're not at at the Mercy of who is surrounding you I feel Like you're stepping out of a victim Mentality or a powerless mentality and Ste stepping into this independent and Empowered mentality so for example if Someone makes me feel like crap about Myself or if a certain connection is not Making me feel good I have the power to Change that by either um asserting Myself to that Person um making my needs known or I can Walk away distance myself from that Connection I don't just have to be Powerless to the type of treatment that I I'm receiving and I don't just have to Be quiet and wait for someone to change Or wait for someone to read my mind like I can speak out this is Mars energy it's Also Aries energy so it's like taking Initiative and empowering yourself to Have the type of relationships that you Want some of you could also Be especially for those of you who are Single I feel like you could Be thinking about the traits that you Want in a partner and then becoming that Yourself Like you are becoming the person that You want you are becoming the person That you most Admire it's like you're really taking Charge in your relationships and the Type of relationships that you will hold

Space for in your life and feeling Really good about that and no Longer Allowing no longer allowing your space And your energy to be filled with Anything that makes you feel bad about Yourself like we're just not even going To entertain that we're not going to Allow that anymore we're not going to be In this passive energy of Just yeah we're not going to be in this Passive energy Anymore um some of you could Be finding yourself In like a mediator role this month as Well I feel like these are two people in your Life or two parties in your life who are At odds in some way and you're kind of Stuck in the Middle helping them figure things out This could be like at work it could be In your family it could be between two Friends But yeah you might be like the mediator Or The Peacemaker like trying to help Them see eye to Eye um you might find yourself in that Kind of role does that mean you have to Do it no some of you might want to do That But just based on this Energy if you're not feeling it remember That you are not powerless to that you

Don't have to be stuck in this beef or You don't have to be stuck mediating for These two people or two parties if you Don't want To I think a main theme in your relation Relationships is that I don't have to Accept things that make me feel like [ __ ] and maybe it's been hard until now To like put an end to things that make You not feel good or it's been hard to Speak up when you need your needs met But you are shifting into this very Empowered energy this month and you're Going to start to feel a lot more like Light in your relationships like a Weight is lifted because you know that If anything if anything feels heavy if Anything is is not making you feel good You can speak up or you can distance Yourself or you have the power to change That okay so now let's take a look at Your career and studies for your tarot Card we have the sun I love to see That and for your oracle card we have Balance interesting so both of these are Third eye cards they're matching Again I really feel like this energy is Pointing Towards vacation there's that there's That Chariot again in the background um This energy is pointing towards play Pleasure creativity this is Leo energy So like all things Leo it's Leisure having fun um Hobbies passion

This balance I feel like is really Talking about work life balance But I feel like for this Group the tides are shifting and it's Time it's time to have more life it's Time to have more life than Work in the pie chart that is your life I feel like your spiritual team is kind Of saying that for a long time work or Thinking about work has taken up a bit Too much of that and your spiritual team Really wants to see You in a more playful and light-hearted Energy if you have been like in a Workaholic energy or keeping yourself on A very rigid schedule or saying like oh I like I can have fun but not for too Long because then I have to get back to Being productive I feel like that has Really Killed your creativity not killed Actually because your creativity is not Dead it's always there but it has Stifled it has stifled your creativity And there's something that this month You're going to feel called to work on Or that you're really being encouraged To work on and it is actually not really Related to work or to your main job it's Like a hobby um a passion project um a Creative project And I really do feel like this group is Mixed here because I feel like some of You are really embracing this you're

Like hell yeah vacation like play Working on Creative projects working on My hobbies like I would love to have the Time to do that and then others of you Are like ah but I'm going to fall so Behind on my work but this it sounds Weird when I say this but like this Energy is here whether you like it or Not like the sun is coming knocking this Month um So yeah and I hope that you guys can Embrace this time to focus on things That you enjoy and just bask in that Energy without thinking about all of the Things that you should rather be doing Or how you're going to catch up when you Get back to work I just really feel Like work is not the main Focus this month and I think it's very Interesting actually that both of these Are are third eye cards because the Third eye it's like seeing the truth Seeing past the illusion seeing Beyond The Veil and if it's one thing that Society teaches us it's that work is Everything and productivity is so Important and the grind is so important And you should figure out how to Monetize as much of what you're doing as Possible and like exploit yourself and Exploit your creativity that is the Model that is the parad Paradigm that We're living in and a lot of us do Internalize that and and perpetuate

Those same values to ourselves and that Same narrative to ourselves and I feel Like this third eye is you zooming out Zooming out and looking at your life as A whole and realizing like I've been Focusing a lot on work I've been Focusing a lot on making money and being Productive and like that is not my whole Life it's just a tiny piece of it and I Feel like this is about just Embracing embracing your whole life Again I do see you I actually do see Many of you creating this month and even If you are a creative for a Living I just see you creating because You love it and creating for fun and not Necessarily thinking about am am I going To release this am I going to publish This am I going to monetize this like The focus is just really Not there This month that doesn't mean you're not Going to be working at all or not making Money at all but I think that your Spiritual team is just wanting you to Zoom out a little bit and enjoy other Elements of your life at this time like The balance needs to be restored and I Wonder with these people here who look Kind of disappointed and the scales are Making me think of Libra I wonder if for Those of you who are in resistance to Doing this maybe you're worried about Disappointing people or like letting

People down or worried how people will Um perceive you I'm thinking about like A content creator came to my mind maybe Because I am one but feeling like oh my Gosh I really want to take a break from Making content but then thinking about All of those messages you're going to Get about like where are you when are You posting next like feeling pressure From other people could be a reason Why some of you are in resistance which Brings me back to the Tea Leaf cards That are like you are highly thought of You are loved if anything people will be Happy that you're taking this time for Yourself and that you're taking this Time to recharge because you're going to Come back with all of these ideas and All of these Inspirations take that rest this could Also just be a mental vacation of like I'm not going to be thinking about my Job 24/7 so finally fin we have your cards For Spiritual and personal growth so for Your tarot we Have the princess of Swords which is the Page of Swords and we have Dissipating Mm okay now we have a heart and solar Plexus Connection and this is making me quite Emotional

And it's kind of making everything come Together I feel Like that also explains why we have this Mixed energy because I think I'm picking Up on the energies of like your soul and The energies of your your ego or like Your your higher self and your human Self cuz I feel like your soul is the One who's like hell yeah let's play like Let's play let's enjoy life let's create Things let's let's pour energy into our Passion projects and our Hobbies without Any Pressure and then it's the ego that's Like no we must work we must be Productive And I feel Like there's the the passion projects The Hobbies the fun it's what you really Want to do And there's Maybe for some of you there's maybe a Part of you That almost feels like not worthy of Doing the thing you love or doing what Is fun for you or doing what is Enjoyable for you maybe you associate That with like a selfishness of some Kind like associating pleasure with Selfishness And that that may be from like an early On Memory But I think it's so interesting that

There's these three people who look Disappointed and then there's pictures Of three people on the Wall like the people who I will let down The people who I will disappoint if I I Do what I really want to do if I choose A life of fun if I choose a life of Pleasure if I choose a life of passion If I prioritize that Um this is one of the few oracle cards This deck is kind of unusual like every Card has a story behind it but you can't Necessarily tell what it is just by Looking at it and this is one of the few Cards that I know the story well behind It this lady is watching the TV show and She's always told herself that one day She's going to make a TV show but she Never does It So I feel like there's some passion that You really really wanted to do or like a Hobby that you've really really wanted To oh I'm getting I'm I'm looking at my Piano right now and I'm like I feel Called out because that is my hobby and It's not like I don't do it that much Because it's not productive and it's so Silly oh my gosh um yeah like a a Passion something that you just love and That you always tell yourself you're You're going to do it you're going to do It but then you don't because something Always more important and I say that

With finger quotes something always more Important comes up as if your enjoyment Isn't important as if your passion isn't Important you always find something to Make more Important something always something Always comes Up and the page of Swords or the Princess of swords in this case it's Very much about getting real with Yourself and just seeing the truth of The situation even if it's not Comfortable and so I wonder if there has Been a bit of self-sabotage going On Where like You Avoid your pleasure and your Passion by finding other things to fill Your schedule with that you deem as more Productive like oh I really want to do That but I can't because I have to do This work or I'm so busy with this and That and like to be fair yes there are Things that are out of our control that Come in and fill up time in our schedule And take up our Energy but I can't help but Wonder like With this page of swords and with the The personal growth if for some of you This is about recognizing The self- sabotage Of actively like filling your schedule With stuff and then being like see I

Don't have time to focus on my passion See I don't have time to to do this Hobby I don't have time to do this thing That I Enjoy because maybe your Ego your ego is avoiding it for some Reason your ego doesn't value it it Values The like the person of being a being Productive being useful to other people Pleasing other People um the solar Plexus to me it's it's like feeling Worthy you're feeling worthy of taking Up Space And So there's maybe Something ah it feels like how dare you Take up this big chunk of time just to Do something for yourself and your own Silly Leisure but it's like no it's my Passion it's super important but it's Like your ego doesn't see it that Way you have an inner voice that that Minimizes or even belittles the things That your soul loves and I don't think It is your voice I think it's a voice That you've Internalized from I don't know from from Your childhood or from Society of like it's silly to spend time On that kind of thing And so consciously or Unconsciously um making your schedule

Such that there is no time for this Passion and I think this personal growth Is about yeah like getting real with Yourself in in the ways in which you've Perpetuated That and I'm really happy to see this Two of Wands energy that is about Empowering yourself and and not being Not being in a victim mentality or just Not be feeling like you're just at Mercy To life like whoever comes into my life I have to accommodate them Whatever whatever Responsibility pops up I just have to Take it on and I have to let it fill up My time I just have to do whatever comes My way like no you can turn things away You can protect your time and protect Your energy and say no I'm not doing That I Am I am playing My Piano to today I am Painting today I am dancing today Like it's so important to make this time For yourself and I wish that your ego or Whoever's whoever's voice you've Internalized would stop calling it like Frivolous and unnecessary because it is It's very much the opposite of that this Is your life Force this is your soul expression it's What you truly Love and she deserves the time of day Too Yeah so group number

Ones those are all the messages that I Have for you thank you so much for Letting me do this reading for you I Just saw 3333 by the way um I hope you Have a wonderful day or night whenever You're watching this and a wonderful Month of July and I wish you all the Best please take good care of yourself Stay healthy don't forget to like Comment And subscribe if you feel like Doing that if you enjoy my content and You'd like to find me elsewhere I'm Going to have linked down below my tarot Reading Instagram my personal Instagram My patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Well this one is not Timeless I always Say that but the monthly ones are not Timeless but anyway the patreon ones are They are Timeless exclusive readings Similar to the ones we do here on this Channel and you can also decide on Topics for future readings over there um I'm going to link my music channel which Includes the intro song of this video That is an original song I will also Have my latest release link down below And finally my Vlog Channel and my merch Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video thank you Guys so much for supporting me my Channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here and I'm sending so much love to you to

Anyone who appeared in this reading in Directly or indirectly to your higher Self your Spirit guides your spiritual Team and all of your loved ones both Here on Earth and in the other Realms And I will see you guys in the next one Bye-bye High number twos so if you guys Chose the green onyx this is going to be A reading all about your month of July 2024 we're going to start off with the General overview of your month where we See the main themes and the main Energies that you're working with this Month as well as significant events and Changes coming your way and to do that We're going to be looking at these Oracle cards so let's get into it your First card is orca with the number 18 And Communications Orca could be a Significant animal for you the number 18 Could be significant like the 18th of This month for example um Communications This could mean so many different things Um for some some of you there could be a Specific relationship of yours where you Are enjoying improved Communication more open more smooth Communication um if there is a specific Communication that you are waiting from Like you're like you're waiting to hear Back from somebody about some news or Some results you could be receiving that Message in the month of July you could

Also be in a career or a feel this study That has to do with Communications media language uh just Like the dissemination of Ideas okay yeah number 18 definitely Significant for this group 18 18 so the 18th could be like a lucky day for you Or like something very important is Going to happen on this day um this is The number in Tarot this is the number Of the Moon as well so like Pisces Energy could be significant someone with Pisces placements or the communication That we see here could also be talking About like psychic communication or Telepathic communication for those of You who have felt that someone's higher Self is communicating to you or that you Have a telepathic connection with Someone this is confirming that for sure Like this communication can mean so many Different things and I'm probably going To be coming back to it throughout this Reading as we uncover more but Communication seems to be the main theme For you this month or like there's a Significant event happening surrounding You receiving communication or improving Communication with Someone um this is called I guess the Wheel Dragon it's like the circular Dragon and it says something that has Been Completed is now being set into motion

So it has the feeling feeling of moving Into the next stages of something Actually I just got a very specific Example of this energy like someone who Has been through um all of the stages of An interview process and now they've Finally gotten that communication that They got the job because this says like Something has been completed like you've Gone through all of the stages and Something has been decided and now it's Time to actually set those plans in to Motion so I feel like for many of you if You resonate with like you're waiting For a message waiting for a Communication to come in it's probably Some kind of green light that you're Getting like you've been through a whole Application process or you've been Through a whole negotiation process There's been this like back and forth And for some of you this could be Something that you're nervous about Because another meaning with that Moon Energy that number 18 energy it can be Like fears and worries surrounding the Unknown surrounding the Unseen maybe Some of you have been even having like You know when you're stressed and you Have weird dreams about the thing that You're stressed about so like if you've Been waiting to hear back about Something I feel like it's been always Kind of in your subconscious mind and

Maybe been worrying about it maybe been Dreaming about it um definitely it's the Culmination of something that you've put A lot of effort into because this is Something that's been completed that's Come full circle and it's like now we're Finally getting the green light of like You've been accepted or we can go ahead With this now we can start actually like Acting on our plans so I do feel that This is good news good news that is Coming in it feels like full circle it Feels like completion it feels like Accomplishments maybe even this Communications is like you just got Really exciting news about your life Like an exciting achievement an exciting Milestone and so you're getting a lot of Messages from different people coming in Who are like congratulating you and Celebrating You then for our Astro cards we have Chiron we have the keyword healing Insecurity wounds vulnerabilities Deep-seated pain teaching Powers Spiritual strength difficulties guilt Transmuting and healing others something That's coming Through Is feeling and I this is a subjective Experience it's not like an objective Judgment but some of you might be Feeling like you Are being like dram the word dramatic is

Coming to my mind of like why am I so Nervous like yes this is important but Why am I so nervous about it why do I Care so much why am I so attached to the Result why am I so emotional or on edge About whether I'm going to hear back From this person or whether this is Going to work out you may have a Subjective experience that your emotions Regarding the situation are very Intense and it might be because some Theme about this experience Is striking a wound like in the job Interview example anybody who's waiting To hear back from a job interview it's It's reasonable to assume that they Would be a little bit nervous or like I Hope everything's okay but if they're Having quite Intense or overwhelming Emotional reaction surrounding the Situation it may be because there's some Theme around like will this person Accept me or am I going to get rejected Again am I going to be overlooked again Like that theme might be a sensitive Spot for that person because of like a Past wound so there may Be something in like waiting for Communication from someone Or improving communication with someone Or having to communicate with someone That you feel like why are my emotions Surrounding this so strong and it's not It's not like dramatic or overreacting

It's just your subconscious remembering Something from the past that was quite Challenging or even quite pain painful This Moon energy makes a lot of sense Cuz the Moon is like those subconscious Things that are swirling around and Making us feel all types of ways so um Actually this going Well receiving this acceptance receiving This green light could actually be very Healing because it's rewriting The Narrative for you like those of you for Those of you who do have wounds Surrounding like rejection or being Overlooked or being ignored I feel like Going through with these plans getting a Positive response from Someone getting getting a green light Getting the go-ahead will be healing Because it shows alternative evidence to Your subconscious of like see we we can Get recognition we can get acceptance we Can get green lights from the universe So start start keeping track of that We're going to prove you wrong we're Going to prove these wounds wrong and Actually heal through living an opposite Experience of the one that hurt us or Traumatized us I love that we also have Resourcefulness with the sun in cancer Which Actually the Sun is going to be in Cancer in the month of July so that Makes sense in the first um probably on

The 18th not probably definitely on the 18th the Sun is going to be in cancer so On or around this date I'm telling you It's an important date for this group um We also have the number four so the 4th Of July shout out to the Americans Watching um that could be an important Day um or somebody with cancer Placements could be significant to you If you do know your Chiron sign um Someone who has placements the same as Your Chiron sign could also be Significant so for example my Chiron is In Virgo so if this is my reading then Virgo people could be sign ific to me Um resourcefulness and I think this is Referring to like the Crow's ability To I'm just guessing cuz there's that Story about the crow um dropping rocks In the thing so that the water level Rises and the crow can drink cuz the Crow's Resourceful Um this is obviously a positive trait But next to Chiron something about it feels a bit Sad And This yeah this has to do with like Healing and personal Growth um resourcefulness is a good Trait to have but if you are living in a State where you constantly have to be Resourceful I feel like that's not

Favorable And I'm just seeing all these examples Of like um for example someone being Praised for a trait that is good like oh You're so you're so generous you're so Generous you're so helpful it's like Yeah thanks that's because I base my Worth on how useful I am to other people And the idea of disappointing others is Terrifying to me you know like the trait Itself might look good but the reason The person developed that trait could Actually be quite painful for them or Like rooted in trauma and so it feels Weird or like uncomfortable to get Praised for that and so I wonder if There's an aspect of your healing and Personal growth in this month Where you're realizing like traits that Have helped you survive up until now Might not be necessary anymore or you're Realizing that traits that you've been Praised for by people around you are Actually not traits that are like Comfortable for you to keep performing Because it comes from like a survival Instinct or like an instinct to protect Yourself or it comes from trauma or Something like that I I feel like I had Another example but now it is escaping Me but yeah or like you're you're so You're so nice you're so accommodating And it's like thanks I'm terrified of Confrontation you know something like

That Um you're so Hardworking thanks I I have a crippling Fear of failure and I tie all of my Value to my work it's Like it's so much deeper than what you Might see on the surface as just being Like a positive Trait so that could be something that You're examining I do feel like healing Is another theme for this month but Healing a lot of your healing is coming Through having Experiences that Negate what your insecurities tell you So like healing through external stimuli Or external experiences which is really Really nice so that also leads me to Think That you will find people or be Surrounded by people who love and accept You just because you're You rather than like oh you have this Wonderful trait that benefits me and Praising you for that but just like Praising and loving you for your very Existence you may realize that your Personality starts to change when you Heal as Well And there might be a resistance or even A Fear like an egoic fear associated with That like for example the example of

Someone who's really really hardworking But it's because they have a huge fear Of failure and tie all their value to Their work if they start to heal That their personality might change or They might become like less productive Or less hardworking Because they don't need they don't feel That they need that first Survival Anymore they don't feel that they need That for acceptance anymore cuz they've Healed that and they realize that that Their mere existence is Enough and Then that might be It's like the ego is like are you sure You want to heal that cuz we'll we'll Stop being productive it's like that Kind of thing Where and I don't know if you guys have Been through this before but there's Also some things that I've been that my Ego has been afraid of me Healing and then tries to stop me from Healing it because it knows that it will Like lose control if I do but yeah I Feel like this is about your personality Changing or dropping some traits as a Result of your healing and realizing the Aspects of your personality that were Not really your true personality but Were kind of adopted from painful or Traumatic Experiences interesting lots of healing

Happening this month for sure so let's Get into your tea leaf cards to see Anything else you need to know about This month specific events things to Look forward to things to look out for Or just any other messages from your Guides we have dragon in with beware of Self- Delusion why am I thinking of there's The word delusion but then there's also Like diluting something like diluting Something and I just it just came to me Like that like beware of diluting Yourself like making yourself um like a Weaker version of yourself to be more Palatable beware of doing That we have Valley deep personal Strength and peace that assure Success this is also giving healing and Also your success is assured your Spiritual team is saying to you your Success is assured and I feel like if Anything you guys are delusional in like The negative way like the negative way You view yourself is delusional or like If you think that you're not going to be Successful if you think that you can't Do it that in itself is Delusional we also have wheel Indecisiveness allowing your life life To ramble Aimlessly but your success is Assured I wonder if we're overcoming Like a fear of

Success a fear of success or a fear of Getting what you Want because this is kind of giving the Vibe That indecision could also be delusional Cuz it's like you you know deep down you Know deep down what you truly want to do And it's I kind of sense an irony here Because you might think that believing You can get what you want is delusional But Actually like doubting yourself and Holding yourself back is delusional and So in your attempt to not be dulu it's Actually more so delusional like Realizing how amazing you are and how Capable you are is the realistic thing Is the logical thing and there may be Something that you you tell yourself a Story that you're indecisive about it But the truth is that you actually know That this is what you want but maybe You're afraid that you won't be Successful and that is the dulu thing That you are doing yeah so this Concludes the general overview part of Your reading so we're going to get into The specific areas of your life now as You can see I have one tarot card and One oracle card each for your love life And relationships your career and Studies and your spiritual and personal Growth so let's start off with your love Life and

Relationships for your tarot card we Have the queen of Cups which is so cool Because this is both of these are chakra Decks but this is a third eye card and We were just talking before about like a Psychic connection telepathic Communication and how I felt like these Cards were confirming it and then to get The queen of Cups who is an intuitive And psychic archetype and the third eye Associated with her like that is really Being confirmed so there could be a Specific person whose higher self you Are in very frequent communication with Um or in general your spiritual team Wants you to know that you do have this Gift of being able to send and receive Telepathic messages which I think we all Do to some Capacity but it seems that you are very Tapped into this gift and you have been Successfully sending and receiving Telepathic messages to people and we Also have impatience with the throat the Throat Chakra which is Also Communication it looks Mhm there may be you guys may be feeling Impatient with The the pace at which things Are developing in the 3D Because it feels like in the 5D things

Things are going so smoothly Or you have a very clear vision of the Energetic potential of something or you Have a very clear vision of what it's Going to Become but here on Earth things don't move as smoothly and Things take more Time and so being able to have your Consciousness exists on both planes Could actually be a little bit Frustrating so there could you could be Really feeling that Gap In July Like something's not it's like you're Having dreams or visions or psychic Experiences about Something and then it's just not really Progressing like that in the 3D or it's Taking a much longer Time um and maybe it's with regards to a Relationship because this is the section Of love life and Relationships but yeah that's Definitely one way that I can interpret This but you know the queen of Cups and Just the suit of cups in General it it does feel slow but not in A way that it's blocked or delayed just Slow in a way that we're taking our time And we're letting things unfold Naturally and so I feel like the less You are in a hurry the more you will Enjoy your love life and

Relationships and I'm also thinking of This throat chakra energy as narratives Stories there maybe certain things that You are impatient about not because That's actually how your soul feels but Because of just the stories that you Have been fed For your whole life like just one Example but you know our whole life We've been told especially women I feel Like like getting married especially Like being straight and marrying a man It's like the the ultimate goal and then Like having his babies is the ultimate Goal and that's your happily ever after And So I Think some of if you're feeling Impatient about getting somewhere in a Relationship or reaching a a milestone In love and relationships or like Getting to the next stage it might be Worth examining like is what is this Impatience rooted In because I just from looking at this I Have a feeling that the nature of your Soul is just patient Allowing letting things flow organically Not in any Rush not Worried and the impatience comes from Stories that you tell yourself or Stories that Society family media has Has told you about like this is what you Should want and you should be moving in

This direction and you should be hitting These Milestones maybe even saying you Should have it by a certain age or you Should have it after a certain amount of Time and it's okay to want these things It's lovely to want these things but if It's making you feel like frustrated or Anxious or uncomfortable or feeling like You're falling behind or feeling like Why am I not there yet why are we not There yet um that might be worth Unpacking just the way it looks here I Don't think the impatience is like Soul-based or like based in Real love it's like a an anxiousness It's like a egoic sense of urgency at Least that is what it looks like here And I think another theme of this month Just in general Is examining Examining the feeling that lies Behind or not the feeling like the Energy that lies behind your motivations Your urges your expectations and being Like where is this coming from what is Really at the root of this like getting To the root of things getting to the Bottom of Things and what drives you rather than Just being unconsciously driven by it I Think is another theme of this month for For You okay so next we have your cards for Career and studies ooh for your tarot

Card we have the world which is so cool Cuz that's very much giving completion Full Circle we're ready we're ready for the Next steps feeling accomplished and Feeling seen and feeling chosen Something is going really well for you In your career This month like a really exciting Opportunity is coming in or you're Hitting you may be completing a project That's been a long time in the making um And like it's finally time to put it out Into the World like a really celebratory Completion of something a graduation of Sorts a leveling up of Sorts gaining more Recognition um gaining more Visibility being Admired being respected like I feel like You're enjoying a great reputation as Well there's also something about being Chosen being chosen being Selected o and for your oracle card we Have selfworth yes yes yes and I love That this is sacral chakra because That's your gut so even more proof like Your success is assured and you know This like deep down in your gut you know This you know that you're meant for this Opportunity it's it's your mind that Deludes you and and plants doubts into Your head I feel like same thing here in

Your relationships there's something Where like deep down in your gut you Know everything's going to be Okay deep down in your gut you know that Everything's fine but it's like all These narratives about how things should Be that get into your head and and make You Doubt um Looking at this there's a role there's a Position that you Are destined to step Into yeah there's a new opportunity Coming in or a promotion coming in or You're in the spotlight in some way with This light shining down and you like You're ready to gain the recognition and The visibility that you Deserve but you need you need to know That this chair is yours to sit in It the universe can show you your guides Can show you your higher self can show You but you need to recognize yes this Chair is mine you're even you even got a Throne here like this is this role is Meant for You Um and feeling like you're really worthy To take up space in this field and to be Recognized as one of the best and to Have this this visibility and to have These eyes on you I feel like you're Becoming Increasingly comfortable with that the

World definitely has a feeling of more More eyes on you you could be doing Something online or you could be Recognized by people all over the world You could be collaborating or doing Business internationally as well that's Another thing that the world makes me Think but this is definitely a really Big month like it's a big opportunity Big Milestone and finally feeling worthy of Like stepping into bigger spaces or Sitting in sitting in bigger Thrones Like you're you're moving up in some Way and then finally for Your personal growth your spiritual and Personal growth we have the four of Coins and we have imp partiality and This is a crown chakra card this is Crown chakra this is heart chakra um This is also related to the Sun and Capricorn so a Capricorn person could be Significant Um what I feel when I look at this is That your the universe is impartial Spirit is Impartial and does not judge You and I feel with this four of coins The way he's holding on to all of the Coins there's a feeling Of sticking what's the expression like Sticking to your Guns or again sticking to your gut Feeling and recognizing

That the universe is Not evaluating you the universe is just Observing You and to be to stand more Firmly In how you Feel There's there's a lot in this reading About getting back in touch With how you truly feel and healing from Self-doubt and really like trusting Yourself and really standing firm in the Truth of who you Are and I think something that will help You do that something that will really Help you do that is recognizing that Spirit is impartial and spirit is not Judging You so an example that's coming to my Mind for this energy is Like let's say that there's someone Who um you're upset you're upset with The way that they behaved towards You And then like you're asking your Spirit Guides or you're asking the universe Like should I be more patient with them Should I should I be more compassionate Towards them should I give them the Benefit of the doubt and spirit's kind Of like you tell me and not in a Dismissive way but in like a this is Your experience like I'm not you're Upset I'm not judging

That I'm observing you we are all you've Probably heard this how we're all Extensions of the universe and the Universe is learning about itself Through different perspectives So being true to your perspective and Your experience actually helps the Universe understand itself better and Then leads to its Expansion So when you're saying you're upset about The way someone acted the universe is Like oh I see okay and that's that's Your perspective and that's your truth And I see you and I'm observing you I am Not um I'm not testing you I'm not evalu Val ating you I'm not attaching a Judgment to how you feel in this Experience it's not a question of should I feel this way or not it's just a Statement this is how I Feel And that that requires like Being in one place within yourself and Being rooted in it and not looking to This person and that person and over Here and over there to be like is this Is this okay is I'm having this Experience is that Okay um it's not like it's not a test I Think it's realizing that like your life Is an Experience it's you experiencing life It's you're not being tested on how you

Perform is kind of How It's coming Through or you're not being evaluated on How you interpret what happens to you Like you're allowed to Interpret what happens to you in any way Or or feel about it the way you feel About it or experience it how you Experience It it's not it's not right or Wrong if You're if you're upset at that person if You're not upset at that person even Like let's say you're not upset at Someone and then you're like should I be Like does this mean I don't have Boundaries like no if you're not upset That's great you know I think it's the There's this feeling of like is how I Feel okay is what I'm doing right now Okay and feeling like something above Like like the universe or higher power Should evaluate if this is okay and I Wonder if that's also like A a a past trauma thing of maybe not Being able To oh that oh my gosh I just got really Emotional with that like not not even Being able to trust like I'm I'm experiencing this emotion right Now but is This okay should I should I modify this To be Better and this is like coming back to Just the the raw experience of how you

Feel and just letting it be that you Know 3232 as I'm talking about that I hope That that makes sense I just got hit With like a big wave Of felt like I was going to tear up Cuz cuz it sucks if you can't do that if You can't just be like this is how I Feel and it is what it Is you Know it just is it's not right or wrong It just Is Yeah So releasing Self-doubt and and welcoming in Self-belief and self-acceptance Yeah and I think we might have to We this may be a month Of I guess Deprogramming Deprogramming stories that you have Internalized about what how your life Should or shouldn't be or how you should Or shouldn't Feel because it's all baloney you don't Should or shouldn't feel any kind of way You just feel how you feel and it is What it is yeah So yes these are all the messages for my Group number twos thank you so much for Letting me do this reading for you I Hope you have a wonderful day or night And of course a wonderful month of July

And I wish you all the best please take Good care of yourself stay healthy don't Forget to like comment and subscribe if You feel like doing that if you enjoy my Content and you'd like to find me Elsewhere I'm going to have linked down Below my ter reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of exclusive pick a card Readings just like this one and you can Also decide on topics for future Readings I will link my music channel Which includes the intro song of this Video that is an original song I will Also have my latest release link down Below and finally my Vlog Channel and my Merch which features the floating Temple That was at the start of this video Thank you guys so much for supporting me My channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here and I'm sending so much love to you to Anyone else who appeared in this reading Directly or indirectly I'm sending love To your higher self your Spirit guides Your spiritual team and all of your Loved ones both here on Earth and in the Other Realms and I will see you guys in The next one Bye-bye hi number threes so if you guys Chose the Mite Jasper this is going to Be a reading all about your why was I Going to say all about your All about your month of July 2024 so

We're going to start with the general Overview of your month where we see the Main themes the main energies that You're working with as well as Significant events and changes that may Be coming your way and to do that we're Going to be looking at these oracle Cards right here so let's get started Your first card is crocodile with the Number six and we have hidden obstacles Okay this gives me the feeling Of working on a significant project Or going through a significant Transition perhaps even something like Learning a new skill where when you First started you were maybe Underestimating all of the different Steps that were required or like there Were just things that you hadn't Considered And so it's like going into it you're Like yeah let's do it let's go for it And you're feeling enthusiastic and then Just things that you hadn't anticipated Start popping up and you're like oh crap It's not a bad thing frustrating yes Learning experience also yes I can think Of many times where I've I've been Through an energy like this so there may Be some little inconveniences and Frustrations that pop up this month as You work out the Kinks in a significant Project a significant transition it Could even be like an application oh my

Gosh as someone who's been through many Visa Applications there's always stuff like This popping up of like oh actually we Need this document or actually you Dotted this eye funny and you have to Come back and fix it just like annoying Unexpected things popping up but it's All part of a process that is very worth It and like the end result is going to Be worth it but yeah there could be some Some little bumps in the road like that This month I actually want to go Into my handy pocket guide to spirit Animals and I'm going to see if there's A crocodile in here and see what that Passage has to Say Um is there Okay there's not crocodile but let's see If there's an alligator I know that They're not the same but that will be The closest thing if it is in here oh Alligator and then crocodile in Parenthesis take your time to digest What you're now learning rather than Rushing ahead to pursue further Education or gather more Information you need to be very Protective of your personal territory And assertive about setting boundaries This is a time for Renewal and new Beginnings as you emerge from a dark Period of your life be sure to gather

All the facts and look at the situation From all sides before passing judgment Making any decisions or taking action It's an important time to honor your Ancestors in any way you Choose a that's a lovely message at the End I just saw 333 as well as we're Talking about your ancestors so if you Have been and also you guys are group Number three if you have been been Seeing this number or if you've been Seeing any sort of angel numbers and Wondering what they mean that could very Well be your ancestors letting you know That they're with you and they are Assisting you during this time and I do Think whatever you guys are working on Here it is very important and it is very Much going to be worth it um and these Obstacles are not a sign of you messing Up it's just kind of part of the the Journey like anyone would be coming up Against these challenges on this journey It it is kind of just an annoying Process that's just kind of the way it Is but it's a learning experience and You're going through some kind of Growing pains as you work for something That is really really worth it to you Another thing I wanted to mention from This card and also from this passage is Uh be sure to not like really take your Time and don't let impatience get the Better of you I feel like I'm being

Called out here as an Aries but like um You know for example let's say you're Reading an instruction manual and you're Like ah I can skip that I already know That or like I can skip I can skip the Beginner textbooks I already know that And then you just kind of like you want To rush ahead to The Next Step but then You realize like oh crap I should have Read the manual I should have I should Have done the tutorial tutorial I should Have read the beginner textbook um just Make sure that you're not skipping any Steps and never assume that like oh I Already know that or oh I don't need That also maybe hold on to things I just Imagined someone getting a kit and There's a little like Gadget in there And they're like oh I'm never going to Use that and they throw it away and then Later they're like oh crap I could have Used that so hold on to things do all of The steps get all of the information Before you take action and that might Lessen the amount of obstacles that come Your way in the Future we also have the flow dragon with The number 33 and we just saw 333 also As I'm holding this up 5:55 on the camera timer which is like Significant change is coming your way And this says you are like getting in a Good flow or like you're riding a good Wave so no matter what bumps in the road

Are coming up you will get through it I Feel Like I know it's frustrating but there's Almost a message of like to not get too Attached to every little thing that goes Wrong and just just flow with it just Let it go and like recognize that it's a Part of the journey and it's not it's Not like your mistake it's not like you Did something wrong I've been noticing You know I think as a spiritual people Or me personally as a spiritual person I Tend to think a lot about the reason Behind why everything is happening like Oh the universe orchestrated this Because blah blah blah blah because I Was supposed to learn this and this and That and and that can be a helpful way Of thinking sometimes but when I'm Having a day where things are going Wrong sometimes it just feels really Good to be like you know what today's Just a shitty day like and it's fine and That's the way it is cuz getting so Caught up in like why is the universe Doing this sometimes it just makes it it Makes it even more frustrating and to Just like throw your hands up and be Like just take the wheel you know like I'm just I'm just embracing that it's a Shitty day and just help me help me get Through it sometimes that just makes it A lot easier so there will be some Annoying times this month but you will

Get through them you will get in the Flow and I also feel like whatever You're working on or whatever you're Pursuing the the first stages of it are The most frustrating and then once you Get the hang of it it'll get easier and Easier and easier and if obstacles pop Up rather than beating yourself up think Of it as like oh okay now I know this For next time so that next time I do This it will be Smoother okay for your Astro cards we Have the sixth house we have some Virgo Energy here so Virgo people could be Significant people with Virgo placements Um and then we have the planet of Mercury so if you know your Mercury sign People with the same sign as your Mercury could be significant this month So for example my Mercury is in Aries if This is my reading then Aries people Could be significant um kind of cool too That we have like six six and then 33 Which adds up to 6 um these dates could also be an Important time of the month so like the 3rd to the 6th 3 4 5 6 of July could be Important dates uh and then we have the Keywords of work habits Health Service Colleagues employees skills workplace Daily routines nutrition diet Fitness Hygiene checkups and responsibilities This could be a month where I feel like You could be doing a lot of paperwork or

Sending many emails back and forth with A certain person or Organization you could be setting up a Lot of Appointments you could be commuting back And forth Somewhere um your daily routine might Look slightly different because of Something that you are committed to or Something that you are working On this could be a month as well where You're just focused on or examining your Routine and any changes that need to be Made you could be focused on your health Focused on your Habits um being Organized will really help you this Month which is easier said than done but Yeah staying organized and being Proactive like making sure that you're Getting things done well in advance in Case I should really be taking my own Advice in this reading um yeah making Sure that you're getting things done Well in Advance um like like in the classic Virgo fashion and then we have the Number four Which yeah like 3 four five six of July Could be important we have Charity with Saturn in cancer so it's Interesting we had service here and then We have charity here there could be a Focus on how

You how you can help others or how you Can serve Others or you could be the one who is Receiving help and assistance this month I really like this image how it looks Like the angels are helping the people And especially because Saturn is like The father and cancer is the motherly Sign this card is also giving me the Feeling of ancestors who are watching Over you and helping you and helping you To achieve whatever it is that you want To Achieve I think there's [Music] Also there's also a message About just taking things one day at a Time it's it's good to look at the Bigger picture it's good to zoom out Sometimes Especially like when you're faced with Daily frustrations it's good to zoom out Look at the bigger picture and remember Why you're doing what you're Doing but I also think that sometimes When you're focusing too much on the end Goal it can feel Overwhelming and when you're feeling Overwhelmed or when you're feeling Discouraged it might actually be helpful To Then zoom in and be like I don't have to Worry about the end goal right now let's Just focus on the task in front of us

Let's just take it one day at a time Like focusing on your daily habits Rather than rather than the end Goal um I I feel like I talk about this A lot but I run and I get a lot of I Just get a lot of insights from it I Feel like there's so many metaphors About life that you can take from Running and if I there's so there's so Many interesting things you can learn Learn about your psychology too because If I tell myself from the start like We're going to run for an hour and a Half I will get overwhelmed and my brain Will start to be like oh my God so tired I'm so tired and like I won't be able to Do it but if I break the run down into Like 3 minute increments and I just keep Telling myself oh I just have to focus On the next 3 minutes I just have to get Through the next 3 minutes then it feels Easy even though I'm doing the same Thing my brain is perceiving it as a Smaller task and then those 3 minute Increments add up and eventually it's 90 Minutes and it's like I did it you know The way you frame it makes so much of a Difference the brain is a sneaky thing You know um but if you figure out how to Work with it you can do amazing things So you know just check in with yourself And how you're feeling you might find That sometimes um zooming out and Looking at the bigger picture of things

Takes pressure off of you and then you May find that other times it's helpful To zoom in and just really focus on the Thing that's right in front of you and You know use that ability to zoom in and Out to your advantage Because sometimes focusing on the small Stuff is going to help you do more and Sometimes not sweating the small stuff And zooming out is going to help you do More so see see how you feel when you When you soup in and out because there's No objective right or wrong answer just Whatever serves you in that Moment okay So next we're going to look at these Tea Leaf cards to get our final messages in The general overview part so these could Be specific events things to look Forward to things to look out for just Anything else that your guides want you To know we have lightning control your Anger or you will be sorry We have flute disappointment in a friend Or Lover and then we have owl good advice From a wise person so I can definitely See How these two go together there there Could be someone who's disappointing you And then you feel angry at them which is Very Valid but it seems that there's a Message here of of like be

Careful like it's okay to be frustrated With what they did but if you were for Example if you were to like snap at them Or yell at them or like say something Mean to them in your anger you might Regret it later and there's even there Was that message in the alligator card About make sure that you get make sure That you get all the Information before Um before you take action or before you React like there might be if you learn More Context About for example maybe they they Promised that they were going to show up For something and then they didn't but If you learn more Context it it makes sense why they Didn't show up like maybe something bad Happened they were dealing with Something really bad or Um it's like the more information you Get about the situation you would regret Having snapped at them if if you did Hypothetically I'm not saying you will But there may be a situation where even If you're frustrated which is very valid You might just want to be like the Bigger person and be calm and be Forgiving because later when you learn More context and what they're going Through you'll be glad that you and not It's not to say that you shouldn't be

Angry but it's like you'll be glad that You didn't throw that anger at them in That moment if that makes sense so just Something to keep in mind if you if Someone like lets you down this month Yeah um okay so that concludes the General overview part of your month We're going to move into the specific Areas of your life now as you can see I Have one one tarot card and one oracle Card each for your love life and Relationships your career and studies And your spiritual and personal growth I Just want to mention by the way I feel Like of all the groups I feel the most Like Alert in this one which is strange to me Because usually you would think in the Last group oh I'm starting to get tired But no it's opposite like I'm the most Like like bushy tailed bright eyed and Bushy tailed for this group so maybe That's a sign of how you will be feeling This month like feeling focused and Having energy I hope so I wish that for You anyway so let's look at your cards For your love life and Relationships for your tarot card we Have Death and for your oracle card we have Impass so this is A is this a crown I believe this is a Crown chakra card now I'm I'm about to Start looking

At I think it is yeah yeah and this is a Sacral chakra card so yeah both of the Decks that we're using today are chakra Themed So I feel like when you're your Spiritual team and there was another Group that had this when your spiritual Team talks to You you probably feel it in like Literally in your gut in your stomach And that might be something that you Want to keep in mind in the month ahead As well um death is related to the sign Of Scorpio so uh a Scorpio person or Someone with Scorpio placements could be Significant but as maybe you can Guess death does have to do with an Ending Uh a letting go of Sorts if you have had an ending with Someone like if you went Through a breakup or if there was a Ghosting Situation something like that this could Represent the moment where you're Finally where you're finally getting Over That um for those of you who are Currently dealing with someone Like cuz with impass I feel like some of You could be dealing with a Person that you just can't see eye to Eye with them or you have these Fundamental differences that you can't

Seem to Reconcile And if you're dealing with a dynamic Like That it does look like you might be Making the decision To just Just Let It Go like to go your Separate Ways and for some of you that could look Like ending the Relationship for others of you it could Just look like Ending ending a certain Dynamic within The relationship so let's say for Example you were going to um start a a Business with your friend or start a Venture with your friend but then as you Move along you find that you just have Like maybe you have very different Ideas about money or your vision your Vision for the business is just so Different and you tried to find Something that you're both happy about Maybe you tried to find a middle ground You tried to compromise but you just Weren't you just couldn't agree and so That doesn't mean that you stop being Friends with this person but maybe it Just means that okay we don't move Forward with this business Idea so I think for some of you it Doesn't have to be that the Rel Relationship ends but it's like okay Clearly we can't you know we can't do

This together cuz we can't we can't Agree about this um or Like maybe with a family member it's Like we clearly we just have different Views on this so let's not let's just Drop it let's not talk about it anymore Let's agree that when we have family Gatherings we're not going to bring this Up because clearly every time we do it Just starts arguments and we can't move Forward from it so let's just drop it Kind of thing so I mean if you have been Feeling like maybe it's time to end a Relationship with someone then this Could definitely be a confirmation but For those of you who are watching this And you're like but I don't want to end Any of my relationships I think it could Just be like there's a certain thing That you're agreeing with that person Like we're not going to do this anymore We're not going to talk about this Anymore we're not going to move forward With this idea cuz we just disagree on It and and that's that that kind of Thing um okay so for your career and Studies oh look at this for your tarot Card we have the 10 of Cups beautiful Beautiful I love the yellow gold colors Of this um this would be related to The solar plexus and there's something About the butterflies it feels like You're spreading your wings and you're Reaching your full potential career

Looks Beautiful for you this month your work Looks beautiful like 10 of cups is one Of the happiest cards in the tarot so There's a big wish a big wish regarding Your career that is coming true or You're finding yourself in a job or in a Role that makes you really really happy And most importantly that gives you Emotional Fulfillment for those of you who have Struggled to like find a job that makes You happy or that that really brings you Satisfaction I feel like the missing Piece might be feeling an emotional Investment in your work and feeling like You're really connecting with others and And helping others in the work that you Do just because we have charity and Service I think you're finding yourself In a role where You have a really positive impact on Those you work with and that's very very Fulfilling to You um I was just I I just thought of This right now I was watching um a music Video and I was reading the comments and Somebody had left a long comment kind of Telling the story of how this musician's Music saved their life and I'm oh my Gosh I'm getting emotional like I Actually cried when I read the comment Because Just it doesn't matter what you do for

Work you can you can touch people that You don't even know you can move people That you don't even know and to think That this musician is just doing what They're passionate about and they were Able to save someone's life from that Like oh my gosh I just started tearing Up um and that's I think there's Something like that where you're going To see you're going to have a very Emotional moment where you see how the Work that you're doing is positively Impacting others and like this moment of That's and that's why I do this that's Why I do what I do and like thank you For giving meaning to what I do and Thank you for motivating me to keep Going you know that's the kind of it's Feeling really emotionally connected to Your work or really connected to those You impact And just feeling really really happy for What you Do oo I love it and for your oracle Card we have perseverance so this feels Like a moment of joy and a moment of Satisfaction in your work where you Realize Like that's why it's worth it to Persevere and you know we had that Message of obstacles at the start of the Reading there's something here and even With number 10 being about Completion there's something here about

Your hard work really paying off and not Only you getting to enjoy the fruits of Your labor but others as well and it's This moment where you're like this is Why I keep going when things are hard And this this is what makes it all worth It these are the moments that I live for Kind of thing like really feeling happy About the work that you're doing and Feeling that sense of of deep purpose Behind it you know it's very emotional Even with this being the sacral chakra That's that's water that's About uh all of these are water Actually that's like connecting to Others building intimacy with others Feeling a sense of with the solar plex Is feeling a sense of Belonging it's just this really Beautiful like happiness an inner peace And emotional fulfillment that you're Feeling with what you Do also for those of you who are single You could be meeting someone cuz I'm Just thinking of there's like this Couple here you could be meeting your Person through your work or through your Studies but yeah definitely seeing the Impact of how you've helped others and Moved others and that's going to go Straight to your Heart okay and then finally we have your Cards for Spiritual and personal Growth lots of water coming out for this

Group I wonder if you're surrounded by a Lot of water signs or maybe you have a Lot of water placements cuz like Scorpio the element of water Pisces the Element of water the element of water we Had cancer here there's a crocodile in The water like just water everywhere I Don't know if I said this already but Maybe you are like taking a trip to the Water or spending time in in or around a Body of water even the flowing flowing Dragon like going with the current that Feels watery too Man um yeah so princess of Cups which is The page of cups and then for your Oracle card we have Gratitude yeah and this feels like a a Zooming in kind of energy because Pages they represent things that are Small So oh wait there could be a message About children too because this person Is Pregnant and Pages can represent Children and then here we also have a Family with children and here we also Have someone holding children So you could I mean maybe you have Children of your own or you'll be Spending time with with children maybe Working with children or spending time With the children in your Family um it could also Be there could be a pregnancy announced

This month whether that is you or Someone close to You and of course it can also be um Symbolic of your inner Child but yeah there's quite a few Messages of children as Well um and and I wonder if this is Even that kind of takes on a new meaning For those of you who have children like Cuz I just Imagine uh a parent who is really like Stressed out and then and they're going Through a lot and they're really highly Strong and then maybe their child does Something and they just have a moment Where they're like and maybe they they Raise their voice or or snap or Something and then they Reg redit later When they're like they feel really Bad Um yeah there's something About I mean this sounds very menacing Control your anger or you will be sorry But I think it's just like you know you Might be you're dealing with stuff right And So just make sure that that it doesn't Get like taken out On people around you even even if They're the one who disappointed you Just uh there's something about not not Snapping that like a Crocodile that you want to be careful About anyway back to this

So and we have more butterflies here Spreading your wings and reaching your Full Potential um I don't know what these Flowers and Vines are but it's making me Think of Ivy so someone named Ivy could Be significant But anyway this feels like zoomed in This feels like small things because Pages are Small so I think that this element of Your spiritual and personal growth is And it's so simple it's just learning to Appreciate the little things which you Know it's it's something that we hear Said a lot you know like appreciate the Small Things find joy in the little Things but making that a regular Practice it can be difficult sometimes I Think it requires quite a bit of like Intention to do that and we need to be Mindful Because we have these minds and we have This Society that's always like go Bigger go bigger more more more always Thinking about the next step and so it Really is an active practice I think to Bring bring yourself back no I don't Think I know it's an active daily Practice to bring yourself back to the Little things and be like I'm grateful To have this house I'm grateful to have This body I'm grateful to have my family And friends and I find that it's often

Those little things that we take for Granted that when I Actually Center myself in them and feel Gratitude for them it actually fills me With the most Joy even things like I Have I have eyesight I have hearing That's not really something you think About in your daytoday But when I actually sit with that and I'm like damn I'm really like seeing Things I get so grateful for it and that You know that I have a body that can That can run like I was talking about Before that can that can move that has Vitality which again you I don't think About that in day to-day cuz I'm like To-do list tasks you know it's so easy To get swept away in those things and It's nice like your your growth in this Month Or what you're focused on it's not about Like reaching something it's about just Coming back to where you are and Appreciating all of those little things Which is very very sweet and I think you Know we talked about kind of testing What when it feels good to zoom in and When it feels good to zoom out and I Think when it comes to gratitude like Zooming in and looking at all the little Things that is going to make you feel Really really Good and when it comes to frustrations Zooming out and being like this will all

Be over soon will probably make you feel Much better and it will whatever Obstacles are coming up with what you're Working on you will flow past them and Your ancestors are helping you that is For Sure I think feeling connected to or Connecting to your family line um um Will really make you feel good and Empower you this month whether that's Like um feeling connected to your Children or thinking about your children Or your future Generations or connecting To your ancestors feeling like a part of That bigger wave I think will will feel Really really Nice so group number threes these are All the messages that I have for you Thank you so much for letting me do this Reading for you I hope you have a Wonderful day night whenever you're Watching and of course a wonderful month Of July and I wish you all the best Please take good care of yourself stay Healthy don't forget to like comment and Subscribe if you feel like doing that if You enjoy my content and you like to Find me elsewhere I'm going to have Linked down below my tarot reading Instagram my personal Instagram my Patreon where you can watch tons of Exclusive pick a card readings just like This one and you can also decide on Topics for future readings I will link

My music channel which is includes the Intro song of this video that is an Original song I'll also have my latest Release link down below and finally my Vlog Channel and my merch which features The floating Temple that was at the Start of this video thank you guys so Much for supporting me my channel and Anything I do I really really appreciate Having you here and I'm sending so much Love to you to anyone who appeared in This reading directly or Indirectly sending love to your higher Self your Spirit guides your spiritual Team your ancestors your family all of Your loved ones both here on Earth and In the other Realms and I will see you Guys in the next one bye-bye

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