👉All Signs😳The *Only* Love-Reading thats RELEVANT RIGHT NOW for YOU🐈‍⬛📬💕Psychic🔮Tarot Reading🧝🏽‍♀️

🌟 Tarot Love Reading: Divine Messages Just for You! 🌟

Hello my Beauitful Unicorn Army✨🦄💕
Guess what? You asked for it, and here it is – a super special Tarot Love Reading video just for You! 🎉✨
Get cozy, grab your favorite snack, and let’s dive into the mystical world of tarot together. I’ve channeled some seriously magical messages from the universe, all about love, relationships, and everything in-between. 💖
Consider this your personal love pep talk from your BFF (that’s me!). So, kick back, relax, and let’s uncover some juicy insights together. And hey, if you love what you see (which I know you will), don’t forget to hit that like button and subscribe for more awesome content!

Sending you all the good vibes and love vibes. Let’s do this! 💫

With love and tarot magic,

Vanessa Somuayina ✨✨✨

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About Me
Name: Vanessa
Sun: Cancer
Moon: Sagittarius
Current Location: Switzerland

Please note that my ‘pick a card’ readings are for entertainment purposes, advice, and positivity. Please seek advice from a medical professional if you are experiencing any physical or psychological challenges.💡Don’t forget to turn ON your notifications to never miss another reading! Intro from 00:00
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Hello all my beautiful little unicorns And welcome back to my channel if this Is the first time that you're on my Channel my name is Vanessa sa and you Guys know me as the Unicorn mom your big Sis from the internet and of course your Favorite psychic medium you guys Constantly DM me and email me and ask me About love and I'm tired of it you guys And that is precisely why I have created This reading so we can just get clarity For you so cancer Aries Libra I'm Hearing you have been overthinking you Have been in your head you need Clarity Of course the other signs as well but You especially you're freaking out Another thing Capricorn Pisces you're Not feeling it right now and I just want To figure out precisely what's going on In your love life why you have this kind Of energetic blockage that has led you To watch this video this reading because There is a reason why you clicked on This video and this reading right now There's a reason why you're here And I just want you to know that this Reading is going to give you information Insights as well as a feeling of just Finding Clarity which is precisely what I want you to have so you can step back Into your life feeling rejuvenated so First up we've got the moon now in case You did not know this the Moon is Actually symbolic of your intuition it

Usually is depicted in the form of a Large body of water then also two do We've got like a little crab symbol down There remember how I mentioned cancerian As well and the Moon shows up when Deception is taking place and you guys Know I'm your big sis from the internet I am never going to just say whatever You want to hear I'm always going to Tell you the truth and the thing right Now is that listening to your intuition When it comes to love and your life and This current cycle within your existence Listen to it listen to your intuition You try to rationalize when actually Your intuition is telling you precisely What's going on and precisely what to do You feel like that man is talking to Somebody else well listen to your Intuition he probably is and you have All of the little indications of Information that point to the fact that No you're not crazy your intuition is on Point you feel as though you're Underpaid at your job you're undervalued Listen to your intuition you're not Being sensitive I want you to know that There is nothing sensitive about feeling Undervalued it is most likely just the Truth and it's most likely something That needed to be addressed and that you Intuitively had within you that you knew Was just off it was just something that Was not it so I want to move further

Into it you guys if I look over here That's where my viewfinder is I just Want to make sure everything is within Focus all right next up we have the Three of diamonds you've been working Really hard and you've been Collaborating with a lot of people and In Ely you can feel that some people are Getting credit where credit isn't due Meanwhile where is your credit your Credit is nowhere to be found it's like That error page you know error 404 when Something can't be found yeah the thing Is like you work with other people and You always allow for others to shine You're a true friend you're not a friend Of me that's not something that you do But I just want you to know here that That has also come with a price and the Price tag is the fact that sometimes you Get overlooked because you don't Position yourself in a place to just Take the credit that is rightfully yours So it's important that you learn to Accept compliments you learn to accept Credit and when it comes to your love Life as well quit being Barbara the Builder sprinkle sprinkle all of you who Know know all right this is not a time In your life in which you are ready to Take on a project if your life is not Better with with that man that woman That person they are not for you and It's time for you to show them the door

The thing with this is that if they are Not improving your life they don't Belong in your life because you have Fought to get to where you are Everything you worked so hard for you Really want to disappoint your ancestors By allowing somebody to just ruin your Peace is that really something you want To do Capricorn Libra Sagittarius I'm talking to you yeah especially you Uh next up we have the eight of coins Which shows that there is also still a Lot ahead of you and I mean all of my Babies of the zodiac that points towards Hard work when it comes to your career You are still going to grow in many ways That you didn't expect okay so getting Extra accolades getting extra pieces of Papers in the form of diplomas that just Show your expertise and continuously Educating yourself moving forward so the Thing here with the eight of coins and All of this is that there is absolutely No space for distraction which is also Why I told you guys I don't want to hear It anymore in the DMS in the emails in The YouTube comments they are not right For you if they're just distracting you From becoming your best self they are Not right for you if you are out of Pocket tired weed anxious and unsure if You're are unsure about what is going on

With someone romantically speaking they Do not like you enough that is one thing That I have to say to you because the 10 Of coins shows us here that you have had Some people who were weirdly triggered By where you're going professionally the 10 of coins is a card that shows Professionally speaking you are going Far you're not playing around you are Not meant to be someone who say settles For the bare minimum you are actually Meant to be one of those people who Achieve some huge Great Heights of Success professionally speaking and who Amass a lot more financial and material Wealth than anyone in your lineage prior To you has ever been able to do so you Are the first in many ways in your Family and in your lineage especially if Your lineage comes from Native American Any kind of background in which there Was a lot of Oppression especially as of Recently I just want you to know here in The 10 of coins do not allow for your Ancestors to see you cry over somebody Who doesn't deserve your tears fumble Your bag over someone who barely even Has a birth certificate meanwhile you Are well educated you are put together Okay I don't want to see that happening To any of my beautiful sisters and Brothers of the zodiac but that's also Why I'm here for you to receive these Messages to receive the confirmation and

The encouragement that you don't have to Allow this to happen and you're stronger Than this and there is an abundance of People who will actually appreciate and Love you the right way next up we've got The coyote now the coyote is symbolic of Following your instincts you will Instinctually know when something is Right for you both romantically and Professionally I want you to know There's a Crossroads coming up there's a Crossroads I'll just put the coyote up Here there is a crossroad that is coming Up and you will know precisely which Side of the road that you want to choose The coyote also corresponds to the Number 12 I want you to know that the Numbers 1 and two are your numbers when You continuously see those on the screen On the clock when you see those as You're scrolling through Instagram your Emails you see number sequence quences With 11 one 222 1 212 that is it that is Where you're meant to put your foot to The pedal to pedal to the metal you know How that saying goes and move in that Direction move forward don't be afraid It will all work out precisely as it Should and the thing is like fear it's a No we're not allowing fear to get in the Way and it's very important for you to Know now at this point in your life that There is no more taking it slow there's No more warming up stop living like you

Have an additional life somewhere in the Closet okay you don't this life is short Think about it if you have like for Example I was just talking to a friend About this the other day if you live to Be 80 years old that is 80 Summers 80 New Year's celebrations 80 Christmases 80 Winters 80 Springs autumns it's not a Lot especially if you think to yourself That at the point point of you watching This video you've already experienced a Good chunk of those maybe like a quarter Of those or something and also when You're very old we never know what shape We'll be in right so we've got to treat Every season every episode of Our Lives As though it's precious and important do You really want to allow somebody to Waste any of those Seasons imagine Spending a whole season two whole Seasons three whole Seasons a whole year Two whole years three because there are Different length at which people get Over other people romantically there are Different speeds at which people process Things and I just want to remind you Always ask yourself is this person or This situation really worth spending my Very limited seasons on planet Earth on This because the answer you will find More often than not is no so here we've Got the Holy Mountain of course there Are certain things that are sacred that Are holy if you are grieving take your

Time to grieve if there is something That you're working through a sort of Childhood trauma that will take more Than one season or two seasons it can Take years at times decades as well so It's about having a healthy amount of Push and pull in those situations a Healthy amount of okay I'm working on it I'm giving myself time but also I don't Want to indefinitely allow my season And my different times of my life to go Towards this for it then to amass to Actually like a significant chunk of my Life here on Earth you got to remind Yourself it is a crazy concept that we Exist at this point in time in the Universe we are on a spinning Rock Somewhere in the solar system for some Reason paying bills and crying over People who didn't properly love us or Didn't properly want us meanwhile just Just picture this crazy scenario of even Being alive so I just want to remind you Of how special that even is and how much More worthy your time is of you just Focusing on you why aren't you more Focused on you that's one thing I would Like to know I kind of want it I want a Bit more space here let me just let me Try to get up and adjust the camera I Hope I'm not going to just ruin this but Let's give it a chance let's risk it for The YouTube biscuit all right so we do Have more face I'm just thinking what

Color do we want to do for my little Magical chair I love this but it never Stays on the rainbow you know I love This all right you guys let's move a Little further into this because I know There's still a lot here that you have To hear that you must receive after all There's a reason why you clicked on this Video and why these messages have Resonated so far next up we've got eat Your words if you have a temper if you Have allowed somebody to push you out of Of character this is your reminder that You're going to eat your words if you're Not careful okay that could be with Friends with a romantic partner with Family be very wise as to what words you Use and also let me just say I'm all About manifestation I'm all about Speaking things into existence and Believing in yourself but eat your words Also reminds you when it comes to Frenemies when it comes to co-workers That you know wouldn't be sad if you're Not as successful as you hope you are Don't say too much all right don't Already start speaking about projects Before they've come to fruition before You've seen the results to the wrong People because that will demoralize you When you see that o I'm not sure if I'm Actually going to get there I'm not sure If these results are actually going to Turn out the way I wanted be very

Mindful of whom you share your vision With because it has to be handled with Care in order to not break your spirit In order to not break your manifestation Powers and your faith your Blind Faith In yourself and the thing with that is That only few should have the privilege To be so close to you that they can even Slightly shake or wobble your faith when You allow too many people access to this Inner Circle of whom you are that's when Things get a little risky and that's why It is important here in your support System that you select your support System in a very meticulous very detail Oriented way and some people will not Make the cut and with some people not Making the cut I mean your own mother Might not even make the cut you know What I mean if she's a Negative Nancy if She doesn't really believe in you or if She is the one person that can really Demoralize you you may have to step away From even telling her too much of your Dreams and aspirations I mean I went Through a time myself where people that I thought would be in my support system I had to remove them because I realized That when I actually told them where I Wanted to go and what Vision that I was Given they didn't believe in it and I Could tell it was written all over their Responses their face the way that they Interacted with me and I just didn't

Need that at the time and neither do you And that's why it's so important here in Your support system that you are super Super picky about who you make part of That who is allowed the privilege to Know your next steps to know what's Happening next in your life because it Is not helpful healthy or the right Thing to share with too many next up We've got hilarion hilarion stands for Divine Healing so helaran says to honor Your sensitivity Retreat to recharge and Heal your light can support others the Thing here within hilarion is that you Have such big dreams that actually You Are the Healer and the person who gives Your support system belief in themselves But they're only able to really believe That because you first believed in Yourself you first created your vision You made it a reality and then when they See that you've done that you've Accomplished it it gives them confidence That you will be able to do the same for Them so it's like you have to first Prove that what you're doing and your Self-belief isn't just absolutely crazy You first need to show results like make The extra money like having an amazing Partner that you can count on an amazing Relationship just kind of proving that Everything you've manifested everything You've created is not just talk but You're also walking the walk and then

People will actually come to you for Support and advice and a lot of people Will turn to you that actually you never Thought would because they were Skeptics Okay I also see here people from like Middle school high school that bullied You that weren't kind to you that said Things to you that still it rings in Your mind today and it was really not Cute all of a sudden you're like a Treasure Trove all of a sudden they want To know how you did it it's up to you Whether you would like to share that Next up we've got Freya phases and Cycles there is a beginning within every Ending Illusions are revealed and Released so remind yourself with every Single time you think that a fi has Ended or a cycle has come to an end it's Actually an opportunity for a new one to Begin and the same goes here for the Cycle where you were maybe once the Weaker link as we just discussed you Were maybe the one who was bullied the One who was put down the one who people Didn't really believe in and then boy When that chapter closed when you glue Up when that cycle came to an end all of A sudden it's kind of like the power Dynamic completely shifted and with Freya here we've got the full moon and I Want you to know that the next full moon Is going to bring a significant shift in The power Dynamic around you the next

Full moon after you have received this Reading you will notice that during that Full moon it will be hard for you to Sleep to rest to get calm at night Because the energy of the full moon is Just so powerful and in a sense um Almost overpowering and the thing here For you is that I want to remind you That sometimes this is just symbolic of Being recharged by the moon this is just Symbolic of breakthroughs happening and Overall like receiving the energy from The Moon after all the Moon is the Reason why we we've got EB and flow it Literally controls huge bodies of water Such as all of the oceans of on planet Earth so imagine we're made up of like 60 65% water the moon also impacts us And our emotions and again we had the Moon right within your reading that was Our very first card so when you're Unsure as to why you're feeling a little Iffy maybe even a little unsettled look To the moon phase you'll find some Answers there and remind yourself here That the Moon is a reason why you are Feeling the way that you do listen to Your intuition so next we've got a Wishbone now the wish bone is symbolic Of a wish being granted for you so you Have a wish at the time of you watching And receiving this reading and this is a Wish that I just want you to know is Going to come to fruition it's something

I don't want you to continue to Overthink it's something that I don't Want you to overanalyze when you feel as Though it's already done that's when You'll receive it and the same goes for Manifesting so anything you would like To manifest let's just take the example Le of finances and I'm really thinking Of doing like an extensive course on This some sort of extensive work that I Can help you really bring this to life With but the whole concept of actually Already feeling as though you're making That amount of money you really want to Make you're driving your dream car You're living in your dream home you Have that dream savings those dream Investments that you've always kind of Thought were slightly Out Of Reach but You kind of also felt destined to get There yeah so once you feel as though It's done and it's achievable and it is Yours and you've done the Visualizations that is when it will Actually come to you but you have to Bridge the gap between Faith kind of Wavering and getting there and that is Usually where people often kind of lose Hope so the scissors shows us that that Is where ties are most often cut when we Feel disappointed that something hasn't Come to fruition yet so so you are Receiving this psychic reading for a Reason you're receiving this tarot

Prediction for a reason and it is to Remind you to not cut the cords too soon All right just because you haven't seen The results yet doesn't mean that they Are not still coming just because it Hasn't showed up in your life in the way That you wanted just yet doesn't mean That it's never going to be yours all Right so don't turn around just because You cannot see past the Horizon right Now sometimes you just got to go a Little further to get to where you're Trying to go and we've got the eight of Swords in reversed and this shows that What comes next in the next phase and Cycle of your life after this next full Moon is a release a feeling captured by Your overthinking your anxiety and your Worry of what you've worked hard for and What you're trying to attain in life That kind of diminishing it going away Because you have this unwavering faith That yeah what's meant to be yours will Be yours and we've got the six of Cups Which by the way is a card of extreme Triumph the number six is a number of Generosity of family of closeness the Suit of cups is the suit of everything That has to do with your emotions it Represents the element of water all of You guys who are in my tarot reader Course you know this because I teach you That in great detail so when this shows Up here the six of Cups it shows us that

You will feel amazing in this upcoming Cycle you will also feel amazing about The detour that is taking place because Sometimes we think that we know the Precise route to get to where we're Trying to go but actually we just need To let things happen as they would like To happen we just need to allow for Things to take place the way that they Want to take place whether that is Getting to know a new romantic partner Whether that is your professional life Playing out in a way that you didn't Expect but in the end it is still for The good of it all and oh you guys I Just noticed that our chair is still in This beautiful rainbow formation that I Wanted which I'm very very pleased with Because I've just been channeling and Allowing for the messages to come Through and sharing them with you yeah You guys I just want to to make it Extremely and abundantly clear that when It comes to your life moving forward Your biggest kind of enemy is worrying It's anxiety it's the overthinking it's The turning around right before you are Where you are meant to be and I want you To know that especially if you are a Watcher sign the turning around is Something that will be very tempting so Scorpio Pisces and cancerian you are Also deeply connected with the moon and I just want you to understand that

Perseverance is the only way right now So don't be afraid of things not looking Like they'll work out still have faith Through that because that is when magic Happens and that is when you can see Things shift in a way that you never Thought possible it's when you get out Of the known reactions the known actions That you take everything that has been The norm and then you create in the Unknown Think about it if your current reality Were so great you would already have all Of your dreams and you'd already be Where you'd like to go next for your Goals but the thing is like you need to Create a new reality something that's Unknown something you've never done Before because that's the only way that You'll have the new experience and the Most positive sense of reaching your Goal right you'll have to do something Differently and new so all of my Beautiful souls this is the reading that I received for you and I hope that you Enjoyed it if you're a real one and you Made it all the way to the end leave a Little cat and crescent moon emoji Below In the comment section cuz I feel like That's just such a beautiful combination And that way you will let me and others Know that you watch this reading all the Way to the end and you receive these Messages I'm sending you an abundance of

Love if you felt comfortable right on Here I've got like 600 other videos on My channel go check those out and of Course do not forget to subscribe and I Can't wait to catch up with you in one Of my upcoming [Music] Videos

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