🔮YOUR *detailed* August 2024 Personal Prediction 🔥💰📬🏡✨Tarot Reading✨Horoscopez💫🧝‍♀️+Free PDF✨🦋

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🔮Are You curious to know what’s happening for YOU during August?! This tarot card reading is designed to help each zodiac sign reach its fullest potential and receive the most personal guidance possible for August 2024, almost like a free personal psychic reading. This reading is best paired with the tropical astrology system. Furthermore, you can download your Zodiac sign’s Horoscope here: 🛍️Download Your Free Horoscope PDF here:

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Rainbow Moonstone And Sky Blue Topaz Crystal Necklace:
Aquamarine Earrings:
Citrine Double The Attention Gold Ring:
Larimar Empress of the Sea Ring:
Celestial It Girl Ring Labradorite:
Adjustable Moonstone Ring:
Crystal of truth Sky Blue Topaz Ring:

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☽Time Stamps☾

🥀Group 1 – 8:41 (Work Your Light Oracle)
⛰️Group 2 – 46:10 (Dark Heart Tarot)
🥉Group 3 – 1:24:25 (Below The Surface Oracle)

🛍️Download Your Free Horoscope PDF here:

❤️ Watch your LOVE-STORY predictions here: ❤️

Follow Me On Instagram: @Vanessa_Somuayina
Follow My Brand BEAU LIFE SWITZERLAND On IG:https://www.instagram.com/beaulife_switzerland/
Watch My Short Tarot Readings on TikTok:

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About Me
Name: Vanessa
Sun: Cancer
Moon: Sagittarius
Current Location: Switzerland

Note that my ‘pick a card’ readings are for entertainment purposes, advice, and positivity only. Please consult with a legal or medical professional before you proceed to act on any advice shared during this video. Intro from 00:00
#tarot #love #youtubetarot #pickacard #tarotreading #astrology

Hello all my beautiful little unicorns And welcome back to my channel you guys In today's super exciting psychic Readings I have got your August Predictions and horoscopes prepared for You and before any of you ask me where The horoscope portion is I have created A free downloadable PDF you can find That Linked In the description box it is The second link just below the one for My free mini course in which I teach you How to start a successful YouTube Channel so that's where you can find Each zodiac signs reading I talked to You guys about this on Instagram Mercury Is about to go into retrograde and the Issues I have been having I have had my Laptop crash the last video took me 3 Days to export out of Final Cut Pro Charge port on my car hasn't been Opening up you guys Mercury in Retrograde messing with your electronics Is really a thing and I do not want to Risk being late on having you receive Your August predictions hence why we're Not going to do a behemoth of a video But I promise you that within this Psychic prediction you will receive all The information that you need for the Month of August so you can be as Prepared as possible and enjoy all of The upcoming events that are coming for You in August now let's delve into the Three groups shall we group number one

Corresponds to the work your light Oracle deck as well as the amethyst Crystal group number two corresponds to My dark heart Tarot deck as well as the Labradorite Crystal and group number Three corresponds to my below the Surface Oracle deck as well as this Rainbow Aura quartz Point as usual the Timestamps to these groups can be found Below in the description box as well as Pinned to the top of the comment section That way you've got quick and easy Access from your phones your laptops Your tablets and your TVs so what I'll Do now is I will give you a moment of Privacy to meditate on these three Groups feel free to pause the video Right here if you just need a moment to Take in the healing Vibes we've got Going on here and to select the perfect Group for you and once you've made your Choice I will catch you at the click of Your [Music] Timestamps hey guys it's me your big sis So I've been meaning to have a heart Tohe heart with you guys for a while now And I know this might be a little bit All over the place it may be a little Bit rambly but bear with me so I have Made some really big decisions which is Going to also impact our videos and all Of the content but I would say probably In the most positive way I got to take

These Crystal earrings off because I Think when they dangle they sometimes Kind of like mess with the sound and I Want you guys to hear me very clearly as You guys know I run my business Bo life And long story short it grew we sold a Lot of tarot and Oracle decks and Crystals and Crystal jewelry and and I Eventually got a warehouse here in Zurich a couple years ago in order to Store everything and for everything to Ship out to you guys all of the physical Products what I have found through Employing people learning about how to Build a business because I started this Business from the ground up is from a Place of passion and loving all of these Things and wanting to make my dreams a Reality and through employing people and Actually being a legit business I Learned so much but with that also came A lot of realization like the fact that I don't want to physically be tied to This place anymore and while I think Switzerland is an amazing safe clean and Organized country and I'm proud to be Swiss it's not exactly the place where You're going to make a ton of new Friends or where there's like a bustling Social life and a lot of change and Entrepreneurial spirit and aside from Loving tarot and spirituality that's Something that I really need I need Movement in order to create the best

Possible content I need to broaden my Horizon and to just get out of here so I Made the big decision that I'm going to Let go of a lot of things that I had so Far a lot of tangible things a lot of Earthly things a lot of material things So I'm going to get rid of a lot of my Possessions I'm going to put a lot of my Possessions into a storage unit I'm Going to let go of the warehouse so that Means that all of my decks will still be Available but you may want to order Yours from Amazon for example depending On where you live you guys know that my Deck Excel worldwide so it kind of Depends on each country we'll have a Different place where you can purchase It from but you guys can still go on bif And purchase all of these items then Another thing that I came to the Realization of is that I really want to Focus on what I love and what I think I'm really good at what I love and I Think that I'm really good at and I have Been obsessed with this for years is of Course creating tarot content is being Your big sis is divination creating Tarot and Oracle decks and I have been Putting so much of my effort love and Time into all of my digital product so That means my membership my Society of Empresses and the Unicorn family I've Been putting a lot of effort into Revamping the tarot reader course into

Creating the abundance Academy and also My course that teaches you how to print And sell and create your own tarot or Oracle deck so you can live your dream Too so you can create something from the Ground up just like I have and not have To work a career that you're not Passionate about long story short what I'm going to do is I'm going to heavily Invest in one stock and that stock is me I 100% believe in the stock I believe in Myself and I 100% believe that whether You think you can do something or you Can't do something you are right and I Believe that I can do anything and Everything and there's so many places That I've always wanted to go to and now It's almost like I can do a little Tarot World Tour so I can work remotely and Continue to create amazing readings and Content for you guys and continue to Build and grow my online course Offerings and I've always wanted to go To Japan I've always wanted to go to South Korea I've always wanted to do Thailand and Indonesia and all of the Inet I love the Philippines when I was There I would love to do that again Maybe Australia I am just in the mood to Get out there to explore and to travel Because why the F not not and the goal Is of course to take you guys with me And this isn't a change that's going to Happen from one day to the next

Obviously owning a company and having Like a house and furniture and just so Many responsibilities it will probably Still take a couple months until I'm Ready to go but I do really want to Document this process because I think it Would be interesting for a lot of you Guys as well who want to live this kind Of Lifestyle who maybe also want to take A leap of faith but you're afraid you're Not sure whether it's going to work out You have all of these worries and you're Not sure whether you'll be able to work From anywhere in the world or whether You will be able to make it work for Yourself and I want to be the living Proof that you can live the life of your Dreams can live as abundantly as you Like you can stay anywhere that you want To stay you can purchase anything that You want to purchase you can work in a Field that you love you can create Content and help people you can create Content and courses and communities that Help people and still give you that Freedom financially to be able to do Whatever you want to do here on planet Earth because while I love the spiritual Realm of course let's be real you guys Like we live in a society where Obviously you need Earthly means in Order to be able to have a roof over Your head in order to be able to Purchase clothes food basic needs health

Insurance all of these types of things This is an important factor and I want To empower you guys to bet on yourselves To put all of your resources your time Your money and energy into one stock and That stock be you that is the most Valuable stock the most valuable asset That you've got I think for a moment I Kind of forgot that and I was going Through a really depressed kind of stage For months and months because I just Felt like I was in this hamster wheel And it can get really lonely in a place Like Switzerland and Zurich guys I know This is going to be epic this change is Much needed and I hope that I get to Meet a ton of you guys along the way and On this journey cuz I've bumped into Some of you guys in person and it's been The best yeah you guys I don't want to Make this update too crazy long that's It for me enjoy this reading and I will Speak to you guys in one of my upcoming Videos Bye all right welcome group number one To your reading about the upcoming month Of August you chose the work your light Oracle deck as well as the amethyst Crystal this is the gorgeous amethyst That you chose and by the way group Number one if this is the first time That you're in this healing space my Name is Vanessa SAA you guys know me as Your big sis from the internet over the

Years I have done tens of thousands of Readings for you guys on and offline and I can't wait for us to figure out Precisely what's coming towards you During the month of August so we've got The inner Temple as well as answer the Call so something within you in your Inner temple in your body is going to be Calling you and you've got to answer it So all of my IBS girlies all of my ADHD Girlies all of you all of you who are Experiencing the reactions of your body When you're sleep deprived or you're Eating something that you really Shouldn't be eating whether it be Processed food food with lots of gluten Lots of sugars I want you to know that In August if you answer that call you Will find the solution to your issue Finally that means actually going to the Doctor is actually going to a dietician Invest that time energy and money in Yourself it will be the best investment That you've ever made take that test for Any kind of intolerances make sure that You get that allergy test done and I Promise you group number one your life Will change once you have completed this Once you have actually investigated Thoroughly into why your body is calling You in this way why you're being made Aware of the fact that hey this binge Eating this feeling of feeling sick Every time you've had food feeling

Really bloated or feeling like your Stomach is just upset there's a reason Why this is happening and sometimes it's Not even just the food itself sometimes It is really symbolic of the fact that There's something deeper going on Something deeper that needs to be healed But the food is just the symptom the Food is just what we see on the surface And I do want you to know here with an Answer the call that if you felt like You're the black sheep of the family and Also for example in school in class you Always felt like you were so different And you have secrets that you can never Share with anybody group number one and You often just look into the distance And even if you're in a room full of People as a child as a teenager you Already felt lonely then and as an adult You still feel that way even when you're Surrounded by people there is this Melancholic VI to you there is this Eternal sadness that you don't show People but you do have deep within in a Lot of moments and I want you to answer The call next time you feel the sadness Next time you're in a group full of People you're at like a work or school Function you're around family and Friends and you feel like you should be So happy but you feel this eternal Sadness creep up I see here with an Answer the call it's because the feeling

Of belonging is something that is so Foreign to someone who is a star seed so That is someone who is from another Planet that is someone who is from Another constellation who is actually Not someone who belongs on planet Earth Or stems from planet Earth and I see Here within the empress reversed and I'll just show you this card upright as Well that what this does to you is it Makes you feel less attractive than you Truly are but group one remember there's A reason why you're receiving this Reading and you're meant to receive this Reading to be reminded of the fact that You are hot you are one of a kind when People look at you they think to Themselves wow this person is attractive But again that's how people view you if You're not feeling it and you're kind of Not even that interested in your looks During the month of August it is not Going to have the impact that it would Otherwise have on you but this is just a Reminder from Spirit obviously group Number one you are the only one who Knows what it feels like to wake up Every morning next to you and go to bed Every night next to you as well the six Of Cups here shows us that you've got a Lot of people in August who are rooting For you and also who want to be around You I'm getting a lot of celebrations For you in August too so like birthday

Parties get togethers celebrations of People getting to that next level Professionally and academically and I do Also see here in the six of cups as well As the inner Temple that people love how Devoted you are to the things that you Believe in and the inner Temple shows us This person kind of kneeling down in This meditative space and they are like Mirrored we've got two of them and both Sides look identical so I want you to Understand what this means for August is That the way that August begins is the Way that it it will be mirrored Throughout the month and I see here that The five of swords wanted to pop right Out of the pile of cards and you are Being called to ask yourself is this Really worth the heartache and I had to Ask myself this recently as well group Number one don't feel like you're alone If you've dealt with a situationship or You've dealt with someone that you just Expected more of it can be a friend too It doesn't even have to be a romantic Partner and they let you down after they Hyped up your connection so much they Made it seem like you had this Unshakable bond this really special Connection and then you're realizing Wait a minute if they were the one and I Mean I'm not a love expert but wouldn't They want me too if they were the one And as already mentioned I'm not a

Relationship coach there are a lot of Them here on YouTube I am not one of Them but I kind of feel like if they Were the right person wouldn't they want To be around you wouldn't they want to Text you wouldn't they want to call you Wouldn't they want to to know what's Going on with you wouldn't they say oh Babe I miss you or like oh sweetie like Let's get back together let's spend more Time together and I see here in the four Of diamonds that what this does to you When you realize that a lot of people Are a lot of talk and zero walk is that It starts to make you more and more Picky about how you spend your time and Most importantly whom you spend your Time with so the four of diamonds shows You've literally got four diamonds in Your life during the month of August and These four diamonds are the most Important people in your life these are The people that you can count on that You can lean on where you know when they Say something's going to happen it Actually does they've proven themselves To be trustworthy and proven themselves To be real friends real people who are There for you through the highs and the Lows and you're literally like Protecting these four individuals so People say you are the average of The Five People You spend the most time with For you group number one it is the four

People you spend the most time with Because you don't even spend time with People that frequently like you don't Even have that many people that you Spend time with on a recurring regular Basis so for you it's those four people During the month of August and the Five Of Swords is this very kind of real and Raw decision to not keep anyone in your Life who you feel doesn't really value You and in the past you would have kind Of almost begged for them to stay but I See that August is a huge 180 for you August is just a time where you realize It's never going to stop and it's never Turns out to be how you want it to be When you're in an energy of desperation Okay we've got envelope so the envelope Card is a message of something that Surrounds or encloses something else a Covering that encloses and protects an Animal's body or a biological structure Like a shell or a membrane so the month Of August is bringing you being Enveloped and protected but quite Literally the envelope can also mean Excess skin excess membrane all right so I'm thinking you need to exfoliate you Need to go to the dermatologist for that Wart or you know that big kind of zit Situation that you don't really know is It an ingrown hair is it something else Not to freak you out not to gross you Out group number one but someone had to

Say it okay and you need to take the Exfoliation seriously especially in your Face please stop exfoliating with these Manual scrubs so anything that has like These sugar particles in them that you Are supposed to exfoliate your face with Let me tell you that kind of exfoliation Is more irritating to the skin than Anything use chemical exfoliants there Are a lot of beautiful serums out here Chemical Exfoliators with different ingredients Such as for example retinols that you Can use overnight you can use vitamin C For example that helps you to just Chemically even out brighten up your Skin tone glycolic acid is an amazing Kind of toner that you can use a Chemical exfoliant for like acne Maintenance I personally and this is by No means by absolutely no means Sponsored I mean have you ever seen a Tarot video sponsored by like a skincare Beauty company no I will probably be the First to do it but we haven't seen it Yet okay and what I wanted to say is That the ordinary this brand that's very Affordable it's called the ordinary they Have this ah and BHA 2% and 30 30% peeling solution and I Love using that at home so it has like Lactic acid glycolic acid taric acid Citric acid salicylic acid just all of These things and it helps to Target

Excess oil production and dull skin Hyperpigmentation I put that on for like 10 minutes you guys and afterwards I am Just like a newborn baby a newborn human Being a little fetus so putting that Onto your skin and your face is going to Work wonders for you during the month of August and as already mentioned for your Body yes you can use those manual Exfoliants with your hands and a scrub And do all of that but on your face Please protect the skin on your face it Is thinner will irritated you will cause Some micro tears that are not necessary Especially when you're trying to take Care of your skin not prematurely age Yourself group number one so you are Being called here in the envelope to Take care of that additional skin that You don't need and when you're done Don't forget to moisturize okay it can Be a serum it could be an oil whatever Your skin does well with but the month Of August is a skin month it's a month Of taking care of the largest organ on Your body and actually honoring it and Instead of being upset about the Imperfections I want you to remember Everybody has imperfections okay if it's Not on your face it's on your back if It's not on your back it's on your foot If it's not on your foot it's on your Hand there is no one who has Perfect Skin all around their body everyone has

A little something that is imperfect on Them next up we've got breaking into Bloom sometimes you will break before You bloom and that's what Spirit wants To inform you of especially as we're Also talking about skin if you get a Actual chemical whole peel done with a Licensed Dermatologist and I do not recommend That you do any strong peels unless You're dealing with someone who knows What they're doing trust me you will First break your skin will first peel Your skin will first get worse before it Gets better before it quote unquote Blooms so it's about time Liberation and Understanding so giving yourself your Body your skin and your organs time to Readjust and it might temporarily get Worse before it gets better group number One and there's a reason why you're Receiving this reading and it's so that You don't freak out it's so that you do Not run to the nearest McDonald's the Nearest Burger King the closest Starbucks and order the worst thing for Your body on the menu and then ask Yourself why you're breaking out even More even though you just had this Comfort food to pamper yourself but Actually it's going to not serve its Purpose instead it's going to make Things worse so there's a reason you're Receiving this message group number one

And I want you to not freak out what has Freaking out ever done for you now next Up we have got the Moon the Moon brings A message of what if your strangeness is Actually your Brilliance the Moon is Reminding you that you are a Hidden Gem And a lot of the things that make you Feel so strange and alone on planet Earth and in so many social situations Are actually the things that make you The most unique and that make you the Most brilliant group number one so let's See what else Spirit has to say we've Got d a o r and P and for any of you who Are new here I like to use letters Charms I like to use I like to use these Little paper messages as well because I Think you can never add too much Precision into the reading and I like For Spirit to be really clear on what You need to hear what you need to Receive okay so I am getting the name Dora Dora the Explorer my gorgeous Souls Of group number one but what I am also Getting here is road so the month of August will be a road and then we've Also got P all right and with P we have For example pad so we have this r o or Pad so envelope or pad now a pad is Something that kind of soaks up moisture Group number one if you know you know um I know that I also have male viewers but I think we all know what a pad does and Then the envelope is kind of when we

Have this structure this shell this Membrane this excess that needs to be Removed so it's like either excess and We have to remove it or with the the pad You know you stay home you stay in your Pad and you let your pad do its work Once you have removed everything that's Excess you just relax and chill and you Make yourself comfortable at home and Quite literally put like pads on your Face put pads in your panties whatever You're going through whether you're Going through you know healing from Getting sunburnt on your face or getting A chemical exfoliation or it's just that Time of the month and you are in your Pad with a pad relaxing and chilling Group number one this is a month of Understanding that you've got to work on Yourself and that's going to create Downtime that's going to create time Where you just have to relax and Recuperate and you are being called to Actually take that time because the Thing here with your road during the Month of August is that you don't really Spend a lot of time taking this time out To relax and I see here within the Pro Ad is that often you kind of fall for These ad Pros that try to sell you Something that you don't really need and Then you ask yourself okay why isn't it Working and I see that here with the Envelope and when it comes to this you

Are being called to ask yourself okay What actually works and it's often not The fancy thing things that we buy at Sephora or we buy in these like fancy Online stores it is often the stuff that You get at the pharmacy for your skin For your body whether it's tea whether It's supplements whether it's skin care Whether it's anything to help you Balance yourself from the inside out Often the stuff that doesn't have all of These Pro ads all of these expensive ads Are the best on the market are the Healthiest are the ones with the least Preservatives and where you get the best Bang for your buck but it doesn't feel As exciting because the packaging is Less nice and just overall it gives you Less of a vava Voom experience as a Customer but what's more important for You group number one and I see here in August for you unpacking the truth Removing the envelope dealing with the Envelope that is eternally here whether It's in products whether it's in Relationships whether it's in the Envelope of never actually looking into Why your stomach is giving you such a Headache why you're so bloated why You're so gassy the thing here group Number one is that it's more comfortable To keep the envelope on than to take it Off especially when you're used to the Envelope especially when you're used to

Things being presented to you in a Certain light and just experiencing life In a certain way that's also why a lot Of people who have chronic pain they Often don't actually do much about it Anymore more because they've just gotten Used to it even when something new comes On the market that could seriously help Them they don't get excited for it Because part of them has already given Up and then part of them is like I'm Used to it it's fine so I just want you To know here that there's always room For you to get more comfortable group Number one there's always room for you To take more care of yourself for you to Focus on this road for you to focus on The fact that sometimes all you need is One little drop of information one Little drop in order to remind you that You know what maybe it's time for me to Look back into how I can feel better how I can feel healthier and here within Drop an a I'm getting retinol because That is the vitamin right retinol is Vitamin A so drop a little of that on Your face do it for a couple weeks a Couple months thank me later Thank Me Later group number one as you reverse Age so we are at a point in your reading Where I will clear and cleanse the space And we'll delve more deeply into the Month of August and all of the messages That we're receiving for you about your

Upcoming Month hello my beautiful soul of group Number one we're going to delve even More deeply into your August prediction By pulling a postcard cuz that's what's Up next within your reading because We're going to not not shy away from any Form of communication from your guides To figure out what's coming for you During this very exciting month so here We've got the postcard that your guides Chose for you this is your two cents From Heaven live your dreams okay Dearest you over here there is no Mystery for us to unravel as we know Intimately how connected we all are how The web of creation works and how spirit Is in every aspect of life from the Invisible to the visible but it's Impossible for humans to comprehend the Complexities of how things actually work Because the most important threads in The tapestry don't make sense in the Dimension you live in that said Can You Feel the importance of these currents of Energy that bring events together in the Most miraculous ways you can't Understand with your mind but you can Know with your heart and soul Trust that Even though you don't know the how the What or the why we do surrender to the Mystery and have faith that the Unseen World Is Watching You with loving eyes As Spirit weaves your life's mysterious

And beautiful tapestry in glorious Technicolor loving you so much as always So that is the message that your guides Needed to bring to you in the form of a Postcard for the month of August group Number one but we'll of course continue To delve into your reading to see in Precision what's coming towards you so You can be as prepped as possible so I See here within sacrifices that there's Going to be a part of you in August that Feels like you have undergone a lot of Sacrifices a lot of deep changes and That's going to reflect on the Sacrifices that you've made especially If you were parentified as a child which Means that you had to be the adult you Had to be the grown-up in many ways you Missed out on a Carefree childhood where You could just be well you know a child And you had to take care of a lot of Very adult Affairs whether it's with an Actual adult like a parent that Parentified you and for some it's also Having to take care of their siblings or Pets and the home in a way that a child Should not have to think of a child Should not have to take care of and Pondering and reflecting on these Sacrifices is bringing back memories of How in many ways you did give up some Part of your childlike sense of Wonderment but you're kind of Rediscovering it as you go through this

Emotional baggage and these traumas that You are realizing you've carried with You and the more you realize it the more You can be free of it the more you Accept that it is trauma and baggage That you have carried involuntarily and You maybe didn't even notice it was here For a really long time time the more Here with an emotional baggage you can Make your baggage lighter and lighter to The point where you only have this one Little suitcase that you can hold with Your hands rather than you know the two Colossal suitcases on the wheels that You're pushing around and a little Carry-on on four wheeels and it's like What am I doing can I not travel lighter Through this life can I not emotionally Strip myself of some of these things That are really not serving me because This is not a Vibe this is not what I'm Trying to do moving forward so I Definitely see for you group number one That there's a lot going on internally Of reflecting in August on everything That you grew through and everything That made you stronger and the four of Swords shows us here that you also Realize it was never your choice nor is It your fault and a lot of these Consequences that came from how you grew Up you kind of put Solo On to yourself and your own shoulders You see how we have this sloth that's

Holding on to these four Swords which Must be incredibly painful unless the Sloth has somehow mastered to hold on to These swords without feeling the pain of The sharp blades cutting into the skin So some of us were just meant for this Ish group number one some of us were Meant to survive the craziest stuff and To live to tell the tale to inspire Others to just know the human capability And what we're actually capable of Surviving living through and going Through so a lot of people here can not Only find Hope but can also realize you Know what if my role model can go Through this hardship then I can survive Mine as well the nine of Cups here Depicted with the poodle that's sitting On this cushion this is one of the most Favorable cards within the tarot as it Describes you being able to manifest to Make a wish and to be able to attain Whatever it is that you desire with ease And what comes to mind for me here is You know the people who are really Deeply into Manifestation those people include Myself group number one that's also why I have my abundance Academy course where I help you to manifest everything Whether it is money whether it's a Specific career whether it is love I Just want you to know that manifestation Is repetition and it's also believing it

Visualizing it even if it's not here yet And that's what I see for the nine of Cups for you group number one it's time For you to really feel into your Visualization of being the most Successful version of yourself so if the Highest biggest dream that you have is To for example own your own business Employ a ton of people and make a is ton Of money sit down close your eyes right Now group number one if you can if You're in a place where it's going to be Weird if you close your eyes because There's other people around I want you To keep them open but you know when you Kind of just zone out mentally and You're not there yes that's what I want You to do I want you to go from beta Brain waves which are working on Overdrive which keep you in fight or Flight which don't allow you to actually Step into the healing of meditation and Changing your frequency I want you to step out of that let's Step into Theta let's step into Delta Brain waves let's step into a kind of Frequency where you're relaxed and for That you've got to zone out from being Someone somewhere and noticing the time And now just visualize that version of Yourself whether your eyes are closed or They're open as I see here in the four Of coins that spirit is trying to say to You enough of the scarcity of who you

Currently are and let's step into the Abundance of who you're becoming during The month of August to step into that Abundance we have to shed the old we Have to once again sacrifice but this Time this is a sacrifice that you want To make group number one and keep your Eyes closed I want to feel into just one More message about your situation in August where we've got the lovers card That showed up for you the lovers card Is an indication that actually when it Comes comes to romantic love there are Two people fussing over you during the Month of August and you are like the Center of attention and I see that in Many ways you've always wanted people to Swoon over you you've always wanted for People to want you and somehow in August It's like the more they want you the Less you even want to talk to them the Higher the chances of you archiving them Leaving them on red not replying to them I definitely just see here within the Lovers like you are very self-interested Which I love for you for August group Number one because have you ever noticed How when you are really crushing on Someone you're really interested in Someone it's like what the hell why does It never work out with the people you Actually want but those that you don't Want are like crazy about you it's Because just think about it there has

Never been a time and I know most of you Identify as female on my channel I check My stats it's over like 92% or something Of you who identify as female and let's Just think about it that's why I'm going To use this example but you can reverse This too there's never a man that is Completely obsessed with a woman who is Insecure who doesn't prioritize herself Who's afraid to speak up for what she Wants who is more interested in his Well-being than in herself it's always a Really self-absorbed self-centered ones That drive men wild and I want you to Know here within the Raven's head that The reason for this is that often we Want what we can have or we at least Want what is signaling hey I am hard to Attain when someone or something is hard To attain that is a challenge and then When we try to attain it and we are Finally successful like for example Catching your crush's attention and These two people who are fighting over You during the month of August one of Them finally getting your attention it's Precious it's valuable because they had To work for it and I encourage you group Number one not to be like the most toxic Tarot reader on YouTube I encourage you To be hard to get and not playing in a Way that is just so see-through and that Just is very pick me I mean actually be So focused on making sure that a

Relationship is adding to your life Rather than focusing on how you can make The other person feel good like focus on You focus on what makes you feel good And watch how you become more attractive Because you place more value on you and I see here within the month of August Okay Spirit has to address something I See that in the chaos card Masa Canusa there is this chaos there's this Confusion there's stuff everywhere okay I see very messy rooms And I just want to say to you especially If you're are self-employed can we just Talk about this if you're like a Business owner an entrepreneur or even If you work somewhere and you get paid By how well you perform let's just think About it there is chaos okay there are Chaotic rooms your kitchen isn't Properly cleaned you've got clothes Everywhere that you washed like a week Ago but they still haven't made it back Into your closet and they probably won't Make it back into your closet until you Wear them and then wash them again so Not to call you out group number one but You guys know I am your big sis everyone Needs a big sis who's just honest with Them and upfront with them just think About it this way if you spend 20 hours Per month which is just a little more Than an hour a day like it's like an Hour and a half per day less than that

When it comes to like doing chores Whether it's cleaning whether it's Looking for stuff that's lying around Being unhappy with the chaos that is Around you whether that is just you know Navigating a space that isn't allowing You to be as productive let's just say You spend 20 hours per month in this Chaos and you would be able to make I'm Just going to say something $50 per hour but you're spending 20 Hours in chaos when you could Outsource That so 50 * 20 we've got $11,000 that You're leaving on the table if your Hourly rate that you could make through Your side hustle your business or just Working more selling more you're leaving $11,000 on the table how much would it Cost to Outsource that to get a cleaner To do it if you can get someone to do it For you for $1 $15 per hour even more Than that even 20 you are still $30 per Hour in the plus by just Outsourcing Your chaos you are still making more Money and you've got more time you've Got more sanity and you feel better About your career and your Accomplishment ments and the amount of Times that people feel like this is too Fancy people feel like no well that it Just seems so outlandish it seems like I'm just living like this privileged Life um can we unravel that chaos that You've got going on in your head group

Number one because Spirit wants you to Know here that Society has programmed to Make us feel like certain things are Such luxuries to almost feel ashamed of Meanwhile There's no point in feeling any shame And there's no point in you not making Use of the fact that you're at this Point in your life right now yeah during Other times maybe your hourly wage was Like $15 maybe then you couldn't afford It or you would only Break Even which Would still make it a worthwhile Investment but I'm just saying you Didn't work to get to this point for Nothing group number one so don't act Like you did all right so we have got Some messages here I am immediately Getting NDA so non-disclosure agreement And then we've got H all right we've got Some Vibes here in spirit's message also I love the notion of DNA so talking About something that is in your DNA and Then we've got U and H so your health U And H being in your DNA you and then also feeling holistic Feeling whole feeling healed that is in Your DNA and the more that you are Allowing yourself to be in chaos oh all Right we've got some letters that Clearly just popped themselves into the Reading so we've got a blank one and Then we've also got Zed e and H when you Are not healing and repairing you

Breaking apart group number one it Sounds really dramatic but that's just How things are for you you're not the Type of person who is neither here nor There we're either full force or we're Nothing we're either doing it or we're Forgetting about it and here one thing That I'm getting with Z so one thing That I'm also getting here is Hand so it's important in August for you To use your hands and that also gives Us this use okay use obviously spelled With a zed instead of an S but spirit is Giving us all of the messages in a way That we can phenetically understand and Comprehend so use your hands also doing Things such as you know Pottery such as Painting using your hands to massage Yourself give yourself some lymphatic Drainage type massages I've been doing That for my stomach and it's been Working wonders it's been giving me a Really flat stomach the next morning When I wake up it doesn't have to be Long it doesn't have to be crazy also Use your hands for your own Self-pleasure group number one we are All adults here on my channel again I Check my stats most of you are between 20 to 40 years old on my channel use Your hands for pleasure for ultimate Climax and also use your hands in order To fix things pick up that phone make Those phone calls you didn't get your

Hands for nothing and when you have used Your hands to the best of your abilities Then care for them right but remember Here with using your hands use them but Where it makes sense we spoke about this Within chaos I gave you the example of The hourly rate the hourly wage and also What you make per hour and it's time for You to work smarter not harder group Number one that's the main message I'm Getting for you for the month of August So group number one this is the reading That I've received for you so far I will Be uploading an extended version of this Into the members only area which you can Find Linked In the description box my Daily tarot reading membership comprises Of a membership area you get full access To daily tarot card readings so you can Watch a reading every single day with a Message that you are meant to hear and Also a library of members only videos so Not just videos that have extensions but Pick a card readings that are not on the Internet that are not public but you can Only find and access as a member so my Beautiful soul of group number one this Is the reading that I received for you And I can't wait to see you on the Inside of the membership which is the Society of unicorns and empresses or of Course during one of my upcoming Readings hello my beautiful members of Group number one how are you doing

Welcome to your members only space and Your members only reading for August now Let's continue on to see precisely what Is coming towards you we've got our Divination board you're already familiar With this and we're going to see Hello My gorgeous soul of group number two Welcome to your August prediction my Name is Vanessa Sam I will be your Reader for today I have conducted tens Of thousands of readings on and offline And I cannot wait to be predicting your Mon month of August for you with extreme Precision so you can move through this Month with confidence and with knowing Precisely what to look out for you chose My darkheart Tarot deck as well as the Labradorite Crystal this is the gorgeous Labradorite and the link to my Self-published darkart Tarot deck will Be below in the description box for you So you can check it out there are only a Few copies left it is almost sold out And this was actually a limited edition Of my gentle heart Tarot deck which is This pink one the first deck I ever Published and I'm not sure if I'm going To bring it back it kind of really Depends you guys have loved it however I Might keep this version a limited Edition run but let's get into it and See what's coming towards you in August So we've got the eight of Pentacles the Seven of Cups reversed and the Queen of

Pentacles let's talk about it group Number two we've got two cards of the Suit of Pentacles within your reading Right we have the Queen of Pentacles and The eight of Pentacles let me just pull These cards up for you now the suit of Pentacles corresponds to the element of Earth and the element of Earth Encompasses Capricorn Taurus and Virgo Energy the element of Earth is about Everything in the Earthly realm Everything that's tangible right so Money for example your health your body Everything that is physical but also Things that we can't see that are finite Like your time and I want you to know Here within the of Pentacles that you Are lovingly becoming better and better At your craft and at your profession and What that does here in the Queen of Pentacles as this is a card that Represents who you're becoming Personality wise is that you are growing Your skills to the point where you know It's about time I raise my prices it's About time I raise my standards I either Switch jobs and go somewhere where People actually pay me what I deserve I Either charge more for my services cuz I Know this is actually something that I'm Entitled to quote unquote because I have The credentials I've put in the work but What I'm not going to do is stay Complacent and I love that for you group

Number two that you've got this growth Mindset going on and the Seven of Cups Reverse shows me that if you are Currently single group number two the Month of August is leaving you Disinterested even if someone is heavily Trying to flirt with you trying to be Part of your life you don't care to date Right now because there's just so much Going on opportunity-wise within your Professional life that unless they are Really putting in an immense amount of Effort it doesn't matter how hot they Are it doesn't matter how wealthy they Are if they are not actually Contributing to making your life better And giving you stability and emotional Safety you're just too old for that Basically and it's not necessarily the Number of your age it's mentally being Too old for it you're too mature and You've always been an extremely old soul You've always been mature beyond your Years all right and the thing here with The seven of Cups reversed shows me that By picking Yourself and having your Queen of Pentacles energy activated so queen of Your career queen of your finances queen Of your financial gains and increases That just makes you even more attractive So it's like you're going to have to Beat people off of your path like with a Stick during the month of August because

The more you do you the more people are Drawn to you isn't it crazy how when you Actually want something you seem to push It away energetically right because There can be a little bit of an air of Desperation or lack that ends up doing That but when you're sick of a Situation that's when it's like everyone Wants a piece of you that's when all of A sudden you can get it with ease and I Want you to use the same energetic Frequency when it comes to your career And your finances the page of Pentacles In Reverse shows us that it's time to Give up the part of you that was so Humble that was okay with almost Anything and every Situation the Queen of Pentacles upright Shows us a novice someone who is Young Who is learning who is also learning to Make money to be the person in their Professional careers that is trustworthy Working hard to become a leader but when This card shows up in reverse and we Also have the Queen of Pentacles show up Within your reading you have emancipated From the page of Pentacles phase you Know what you're doing you're Trustworthy you're hardworking you are Disciplined and the thing here from this Emancipation from page of Pentacles to Queen of Pentacles is that you have to Make sure it refs on the outside too With how much money that you earn with

The position that you are entrusted in With your professional life and with how Much you charge and what you're not Going to put up with and not going to Spend your time on so it is really truly Important for you group number two that You step into this knowingness that you Deserve it and that you don't shy away From taking what you deserve let's see What Spirit has for us next for the Month of August we've got the sun Reverse now the sun reverse shows us That August will bring some storms some Rain showers where you live the Sun is Going to be out more sparingly and I do See here within the sun reverse that for You it might even be a welcome break if You're the type of person who doesn't Like to roast in the Sun forever who is Also concerned about their skin skin Cancer skin aging and so on it is great Actually how you protect yourself And if you are using SPF every single Day you have nothing to worry about Because you're taking necessary Precautions if you are not making sure That you're protecting your skin every Single day I want you to know that you Are being encouraged to do so I Personally always use Korean skincare Products for SPF which is like the sun Protection Factor right for suncreen on My face even when it's cloudy trust me The sun rays the light still has a

Adverse effect on your skin you can even Still get burnt even if the sun isn't Shining super brightly and why I use Korean products is because they've got Very strong sunscreen so SPF 50 but a Lot of them have the type of consistency Consistency excuse me that isn't chalky That doesn't leave a white cast on you Especially for myself since that would Not look very good on my skin tone and Your skin doesn't break out as much and Here in the page of cups I want you to Know that having so many options and Focusing on your beauty on your skin Care regimen on protecting your skin You're going to be out in August and by Out I mean like at a pool at an outside Function adventure and there's also Other people there right by other people I mean this is a semi-public space and The Page of Cups shows me someone's Going to come up to you and talk to you And initiate a connection with you During the month of August a new Relationship is beginning a new Connection if you are in a committed Relationship be aware of the fact that Even people who think they could never Cheat sometimes they end up having Emotional Affairs because someone is Just giving them something emotionally That they're not getting from their Partner especially in long-term Marriages and relationships and this is

A judgment free zone you know yourself Best all I'm trying to say is that if You're doing something that you can't do In front of your partner that for some Is already considered cheating some People think you know little minor tiny Secrets or White Lies are okay we're all Human so it really depends on what you Feel comfortable with internally and who You want to be of course that means that You make the rules for yourself so you Can act Accordingly and I want you to remember Here in the page of Cups this person Initiating contact with you it can also Just be fun flirty remembering that You've got it and you can leave it at That it could be someone you've got in Your back pocket in case you need Something they can even turn into a Friend for those of you who are single The Page of Cups shows us here that this New Rush of emotion and connection is Going to give you a very Pisces kind of Energy and Vibe we have all of this fish Depicted here let me just zoom in for You so you can see what I mean so this Is like a swarm of fish here with this Cup and initiating energy in Pisces Means initiating very close emotionality So you getting along with this person on A super close level being able to open Up to them in ways that you never have Before and they just get it they just

Understand what you're all about and What you're going through and the eight Of Swords shows us that despite the World having all of these kind of Swords Pointing in your direction you are in This safe bubble right we have I would Say almost like it reminds me of thorns Of a rose bush of something that is Intertwining we've got flowers growing Out a few leaves and this is like a Protective bubble this is a protective Sphere where you can talk about Everything and anything things that Bother you things that you've been Through with this new person coming into Your life during the month of August and It's going to feel like a safe space so As I already mentioned it doesn't even Have to be this huge cheating scandal or Cheating thing it can literally just Mean okay you've got someone new to talk To that you know is interested in Perhaps more but for the moment you're Just talking to them you're just getting To know them so let's see what Spirit Has to say we have a i i o all right so I love that we have these letters that Bring us this double eye I'm going to Add a little more into your reading so Spirit can speak very clearly group Number two then we have another a and Another o what are the odds that we Receive double a double I double O Everything

Double I mean this is very meaningful in The sense of you have everything Happening twice during the month of August I'm getting here hanging out with Another person and everything being the Same okay so if you are in a Relationship like okay you have to Purchase two plane tickets to go to that Destination you're going to go shopping For two people to make sure that you Have the exact same things in the sense Of you know bringing sunscreen bringing Bathing suits to where you're going I'm Getting a very tropical kind of vibe From you travel-wise because the sun Reverse shows us that you just need a Break from where you're currently at Because it's not giving Miami Beach Club It's not giving Maldives it's not giving Hawaii it's not giving anywhere that you Actually want to be in August and that's Fine our day-to-day lives are usually Not our Dream existence for 24/7 we Usually like to go and experience Something a little different but trust Me if you'd be on an island 24/7 365 Days a year a lot of us think oh that's A dream scenario but let's actually do It and see if it's still so dreamy after We get used to it right so I want you to Know here double A shows us here double Beginner energy so something new Happening and the Page of Cups shows us That when it comes to this double

Situation you are like a twin with this New person that you're meeting and also If you have a very very close friend Like a best friend the month of August Is a month of your joint Shenanigans and Buying the exact same things okay buying The exact same outfit buying the exact Same skin care getting the exact same Meals together so it's like a duplicate Things being mirrored that you're doing August is also giving me this energy That if you are the type of person who Is a business owner or you work for Yourself and I'm getting this energy cuz This is exactly what I got as people Were copying everything that I was doing You guys can find all of the links Below In my description bar so for one my Digital products my memberships my decks And so on and when you get this energy I Want you to be flattered that someone Wants to copy you because it shows a Certain sense of they think they can Benefit from being you they think they Can benefit from ass simulating to what You're doing Copying what you have because it is Valuable if it wasn't valuable they Wouldn't copy it remember that group Number one and when you remember that it Becomes so Crystal Clear why people copy Things from you why people want to quote Unquote take things from you cuz here in The Dark Moon they've got a void they

Are missing something and they think They can find it by copying you whether That's finding money whether that's Finding connection whether that's Finding recognition I want you to know That in August it becomes really clear To you who has a void and that they're Trying to fill that by taking something From you and I know it sounds really Annoying but when we look at it from the Perspective of the best things get Copied the things that have value the Things that people look at and think to Themselves this is worth copying or I Wish I had more of this in my life we Can see it as a compliment we can see it As people strive to be like you and That's why in the eight of Swords being In your protective bubble is so Important is so important group number Two because you are a true artist and When you are an artist of life then Things drain you way more quickly we Have a card that popped itself right Side up as I was shuffling so Spirit Wants us to have this message within the Spread which is the queen of the Moon Which br brings this Sovereign energy so Just finishing the message in the eight Of Swords you've got to protect yourself And you got to know when you're a true Artist things on the external plane can Drain you of your artistic energy and Magic so you've got to take yourself a

Lot more seriously than you probably Have up until August and claim your Sovereignty claim your right to say no Practice saying no you know when you Make these plans with people that you Are already on the fence about hanging Out with you already know that deep down You don't really want to be there you Don't really want to hang with them you Don't really want to spend your precious Time there but you still said yes just To be nice just to be that person who is Not just agreeable but also open but the Thing is your time is your most valuable Asset group number two and when you're Just trying to be nice remember we never Get any time back that we spend we can Buy Time by for example Outsourcing Tasks like if you Outsource cleaning or Doing laundry right dry cleaning and so On you are Outsourcing you're paying to Get your time back however when you are Not paying to get your time back in so Many ways you are not giving yourself That privilege or those l luxuries and On top of that you're saying yes to Functions and get togethers that you Don't really want to be at you are Causing yourself to be in a situation Group number two where you're Compromising your sovereignty so your Right to decide on how you spend your Time who you spend your time with and Making sure that the moments that you

Choose to leave your house to put Yourself out there are moments that you Really enjoy and cherish and where you Actually even want to be there so don't Feel bad for saying no group number two I know it's hard to get to the point Where you're comfortable in that but a Lot of you group number twos who are a Little further on your spiritual journey A little further along you will be able To say this to attest to this and let me Know in the comment section leave a moon Emoji below or comment it that once you Get used to saying no and you get Comfortable in it it's like you Celebrate it every time you say it you Say it with your chest you say it not Like extra loud but you say it with a Little more Pride with a little bit more Certainty with a little bit more of this Energy of no I don't want to and you Feel internally so good and proud that's Not because you no longer care about Hurting another person's feelings or Something like that it's because your Sovereignty you putting yourself first You actually allowing your needs to Speak on your decisions makes you so Proud when you've come so far from more Of a people pleasing kind of state group Number two and I want you to give Yourself a pat on the back every time You're able to say no every time you're Able to say these are actually not plans

That I want to engage in ahead of time Rather than then later on cancelling and It's still being on your mind and it Just adding to like the endless list of Things that you are procrastinating to Say no to or to deal with now group Number two I am going to clear and Cleanse the space and then we'll delve a Little more deeply into into your Reading you don't need to do a thing or Lift a finger group number two all you Need to do is continue to enjoy this Healing space on the interweb and we'll Figure out more details about what's Coming towards you during the month of August welcome back group number two did You miss me oh and guys don't forget to Check out my free courses in the Description box so if you were thinking Of joining one of my memberships where There are membersonly readings or you Were thinking of joining one of my Courses like my course on how you can Read the tarot cards which I'm adding so Many new modules to CU I'm teaching you How to read the cards in just 7 days to Jump start your journey why I say check Out my free products is because that Gives you a feel for the quality of Content and the quality of the platform That I have chosen to host my things on That I have chosen to have as your Experience cuz I want you guys to always Purchase with sovereignty and to

Purchase with confidence all right so We've got a few messages from Spirit About August for you we have fee Festival and fraction everything with an F now here within fraction we've got a Part or element of a larger or whole Group that's what the definition of a Fraction is so here within the fraction And the festival you are going to a Fraction of a festival so not the entire Festival of Music plays movies dancing Or like Rave but just a certain amount Of it and it's going to cost you a fee All right going to this fraction of the Festival you're going to pay for it it's Going to be really expensive that's also Maybe why you're not going to the entire Festival because the travels the staying There the ticket but I also do see here Within the fee that what's coming in August is a fee for a professional Service something like an institution it Could be a member ship it can be like an Entrance right to the festival but also Something that is educating you of Course with the membership you joining The Unicorn Army membership the Society Of empresses in my online space could be Part of your August Destiny as we were Literally just speaking about that but I Want you to know here that spirit is Trying to say to you yeah pay the fee Invest in yourself have fun because life Is all about the experiences life is all

About having fun there's no point in Literally just avoiding paying for Things that you know will make you happy Or overthinking them for so long cuz That also comes with an opportunity cost Just think about it group number two the More you overthink and procrastinate Making a decision you're not working You're not living your life you're not Enjoying and life is too short for that Now we have a postcard here from Spirit From heaven for you and I can't wait for Us to see what Spirit has to say in this Postcard these postcards are written in A way that might seem very ethereal that Might seem a little bit you know very Spiritually heavy so I want you to be Open-minded so this is your two cents From Heaven you are Divine Beauty so Let's be open-minded and see what your Angels have to say and how that they're Speaking to you dear you the simple yet Powerful law of cause and effect means Everything is in relationship every Action on Earth has a consequence and Even in the spirit world there is a Consequence for every action taken on Your behalf right now you are facing Conditions that were set in motion by Past decisions consequences are coming Into being in your favor they will Remind you that making good choices in Listening to your intuition pay off if Some things are a little off and

Uncertain know that whatever you are Facing you can Step Beyond it just by Using your imagination and act acting on That instead of reacting to what is Being presented everything you think and Do has far-reaching Reverberations in the Web of Life move To Higher Ground and have faith that What goes around comes around the Universe is always self-correcting Anyway isn't that amazing how we adore You this is the message that you had to Receive group number two I hope that you Enjoyed this message and please leave That moon emoji Below in the comment Section see how we also have a moon Carved into your labradorite Crystal or A sun emoji you pick group number two But leave it in the comment section cuz That's the only way myself or anyone Else would know that you're part of Group two and that we are reaffirming The universe always Self-correcting and always being adored By our guides and our angels to the Point where of course the actions that We've taken in the past they've got Repercussions they've got consequences Consequences can be positive though why Do we have to associate the word Consequences with this very childlike Vibration of oh well you know there are Consequences for your actions Consequences can be positive ones just

Think about it what is the consequence Of going for a walk every day you're Going to the gym every day you're fit You're in shape you're strong you've Built muscle you've built discipline That's the consequence of course the Consequence works in the other direction As well what's the consequence of never Working out out of never moving your Body you're stiff you're out of shape And your life quality as you age might Decrease more rapidly because you don't Have Mobility because you never train Your range of Mobility the range in Which your body is able to comfortably Move and you never challenge yourself Now the five of coins shows us here that The month of August for you group number Two and I hope you can appreciate my Honesty it is going to be a month of Heavier spending and why I'm saying I Hope you can appreciate my honesty is Because hang in there with me Especially as a business owner myself And someone who is money conscious in Many ways and I try to be emotionally Intelligent and also learn more about Money like read a lot of books on Personal finance and so on I try to be Well informed I too have had to get Comfortable with the idea that some Months you will be investing more in Yourself your business your Self-development your life and your

Enjoyment then you will be making long As that is not so much more than what You're earning And it's not happening every single Month group number two we need to get Out of this space where we feel guilty For that cuz some months of the year Will just be like that whether it's December because you're buying Christmas Gifts whether it's a month of the year Where you're purchasing a new vehicle or A home or a big investment the four of Swords is a card that tells you to Loosen up a little all right loosen up Mentally of the constraints that you Have around growth of the constraints That you have with yourself internally Where you have this mindset of never Wanting to be broke or never wanting to Be broke again of never wanting to Struggle so therefore you have a very Rigid outlook on how every single month Should be but group number two it's okay For some months to be an investment in Yourself and in your future as the nine Of coins card within the tarot is a card Actually that describes Financial Fulfillment and being at a point where You're so close to a huge breakthrough So very close to launching something That will be five figures six figures For some of you high level entrepreneurs It may be seven figure launches the nine Of coins shows us here that now is not

The time to slow down for August now is The time to invest more go at a faster Pace because money loves fast energy Money loves speed Wealth is what loves you being slow and Making decisions that take you time to Actually make up your mind and that's What we've got here in the hanged man I Want you to know that the hanged man is A message of you Building Wealth being Something where yeah take your time Whether it's investing in a property Whether it's investing in stocks bonds Whether it's investing in a business Your business another business the Hanged man shows us here that August is Not the time for you to make a huge Financial decision but for you to Continue to invest in yourself to invest In growth you will spend a little bit More than what you're making because You're doing so and to look out for when The money comes in here in the nine of Coins when things turn themselves to you Out earning yourself more than you ever Have in the past okay how are you then Going to create a life where you have Got assets that are allowing you to be Financially free that are allowing you To actually have more passive income Every single month than expenses that is The definition of being free next up We've got the mirror for you now the Mirror shows us

Self-reflection you also being a writer In August and you seeing the big picture And here it says it written in like These really tiny letters in this image But she's holding this book and there Are butterflies that are coming out of It and we've got our mirror here she's Looking at herself there's Self-reflection going on she's gorgeous And on the cover of this book it says Did you forget all you had to go through To be you and some of you group number Two and why I'm saying it in this way is Because everyone needs a big sister to Remind them sometimes some of you have Forgotten what the f you had to go Through to become you and then you want To settle for what lesser than you want To settle for bare minimum and I know People always talk about this in regard To relationships like did you forget Everything you had to go through to be You now so how can you settle for Someone who is not even giving you bare Minimum so like replying saying good Morning good night keeping you up to Date showing you love respect adoration Planning dates that is all bare minimum Group number two but I want to remind You that this is not just a romantic Thing it's not always about love when it Comes to the life that you're living Have you forgotten everything that You've gone through to now be here and

To be allowing for people to dictate you Earning minimum wage not making the kind Of money that you know you deserve to Make with all of the hard work and Dedication and love that you put into Your craft not living the type of life That you are fulfilled with so part of It is you putting in the work to get There but a big part of this is Self-reflection and realizing there are A lot of people who are less qualified Than you but because they just have more Of an energy of feeling deserving Because they have reflected on what they Think they deserve and they have more Audacity and more courage to just say no I deserve more and to demand it they get Into spaces they make certain amounts of Money they have this outlook on society Because they have audacity because they Have not allowed anything less because They feel as though they deserve it and With people like you group number two Like yourself I need to call you out you Being worried about being a bad person Expecting too much being a burden being Over the toop Being Greedy group number Two the fact that you even have thoughts Of worrying about being this terrible Human being shows that you will not be This terrible human being because you Cannot you are too enamored by Nature You are too much of an empath you are Too much of a kind person so when I tell

You to demand to expect the best to see The big picture to self-reflect on Everything that you went through to get To this point in life and then to Actually take what you deserve I really Mean it and I mean it in the most loving Big sister type of way that you will Ever encounter because group number Number two I care so much about every Single soul who comes in contact with my Videos who gets monthly predictions or My daily readings or is just part of This tribe of this community I want you To always leave feeling strengthened Being reminded of your value and being Reminded of the fact that there are People far less quote unquote deserving Than you who are getting everything Because they just expect it because they Demanded and because they're not going To agree to anything less and and for You to have the credentials for you to Have put in the work I want you to at Least get what you deserve ideally and Then some but let's start with you Getting what you deserve now with the Dark Knight of the Soul we have a Message here in the book that is open so Literature is important in the month of August we have a lot of books showing up We have some little coffee situation Some little latte we have here I think This is a crystal and we have oh some More books flying through the air and a

Candle and here's a little spider Spiders are a symbol of tying things Together of creating your own web and The message here within the book is she Dug caverns in her heart until she found The light this is the kind of writing That Spirit can also see you are very Intuitively good at this type of almost Poetry and The Dark Knight of the Soul Shows us that the month of August is a Month of transformation for you this is A month of Awakening we also have one of The key words here being the tower the Tower in the tarot is actually Representative of Destruction it's Representative of anything that wasn't Built on a solid foundation falling Apart and the astrological Correspondence is the planet of Mars Within the tower and Mars is the planet Of assertiveness Ofering of completing things but also Not being afraid of competition and Especially if you're the type of person Who bows down to competition almost or Who is a little bit afraid when there is Competition because you have this Feeling of not being good enough of not Being able to compete and this happens For a lot of you who were never picked In PT classes or PE classes whatever you Guys call it over there in the States You know Sports classes in school if you Were not picked in these classes then

You will find that your competition Levels may have dropped drastically Because at some point you gave up hope Of being picked first you gave up hope Of even being competitive but that was The past now is now group number two and I want you to know here again the four Of Swords it is a time for when you are Alone at night when you're alone in the Morning because you're the only one who Goes to bed every single night with Yourself who wakes up every single Morning with yourself you're the only One who is there every waking moment to Experience what you're going through in These private moments of solitude I want You to remember the many times that you Took the route of being a good person You took the route of being a caring Loving soul rather than just doing What's best for you and here within the Page of coins to allow that to Completely re Vamp the way that you see Your life and what you deserve and by The way you guys just like 2 weeks ago From me posting this video I also posted A video on my channel that's called 10 Steps to creating a new life watch that Check it out it is only 16 minutes long And it is completely life-changing it Will give you all of the energy and Motivation and drive that you need to Start a new life so check out that video If I don't forget by the end of this

Reading and while I'm editing I will Link it in the description box but if You just go on my YouTube channel which By now you're hopefully already Subscribe to you will be able to find it It's just a couple videos before this One and the energy that I put into that Video it is a talk video it's not a Reading but I put some information in There that is worth its weight and gold Now here within the Ace of Wands we have A completely new set of beliefs coming Towards you during the month of August So when you reaffirm to yourself that You deserve everything and then some When you in your Quiet Moments come to The Epiphany the spiritual enlightenment The realization that yeah you are just As worthy and deserving of all of these Luxuries that life has to offer as Anyone else so let me go to the Festival Let me pay the fee to be part of this Club to be part of this community let me Pay my tuition in order to to do that Yoga teacher training to become a sound Healer to do my training in learning More about finance and becoming this Person who is able to get their real Estate license for example I want you to Know here that whenever you do that you Are betting All Odds on one stock and That stock is you and that is the only Stock that I would recommend that anyone Fully bet on just for the record but I

Want you to know that that is such a Valuable decision group number two that Is being made here for the month of August for you now group two make sure That you download the PDF with each Signs horoscope it is linked in the Description box and it is completely Free so you can check out your zodiac Signs August horoscope there for the Second even more intricate part of your Reading now what I'm going to do is I'm Going to add on to this reading for all Of my members you guys know that I delve Just a little more deeply into your Readings and the memb is only portion so This will be available in my membership The link to that is below in the Description box in case you are Interested in joining and being part of This society and learning more about Tarot and receiving readings that are Exclusive to the membership area that Cannot be found anywhere else on the Internet and of course all of my Gorgeous Souls who are here on YouTube I Would like to thank you for being here For sharing this Divine time and space With me and I hope that you have Received more clarity healing and Support for the month of August after Watching your reading and your video Than when you just started and you just Got here so group number two I am Sending you an abundance of love and I

Cannot wait to connect with you during One of my upcoming Readings hello my beautiful member of Group number two let's Del more deeply Into the month of August for you so you Can be as prepared as possible so here With hello group number three welcome to Your August predictions you chose my Below the surface Oracle deck which I Published last year as well as the Rainbow Angel Aura quartz point this is The gorgeous Point as you can see it Comes in this beautiful yellow as well As purple Hue and this stone is set to Be extremely protective to your energy And your healing Journey but let's step Into August for you group number three As already mentioned don't forget to Download the free pdf with each zodiac Signs August horoscope it is linked in The description box but now we'll talk All things August based on the deck and The Crystal that you chose so first up We've got the koi the koi represents not Taking life too seriously and just Having fun the koi is a highly highly Coveted fish in a lot of different Cultures and koi actually sell for a lot Of money too especially the very big old Ancient ones and what we've got here in This message is that August is a time of You valuing yourself seeing yourself Basically as the koi in the pond and Understanding that you don't have to

Take life as seriously as you do you can Gamify everything and you can have fun With everything whether it is making it Fun to fill out your tax return whether It's making it fun to make more money to Build your business to find true love to Find that forever partner I want you to Know here in the walrus calf that it's Actually most important that you find Your inner world to be safe to embrace The emotions that you've had about these Topics up until now and then to choose To move forward feeling safe in the fact That you can change negative emotions That you had around love making money Paying bills doing taxes legal work These are emotions that are the norm you Know when you're dealing with these Things and they're challenging they're Making you feel uneasy it's the complete Norm for you to feel that way but I also Want you to know that you can completely Reinvent how you feel about these areas Of your life you don't have to be stuck In any kind of negative thinking and Feeling Loops you decide how you think And how you feel and how you think and How you feel creates your life it Attracts opportunities challenges and Circumstances into your life so if You're thinking and feeling negatively About money and your inner World here in The walrus CF is actually representing That you don't feel safe about money and

You don't feel safe about love and you Don't feel safe about the world and Opportunities in general that is the Opposite of what we've got here in the Koi with not taking life too seriously And indulging in fun and will attract More opportunities that are well not fun Group number three so if we want to Focus on abundance fun living life Living life then we have to exude those Type of energetic vibrations as well There's no other way group number three So focus on more of what you want get Excited for the things that you usually Would be afraid of like the next time You get a big bill please celebrate it Get excited About the fact that you will easily be Able to pay this and say it in the Present tense say to yourself yes Another bill that I am allowed to pay Because I can and if you do this for a Month which sounds absolutely crazy but Hear me out group number three please Don't knock this until you've actually Done it and tried it do it consistently For a month and then tell me at the end Of doing this consistently for a month So come back for your September Prediction And then tell me whether that helped With your money manifestations or it Didn't all right and for all of you who Are in my attract abundance Academy

Course you know that this stuff works But for all of you who aren't sure or Who are new here just try it it's free What's the alternative right the Alternative is you doing what you've Already done which creates results that You don't want try this new thing it's Not hard it's just one little new Response that you'll be able to ment and I see here in the Duong that we are Healing trauma in that way dissolving The chains of ageold pain your guides Are trying to push you towards healing Trauma that you have around these topics In your life because until you have Healed the trauma group number three you Will not be able to move forward you Will not be able to build the life of Your dreams if you're still stuck in Old Patterns of old trauma the Duong Is a creature that has experienced a lot Of trauma in its lineage and it Continues to it is protected however a Lot of people still find it appropriate To hunt for these gentle Giants and I Want you to know here within healing Trauma that the same probably goes for Your lineage group number three Especially if you come from a home where Your ancestors experienced hardship and Violence in the last hundreds of years Perhaps prior to that 3 4 500 years ago They were rulers they were Emperors they Were in positions of power before things

Changed for them and this actually gets Passed down to us the trauma I want you To know here within rotation that what Happens is that when the trauma gets Passed down to us to the current Generation we may lash out in different Ways and not understand why and that's The rotation in it we lash out when we Hear certain words when we get put in Uncomfortable situations or when we have To deal with people that we feel don't Properly value US and here within Rotation I just want it to be clear to You that the lashing out is often just a Rotation it's just a way of trying to Deal with trying to heal the trauma by Ourselves but if we don't participate in Therapy and actually journaling coming To the realizations of how these traumas Are affecting us we'll never be able to Properly heal from them we'll never be Able to properly dissolve the chains of The age-old pain as the Duong is Communicating next up the next message We're receiving is against nature Contra Naturum so here with against nature I Want you to understand that this black Field that we have in the middle of Nature doesn't that remind you of Something group number three doesn't That remind you of us just planting Building blocks in the middle of nature Even where you are right now Remember whenever that time was it could

Have been 50 years ago it could have Been 500 years ago there was a lot of Nature there was only trees Fields Forest where you are right now until we Decided to decided to pave our way Through nature to put up buildings Residential Living Spaces until we Decided that we will just go against Nature we will just disrupt nature and I Want you to know that going against Nature is something that repeats itself In August in so many ways and shapes and Forms where realigning yourself with Nature brings you to the realization That oh my my God a lot of this human Life actually goes against nature so no Wonder depression is on the rise no Wonder a lot of these illnesses that People didn't experience hundreds of Years ago like a lot of allergies a lot Of cancers and so on of course they're On the rise and the more you realize how Our life goes against nature like being Online the whole time checking social Media first thing in the morning I mean Our bodies have not adapted to this Technology has just created so many new Habits that we are not ready to Healthily be able to engage in and That's where I see here within the Conjunction that in August you are Finding your own way to unify both sides To unify being in your natural state Being connected to Nature like going out

For walks waking up in the morning and Moving first meditating first drinking Some water before you check your phone Before you're connected to the internet Making sure that for example you're Using products that are natural on your Skin and that any kind of supplements That you're taking are as close to a Natural diet as possible the same goes With the food that you're eating it's All about using technology and all of The advancements that we've got to your Advantage but not just blindly following What Society is pushing you to do Because you're realizing that in so many Ways society has got it wrong Society Has got it effed up group number three And you don't want to be part of that Like you don't want to be part of the Masses that just every time you open Your phone and you check your emails you Feel worse than before you did so and That has a lot of people spiraling out Of control and the thing is you can put A stop to it in so many different ways Because you're realizing this goes Against nature and against nature is you Not living in the way that you feel Comfortable so for example you meet Someone you hit it off with them you Really like them you become closer to Them and all of a sudden they ghost you All of a sudden they're gone and that Goes completely against your nature to

Do something like this but also that Means it goes against your nature to Experience this because it's really Truthfully deeply painful to you and It's not a type of action that you would Ever take with another human being you Would at least let them know why you're Ghosting them you would at least let Them know why you're doing this you Would say to them look if there's Nothing here for us to discuss that is Tangible that has any kind of value for The future or a future of our connection Then I would rather not be in touch and That's where I see here within against Nature that these kind of experiences And these types of relationships in August I see that it's something where You're coming to that realization that When you tolerate it it will eternally Live in your life right cuz this is the Symbol of infinity the eight lying on Its side so in order to break that Loop You have to break the Habit you've got To break the fact that you are trying to Keep these people in your life while Expecting for them to not hurt you so There are things you can control where You can for example take advantage of Today's technology of all of the Advances that Humanity has made and just Pick what works for you that is in your Control so that would be a scenario Where you can pick and choose to your

Advantage where you cannot pick and Choose to your advantage is when you're Dealing with other individuals that you Do not control and I see here in August That for you it's just really wanting to Put a stopper to any of these black Squares that appear within your nature And the black squares symbolize people Relationships and connections that go Against nature for you that go against What feels natural and good and Beautiful so here within the Great Goddess we have a Transcendence a Divinity a shocky a sense of Enlightenment for the month of August Because not only have you realized that Certain parts of your life are in your Control but you haven't taken control of Them so it's almost like you are blaming Yourself for not having taken control of These parts of your life because you Feel like well I was in control of it Why didn't I do anything about it I get It group number three but still don't Blame yourself because it takes a Certain amount of experience in life to Come to that realization of wow this was In my control why did I feel like I was Helpless why did I feel like I was at The mercy of someone else no I actually I was not but I didn't choose me and I Was too focused on them I was too Infatuated and we all go through that And then we come to this point where we

Are the Seeker where we are the one who Intuitively knows what to do next and we Intuitively already know when we are in A connection when we have met someone Whether this is going to be a repetition Of the past traumas or whether this is Different so knowing when you're talking To someone based on their behavior what Kind of patterns they're already going To exhibit who they're going to be and Surrendering to that that's what we have Here within the Seeker could you just Surrender a little bit more and Surrendering to it means so you meet Someone and you talk to them and you're Realizing this is one of those types of People that you're becoming a little Obsessed about okay you think about them A lot you really really wish you could Be in a relationship with them you know That infatuation and when you want them To be just as infatuated with you as you Are with them and you do try to play it Cool but you're not able to play as cool As with someone that you don't want as Badly because well you're infatuated so You're not really able to play cool and In the end what happens is that they Realize that your energy is slightly Desperate it's slightly like on edge of Obsession they don't see your full-blown Obsession but they can feel like oh this Person really likes me and they know They can then act however they want to

Act and a lot of people are just going To take advantage of that they're just Going to behave badly they're going to Start ghosting you you even start to Become less attractive the more you like Another person isn't that so effed up Group number three that you are less Attractive the more you like someone That all of a sudden you're l L Interesting you're less attractive People aren't into other people who are Into them I find that so wild but that's Just how it goes right and a lot of People also cannot deal with someone Who's deeply in love with them for Whatever reason but that's their trauma Not yours and just to show you here Within the Seeker when you start to Realize the patterns of why this Obsession happens and you start to Realize that if you feel obsessed with Someone it's actually already an Indication that this is is a toxic Connection because you are not meant to Feel so out of control like it makes or Breaks your day whether they text you or Not like you're waiting for them to come Back like you're waiting for them to Show interest and when you come to Realize that it's not even about that Person it's just about what they Activated in you and in your nervous System that you are now Clinging On to Maybe someone activated a feeling of

Safety that you have been longing for For such a long time cuz you never got It from your father for example if You're meeting this guy and he makes you Feel safe or for whatever reason his his Features his voice his stature the work That he does just whatever it is makes You feel like oh this this will make me Feel safe being with a person like this And it's something you never felt for Example with your father or in your Family just as an example of group Number three stay with me then this Person activates this childhood trauma This unfulfilled bond this experience That you had that you wanted to have Safety in so badly and when someone Comes into your life and they give you The illusion that this will be provided By being with them of course your Nervous system is going to go crazy of Course you are going to become wildly Obsessed with them you're going to think To yourself oh my God the person I'm so Obsessed with them I love them I really Want things to work out with them but Then you're going to also realize like This isn't healthy and it's not even About them it's about what they Triggered in me so I want you to know Group number three that so many things In your life are more about you than Anything else and when you start to Realize why certain attachments have

Formed why certain kind of addictions Are created that's when you can Dismantle and become free and freedom Means that you never get so attached to Someone that their absence causes pain That you never get so attached to the Idea of something happening that when it Doesn't you feel a great sense of upset And sorrow and you feel let down when You completely detach from and I don't Even want to call this expectation but From the traumas and seeing the healing Seeing see the solution seeing the Cure In some sort of external Source whether It's another person like we just spoke About in love and you think they're the Solution to your pain or you'll finally Feel safe you'll finally feel taken care Of you'll finally not feel alone or it's About money you think that if you have a Lot of money all of a sudden everything In your life will regulate itself and You will be a different human and you Will finally be able to be happy if you Just solve this if you just get this Additional income and while having Someone in your life that you love or Having additional money can put a Band-Aid on some wounds temporarily if We never make our inner World safe and Something that we have discovered and Something that we have surrendered to You will continue to experience these Patterns and to run into walls and to

Bump your head in many painful ways and That's when one thing that Spirit can See here you're unlocking the patterns Of in August and it's almost like you're Going into your own system like Rebooting yourself as though you are Some sort of machine some sort of Computer and through rebooting yourself You are then able to install a new Hardware of realizing that a lot of Times very strong emotions that you're Feeling are attached to thinking that You have found the solution to ad deep Rooted generational trauma that has been Caused within you from childhood from Ancestors and when you put so much hope Into something the disappointment is Even bigger when it is not met when that Hope when that Expectation Falls along the waistlines And group number three we have so much More to discuss about your growth but Overall here for August what I do see is That you're becoming so real with Yourself about the many ways in which You have experienced this wanting to Hold on to something for safety and how That never works but instead it's time For us to create safety within you and It's time for us to have more fun as we Spoke about here in the koi all right And to not take everything so seriously But to learn to quote unquote gamify Life to make everything a fun game and a

Fun opportunity and to have fun in this Trans transition and in this kind of Vibe and energy so group number three I Will now clear and cleanse the space and Then I'll be back so we can delve more Deeply into some concrete and tangible Things that are coming towards you During the month of August Just Hold On Tight and I'll be right back to guide You even more deeply into your Prediction welcome back my beautiful Soul of group number three let's delve More deeply into your August prediction Shall we so let's get straight into it And see what your guides have to say so First up we've got sauce a thick liquid That is served with food to add extra Flavor stewed fruit served with a meal Something that adds zest or excitement Impudent or disrespectful remarks so Sauce has so many different meanings and For August I definitely see some Saucy Situations around food but also around Relationships and connections so for one Having food that is very Saucy having Amazing food having food that makes you Feel good that makes you feel like a Homecooked meal at your mom's or your Grandma's if they are good Cooks you Know that feeling that Sunday roast kind Of feeling and then furthermore within Sauce also sauciness in the sense of Yeah maybe you're a little more Saucy When it comes to your answers when it

Comes to your remarks when it comes to How you communicate because you're done Being a doormat group number three so we Have some letters that Spirit wants to Use in order to communicate with us we Have c a e RR so I am immediately Getting care another thing that we've Got here is carer so the thing is like You've always been a huge carer you've Always been the type of person who cares About others maybe even quite literally Through working in the health field Through being a mother being a pet owner Being a pet mom that makes makes you a Natural carer and nurturer and when You're in that role you know precisely Okay I have to put out energy and care For another person and it's important For me to actually show that I am a Carer that's what I see here within the Sauce and care that August is a month of You understanding yes you know what I Really do need to deeply deeply care and The thing with needing to do this shows In the four of Wands That you're the type of person who Always likes to build things to last you Like to build relationships that will Stick around you don't like to be that Person that one day has a connection With another human being and the next Day you're like strangers you like for Things to last and we've got you here on This picnic blanket we've got three cats

Around you and then as you can see the Four of Wands represents a structure That is almost like a home however the Thing is you don't really find find Yourself in a situation in August where You want enclosed walls you have a very Open demeanor and home during the month Of August that's what I see here for you Group number three you're very open to Also fostering taking in Stray Cats Stray people but don't do it for too Long group number three I don't want to See any of you taking in stray Boyfriends stray people that end up Being you know tenants that don't pay Rent and that just annoy you and overall Don't respect you no it's about caring For others Temporarily all right helping them in Ways that you wish you would have been Helped but there's also this element of Self-preservation that's really Important that's what I see here within The emperor and the nine of Wands group Number three and the emperor I can see That what's really important for you is To take the lead and be this person who Understands you know what it is so Important for me to be part of taking The lead of my own life it is so Integral that I am also real with myself Here in the nine of Wands and I say when Enough is enough I'm a helper I'm a Carer I'm a natural empath but at the

Same time I also have to remind myself That it's important for me to make sure That I'm good too at the end of the day I can't just always be a carer for other People and another thing that I'm also Getting here is that car and ER so so Driving someone to the ER by car and I Can see here that this is something that In August you're going to be part of and I don't want you to freak out I want you To know that this is actually a Privilege to be able to help someone in This way as we spoke about you're Helping others you're there for others You are a carer also why you will be Driving this person to the ER with the Car however remember once they're in the Hands of the professionals That is your time to leave that is your Time to go home and take care of you and Here in the two of cups I can see that Romantically there's some exciting stuff Going on for you group number three so We have romantic love that is Flourishing that's blossoming that's Growing that's creating a safe space for You during the month of August and You're pouring into your own cup as well As into the cup of another person and Vice versa they are also pouring into Your cup cuz for you group number three I see that one of the most essential Things that Spirit wants to remind you Of especially for August is to take care

Of yourself as well because when you Realize that you're naturally someone Who cares to lengths and extremes that Other people just don't and aren't Capable of that's when you can also Realize all right sometimes I need to Take a step back sometimes I need to Think to myself have I done too much and I have to have those thoughts that other People don't have because other people Don't care to that extent remember so Next up we've got Libra Libra is the Sign of the zodiac IC that rules the Seventh house and Libra is the sign it Is the astrological correspondence of Balance and guess what in the houses in Astrology Libra actually represents Marriage and Partnerships okay being in A deep connection a profound one I mean Marriage is such a legally binding Contract that I think a lot of people Underestimate either because they're Young or they weren't informed about it Or it's just by Society standards people Are always so excited when others get Married but it's like do you even know What this means and how big of a Responsibility it is and that if things End up not working out how legally Binding it is and how it can actually Affect you for years even after you've Broken up and you've divorced for some Even a lifetime so Libra is about Understanding the balance understanding

The balance between you giving being Kind being this person that does take Responsibility and likes to show up for Others even though you don't need to but Then at the same time also realizing to Yourself oh my goodness actually I take So much care of everybody else what About me what about myself I don't do The same for me why am I taking so much Care of other people but when it comes To me when it comes to Myself I don't do the same I'm not Allowing myself to take proper care of My desires and my wants and my needs and I see here in the the eight of Pentacles That what we've got for you group number Three is actually this understanding and The eight of Pentacles that you got to Build you you've got to work on your Career so in August you're saying no to A lot of things really quickly and by That I mean for example group three Yesterday I was at this pool here in Zurich it was so hot so I was doing work From there because my house gets Disgustingly hot when I am here in Summer because Switzerland we don't do AC's all right we don't have that in Homes in most homes in like 99.9% of homes so I went to work from There and there was this young man well He was like 40 or something that came up And was speaking to me and yeah Conventionally speaking he was

Attractive he was tall he uh was built Well you could tell that he worked out He had like a six-pack blue eyes um you Know it was like the whole that song I'm Looking for a man and find an um 65 blue Eyes trust fund it was that kind of vibe And I was working so the thing is like I Had to also eventually be like yeah you Know let's perhaps you know take a Little break here it's I appreciate you Like chatting me up and everything like That because in this day and age and Also depending on where you live it does Take a lot of Courage for people to come Up to a stranger and talk to them and Chat them up especially a conservative Place like Switzerland you don't don't Really connect with new people very Often so I appreciate the whole courage To do that however I also had to be like Yeah you know like I need to go I need To keep doing my work I need to focus on Me I need to focus on my grind right Like we've got here in the eight of Pentacles so I want you to be very clear And the king of Cups reiterates this That it is a absolute must it is a Absolute imperative for you group number Three to ensure that you're taking Control of your time your life your Feelings your emotions and the things That you are doing with your time and Your time in August should be invested In building your career building up your

Money so you can create some safety for Yourself financially and economically Too because let's not play ourselves Group number three we live in a world Where those things they just matter as Much as we want to be in spirit world Spirit land and we Are Spiritual Beings Experiencing this Entire human existence we do need funds To buy food to pay for things to be able To do life so I just want you to know It's so crucial and important group Number three that you focus on this that You focus on ensuring that your time is Spent building your safety and that You're not playing with that The Wheel Of Fortune shows me here in August that There is a lot of good luck the scarab Beetle is actually a very positive sign Of Good Fortune coming for you during The month of August good luck and you Being able to spread your wings in many Situations in which you previously have Felt like oh my goodness I don't know What to do but August brings the Solutions and I see here in the Ace of Wands that through being determined and Through being 100% also just excited for The things you're passionate about Excited about becoming this individual Who can spread their wings who flies who Is able to actually show others you know What I've got this I may have come from A place of Trials tribulations and

Trauma but look at me now I'm unafraid And I'm taking control in charge of my Life and if you're the first person in Your family to accomplish the kind of Financial Freedom and professional Success that you have it's even more Rewarding here in August to be able to Take care of others and I see here to Invite others as well to it get together Where you are organizing the food or Paying for the food and you're doing so Happily because it's also giving back And it's part of your love language you Like to see your loved ones being well Fed and super well taken care of now Group number three I will delve into the Members only portion of this video now So there will be an extended version of This available in the Society of Empresses and unicorns and if you're Asking yourself Vanessa how do I become Part of the Society of empresses and Unicorns it is linked in the description Box you can check it out you get daily Tarot card readings there you get access To all membersonly readings that you Cannot find anywhere else on the Interweb as well as other highly helpful Inspiring and growth invoking videos to Help you manifest to help you create Your dream life learn more about Yourself and your zodiac sign as well as Become a person who is abundant in every Area of their existence so make sure

That you join this beautiful Community The link is in the description box Especially also if you want the extended Version of your August prediction and For all my gorgeous Souls here on YouTube I hope that you enjoyed this Reading I hope that you enjoy how in Depth I go here on YouTube how many very Clear details that we get into through Different divination tools and wherever You are in this world please do leave a Flamingo Emoji Below in the comment Section cuz that's the only way that we Would know that you're part of group Number three and you're a real one who Watched your reading all the way to the End and you're excited about the month Of August so make sure you leave that Flamingo Emoji in the comment section And group number three I will catch you During one of our upcoming Readings hello my lovely members of Group number three welcome to your Reading that's all about the month of August let's get into it shall we so we Have Scorpio on no and what we've got Here is [Music]

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