🗝️UNLOCKED📜The Next Chapters Of YOUR Life💡🔮✨(Pick A Card)🧹Tarot Reading🪄Psychic Predictions🧝‍♀️

🗝️UNLOCKED📜The Next Chapters Of YOUR Life💡🔮✨(Pick A Card)🧹Tarot Reading🪄Psychic Predictions🧝‍♀️

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👉My self-published decks used in this video:
✨the dark heart tarot deck
✨the wild muse oracle deck
✨the below the surface oracle
✨the pastel journey tarot deck
✨the gentle heart tarot deck

💍My handmade Crystal Rings:
💎Double The Attention Citrine Ring (fully adjustable):
💎Moonstone And Sky Blue Topaz Crystal Ring:
💎Angel Tears White Topaz Crystal Ring:
💎Psychic Goddess Amethyst Crystal Ring:

👩🏽‍💻Book Your 1:1 Reading slots with me here or learn Tarot through my Masterclass (limited spots left):

🔥Watch my video on how to Master the Art of being Alone:

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🖤Time Stamps🖤

💌Group 1 – 3:05 (Rose Quartz)
🥀Group 2 – 1:04:36 (Celestite)
🐝Group 3 – 2:04:48 (Carnelian)

List of decks used:
-the dark heart tarot deck:
-the dreams of gaia tarot deck (got mine on amazon)
-the ephemere tarot deck:
-the below the surface oracle deck:
-the wild muse oracle deck:
-the squid cake marseille tarot deck:
-the heavenly bodies astrology deck (gifted)
-the squid cake tarot deck

Follow Me On Instagram: @Vanessa_Somuayina
Follow My Brand BEAU LIFE SWITZERLAND On IG:https://www.instagram.com/beaulife_switzerland/
Watch My Short Tarot Readings on TikTok:

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About Me
Name: Vanessa
Sun: Cancer
Moon: Sagittarius
Current Location: Switzerland

Please note that my ‘pick a card’ readings are for entertainment purposes, advice, and positivity. Please seek advice from a medical professional if you are experiencing any physical or psychological challenges.💡Don’t forget to turn ON your notifications to never miss another reading! Intro from 00:00
#tarot #love #youtubetarot #pickacard #tarotreading #astrology

Hello all my beautiful little unicorns And welcome back to my channel in Today's pick a card tarot reading we are Going to be getting into the next Chapter that is coming for you we will Be talking about money love work Friendships and all the inet every Single message that you are meant to Receive will be revealed within this Divine psychic prediction and just as a Little disclaimer I will be taking my Sweet time with these three groups so Make sure that you lean back relax and Enjoy your reading so whether you're Just chilling at home or you're Commuting to work or to school make Yourself at home because the next Chapter that's coming for you will be Laid out in such great detail within This reading that all of your questions Will be answered so the three groups That I've got prepared for you today are As follows group number one corresponds To the Beyond lamura Oracle deck as well As the rose quartz crystal Point group Number two correspond to the Oracle of The unicorns as well as the cesti Crystal and group number three Corresponds to The Whispers of healing Oracle deck as well as the Carnelian Crystal but the timestamps to these Three groups can be found Below in the Description box so all you need to do is Pick the perfect group for you click

Your Tim stamp and you'll be fast Forwarded to the relevant portion of This video furthermore you guys and for More uncensored content for a smaller And more intimate audience which is a Lot more accurate in detailed make sure That you check out my Patron and my Daily reading subscription within my Daily reading subscription you receive a Lot of bonus content all of the patron Videos are included in that Library as Well ready for you to access and every Single day a reading gets unlocked and Sent straight to your inbox when you Subscribe to the Daily psychic reading Service so check that out in the Description box you guys this is Completely new and I cannot wait for you To try this out so I will now provide You with a little moment of privacy so You can meditate on these three groups I Do always recommend that you pick Whichever group that you naturally and Intuitively feel drawn towards don't Overthink it but also if you absolutely Cannot make up your mind feel free to Tune in to two readings because Sometimes your reading is a mixture Between two groups feel free to pause The video right here if you need a Little bit more time and then I'll be Right back to guide you in to your Readings all right so by now you've Hopefully been able to select one of

These three groups I will be getting Into your readings about the next Chapter that's coming for you which Corresponds to the Beyond lorea Oracle Deck as well as the rose quartz crystal Points so if this is the group that you Chose then please continue watching and To my other lovely groups I will catch You at the click of your Timestamps hello my gorgeous soul of Group number one and welcome to your Reading about the next chapter that's Coming for you now you chose the Beyond Lamura Oracle deck as well as the rose Quartz crystal Point look at this Gorgeous specimen of a rose quartz Crystal that you picked here we go Crystal Clear look at this gorgeous Rose Quart specimen that you felt drawn Towards this is an absolutely beautiful Stone that attracts better friendships And relationships into your life and Allows you to be loved with reciprocity So that means for you to get the love That you give all right so let's get Into it group number one let's see Precisely what the next chapter is That's coming for you so first we've got The realm Bridger you know what's coming Next for you actually you're Bridging The realm between your current reality And your dream reality that's what the Realm Bridger is all about the real Bridger teaches you precisely how you

Can get from where you are now to where You want to go so the next chapter of Your life is not just about Manifestation but it's also about Learning that you don't have to stay Where you currently are you don't have To stay in your current reality you Don't have to stay in this current realm Unless you want to of course group Number one but the thing is feeling Empowered by having a choice that's what Makes things different when you feel Like it is your choice to either stay in This realm or to Bridge and go to the Next and the realm Bridger shows you Just that and instills the confidence Within you in this next chapter of your Life to know that you don't need anyone To bridge these Realms you've got all of The tools that you need within you're Strong enough you're intelligent enough You've got everything that you need when It comes to confidence as well you just Have to unleash it you just have to Believe it next up we've got the crystal Keys now spirit is trying to open also Say to you group number one sorry I'm Just rearranging our foliage here in the Back cuz I like everything to look very Visually appealing for you now Crystal Keys corresponds to Master number 22 if You know a master number 22 live path Number then I want you to understand That they have some amazing advice for

You on how to bridge Realms because They're a great teacher if you're a Master number 22 yourself then just know Here you have been underestimating Yourself wildly another thing in the Crystal keys in correspondence to the Next chapter that's coming in your life Is the fact that at the moment there are Crystals that are like portals that are Like keys to the next chapter of your Life you chose the rose quartz crystal This is your stone this is your Crystal This is your Crystal key if you've been Asking yourself what kind of Crystal to Get what kind of Crystal to wear this is It this is your key to the next chapter To the next realm within your life this Is precisely the type of energy that you Need Ro quartz is also a crystal that is Safe for you to put into water to create Elixir Elixir that you can even drink But of course always make sure that you Check that it really is a rose quartz Crystal because you don't want to play Around with that but group number one I Want you to know here that Spirit wants You to use the rose quartz as your Crystal key as a portal to the next Chapter in your life next up we have Luminescence now within luminescence you See how you're holding holding your Heart on this frequency and you're Giving off this very relaxed energy this Very relaxed Vibe you're in the water

You are emerging from a place of calm From a place of feeling really solid now Luminescence shows us here that the next Chapter within your life is actually a Chapter where you can lean back where You can relax where you can enjoy where You don't feel any pressure and also Where your heart is in a coherent state So where your heart is on a type of Energy and frequency that you want your Life to be on so nobody's Dusty son or Daughter is stressing you out because You're not allowing it and also because Your Crystal keys are protecting you by Having rose quartz that you're wearing And near you next to your bedside table For example you're protecting your heart And you're seeing things clearly you're Seeing disrespect for what it is and Rather than like accepting it and Letting people be more and more rude and Disrespectful you're just like you know What I don't need need this I really Don't because I can do so much better so Let's move a little more deeply into Your reading group number one we also Have vulnerability so the next chapter Within your life brings you a increased Sense of vulnerability which is actually A very positive thing for you as I see That this vulnerability has been within You for a long time you just didn't feel Like you had met someone that you can Open up to just yet whom you could

Actually be that vulnerable with we also Have these crystals here again as well That really do resemble this rose quartz Point that you selected now I want you To know that this type of shape is very Powerful for manifesting especially if You point it in a certain direction I Recommend that any kind of Crystal Rose Quartz shape that you have in your home That has a point pointed in the Direction where you would like to Channel more energy pointed towards your Desk for example if you would like to Just do better numbers if you would like To do better in your job point it Towards yourself at night as well to Channel positive loving energy towards Your body while you're sleeping point it In the direction that you feel needs Help and also know here within Vulnerability that this being part of The next chapter of your life makes it Easy for you to be a realm Bridger Because when you are vulnerable you can Be honest about what you want and Honesty is important for for the Universe to open up all of these doors For you now next we have the sound of The universe the sound of the universe Is a symbol that represents that you Will hear things you will have a very Clear audient streak within you in the Next chapter of your life and no you Will not be going crazy group number one

So when you are hearing things I don't Want you to worry that you're going Crazy I don't want you to worry that Something is wrong with you I just want You to know here that you have a very Clear audience part of you that is being Unraveled Unleashed and apparent for you To make use of because sometimes we can Hear what the next steps are from the Divine and it's given to us in a way That can sometimes be a little bit weird To decipher but you'll get used to it Like for example for me I kept sensing I Need to help more people I need to do More I kept hearing from my guides You'll get there but you have to serve More and so I realized okay what I Really need to do is I need to serve More where I'm the strongest and that's Not for example just crystal jewelry and Crystals but it's actually serving more In the sense of creating different Videos of creating courses of creating More content for people because that's What they really want so I heard the Sound of the universe and now that's Where I'm taking action I'm leaning more Into my course creation I'm leaning more Into putting new content out there and I Want you to know here that you will get The same pieces of inspiration and also The same pieces of information from your Guides and not to feel as though it's Strange or it's weird or to be worried

But instead use it to ignite you use it To quote unquote set you on fire for What's to come next and remember here Group number one that once you're on Fire in this next chapter of your life You're doing the things that you love You are being loved you're having fun Romantically as well sky is really the Limit once all of these different Aspects of your life have been unified With ease because you're listening to The sounds of the universe you're Listening to your guides your angels and Your Guardians fearlessly because you Know that they just want what's best for You now within stormy it is completely Clear group number one that the next Chapter of your life is going to leave You feeling like there was so much going On like there were some times where you Wish like you could just go back inside You could just crawl into your shell and Not have to deal with anything but Remember that most of the things that Are worth talking about that are worth The effort it takes time and these are Great things and when something is worth The effort it's usually something that You'll feel very proud of so despite Having some stormy times when you are on Fire I want you to know that these Wounds these Battle Scars the fact that You can put up with any situation and You've created such a mental strength

And resilience within you no one will Ever be able to take that away from you And that's something that you can use no Matter what happens in life because you Know how people say for example money Comes and goes well your strength and Your resilience doesn't it's something Where once you have the confidence and You know what you're capable of you Don't have to ever leave it up to chance Whether it is there or not you can make Sure that you always keep it strong next Up we have got in touch with your body Now group number one have you been doing The meal plans have you been eating Healthily have you been actually Sticking to the foods that you know make You feel good rather than the ones that Make you feel bloated I want you to be Very honest with me all right I want you To leave a little fruit Emoji Below in The comment section you can pick any Fruit just to signify that you're here That you chose group number one and that You're going to continue to be in touch With your body or get in touch with your Body if you're feeling a little bit of Guilt or shame when we're speaking about Diet right now and trust me I know what That feels like I come from a background Of struggling with my relationship with Food in such a dark manner it was Definitely a very hard time and I would Say once you've dealt with something

Like an ed it's never fully like Something that you get over it's never Something that's like 100% gone there Are always still slivers and traces of It so if you have a healthy relationship With food and you just need to eat more Healthily consider yourself blessed Because that's actually a great starting Point and I want you to know that and Being perfect with food that is not the Goal either the goal is to have a Sustainable type of diet the goal is to Feel so nurtured and so fully supported By the foods that you consume that you Feel like you've got energy to live to Do the things that you love to Accomplish your goals to be really Kickass at your job and to be an amazing Partner and lover and friend as well so This is about fuel this isn't just about Taste and I know this may sound like Well it has to taste good too I get it Food does have to taste good group Number one it is important but we also Need to remember for all of us Foodies Who are only about the taste and not About the nutrition it is also fuel at The end of the day food is also Basically the fuel that we put into our Body that decides what type of energy Levels that we have that decides our Productivity so we do want to take that Seriously too here within the ace of Cups I see within the next chapter of

Your life actually comes a new person Who is romantically obsessed with you That's what the ace of cups is all about Someone who wants to be with you someone Who romantically wants to be closer to You the ace of cups is all about Feelings being formed and being shown And displayed so that's what I see here In the next chapter for you group number One and I also want you to know here That they are pouring into you deeply They are pouring into you like no one Ever has before and oh okay we've got The two of Swords you'll have to make a Decision because otherwise you may find Yourself in a situation where you're Stringing them along so the two of Swords shows us here that you will have To decide who you want to be with Especially in not just like friendships And friends but I mean like romantically You're going to have to pick whether you Want to be with this person you're going To have to say to yourself all right do I end up in a relationship with this Person do I give them a fair chance or Am I not quite ready yet and the two of Swords here also shows me in correlation To stormy that actually uh what comes in The next chapter of your life is being Very direct with the people who in the Past used to be able to trigger you and Make you act out of character sometimes That could be our bosses it could be our

Moms it could be close friends but I do See here in the two of swords that you Are developing such a clean Cutthroat Kind of way to just tell them to back Off that's unlike you but it works like Magic so for example if someone makes a Backhanded compliment like they're like Oh you look good have you gained weight And they know that you don't want to Hear that you just have like such a Great way of saying to them like no I Haven't why is this is there a reason Why you're saying that or like why are You saying that I think we already Discussed that that's not appropriate to Comment on people's bodies so I'm not Quite sure why you're still saying that So just like a way of making your Boundaries very clear without even Having to be rude or even reacting Emotionally at all but just being very Matter of fact and the next chapter of Your life I do also see here there's Like this progression in your career of Heart coherence and brain and heart Coherence so what you think you should Be doing in your career and then Actually doing it and you will be guided In a psychic way in a clear audient way You will hear every step of the way Whether you're making the right choice Or not so no you're not going crazy when You make decisions at your work and you Get this kind of like yes or no answer

From your angels directly right then in The moment almost like a little whisper Group number one I am sensing that it's Time to clear and cleanse the space and Then move a little more deeply into your Reading so you don't need to do a thing Just continue to lean back relax and Enjoy your prediction and I will be Right back so we can delve even more Deeply into your Reading hello group number one did you Miss me let's delve a little more deeply Into your reading about the next chapter Coming for you and figure out precisely What spirit and your guides and Angels Want you to know so first up we've got Let go all right so the next chapter is About walking away from this situation In order for it to be resolved so Sometimes the only thing you can do is Walk away especially when you're dealing With a situationship or a relationship With someone who does not respect you to The degree that they really should and You can feel that in your bones group Number one I am not going to get into This too much why is my voice doing that Okay it's probably because I am so so Passionate about this because I know What it feels like when you know in your Bones that something is not going to Work it can be a friendship it can be a Romantic relationship because they just Don't respect you like that and the more

You love on them and give them and the Kinder you are to them it seems like the Worse they get and the more they take You for granted and there really is so Much truth in saying you can't make a Person appreciate more of something that They already don't want like giving them More of something that they already Don't appreciate don't want and just Don't see the value in is not going to Make them love you more it's not going To make them treat you better like Giving them more of your time more of Your affection more of the things that They're already not showing appreciation For it's not really going to do anything For you trust me then you just need to Let go and you will feel this deep Within that it's time to let go you may Drag it out for a little longer but you Know when it's time the next chapter of Your life is about studying it's about Deep study and being able to study Deeply reading researching educating Yourself helping you to gain confidence And clarity about your career because You don't have time for someone to be Distracting you and for someone to bring Nothing but a distraught type of anxious Energy into your life if it doesn't make You feel stable grounded secure it is Not for you group number one and it is Time for you to let go that's the only Way to resolve things because with some

People no matter how much you explain to Them what they mean to you and where you See things going they just don't like You that much and I know it sounds so Harsh but there's a reason why I'm your Big sis from the internet cuz you guys Know I would never lie to you I would Never just coddle you and keep you Longer in a situation that inevitably is Beneath your worth I will always tell You to reinvest in yourself redirect Your energy rather than keeping it where It is not appreciated next up we have Got freedom so group one you're free to Do what you choose of of course your Guides and your angels are trying to Tell you this right now you're Completely free to do what makes you Happy by the way the dolphin is also a Symbol of happiness and I want you to Know here that when your guides are Showing you this Freedom Card it is all About you coming to the point where yeah You freely decided to let this person go Because you were done being the clown You are annoyed that you're in a circus You're annoyed that you're going through Some of these emotional roller coasters At the hands and at the mercy of someone Who is merciless well the freedom is Yours to let go resolve that and focus On study also focus on taking care of You like if there's one thing that I Love to do is to redirect my energy on

To me to not put up with some BS to not Put up with someone's crappy Behavior But instead to just redirect refocus on Myself all right what face mask am I Doing tonight okay what supplement am I Ordering to glow and Shine from the Inside out okay what exercises am I Doing because I'm going to sleep early And in order to feel like I've used my Energy I'm going to work out I'm going To do my 10K steps every single day now Your guides are trying to say to you That the next chapter of your life is About manifesting magic and we've got The symbol of a book again we already Have that here within the study card for You so clearly getting your head into Some books getting your head into Studying into growing in an intellectual Sense is what the next chapter of your Life is going to bring now here within Manifesting magic I just want you to Understand that what comes with the next Chapter is actually through education Having new skills that you're able to Use in order to make your life better And when you steer clear of Relationships that are not rooted in the Respect and the kindness that you Deserve in return and all of the love That you've given and return you Manifest magic so much more quickly Because all of your energy is going Towards you exactly you are in touch

With your body this is the confirmation That you may have been seeking it's here Group number one being in touch with Your body being in touch with yourself Being in tune with your needs that's What your guides and your future self is Trying to say to you it's time to do Like quit involving yourself in Situations that you know are are like Putting your value on sale you never go On sale my gorgeous soul of group number One you are the Birkin you are the Bentley you are that restaurant where There's never a sale there's never a Deal there's never a coupon in fact you Need to get on the weit list to even Have access to these experiences you are Not Pizza Express or whatever these Things are where you can get discounts On unhealthy Foods okay you are the type Of person where another human being Should understand that they are Privileged to be able to be in your Presence and in your kind loving Aura Because there's so many people out here Who are fake there's so many people out Here who don't have others best Intention at heart or who will even harm Others just for fun just for sport just Because they can you would never even Think to do that group number one so the Fact that you would even allow someone Who does not recognize and value that Around you ho ho ho no the next chapter

Of your life is about eliminating this You see here we've got the stormy card We've got this whole emotional turmoil Again and the thing is like you're Learning your lesson you're doing Self-study you're digging into those Books you're learning about your Attachment Styles there's literally this Book about like attachment Styles and Love Languages I forgot what it's called But you guys if you just Google it you Will find it and you will when you read These books and trust me it is the best Investment in time and also money you Can make to get these books it's not an Expensive thing to do and it will teach You so much about yourself and why you Even have these chemical reactions cuz It's nothing more than that when you're Putting up with things that are beneath You it's just something that you're used To it's just a chemical reaction that You find comfort in because it is in the Known right because it's something that Is familiar to you because the thing is When you have been in like toxic Relationships when you have not put Yourself first and all of a sudden You're dealing with being in touch with Your body you're dealing with like Manifesting your dream life and then Someone comes into your life who is Literally the kindest sweetest most Thoughtful person all of a sudden you're

Like what is going on this feels weird You may think that the connection is Boring you may think that this Rel Relationship is different and strange Almost in a negative way but it's just Because you don't know it and the thing Here with the unknown is that there are So many beautiful amazing experiences And people that you have yet to meet and Yet to make part of your life story Don't steer clear of that just because You want to stay in what you know that Has potentially not even served you Right so here within the nine of blades Spirit can see that the next cycle of Your life is is actually about cutting Cutting cutting cutting cutting we have Nine blades here they are black we've Got these black flowers with like almost Red eyes it looks like red eyes are Tired eyes we are cutting things off we Are cutting things out we are getting Rid of things that we don't need that Don't resonate all right is it is about Cutting out and doing so in a way that Is not reluctant like doing so in a way That's like I really don't need need This and I've learned my lesson and it's Fine and I see here within the six of Elixir that we have this kind of version Of you that all of a sudden you don't Just know your worth and your value but You're actually standing on it okay That's why we're cutting cutting cutting

We're not afraid we're not in a mindset Of scarcity we're not thinking to Ourselves well if I cut them off I won't Have them in my life anymore what if There's nobody who looks like them or Makes me feel like them or makes my Morning coffee the way they do or Doesn't text me back the way they do or Makes me feel insecure the way they do All jokes aside group number one like There are so many amazing people out Here that you have not even met yet but The thing is like have you asked your Guides to bring them into your life have You been open to it have you said no to The BS or are you always trying to get From one relationship ship or Situationship into the next because you Have not yet learned Letting Go fully And being alone as well I want you to Know here within the queen of rods which Is the queen of the element of fire the Next chapter of your life is learning About appreciating yourself it is about Learning to appreciate who you are and Learning that there is so much freedom In loving you there's so much freedom in Choosing yourself there's so much Freedom and also understanding that Anyone who makes you feel like they Think they are the Prize it's bad news and whether it's Friends or romantic relationships group Number one this is not what we're doing

For you the death card shows us Precisely that this is a confirmation Death to those types of connections for You group number one no more you don't Need that kind of negativity within your Life the death card also corresponds to The magical number 13 the death card is All about new beginnings and Transformation and again we have this Kind of knife blade situation we also Have these skulls you guys I love how These cards are depicted because it's Very Cutthroat and I love how it's just The cutting off the severing the Collecting of the bones and the skulls To remind yourself why you cut it off in The first place it's almost like Collecting the skulls of past lovers who Just talked and never actually acted on All of these words who just said all of This stuff to confuse you to make you Not go anywhere to make you have hope to Make you believe in their potential but Then when you actually came to the Realization that that's all it will ever Be just talk and how cheap that the talk Really is and you severed it you look Back and you're like why why was I even There why am I why did I even allow that Why did I even entertain that so the Next cycle the next chapter coming for You is this chapter of deep profound Realization and rather than feeling Uncomfortable about what you did in the

Past you're like I'm human and I'm happy I learned this lesson now because Everyone goes through some of these Lessons everyone goes through some of These situations that we look back on And of course we could feel embarrassed We could feel like oh my God how did I Allow that how did I think they were Cute how did I let someone treat me like This okay sure we can feel that way Towards ourselves but we can also step Away look at things from a bit of a Distance and be like I'm so proud of Myself that I got the lesson now because There are people in their 80s who have Not learned this lesson yet I'm so Grateful that actually I could see what An amazing and kind person that I am and How much that I really like focus on Myself how intelligent that I am how Much I've accomplished That I don't need to put up with what I Don't want to put up with I'm completely Free and the thing is like you also Should feel free to let go I know Letting Go can sometimes feel like You're losing something but are you Really losing something that takes a lot Of work to hold on to that takes a lot Of work to just keep in your life and You constantly feel like if you weren't Putting in all of this work it would Leave it would evaporate this person Would let go of your connection very

Easily please you guys I have experience With this this is why I love to share Within my readings cuz I don't want you To waste your time I made some mistakes So you don't need to make them as well I Made some of these mistakes so you don't Need to repeat them and I don't want you To waste another moment right now if you Have a friend or a Situationship where you truly feel like If you you weren't the one constantly Being the glue and holding it together They would actually let go very easily Or they would be so fine if you don't Talk ever again from Tomorrow onwards Like they would be fine with it they Wouldn't text you first they would never Ask hey how are you doing they wouldn't Come back and say like oh I'm sorry like Let's talk this through let's figure This out if you know in your heart You're dealing with somebody like this Please they're not worth it they won't Be in your life for that much longer I Promise you don't waste your time on That because that is disrespectful to You group number one Spirit has some Really deep profound messages about the Next cycle in your life and it is really About eliminating all of this it's Really about eliminating everything that Is not respectful towards you and I know This may not be with what everyone wants To hear because it's hard to be real

With yourself especially when you really Really like someone and you really Really wish it would work out with them But I'm getting this whole Capricorn Aquarius energy that needs to be like go Of all right I'm getting this energy of Just you don't deserve to look tired to Feel tired and to be exhausted because Of anyone's son or daughter you really Really don't need that and spirit wants The next cycle of your life to be Completely freed from that because when You're freed from that the magic that You manifest like when you invest in Yourself group number one the fire that You create in your life in a good sense Like your body being on point your job Being on point all of a sudden you're Driving your dream car you're Manifesting your dream home your Business is doing the type of Revenue That you have never seen before when you Pour into yourself the things that can Happen are incredible group number one I Am going to now clear and cleanse the Space and then I'll be back so we can Delve more deeply into your reading you Don't need to do do a thing just Continue to lean back relax and enjoy This very detailed tarot card prediction About the next chapter that's coming for You and I'll be right back to guide you Into even more messages that your angels Have for you here within your psychic

Reading hello my lovely Soul let's move A little more deeply into your reading Shall we so we can figure out more about The next chapter that is coming for you So first up here in the three of blades Please don't panic I know this card Looks very dramatic but the three of Blades is actually all about Understanding that you don't have to Repeat cycles that you don't want to Repeat the three of blades is all about Feeling the burn of what has happened in The past and understanding you know what I went there I did it I got the post Card but I don't need to allow myself to Be betrayed anymore like I don't need to Put myself In these situations so the next cycle in Your life is about understanding who is Your friend who isn't and also seeing Hope in what's to come next that's what We've got here within the star which is Actually one of the most favorable cards Of the tarot the star card is all about Seeing what's about to happen in your Future and revolutionizing it so kind of Understanding where you want to go in Your romantic relationships seeing red Flag BS as they arise and avoiding them As much as you possibly can and then Here within the star just knowing that Every single time you say no to the Heartbreak to the situations that are Meant for you you're one step closer to

A big fat yes on the life that you Absolutely love and desire I see here Within the tower card that the next Chapter of your life is going to start With a very dramatic kind kind of Entrance that's happening the tower the Three of blades I see the next chapter Is happening in the most dramatic way Just to be like oh hey wow we've got the Star card there is actually a huge Blessing and what you first thought was WTF why is this happening to me like why Is my job not going the way I wanted to Why do I have this water damage in my Office why is this person who I thought Was the one actually not the one and You'll feel like oh my goodness why is This happening this is such a huge Change I'm not ready for this change I Didn't want this to happen yet and then You'll be like thank God it happened I See that here within the star excuse me You guys I hope that wasn't too loud I Know my mic just made like a little Weird noise it's because I was just like Readjusting it on my headset to make Sure that you guys can all hear your Readings C Cal clear so here within the Star just know that this is symbolic of You seeing a really fruitful future not Based on just wishing it on imagining it But actually having the evidence the Proof and the records to show for it so Quite literally getting offered that

Different better job quite literally Thinking you lost the love of your life But then actually someone comes along Who is doing 10 times more than your Previous partner ever even thought to do For you thinking like oh my goodness why Am I so unlucky in this situation Meanwhile you were just protected Meanwhile you are literally just the Universe's favorite but you didn't even Know it so this next chapter of your Life is all about like huge aha moments Where you're like oh my God that that's Why this was happening that's why all of These things were going down that's why I was shown the way in this manner Because I was meant to learn thinking oh No this redirection is scary this is not Where I wanted to go but you're going to See that your guides the Universe your Angels they would never lead you astray They would never lead you in a direction That isn't good for you next up we have DET talk to pite so here I want you to Know that this is symbolic of growth This is symbolic of strength this is Symbolic of taking the lead and taking The lead of others who are difficult to Lead so I do see here that stepping into A leadership role even though it's hard To for example lead your dad or someone Who you're working with like Divine Masculine energy that just doesn't want

To listen and this is the kind of person Where the saying really resonates that You can lead a horse water but you can't Make it drink that's the thing you're Leading everyone to water but you're not Forcing them to drink cuz you're like That's now your responsibility not mine But we're here and I did what I needed To do the black tmalign shows us here That you are literally getting in Control of everyone who has a li a Little bit of a primitive nature in your Life so it's almost like you are the Beast Slayer the animal tamer that's What you're becoming next in the next Cycle of your life I know it sounds so Weird but I just want you to know here That what this brings is a lot of power That's put into your possession a lot Group number one like an immense amount Okay and having a lot of power comes With a lot of responsibility because That also means people are looking to You for answers when things go wrong and You can stem this responsibility this This is like a walk in the park for you You have been parentified from an early Age and so having to make big decisions And lead people once you step out of Your own overthinking that has just Developed at a later point in your life And you step into you remember when you Were a kid and you were so confident About your abilities about what you were

Good at yeah when you step back into That childlike energy nothing can stop You and here within Against the Grain we Have you kind of swimming floating and We've got some white birds here and it Feels like the sky but it also looks as Though you're swimming right because we Have these like it's almost looks like Water when something is underwater and The light kind of hits the water and These are the reflections the Shadows um So against the grain corresponds to the Number four and it shows us here that There are definitely some Illusions in The next cycle of your life where you Are realizing that not all is what it Seems a lot of the challenges that Seemed huge are actually really easy and You don't have to stress about them Because here within in the world not of The world you are co-creating with Everything around you you are not Allowing for yourself to to feel like oh You have to work against something or You have to fight for something no no no You co-create with the universe you Co-create with everything that's given To you okay you have something that Shows up in an unexpected way an Unexpected Bill an unexpected legal Process that you need to go through okay You're going to learn from it actually By doing it you learn something that Others maybe don't know you learn

Something for yourself so if you are Ever put in that situation again guess Who has the knowledge to get through it Guess who knows how to be successful at It guess who knows the process you group Number one and guess who doesn't know it The person who avoided dealing with it And actually just being grateful that They get to go through another very Human Experience within softly softly The Tender Touch know here that the next Chapter of your life is meant to treat You in a tender way Now this may seem as though well how can It be tender if I'm dealing with some of These things how can life be tender when I have to actually face some of my Challenges that I don't want to face you Can still do it in a tender way let me Explain how to you group number one the Way that you can be tender even in a Time where you're dealing with things That are hard for you to cope with or You feel are a challenge remind yourself In the black chaline and the talk talk To pite that there is so much of this Beast Slayer within you that if you have Dealt with certain individuals who Should we classify them as monsters or Just as like people that aren't really Cool you've dealt with so much that like You can now bring a soft Tender Touch to Anything that isn't an immediate threat To your physical well-being you don't

Have to rush you don't have to feel as Though anything has to be done in a Forceful and masculine manner okay you Don't like filing your taxes put on Really soft music music that makes you Feel attractive that makes you feel hot Where you want to dance to it make Yourself an amazing hot sweet beverage Of choice it could be a hot chocolate it Could be a matcha latte it could be a Golden chai latte for example for Example anything that you like make it And make it like a whole vibe a whole Soft aesthetic around doing something That actually makes you feel hardened Around doing something that actually You're like I don't really want to do This this is not the soft life this is Not what I envisioned you can make Things the soft life it's all about how You execute it's not so much about What's going on it's really about how You do it and I just want you to know Here within Against the Grain softly Softly The Tender Touch as well as the In the world not of the world here Within this card that just being in a Very feminine type of energy in your Next cycle is actually where you find More strength cuz while you can be a Beast Slayer while you can be a dark Feminine siren Vixen type of individual You don't always want to be in that and You don't have to when you're at home

You're in your own private space make it Very cute make it very gentle do tasks That don't feel gentle in a gentle Manner and really kind of reframe and Rephrase those things for yourself so That you don't feel as though oh my Goodness like I have to deal with this And it's hard it's masculine it's not an Energy I want to be in no you can do Anything with A Tender Touch you can Even control a beast a lion so to say With a gentle Tender Touch and stroking People's ego is a way that you can do That I see here within the keeper that Rather than feeling like oh I'm being Inauthentic I shouldn't be doing this I Don't really feel this way I don't want To stroke people's ego even though they Don't deserve it blah blah blah group Number one you're learning like it is Way easier to just give people what they Want so you can move on up more quickly Because you're starting to get to the Point where with a lot of people it's Like okay do I want to be right or do I Want to be rich do I want to be right or Do I want to be happy because the only People who really deserve like your time And all the explanations as to why You're doing things in certain ways Those are the type of people that are Few and far between cuz not everybody Deserves all of that energy I want you To know here within the six of coins

That what is actually coming next is Like you're really focused on growing Your finances you're focused on growing Your generational wealth you're focused On planting seeds like we have here with These coins that are closer to the roots So therefore with the within the soil And then we have from that sprouting a Tree that's like a money tree this quite Literally looks like a money tree Depiction as well and then you're able To harvest these coins because guess What you planted these already and Planting is something that you can not Just do quite literally but you can also Plant seeds within your mind of winning Of being fortunate of being the version Of yourself you've always wanted to be Of being very financially successful it All starts with planting those seeds Within your mind and a great way that I Do this is by for example having a goal Board I love having a goal board where I Put my financial goals and I see it Every single morning because well that's Where I'm going and if you don't know Where you're going how are you able to Arrive how are you able to achieve it so That's what we've got here within the Six of coins for you group number one And having a clear Direction and then Gently taking the soft steps towards it And just like getting there step by step Without stress without feeling

Overwhelmed without feeling like you've Got to do all of this extra work no you Are determined to lead a life that is Soft where you bring a Tender Touch to Whatever it is that you do and even if Others would react in a very like harsh Masculine way you're not doing that Group number one and that is something To be really proud of cuz not a lot of People have the self-control to behave The way that you behave even when you're Being tested even when you're being Tried even when someone is purposely Saying things to push buttons to push Traumas to kind of rip off the scab that Has now finally grown over the wound You're not reacting to it and instead Because you're not reacting to it you Gain power you gain the upper hand and Because you're also not reacting to what Seems like some of life Kind of unfair situations here in the Tower and the Three of Swords actually It just quickly gets redirected into Your favor because you're not giving it That energy you're not giving it that Meaning words are super powerful when You give them a specific meaning and You're not giving words that much power That don't deserve the power so you're Not giving insults any power you're not Giving people the power who know where Your trauma is and who try to push that Specific button you're not giving them

The power to do that because you know That giving them that power takes power Away from you and it also solidifies Them in thinking that that's okay so you Give things power and you are deciding Precisely where you want your power to Go where you want the energy to go where You want everything to flow that is a Resource that is finite and here the six Of coins shows that for you you care About your money you care about your Financial security you don't care about All of this drama and all of this Unnecessary stuff and it shows in your Behavior it shows in the fact that you Just don't even put up with all of these Types of things so group number one this Is the reading that I've received for You so far I am now going to clear and Cleanse the space you don't need to do Anything group number one and just Continue to relax hold on tight and I Will be right back with You welcome back group number one so Let's delve even more deeply into your Reading shall we about the next chapter Coming For You meditation brings answers Group number one not to call you out cuz I know this reading has been deep it's Been intimate it's been re Relentless It's been very much going to the soft Spots the sore spots everything that we Don't want to talk about but we're still Here we're standing now your guides are

Trying to say to you to get back into Meditation especially if you have not Been meditating regularly it is time for You to do so my gorgeous soul of group Number one if you need guided Meditations I've got guided meditations As well and I just want you to know here That often when we fall off with Meditation it can feel a little bit not Embarrassing not shameful not guilt What's the right word it can feel Challenging to get back into it and you May procrastinate getting back into a Habit of meditating but it's important That you let go of those emotions that You let go of feeling like you've fallen Off the bandwagon and now you're going To have to start from zero yes you are Going to have to in a way restart just Like when you fall off with working out You're going to have to start again but It's not necessarily starting from Precisely zero because I don't know if You've experienced this before group Number one but let me explain this to You for example if you are someone who Likes to run who is a good runner and You haven't run in months but before That you ran like marathon length kind Of runs getting back into it is a lot Easier than if you're starting from zero And you never had that experience before It's just like doing the splits doing a Handstand yeah of course if you don't

Practice it you'll be a little stiff However when you get back into it when You practice it regularly you will get Back into the flow of things and you'll Be able to do it faster than you thought And you're going to go right back to Where you were and be able to get even Better at it so know here with Meditation that that's precisely What Spirit wants to communicate to you about The next chapter in your life meditation Will bring you so many answers that you Wouldn't otherwise receive so meditate Make sure you actually take time for Meditation don't put it off it is an Invaluable asset for you then we've also Got the tower wow your guides are really Serious about your Tower moment and Wanting you to be able to rebuild on a Fresh slate on a clean slate and what I Want you to know here about the next Chapter is that when you get rid of some Of the old some of the things in your Past you kind of tie up the Loose Ends And then here in the tower you you get To start aresh again it is like the most Fulfilling liberating sensation ever Because you know that you've left the Past in the past and you don't have to Deal with absolutely anyone's BS because You have closed the chapter you have Tied up the end and here within the five Of Elixir what you can do is just do you And just decide moving forward what

You're going to allow and what not Because you've learned so much from your Past experiences and you've let them go And you're actually seeing challenges as Something that of course is going to Come up when you're on your journey to Accomplishing anything worthwhile Because anything that's worth something Usually has challenges on its path it Usually comes with situations where yeah You feel challenged you feel as though There are some things that you have to Work through that you have to resolve And anyone who accomplishes greatness Will tell you that these challenges These obstacles it's literally just a Learning curve it's just another Initiation to your next level it's Nothing negative as long as you don't See it as such furthermore I want you to Know here in meditation brings answers And letting go that if there's any kind Of resentment that you're still holding On to in regards to another human being Meditation will bring you the answers That you need and it will give you the Confidence the emotional capacity to let Go completely without just saying oh I've let go or I don't care anymore but Like really letting go really not caring Anymore about what they did next up We've got sensuality so I want you to Know here that in the next chapter we've Got some really cute fits we've got some

Cute lingerie we've got some cute like At home outfits that you like to wear That you like to show off because you're Getting into shape all right you're Getting into the best shape of your life And when you're in that shape it's like So amazing to spoil yourself with Beautiful silk robes with outfits that Make you feel sensual and like you are The prize like you are the main Attraction and that you just want Someone to kind of rip off of you if you Will so that's one thing that I do see Here for you my beautiful soul of group Number one let's move a little more Deeply into your reading shall we so Let's see what else Spirit has to say That Spirit wants you to get comfortable With we have the four of coins but it Did show up in reverse the four of coins Showing up in Reverse is indicative that There will be a time of spending more Money that's coming in the next chapter And doing so on yourself in a very Sensual fun way because there are no Inhibitions you don't need to have that Because there's overflow here to be able To spend on yourself and the four of Coins reversed also shows us here that This is therapeutic to any of you who Grew up in a household where it's normal To be stingy on yourself or if you Watched your parents be super cheap on Themselves it can sometimes be hard to

For example spend money even on like Growth even on knowledge even on things Such as like online courses on studying On books on things that will actually Help you in your personal development Even healthy foods you may choose the Not organic option because for one maybe You mistrust if the organic is really Organic or if they're just trying to Make extra money and for two you may Think to yourself oh I don't know it's So much extra money and you're not even Taking into account the value of your Health your selfworth so breaking these Patterns and these habits is what I in The next chapter and then we also have The lovers card this card popped up in Reverse for you you're breaking the Habit of needing to spoil yourself in Relation and in regard to a lover being Present you don't need a reason or a Lover to wear some beautiful lingerie to Wear a beautiful outfit in order to feel Comfortable in it you don't need that at All group number one you don't need Someone to valid validate it to tell you It looks good or to make you feel like Okay it's worth spending the money Because well after all they're going to Really like it I'm going to be able to Present it to them I'm going to be able To make them like me more or make them See me as this sexual being you don't Need that you can do it for you group

Number one and that's what you're doing You're starting to learn to do all of These things for you so it's like dating You taking yourself out spoiling Yourself doing these things that you Were a little shy to do before it could Be because your selfworth your self Value wasn't where it was supposed to be But maybe you were also just not mature And old enough because all of these Things they do come with age with time With grace that grows and increases and There's nothing wrong with taking your Time on this all right next up we've got The strength card remember how I spoke About you having strength and not Needing to use any kind of Brute force In order to get what you want well the Strength card shows us precisely that You can tame any Beast any situation Anything with your bare hands you don't Have to put in any type of force any Type of violence in order to get what You desire this next chapter is about Getting and attracting everything that's Meant to be yours Effortlessly next we've got the death Card which is a very very huge card of Change of transformation of transition It corresponds to the number 13 and it Also does actually represent Scorpio When it comes to the zodiac signs Scorpio is a very mysterious dark Innovative sign that knows what they

Want they can be very intense if you've Ever met a Scorpio or been with a Scorpio and I want you to know here with The death card that actually the thing Is that rather than feeling like you Have to eradicate certain parts of Yourself you understand that some things Will never be dead like there may have Been a death but matter material energy It just transforms into a different Realm into a different space into a Different appearance into a different Kind of wavelength if you will but Nothing is ever truly destroyed and you Know here with within the death card That even parts of yourself that you Don't like or that you are embarrassed About parts of your identity it's about Managing them it's about allowing them To exist allowing them to actually be Here but not get in between you and your Highest self and your success so Allowing all parts of you to exist but Having them sort of under control if you Will because death is not the end all be All things still exist it's like if You're the type of person who loves to Drink alcohol or you love to gamble or You have some sort of addiction in that Realm just because you have finished With that part of yourself you've gone To seek help you've gotten therapy You've gone to rehab you stopped the bad Habit however ingrained it was it is

Like a desk to that part but it's still Here as a ghost you see what we have Depicted in the death card it's still Kind of here it lingers it can be Reactivated even though you've laid to Bed right now so it is just about Keeping that portion of yourself under Control right reminding yourself why you Quit why it's better for you this way What your long-term goals are and also Not being ashamed of this part of Yourself but actually being proud of Yourself for getting this skeleton for Getting this ghost under control for Putting it in its rightful place where We can acknowledge that it's existed and It's been active but we can also make Sure that it never becomes as active as It was when it was destructive in your Life so this is the next chapter that's Coming for you that will be freeing of The confinement that this brings with it Because it does feel really encroaching And like confining when you're dealing With an addiction it's like you can't Really live life because you're worried And you're careful the same thing with Like EDS for example it's hard to be Around other people who can freely eat That's something I know from personal Experience but here within success your Guides can see they want to say to you You know what you are successful in this Next chapter don't overthink or worry so

Much the biggest thing to be worried About to be fearful of is fear itself Not what you're actually worried about It's usually not that big of a deal if You take it out of the context of having Made it a big deal in your head and You're ready you're ready for this next Chapter your guides your angels are the First to say you're ready don't feel Like there's anything that has to hold You back or anything that you can't do At this point in time group number one You are bigger than you think you are When it comes to energy power success That you will accomplish you have a Lineage that you're going to kind of Like Infuse with this life force with This inspiration that others in your Family haven't done before you're ready To be the leader you're ready to be the Pattern breaker you are ready to be the One who lets go of these generational Curses for the future generations to be Free now my gorgeous soul of group Number one this is your reading that I Received for you and I hope that you Enjoyed this very in-depth reading and That you found it insightful feel free To let me know in the comments section I Love reading your comments and I Appreciate appreciate you more than I Can even put in words I'm sending you so Much love wherever you are on this Gorgeous planet and I can't wait to

Connect with you during one of my Upcoming Predictions hello group number two and Welcome to your indepth tarot reading And psychic prediction about the next Chapter coming for you I will be your Psychic reader my name is Vanessa Soma And and to date I have conducted Thousands of readings on and offline for You guys if you would like to watch more Readings make sure you head on over to My channel where I've got over 600 tarot And numerology videos waiting for you so You chose the Oracle of the unicorns as Well as The Celestine Crystal so this is The gorgeous baby blue Celestine Crystal Which goes so well with our foliage and Our Decor today you guys know one of my Favorite things to do is to also just Create a very beautiful aesthetically Pleasing space for you to receive your Reading in like you're right here with Me and we're conducting this reading in Person that's my goal because I want you To feel supported loved and of course to Figure out what the next chapter is That's Coming For You in life so the Celesti is a very soothing kind of Crystal which you may need if you're a Hot-tempered person or you're just going Through a time of feeling very anxious Right now so it's healing energy is Going to be radiating through the screen For you throughout your reading that

You're receiving right now so let's get Into it Spirit guided me to this card And this card brings the message of a Sanctuary take time out from the world Spend time alone meditate or go on a Retreat so what comes in the next Chapter of your life is more meditation Especially if you fallen off the Bandwagon group number two don't be hard On yourself and know that we've all Fallen off before whether it's Meditating eating healthily working out It's kind of all the same now isn't it Group two The Vibes for you right now Are really all about retreating it's Really all about taking time out from Your busy schedule and making yourself The main character making yourself the Focal point and when you're the focal Point when you've got main character Energy the next chapter of your life can Only be a level up because there's a Reason why so many coaches tell you to Work harder on yourself than you work on Your business or on your profession it Is so important that you do that and Sometimes working on yourself also just Means that you take time to rest and Relax let's see what else Spirit has for You right here about the next chapter Within your life we've got support okay Asking for help getting more rest Nurturing yourself this next phase and Cycle within your life is about

Accepting help it is about being okay With getting more rest without having This feeling of guilt having this Feeling of well but I should be working But I should should be doing things but I should be doing XYZ no you are exactly Where you are meant to be resting is Something that it just it doesn't even Make sense if it's not guilt-free Because then you can't properly rest Then you won't feel rejuvenated you wake Up and you're already stressed you're Already wired and we don't want that I See that the next chapter of your life The next chapter coming for you is Really about having safe spaces relaxing And also having so much support in it Now if you're single this could be Finally like a healthy partner a very Supportive one if you are struggling in Your business having someone give you a Break so even a family member giving you Money giving you the opportunity to ask Them for help it could be with their Advice as well and therefore even being Able to take a little bit of time off a Little bit of time to rest a little bit Of time to Vacation especially if you Don't really allow yourself to do that And you're in dire need of it and it's Been like a long time since you've Really really shut off and I mean also Turning off your emails and so on and Actually feeling held carried like

You're between These Wings here on this Beautiful unicorn and you can just relax Into the space and also take time to Just be you and do you and not always Think about work matters and the next Goals so here within innocence your Future future self is saying the next Chapter is about taking time to play Nurturing your inner child living with a Childlike sense of wonder now that means Being able to be free being able to have Fun nurturing your inner child to the Degree where you feel as though yeah you Know what I'm healing some wounds Because even for me group number two There are things that I wasn't allowed To or able to do as a child that I feel Like I missed out on and I'm doing it Now for myself whether that's going to Like singing classes as often as I want Whether that's going out more whether That's also just buying myself things That my parents would have never gotten For me that's nurturing my inner child Because some of the things are maybe Childish some of the things are maybe Not what a 202 8-year-old would purchase And would have whether it's like these Unicorn oracle cards whether it's tarot Whether it's certain items of clothing Whether it's even like for example an Expensive camera and so on these are all Things that nurture my inner child cuz I've always wanted to do this and here I

Am literally doing it enjoying it and Being fortunate enough for certain parts Of nurturing my inner child literally Being my profession next up we've got Magic for you so my gorgeous soul of Group two within magic I want you to Understand that when it comes to the Next chapters in your life some things Will just work out in a very mysterious And magical way that you didn't didn't Expect would work out so quickly and in A way so profoundly connected to where You wanted to go anyways and I see here Within creativity that actually when Magic Works through you it comes from a Place from you being creative now you May think oh it's just a coincidence That somehow you were able to cover all Of these expenses it's a coincidence That you got this work opportunity but Actually it came originally from your Creativity to problem solving That you have practiced and showed many Times in your past and now you're just Finally being rewarded now you're just Finally being given the magic that has Been overdue that has been pending to Enter your magic account okay your magic Account will be hit in full force with Elevations from the universe that you Didn't expect with help with support From others that you didn't expect and It's important that you learn to accept It gracefully and that you understand

That as human beings we are all one when Someone has a little more advice a Little more resources a little more time A little more energy to give accept it Don't be afraid to ask for help okay we All go through these cycles and we're One Community who support each other Whether it's for example someone helping And nurturing the elderly so working in Healthcare it's because you now have Energy you have time and and you're also Being compensated for it and you're Working for those who don't have that Resource anymore but perhaps they can Pay for it or the system can pay for it Same goes for relationships for example Don't be afraid to ask for that support That you need because you may feel empty But that's where someone else comes in And they can nurture you and you do the Same remember this is a symbiotic Existence and relationship none of us Have no meaning none of us are just here For fun we're all contributing in some Way shape or form so just as you give Let's also receive group number two and You may not always receive from the Sources that you give to so it's about Reclaiming your energy that had you Overthinking and multitasking to a Degree that wasn't healthy because you Tried to do everything everywhere and it Is also often great for you to be able To actually Outsource a lot of things so

For example rather than having all of These arms and feeling like you have to Be everywhere simultaneously and then at The same time it's like you're nowhere Cuz there's just so much going on remind Yourself here within reclaim your energy Whether it's Outsourcing cleaning or It's doing food prep way in advance or You're just finding yourself having help With accounting having help with product Sourcing with learning a new skill right Taking a class for example reclaim your Energy by not always trying to do Everything yourself and not quote Unquote diying everything by yourself Next up we have our Ancient Future so Here within your Ancient Future I want You to know that what is about to happen In the next cycle of your life your Guides can tell stems from ancient Patterns it stems from your DNA in which You were destined to reclaim the energy And to experience a life of more calm More Leisure during this next period There will be times that are more fiery Where you have to put a little bit more Masculine energy into your day to-day But this next chapter this next cycle is About calmness it's about reconnecting With your inner child it is about asking For help and receiving it finally being The receiver finally being receptive to It as well and being okay with that and Not finding it uncomfortable or weird

But actually finally learning to cope With it and to also be the one who gets A break now within our Ancient Future I Also want you to know that often the Present and the future is a replica of The past it is just a repetition and in Order to avoid repetitions that you Don't like you have to first become Aware of them so that you can reclaim That space and that time if you don't Like the replica or the repetition of Feeling bloated after you've had a whole Bowl of Po pasta how about we switch That out for something else so we're not Constantly replicating this Ancient Future cuz we already know we don't like How we feel when that happens we already Know we're not comfortable in our body It doesn't digest well for us why not Switch it out for potatoes for whole Wheat pasta why not just try something Different so we can reclaim our energy And we are not replicating things that Don't serve us now good fortune shows us That this next chapter and next cycle Within your life is actually inviting so Much good fortune and magic in so much Prosperity we have these steps here as Well so you are going to climb the Ladder you're going to have more public Recognition and recognition for the work That you do I do also see here within Your good fortune that the kingdom is Yours sooner than you thought so if you

Have wanted to purchase for example a Home or a rental property as an Investment I want you to know this is What's happening in the next chapter Finding a way to do it and finding a way To climb up the ladders to where it is Yours and it's accessible and it doesn't Seem like it's far away so hitting some Of the really big goals even though You're not overworking yourself even Though you're not working yourself to The Bone and first it might feel a Little strange cuz you're not used to it Cuz it almost feels unfair that when you Were working yourself to the Bone it Seemed as though nothing was working and Nothing really turned out how you wanted And now that you've got more of a life Of leisure all of of a sudden everything Is working out it might at first really Feel strange for you group number two But your guides and spirit want you to Get used to this they want you to get Used to the fact that hard work does not Always equal the desired outcomes hard Work does not always equal more money Just look at some of the hardest working People on planet Earth within our Society it's the healthcare workers it's The teachers it's the people who pave The roads people who build homes people People who are really doing jobs that Are not easy on the body the mind the Psyche and it's not as though they get

Paid in such abundance that their hard Work is actually making them Rich so There is no correlation to that it is About doing it within the right energy And working the right way and you're Picking your battles wisely I see that In a way there is going to be in this Next cycle some shame for working less But earning more and having more in your Life period but feeling ashamed of it is Not the route to go it's not necessary Group number two because your shame Isn't going to help the next person who Has less what will help the next person That has less is when you pick your Bottles wisely and rather than allowing Yourself to feel into shame what you're Actually doing is that you're feeling Into oh all right into movement that's What Spirit wants to say to you into Doing something about it and to moving In one consecutive direction towards What it is that you desire what it is That you want and confronting all of the Things that you still want to do in a Philanthropic sense cuz group number two What I'm really getting for you is that You want to help others is that just Because you had your own battles and You've gone through a lot of reflection A spirit is trying to make sure that I Get in your reading it's about telling You just how much your reflection is Seen by your guides by Spirit by the

Universe and now it's time for it to be Rewarded because not a lot of people Have the capacity to self-reflect to This degree and be so honest with Themselves to this degree just because You've put in the hard work and you're In a space of leisure doesn't mean that You ever want to sit still in this next Cycle in this next chapter that's coming For you you're actually really really Pumped to do more for others to give Back more so I want you to still really Enjoy this moment in this next chapter Coming for you where for just a couple Months it will be about you receiving it Will be about getting more rest okay Getting eight or nine hours of sleep per Night I know it may sound like a distant Dream to some of you but just wait it Will happen I want you to know that you Will be able to prioritize yourself and Before you go to sleep literally tell Yourself I deserve this I'm worthy of This I deserve deserve some good restful Sleep and you will sleep way better I Promise you that and just being in a Space where it's like you're getting the Rest you're not afraid to ask for help You're not afraid to nurture yourself Let yourself be in that cycle and in That space for a good good amount of Time and reflect on why you want to Immediately keep going why you want to Immediately help others see the good in

It but also see the danger in it of Never allowing yourself to rest and Never allowing yourself to enjoy things And that way you can find the balance And when you really get sick of this Time of being in your Sanctuary taking a Little bit of more alone time to retreat To meditate to nurture yourself you will Then fine once that is accomplished and You feel like your batteries have been Recharged the next cycle you'll be a Little more careful and mindful not to Burn yourself out to where you have Nothing left but you will take time to Retreat sooner because it is a lot Harder to jump start from zero than from When there's still a little bit of Energy in there just think of it as like A vehicle for example if the battery is Dead cuz you have not actually allowed It to take the time to like run at a Good rate at a good level it's so much Harder to jump start a car than it is to Take good care of it to drive it enough But also not too wildly to not burn out The battery Um and by driving it enough I mean when You don't drive a car for a really long Time the battery also dies so it's just Finding that perfect balance to where You just put fuel in you put fuel in the Tank quite literally speaking and it Works it's reliable sure you have some Maintenance in between you have to make

Sure that you're always putting the Right amount of fuel in and the right Type of fuel but it works and it's a lot More productive and effective than Letting your fuel run to zero being Stuck on the road and having to ask Someone to save you and having to deal With your car being completely like dead Done same goes with never using the car You are going to have to put a lot more Energy into jump starting it then it Would be to just turn it on because You've been using it the way you should So when you're not using Vehicles Appropriately they deteriorate they fall Apart and it's a lot harder to get them Back to where you want them to be to Where it is quick useful and effective Your body is a vehicle your body is Literally your car it's your vehicle That gets you through life whether you Walk whether you crawl whether you swim You run or you jump whatever you are Physically capable of this is your Vehicle this is the body that you are Basically like driving through life with So it's really important that you learn To care for it effectively that you Learn to prioritize it in a way that You're not in the end causing yourself a Lot more damage trauma and time being Consumed and just trying to fix things That didn't need to be fixed now group Number two this is the reading that I've

Received so far do leave a unicorn Emoji Below in the comment section to Represent that way I'll know that you're Part of group number two and that you're A real one cuz that's the only way Anyone would know that you're part of Group number two what I'm going to do Now is I'm going to clear and cleanse The space and then I'll be right back For us to delve even more deeply into This next chapter that's coming for you So just hold on tight you don't need to Do anything but continue to relax and Receive your Messages hello group number two welcome Back did you miss me cuz now we'll delve Even more deeply into everything that's Coming in the next chapter in your life So let's see what else is coming towards You so we've got the malachite the Malachite shows us that the next chapter For you is about transformation it's About never looking back again and not Being the same person that you were up Until now when the malachite shows up This is a crystal that brings a big Transformation with it which means that You will hear comments from people Telling you that you've changed that You're different that you're not the Same and it might make you feel away in Some instances where you feel like You're in a way not being called out but Being made to feel like the transform

Means that you've forgotten where you've Come from and that's where it's Important for you to not let people Trigger you to that degree because it's Just not necessary you don't have to Allow that to happen and remember here Within the malachite like it is a time For you to transform next into this Person that you want to be not who Others expect you to continue to be Because at the end of the day you're the Only one who goes to bed beside yourself Every single night unfailingly you're The only one who will wake up beside Yourself every single morning Unfailingly so you've got to please Yourself you've got to make sure that You're happy with your transformation Everyone else's opinion secondary group Number two so let's move a little more Deeply into this shall we so aside from People saying you've changed a lot and Some even doing it in a little bit of That backhanded manner of like oh well You think you're better than us now or Something like that we've also got the Adventure in and what you're going to Say to them this is your piece of wisdom To anyone who says you've changed you're Different they may even say you're a Little bit more upper echelon now you're A little bit more uh hoyy toyy if you Will you're going to say to them you Know what I created my own luck by going

Out there working hard grinding and Actually working on myself I didn't just Sit here and say to someone that I saw Upgrading and grinding oh you've changed Oh you've transformed you've become so Different I actually worked for this I Went out specifically trying to Transform and change yeah this was done On purpose that's what I'm getting here This very Unapologetic energy because Once you've been through so much to Fight for where you stand finally Anyone's comments they're not going to Phase you and you're just going to see That it is coming from a place of their Own insecurity and you will actually not Spend too much time explaining yourself Cuz there's no point in that anyways There are some people who have decided To misunderstand you and they are going To do so regardless of how often you Explain anything to them but to those Who are really interested in your change In your transformation you will say to Them I see that here in the adventurin I Created my own luck I did this myself This is not something that happened by Chance or by accident and here within Time to decide I want you to know here That the next chapter of your life is About making decisions based on your Heart's true desires on what you really Want so creating your own luck also Means creating your own luck in your own

Lane creating your own luck in the area Of your life in which you desire to be More Lucky in now that could be creating Your own luck in your career it could be Finding the perfect partner creating Your own luck can also mean having that Dream body of yours finally be in shape Long term so not just doing like a Cleanse or a detox and then being trim And lean for a moment but actually Consistently being in a space where You're happy with your external body and You feel like it looks good as well um So within time to decide you are making Decisions based on your heart's true Desires not based on what might rub Someone anyway but really based on what You're trying to achieve and where You're trying to go because you're the One who is going to have to deal with The consequences you're the one who is Going to have to deal with yourself in Old age and thinking back and wondering Where the time went and why you did not Follow your dreams why you went with the Crowd and you're not going to allow that To be you group number two because you Know that the Universe God it all comes With bigger plans for you and in order To see those plans through you actually Need to take a step forward and show That you're willing and ready to make Sacrifices and to accept everything that Comes with it now here within dance I

See that the next cycle and chapter of Your life is about moving your body to Music too dancing with the Rhythm of Life manifesting your dreams through Moving through dance and not being so Shy about your body I've actually been In this cycle myself group number two Where I often just put on really fun Dance music on my headphones or even Dance workouts on YouTube and I just Dance to the music I move to the music I Allow my body to express itself to Release tension because they say that You release a lot of tension through Your hips as tension is stored within The hips so literally shaking your butt Okay literally doing a little bit of Twerking or whatever it is that's Adjacent to that because we all know I Cannot twerk and maybe you're in the Same boat um I am more of a very tall Very SL under person so it's not really My thing but you know here within dance That even if you're not working with a Body that we see in these like seductive Dance videos for example it's not about That it's just about the movement it's About having fun and also knowing that At any shape and size you can still Dance it's just going to look different It just may have a different Optical Appearance but why are we judging that Right why in society do we attribute Certain ways of dancing and moving to

Certain body types only when we can all Move in that way and all experience the Beauty of releasing tension through our Hips now within Compassion I want you to know that the Next chapter of your life is going to Contain a lot of gentleness towards Yourself and remembering that Forgiveness will set you free in this Next chapter of your life you're Learning even more deeply to not be Phased or annoyed by anything and group Two I have a funny little story here so I was really annoyed with my mother Because she had texted someone that I Knew behind my back even though I gave Her this phone number and I said it's For emergencies and she like texted this Person anyways and it wasn't anything Bad it's just she just wanted to thank This person for being like so kind Towards me and so on and here within Compassion it's as though in the past I May have gotten a lot more upset about It I was still upset that she didn't Tell me and that misused something I Trusted her with but you just learn to See things through a lens of forgiveness And seeing the intention and the Intention was not to harm but actually To just show gratitude and you developed This increase in patience where you take The time to actually explain to the People who are worth explaining to my

Mom thankfully is one of those I know Not everyone has a mom where explaining Even gets you closer to any type of Resolution or understanding I'm very Thankful that I am able to still do this With my mom and just explaining to her Look I'm not a fond of what you did I'm Not a fan of it I don't like it and I Don't want it to be repeated and the Issue is the trust because it is now Damaged and I want you to really Understand the mechanism so you don't do It again what's already done is done I Forgive you there's no point in being Mad let's instead have compassion for The situation and here within the Appetite this is a message of getting Out of your comfort zone your next cycle Is actually going to contain some sort Of extreme experience I'm getting bunge Jumping I'm getting like half marathon Marathon I'm getting the experience of Traveling somewhere very different like I mean Antarctica Vibes I mean Australia I mean somewhere where you can do things And see animals and creatures and Scenery that is very impressive Ive and That not so many people have been able To do if it's like a far away situation For where you're starting off where you Come from so the appetite shows us here That you have the time the energy and The funds to do it and you're doing it It's one more thing that you've

Experienced and that you can cross off Of your bucket list and that you can one Day tell your grandchildren if you Choose to have kids one day something You can put into your autobiography into Your book into your podcast into your Blog you can tell people about this Within the blue La gate this is all About finding a calm through finding Excitement through experiences healthy Excitement not excitement through ups And downs in relationships that drain You to the point that you can't even do Life or experience life but actually Finding calm in a space where you know Your connections are solid you know You've got healthy individuals around You so you have calm in your life which Means you can Channel your energy into Business decisions that are big that are Courageous you can Channel your energy Into overcoming obstacles rather than Having obstacles be there by default Because the people you keep around you Like to be obstacles in and of Themselves so the next chapter is really About using your energy for real Obstacles and growth now what that's Going to result in and I loved it spirit Is bringing this into your reading in a Manner that is so different that sticks Out with this bright orange you see how We received all of these crystals that Kind of go together energetically

Color-wise from the first card with time To decide to our entire setup and Foliage everything intuitively you saw Me shuffling came together in this very Aesthetically pleasing Manner and I mean There are so many other crystals that You could have received that were Absolutely not within this color family This color realm but Spirit wanted to Set the stage for the conclusion the Final card to be success and to tell you That that's precisely what will stick Out like a sore thumb in the next cycle And in the next chapter of your life it Will be a huge success the next chapter Of your life is going to make you think Back and say you know what that was Really a great time in my life that was Really a time of a lot of success now Group number two I'm going to clear and Cleanse the space and then be back for Us to delve even more deeply into your Reading you don't need to do a thing Simply continue to lean back relax and Enjoy your prediction and I'll be right Back to guide you into more of the Intricate details about what's coming in The next chapter of your life Welcome Back group number two did you miss me Let's delve a little more deeply into Your reading shall We all right so we've got the journey The next chapter of your life is going To contain a lot of journeying via car

And also via other Transportation that is on the ground so This could be Uber this could be a bus This could also be a friend's vehicle And you sitting in the back being Passenger princess as well I do see here Within the journey that you will be Spending quite a good amount of time in A car going to places which shows us Here that the next chapter that's coming For you will have travel in it it will Contain you being on the road and going To new places and feeling free that's What the journey represents a feeling of Freedom and also understanding that this Is a time for you to live I know we Often feel as though we constantly need To work or we constantly need to be Productive but what about living what About reminding yourself that neither of Us know how much time that we've got so We need to balance each day and each Cycle with things that we love as well And intention brings you the message to Be clear and decisive focus on what you Really want be bold with your requests To the universe and remind yourself here That you can be intentional on your Journey and still get to really amazing Places on this journey of great success Financially Professionally privately as well but You've got to be clear and decisive About what it is that you truly want if

You for example really want to be able To travel more there are ways in which You can make your professional life Accommodate that of course it will be a Journey in itself it may take some time Some changes and taking some risks by Even switching jobs in this next chapter In your life however what's your Intention in life is your intention to For example be working in one place Right now or spending most of your time Working from home and being in your home Or is your focus and what you really Want right now to be able to see more to Get out more to Journey more Internationally too I see here within Nature that Spirit can tell that for you Nature has always been a sanctuary even If you can enjoy a nice big city and Some fancy places and a little bit of Concrete jungle every now and then Actual jungle is where you feel the most Free now find a sanctuary in nature and Con connect with the Elementals finding A sanctuary in nature for me personally I picked where I live very strategically Because I wanted to be able to spend More time in nature so I literally Picked a house that is right next to the Forest here in Switzerland because every Day I go out once or twice for walks and For runs in the forest and I knew that If I had to like commute to a forest I Probably wouldn't even do it so here I

Want you to know within nature that Nature is a grounding place and you must Find your way of making nature work for Some people it's everyday for some People they even prefer to live in the Nature like for example in a tiny home In a bus in a tent there are people who Need that much nature there are people Who like apartments in cities and like To go to parks within their city so Nature is really all about finding the Way that nature serves you the most and Where it serves you the most one thing That I'm realizing is maybe nature just Here where I live in Switzerland is not Going to be my forever nature I might Need a little bit of a change I might Need to go to a different country or Spend more time in a different place Because one thing about the journey is That you've got to be intentional about How you feel in life and sometimes s Geographically wherever you are is Stopping you from feeling really free or From feeling like you're living your Best life and when that happens it may Just be time to make those moving plans It may just be time to look at those Houses in Costa Rica and Panama all Right so I do want you to know here that Your next cycle is going to come with Some really big big changes and also Facing your fears cuz the known the Things that you're used to are the

Things that can feel really safe so when You're considering or even planning Going somewhere else and letting go of What you know it's like facing huge Fears and your guides want you to Release the power of fear at this very Moment my gorgeous soul of group two and To remind yourself here that fear is Nothing but an emotion it's not a thing That can actually come and harm you it's Just a feeling face those fears release The power of fear you don't need fear Within your life and the thing is like You have dealt with fear all your life And you know that leaning into it Doesn't do anything positive for you Anyways your guides are saying to you You know what let's ramp up these new Beginnings begin your new life because Your new life is right here it's Accessible it's ready for you to grab And grasp I want you to know here in This Phoenix that's rising out of the Fire From the Ashes that when it comes To the next chapter in your life you're Being encouraged to know that whenever There was a down you don't have to stay Down you don't have to let yourself stay In that cycle of feeling like oh I'm not Sure where to go or allowing your fears To keep you on a mediocre level it's Time to level up just as you have before Leveling up never ends and I want you to Know here with intention and New

Beginnings the more you set your Intention on New Beginnings and you do Things that correspond to that the more You will actually find that oh my God These new beginnings are really taking Place bit by bit but you've got to focus On it like I have these thoughts where Sometimes I'm like oh why are these Obstacles here why is this in my way but Then I remind myself wait no I can use This to my advantage this doesn't have To be an obstacle this can literally be Like something that I turn into a Beautiful project like why is a Situation that's out of my control where I'm having issues in my warehouse with All of my decks and my jewelry why is This happening well guess what because Maybe you're meant to move warehouses Maybe you're meant to do things Differently maybe it's now time to Restructure your business in a way that Suits you and your goals and your Intentions a lot more and allows you to Journey allows you to spend more time in Nature cuz that's where you really heal And you become even more creative so Here within success what comes in your Next chapter is well Spirit couldn't be Any clearer complete success your next Chapter is a very very positive one That's coming for you and spirit wants You to know this to get excited for it To reiterate it to make sure that you

Are not leaving this reading without Knowing that your next chapter in life Is going to be probably your most Successful one yet because there's a Reason why this is being brought to you Why this is being reiterated so strongly Within your reading and this is to Remind you of the fact that some of the Best moments the best people and the Most successful experiences that you are Going to have in this lifetime haven't Even happened yet they still lay ahead Of you and knowing that how could you Ever feel as though oh my God I'm not Good enough I'm not doing this well Enough this isn't working out the way I Wanted to group number two things will Work out when they're meant to work out It's not going to be every day a day of Working out okay your Oscars and Grammys And being honored for all of your Accomplishments it's not an everyday Thing it's when you also get through These times of not knowing and within She of the lotus we do have this energy Here that is very magnetic eclectic Different and I want us to delve a Little more into this she of the lotus Card because I find this a very a very Interesting one to show up within your Reading because Originally the she of the lotus is about Like a shadow encountering light and Allowing this to transform the Shadow

And what Spirit wants you to know here Is that when we discard any part of Ourselves we're throwing the baby out With the bath water basically often our Greatest strengths are our greatest Greatest weaknesses and vice versa so When we reject or deny any part of Ourselves we end up feeling like Hollow Lost and detached but when we take them Out of the trash and work with them Through compassion gentleness honesty And Non-judgment we can shine a light on These shadows and see them for what they Are so incredibly your perceived Weaknesses may vanish when you peel the Layers further and further back to Explore the past experiences that Accompanied them so accept your shadows Enough to bring them into to the Daylight that is usually all that it Takes for them to dissipate their power Will dissolve and you will be able to See them for what they are or let's say What they are not so that is a message That we've got here in the she of the Lotus that I absolutely love for you Right now group number two cuz I can Feel that this is a message that you Really needed to receive and you needed To hear in this very moment so next up We've got air air is the element of Libra Aquarius and Gemini air Corresponding to the magical number 13

Shows us here that there's a sort of Paradigm Shift happening in the next Cycle within your life this card is a Very eclectic kind of free looking card And the thing that air communicates is More knowledge and power are available To you as an individual and that you Have had this available to you for Centuries but now is a time for you to Actually reach out and grab it so an Expansive being here that holds this Tiny heart-shaped seedling this is about The foundations that you build and come From and that all of that starts with a Tiny seedling of love and the thing here Is you will see huge positive changes When you remind yourself that it all Starts with you and it all starts with This tiny Little Seedling things don't Usually start out big or successful and You can engage a lot of tools when you Build energetic sovereignty and you Create Pockets where you can choose to Make big changes within your communities And as I already mentioned to create a Community from what started as an idea Or just a little seedling so for example Creating a community on Instagram on YouTube a Blog following there are so Many different ways you can build a Community in this day and age Patron for Example that's one thing that I have Been loving to build as well as of Recently I also have my own community in

My daily reading subscription I really Love that too where all of the patron Videos are but you also get a daily Tarot card reading as guidance which I Just started building recently and it Has been a complete blast this paradigm Shift from going from a place of wanting To do more person readings not knowing How to finding a way and then actually Working on it day by day and seeing People join and love it next up we've Got the four of Pentacles now the four Of Pentacles does show us here that when It comes to the next chapter within your Life we have this kind of sensation of Not wanting to spend so much so you're Really using what you have you're not Big on spending a lot of money in this Next chapter because CU to you you just Don't see the point in buying things to Impress people that you don't even care About and that perhaps don't even care That much about you or you may just see For a split second you're being a lot Smarter with your funds and trying to Invest your funds in things that make You more funds and you're more about Experiences in this next chapter and the 10 of blades shows us here which is a Pretty dramatic looking card right with The blades like going down the side and The back kind of a little bit and having This figure that's laying there and we Don't know is she or he are they

Sleeping are they just chilling or are They really hurt or even gone so the 10 Of blades is a card that shows us like It is the time has come to move on from Where where we currently are the time Has really come for your next cycle to Be initiated and it is really about Stepping out of feeling like a victim or Asking yourself constantly why certain Things aren't working but instead like Just go to where things work just Initiate them to work put yourself in The mindset of failure not being an Option and not even being in your Peripheral because of course there will Be challenges but it is our personal Decision to for example say we are not Going to take any setback or anything That's unpopular is a failure but we're Going to just keep pushing through and I Want you to know even statistically some Of the most popular artists whether it's Taylor Swift or like Justin Bieber any Of these other really big popular Artists that I don't really listen to um But what I do know is a lot of their Songs are not that popular like in their Album there will be a few very like Notable hit songs and I think that goes For almost all artists also the ones That I really really listen to on a Daily basis and love unless you really Love that artist you may only know a few Of their songs like 25% of their songs

And the rest of the album if you don't Actually go and look at it and listen to It and you know listen to some songs Multiple times until they start to grow On you you won't actually even like Their music and that just shows that a Lot of things that people put out there Is not going to immediately grow on People it's not going to immediately be The most popular thing and a lot of your Work will be unpopular a lot of what you Do will not make it to the light of day And it's about still putting it out There still giving options because that Heightens the Probability of what you are creating Being a a breakthrough and what you are Making actually ending up being very Successful So give yourself that my gorgeous soul Don't feel as though every single thing Has to be looked at individually look at Your entire life as a project and look At your efforts as disciplines that You're following through on and you know For sure that the more you put out the More you will see results not every Single action will yield a result that Is immediately tangible and where you Can immediately say okay this sale that I made came from this action but it's Like a full picture that needs to work Together now group number two I will Clear and cleanse the space and then

We'll move just a little more deeply Into your reading about the next chapter That's coming for you so simply hold on Tight and relax and I'll be right back With You hello group number two welcome back So let's delve even more deeply into Your reading shall we let's see what Spirit has for us here so we've got the Lover As well as the Knight of Swords For You Don't worry I'm going to show you these Cards a little more closeup so you can See the depictions and we can delve into The messages now here within the Knight Of Swords I want you to know that what Spirit has to say about the next chapter Within your life is the fact that you Are a lot more outspoken in this next Chapter because you've seen what it's Like when you're just the nice person When you're just the one who's okay with Things when you're just trying to be Easygoing there's no point in you being Easygoing moving forward you're seeing Here within the lovers that you Literally cannot mess things up with the Right people like the right people you Can say anything to in any way and they Are going to forgive you they're going To get it they're going to want to still Work it out with you and rekindle things With you just think about it if you've Ever been in a like relationship ship

Situation with someone and maybe it was Also just a situationship group number Two and they were not treating you Nicely and they did some stuff that was Very much on the border of disrespectful And you still wanted to rekindle with Them like you still tried to talk it out Even though they should have been the One to be like crawling back and say oh Baby I'm so sorry like how can we make This better how can we figure this out But like literally you were the one who Was even thinking to rekindle so you're Just realizing that when you really Really care about someone and when you Really want things to work then nothing That you say is going to tick them off Nothing that you say is going to make The right people stay away from you or Not want to still be in your life and It's not like you're taking advantage of That it's just that it makes you realize That if someone doesn't have that in Them to try to rekindle with you to try To make sure everything is okay then They are probably not not your person They're probably not meant for you so Next we have the Five of Swords So Within the Five of Swords this shows us Here that there will be in the next Chapter of your life some disagreements With people who just don't agree with You speaking up for yourself and asking For respect asking for Mutual

Involvement in tasks that need to be Done so like work colleagues I see here In the Knight of Swords and the Five of Swords those are the ones that in the Next chapter of your life are probably The most affected by your outspokenness Cuz you're not picking up their slack Anymore and you're not covering for them Now the two of Swords does show us here That the next chapter in your life is About decision making in correlation Here to the lovers because the two of Swords actually always represents you Having to make a big difficult decision And I see here with correspondence to The lovers with the two of swords that It's like this love triangle situation Where you're going to have to pick one You're going to have to make a choice And the thing is like sometimes the Really nice person like we can see here In the lovers we have this person who is Affectionate who seems like really nice Who's grabbing on with both arms and you See how the leg is like flipped in the Air and it's giving off this like very Nice person Vibes and then on the other End here we have this person who's only Holding on with one hand who's kind of Looking a little bit like um aren't you Going to pick me and doesn't have this Like please me energy but you're kind of Looking over here and this next chapter Is about realizing that there are some

Toxic patterns in people you may have Grown accustomed to or gotten used to But that doesn't mean that they're okay Or that you should accept them that Doesn't mean that those patterns need to Be patterns that you continue to have in Your life or that you should continue Picking that kind of person because the Thing here is like sometimes times we Pick people who show less interest in us Because as humans it just feels when Someone is really into us and someone is Trying to make everything work it just Feels like they are less valuable than The people who are a bit more aloof a Bit more mysterious who are putting less Effort in but trust me that gets old Really quickly especially if you're Trying to build a relationship a Romantic one so the next chapter of your Life is really about picking a new type Of lover than you have in the past Because in the past like the type of Lover that you picked was just not for You it was just not the right person and The rainbow obsidian is about healing Your heart and finally actually Recognizing ways in which your heart Needs to heal in which it has been Damaged and you have been trying the Same medicine and looking for medicine Outwards that hasn't been healing your Heart effectively Looking for medicine outwards Works

Different for all of us I have some Close friends who look for medicine Outwards in the form of very short-lived Situationships and just like sensual Physical experiences I've got friends Who look for medicine outwards outside Of themselves by drinking excessive Amounts of alcohol or consuming other Substances some people OV exercise some People look to heal from outwards Experiences in the sense of trying to Get recognition becoming Workaholics and the rainbow obsidian Shows us that the next chapter of your Life is really about a very clean Approach to Healing your heart from the Inside out healing your heart on the Basis of you have everything within you And now it's simply about releasing any Type of emotional baggage that you have That has attached you chemically and Wired your brain to like solutions that Aren't real solutions that aren't Sustainable that aren't actually healing From a place of truly being good for you Because healing through kind of just Drowning our emotions in alcoholic Beverages or going out or meaningless Relationships you're not really healing Right you're just avoiding you're just In a way distracting yourself and that's Where the rainbow obsidian and the Gite Bring the message that the next chapter Of your life is about honoring the fact

That you have tried to heal in different Ways in the past and you've tried to Move on very quickly and in some Instances maybe it was helpful and good For that moment but in many ways you Have grown so much stronger now group Number two that you don't need to have These external factors to heal you don't Need that type of meaningless Recognition you are healing and feeling Your emotion even if that means that You're at home and you're crying and You're not going out on the weekends but You're spending time like journaling and Painting and caring for Yourself what you have realized is that It's really up to you how you show up How you heal your heart and how you Release your emotional baggage and Sometimes we think we're releasing Emotional baggage when we're actually Not when we're actually just avoiding it Or we're just thickening the baggage by Never truly confronting it okay we have Trust that popped into your reading now Trust is all about you also Understanding here that you have to Trust yourself in your choices moving Forward you have to trust that when you Pick someone who is a healthy person to Be around that you're doing so from a Place of deep love and having healed to An amazing degree having healed to the Point where you know what you're not

Going to pick the bad boy anymore you're Not going to pick the person that you Know is not healthy in the long term but Because those are the patterns you're Used to or you feel like you deserve you Have done it before now within if you Believe the next chapter of your life is Actually really about more being up to You than you have given your life credit For and by more being up to you then You've given your life credit for I mean You don't have any control over your Life and how much money that you make How people view you how you're loved how You're cared for your health and so on The thing here is that you're choosing To let go of that story that very untrue Story which you have been telling Yourself because there's no need for it Because you are understanding that it is Up to you and it's up to you speaking up It's up to you releasing emotional Baggage it's up to you making sure that You're picking who's healthy not who Just looks good on the outside who you Can really see you could count on if for Example there was a child involved if You had a pet that was sick if you were Sick if you're dealing with people that You can't really see being there for you You can't even picture it or you have to Question like would they show up would They be there you know it's your choice It's your decision now to pick better

It's your decision now to even be by Yourself in the next cycle in certain Areas of your life then settle for less Than you deserve and I learned this Actually already from like middle school Or Something I would rather be alone than Be with friends who I have to question And even in like college and high school And stuff like that like once I noticed Like some of the friends I just let's Just say Friendenemies um would not be loyal Would not be friends who you can Actually count on and who would kind of Drop you as soon as there was like a Little as soon as there was even like a Tiny amount of friction within the Friend group and I just dropped them Afterwards like I just said to myself I Don't even need these quote unquote Friends because if you can't count on Friends what are they there for if you Don't know that they're not going to Every time there's some sort of Rift Kick you out of the friend group there's Literally no point in this kind of Connection so I definitely see you being Very clear about this in your life in The next chapter that that's not Something that you're still dealing with Because you're just too old for it you Don't have the time you don't have the Energy nor do you have the nerve even if

That means that you're alone for a Little bit until you find really amazing Friends and here within rebirth I want You to know that it is possible even as An adult to reinvent yourself to give Life to your dreams and to create a new Reality in which you also have new Friends new relationships that are Supportive that are amazing with people Who are just like you and who are in the Exact same situation as you were in who Also always felt like they were Different like they didn't fit in with The people who they were forced to be With and spend time with I.E classmates From school because that is really what It is we were just forced to spend time With these people and of course if You're the odd one out you're probably Not going to leave school with a lot of Like friends for life but that's okay Because we get to to find more Open-minded friends later on in life Whereas a lot of people can get stuck in The small town mentality because they Will forever just be friends with the Same people that they've known for ages And they're perhaps not as open to new Connections and friendships now Delight Brings you the message to count your Blessings and enjoy life take pleasure In simple things and always expect the Best that's what Spirit has for you as a Parting piece of guidance for the next

Chapter in your life group number two It's time for you to have fun it's time For you to count the blessings that are Already here rather than always focusing On what you don't have just yet or what You're working towards inspired and Grateful for what you've got for the Blessings that you can already count and Enjoy this life take pleasure in the Little things whether it's drinking your Favorite beverage for me it's like a Matcha latte right now whether it is Just going out and enjoying the Sun Enjoying fresh air having clean water That you can access a roof over your Head and always expect the best if you Go to a job interview expect the best if You meet a new potential friend or even Partner expect the best go into every Situation expecting the best for Yourself and not settling for any less Group number two so this is the reading That I received for you I hope that You've enjoyed it and that you found This insightful feel free to let me know In the comment section I love to read Your comments and also to respond to Them and if you're completely new to This Channel and you've watched the Reading all the way to the end I mean we Clearly Vibe with one another don't Forget to subscribe to never miss an Upcoming prediction so group number two Wherever you are in this world I'm

Sending you so much love and I can't Wait to connect with you during one of My upcoming Readings hello my lovely soul of group Number three welcome to your reading you Chose The Whispers of healing Oracle Deck in order to help guide you through The next chapters that are coming for You and your life my name is Vanessa Soma I will be reading your cards for You today and I can't wait for us to get Into all of the nitty-gritty details you Also chose the Carnelian in connectivity To your deck and the Carnelian is all About being Fierce fearless and taking What you want so this next chapter is Going to be filled with energy of quite Frankly speaking speaking up and bossing Up and being a version of yourself that Has been waiting to come out for a long Long time group number three let's see What the next chapter of your life is All about so let's see what we've got For you boundaries all right group Number three you know how we just Mentioned how the next chapter of your Life is about speaking up bossing up Speaking up also means setting Boundaries and sticking to them and Sometimes it can be really hard to do That because you have to have a Willingness to lose people especially Romantically speaking oh group number Three to stick to your boundaries means

That you have to be okay with losing Someone who you're maybe just into the Talking stages with and they do Something really disrespectful and you Tell them you're either not putting up With it or you're just giving them one More chance and then they test you again And they do it again because they know Exactly what they're doing and you have To be okay with just saying to them you Know what I'm done with you and that Being that not giving Second Chances Because that would not be upholding your Boundaries upholding your boundaries Also means standing on those boundaries So do know here that boundaries not only Apply to romantic relationships but Boundaries are also here with friends Family kids where you have to just Properly openly speak your mind not be Afraid to have boundaries And as a mentioned stand on them make Sure that people know you're not messing Around you're not kidding if your Boundaries aren't respected you're Leaving you're disengaging you're not Entertaining any of this BS your Boundaries are your boundaries and they Are non-negotiable cuz some people will Try to negotiate your boundaries with You group number three don't fall for it All they want is for you to lower your Standards and who's going to benefit From that they are so be wise to this be

Wise to the games the tactics be wise to Narcissists who always try to negotiate Boundaries who are always the types that Like when they can overstep your Boundaries and when you give them segue Into your mind to allow them to do so Because it gives them more control Because now you've already allowed them To cross boundaries once and then They'll do it again so boundaries is Really also about self-preservation and Protection boundaries are no joke I know Some people dramatize boundaries a lot And they make it seem like this thing That is a little more dramatic than it Needs to be but having firm boundaries Does make a huge difference within your Life so let's see what other messages That we're receiving here aside from Your boundaries we've got forward Movement in order to move forward Fruitfully and with growth with being Able to go to new places and to feel Happy in the forward Movement we have a Happy expression we have you flying we Have you being led and carried by Symbols of transformation right we've Got butterflies so in order for a very Transformative next chapter in your life Of forward movement these boundaries are Imperative and it's not really something That you can avoid if you want to grow If you want to move forward in life you Have to have the boundaries you have to

Set them you have to stick to them and Be willing to lose people who do not Actually respect your boundaries and Group number three just random question Just asking for a friend why would you Even want to continue to entertain Someone who does not respect your Boundaries why would you even want Anybody in your life who tests your Boundaries over and over again even Though you've already stated those Boundaries where do you think those Relationships are going to lead I know Your reading is immediately very headon It's very much like call you out but I Want you to know that as your big sis From the internet your favorite tarot Reader here on YouTube and the one That's going to tell you everything Exactly like it is these messages are Important for you in the long run you May not like it right now but I promise You standing on your boundaries and Having them is going to help you move Forward so much more healthily and Quickly than if you're constantly Negotiating your boundaries with people Who are never going to respect them Because even the next boundary you set They're still going to try to undermine That one they're still going to try to Breadcrumb you on that until you're Starving really you're starving for some Self-respect and for some respect from

Literally anyone else in your life here Within commit to happiness I want you to Know that the next chapter of your life Through doing all of this coming to These realizations honoring your Boundaries and moving forward you're Committing to happiness you're Committing to having a great life Because guess what but people don't Phase you anymore because if you don't Like what they're bringing to the table You're not eating it you're not forcing Yourself to have it if you say that You're vegetarian vegan gluten Intolerant if you have a nut allergy you Also don't just eat something that Someone dishes who doesn't respect your Allergy or your dietary preference and You just say well um okay I'm I'm just Going to eat it anyways like even though They knew that you had the this kind of Like either preference or intolerance or Even allergy very dangerous allergy and They still did it it's not like you're Still going to eat it no you're Committing to your health you're Committing to your happiness you're not Going for all those games cuz you don't Need that in your life at this point Group number three so committing to Happiness in the next chapter of your Life is the main goal the main Commitment being in happiness actually Shows us that the next chapter of your

Life is going to be a chap that you Thoroughly enjoy also because you just Have this unwavering faith in yourself And in everyone who you've got around You because the boundary crossers and The people who you can tell just always Want to cause some sort of friction You've gotten rid of them you don't need Them anymore you're not dealing with That whatsoever because you know Precisely that the Universe your guides God there are better bigger plans for You and better people that are meant to Come towards you so there's no point in Giving way to disruption there's no Point in giving any time any space to People who don't really respect and they Just come to disrupt because what it is It's just kind of slowing you down from Living the life that you could have Lived from any type of forward movement And you're realizing that you're Realizing that any disruption to your Commitment to your happiness you have Full faith that when you see that Someone is Just A disruption to it it's Not worth having them in your life and Actually it's their loss not yours and I Do see like a huge increase in selfworth Here for the next chapter of your life And also being comfortable in solitude Because you no longer have this air About you of scarcity where you think to Oh my God what if this person leaves me

I'll be alone what if I don't find Someone like them anymore that's what You thought with the last person and Look where you are look at what you've Been able to accomplish and experience Now the amethyst is all about trusting Your intuition in this next chapter of Your life and this goes so beautifully With the faith card that we received so Group three trust your intuition have Faith in it have faith that you are Being guided from the inside out and That when you get a weird gut feeling About a person That it's there for a reason and when You get a weird gut feeling about Another individual romantically speaking You're probably right if you get a weird Gut feeling because you're in a lonely Alley at 3:00 a.m. in the morning and You just think something isn't right Well get out of there get out of that Situation it can also be in the middle Of the day and I want you to know that There's a reason why you feel that way It's not a coincidence you are meant to Have that feeling you're meant for your Body to have this spike in really like Stress levels stress hormones in order To warn you of danger and to protect you From danger so have faith that all of These ways of recognizing incoming Danger are no coincidence they were Given to you for a reason and the

Labradorite shows us that the next Chapter is really about seeing the magic In it and using it to your advantage so Using your intuition as your protection Using it as your guidance as your Protection as your way of being able to Navigate without any fear without any Overthinking and to really see the Magic In you know what yeah I've got this yeah I can see the Magic in the fact that When I have a weird feeling and I listen To it I'm being protected I'm not losing Out I'm not making a mistake and I don't Have to justify why I'm deciding to Listen to my own gut feeling I mean it's So strange to me actually even that we Have created a Society and communities in which we have To justify why we don't want to do Something or why we feel away about a Situation uh based on our intuition God-given intuition intuition that we Were born with why rationalize why Justify hundreds of years ago human Beings used their intuition when they Were hun hunters and gatherers that Thousands of years ago in order to Navigate in order to survive and we did Survive as a species thanks to our Intuition so it is a very important part Of who we are of protecting ourselves And of where we're going now within Miracles have faith that your Miracle is On its way your prayers have been

Answered and surrender to the how now we Have Miracles kind of showing up for you In multiple ways we have Miracles Showing up for you in the labradorite And also in the Miracles unicorn card Right here which I really love from this Sacred unicorn deck the Oracle of the Unicorns yeah I got this deck many years Ago but I still really love it and I Want you to know here that this showing Up twice speaks for the next chapter in Your life actually being filled with a Lot of miraculous incidents that you did Not expect to go so well so amazing Positive Miracles that you didn't see Coming And really prosperous surprises for you That you had no idea were on their way But they're here and I can't wait for us To delve even more deeply into your Reading group number three cuz what I'm Going to do now is I'm going to clear And cleanse the space and then we will Get into more details of the next Chapter in your life you don't have to Do anything just simply continue to Relax Lean Back keep watching and we'll Figure out more of what's coming towards You in the next chapter of your Life Welcome Back My Beautiful Soul of Group number three did you miss me let's Delve a little more deeply into the next Chapter that's coming for you so let's Get into it sincere relationships all

Right so the next chapter within your Life will be filled with sincere Relationships which is maybe something You have prayed for if you have been Backstabbed by people who you thought Were your friends if you've been treated Like you're nothing by people who should Have loved you or even said that they Loved you especially in romantic Relationships it can be so scarring it Can be so triggering once you've got a Sincere relationship in the next cycle Of your life you're like um are we sure This is safe your nervous system is Feeling a little unsure all because of What you've been through and it's so Understandable group number three Especially if you have any type of Trauma related to emotional or physical Violence I know these readings are very Deep and I hope that you don't mind that We're talking about literally everything All the uncomfortable topics but your Guides want to say to you look the next Chapter of your life is going to have Some sincere relationships here like Some real close friendships and even Romantic relationships that start off With a respectful friendship like we see Depicted here don't think it's weird Don't feel as though oh well it's boring Your nervous system is just addicted to And used to things going differently and It's fine we don't need to judge you for

It we don't need to feel any way about The fact that it may be strange and Weird once you do have these sincere Relationships show up in your life the Thing is just that we don't want a Self-sabotage right we don't want to be That person that loses the sincere Relationship because we are like oh my God what is this it's boring I don't Deserve this I'm insecure we're not Doing all that because we're already Aware of what's coming next so we have Absolutely nothing other to do than to Transform from a place of feeling a Little sus about these sincere Relationships and getting into a space Where we feel safe and secure within Them because that's what sincere Relationships are about they are about You feeling secure they are about you You feeling safe it's about you knowing All right this is a place for me to lay My head and to just also practice some Selflove wow group number three your Next chapter in life is about selflove Through allowing sincere relationships And transforming into entertaining them Giving them a chance leaving all the eff Up things you've experienced behind even If you still have Scars the next people don't need to pay For that through you just feeling like You can't trust them or like something Is off or weird give people a real

Chance especially like the boring Feeling solid ones if you've come from a Tumultuous household and past Relationships because trust me I Completely understand you it can be so Weird when you're all of a sudden Dealing with someone who sincerely is Selfless and just wants to see you happy And you're like wait what what's the Ulterior motive like what's going on Here and the thing here in selflove is That we actually also have this lion Fish and we have a stag I love this African lion fish because I also have The African lion fish in my below the Surface Oracle deck which is my Oracle Deck I created with all like Oceanic Animals and the Stag here shows us Leadership energy so it's definitely About you realizing that selflove is About leading yourself to a confident Place where where you exclusively live Within the certainty of yeah I deserve Sincere relationships and they're here For me to enjoy to access and to finally Have in my life and the thing here is That some of us only find these sincere Relationships later in life and many of Us go through trauma you perhaps had Terrible middle school high school Experience and even Beyond that felt as Though you haven't really found like Your squad or your friend group but I Want you to know here that a huge part

Of sincere relationships and Self-love is also just finding like you Know what it's time for me now to Upgrade from that it's time for me now To understand there are so many great Adults out here who completely get what I've been through because they've been Through the same to remember your worth All right like you deserve someone who Treats you like absolute royalty you Don't have to settle for someone who Never gets you flowers you don't have to Settle for someone who forgets your Birthday or who doesn't text you good Morning my gorgeous absolutely stunning Queen someone who doesn't text you good Night who doesn't want to know how You're doing it's not it you've got to Feel safe and you deserve to feel safe And you don't have to settle for Anyone's crusty son or daughter who Doesn't make you feel safe the rot cross Site is all about remembering your worth And knowing that in sincere Relationships they see your worth and They actually play on it they actually Want you to also know your worth the Insincere relationships are the ones in Which people try to strip you of your Worth and try to make you feel worthless Or worth less in order to make sure that They can have more control over you That's literally what narcissists and Sociopaths do for example and I want you

To steer clear of any of these types of Individuals because sometimes you don't Even notice that that's what's going on But that's why your big sis is here to Talk to you to explain to you and to Tell you what to avoid in the next Chapter of your life because here within The Jade you are the type of person who Can clap back very well like you always Have a good comeback you're quick you're Witty you're intelligent but the thing Is like it's not even worth it because Some of these narcissistic people when You get in a discussion with them it's Best to just be the bigger person that's The most self-love you can give yourself Because the goal is only to transform Into this sincere relationship Circle Right we don't want anything that's less Than a sincere relationship so let's not Even like argue with anyone who's not Going to be part of that community and That part of your life anyways who's not Going to be part of those relationships Now the Smokey chords shows us that the Next chapter of your life is about Letting it go let go of that person that Makes you feel as as though you have to Like fight for them or you have to fight For the relationship no group number Three there's no relationship that will Last for a lifetime that you feel like You're constantly needing to fight for There's enough to fight about within

This world every single day is a Struggle for a lot of us and here within The ey light shift your money mindset Focus on you focus on money and I want You to also know here the next chapter Of your life is showing you that when People really value someone they spend Money on that person whether it's male Or female female may be a little bit Less depending on what the mindset is or What the goal of the relationship is but Especially if you're dealing with Straight men or just men in general they Don't even need to be straight um that Is a way in which a lot of men Express That yeah they will use their finite Resources to prove to you that they want You to be safe they want you to feel Taken care of and happy and like you're Stable So within the ey light this is All about understanding just get your Cash girl okay just look out for your Bag for your money get it from wherever You can whether it's your job whether It's also a side hustle whether it's Dealing with a sincere relationship with Someone who sees for example oh okay you Really really love this type of takeout For dinner and they're just like let me Get it for you let me Splurge a little Bit and get you this thing that you Really love and is is really useful for You maybe it's an external hard drive Maybe it's a mic because you wanted to

Start a podcast like shift your mindset Around these things you're allowed to Have all this stuff and you're allowed To be gifted these things it doesn't Mean you're not capable of it but it Just shows here that you're finally Dealing with people who would do for you What you would do for them would you not Do that for someone that you love group Number three because I know you would Now here within time to move on your Guides are trying to say to you look you Have to move on from your old money Mindset in correlation to having just Received the iite and the Smoky quarts Remember the Smoky quarts is about Letting it go the eyelight is about Shifting your money mindset now we've Got time to move on literally from my Wild Muse Oracle deck the most iconic Oracle deck out here and I want you to Just understand when this shows up like You got to let go of the old systems and Beliefs that you maybe saw or grew up in Especially if you had parents for Example people who had a poor money Mindset and by poor I don't mean Necessarily just financially poor as in Not having money but I mean a bad Relationship towards money a bad mindset Towards money it's time to move on from That and spirit also wants you to just Say it how it is be honest with yourself Okay if your parents never quite got the

Hang of how to do money and generational Wealth we don't need to make them Comfortable by pretending like they did Well I mean you also don't need to tell Them that they messed up if you know That they're very sensitive or also like A little narcissistic and we'll take it Very personally but you can at least be Honest with yourself and be like you Know what that was not their Forte that Was not their strong suit but I'm Letting that go because for me now this Is my life this is my time and it's Actually also my time to move on from These mindsets that are not benefiting Me and that I also do not want to pass On or pass down at all next up we've got Murky waters for you now my gorgeous Soul of group number three the next Chapter of your life we'll have some Murky Waters as well and I do see here Some creatures in these murky Waters That you don't really know you don't Really know whether they're dangerous or Not and what I do see here within these Murky Waters and our butterfly get up Here is the fact that actually you are The person who is safe no matter where They go like you may go to another Country and literally bathe in like a River or a lake that is murky Waters and Nothing's going to happen to you like Someone else will come out and have some Sort of like bad tummy ache they will

Have mosquitoes stinging them they will Have all of these things happening but For you it's just like you can be at Home anywhere but I still want you to be Careful when you're dealing with unknown Creatures and can we apply this please To your relationships and by unknown Creatures I mean if you don't know more Than someone's first name and you feel Like things are in quite adding up speak Up tell it like it is be honest about That but if you can't get clarity and The truth it's time to move on okay Because there are a lot of people out Here if you've seen Tinder swindler or If you knew what I had been through in My past long-term relationship you would Know like first red flag move on because It can get Really really nuts and crazy and just Bad all right so okay so from one being Who just wants a peaceful and healthy Life and peaceful healthy relationships To another I just really want you to Ditch people at the first red flag in This next chapter of your life I just Really want you to finally have the Self-love to never question whether You'll meet someone like this again and To never feel as though you are losing Out like people feel as though they're Losing out when you leave but you also Need to give them the chance to feel That way if you are desperate Clinging

On hanging on trying to crawl back to Them they will not feel that way they Will feel like they are the prize Because guess what you are behaving like They are the the prize you're confirming That in their minds you are portraying This image that there's something to beg For like you are beneath them and please Please please group number three never Do that ever ever I don't care what the Circumstances never bring yourself to That level because even if you want to Be with someone again that will never Get that relationship back on track Because they will have lost respect for You okay so they might come back Temporarily but it won't be for long but The amazing news here group number three Is that the next chapter of your life Has so much hope on the horizon when it Comes to all of your connections your Private relationships with friends but Also your romantic relationships because You are changing from the inside out and Because you're changing on the inside It's having an effect on how you look Outside because just think about it when You're more confident you walk Differently you have this little sway in Your hips you smile more you feel like Being more open you do your hair your Makeup differently you choose different Clothes your posture all of these things Improve and get more attractive the more

You focus on you the more you focus on Sincere relationships on the Transformation that you desire and that You deserve on shifting your money Mindset and letting go of everything Absolutely everything that does not Serve that purpose because Spirit has Said it right here it's time to move on What are you still doing in spaces that Are not letting you be the best version Of yourself that are not letting you see Just how loved you are and how worthy That you are and trust me no matter how Attractive or smart or successful you Are there will always be someone who Won't value you or know how to Value you And just because they can quote unquote Afford you or afford things doesn't mean That they know how to Value you so That's why a sincere heart a kind heart A Generous Heart a selfless heart That's the most important of course you Want someone to have their life together But trust me usually when people don't Have their life together and I can Mostly speak from the Viewpoint of Dealing with straight male men um I just Said this male men you guys get what I Mean straight men um the thing is often When they are not paid up when they are Not successful when they are not where They need to be financially they are Mean they're condescending they start to Try to devalue you they start to try to

Do all of that is because they don't Feel good about themselves so when Someone is being mean doesn't see your Worth or your value often it's also not Necessarily that they're a terrible Person like let's not demonize these People let's understand they are under Stress and tension what they should Actually be doing is to step out of the Dating game and just focus on getting Their money up shifting their money Mindset doing what you're doing in your Your next chapter rather than letting it Out on someone that they know they will Never be able to make happy and that They can't fully have because they can't Really provide in so many different ways Not emotionally not financially not in a Way of actually being there to support So I want you to deal with only Emotionally available people because you Deserve it group number three and you've Put in so much work and this next Chapter of your life is about Transformation into really just making You the focal point you the main Character so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to clear and cleanse the space And then I'll be right back so we can Delve more deeply into your reading with Some more details that we have not yet Unraveled you don't need to do a thing Group number three or lift a finger just Stay tuned and I'll be right back with

You welcome back group number three so Let's delve a little more deeply to What's coming for you in the next Chapter of your life so let's see what Spirit has to say next we've got the Full moon okay Power group number three You are acquiring more power more people Seeing you as basically being this Powerful individual that they respect And kind of almost fear a little bit Group number three so gaining more of Power here within the full Moon shows That the next cycle of your life is Really going to be a cycle of becoming This version of yourself that is Intimidating and knows what they want And where people know not to F with you And this is not a bad thing I don't want You to feel as though oh no I'm Intimidating people won't approach me And so on it's like no you're actually Getting rid of all of the losers all of The people that you don't want and by Losers I mean people who do not have any Good plans any good intentions for you All right that's what I mean here within Having power in the full moon this is About stepping into your true power not Hiding who or what you are and the time Is right to attract big things for Yourself ancestral energy is important So be open to larger possibilities you Have had your phase of people pleasing And being the doormat but now you've

Gotten up you're walking away and you're Stepping into this full moon power and I Just actually did a full moon live event Literally today which was so amazing all Of you who joined were incredible and I Love that we've manifested just Overcoming self-limiting beliefs during This live Google meets that I put on you Guys check out my Instagram get on the Mailing list from my website bli make Sure that you just look out for when the Next live is because it's always such a Vibe such a beautiful hangout next up We've got the last quarter moon which is All about gratit itude so the next Chapter of your life people are going Going to finally realize that they have To show some gratitude like where has The Gratitude been all this time and the Thing here within gratitude is that I Also see someone who's elderly and You're holding their hand so like a Grandmother or a parent and you're Seeing the difference between yours and Theirs so they're just older than you And you're also just realizing time I Know it's it's heavy it's hard to talk About this but you know when you see That they're aging and they're getting Older it makes you so aware of the fact That time is limited and I see here with The full moon that it makes you want to Step into your full power more because The more you step into your full power

The less BS you need to deal with from Unimportant people and sources in life And the more you can actually spend time With your loved ones who most likely Have less time left than you do and they Are so grateful every single time you do Carve out time for them even if they Don't know how to show it even if they Sometimes say things that are cringy Trust me you will never regret spending Time with elderly family with elderly People period who you can feel really do Love you so here within the last quarter Moon just spending more time in these C Circles is so fulfilling for you in the Next chapter of your life because the Meaning behind that versus just going Out with random friends who you don't Know whether they're going to be there Next week still huge difference the same Goes for situationships for example if You feel unsure and insecure with Someone you've been seeing for weeks or Even dedicating months of loyalty to but You're not really sure if they're Actually there for you or they'll Actually last IM if you put all of that Time and energy back into yourself or Into people with whom you will never Regret having spent that time but it's Just not the same obviously sometimes it Is more tempting to hang out with Someone you're romantically interested In than like a grandparent but the super

Moon and I want you to know here the Super moon is a super powerful card to Show up here with Master number 44 for You group number three and this shows us Here that you are attracting a lot of Life path number four energy and here The super moon is about attracting more Power attracting more situations that Will end up in deep gratitude and almost Like joyful happy tears of you being There seeing you spending time with you So the super moon is an event that does Occur every now and then it's a nice Astrological event to celebrate and you Can be magnetic to others and attract The good things in your life that's what The super moon confirms you can also Repel what you no longer wish to attract So be ready for opportunity in this next Chapter of your life avoid extremes that Might cause negative imbalance in your Body or also in your mind and think of Connections that are greater than Yourself and how you want to attract More of those so basically a super moon Is a full moon that is the closest Distance from Earth in its revolutions Is also referred to as the perie moon The super moon looks huge in the sky and Being so close to the Earth it Influences the oceans more than usual Causing more extreme Tides than are Normal so these changes in gravity and Force are certainly noticeable and for

Most people who follow the cycles of the Moon and do magical workings aligned With them it is the energy of super Moons that is most important so if a Normal full moon gives you an Opportunity to have rocket power under Your intentions then a super moon Greatly magnifies this energy into a Supernova if we're growing we all want To attract experiences into our lives And this can be positive relationships a Lifestyle that suits you better Clarity Love prosperity creativity the list goes On equally you also perhaps wish to be Able to repel experiences that you don't Want so it's important then to not just Know what you want but also be able to Recognize what you don't attraction Isn't just about what you accept but It's also about how you discern blindly Attracting everything that you think of Into your life rarely makes you happy But being focused about it does so this Card suggests that you think globally And for the whole if you're making Intentions on the super moon include one For yourself and precisely what you Desire for your life moving forward so The super moons are where it's at for You group number three literally figure Out when the next Super Moon is from Watching this video and start to Manifest with the super moon it's more Powerful than you think it is and it's

Going to help you in more ways than you Saw coming so next up we've got Prosperity so one of the ways in which The super moon is going to bless you When you manifest with it is that a gift Of money is on its way you're income is Increasing manage your finances with Love that's what your guides are trying To say to you about the next chapter of Your life and prosperity being part of This it makes sense why we've got the Full moon and more power cuz you'll also Notice the better your finances do the More power you have in your community And your family just with people around You you're not going to say it out loud But you are going to notice how they Treat you a little differently when You've got more funds when you've got More to spend they do treat you like You're more powerful like you're more Epic like you're more iconic they try to Hide it but you realize the shift in Energy when your Prosperity increases Now it doesn't have to be a bad thing It's just different and of course you're Going to want to make sure that you try As much as possible to just act the same Be humble be yourself and everyone will Kind of quiet down and calm down again Once they get used to the new you next Up we've got Sanctuary for you now group Number three the next chapter of your Life is actually going to have you

Taking time out from the world and Spending more time alone meditating Going on Retreats you don't have time For drama and you are canceling out any Dramatic Friends The Sanctuary also Shows here some friends will get mad at You because you are notoriously slow to Reply to text messages notoriously slow To call to make sure you're up to dat But like you're just busy doing all of This growth taking time out from the World but let me give you a little tip Group number three and that's to just Keep people in the loop so you don't Have to text someone every single day or Let them know like every single detail But the thing here is like just inform People hey I'm going to go into work Mode I'm going to go into hustle mode Into focusing on myself mode I'm going On a meditation Retreat or I'm just Retreating period so at least they know What's going on and they're not worried About you because group three you have More people who worry and care about you Than you actually knew and here with Gratitude you see the two hands kind of Holding each other and then there's Someone here that's looking at it so They feel a little jealous if you have Like a sibling or someone close to you That doesn't have a amazing relationship Or doesn't get as much respect in your Family and from Elders they are of

Course side eyeing you doing even better Making even more money spending even More time with people who are a little Older and they wish they were you and I Want you to know here that they really Envy the fact that you don't go out as Much as them like you don't have a Lifestyle that is unhealthy or as Unhealthy as theirs like everything you Do is just like a little more elevated Than them and there is some jealousy Here that I just want to point out to You that I'm receiving here within the Reading that your guides want you to Protect you from and to not feed into And by not feeding into it I mean of Course you can't do anything if Someone's jealous on you it's not really In your control nor should you let it Affect you profusely but try to just not Feed into any of their backhanded Comments that they may make sometimes Don't answer their pretentious questions With a pretentious answer just try to be Like stonewalling lukewarm gray rock Them so that means basically don't give Them anything to talk smack about you so Don't give them any ammunition don't Give them anything where they can say Hey see what Sarah what Anna like look What Britney did like no we're not even Giving them that ammunition instead your Guides are saying to you in this next Chapter Journal more and take your

Journal everywhere you can romantic ize This so much you can make this such a Beautiful wholesome hobby even if you Like to like paint a little bit why not Bring some paint with you so that you Can just have fun it doesn't need to be Artwork it doesn't need to be the best Poetry you've ever read in your whole Entire life I mean it just might be Group number three we're not going to Rule that out but it's just it's just About expressing yourself with pen and Paper and being able to put your Emotions and your thoughts somewhere so You don't feel like it's just Circulating in your mind constantly now Within use your hands I do also see for You group number three that Pottery for Example and just Hobbies where you're Using your hands are immensely powerful And healing for you so using your hands And doing things like stationary work And even having um little like arts and Crafts projects that you bring life into That feel kind of like childish but it's So healing it's so therapeutic I don't Even know why we make it as though arts And crafts it's is childish how is it Childish to spend time with yourself in Solitude in meditation and create Beautiful figurines and works of art our Ancestors used to do this all the time Especially also as they grew in age I Don't know why it became like a kid

Thing maybe as our society turned into This constant needing to work and Productive kind of vibe Society but Actually using your hands to create Things it brings you back to such a Place of being rooted in being rooted in Ancient energy even of those who came Before you you know being rooted in Ancient energy of your family's lineage And understanding like this is something That was the norm this is something that Was always done and it must have some Sort of benefit and the fact that we Live in this Society where somehow our Bodies are meant to just adapt to this Constant radiation from all of the Electromagnetic fields that are being Emitted from the electronics that we're Sitting around that we work on that we Have to use in order to communicate Never actually using our hands anymore Journaling creating things from scratch Get when you get back to that and I want You to know here in the King of Swords The message is is like you become so Much sharper clearer and less easy to Mess with and confuse so when you become Sharp and clear and less easy to mess With all of a sudden people start to Feel as though uhoh this is not a joke Anymore this is not someone whom I can Just play with and it makes you Different because you have an energy That not many people have because not

Many people still use their hands to Create things from scratch and I want You to know here within the strength Card that what also comes for you in the Next chapter of your life and actually The strength card showed up in Reverse So we will of course read it in reverse Is that you no longer need to prove the Strength or the courage you have it Within you and you just do it Automatically you're not thinking oh my God I'm going to need so much courage to Make this phone call that I don't want To make or to make this dentist Appointment or to talk to my crush it's Like you just do it you just know that If you want to get anything done in life You just have to do it it's just a very Diplomatic way of going about life and Just not allowing for procrastination to Even be part of the options and I see Here within the Knight of Cups that You're doing some growing up that was Needed not because you were childish or Immature but just because there are Certain ways in which you were holding Yourself back by not growing up and just Being like what the f of course I Deserve an amazing amazing life of Course I deserve money of course I Deserve people who love me and adore me Like why am I even letting myself like Deal with anything less you know so the Next chapter of your life is like a big

Wakeup call also as mentioned the Journaling coming back keeping a journal Painting writing and as you can see here Your eyes just being in a completely Different realm and showing yourself a World that only exists within you and Allowing for your vision to come to life At least in the way of allowing yourself To journal now and also within using Your hands reminding yourself that Creating things from scratch making Things from a place where you just start With some clay or you just start with Some wool for example if you like Knitting um some yarn I just want you to Know here using your hands in this next Chapter joining something like a club Where you can do this with others I'm Getting Scrapbooking for you using your Hands and the journal combined and then The Knight of Cups which is very Emotional energy it's kind of like the Scrapbooking journaling but kind of on MDMA if you know what I mean journaling But on substance so to say not that I Know anything about that but you get Where I'm going with this group number Three and just going the extra mile of Creating something really beautiful that Like years from now you will look at and You'll have really fond memories of and That is also another reason why the Super moon energy and the full moon Energy you're attracting more power

Because you're just becoming this very Not serious person but just disciplined To the point real you keep a clean space You're organized you don't mess around With things that are important or that Are serious you don't break the law you Don't do anything shady it's like very Put together the next chapter of your Life is you being one of those like Organizational lifestyle YouTubers and Instagrammers to the tea now group Number three I'm going to clear and Cleanse the space again you just Continue to relax Lean Back enjoy The Vibes enjoy the messages and I'll be Back with even more details about the Next cycle in your Life Welcome Back group number three are You ready to delve a little more deeply Into to the next chapter of your life Because I know I for sure am so let's Get into it first we've got soul Expansion so the next chapter of your Life is going to be filled with your Consciousness expanding so you're Understanding the connections between All things all of a sudden everything's Going to make sense it's going to make Sense why that time that you were in Fifth grade and everyone said that they Hated your outfit and it just like Reminded you the other day when you were Out and you tried to avoid wearing Something that was a little more

Colorful with ruffles and out there You're realizing oh my God that's from My childhood trauma like now it all Makes sense now I know why I'm afraid to Express myself in that way I do see here Within St Germain that also the next Chapter of your life is about releasing That Karma and moving beyond that Internal drama so creating your own path Creating your own Norms your own way of Wanting to actually experience and live Life and making room for good energy and Having all of these connections make Sense now also why for example you don't Trust people when you're dating so Easily well because you've seen that a Lot of people are not trustworthy or you Had to even experience it firsthand it All makes sense to you but when it makes Sense to you it also becomes easier to Realize hey I can I can rewire this just As it was developed in this way to not Necessarily serve me I can rewire my Brain to serve me again and that's what I see here within charity group number Three you are full within prayer and Contemplation you're connecting with Heaven you're asking you're receiving And the thing is just you're realizing The more you just ask for what you want The more you're actually going to Receive the more you connect with the Part of you that is okay with just Asking with just saying what they want

You will have your prayers answered and I just see the next chapter for you it's More spiritual it's deeper it's a you That you never saw coming especially if You were always kind of on the very I Don't want to say liberal but just in a Space where you didn't necessarily Vibe With religion and so on but the older You're getting the more you understand It and the more it becomes something That you are into and at least Interested in and that you can see the Beauty in when people use it for good Now within Mary Magdalene your teacher Is Awakening in the next cycle so you Have something important to share follow That inner call don't let anything stop You you have an important story and I See here with Mary Magdalene that you're Meant to help others people who are Going through trauma people who have Lost loved ones I see that here with These White Lies but also people who are Getting married who are engaged so you Are the ultimate relationship expert That's what I see here the next cycle Please like just get ready to be Everyone's relationship therapist group Number three otherwise like if you don't Want to do that don't even leave your House because everyone's going to be Asking you everyone's going to be asking You your opinion what you think how you Feel what the vibe is for the situation

And the thing is that you are so wise You know so much about human behavior so Not everyone is ready for the truth and The wisdom that you're about to share so Just always bear in mind who you're Dealing with um because some people will Not be able to take it some people will Not be able to really understand the Fact that you don't mean it in any mean Way you're just being very honest and You're just telling them what it is that You see and you're sharing your Intuitive wisdom um but a lot of people Will also see it and they'll be very Very grateful for the fact that you're So real so honest and upfront and within Paul De Venetian I do also see here that You're sharing your gifts with Grace There's no other way to share your gifts Other than with Grace waves of Inspiration and love are coming to you In the next chapter of your life because You finally get to share your intuitive Gift so if you've always felt like you Had a bit of a psychic artistic streak Within you I want you to know that in This next chapter of your life you will Be able to express it in a way that you Haven't before and even start to build Off of it so that you can make this your Full life work so being a teacher quite Literally speaking like doing a a Teacher training doing a raike training Learning tarot cards starting your own

Online store starting your own place Where you can offer these services and I Do want you to know here that you're Going from doing it for free for fun to Realizing no I'm really good at this and Then monetizing it and actually doing it Full-time CU that's the only way you can Really fully live and express your gifts Right you have to monetize them if you Don't monetize them how are they going To be expressed in this world because You won't have time to because you're Going to be at a different job trying to Make a living and you'll be too tired to Really express your true path your true North and your true gifts but group Number three there's a reason why you're Here receiving these messages right now And receiving this reading it's because Spirit wanted to reiterate to you that Your gifts are important they're Valuable they're needed and in order to Be able to share them we need a plan for You group number three we cannot just be Hoping that things will turn out how we Want no we need to actually make it Happen and for that we have to first of Course advertise your gifts and to share Them see how you feel comfortable in Your different gifts and then start to Pave the way to make that your main Stream of income your main life kind of Goal your main life path now within the Selite the next chapter of your life is

Also about clearing out clutter because Honestly like you don't even have time For that you're becoming so much more Organized Facing some fears where you had fears With spaces that were disorganized and It's not that you didn't want to Organize or be clean it's it's just like You were afraid of what you would find You were afraid of what you would have To deal with and for some reason that You weren't capable of dealing with it But the amethyst chos us here that You're trusting your intuition again and Understanding like no actually I'm very Capable and intuitively I know that I am Done with the previous chapter of my Life it was what it was um I tried to Build something with certain people and It didn't work out I allocated that time And space and energy and now I was there I did it I got the post card but now I'm Doing things differently and now I'm a Lot less fear a lot less fearless and I Understand like I just do my best and Then we see what happens with everything Else I don't need to stress about doing Doing things perfectly and the thing Here that we've got within your reading And I hope you can read this it says Determination and we've got this Mountain with almost like the sun that's Just like glistening that's shining Behind it and your guides want to say to

You you know the most precious beautiful Thing about the next chapter in your Life is just the Determination it's the unwillingness to Stop to give up to let Fears or any sense feeling like you lost Get the best of you there's never a time In which you lose or you fail if you get Up and you just do it again because Guess what eventually you will hit Success just think about it even Inventing the light bulb it took Thousands of attempts you could have Said after attempt 10 this person failed Attempt 1,54 they failed they're not going to do It but they just kept going until Success because they were determined not To fail and that's the type of energy That you're exuding here for the next Chapter of your life and I'm so proud of You for this my gorgeous soul of group Three and the thing is like yes you're Very obsessed and determined to win to Succeed to reach all of your goals but You're also doing so in Balance like you Don't feel like you have to be Imbalanced you don't feel like you have To stress over anything you know you can Do everything while still eating Healthily working out doing things that You love you don't have to live an Imbalanced life at all because guess What you've got your is together you're

The type of person who is so focused on Themselves that you're using your 24 Hours per day effectively we all have The same 24 hours but how do you use Them how do you make sure That you're finding that inner peace Well my gorgeous soul of group number Three the next chapter of your life is About that it's about just finding peace In every day finding peace in everything That you do being determined working Hard achieving your goals but in a Peaceful way you're not stressing you're Just doing the things one thing at a Time and you're also saying no to some Invitations for going out that you know You're just going to regret you know When you say yes to that person who's Like oh let's do something let's go out Or let's go on vacation and then the Going out time actually rolls around the Day actually comes and you're like don't Really know if I want to go don't really Know if I want to be out there I'm not Really in the mood for all of that You're not even putting yourself in These positions anymore group number Three because you're too grown you have Outgrown these scenarios and you know What's best for you you know what you're Determined to accomplish and you know The lengths to which you will go and in Clear the Clutter I'm just getting this Visual of your home with everything

Having a place with everything being Like color coordinated and perfect and Just being put together so beautifully That you feel really proud of yourself And I love this for you group number Three I really do and I want you to know That the next chapter of your life is Probably the most healthy well organized Chapter that you have ever had and I Can't wait for you to be in it to live It to experience it just want to add a Couple extra messages in for you because Spirit is just telling me we're not Quite done we're not quite finished here There's more for group number Three all right so we have the waxing Gibus one you know you want to know why This next chapter is so awesome because You're so Discerning you're Discerning About what's for you and what isn't You're Discerning about is this bringing Me closer to my goal is this bringing me Closer to what I want to accomplish in Life to my biggest life goals or is it Just keeping me in a place that's Mediocre or that I'm not really that Happy with your discernment and your Honesty with yourself is admirable group Number three and then we also have the Wax and Crescent five which is about Nourishment all right the next chapter Of your life no more playing games your Nutrition is important and you're taking It really seriously for the first time

Ever like in the past you were playing Around you were eating the cakes you Were having the the unhealthy entire Packs of chips you know the whole tub of Ice cream and there's nothing wrong with Some of these phases and even just some Days and nights like that it's cool we Can have those cheap days but the thing Is like you're really looking at Nourishment like you're buying these Supplements these drops you're taking Them regularly you're eating the green Stuff you know the green smoothies the Spinach you're putting the chlorella Into your body the matcha you are having The ginger whatever it is that works for Your body because not all of these Things work for everyone but you know Eating like the the melon for breakfast Having dates instead of chocolate that's What I see here within nourishment the Waxing crescent 5 is just all about Realizing wow what I put in my body has Such a huge profound impact on my mood On my energy levels on how my body feels How healthy I feel how mentally sane I Am and also of course physically how you Look and what you're capable of and You're really just not playing games Anymore you are spending the extra money I see here in abundance on healthy foods And on nourishing your body Properly because you understand that You've only got one body this is your

Vehicle you need to fuel it in a way That is sustainable not just financially But I mean also sustainable in keeping You healthy because having for example Like a standard American diet is Something that is not going to keep you Healthy you're probably going to end up With heart disease before you know it so The thing here in the waxing crescent 5 Is that you're just becoming really Passionate about food shall I say again And nutrition again but this time with a Healthy connection a healthy Relationship you want to love yourself Through it not shame yourself into Eating a certain way or looking a Certain way it's about feeling inspired To do good for you to do good for your Body take care of your beautiful body That allows you to even go through this Life to experience this life to walk to Talk to express yourself no matter how Able-bodied that you are or what you Struggle with physically this is your Vehicle and it deserves respect it Deserves you taking good care of it and Not being in a constant battle and fight And argument with it but being in Harmony with your body and really Listening to it and asking it beautiful Body what do you want what makes you Feel good what makes you feel at ease And at peace how can I really nourish You in a way that you are at your

Healthiest that you can perform in a way That feels light effortless Weightless so my beautiful soul of group Number three the next chapter of your Life is filled with a lot of different Upgrades and I see that you're Determined to do things like you've Never done before you're determined to Finally be organized to finally be very Healthy to finally feel really good to Only have peace in your life to only Focus on balance and the thing here is That while you're looking around and you See that there are a lot of people who Aren't doing that you're not trying to Get involved in their situation if Someone comes and asks you for advice We've got huge teacher energy here You're more than happy to share but Other than that you just stick to Yourself you stick to your own business And it's a very Low frictional next chapter in your life Which I love for you because you need That you deserve that group number three So group number three I truly hope that You enjoyed this very detailed in-depth Time of healing and this beautiful Reading let me know Below in the comment Section and of course do not forget to Subscribe if you made it all the way to The end we clearly Vibe with one another And wherever you are in this world group Number three I'm sending you so much

Love and I can't wait to connect with You during one of my upcoming Readings that's

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