A Channeled Letter From Someone Who LOVES You 🥹💗 Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading ✨

A Channeled Letter From Someone Who LOVES You 🥹💗 Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading ✨

Thanks for stopping by! I’m KINO ♈️☀️♊️🌙♉️👆I hope you enjoy your reading ❤️

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🥚 The Gentle Tarot by Mari in the sky ※
🥚 Bloom Oracle Deck by DreamyMoons ※

Intro – 0:00
#1 (Rose Quartz) – 3:35
#2 (Amazonite) – 37:26
#3 (Amethyst) – 1:10:26

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#pickacard #tarotreading


[Music] Hi guys it's Kino welcome to another Video so as you can see from the title And from these little envelopes in Today's pick a card reading we are going To be looking at a channeled letter from Your person I have prepared a little Document here so that we can go over how This reading is going to work today Because there's a few different ways That you could use this reading the First way is for those of you who Already have a specific person in mind Whom you would like to hear from so for That you would think of the person you Would like to hear from and then let That guide you to choose your group if You don't know who you would like to Hear from today or if you would like if You'd like it to be a surprise and Whoever has a message for you will come Through you can choose your group first And then after we read the letter you May pick up on some feelings about who This letter is from so in that case it Would be up to you to determine based on The letter and the feelings that you get Who is reaching out to you today and Then the other option for those of you Who are not sure who's going to come Forward there will be an optional mini Reading at the start of each pile to see Who this letter is from so um this is Totally optional you're free to do this

Little reading but you can go straight To the letter if you already know who This is or if you would like to read the Letter first and then feel for yourself Who it's from so I hope that that all Makes sense and that it's not too Confusing as for who this person could Be we are going to be channeling someone Who loves you someone who cares about You and this can be any type of Relationship so it could be romantic Platonic Family friend it could be even You your higher self or your future self Who is coming through this could be Someone who is Incarnate on Earth right Now it can also be someone who has Passed on to the other side and it could Be a current person in your life or a Future person so it doesn't necessarily Have to be someone you've met yet for Example it could be your future spouse Or your future child or your future fan Something like that so there's really no Limit itations to who this person can be Just that it's someone who loves you and Cares about you and they're going to be Bringing you comforting and uplifting Messages today so that is everything I Had to say before we get into it there Are three readings for you guys to Choose from today and I have placed Little crystals on top of each to help You pick if you are drawn to more than One today that is totally fine even if

You were drawn to all of them that is Totally fine if you're drawn to multiple Groups it's likely because there are Multiple people who have a message for You so please don't limit yourself in The number of readings that you watch Today but without further Ado let's give You a close-up look at each of your Options number one is rose Quartz number two is Amazonite and number three is Amethyst okay so as always take all the Time you need to pick you can pause the Video if you need to I'm going to go Ahead and get started with number one hi Number ones so if you guys chose the Rose quartz this is going to be a Reading like I mentioned in the intro Just before we get to the letter there Is an optional mini reading if you would Like some hints about who this letter is From if you already set the intention to Receive this letter from a specific Person or if you would like to read the Letter first and see what comes to you With regards to who this is from then You might want to skip this part so I'm Going to put a timestamp at the bottom Here so that you can skip forward to the Letter for those of you who just want to Get right into it um but for those of You who would like to do this mini Reading there's going to be three groups We're going to roll three sets of dice

And see what hints we can pick up about Who this might be so for number one we We have these marble looking Dice for number two we have these swirly Dice and for number three we have these Sparkly Dice so I'm going to go ahead and roll The first set if you chose group number Two or three here are the time stamps so That you can skip forward to your group But let's get started with number [Music] One any hints about who this letter is From okay so we have Aries we have the planet Uranus and we have the number Four okay this is interesting because I Feel like with the sign of Aries this could be coming from you this Letter could be coming from you but the Planet Uranus would make me think that It's future you but the number four Would make me think that it's past you So this could be from like a version of You in the past or a version of you in The Future yes okay so for my number twos We Have the Sun the number yes that is the number Two and we have the sign of Aquarius Okay so this would be someone who is who You feel is a very significant person in Your life and I'm hearing specifically

This is someone who has really shaped The person that you have become um the Healing that you've done the successes That you've reached your Accomplishments um your confidence your Sense of self I feel like you may owe a Lot of that to this person either Through how they have inspired you or How they have directly contributed to Your life and assisted you like it feels Like they are a really big part of you You might even describe this person as Being a part of you or just a really Really significant part of your life With that being said it does seem that In the current moment at the time that You're watching this there may be a Little bit of distance between you and This person so they could be far away or You don't talk so frequently you're not Having such an active relationship right Now but that does not change the fact That they're still very very important To you um for some hints as well like The sign of Aquarius could mean that This person is an aquarius like they Could have the sun in Aquarius they Could also have Leo placements because Leo is ruled by the Sun and Taurus as Well because Taurus rules the second House they could also be uh like a Cancer rising or a Capricorn Rising okay so now we are getting into Number

Three oh my gosh so we have the sun Again same as group two four same as Group one and then we also have the sign Of sag aarius okay this is someone that You are very very close to and I think You still are very very close to them so This feels like someone you currently Have um like an intimate relationship With like uh a close friend or a family Member or like a partner a soulmate some Something like that someone who's really Really close to you but I do feel like With Sagittarius because I'm just Thinking about like travel in Far Away Lands this could be someone who is at Like a long long distance from You and there could be some drifting Apart because one or both of you has Like moved on to Big achievements it's That feeling of like let's say someone Got their dream job and you're so proud Of them and you're so excited for them And they have such a bright future but Then and like you want them to go off And go into into the big wide world and Like do these amazing things and you Want to cheer them on but at the same Time there's this feeling of like don't Forget you have a home here too like Don't don't forget about our memories And like come back sometimes come home Sometimes like you don't want them to Fly away Completely that is the feeling of this

Group So these are our little hints for who This person might be and maybe maybe I'll just keep these here they look cute I really I really like these dice so Let's put them up here and now we're Going to read the letter and because I've already written it it's very Interesting to see how these different Things can apply So I didn't actually put the letter in Here this is just you know little thing For cute decoration because there's no Way I could write a whole letter that Small so this is the letter I have not forgotten about you in fact You are frequently on my mind I don't Know how or why but I'm reminded of you As I move through life sometimes it's a Specific thought a wondering other times There's no thought at all just a Nebulous intense emotion just the Essence of you I sometimes feel crazy And yet somehow I know you would Understand I hope you are doing well I Think you are but I do worry about you Things are hard right now I derive great Comfort from my thoughts of you my Memories I wonder if you hold me dear as I do you and then they signed it so a Couple things that I noticed when Writing this letter is that first of all They didn't address you at the beginning And this could be because they were just

Eager to get into it or they didn't know How to address you it's almost as if They felt like awkward about it or they Didn't know should I use your name Should I use a a pet name there was Something something weird in them around Naming you which is interesting and you Know definitely this person is thinking About you a lot but it doesn't seem like It's often for a specific reason it's Just that your energy pops up a lot and They do they do think about you a lot And feel you around very intensely um When they signed the Letter it came to me that they signed With their their real name or their full Name so an example of this would be like If this is someone who everybody calls Alex they signed it as Alexander like Their their full real name or um If This Were me like I didn't sign it as Kino I Signed it as Carrie and so there's more Of a feeling Of being intimate or being vulner Vulnerable or kind of bearing all they Wanted to be like stripped down even Though they felt awkward about it they Felt like it was something that they Want to do and to tell you that you are So heavily on their mind like this and Like they feel like they're making these Assumptions like I know you're doing Well I know you would understand why I Feel about you so intensely and wait how

Do I know that I just know that so it's It's this weird thing where they have Knowings about you and knowings about The connection but they cannot say why They have those knowings and yet they're Still telling you because somehow they Have that knowing that you just get it I Hope I hope that that makes sense so Yeah this person definitely feels very Very closely connected to you I also Noticed that they wrote slowly and Really paid attention to every Letter and I had to look up what nebulus Meant because I didn't know but that Word came to me so this person probably Has a bigger vocabulary than I do and Seemed kind of formal you know like I Have not forgotten you are frequently on My mind like very formal and that's not Because they're not being intimate with You I think that's just kind of the way That they Talk um yeah so let's also leave our Letter here and now finally we are going To get into our decks for today to get Any other messages from this person or About this person about your connection So we are going to be using the gentle Tarot and the bloom Oracle and together These are the kinot tarot spring bundle Which I've curated in collaboration with Tarot stack we do a seasonal bundle Every season and I think many of you Guys have heard of them before but they

Are an online shop that carries a huge Selection of Indie Taro and Oracle decks And they actually publish their own in Collaboration with creators 50% of their Profits go towards supporting Independent tarot and Oracle de creators New projects so I am going to have this Bundle linked down below if you guys Want to check it out I'll also link the Individual decks if there's one in Particular that you feel called to you Can check out every single card on tarot Stack's website and you can also read my Personal comments about this bundle and If you would like to get the bundle you Can get a 10% discount using the code Kino so thank you very much tarot stock For that it's always a pleasure to Collaborate with you and Now let's get into it Oh okay let's take those So we have judgment and we have the six Of Cups we also have the Five of Cups these are coming out very quickly And we have Justice holy crap okay There's like Really heavy soulmate imagery here for Those of you if you watch this Mini Reading and you chose group number one There was a message about this being you Who wrote you this letter and I think it Can make sense if like future you is

Thinking about you a lot and and has a Lot of nostalgia for you and future you Is like often reminded about the current You and worries about you and then hopes That you're okay and holds you very dear Like I can definitely see how a future Version of you could feel this way but I also wonder for some of you if this is Like a soulmate or a Divine counterpart Who Literally is you or who like literally Is your soul because we have the six of Cups which is strong soulmate energy we Have these two people mirroring each Other and then we have Justice which is Like yin and Yang very much giving counterpart Vibes I do want to say as well that three out Of four of these cards are scorpio Energy like all of these are and then This is Libra energy so this could be Someone who has strong Scorpio or Libra Placements or these are coming out Because this is a time of year that is Going to be significant for this Connection so roughly the months of October and November could be when there Is an Important an important Development in this connection So with judgment it definitely does feel Like this person is starting To face the truth About how they really feel about you and

What this connection means to Them and it's almost like they're not Suppressing it anymore they're not Doubting it anymore because I think that This awareness has always been There but they've just kind of dismissed It so it's not that there was ever a Time that they didn't feel the Connection or that they didn't Experience it or they didn't realize it Was there they very much did but then They would have these dismissing Thoughts of like cuz I'm hearing like to Play it safe they would have these Dismissing thoughts of there's nothing There and it's just in your head but Then even if it is just in my Head why is my head having these Thoughts surely that in itself says Something if I am making this up in my Head why am I doing that cuz even that Then is a sign that group one is really Really important to me and has had a Really really strong effect on Me I do get the sense that this is a Very analytical person they may be Someone Who over analyzes at times and and who Can really get in their head But I do think that it often has a Positive impact on them because they are Through their thorough analysis of Everything they are able to come to Conclusions and they're still able to be

Reasonable you know they're not going to Overanalyze something to death just Because they're stuck in that cycle it's Because there's like a truth that they Want to come to and so I think they have Thought a lot about How they've experienced this connection And why and they've debated a lot about You know is this Really a thing is this really a thing or Am I just making it up and then they're Like but it doesn't matter at the end of The day because if it is really a thing Or if I'm making it up the outcome is The same and it's that I care about you A lot and that you're very heavily on my Mind and that I feel very drawn to you And that you're very special to me and It's like pragmatic you know the the Outcome is the same so I should be Paying attention because whatever the Reason is you are here and you are here Very Strongly And I there's still some things that I can't Explain like sometimes I specifically Think things about you or I specifically Wonder things about you but then other Times it's so abstract it's just like oh Group number one's here group number One's energy is here I feel them what is What do that even mean how do I know That like I think we get it because like

Yeah you pick up on someone's energy you Feel someone's energy and it's very Distinct when you feel some the unique Energy of someone's Soul you know that They are there but I think to them They're having this spiritual experience Of feeling you there and it's like but How do I know that I feel you if it's Not attached to a specific Thought what signal is my brain giving Me that that tells me that you are here It's like their logical brain cannot Really make sense of it but their soul Is just Effortlessly sensing you and feeling you And welcoming your presence and so There's a little bit of a gap where Their mind is like what the heck is Going on like what does this mean but They're engaging with it like they want They want to understand at this point Because It's like clearly your energy is not Going away and it's very important and It's it's brings me Comfort and and it Makes me happy and I'm not going to I'm Not going to turn that away and I'm Going to you know I'm going to keep Trying to make sense of the things that I don't understand but in the meantime I'm going to embrace the unknowns I'm Not going to throw it away just because My logical brain doesn't understand it Quite yet if if if the human race did

That we would not have any scientific Advancements would we because people Would just be like ah that doesn't make Sense to me and throw it away so it it Seems like Their their brain is awesome it seems Like they're approaching this connection Like with a sense of with a sense of Curiosity yeah and they're they're just Like facing it they're not they're not Going to hide from it anymore and I Think that deep down they also Know whether you've talked about this or Not I think they just intuitively feel That that you feel the same way and that You're going through the same things and I'm hearing they trust they trust that You are not ignoring it and that you're Not dismissing it and they really thank You for That for some Reason they perceive that that it might Be easier for you to just walk away from This connection because it would be Really difficult for you to feel that Way about them they think it must be Difficult for You if you have these feelings for Them it might be difficult for you To pursue them or embrace the Feelings they're like if if I'm having a Hard time with it I can't imagine how You feel that's that's kind of how they Would say it just based I don't know

What it is based on the positions that You're in or the the circumstances that You're in I'm not sure why they say that But they feel like it must be hard for You um but you're Still but you're still embracing it And that is something that they're very Grateful For um they recognize that it might seem Like you're so different but you're Really Not they recognize that as Well that you are not so different and That you're Actually much Closer than it Appears much closer than you might Realize they seem to have always Felt a really deep familiarity towards You as if they've known you Forever even though they know that's not True but maybe it is True they Just it's like I don't know it's your Face or something your face or like the Feeling you give them they're like oh Yeah oh yeah I know this I know This this this feeling has been here Forever this this being meaning You this being has been here Forever I you know they have a lovely Choice of words sometimes it's so Interesting this entity this entity I Know this entity and they do they

Probably freaking do like with all of This this Scorpio energy this can also Be an indication of of past lives so I Wouldn't be surprised if you have many Past lives with this person and this is Why this is why they feel so familiar And then yeah we also have this Five of Cups which I do think is indicating a Feeling of missing you like of wanting To be closer to you Physically a feeling of sadness that They can't offer more to You that they Can't display more to you is what I'm Hearing they wish that they could Display or demonstrate more to you but They Can't and they don't want you to feel Lonely like they do because because they Feel quite Lonely And it may seem strange they're saying But if they're feeling down or if They're feeling Lonely your the thought of you is one of The first things that Comforts them or Wishing that you were Around is one of the first things that They do and when something happens in Their life they want to share that with You like their first thought is to run And tell you that that's just something That feels natural to Them

Um I also think this Five of Cups could Be them recognizing that things are just Tough right now in life so this person Could be going through a hard time and Maybe feels or knows that you are going Through a hard time as Well and I do think energetically you Are leaning on each other and perhaps They wish that you could lean on each Other more more like physically in the 3D but just know like if things are Tough right now for you or for them I do Think that your souls are giving each Other a lot of strength and you might be Able to get through hard times with more Ease than usual because you're giving Each other Power and I think with Justice I want to say you're manifesting Each Other but also Your energies balance each out balance Each out balance each other out Perfectly Like like two polarities and I kind of See your energies as like a slider if That makes sense So or a fader I guess where like they're Over here you're over Here interesting they're on this side You're on this side And you can like move the fader so you Could be expressing completely your Energy or you can move it over a bit and

Then it's like their energies mixed In and it can be expressed on both sides Like both of your energy can be Expressed on both sides is the way that It's coming through and at different Times in your life when you need to lean On different strengths you might lean More into their energy and express it They might lean more into your energy And express it and this is how you get Each other through tough times I feel Like you have helped each other equally You have contributed equally to each Other's successes to each other's Well-being you have accomplished what You have because of their gifts and they Have accomplished what they have because Of your gifts like this feels like a Really like tight-knit really intimate Connection that you have So we're going to get some oracle cards Now this Person There's a sweetness to them that I'm Hearing you don't see very much in in This day and age there's a there's a Sweetness to them there's a warmth to Them There's not innocence But it's like in this world where There's so much corruption and Selfishness and like self-serving people And people are becoming more and more Disconnected they still believe in the

Idea of like Unity and true love And like showing kindness to your Neighbor and your community and it's It's just like I'm I'm just I'm just Hearing it's something that you don't See that much anymore you know like hey I just moved in I brought you some Cookies or Like hey coworker you said that you like Green tea and I brought you this green Tea and it has hibiscus notes in it and And it's very interesting like just Thinking about everyone all the time and Like thinking about oh my God I'm going To cry it's so sweet like what what Could I do for this person just so that They know like someone is thinking about Them or maybe they're not Even it might not even be that deep of Like I want you to know someone is Thinking about you it just it comes so Natural to them of like oh I should do This for so and so like that would be Nice that would be good H like just very Pure yeah that's like Libra Libra Energy their Libra side is coming Through it also feels a bit cancerian as Well like wanting to take care of People and valuing loyalty and valuing Like your your group your family your Community What other Messages do we have we have Roots focus On

Foundation with the number 21 you could be settling in a new Environment or this person could be Settling in a new environment like one Or both of you could be Relocating or you could be resettling After a very chaotic time like one or Both of you has maybe gone through Something recently where there was a lot Of uprooting and you're just kind of Finding your footing again and you're Giving each other Strength we also have change embrace all Seasons yeah this feels like a Transition where like something was Uprooted and now you're having to find a New home a new place to put your roots Or just ground yourself again and I'm Thinking about that the Five of Cups and The message of like things are hard Right now maybe things are hard for both Of you or you have gone through Something really hard recently and like You just want to find your home you just Want to find your place to settle I Think both of you really value like Having this safe place for my heart Having this home for my heart And I think and I hope that that someday You can be a part of each others or that You already Are and then oh and then we have the Sunflower with face the light I just I Cannot finish describing like just how

Much strength you give each other and How much joy you give each other even if It is energetically even if it is in Spirit I feel like at the highest points In your life and at the lowest points in Your life this Soul has always been There pushing you up and pushing you Forward and is the main reason that you Both haven't given up cuz I'm hearing There's a lot of times where you could Have just given up on the things that You're Pursuing um and especially if you can Think of something in your life that you Just keep stubbornly going towards like A goal that you keep stubbornly going Towards it's probably because their Higher self is not letting you give up Like no they're they want to remind you That you can do it and that and how Powerful you are and you have done the Same thing for them in their Accomplishments like Yes it is their own willpower why they Didn't give up but in all of those Moments where they maybe felt like this Is too much or they felt like it's not Going to work out you were There you were there in person or your Higher self was there but I just feel Like your souls have never abandoned Each other and if you've ever Felt that their energy is not around or If you've ever felt distant from them I

Definitely think that that that's an Illusion like You're you're connected from The Roots Like yeah your roots are Connected Mhm um let's I want to read one from the Guide book maybe let's read the Sunflower one sunflowers could be a sign Of this Person face the light un C your petals And smile at the sun you might be in a Difficult phase right now but there is Light to be found even in the darkest of Times this light will never go out no Matter what find your light and allow it To shine upon you feel the Rays piercing Through Your Skin right into your heart Center fill yourself with light this Card is also a sign to celebrate Yourself accept the love the compliments And praise you deserve for someone who Is so used to giving it can be difficult To receive understand that what goes Around comes around and you are Receiving this love because you are Love I think that the best thing you can Do to get closer to this person Energetically as well as like if you are Manifesting getting closer with them Physically is embracing yourself and Loving yourself because the more you do That the more expressive you're going to Be the more you love yourself from Within the more you're going to shine

Outward and all of your Rich beautiful Golden light is just going to emanate Out and it is going to reach this person No matter what And oh I was going to say it's going to Help them come home to you so needless To say this is a very Very strong and significant Connection In your life it is giving very strong Soulmate Vibes for sure So this is what I have for my group Number one Wes I'm going to end your Reading here thank you so much for Letting me do this reading for you thank You so much to tarot stack once again For collaborating with me and thank you So much to the creators of these Beautiful decks I've absolutely loved Using them together I'm going to have This bundle link down below I'm also Going to link the individual decks if There's one in particular that you would Like to check out remember that you can See every card in the deck on tarot Deck's website and if you do feel drawn To the bundle so both decks you can get A 10% discount using the code Kino so Thank you very much to Tara stack for That I hope you guys have a wonderful Day or night whenever you're watching And I wish you all the best please take It care of yourself stay healthy and I'm Sending so much love to you to your Person your higher selves your Spirit

Guides your spiritual teams and all of Your loved ones both here on Earth and In the other Realms and I will see you Guys in the next one Bye-bye hi number twos so so if you guys Chose the amazonite this is going to be Your reading like I mentioned in the Intro we do have an optional mini Reading at the very beginning for those Of you who would like to see any hints About who this person could be if you Have already set the intention to Receive a letter from a specific person Or if you would like to read the letter First and then see what you pick up with Regards to who it is then you might want To skip this part so if you want to just Skip forward to the letter I'm going to Put a time stamp down below to let you Know when that starts but for those of You who would like to receive some hints About who this might be we have three Groups for this mini reading so I'm Going to be rolling three different sets Of dice for number one we have these Marble darker colored Dice for number two we have these swirly Pastel dice And for group number three we have these Sparkly Dice so I'm going to go ahead with group Number one and for group two and three These are the timestamps that you can go To to skip to your group but let's get

Started with number one any hints about Who this letter might be from for number Two okay we Have the planet the planet of Jupiter we Have the sign of Sagittarius and we have the number four So Jupiter and Sagittarius are energies That go together because oh actually This is so cool because there's Sagittarius here and then the number Four the fourth house is related to the Sign of Cancer and then as for Jupiter Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius But Jupiter is exalted in the sign of Cancer I'm pretty sure so both of these Signs actually fit with Jupiter so the Person that this letter is from they Could have Sagittarius placements cancer Placements they could have Pisces Placements as well also Virgo they could Have Virgo placements too but I feel Like this is someone Who I want to say in your history with Them it feels like there hasn't been That much tension there hasn't been any Hard feelings it feels like it's all Love it's all love and you always want The best for each other and you you Always want to see each other reach Their full Potential it feels like not a lot of Drama things like you know competition With each other or jealousy or tense

Situations it just feels like it's all Good vibes it's all good vibes it's all Stressfree and I feel a really really Close friendship between the two of you Of course this could be uh a family Relationship or a love relationship but I do think that at the foundation of Your connection there is a really strong And beautiful friendship and there's Always a loyalty between the two of you And this really feels like one of those Relationships where you could go so long Without seeing each other but then when You see each other again it's like Nothing has changed you are right back Where you left off you're still as close As you have ever been and I do actually Think that this person either is your Family or they they really feel like Family to you they feel like your sole Family and that you like you would never You know that you have a place in each Other's hearts forever like it feels Really fond and really positive so let's Move on to group number Two any hints about who this person Is we have the planet of Mercury we have the number one which is The first house and we have the sign of Leo so as soon as I saw Mercury this let Me know that this is someone you are Currently in communication with so I Think it's someone you already know as Opposed to someone who is is coming in

In the future and for some of you this Could be they don't necessarily have to Be a Person because you could be be talking To Them through telepathy like it could be A spirit guide or Something but and actually with this Number one it could be someone whom you Talk to almost every day or on a daily Basis and they are a source of a lot of Encouragement for you when you're Feeling down when you're when you're Struggling with confidence or when You're struggling with your sense of Direction this is someone who talking to Them always makes you feel better and Renews your sense of certainty in Yourself you know sometimes we might Fall into these moods of oh what am I Doing with my life or feeling not good Enough and it's like as soon as you talk To this person you're like what am I Saying like I'm a bad or I'm a Badass like you you remember how amazing You are every time you talk to them they Could have Leo placements Aries Placements because the first house is Related to the sign of Aries and then With Mercury we also have gem and Virgo Energy one specific combination could Also be like a Leo sun with Mercury in Virgo but I also think with the first House representing the self this could

Be I don't know if I said this could be Your higher self but it could or just Someone who is is very very close to you Right now and is a a part of your Everyday life okay and next finally Let's roll the dice for group number Threes Okay so we have the North Node we have The number 10 and we have the sign of Leo ooh okay this might be a future a Future connection so this is either Someone you haven't met yet but you are Going to meet them in the future or You're not super close with them right Now but you are destined to be super Close in the future because the north Note it has a feeling of like your Future path and Destiny like you're fad To meet this person or you're faded to Get closer with them and this could be Someone who for some of you this could Be someone you know of Them but you haven't met in person yet Because with the 10th house and the sign Of Leo it could be someone in the public Eye in the public sphere or someone in The same career field as you whom you Really respect and really look up to and It's someone who you're actually Destined to meet or destined to be very Close with in the future and one of the Reasons you feel so drawn to this person Is because they're an example of what

Your life purpose is they're an example Of what your destiny is and the person You can become and the person you are Becoming so it's like your soul actually Sees thems in this person like they're Doing all of the things that you're Meant to do they're expressing all of The talents that you yourself have as Well Oh that is really cool so this is our Mini reading I'm going to leave the dice Here and we are going to get to your Letter now this one was short and sweet It's only one Page we have been together for many Lifetimes you lead and I follow do you Remember we have a group our little Family we go everywhere together I love My life here our lives are so Interesting and beautiful never forget That will cherish every experience I'm So proud of the human you are and who You will become although I'm not Surprised winky face your friend and Then their name so a couple things that I picked up on while writing this letter Their energy is So jovial I think is the word jubilant Joyful very actually very much like Jupiter esque energy they're just so Happy and cheerful this does feel like a Higher self writing this letter because It doesn't really feel like a human when I wrote this letter it didn't feel like

A human it felt like a higher self or Even an Extraterrestrial being who was writing This and they would actually sign this Letter as their soul name I don't know What their soul name is but rather than Signing it as the human that you Recognize on this Earth it's like there Soul who has a different name and I Think that this letter is directly from Their soul I also noticed that compared To group number one's person their Writing is bigger and more loopy and That just to me it feels more Carefree It feels more expansive you know they're Not like being careful to all the minute Details they're like aha it is okay let Me express myself freely like that is Very much their Vibe they just have so Much joy in their soul And their human self might not be aware But their soul wants you to know that You've been together for many lifetimes And you always go together they have This message of you lead and I follow I'm not really sure what that means Maybe maybe they follow you throughout Incarnations or you are a great source Of inspiration for them or something Like this they're also implying the Existence of other Soul family members Who are very close to you as well so you Have a soul family connection not only To this person but uh for example if

There's some mutual people in your life Like if this is your friend and then you Have other friends in your group they're Kind of suggesting like oh yeah all of Us are soul family or like like you me And Mom and Dad whatever like your group Is they're saying oh yes all of us are Soul family And yeah and they're wondering if you Recognize that and if you remember that And when they said I love my life here They're talking about Earth so that also Gave me like a oh this soul is not from Earth um they're like oh yeah I love it Here my life is so cool my life is so Interesting and they're saying never Forget that because you know when you're Down here on Earth things can get Sometimes things can feel boring or Underwhelming or annoying or frustrating And they're saying like please don't Lose sight of the miracle that it is That we are here and the miracle that we Have this life because when all of this Is done and like when we exit our human Form we're going to Appreciate every last bit of it the Highs the lows the exciting stuff the Boring stuff it's all going to feel so Magical it's going to feel like such a Miracle that we were able to do this and And you can tap into this energy right Now like please never forget how Freaking awesome it is that that we're

We're freaking here like we're doing it We're on this planet they're just I Think they're just in so much awe and Appreciation of that and they wanted to Extend that to you and just let you know How how proud they are of what you're Doing they are impressed but not Surprised because they've seen you in Action through so many lifetimes they They know your soul very very well and They're like of course you're doing Amazing things It's it's in your nature so this is a Soul who loves you very much and I just Love this letter it brought it brought Me so much joy so now we're going to get Into some cards to see what other Messages await you so we have the gentle Tarot and the bloom Oracle and together These are the Kino tarot spring bundle Which I've curated in collaboration with Tarot stack this is another one of our Seasonal collaborations which I'm very Grateful for I think most of you know Tarot stack already but they're an Online shop that carries a huge Selection of Indie tarot and Oracle Decks and they also publish projects of Their own they team up with independent Tarot and Oracle deck creators and help Them to fund their projects and publish Them and so they're an active supporter Of this community I appreciate them so Much I'm going to have this bundle

Linked down below as well as the Individual decks if there's one in Particular that you feel called to you Can look at every single card in the Deck on tarot deck's website and you can Also look at my own personal comments About the bundle and how to use it and Things like that um and if you do feel Called to the bundle you can get 10% off Using the code keynote so thank you very Much to tarot stack it's always a Pleasure to collaborate with You let's get into your gentle Tarot what other messages does this Person have For group number Twos we have the Tower okay this is me from the future Because it took me so long to correctly Say what this card is first I thought it Was the four of Swords because I read Flower as Four which is very impressive and then I Thought it was the death card because it Has the number 13 on it but no it is the Queen of Swords because the flower is The queen and thunder is Swords however I am going to take into Account four of Swords energy and death Energy As I think it's significant that I I named those energies and then after This we have the devil and the two of Cups

So there's some heavy energies here Starting off with the tower um as you Might know this is a sudden ending or Something suddenly falling apart in your Life that can be quite jarring it can be Scary it can be confusing it can feel Like we're Losing progress we're losing our Direction it's something falling Apart then we have this card which I've Interpreted in as three different things Um the number 13 which reminded me of Death that talks about release and Letting Go so I do think one message this person Has for you is for those of you who have Recently been through a tower moment in Your life or there there may be one Coming up they have a message to you to Not fight it I'm hearing to not try to Claw your way back to not try to re Build the same Tower to just let it Crumble it's crumbling because it was Meant to crumble it's crumbling because It Was it doesn't serve you anymore it was Flimsy it was Unstable then I thought this was the Four of Swords which is about in action And being at peace and so it feels like Just again to not fight it and to let it Be and then finally what this card Really is Which is the Queen of Swords it talks

About looking at the situation Objectively sort of detaching from the More emotional or sentimental side of You and recognizing the truth of the Situation so I do think that there's Something ending or falling apart in Your life that is no longer meant for You that is not benefiting you and it it Really is time to move on But at the time that it's ending you may Still have an emotional Attachment so the emotional side of you Is wanting to cling on for dear life is Saying like no you know it's like when You're kind of in denial like no it's Okay we can rebuild it we can rebuild it And the the Queen of Swords in you is Saying no come on like it's it's time to Move on it's um I just got an example Looking at these waves of let's say you Were wearing actually this this ring is From my grandma so it would be like if I Was swimming in the ocean and I lost the Ring in the ocean and then like a storm Comes and the ocean is rough and it's Dangerous and and the emotional part of Me is like no I the ring isn't gone I Can go get it I can go back in and get It and the logical part of me is like no Like it's there's a storm coming you're You're never going to find it the ocean Is so big and it's dangerous to go back In there like we just have to move on Like we just have to let the ring go we

Just have to let it go and the emotional Part of me is like no it it feels kind Of like that I'm not saying you're in Any danger but it's like The Logical Side of you knows that it's no use to Try to go back to the way things were Before to try to rebuild things maybe Another example of this energy is like Someone close to you hurts you or Betrays you and and the when you're like In a calm and composed energy you're Like oh absolutely not I like I cannot Forgive that our relationship has to be Over but then when it actually happens The part of you that's emotionally Attached is like well maybe I can Forgive them and so it's like it's Clouding your judgment and it's it's Going against everything that you would Logically say just because that Emotional part is not ready to let go And it starts to oh well maybe maybe I Can forgive that maybe I can accept that I just want to rebuild this Tower I just Want to go back and your inner Queen of Swords has to be like no come on like We're moving on just let it let it fall Apart this situation has shown its true Colors the truth has come out we see the Situation for what it is and we Just we got to move Forward so this could be something That's happening and they're giving you This advice or they could be letting you

Know of something that will happen in The future I do wonder if with this Queen of Swords here this is a person Who can give you that kind of tough Love Where they I guess I want to say they Wouldn't enable you to engage in Behaviors that might bring you Short-term Comfort but that are not Really good for you So you know let's say you were missing Your ex one day this is just an example I feel like this is the friend who would Be like like hey you stop that you know Like they don't they wouldn't entertain It and they'll be like come on now like We got to keep moving forward and then You're like yes yes you're right you're Right you're right like no you're right And they kind of like Snap you out of it And help you to to move away from the Things that even though you may still be Attached to them they're just not good For you anymore they're not serving you Anymore I feel like this is something That that they help you to do um and Yeah even with the Devil It's funny how they're pulling it looks Like they're pulling a leash and they're Like come On they help I feel like this person Really helps to pull you out of a dark Place where you Might you might make decisions that you

Kind of fall back to an old version of You or fall back to something that's not Serving you anymore it's like They're continuously challenging you to See how amazing you are and what you Really deserve and how strong you really Are to keep moving forward and to leave Behind what you no longer need um even If it's uncomfortable sometimes and with The devil here the devil also talks About like limiting beliefs feeling not Good enough feeling stuck and I think This person's magic is pulling you out Of that cave so to speak pulling you out Of that dark place I feel like they're Just always here to remind you how Badass you are and like if something Falls apart or if someone walks away From you it's like okay you you didn't Need it like on on to the next thing and Helps you I guess helps you to not dwell You know because it's one thing to like Sit with your emotions and process them So that you can move on but it's another Thing to just dwell in the past because You don't want to move on and I think Yeah cuz like Queen is Cardinal energy Too it's about moving Forward this is Capricorn energy which Is also Cardinal and about moving Forward I feel like they just really Help you to move forward to the new Beginnings that you truly deserve and so I I wonder if they're bringing you this

Message because you are currently going Through or are about to go through a Really big transition where you're Shedding old Skin um and and some of the old things You may Emotionally feel uncomfortable about Like no I want to hold on to it for a Bit longer I'm not ready but like Logically you know that it's time it's Time to embrace this new version of you And then we have this two of Cups um cancer energy this is Venus in Cancer particularly yes this definitely Makes sense because this totally gives I Mean they're Literally explicitly saying that you are Soul family and so I think this two of Cups is them promising that you guys are Always going to be together and also They want you to know that you help them Just as much as they help you because It's one thing to be able to uplift your Your bestie your friend your family to Uplift them and let them know how Amazing they are but you can still Struggle with that yourself you know you Hype up your friend and you can see as An outsider that they deserve the best But then when it comes to giving Yourself that same kindness sometimes It's hard so I think you actually help Them in the exact same way with this two Of Cups being about reciprocity and

Balance between both sides you probably No you do you do the exact same thing For this person like when they're Feeling like they want to stay in their Comfort zone when they feel like maybe Their emotional attachments are clouding Their judgment when they're starting to Doubt themselves you in the same way Help pull them out of their Cave of Limiting beliefs and of self-doubt so You have this beautiful beautiful Support for each other there's a Beautiful friendship here again like Regardless of the nature of your Relationship I do think that there's a Beautiful friendship between You So let's actually want to read The where is the guy book I want to read The flower of Thunder this card that Tripped me up so much Yes it is the Queen of Swords um Yes the natural state of my mind is Clarity I soar with the wings of my True Heart with lightning bolts of clarity in Her Talons our flower of Thunder has Proven superior to the storms that have Challenged her yes from seed where you Took your first leap to root where you Trained inwardly you now emerge as a Flower where you bloom and soar shedding Light in clear Direction your Insightfulness and straightforward

Expression open you to a new level of Independence the power of word and mind Aligned coupled with a clear heart is as Fluid as the Eagle's Flight I'm so happy I read this like You're here to remind each other that You are stronger than any storm that has Ever come your way and that will ever Come your way you help to bring each Other Clarity when you're mind feels Jumbled when you're feeling overwhelmed When the emotions become too much you Help each other just like snap back into Alignment and like oh yes this was the Direction that I'm going in And you help each other remember what Your path is and what you help each Other keep promises to yourself so let's Say you were like I'm going to achieve This goal but then as you start going it Gets overwhelming and it gets difficult They help help you like hey remember What you said you were going to do like You can do it and you're like yes you're Right I can do it and you just the Support you give each other really helps You to clear your mind and to snap back To your confident badass energy and I Love to see it I Think we all need a friend like This okay what other messages Is what other messages does group number Two need to hear right now summer high Energy so actually this video is going

To be up in the month of May so if You're in the Northern Hemisphere and of course if you're Watching this when it goes up this Coming summer season could be a time of A big transition for you like a new Version of you is ready to emerge and It's going to take strength and courage On your part but you can do it um Regardless of when you're watching this The next summer wherever you are in the World the next coming summer could be an Important time this could also be Indicating that you're entering into a Summer season metaphorically in your Life where your hard work is paying off And you're just thriving and your life Is flourishing and you're full of energy And you're full of inspiration Feels like a fertile time and this could Also be a hint of like this person is Born in the summer Or you met in the summer but by this Point if you if you made it this far in The reading you Probably already know who this person is But also the number 25 like that number For me personally twos and fives Together it is an indication of like Soul families coming together or you Know multiple soulmates coming together So even more confirmation that you have A soul group with this person in it and You follow each other through your

Lifetimes and I do think sometimes You're on Earth and other times you're Not we have ah bamboo Bend but don't Break so another sign of receiving Strength from this person but I'm also Thinking about how bamboo grows for a Very long time underground but then once It finally Sprouts it shoots up really Really fast so I feel like you've been You're going through a breakthrough that You've been preparing for for a long Time like this new version of you that You're stepping into now it's been in The making for many many years and I Think your person's higher self can see That so you know it may feel it may feel Kind of harsh sometimes how their energy Like come on like keep you got to keep Keep going you got to keep moving Forward like you got to let go of the Past but it's because they see this Amazing version of you that has been Forming for years and they're like we Can't give up now like you're almost There they see that you are almost there You're almost at this breakthrough and You cannot give up so you've been like This bamboo that is growing slowly over The years and it's finally your time to To burst up and to grow really fast and You may be in an uncomfortable Transition right now with this Tower Moment and with that death energy that I Was picking up on but it's going to lead

To a huge breakthrough a huge Transformation in your life and things Are really going to start speeding up For You and oh group number one uh got this As well we have Roots focus on Foundation Roots also make me think of Family so I wonder if this person is um Your family like your human it could be Like a human bi logical family member uh It could be your chosen family or again This could just be yet another Confirmation of this person being your Sole family and I also think Roots is Just them saying like I'm always going To be there for you no matter what Direction life takes us in no matter how Far away we might Become even if we went a long time Without speaking I'm always right here Like I'm always going to be right where You left me and my love and support for You is never ever going to Change that's Beautiful um should we yeah let's read Bamboo I also feel called to read Bamboo Bend but don't break gently Swaying in the breeze bamboo inspires us To remain flexible but resilient to flow With the wind and life's challenges Without letting it ruin you this card is A reminder that you are stronger than You realize stop fighting against the Wind literally we've been talking about

This you're stronger than you Think And when something is is ending when Something's not meant for you anymore Like don't fight it and just just let It Go stop fighting against the wind Instead move with it whilst remaining Calm and composed I think I literally Use those words too move with it whilst Remaining calm and composed like bamboo When you are flexible you can adapt Better to life circumstances and Challenges have trust in your power to Overcome those challenges ask yourself Where am I resisting the wind how can I Dance through the Breeze wow group number twos these are All of the messages that I have for you So I'm going to end your reading here Thank you so much for letting me do this Reading for you thank you so much to Tarot stack for collaborating with me Once again on a seasonal bundle and Thank you so much to the creators of These beautiful decks I'm going to have The individual decks linked down below Um if there's one in particular you feel Called to as well as the bundle remember That you can look at every card in the Deck on tarot Stock's website and also Remember that you can get the bundle so Both decks for 10% off using the code Keno thank you so much to Tera stack and

I hope you guys have a wonderful day or Night whenever you're watching this and I wish you all the best please take good Care of yourself stay healthy don't Forget to like comment and subscribe if You feel like doing that if you enjoy my Content and you'd like to find me Elsewhere I'm going to have linked down Below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like this one And you can also decide on topics for Future readings I will link my music Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I Will also have my latest release link Down below and finally my Vlog Channel And my merch which features the floating Temple that was at the start of this Video thank you guys so much for Supporting me my channel and anything I Do I really really appreciate having you Here and I'm sending so much love to you To your person your higher selves your Spirit guides your spiritual teams and All of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one bye-bye Hi number threes so if you guys chose The amethyst this is going to be your Reading like we mentioned in the intro There is a mini reading which is totally Optional at the start if you would like

Some hints as to who your person is who Has written you this letter today if you Have already chosen this group with the Intention of hearing from a specific Person or if you would like to hear the Letter first and then see what comes to You with regards to who this is then you Might want to skip this part so I will Put a time stamp down below if you Wanted to just go ahead to the part Where we read the letter but if you Would like to do this mini reading and Get some hints about who this might be We have three groups to choose from so I'm going to roll three sets of dice for Number one we have these marble dark Colored Dice for number two two we have these Swirly pastel Dice and for number three we have these Sparkly Dice so I'm going to go ahead with group Number one if you chose group two or Three these are the time stamps to skip Ahead to those groups but let's See what hints we have for our number Ones who has written WR in this letter Today we have the sign of Gemini we have the number 11 and we have the planet of Venus okay So this is giving the energy with Venus In the 11th house this is giving the Energy of a dear friend and for some Reason the word unlikely pairing is

Coming to my Mind but I feel like this is more from An outsider's perspective So if an outsider someone who doesn't Know either of you were to look at the Two of you together they might say like Oh they they make an odd couple or like They make an odd um friendship or Something like that but it's because They don't know your personalities I Feel like the two of you your Personalities are very similar but I Don't know maybe like superficially There's something that gives people the Impression that you must be like totally Opposite you must be so different and Like people can't picture you um being Friends or being a couple or or liking Each other or getting along and it's Like no we are actually like two pe's in A pod so I feel like this is someone who Is a dear friend to you and you might Like look different or have different Backgrounds or be significantly Different ages or something like that But actually you get each other really Really well and you have a really Valuable relationship ship so for my Number [Music] [Applause] Twos we have the South node we have the Sign of Gemini Again and then we

Have number one so this is someone Who has cared about you for a long time And who has been around you for a long Time but it feels like you are not Really in communic a anymore this could Be a person who is Incarnate in your Life right now that you have a history With but maybe you drifted apart you Went it feels like you're not in Communication is is basically how this Is coming through it feels like you Think about each other frequently but You are not Talking frequently or at all at this Time and yes for some of you it is a Human who is Incarnate for others of you It could be a spirit guide who is sad Because you're not really talking to Them anymore it could even be someone Who is on the other Side and maybe it's been a while since You directly spoke to them it feels like They miss you and they wish that the two Of you spoke more because there was a Time where I think you were talking a Lot perhaps even every day and then Things just kind of and I feel like Maybe neither of you know exactly why it Happened maybe both of you are like Waiting for the other person to reach Out first 444 as I'm saying that so it's Probably something like that where they Miss you and they're waiting for you to Reach out you miss them and you're

Waiting for them and like both of you Just miss each other and you're not Doing anything about it that is the vibe Of these and then moving on for group Number Threes we have the number six for the Sixth house we have the sign of Virgo And we have the planet of Uranus so Virgo and the sixth house are energies That go together this person could be a Virgo and I want to say that they could Be a Virgo Sun they could also be a Virgo rising and then Uranus is Associated with with the sign of Aquarius so this person could have um Aquarius placements as Well and they could also be a Scorpio Rising like Scorpio energy is somehow Coming through as Well I do feel That this is someone that at this point You have more of a spiritual connection To them then you do a 3D Connection you may have limited Interactions in the 3D meaning Limited In frequency like you don't have Interactions that often or when you do Interact in the 3D it's coming through like there's a Lot of restrictions or something or Inhibitions personal inhibitions or Restrictions from external circumstances That don't allow you to interact with Each other in the way that you really

Want to and and so a lot of the Closeness that you feel with this person Actually comes from a psychic connection That you share with them a lot of it Comes from the interactions that your Higher selves are having it just feels Like there's limitations or barriers on Your 3D connection right now but that Doesn't stop your souls from getting Closer together this is also giving the Feeling of someone who this may be your First time encountering them in this Lifetime or one of your first times it Does feel like your souls have met Recently but really took a strong liking To each other and just like bonded I'm Hearing fused like they fused together Really quickly and formed a bond and They're like Yep this is my soul now Like I found it's giving the vibe of Like when you go to I don't know why I'm Saying kindergarten probably cuz it's Like early stages but like on the first Day of kindergarten you're just like This is my best friend I just know it And then they become your lifelong best Friend like this is the vibe that your Souls have and whatever Buri you're Experiencing in the 3D it's not stopping You from expanding your connection and And building a really beautiful Bond and I have a feeling that like whenever Those 3D barriers go away all of the Progress you've made together in the 5D

Is just going to down and like your your 3D connection is going to grow really Really fast so yeah it feels like Someone you you have strong feelings for But you may not be super close to them Yet but like you want to be and your Higher selves are talking so I think That you receive a lot of like um Messages and signs from this person's Higher self and your higher selves are Just like love each other a lot okay so That concludes the mini Reading now we are going to read the Letter I did just want to mention you Can't really see it anymore but I Accidentally got some droplets of water On this paper and it kind of reminded me Of like someone who is crying while They're writing a letter so your person Could be in a time of their life where They're particularly Emotional or they could get emotional When they think about you and when they Think about how much you mean to them so Let's read their letter my dearest your Name you are a beautiful incredible Radiant Soul it is one of my greatest Joys to know you and to live alongside You may you always always be surrounded With people who appreciate and nurture Your brilliant light this world is so Lucky to have you keep developing your Talents the world is ready to be blown Away You're a Star I love you so very

Much yours Forever their name may I say too this is The first group where the person Actually like properly addressed you in The letter the other groups just like Started talking we just like hey so blah Blah blah blah blah but they did a Proper like dear group number three my Dearest group number three I do feel That this is quite a sensitive and Sentimental person maybe those droplets On the page also indicate that they're Just they're not they're someone who's Not afraid to go there they're not Afraid to get emotional to get sappy They're not afraid to cry they have a Really big heart and they have a lot of Emotion in them um I do think this is Someone who admires you a lot and Praises you a lot or has praised you a Lot in the past and I'm hearing for some Of you this made you uncomfortable Because they maybe said all of these Wonderful things about you that maybe at The time you didn't really feel to be True about yourself but I'm also hearing They loved you before it was cool so They seem to think you're like you're a Star you're going to blow up like the World is ready to be blown away they see In the future that you're going to be Doing amazing things and maybe you're Growing a following maybe you're you're Getting fans there's

Just when Once the world sees your light And once the world sees who you truly Are they're not going to be able to get Enough of you everyone's going to love You and I feel like this person is so Proud of you but they're also they kind Of have this pride of like I knew them First like I I always love them before Everyone else love them like this is This is my baby like that's kind of the Way it's coming through this person has So much love for you and they are so Blown away by your talents and they are So blown away by your inner beauty and Their outer beauty and I'm sure if if You are in communication with this Person that they tell you this all the Time even if you're not in 3D Communication with them I just know that Their higher self is tries to tell you This all the time and I just hope that You receive this message and and know How much this soul loves you but it does Really seem like they're wanting you to Come out of your shell more and to Believe in how talented and how gifted You are and to show that to the world That is something that they really want You to do so now we are going to get Into some cards so we have the gentle Tarot here and the bloom Oracle here Which we are going to be getting into And together these two decks are the Kino tarot spring bundle which I've

Curated in collaboration with tarot Stack we do a bundle together every Season which I'm so grateful for and I'm Pretty sure most of you have heard of Tera stock before but they're an online Shop that carries a huge selection of Indie tarot and Oracle decks they also Publish decks of their own so they team Up with independent tarot and Oracle Deck creators and help to fund their Projects and help publish them and get Them out there into the world which I am Very very grateful for so I'm going to Have this bundle linked down below I'm Also going to have the individual decks Linked if there's one in particular that You want to check out you can look at Every single card in the deck on tarot Stack's website you can also look at my Own personal comments on the bundle and How to use it and everything like that And if you do feel called to the bundle You can get a 10% discount using the Code Kino so thank you very much to Tarot stock and let's get started we're Going to see if there's anything else That this person wants to tell you or Anything else that you should know about The [Music] [Music] Connection what else does group number Three need to Know we have the flower of Wands which

Is the Queen of Wands and if this is not The epitome of come out of your Sh explore your talents Express Yourself Show the world how amazing you are like That is literally the Queen of Wands and I think that this is probably how this Person sees you um they definitely find You to be very beautiful on the inside And out um I'm also hearing they think You're hot although I don't know who This person is for you so if that's a Weird thing to say for who this person Is just ignore me but you know if this Is like a friend or basically anything Non family I Guess then this person thinks you're hot Or maybe they think what you create is Like really hot is then like this is Amazing the world needs to see this I Feel like this is the type of person who Would really want to show you off and They said this in the letter as well That they are so so proud to know you And they take a lot of inspiration from You as well crows may be a sign that you See for confirmation in this connection Or it might be a sign that their energy Is around you if you're seeing Crows we also have the two of Cups group Number two got this card as well and Every group so far has gotten some kind Of indication of a soulmate um which Makes sense because we're we're Channeling Souls who who love you and

Who care about you a lot um so of course This could be any type of relationship But I do think that you have a strong Soul Bond with this person like I said I Do think for many of you it is still Kind of in the early stages like your Souls are still getting to know each Other but I'm hearing that your souls Are like enamored with each other or They're very very fond of each other and I do think that this Person both of you get a great source of Inspiration from each other both of you Have Been activated by each other there's a Passion in you or a fire in you that has Been activated from knowing each other And there's a belief that you support in Each other that you can do anything you Set your mind to that anything is Possible that your light should be seen That you deserve to take up space that's That kind of uplifting energy that you Have on each Other and there's something with the two Of cups as well about mutual and Reciprocated feelings so however you may Feel towards this person I think they Want you to know that they feel the Exact same way so you know if you miss Them they miss you just as much if you Look up to them they look up to you just As much there may be a message in here With the two of cups of them wanting you

To know that the two of you are very Much equal you know I think sometimes When we admire someone we tend to put Them above us feel that they are are Better than us that we have to like get On their level and I say that with Finger quotes you know kind of putting Them on a pedestal And they I think their higher self wants You to know that you are equals and You're are one in the same and may even Have been times where their human self Has felt like they need to get on your Level and felt that they look up to you I think the two of you might be Surprised to know the ways in which you Have looked up to each other and the Ways in which you've maybe um put each Other on pedestals at different points In your relationship but the truth is That your souls are absolutely equals And I think and I think your souls do Recognize this And Sometimes I feel like you receive Messages from this person's higher self A lot but you might think that you make Them up because you're like oh they Wouldn't say that or oh no they don't Really feel that way because I do feel Like the messages from their higher self Are very intense so for example when They're telling you that you're Beautiful they would say like you're the

Most beautiful person I've ever seen and So you receive this message message and You're like oh come on like not the most You wouldn't say that like not the most Beautiful like I'm just making that up To feel good and it's like no you Properly received a message from their Higher self that is actually exactly What they said for btim so yeah I feel Like they do like this clearly this Person is very praising towards you and Just sees you in such a high light to The point that yeah I think when you Receive messages from them you're like Surely they didn't say that and like no They did Yep okay let's see what else do my group Number fours need to Know oh we have the emperor so there is Quite a bit of Aries energy coming Through well twice but we have Aries Energy here and then with the Queen of Wands she is fire but she's also Cardinal energy so Cardinal fire is Aries so um this person could have Aries Placements or you could have Aries Placements or Aries season is going to Be an important time as this video goes Up um Aries season will already be just Passed but whenever you're watching this The next AA season so like late March to Late April could be an important time in This connection or it could just be an Important time in your life just based

On what this reading has been about and Like what their messages to you have Been I wonder if this is indicating a Time where you are going to be sort of At a peak in your confidence where you Might be releasing a project or a Creative work that is like really Important um sharing something with the World that you've been working on for a Very long time and this will be a time Where your talents are finally being Recognized the way that like you're Finally being recognized and appreciated The way that you have always deserved to And whether this is like a human who is Incarnate on Earth right now or not I do Want to say that their higher self is is Always a guide for you to take you to The right opportunities and to get you To a place where you Can find your place in the world make Your Living utilizing your talents and Utilizing your passions this is what They want to help you to do and they Want to help you to get to a place where You're seen by the right people your Gifts are being Recognized it's almost giving like six Of Wands on y kind of energy like they Want to take you to this place of Victory where you're where you're proud Of yourself where you've achieved all of The accomplishments that your heart has

Desired and where you are getting that Recognition and getting that praise and Perhaps even getting that following cuz They they did say that you are a star Like I feel they really believe that is What you are are destined for because You're so special and you bring such a Unique light to this world and I'm here Ing you you do it like nobody else the Way that you express yourself the way That you create the way that you work It's so unique and I feel like with the Emperor here they're saying that you are A Pioneer like you are meant to be the Trend Setter so if you look around and You see that you're doing it differently Than everyone else that should not Discourage you that that should make you Be like hell yeah hell yeah I don't do It the same way as all of you because I Am forging A New Path but when you lack Confidence and you see yourself doing it Differently you might assume that it's Wrong and that you should conform to how Everyone else is doing it and this Person is saying no you're doing it Differently because you're unique as Heck and nobody can duplicate what You're doing they will try when they They feel like they have found this Treasure before everyone else because Cuz people haven't had the chance to Like really see you yet people really Haven't had the chance to see your

Vision and to see what you're capable of And they feel so honored that they're One of the first people who gets to See your Amazingness that's that's how they feel Like they're so freaking proud and they The advice that they're giving you Actually they're begging you like please Don't conform and just like succumb to Doing it like everybody else does like Keep believing in your own Vision Because you are the trend Setter and and Everyone is going to see that I get to See it first because I'm so close to you And I love that for me but like Everybody it's it's just a matter of Time until everybody else Sees okay let's Get one more from this deck we have oh Look here I I don't know if we need to Do we need to cover this it is just a Drawing but you never know so I will put A Little Um is This okay I'm like 5 years old but I Thought it was funny that I'm putting Like the Uranus dye on this part of the Picture okay So um this is also Aries energy so like Just there is overwhelming Aries energy Going on here and for some reason that's Making me emotional maybe it's because I'm an Aries so I'm just like vibing

With this energy and I do feel that this Is a very emotional Person and I think Aries in this case I Mean this person could have a lot of Aries placements but or they if you have Aries placements I think they really Want you to tap into them But I also think in a way this Aries Energy is describing the way in which This person does not hold back like they Just go for it so if they want to pursue A certain path they just go for it they Dive in head first if they love someone They tell them if they think someone did A good job they tell them because life Is too short to hold back and I think This is something else that they that They would want to tell you I wonder if this is either just like a Really really wise incarnate person who Has life figured Out or for some of you this could be Someone who has passed on and so like Retrospectively they realize how short Life is and and how it's such a waste When You like I'm hearing like it's so lame Like hum are so lame like not you Specifically but just humans in general Like we have all of this passion inside Of us and we hold back because we don't Want to be cringe you know or like it's Seen as a bad thing to feel really Strongly about something it's like calm

Down like you're obsessed it's like no I'm Fu I feel alive I'm passionate like I have feelings this is awesome like This is The Human Experience And They they want like just don't become Like everyone else who is conforming Because they don't want to be cringe or They don't want to be different or they Don't want to be weird like that is such A big betrayal to yourself and I think Sometimes they look at the world and They're like everyone's walking around With their nose stuck up and like they Don't want to admit how they really feel Because they feel like it's lame and It's like no you're lame for holding Yourself back you're lame for denying Authenticity so take that they say um Yeah they definitely have that Aries Energy of like just go for it like just Just trust me bro you're never you're Not going to regret going for it because Even if you take the leap of faith Towards what you want and it doesn't Turn out how you hoped it's like at Least you honored yourself at least you Tried it and that in itself is such an Honorable Thing it doesn't really matter what the Outcome is anyway the the important Thing is the process Of of honoring yourself And obliging

Yourself and and letting your passion Lead and it's not about where it's Taking you it's about the the practice Of it the practice of committing to your Passion and committing to your intuition If you're doing that then you've won Life and I can guarantee you're going to Have a kick-ass and amazing Life Um I'm just this Person they have a lot of wisdom and I'm Just emotional because I feel like in a Way they were like too pure for this World and I just really hope That they feel understood and they feel Seen and and I hope that for You I hope that for you too Girl I like this pile is making me Emotional and it's it's so funny that I Got water drops on the paper too cuz Like I'm in my feelings I feel like just The the purity of the the love and Encouragement that they're sending your Way and like wanting to uplift you it is Just so pure like there's no other Motivation than just wanting you to know How amazing you Are like even if they're saying saying Like you could be like I hate you I Never want to speak to you again and I Would still like cheer you on and and Wish you the best from the Sidelines it you know I just want I want That for you I want you to

Thrive um Two of Wands Like you're entering into a really Exciting time of your life with new Opportunities coming in opportunities That you it's so fun because it's like There's things that you're consciously Trying to manifest right now that are Coming in but there's also things you Don't even know about and like this Person's higher self knows about them And they're like giggling like he like They're just like they can't wait to see The look on your Face sorry I'm having a Moment I don't know what it is I don't Know why this person's has me in my Feelings so much I think I think they're Just a really emotional Person And A and I love that for them and I love That I love that they honor their Emotional side and they don't um they Don't succumb to that pressure of like Don't be too sensitive you're too much Like you I'm I'm going to cry Because it feels good and I have a lot Of feelings and and I love group number Three so Much okay so let's get Some oracle cards for my lovely group Number threes we have change embrace all Seasons so some foreshadowing from this Person that first of all for shadowing

That significant change is coming to Your life with the number five um but Also acknowledging that we go through Seasons in life and that they might want You to know that whether you're in your Like your spring season or your winter Season in life you are always just as Lovable and the love that they have for You is not tied to you know your Accomplishments or or like your Productivity obviously like it's not a Attached to worldly things it's just Your essence it's just your soul and They'll be here for You through all the seasons and through Any forms that they may Take whether they're a human or an Animal or an Orb they're always going to be there We also have the Lotus your ooh your mud Has purpose okay I think we're going to We're going to read this from the guide Book um but this Lotus is really Beautiful it's like overcoming obstacles And and thriving and it it does give a Feeling of Purity because the Lotus Grows through the mud but it comes out Totally clean and beautiful I think they would want you to say that Like you are not your past you are not The things that happened to you um and That even like the worst mistakes you've Made or like the worst things that have Happened don't have to Define how you

Move Forward the number 15 is making me think Of limiting beliefs just because of like The devil card the link to the devil Card And with this message of your mud has Purpose Like they may be talking about how you Can alchemize for example limiting Beliefs or your Shadow side like it's Not just there to weigh you down and be A bother to you but you can actually Harness it in a beautiful way let's yeah Let's read it from the guide book before We pull our last Card your mud has purpose Bloom through Muddy waters no mud no Lotus this Mesmerizing flower signifying Purity and Rebirth can only grow in mud without Pain or suffering there cannot be Happiness as said by the wise monk I Don't know how to pronounce this but T Natan have faith that just like the Flower you can rise above your suffering Have faith that this mud serves a higher Purpose in your Journey the funny thing is the sooner You can love your mud the sooner you Will rise above it ask yourself how can I find purpose in my Mud 3 3333 as I'm holding up this guide book So you are beautiful with all your mud Not in spite of your

Mud and finally every single group has Gotten this Card Roots focus on foundation so I feel like That also affirms to me that Like every single group today like this Is your soul family like I I do feel Like for this group your connection with This soul is still newer but you are Going to really build your foundation And build your roots from now on and Just grow in grow the strongest of bonds And you know for Souls like the the Timeline is not really the same so it's Kind of like you already are really Really close and you already really Really have this strong Bond um just Maybe in this Earthly Timeline honestly I'm going to start Confusing myself if I talk about this so Anyway just know That just know that you're very Important to each other and and I'll Leave it at that so group number threes These are all of the messages that we Have for you so I'm going to end your Reading here thank you so much for Letting me do this reading for you and Thank you so much to tarot stack once Again for collaborating with me and Thank you to the creators of these Beautiful decks I'm going to have both Of these decks linked down below and I'm Also going to have the bundle so both

Decks together link down below and Remember that you can check out every Card in the decks on terot Stock's Website and if you do feel called to the Bundle you can get a 10% discount with The code Kino so thank you very much to Tarot stack for that and I hope you guys Have a wonderful day or night whenever You're watching and I wish you all the Best please take good care of yourself Stay healthy don't forget to like Comment and subscribe if you feel like Doing that if you enjoy my content and You'd like to find me elsewhere I'm Going to have linked down below my tarot Reading Instagram my personal Instagram My patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like this one and you can also Decide on topics for future readings I Will link my music channel which Includes the intro song of this video That is an original song I'll also have My latest release link down below I am tasting so vividly right now rum And coke for no reason but I thought I Would mention that Um are we partying are we Celebrating um and now I forget what I Was going to say but anyway um music Channel down below my latest release is Down below and finally my Vlog Channel And my merch which features the floating Temple that was at the start of this

Video thank you guys so much for Supporting me my channel and anything I Do I really really appreciate having you Here and thank you for giving me the Feels that was nice and I'm sending so Much love to you to your person your Higher selves your Spirit guides your Spiritual team and all of your loved Ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will see you guys in the Next one bye-bye

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