A Pep Talk from Your Higher Self 😇💞 Pick a Card Timeless In-Depth Tarot Reading

A Pep Talk from Your Higher Self 😇💞 Pick a Card Timeless In-Depth Tarot Reading

Hi friends!! I hope this video finds you well 💗 Thank you sm for watching & for being here!

Intro: 0:00
Reading Breakdown: 0:17
Pile Selection: 3:17
Make a Wish + Mini Reading: 4:44
Pile 1 (Clear Quartz): 10:05
Pile 2 (Yellow Fluorite): 1:11:10
Pile 3 (Aura Coated Amethyst): 2:11:27

🕯️Candle of the Month: The Empress🌸 (USE CODE ESO10 FOR 10% OFF)

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I don’t currently offer personals readings, but I’ll update if that ever changes!

Decks Used:
The Moonchild Tarot
The Crystal Power Tarot
The Pastel Journey Tarot
The Iris Oracle
The Personal Power Oracle
The Spirit Animal Oracle
Powers Essential Oils Cards
Botanical Inspirations
Crystal Grid Deck
Love Your Inner Goddess Oracle

👀About Me👀
Madison, 26
Tropical: Aries ☀️ Virgo 🌙 Libra ⬆️
Sidereal: Pisces☀️ Leo 🌙 Virgo ⬆️
Life Path 11, INFP

Hi friends welcome or welcome back to my Channel I'm ASO this is Aso tarot and in Today's pick a card reading we are going To be getting a pep talk from your Higher self I felt like this was what Was needed right now so I'm going to go Ahead and get into what we're going to Be looking at today it's going to be Pretty straightforward using the deck That you choose and other decks I have Chosen to supplement we are going to Start by looking at what aspect of your Life your higher self wants to talk About so this will be the energy check Portion if the topic being talked about Is not relevant to your life or not Something you need to hear about then That is not your reading uh but if it is You found the right one obviously you Can pick more than one if you feel Called to and if you need to Troubleshoot and try one pile or another That's absolutely fine too then we're Going to move into what your higher self Wants you to know about this topic slash Themselves I just left that kind of open To see if they wanted to come through With anything and if you're unaware your Higher self is just the most evolved Version of you it's the soul version of Yourself it's the aspect of self most Deeply connected to the greater Universe At Large it's the most wise and Unconditionally loving aspects of

Yourself so after we look at those we're Going to just go deeper with the tarot And get encouragement on facing this Topic just things in your life in General we're also going to have your Higher self address any fears or Concerns that you've been having and Just see what they want you to know About that then we are going to look at How your higher self wants to connect With you so you don't have to do this But if you want to connect with your Higher self on your own without me uh How dare you just kidding uh that They'll they'll be giving guidance on That and then we're just going to finish The tarot portion off by looking at how You can stay aligned with your highest Self whenever you feel like you're Wavering or just any guidance to help You stay centered and just feel good About where you're headed on your Journey and feeling connected to the Most loving nourishing evolved parts of You so then I pulled some cards for each Group that are going to represent Crystals flowers uh animals and scents That your higher self may already be Showing up in or will show up in they Will serve as both guidance and also Signs that you can see your higher self In or just synchronicity is necessary to Know that the reading is for you or that You're on the right path kind of just

Take those how they resonate and then We'll finish off with a guidance message From the love your inner goddess deck if You are not a woman that does not mean You cannot get messages from this Everybody has feminine and masculine Energy and I think that this deck is so Awesome for just getting healing Guidance on self Lov so we're going to Use this as guidance for just loving Yourself and how you can be kind and Compassionate to yourself moving forward Um so yeah just just letting all y'all Know this is not a this is not Segregated by gender or sex anyway we Have that's what we're going to be Covering today we have three different Groups for you to choose from starting With the first group we are going to be Using the moonchild tarot and I have This clear quartz point on Top with some Rainbows in it And then for group number two we are Going to be using the crystal power Tarot I love this deck uh and I have This yellow fluorite point on Top also Going a burp I Think that was such a weenie burp Uh then finally for group number three We are going to be using the pastel Journey tarot by Vanessa somina many of You probably know and watch her shout Out to her um and if you want to get This deck for 10% off or any other

Things on uh Vanessa's to minina site It's called boif I I'm pretty sure my Code is as10 it will be linked down There if you're interested but uh yeah Not using this deck to plug it using it Cuz I like it but just letting you know Um and I have this Amethyst Ora coded point on Top So go ahead and pause the video if you Need to to decide which pile you feel Most drawn to like I said is it is Absolutely okay to be drawn to more than One um and if you are it could be that You have multiple messages or it could Be that you need to rule one or another Out but with that being said shout out To my intro Squad definitely comment a Rainbow if you're still here we are Going to make our wish now and so we're Going to make our wish on one of my Lovers candles this is part of my tarot Candle line once again I do have a Discount code if you're interested if You use code ASO 10 you will get 10% off On this candle or any candles on Angelic Magic 8 site obviously I love her Candles I use them all the time and the Cool thing about uh my tarot candles is They all come with a mini tarot card on The inside so whatever the mini tarot Card is that will be our mini message For everyone who came to the intro Squad And we will make a wish together and With the lovers there is a special

Little rainbow charm so ooh okay let's Just appreciate how pretty she is and I Yeah we've definitely got a clear Message with this bad boy um but I just Can we just appreciate how Gorge how Gorana she is okay so if you want to go Ahead now and pause the video or just Take a second to focus on the candle and Just set the intentions for what your Wishes I think the lovers candle is Great for this because the lovers is all About unity and this reading can be a Process of unity where you come more Deeply into not only your body but Connecting your body to your your spirit So I love that and I love you thank you For being here I'm just going to take a Second now to just focus on my wish and What I am wishing For May Yours Mine and all of our wishes Come true also can we just admire Natural Nails I'm a natural nail girly Right now and she just like matches the Candle so well I don't know I love that Okay let's get into your mini reading Meow meow meow meow ah I'm messing up Everything I'm going to have to look at The camera anyway I'll do that later Okay we have the seven of Swords here so I definitely think that this reading Came to you at the right time uh I feel Like the biggest thing here is your mind May may be creating a situation that is More stressful than necessary um I just

Heard looks can be deceiving and I Definitely feel like your mind may be Creating a lot of stress and a lot of Pain Panic around things that may not Necessarily be true um if you're dealing With any self-sabotaging Tendencies I Feel like that's kind of being Highlighted here as something that you Shouldn't beat yourself up or shame for Shame yourself for like that's so normal Um but for a select few of you if you Saw this card and you thought of someone That you don't trust I feel like this is A confirmation uh to be cautious and Careful with your energy around this Person because you may be correct the Seven of Swords can talk about things Like betrayal and deception and so if You felt intuitively like something is Off with someone that that like you know Maybe things are not to be trusted or Maybe you should just be careful I would Take that as confirmation of that but of Course this is a mini reading and uh you Know I don't want like if if that Stresses you out or makes you feel like Oh I'm not suspicious of anyone in my Life like that's not the that's not your Message if the message is for you you Would have already had someone in mind And when you saw that you would when you Saw the seven of Swords or when you Heard me talk about it someone Immediately came to mind and like it

Like alarm Bells were going off in your Head like okay yeah this is about them But I think more than anything this Message is about not letting our Thoughts be the truth of what our Reality is I would be willing to bet We're going to focus on this a little Bit in the reading today um but it is Important to remember that our thoughts Are not the truth and if you've been Struggling especially with you know Negative thinking or just thoughts that Are really discouraging for you or just Thoughts that make you feel like you Can't do it things can't change or you Know you're going to fail I just want You to know that that's not only not True but Your Mind is Playing Tricks on You your mind is deceiving you so I want You to know that things are probably Much better than you're Anticipating and you're probably being Way too hard on yourself and so if you Could do one thing maybe maybe forgive Yourself for you know being so hard on Yourself um um but more than anything I Feel like this is a beautiful sign that Things are better than you think they Are and things are unfolding in a more Beautiful way than you can imagine but Like I said for those select few of you Definitely do be careful about um who You are sharing your time and energy With and for all of you definitely make

Sure that you're paying attention to how Much agency and uh space you give to Your mind to create stories and and tell You how the world is and how things are Because more often than not those things Are not the truth and if they are Creating beliefs or feelings within you That are uncomfortable or stressful and Making it hard for you to be present and Live your life those are definitely Unhelpful thoughts and they don't Deserve to take up space in your brain So that is our mini message for today Thank you for joining me I Love You Intro Squad if you don't want to comment A rainbow feel free to comment something Else like a sword comment your favorite Emoji I don't care I'm just grateful to Have you here uh but with that being Said we are going to go ahead now and Get into the readings Everything as I already said is linked Down below and once you have picked your Pile or piles I will see you in your Reading hi there pile one welcome to Your reading and thank you so much for Being here if you guys chose The clear point I have forgotten words Uh this is going to be your reading let Me make sure that's in the yay okay it It is in the yay all right welcome to Your reading this is a pep talk from Your higher self so using the deck that You chose which is the moon child tarot

What an excellent choice I must say all The piles are excellent choices but That's because I have excellent taste in Decks and you have excellent taste in Readers that being said we're going to Go ahead and start shuffling if you want A full breakdown of the reading there is One in the intro but over here with this Rainbow oracle card um we're going to Shuffle a card to represent what topic Your higher self wants to talk to you About so if this topic is not relevant To you then this is not your reading uh But if it is relevant to you then you Have found the right reading and then I Will also be shuffling a card to see What your higher self wants you to know About this topic um slash themselves and If you are unaware of what a higher self Is it is essentially just The most loving evolved version of self It's the soul aspect of self it's the Aspect of self that has the most um Awareness Ness the most wisdom the most Compassion your higher self exists Mostly on like the 5D but you know how Connected we are to our higher selves Really depends on what action we're Taking in our own personal lives in Order to connect with them so we'll look At some of that today too and just see How you can connect with them and things Like that But we're going to go ahead and just

Start by asking Pile one's higher self what aspect of Pile one's life would you like to talk About at this Time what topic would you like to talk To your human self About what topic would you like to talk About for pile one okay so we have that And then I'm also just while we're here And what do you want pile one to know About this topic slash Yourself how are you coming through and What do you want pile one to know about This Topic what do you want pile one to know About this topic okay so we'll Shuffle The rest later but let's go ahead and Start and see what topic your higher Self wants to talk to you about so wow Okay we have the universe so this is the World card I believe in uh this deck and We have a side boob that unfortunately We can't enjoy because YouTube doesn't Know how to have fun but we have you Can't find your goodness because you Lost your heart okay so it seems like This group is going to be for you if You've really had a lot of trouble Embracing your life and being present And feeling good and feeling grateful That is a totally normal and Understandable thing and one thing I do Want to mention is you cannot enjoy life And still be grateful for it I think

Sometimes like when we're talking about Things that really stress us out or or Things that we're dealing with um we Almost believe that by talking about our Struggles we're somehow ungrateful and And that's just not the case and so one Thing I think your higher self wants you To know just straight up is you should Give yourself a little bit more grace And also recognize that like you're not Bad person for just being able to Perceive aspects of your reality that You wish were different or aspects of The world you liveing that you wish were Different if you've been feeling Especially um burnt out or Like if you've reached a point where You've come full circle like let's say For example you've had a significant Event recently like a graduation or you Know like just a significant milestone In your life and maybe you thought you Would feel different once you reached This point and you don't or maybe you Thought That you would you would have there Would be more of like a a a Definite emotion like maybe you feel Like uh you've reached a certain point In your life and you thought that you Would feel different or you thought that Things would be different it could also Be too that you're just aware of the Fact that there are many aspects of self

That you're out of touch with right now Maybe you feel disconnected from the Universe at whole maybe you feel like You're not able to enjoy and appreciate Your environment as much as you used to Or maybe you're just feeling Like I don't know how to embrace my life Journey I don't know how to embrace the Future and what life may look like Moving forward because I'm just I'm done I'm tired I'm Exhausted or maybe you're just Frustrated that like you can't seem to Enjoy life as much as you want to or Savor it and be present as much as you Want to like the fact that we have the Universe here I think is really Significant technically this would be The world card in a different deck but This is a card of completion and a card Of coming full circle and I definitely Think that there are parts of you um Especially parts of you that that feel Very deeply and that Um the emotional parts of you I I was Thinking about like the reason I paused Is because I was thinking about like Emotional memories and how you know Emotions can make memories more Vivid or Make our experiences more powerful and If you feel like something's been off or You've just kind of lost a part of Yourself I definitely think that your Higher self is bringing up the fact that

You're going to lack a feeling of Connection when you are disconnected From your heart now that doesn't mean You're heartless which like I I did I Will say I was listening to Heartless by Kanye West St before I started um before I started this reading and I would be Willing to bet for some of you you may Feel Like man I maybe you've come a long way In terms of your healing or you've Evolved a lot but there's just still Parts of you that you don't know how to Integrate or you just feel like I should Be healed by now or I should be at this Different point and you're not and maybe You feel like there's something wrong With you or like why can't I seem to Enjoy things why can't I seem to feel as Connected and I think what your higher Self is bringing to Bringing to your Awareness today is that you're going to Feel a lack of connection with the Greater Universe when you have a lack of Connection to your heart space and I Think that it's not something to beat Yourself up for for being disconnected From your heart space because it takes a Lot of strength to stay connected to it I mean feelings are data and they tell Us things that are sometimes very Uncomfortable sometimes we have to deal With things like heartbreak we have to Deal with things like trauma

And we have to do what we have to do in Order to survive and sometimes that Means shutting our feelings down Sometimes that means avoiding them Sometimes that means you Know choosing survival Over well I don't even think it's Choosing at that point it's doing what You need to survive and I think that Your higher self is definitely coming Through to be like you Know your inability to feel or your Fears around feeling or or reopening Yourself to your heart space are not Things that you should be beating Yourself up for or feel like you know Make you flawed or wrong or bad they are Just aspects that are coming into your Awareness to let you know hey Reintegration of these things could Allow for a much deeper experience and Help you feel connected because I mean Think about it your heart is the reason Why you're alive like it it is what Beats I mean obviously your brain and a Bunch of other [ __ ] is important too but Like let's just focus on the heart right You know the heart is what connects us To our feelings and the heart is an Important part of our discernment Process because there are just things That the heart can discern that the Mind Cannot you know the mind can be Convinced of things that the heart knows

Is like yeah that's aligned yeah that's Not aligned yes that's compassionate yes That's or no that's that doesn't work For me and so I feel like your higher Self is coming in to let you know that There's either some heart healing that Is coming in some heart feeling that You've been going through or if you've Been feeling disconnected from life and Just like I want to feel more I want to Feel like a part of this universe or I Just want to feel like rather than like You're you're isolated outside of it and You're separate to just really feel your Human Experience and feel you know what It is to be you and your body in this Moment in space and time and and embrace That for what it is so let's go ahead And see what your higher self wants to Say about this I guess to summarize is Um this reading is for you if you've Felt like you're having trouble being Present you're having trouble connecting To your emotions you're having trouble Enjoying things you may have an Awareness that there's a lot more out There for you that you can't seem to Perceive or trust in because you know You feel disconnected from parts of Yourself I definitely think if you feel Disconnected from your emotional body or From your heart space this reading is For you and also if you have reached a Significant Milestone or you've come

Full circle and you just feel like okay I think I'm ready to face certain Aspects of self I think I'm ready to Reintegrate things I think that is Coming to the Forefront and also um There is just an energy here of you Being you not just watching your Experience you not Just reflecting on your experience but Being a part of your experience in the Present where you're feeling it and You're here and you're not just like Detached from your body in a way where You're like observing things but you're Not really you know how a lot of people Are here but they're not here you know What I mean I feel like you may be Experiencing that a lot and just kind of Feeling like I want to be here but That's very challenging so let's see What your higher self wants to say so we Have the king of Pentacles and we have I am confident Okay this is really awesome and I'm Actually going to read this king of Pentacles because I think that this is Your higher self but the biggest thing That your higher self wants you to know Is that you are not the you that you Were When the these Like troubling challenging traumatic Things happened that made you disconnect From your heart space in the first place

I feel like your higher self wants you To recognize how insanely [ __ ] badass You Are and also one thing that your higher Self wants you to know is is that you Are more than capable of protecting Yourself and being a source of support In ways that maybe you haven't in the Past I feel like your higher self is Wanting you to know that you've grown a Lot and I think that you underestimate How much you've grown and how capable You are of facing challenges as they Come and also how capable you are of Feeling fear and doing things anyway the Fact that we have this I am confident Here I think there's a part of you that May be feeling like you're missing out On life or you've been kind of holding Back out of fear of being hurt again It's like maybe you've reached a point Where it's like okay I'm comfortable Within Myself And like I I I have this Sort of Baseline but now I feel the urge To expand and I'm really scared of that Because I don't what if I regress what If I go back to a version of myself that I don't want to be anymore what if I'm Hurt again and I feel like your higher Self is really coming through to say That all of the challenges that you've Been going through have been there so That you can reach a point where you can Handle your challenges with Grace and

Handle uncertainty with an awareness of I may not know what I'm going to face But I'm confident enough in my abilities To face them and know that I'll be okay Okay I really want to grab okay we're Going to grab the guide book and I'm Going to read the king of Pentacles Because I think that this is a very good Representation of your higher self and The more you resonate with the Description of this of this king of Pentacles the the closer aligned you are Currently with your higher self and Also this energy is something that I Think you are meant to ground and step Into so even if you don't resonate um With these energies as being energies Presently in your life I think these are Energies that you're h yourself is Wanting you to know that not only you Have but that they want to help you Integrate so Moon child tarot lovely Lovely deck okay the king of Pentacles Stands Strong and rooted in their power This person has refined their wisdom Down to a sense of methodical reason Seeing the world around them as a place Of beautiful opportunity this abundance Of insight is reflected in the golden Backdrop of this image the opulent Adornments that decorate his wear Symbols of fortitude and great Determination I think fortitude and Great determination are are important

Here the king of Pentacles is an Accomplished individual who thrives on Living life to the fullest their Notions Of success are Grand and ambitious and They often follow a streamline Streamlined route to their goals the This person has likely refined their Wisdom down to a strong sense of Material stability while always being Mindful of Their Own Foundation this is A place of power and strength the king Of Pentacles adores the opulent Riches Of the world and doesn't hold back from Exploring its beauty whether through Seeking physical Prosperity the natural Landscapes of the the Earth there is Also a stable pragmatic energy in this Heart that exudes warmth and loving care For others the king of Pentacles Encourages us to think big follow our Dreams and believe that anything is Possible this speaks of an intuitive Strength that takes nothing for granted And seeing the rich opportunities in Life and key words are security reliable Supportive discipline and power and Questions you can ask yourself are how Can I enforce my focus to rise to new Heights and how can I celebrate the Beauty of this world and I think that is A big key here so part of your Frustration may be that you're trying to Manifest things that don't seem to be Coming to fruition or the things that

You have been creating don't seem to be Nourishing your heart Space I feel like one of the biggest Things that your higher self is coming Through here to let you know is is that You can't be detached from your Experience or half in half in I don't Know what the right word to use is there Like instead of being Allin you're like Half in to your manif Ation if if you have that attitude of Like well I want this thing I want to Have this experience but I'm afraid I Won't get it and I don't want to be Disappointed if I don't so I'm only Going to like half want this and I'm Only going to half work towards this There's a real message here that your Higher self is coming through to say is That life will truly start happening to You when you put your whole heart in it And when you Actually admit and affirm what you want For yourself like not lying to yourself And telling yourself like like let's say For example you want to manifest a Partnership well it's going to be really Hard to be in a loving partnership with Another person if you're disconnected From your heart space first of all um Second of all our heart center is where We feel abundant and it also is the most Powerful form it's the most powerful Manifestor we have and so if you've been

Feeling like oh maybe these things just Aren't meant to happen for me you're Right and you're wrong in the sense that I think things aren't happening for you Because your heart isn't in it right now And therefore you're not ready to face What the universe is trying to bring you Well I think you are ready it's just a Matter of you having the courage to feel The fear or feel you know the Complicated emotions that can come with Being uncertain about our future and Being uncertain about what's coming but Whether you're already in this king of Pentacles position or not that's where You're meant to head and I feel like Your higher self is coming through to Let you know that you are one tough Cookie and I don't really say that Phrase so that may be more significant To you but these trials and tribulations Aren't here to Just make like you're not on The Truman Show like you're Not your guides and and the universe is Not observing you from a distance just Laughing at your foibles and laughing at Your failures you know the universe Wants you to succeed as much as you do But I do think there is a part of you That doesn't believe in yourself and I Think it's and it's the part of you that Doesn't believe in yourself is the part Of you that's disconnected from your

Heart you know one of the most powerful And compelling aspects of underdogs and People that we want to root for is that They have heart they have Spirit um I Mean I never watched this movie but the Football movie Rudy uh could be Significant to some of you um I've never Seen it but I know that it's like about A a little guy that wants to play Football you know his heart's in the Game um Yu-Gi-Oh what does he say what Does he say all the time in that show That you have to trust in the heart of The cards Right pun intended or unintended but Essentially what your higher self is Letting you know is is that your Manifestations are coming along well and In fact you can be more open and present And Grateful with your and and that word Grateful is coming through so maybe Practicing gratitude could be a good way To help you get in your heart but the Biggest thing that your higher self Wants you to know is is that everything You're seeking you can have right now by Just actually feeling it and embodying It and trusting it to come to you so I Think one of the biggest things that Your higher self first is asking of you Is To take a look at where you're at right Now you know where did you come from

Like if you if for a lot of you you know You've had a significant Milestone can You just feel Into feel into what that feels like and Even if that feeling is like I thought I Would feel different or I thought this Would be This would be more exciting even if it's Not just embracing what the feeling is And being present with that and and Sitting with it I think that's important But I think there's also a part of you That is used to being disappointed and I Think the universe is saying there's Kind of some walls that are that have Been blocking you off from that are in Your heart space that have been Preventing you from feeling more more Confident and trusting what life wants To bring you and taking steps of Expansion that have maybe made you Nervous and in putting yourself in Positions where you may need to be Vulnerable where you may need to take a Risk where you may face rejection where You may face you know uncomfortable Experiences and know that you can face Those things and be okay because when we Wall ourselves off from feeling anything It really Cuts us off from our own magic And I think that your higher self is Coming through to say that the only Thing that can stop you from getting Where you need to go is your own doubt

In yourself and an willingness to engage With life and the thing is is that You're already engaging with life it's Just that there's a part of you that Seems to not be fully in it because There's a part of you that's afraid of What might happen if you were you know What if you're hurt What If You're Vulnerable and you know you look stupid Or you fail or something like that Happens and what your higher self wants You to know is is that it's okay if that Happens because not only can you handle It but whatever failure or rejection or Shut door comes your way it's just Leading you to the yes to the approval To the next doorway that's actually Meant for you I think there's a part of You that has a hard time trusting in in The path that your heart is guiding you In and you know and the words of our Lord and savior sa savior words of our Lord and Savior the words of our Lord and savior Cinderella Cinderelli uh she says a dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes and so if you're so if You're trying to find dreams that you're Attached to and then you get there and Realize they don't feel that great and That's not what you actually wanted then Those weren't dreams that your heart Made those were dreams that your ego Made or that you know you

Created but those heartfelt dreams those Heartfelt manifestations you can't it's Going to be a lot harder for you to be Guided to those things it's going to be A lot harder for you to bring those Things in when you're not in your heart Which I know I'm kind of repeating Myself but I feel like one the biggest Thing that your higher self wants to Stress is is that you are not only able To face the challenges that come your Way But by being present in your heart space With those challenges you will not only Have more appreciation for yourself Because you're you're going to be like Wow like I can't believe I can handle All this like I can't believe I can hold Space for these things and and move Through them but I think you'll also Just have a lot more compassion and love For yourself because you're going to Realize like wow like I'm able to carry Myself through so many different things And there are so many beautiful things In in front of me right now that I Haven't seen because I haven't been Willing to feel it you know gratitude is A feeling and so you can think about how Grateful you are about things but it's Not the same thing as as like the Feeling of gratitude of like knowing That you're like for me like I feel Gratitude knowing you're here and

Watching and I get to share this message With you and you know you can feel Gratitude for the seat that you're Sitting in or the beautiful picture That's hanging on the wall or whatever Makes you feel I think that is a really Important thing here and overall it just Seems like your higher self wants you to Know that you are more than capable of Handling the challenges your way and if Anything you do yourself a disservice by Not trusting yourself and not believing In yourself because you're actually a Lot more capable of manifesting or Bringing about what you want than you Realize and I think it's just a matter Of you actually it's like the last Little little thing that needs to be in Alignment is just like feeling it in Your heart feeling what you want in your Heart feeling what it'll be like when You have these experiences and also just Giving yourself more compassion and more Grace and more love and being in those Feelings that will help you be present That will help with with that kind of Like maybe disappointment that you've Had around um you know maybe things not Feeling the way you thought they would Or or accomplishing things and then Realizing oh wait I don't think this is What I wanted So now your higher self is saying okay We we've learned lots of lessons we've

Come full circle okay now let's bring Our heart into it or do what we need to Do to start feeling safe with our heart And and feel like okay like our heart Can be open and vulnerable but we can Still protect ourselves and be strong You know we can be Discerning we can Take ourselves out of a situation and we Have what we need and if we don't have What we need we can trust that the Universe is bringing us what we need I Feel like the biggest thing you need is More confidence in yourself and the Recognition that you've [ __ ] got this You've got this I don't care what your Goals are what you're trying to do if You're simply just trying to be more Grateful and more present in your life You've got that and not Only are you capable of doing that but You're going to reap so much more Abundance because like the flow of Abundance is based in love it's based in The heart and so I feel like you're Going to find that your manifestations Are just like coming through like Wildfire and like things are just going To be if you felt like things have been Slow if you felt like things have been Stagnant or you've just been kind of Off-kilter like this this is exactly Like it's that reintegration of your Emotional body and your heart space and And creating more space for that that is

Going to allow you to get in alignment With your highest self and bring about The changes that you've been wanting and Facilitate you know the shifts necessary To take you on your next steps you're More than more than ready for for Whatever is coming your way and also I Think one thing you need to know is is That you are Worth everything it takes like I I feel Like you may feel like the universe is Going to withhold your manifestations or Withhold what you're wanting or withhold You know your true dreams because like What if I don't deserve it or you know What if someone else needs it more and It's like listen the dreams in your Heart are there for a reason they Wouldn't have been planted there if There weren't seeds that are ready to Grow there you know what I'm saying so We're going to go deeper into the tarot I hope that's resonating I I feel like I Know I've repeated myself a lot but I Think you know maybe you've been Repeating the same things over and over And you're wondering why like why does This keep coming through and it may be That you need to build the skill of you Know listening to your heart listening To your emotional body seeing what it's Telling you because I think it's it's It's going to add a richness to your Experience that I think you've been

Missing out on it's like you know when You have a really tasty dish but it's Missing an integral ingredient so the Whole thing just tastes off it's like That's the essential ingredient and like That's kind of the key here that your Higher self is saying hey you know we're Not saying that these dreams aren't Meant to happen we're not saying that You can't do it we're not saying that You know there's something wrong with You we're just saying this is what needs To shift and there's a whole lot that's Actually right and that we want you to Feel the full breath of the experience We don't want to bring you these Experiences and you only be able to like Be half present with them or half enjoy Them because you're cut off from your Emotional body So I want to start by looking at Encouragement um from your higher self Like around facing this so pile one's Higher self what encouragement do you Want to give pile one about stepping Into their emotional body And creating more Fulfillment what do they need to know at This time there's also a message here as Well to have more confidence in your Ability to sell yourself Maybe in a literal sense but it could Also be in a figurative sense like if You're up for a promotion or if you have

Like interviews or something like that I Feel like you're really just being Encouraged to believe in yourself like I Think one of your biggest problems is The fact that you don't believe in Yourself and there's a part of you that Doesn't trust yourself to like be able You may feel like you'll you'll ruin Good things or you're not worthy of good Things or if you have them you know You'll you'll squander them and that's Just not true and I think I think Actually what you'll find is is that When these when you're in your heart Space and these beautiful things come to You you're going to treat them with care And Grace and gentleness because you Don't not only do you not want to lose Them so to speak but you also know how To appreciate them you'll enjoy them you Will have gratitude for them naturally And your actions will reflect That I feel like there's a part of you That just feels like the rug is always Being ripped out from underneath you and I don't think that's necessarily the Case or maybe it it it has happened to You a few times in your life and now You're just kind of on high alert for That experience and and for that Happening and I think the universe is Saying Like we need you to get off the rug like Yeah that rug is not for you you're

Meant to be moving you're meant to be Going in this direction where there Isn't a rug at all there is your two Feet in the ground like yeah that rug is Going to keep being pulled out from Underneath you if you refuse to get off Of it and it's you know not your rug I Don't know I don't that's take that as It resonates I don't even know what that Means I mean I know what it means but It's also like I think that there are Things that are are more stable than you Realize or that you're more capable of Of Following or exploring than you realize And I think it requires you realizing That like you're safe and whatever Happens like you're okay I think there's A lot in terms of just acceptance of not Being able to know what the future holds But knowing that you're capable of Dealing with it as it comes and when you Don't have the answers when you don't Know what to do your heart will give Them to you that's why it's so important Your heart is part of this process your Heart is your higher self's Representative so it's going to be a lot Harder for you to connect with your Heart space and do the things you know That you're meant to create or meant to Manifest or bring those in when you're Disconnected from yourself at at that Point it's like you're just

Expecting you're expected to create Solely from your past experiences and if Your past experiences haven't been great It's going to feel really hard to trust Yourself or trust what the universe Might be bringing you so anyway pile One's higher self what encouragement do You have for pile one when it comes to Stepping into their emotional body and Living their life with more presence More Heart we have the four of Swords so I Feel like this is this is a beautiful Sign that if you need to take time to Just replenish restore nourish yourself Please do that with the four of Swords I Feel like there is an encouragement here Too like if you're not ready to Reintegrate aspects of your emotional Body if you need to do emotional healing If you need time to kind of work through Certain things your higher self is Letting you know that that time is being Given and in fact if you've been trying To rush your healing process or Rush Your comfortability with things your Higher self is asking you to actually Take a break and really check in with Yourself and be more present with this Process I think more than anything you Need rest and there's an encouragement Here to give yourself that rest and give Yourself that space to just kind of not Have to know and and not feel like you

Need to know what the next step is how Things are unfolding what the universe Has planned will this thing work out Will it not I feel like your higher self Is really asking you to give your mind a Rest like give your mind that rest and Give yourself that space to just kind of Decompress so maybe for some of you There's kind of there's an encouragement Here like if you can go on some sort of Retreat or if you can take a weekend Just do things that feel good like the The the goals should be things that feel Good and things that that are nourishing For you um I feel like your higher self Wants you to know that what is meant for You won't miss you and if you are Denying your needs or denying um what Your heart is asking for you what your Body is asking for you what the present Is asking of you out of fear that if if You're not constantly pushing towards Your goals and pushing forward that like You'll miss something I feel like your Higher self is saying that is actually Part of what is keeping you stuck There's a need for you to kind of take a Step back and be like okay rest and Integration of my healing is an Important part of moving forward and I Think that what your higher self is Saying is like you are not wasting time By giving yourself breathing room you're Not wasting time by giving yourself the

Rest that you need you know for some of You if you if reached some Milestone It's like okay well you don't have to be So focused on the next one right away Why don't we just enjoy how good it Feels to come full circle why don't we Just enjoy this little this this a Little bit of time to ourselves to just Decompress and integrate and process and Digest like what we've gone through and What we've learned I think more than Anything if you want to move forward in Life you need to give yourself more Space for Stillness um and that Stillness could come in the form of Meditation it could come in the form of Walking and and honestly it's like it's Stillness like you could be moving Dynamically with your body and still Have that Stillness in the sense that I Think it's mental Stillness that you're Really needing so things like dance or Yoga are things that just really get you In your body I think could be really Helpful but I think the biggest thing is That your guides not just your higher Self well your higher self is one of Your guides but your guides and your Higher self are telling you it's not Only okay to rest but we're encouraging You to rest and we want you to know that The more genuine rest you give yourself And and that's the thing too is you have To be aware of what kind of rest you

Actually need you know if if your Physical body is not tired but you're Giving yourself physical rest and then Scrolling on your phone for a few hours You're not getting any rest at all Because your physical body was fine if Your mental body was the one that needed Rest and that was the one that was you Know going the whole Time you're going to leave that rest Period feeling completely unrested cuz You got the wrong kind of rest you see What I'm saying maybe you need physical And mental rest that's okay too like I Think there's a call to just recognize What you truly need and rather than Shaming yourself for that being like Okay I'm going to give myself permission To do that and I'm going to create the Circumstances to do that I feel like Your your higher self is also just Encouraging you to let go of Expectations and let go of what you Think is happening and what and how you Think things need to unfold because that Is what is getting in the way of you Trusting yourself and trusting where the Universe is is leading you you know Sometimes we have to Be sometimes we think that like you know Our manifestations are just from A to B But sometimes it's a to F to Y to number Four and then to B and it's confusing But maybe that is quite literally the

Quickest route there and a and solely A To B might take you a lot longer so it Seems like your higher self really likes To speak to you in allegories and Metaphors and examples like that and I Think that that another thing you're Self wants you to know is is that it Doesn't matter how many times you miss a Message your higher self will make sure It gets to you and I feel like your Higher self wants you to kind of let go Of the reins a little bit and just know Like you don't need to be such a like You don't need to feel like you need to Know everything that's happening like The universe has your back your higher Self has your back in fact the best Thing that you could do is settle in to Your Human Experience more and and let Go of the need to know and instead just Get excited about what the universe Might want to bring to you or what the Universe might be showing you or what You might learn about yourself when you Have more space internally to process And reflect I'm seeing this visual from The movie Matilda where um you Matilda Uses her magic powers to save her friend Lavender and lavender is like holding on To this pipe on the ceiling and lavender Is holding on really tight obviously Because it feels like she would fall but You know Matilda tells her you know just Let go I've got you and then as lavender

Lets go you know Matilda uses her powers To just magically bring her down to the Ground in a really calm way and I just Kind of see you as lavender and your Higher self as Matilda just being like You know let go will deliver you right Where you need to be and the more you Trust your heart the easier it will be For you to know when a move needs to be Made and know when it's a good time to Just rest and recoup I feel Like right now you're in this process of Of gaining the wisdom to be able to know When it is ineffective and unnecessary To be constantly anticipating the next Move or feeling like you have to be on It all the time you don't you're doing Great just as you Are okay So we're going to address any fears or Concerns that you have right now So all right that's pretty clear Right I love this you need to stop Doubting your own Excellence first of All with this two of Swords here it's Like with the two of Swords the empress And the high priestess this is a healing Of your feminine energy in general and It doesn't matter you know who you are Everybody has feminine and masculine Energy within them and these feminine Energies are all about intuition all About trusting all about creativity all About trusting in in Nature's Cycles you

Know the high priestess is the spiritual Feminine aspect in the Empress is the Earthly feminine aspect and with this Two of Swords here you know the the Hardest Part of this process is you just Trusting yourself I feel like you may Look for a lot of external guidance Which hey thanks thanks for coming by But you don't need as much of it as you Think you do with this High Priestess And the empress you can trust yourself You can trust what your body is telling You you can trust the cycles that you're In and so if you're in a cycle of winter And you need time to rest like there is Wisdom in that if you are in a cycle of Creative inspiration and you have all These ideas but you you're not sure how To ground them or you're afraid that They're the wrong thing to do and so You're not doing anything and that's Creating stress you know your higher Self is saying stop doubting yourself Like all the energy you're spending Doubting yourself you could be using Grounding that beautiful inspiration and That amazing head of Yours what your higher self wants you to Know is to stop fearing How great it could be and by it I mean Your life how great your own experience Could be how great you can be and I'm Not looking at greatness in terms of

Achievements or accomplishments I'm Talking of greatness in terms of just Seeing your value as a human person Recognizing that there is wisdom within You that may not be supported by External institutions but you don't need Those ex external institutions to Validate you know what your body what Your spirit is telling you and and I Feel like there is a beautiful Integration and healing happening here Where a lot of the experiences you've Gone through you know yeah they left a Mark yeah they they messed you up a Little bit but you've grown from them You've learned from them and while the Pain may still linger and while you know You may not forget those experiences They were important for making you who You are as well you wouldn't have Reached this point in your life I I I Think there well I I the point of what I'm trying to say is is that sometimes You know we look at who we were before We had traumatic experiences or who we Were before we had you know really like Hard things happened to us and I Think part of the human experience is Recognizing that yeah nobody nobody Leaves Earth unscathed and you're not Meant to be the person that you were Before these things happened you Know part of the human burden Is dealing with the the experiences that

Come with being in a body and that come With socialization and that come with With fear being the Primary motivation for people's Behaviors I feel like what your higher Self is letting you know is is that your Fear is so much weaker than your own Instincts your own intuition and your Own creative abilities and there's just A message here to trust yourself and With this two of Swords stop doubting Yourself stop holding back like really When your body says you need rest you Need rest when your heart says we need To have fun do the fun thing when your Heart says this isn't aligned with me I Don't I don't resonate with this you Know without judgment you can say okay Let's let's redirect ourselves towards Something that does work I feel like you Just fear that you're not ready and you Are you're ready for whatever the Universe asks for you you're ready for Whatever your manifestations require of You to make them happen you need to stop Doubting yourself you have far more much More wisdom within you than you realize And not only that but You're ready and prepared for whatever You need and and I think that like for a Lot of you I think you need to know that You're ready to rest you're ready to Trust you're ready to just go with the Flow and stop holding on to things so

Tightly I think I think you can also Just know that you can trust yourself You are not the person that you once Were you're not as naive you have gained Wisdom you have gained awareness and you Know it's beautiful Like you're still a compassionate person It's just that you've struggling to com To extend that compassion to yourself And I think your higher self is saying It's time to trust yourself because you May make mistakes sometimes you may Misinterpret what your body is telling You but that's not something to beat Yourself up for that is something to Learn from and grow from and I think What the universe is really saying is is That it's going to be a lot harder for You to continue walking on your path the More you detach from your heart space And the L you trust yourself because Trying to find that wisdom outside of You is going to lead you to answers you Already knew internally or guidance that Doesn't resonate with you at all that Just leads to confusion so cut out the Things that confuse you cut out the Things that bring you fear and just Remember that you're far more capable Than you realize and you can trust Yourself through this process you know The worst part of all of this is just The fear your mind creates and the less You trust in that and the more you get

Excited about what the universe might be Trying to show you or how your your Manifestations might unfold or how the Things you've been creating you know Might come into the 3D how you know Abundance might come to you in new ways And new creative ideas Like all of that is leading to a magical Journey that you will be present with And that you've already been on and that You've already have been present with Like the only thing that is messing you Up is your own doubt and overthinking And so I feel like your higher self is Like please please stop listening to Your fearful thoughts because they are Deluding you into thinking that you're Incapable of facing things that you are Capable of and that you are not ready For things that you very much are ready For okay so I want to see how your Higher self wants to connect with you so How can pile one connect with their Higher self more consciously Please do things that you love take Opportunities to feel Joy literally the Ace of cups is is a cup of love and These are all opportunities to feel you Know you will feel your higher self you Won't know your higher self is there You'll feel it and then maybe you'll Know it cuz you'll feel it but any Opportunity to just feel good vibes or Just feel in general you know if you

Have opportunities to do emotional Healing that is a way you can connect With your higher self if you have Opportunities to do fun things with Friends or if you have opport like Whatever it may be things that light Your heart up that's how your higher Self wants to connect with you your Higher self wants to connect connect With you through fun through Joy through Experiences that are meaningful because Of what you feel when you have them not Experiences that are meaningful because They have a monetary value attached to Them your higher self wants you'll feel Your higher self in those moments when You're feeling grateful you'll feel your Higher self in those moments where You're looking around and you're like I Can't believe I'm here I can't believe This is me like wow those flowers are so Beautiful or like it's just it's in Those those small moments but then you Also know that there are things that you Could do that you would enjoy that would Bring you that would connect you to Yourself your higher self is really Around when you do things that light Your heart up and that and that feel Good and that are emotionally nourishing I'm thinking of the movie Soul you know The main character he loves piano and so Like for example if you loved piano and You felt good when you played music then

You'll feel and connect to your higher Self through that I feel like you I feel Like your higher self is coming through And asking you to look at it less as a Source of guidance and more as just a a Part of self that will bring you wisdom Naturally when you're open to it and Present with what it's trying to show You I think there's a part of you that Is incessantly analyzing and that that Part of you that is just analyzing so Much it's not leading you to any Effective Conclusions it's probably if it's Leading you to more confusion then I Think that is a good reason of why you Need less of that but also all of the Energy that you're spending analyzing You could be conserving that energy and Staying open to what the universe is Trying to show you what your heart is Trying to show you so anything that Brings about a sense of emotional joy That that makes you feel good and you're Like well I don't know what makes me Feel good I don't know what I enjoy well That's you start trying look for Something what seems interesting you Know it's really easy to sit there and Continue to disempower yourself and be Like well I don't know how to do Anything fun yes you do yes you do you Just have to sometimes you have to do Things different ly I will say I think

Media has kind of like distorted our Idea of what fun is because it's just Hijacked like you know different Functions in the brain and it does take Time and space to kind of reorient Ourselves to like you know what is Joyful from like a sincere Place rather Than from a place that's trying to get You addicted to something you know what I mean um things that bring you true Joy You won't feel addicted to them you will Well maybe in a certain way but like not In a way where you literally neglect Your needs cuz it's well I mean I guess You can But there's more presence and does that Make Sense your higher self wants to connect With you through things that that bring You Joy and if you don't know what those Things Are the time to start is now and maybe You can maybe one thing that would bring You Joy is instead of trying to figure Out what makes you happy just like just Ask your body like what do I need today Maybe what will make you happy is Sitting when watching the clouds I love Doing nothing doing nothing brings me so Much joy so it may not even be a thing It could be absolutely nothing and just Not letting your mind rob you of the Peace that comes with just Cloud gazing Or people watching you know it can be

Something small it doesn't have to be Something Grand there are many different Ways that we can connect to our heart Space and feel emotionally nourished and And enjoy ourselves and so your higher Self wants to connect with you in any Way through that and I and one thing That I'm hearing is that as you do that You will kind of you'll feel this Presence within you where you're like oh Yeah that like that's my highest self Like that that is me like this this is The part of me and and maybe that's the Part of you you felt like you've been Missing and you'll be like oh yeah like That this was the missing ingredient This was the thing I was looking for so Now I'm I want to see what guidance your Higher self has for staying aligned uh With your highest self at least in the Moment so how can pile one stay aligned With their highest selves and stay Aligned with their emotional body yeah Strength so this strength card is all About surrender this is all about You having the strength to stay present In what is and accept what is coming Through without judgment because there Are going to be times where your you're Not going to want to be connected to Your emotional body you're going to be Feeling frustrated or you're going to be Feeling discouraged or you're going to Be feeling fearful or uncertain about

What the future holds or what might be Happening but rather than judging Yourself for having those experiences Rather than detaching from yourself Because those experiences are too Intense for you to handle remaining Present with them and not abandoning Yourself and saying okay whoa we're Having a really strong feeling right now This is kind of uncomfortable what might This feeling be trying to tell us how Can I be present with this feeling and Not abandon myself this strength card is All about just having the strength to Redirect Yourself back to your emotional body Back to your back to the present moment When you want to escape when you want to Avoid when it would be a lot easier for You to just pretend like it's not there And and you know ignore it it takes real Strength to surrender to what is and I Think that that is really what you're Being asked to do here and also to Recognize that sometimes what your ego Wants or what your mind wants is not What your heart wants and you will have To sacrifice those Visions sometimes or Those ideas sometimes because they don't Align with what what what your heart Truly desires and sometimes it takes Strength to choose what the heart needs Over what the Mind thinks is right or What you think you should do it takes

Strength but no matter what the best way To stay aligned with this energy is no Matter what you choose no matter how you Go about doing this no matter what Choices you make not judging yourself For them being present with yourself as They're happening so that you can be Like okay we made the choice that Doesn't really align with our highest Good and we don't really feel as great But I'm taking note of this feeling and This emotion so that when I have the Opportunity to make this Choice again Maybe you'll choose differently maybe You won't maybe you'll need to learn the Same lesson again but that's okay that's What that's what these lessons are here For like that's what the universe is Here for the universe is patient as hell And it will wait on you and so I think The more present you can be especially When you make those choices that you Feel like make you weak or that you feel Ashamed or embarrassed of those are the Things that are going to give you the Wisdom so that next time you can have The strength to do something differently You know if If if you have a choice between two Things choose the thing that that you're Less familiar with um but more than Anything I think you're really being Encouraged to keep following your inner Light and just trust that you're strong

Enough to sit with yourself and sit with Whatever you know your spirit your Emotional body your mental body your Physical body is bringing to your Awareness and and you have the strength And the wisdom and the awareness and to Be able to face those things and you'll Be okay and that is where a lot of Growth will come from and and you're and The healing that you have just in your Life and like the the healing that you Do whether consciously or unconsciously You will notice evidence of that healing In those moments where you choose to do Something differently in those moments Where you're present without having to Be conscious about it in those moments Where you just feel connected to the Greater Universe At Large and you feel Your role in it and you're just like Yeah like I'm here I'm in a body I'm Worthy like this is my life and I'm Grateful for it this is beautiful and Like yeah this was a really challeng ing Message to channel I'm not going to lie I don't I don't even know why but I know I repeated myself a lot so thank you for Giving me Grace with that but I also Feel like the the repetitiveness of These messages really come down to the Fact that Like you can't mess this up like what is Meant for you will not miss you and Every every moment every choice is an

Opportunity to grow and learn is an Opportunity to give ourselves more grace Is an opportunity to be more present and To surrender What we're holding on to and yeah I feel Like your higher self just wants you to Know like you're already doing amazing And you don't need to beat yourself up Further your your higher self is so Proud of you and so grateful for what You have done in order to care for Yourself and in order to survive and I Feel like your your higher self is Saying like we really want to thrive and You're well on your way to doing that But you're never going to thrive if you Can't feel how good it feels to thrive You know what I mean so we're going to Go ahead now and look at uh Stones a Flower a chakra SL scent and an animal That your higher self is showing up in And see what guidance these cards have For you so you can take the guidance but Also you know these Stones can be Helpful for you and uh these could be Signs that your higher self shows up in So starting with the stones we have Cabar I do not have this Stone but says Manifestation wealth and inspiration Known as The Alchemist stone cabar is a Crystal used to enhance metaphysical Abilities call in abundance and manifest Your heart's desire Okay I I love when I'm when I'm on the

Right path cinnabar's name is originated From the Persian word mean meaning Dragon's blood and refers to the tiny Red gem sprinkled across the stone this Crystal is powerful in enhancing your Life force giving you the stamina you Need to carry out your tasks and go After the things that go after the Things that can feel Larger than Life Send our grounds and encourages you While you reach beyond what you believe Is possible and I feel like that's the Biggest thing that your higher self is Saying is that like there are things Like that if you knew that they were in Your future you would be running in the Opposite direction because you would Feel and not because they're bad but Because they're so Grand and beautiful That you would feel like you're Unworthy Of them or that you would mess them up And so that's a big reason why the Universe doesn't really let you know What's going on while you're in the Midst of it and that's part of the magic Of creation you know and you deserve That we also have have big spite timing Is everything and with big spite that Couldn't be truer big spite has the has An impeccable knack for the right timing And can encourage you to try new things Pursue an opportunity or change anything That needs an update and so that's Really significant too about like the

Timing portion of things like when you Feel the need to rest when you feel the Need to slow down like don't let your Mind pressure you and create a false Sense of urgency that doesn't need to be There because your higher self could Quite literally be helping you You know regroup and regenerate to Prepare for an opportunity coming and I Think that your higher self is going to Bring opportunities your way and like When you feel this like excitement in Your heart and just like o I think I Should try that that'll be a great way To connect with your higher self and Those are opportunities you should say Yes to Big spite opens the connection Between your base chakras and your heart Chakra and infuses you with Unconditional love for yourself and Others biig spite encourages energy Expressed as action movement and Progression to move towards true Alignment between you and your soul up Update what's outdated with joy and Recharge your life in terms of a flower We have the sacred Lotus Enlightenment No mud no Lotus so yeah I feel like You've been in the mud for a while and I Feel like you're ready to start blooming But your heart is the seed so if if You're not connected to your heart space It's going to be a lot harder for you to Start blooming and start growing but you

Can trust that you've already done a lot And you should be really proud of Yourself yeah mhm okay so we have have The Sacral the scent is juniper berry and The theme is protection the trigger Statement is my mind does not rest and The true statement is I listen to my Higher self look at each story that Repeats itself in your mind as a Stranger would ask yourself is this true Yeah I think your higher self wants you To know like this is really coming back To you can trust yourself more than you Think you can and I think that your mind Creates a lot of unnecessary doubt like I feel I felt a lot of unnecessary doubt Just channeling this message and I feel Like every repeating myself like 50 [ __ ] times because like it just like Even though I feel like I'm touching on What I need to I'm like I don't I don't Know if I've done enough or I feel like I need to say that in another way or Like even I've been overthinking and so If you've been watching this going crazy Being like Oh my God as so like just Spit it out or just do this or like it's A lot easier said than done isn't it and So when I'm talking you know it is a lot Easier said than done to just be present And be in your heart space and not let Your mind run but that's the challenge That's that's where the growth lies and

I think that it's really really Important like I think mental rest is Huge here and your sacral is is an Emotional is an emotional chakra it's a Chakra that helped you feel it's where Relationships and attachments are it's Also you know it's where a lot of sexual Organs are it's where a lot of lot of Feeling stuff is and so I definitely Think healing of the sacral chakra could Be useful and you may feel your higher Self like in your gut um but you can Listen to your higher self by listening To your heart so if you can't feel it All that's that's the first place you May want to you may want to start but Finally we yes we have bat Spirit a Rebirth is assured so your higher self May come through in the form of a bat it Makes me think of like you know all of The many Batman movies and like I know The Christian Bale ones there's like an Emphasis On you know not running away from fear Becoming fear itself but yeah I feel Like your higher self is is saying like Things are changing and you're Definitely going to go through a Powerful rebirth here but that rebirth Can't happen if your heart is still Detached from you so we're going to go Ahead and finish this reading off with a Guidance message on how to love your Inner goddess now you may not resonate

On having an inner goddess that's okay We're just going to take this as a Message of self-love Um so Spirit how can pile one love Themselves more deeply and truly at this Time how can they bring their heart into The equation and give themselves what They need at this Time okay we have the shaman of Skulls which is funny I almost used a Skull deck uh for this reading but I Ended up changing my mind last minute And use the moon child but Anyway in your heart you've been asking For something different something more And the universe is answering your Prayers you do not need to be afraid of The changes happening or that are going To happen for you they are part of that Answer from the universe you might feel Uncertain because you cannot see how it Is all going to work out but know that The universe is caring for you and will Provide a way to move through this Through the transition with Grace you Are not crazy to willingly enter this Experience there is nothing that you Need to avoid and so much that you will Gain something is ending something that Meant a lot to you maybe it is a Relationship a phase of your life an Identity that no longer suits you maybe It is an inner ending that you cannot Quite articulate but you feel

Nonetheless this is a symbolic death With a greater purpose the shaman is Spiritually trained to overcome the fear Of symbolic death and instead of Avoiding endings to willingly go through Them with the awareness that an ending Is simply the other side of a beginning The shaman learns that endings happen When something when something new wishes To be born the shaman knows that this is Ultimately for good and has compassion For the human mind that may still ve Feel very uncomfortable and resistant to The process so even whilst we may accept The change even with gratitude our minds Might feel uncertain and Afraid we might Feel confused or try to cling to what is Ending these are natural human responses To loss especially when we sense that Loss is irreversible and that life will Never quite be the same again be patient With yourself be kind but also know that New life is happening for you now According to a higher purpose and a Loving plan your life is meant to change At this time be encouraged From the Ashes of this symbolic death you shall Rise again yeah literally a rebirth is Assured and there's a little ritual here That you can do if you want To ASO film a video under an hour Challenge I don't know I don't think I Can um cuz even when I try I seem to Just not be able to quit yapping but

Pile one that is where I'm going to Leave this reading thank you guys so so So much for watching and thank you so Much for letting my ads play in the Background background um that is one of The simplest and easiest ways to show me Support and appreciation so thank you to Everyone who does that if you would like To support me in other ways you can like This video comment down below let me Know how it resonates thank you to Everyone who likes the video it's so Helpful you can subscribe if you haven't Already and be sure to click that little Notification Bell to be notified Whenever I upload a new reading shout Out to my notification Squad if you want Me to see uh your comments I usually see Comments when I first upload um and like The day or so after so uh yeah that's That uh if you'd like to support me in Other ways you can obviously you can Check out my candles you can check out Um other readings you can check out my Social media you can check Out readings with Extendeds um yeah or or you can just Send some love and gratitude my way I'm Grateful for that as well um but that's All I have for you guys so thank you so So so much for watching and for letting Me read for you I hope you all have a Wonderful day or night whenever it is That you're watching this video and I

Hope you'll come back and see me again Soon bye hi there pile two welcome to Your reading and thank you so much for Being here if you guys chose this Beautiful yellow fluorite probably as Beautiful as you and the Crystal power Tarot this is going to be your reading On a pep talk from your higher self so If you want a full breakdown of the Reading as usual there is one in the Intro but we're just going to go ahead And start by shuffling two cards from The deck you Chose and the first question is going to Look at the topic your higher self wants To talk to you about so if this first Portion doesn't resonate then this Reading is not for you obviously if it Does hello you found your reading and Then we will also see we will also Shuffle and look at what your higher Self wants you to know about this topic Toc slash them so pile two's higher Self what topic or aspect of pile to's Life at this time do you want to talk About with Them okay and what do they need to know About this topic and what do they need To know about You well you and you you you are them They are you right okay so let's look at This to start we have okay we have the High priestess my intuition guides me to Truth and we have the weight of Truth

Wow okay hello my intuitive baddies I'm So glad that you are here please note That baddies is gender neutral and Anyone can be a baddie and then let's See what they want to say about this so We have the seven of Swords I take great Care of what I value and I am Wild and Free beautiful oh these are beautiful Energies pile pile two I Where do I even start so what your Higher self wants to talk to you about Is okay it's a Lot but it's a lot in terms of like what You have been perceiving what you have Been dealing with you Know the biggest thing that your higher Self is coming through to talk to you About is the fact that you are way more In tune with yourself your truth and the Nature of reality than you realize and With those truths comes the awareness And the horror of how we actually Operate in the world I wouldn't be Shocked if that is something that is Weighing on you it should on anyone you Know I think a lot of times we feel like We're we're going crazy the more sane we Become and and by the more sane we Become you know the more connected we Are to our truth and then we just start To see like the insanity that is in the World world and how much suffering it Creates in one another in Ourselves I definitely think that um for

Some of you there could be a specific Thing your intuition has been leading You to that um maybe you haven't wanted To admit or that you know is true but You haven't been ready to act on it um The biggest thing about truth you know I That word actually it it really Irritates me sometimes because I feel Like the truth is such a slippery Concept right and I believe that truth Is rooted in love you can believe Whatever you want but I think we all can Agree um sorry I just thought of a Victoria Justice meme I think we can all Sing um I think we can all agree That you know a lot of people talk about Truth in a very distorted way and say You know this is the truth this is what Is true and often times they are lying Through their teeth or spreading some Sort of information that is unhelpful or You know suppressive and you know maybe You just see that in the world and it's Really Hard maybe you feel overwhelmed by the Reality Of life you know the suffering that goes Hand inand with the joy you know the the Deep Collective and systemic issues that We have in every corner of this planet It may feel very overwhelming and the More in tune you get with yourself you May finding yourself really struggling Between doing what feels right to you

And doing what others think is right and That is a hard balance it it is hard for Anyone and I think one thing your higher Self really wants you to know is is That part of the gift of this confusion Is learning to build trust in yourself In your own intuition and and building Confidence in what you believe to be True I definitely think that that if You've been struggling with just you Know in like just the intense nature of Reality your higher self is wanting you To know That it's okay to be immobilized by that Weight sometimes it's okay to be Heartbroken over something that's Happening across the world it's okay to Be angry and frustrated about the fact That you can't do more or the fact that You know you wish other people could see Things like you did you know I feel like That's normal and it's okay and I think The the deeper you you step into your Own truth the more you see how many People are living a lie and that's Really really [ __ ] hard to deal with Like I I relate to you so hard and I and I feel like your higher self really Wants you to know Like this is an important part of your Journey and you're at a place right now Where you are learning to trust what is True to you rather than what society Says is true you know and that is a real

Really hard thing to do and what your Higher self wants you to know and what They want you to know about this is First of all you're doing great you're Doing awesome and you're way more tapped Into yourself than you realize like oh I've got chills everywhere like oh pile Two like literally pile two you're the High priestess I love this and I think That there are a lot of challenging Feelings that you've been dealing with As as you open yourself up to more truth And I feel like you're being called to Recognize that those feelings are okay To have and I I like the I there's this Quote I don't know who says it but um The truth should piss you off sometimes And if you feel like you're going crazy And like how are so many people just not Seeing this or how I feel like there's Definitely an emphasis here on your Outward Perception versus like your out it's a Couple things things your outward Perception the belief systems you were Conditioned with what you see in the Outside world around you and what you Are learning to believe is true about You what is true for you what is Important to you all those things are Kind of mixing together and it's a lot And it requires a lot of processing and I feel like one thing your higher self Is saying is that it may take time for

You to digest a lot of this stuff and There may be experiences you just kind Of have to move through and trust Yourself and that's okay but what your Higher self really wants you to know is Is that you are not as trapped as you Believe you are um and you do have more Of an opportunity to make an impact than You realize I think one of the most Important things about inner work is the Fact that inner work and and building Our own spiritual reserves allows us to Serve others allows us to make changes And create opportunities for something To be different I was actually having This conversation uh recently with in in A class of was taking uh And we were talking about how you know We really don't know what we're doing Like we we think we know what the Solutions are we think that we have Something better but more often than not One solution creates more problems And and there really is no you know Perfect way or perfect system and one of The things that we kind of talked about Was you know well maybe it's less about Being right maybe it's less about fixing Things and more about creating space for New new ways of being new ways of doing New ways of finding Solutions and maybe We can grow and learn together I feel Like that's kind of a theme that you're Working through right now like you know

How do I be myself how do I be my Authentic self and not crumble under the Immense weight of the truth of what I'm Seeing in the world and that is a really Important thing to recognize and Acknowledge um and I completely Understand where you're coming from as You guys know I've been posting a hell Of a lot less in the in the recent Months just so that I can be able to be In environments again and not feel Weighed down by you know what other People are experiencing what is Happening in the world and it is a very Important thing to be able to do that Because if you're drowning with everyone And everything else you can't be there To be a lifeguard you can't be there to Help you can't be there to be present And so I feel like you're going through A very important phase of initiation Right now where you're learning to step Into more sovereignty and recognize the Value of your intuition the value of Your unique perspective and the fact That you don't have to do things the way People tell you to do them you don't Have to believe the world is a certain Way because other people tell you that You don't have to choose a perspective That doesn't align with you and I think What your higher self is coming through To say is is that your mind is the Biggest inhibitor to you trusting

Yourself and I'm burping as I say that That which is often a release of Negativity and I do think that one thing That you are purging right now is a lot Of negative belief systems a lot of Negative beliefs about yourself a lot of Negative beliefs about the world and Let's be clear Like when it comes to how we see the World like you know I think that the World is all bad or all good it it's Never that's never going to be a Productive perspective right like there There are Earth is a place of polarity And there are many things happening at Once once and it's super complex And it's just part of life we're all Growing we're all flawed and yeah There's a hell of a lot of suffering a Hell of a lot of Problems and I used to believe that the Phrase be the change you want to see in The world was stupid and then I realized That I was stupid and that's actually One of the most true phrases I've ever Heard because it really is true like we Cannot expect others to change Especially when we're not changing Ourselves and I think that you've been Doing a lot of the very important work Of getting closer to your truth so that You can step into deeper service that You can be the type of person you want To be in the world and make a difference

Like you give me The Vibes of I want to Leave this place a little bit better Than I found it and I feel like your Higher self is coming through to say That you're far more connected to it Than you realize um in fact I think it's Your own doubts that get in the way of You being able to trust yourself Yourself more but this is the high Priestess and I think one thing that you Need to hear is that you don't need Other people to validate your Perspective in order for it to be true You don't need other people to Understand where you're coming from in Order for your perspective to have value You don't need the external validation That you're doing something right that Validation will come from the feelings You receive when you choose yourself When you choose your intuition and it Will also come From the satisfaction that comes from Learning to trust yourself because I'll Be honest it's really hard um you Know I think one thing your higher self Wants you to know is is that you don't Have to do things in a certain way you Don't have to do things the way everyone Else does your higher self has this Really beautiful energy and I feel like This is an aspect of your soul I bet Your soul has been a lot of different Places um we have Aquarius energy here

And I just feel like your soul is not Only an adventurer but also a Humanitarian and I'm sure these are Aspects that you resonate with um but I Do feel like your higher self is kind of Coming through to say that you're in a a Phase of life right now where you Are reconsidering what you truly value And whether you're you're taking action On those values whether you are trusting What your inner self is guiding you to And I feel like there's just this big oh Like Okay your higher self and my higher self Are both giving you a huge hug right now If I could give you a real hug I would Um But this this energy is just like yeah Yeah things are really really uh messed Up Human behavioral human behaviors human Belief systems yeah they've got some Pretty intense flaws and even our own Perspectives will have flaws and we will Have shortsighted things but that that's The nature of love we can't and and the Nature of The Human Experience you know We can't always know what the right Thing is to do and and maybe even the Concept that there is a right thing to Do is part of the problem um you know we Can't always know what a solution is we Can't always know how to to help how to Show up in the world but that's why our

Intuition is so important because it Gives us the opportunity to have a sense Of knowing outside of what we've been Conditioned to believe and outside of What society says is right if Society Were was so right I think that we as Humans would be in a much different Position right now um and I think that One of the things that you're struggling With is just the fact That you're perceiving a lot of truths And and truthfully like if you guys want To talk about that in the comments I Would love to read like what are the Truths you're perceiving about yourself And the world like you know if if There's any place to get validation from It it's it's here like I just and I just Want to to say like you guys are so Awesome like the support you give each Other and like there are so many people Like you watching this and that and they Can resonate with you and they may be on The complete other side of the world and They and you guys may be completely Different but you're going through the Same things and I just think that is the One like I can even relate to this and I Think that one of the the hardest parts Of learning to trust yourself is dealing With the discomfort of not knowing what The right thing is to do and and like I Said maybe the right thing is to let go Of the idea that there is a right thing

To do I think life is a lot more complex Than we give it credit for and it's Really easy to simplify things and I Feel like what your higher self is Coming through to let you know is is That You are in the process of freeing Yourself from a lot of things that have Kept you trapped and I would say a lot Of mental bindings especially And you are going through the process of Learning to not betray yourself anymore And that is so [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Awesome I'm so happy for you pile too Like I can't tell you how powerful this Initiation is going to be for you Because you are going to be losing Mental fatigue the mental fatigue that Comes from doubting yourself and well Not always I mean we we get that a lot But less of it you're you're making more Room for more fun for more freedom for More joy and I feel like what your higher self wants You to remember is that you're not Trapped and in Fact when you feel torn between option One and option two your higher self is Always going to come through with option Three there's always another way and I Think one thing your higher self wants You to know is that it's incredibly Inventive spontaneous sporadic and it And and as you learn to trust it more

You will realize that it is a genius Just like you well I mean that makes Sense Aquarius is ruled by Uranus the Butt planet um And what I just love about this what I Love about you pile two is that you're Not shying away from your truth and what These truths are showing you and these May be really challenging things to deal With but you're going to move through Them great and one thing your higher Self wants you to know is is that the More you learn to honor yourself the Free you will feel and the less guilty You will feel about doing what's right For you but I definitely think if there Have been any Specific uh intuitive things that that You know maybe you haven't wanted to Face or maybe they've been like Upsetting or disturbing or scary but you Know they're they're the right thing to Trust or the right thing to act on I Feel like your higher self is coming Through to say that everything is going To be Okay and the best thing that you can do For yourself is what this card says I Take great care of what I value and so You have to ask yourself do I value Myself more than this thing that I'm Afraid of facing I hope you do um but I Think if you don't the actions that you Take will just be leading you down to

This process of looking at self- Betrayal and how to work through it and How to trust yourself more so that you Do it less and that you are just able to Flow more easily I do think that this is Actually a process of flow and I also Think that if you've been holding on to Any secrets um secrets that have really Weighed on you or or secrets for someone Else trust yourself to do what you feel Is right about that I the biggest Message that I'm seeing here already is Just that you know what you need to do And if you don't know yet you may be Overthinking it and it may be hard for You to listen to your intuition as I Like to say anxiety screams intuition Whispers I'm sure someone else much Smarter than me said that before but I Can't remember and I say all the time so Yeah But you are not a bad person for Choosing yourself and you are not a bad Person for doing what is right in your Spirit and sometimes there are going to Be situations where there there is no Where you're losing something no matter What and I'm not saying that you're Losing anything here I just do think That there is a portion of you some of You won't resonate with this at all but For others there is a portion of you Where you are being like you there's Truths that you know but you haven't

Wanted to face them and you know that Things need to change whether it is in Relationships that you have um your Relationship with yourself how you're Living your life behaviors it can be Anything you know holding like you know It could also be something like holding On to something for someone else like You know holding on to a secret or you Know protecting them at the expense of Yourself like it can be so many Different things and I feel like what Your higher self is coming through to Say is is that you're not trapped you Can trust yourself more than you think You can and when in doubt do what is Most loving towards yourself because the Truth is rooted in love and I Think sometimes it can be really hard to Know what is right to do in the Moment Like I said I I need to stop saying That we don't know what's right to do in The moment but we can do what feels true To us and what feels authentic to us and I feel like what your higher self is Really wanting you to know is is that That is the key to moving like you will Know that this Initiation has I I wouldn't say passed But has cemented itself when it is not a Struggle for you to trust yourself but It's second nature and you stay open to Of course you know the world around you But you're led by your own inner sense

Of truth and that's where you're headed And that's so awesome and this is a Level of spiritual Integrity that takes A lot of growth and healing and Awareness and wisdom to have and so I Don't care how old you are you should Just be very very very proud of yourself Your higher self is proud of you I'm Proud of You it is it is hard to do what feels Right in a world that is telling us We're wrong all the time in a world that Is telling us we should be ashamed in a World that is essentially upholding Illusions that create tons of suffering In order to Benefit those who create Them and your h self is saying you see Through that and that's a beautiful Thing and you don't have to be held by It and in fact the more you embrace your Higher self the the the less the more Weightless you will feel in the midst of That truth I mean there will be times Where yeah like you're going to be Weighed down by these realities and it's Going to be disturbing and it's going to Be hard but that's where acceptance Comes in you know I I I think acceptance Is a really hard thing to learn but it Can be one of the most freeing things Because you just like less less of your Your mental space is taken up by Thinking about what isn't working what

Isn't right how you can't control it and Things like that and you know I think What's really interesting is you know With this I am Wild and Free card like Your higher Self knows how to be both present for What is there wilst also remaining Multi-dimensional in terms of your own Awareness around like what possibility Ities are how things can Happen you know it's interesting how Like this weight of Truth and then I am Wild and Free they're kind of completely Different energies in the sense that one Of them is feels almost like like There's a there's a weight bogging Bogging you this energy down whereas Your higher self is like yes like this Is true this is me and I feel like what Your higher self wants you to know is as You integrate this truth as you honor it As you accept it as you understand what You're experiencing and validate that For yourself and and give yourself Permission to just honor what your truth Is the lighter you're going to start Feeling and the easier it will be for You to act in alignment with that and be More aware of what is actually within Your control how you actually can Contribute And what is aligned with you and so what Your higher self is saying is you know You're already working through this and

And you're going to do this like you are Going to get lighter you are going to Get Freer you're going to have more fun And you're going to be more expansive And embrace your truth even more fully And Inspire others with it and I'm so Excited for You but the biggest hurdle is going to Be the fears and mental blockages that Get in your way and so what your higher Self is saying is when in Doubt reconnect to yourself reconnect to What's important ask yourself what is Most loving towards you what would love Ask of you and do that [Applause] And if you don't know what love would Do I like you know I I'm not I'm not a Big Bible guy uh but you know I do like The quote about love you know love is Patient love is Kind does not brag or Boast something something something Something something uh but yeah like you Know like what would Jesus do you can Just say what would love to Jesus is the Epitome of unconditional love right and But so many other beings are that you Know doesn't have to be Jesus it can be Any any being that resonates love for You what what would they tell you what What would they tell you to Do and that's another thing you can Jesus loves you whether you read the

Bible or Not Jesus loves you whether you Love him or not Um same same thing with Buddha same Thing with Like these beings that love us Unconditionally they love us it it it They just love us and unconditional love Is something that I think that you are Learning to tap into and that's so Powerful and I'm so happy for you and You know whatever beings that you feel Inspire that love for you tap into that Be inspired by them you know ask for Signs from them well from from the Version of them that loves you Unconditionally and and just just see Where your intuition leads you you are Far more capable than you realize and You're doing great I'm so proud of you Pile to oh my God okay so let's get some Encouragement on facing this topic so Pile to's higher self what encouragement Do you want to give pile to Please Ace of Wands I'm inspired to Follow my passion yeah okay so I Definitely think that if you've been Feeling burnt out or you're feeling like You need to act on things but you just Don't quite have the energy yet I feel Like this is permission from your higher Self to say take your time you know if You need more time to kind of get to Your truth if you need more time to Process and digest things give yourself

That space um but this is also a message About inspired action and inspired Action is different from mindless action In the sense that you know we can be Busy and get nothing done or you know we Can be moved by something greater than Us and take action from that place um an Example that I use a lot is with surfing You know you can sit out in the water And enjoy the waves and wait for the Right wave to come and carry you or you Can paddle all the way back to Shore and Wear yourself out in the process it's The same thing like in SpongeBob the Episode where the magic conch episode Where they keep asking the magic conch What to what to do when they're stranded In the wilderness and and she's like Nothing and so they sit there and do Nothing meanwhile Squidward being Squidward you know is losing his marbles And is like trying to build a Hut and Survive meanwhile they do absolutely Nothing and then a a plane drops a feast On them literally like down in front of Them and and SpongeBob and Patrick do Nothing meanwhile Squidward shows up and He's pissed cuz he's frazzled and Exhausted from doing what he thought he Needed to do in order to survive but SpongeBob and Patrick listened to their Magic conch and you know shells often Make me think of the high priestess and Intuition

So I definitely feel like what you feel Is true and and when you like this is a Feeling thing and less of a feeling of Like excitement but rather just a Feeling of inner knowing and just Like yes whatever like a big a big ass Yes feels like I feel like that is kind Of your intuition but I feel like what Your higher self is also saying Is whatever conclusions you're coming to About these Truths they are leading you to to Exciting New Opportunities and I feel Like with this Ace of Wands being here What your higher self really wants you To know is is that you are never going To run out of the energetic reserves That you need To embody your role on this planet and Do what you need to Do understand and experience what you Need to understand and experience and in This case I feel like if you are Exhausted or you're just feeling like You kind of need some time to go within Or just like do do your little thing Whatever your little thing is I don't Know why I'm saying it like that uh do That because it may be that you need That in order for the next burst of Inspiration it may be that you just kind Of need time to make space internally For more energy to come In and if you're not feeling inspired if

You're not feeling Passionate that hasn't lost you and You're not being punished and you're not Doing anything wrong it's important to Remember that while you're here on this Planet as a human you know you're going To go through cyclical changes you're Going to have highs and lows you're Going to have times of needing to rest And Retreat you Know in places where all four seasons Occur you know you you You observe how Nature isn't Always In Bloom you know it Has phases of Growth of presence of Decay and of rest And we all need those and our process is Different from someone else's you know Someone else may have tons of Inspiration and energy reserves and you May need more rest and that's okay like This is a important message not to Compare yourself but to also recognize That these truths that you're coming to Are going to bring you tons of Inspiration and tons of energy to get Things done because you're going to be Moved by something greater than you and If you don't have that right now that's Okay you're going to receive it in the Perfect time and the perfect way and so When you feel Like and this is how you will know this Situation you will you will have a Desire or a want to push forward to keep

Moving to to do things to get things Done but every part of you is like no I Need to rest or no I I need to I need to Take some time I need to integrate this And there's going to be some fear that Likely or some stress or some Frustration in the fact of like oh why Can't I just get myself to do that Because you're human being not a human Doing and uh we're not designed to just Keep pushing forward all the time and Like what Jeff Bezos May believe But shots fired I guess H he's probably Going to unsubscribe now anyway Um that was a joke by the way like Sometimes I make that joke and people Take me seriously and I'm Like okay Anyway everything's okay you're going to Get what you needed in the perfect time And the perfect way you are being Protected and you are being guided and I Would be willing to bet that one thing Your intuition has been telling you is I Don't know how but everything is going To be okay and I'm here to confirm that Everything is going to be okay you're Going to be just fine so let's address Any fears or concerns that you have at This time I'm so excited for you pile Two I I can't even lie Like Oh What a Beautiful Soul you are I Just like I want to cry like I wish you Could see how beautiful you are like I

Hope you to but Like just even caring about this even Caring about the impact that you have in The world there's so many people that Don't and and that's and that's we're Not judging them for that but what a Beautiful thing it is to be conscious And aware of that and care about it it's Hard to do that and give yourself that Credit it is hard it is hard to care it Is hard to love it is hard to have Compassion but it's worth it and it's It's what love would would ask of us So what fears or concerns would you like To address for p Queen of Wands I love That I Am Naturally creative and look at That it literally looks like like the Tower that you picked Is so obviously you do not have to be a Woman in order for this to resonate but All of you have Queen of Wands energy Within you and this Queen of Wands Energy is all about you know being Inspired being passionate being Confident sharing your light with the World taking up space letting people see You and creating creating from that Place of inspiration and I love how it's Like I feel like what like once again What you need to know is is that you are Perfect for the things you feel in your Heart you are being guided towards you Are perfect for The life path and the Creations that you

Want To give to the world and creativity Doesn't have to be about art and it Doesn't have to be about like like Creation is anything you know you can Use your creativity to change up your Routine you can use your creativity to Cook a sick ass meal you can use your Creativity To show people how you love and Appreciate them like you know for Example on Mother's Day I I wrote my Grandma's and my mom like just these Really heartfelt letters just about how Much I L them and I was grateful for Them like that's a form of creativity And a form of lightwork because you know Not only was it really meaningful to Them like I'll cry if I think about it Cuz I'm like I love them um but also you Know it is an opportunity like to get in Touch with ourselves and share our love Like there's so many different ways you Can be creative and you don't have to Think about it because you're naturally Creative and when you when something Doesn't feel right or when something is Getting too over complicated or it's Just not Flowing that's when you want to take a Step back and say okay do I need to Scrap this or am I putting too much Pressure on myself you know what's going On here I feel like this is really just

A message for you to continue just Having more confidence in yourself Because the more you do the more you and And listen fake it till you make it Right and Trust what you feel I feel Like if you've been trying to build more Confidence and more self-esteem the key To doing that is trusting your intuition And acting on it and I feel like one Thing that you need to remember as well Is that like like I said creativity is Not just about doing art or something Like that it is about it's about Anything we're Creator beings we are Designed to create and you can create Anything you can create a different vibe You can create a face for yourself that Is more confident that you know you can Step into until you're ready to merge That face with your true self you you Can do so many different things and I Feel like what Spirit needs you to know Is is that you can handle what's coming Your way and the more you step into your Truth the more you're going to attract Opportunities inspiration the right People the right circumstances and the Right experiences for you and you're and Things are just going to flow more Seamlessly because you're not putting so Much pressure on yourself you're not Overthinking it and instead you are just Following the flow of what feels right And trusting it you're doing fine you're

Doing amaz you're doing amazing sweetie I'm so proud of you oh my God oh my God You know you're just you're so special And so bright and so attractive and You're going to do you're going to do Great things I'm so proud of you I'm Also watching The Sopranos right now so You're probably going to get a higher Frequency of me talking like this But um we're going to get into the next Question now but the biggest thing Like you are strong enough to face your Fears and I'm not going to say don't be Afraid because it is scary to do that But I'll tell you what there's no one on This planet that doesn't feel fear Except maybe people that are incapable Of Feeling and a lot of times the people That you see doing things that inspire You they are scared shitless while They're doing them they don't and and They're dealing with the same aspects of Humanity imposter syndrome uncertainty Fear Judgment but the difference is they're Not letting it stop them they have the Courage to face it and you have that too Do and you're going to do it you're Going to do amazing things I just know It okay you're already doing are you Kidding me you're already doing amazing Things I'm still I'm so freaking proud

Of you so proud not going to say the FW Again cuz probably get in trouble okay Now let's see how does your higher self Want to connect with you So pile 2's higher self how would you Like to connect with pile to on their Human Journey more deeply how can You what would be an effective way for Pile two to connect with you Please ah we have the Ace of Pentacles I Am always rewarded for what I do Beautiful we have a lot of Aces so Definitely New Beginnings coming um but Your higher self wants to connect with You in a couple of different ways they Want to connect with you mainly On through through through the material Reality through through this Earth so Through synchronicities but also through Changes that you're feeling guided to Make so you know know for let's say for Example you're feeling guided to start a New business Or I don't even I don't even want to Like do business though Like routines let's say you're being Guided to add something into your Routine like meditation or something That's beneficial to you right maybe It's like going to therapy Or just taking more time out for nature Taking more time out for yourself it Doesn't have to be a specific thing but Any

Opportunities to be more rooted in the Future you're wanting to create in Becoming the person you envision your s Beinging your higher self wants to be With you through that process of Becoming all you know that you can be And so what your higher self really Wants to connect to you through is Through moments of presence Whether and and I think that's the thing Is like your higher self is you but it's The you that is The most wise the the most loving the Most aware the most compassionate um it It's more fifth dimensional right and we Can bring that into our bodies and we Can be more connect to it connected to It some days and less connected to it Others but your higher self wants to Connect with you through Anything any positive changes you want To make and also through Any through any opport opportunities for You to be more present and and by Present I mean your mind isn't somewhere Else you know you're here you're in the Present moment you're feeling your hands You're you're looking at your Surroundings you're smelling the scents That are around you maybe possibly my Beautiful candles that you can use Cody So 10 for 10% off on Um uh you're you're feeling your body You're feeling the moment your higher

Self wants wants you to be present with The gift that your life and your Experience is and the gift that the Moment brings you and trusting in that The the steps that you take today you Will see the benefits of them tomorrow The next day and I feel like what Another thing your hir like a way that Your higher self wants to connect with You is just even if you can't feel Them they want you to know that they're There and those little hits of action That you're guided to take are your Higher self connecting with you and so When you trust what your intuition is Telling you and you take that action That is a form of connecting with your Higher self and you may not see the Wisdom and what your higher self is Trying to show you but you will and so The more you take that action that just Feels right and and and maybe and it's Likely different from what you're used To it's probably uncomfortable and being Present with that discomfort and being Like this is uncomfortable I don't like Doing this different thing or I don't Know how I feel about doing this Different thing but sticking with it Anyway until you can truly say okay yes This is for me or no this isn't for me That is not Only helping you trust yourself more It's helping you ground your highest

Self into your conscious awareness and It's also allowing you to build trust With yourself and realize like oh I Really am a lot more capable than I Thought and oh Spirit really did have my Back this whole time and oh like Everything is is okay like I I Definitely feel like there are a lot of Opportunities like and I'm sure as I'm Talking you've had things in mind of Like changes You' wanted to make or Things you've wanted to start or create Like one thing that I'm hearing for some Of you if you've been thinking about Like remodeling or redecorating or Creating if you could create a space That is that is your space you know Whether it's a corner of a room a whole Room whatever or maybe maybe even just Making the space around your bed more um More comforting for you I feel like There's some guidance here from your Higher self around taking the Opportunity to to have a space that is Devoted to your own peace and devoted to Your Own like s it's like your own little Sanctuary I guess is the best way I Could put it if you've been thinking About doing that do that you know put Things there that you love if there are Things that are that don't need to be There take them out and and almost kind Of dedicate the space to like okay this

Is my space this is where I can connect With with my truth this is where I can Go to rest and where I can just put the World out of the way for a little bit And be with myself I feel like a lot of A lot of the most rewarding things that You can do is make those small changes That make a huge difference you know so Whether that's taking a mental health Walk every day or you know reaching out To people when you're not feeling great Or reaching out to people when you feel Called to because maybe you realize oh They really needed to hear from you this Is so many different things but what it Really comes down to Is the action that you're Taking are the seeds you're planning for Your future and and the seeds that your Higher self Knows will be most aligned with you and And bring you the most joy and bring you To where you want to be and it may not Look like how you envisioned it but It'll feel far more incredible than you Ever imagined and I I think this is a Beautiful process of you realizing that Rewards aren't just Financial you know Rewards are are so many different things Like I think one of the biggest rewards Here is you know a more Balanced way of being and feeling Healthier feeling clearer feeling more Empowered and you know recognizing the

Value and just carving out a little bit Of time for yourself to to decompress or To check in with yourself and to check In with what your intuition is telling You you know and sometimes your Intuition may not have anything to say And that might be really stressful to Your mind and trust that if your Intuition is not telling you Anything just keep doing what feels Right just keep doing what feels good And when your intuition needs to call You it will um I think that's one of the Biggest things is like if you struggle To know what like I said I hate like one Thing is is you may want to let go of The idea of what the right thing to do Is there there isn't such thing right Wrong right I don't know I guess it Depends on what your truth is I I think It's hard to place things in that kind Of binary of right and wrong But I think a lot of the most powerful Rewards that you experience in the near Future will come from trusting your Higher self and that's how your higher Self wants to connect to you and also Like the more you trust that and you see The value that comes from it the more The easier it will be for you to Continue making those making those Different choices making those choices That align with you and seeing the Wisdom being like wow like I really

Don't feel like you're meant to feel Disconnected from your higher self I Feel like this is a process of of your Higher self grounding even more deeply Into your conscious awareness and and Just making it more seamless for you to Just flow with what is right for you What is true for you and navigating that With Grace in in a world that is very Chaotic And stressful but you're already Connecting to it a lot I think if Anything you could just be less focused On consciously connecting to it and Instead trusting what it's been telling You and taking that action and the Results that come from that Action that's going to create those Powerful moments those moments of like Aha those moments of reverence those Moments of like Deep appreciation and like Almost like a humbling of like wow like This wisdom like that I trusted myself With this wisdom that was communicated To me by my higher self like wow thank You thank you for showing me this thank You for thank you for encouraging me to Trust you like you will see it in those Moments and I also wouldn't be shocked If your higher self is bringing you Opportunities and what those Opportunities are will be different for All of you bringing you opportunities to

Make those necessary changes that are Going To be true for you and maybe those Changes are not physical Changes maybe they are just changes in How you perceive things so you know for Example like a shift that you may need Maybe you've been thinking you need to Work out harder right but the reality is No maybe you need to shift your Perspective of what working out is for You you know if you're pushing your body To the brink if you're punishing your Body you know maybe that's not Not maybe that isn't a healthy way of Looking at your body right you know Maybe re shifting your perspective and Being like is there a type of movement That I haven't explored that would feel Really good is there a type of movement That I've been drawn towards that maybe I could figure out because I definitely Think like for example you know if You when you're dealing with that Struggle shedding belief systems is a Powerful form Of connecting the truth And often times it's not that we need to Work harder or do more or you know Punish ourselves it's that we need to Give ourselves more grace more leniency More forgiveness and get to the root of What our intentions truly are so that we Can make sure they're loving you know

It's not loving towards yourself to Punish yourself and believe that you Have to you know deprive or deny Yourself it is loving to move because it Feels good it's loving to move because It's good for your body it's loving to Move in a way that you enjoy so that You're not Like just stuck in this feeling of like Oh I have to do this but I hate it you Know you don't have to you can move in a Different way there's tons of forms of Movement and yeah I definitely think Whatever you're feeling called towards Please do it cuz you will see the Benefits like even just yesterday I I Did acupuncture for the first time and When I came out of my session it was Awesome I'm afraid of needles and it was Awesome and the lady at the front desk Was like oh you're the second person Today that just come out like glowing From from a treatment I'm like ah like And I did feel good and and and that is An example of a reward from doing Something differently right so yeah That's just an example maybe for some of You you want to try acupuncture um I I Would I would highly recommend um even If you're afraid of needles I I am and It it was fine I barely felt them so Okay now I want to see guidance for Staying aligned with your highest self You guys are so easy to talk to oh my

God Yes H the star I am inspired and Positive about the future and guess what Guess guess what energy or what sign the Stars rolled by [ __ ] Aquarius sorry I just thought of a Really random Aquarius meme that I'm not Going to say but Uh because it would like take me five Minutes to describe it but anyway I'm Inspired and positive about the future This is all about you trusting trusting Yourself trusting your higher self Trusting your inner light trusting hope Trusting Faith fate fate and I was going To say faith but fate I you know fate And Free Will intermix trusting that Those are mixing together beautifully And just having hope for the future and Continuing to make the choices that are Loving and healing you're already doing It you're already connected to your Higher self like you may not feel it and You may not have you know the the Equivalent of a of a signal like a Wi-Fi Signal that tells you if you're Connected or not but you don't need that Your higher self is always connecting to You the more you open up to it and trust It and have faith and have faith in it And in yourself to to trust yourself and Trust what's coming Through the more you will just be like Wow yeah okay I can do this things are

Working out everything's going to be Okay like and truthfully everything is Going to be okay you're doing so great I'm so proud of You okay let's move in to guidance now Um we're going to start by looking at Stones a flower a scent SL chakra and an Animal that your higher self may be Showing up in and also the guidance that These cards may have for you so to start We have kunite love femininity Transition as it breaks down barriers Surrounding the heart kunai offers Unconditional love to heal lingering Wounds kunite helps you feel safe while Being vulnerable allowing you to express Your love authentically and expansively A highly vibrational Stone kunai's Protection can be used as an energetic Shield that surrounds your aura and Protects it against emotional vampires And negative influences the stone AIDS In feminine rights of Passage from Puberty to becoming a mother kunite Supports loving your body no matter what Phase of life you are in And we have blue lace agot I have some Right here I love blue lace agot yeah Peace gentle New Beginnings blue lace Agot is your supporting nudge in the Right direction Whispering words of Encouragement when you experience Self-doubt okay so if you are like Trying to consciously go within and

Meditate I think blue lace agot could be A really great stone for you um I love This Stone I I just think it's so Beautiful I think it's I mean I as you Guys can tell I'm a rock guy but like Blue laay sagot I just W she blows me away every Time it opens your throat chakra and Helps ease any blockages in your Self-expression being seen and heard is A priority your feelings are valid and Important too don't worry about what Others think release all fear of Judgment and get ready to leave behind Any thoughts of in inadequacy blue lace Agot encourages you to start a new Because every day is a fresh beginning Yes oh my gosh yes and look I love how These two cards just like match the the The colors of the star so well and you Are a star Baby we have chamelia Destiny it's not The it's not in the stars to hold our Destiny but in ourselves and Shakespeare Is so right like oh my gosh I love that Synchronicity like you know your fate is I I believe like fate is a combination Of Free Will And the divine plan Um but I feel like what you need to know Is is that you hold the keys to your Destiny and your heart and your Intuition and your higher self is Helping guide you and you're doing great

You're doing so well I'm so proud of you Your higher self is so proud of You and I and I and I hope Like you Know I hope that you'll let me know like The amazing things that you do even if I Don't get to see it you know since like I want I want to know about it I want to Hear about it so you know whether it's Coming back and commenting on this video Or whatever it may be Like if if you want to let me know about It you let me know about it you want to Come back in the future and be like I Trust in my intuition do it I would love To hear and and you know whether I see It or not I think just even being able To share it is really powerful and even If I don't see it the right people will And maybe they need to be inspired by You but hopefully I see it okay we also Have Oregano um the res the the right Okay okay so the theme is resonance the Trigger statement is I am right and the True statement is I am open to the Unknown you are being shown what is Dissonant in your life allow the beliefs That are not serving you to fall away And be open to your bright future so Here's the solar plexus coming through And I was kind of thinking of like solar Plexus energy and how like the high Priestess you know she's holding this

This book kind of right in front of her Lower chakras specifically the sacral And solar plexus so I feel like this is A real call call to trust your gut um And when it comes to dealing with Confidence uh work on your solar plexes Could be really helpful but also to just Trust in this like I think one of the Most powerful things you can do is just Have more confidence in what what you're Being guided towards and like that Guidance will allow you to Just you'll see the results and you'll Be like wow I'm so glad I trust in Myself and it's going to get easier and Easier well it'll get easier to trust Yourself I don't know if life will get Easier I think life always life life Always be bringing us challenges but It'll be easier to handle those Challenges with Grace and with a Centered perspective that honors both You and your spiritual Integrity we yes Cat Okay Cat spirit claim your Independence So cats are definitely significant and I Definitely think this is about you Recognizing That your freedom is of and your Sovereignty is of the utmost importance And your independent perspective is Valuable and just because you don't Necessarily see it reflected in the World around you doesn't mean it's wrong

It just may mean that you know nobody's Had the courage to say it yet or Nobody's or maybe it's just something That you need and you need to be able to Give yourself more more grace and and More freedom to just do what is right For you I feel like you don't need to be You may feel like you're not ready for What you're being called towards or you May feel Like you know you need other people to Understand understand or approve but you Don't claim your Independence your Higher self is very independent and and Very powerful and just like you CU your Higher self is you so okay we're going To go ahead and finish this reading off I I know I talk well I always talk a lot Let's be real uh I just love your guys' Energy and I didn't want to stop I'm Just like oh this feels so good Okay so we going to get a card from the Love your inner goddess deck I love this Deck so much it may be one you want to Consider getting uh but anyway pile Two's higher Self should also mention if you're a guy Or you know uncomfortable with the idea Of an inner goddess just know that just Just you can take it as loving your Inner self um okay Anyway but feminine energy definitely Seems to be highlighted here and um Maybe embracing your femininity is

Important in recognizing like you know Femininity is feminine energy is not the Same thing as feminine gender expression You see what I'm saying um and that you Know feminine when I talk about feminine Energy I'm not talking about expressing Yourself in feminine ways I'm talking About you know Ian energy receptive you Know Creative Energy okay anyway uh pile Two's higher self what guidance would You like to leave pile two with that Could be a line for them okay what do we Have ooh we have Magdalene oh I love I Love this card I read it all the time Because and did I did I say that you're Stronger than you think ooh and we have 31 and 13 so those could be significant Numbers for you um I always think of Three as the empress and one as the Magician so those could be energies that You're manifesting with um but yeah this This is a very powerful message so let's Read It you can experience a feeling of being Completely Reborn like a mythical Phoenix R rising from the ashes of what Once was the past completely burned away It is not about forgetting the past but It is the reality that the past doesn't Have any hold over you you are being Given a spiritual blessing from deep Within your heart to cast off anything And everything without exception that Does not bring you peace the universe

Wants you to wants to take it from you So let it go there is now a brand new You clean fresh and ready to start again With the protective Grace of the Divine All around you and within you shining Bright and true the divine feminine Spirit in you needs to feel cherished Adored loved and worshiped for all that They are for all that they offer they Have so much Love well I'll just say she but just Understand that like well the divine Feminine itself is Not the divine feminine is with within Everyone if if we want it to be but I Just don't want anyone who does Not who does not feel comfortable with That to feel alienated so just know like If that doesn't make you you feel Comfortable just know that the guidance Isn't isn't not for you it's just that You may have to change things to feel Right for you so if you need to change Do so but I'm just going to read it as It says to avoid any more Confusion she has so much love to give From her heart through intimate sharing Of her innermost self through connection Touch and the sacred pleasure of her Body she knows that the expressions of Love through the body are a sacred gift Of high value and worthy of appreciation And respect they are not to be demanded Or taken for granted abused or

Criticized in any way some who lack Wisdom may try to shame her and judge Her gifts of physical love some may Claim that they are owed her gifts of Love and say that she must provide them On demand maybe they threaten to Withdraw their love otherwise to harm or Reject you or try to justify their Behavior with their rights down down to Mhm I'm telling You that that word that word is a theme For you legal or otherwise this is Always without exception unacceptable And a blasphemy against the goddess you Are a sister brother or sibling of Magdalene a priestess of Love upon this Earth I'm probably saying Magdalene Wrong but oh Well you are worthy of respect and you Have power to assert your value your Purity and your grace no matter what has Been or may be no matter whether others Understand or agree with you you know That dignity is always yours by Divine Decree you only need CLA need to claim It for yourself which I think is Beautiful and so true and I love this Reading so much I love you guys guys so Much um if you want to look at the Sacred ritual you can screenshot that if You want To but pile number two that is where I'm Going to leave this reading thank you Guys so so so much for watching and

Thank you so much for letting my ads Play in the background that is one of The simplest and easiest ways to show Support and appreciation for my channel But if you would like to do that another Ways you can like this video you can Comment down below you can let me know How it resonates you can subscribe if You haven't already Shout to my Notification Squad if You' like me to See your comments you can uh hit that Little not hit that little notification Bell to be notified whenever I upload a New reading um thank you guys for being Here obviously you can also check out my Candles you can check out my uh what Else I've been saying fat juicy ass um You can check out my social media you Can check out my other videos um but Yeah I think that's all I have for you Guys so thank you so so so much for Watching and for letting me read for you I hope you all have a wonderful day or Night whenever it is that you're Watching this video and I hope you'll Come back and see me again soon bye hi There pile 3 welcome to your reading and Thank you so much for being here if you Guys chose the orac coded amethyst point And the pastel Journey tarot this is Going to be your reading on a pep talk From your higher self so if you want a Full breakdown of the reading there is One in the

[Applause] Intro but we're just going to go ahead Head and get started I've got two Oracles already shuffled and one of These Represents the topic that your higher Self wants to talk to you about give you A pep talk about and the other Represents uh what your higher self Wants you to know about this slash them So I'll give this another good Shuffle And we'll get right into It that wasn't a great was that that's Fine Okay pile three higher Yourself what would you like to talk to Pile three about what aspect of their Life would you like to talk to them About at this Time I feel like Um by the way if this first these first Two cards don't resonate then this Reading isn't for you um but I Definitely feel like you've been very um Clenched Uh I I say this sometimes but and and This is no shade at all but like you Might be kind of resonating with feeling Like clenched butthole energy right now And that's okay I feel like stress does That bro my butthole has been so Clenched recently don't even like it's So normal we're not judging but you may Be feeling that so you know maybe a

Couple deep breaths Just might be kind of kind of good just Center yourself in the present you know Relax a little bit you're okay you're Here you're safe I love You what what does pile three's higher Self want them want pile three to know About them and about this topic okay We'll get the tarot later after we go in More deeply let's start by looking at The topic that your higher self wants You to talk about or wants you to talk About wants me to talk about with you ah So we have the Wheel of Fortune Beautiful and we have Service and what your higher self wants You to know about This is the three of Swords and I yep okay wow this Is pile three you and me got a lot in Common um but I you know you have a lot In common with everybody here I can Already tell this is going to be a Beautiful message And take a breath okay okay your higher Self wants to talk to you about well Obviously Service but about the fact that your Perception of service may be a little Unbalanced or you may be wondering Like what is this leading to where am I Meant to be even if you're already at a Place you're comfortable with like or Happy with you know is this where I want

To be is is this Right you you may also be feeling like If you're trying to get something off The ground or if you're trying to expand Upon something that you're Doing you may be wondering like is this The right time am I being led to the Right place and your higher self is Saying Yes I think the biggest thing about the Wheel of Fortune and service here is That what your higher self wants you to Know is is that you're exactly where you Need to be and everything is Okay but once again and I said once Again cuz I believe a swords card came Out in in a different pile as well and The fact that we have I can change my Thoughts Here your brain is definitely [ __ ] Blocking you a little bit and [ __ ] block What what is a [ __ ] blocking Specifically uh your ability to listen To your higher self and also your Ability to trust that the Universe has Your back and that you're being guided To where you need to Go this is a completely understandable Position to be in but I can tell that The past is Dictating what you are believing about Your future and your higher self is Calling you out on this because those Stories aren't true you know they may be

True about you know what you've Experienced in your past but they don't Mean that that's what the future is Going to be I mean the fact that we have The Wheel of Fortune here in Service your heart is leading you Exactly where you need to go and there's Beautiful blessings in your future and You know there are highs and lows In everyone's life and you know we can't Avoid those Things but where you're at you know Whether it's a high or low is not a Metric of your worth or a metric of how Well you're doing it's natural and Normal to go through these Cycles and I feel like there is a part Of you that maybe believes you almost Have to Martyr yourself in order to be Worthy of having enough or just Receiving and your higher self is Letting you know that that's not true You don't have anything to prove And you don't Need others to prove to you that you're Worthy of receiving I definitely think That there is a wound here around Receiving and it's pretty common um you Know if you're the type of person who Will you know give your shirt give the Shirt off your back to someone else but Wouldn't think twice about H asking for Help from for someone else you know if You can do it yourself you're

Independent you really need to take a Look at yourself and say is that healthy Is that balanced is that fair especially And I'm not saying that you do this but It can lead to feelings of resentment And a compass like a sense of not a Sense but the experience of compassion Fatigue you know when we give of Ourselves so much and we we don't give Give or receive and return give to Ourselves or allow ourselves to receive In return it's a mood I understand it But what your higher self is really Coming through here to say is is that You've got a beautiful path set out here Before you and you're already walking it The only thing that's making it more Challenging and creating obstacles is The fears and the mental blockages that Have been getting in your way I feel Like there is a part of you that is Still working on healing your heart and I feel like there is a part of you that Is very afraid of putting your ass on The line a little bit and Opening up to the Unknown and that's totally normal the Fact that you're even considering it is Super badass but what your higher self Is really coming through to say is is That your mind is making this process a Lot harder than it needs to be And the best thing that you can do for Yourself right now is pay attention to

Your thoughts and pay attention to how They are shaping your reality because Not only are they creating a sense of Imbalance within you but it's making you Harder to flow with the path that you're Meant to be walking down in life and I Guess there is no one path we're meant To be walking down but I know that you Want to walk down the path that Resonates with your heart and your Higher self is kind of saying hey our Past Pain is definitely dictating how much we Trust in our present and the ability to Move forward in the future and what your Higher self really wants you to know is Is that A lot of a lot of the changes that you Think you need to be making are Not what you think you need to be Doing I think what needs to be happening Is a shift in perception one that's more Compassionate one that's Gentler excuse me um I definitely think Maybe maybe the throat chakra could use A little work as well because I think That painful stories are distorting your Perception of truth and the truth of What you're capable of achieving and the Truth of where you're actually at and Where you're headed Now that doesn't mean that your pain Isn't valid and that you know that your Past pain hasn't done a number on you

That's natural and that's normal but I Think that you know there's a part of You that's almost anticipating things Not working out almost anticipating Things going to [ __ ] almost anticipating Like it's almost like you have these Self-fulfilling prophecies that things Aren't going to work out for you you Know you're you're you Know I guess the best way I could Describe it is it feels like what is the Point of trying what is the point of Keeping Going if you know I get hurt again I Feel like there's a part of you that's Like my heart just can't take it and I Understand that but what your higher Self is saying is is that we're leading You down this path not because we want You to be heartbroken or we want to lead You to more pain we're doing this Because we want you to feel some of the Highs that life has to offer some of the Beautiful things that life has to offer And you are someone that is so giving And so generous and that is such a Beautiful thing but you really need to Ask yourself how much of that giving is From a place of depletion and from a Place of believing that you have to and From a belief of earning your right to Take up space you Know what is service when it's a Disservice to you I definitely think

That your higher self is coming through To let you know that you're doing great And there are beautiful things coming Your way and in fact the more giving you Are and you and I think we know this the More you receive and well maybe you Don't I I don't know why I'm assuming That but you know the more you give the More you receive But you are a very giving person and I Think that you're there's a lot that the Universe wants you to receive that You've been very uncomfortable with and The universe is saying Hey this is this is going to make you Out of whack this is going to make you Feel and and create a reality where You're out of touch with your own Abundance because you're not letting Yourself receive any and abundance isn't Just about money or something like that Abundance is connected to the infinite Flow of love And you have an abundance of Generosity and I think the universe Wants to give some of that back to you Your higher self wants to lead you to That but if you block your own blessings Your higher self can't do much and with This I can change my thoughts you know What comes after The Three of Swords is The four of Swords the four of Swords is All about mental rest healing reprieve And I definitely think maybe your

Brain's been running yourself ragged a Little bit and maybe convincing you that You have to do things a certain way or You have to push yourself to the brink Otherwise you're not working hard enough You're not doing enough and that's just Not true I feel like what your higher Self wants to encourage you to do is Recognize that the universe is not going To ask service of you That impacts your well-being they are Not going to ask you to sacrifice your Well-being in order to serve others you Know the right balance is somewhere in Between there right And sometimes you know we make choices That impact our well-being you know Whether that is when we do have downtime Free time you know giving it away to Others cuz they ask for it when we do Have an opportunity to do something for Ourselves deciding not to just because Ah well maybe I shouldn't spend the Money or you know I shouldn't I Shouldn't indulge I shouldn't do this Maybe you should I really think what you Need is More gentleness more compassion more Care because you're being led down a Beautiful path right now And the path is already beautiful and You might be kind of missing out on some Of that because you may be beating Yourself up and shaming yourself and

Bullying yourself for things that are Unnecessary things that you need to Forgive yourself for things that you Need to remind yourself are in the past And even though they may come up and They may be uncomfortable and they may Be painful they don't dictate your Present and they don't dictate your Future and if they do to the point where You don't have control over that you Need to get help and I know that's an Uncomfortable thing to hear but you Can't go on just allowing yourself to Suffer and allowing your brain to beat You up and not find any sort of help for That if you can't do it on your own then You do need help whatever that is and if You don't know what that is you know ask For the universe to guide you to that Sort of help it doesn't have to be Traditional it can be what's right for You but at the very least you cannot Give if you don't Receive that's what she said um but Anyway let's go a bit deeper into this You know I really think that this is a Lot about the fact That you're already on the right path And you're doing amazing things but I Think you're just not seeing how much You're already doing because you feel Like it's not enough or you feel like You're not enough and I think your your Higher self is asking you to really ask

Yourself what is the place that you're Serving from is it from a genuine Overflowing in your heart or is it from A sense of depletion and trying to like I said prove your worth and you know Show others That I don't remember the [ __ ] order I do these In I am oh well it's was shuffling them Shuffling is shuffling Okay I sore a lot in this video But you know what I forgive myself and If you have a problem with it maybe you Should clear your [ __ ] throat chakra I don't know I'm not for everyone and You're not for everyone either and so Sometimes you know we we deny ourselves And deny our true selves in order to Appease others and if that's something That you're doing you really want to ask Yourself is that fair you know cuz it's Not you're not here to be what people Think you want to be You're here to be you and and shine what Light is within you and that sounds a Lot easier said than done and I think You know That but this is a matter of trusting And also a matter of trusting that the Seed you're planning now you're going to Receive in the Future but I think there's a part of you That doesn't trust the universe to Deliver doesn't trust that you know

Things are going to work out and I feel Like your higher self is saying it is But your fear and your lack of trust and The past and and the the thoughts that Maybe have been going Unchecked are making it a lot more Terrifying for you to just relax go with The flow unclench your butthole and Trust okay so let's look at Encouragement on facing this So pile 3's higher self what Encouragement would you like to give Them at this time what do they need to Hear for their highest good what Encouragement can you give them about About you know facing their fears and Trusting their flow and opening up to The abundance that's rightfully Theirs yeah seven of Pentacles you're All like you've already planted so many Seeds like this is not a matter of if It's a matter of when you know and this Could be related to manifestations this Could be related to Anything but I feel like there's a part Of you that's been working really hard And and and for a while while and and You've been building yourself up Building up your reserves and and doing Your best but maybe it just feels like I'm getting this vision of someone That's like trying to crawl out of like A hole and they get close to the top and Then and then the hole gets higher up

It's like they they feel like they're Sinking back down into the hole and it's Like you keep climbing and then and then The hole gets it keeps moving up up and Up and I don't know what that means Other than I think that's what maybe You're feeling like it's like the light At the end of the tunnel is right There but I think that's the thing is That you perceive the light not Being here you perceive it being up There through maybe you feel like you Still have to climb to get it to earn it You don't the light's within you and That light cannot be stolen no one can Take it it's always within you and I Feel Like what maybe you're having a hard Time with is just the fact that you know On Earth things don't move at the speed Of light they move at the speed of Earth And that's hell of a lot Slower but your higher self is Encouraging you to stay patient and Trust in the seeds you've already Planted and the ones that you're Continuing to plant because Harvest is Coming and I think you've already had Some Harvest I think you've already had Some evidence of you know receiving Blessings for your hard work you know Receiving what you Deserve or I guess deserving this is Hard because that comes into like worth

And stuff But you deserve beautiful things you Deserve an abundant life you deserve to Feel good about who you are you deserve To feel good about your path and you Deserve to serve from your heart and the Universe will do anything ah deserve Deserve has serve in it I've never Realized that I was today years old when I realized that And when it comes to deserving This you deserve to feel good about Receiving and not feel guilty for that And feel good About accepting help from others and Accepting support and accepting that you Can't act in a vacuum and that you can't Act alone all the time and what is Service if you're only focused on Yourself you know well I mean obviously Not like when you're doing service You're focused on others but it's really Ironic you know you can be so devoted in Giving to others but then when it comes To you it's like oh I'm not worth it or Oh I don't want to bother them it's not Worth the Trouble that is affirming to yourself That you're not worthy of receiving and That's not okay that is a form of self- Betrayal and I think you need to Apologize to yourself right Now I will Wait and if you didn't do

It you're only cheating yourself But with that seven of Pentacles what Your higher self really wants to say is Is that everything's fine don't worry You know this is about patience this is About maintaining what you've already Created and continuing to trust that These you know whatever you have been Working on will continue to grow but it It requires patience and also you know Just trust think like I said things Don't move as as quickly as we would Like them to but I feel like what your Higher self is saying is this like You know just because you can't see five Steps ahead of you doesn't mean you're You're stepping off the path but what it Does mean is is that it might be a Little overwhelming mentally to to trust And and surrender a lot of that mental Anguish when when you are in uncertainty And when you don't really know what's Happening next and when you're kind of In a limbo Position but that's where faith comes in And I feel like you need to have more Faith in yourself I mean you're so Capable pile 3 like I can just tell by Like with these cards like you're not Only are you capable But you're not meant to do everything in A day you're not meant to get everything Done and your life is not about just Getting things

Done you are like a beautiful garden in Progress and there are seeds that are Being planted there are weeds that need To be pulled you know there are plants That need to be Watered but you're doing that in the Perfect time and the perfect way and When something needs to happen you'll Know and I feel like just a heavy Message of stay the course keep trusting And keep yourself in check well and by Yourself I mean your mind and and keep That that sense of inadequacy that you Have of peace and Love take That and really look at it and recognize It's not the truth you're not inadequate You're more than adequate You're is there is there an opposite of Inadequate over adequate I don't know But what I do know is is that you're Doing great and not to worry everything Is working out and one thing that I'm Hearing too is that you may get some Sort of return on certain Investments um In the future that may uh come as a Surprise to you or maybe you're Expecting them I don't know but I think There are certain things that that just Require your patience and I'm hearing Something else about like a loan being Approved I don't know [ __ ] about Finances so like don't don't trust me on That too much but um if you applied for

Some kind of loan I have a feeling that That might work out Um but you're going to get what you need What you need and you're going to be Taken care of you've already been doing Great and your higher self is saying This is not about you doing More it's about you being comfortable With receiving more and not being afraid To make the decisions that allow that to Happen um and that can be Uncomfortable but it's worth it and you Will realize how you know maybe there's Things that you've been pushing away or Blocking because you felt like you Weren't truly worthy of having it or Deserving of it and I think the universe Is saying no no no that's not the truth Let's change our thoughts so that we can Receive and enjoy what the UN Universe Wants to bring us okay so let's see what Your higher self wants to and when it Comes to your fears what your higher Self wants to say about that so Addressing pile of three fears you know The sense of inadequacy o okay we have The fool okay there's a real message Here about taking yourself a little less Seriously and having a little bit more Fun um you know I think you put way too Much pressure on yourself which like Mood I could take this advice Too but your higher self wants you to Know that you don't have to have

Everything figured out in order to make Progress in order to move forward you Know and the fool is also about leaps of Faith And I think that these leaps of Faith Are about you trusting that when you Feel guided to take those Leaps the universe will catch You I feel like this is also talking About about you know maybe there are Leaps that you took in the past That maybe you didn't feel caught or Maybe you feel like oh I made the wrong Jump sometimes we do that and that's an Important part of The Human Experience you know we have to make Mistakes in order to learn and grow and Those mistakes can be super painful and And hard And I think what's really interesting is Is you know the girl and the fool she Looks very similar to both of the women In this service card and I feel like There's almost a need for you To embrace you know both both sides of Yourself the giver and the Receiver I'm sorry I'm Immature but I feel like this is also About not beating yourself up about the Past and and recognizing that you can Anticipate everything that will happen Before it will happen And in doing that you're going to Prevent life from

Happening and you're going to keep Yourself stuck in that limbo that you Don't want to stay in and this Ace of Swords kind of wanted to pop out and so I I definitely feel like Clarity is Coming for You but I think that Clarity Comes As you move through your Uncertainty as you take action anyway as You feel the fear and do it Anyway and that's what sucks like I like I got to be honest I get it it sucks so Much like when you're in you know a Phase of confusion and you don't know What's happening you don't know what's Going on and it's not until you kind of Move through it that you get that light Bul moment and that Aha and it's like oh I see why this had to happen in order For this and then that and then and then You make all those connections but I Feel like what your higher self is Saying is is that you got to stop Denying yourself the opportunity to Create and take Action because you're afraid of what Might might happen you can't anticipate That and Also if you're doing the inverse and Only taking action maybe doing the same Things over and over and expecting Different results Or making yourself feel like you're not Capable of taking the next steps or

Moving forward or surrendering and Giving yourself time to rest in order to Like keep moving forward I feel like the Universe is saying you know That's not fair to you and I feel like Your higher self is really reminding you Like you don't have to have everything Figured out and you don't have to have Anything figured out in order to receive You don't have to prove anything in Order to Receive but I do feel this sense of Like anything that can bring a little Bit more lightness to your spirit help You have a little bit more fun like we Already said unclench a little I think It could be highly beneficial but I Think there's I think your yourself is Is reminding you like you're not meant To know everything you it's impossible You're a human being like our Perspectives are limited and in your Case I feel like there's a need for you To embrace the fact that that you can't Know everything but that what you have Experienced you've learned from and You've gained wisdom and you will Continue To sometimes the universe asks us to Take really scary leaps and maybe those Leaps are as simple as like I said said You know asking for help doing something Differently allowing ourselves to Receive the same way that we're willing

To Give I definitely think your higher self Is just reminding you that you're doing Great and everything is okay and there's No reason to beat yourself up and if You're coming up with Reasons that's what you need to look at And that's what you need to see is Foolish because it is foolish to beat Yourself up for Being Human that is Anti-human it's literally antisocial Behavior towards yourself not right not Fair you wouldn't do that to someone Else don't do it to you and I think more Than anything just stop beating yourself Up for being fallible you are get over It well that's pretty insensitive I'm Sorry I shouldn't just tell you to get Over it you are F fallible and that's Scary and that's hard and and it's part Of you know The Human Experience is Recognizing that but your time is Precious your energy is precious and Your path is precious And you've learned from your mistakes From the past I know you have and you Know you have it's just the residual Fear and and the conditioning that we Hold on to and that you know we can slip Back into especially when you know the The Positive Growth that we've made goes By the wayside or you know we get Overwhelmed or we forget feel like the Universe is saying stop

Stop stop treating your life like There's a rubric you know like in school I I don't know I don't know if um School's Out outside the US use the term Rubric but you know if like a like a Score sheet kind of that that a teacher Would use to score your essay or you Know write the parameters of what the Essay should be um or the project Whatever you don't have a rubric for Your life stop trying to grade yourself On one there are no grades in real Life but if I could give you one I will Give you an a because you're Awesome and I would give your brain an F for being Mean to you And Yeah I be kinder to yourself please Everything's okay and one of the Scariest things that we have to do is Learn to trust those leaps of Faith but I feel like there's either a new Beginning coming for you and then your Future and that's what's being planted Or you've already taken That But you know while most of you may be Here in the present it seems like Sometimes your mind slips into the past And your fears slip you back into the Past and lead you to just not trust Yourself and not trust your path and I

Feel like what your higher self is Really reminding you is you're far more Capable and you realize and you can Trust yourself please believe in Yourself because we believe in you so Speaking of that um I want to see how Your higher self wants to connect Connect with you obviously you don't Have to do this but I just want to see You know how Spirit Oh okay with the Ace of Swords so I definitely think that this Is cutting through the mental BS you Know mental Clarity is very important And it takes discipline to get there you Know some we got to do things like Meditate or take a walk or anything that You can do to clear your head oh my God And you know what so cool in every Single group an Ace card has come out But it's been a different card for each One and so for you guys it's the Ace of Swords and so I feel like your higher Self wants to connect with you Through one burst of insight so I feel Like this is something where it's Like one way that you can connect with Your higher self is to do things that Allow you to go into a state of Mindlessness um you can do that through Things like dance like any movement of Any kind that helps you get lost um I Find that that that can happen for me Like when I'm cleaning and I'm just kind

Of like you know not really thinking About anything but that kind of Allows certain things to pop in my Head you know when you're driving and You're you know kind of focused on the Road And things like that obviously if you're In a high stress situation that may be a Bit different but if you can can create States of Mindlessness or just mindfulness in the Sense that you're not letting you're not Ruminating or letting your thoughts run The Show I feel like your your higher self Could come through with really beautiful Intuitive insights and and bursts of Bursts of like truth that just like hit You in your heart where you're just like Yes like they will bring you peace and Clarity and relief but also you can Access this through any sort of material That brings more clarity and peace to Your heart so for example like books Books that um would bring you peace Books that would inspire you books that Would bring you trust um more faith you Know anyone that that inspires you that You want to listen to Um basically anything that brings you a Piece of of a a sense of peace and Clarity um your higher self wants to Connect with you through that so they'll Probably lead you to the right

Information to the right people to the Right conversations and to the right Activities that will allow you to clear Your mind so that wisdom and insight Can come to you that's something that You're meant to receive and also I think One thing your higher self wants to Bring you is just more confirmation Confirmation that you're doing great Confirmation that you're not crazy You're doing great there's no reason to Beat yourself up as hard as you are and You know there is no like you know your Higher self is not looking down like Grading you like hm pile three let's see Well they didn't do XYZ today so we're Going to dock a few abundance points and Um we're going to not let them receive Today like that that that that's not Real that's not a thing and I think one Of the things that you have to remember Is that you there's nothing to prove There's nothing that you need to con Like convince the universe Of it's almost like you just need to Convince yourself that you're capable of Doing what your heart is asking you And you will understand why when you Have the courage to do that I feel like Your higher self also is encouraging you To cut out things that lead to more Uncertainty and confusion in your life So you know whether that is activities That lead to a state of imbalance that

Lead you to a state of overwhelm or you Know falling back into Old patterns and Habits and when you do that don't beat Yourself up for it that's not helping Anything but be present with it and be Like okay we're doing this Thing how do we how do we feel about it Now what what is this trying to satisfy And really just ask yourself and the Next time you go to make that decision You'll remember the last time because You were present with it and be present With yourself in that Moment and just see if you're ready to Choose something different and if you're Not don't beat yourself up for it Nothing good comes from that and I feel Like you've been selling yourself short And Really cutting yourself off from your Own wisdom your own Guidance just because you've been Expecting yourself to do it all on your Own and it's not your job job to do Everything all on your own it's not your Job Also to determine what you're worthy of Receiving I think the universe can do That And yeah you might also um connect with Your higher with your higher self Through conversations with others or Honestly if you just want to talk to Them and and just say out loud like what

You're thinking what you're experiencing If you're frustrated if you're angry if You're fearful just talk to them and Just speak it to the void sorry I didn't Mean to move you around but yeah all Those examples are ways that you can Connect with your higher self there are Plenty of opportunities to do so but I Think that your higher self wants to Connect with you through aha moments and Moments of clarity and moments that Reinforce the fact that you're not only On the right path but you're doing great And you can believe in yourself even More than you've already do and you can Trust yourself to move through whatever Challenges you face and you can trust That everything is working out for your Highest good okay so now I want to see Guidance for staying connected to your Higher self so pile three's higher self How can they stay connected to you woo That flew we have the seven of Wands Which I love that's beautiful it's kind Of reminds me of um Kill Bill uh but Anyway this is all about Fighting fighting the things that Disempower you and Having the courage to Face The resistance that you Feel to taking the Action and having the belief system that Will Empower you to

Live in your highest good there are Going to be times where you feel Resistant to being kind to yourself There are going to be times where you Feel resistant to making the choice that Honors you because you're denying your People pleasing Parts there's going to Be times where You feel uncomfortable with saying No but that's why you have to do it Anyway it it takes strength and I feel Like with the seven of Wands here so Sevens are really important and sevens Are a spiritual number and they're an Individual Number and I think that in order to stay Connected to your higher self you have To Fight and push back Against like I said what disempowers you And also Whatever puts you back in a position Where you feel like you're stuck in the Hole Again and also if part of your fears are Backlash from others or people getting Upset at you or anything like that that Is all the more reason why you need to Choose yourself and all the more reason Why you know you need to make sure that You feel good About or you just need to make sure that You're you're Reinforcing you know your inherent value

Because you're a person reinforcing that You you deserve to take up space you Have the right to take up space you have The right to be in this world you have The right to share your voice to shine Your light and and to share that gift With others and nobody has the right to Tell you what to do with it even me Anything I say that you don't resonate With just throw it in the garbage You have the right To Determine what you will and won't Accept what is and isn't for you and Sometimes it may be uncomfortable to Make the choice that you know is right For You but that's why you have to have Courage and just trust and when you feel Yourself getting stuck in your head in Your thoughts and your past in fear you Fight it And you don't have to fight it Physically you can fight it with Positive affirmations or you know doing Something to change your energy and and Feel good you know I think that dancing Like a hooligan when no one's watching Can be one of the most fun and freeing Things and if you haven't danced like a Hooligan in a long time maybe you need To do that like there there are ways to Fight things not with Force but with Surrender but I think that at times

Gathering your inner Reserves and making the choice that Honors your heart rather than honors Your fear is really going to help you Stay aligned with your highest self and There are going to be times where people Are resistant to you doing that and That's because they benefit from you Betraying yourself and so when that Happens you need to have the courage to Say no and recognize that they have the Ability to do what works for them and if They don't want to do that that's their Choice But their responsibilities are not your Problem And you're not meant to be a martyr for People martyring is not healthy or good For you and I think that your higher Self knows that and really just wants to Remind you that you know sometimes we Have to fight for peace and sometimes You Know we have to stand up against what What is pushing us and holding us down And that can be uncomfortable and it can Be scary and it can be hard but you're Capable of doing it and it's worth it You are a fighter and I know that you Can handle this and when you have those Moments where you feel like you can't do It where you feel scared call in Archangel Michael he

Is a wonderful support to have um or you Know call someone that you love and Trust to give you encouragement as well That that can be something too but don't Give up don't stop fighting and and when You get knocked down if you need to wait Before you get back up take a moment do It just as long as you get it back up at Some point you'll be just Fine okay so now I want to look at um How your higher self oh and by the way Can I just Say you're doing great like there's no Reason to beat yourself up and I feel Very like chill in this reading and Almost just like Soft I don't know know I don't know if That's a good word for me But I feel like you need to know Like everything is you're you're doing Great please don't be so hard on Yourself please and also just recognize That like you're not here to give Yourself away to everyone Else you're here to live a balanced life Where you not only get to experience who You are and and discover that through The UN unfoldment of your Life Path and The expansion of yourself but also you Know in doing that you will find the Ways you serve most effectively if you Haven't found them already and if even If you found them you will refine how You serve and how you give to others and

How you give to Yourself and it will get Easier but you will grow and you will Change and and and life is always a Little confusing I don't think we ever Fully ever have it figured out I don't Think we're supposed to but that's kind That's okay and that's where having Faith in yourself is so important I have Faith in you and I hope that you have Faith in yourself too cuz your higher Self has faith in you the universe has Faith in you the only thing that doesn't Have faith in yourself is the past Pain and conditioning that other people Made you believe was your reality and Was the truth about you and it's a Godamn lie I'll tell you that much and It's [ __ ] and you don't have to Listen to it and I would encourage you To reject any and every That doesn't align with your heart that Doesn't make you feel good that doesn't Make you feel inspired that doesn't make You feel hopeful cuz you don't need it a Lot of people think that their quote Unquote constructive criticism is Necessary most people don't even know What that is um I'll tell you that Much But you don't need Criticism you need compassion you need Support you need understanding and you Need love and and I feel like I've been

A little bit critical in this and I Apologize for that I do morph into Whatever energy I am channeling but I Also am very critical of myself and so You know if it's in me it's I'm in Danger of passing it on to you so you Know even I so I'll make a promise to You right now pinky promise I promise to Deal with my inner critic keep that keep Her in check I almost call her something Not nice keep her in check if you Promise to do the same okay Pinky or Pinky swearing okay thank you we're Going to do that and I'm proud of you For doing doing that it's not easy but You don't need more criticism and I'm Sorry if you felt criticized or judged In any way in this reading that's never My Intention and I love you okay so let's Now look at some crystals a flower a Scent SL chakra and an animal that your Higher self are showing up in and uh Also what guidance your higher self has Through these so the first Crystal we Have is red jasper red jasper Works Closely with the base chakra and heals Any wounds surrounding Injustice Grounding you back to Earth red josper Alleviates chronic worry clearing mental Blockages to make space for balanced Emotions and thoughts working with the Base chakra the red jasper can also help You heal issues related to sex inviting

You to explore your sexuality and Healthy ways maybe that's what she said Wasn't that off Point providing stability and protection Red red red bper red jasper balances yin And yang expressing masculine and Feminine energies that feel safe yet Nourish Nished and we also have rainbow Obsidian within the darkness there is Always light when Rainbow obsidian's Dark exterior is exposed in light Colorful bands highlight the Stone's Beauty rainbow obsidian is a gentle Stone showing you unhealed matters of The heart and bringing hidden wounds to The surface for ultimate healing rainbow Obsidian takes you on a journey of Evolution of opening your heart and Discovering your true purpose in this Life able to assist in cutting cords Rainbow obsidian floods you with light And love forgiving yourself and others In the process I think that's beautiful And also makes me feel a lot better cuz I feel like I probably hit the nail on The head of what what I was supposed to Talk about I hope so you can let me know Um but okay let's look at what else we Have the flower gladiola strength of Character and moral Integrity character Cannot be developed in ease and quiet Only through experiences of trial and Suffering can the Soul be strengthen

Vision cleared ambition inspired and Success achieved and Helen Keller said That so Yeah I feel like when so when you're Saying like why does it have to be so Hard why does it have to be challenging Well first of all everybody has Challenges it's hard for everyone I Don't think there is a person it's easy For even the people that it seems that They have it Easy there could be things that weigh on Their Soul you never know what people are Going through and I feel like one of the Biggest things that that at the very Least you can tell yourself and and Remind yourself is no matter how hard Things have gotten you've never truly Lost your heart and even if you have You've always found it and I know that If you've ever done something that was Against your heart you've made it right Or you've been considering that which I Feel like you should well whatever Making it right means to you but I do Think that you have a very strong Character and there and there are things That you won't sacrifice and I think That's a good thing but one of the Things you do need to sacrifice is the Imbalance around giving and receiving Period we also have the root chakra once Again and we have the theme of anchor

The trigger statement is I am not ready For what comes next and the true Statement is I take it one step at a Time yes and the words of our savior Jordan Sparks although things are shifting so Quickly be present and know this is part Of a greater plan absolutely everything Is just fine I promise you're doing Great and finally we ah we have the Antelope Spirit life is speeding up so I Definitely feel like you're coming out Of this limbo phas for sure the number Two seems to be very significant two Weeks could be a significant uh timeline Um but also yeah I feel like the more The more you jump into the unknown and The more actions you take to do things That that you that you know in your Heart you're you're ready for even if Though it feels scary I feel like that Can be helpful but I also just feel like The more you ground and the more you Trust Yourself and the more you just settle Into the reality that what is meant for You won't miss you and You are not only worthy of receiving but The more you open to it the more you Will the more I think the easier it will Be for you to flow and you'll realize Like oh I was fine this whole time like Ah like the the problem wasn't me or me Doing something wrong it was just

Unhealed wounds coming to the surface Like this says that's still making it Hard for you to trust yourself and see How bad ass you are but you're going to See that I know you Are and if you don't already you Should and I mean It okay so we're going to go ahead and Finish this reading off with A guidance card from the love your inner Goddess deck I think that this is great A great self-love deck even if you're Uncomfortable with the term inner Goddess just take that part away because There are messages in here that Everybody needs to hear so doesn't Matter who you Are this message is for you especially If you got this far thank you by the Way pile three Spirit oh pile three pile three is Higher self what Guidance Do you have For pile three at this time when it Comes to loving themselves And moving forward on their Path that's the thing when you get stuck In your head that's that's when you need To ground that's when you need to get in The present moment Because it helps and as one of the best Things that you can do to ground is to Breathe deeply so if you catch yourself Breathing really shallowly or your Breathing is is

Chaotic that's when you maybe want to do Some breathing exercises or Just do a couple deep breaths cuz it Forces you to get in your body and that Is a form of Grounding ah so we have medicine wisdom Okay let's see what that has to say for You the Earth Mother agrees to support Your wants and needs to help you live Your best life and fulfill your dreams Her generosity I I just love this I knew It her Generosity and her power to assist you Is beyond what you can imagine she is Already leading you towards your sacred Life purpose providing exactly what is Needed for your soul to Blossom just as She creates what is needed for the Flowers of the earth to bloom this is Confirmation that you are on your sacred Path I told you it may take some twists And turns but you are headed in the Right direction and you are being Supported in all ways to gain all the Experiences and blessings that are meant For you you're a wild person you have The natural gift of medicine wisdom and The Healing Way of the Sacred feminine The sole wisdom and healing ability Comes from Mother Nature her seasons and Weather her landscapes in the particular Life that they support including her Animals plants and crystals all have Their own unique purpose and healing

Power learning to recogn recognize the Signs to feel for their meaning to Listen for guidance and to activate the Medicine wisdom in yourself and your Life is your training as a true medicine Person of the Soul listening intuiting Feeling experiencing trusting these are The ways you begin to tap into and Harness the Grace Beauty and power of The Sacred feminine for healing purpose When you live your life from a place of Playful connection there's that Fool reverence and gratitude for the Divine feminine she will love you and Empower you to accomplish things that You can never do on your own she's an Infinitely practical Divine being able To help you with every aspect of your Life on Earth and help you help And I can't read she's an infinitely Practical Divine being able to help you With every aspect of your life on Earth And through you to help others too she Is asking you to trust her let go of Logic or believing that you have to Accomplish all on your own what did I Say what did I say let yourself be in Creative partnership with the divine Feminine with Mother Nature and as your Earthly cares and as your Earthly cares Are provided for with ease and Grace you Can dedicate your energy to focus and Focus to discovering and expressing your Talents which is how you fulfill your

Life purpose and so there's a little Sacred ritual Here that you can Do if you want to screenshot that and do That for yourself you know I could say It for you but I think it's more Powerful if you do it yourself and you Hear it from yourself So accept your calling as a true Medicine person of the Soul supported on All levels by the powerful Grace of the Divine feminine and trust that mother Nature is speaking to you daily showing You the way of fulfillment happiness and Peace for yourself and all beings so Beautiful just as beautiful as you and Your beautiful soul and the words of Jesse McCartney so pile three that is Where I'm going to leave this reading Thank you guys so so so much for Watching and thank you so much for Letting my ads play in the background While you do something else that is one Of the ways that you can help me receive And that's one of the simplest ways to Do that um you know I have issues with Receiving as well so I try my best to uh You Know not be too overbearing with that Stuff so thank you guys for for your Support and and for helping me with that Um if you'd like to support me in other Ways you can like this video that's Incredibly helpful thank you to everyone

Who does that you comment down below let Me know how it resonates you can Subscribe if you haven't already and be Sure to click that little notification Bell to be notified whenever I upload a New reading you check out my candles be Sure to use Cody ATT 10 for 10% off you Can check out my merch you can check out My social media you can check out My other videos ones with extendeds if You want those are really fun we get Really chaotic in those if you like me Swearing and talking about dirty crap Uh the extendeds are for you but that's All I have for you guys so thank you so So so much for watching and for letting Me read for you I love you guys so much And I just pray that you know your path Continues to unfold in the perfect time In the perfect way and you go a little Easier on yourself and trust yourself More I believe in you and you should Believe in you too so I hope you all Have a wonderful day or night whenever It is that you're watching this video And I hope you guys will come back and See me again soon bye

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