All About a Current or Future Best Friend👯‍♀️🫶 Pick a Card🔮 Timeless In-Depth Tarot Reading

All About a Current or Future Best Friend👯‍♀️🫶 Pick a Card🔮 Timeless In-Depth Tarot Reading

Hi friends!! We have a highly requested one today, y’all! Thank you sm for watching and being here!! I hope this reading brings you clarity & peace

Dedicating this reading to my girlies: @KinoTarot @TheHermitTarot1 @HappySouls1111 @KMoonAstro @tarotwittay @mscharlotteastrology @celticfairytarot thank you for making my life brighter and sweeter!🫶🥹💕

Intro: 0:00
Reading Breakdown: 0:44
Pile Selection: 2:22
Make a Wish: 3:48
Pile 1 (Aura Aqua Quartz): 5:34
Pile 2 (Aura Ruby Quartz): 50:41
Pile 3 (Aura Clear Quartz): 1:43:21

Candle of the Month: The Empress (USE CODE ESO10 FOR 10% OFF)

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I don’t currently offer personals readings, but I’ll update if that ever changes!

Decks Used:
The Golden Girls Tarot
Kitten Nugget Tarot
The Spirit Song Tarot
Little Twin Stars Major Arcana
Archetype Cards
The Numinous Astro Deck
Circles of Healing Oracle Deck
Bizarre Ink Runes Deck

👀About Me👀
Madison, 26
Tropical: Aries ☀️ Virgo 🌙 Libra ⬆️
Sidereal: Pisces☀️ Leo 🌙 Virgo ⬆️
Life Path 11, INFP

Hi friends welcome or welcome back to my Channel I'm ASO this is Aso tarot and in Today's highly requested reading we are Going to be looking at a current or Future best friend that you will have in Your life now I'm a firm believer that There is no such thing as only having One best friend uh I have acquaintances And I have besties because every person That I'm friends with is in fact the Best so don't feel like you have to like If you get someone that's uh in in the Future and you're like ah does this mean I won't be friends with who I'm friends With now no absolutely not it just means You'll have more marryt in your life and We love that for you but if you are Searching for a best friend then this is An awesome opportunity to see who that Might be so what we are going to be Doing today is we're going to start by Looking at the energy of this friend and See who they are and we're also going to Look at what the overall energy of the Friendship is um the Most uh Summarizing just like the best qualities Of it or like the most powerful Qualities of it I guess that's a better Word and then we're going to get extra Details by using Astro Dice and my Letters and numbers just for extra Confirmation and help for you um and Then we're going to move into the tarot

And we're going to look at how will you Meet if you haven't met them yet or if You are still somewhat unsure if this is Someone already in your life we're going To look at how you did meet so if this Is someone in your life that can can Serve as extra confirmation um then We're going to look at a unique quality Of this friendship for the both of you So something that is special and unique To just you and them that you don't have In other friendships then we are going To look at one thing they love about you Or will love about you if you haven't Met them yet we're also going to look at A message from them and if you know them Then it'll be a message from their human Self and if you haven't met them yet It'll be a message from their higher Self and then we are going to finish off Using a little book divination we're Just going to pull a book message from The book how to connect by tick knot hon So I'm really excited to do this reading Today and hopefully you guys are excited To watch it so we have three different Groups for you to choose from today I Have the oracle cards that I'm already Using underneath the piles but starting With pile number one I had to use this Tarot deck I almost filmed this reading Without this deck and that would have Been sacrilege we are using the Golden Girls tarot and I have this Aqua Ora

Quartz point on Top and then for group number two we are Going to be using the kitten nugget Tarot and I have this Ruby orac coated Point on top I imagine it's a cords So and then finally for group number Three we we are going to be using the Spirit song tarot and I have This why can't I think of Words clear quartz clear Ora coded clear Quartz Point say that five times fast on Top and this deck is pretty rad because My mom got it for me and my mom is the Best so go ahead and pause the video if You need to to decide which pile you Feel most drawn to it is absolutely okay To watch more than one even all three if You feel drawn to it uh that's abs Absolutely okay and I would hope that You have lots of wonderful people in Your life and lots of wonderful friends In your life and if you don't this is a Great opportunity to connect with the Wonderful people that will be in your Future and so I am excited to look at These energies today now that being Said I need to use code ASO 10 for 10% Off in terms of my candles cuz I do not Have new ones right now but uh we are Going to be using one of my magician Candles that I've obviously already used A little bit but the magician candle is Perfect for manifestation Alchemy things Like As Above So Below you know that

Jazz creation using the powers of Heaven And Earth and I thought it would be Awesome for this make a wish to make a Wish related to a best friend already in Your life or a wish around meeting or Manifesting a best friend so you don't Have to you can wish about anything you Want I am not uh you know a Uh control of a wish freak But once you have thought of your wish Just go ahead and take a second to kind Of Infuse it into the energy of the Candle and I will go ahead now and light It may yours mine and all of our wishes Come true I hope my nail isn't being set On fire it is not that is awesome okay So go ahead and pause the video if you Need to to decide which pette you feel Most drawn to like I said it's also Absolutely okay to be drawn to more than One maybe you'll find a friend that is Currently in your life as well as a Friend that's coming into your future I Don't care but thank you well I mean I Care in terms of like I care that it it Resonates and stuff but I mean like I Don't care how you go about doing this I Care about you Um that being said thank you for being My friend uh I'm not going to sing the Entire uh Golden Girls intro but thank You for being here let's go ahead and Get into your reading I will see you in A moment hi there pile one welcome to

Your reading and thank you so much for Being here if you guys chose the Ruby or Aarts point we put that here and The Golden Girls tarot this is going to be Your reading on a current or future best Friend that is or will be in your life If you want a full breakdown of the Reading there is one in the intro but We're going to go ahead and start by by Looking at who this person is and what The core themes of your friendship are I Wish I had thought of core themes of Friendship when I film the intro but That's okay okay so let's go ahead and Start by looking at who this is So we have the archetype of bully Highlights your tendency to intimidate Others helps you confront the inner Fears that bully you we will get to that And I'll just say right now if you're Friends with someone that bullies you Maybe stop it And we'll get there okay other aspects We have North Node with Destiny Soul School learning curve fulfillment Purpose maturing Experience all that jazz you can keep Reading if you want to as well as ansas And then the core themes of your Friendship we have I open my soul to the Realm of the miraculous where infinite Resourcefulness goodness and generosity Bestow Abundant Blessings Endlessly we have love with the planet

Venus Beauty Harmony romance charm Receiving sensuality luxury wealth All That Jazz and we have the empress so Yeah if you saw this and you were like What they're going to bully me no Absolutely not but if you are friends With people that are unkind to you or Bully you I would highly recommend uh Maybe setting some boundaries or talking To them or you know if if they're Unwilling to treat you with respect and Kindness then maybe don't have them as a Friend but I see this and and this Person as much more of a no [ __ ] Type of person and I actually think that This energy makes a lot of sense Considering we're using the Golden Girls Tarot in fact This Cloud person even Kind of looks like be Arthur and if you Know be Arthur's character In uh The Golden Girls she plays Dorothy the energy of this current or Future best friend gives me Dorothy Vibes especially with Ana's being here As well um this is someone who's Incredibly witty and also someone who is Not going to let you lie to yourself and Also not let you disempower yourself or Make yourself smaller than you really Are this is someone who's going to call You out in loving ways to remind you What you deserve and also let you know When you're being unfair to yourself or When you are not seeing things clearly

Like if you are someone who is beating Yourself up or if you are doing Something that this person feels like is Unfair to you you know they are not Going to stand for that I feel like this Is someone who has learned to stand up To bullying and someone who also has a Sense of humor so if you think of the Golden Girls like you know one specific Example that I keep thinking of is one Where Dorothy and blanch are talking and Blanch is talking about a date that She's going on and she says to Dorothy Well you know he's nearly 5 years Younger than me and Dorothy goes in what Blanch dog ear And is that the kindest thing no but you Will know if you're the type of person Where loving playful banter is Acceptable or not um and this is the Type of person where if you weren't okay With that that wouldn't happen like this Is is someone who is respectful of Boundaries but they also are not willing To Plate your [ __ ] so like if you Are if like this person knows you're Capable of something and you keep Beating yourself up like they're not Going to let you do that or if you are Having Trouble seeing your worth like this Person is going to call you out on like Ways that you disempower yourself this Is someone who is really eloquent likely

Has a lot of wisdom and I also think That this is someone who stands up to Bullying this is someone who is not okay With other people walking all over them That's kind of interesting too they Might have some Aries energy cuz even This like uh Little Mark in their in between their Eyebrows kind of looks like the ram Aries but I also think that this person Is intertwined with your future and Their future in some way the fact that We have the destiny card being here it Could be that you guys have the same North Node or you have opposing North North nodes um opposing North nodes can Be really helpful because what you've Already mastered the other person needs To learn so for example I'm a Virgo North Node with a Pisces South node and If I'm talking to someone who is a Pisces North Node with a Virgo South Node we're going to be able to help each Other because I've already mastered Pisces energy and they've already Mastered Virgo energy so we can kind of Help each other move towards you know Where we are meant to go I definitely Think that this is someone who is meant To be in your life and someone who you Will have really enriching conversations With this person could be a writer they Could be uh someone who just really Likes to talk on the phone or text a lot

They're definitely very verbal and this Is someone who does not beat around the Bush they are not going to like for Example this is not someone who is Passive aggressive this is someone who Will bring things like if there is an Issue they're going to be straight up And be like hey so xyz's been happening Like can we work through this I I also Think a lot of people might be Intimidated by this person maybe because They are such a straight shooter or they Are someone who is not afraid of Speaking the truth like they are not Going To like I said plate you or anyone for That matter and they're not going to Tolerate anyone being unkind to you There is a protectiveness around their Friends where they not only want the Best from for their friends but if Someone is speaking to you Disrespectfully or being disrespectful To you they are either going to be like No you need to stand up for yourself or If you don't I will like but I I feel Like this is someone who would not stand Up for you in the sense where they know You're capable of doing it and they're Like no you need to do this because they Love you like let's talk about the Aspects of the Friendship because you Look at this and you might be like H Like what is this going to be a bad

Friend like no you're not forced or Required to be friends with people that Treat you like crap please don't do that Um but I can understand how this Archetype would be a little bit Concerning but it is not like you're not Meant to have a friend that bullies you The universe doesn't want that for you And you shouldn't want that for yourself But the aspects of the Friendship are so Soft and sweet and beautiful I mean the Fact that we have Venus with love and The empress I mean the empress is Literally uh venusian energy the Empress speaks to Uh Well technically Um the empress is ruled by Venus which Has uh Taurus and Libra placements but The aspects of this friendship are very Nurturing and creative I feel like this Is someone who you'll be able to go to About anything I feel like you both will Be each other's biggest cheerleaders and I also feel like um this friend will be Very soft with you um Where they will you know give you the TR Like if they have to have a difficult Conversation with you they're not going To Like be mean to you about it they're Going to be very gentle with you like if You are the type of person who is just Softer or you know needs a more gentle

Approach I feel like this person will Know that and be very generous with you The fact and I mean we have that here There's infinite resourcefulness Goodness and generosity that bestows Abundant Blessings so I feel like the Both of you will find a lot of blessings Together through this friendship and I Also feel like there will just be a deep Sense of love between the two of you you Guys will do things together that you Love um that may be one thing you Bond Over like one thing I'm seeing is you Guys like walking through a city and you Know uh window shopping together or Staking out like cafes that you want to Visit or you might Bond over different Sensory experiences like going to get Food or uh watching movies that you Really like or you might like shopping For the same things I definitely feel like when you guys are Together you will Also give yourselves permission to Indulge and be more sensual than you Normally would it's like this is the Type of friendship where you can take Your bra off really like literally You're metaphorically in the sense where You're fully comfortable with each other And there's just a lot of love and Appreciation um for each other and the Fact that we have the empress here I Definitely feel like it might take time

For you and this person to get closer But as you both get to know each Other it there will be like just an Unfoldment of respect and understanding And unconditional love for each other I I really do feel like you both will Adore the other you both will want the Best for the other and I think that you Will encourage each other to Expand your ideas of what you think is Possible and expand your ideas of what Friendship means to you I definitely Think there will be a creative component To this friendship whether you both Create together you have creative Collaborations or you just Inspire and Encourage one another to embrace your Own creative opportunities like you guys Might do something Like create separately together um so You're like doing your own thing but You're just spending that time with each Other I feel like one thing that this Person will really love about you and Will look in the tarot maybe something Else will come out but I feel like you Are going to be very gentle with this Person in a way that they're not gentle With themselves I do think that this Bully energy does extend to the fact That this person does bully themselves And is very hard on themselves and the Same way that you are and the irony is Is that they're going to be able to call

It out in you but they're not going to Be able to see it in themselves there's Going to be this kind of like cognitive Dissonance where they're like no but Yeah but it's true for me like I have to Do things this way or I do need to be Harder on myself and I feel like you're Going to have this really beautiful Energy of like no like no you don't like That's and and you'll call them out and Be like how is it fair you know for you To treat yourself that way when if I Treated myself that way you would call Me out in 10 Seconds there's this beautiful Vibe too Um where maybe the both of you like will Be parents together um or like Bond over Parenthood whether that is you know Parenthood of the human child kind or The plant or animal kind I do feel like There is just a beautiful nurturing Quality to this where you feel sorry I'm Bur nurtured and cared for in each Other's presence as well as um kind of Emphasize Like creating lives for yourselves that Are more nurturing and kind and just Encouraging of where you both want to go And and who you want to be I definitely Think you both will indulge in your Feminine sides when you are together it Doesn't matter if you are uh two men or A man and a woman or whatever it may be Um we're we're reading energies here you

Both will feel comfortable to just be More gentle with yourselves to be more Indulgent to be just like your truest Softest Selves it's like if you guys were were Crabs you could take off your shells With each other and I definitely think That there is just Like a love for each other that That you just see like the beauty in one Another and and the friendship inspires A lot of beauty or inspires you to see a Lot of beauty it could bring a lot of Like I said creative inspiration and I Feel like you are just going to find That this friendship brings you nothing But blessings and the challenges of this Friendship are not challenges between The two of you there challenges within Yourselves that the other is pointing Out and also encourage and you're like Encouraging the other to rise to the Occasion and be even more loving and Gentle and understanding and empowering With yourselves and and I think that This is like a true Um what's the right word like like you Guys are a team or two pe's in a pod It's it's a very beautiful energy and I Think that there are going to be many Aspects to your friendship like the fact That we have this rainbow here and this Mandala and I mean you know there's Infinite resourcefulness goodness

Generosity like I feel like you guys Will never get tired of each other You'll always keep things interesting And if you're someone who really likes To connect with someone um in like an Intellectual way or through um Communication I think you guys are going To get along really well you may Bond Over poetry or um certain Authors or like certain podcasts like You I feel like you guys might uh just Really enjoy the spoken word together And really enjoy each other's abilities To write or speak um you guys definitely Feel like you're on the same playing Field and I think you both have wisdom For each other that um you will help the Other integrate and it's just going to Be this beautiful thing or it's a very Beautiful symbiotic relationship I would Say and um the more you get to know one Another the more your bond will be Cemented and the more comfortable you Both will be And there will be deep respect and Appreciation for one another so let's go Ahead now and get some letters and Numbers for confirmation I'm also going To uh rule the asise so whether these Letters and numbers represent you or Them that's absolutely okay just take What resonates here but Spirit what Letters and numbers are relevant For pile one and their current or future

Friend Please and I'm literally I'm hearing the Golden Girls theme song in my head like Your heart is true you're a pal and a Confidant like I feel like that's how It's going to be for the both of you uh But in terms of letters and numbers we Have three Four believe that's a Nine uh we have a number Seven we have a [Music] Zero I think that's enough so for Letters we have a Q we have a t maybe You guys will think each other is very Cute or you'll have a very cute sweet Friendship um we have two O's and I'm seeing the word loot and Also foot so uh you guys may need to Like you guys will encourage one another To put your foot down when necessary um But also a lot of abundance could be Indicated here like you the inspiration You guys bring each other or you know The work that you do together could Bring you a lot of Abundance uh we also have an e as well As an r and an A so you could be far Away from this person um you may meet Them online or long distance or you guys Will go far Together or maybe you feel comfortable To fart in the same room uh we also have A PE and I think that is it so those are

The letters and numbers oh you guys Might Bond over Edgar alen Poe or that Name could be Significant but let's go ahead now and See what the Astro dice have for us so Spirit are there any other Details um o also The Sound of Music Like I'm I'm hearing you know far a long Long way to run Uh spirit What signs and other information can you Give us about this current or future Friend please okay well one of the that Are oh come on did you why why did the Dice have to ruin the best part okay one Of them fell down so I got to grab that And what is it okay we have number nine N see we have Nine Two we have Cancer Taurus we have Venus again and Neptune So Pisces energy oh and we have the North Node so the North Node is being Indicated again so you could have some Sort of significant North Node placement With them I do feel like you will bring One another closer to your Destinies Like I said we have cancer energy here And we also have um so Taurus placements Could be significant uh the number two Would be the second house which is Roll By Taurus the number nine ninth house Would be Sagittarius energy so uh with

Two being security resources self-esteem I definitely think you both are going to Help one another with that um and you May Bond over philosophical ideas even Spiritual ones the fact that we have Neptune here um you may cut through Illusions together I really hope that's Neptune yeah I think that's Neptune cuz It looks like Poseidon like Triton yeah Cuz that's Pluto and we have Venus here So definitely I think you guys could be Really great resources for one another If you are looking for love um I Definitely feel like this will be a Beautiful you know it could be a Romantic love like never say never but I Do think that this will be a very deep True platonic love and um you might Teach one another a lot about romance in Terms of like romance romanticizing your Lives embracing romance and friendships Like not in the sense that not in a way That's like weird or uncomfortable but In a way where it's like let's really Treat ourselves and like let's really You know Put like let's let's Splurge today or Let's do something that's really going To make ourselves feel good like I just See this aspect where you guys encourage One another to treat yourselves well And spoil yourselves and and treat El The way you would want to be treated I I Definitely feel like you guys are going

To encourage um the best out of one Another and I also feel like with this Cancer energy I was speaking of crabs Earlier uh I feel like you both will Kind of have a nurturing motherly energy With each other or parental energy where Uh when you can't be your own parent or You can't really see something it's like One of you will step in and really be Like hey now uh I don't think that's Fair to you or I don't think that's Right and yeah really really beautiful Energies so those are your dice I feel Like I'm just going to move these over To the side excuse me ma'am I did not Say that you could change um oh maybe it Was the South node was I wrong oh no the The Venus one changed yeah okay ah all Right we're I'm just going to move these Off of the board because they're going To get all over the place but we're Going to go ahead and get into your Tarot now Like I said you guys chose the Golden Girls tarot one thing I will say is I Don't use this deck very often because The uh cards are very fragile so if you Are interested in getting this deck That's one thing I just think you may Want to be aware of is like The this may not be like the best deck For everyday use cuz it might just get I Mean unless you want to use it it just If you want it to stay like looking nice

And new it may not remain that way cuz The cards are kind of flimsy but that's Okay Um and with that being said if you're Enjoying this or appreciating it thank You to everyone who takes the time to Leave me a little like or a comment Definitely let me know if you know who This friend is or um if you have if this Sounds like the type of friend that You've been wanting to manifest I would Love to Hear but we are going to go ahead and Start by looking at how you will meet This person or if you haven't or if You've already met them this will just Confirm like this is who you were Thinking of so Spirit how will pile one meet this Friend Please oh we have the nine of Cups so You are going to meet them through one It could be literally like manifesting Like this like being friends with them Could be a wish come true or maybe you Will meet them while you're doing Something that is a wish come true for You like let's say you got to go on a Trip trip that like you've been dreaming Of and they're also on this trip or um Maybe you meet by chance in a way where You're not expecting to maybe you even Like the one example that I'm thinking Of is like before I did this for a

Living I used to watch uh kinot tarot And I used to wish that she was my Friend and then you know one day she Commented on one of my videos and I and You know the rest was history so you Know like that was literally like a wish Come true for me so Maybe there is some aspect of like you Already know who this person is but you Want to be closer friends with them or This type of person is someone that You've been wishing for and so the Universe is like oh we're going to we're Going to make that happen um but also You could meet them through some sort of Like if if you are in school for um I Don't know what it's called if you're in Culinary school you could meet them Through something like that um you could Also just meet them through a hobby that You really enjoy or through like a group Where you guys share this hobby I also Think with the nine of Cups Here it could be too that the way that You meet them especially if you haven't Met them yet is being obscured because The universe doesn't want you to get too In your head about it or be too focused About it uh because they're going to Come through in this really like Surprising and exciting way for you Where you're like oh my God like I I Like you didn't even realize Like it's like it's going to fall to

Like fall into place really beautifully Um but if you meet them in person or Online well I mean if when when you meet Them it will definitely be through Something that like you both care about Or find to be very meaningful um and I Also think here with the the nine of Cups like If you have a wish in terms of something You want to do or experience or travel To you could meet them through that way But definitely like them coming in is Like a a answered prayer from the Universe without even realizing like you May not even thought you could have like A friend like that or may not even Thought that like a friend like that Could come into your life and it's like All of a sudden like when you least Expect it there you go there it is so I Definitely think that it could be Different for all of you but it is Connected to personal fulfillment and And deep desire on your part and likely Their part as well like for example the Reason why Kino commented on my videos Because I was talking about Shrek and we Both have excellent taste in cinema so You know we bonded over that our love You know Shrek is love Shrek is life and We both recognize that so you know it Could be something that you both Mutually love maybe you're just at the Grocery store trying to buy the same

Type of Cheesecake who knows but I do Think that that for some of you it could Almost be like like a story like you you Wouldn't expect to meet someone this way And yet Against All Odds that happened So I definitely think that your meeting Will be some sort of wish fulfillment For you or a wish fulfillment you're Doing for yourself leads you to this Person but now I want to look at one Unique aspect of this friendship that Neither you nor them uh have in other Friendship so Spirit what aspect of this Friendship is unique to Pile one and their current or future Besy okay well I guess we're getting Two oh we have the Knight of Cups and The Queen of Pentacles so this kind of Goes back into the core aspects of the Friendship where the both of you really Feel genuinely nurtured and safe with One another if you're looking for parent Friends uh I do think that maybe Parenthood could be like an aspect or Bonding uh component of this friendship But I also think it's just one where Both of you feel free to explore the Things that light your heart on fire That excite you that get you in tune With yourself emotionally like Especially um this friend I feel like They may not get in touch with their Heart space very often or allow Themselves to really enjoy the Finer

Things in Life or enjoy the things that Really make them feel good for just the Sake of feeling feeling good and so I Think both of you are are going to Be each other's like parents in a way Where you really give the other the Permission that you can't seem to give Yourselves to enjoy life and to embrace The present moment I also think that You're going to just feel very nurtured And safe in each other's presence like When you need some when you need a voice Of reason that's not going to judge you You're going to go to each other when You need a a partner to go do this this Fun art class with you this is this Person when you want someone to go on a Eat Pray Love trip I don't really know What that necessarily entails I've never Read the book but uh that's what came to Mind like this is the person that's Going to go with you Like when you can't give yourselves Permission to do things that bring you Joy this person and you will give each Other that permission and and and some Ways you may feel like oh my God we're So bad like we're so bad we're eating a Second piece of cheesecake and it's and And you guys are going to act like You're Like um you know on on the FBI's most Wanted list for being so naughty and and Having that extra slice but it's like

Your little inside joke like this is our Relationship where neither of you really Sacrifices you both get to be yourselves And you both have this inner Security in Yourselves where you don't have have To feel like you don't have to guard Yourself in a way that maybe past Friendships you did you know if you've Dealt with people that are jealous or That you know are passive aggressive or Disempowering like I feel like both of You may Bond over you know past Challenging friendships that really you Know made you feel unworthy or not good Enough or like you know you didn't Deserve genuine kindness or that like Genuine friendships that are just you Know two people literally just mutually Caring about each other like oh that Doesn't exist like you guys are going to Prove to one another that it does like You may have felt like in the past you Know that idea of friendship was over Idealized in those types of friendships Only exist in books and it's like well No your friendship with them could be a Book itself if you if y'all wanted to Write it but you will realize like that Can be a reality and you'll also realize Why it's so important not to settle for Friendships that are unfulfilling or That make you feel bad about yourself or That you know are bullying you know I I Think of that phrase with with a friend

Like that who needs enemies I feel like You guys might Bond over you know just Not necessarily trashing like people From your past but just being like man I Can't believe I settled for that um I Also feel like there's just this Emphasis on enjoying the Finer Things And I feel like you both will be in Similar uh Financial situations so You'll be able to do the same things Together or like let's say for example Like you know both of you are trying to Change your financial situation or Improve it I feel like both of you will Uh do things together to improve that Like you but might share like books that You know are helpful for the both of you Or you might uh meal prep together to Prepare for things or you might budget Together or just do things that you kind Of dread doing together to make it more Fun I feel like anytime you are with Each other you just you feel cherished And valued in a way um in a way that Maybe you don't get in other friendships Or just in life in general and I think That you'll truly see one another and Not just for like you know the surface Level aspects of self but like your Spirits your souls you're going to see Like the preciousness of one another and I feel like if you know both of you have Had a lot of heartbreak in the past or Just a lot of frustration like one or

Both of you has had a Stanley in your Life lives or uh that's a Golden Girls Reference if you're unaware um or you Know just people that didn't treat you All right like I feel like you guys are Are going to be falling in love with Life together and just seeing like how Beautiful and wonderful you can make it Together and I feel like this is just Going to be like a mutually fulfilling Friendship where you feel both feel Loved you feel cherished you feel Nurtured and there's a positive uh Container of energy you create together Where not only what you create becomes More that's the right word uh potent um And Powerful but also I think you give One another the confidence to see your Own worth and to you know step out into The world like someone who knows their Worth and and knows what they deserve so I think this is beautiful and and if You're already with this person congrats And if you haven't met this person yet I Can't wait for you to because I think That uh life is going to be a lot Sweeter with them by your side and you Know the uh and one aspect here too is That like the truth will always be Something that brings you closer and Sets you free in this connection like if You and this person ever have conflict It's just going to bring you closer Together and you're not going to repeat

Like similar conflicts like if you were To have a conflict you guys would talk About it come to an agreement and then Like move forward and it wouldn't be a Thing like you wouldn't be dredging it Up you wouldn't be falling in into a Similar cycle there's just Like you genuinely value each other and And cherish one another in a way that is Just so beautiful and pure and powerful And I feel like that's going to make you Both highly protective of one another And I love that for you guys so now I Want to see something that this friend Will love about you so what will this Current or future bestie love about pile One please spirit Everything I don't think it's Necessarily fair to have Dorothy and Stanley there as a lovers but all right Uh I think one thing that they will love About you like this is Gemini energy so Your intellect and your ability to Converse uh I definitely think if if Some of what I was talking about sounds Like you then I feel like you will find Your match in them like you will be Intellectually challenging for one Another but also intellectually you'll Be on the same wavelength and I feel Like you guys will just love to share Ideas and theories and just talk I think That what they will love about you is is You know your ability to keep up with

Them Intellectually and I really am getting This Vibe of like what what is there not To love like everything is to love about You like even your flaws which we all Have are lovable and I feel like uh this Current or future best friend is really Just going to Love how much they love life when They're with you and love how much you Have to give not only to them but to People in general and how loving your Heart is how loving your spirit is and I Think that they're also just going to Love your perspective on the world and How you see things and um Archangel Raphael could be significant in this Friendship as well um or a middleman Named Sophia because Sophia is up there But uh I definitely think they're going To love that you guys really balance Each other out really well like you're The same where it matters and you're Different in ways that help one another Grow and I also just feel like they're Going to love your mind and talking to You and getting lost in conversation With you like I could see you guys like Sitting out like by a river just talking For hours and like having a little Picnic and just you Know watching the sun go down and be Like oh [ __ ] you know it it's dark out Maybe we should go home or maybe we

Should you know find a lantern so we can Keep talking like I think that time just Kind of melts when you're with each Other other and there's just going to be This like H it's so nice to nice to Spend time with you it's so nice to be With you and uh what's not to love They're going to love everything but I Think if they could pick one thing it's Maybe the conversations they have with You the insights you inspire within them And your ability to be on their wave Like on the same wave like this them so Now I want to get a message from them if You already know them and they're higher Self if you don't know them so if you Don't know what a higher self is it's Just basically like the soul vers of Them uh the most evolved it kind of Exists more in the spiritual PLS but you Know we we bring our high ourselves down Here uh often but Anyway Spirit what does this friend want Pile or this friend's higher self want Pile one to know at this time for their Highest good Okay we have the hierophant so I Definitely think that this this is a Message About trusting the path that you're on But also there's a couple of different Things Here if you are in a traditional like Romantic relationship with someone and

It is going well I feel like they want You or their higher self wants you to Know to not Like disempower or doubt yourself or Feel like you are unworthy or Undeserving of these beautiful blessings Here but if this relationship is one Where you are really struggling or you Are feeling unloved or disempowered um I Feel like their higher self is coming Through to ask you to be really honest With yourself about your needs and Whether um the situation is serving you Obviously I would never ever tell you What to do like that is up to you but if You resonate with that situation I feel Like this person is coming through for You know um aspects of Truth where They're wanting you to remember that You're well-being is more important than Tradition and if you are valuing Tradition over your well-being that may Be something you want to uh reflect on And ask your yourself why I also feel Like um this could be encouragement as Well like if you are seeking guidance of Some kind or thinking about like going To therapy or getting help in some sort Of way I see a lot of encouragement There and and a sign that that could be Really beneficial or useful but if you Are in school or if you are studying Higher spiritual Concepts uh they're Also encouraging this encouraging you to

Continue doing this and to really enjoy And appreciate that I also see Encouragement here for you to really Embrace your spirit when it comes to Following what you're passionate about If you are doing something that is of a More traditional route and you feel like You have to hide parts of yourself I Feel like um this friend is coming Through to to really ask you to remember That the unique parts of yourself could Be really beneficial to whatever Traditional route you're going down and To not hide those aspects of self even If people don't understand the value of Having all of you here or having like You Know the parts of you that other people May not understand like showing up with Those there's a lot of gifts in there That you may not see And I feel like there I I'm seeing like A Staircase and it's like and it's one That's like converging so if you haven't Met them yet I feel like they want you To know that you guys are well on your Way to finding one another and they want You to continue just committing to your Path and committing to what feels right Because you know you guys are going to Find each other one way or another um But I also think here too that they want You to not doubt your own inner wisdom

And if you feel like you can't trust Your own wisdom to seek out you know a Source that uh you respect and that you Know is trusting and nurturing of you I Feel like this noons energy is kind of Correlating with um how sometimes Influential figures that we seek Guidance from may not necessarily have Our best interests at heart or the Framework from which they give guidance May not be the most beneficial for you Um you know like an example that I'm Getting Is the idea of like and I'm not saying That this is your situation um but like An example would be you know valuing the Sanctity of marriage over you know How those two people are doing in the Marriage like you know for example if There's abuse or you know cheating or Things like that I'm not saying that That is your case at all but like Valuing the the the idea over how it is Actually translating into your everyday Life and that can be in so many Different ways like like let's say for Example you are you've been committing Yourself to this specific job and you Know your time isn't being respected Your energy isn't being respected you Don't feel good like but you're you're Continuing to stay there because there's That idea of like oh well you need to be Loyal to your job or you need to you

Need to stick it out and and and prove Yourself Dependable like I feel like Their higher self is coming through to Say you owe it to yourself to be loyal To you And to pay attention to how you value Tradition over your own well-being and If your well-being uh gets in the way of That to really Consider how and if you are going to Make any changes that honor yourself More I I'm not telling you to do Anything I'm not I don't know what your Situation is all I do know is is that This person really wants you to trust That you're already on the right path And that you don't have to fit into a Box that that isn't meant for you or or Keep yourself stuck in a box that Doesn't serve you I definitely think That you deserve and this person thinks You deserve you know to find structure And tradition that allows you to be all Of yourself not just the parts of Yourself that you think are acceptable And if those circles and spaces don't Exist um I think that you may be part of Creating that and may be part of you Know forging your own way and if you are Like looking into spiritual leadership Or leadership of some kind I feel like This friend is really encouraging you to Trust your own inner judgment and Trust Where your um leadership is is guiding

You and you know if if you are trying to See seek out guidance um from figures That you respect like to make sure to be Discerning of what their framework is um And to make sure that they they Genuinely have your best interests at Heart because you know sometimes people Do have our best interests at heart but The way that they look at the world is Vastly different than how we do and what They value is different and you know Sometimes we can flippantly give Guidance to people that ends up actually Being very harmful and so you know and And this is for me as well you know if You're ever watching or reading and it's Not bringing you Clarity it's making you More confused or it's not it's not Making you feel good or just feel more At peace like that's not the reading for You it may be for someone else but it's Not for you Like you shouldn't take guidance unless It brings you more clarity And more trust in yourself and and trust In you know what is meant for you you Are in charge of your own life and I Definitely think that this friend is Coming through to remind you who the [ __ ] you are and the fact that You deserve to follow the path that is Most empowering and if the path that You're on is disempowering that is not Serving you is not serving your soul I

Feel like they're coming through to say Like you you know in your heart what is True for you and you don't have to waste Time ignoring it if you don't want to Well and I guess it's it's not a like There's it's not technically a waste of Time but I just there's just this deep Energy of like caring here and and Needing you to remember that um you have More wisdom than you realize and and When what you're being told feels Constricting feels stifling feels Disempowering you know it may not be the Right guidance for you so with that Being said we're going to go ahead and Finish off with a book message from this Book called how to connect um so I'm Just going to do this and close my eyes And we'll just see Spirit what message do you want to leave Pile one off With the meditation in Plum Village we Often have a tea meditation we take time To prepare everything beforehand so that We can enjoy a quiet and peaceful Atmosphere we arrange the cushions and Mats in a circle and prepare a beautiful Vase of flowers in the center then we Come together to enjoy a cup of tea a Cookie and the company of others for About an hour and a half we have nothing To do nowhere to go in the Serene Intimate and informal atmosphere we Share poems songs and stories this

Sounds like your friendship or what it's Going to be usually it only takes a few Minutes to drink a cup of tea but taking Time to be truly present for one another Like this we nourish Mutual Understanding and happiness okay this is So beautiful so I definitely feel like There is guidance here if you haven't Met this person yet one way you can help Manifest them into existence is to Practice this and pretend like they're Already here feel like if you've had Like if you felt their Vibe or felt Their Energy um in this reading like feel what It would be like to have them with you While you do this and practice um Practice being present with yourself and And doing these things just for you and If this friend already exists you know Maybe this is something that you guys Can do together and enjoy together um But nourishing Mutual understanding and Happiness I definitely think is a Powerful aspect of this friendship and And something that you guys will share And whether you have met this person or Not definitely let me know like have you Met this person have you not um what Intuitive insights do you get about them Uh if you know them is it accurate uh I Would love to hear uh but with that Being said pile one that is where I'm Going to leave this reading so thank you

Guys so so so much for watching and Thank you so much for letting my ads Play in the background because that is One of the simplest and easiest way to Show appreciation for my channel and Support me and my readings but if you Would like to support me ways you can Like this video comment down below let Me know how it resonates you can Subscribe if you haven't already and Click that little notification Bell Shout out to my intro Squad and Notification Squad um if you click that Little notification Bell you will be Part of my notification Squad which Allows you to be notified whenever I Upload a new reading and if you want me To see your comments I usually see Comments when I first upload so just Note that you can also check out my Social media you can check out my Candles or any Kindles on Angelic magic 88 site using Cody so 10 for 10% off you Can check out my merch or uh other Readings especially ones with extended But that's all I have for you guys so Thank you so much for watching and for Being here and for letting me read for You I hope you all have a wonderful day Or night whenever it is that you're Watching this video and I hope you'll Come back and see me again soon bye hi There pile two welcome to your reading And thank you so much for being here if

You guys chose the Ruby Ora cated quartz And the kitten nugget tarot this is Going to be your reading on a current or Future best friend In your life so if you want a full Breakdown of the reading there is one in The intro but we're going to go ahead And start by looking at who this friend Is and what the core aspects of this Friendship are or will be so to start we Have sabator highlights your fear of Self-empowerment and the changes it Would bring to your Life we have the butt planet Uranus Beautiful with Revolution breakthroughs Brainstorming originality Insight Awakening Technology Innovation Humanitarianism you can read the rest if You would like and we have Burino and then for the core aspects of The Friendship we have I am a living mandala Of the unique of unique Divine Beauty uh We have the number 888 alignment into a Higher order of abundance beautiful we Also have conjunction with empowerment So empowerment is uh your vocab word for This friendship combines with enhances Strengthens joins forces activates Intensifies authorizes allies With etc etc and we have Justice with Another number eight so the number eight Is definitely significant Here I love this energy I'm not even

Going to lie and if you don't know this Person yet I can tell you will love them They are not of this world and yet Somehow so down to earth starting with Who they are they are definitely someone Who goes against the graen marches to The beat of Their Own Drum and is quite Chaotic now that chaos is Not that chaos may be viewed at by Viewed by some as um immature or weird Or they might be judged for it or like Disorganized but there's an organization To their chaos and they are someone Who's deeply in tune with their own Spirit they are someone who is really Going to challenge the limitations you Have about how you define yourself and How you define your worth this is Someone who is unafraid to make others Uncomfortable in the pursuit of Embracing all that they are they are Someone also who is likely going to go Through a lot of rebirths in their life So you might see them uh go through many Transformations throughout your Friendship and and you may even see them Build incredible things and then tear Them down cuz they don't like them Anymore because they want to do Something else this is someone whose Loyalty is solely to what is true to Their soul and what is true to their Values and their integrity um in terms Of signs we're going to look at Astro di

To get more signs but Aquarius energy is Here pretty heavily um Uranus rules Aquarius or aquarius's rules R by Urus So even if they don't have Aquarius Placements I definitely think that they Are someone who really cares about Humanity really cares about the planet And also really cares about like the Collective liberation of all beings and They are someone who walks the walk they Genuinely care about not only supporting The people around them but ripping down The veils and the walls that exist Between our elves and Self-actualization this is someone who Is going to inspire you to be more of Yourself and be more Unapologetic about Embracing all aspects of yourself this Is also someone who is going to love Watching you step into more of yourself And really encourage you to do that I do Feel like this person will be a huge Source of inspiration for you where You'll be like well if they can do it I Can do it like you know if they're brave Enough to to share this part of Themselves with the world then I know That I can and this is also someone who Is unafraid to show you where you can be More empowered and I feel like they are Also someone who is a team player like They they are more than happy to spend An afternoon doing something that is Solely for you just because they get so

Much out of seeing you shine and and Seeing you help yourself this is also Someone who has an incredible amount of Compassion I wouldn't be shocked if you Know they've dealt with a lot of of um Challenging things in their life as a Result of choosing to March to the beat Of Their Own Drum as a result of Um wanting to honor themselves sheno Connor is coming through I don't know if I'm saying her name right but um they Could have like kind of her energy or a Similar Vibe I definitely think that this is Someone Who is a Rebel but also a lover so like they're Not someone who Rebels for the sake of It there's someone who Rebels for the Sake of having more love in this world More acceptance more kindness this is Someone who accepts all and really has a Hard time connecting with people that Are quite surface level or don't know Themselves they like oddballs they like Weirdos so you're probably one of hi Jug Head I'm a weirdo I'm Weird um they're going to like the Unique aspects of you and the more Quirky kooky and chaotic you are the More they're going to be like oh yeah Pile two is my vibe I also feel like They are someone who is unafraid to tear Things down in their life in order to

Build something new um they definitely Have a genius to them that not everyone Sees and if you're like this sounds like Me um well first of all you have a Wonderful personality and second it is Not unrealistic to think that someone Else like you out in the world exists so Don't sit here and think like oh she's Just talking about me like okay maybe I Am then try a different pile but even Then like there are other people like You out in the world you just maybe Haven't met them yet hopefully um a lot Of you guys have already met this person Because I can tell they're going to be a Very powerful person in your life and They are really going to be a catalyst For transformation for you Where it's almost like subconsciously You've needed permission to kind of step Into more of your yourself or it's Almost like you've needed Community or Connections with people that understand The Transformations you're going through Or understand the process that you're Going through in order to be more of Yourself and they're going to be really Encouraging of that I also think that They are someone who is unafraid to like Be honest about things but they're also Going to be very very gentle about how They come come across that way actually What's really interesting is that I Think that did I say in the very

Beginning like they're out of this world But really down to earth I hope I did Cuz that that is really their Vibe I Think that there is a Genuine just softness and kindness to Them because they have dealt with so Much cruelty around who they are or just Through being themselves and I think That they have so much love for like all Innocent creatures all innocent beings And they also are just very passionate About certain causes that are important To them you you both might Bond over That um but but they are definitely Someone who wants to leave the world Better off than they left it they may Really like green cuz there's just a lot Of green everywhere um they could be Very earthy or really like natural stuff Um they could be a parent Uh or they could be like a unique kind Of Parent um I'm trying to see if I'm Getting anything else more than anything Though I feel like this is someone who Is not chained to Societal pressure and if anything like They see their their lack of Understanding of the real world as a Massive gift because they make moves That a lot of people who are trapped in Fear or or just stuck in in conditioning Or what's what is true for them like Wouldn't even dream or wouldn't even

Think of doing this is someone who is Five steps ahead but they don't even Realize it like this is someone who is Just so in tune with their own inner Rhythms that they don't even think to do Things differently like it it is natural And inherent and intuitive for them to Just honor the inclinations of their Spirit and honor where they're being Guided and they may have a spiritual Side they may not it doesn't really Matter whether they consciously Acknowledge it but they have a really Powerful connection to their own Spirit Their own spirit is very Um very powerful and I wouldn't be Shocked if both of you have a mutual Bond over certain causes that you guys Are here to help with on the planet or If you both Uh give each other the courage to do Things together that maybe you wouldn't Alone so like let's talk about the the Core aspects of your friendship well First of all we have empowerment so you Know there maybe times where this Current or future friend may be really Afraid to do something and your presence Is going to give them the confidence to Go for it or um you know do the thing That they're afraid of but the Interesting thing is is I don't think They'll ever tell you that they're Afraid I feel like there's there's an

Aspect of them that that really cares About being fearless and I think that um The key word besides empowerment uh for This friendship is synergy like you guys Work together so well and you can create Really powerful things and I mean the Fact that we Have the alignment into a higher order Of abundance I feel like both of you Could help one another with like Prosperity Consciousness abundance Consciousness you could help one another In terms of like quite literally making More money or at the very least um Recognizing your worth and recognizing Your value and what you deserve um I Kind of want to look at do I have I know I have uh I have a book that has a bunch Of oh here it is it's over here uh a Bunch Of uh numbers and their meanings in here It's called The 11-11 Oracle By one of my favorites Alana a fair Child so let's just see what 888 says Cuz 8 just seems to be a very powerful Number for the both of you Um here are blessings for Supreme Success on all levels material emotional Psychological and spiritual and a Message that the divine plan is Manifesting beautifully in your life oh Oh hell yes oh [ __ ] yes that's such a Beautiful Vibe let's see what just the Number eight says I take complete

Responsibility for myself and in doing So I find the freedom to live as I Choose that's beautiful so this is one Of the really cool things about this Friendship is there isn't like you guys Won't be codependent on one another but There will be this deep mutual respect For each other because you will see Other as like these incredible Individuals and I think that there's Going to kind of be like A Unwritten but Firm code between the two of you in Terms of like how you act how you engage With one another what what is balanced What what is not okay like there the the Friendship itself is very balanced like The level of give and take is very even And I do think that one of the things That you both really Bond over is a Desire desire for more Justice a desire For more you know Grace More empowerment of those who have been Disempowered I feel like you both also Will really care about being fair to the Other and if you do go into like work Together or something like that it will Be something that won't like you know How there's usually that phrase like you Know friends and business don't mix Which I would typically agree with I Feel like you guys have a a code of of a A really strong code that you stick to That would allow you to move through any

Challenges that would come with going Into business together but it may just Be that you help one another Individually and what you're both doing Um there's a fairness in all that you do And this is a friendship where it Doesn't Feel taxing it doesn't feel you don't Have to put any effort into it and and Same for them I also feel like this is a Friendship where you don't have to Explain yourself and I think that is Going to be so liberating for the both Of you because you're also not going to Expect this person to explain themselves Like like let's say for example you guys Are having a sleepover and you fall Asleep and you wake up and your friend Is in the kitchen hanging upside down Eating peanut butter with a face mask on You're just going to be like can I have One like you're it's it's not even going To phase you whereas someone else might Be like um what are you doing that's so Weird like like that's that's not going To happen here and I feel Like this is just the like a true energy Of of a teammate like a teammate that You can trust because trustworthiness is Really powerful here but I'm also Thinking about the fact that the number Eight is really just an infinity sign on Its side and so I feel like there is Just this timelessness to your

Friendship where like even if you guys Were far away from one another it's like You pick up where you left off and I bet Even when you meet each other it will be Like have we met before like the vibe Will feel really familiar you will Always have time for one another it's Like you guys could be at the ends of Your rope but then being together and Just like spending time or even talking It's going to be something that like Re-energizes you and it's just like you Know I I think of it the same way as Like I could eat a ton of dinner and be Completely full but the second I hear About dessert you know I'm going to find Room in my stomach like that's kind of The vibe of this friendship like it Doesn't matter if your plate is full You're going to Find find a way to like bring them into The fold like make time for them and you Know the fact that we have unique Divine Beauty I think that you guys are really Just going to appreciate how unique the Other is I think that's going to bring The both of you a lot of inspiration and I feel like there's going to be healing Between the two of you where you Genuinely see one another and you don't Feel like you have to conform or be a Version of yourself that doesn't Resonate with you and I feel like it's Going to be healing in the sense if

You've had past friendships where you or Even current friendships where you have To hide who you are or hide parts of Yourself in order to feel accepted I Think you're going to realize like wow Like that I wasn't the problem in this And like I don't deserve that like you Guys are going to be so on the same Wavelength like even when when you know The other is doing something that is so Out of left Field it's just like Cool I'll ride that wave like There's there's just a beautiful Tenderness and sweetness between the two Of you where it's like I see you I love You I feel so good having you in my life I want you by my side like this is such A deep level of platonic love like oh my Goodness I'm getting chills and like I Want to cry like because it's just one Of those things where it's like like This is the type of friendship that is So pure and just so special and Something you both will cherish and I Think one thing as well is like you Won't have to worry about like jealousy Or anything like that not that not That you were worried about that but you Will always be fair to each other and Any challenges that you guys do go Through Like you guys will be more concerned About the other person than yourselves

In that situation you'll be like oh well I don't want to make them upset or I Don't want to and I feel like that's Going to make um any conflicts you guys Do have something that's Really what's the right Word the conflicts you do have are going To be really Sobering and liberating in the sense That you will realize like if you've had Like friendships that were that were Full of conflict in the past you're Going to be realizing like oh so it's Not okay for a conf To let so it's not okay in Conflict for Someone else to start calling me really Mean things like oh I can work through Disagreements without you know accepting Abuse from someone else or you know Feeling like I I'm the one in the wrong Like if anything I think both of you are Going to be so fair to each other at Times you might even forget about Yourselves but good thing you have the Other because you're you're looking out For each other and I do feel like um There's kind of this Just Vibe between The two of you where Uh you guys you guys are Kang and kotos From The Simpsons if Kang and kotos were Like compassionate and cared about the Planet and weren't interested in eating People um you you y'all will eat ego for Breakfast and and eat the aspects of

Life that people hold on to in order to Feel safe and and hold on to what's Familiar but like the vibe that I'm Getting if you've never seen the simsons Is like you guys are Kang and kotto it's Like um I don't know it's cute like well Their their animations are not that cute But you guys have the same energy like You guys are out in your spaceship like You know asking to see Bill Clinton man that's how long ago that That episode aired that Bill Clinton was President Damn H early Simpsons there's nothing Like it okay so now I want to get we're Going to look we're going to use the Asise and we're going to get letters and Numbers to just see what else we can Find out about uh this person Potentially give you Confirmation things like that So Spirit what can you tell us about Pile two's current or future Bestie oh one fell and look at that the Butt Planet coming out Again what else would you you like pile Two to know about this time okay so we Have the moon so yeah there is a very Nurturing side to them the Moon is ruled Uh cancer is ruled by the moon and I Definitely think that they are someone Who is very unique and quite Sporadic wait a second I'm missing a Sign dice why do I have three oops okay

Well I guess y'all are oh it's over here I didn't see it I was like I have three Of these I don't know how that happened But uh we also have Pluto so Transformation is a big part of their Life and I do feel like they have faced Some real and intense darkness and I Think that you know you will witness That in their friendship like they will Go through periods of rebirth and there Will be times where you know one of you Has to lean on the other and kind of be Like the strong one um and that that Favor is always going to be returned Like This is a true partnership I mean we Even have the seventh house here and and The seventh house is literally the Libra House so this is a very close like you Guys could be partners in some sort of Way um but more than anything there's a There's a real loyalty to each other and We have the 12th house which is Pisces Energy um and I do think that you know The 12th house is also Like everything in in the chart that's Like hidden projected Uh I've heard someone describe it as Like the the garbage dump of of the Chart it's like everything else that Doesn't fit into the other categories Goes into Pisces um I feel like there's A spiritual connection between the two Of you I wouldn't be shocked if you if

Your spirits have been friends far Longer than just this lifetime and That's why there will be that Familiarity but I also think that both Of you will see each other's hidden pain And that might be something that's Really powerful for the both of you Where you give each other space to kind Of grieve what you didn't get to Experience grieve what couldn't happen In the past grieve the fact that you had To live even part of your life without This person in it and also just grieve You know the experiences of having to Hide yourselves of having to hide who You are of having to hide you Know the true uniqueness of your Spirit um but I also think like seven And 12 could be significant numbers but In terms of signs we also have Gemini And Virgo oh and now cancer is wanting To move over but this was Gemini and Virgo so they could have those Placements they certainly don't have to Just take it as Confirmation and now let's get some Letters and numbers so Spirit what Letters and numbers are significant to Child to's current or future friend Please oh okay we got a lot but that's Fine okay cob salads like that's Immediately something that I heard I Don't know or Cape Cod could be Significant but we have c b t or CBD

Uh we have i E another E we have lots of e so maybe When you guys see each other you'll go E I missed You um we have another T so we have a Lot of repeating letters uh this just Makes me think of the twice song TT Uh we have an H lots of laughing and Lots of laughter I think you guys even When you know the the meme of that dog That's in a burning house that's like This is fine I feel like that's you guys But rather than just being like this is Fine you guys are laughing about it like You could be at your absolute worst and You guys are just just just joking about Like you Know you're making like you you cope With things through humor and I think That's that's going to be one thing that Bonds the both of you Connecticut could Be significant but um I do think that You will both see each other as the [ __ ] And you won't put up with shite from Others uh we also have we have lots of T's lots of T's and e ooh ET like I Definitely think there's like an Extraterrestrial vibe to the both of you Maybe the movie ET is Significant um we have the Q we have a p An H a U we have an

F and an m so all of these could be Significant letters oh we also have mut So maybe you guys have dogs or uh maybe You guys are are weird amalgamations of Different things and you appreciate that About one another you could also really Bond over like literature or uh really Obscure Niche interest that either you Both have that is like part of what Cement the friendship like oh my gosh You like this you know early 19th Century Russian poet too oh my God same Like and or you guys have Niche Interests that you share with one Another and they end up becoming shared Interests but in terms of numbers we Have a two we have a nine or is that a Six Uh yeah wait it's a six or a nine Whatever you want um I imagine you have The type of friendship where 69 jokes Are welcome those are kinds of Friendships that I approve of we have Two Sevens we have a zero another zero we Have a Three and a Five so I think I think that's all of it Those are your letters and numbers I'm Going to move these bad boys out of the Way and I'll move the Astro Dice off to The side we're going to go ahead and get Into your tarot which I'm so excited to Look at your tarot cuz this is the first

Time I'm using this deck on my channel Okay oops sorry we're I'm messing things Up Okay and it's literally so cute I got it On Etsy if you're Curious and the Creator left me such a Cute little note too I live in Ohio and She and she was like I think I think it Was she I can't remember but they were Like they were like Uh she was sh they were shipping another Box to California and they joked that Uh my deck was a little bit bummed to Going to be going to Ohio and I was like Yeah I don't blame Them uh but anyway if you are enjoying This reading and would like to support Me in any way uh thank you to everyone Who leaves me a like because that is one Of these simplest and easiest way is to Show support and appreciation and if you Already know who this is maybe send it To them I don't know see how accurate it Is or let me Know but you don't have to do anything I'm just grateful that you're here and Grateful that you exist and that this Energy of your friend exists because it Restores my faith in humanity and I Think that's actually like a Core theme Of the friendship like restoring faith In humanity through empowering Yourselves and refusing to Accept unfair treatment uh

Injustice bullying things like That okay so we're going to start by Looking at how you will meet this person And if you've already met them just take It as confirmation um and if you've Already met them and this part isn't Accurate then just take it as you Already know how you Met o okay so you could have met them as A child with this page of Swords coming Out Uh the pages are the youngest cards in The deck so you could have met them While you were young or in school you Could have even even met them through Like parents like your your your parents And their parents or something like that Kind of um bringing you both together You could have met in some sort of after School program or like a summer camp or Or something related to Academia uh School something like that Or if if you're like ASO I'm out of School and I haven't met this person I Think you'll meet them online I think You will meet them online in some sort Of way you know Pages often indicate Communication you will either meet them Online through someone younger than you That is a an air sign so uh Libra Gemini Aquarius we have had all of those you Could meet them through I think like one Of the most Likely uh

Things if you if you didn't meet them as A child if you don't already know them If you didn't meet them when you were Younger is through some sort of academic Circle like a or a book club or through Something online where you both have the Same interest I wouldn't be shocked if I Could see this person being the want to Reach out to you especially if you're on The shy side you know this is someone Who is not afraid to take risks and they Don't really take rejection personally I Think that they're going to see you as Really cool and they're just like going To want to reach out to you but if you Get a vibe of who this person is don't Be afraid to reach out to them they are Certainly someone who welcomes all and Rejects none Um meeting them online as well I Wouldn't be shocked if like you guys are In the same like like I'm thinking for Example like a Facebook group I don't Use Facebook uh but if you still do Great um and like kind of seeing them Post in it and being like Oh like we've Kind of got the same Vibe or or they'll Kind of see that you've got the same Vibe no matter what I definitely think That um how you meet will Be very Like I seeing real recogniz is real like One one one of you is going to get this Like oh I need to reach out to this

Person like they're so they're so my Vibe they're so my energy and I feel Like that is going to build the Friendship or like I said when you are Younger um you guys met one another and The friendship just continued and you Guys have grown and evolved but I Definitely think too if you are if you Have not met this person yet and you are Like wanting To definitely pay attention to the Things that you've been passionate about Since you've been young and see if you Can find online spaces um that cater to That because that might be the exact way That you meet this person and that this Friendship blossoms but even um Neighborhood apps like uh next door you Know if you're posting on there asking If someone wants to start a book club or If you know if you see someone posting On there about something that you're Interested in you know that could Be the Gateway in obviously be safe you Know the internet is the internet but uh I don't think that this person would be Dangerous but you know on the off chance You find someone that's not this person Uh you know just maybe be cautious until You beet them and and know that they're They're true and they're the vibe but I Definitely think like you will know that It's them because your conversations Will immediately be silly and

Interesting and intellectually Stimulating and you'll be like oh yeah This person they're my vibe And they might understand the same memes As you or they might have really obscure Knowledge it's like making me think of You know um Elon Musk and Grimes got Together because of an AI joke that they Both had made so like it's kind of Giving me that example of like you know Having like a niche level of knowledge About something Uh that you and them have that you Bond Over and that like is a gateway into Something more and something deeper but Now I want to see something unique to This friendship That that you haven't experienced in Other friendships and same with them so What is a unique quality that exists Between pile two and this current or Future bestie Please ooh we have the seven of Wands Okay I really like this so one quality That both of you have is that you don't Want to just be passive about the world You want to get up and you want to fight And also I think that like this Beautiful thing that you both have is That you will fight for each other like You guys have the vibe where if someone Was Unkind to like like let's say someone Was unkind to you your friend would be

Like if your friend was there they would Absolutely like they wouldn't verbally Assault that person but they would be Like that's disrespectful and not okay And really embarrassing that you did That like you guys will not only stand Up for one another but you will also Feel this sense of like oh I don't have To put up walls around you oh I don't Have to hide parts of myself and oh I Can really just be myself I also think That this friendship will give you both The courage and motivation to go after Certain goals you have that you haven't Felt and that you that maybe you know You didn't have the courage to to go After on your own or maybe other people Didn't see the vision the way you saw it And so you know you kind of thought like Oh maybe maybe this this project or this Um you know pathway in life isn't for me And then this person's going to be like No you should do that no you should go For that I also feel like you both are Going to push one another To follow your goal and and I feel like This is a very this is like the Antithesis of a toxic relationship where Like instead of um you Know instead of like you know when you Hang out one another you you indulge in Like the worst parts of yourselves it's Like you push and motivate one another To be better and to be more and to not

Accept um less than what is acceptable To the both of you I also feel like There could be kind of an us against the World element here where um and and I Guess that in of itself isn't always the Healthiest but I think it's healthy in This case because it it's just this kind Of like man we're going to we're going To organize this protest or we're going To um we're going to help clean out Clean out this house you know for our Elderly neighbor like you I feel like You guys are both motivated by doing Good in the world and also motivated by Being better than you Were the day before I feel like you guys Will be a source of inspiration for one Another and I feel like you both will Feel very safe in each other's presence And almost like protected in a way where Um you don't feel attacked and if Someone you know if someone attacked you Like you would be there for one another You would be defensive of the other and You would be very caring like this is Someone who is not going to allow Someone to disrespect you and this is Also someone who you know is also not Going to allow you to disrespect Yourself or sell yourself short or make You believe that you know you can't do Something they are going to fight for You as hard as you fight for them and I Also think that they are someone

Who is going To I'm getting like 50 things at once I'm so sorry but it's all conveying the Same concept you know how there are like Different people serve different Purposes in our life like we have casual Friends that you know we might go do an Activity with or might you know talk too Casually or we have like an interest Based thing and then we have like those Deep friendships that you know you feel Safe to share everything with I feel Like maybe you haven't had one of those Deep friendships before this person or Even like if you've known them for a Very long time it's like you haven't Been able to replicate the the vibe Between the two of you with anyone else Like there is this genuinely unique um Quality to this friendship where it's Like it's like a puzzle piece that just Fits and there's no other puzzle piece That fits the same way and it's like you Guys feed one another's souls in a way That just makes you feel not alone on This planet and also Like whenever you're up against Oppression or adversity or you know Hardship you know this person has your Back in a way that gives you more Strength and vice versa I love this Energy so much I'm not going to lie I Think it's so beautiful and H if you Haven't met this person yet I can't wait

For you to meet them because they are Going to be such a wonderful addition to Your life so so now I want to see one Thing that this friend loves about you Or will love about you so pile two's Current or future Bestie what is one thing that you love About pile two that you would like to Share with Them yes we have the tower okay this is Beautiful So obviously when people see the tower They usually are afraid and there's no Reason to be afraid of this like the Thing that they love about you is that Number one you do not question their Chaos and number two you have chaos of Your own and there is this real ride or Die element to the relationship where You know if their Tower is burning You're going to jump out with them You're not going to you're not going to Be like Oh I'm not going to come to your Tower because it looks shanky like You're going to climb that Tower with Them with them and then be like you know What if we get if we get blown off we Get blown off I think one thing that They love about you as well is how You've handled the trials and Tribulations of your life Like how we experience trauma and Hardship you know shapes all of us Differently and I think that they are

Really going to Love not love that you experience those Things but love how those experiences Didn't taint your true spirit and now I'm here hearing an inappropriate joke About taints in my head so I do think That Uh you and uh this friend will have lots Of lots of wild jokes with one another Um I also feel like if you have a lot of Mars energy like Aries or Scorpio They're really going to love like that Powerful energy you know I think a lot Like Aries and Aquarius are such a Vibe Together because it's like air and fire Um and I think they can really feed off Of one another in powerful ways uh so They could just really love like the the Synergy and Dynamics between the two of You but I also think one thing that they Love about you is that you you either Don't take life too seriously or you Help them not take life too seriously And maybe you both can kind of Understand the others struggles so one Thing that they may love is that you Know they don't have to explain Themselves when it comes to you know Their past or the things that they've Dealt with and they love that they can Just you know be open with that like There is no element of trauma dumping Between the two of you like you know you Guys can literally joke about you know

The stuff that you've gone through in Your past and and it doesn't feel Invalidating it doesn't feel like you're Making a mockery it's just one of those Things where you you share this Bond Over over laughing through challenge I Also feel like with the tower being here They love that you have the Same eccentricities the same chaos and Same ability to like tear down things That don't work or to surrender when Things are torn down on their own I feel Like they also are kind of shocked at How little Dramatics there is with you Like there might be there might be a More like jokey aspect of being dramatic With the other but it's not like a Genuine like Catastrophizing and I think that one Thing that they will love is like your Strength and how like even in the most Dire of circumstances it's like you're Still making a joke you're still like Yeah but how are you like how are you Doing you know there's a real part of You That is Just so powerful and you don't see it And maybe too you could have the Experience of people just having an a Disproportionate reaction to you just Like being yourself or just you know Making a statement or or seeing things a Certain way but what you may not realize

Is like that perception you're having or That statement you're making is Challenging the very Foundation of that Other person and you may have really Taken their responses personally as like Oh I'm doing something wrong or oh I Messed up and this friend is going to be Like no actually you're challenging Systems and challenging them and that's Badass and that's one of the things I Love about you most um I think that they Are really going to love that this is a True ride or die friendship like if You're in the trenches they're in the Trenches if you're celebrating they're Celebrating if one of you is in the Trenches and the other is celebrating You're going to come into the trenches Together and you're going to celebrate Together like this is a Real this is like hurricane meets Tornado and then you guys just make one Giant ball of extra chaos and you know People might see your friendship as Destructive it is destructive in the Sense that it's destructive to outside Systems And ideas that don't that don't have Room for growth that don't have room for Who the both of you are and I think that They're going to love That you're just a true ride or die and They will love like your power your Power energy you know whatever your Mars

Is you may want to pay attention to that Because whatever Mars energy you have um They may love that expression how you Express your Mars um but I I think they The thing they will love most about you Is your power and how you use your power For what you deem as good for what you Deem as true for what you deem as just And and the fact that you know you also Empower them to do the same and like you Know you are the helping hand for one Another when when you need a when you Need help you are The you are the battering ram for the Other when you're stuck in Illusions Around your worth or what you're capable Of like like there's just a very Beautiful Divine vibe to the two of you Where chaos meets chaos in a way where You're like oh there's actually nothing Wrong with us and in fact just a lot of People have bad taste and that sucks for Them and I love that it's so beautiful Okay so now I want to get a message from This person and if you know them it'll Be a message from their human self if You don't know them it'll be a message From their higher self uh to you to see So we'll just see what they want you to Know right now so The human or higher self of pile two What would you like pile two to know at This time what message do you have for Them okay we have two we have the three

Of Pentacles and the page of Wands the Biggest vibe that I'm getting is don't Give up and don't lose your spark you May be in a situation right now oh and On the back of the deck is the six of Cups like just know that this meeting Like if you haven't met them yet you Will meet and if you haven't seen them In a while like you will reconnect um Don't let people sleep on you and don't Let people sleeping on you be an Indicator that there's something wrong With you or that you're not enough with This page of Wands and this three of Pentacles this is a real encouragement For you to be even more Unapologetic About the things you want to explore and The ways in which you want to show up Into the world if you're working on Something that um if you're working in a Creative career for example your this Person is really encouraging you to Speak up more and and share more of your Ideas whether people get them or not Because you really have something to Offer and something to share and I feel Like if you're in a position right now Where you're feeling unappreciated Unvalued and your passion is not allowed To exist in this environment I feel like There's encouragement for you to maybe See what you can do about that you know Is there a department you can switch to Maybe is it time to explore different

Things is it time to try different Things I really think and if if also too you're In a situation where you're stuck in Some sort of career and and you can't Make a change right now they're really Encouraging you to do the things that Make you happy when you do have downtime You know it might be easier to scroll on Your phone but if you're genuinely Passionate About water skiing squirrels you got to Make time for it it's important I feel Like also they're really just Encouraging you to not let go of your Spirit and your inner fire and when you Feel that dying know that that's a sign To switch it up they love your spirit And they also just want you to know like If you have people in your life like Co-workers or classmates or you know People that that are in like a cohort of Some some type that you work with that Are you know just not being fair to you Or not really seeing you or you're Lacking the confidence to kind of share Your ideas they're really encouraging You to step up because I think um you May not realize it but your perspective Could actually be really helpful and if You haven't shared these parts of Yourself you might be surprised at how Welcomed they are um your ideas are much More powerful than you realize and they

Also want you to know Like sometimes you do need to ask for Help and if you are trying to do Everything on your own right now it may Be stifling your creative spirit and Stifling your passion for life and so I Think that they're really encouraging You to Um to not let go of that and to Reconnect with that and you might be Like well how there are so many Different ways and you may not be able To immediately but it starts by just Following the inner nudges you know if You're nudged to watch an old movie or If you're nudged to you know go go to a Playground that you used to and just Hang out on the monkey bars and see how You feel like if you're encouraged to Try something completely new even that Isn't important like you know if if you Were the type of kid who really enjoyed New experiences and New Opportunities and that that could be Really important but a specific message This is not going to be for all of you But um if you've known this person since Childhood and you are currently in a job That is just degrading your spirit and Is really you know making you lose lose Yourself I feel like this friend wants You to know that they can see that and The fact that they don't like it and That they are seeing a loss of your your

Passion your innocence your creativity And and a real disconnection from what Makes you you and I feel like they are They're kind of coming in to remind you Who the [ __ ] you are and just how fun And zany and exciting you are um people Characters that give me page of WS Bart Simpson Pippy Longstocking pippy Langstrom if you want to be super super Accurate um Annie singing might be Something you want to do you know Anything that just gets you connected to Your spirit I think is really important Right now because whether you have to Move through a challenging time at work Whether you've got to start you know Being open to the idea that there might Be something more out there or whether You have to start sharing your voice More and standing up for yourself this Friend is coming through to remind you That part of your power is in honoring Your true self and the truest version of You is that inner child you know that Part of you that wasn't afflicted by Conditioning that part of you that was Just endlessly creative and Spunky and Goofy and Fun that is that part of you and I think Pippy long stalking in general whether You read the books or watch the series I There's also like an 80s movie it's got Some Banger songs in it like that Vibe I Think could be very powerful for you and

Just like help remind you like there is Magic in the world and like the magic That you have lies in your true Spirit Lies in the truth of who you are and When you feel that part of you dying Know that that is not that is not Aligned with you and that is something Where you know if that's happening You're not truly living you're not Honoring yourself and you're not Honoring you're disempowering yourself And uh I'm I'm getting this Edam mode Vibe right now like where she's remember She's like face slapping Helen and she's Like get yourself together like it's Kind of that but in but from a place of Love and like I love you don't sell Yourself short and don't ever let the World do that especially if they haven't Met you yet cuz they're like I'm not Here to remind you how powerful and Special you are so you better start Doing it on your own until I can get There um yeah this is a loving warning Uh to not deny your spirit but we're Going to go ahead now and finish this Reading off with a little book Divination we'll see how accurate it is Pile ones was really interesting so I'm Just going to kind of like Do this and close my eyes and Then we'll see what comes through so Spirit what message dis piled you need To see at this

Time okay Nothing practices for connecting we'll Just look at the next page practices to Help us reunify the body and mind and Get back in touch with life in the Present moment so that could be Something um you may want to practice Doing is connecting which we were just Talking about that so let's look at this One coming home to the body it's a it's Good to have a practice of sitting Meditation even if it's just 10 minutes In bed or in the morning before the Beginning of the day you can also Practice sitting meditation on the bus In the car while waiting at a red light At the airport and at work before a Meeting or during a break maintaining Regular practice is the way to establish And maintain connection with our body Feelings and mind this brings us peace And Clarity when you sit down make sure You are in a comfortable position with Your back straight but not rigid eyes Closed or half opened jaw relaxed and Shoulders relaxed a half smile on our Lips helps us relax all the muscles in The face and gives rise to a feeling of Peace and joy we start by bringing our Awareness to our breathing and following It noticing the gentle rising and Following and falling of our Abdomen we relax the whole body and Release all the tension it is very

Simple and enjoyable meditation is not Hard labor you can repeat these phrases Silently as you sit or you can lie on The ground and practice deep relaxation Of the body going through each part of Releasing tension generating a feeling Of well-being I breathe in and follow my In breath the whole way through from Beginning to end I breathe out and Follow my out breath the whole way Through from the beginning to end aware Of the gentle movement of air going into My body I breathe in releasing any Tension I may be holding in my body I Breathe Out in touch with my shoulders and Abdomen I breathe in relaxing my Shoulders and abdomen I breathe out Aware of the state of my body I breathe In in feeling grateful to my body I Breathe out I breathe in and dwell Peacefully in the present moment I Breathe out and know this is a wonderful Moment that's beautiful I'm going to Hold this up so y'all can screenshot That if you would like To but one thing I like to do when I'm Laying down and meditating is like Picturing or like sensing my body become Super heavy and feel myself like melting Into the ground or into the bed that I'm In um but that could be use ful practice For you but pile two that is where I'm Going to leave this reading so thank you

Guys so so so much for watching and for Letting my ads play in the background Because that is one of the simplest and Easiest ways to show appreciation for my Channel and for what I do so thank you To everyone who does that um if you'd Like to support me in other ways you can Like this video you can comment down Below let me know how it resonates you Can subscribe if you haven't already and Be sure to click that little Notification Bell to be notified Whenever I upload any new reading you Can check out my merch you can check out My social media you can check out my fat Juicy ass you can check I'm just kidding You can't uh you can check out My other videos ones with Extended um and yeah you can like Comment subscribe shout out to my Notification Squad if you turn Notifications on I'm most likely to see Your comments um but yeah that's all I Have for you guys so thank you so so so Much for watching and for letting me Read for you I hope you all have a Wonderful day and night whenever it is That you're watching this video and I Hope you'll come back and see me again Soon bye hi there pile 3 welcome to your Reading and thank you so much for being Here if you guys chose the orac coded Clear quartz tower and the Spirit song Tarot this is going to be your reading

On a current or future best friend Coming into your life so if you want a Full breakdown of the reading there is One in the intro but we're going to Start by looking at who this is and the Core aspects of this friendship sorry I'm Ming uh shouldn't have drank com Mucha before this okay anyway you guys Actually got extra cards so bear with me But we have Knight loyalty romance and Chivalry a love of Honor and we have Prince romantic charm And potential for Power good night my sweet prince uh we Also have the seventh house with Relating Partners companionship best Friends marriage relationship opposition Equilibrium sharing communion Justice Balance social awareness love that best Friends it's already in there and we Have Fu and then in terms of the core aspects Of this Friendship we have appreciating my soul Progress creates confidence and Excitement to embrace new challenges and Expand my spiritual Horizons we have the hanged Man and we have Scorpio transformative Intense passionate secretive carnal Thorough obsessive intimate Primal Lusty Deep Eternal resourceful mysterious Regenerative compulsive destructive Manipulative and Mars with desire

Impulses courage Force heat strength Competition workouts excitement thirst Impatience anger leadership engine Potency will power motor sex drive let Make sure everything is in the frame Okay So pile three I am not going to lie if You don't like what I am saying in this Reading or if it doesn't sound like your Vibe please try one of the other two Piles because I'm not even going to lie To y'all for some of you this might be a Friendship where y'all are more than Friends and it is taken uh you might Start as friends and become something More however you can still just be Friends with this person so I'm going to Interpret both um but no matter what This is a very powerful friendship that Uh I I guess I'm going to say I'm I'm Going to say relationship not in the Sense of a romantic relationship but Like just a a friendship with someone is A relationship um and I've been saying Friendship but friendship feels too tame For what this is um let's start with who This person is the fact that we have Knight and Prince I do feel like this Person has a traditional old school idea Of life not in in all senses but in in Terms of like when it comes to their Relationships there there is a level of Honor and Also this is someone who is quite

Powerful quite in demand uh a lot of People desire them they are also someone Who is a natural-born leader they are Someone who is really good with people They are likely someone who is well off Or going to be someday they are highly Productive very creative and have a lot Of potential for creativity in life one Vibe that I'm getting from them is like The same Vibe they have how's vibe from How move how's Moving Castle they are Someone who whose reputation might Precede them they are also someone who a Lot of people want but not a lot of People get I really feel like this is Someone who is an equal in all ways and That is why they are such a match for You in the sense of whatever your Relationship ends up being I definitely feel like this is someone Who enjoys the Finer Things in life Really does want to be a leader And will likely take on positions of Power in the world um in terms of your Friendship this is a friendship reading So I'm going to focus on friendship uh But there could be romance or something More between you and this person in the Future um or it could lead into that Especially if you don't know them um That is the irony you know you tell me To do a friendship reading and spirit's Still like you think you're going to get Away from this stop tearing down my girl

For just doing her thing yeah stop Tearing me down for just doing my thing I'm not saying you are but you know some People don't know just how to just move On when something isn't for them and if This reading is not for you do one of The other piles they're vastly different Um but this is intense this is someone That you have a deep bond with and Someone that like you have complete Loyalty to they are going to be Completely loyal to you you to them and They are someone who prides themselves In doing right by others they're also Someone who is easy to meet but hard to Truly know they are someone who is Coveted by a lot of people and someone Whose time and Energy they really value and a lot of People want Theirs they are also someone who doesn't Just let anyone into their life they Um they know that if they you know open Themselves up to anyone friends romantic Partners whatever it may be uh they have A capacity to give of a lot of Themselves and I do think that this Person has had people um take advantage Of that in the past I also think that This is someone Who really enjoys and appreciates people Who are different But also people who are on the same Level as them in terms of power and by

Power I don't mean like the standard Idea of what power is like you Know power because it is given to you Through a company or power because uh You are in a position in an external Position I'm not talking about that kind Of power I'm talking about inner power The power to know your worth see your Value the power to reject that which is Not for you the power to forge your own Way in life the power to create what you Want to see in the world um this is Definitely someone who can be a bit Arrogant at times but I do think that It's kind of earned like they are Someone who is built different and I bet You could relate to being the same there Are not many people that Can that can match this person's energy And match their power and you and them Are definitely a power couple and I'm Not saying that in a romantic sense it Could be if there is a romance Absolutely but I think even as a Friendship this is a power Friendship I feel like I'm trying to Think of like an example of two like Really powerful Friends That but I'm having a hard time coming Up with Anything but this is someone Who is not really into like fickle or Surface level type

Friendships they are someone who is very Generous and abundant and they like to Share that with the right types of People that also nourish them and They're also someone who is very serious About honoring and caring for and Protecting those that they do trust in Their life um like I said they are Someone who has very traditional values In some sort of way I I do think they Come they they come in with relating Like this is the type of person who is Going to stick something out even when Things get challenging because they have A deep deep loyalty not only to their Heart but to those that make a Difference in their life and the Interesting thing is is I'm not getting A lot about them personally and I think It's because for those of you that pick This group the attributes that they Actually have may be vastly different And unique depending on your situation But just know the core themes of this Person they are an excellent Communicator they are someone who's Really good at connecting to others and That doesn't mean they're extroverted They're just good at communicating um They could be extroverted absolutely but Also I think it's kind of like they're The type of person when they walk in a Room all eyes kind of are on them Whether they're asking for it or not

They just naturally have this pull and This energy to them that you know makes Those that are drawn to power draw Closer to them and those that are Repulsed by power uh be envious of them Or act negatively or unfairly to them They are someone Who really likes to push limits in life And see how far they can go how much They can do um and they don't just want Anyone by their side you know they want Real friends real loyalty real people That also have their own sense of self That have their own life you know they They're not interested in people that Are like yes men or people that you Know and and truthly they may not really Even respect people that you know rely On them for a feeling of power or that Want to serve them in some way they want They they don't see those people as Equals or as friends they see those People as acquaintances or people that They would hire or people that they Would um recruit for A goal that they had but they would Never consider them a close friend and Even then they would be suspicious of Those that are drawn to them solely for That power and that don't really have The same Because there's a vibe from this person That it's like Well this isn't balanced they they do

Like genuine balance and I think that's One thing they're going to love about You is the fact that you are a powerful Person you have your own sense of self You have your own goals that that you're Going after and if what I'm talking About sounds like you then I would say Yeah you've met your match I'm not Saying that this is you but it's not Crazy to think that there are other People like you in in the world and I do Think that you guys are kind of the Equivalent of the Spider-Man meme where It's two Spider-Mans pointing at each Other like you're both Heroes you're Both powerful you both give a lot to the World and and you both are carrying a Heavier load I think than huh that's What she said uh you both are are Carrying a lot in this life and you both Have an underlying Intensity and power that not everyone Has And this can't be given to you this Can't be bestowed upon you it has to be Generated organically and that's why I Think this one thing about this person And your friendship with them will be so Powerful is like you'll be like finally Like you know someone who actually Understands what it's like to carry this Someone who actually understands what It's like to have this sense of power And also to hold yourself to your own

Form of integrity and not let others you Know distort that that sense of Truth Distort that sense of what's true for You or you know convince you of of what They want to believe or what they want You to believe neither of you are easily Swayed and neither of you are Easily um Neither of you let people in very easily But those you do let in it's because They've gone through an extensive Internal vetting process and you're like Okay yeah this is this person is the Vibe but I think that there are a lot of People and maybe for you you've had to Get better at being Discerning around That because I think one thing that you And this person will bond over Is having friendships not Because of what they can bring to you or Not because of the reciprocal nature of It but because you pity the person and It's those relationships where you are Bitten in the ass the most and I think That that is something you both are Going to bond over and these are two Winners winners in a world of losers and I say that not to be like not to be like Yeah a bunch of people in this world are Losers but winning and losing is an Attitude and there are a lot of people With a loser attitude and neither of you Do have that and if you are offended by Me saying that you might need to change

Your attitude my dude Cuz everybody here is a winner in the Sense that Winners cheer on other Winners winners want the best for people Winners see the good in life see the Good in others and also see the good in Themselves you know Losers they don't believe in themselves They're Usually you know unkind to others Disempowering to others don't like to See others succeed you know the type of Misery that loves company the type of Person that I don't need to go you Either you get it if you get it you get It you don't you don't and the reason I Feel comfortable saying that is because Being either is a choice and you can Choose differently and I think maybe Both of you resonate like you had kind Of a loser mentality at one point in Life and that's how you gained power you Decided no I I I'm not going to settle For this I'm not going to accept this Level of Consciousness I'm not going to Accept this mindset and I feel like both Of you relate to pulling yourselves out Of deep dark holes and growing stronger From it and Becoming the type of person that you Could have never conceived of but now You realize like wow I can go far in Life and wow not everyone is built like Me and that's okay like we're not

Judging anyone for how they choose to View the world but we are Discerning of Who we accept into our Circle who we Accept into our life because people with Problematic mentalities can be far more Destructive than we realize you know we Can't change people and A lot of times you know th those are the Types of relationships that end up Backfiring and I think that's something You both would relate to you guys will Understand each other on a deep level And I would imagine That there is uh just a closeness to you That's like you don't even have to speak To each Other you can communicate with a look so Let's talk about um the core components Of this this friendship or if it's Something deeper this is deeply Transformative I feel like you and this Person are going to be in each other's Lives for a very long time And appreciating my soul progress I feel Like you both will have done a level of Development before you even meet one Another but meeting one another is going To be a catalyst that creates more Confidence more excitement and passion For life and it's going to create Challenges and expand your spiritual Horizons like it says like and I don't Think a lot of these challenges are with Each other I think these are challenges

That you have internally that are Stopping you from stepping into a more Expansive version of Yourself but I do think as well Depending on how close you are and how Combative both of your Natures are you Could have quite passionate and heated Arguments now the thing is here is there Is a difference Between fighting for the sake of it and Fighting for what you believe in and I Think that is the case like you both Might have diverging opinions and Viewpoints about things and you might Have very passionate arguments and Discussions but the thing that's very Important to know and understand is that There is a deep loyalty here and that is Only going to Happen from a baseline of love and Understanding and of Like and if you're hearing that and You're like no no I can't handle that I Can't do that babe this is not your pile Please go to a different one I love you But don't don't hold on to a message That isn't yours and nobody is going to Force you to be friends with someone Like okay all Right but for my people that are still Here let's keep going there is a deep And intense bond between the two of you Where you both are going to grow and Evolve a lot and also you're going to

Challenge each other and and it may not Be like overtly it may be like you know You know a subconscious belief that you Have this person disproves that belief Through their own actions just doing Their own and you're like wow like I Didn't think that was accessible to me Or I didn't think that was possible but They just did it so I must be able to do It I feel like both of you might have a Competitive nature with each other like You inspire other you inspire each other To um be better and do more you're both Leaders you're both powerhouses um and You're also deeply deeply connected Where that loyalty like You know how when you're family with Someone you feel more comfortable Showing those parts of yourself that Maybe you wouldn't show someone else There's that like you you can be your Messiest selves with each other messiest You can be your messiest selves with Each other and there is no judgment There you May challenge one another and Be like okay is this Mess because of circumstances outside of You or is maybe XYZ thing leading to This mess repeating like especially if There's some sort of of cycle or pattern Either of you have where you keep Getting yourself stuck in the same Situation like this person is going to Point out and vice versa you will too

You'll be like well don't you think that Z is happening because you keep doing X And Y and saying you want to do Something differently and then doing the Same thing like there you are going to Challenge each other but that is going To be part of what that's going to be Part of the glue that brings you Together because there is truth when you Are together whether the truth is Uncomfortable whether it's beautiful Whether it's passionate whether it's Disturbing and I don't think the truth Like a disturbing truth would be like a Disturbing thing that you do to the Other but rather a disturbing truth About a way you've been living your life Or a belief system you've had about Yourself or um a reality that exists in The world and I also think there are Going to be times where both of you Really help each other see things Differently I mean the fact that we have The hanged man here I do think there's a Deeply spiritual element uh to this Friendship where you help each other see Things in a different light but there's Also this recognition that like you Can't convince the other to do anything Y'all are going to do what you're going To do and you just kind of have to Lovingly support you can you can share Your your thoughts like for example you Know this is makeing me thinking of

Bungee jumping like you know this person Might be like I'm going to go to Guatemala and bunge jump and you might Be like well I'm really afraid of you Bunge Jumping because like what if something Happens and they're going to be like Well if something happens it happens but I want to go bungee jumping and and You're going to be like all right well I Don't have power the power to change Your mind but I can at least go and Cheer you on and we can go have a Vacation or we can go do this shout out To Guatemala Um but also like I feel like you inspire Each other to do more and here's the Thing too you might not be in a romantic Committed relationship but you might Still have benefits to this friendship Like there is power here and attractive Power and I think that what's really Cool is like there's you and there's Them and there's this container of Whatever your relationship is friendship Relationship I know you know what I mean But I'm just specifying to be sure where You discover new things about yourselves You discover new things about each other And this relationship helps you both Look at the world in different ways I Also think that you give each other the Courage and the confidence to go after

Things that you wouldn't normally try or You wouldn't normally shoot your shot For and I also just think that this is Going to be one of the most powerful Relationships you have in this lifetime Like it is going to be one That really shows you who you you are And who you're not and I think that There is equal amounts of Camaraderie competition not in an Unhealthy way but in a like like let's Say you guys are like to go running Together like you might lowkey race you Know sometimes or you know you might you Might get really passionate during board Games and keep score of who who's one More who hasn't like and I think that's Part of of what keeps it interesting and ALS so like you guys keep each other on Your toes that's for sure and it's never Boring between the two of you I Definitely think as well there's just This exciting passionate nature where Both of You both of you inspire the other to Grab Life by the coones and and take a Bite out of it there there's a part of It too where you make each other wild Like you give each other the freedom to Be more wild to be More more of your natural self and less Of like the the socialized acceptable Version of yourself like for example I You know with this

Person um having so many like Traditional components to them I feel Like your influence will really help Them kind of see the fallacies and maybe Some of the ideas that they have and That might and that might be a tense Discussion or an argument at some point But see here's the thing if you're the Type of person that likes arguing aring Like that that's this will be your Vibe And if you're someone who doesn't like Arguing but this still sounds like Something you'd like then then you might Have a very like it may not even be a Heated debate but just like a like You're keeping calm cool and collected But it's like all right we're debating And I'm and I'm really going to Challenge you right now and see do you Really think that this is the truth why Like there is a lot of freedom here that Comes Through facing life as it is facing Yourselves as you are and facing how You've done Things with authenticity and honesty There is a real authenticity here Between the two of you where like you're Not hiding from the other and it doesn't Matter if you tried to because you Couldn't you see right through each Other and like you see the TR like Neither of you could ever put on a mask Or pretend to be something that you're

Not with the other you would see through It immediately if one of you is Struggling you're going to pick up on it Immediately it's it's not going to be Something That's able to be hidden um I mean like The level of being in tune with one Another is going to be so deep that like You might even notice that things are Off when your person doesn't even know It and vice versa like you might pick up On something they're dealing with before They do so I think that this will be Really powerful and and one where you Know you can't control the energy that That exists between the two of you you Can only interact with it and engage With it with what's in your heart and With what's in your truth I mean there's A lot of love here period like you guys Will love each other so so so much Whether this is romantic or platonic Whatever the case may Be this is a very liberating connection And one where you never get bored with Each other you Never you never like doubt or question The other's loyalty there's a deep level Of trust and a lot of respect between The two of You I also think the two of you I kind I Kind of love this the two of you will um Really enjoy comparing your energies Like the energy that exists between the

Two of you to other people's and and you Guys will be like they're not as Powerful as us or they're not as cool as Us or they're not as in tune as us like Whether it's friends or other couples or Whatever it may be and and that'll be Something that bonds you too I I Definitely think that there's a Beautiful energy here Where you've met your matching each Other And this is the type of relationship That doesn't burn out because it's Literally the sun like the sun has to Die in order for this to end like you Both just have this very powerful Friendship or connection with each other That Transcends maybe what a lot of Friendships or relation or even like Romantic relationships are comprised of And I think That your bond will be like iron like Nothing can break it and that's going to Give the both of you a lot of freedom to Be your true s and to face challenges And to face uncertainties and face you Know face yourselves in the most truest And honest way and to show each other You know the darkest parts of your heart The darkest parts of yourselves and Rather than be rejected or shamed or Ridiculed be shown from a place of love How that doesn't have to rule you how

How it might be ruling you and how you Can gain power from it and not let it Disempower you like this is a truly Beneficial situation where both of you Want the best for each other and come From a place of love and part of that Means not shying away from diffic Difficult conversations not shying away From facing those parts of ourselves That scare us those parts of ourselves We're afraid we'll be rejected like this Is not someone that's going to do that This is someone who is going to be your Biggest cheerleader and you theirs but Also like a healthy sense of like you Make the other want to be better and you And you will enjoy and have fun pushing Your own limits and seeing like how much You can do how far you can go and and Then there will be times Where things are just softer and you Just hang out and just enjoy what's Happening between the two of You but the wheel keeps turning And I'm literally hearing like Wheel in The Sky keeps on turning like there's Going to be a lot of phases a lot of Cycles and a lot of Evolutions between The two of you but the the core truth Truth that you're always going to come Back to is this person makes me the best Version of myself and I love them so Fiercely that is going to be the case For the both of you and like no one is

Going to be able to get in in the way of This Bond except for the two of you and I don't see that happening I mean you Could but I don't think you will so okay We're going to get more uh yeah we're Going to get more insight as to who this Person is this is definitely the most General of of the reading so far like There's less specific energies just Because like like I said earlier it Seems like you know the um intricacies Of who this person is like might be Different for all of you but like the Core themes are power you know Joy like Joy is a big part of this too Like creation and a willingness to go After what you want in life and to be Unapologetic about what you want about Who you want to share your life with and Unapologetic about what you don't want And who you don't want around and what You don't Want deep love deep respect here so Spirit what else can you tell us about Pile Three three's current or future best Friend Please okay so we have the is this a South node or the North I can't tell if This is supposed to be the South node or The North Node uh what does the South Node look like oh that's the North Node Okay I maybe got the South node wrong uh Here I actually I genuinely cannot tell

Wait okay no this is a South node this Is a North Node I think I could be Wrong uh Anyway we've got the North Node we've Got the Sun we've got the third house o we've Got two threes so there's Master number Third house for both of those uh we've Got Pisces and we've got Virgo So number one I want to start with these Two threes I definitely think that Um the communication between the two of You will be like no other like you will Have such a rapport with one another and I also think you're going to be Constantly learning with each other Siblings could be a a significant aspect Of this or you might B bicker like Siblings or maybe maybe you even are Siblings I don't know um but there's Definitely an element here where also Like taking it out of astrology like the Number 33 is a master number And since I already have the book over Here um if you're interested in this Book it it just has a bunch of numbers And affirmations for them let's just see What 33 Says so I'm kind of Curious naturally I always turn to like The pages not on I choose to devote Myself to my heart's highest purpose

That is a Core theme for the both of you You both are choose to devote yourself To your heart's highest purpose and a Lot of times what your heart's highest Purpose is you may not know you may just Be guided in a general direction you may Just be honoring what is there I feel Like both of you will really support That and you're on the same wavelength Around that and maybe that is something That will bond the both of you that both Of you have Neither of you even if you've Experienced apathy even if you've Experienced like you know difficult Things Like mental health States like Depression or just like are just Literally being completely dissociated And detached from Life you take that and and use that as a Reason why it is so important that you Honor your heart and not and one not Beat yourself up if you do get into that State but but also remember like how Many people are dealing with that and How you have the power to help others in That way you have the power To do Whatever the universe put you on this Planet for I feel like both of you have A higher purpose to that and you support Each other through that process I also Feel like you are teaching and helping

Each other Master lessons that the other Has mastered and also you'll be Mastering lessons together that um that You kind of need the other four we also Have Pisces and Virgo energy so I Definitely think that you both are Highly analytical and like I said you'll Have a deep U the Hang Man is Roll by Pisces so you'll have like a really deep Intuitive connection and I think one Thing you both will really enjoy is um How acute both of your discernments are And the ways you see the world like I Feel like that's going to be very Interesting but we also have the North Node here so I definitely think that um You're taking one another to your Destiny like this person is a part of Your destiny in some way this is a very Powerful friend no matter what and um it Could be as well that their North Node Could be in Virgo or Pisces um their North Node could Be the opposite of your South node I Talked about this in another group but Sometimes uh when you have someone who Has the opposite North and South no as You uh you can help one another because You've already mastered the past energy That the other is trying to learn so for Example I'm a Virgo North Node with a Pisces South node so if I'm friends with Someone who who is a Virgo North Node or A Pisces North Node and a Virgo South

Node we're really going to help one Another because I can help them lean Into Pisces energy and they can help me Lean into Virgo energy does that make Sense some of you are probably like no But we're here anyway appreciate you um We also have the sun here so Leo energy Could be significant and literally I Said I said this this this relationship This person is like the sun like it it Is it gives you life and and you will be The same like you will give them life it Is like the difference between a candle And a sun like if a regular friendship Is a candle like they are the sun in the Sense that like it just it it is a Source of life for you and and vice Versa um but also ego ego might get in The way of this connection there will be Times where you both might be in your Egos and challenge one another um and Challenge yourselves and I think that's Very powerful but I also think that There's a lot of light in this person a Lot of light in your connection with Each other and I definitely think you Both are taking each other to your Destinies and you know having Virgo and Pisces here like those are oppositions Which all North and South notes are Oppositions but um I definitely think The ways in which you are opposites will Really work and there may be very Contradictory aspects of both of your

Natures that um you both kind of work Through and learn how to balance uh with Each other but I think the biggest thing Is is like there is no judgment here of Each other there's definitely Judgment Of yourselves at times but I think you Both are going to challenge that as well And I think that any challenges you do Go through are just going to bring you Closer together and a lot of the Challenges you go through are really Going to be internal ones that you are a Source of support for each other with And I think also there's going to be This kind of thing too where like let's Say for example you're going through Something Internally this person might be able to Tell that you're going through something But rather than saving you from it They'll be like no pile three can hand Ha three pile three pile three can Handle this you know if they really need My help they'll come to me and they'll Talk to me about it but I'm going to let Them work through this and if they need Me I'm here but I'm not going to bring It up to them I'm not going To I'm not going to say anything about It and we'll just see what happens it's Like you guys love each other enough to Let you grow through things rather than You know hold your hand when hold Handing isn't necessary you know what

I'm saying it's like it's like a parent That knows That that their kid you know is Struggling with Something like let's say for ex like This is just a this is just an example Like let's say like a parent seeing Their kids struggle to tie their shoes You know the parent could go and tie Their shoes but they know that the kid Will figure it out if they have you know Enough time and enough patience and and If they stick with it and so it's almost Like they're going to let you tie your Shoes even if it takes longer and it's More challenging because that's how you Learn and you both love one another Enough to go through things that you Have to learn and and without trying to Fix the problem or fix the situation or Do it for them you know you just stand By one another through that process and You know and it might be this thing Where you guys have conversations Sometimes where like you're like you Know like let's say you move through Something and you're like you know I was Really struggling with this thing and They'll be like yeah I know I could tell And you'll be like you can tell like why Didn't you say anything and they be like Because it's not my business and I knew You had it covered if you really had a Problem you would have come to me and

It's like oh and and and that I think Will also bring a lot of comfort to you Because it's like wow this person sees Me and sees me so truly even When I don't realize it and like I think That there is just this level of Truth Between the two of you where you cannot Hide you cannot distort you cannot Manipulate what you are and that's what Makes this so much more potent and so Much more powerful like you have to be Your true selves and you have to come as You are and I think that leads to a Deeper level of love between the two of You and that just cements your bond Because you're Like what could be truer this is true Friendship this is true I I feel like This is a Step Beyond friendship like This is this is like like like your Soulmates whether romantic platonic Whatever it may be like this is someone That you are bonded to at a soul level So just for some extra confirmation to Now we're going to get some letters and Numbers so Spirit what letters and Numbers are relevant to pile 3 and their Connection with this person please okay So we Have the letter M w We have N Northwest could be Significant I meant the direction not

Not not the famous child but the famous Child too um we have an i we have a P uh the song Colors of the Wind might Be Significant we have a U Minnesota I'm seeing that uh we have a T Montana or mount Oh the um a No Mountain High Enough that Song that could be significant MC Music Could be significant um RCM Country Music Television I don't Know uh we have a B bonaroo could also be significant uh The music Festival uh did I did I already did we Already do that end so we have two ends Oh no no just one n sorry I just got Confused Um and we have a an E Um I'm seeing the word Mine uh oh and a D so C Mt w n e i p DB and then in terms of numbers we Have two twos 22 so so that could be Significant um once again you have like Matching uh numbers and we also have a Seven and we have a Four So those are the letters and numbers but We're going to go ahead now I'm going to Move these out of the way and I'm just Going to leave these guys here I know That that that they're already moving

Though Right get over here okay So let's move these out of the Way and now we will get into your Tarot So Um we're going to start by looking at How you will meet this person or how you Did meet this person depending on Whether you know them or not And while I'm Shuffling if you're Enjoying this reading and you would like To feel free to leave me a little like Thank you to everyone who does that is One of the simplest and easiest ways to Support me and help other people see This reading uh if it could benefit them So thank you to everyone who does That but I'm just grateful you're here Grateful that you're letting me read for You so Spirit how will pile three and this Person meet please Ooh okay we have the wheel well this is A Wheel of Fortune so we have change and Possibility so how you will meet this is Frustrating uh because if you don't know This person yet you can't control how This happens it's very like faded Destined um for Example even if you wanted to avoid this Person like you couldn't like there's a Magnetic energy between the two of you Where like you're going to find one

Another um you could meet them after Going through a very intense life change A wheel in the sky keeps on turning I'm Telling you that song's significant uh Maybe that song will be playing or like Or or a song that repeats a lot will be Uh playing when you meet Or or October could be significant CU we Have the number 10 here and with Scorpio Season that would be November uh but Anyway there's there's a lot of Different ways you can meet this person And I think it's kind of one of those Things where it's Like it it's based on the decisions both Of you make how you come together but There's a lot of potential Pathways for How you meet one another um one thing That I will say Is if you haven't met them Yet when you do meet them they're or Right before you meet them like if let's Like let's say you meet them in person And not online Um it could be like if let's say you Meet them at a social event and you're Like I don't really feel like going to This thing but I said I would go and I Just have this feeling like I should go That might be that feeling might be the Thing that's like getting you there like Even like against like all parts of you That don't want to do the thing you do The thing anyway and and and that's how

And that's how things start um it could Also be too uh that like they come into Your life in a very faded way in a very Unexpected way Um there really is no limits for how you Can meet this person the biggest thing Is is that like you can't control how They come into your life or when they Come into your life there's greater Universal factors at play but just know You won't miss them and they will come Into your life in the perfect time in The perfect way and you don't need to Stress and anyone who's already met this Person will hopefully be able to confirm That like yeah you know this this had to Happen and it could be like a series of Factors that Happ been H have to happen Like you know I lost my job and then I I Had to move to this new place and and I And I got this new job and I made Friends with this coworker and this Co-worker's brother you know had has a Friend and then that's how I met them Like you know what I mean like it could Be there could be a lot of different Moving Parts but there's no limits to How you can meet this person and it's Incredibly important You keep your power and not try to like If you haven't met this person yet like Try to make it happen because it's going To happen in its own time and its own Way like you can't like the the example

That I'm getting is is like you can't Force a baby out of you before you're Ready to give birth you know like your Your body's going to determine that I Don't I mean I don't know the exact Factors that determine that but it's Outside of the mothers control typically Right unless there's like an induction Or something I think um it's kind of Like one of those things where it's like It's a natural process And you kind of have to let it happen The way it's going to happen and Surrender the fact that you're not in Control of it but Wheels um you know you Could be around like cars or wheels of Some kind Um like a car show or something uh but Like I said like even if like let's say For example you have the opportunity to Meet them And you make a choice That means you don't see Them the universe is not done cooking up Possibilities like this isn't a Oneandone sort of thing like you're Going to find one another it's it's not A matter of if it's a matter of when and Actually the less focused you are on the Process um one the more surprising it'll Be when it does happen and two Uh the more the universe can do its work Without uh your conscious mind Interfering with it it'll happen you

Just got to Trust and not be too attached to how it Happens and when I know that's Frustrating but isn't that life okay now I want to look at a unique quality of This friendship for the both of you and For this I am focusing on the Friendship Elements cuz even if you are in a Romantic relationship with him or end up In One there is a solid like you're best Friends you're more than just like More than just like romantic Partners Like it's deeper than that like there's A very solid friendship here so focusing On that Spirit Uh what is a unique quality of this Friendship that is unique for both pile 3 and their Person [Applause] Please we have the seven of Pentacles Options and results so I do think that There is an element of needing to have Patience in this situation in a way Where [Music] Um things don't things operate Differently in this friendship and in Ways where they don't in others Like the best way I can explain this Is there will have to be a lot of Patience between the two of you like Especially if both of you are used to

Like getting things done there's some Element of this friendship where like You both have to be patient and there Are factors outside of the relationship Itself that get in the way of you being Able to spend more time with each other Or being able to do more of the things You want to do together it's like there Will be times where you have to do Things individually like seven is a Highly individual number um but another Unique aspect of this friendship is the Fact that you both have a powerful Ability To reap what you seow and you sow a lot So like what I mean by that is you give Each other a lot of creative inspiration And I think you give the other a lot of Support when it comes to achieving your Own goals I think there's a patience and A resilience between the two of you Where you don't demand answers from one Another you give each other the room and The space that you need to work through Things on your own to to deal with Challenges as they come and and there's There's a really healthy sense of like That's not my responsibility to do I Trust that this person can handle this And they'll do the same I also think That the potential for what can be Created here is really powerful and you Know this does make sense in terms of a Friendship because you

Know friends have different levels of Connection different levels of you know How in meshed they are and I feel like The both of you have a lot of and also There are like just limitations outside Of you know the the connection itself or Like you know friends that maybe could Build something together can't because They're far away or they have other Obligations and responsibilities and It's like if there are things that keep You apart or keep you from spending less Time with one Another one unique aspect of this Friendship is that these things are Going to bring you closer together and They're going to help the both of you be More patient and kind of surrender What's outside of your control what What's outside of your ability to take Action and I also think that like the The ability to manifest separately and Together is quite powerful like you you Both could create a lot of really Incredible things and like you could Honestly create an empire with this Person like the level of loyalty like This is someone that like you could go Into business with and I actually said That in two different groups like you Could go into business business with This person and and it actually wouldn't Be you might have very heated debates About what you think and and there might

Be challenges but you could I do feel Though there will be this sense of like Wanting to keep certain things Separate and and wanting to keep certain Things just for yourselves but I think Another unique aspect of this is That you may go through periods of time With this friendship where like you are Unable to see each other as much as You'd like or you're unable to spend as Much time together as you would like and There's a lot of powerful growth that Happens as a result and you just Appreciate each other more deeply Like it's almost like you see you see Other friends that you could have you See other lives that you could pursue But it it seems like one similarity Between you and this person is that you Know one of the the bonds between the Two of you is the fact that you have Similar goals that you're working Towards and they may be goals that You're achieving separately but like the Core values are the same like like that Affirmations had earlier like following You know what your heart following your Heart's deepest passions like you know There's A there is A loyalty to those causes that you know Bonds the both of you and I also think That it may take time For the iron to be forged between the

Two of you like I said like this is a Friendship forged in iron it cannot be Broken but there will be heat like you Know how how was iron made I don't know But I do know there's probably fire Involved so I definitely think that you Both will go through processes of Transformation and I actually think one Of the really like crazy things about This this friendship is going to be just How much you both grow together and how It's like you know diamonds are formed Under Pressure it's like you guys are Are are going and I don't think this is Pressure with each other I think this is Pressure in your individual lives and The pressure of not knowing the pressure Of what choices do I make and and I Think there's this real patience and Understanding and respect between the Two of you Where in other Friendships people may not be as patient People may not understand people may not Respect why you do things the way you do Them there's a a real respect for each Other's processes respect for each Other's needs and if those needs require You know more time on your own or less Time less time to spend on you Know hanging out with each other because You've got you know things to do and It's like well we want to accomplish These goals so that we can spend more

Time together or so that you know we can Have we can go on a really fabulous Vacation together or you know we can do Something even more fun it's like both Of You I think one have common goals that You don't have with anyone else in your Life and you both have the tenacity and The discipline and the drive to meet Those goals and to deny yourself uh Immediate Gratification for a better outcome so Like for example if you guys like let's Say you both want to go on like a crazy Shopping spree and you're like well we Both want to have $10,000 of disposable Income and you're like well we're not Even close to that well we're not going To go shopping until we've hit that goal And until we have that level of disos Income individually to go and shop till We drop um real Blair Waldorf moment Well I guess Blair walor and Serena Vander was and they didn't have to save They just got it but like but it's even More powerful because you earn it you Know what I Mean I also think that like it doesn't Matter what happens between the two of You it's all leading to Greater Horizons Between the two of you in a closer Bond Like whatever the both of you go through You grow through and like there could be And like like like like like yes I say

Like I'm Sorry um there's an element here Where you may not always know why Certain things are happening between the Two of you you may not always know what Choices you guys should make together But there is no wrong choices and Everything just leads you to a deeper Understanding of yourselves and each Other this is a really like powerful Sorry it's a really powerful friendship And one that gets better with time and It's also one that I think if you Already know this person and you already Have this established friendship with Them you can't predict or anticipate how It will continue to grow but I think There's this inner knowing that it's Just going to be even more beautiful and Even even stronger and I love that I've Never gotten such a deep interpretation Of the seven of Pentacles But you will you will have a patience With one another that I think is unique To the both of you and you will value One another's goals in a way that other People haven't you know if there are People that saw your goals as frivolous Or your method or your process as dumb Or weird or they didn't get it there is None of that here like even if you don't Get the others process you respect that It's theirs and don't interfere with That or try to change that there's a

Real like respect for each other's Differences and respect for how you go About doing things and recognizing that What works for you is more important Than what the other thinks works and I Think that's really cool okay so I want To see one thing that this person will Love about you or will love about you if They haven't met you yet so uh spirit What is one thing that this person will Sorry this thing has Been my I'm sorry if that little thing Has been annoying um What is one thing that pile 3's person Will love about pile Three Okay we have the F yeah the five of Pentacles persistence new possibilities You are a fighter and not only a fighter But you and yeah the the devil on the Back of the deck you can be thrown to a Pack of wolves and those wolves might Tear at you for a hot minute But you will eat those wolves for Breakfast once you've gotten that power One thing that they respect about you I Feel like this person has or will see You at your lowest see you at your most Disempowered see you at even your Brokest at your most broken um and one Thing they will love about you is your Willingness to change your circumstances Your willingness to not give up and your Patience with that process ladybugs

Could be significant um I think maybe One thing that they love about you Is your grounded perspective like you're You're not someone who judges people and You're not someone who looks down on Someone else because they have less or They don't have you know as much like we Were talking earlier the conversation About winners and losers they might look They might look down on someone who has A losing attitude but they don't look Down on their Circumstances and don't see their worth Based in their C Circumstances they love that you don't Give up and they love That you don't take hardship as a Reflection of your worth or as A as a reflection of what you're Deserving of or as a reflection of where You'll you'll always be they love that You take your challenges as an Opportunity to get even stronger you Know you eat challenge for breakfast the Same way you ate those wolves like You are someone who may be down and out Sometimes and if you get knocked down You might stay down there for a little Bit if you're extra tired but you're Always getting back up I also think that They love that you don't like I said you Don't discriminate you know you are Someone who is accepting of Others and you don't judge people but

You are Discerning of who you let into Your circle because you have Learned that you know there are helpful People in your life and unhelpful people In your life you know there are people That bring you closer to where you want To go and there are people that you Know hold you back and I think one thing That they love about you is number one You see through you see them clearly and They love That you're you're just a very ride or Die sort of person And this is not for all of you but for Some of you definitely look at the glass Class half full and they really Appreciate that but they also you know They love That you don't Take you don't take a failure or a loss Or or a struggle as like I said a a Determinant of your worth or as a sign That you're not meant to succeed or as a Sign that you're not meant to do more or Be more you don't take those hard times As a reflection of yourself you take Those hard times as you know for what They are but fuel for the future that You want to cultivate they see you as Someone who has grown through a lot or They will see you grow through a lot and I think one thing that they really Appreciate about you is your willingness To open a window when a door is closed a

Willingness to move through hard Challenges and not give up you also have An incredible amount of discipline and An incred inredible ability to carry Challenge on your shoulders I think You're also the type of person who has Carried a lot of challenge for others And I think that you're learning what What challenges are yours to carry and What aren't and I think they respect the Fact that you know you are someone who Is very selfless and who is willing to Shoulder burden for others even if you Know even if it would be easier if you Didn't because you you know you are Loyal to the people you care about and You don't want the people that that you Care about to struggle and I think I Think there's an awareness like you know With each other you might let the other Struggle because you know ultimately They can tie their shoes but you know if It's someone where you're like this Person isn't going to be able to tie Their shoes and I don't want them to Trip like they recognize that that you Would tie their shoes for them and and Try to teach them how to tie their shoes And you know what if they don't want to Learn then then yeah you might stop Teaching them to tie you might stop Tying their shoes but at the very least You can say you tried you have a you Have an integrity that is rare and I

Think that they also see you as someone That you are the same person whether in Struggle or in uh success however you Perceive That and there's a lot of success that Comes through struggle and they see that You know you are someone who doesn't Give up on your goals and they just Really respect your ability to move Through Challenge and ways Where you don't lose sight of your Spirit and you don't fall back onto Patterns of thinking or patterns of Behavior that are disempowering to Yourself or that you know you don't Justify self-destructiveness the way Others might in the face Of suffering or struggle and it's like Yeah you might do that at times but you Don't get attached to it you don't use It as a justification you'll be real With yourself and be like yep I'm I'm Doing this maladaptive coping mechanism Right now because I'm struggling but I Know that that's not okay I just want to Do it anyway and I'm not saying that This is okay or this is right but it's My choice like I think they love that One thing that they love is that like You own your choices you own what you're Doing and you own you Know you also own the consequences it's Like you know it's one thing to choose To do the maladaptive thing because it's

Your choice and you know what the Outcome is going to be and it's another To Choose the maladaptive thing and then Moan about it to others even though you Knew what the outcome would be and Victimize yourself about it you know There's a difference you had a choice And like if you accept the consequences And take it on the chin like then yeah Go do it there's a real lack of patience I think for both of you when it comes to People that are more than capable of Seeing their own [ __ ] and then but Choosing to hold on to a story that Keeps them disempowered and that makes Look powerless that makes them look Incapable that and maybe they believe They're incapable but at at the very Least both of you know that they have The power to do something differently They love that you you would never do That that you would never fall into that And even if you ever Did as soon as you saw it you would Correct It deep level of respect Here I love that okay so Now I want to get a message from them to You and if you haven't met them yet then This message will be from their higher Self but if you have met them it's from Their human self so pile 3es current or Future best friend what message do you

Have for pile three at this time what Would you like them to Know sorry the thing's doing the thing Again um Okay we have the Three of Swords release And recovery so I feel like what they Want you to know is is that whatever you Are going Through things are getting better things Are getting Brighter I feel like they want you to Know they're not far away whether you've Met them yet or Not they want you to know that they're Always with you in spirit and that it's Okay to be more vulnerable with what you Need and with your emotions if you are Struggling with the three of swords as Well if you've been working really hard To release stories that disempower you Release stories that you know keep you Stuck and keep you trapped they just Really want to commend you on all the Work that you've done to heal and grow From you know what has harmed you and I Also think that oh this is taking me Back to how you know uh at the end of The Movie which I'm I'm Sorry but I'm going to spoil a movie From 2004 uh well and it's also a book but We're going off the movie Uh you know the character Sophie says to

How after she you know puts his heart Back you know how's like my chest is so Heavy and she says a heart's a heavy Burden And I feel like Your your current or future best friend Is really saying thank you for not Letting go of your heart and thank you For being strong enough To move Through the pains that come with living And embodied heart- centered life they Really want to commend you for you know Being honest about your pain being Honest about the things that you're Struggling with and being willing to Heal and grow from that which has hurt You they also want you to know that Things won't be like this forever and Part of the beauty Of of having a heart Is experiencing the Bliss of just utter Love the and not just love the love that Will exist between the two of you but or That does exist between the two of you Um but you know the love that the Universe has for all creation the love That we have in our hearts for what We're passionate about the love that That keeps us going through hard times The love That keeps us on on the track that's Meant for us right rather than you know The one that's easy there's a real like

There's just a sense of thanks like Thank you for doing what is true not What is easy thank you for honoring your Heart and honoring what's true for you Instead of doing what others want or Doing what others say is right they also Want you to know that they're working Through their own things not in a in a Way where they're I mean maybe they're Dealing with heartbreak of some kind but I feel like they want you to know that Whether you've met them or not that They're moving through a lot of past Pain and healing so that could be a Cycle that you both are going through at This time but I think one thing they Want to remind you is that the story you Write is very powerful And they're really proud of all that You've done to let go of stories that Keep you stuck and that keep you Thinking that you're not Enough you're a winner baby you're a Winner baby and you're writing a winning Story a story that that is Suited for The power of your spirit I feel like They're Also wanting to commend you for any Changes that you've Made that are causing you to kind of Face whatever you've avoided and that And the fact that it might be really Uncomfortable but they're you know Saying how proud they are that that

You've done that and they're really Commending you for that and they want You to know that things are getting Better and like look at this sun here You know I feel like whatever changes You may be going through I feel like It's leading you right to them if you Haven't met them yet um and if you have I feel like lighter days are coming for The both of you like if you've been Through a challenging cycle or been Through some really hard stuff I feel Like they want you to know like thank You for Being the person that I can lean on when Things are hard thank you for being a Source of strength when I didn't have That strength and I feel like they also Want you to know that um they want to be That for you if if you haven't given Them that opportunity or they will be That for you if you haven't met them yet And they also just want you to know Like How they would rather weather constant Storms with you Than be in a sunshiny Paradise without You there's a real Like like they just they love you very Much And whether they've met you or not their Soul like knows you their soul loves you And I think that they want you to know That you're going through a really

Powerful healing process and to give Yourself the time and energy necessary To just be there with yourself and be There for yourself and to be patient but To also know that like there's a lot More light coming Dawn is Breaking and You are going to find yourself in a much Lighter situation soon um and the work That you're doing now is what is Responsible for that so kudos to that And good for you pile 3 all of these Energies aren't easy but they're worth It and I feel like that's the biggest Thing that they want you to know is what You're doing isn't easy but it will be Worth it you may not be able to see you Know the rewards that come through this Or you may not be able to feel the Rewards that that come through these Processes of healing yet but you will And when you do you'll be like I'm so Glad I'm so glad I moved through this I'm so glad I chose to keep moving Towards the light I'm so glad I didn't Stay attached to this and and believe That this could be unhealed or believe That I I couldn't be worth more like It's very powerful very beautiful and I Think that they just want you to know That you're powerful and beautiful and That they love you very much whether They've met you yet or not so we're Going to go ahead and finish off with a Little book divination so what I'm just

Going to do is I'm just going to like Close my eyes And go through this and stop at a random Point and we'll see what the message is So Spirit what final message do you have For pile Three Please the Insight of no self sometimes When I practice calligraphy I invite my Mother my father or my ancestors to draw With me although they have already Passed away we are drawing together I Touch the Insight of no self and it Becomes a deep practice of meditation The meditation work joy and life become One when I walk I walk for my father I Walk for my mother I walk for my teacher I walk for my students maybe your mother Father never knew how to walk mindfully Enjoying every moment and every step so We can walk in mindfulness for them and All of us will benefit so I think that This is very powerful is there anything Else behind that okay yeah so um I Definitely think that there is an Encouragement here like when you can't Do it for you do it for those that you Love do it For do it for the younger version of you And also like you know if if you are Having Struggles it might be helpful to try This idea aidea of no Self so that you can come into deeper

Union with yourself When it feels right and I definitely Think as well like there is an Encouragement here to see how connected You are to things Beyond just you and To you know really try to be present With what is now even though you may not Be where you want to be or the things That you're Desiring may Not be here yet but to know that you Already have so much and you're already Worth so much and that so much is Already coming to you and yeah take take This as it resonates if it doesn't Resonate you can discard it but Hopefully it's helpful um but pile three That is where I'm going to leave this Reading so thank you guys so so so much For watching and thank you so much for Letting my ads play in the background That is one of the simplest and easiest Ways to show support and appreciation For me and my channel so thank you to Everyone who does that um if you would Like to support me otherwise you like The video comment down below let me know How it resonates you can subscribe if You haven't already be sure to click That little notification Bell to be Notified whenever I upload a new reading You can check out my merch you can check Out my candles be sure you use cod to 10 For 10% off you can check out my social Media you can check out my other videos

Um but yeah I think that's all I have so Thank you guys so so so much for Watching and for letting me read for you Shout out to my intro Squad and to my Notification Squad if you want me to see Your comments I usually see comments When I first upload but that's all I Have for you guys so thank you so much For letting me read for you I hope you All have a wonderful day or night Whenever it is that you're watching this Video and I hope you'll come back and See me again soon bye

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