Are You On the Right Path?🙀🚶‍♀️ Pick a Card🔮 *Timeless* In-Depth Tarot Reading

Hi friends!! Thank you sm for being here & for letting me read for you! Remember that you have free will and nothing is ever set in stone💗 I hope these messages bring you clarity and peace! Xoxo

Intro: 0:00
Reading Breakdown: 0:47
Pile Selection: 2:47
Make a Wish + Mini Reading: 3:56
Pile 1 (Amethyst Gem): 8:58
Pile 2 (Citrine Point): 1:06:26
Pile 3 (Clear Quartz Ball): 2:00:18
Pile 4 (Rose Quartz Angel): 3:12:50

🕯️Candle of the Month: The Empress (USE CODE ESO10 FOR 10% OFF)

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I don’t currently offer personals readings, but I’ll update if that ever changes!

Decks Used:
The Chaka Wisdom Tarot
The 5 Cent Tarot
The Star Power Tarot
The Boring Tarot
The Crystal Unicorn Tarot
Powers Essential Oils Oracle
The Self Forgiveness Oracle Love Your Ego (pile 3 only)

👀About Me👀
Madison, 26
Tropical: Aries ☀️ Virgo 🌙 Libra ⬆️
Sidereal: Pisces☀️ Leo 🌙 Virgo ⬆️
Life Path 11, INFP

Hi friends welcome or welcome back to my Channel I'm ASO this is Aso tarot and in Today's pick a card reading we are going To be looking at your path and seeing if You are on the right one now if you know Me you'll probably know I don't like Terms like right or wrong cuz on a Cosmic perspective nothing really is Right or wrong but there are things that Are right and wrong for you and in this Case what I really just want to look at Is are you in alignment with your Highest good are you in alignment with The path that is not only fulfilling for Your soul but fulfilling well not Fulfilling for everyone else but you Know are you fulfilling your greater Greater role by being yourself and being On the path that's aligned with your Highest good and if it's aligned with Your highest good it's also aligned with The highest good of all beings so that Being said this is what we're going to Be looking at today so I said are you on The right path just for wording purposes I don't know what that dirts about but This is a Timeless reading so whenever You find it is when it's meant for you But we're going to start by looking at Your current energy just where you are Currently are on your path um and so if That resonates you found the right Reading and if it doesn't I would try a Different one but essentially we're just

Going to take the Tarot deck that you Picked and I'm going to shuffle the Cards and if the cards come out upright That means that the energy that you are Expressing on your path is aligned with Your highest good and if the card comes Out reversed then this is an energy that Needs shifting in order to be aligned With your ized good so um either is Great and I don't want you to like get Reversals and be like Oh I'm doing You're not doing anything wrong you're Being human and being human is about Being imperfect so we're going to look At that and we're just going to see you Know where you're at and then if that Resonates what we're going to do is We're going to take a second Tarot deck And we're going to use that Tarot deck To clarify things so if the card is Upright we're going to look at how you Can maintain that alignment there or What you need to know about that and I'll just kind of do that based on what Feels right and if the card is reversed We'll look at how you can shift that Reversed energy into alignment with your Path after that we're going to get Guidance for each element um so by Element I'm kind of talking about like The cluster of each group so we're going To get channeled message guidance um From one of my favorite channeled Message decks it's the uh Powers

Essential oils Oracle it's really Helpful and I like it and then finally We're going to finish off with charms And we're going to use the charm as Extra guidance and also signs for you Signs that you are on the right path Signs that remind you what you need to Know anything like that but that is what We are going to be covering today I am So excited to get into it we have four Different groups for you to choose from Starting with the first group we are Going to be using the 5cent tarot and I Have this amethyst gemstone on Top and then for group number two to we Are going to be using the star power Tarot and I have this citrine point on Top then for pile three group three we Are going to be using the boring tarot And I have this clear crystal ball on Top ball is life what can I say and Finally for group number four we are Going to be using the crystal unicorn Tarot and I have This Crystal Rose Quartz angel on Top so with that being said go ahead and Feel free to pause the video if you need Help deciding on which palette you feel Most drawn to it is absolutely okay to Be drawn to more than one there could be Many aspects of your path that you are Exploring and that is entirely okay but Now my intro Squad we are going to Start making your wish and looking at

Your mini reading in case you guys Didn't know my newest candle and my Tarot candle line is out and it is the Empress the empress represents things Like abundance self-love fertility Creativity and she's just basically all Of the yin feminine Earthly elements of The world very very beautiful she's Incredible I'm sure you are too um so I'm going to show you the candle and We're going to make a wish together uh But if you are interested any and all Candles on Angelic magic 888 site you Can get a code for by or you can get Money off by using Code aso1 um but in Case you don't know with my tarot Candles each candle comes with a unique Mini tarot card inside So based on what The mini tarot card is that will be our Mini reading for you today and we will Make that wish so ah oh my gosh okay I Love this we have the Page of Cups so I'll get into this in a second but first Let's make our wish and what I want you To do is just really focus your energy On the candle and focus on sending your Wish and sending your energy into this Candle as I light it if you want to Pause and take a moment to really just Take it in got beautiful rose cords Green adventuring Vibes going um and Yeah I'm going to take a second and just Kind of put my wish In May Yours Mine and all of our wishes

Come true for the highest good of all Beings if it actually likes Okay perfect so let's look at the page Of cups I love this page of cups being Here because first of all this is a sign For some of you That you may need to lighten up a little Bit uh you may be taking things too Seriously and I always see the page of Cups as an encouragement to just be Playful and do things that are uplifting Um from a heart-c centered place that Are playful and creative um if you have A younger like a young person person in Your life whether it's like a niece a Family member a friend's child or Something like that that you have a good Connection to um they could be coming Through to say hi and just thank you for Your support and your care um if you are Currently pagers which if you are Congratulations um you know this could Be a sign that uh your baby is meant to Be a water sign or that your baby is Going to be very playful and fun and Creative actually fun fact um when my Sister-in-law was pregnant with my niece Uh I asked her I asked my cards like What what was my niece going to be and The Page of Cups came out um which the Page of cups is a feminine energy so I Was like maybe a girl but also she was Born in July and is a cancer which is a Water sign so it was very accurate um

Also with the Page of Cups you could be Uh getting an apology from someone a Long overdue apology for some of you I'm Hearing uh but this could also be an Encouragement to if you've been Considering apologizing to someone if You had something like weighing heavy on On you um this page of cups could be an Encouragement to go for it and um just Give from your heart this page of cups Could also be a sign of incoming playful Communication from someone you've been Wanting to hear from or it could just be You healing and integrating aspects of Your inner child that relate to your Emotions that relate to your sensitivity And that relate to Um your need to feel safe and your need To feel supported and uplifted and have Fun and be playful this is a beautiful Beautiful energy and I feel like more Than anything this message is really Here to remind you that we don't have to Take things so seriously all the time Yes there are serious aspects of life But it's seriously important to just let Go let go of things for a little bit and Have fun so if there's a way that you Can integrate more fun into your life or Just find the time to be playful whether That is doing something creative whether That is spending time with with people That make you feel like your childlike Self or that just make you feel good try

Try to focus on that but more than Anything this is about lightness this is About gentleness this is about Compassion creativity all of those Themes I think are entering your life And I also think that this is a Beautiful sign too of healing Reconciliations um and and closer Connections with the people that you Care about so beautiful energy I'm going To add it to the charm box but with that Being said my intro Squad I love you Thank you for being here um and if You're here if you're still here you're Part of the intro Squad so if you're Like what's the intro Squad um it's Everyone who like takes the time to Listen to my intros so thank you for Being here um I hope that resonated and Let's go ahead and get into your Readings now so go ahead and scroll down To comment section or the description Box where I will have all the timestamps Listed below and once you have picked Your pile or piles I will see you in Your reading hi there pile one welcome To your reading and thank you so much For being here if you guys chose the Amethyst gemstone and the 5 Cent tarot This is going to be a reading on are you On the right path and the right path in This case is just the path that is Aligned with your highest good and the Highest good of all beings so if you did

Not check out the intro you may want to If you find yourself being confused but Essentially what we're going to start by Doing is just looking at where you are At in life right now and based on The uh direction of the cards that will Determine whether you are in alignment With this aspect of your life or if you Are not yes my nails did change I filmed The intro and then I was like I'm tired And then I had nail appointment so yeah Nope just kidding I was just magic and I Just I just changed it I off forain Anyway okay so if you just want to focus Your energy on the cards while I'm Shuffling obviously ly if this beginning Part does not resonate then this is not Your reading uh what I am talking about You should be able to say yeah this is What I'm going through and so if you Can't then this is not the reading for You I would try a different one Or maybe a different reading if you Can't find the answers you're looking For but thank you for being here we're Going to go ahead and start Now that shuffles so nicely okay Spirit Pile one Are they on the right path in terms of Where they are headed okay so we have The Queen of Pentacles and I'm only Going to take the Queen of Pentacles cuz This is so many um we'll take the Queen Of Pentacles and we'll take the rest

Back okay although this messenger did Want to come out with Spirit guides I'm Going to put it back in the deck but I Do want to say that I think this is a Beautiful sign that um you were led to This reading for a reason or that your Guides are watching over you which is Beautiful what else spirit is pile One on the right Path we have the Beyond in reverse that Makes a lot of sense okay and that's Actually a unique card to this deck so If you're like what card is that uh it's It's a special one like you uh what About K one Spirit are they in alignment With the right path for Them we have the Queen of Wands in Reverse and finally spirit is pile one Okay got this one okay and we have the Page of Pentacles in Reverse okay so yes And no we do have some really solid Energy here with the Queen of Pentacles But this makes a lot of sense with um The eight of Wands being here on the Back of the deck which I guess I'll just Leave it there Uh who cares Um there's definitely like I I Definitely feel like if you are feeling Like all of a sudden the mo positive Momentum you've had or like the Consistency and energy that you've had Has shifted there's definitely a reason For that starting with the Queen of

Pentacles being here you know the terms On it I I love cards with terms on them We have providing caregiver practicality And it definitely seems like you're Really focused on being a nurturing Presence to yourself to those around you Maybe at the detriment of yourself Sometimes but the Queen of Pentacles Knows how to care for herself the Queen Of Pentacles knows her worth um not that You have to be a she um that's just What's showing up the Queen of Pentacles As well as the king of Pentacles are Also uh spouse energies so if you are in A serious committed relationship or if You are married or something like that Um I feel like this is a sign that you Feel really good in that relationship And that um you feel like secure and Cared for and you feel this sense of Like security within that and so I Definitely think if a relationship is Something that you're feeling really Good about in life right now um this Queen of Pentacles could be a great sign That that is in alignment with your path And that is helping you feel good now With these three cards this is what's Showing us what's out of alignment we Have the Beyond in Reverse which Represents apathy mistrust doubt Yielding which oh the Queen of Wands in Reverse which represents yielding being Overbearing jealousy and the page of

Pentacles in Reverse with obstructionism Laziness and superficiality so first of All I don't think that you are lazy and I think that if you've been shaming Yourself for that I I I definitely think You know maybe that's not very fair to Yourself I definitely feel like in terms Of what's out of alignment for you it's Seems like you've kind of lost your your Spark for uh life right now or your your Passionate fiery energy it seems like You may be feeling a little bit insecure About your individual path maybe you Feel really good about how you are there For others or how you are caring for Yourself at least materially but it Seems like you're ready to expand and go Beyond what life has had for you and Despite your attempts to push that Forward it seems like if anything things Are just slowing down more and I feel Like that's probably causing a lot of Anger frustration panic and you may be Feeling like you are messing up in some Way and that's not the case at all Actually this is a very important Process of getting you back in touch With your spark because if you are so Regimented and focused on the material Realm all the time you are going to be Out of touch with your more um Intangible aspects the parts of you that Get inspired your spirit your soul and Your confidence if you are a parent or

If you had a child recently um I would Not be shocked if maybe you are feeling A bit like one you could literally just Be so drained and deprived of like the Necessary resources to care for yourself Depending on the age of the kids you're Caring for so that could be something That's like in in alignment and out of Alignment in the sense that like you Know what can you do uh that's kind of a Time where you're stretched a little Thin but also you know what's out of Alignment around that may be that you Are shaming yourself a lot about the Fact that you're human and that you're Doing your best with this page of Pentacles in Reverse I feel like if There are things that you've been Wanting to start or wanting to um like Seats you want to plan in order to Expand it seems like you're not having The confidence to do that and you might Be shaming yourself and calling yourself Like lazy and thinking like oh you know If I if I weren't just so lazy or if I If I um if I were different then you Know this wouldn't be so hard but I Definitely think what's out of alignment For you right now is just trust in your Path and trust that you have what it Takes to get where you need to go I feel Like also maybe you're more used to Relying on your internal nudges to guide You and maybe you've been having a hard

Time hearing those internal nudges maybe You're feeling less confident in um in In following your intuition in listening To your spirit and maybe too you're just Feeling less confidence in doing things That require your Independence and that Require uncertainty I definitely think No matter What this is in alignment and you are on The right path in the sense that you're Consciously aware of these things and if You weren't until I brought them up then You are now so congratulations uh but What we are going to do with these Energies if they resonate is we're going To take this deck now the chakra wisdom Tarot and get guidance on On how we can shift these energies and Just what you need to know about them so With that being said while I'm Shuffling if you end up enjoying this Video or you want to support me in any Way thank you to everyone who takes the Time to leave me a little like a comment Or a subscribble that helps me so much Uh doesn't help that I'm Shuffling Poorly one like is uh one one pity like For this bad Shuffling um but yeah we will clarify These and we will see what is going on And I think like the biggest thing that I I just feel called to say uh pile one Is to stop being so hard on yourself and I know that's much easier said than done

But I really do feel like you are doing The best you can with the knowledge that You have and with the resources that you Have I feel like you are maybe Creating expectations for yourself that Are leading to a lot of drain and Leading to a lot of frustration but I Also think that maybe your um spiritual Practice or not that you have to be Spiritual in nature but whatever gets You in your Creative Energy like that That gives you that spark and passion For life maybe that's gone by the Wayside um as you've been a caregiver as You've been someone to be there for Others and maybe you've had a hard time Justifying why it's important to do Those things that are solely for you you May feel like that's selfish or you may Feel like you know you're doing Something wrong and maybe when you do Finally have the time you're too tired To do anything else and so may like Shame yourself and be like oh well I had The time to do something fun and I Didn't do it and it's like well that Doesn't make you lazy that makes you Exhausted and that's okay that is so Okay okay so speaking of let's clarify These now so Spirit what does pile one Need to know about this Queen of Pentacles energy how can they maintain It And keep this energy in

Alignment o we have the Ace of Wands Which is so funny cuz I was like Thinking the Ace of Wands is is exactly The energy that um that I would you know Kind of Consider the the vibe that that you're Missing so that's really interesting so Before I forget it the one thing I do Want to say with this Ace of Wands being Here is that if you continue to neglect Your own inner world and your you know Your heart your soul your passions the Next thing to go will be the Queen of Pentacles because it it it's almost like A shutting down a a gradual it's like You've been through this gradual uh Shutting down of certain aspects of Self In order to dedicate a lot of time and Energy to this Queen of Pentacles Providing energy to build to focus to be There to comfort nurture care for and That serves for a time but I feel like Maybe you've gone all in there to the Point where other parts of self have had To just shut down in order for you to Dedicate the time and energy that you do To this Queen of Pentacles energy but I Definitely think with this Ace of Wands Here this is definitely saying that like You will not have the same energy to Continue what you've already been doing If you continue to neglect all of these So let's see how we can shift things Okay so how can we shift the Beyond in

Reverse how can we shift this Apathy Energy beautiful okay we have the king Of Pentacles so that's interesting okay Can you clarify the Queen of Wands Spirit how Can how can this Queen of Wands be Shifted into the upright oh we have the Ace of Pentacles so lots of lots of new New starts New Beginnings um and finally Spirit how can Pile One Shift the page of Pentacles into the Upright We have the six of Cups okay so bottom Of the deck energy is the star which I Love so first of all just know that Everything is okay you're doing amazing Sweetie and to have hope because like There are beautiful things ahead for you The biggest thing that I want to say is That if this king of Pentacles cuz the Queen and king of Pentacles are Counterparts so if you have a partner Whether in spirit or in actuality I Definitely think connecting with them in Whatever way makes you feel seen and Heard is very important if um you and Your partner have kind of made you know Your relationship something that's on The back burner in order to get other Things done I definitely think that the Universe is encouraging you to connect

With your partner on a soul level in Whatever ways that works for you and Them the king of Pentacles in this case Is a crown chakra card because this uh Tarot deck uses uh chakra chakra Energies And I definitely think that you're being Encouraged to connect to people Spiritually that inspire you that you Feel held and and safe with so for a lot Of you this is going to be your partner This is going to be someone that is a Counterpart in some way and for those of You who are single and don't have like a Partner or a person you could be Encouraged to be envisioning who you Want this to be or or it could be a Progression where you're moving moving From the queen to the king so tapping Into how do I want to go to the next Level and what inspires me I feel like There might almost be this belief with This um with this energy here that that You can't expand or that it won't be Possible and I definitely think that That Is that is slowing things down I I feel Like there is this energy here of well What's the point of trying because what If I fail like I don't know if it'll be Worth it I don't know if if it'll be A waste of time or not and nothing is Ever a waste of time when it's in Pursuit of your highest good so with

This Ace of Wands here with this Queen Of Pentacles I definitely think that You're being encouraged to continue um The patterns routines and the things That you do that that feel good for you But also pay attention to what drains You within that process because it's Those things that drain you that you Have the opportunity to do differently And bring more energy to your life you May also want to look at things that you Could cut out that are um things that You're doing because you feel like you Should be doing them rather than doing Them Because they serve a greater purpose They add to you know the goals you're Trying to achieve I feel like with this Queen of Wands in Reverse this is a huge Encouragement that whatever you've been Waiting to bite the bullet on whatever You've been waiting to start Establishing now is the time I Definitely think that you know cuz and This is beautiful to with the Queen of Wands being in reversed when it's Upright it's courage so what you're Being encouraged to do to shift this is To have the courage to start planting The seeds of expansion that you've Wanted to create and even if you don't Know what that looks like that's okay Instead of thinking about overt actions Think about well what am I trying to

Experience that I don't have right now What am I trying to create more of that I don't have right now and maybe for Some of you this is less about a project And more about yourself steem and Feeling good like maybe for example um You feel insecure in your partnership And you're not feeling attractive or You're not feeling good enough or you're Worried that you know you're worried That you're too much or you're worried That you're just not good enough and and Not only is that not not the case but I That's an egregious crime against Yourself pile one nobody nobody deserves To feel that way about themselves and Unfortunately most people do because That's how we're conditioned to believe Things about ourselves and you know That's how companies make money so with This Ace of Pentacles here you're really Being encouraged to start planning the Seeds you know you need to in order to Feel better about yourself in order to Feel more confident in yourself and also In order to um start creating the future You want you know the seeds you Plant today will not be ready tomorrow But the thing is is an ace of Pentacles Is something That you know has n find more Evolutions To go so I think one thing that may be Holding you back is like you may be Focused on like a stringent time frame

Or you may want things to happen really Quickly and in that process you may feel Like you'll never be able to get Anything done because you're not able to Just do it really quickly and I think You're being called to let go of How be called to let go of quickness in The concept of time in general and Instead recognize that like the seeds That you Plant will be not only worth it but will Be things you have to tend to and will Take time to grow and evolve and the More you do that the more you'll realize You can face your fears and be okay I Also think though with this Ace of Wands And this Ace of Pentacles there's a lot Here about shifting how you move about In the material world in the sense that A lot of things that I feel like have Been inside of you as desires or as Dreams or as you know forms of expansion The universe has been calling you to I Feel like you've been trying to think About them in their totality so the Concept of even bringing them down to Earth is a little bit overwhelming and So I feel like spirit is really saying With these Aces there are many Opportunities in your world around you To do things differently and to start Planting seeds like let's say for Example and this is a silly example but Like let's say you know you want to well

This isn't a silly example I'll change It from a silly one let's say that you Really want to build a better Relationship with your body get more fit And get healthier you know you may start Exercising and feel very overwhelmed and Feel like oh you know this isn't for me And you may give up and get frustrated Before you find the thing that works for You I feel like spirit is saying just Because one opportunity you take doesn't Yield the results you hope for doesn't Mean another one won't there may need to Be a willingness to say yes to things You would typically say no to of course Unless it would like harm your Well-being um there may be a need for You to create opportunities so for Example you may need to create an Opportunity of connection with your Partner instead of maybe waiting for Them to always instigate something you Know if you're the type of person to Wait for instigation you know you may Find that your partner's doing the same Thing or your person's doing the same Thing um in other ways you know you may Be waiting for the universe to bring you These opport unities when the universe Is saying we need you to put yourself Out there first we need you to start Planting those seeds so that when the Opportunities do come you are prepared And you do feel confident I feel like

There is a part of you right now that Feels like you are not allowed to take Up space in in your world and this Energy is telling you that's not true Actually Ellen that's not true uh with This six of Cups here and this Obstructionism I definitely think for One there's a specific message if you do Have a child that you're having like a Challenging relationship with right now Or you feel like you're just not able to Connect to the way you want to this is An encouragement for you to connect with Your own inner child try to connect and And even if you need to go into Meditation or or do research if you if You can't remember what you were like Back then you know do research on this Age and and like what is normal what What issues are common and really just Try to kind of see beyond the external Circumstances and instead look at what Might be happening I'll use myself as an Example you know In my family growing up I spent a lot of Time in my room alone because I didn't Feel very accepted and even though my Parents had no idea of that my siblings Had no idea of that you know they didn't Help anything by you Know making fun of me when I did leave My room being like it's alive or you Know the hermit's out of her out of her Cave and you know and and that was their

Joking way of saying hey we're we're sad That that we don't get to see you and And I'm over here you're like yeah well You're not seeing me cuz of [ __ ] like This and and it's and neither party is Really doing anything wrong I mean yeah Maybe it's not great to like give your Kids [ __ ] and maybe it's not great to Kind of like avoid your family But the growing and the healing couldn't Have come from that circumstance until We both were kind of aware of different Things and you know my parents had me Kind of young so they're pretty young Growing up when I was growing up and um So you know they did the best that they Could and I think that in your process Of trying to do the best that you can Don't stress yourself out to like have An immediate solution Instead try to see Into what's going on and what's going on Underneath things you know a lot of Times when kids act out it's not because They like want to just want to make Their parents' lives hard it's because They're struggling in some way and they Don't know how to communicate it and They may not be able to communicate it Period they may not have the words the Resources the tools to do so and so you Know it it is kind of on your more your End to try and connect there and so I Feel like with the six of Cups here You're really being encouraged to trust

Intuitively what's going on and also be Willing to sit in the discomfort of not Knowing and try your best anyway I feel Like if you do have kids in this Interpretation applies to you they'll Really appreciate the effort that you Put into trying to understand them and At the very least trying to make things You know better and and and just like Knowing that that you're in their corner And that you care and that don't want Them to feel that way that you don't Want to have that type of relationship With them I I feel like that can go a Long way so for those of you for that Message there's that but for the rest of You I definitely think that there is a Bit of inner child healing here that You're being encouraged to look at Especially in the sense Of how you what you believe you're Capable of cuz I definitely think that There are patterns from your childhood That came about as a of as as protective Mechanisms as a way to keep yourself Safe that ended up like becoming habits And patterns now that get in the way of Your ability to thrive and so I feel Like there is this encouragement to do Some energy healing and energy work with Your inner child um whether that's Through a practitioner um I do have a Messages from your inner child uh that's Really that's maybe like a year so old

If you want to search for that uh but Inner child healing is not about like Playing with Playdoh it can be but it's Lot more about getting in touch with Those parts of those authentic parts of Self from childhood that you know were Not uh conditioned into you they were Just natural parts of your being I Definitely think that you're being Encouraged to do whatever healing you Need to come back home to yourself and Recognize that you're not just one rule You're not just here to be there for Others you're here to have your own path And explore too and that can be really Hard when you're in a caretaking Position or when you do have kids or Especially young kids you know there's Just a lot going on and and it's okay And I think that one of the things that Spirit wants to bring up to you is the Fact that a lot of what you feel Like is you not having enough or you not Being able to be successful it's just You only acknowledging these things like Only acknowledging these possibilities When you're exhausted or when you're Feeling defeated or when you're kind of Wanting an escape from your reality I Definitely think that you are more f Focused on the destination than on the Journey there which this is a perfect Reading for you if that's the case and I Think that that's maybe getting in the

Way of you remembering what your Ultimate goals are and and and getting In the way of you remembering that it's Not about you you know getting this done In two weeks this is about the journey And the process of getting there in the First place like that's what's going to Be worthy and worth it and I definitely Think that in terms of what's in Alignment with your highest good it's a Restruct uring where you are recognizing Where you're giving too much of yourself And taking a little bit of that back and Finding ways to give it to yourself and If that means and whatever that means For you coming up and implementing Solutions that are not only going to add More energy to your life but add more Opportunities to your life so you know Maybe for some of you you've been Wanting to go back to school but you Haven't even looked at programs you're Interested in that's a great thing to Start at Another thing um maybe you are wanting To start a business you know maybe You're not ready to be fully prepared But maybe you start creating inventory And doing research there are so many Ways in which you can just start to make Things real um and I'll use myself as an Example I'm I'm making a video I'm Really excited about uh that's going to Be on this channel um and it's been in

My head for like eons but it it wasn't Until like last week that I started Actually like typing it and putting it Down I'm like oh my God this is going to Be so fun I can't wait it'll probably be Like at least a month or so until it's Out so chill uh but it will be there and I'm excited uh for yall to see it but With that being said I feel like with a Star on the back of the deck this is Just a beautiful reminder that this Slowing down is not because you're doing Anything wrong it's not because Everything is going to [ __ ] and that You're going to fail this is because the Universe is compassionate enough to slow You down before you move to so far in Another Direction it takes a lot more Time to get back in alignment you know You really Tru genuinely cannot move Forward if you neglect yourself in this Process and so I feel like the universe Is slowing things down so that you can Kind of recalibrate rebalance things I'm Like I'm I'm seeing orgon Trail in my Head right now um the the game uh and There there's an app there's a mobile Version on the IOS app store I don't Know if it's on the um Android App Store But like it's so much fun it there's Like a little notification that's like Make sure to take regular breaks and I'm Like it's an app and then I and Jokes on me I spent like six hours

Playing it and you know and there are Certain points where you have to like Restructure the wagon and the wagon Starts breaking so you got to fix your Supplies you got to do other stuff and And so I was just kind of seeing that And I feel like in a way like that's Kind of where you're at right now is Like things are not working the way that They usually do in order to show you Where things in your life within you and Around you need your help need your Assistance or need things changed and I Think that a lot of this has to do with You and I think some of it has to do With reconnecting with the things that Bring you inspiration reconnecting with The people that bring you inspiration Reconnecting with the reasons why you do Care for others why you do want to do More for yourself you know it's really Important to reconnect with the wise and Um I feel like that's that's what you're Really being encouraged here and I think You're also just really being encouraged To especially with the six of Cups and This page of Pentacles to continue Healing your relationship with yourself And whatever ways that feels good for You because Um I feel like there is a part of you That believes fundamentally that you're Not good enough or that you're not able To take up space in the places that you

Want to be and that's not the truth that Is a fear that is an illusion and that Could be something that was conditioned In you and if that's the case I'm so Sorry but that doesn't mean it has to Stay there and it doesn't have to have a Place there and you can always choose Something differently and I think the Biggest thing is is like the number one I think is really I mean obviously your Pile one we have the ace which is a one The ace we've got two Aces here um and November could be significant 11 um or January I don't even know what oh it's April um yeah I never know Iron Vibes Not time uh but anyway I definitely Think that you're being encouraged to Just look At how you're being unfair to yourself And how those those shoulds are getting In the way of of what you really could Be doing and how you could be living and How you could be there for yourself and I think that there's a lot of focus on The past and I think you're being Encouraged to start looking towards the Future and what you do want to create You know the past is there but what's Going on in the present and how can we Wield that to to be closer to the future We want to have that is a big thing here So are you on the right path yes you are Um and you will continue continue to be More

So as you start leaning into these Solutions and in fact I think that you Will know whether you're on the right Path or not because things will continue To be more challenging and continue to Go slower the more you ignore and Neglect the changes you know you need to Make and the parts of self you know you Need to look at but that's okay you're Doing great you're doing amazing so with That being said dropped something we're Going to go ahead now and get some Deeper guidance here and just clarify All of these so the Queen of Pentacles Spirit and the Ace of Wands what Guidance Do you have for this Aspect of Pile pile one's Life yes okay we have the heart chakra With margam the theme is Comfort the Trigger statement is people cannot be Trusted and the true statement is I Trust my heart your big beautiful heart Is ready to open trust that you will be Able to discern who who is best to walk With you yeah especially if you've been In like a in your comfort zone for quite A long time um it can be really hard to Like get out of that and and it's not Just you like it's not just a willpower Thing like the more we do things that Are I'm going to show you this is kind Of crazy for this to pop out this one Card fell off the deck as I was talking

The more you do the same thing over and Over the more a pathway is carved in Your brain for that specific behavior so It is going to take time and consistency And discipline to create the changes That you're wanting but just because you Slip or just because you know it's going To be challenging doesn't mean it's not Worth it like it is just as challenging To stay stuck in a situation that you Know isn't aligned with you and that you Know is draining you and that you know Is not right um but what's beautiful is Is that we have liberated with adaptable What happens next is the trigger Statement and the true statement is I'm Divinely connected dear Soul please Remember that you never walk alone and I'm actually going to put this over here Cuz I didn't Shuffle it for this um but I do think that what spirit is really Saying here is that you know you may get Yourself like stuck in these rigid Patterns because you forget that you Even can adapt them and that you even Can change them and there could be a Part of you you know that is very like Has a really hard time shifting and Changing things and if you're really Attached to doing things a specific way Even if you know that they're not good For you I would really encourage you to Find find find some help in in making Those changes in whatever way that is

For you because you don't have to do Things that way and um sometimes the Most powerful thing can just can be just Shifting your perspective and realizing Like you're creating a lot more problems Than necessary and that's not something To beat yourself up for it's just Something to realize about your human Nature what about this Uh apathy king of Pentacles Vibe ooh Okay we have forgiveness the trigger Statement is I did not deserve this and The true statement is I forgive allow The labels of judgment to disappear see Situations and individuals through your Heart and forgive yourself so for well There's a lot of heart energy here which I love and wouldn't you know it that's What's on the back of the deck so I Definitely think that um in this case You know if you've had an argument with Your partner if you've had you know if You're if you're not in a partnership But if you're feeling like If you are for example a counterpart and You feel your counterpart and after a While of not feeling them you know maybe Realizing like you know the Judgment Calls that you made about it are not Necessarily the truth um I think more Than anything though what you're really Being encouraged to do is forgive Yourself for your own perceived Shortcomings and recognize maybe how you

Have those expectations of your partner Um and maybe you know I don't know What's happened if if there has been Like hardship between the two of you I Definitely think that spirit is Encouraging you to you know do the Healing work you need to to be able to Forgive and that doesn't mean that you Forgiveness does not mean that behavior Is acceptable and it also does not mean That you have to leave yourself Vulnerable to someone or something but It seems like in this situation whoever This person is is someone that really Matters to you um and you really matter To them like this is counterpart energy So just know that Like it's okay to have ups and downs and It's okay to like take space and and you You know take time but don't allow your Ego and your insecurities to like Project things onto them that may not be True I definitely think it's important For you to forgive yourself um and Forgive Yeah I won't tell you what you need to Do in terms of forgiveness towards Others but I do think forgiveness Towards self can be very Powerful what about this Queen of Wands In reverse and this ace of cups please Beautiful okay we have Citronella which is a great candle if You've got

Mosquitos uh I always have it outside in The summer but the trigger statement is I am being invaded and the true Statement is I am pure as you align with The frequency of Peace the invasions From outside yourself and dissonance Within are neutralized so I definitely Think that you're being encouraged to do Purging work around your beliefs around Yourself but also you're really being Encouraged to to look at how much power You give other people um there's this Book about psychic self- protection that Literally talks about how you know you Can't be you can only be vulnerable to Attacks or negative energy outside of You I'm talking energetically speaking Uh physically it's a bit different but You can only be vulnerable to those Sorts of things when there's something Within you that is vulnerable to it and In order and like the best way to Protect yourself from negativity one is To have good will towards yourself and Others and two to you know work on Healing the things that are leaving you Vulnerable and so one thing that is Clearly leaving you vulnerable is your Self-esteem and the belief that that You're good enough and the belief that You're worthy and I would not be shocked If you're massively overthinking any Steps you want to take because look at The state of the internet right now like

Negativity is is just so heightened and It's really sad it's really really sad Like I miss like the 2016 internet where People were less like less inclined to Be mean and memes were funnier and I Don't know maybe the memes weren't Funnier we have really good memes now I Think maybe memes have always been funny In their own ways but yeah anyway now I'm just reminiscing now I'm just going Back in my day anyway we're focused on Today I said don't focus on the past and Here I am focusing on the past we're all Hypocrites I'll forgive myself for that Okay what about this obstruction is this Page of Pentacles in Reverse what's Going on here how can how can Pile how can pile one deal with with This got two cards okay we have another Heart card we have lavender with balance The trigger statement is no one Understands me and the true statement is I ask for what I need from a place of Love you need to stand up and speak your Truth what you wish for the universe is What what you wish for is what the Universe wishes for you so one example That I'm getting specifically is um I Guess this depends on like the recep Ability and age if you're in the Children group but one thing I'm hearing Is that it could be really helpful for You just like tell them like I don't Know how to help you right now I want to

Help you I want to be there for you you Know is there a way that I can you know Help you like what do you need and they May not be able to answer that they may Not be able to give you an answer but at The very least like I think that it can Be very powerful to just know that your Parent is trying and and know that they That they don't want you to suffer and That they do care um but also this is For yourself as well and recognizing That You know if you were a child who learned How to hide your own needs in order to People please in order to you know make Others happy in order to feel safe in Your environment one of the things you Have to change is advocating for Yourself and speaking up for what you Want and what you need and and people Aren't mind readers you know they're not Going to be able to know what that is Until you speak out about it wow we have A lot of heart cards so we have Protected with immune and the trigger Statement is I am not safe and the true Statement is I am secure so so this is a Big sign to me that no matter whether You resonate with the kids Interpretation or not um every single Person here has inner child wounds that They need to deal with your inner child Does not feel safe in your body your Inner child needs more support and needs

To know that the adult version of you Your spirit the the true version of you Has got you and it clearly doesn't feel That way right now I am doing this this Process through inner family systems Therapy um That is something that I'm finding is Working really well for me but it may Not be for everyone it is just a type of Therapy um inner family systems that is Basically focused on looking at the Systems inside of us that we create to Protect ourselves that get in the way of The authentic spirit and finding ways to Reintegrate them you know heal them in Ways where they do not run the show Anymore but our spirit does and so that Might be something you want to look at Um I've found a lot of benefit from it But you know there are so many ways that You can do inner child healing and so Many ways in which can feel safe in Yourself and what's interesting is you Know we have two root chakra cards here And they're both related to the self in This case cuz I I see this queen energy As you and and like I said you don't Have to be a woman or even have any Feminine energy for this apply for this To apply well I guess it could apply to Your feminine energy um but like I said This is about energy not identity so or Sex so biology those things so just know Um but I do see these two queens as you

I see you Queen um what's that song Yes Queen I think it's by young baby Tate Such a good song that may be for you uh But these two Aces here are really Speaking to the fact that you need to Create more opportunities to connect With yourself and feel safer exploring You know this Dimension and this reality It seems like you have habits and Patterns that you feel safe exploring But anything outside of that is Overwhelming especially if you don't Know what the results are going to be And so I definitely think that there is This shift of you realizing that you not Only are you capable of protecting Yourself but the inner parts of you need To know that they're safe and need to Know that you've got their back and that You will make decisions that that won't Betray them in order to keep moving Towards your highest good and in order To stay in a in a in alignment with What's true for you and we have so much Heart chakra energy here so I really Think you're being encouraged to connect With your heart do things that help heal Your heart do things that just you know Get you in your heart space and a little Bit of solar plexus but you know more Than anything I think that what you're Just being encouraged to do is have more Confidence in yourself and have more Take more of an active role in your

Healing and take a look at Like what do I need that I'm not even Realizing that I'm needing um that could Help you a lot uh and that and you may Have to just start trying things and see What what works for you you know what Works for someone may not work for Someone else and and that's okay so with That being said we're going to go ahead Now and get into your charms I'm going To give you a headphone warning here Uh getting the charms is a little bit Loud so you may want to turn that down Um my eyes will be closed while I do This and yeah we're going to use these Charms to serve both as extra guidance For you as well as signs on your path so Pile one [Music] Spirit what signs and Guidance do they need to see here for Their highest Good wow okay a lot beautiful okay so First of all we have the sun which I Think is incredible so I feel like no Matter what this is a sign that light is Coming and that it will continue to be Coming but also uh h well that's one way You could uh connect with yourself and Uh be more Passionate with yourself or with your With your partner or with a partner um But for others I feel like this is just A beautiful sign that that you will see

The light and that the answers you're Looking for are coming um you may be Encouraged to like say a prayer or just You know ask for more of those signs to Be shown to you I also think Too you're really being encouraged to Connect with like the childlike parts of Yourself and and keep things light like If you have a tendency to ruminate or You know just kind of be introverted and Be like kind of kind of keep your own Darkness like close to the chest I feel Like you're being encouraged to bring it Out into the light because I think what You'll realize once you see it more Clearly whether it's writing it down or Talking about it with a therapist or Even talking about it like with your Partner or someone that you trust you'll Realize like oh these things aren't Things I need to be ashamed of and these Problems aren't even as big as I thought They were you know I also think with the Sun here though this is just a beautiful Sign moving forward to like keep Focusing on the light keep focusing on Positivity on Joy uh because I Definitely think there's a negative kind Of and it's not a dialogue I think it's Deeper than a dialogue I think there's Subconscious negativity that Is not allowing the positive dialogue That you have consciously it's not Allowing that positive dialogue to

Really sink in because on a subconscious Level I think there's a part of you that Still doesn't believe it's true and so There may need to be you know work on The subconscious level where you start To undo these patterns and belief Systems not from a conscious logical Place but from a subconscious place like For example my inner family systems Therapy like it's main I'm mainly in Meditation the whole time So that is like you know when you're Doing like things like energy healing And stuff like that you know it may not Be the most conscious cerebral process But that can be very powerful and it's Very important but we also have the Seven of Pentacles seven of Pentacles um Well seven of Pentacles is all about Patience and I'll take that as a bit of A Freudian slip uh but this is actually The seven of Cups and I feel like right Now oh well these together one would Indicate a cutting through confusion but Two I think that you're also being Encouraged to stay in this mode of Exploration because there are a lot of Potentials that you kind need to explore In order to be more sure of where you Want to plant your Seeds um but I also think too you may be Creating a lot a lot of confusion for Yourself by considering options that are Not even things that you want but things

You feel like you should do are things You feel like you could do if you needed To and so I feel like those are the First things you need to n as as just Like no not not for me bab not at all um Let's see we also have yes you're doing Fine don't give up yeah spirit is really Saying and spirit is saying like Everything is fine you know these these Changes these blockages that you're Experiencing are not because you're Doing something wrong it's to Recalibrate and get you to do even more Right like this is this is for your Highest good and the fact that there's Like a white dog on here white dogs Could be significant um but I love how He's like standing in front of the Sun Or what looks like the sun uh but on the Fool card there is a white dog and so I I feel like this is a beautiful sign That like the new beginnings that you Want are coming um but you have to be Patient you have to plant those seeds And go through the process in order to Get there don't give up keep persevering Even when the going gets tough we also Have I love autumn so if your name is Autumn this is an encouragement of Self-love uh maybe someone named Autumn That you love is coming through to say Hi and that they love you and maybe they Could be a source of someone that you Could talk to but I also see autumn as a

Time of harvest and the fact that we These two acorns here you know an acorn Starts out as just this tiny little guy And then it becomes over time a giant Tree and I think that you're being Encouraged to recognize that the SE Seeds you plant in Spring you're not Going to start seeing until summer fall And so to trust that it may take time For the fruits of your labor to be shown But that doesn't mean that they're not Worth it and that doesn't mean that they Won't bear fruit it just means that You'll have to be patient and Unfortunately in this world of instant Gratification that is a very hard thing To do but remember time isn't real in The same way we perceive it and what Seems like a long time for you is like Really a blip in the grand scheme of Things and so that's why it's so Important to keep persevering let's see Let's do let's do the little fortunes I Decided to add them I always had them I've been like collecting them for a Long time I love Chinese food and or American Chinese food and uh yeah so i' I've got a lot of these bad boys and I Decided to add them to the charm Bowl But to start we have all things are Difficult before they are easy and that Is very very true um and I think that The more you the like the hardest part Is getting started um and usually the

Hardest part is showing up like even for Me today like sitting down to do this Reading I did everything else before I Sat down and did this because I was like Nervous you know and once I'm here once I'm talking to y'all it just like the Whole world melts and it's just you and Me and it's magic and it's beautiful and It's like I and and I don't get that Reassurance until I'm here and actually Doing it you know the the fear sticks Until I do it anyway but let's see your Numbers here are 5 18 13 33 55 53 we Have you will soon overcome certain Challenges in your life Yeehaw okay and Then we have 2 8 18 23 45 54 sorry if I Wasn't holding that uh correctly let's Do those two let's look at some arms now And we'll go back we got some we got we Got a citrus fruit that looks like a Lime uh maybe some of you need to give Yourselves permission to just have a Little a little a little tequila I don't Know that's what limes make me think of Um but not not saying that I'm Encouraging drinking I'm just obviously Drink responsibly but if you want to Maybe maybe you just need to let Yourself have a little fun but this Could also just be a sign maybe you need More citrus fruits like I'm thinking I'm Thinking about like scurvy right now now And Pirates um maybe maybe you need some

Maybe you need some Citrus in your life Um but also I'm thinking of Sour Patch Kids like first they're sour then They're sweet and so I think maybe some Sour experiences or sour Beginnings will Turn very sweet once uh once you see Them through once you keep chewing we Also have this fourleaf Clover so the Celtics Boston Boston could be Significant because I just thought like Boston Celtics do they say Celtics or I I don't I'm not a basketball girly I was Raised on hockey but um I irand could be Significant that was terrible that was So bad I'm I would like to personally Apologize to the entire country of Ireland for that and pretend like it did Not happen um but I also just see this As luck like you've got luck on your Side and the universe is really wanting You to trust in your um trust in your Abilities and Trust in where you're Being called to and and just recognize That like you know luck is a Vibe and You got to believe that you're lucky Anyway we have this little coffee cup so One thing that I'm hearing is that you May want to look at your caffeine intake Um especially if you drink more caffeine Than you do water uh that is a problem And that will lead to your energy levels Like dwindling I also think with this Though if you are someone who has a hard Time going out of like your specific

Routine or has a hard time you know Treating yourself one of the one of the Easiest things you can do to treat Yourself is like you know just a quick Walk or drive to a coffee shop and to Just sit there and maybe go a walk go on A walk with your drink or invite a Friend or you know I I always see the The moms on Tik Tok like going to get Their coffee and like getting their kid A little cake pop which is so cute um so Like you know maybe you do that and That's one way to bond with your kid if You have them uh I really want to see What's on the back of the deck of this I Never looked we have will the trigger Statement is is I am a victim and the True statement is I am powerful beyond Measure you are strong and capable with Gratitude optimism and action manifest The life you desire yeah this is Beautiful and this is exactly the Vibes That we want here so love that uh anyway Maybe Ginger is significant as well Let's look at these now we have even if You're on the right track you'll get o Run over if you just sit there and you Know I I agree and disagree with this uh Because the universe is intentionally Slowing you down but I feel like this Slowing down is not meant is not to tell You to take a different path this is Meant to tell you that you need to keep Going even with what's going

On and know that you're not doing Anything wrong but to not allow like the The panic mode and the things that that Run like programs in your brain that That create a lot of stress for yourself Like those are the things that you're Going to want to um start purging just Because they won't they won't be helpful For you and those are the exact things The universe is wanting you to look at Because those are what's going to get in The way of your manifestations coming to Fruition you know your path and and your Visions coming to fruition but the lucky Numbers here are 1440 27 24 18 Six and then Finally we Have your dreams can only come true once You wake up and ooh we've got repeating Numbers so 53 55 33 all see to be very Significant numbers for you um 1 19 and 59 as well so yeah there's a lot here About you recognizing your dreams and Recognizing how important they are to Follow and also to just realize Like the assumptions you have about how Other people have gotten to where they Are are most likely wrong um and in fact You know the people that you see as Having it all or as being successful They're still human they still have Problems and they still don't feel great You know all the time they may have like You know I I won't begin to presume but

I genuinely wish that like every single Person could have their wildest dreams Come true so that they realize that like It's not the answer to everything and Even when you have it all it can still Feel like you don't have enough and so That's why that inner work is so Important because you know you could get To where you want to be and then feel Like and then have like an existential Crisis because you're not able to Appreciate it or it's not enough so it's It's really important to keep doing your Own work on yourself as you move forward Because that's what's going to help you Genuinely appreciate and Savor and be Present with the blessings that come From you following your path we have This Penny here which I'm hearing a Penny saved is a penny earned uh let me See what year this is 2021 so the year 2021 could be significant um Lincoln in Terms of the car town I guess the President um could be significant copper Could be significant uh but also like a Penny just in in terms of Like what you may want to have happen it May require like Financial shifts and it May require you to like do things Differently but that's okay um and also I think that you're being encouraged as Well to do things like to diy things uh I will say the DIY girlies on Tik Tok And elsewhere are just so incredible

Like I'm sure are plenty of like and I've only seen things in passing but Like the stuff that that y'all do Whether you're watching this or not like Uh is so cool and I feel like there's a Lot of inspiration you can find not only Online But in terms of how we are like how we Consume and and how we purchase things Like that is Shifting and changing so I Think that you're being encouraged to Look at um where you put your money and Whether it's uh serving your ultimate Goals or not and also are you Overestimating like how much you need to Start a goal or are you like yeah but I Also see this as a beautiful sign of Like letting go of lack mentality and Recognizing that like you will have what You need and that starts by like Trusting yourself and trusting the Universe and just trusting the flow of Things uh we also have this little guy Which reminds me of the six of Cups and So with the butterfly being there I feel Like this is a beautiful sign of Evolution someone from your past could Be coming back around like especially With these cards here I didn't get that In the in the card interpretations but There could be like some of this healing That you're doing could be to rewrite History like in terms of you know wounds Your inner child has like a a big part

Of your healing process could be if for Example if you're if you're a parent Parenting your children differently than How you were parented and doing things In a way that that you know you would Have appreciated or for example if you Know you were told which like I God I Really hope nobody ever told you this But if they did I'm so sorry and you Deserved better um but if anyone told You parents are otherwise that you Wouldn't amount to something or that you Needed to be realistic or change your Expectations or you had to live a Certain way um otherwise you were bad or Evil or wrong um I think that this is a Beautiful sign that through your growth And transformation and coming home to Yourself you'll realize that not only Can you honor the past for what it was You can honor your journey for what it Was but you can also choose to write a New story choose to live a life that's Aligned with you and and allow yourself To be like the beautiful butterfly that You are butterflies could also be a Significant sign but we also have the Sign of Scorpio which with passionate Which I feel like passion is such a key Word here so Scorpio energy could be Significant and I was thinking about November earlier so and November does Have Scorpio season in it so that could Be significant um and finally we have

The letter n and I think that if you I Feel like you need to pay attention to What you say no and what you say yes to And make sure those are in alignment With what you truly want um in the words Of our Queens Mary Kate and Ashley or I Think only one of them said that but uh No is a complete sentence and I'm sure They both live by that so the letter N In general could be significant and I Also think this N is a sign to not um to Not say no before you even have that Answer and to not be afraid of no Because every no is leading you to the Right yes and and that's what truly Matters so p One that is where I'm going to leave This reading thank you guys so so so Much for watching and for letting me Read for you and thank you so much for Letting my ads play in the background That is one of the simplest and easiest Ways to show support and appreciation For my channel but if you'd like to do That in other ways you can like this Video comment down below let me know how It resonates subscribe if you haven't Already you can click that little Notification Bell to be notified Whenever I upload a new reading you can Check out my merch you can check out any Videos any other videos as well as Videos with extendeds um you can check Out my candles be sure to use cod so 10

For 10% off you can check out My um you can check out My fat juicy ass just Kidding uh you can't Um but yeah I can't remember the rest of This um but that's all I have for you Guys so thank you so so so much for Watching and for letting me read for you I hope that this reading resonated and That it helped I hope you all have a Wonderful day or night whenever it is That you're watching this video and I Hope you'll come back and see me again Soon bye Hi there pile two welcome to your Reading and thank you so much for being Here if you guys chose the citrine point And the star power tarot this is going To be your reading on are you on the Right path and right path meaning the Path that is aligned with your highest Good and the highest good of all beings So if you want a full breakdown of the Reading that's a Vibe this is very um Finding Nemo what's the is it Darla this Very Darla CED who okay hi pile Two welcome to your reading thank you so Much for being here I probably already Said that but I have poor short-term Memory uh if you want to check out the Intro uh the full reading breakdown is There but what we're going to go ahead And do is just start by looking at where You are at right now and based on the

Orientation of the cards that will let Us know whether you are in alignment With your path or not and then based on That we will look at whether we need to Get guidance on how to stay there or how To shift things will likely be a mixture Of Both these are fun to Shuffle let's do one more and we'll go For it so per usual if this first Beginning part resonates with where you Are currently at in life and this Reading is for you if it doesn't I would Try a different pile so pile two Spirit is pile two currently on the Right path where are they at in life Right now O Okay That wanted to come Out it felt forced okay we have the four Of Pentacles in Reverse we have the Queen of Pentacles Whoa that's weird Okay pile one also got The Queen of Pentacles upright right Here we could have completely different Readings so don't worry about that um But if you were drawn to pile one there Might be messages there for you too What else Spirit how is pile two doing are they on The right Path we have the Knight of Swords in Reverse I love these cards I need to use Them more Often um

Okay this Pile Two on the right path Please okay we have the moon in Reverse Okay and that actually came out upright And it flipped itself reversed so Spirit's not coming to play today yeah We got the seven of cups in Reverse but I'm not going to keep it on here because YouTube has a problem with the human Body even though that's a nice booty and I wish you could see it I hope well if You want to see it more deeply you can Screenshot it So yes and No are you on the right path Circling back to pile one's reading in Certain instances yes but in a lot of Cases no and I think that this has a lot To do with what's going on internally Inside of you that you may be working Really hard on avoiding by doing Physical self-care and doing things that Feel good in the material realm this is Kind of the vibe that I'm getting it Seems like there is an unwillingness to Let go of past energies or an Unwillingness to be open to what what's What's trying to reveal itself to you And I feel like there could be this Attachment to the stability and security That you've had in the recent present Past present SL past present past is a Not a word um that you feel very

Comfortable with and it almost seems Like for you it was like a leveling up Like oh I finally got to this place Where you know things just feel balanced And I feel good and now spirit's like Great so we have these things we want You to look at and you're like no I just Got balanced like why are you doing this To me which is like such a Mood welcome to life lifing um I'm sure You're well aware but in in case you're Not and it definitely seems Like there are things trying to get your Attention that you are hellbent on Avoiding or hell bent on shaming Yourself for which is not cool so if you Could um could you you please like Apologize to yourself for maybe being Unnecessarily harsh on Yourself I'm serious do It oh Wait okay and if you Didn't take note of that the fact that You can't even forgive yourself for Whatever you are shaming yourself for That that is something to take note of And to not judge yourself for but to Have compassion for the fact that Whatever is going on within you is so Intense that you can't even give Yourself Grace about it that is a sign That we need to go within so I Definitely think that in terms of like Your material security or just where

You've gotten in life it seems like you Feel pretty stable and this instability Inside of you is probably deeply Uncomfortable I wouldn't be shocked if You're dealing with a lot of um negative Dialogue I also wouldn't be shocked if You could be mouthy right now and like Maybe not in front of other people but I Like I do this all the time where I'll Just like rant in my house and be like Oh what the [ __ ] like why are people Like this like and it's like and it's so Frustrating because it's like you see All this clown Behavior around you and Then you go to a mirror and then you Have to look at your own clown face and Be like I'm part of the problem but like [ __ ] humanity and being a human it's a Lot it's a lot and I think that you are Kind of contending with this fact that Like it seems like on paper you gotten a Lot of the like normal human things down Or at least to a point where you feel Comfortable and secure in them but there Are parts of you that are not being seen And I think that these are especially Like shadowy Parts especially with the Moon in reverse and and honestly I Wouldn't be shocked if this has a lot to Do with like Fears um this could also have to do with Just like mental illness you know if You're if you have like a high have high Functioning anxiety or you know are able

To F you don't have to have a specific Diagnosis but if you can be mentally ill And highly functioning while doing it You are actually in a much worse Position because on the outside you look Fine but on the inside everything is on Fire like like that SpongeBob uh episode Where they look inside of his brain and Like they're trying to find a name and They're like come on come on and like Literally his whole brain's on fire That's kind of what I feel like is going On with You and you know one of the things that I kind of forgot before I started this Video is that like even when you're not In alignment you're in alignment because That lack of alignment is showing you Where things need to be shifted and you Need to experience that in order to know That something needs to change and so I Feel like in this case there's a part of You that's really holding on to some Past pain and that's also really holding On to stories about your past about your Past self stories that maybe other People told you as well as this kind of Darkness within you that I think you're Really afraid of looking at and the Thing is is that this darkness wants to Be seen by you wants to be held by you Wants to be acknowledged by you and I Think that you are too afraid to do that Or almost unwilling to do that because I

Think there is a part of you NOS that Where your psyche is at right now it Would be really harsh and maybe very Judgmental towards those parts of Yourself that you know you don't want to Look at and I think one of the biggest Things to remember here is that it's not Shameful to be flawed it's not shameful To be human and more so than that There's a lot of cool stuff in your Subconscious and and cool aspects of Self that I think you've forgotten about Because you've held on so much to this Idea of how you need to show up how you Need to be around people and it's left You feeling like a stranger to yourself And I think there is a part of you Probably your ego that likes this level Of like oh I can suffer in silence and People don't know which is not good That's not good um at least in my Opinion but also I think there is a part Of you that may be attached to this idea Of like well at least if it doesn't look Like I'm struggling and at least if like Things look good on paper then like Everything is fine and that's not true Cuz you're not truly living you're Living how you think you should be and With the moon in Reverse here it seems Like there's just an extreme neglect of What's going on inside of you in order To feel in control in the outside world And it seems like all your focus and

Energy intention has gone there um and This is really interesting because like I said you know pile one had this Queen Of Pentacles coming out too but the Interpretations are already so different So um I definitely feel like in your Case like you're doing a great job at Like external self-care things like you Know taking taking those nice baths like Movement that feels good you know making Sure you're nourishing your body but Your spirit is not being nourished your Brain is not being nourished and your Emotional state is not being nourished And I also feel like with this four of Pentacles in Reverse there is a part of You that just fundamentally doesn't feel Good enough even and I feel like that's Why you're probably putting so much Effort and intention into making the Outside world appear perfect I well I Technically heard Beyonce in my head Going Flawless um and that is a problem Because flaws are fine And nobody is Flawless except for me Just kidding um but I do think that There are some maybe and because of your Unwillingness to look at this because of Your fear of looking at this these Energies are running rampant inside of You creating more chaos and it seems Like as a way to deal with the Increasing chaos you are putting more Effort and intention into controlling

Your external reality which is just Making things worse so if that resonates First of all I just wish I could give You a big hug and I just want you to Know that like this is okay I'm sorry if You feel a little scalped right now but Like this is this is how we grow this is How we learn and like these energies I Completely understand and like they're Not to be ashamed of these are to be Acknowledge so that that they can't rule You anymore so that you can thrive in a Way where you feel good not only about Where you're at externally but Internally as well so that resonates We're going to go ahead and get into the Second part of this reading where we are Going to look at for these three how we Can shift these energies into alignment And for this one what you need to know About this uh Queen of Pentacles Energy with that being said if you're Enjoying this reading or if you want to Support me in any way uh thank you guys To everyone who takes the time to leave Me a little like a subscribble a little Comment that stuff helps me more than You realize especially too just like Letting the ads play in the background For real though if you watch a lot of YouTube I know it's kind of expensive But I think YouTube premium is so worth It like I just I would say that I don't Really like watch a lot of stuff in

General at this point in my life but if I do watch anything it's YouTube and Like the last thing I want to deal with Is an ad I know they're annoying but Like we live in a society and we need to Pay for things in order to live and That's how it is so thank you to Everyone who supports me and just helps Me it means so much and yeah I just Wanted to know I just wanted you to know That you know if you're appreciating This stuff and you want to give back in Any way those are simple ways to do so And free ways to do so so thank you to Everyone who does okay let's start by Looking at what you need to know about This Queen of Pentacles SL how you can Stay o okay we have the four of cups Upright interesting four of cups I meant Four of uh Pentacles See this n of swords in Reverse is Coming for my neck now okay how can we Shift this four of Pentacles Upright Please how can we shift this four I mean Four of Pentacles to be upright or how Can we shift this four of Pentacles in General we have the eight of Swords Okay what about the Knight of Swords in Reverse we have the nine of Cups upright Ooh interesting I like that and what About the moon Spirit how can we shift The moon in Reverse to be in alignment

With pile two's High T Good oh we have the emperor Okay D energy and look what's on the Back of the deck the moon upright got to Get your wolves in order bro this is This is what this is about you will be On the right path once your wolves are In alignment I don't know I I really Like I really like talking about wolves Okay so with this Queen of Pentacles Here I think this is so interesting that Is coming out here when it came out in Reverse I feel like what you need to Know about this Queen of Pentacles Energy is that there may be a huge Attachment on keeping the status quo of Whatever you have liked about the Material shifts you've had and there's Nothing wrong with that but it does seem Like you could be shifting into a bit of A lack mentality out of fear of losing What you've built for yourself and that Is not healthy I definitely think that It's also creating this energy where It's hard for you to trust what's right In your heart and I feel like it's Making you doubt yourself and doubt your Ability to even reap more abundance or Or doubt that it'll be okay if your Finances fluctuate or if you know you Have to take some sort of risk I feel Like there is this energy here where You're being asked to not be so attached To the Persona or the the person that

You've become because you are in a state Of flux always and like those core parts Of you that are that are shown in this Queen of Pentacles like they will never Leave you you know being nurturing being Dependable being humble being down to Earth um you know I love Queen of Pentacles energy it's just very Grounding and just like oh it just feels Like a warm hug Queen of Pentacles Energy for sure if you've ever seen the Hermit tarot lorine she is incredible And she has and she's a Capricorn and She just has this very like oh I just Feel like like a warm hug when she talks To me and and I just like I just like I Feel safe and those are like some of the Vibes that you give me and I think that One thing that you may not realize is That those vibes you do not extend to Yourself and I feel like you're really Missing out on the benefit of this Queen Of Pentacles energy Because it's almost like you're Embodying it as a way to prove a point To others when in reality you're meant To embody it in a way that's nurturing And re generative for yourself so not Only can you sustain this like stable Energy but also be able to have the the Time the space and the energy to look at What's going on within and not have to Worry about what's happening around you Because that stability is already there

And so I think one thing is like they There so your guides are are really en Encouraging you to keep up with the uh Routines and habits that you've put in Place that really make you feel good and That really prop up the person you're BEC coming but to try your best to be Neutral about the fact that you know you Are in a better position you are in a Better place than you were and that's Okay you don't have to be attached to That you can be neutral about that Because the attachment to it creates a Fear of losing it and I think that fear Of losing it has created a lot of um Mental and emotional Stress that has led to wounds and things That were already inside of you building More and more and now that you finally Have are in a place where you you can Kind of take a step back and start to Look at yourself and start to look at You know what's going on inside of You that stability is meant to be that Anchor so that when you when you come Out of of these states of like you know Going within whether that's through Meditation whether that's through energy Healing whatever it may be you know you Have this stable grounding uh Environment around you and Routine established within you that you Can rely on when things feel unstable Within you and it it can kind of be like

Your Refuge like like your your anchor Or your buoy in a stormy sea now with The four of Pentacles in Reverse how we Shift this is by getting out of our head You know this is really speaking to me About lack of mentality and feeling not Good enough worried that you're going to Lose what you've built worried that you Know people are going to see the truth Like this is impostor syndrome Vibes Which like I understand completely it is Hard to feel good about yourself and What you're doing I I don't blame you It's very hard but I I I got to let you Know babe you're much better than you Think you are I don't know why I'm Talking like this but I can say it's Very fun and I will say as well when you Speak in funny voices it's really hard To ruminate because you're too busy you Know chatting [ __ ] in a in a voice that Brings you pleasure so one way to get Out of your head is just voice your Opinions in a funny in a voice that Makes you happy I I don't I don't even Know what that was but that could be a Way to get out of your head um this Eight of Swords is all about you needing To ground uh with this four of Pentacles In Reverse I definitely think that lack Mentality will get the best of you when You are grounded and stuck in your head Now the important difference between the Eight of swords and the nine of Swords

Is that the eight of Swords is Rumination and trapped mental energy That we we are capable of getting Ourselves out of and I love this Depiction especially because the woman In the image here is wearing a red dress And the woman here is wearing a red Dress and like I said you don't have to Be a woman for this reading to resonate For you we're looking at energies here Um and it makes me sad when guys feel Like they can't like watch these videos Or that this is not for them like I'm Sorry I'm very girly like I I am very Feminine but that doesn't mean the Fellows can't hit hang you're more than Welcome here Fellas Um but I'm not going to create a gray And dull environment to make you feel More comfortable with peace and love Um yeah there's definitely some Distraction here like like I feel very Like it's really hard for me to stay on Track and and so I would say if you've Been struggling to stick to your goals Is probably because of of being in your Head um I would really look into like Breathing techniques or just find ways To ground and get out of your head Because you are definitely projecting an Image about yourself that's not the Truth that you're not good enough that You're going to lose what you have that

That that this is not worth it or that You know things can't work out better For you whatever just negative Assumptions you have about yourself Whatever negative projections you have About yourself um they will rule the Roost if you do not ground yourself and Look into reality and be like wait a Minute this is just a projection this is Just an illusion this is just what I'm Seeing in the mirror and and I also Think it's so cool that this four of Pentacles has like a bunch of eyes all Over her I don't know if that's what They're supposed to be but that's what They look like to me and I think that The these eyes are really showing that a Lot of your insecurity does not come From genuine beliefs about your worth or Genuine beliefs about yourself but fears That you being who you are will be Misinterpreted or taking on the stories And misinterpretations of other people And then trying to police yourself to Make sure that those um um those Interpretations or those perceptions Don't happen but you can't control that And and all you're doing is inhibiting Your your ability to be yourself cuz the Reality is is people are going to Perceive you however they perceive you Whether you like it or not And the only person you're really Hurting there is you so definitely in

Order to get out of lack mentality you Really need to start grounding and Getting out of your head and finding Solutions to do that and also just Paying attention to when it's happening In the first place because a lot of Times we can be so in our head we don't Even realize we're in our head it's a Party in the mind Palace and we don't Even realize it's been 12 hours anyway Speaking of the Mind Palace Knight of Swords in Reverse how we shift this is Through the Knight of Cups upright which I love the Knight of Cups upright here Is all about you getting back into dulu And I and this is the thing about being Dulu Delusional to shift the Knight of Swords Being dulu is the culu because you are Dul in a different way where you're just Projecting a lot of negativity making Negative assumptions assuming ill intent Or assuming that things won't work Out and honestly just having like a General like negative projection of the Future like or just just in like I it Definitely seems like you're just kind Of stuck in a place right now where You're feeling a bit nihilistic which Like mood and I and I completely Understand like there's so much around Us that creates that but one thing You've got to do is is recognize the Resources that feed that negative part

Of yourself that feed that you know Hopeless nihilistic part of yourself cuz We all have that and but that part of You doesn't serve you know that part of You can be immobilizing and when and we Think people down here ready to create Change and ready to like make things Better and I think in your case the way That you can do that is by creating more Love in your life through doing things That you love through being around People that you love for some of you This could be an encouragement to put Yourself back out there and start dating Or for others I mean obviously if if You're single for others this could be Like like you know how like one Interpretation of this is like oh well I'm never going to meet anyone because Dating apps suck and and I only do three Things and like I'm not going to meet Anyone and it's like yeah no [ __ ] you're Not going to meet anyone cuz you're not Doing anything to try to open yourself Up to that like you're not making any Changes you are are stating outright That nothing will change and you're Holding firm to that so of course things Are going to stay the same does that Mean you should shame yourself for it no This is a normal line of thinking that Many people have but instead say Hey you Know maybe I can do things differently Maybe I can look up and see if there's

Like a spade dating thing maybe I can Have a friend you know do a double date With me see if they can set me up on a Blind date there's so many ways that you Can do things differently and this Knight of Cups is all about action and This is is about making taking action From your heart and from your emotional Desires rather than your nihilistic Assumption assumptions about the world Because you know what happens when you Assume things you make an ass out at you And me and the words of my Father anyway this nine of cups is also About you just embracing the idea that Like if you can live with a delusionally Nihilistic Viewpoint you can also live With a delusionally optimistic Viewpoint Neither one is necessarily the ultimate Truth right but it's almost like you Kind of need the opposite polarity in Order to kind of get yourself back into A baseline it's like yes is everything Outside of you sunshines and rainbows no But you can make it that way you can Feel it that way and you could look for The sunshines and rainbows around you And and see them you know I feel like This is is a real call for you to look At look at where you are feeding your Own negative dialogues and and the and The actions that you take to do that Whether you realize it or not what what You're consuming you want to know where

You can go to feel very negative the Internet you want to know like there are So many places that are Just giving you negative messaging all The time and I really think the universe Is saying like it's not that you're Wrong for having the perception that you Do it's just that you've been feeding That and feeding that and it's not only Making you miserable but it's also Making it way more challenging for you To get out of these energies and so this Knight of Cups is here to say we can do Things differently we can do things with Like a a Yeehaw la la la Vibe like we Don't need to be okay okay okay we can Be la la la la la like a lot of your I I Don't know how many people know that Meme but Um anyway this is about you recognizing That your truth is whatever you choose It to be and you don't have to choose One that stifles your soul and makes you Feel like crap and so the universe is Really saying we've got to start Finding the stuff the belief Systems and the attitudes that are going To uplift us emotionally and make us Excited and hopeful and optimistic and Not even necessarily optimistic but just Open to what the world might have to Offer and recognize that there are Unlimited possibilities there are so Many ways in which you can do things

Differently now moving over into the Moon in Reverse with the emperor upright I love this so this is all about you Recognizing that your Darkness does not Control you your darkness is a part of You and the ways in which it's quote Unquote controlling you now they're only Able to do so because you believe they Can control you and and it may be that They do because you don't know the parts That are operating yet you don't know What it is that's controlling you so you Don't know how to implement Solutions I Feel like this Emperor card here is all About you taking control of the fact That your shadows are not are not going To I don't want to say go away because Like we all have Shadow aspects and Shadow aspects aren't bad they're just What we can't see about ourselves what's Not in the light and that could be Positive or negative um and I think in Your case there's a part of you that Needs to own the fact that this is your Journey this is your mission and you Cannot Master yourself if you are Unwilling to look at like at least half Of it I feel like this Emperor card here Is is telling you to take the take the Lead and starting to do the shadow work To look at the parts of yourself you Don't want to look at um spirit's Literally guiding me over to a a journal That I have it's it's fine I wouldn't

Say it's like the greatest thing in the Entire world but it's like a integrating My shadow Journal like you know and These things these suckers couple bucks On Amazon like There's so many different ways that we Can explore and and you know a lot of Shadow work does focus on looking at you Know the the aspects of self that we may Not be proud of the aspects of self that We may not be ashamed of but there is a Real need for you to get in control of The fact that like you are the one in Control like you need to Daddy up in Your own life like with peace and love This moon in Reverse is really saying Like I am going to continue to rule your Unconscious until you Start you know having the courage to Look at what's in there and not only Treat it with compassion but also Realize like I don't have to let this Rule me the fact that we have two throat Chakra cards here I really think that What's coming Into uh your zone of awareness is what Is true for you and how do you perceive That Truth where is your sense of Empowerment because I feel like right Now the the parts of self That You Don't See within you that are working on a Subconscious level those are Disempowering you and so by looking at Them by understanding them by healing

Them by integrating them and by just Being aware of them that is how you Empower yourself you know healing is Often times not eradicating a thing Rather it's just being aware of a thing That's already inside of you and Choosing to act differently than you Would have in the past and choosing to Do something differently Um it doesn't mean that the thing stops Existing it just means that you deal With it in a different way that makes You feel better and empowers you rather Than disempowers you so ultimately there There is a real need for you to kind of Daddy up and and be like okay you know What this is this is my psyche this is My Consciousness this is my body this is My life this is my spirit and I will not Only treat the parts of self that I've Been neglecting with kindness and Compassion and do the work necessary to Kind of start reintegrating those but Also I am going to continue to reiterate That I don't have to entertain any Thought any belief System any Fear that would keep me small that would Keep me trapped and that would keep me Stuck where I don't want to Be this is all about you taking the lead In your own healing and not waiting for Someone to to to do it for you and and Not waiting for someone to rescue you I

Feel like there is a part of you even if You don't think that you are are Desiring that you may h a subconscious Level be stuck in like a cycle of Learned helplessness or stuck in a cycle Of like Stuck in a cycle Of almost just like procrastinating on Dealing with it hoping that it resolves Itself and it's not going to until you Start to look at it until you start to Go within and deal with what you need to Deal With um father wounds especially could Be highlighted here but I think that This is a lot about you just starting to Empower yourself and realize like I Deserve to feel good in my body I Deserve to feel good in my life like I Deserve to to heal I deserve to have a Mentality that supports me I deserve to Take the lean in my own life and I think That that's what this moon is all about And to not be afraid of it because Ultimately what you bring to light will Just Empower you further and and help You understand yourself more and then You'll realize there was really nothing To be afraid of except the fear itself So with that being said let's go ahead Now and get Into let's get Into your guidance Before we get into

Charms so Spirit what Guidance Do you Have for this Queen of Pentacles four of Pentacles Combo we have Earthly the scent is Puli the trigger Statement is I hate my body and the true Statement is my body is a temple Remember that you are a spiritual being Having an Earthly experience rever your Loyal sacred body yeah and that's the Thing too is like If you are doing like dangerous or Problematic things to your body in order To maintain like an image or or anything Like that you know That's it's not fair to you I I know It's hard brother but or Sister or gender neutral sibling but you Know your body can do crazy insane [ __ ] Like the body is so incredible and it And it is our vessel while we're here And we deserve to feel good in it we Deserve to find home within it because If we don't we can't make the changes That we want we can't be fully embodied Here and our spirit can't be fully Embodied here what about oh okay this One happened quickly so we have the Theme of ease the trigger statement is I Have to make this work and the true Statement is I am at ease with life you Need to ease your grip on life so that It can lead the way there is an outcome Brighter than you can imagine yeah I

Feel like you're holding on to like this Difficult way of doing things it's like You're working harder not smarter and I Also just think that you are like trying To force things to to happen and like How you envision them or how you think They have to happen and I feel like the Universe is like no actually we could go A different direction and get to the Same destination like twice as fast if You just like let us lead let your Intuition lead instead of Your instead of your Knight of Swords Energy what about this Knight of Swords Spirit what okay do you have for this Knight of Swords Knight of Cups we have receptivity the trigger Statement is I am guarded and the true Statement is my heart is open this is a Time for you to receive new information Open your heart to receive it yeah so For some of you there might be romantic Feelings involved that are that um that You may be like averse to or that you May be avoidant of that the universe is Saying hey be receptive to this there Might be a lot of magic here but this Doesn't even have to be like romance or Or anything like that um I feel like more than anything this is About you not pushing away the things You haven't tried the things you haven't Experienced and not pushing away hope Because you feel like what like what's

It worth it's all just going to go to [ __ ] anyway and it's like it's like what Does that help like yeah it is all going To go to [ __ ] anyway because you're Saying that and because you're affirming That and like with peace and love a lot Of times we don't want to admit when our Own dialogue is [ __ ] blocking our Ability to grow and expand and I think Like and also it's [ __ ] blocking your Heart so and what you'll realize is your Heart is just waiting for you to Acknowledge it and say hey you're valid Too and what you desire is valid too and Remember your heart is your Soul's Representative your heart will lead you To far greener pastures than your Negative mindset ever will and I know That positivity can be painful when You're stuck in a negative mindset but That's all the more reason why that Negative mindset needs to be dealt with Because positivity shouldn't be painful It should be uplifting and if it's not That is something and even if you don't Want to be uplifted by positivity at the Very least neutrality Neutrality is better than negativity in This case okay what about the moon and The emperor Spirit guance do you have There we have the heart chakra with Consolation the trigger statement is I Cannot go on and the true statement is

My heart is a light please hold space For the feelings you have honor them and Be with them your burden will be Lightened yeah I feel like this this Emperor energy like when I say you need To Daddy up it's it's almost like you Need to Be able to sit with your emotions and Say hey that's okay you're allowed to be Upset like you know how a lot of like Dads are not are not the best at being Like maybe emotionally nurturing but They're but they're doing their best and So they'll just sit with you or they'll Be like you know I'm here for you bud or You know they they they do it in this Way that's like they're they know they Can't fix the thing so they're just like Sitting there with you while you move Through it that's kind of the vibe you Need like the the wounded parts of you The the the parts of you that are having Really big feelings it's like the part Of you that knows how to stand firm the Part of you that's empowered the part of You that knows that these emotions are Expressing something to you and that They're valid and they're important just Kind of needs your daddy energy to sit With him and be like it's going to be Okay bud I see you and I feel you and We're going to get through this and the Only way you're going to be able to get Through this is by seeing and feeling

What's been going on underneath you that You don't want to be looking at you know This is a beautiful beautiful energy Of clearing honestly like the lower Chakras so that you know more light can Come in so that you can do things more Differently and you don't have to be so Regimented about how you move about in The world and feel trapped by that Yeah And the grounding card is on the back of The deck the trigger statement is I am Somewhere else and the truth statement Is right here right now everything is Perfect allow your energy to shift to The material plane where it is needed to Help you complete what you have set out To do and so that's kind of ironic Because it's a bit different from what I've been telling you but it isn't in The sense that even though you've been Here you haven't been focused on you you Haven't been grounded in yourself you've Been ground grounded in your environment Maybe but not in you and so there's kind Of this disconnect between your more Ethereal parts of self and your physical Parts of self and I think that what the Universe is trying to make happen right Now is a unification of these parts of s So that they can function more optimally And not Be stuck and not and not uh create Blockages for you down the road so we're

Going to go ahead and get into your Charms now and I will say headphone Warning for my peeps wearing headphones This might be a little bit loud uh I'm Going to close my eyes and then whatever Comes out is going to serve as both Guidance and signs for you on your path So pile two the spirit what guidance and Signs are Significant for their Path okay we got a lot all right Yeehaw let's move that Here okay We we start with this little purple Robot and so I would say first of all That is a sign to stop treating yourself Like a machine you are a human person And you Need to do things that feel good for the Sake of them feeling good for the sake Of your Humanity because like I said You're a person not a machine but I also I love that this robot is sitting in This like meditative position like this Robot has the same Vibe as like my Mr Frog like J Chillin um and I really Definitely think that this is guidance For you when you are feeling overwhelmed When you are feeling stuck in your head To do things that allow you to slow down To do things that get you in your heart That get you in your body and that make You feel good so whether that's Meditation whether that's yoga whether

That's taking a silly little mental Health walk whatever it may be for you Just something to get moving and move The energy out of your head we also have The Octopus and I feel like this is one the Octopus could be a significant animal But two I I I feel like this is a Reminder that being really smart can Make you really stupid and and I and I Say that to you pile two because I think You are very smart and I think at times You may be so hellbent on figuring Something out you don't know how to when You don't know how to let something go Or just realize oh maybe it's not my job To fix I also think though that you may Be so like focused and intent on things Happening a certain way sometimes that You Miss an easier way to do things I also Think though that this is talking about The fact that you are very adaptable to Whatever environment you're in and that Could be a good thing or a bad thing Depending on what the environment is and I and I feel like you know the more Effort and intention you put into making Your environment supportive and Nurturing for you so like all the work That you've done there a great job Because it's going to be really helpful For you but to also pay attention and be Aware of the environments that you're in

That reinforce these parts of yourself That are keeping you stuck and that are Keeping you held back um I also think That with this octopus this could be a Reminder to pay attention to boundaries And make sure that you're not Overstepping boundaries or uh allowing Others to cross your own out of fear you Know your boundaries are important and You Matter and I feel like that's also why It's really important for you to have a Strong connection with your internal World because if you don't you can be Heavily uh I don't want to say Manipulated but Heavily you're very malleable to your Environment so you could you could just Take on roles beliefs Energies thoughts Etc that are not Yours but that you take on as you Because You haven't established that sense of Self and that can actually cause Soul Loss like that is a harmful thing to do It is very important for you to have an Established connection with your inner World because one of the forms of Soul Loss and this is actually something that I learned like can happen for example Through social media if you don't ever Stop and take the time to kind of go Within and understand what's you you can Really start to take in what's around

You and then that becomes part of you Like you know have you ever noticed the Shift in someone after they go down like Certain rabbit hole holes and they're Like clearly like not doing well or like They're clearly like it's not them That's there it's all this stuff that They've taken on like that is something That spirit is highlighting to you is Not saying that that you're in danger of Going down internet rabbit holes I mean Maybe I think we all all are Um but it's about being grounded enough To recognize that and being grounded Enough to realize like oh I'm taking This on is me and this is not me you Know pay attention to your boundaries we Also have we have Archangel Michael no wonder the daddy energy was Coming through Archangel Michael loves Loves an ironic daddy thrown in There or unironic okay sir let's let's Chill thank You oh I love Archangel Michael and he Loves us too so one person well one Angel that you can pray to is Archangel Michael uh the name Michael could be Significant but I feel like this is just A beautiful sign that you're being Protected and that Archangel Michael is Watching over you and when you get Overwhelmed or when you get afraid or When you feel like when you feel like You have to fight yourself or that you

Have to Like that you're not capable that you're Not good enough pray to Archangel Michael because he will look out for you And he will be there for you And yeah angels are our friends and they Are more than happy to be there for us We just have to pray and ask for it we Have the turtle here which I love Turtles I like turtles Um I definitely think that this is a Beautiful sign that you know the the Most profound changes that you go Through are going to be slow and steady They're not just going to be Instantaneous you are the tortoise not The hair but remember the tortoise wins The race um you are meant to undergo These changes gradually because they're Meant to be lasting changes not Um not uh fickle ones I also think Though you know the turtle carries it Shell on its back and I think one of the Things that you are learning is how to Find home within yourself and it's this Process of getting into alignment that You're going to learn to find Center Within yourself you're going to learn to Find home with yourself and realize like Oh you know my body can serve as a home For myself you know my my mentality can Serve as a home for myself you know my Inner world is a home for myself the Magician for example their their sacred

Place of worship is within you know they Don't have an external house of worship I mean they can they can create one but The magician has what they need Everywhere they go because they have That Center like that that sense of home And that sense of Center within them and That's where their magic stems from so The more you get to know your inner World the more your inner world will Repay you with more clarity in your External world and more confidence in The decisions that you're making we also Have this little Piece of a clear quartz once a clear Quartz tower so I definitely think that Uh this could be a sign that if you felt Clear uh these shifts that are happening Are going to help you see where maybe Things haven't been so clear so that you Can make those changes but I also think That That one I mean I don't I feel a little Bit uncomfortable with this message but Like it's readings like this that could Be helping save you from like maybe a More intense Tower moment where you Really have to go within and realize oh I've really got to start looking at Myself um but if you've gone through a Tower moment recently this is a Beautiful sign that you're going to be Gaining clarity about that and just kind Of like why those things need to happen

Cuz remember Tower moments are not Tower Moments happen like from the Divine like This is the Divine like a Divine shakeup And I think that and and they always Happen in your highest good because a Tower doesn't crumble if it's built on a Solid foundation and so in this case Like I feel like you're going to be Getting Clarity on Why certain things in the past failed And why you couldn't stay in certain Places why you couldn't stay in certain Positions and then you're going to have So much love and appreciation not only For yourself and for the universe for Yourself for moving through it and for The universe for loving you enough to Not let you stay somewhere that would Have sucked the life out of you so we Love That Let's see we also have never Stop um and the fact that this came out Like this I feel like this is definitely Calling out hustle culture and maybe the Hustle culture within yourself um you Know if you feel like you've got to keep Pursuing Material wealth or um keep pushing the Limits of what you can achieve Materially I definitely feel like that Will create a tower moment it could also Create a moment Where well not create a moment but it it Will make it even harder to to look to Get to know yourself to look at yourself

Because you're just going to get more Used to not doing that and the less and The less of yourself you invite in the More work you have to do later to clear Out it it's like gardening it's like the More you let the weeds grow the more Weeds you're going to have to clear once You decide to tend the garden does that Make sense no that doesn't mean you Shouldn't tend the Garden or be like oh There's too many Weeds you just have to accept okay There's a lot of weeds here we're going To do some weeding and we'll be patient With that process because we may not get It all done today but that's okay we'll Do what we can and that's enough Just do your best like there's a really Big Vibe here of the universe just Asking you to do your best and accept That that is more than enough um let's See we have this coin I think it's Canadian is It or is it no it's a Euro all all of my European all my Friends in the European Union y'all were Like uh no okay o this is so so Spain Could be significant the year 2003 could Be Significant uh yeah this is a five cent Euro what says 5cent I I'm not okay I've already Rambled too much in this reading so I'm Not going to ramble more but that could

Be significant this could also be a sign Of abundance and also just a sign to Like to trust that more is coming to you And that you don't need to like strive So hard to make things happen for Yourself and in fact I feel like it's This belief that you have to strive so Hard that is like part of a shadow Aspect that is part of like well if I Don't do it it won't happen or if if I I Need to prove that I'm worthy of this And it's like man that's an exhausting Mentality to uphold and you don't Deserve that we also have o we have St Patrick so St Patrick is here as well he May be a significant Saint to you Ridding the snakes in your Life um St Patrick's Day could be Significant or Ireland could be Significant I once again have to address An apology to the entire country of Ireland for that really really shitty Accent um but yeah St Patrick may be Watching over you as well we also have The moon again and I feel like this is Really Spirit saying don't push away the Darkness like the darkness will Be the resolve and the freedom that you Need to realize like you are both light And dark we all are and what's in your In your Shadow side what's in the Darkness like what's in your Subconscious That is the money shot like that is the

That is the stuff that will absolutely Transform your life in ways where you Will never look at yourself again you Will never look at people again in the Way that you judge them or in the way That you you well in the best thing that You can do is realize you don't even Need Judgment at all you can just be Discerning because discernment Is it's judgment with compassion but It's like not judging it's like Assessing what's right for you and isn't And you know giving other people the Sovereignty to do what they wish without Judging them for it but just accepting Okay you're at a different place I'm Here and seeing whether things are Compatible or not but I also feel like With the moon here you're really just Being encouraged to not try to rush this Process and instead like really flow With it and and recognize that like You're not going to get all of this Figured out in a day and you're not You're not going to have a moment where You just wake up and you're like oh this Is exactly what I need to do this is Going to be an unfoldment and there's Going to be Cycles to this and I think You may be feeling like yeah but I've Been in the darkness I've looked at Shadows and it's like well there's Always more and also remember the moon Moves in Cycles so you're not like if if

The universe just sat down and was like Okay so here's everything in your psyche That needs to be dealt with here's all Of it have fun that would be a lot and It would be very daunting and also Remember that like life is happening Concurrently so there there are things Also being created or being fed that Maybe you were less aware of before like Things are constantly shifting things Happen in cycles and it's not up to us To understand like we can't understand The process of how this happens but what You do need to know is is that Everything is okay and your intuition is Leading you where you need to go and What you discover in your own Darkness the more you love and accept it And and have compassion for yourself the More you will realize like these are not Things to be afraid of these are things To own so that they don't own you Anymore okay let's look at your little Fortunes yes I do eat a lot of Chinese Food I've been collecting these for a Long time well American Chinese food the Best exercise for the heart is to reach Down and help someone up yeah so maybe If there's some sort of service that Makes you feel good maybe look into that Uh numbers that could be significant We've got 39 42 52 45 20 55 we have you will overcome certain Challenges in your life beautiful so

Trust this one came out in the first Group as well so definitely trust that You will overcome these challenges and That it will be okay and I think that's The thing is like the more of your Shadow you own the more you'll be able To be aware of when it comes up and and Be able to act according to what's in What's in authentic alignment with you Rather than act out of impulse or just Reaction uh the numbers are 2818 234 45 54 and we have if you must choose Between two evils pick the one you've Never tried before yeah I feel like this Is really relevant to you because I feel Like you keep doing the same thing over And over again and expecting different Results and like that doesn't help let's See lucky numbers 4 56 12 45 50 54 and Then finally we just have the letter Z And the letter U I love zoo I love zo D Zoo I don't know I don't know take take Those with you will I'm I'm thinking of Little Uzi but also the you with the Heart is just like I love you and also Maybe you need more rest uh maybe one Way you could show yourself love is by Uh letting yourself sleep in every now And then or uh going to bed a little bit Earlier so that you can get a full Night's sleep but pile two that is where I'm going to leave your reading thank You guys so so so much for letting my

Ads play in the background while you Watch something else and thank you guys So so so much for letting me read for You um if you would like to support me In other ways like I said earlier you Can comment down below Subscribe Uh like liking is so helpful And I like you so if you like me you Should like um you can check out my Candles be sure to use Cody so 10 for 10% off that code is good for all Candles on Angelic magic 888's website You can also check out my merch uh my Instagram Uh I'm not on it very much though cuz I Do hate social Media very ironic Anyway um you can also check out my Other videos readings with Extendeds or just I don't know do your Thing but that's all I have for you guys So thank you so much for watching and For letting me read for you I hope you All have a wonderful day or night Whenever it is that you're watching this Video and I hope you'll come back and See me again soon bye hi there pile Three welcome to your reading and thank You so much for being here if you guys Chose the clear crystal Ball and the boring tarot this is going To be your reading on are you on the Right path which is more technically uh

Are you in alignment with your highest Good because the right path will be in Alignment with your highest good we are Not looking at the destination we are Looking at the journey and where you are At specifically on your journey right Now so what we're going to start by Doing is shuffling just where you're at Right now and based on the orientation Of the card That is going to determine whether this Aspect is in alignment with you or if it Isn't so if you want a full breakdown of The reading there is one in the Intro do not be afraid of reversals any Reversals that show up here today we Will be turning upright through the Shifts that we will look At just know reversals are not nothing To be afraid of and being a flop quote Unquote is nothing to be afraid of we All flop flop sometimes and I don't even Really think it's nice to call yourself A flop but I see the comedic appeal and I don't know why I'm saying that so Maybe some of you have been calling Yourself a Flop don't do That okay So Yeah if this part resonates you found The right reading for you if it doesn't I would try a different group or a Different reading so Spirit pile

Three where is pile three currently at On their path are they on the right one Okay we have the Six of Pentacles in Reverse is pile Three we have oh okay we have two coming Out we have The Two of Pentacles and Death in Reverse I feel like these want To be together so I'm going to leave Them together uh is pile three on the Right Path we have the wheel of fortune in Reverse it's almost like I knew I was Like some of you are going to see this And you're going to be like afraid don't Be afraid we're going to fix this Okay okay wow everything's coming out Like okay now we have Justice in reverse And the six of wand the six of Wands Upright with Justice in Reverse okay all Right pile pile three I want to give you A hug everything's going to be just fine Um and in fact I feel like things aren't Even as bad as you think they are I are You on the right Path like this is one thing that I Realized as I was doing this I was like Well yes and no like we're all on the Right path in the sense that like Anything that's not on our path if it's Not aligned for us like we can always Turn it into alignment and there's just A lot here that I'm seeing where there's Just a huge huge lack of balance in your Life because of your desire either to

People please your desire to gain Recognition of some sort your desire to Prove something to others or your desire To be seen as successful or Victorious um with this Six of Pentacles In Reverse here I feel like you are Almost Running on Empty or Giving of yourself in ways that you Don't have anything to give I also Wonder if this is a refusal to seek help In ways that you either know you need to Or in ways that could really benefit you It's almost like there's a refusal to Receive even though you may know you Need some sort of help getting out of a Certain state of being like we literally Have the five of Pentacles on the back Of the deck with another six in reverse And it feels like a lot of This feeling of lack and this feeling of Stuckness is partially centered on a Refusal to let go and also part Partially centered on a refusal to let The things die that you know need to it Definitely seems like there is an ego Construct that has been created around Um wounds of Injustice so you Know areas in your life where you've Been wronged areas in your life where You've felt this need to like prove Yourself or prove that you're not Affected by this or prove that you know Things will turn out right for you I Feel like that is cre creating a lot of

Imbalance within you and also I think It's keeping you stuck in stories that You're telling yourself that that Um if you are very heavily focused on Karma specifically other people's Karma I'm not going to tell you what to Do with your life but what I will say is Is that I feel like that can be a really Unhealthy State of Mind to be in um and Definitely there could be this feeling Or this need to like prove yourself to Other people that's like the biggest Thing that's coming through here and and I feel like it it's not even fair to you I feel like there is a part of you that Would that right now is more willing to Pursue the image of what you think will Smite your enemies or what you think Will prove to others that you're fine And that you're good and that things are All good and it's leading to more pain And frustration within you it's not Fixing the problem with the Two of Pentacles being here underneath the Death card it's almost like you keep Rehashing the same stories and refusing To move on from them even though you Know that that that even if like this Story is true to You nothing no energy time or investment And it is going to lead anywhere with This Two of Pentacles and death in Reverse it seems like I either an ending In the past hasn't left your psyche and

It's creating a lot of havoc in your Present or there's a lot of Havoc that's Been here for a while because of changes You know you need you know you've needed To make Transformations you know you've Needed to make happen but you've either Been unwilling to make those changes or I don't want to say incapable because Like I don't Like maybe it's the belief that you're Incapable or maybe there are certain Changes that you are Desiring that you Are incapable of and it's not that you Need to be capable of those making those Changes but maybe it's like you need to Shift your expectation on how those Changes happen and that's something That's getting you but with the Wheel of Fortune in Reverse here I can definitely See that you're not on the right path But it's not Because you're doing anything wrong per Se it's just because what worked for you In the past the ways that you coped in The past and the ways that you survived Are now getting in the way of your Ability to thrive it's like you needed These things at one point in time in Order to survive but that time is over And now the universe wants you to start Thriving and that can't happen until Changes start happening and until we Shift how we look at things I definitely Think that there's this energy of like

Wanting to conquer yourself or like Prove like once again that proving of Yourself to others and it seems like you Are heavily invested in people's Opinions or people's perceptions of you That they may not even be in your life Anymore they may not even be alive Anymore and you're still like I need to Prove myself to them and and CU because At that point it's it's not about them It's about you and I do feel there is This obsessive quality to your nature Where you when you feel slighted or when You feel wronged it's very hard for you To let go of that and it's also very Hard for you to because it's hard to let Go it's very hard to implement any Healing or even be open to the idea of Healing things around this because you Know you're still wounded by them and so I definitely think that this reading Came to you today to bring to light to The fact that you don't have to live Like this and you don't have to prove Yourself to other people in fact you are Worthy of feeling good just because You're alive and you exist you are Worthy of balance of good things solely Because you're a human person you're Having a human EXP experience I feel Like you have had more than your fair Share of darkness and suffering in your Life as we all do but I feel like in Your case there is still this disbelief

That things could change and maybe also This fear of letting go of it because It's like well if I let go of of these Things or if I start healing these Things who am I going to become you know I feel like you have a very strong sense Of self around The system you've created for yourself To keep yourself safe and those are not The authentic self those Are the parts of self you developed in Order to protect yourself I definitely Think there is a part like there is a Part of you that knows like this is not Where I want to be this is not you know This is not the life that I want to live Like if we turn all of these cards Upright let's just do that right now Let's turn all these cards upright show You what this looks like if we turn all Of these cards up right what do we get Generosity generosity of both both Coming from you and to you a balance of Giving and receiving The Wheel of Fortune you know Destiny the wheel Moving beautiful times faded moments Faded encounters you know destined Destined Experiences the wheel's always moving Right and I feel like the wheel right Now is in Reverse for a reason but I Think that you may be stuck on this idea That the wheel is is always going to be Turning in someone else's favor rather

Than yourself um with this Justice Upright and the six of Wands like like This Is not only things coming out in your Favor but Also feeling empowered by that and Getting recognition and success for that Maybe you've gotten recognition for Injustices in your life and that has Made it challenging for you to let go of Them because you're attached to them and With this death the Two of Pentacles This is an ending to living a life That's smaller than you an ending To pinching pennies is something that I'm hearing but but it's it's deeper Than that is these Two of Pentacles are You know typically in the Two of Pentacles we see someone like almost Like juggling two Pentacles um and there Is an end to this juggling this end to Holding on to things that Are this this end to holding on to what Has been and holding on to just this Amount you know this Six of Pentacles is Really here to say like you're meant to Have more and and we know you know that But we can't have more if we can't make Room for more and I think what you are On the right path in the sense that you Know this is not the path for you you Know that living life this way is not Going to make you feel good is not going To lead you to where you want to be it's

Probably going to lead you being Resentful it's probably going to lead You to being stuck in the past it's Probably going to lead you to being You know stuck in a lack mindset stuck Stuck in a place in life where you don't Want to be and stuck repeating the cycle Because you feel incapable of getting Out of it and the truth is you are Capable of getting out of it and that's Why you're here so let's look at how we Can get out of This yeah eight the eight of Wands just Came out in Reverse it's like it's like The actions that you do take seem to be Upholding the the loops that you're Stuck in and the action you do want to Take you feel almost inhibited by or Like they're Out Of Reach for you or you Feel like what's the point and the point Is is not having to be stuck here you Don't deserve to be stuck here and also I feel like one of the things that you May be attached to like I said is those Personality constructs that you've Created in order to keep yourself safe And there's a part of you that you may Be afraid Of there's a part of you that may be Afraid of well what do I look like Without my wounds what do I look like Without these protective mechanisms and And who is that person you might be very Afraid of that but the thing is is that

That person the authentic self they are Cooler than you could ever imagine and They're within you they're in spirit They're here and that authentic spirit Is what's talking to you and what's Saying hey we don't want to keep going Down this path we don't we want to get Clear on what's truly important to us And we want to let go of the stories That we keep repeating to ourselves Because they're not leading us anywhere We want to be we're reiterating cycles Of pain and suffering that we don't want To be in anymore and so let's look at How we can get out of that so I'm going To use the chakra wisdom tarot to look At how you can shift all of these Energies now the one thing that is Upright this six of Wands one thing that I do feel is in alignment with you is Having Pride in what you've already Accomplished and what you've survived And what you've gone through and if You're not proud of that if you're if You're not happy with that that's Understandable too we all have different You Know viewpoints and relationships to our Trauma to our wounds and yours is valid But I definitely think that that the one Thing that is in alignment here is this Knowing that you're worthy of more this Knowing that you deserve more and that You deserve better and rather than

Coming at that from a place of like Trying to prove that to other people Realizing that you just deserve it and You don't need people to give you that Permission or give you that validation In order for you to start doing that for Yourself Like it's kind of the vibe is kind of Making me think of like you Know music like Ariana Grandes and Nicki Minaj's both of them are incredible Individuals in terms of what they've Accomplished and created however a lot Of their music that is meant to be Empowering and meant and usually Empowering from a place of ego like for Example like I'm thinking of like seven Rings or break up with your girlfriend Um pretty much most of Nicki Minaj's Discography you know they're all about Like asserting your worth and you know Talking about how great you are but a Lot of that isn't coming from a place of Genuinely believing it it's coming from A place of trying to convince you and You know like you know niiki Minaj's Like you know struggles that hardships That she's gone through recently I think Have kind of showed that like you know Even though this is what she talks about In her music that may not be how she Necessarily feels inside about herself You know same with Ariana Grande like You know she might preach this

Independence she might preach these Things in her music but that doesn't Mean that she feels that way it it's It's almost like preaching the thing you Want to become or preaching the thing That you feel you need and I think that In your case it's like SP like we don't Want you to be in a position like that Not saying International music star I Mean that's that's a whole different can Of worms but in a position where you Have to Create from a place of Illusion from a Facade from a place of almost trying to Convince yourself rather than Convince the world because it's really One of those things where it's like yeah You can believe it but actions speak Louder than words and eventually people See through you know those facades they Create and it and it just becomes more Clear it's like okay you don't actually Believe the things that you're preaching And and you know you're Not these things aren't aligned like and That doesn't mean that There's and that's the thing like going Down this Rabbit Hole I think the reason Why I'm talking about it is because it's Like they can't even See how incredible they already are they Can't see like their worth and their Like and and a lot of that doesn't come From the fact that they just can't see

It it comes from the fact that they have Wounds and they have trauma and like They're humans they have things that They're dealing with on a collective Level no less like celebrity is Separation Consciousness incarnate and That's always going to be painful for Any human being in it because they are It's going to be far more challenging to Be in Union with your environment when Your environment is going to remind you That you're separate from it that and is Going to try to put you on a pedestal And put you up there you know like that That is a crazy situation to be in for Any person and I certainly don't envy Them you Know and you know my assessment of Things doesn't have to be the truth it's Just my perception but I I see you in Them in the sense that I feel like You're trying to create this vibe that Is like yes of what you want to be but But you're doing it in ways that I feel Like are keeping you stuck in the past Rather than being able to heal and move On you know what I'm saying Um it's like stuff that's that you know It's like why are you doing this is it To convince others or is It to affirm yourself and maybe it can Be both but I think ultimately when You're trying to prove it to others and When you're trying to prove it to

Yourself you don't believe it and it's Not your truth so it's going to be in Inherently weaker and it's going to Be kind of probably painful to the Spirit because there is a part of you That that is in aligning with what You're trying to project and so spirit's Saying we don't want this to be a Projection we want this to be an Authentic energy that is expressed we Want this to be something that you Genuinely feel so that you don't feel Like you have to go above and beyond to Prove something you know I will say if Someone calls themselves a nice person Or a trust trustworthy person or they Like need the feel the need to drive That home I'm like H I don't know how Nice or trustworthy this person is if They need to say it like that stuff Usually speaks for itself and I think That this is a lot about you realizing That like people are not going to come And wipe away the cobwebs and and and Show you for yourself your worth and who You are you have to be willing to stand Up and say nah like I know I'm worthy of This I know I deserve this Like I know that I am more than this and I know that I am more than the hardships I've endured you know The challenges that like I've Experienced the [ __ ] other people Have sent my way like I feel like your

Success story is not meant to be one That's like yeah I overcame this stuff And now I'm good it's yeah I embody Those experiences and I still struggle And I still you know I still have Healing to do I still have growth to do But I'm here and I'm not going to let it You know stop me from living my best Life and being as kind to myself as Possible and being as loving to myself As possible cuz that's what you deserve You deserve love you deserve kindness And and I'm not just and I'm not talking About just like romantic love you don't Even need romantic love you need love in The sense that you know that you are Love you know that the Universe loves You you know that there is love around You whether in the form of family Friends Partners Animals Plants things you enjoy love is Literally all around you you want to see Proof of God just look around you go Outside well if you're on social media Maybe not go outside like well you can Still find it on social media there's Plenty of beautiful things on there but What I'm saying is is that you're not Meant to be an image that projects a Healed nature you are meant to be in a Position where you are healing and you Don't have anything to prove and then That will make everything else more

Authentic and it won't be so draining to Take take action towards your dreams and Desires because you're not taking them From a place of trying to prove your Worth or prove yourself you're taking Them from a place of just knowing your Worth and knowing that you deserve to Explore your Life Path and and see what The universe has to offer you period Okay So Spirit how can pile three shift this Six of Pentacles Please we have the hanged Woman oh she's a woman in this deck Let's go For the girlies okay it's typically the Hanged man or the hanged one I think I Prefer the hanged one but can you Clarify this death in Reverse Two of Pentacles in Reverse what's going on Here we have the Queen of Pentacles Okay can you clarify the Wheel of Fortune in Reverse we have the empress Upright and can you Clarify or can you tell us how to shift Out of this Justice in Reverse six of Wands upright energy Please Okay we have the tower and we have the Seven of Pentacles okay all right first of all I'm kind of obsessed with how much

Feminine energy is here and if you are a Guy and and you don't want to hear about Your feminine energy um hello sir I have To let you know that uh you do have Feminine energy and so long as you Reject it you'll be cutting off part of Yourself now feminine energy is not the Same thing as femininity in terms of how We as a society look at It I'm not going into that whole [ __ ] Thing but what I will say is is that Everybody has a balance of feminine and Masculine energy and I usually like to Just say yin and yang because people Project gendered ideal Of femininity and masculinity based on What's in our culture and that's not the Same thing it drives me nuts um with Peace and love getting a little Passionate there um But first thing that you need to do is Maybe surrender to the fact that you may Need help you may need to seek some help Or just ask for it or recognize where You need more and you're not giving Enough getting enough Also are you giving too much What are you Giving because I think there is a part Of You you will see the imbalance within Yourself in relationships around you Especially the ones that drain you um I Would pay attention to that but I also

Think that this is a recognition of the Fact that like in order to receive we Have to give and I'm not saying that You're not a giving person but I think There is a part of you that is afraid of Also is is is afraid of both giving and And receiving I feel like you are afraid Of receiving help I feel like you are Afraid of letting yourself be vulnerable In that way and I feel like the universe Is really coming here to say we all need Help Like humans are social creatures for a Reason like we would not be able to do Things like we would have not left the Caves we would have all had our own Separate caves like we would I would not Be talking to you right now if we were Not social creatures like we would not Have language we would not we would not Have anything we would not be who we are And you know this idea of pulling Yourself up by your bootstraps and you Know doing everything yourself is is Just this toxic mindset that's created Especially in Western culture especially In American culture that says that that We can do it all ourselves and that's Just not true like it takes a community And I think that in your case what Spirit is really asking you to recognize Is that is to surrender to the reality That you can't do everything alone and That and the longer that you continue to

Buy into that idea the more you're going To create Resentment for the people around you and They're not going to even know that you Need help and the thing is is that Resentment may not be directed at anyone But it could be this overall Generalizing thing of of hating people Or not wanting to be around them you Know just feeling like oh people suck I Don't like people and it's like well no It's not that it's well it could be that But I feel like a lot of that resentment And pain comes from you know the humans That wounded you and also the fact that You're unable to right now at the very Least hold space for people's flaws and Vulnerabilities because you're unwilling To hold space for your own and I think That you you may look down on people That ask for help that that that that Are open and vulnerable about that but What spirit is trying to get you to Realize is that's not something to be Ashamed of and in fact those people Could show you a thing or two you know It's not it takes real strength to be Vulnerable and to recognize when we need Help and I think in your case you need To see through The Self-created you need to see through the Self-created uh belief systems about Yourself and about receiving and about

Giving that are not serving you Anymore I was about to say something Really vulgar And I Shouldn't so I'm not but I don't know if you're meant to know it You'll psychically hear it in your Head Anyway let's look at this death Two of Pentacles in Reverse this is all about Mothering Yourself this is all about nurturing Yourself this is all About being able to take a step Back and say Hey this is not working for us this is About you looking at yourself Through The Eyes Of A Mother mother that loves Their child and saying Hey this has got to change cuz we're not Being kind to ourselves like we can't Care for ourselves this way and so there May be a process of free parenting that Needs to happen here and I will say one Of the things that's going to be Frustrating about this is that I'm going To be able to highlight things that that You can work on and that you can shift But I can't do them for you and also you May feel this sense of disempowerment Like oh I've got all this stuff to do But no you don't like you don't have to Do anything this is bringing all of this To your attention but also I feel like

There are factors outside of yourself That are guiding this process where I Feel like you know if something like if You're trying to create change and it's Just not working maybe try a different Area of life and get back to it cuz I Feel like sometimes too there are just Natural changes that happen when we're Actually ready for them and I think Sometimes we can push and force change When we're not actually ready for it I Feel like this Queen of Pentacles is Really speaking to the fact that Rather than trying to push yourself even Further and even harder I feel like You're being encouraged to actually Reain it in a little bit and be like how Can we just nurture ourselves more how Can we like give ourselves rest and and Give ourselves some Grace I think a lot Of what's really challenging here is That you may be shaming yourself a lot For where you feel you think you should Be where you feel you think you should Be interesting sentence um you may be Also repeating patterns that your own Mother gave you or her mother gave you You know there may be this need to Heal matrinal wounds Around giving around change around Nurturing around Compassion not saying that your Caregivers weren't that way it's just That even if they are that way that

Doesn't mean we don't still like pick up On things um I definitely think more Than Anything what you need especially in Terms of the material is more gentleness And more Nurturing I actually hadn't experienced This with with Odin um where I was Talking with him and you know I was kind Of expecting him to be like rough with Me or harsh with me and he was like Super gentle and so kind to me and and I Was just kind of confused because cuz Oden is a very very gly gnly Gnarly gnarly uh spiritual being And they were Like why would why would I be harsh with You it's harshness and people being Harsh on you that has led you to this Point where you feel afraid to make Change and you feel you know afraid to Even open yourself yourself up to the Unknown like you don't need harshness You need gentleness you need you need to Know that you're loved and that you're Cared for and that you know you're not a Bad person if you make a mistake or if You slip up and I feel like you need to Hear that as well you're not a bad Person for slipping up you're not a bad Person for making mistakes your worth is Not determined by what's in your bank Account your worth is not determined by What your roles are your worth is

Inherent you are just as worthy as Anyone else and no one is above or below You no matter what Illusions we create In society to be that way and that Really goes back into that separation Consciousness that I was talking about You know like celebrities and people Like that have that extra that's why Like narcissists and stuff like that Thrive in those environments because They're already so deeply ingrained in Separation Consciousness that it's like It doesn't really affect them anyway It's like normal for them But yeah that's that's just a whole Fascinating thing Um and that's why I'm able to have Compassion for people that have more Than me or I perceive is having more Than me because that's not necessarily a Truth like what you have on a physical Material Level it's not the same thing As what you have in your heart what you Have you know true abundance is not About what's in your bank account it's About what's in your soul what's in your Heart And what you're what energy you're in Alignment with and and I think truly one Of the hardest things is to have Compassion for all beings like all of Them you know even the bad ones like you Don't have to understand it you don't Have to you don't have to approve of it

But learning to have more compassion Even for those that you don't understand And that's the thing about compassion is Compassion doesn't require empathy it's Just a willingness to be kind and Not just a willingness To not add to all of the negative icky Energy that already exists in the world World and not directed at someone or Yourself and I feel like I'm just Rambling now But I really just feel like you need to Know pile three that like this this is a Process you're not going to get this Fixed tomorrow and the expectation that You will is is going to set yourself up For failure but one thing I really need You to know is that there is a lot of Spiritual energy rallying around you That really wants you to heal that Really wants you to keep healing Whatever healing work you've already Done and wants you to know that like This cycle will shift I love that the Empress came Out the shift that you're meant to go Through is one where you get centered in Your heart and instead of and instead of Focusing on your goals from a Perspective of you know how is this Going to look like what could I get from This it's rather how will this make me Feel because I feel like you are meant To live a life that you love and when

You truly love what you're doing and and Well I guess here's the thing Loving what you're doing you may not Always love what you're doing but love Is something that's like anyone who's Been in a long-term relationship knows You don't always feel this passionate Undying love for your person but that Doesn't mean you don't love them so much It's the same with your own life doesn't Mean that you're going to love every Aspect of everything all the time but The love is greater than any of the Frustrations or any of the drawbacks That come from the life that you choose CU there are things that we have to Sacrifice in order to do the things that We love do the things like live the life That we love sometimes that means Sacrificing unhealthy habits sacrificing People that aren't aligned with us Sacrificing belief systems that don't Serve us and I think in your case there Needs to be a a sacrifice of your Self-loathing the empress is all about Like oh God I just want to cry because Like I wish you could just see your Worth I wish you could see it right now Like I wish you could see like your Light and like the intangible qualities Of you like there are there are so many Versions of you in other people's heads That are so positive and you don't even Realize it

Like there are people that are so Grateful that you exist and you don't Even realize it there are people that Have been touched by your existence and You don't even realize it And the thing is is Like whether you know it or Not it shouldn't be based in how other People see you anyway anyway but I feel Like what the universe is trying to get You to see is that when you're coming From a loving place and when you have Love for yourself it doesn't matter Whether you're in like what you would Perceive as a good place or not because You know that things are always shifting And things are always moving you know The wheel is always turning so there Will be times when you're on top there Will be times when you're on the bottom There will be times when you're on side To side and look at that in the sense of A celebrity's Evolution okay okay Taylor Swift is an excellent example of this Shout out to the swifties okay she had Like a huge peak in 2023 with her aist Tour it's going to be interesting to see What happens next but she's gone through Lots of highs and lows in her career and So have so many other artists and the Way people see them the way people talk About them shifts as as like the public Narrative shifts with them and that's How worthless the public narrative is

Like it's just people commenting on Things you know know and that's why it Is so important to be what you believe And embody it even when other people Don't see it because that is what is Going to lead you Through the painful experiences of People not seeing you the painful Experiences of people rejecting you or Talking down on you or or not believing In you there's a lot of major cards here And I don't know what's in store for you Pile three like you know the fact that I'm talking a lot about like celebrity And things like that you know it may be That you are meant to have like a more Public facing life maybe you already do And maybe you're like I don't feel Fulfilled from this or or this is really Hard and it's like yeah you know when You're I don't understand that but like I would I I understand the idea that Like yeah it's not going to make you Feel any better like um and in your case I feel like what the universe is trying To say is is that we don't want you to Get the things that you are going to Achieve Well because first of all you're not Going to achieve them if you come from This sense of like uh if you come from a Sense of depletion and come from a sense Of like trying to prove yourself and Believe that it's like you right now

Would be like I need to do the thing to Prove to myself I need to accomplish the Thing to prove to myself that I'm worth It but what the universe is saying is no No no no no no you're already worth it Whatever you achieve is just a Reflection of your hard work and Sometimes our hard work is not reflected In what we achieve but that doesn't Change the sentiment that we worked hard And that it still matters what we did Anyway whether we do or not get the Recognition for it and I think that's The thing too is that recognition can be A tricky thing like I feel like there is A part of you that really yearns to be Recognized for your positive qualities Maybe you know you didn't get that Growing up or maybe you feel like people Just misunderstood you which like mood But what you're going to realize like When you don't heal these things and Then you do start getting the Recognition it's just going to trigger Impostor syndrome and it's just going to Intensify these energies even Worse and so what this is trying to show You is is that until you start becoming More nurturing towards yourself until You start allowing yourself to create Not from a place of expectation but from A place of authentic expression like That authentic expression is going to Feel so good you're going to realize

Like oh I want to do this anyway Oh you might even projects that you have In your mind that you want to do will Shift as you love yourself more you'll Be like that actually doesn't align with Who I am now and I don't really think That is for me and I just want to cry Like so badly pile three because like oh If you could just see how [ __ ] Incredible you are and like all the good Things in the world that you deserve and Like All the beings that love you so much and And the impact that you've already had And the impact that you will have when You're coming from a place of Love Rather than a place of not feeling good Enough like you will be blown away and Absolutely humbled by the love that will Not give up on you and that will Continue to fight for you and protect You and and keep showing you that you Deserve more than you think you do and You're so much you're worth so much more I'm sorry like I I can't help it it's Coming out now like I think that there Are a lot of beings I love you very much Now I think I know and for some of you I Think you've had someone that's very Special to you pass on and I think that They're coming through right now to just Know how much it breaks their heart for You to not know how incredible you are And not know that you deserve more and

Accept less and and believe that that You have to push yourself to the brink In order to be worthy and worth it You're worthy and worth it right now And I think that there's a lot of Pain in the sense that they they aren't Able to be here and do more but they Want you to know that they're guiding You and that they love you and they're Watching over you And they will continue to Advocate on The other side they will continue to Send you signs they will continue to be There they're going to be with you all The time and they want you to know That what you believe about yourself Right now is not the truth and they're Going to help help continue to show show You that that's not the case but man They really wish sometimes they had a Body and vocal court so that they could Just really help you snap out of it cuz There is a real like Unapologetic like Like this energy that I'm feeling is Like girl well not that you have to be a Girl but the energy I'm getting is like Girl Like fix your crown like I'm getting the Song Yes Queen by young baby tape that Actually came out in a different pile But woo um for some of you someone came To visit hello Um but whether like that message of Someone passing on resonates for you or

Not that doesn't mean that like there Aren't beings that that doesn't mean That there aren't beings that love you Unconditionally that that want that for You too I think and that's the thing About the Divine mother which is like Really coming through here a lot is you Know she laughs with us she cries with Us she doesn't she doesn't Experience human life from a place of Detachment just watching she feels our Pain she feels our sadness and she's There with us through these experiences She's not detached from it and so I Definitely think that there's a lot of Healing of your feminine energy where You start to realize how important it is To care for yourself to care for your Body to do things that are nourishing For your soul and your heart not just You know rigid mechanical things that You think you need to do but also with This Empress energy this is a lot about You realizing that like nobody is going To come and tell you well I guess I I am Telling you how how worthy you are but I'm only doing that because you you came Here you clicked on the video and you Found the right pile for you so it Really was you it wasn't Me and it really isn't me anyway it's The things coming through me so just Know That you're not alone in this like this

Process is a co-creation like you are Meant to co-create with the universe but It's going to be really hard for you to Co-create the universe when you're Trying to create from ego rather than From your soul because your ego will Never be able to amount to the things That your soul can create for You and actually I think we're going to Switch the deck that we use for the Um For this part well I'll probably just do Both cuz I feel bad not um Not giving You the other deck that I used um but With this Empress card this is all about You nurturing yourself and about being Patient with the process of these Cycles Like change doesn't happen at the speed Of light it happens at the speed of Earth especially down here um now there Can be changes that happen at the speed Of light like energetic shifts but Things moving on an Earthly level we Have to be patient with the speed of Earth now now with this Justice in Reverse six of Wands in Reverse I've got Some tea for you if you were wronged by Someone if there was someone who got Away with murder well I hope not Literally but got away with like Disgracing you or got away with just Doing something really really unfair to You don't worry about their karma cuz

They're getting it like I don't worry About it it's not it's not your Business I would pray for them and send Them Goodwill because Oh Lord they've got a lot coming their Way now how this applies to you spirit Is letting you know that things are Shifting and this is the thing about the Tower card is these are Divine shakeups This is the universe intervening you Can't create a tower moment like on your Own that would probably be more of like A maybe like a five of swords or A you Know a nine of Wands or no maybe a 10 no But I mean the tower moment is unique so Yeah not getting anything off the top of My head But there is a need for you to be Patient and let the scales Rebalance with this seven of Pentacles Here you've already started planting Seeds when it comes To making ch changes but I think the Universe is going to help you with that I feel this huge call to say don't give Up on making those changes but also if There are seeds that you've been Planting that really just aren't aligned With your highest Good or just seeds that you've been Planning that have been planted from a Place of like hate or greed or Envy just Know that you can undo those and that if

You don't undo them spirit will undo Them um you know the consequences of of That like I don't know um but after the Tower always comes the star which is Healing and I think more than anything This isn't a negative Tower in the sense That like look at look at this girl like On on the tower card like she looks like She's thriving like walking away from The burning Tower and the tower is in a Yellow solar plexus color and so I feel Like there is going to be a massive Shift where you're like oh yeah I do Deserve better and oh yeah of course the Universe was going to knock this [ __ ] Down because it was never good enough For me anyway it was never going to Serve me anyway and I feel like there is I feel like there is this emphasis on The universe saying Like it's not even like you're not alone In this and you don't have the power to Change all of it like we are going to Have to come in and do things as well And we are planning on it but we have to Get there in the right time in the right Way and so I feel like one thing that You need to know is is that like this Process that you're moving through of Getting on the right path you need to Know you're not on it alone and that Like the universe is going to continue To help you with that and there are Going to be things that are that you

Don't even need to know about that are Outside of your control that they are Going to do to help you get where you Need to go and I feel like if there is a Part of you that has a bit of a wounded Ego from some sort of tower moment that Happened in the past I feel like the Universe is saying wait hold that Thought you're going to be so happy this Happened actually once you see why um Once you get that star once you get that Healing and that hope and you see what This all was for but with the seven of Pentacles being here like be patient Like and be patient with the process of This change because seeds are being Planted in powerful ways and and they Will be worth it like keep working on The changes that you've already made but Also pay attention to what you've been Feeding and what you've been investing In that's keeping you stuck in these old Patterns and these old stories that Don't serve you it's time to look at the World in a different way in a way that Not only makes room for the person that You're becoming but makes room for new Mentalities new opportunities and new Mind sets that align with the person That you're becoming and that don't Reaffirm the person you know isn't you And that you don't want to be so moving On to guidance I'm going to kind of do Some something a bit different so this

Oracle deck is called the self Forgiveness Oracle deck love your ego Edition I love this deck so much because It helps us look at ego responses from a Non-judgmental place and from a place of Forgiving ourselves and it comes with a Really awesome book I believe it's on Etsy so if you want it you should check It out Um we're going to use this and I'm I'm Going to pull one or two um essential Oil cards for you as well just cuz like That's the deck I've been using for Everyone else and I don't want to like Not give you any not give you any of Those but I'm going to pull three of These and two of those and that'll be Since you guys got a lot of cards anyway That'll be that'll be your guidance so Spirit what ego responses does pile Three need to forgive themselves For I forgive myself for forgiv giving My power Away by valuing the opinions of Others over my own I choose to believe That when I trust myself to clarify and Stand by my own truth I allow for the Creation of a world I actually want to Live in this is so important this Component I choose to believe that when I trust myself to clarify and stand by My own truth I allow for the creation of A world I actually want to live in this Truth is so important that's why these Third eye energies are coming in here to

See truth so that you can start to Ground it and create it your truth is Not the truth that you have been Upholding through others your truth is Far more loving far more expansive and Far more empowering than the one you've Been trying to hold on to out of fear You won't be accepted if you let go of It because guess what maybe not everyone Will accept you but the right ones will And the ones that don't will find the Door and find people that they are more Aligned with and that's perfect that's Great what else what other ego responses Spirit does pile three need to forgive Themselves for okay we got two Here we have I forgive myself for Feeling as though I must see it before It is safe to believe it I choose to Believe that what I choose to believe is A powerful driver of my experience and It is safe to explore a perspective that Is more aligned with the reality I seek And so this is huge because this what's This goes back to what I was talking to You about in terms of keeping yourself Stuck in stories that you're telling Yourself you know the story stories that You have written are based on your past Experiences it's perfectly logical that You would be telling yourself those Stories but the thing is is that those Stories are not adding anything new They're not adding anything different

And what you're meant to do here is Change the game the fool in Tarot is the first card in the deck it Is the card of new beginnings and so What you have to be willing to do is Believe before you see and it's a very Hard thing to do but the more you trust In it the more you take those leaps of Faith the more you realize the universe Has got your back and the Unconditionally loving Universe has got Not only your back but has had your back Even when you didn't realize it and Their love and support of you was not Conditioned on you acknowledging them on You seeing them it was always there it Was always working in your highest Good but compassionately maintaining a Distance gets very paradoxical but it's Always been there and your interaction With it has never been dependent on Their Grace they're always willing to Give you their Grace but are you willing To receive it that's what's important And finally we have I forgive myself for Feeling as though there exists a person That could replace me I choose to Believe that I have a gift that no one Else is capable of sharing the way that Comes naturally to me and when I embrace My passion I own my place in the world Yeah this is huge I I feel like you Definitely compare yourself to other People and that's so normal like but

It's it's not fair to you and I also Think that there is a part of you that Really struggles with realizing like the Fact That the part of you that desires to Conform starts to stifle the unique Parts of you and th those unique parts That you don't feed lie dormant so you Almost forget that they're there but There's so much uniqueness to you that Maybe you haven't even realized or that You that you've forgotten about because They just haven't gotten the chance to Shine and it's only through that growth And through that healing that they will Start to be able to come forward because Right now what's taking up space is a Lot of the stuff that needs to be Cleared in order to make room for the New so Spirit what other Guidance Do you Have for pile three Please yeah okay so we have the solar Plexus with the trigger statement I am Bo boiling over and the true statement Is I allow myself to feel give yourself Space to decompress and time to nurture Your Body Mind and Spirit allow emotions To surface and release yeah I mean God Pile three I mean like I literally like If you need a sign that you have a lot Of lot of emotional energy pined up uh You literally made me cry which I think Part of that is just like the love that Exists like that will make me cry in

General like I watch a Pixar movie and I'm like sobbing I'm like Big B he Sacrificed himself for Riley like I I I Mean I cry at a lot of things but Like I only cry when I I feel deep Surges of of emotion and I think that You know you may be denying your Emotional responses and that is not Right like that that is you One blocking off your healing process Because we need to move through emotions In order to let go of them in order to Heal them but also it's not a shameful Thing to have emotions like do you see People that don't like have emotions It's hard it's they do some like crazy Things just to feel sh sometimes not all Of them but you know some of Them I mean there are many people that Well not many but I don't know I don't Know anything what am I talking about Um I do think that this is a real Encouragement for you though to like Really just go through these emotional Processes and as you do heal you will Find at times like you just have very Unpredictable and unstable emotions and That it's not a sign that you're doing Something wrong it's a sign that things Are moving and you're releasing pent up Energy in your body so that's really Good disharmony in your life is a sign Of Harmony to come flow with it one more Spirit what other Guidance Do we have

For pile three Ah okay so we have the heart chakra with The theme of amplify Magnolia the Trigger statement is I can't get Anything right and the true statement is I am in Divine time harness your loving Energy and watch as one Miracle unfolds After another okay so I need you to Affirm right now whether you write it in The comment section whether you write it Down whether you type it in your phone I Am a miracle magnet you are a magnet for Miracles like you if you have one Affirmation it is I a miracle magnet Because what spirit is really saying Here is that like everything is going to Work out everything is going to be fine You are exactly where you need to be and You are on the right path in the sense That you know now what's not working Let's get in alignment so that we can Feel good on this path and know that we Are in alignment with our highest good Because we feel it and we're embodying It and we're living it we're not Doubting it and I feel like what spirit Is really saying is that this is like You are not here to numb life and numb The pain you are here to grow through The pain to heal pain to be present with Pain and to be present so that you Don't so that the not just the pain Because pain is just the the polarities Of you know Joy Bliss pleasure stuff

Like that and so if you're unwilling to Feel the pain you can't feel the good Stuff either and so one thing that Spirit is saying is yes you are capable Of feeling great pain and yes you have And do feel great pain but you are also Capable of feeling great joy great Bliss Great love great Success Um And and you can't know that until you've Experienced that and for some of you you Haven't experienced that yet and what The universe is saying is trust us like Don't be afraid of the painful emotions Coming through they are making space for You to be able to feel the positive Polarities as well and remember that They're both transient you're not going To feel Blissful all the time the same Way you're not going to be in intense Pain all the time they are just aspects Of your humanity and they're here for a Reason they are part of the Experience and the universe is saying we Don't want you to live a life where You've only known the pain and you don't Get to know the Bliss you don't get to Know the love that's what we want to Happen and so let's start healing or Let's continue healing or commit to our Healing so that we can start to get There and that's the thing it's like Healing is a process doesn't happen

Overnight and really it kind of never Ends but the more you Do the more you can live life in an Empowered and authentic way where you're Not Guided by your reactions are Guided By what's happening around you you're Guided by your own sense of integrity And confidence in yourself and that is [ __ ] hot we love that for you okay Woo this has been an intense one pile Three we still have to do your charms so Headphone warning to my headphone people Uh this may get a little loud uh you may Want to turn it down but I'm going to Just going to close my eyes and then Whatever comes out in the charms that Will serve as signs and guidance that Are related to you So pile three Spirit what signs And guidance are relevant to pile Three okay woo Okay I don't know why I'm doing that oh On the back of the deck I feel like you Guys should see us too we have inspiring With the key of freedom and the trigger Statement is I have no choice and the True statement is I create my day my Life it is the time to play do something Different today to shift your routine Okay so We have Melancholy which makes me sad It's little like he's so cute but just Makes me Sad so you may be feeling Melancholy

Right Now I just heard the vine oh my God it's A watermelon inside of a watermelon um But watermelon in general could be Significant but uh this Melancholy here I think is validating what you're Feeling and just saying that it's okay To feel that way and like you should be Feeling that way because imagine imagine If you felt Blissful living a life that Took from you depleted you didn't make You feel good you would never know and You would stay stuck in a life that that Wasn't right for you like emotions speak To us for a reason and your emotions are Really saying hey we're Melancholy and That's okay you know we're struggling And that's okay and that's not a sign of Failure that's just a sign of where You're at and it will shift and it will Move so instead of trying to push it Away see what it's asking see what it's Saying to you see what it needs from you See what what you could do to to love it More oh we got Virgo has a Virgo Moon I'm like rip Virgo placements what does It say on the back of Here practical yeah sometimes Virgo has A hard time with emotions and with Virgo's opposition is Pisces and Pisces Energy is represented in the in the Hanged Woman Man One and you know Pisces has no Boundaries it is boundless it is

Malleable it is it is deep it is it is Everything and Virgo is boundaries Virgo Is structure Virgo is routine Virgo is Health you know if Pisces is is Spirit Virgo is Earth like they Are opposites of one another and so if You have a lot of Virgo energy one of The challenges maybe be learning to kind Of let go and and let go of control and And see how things flow Virgo energy in general could be Significant Virgo season could be Significant but also know that Virgo Energy is also a superpower and Virgos Are incredibly Discerning they're also Very good At creating and implementing systems and So the thing is is like if you have Systems that don't work for you just Know that you can create really powerful Systems that do and I think also you're Really being encouraged to redefine what You see as practical because if it's Practical for you to neglect your own Needs in order to finish you know what You think is a goal or to push yourself Or to prove something that's not Practical that's actually impractical Especially from a body standpoint you Know Virgo is is like ruled Virgo also Rules stuff like Health um especially Like bodily health so I definitely think That um if your goals require you to do Unhealthy things to yourself that's

Something that you need to reconsider But yeah Virgo energy in general could Be significant um maybe the person I was Channeling earlier for you is a Virgo or Was a Virgo Um anyway we have the eight of Swords Here which is a huge sign to not let Yourself be trapped by your mind um the Eight of Swords is really significant Because these are self-inflicted mental Binds and you can take the blindfold off And not be trapped here so when you get Stuck in your head when you get stuck in Your monkey mind that is the sign where You need to get out of your head and Into your body and start grounding Whether that is through meditation Whether that is through I find it Meditation is hard for me when I'm Already stuck in my head I find movement Is actually a lot better for me um yoga Is something that I've been really Enjoying like not even just not rigorous Yoga but just like doing like a good Downward dog and just feeling like the Blood rush to my head like when you move You are moving the energy too and so It's going to be a lot harder for you to Shift out of that energy if you say stay Stuck and in a place of stasis you can Get out of it but um that might be Something that's helpful you don't need To do yoga you can go for a walk you Can punch a wall shout out to the kyes

Out There I'm sorry I feel bad you know not Every Kyle punches a wall and there are Lots of kyes out there that even if they Have punched a wall you know what as Long as they fill It who am I to Judge anyway I don't know where I went Um okay we have the Nazar the evil Eye here's the Secret the best form of spiritual Protection is Good Will towards yourself And Others it doesn't hurt to have symbols Of spiritual protection so if you have Been feeling like you need some extra Protection if that would make you feel Safe please like you know do what you Can find the symbols that make you feel Safe but I feel like this is also a sign Of the spiritual protection I was Talking about earlier you are being Protected you are being watched over and You are so loved and you don't need pay Attention to where your eyes are you Don't need to be focused on what other People are doing or what they have or What you're not doing you just need to Be focused on you and your path let's See these other cards we have the two of Cups okay this is really beautiful so Number one I feel like this is a sign of Like co-creation with the universe and Like that's where you're meant to be and

You can't really co-create with the Universe if you're not in touch with Your heart uh cuz your heart is your Spirit's representative and unless you Can like talk to your higher self Directly in whatever way that may be That may be Challenging I feel like if you've been Trying to create a relationship or Trying to manifest a relationship this Is a beautiful sign that the universe is Getting that in alignment for you and Manifesting that for you if you already Do have a partner I feel like the Universe is really saying like you know You may be able to gain a lot from like Just being more vulnerable about your Your challenges and your problems there May be things that your partner could be There could support you in or be there For you for that you may be unaware of And that they're unaware of because you Haven't talked about it you Know you could be very good at hiding Your struggles and so I think that Spirit is really saying Uh you know open up to those you love And Trust about what you're feeling and What you're experiencing Because I'm sure they will be more than Willing to be there for you I also think Though if you're just trying to manifest More close connections in your life that These this process is going to help make

That happen I also think uh with this Two of Cups here this is also about you Bringing together your feminine and Masculine Aspects as one you know and and and Learning how to balance both of them and Learning to recognize both elements of That and learning to recognize when one Needs to lead or when you need to let The other um often times you don't even Need to recognize it they'll do it on Their own but um yeah I definitely think With this two of Cups here you're really Being encouraged to connect with Yourself like the more you connect with Yourself the more you can connect to Others the more you understand yourself And have compassion for yourself the More you can have compassion for others Even if you don't understand them you Know there are things that people do That are deplorable and that we can't Understand and that you know we're not Required to hold compassion for but at The very least we don't have to like add More negativity to the situation by like Shaming them or judging them or hating Them I mean you can if you want to it's Not my it's Not you do what you want But I find that it is just the more you Can just focus on the Goodwill and the Stuff you do want to consciously create And the things that you do want to have

The less you feel concerned over the Stuff that you can't understand or that Discuss you or that you don't even want To think or be around also for some of You um if you've been trying to manifest A relationship and it hasn't come in Over and over and over I do feel like Spirit may be protecting you from Partners that could have um really taken You very far off your path that could Have Um made just your Life Path a lot more Challenging so remember rejection is Divine protection let's see might have To censor some of these if there's Titties oh we have the Knight of Wands Um and St Francis is turning over we'll Talk about St Francis in a second but With the nine of Wands here I feel like Spirit is definitely encouraging you to Take more empowered action Um this could be encouragement for you To travel um this could also be Encouragement for you to just do things That excite you and just you know have More fun get moving um especially if You've been in a place where you just Feel like frustrated you feel like Things aren't moving forward you may Need to to to you know just have a Little fun for a little while and and be Adventurous and explore I also think With the Knight of Wands for some of you You might be considering buying like a

Motorcycle or like some sort of vehicle That uh really speaks to like the person You want to be or like really excites You um if that's the case I feel like That's a positive sign for that I I feel Uncomfortable giving like yeah buy that Thing I don't know what your finances Are uh but you know maybe if for example Like you've always had this dream of Like getting a specific car and like you Know fixing it up or you know getting a Motorcycle you know maybe that's a goal You set or something like that I feel Like you're really just being encouraged To do things that make you feel young Cuz it doesn't matter how old you are Like we can feel really old or really Young just depending on how much life is In us how much energy is in us and I Think that there is a focus on you uh Building up your energy reserves so Spirit is really encouraging you to to Take action towards the things that Really excite you that make you feel Passionate that make you feel like like Things are moving forward because those Will one help you be more patient with The process of of healing and releasing And cultivating the things that do take More time and two we all just need to Have a little fun like the Knight of Wands Knight of Wands is so much fun to Hang out With but we also have the Queen of

Swords so I do feel like on top of this Though what spirit is saying is is that There is a need to be Discerning and make sure that um One you're not going too far in either Direction of like What's the best way to put this with the Queen of Swords being here there's a Need for you to be compassionate with Yourself without being too harsh but Also being willing to set boundaries and Not roll back on those out of fear That that you'll be rejected if you set Those boundaries because if you're Rejected for setting boundaries that's Exactly why you need them um and Actually this might be speaking to a two Of Cups situation with a queen of swords And a knight of Wands um it may be that But you know one of you is more mature Than the other and it may take time for You to get there but it also may be that Like if you have been making concessions For someone in your life that is more Immature and that doesn't seem to learn From their mistakes and that you know Just doesn't seem to be able to meet you Halfway um I would say that maybe they Are not uh the right person to have that Two of Cups energy with you at least Right now um that could be something That spirit is telling you but I also Think with this Queen of Swords it's Like a twofold message it's like don't

Be too harsh and critical with your Yourself but also don't don't shy away From being honest about where you need To grow it's about having this like Healthy balance between not shaming and Criticizing yourself but also Not lying to yourself about what's Problematic or needs to change does that Make sense um but we also have St Francis which I love so St Francis could Be watching over You um protecting you just know that any Good will that you extend towards Animals towards the environment uh St Francis is pouring blessings over you For that um and yeah St Francis or the Name Francis could be significant but St Francis also to me is like the epitome Of compassion so um you may want to look Into St Francis or pay to St Franc pray Pay pray to St Francis um or Italy could Be significant shout out to Italy okay Let's look at your little your little Fortunes I decided to add these I had Them in a separate tub for like a really Long time um I've I I promise I didn't Just like eat a bunch of Chinese food I I did I have eaten bunch of American Chinese food it's just over a long Progression of time and I finally Decided to add them to my charm Bowl so Let's see what we have for you Here ask a friend to join you on your Next Voyage oo okay okay so Voyage is

Here you know the Knight of Wands is all About traveling so you may want to go on A trip maybe this friend is someone that Understands you really Deeply who knows cool let's see what Else Oh wait let's look at your numbers here 31 3 507 17 12 let's see what else we Have Yow confidence of success is almost Success yeah that I feel like that's a Big thing that spirit is saying is like You know that's why embodiment is a is So important because like if you don't Believe in yourself like whether you Pretend like you do or not it will Eventually read as such Um And we have you can learn the Chinese Word for soup I am not going to even Attempt to pronounce that because even If I was close if the I'm pretty sure Like tones are important I probably Would say the wrong tone or something uh But the numbers are 24 29 16 11 33 23 Maybe soup is significant maybe you need Some soap I find soap to be very healing I love soap um okay or a souped up car Uh maybe that's something yeah maybe you Want to like add some the stuff to your Car burnt bridges are hard to cross so I Feel like for some of You this is a sign and a reminder

Like you know if you really don't want Someone coming back into your life don't Be afraid to burn that bridge but also Know like if you're pushing someone away From a place of inferiority or Insecurity like you could you know harm That connection as well um but the lucky Numbers are 17941 4746 Pile three I'm going to have to gra Myself after that that is where I'm Going to leave your reading so thank you Guys so so so much for watching and Thank you so much for letting my ads Play in the background because that is One of the simplest and easiest ways to Show appreciation and support for me and My channel so thank you to everyone who Does that if you would like to support Me in other ways you can like this video Comment down below let me know how it Resonates you can subscribe if you Haven't already be sure to click that Little notification Bell to be notified Whenever I upload a new reading you can Check out my merch you can check out my Social media you can check out my Candles be sure to use code 10 for 10% Off any candles on Angelic magic 888 Site uh you can check out my social Media Or you can check out other videos with Extendeds and I think that's it so

That's all I have for you guys thank you So so so much for watching and for Letting me read for you I hope you all Have a wonderful day or night whenever It is that you're watching this video And I hope you'll come back in see me Again soon bye hi there pile four Welcome to your reading and thank you so Much for being here if you guys chose The rose quartz Angel and the Crystal Unicorn tarot this is going to be your Reading on are you on the right path and The right path is the path that's Aligned with your highest good and the Highest good of all beings uh that being Said uh if you want to check out a full Breakdown of the reading there is one in The Intro but essentially this is less about A yes or no because like like really is There a right or wrong path on a cosmic Level no but there is what's right and Wrong for you and my definition of What's right is what's in alignment with Your highest good and what's in Alignment with your highest good is also In alignment with the highest good of All beings isn't it fun how that works Okay so what we're going to do now is We're going to look at where you Currently are on your path and based on The Orient orientation of the cards we Will see whether they are in alignment Or not if they are upright that means

This aspect is in align alignment and if They are reversed that means that this Aspect is not in Alignment either is totally fine but if You resonate with this first part then This is your reading if you don't Resonate with this first part then this Is not your reading get it got it good Okay so we're just going to start by Looking at where you are at currently so Spirit is pile four on the right Path where is pile 4 at Currently okay Okay we have the Chariot in reverse and Strength in Reverse I'm going to keep Those Together is Pile we have the Queen of Wands in Reverse it's pile four on the right path Where are they at right Now we have the tower in Reverse Cool cool and I say cool because like We'll get There is pile four on the right path Please you have judgment ah okay Perfect I love when things come to head Okay yeah you are actually I know it Doesn't feel this way with the um Reverse But actually and and this is actually a Common theme in every something that Every single group has had is this Feeling of like being slowed down or This feeling of being blocked in some

Sort of way and it's almost like this Feeling is actually this experience that You're having which for you I think is a Lack of confidence a fear of everything Failing and everything being Destroyed as well as This frustration around not being able To move forward being imbalanced and With the strength card in Reverse Feeling like you don't have the energy Or strength to move forward or getting Really stuck in your ego about certain Frustrations around your inability to Move forward you may also be feeling Like you haven't been successful which Of course success is a subjective Definition so um based on that Definition you may or may not be but no You can always change that I think I'm be willing to bet pile for That a lot of what I'm about to say you Kind of know intuitively and you've just Needed confirmed or this reading will be What makes helps make a ton of sense for You the fact that we have judgment here Upright goes to show that these Blockages and these frustrations are in Alignment with you and in fact they're Actually here To help you make the necessary Transformations so that all of these Cards can be upright now the tower in Reverse I think is really important here Because I feel like a lot of these

Blockages are almost protecting you from A really intense Tower moment that just Would not be necessary for you like it's Almost like you can learn the lessons Necessary by just being slowed down and And being kind of forced to look at Things a bit differently rather than you Know just be guided by these impulses Until a greater force knocks them down I Feel like the universe is really Hellbent on making sure you don't waste Your time and energy on things that are Not serving you so if you find yourself Getting creatively inspired and Then losing that anticipation really Quickly it could be because those Inspirations Inspire your ego more than Your soul it could also be though that Um a lot of what you're experiencing Right now in terms of frustrating Energy is getting you to shift your Perspective Ive in ways you don't look At things in the same way that got you Here in the first Place I definitely think with judgment Upright here there's a complete Transformation happening and I really Like to think of the Judgment card in uh There's this Alice and Wonderland deck That I have and it talks about judgment Uh in a way of Of objects going from 2D to 3D like They're literally adding a full other Dimension to

Themselves and I definitely think one of The things that's out of alignment with You is Grace for yourself compassion for Yourself I feel like with strength in Reverse and The Chariot in Reverse I Feel like you may be beating yourself up For things not moving as quickly as You'd like or for feeling like you are Incapable of moving forward and I feel Like if you feel incapable of moving Forward it's probably because you're Literally are incapable right now and You're not meant to move forward you're Meant to stop and Regroup there is this energy here of you May be Seeing where you've been spinning your Wheels unnecessarily that's bringing you To a Hal I also think there is this real Fear of being seen out of fear of being Attacked um I would be willing to bet This is in more of a social media Context like maybe for example some of You want to share on social media but You are afraid to that's understandable There's a lot of um wounded Souls being Quite vicious to each other uh But a Queen of Wands upright is not Going to take that to heart and even if She does she's going to use it to Alchemize for her own growth not saying That you have to be a she at all um but I do think here that if this reading is For you you're at a place in life right

Now where you don't really feel like Yourself and I think that's because You're shedding aspects of self that Aren't really you and the parts of Yourself that are true to you will Return to you once these once these Aspects have been shuted once these Perspectives have been shifted because I Do think there's a lot of perspective Shifts here but I also think that maybe You've been more disconnected from Your inner worlds that's also been a Common theme in the readings today Um but more than anything this reading Is for you if you feel like you're in a Place of where you feel this sense of Impending doom like everything is going To [ __ ] you any confidence you have had In yourself it seems like you don't have Right now you might be really struggling With like anger and Frustration over um over like past Instances or just anger and frustration At yourself for not being able to do the Things that you think you should be able To do right now you may be Al also just Be feeling like your wheels are spinning And you're not getting anywhere and There's a lot of frustration around that And you may feel kind of exhausted by The mentality that's coming as a result Of this and I also think that there is This like fearful energy here where you Recognize it as fear and you know that

It's not it's not meant to be here and You know it's not the truth but it's Almost like you can't stop yourself from Indulging it you can't stop yourself you Can't stop yourself from Like you can't push it away and I don't Think you're meant to push it away I Think you're it's it's trying to address Something within you that makes you feel Sorry I'm Burping which burping right now is Definitely release of negativity Something a negativity within you that Is making you feel like you you could Lose everything and that and that like There is this sense of impending doom Which let's be real on a mass media Context they're they are creating a Sense of impending doom always all the Time because that makes money and they Like money and nothing Else Um maybe they also like pleasing their Corporate overlords but that's neither Here nor There go Capitalism now I don't necessarily Anyway that's the Tangent let me summarize this though Because it seems like spirit's really Pushing me to go just like straight into The cards um a lot of what you are Feeling and experiencing right Now is the the natural consequences and

I don't say consequences like it's a Punishment but just like the natural Effect let me say that that instead the Natural effect that has come from Certain energies and belief systems Within you that have been there um Underneath the surface but that haven't Come to light because you've had so much To focus on and because you have had Other things to bolster that confidence Whether it's direct evidence of success Or whether it's positive forward Movement and a sense of strength but Whatever you have had in the past seems To not be there right now and I think It's solely because it's almost like I'm Seeing like a like a dial on on uh like A radio or a like a stereo where you're Like just turning down the volume it's Almost like spirit is turning down the Volume of your very Dynamic aspects of Your very empowered qualities so that You can see what still feels Disempowered within you and I know that Feels frustrating and unfair but there's A reason for that because if these Things were left Unaddressed Not only would you not be in Alignment with your highest good you Wouldn't be on the right path because This is showing me that like yeah you Actually are on the right path this is Where you're supposed to be what's kind Of funny is I set this up to kind of be

Like oh if they're reversed and that Means no you're not on the right path But it's like even if you're not in Alignment with your highest good Realizing that and being on that path is What you need to take in order to get to The right path so technically every Single person here is on the right path It's just about how confident do you Feel in that path how much are you Willing to surrender how much are you Able to trust and how much are you able To allow the frustrating experiences That come with alignment and that come With growth you know be your teachers Rather than your bullies because these These energies are meant to be teachers They're not meant to be tormentors and It may feel like they're tormentors um Because these feelings may Echo feelings That you had you know when you did have Literal tormentors if you did have Bullies or if you did have these Experiences in the past and the universe Is trying to get you to say no we want You to reframe how you look at struggle And how you look at challenge because The way that you look at struggle and Challenge right now currently Disempowers you it also makes you a Stranger to yourself because you don't Know how to love yourself when you're Struggling Well I channeled that so maybe all of

You do to a degree but maybe some of you Do to a degree remember this is a General Reading I feel like I snatched some wigs With that one I apologize um um just Kidding no I don't because it's if you Needed to hear it you need to hear it But I'm sorry if it was if the delivery Wasn't very graceful um more than Anything though Like this is getting you to see where Even through all the work that you've Done all the evolution you've had where You're still distorted and here's the Thing we have we could be in incomplete Alignment and still have distortions The universe is not trying to eliminate All of those the universe is trying to Eliminate the distortions that are Stopping you from having what you Actually want which is these cards Upright I wouldn't say the tower but you Know this Queen of Wands upright and This Chariot and strength you want to Feel one you may be struggling with Compassion fatigue so that is a huge Thing like I will say there are times Where I disappear as some of you may Know and I disappear because I need to Care for myself because I don't have the Space to care for anyone else cuz my Needs have gone by the wayside and now I Need to care for them and if I were Better at just doing that in the first

Place I wouldn't have to disappear which Is why that's what I'm working on I want To show up more often and I want to be Able to hold even more space and give Even more light and even more love and In order to do that we have to go within And make room and so sometimes that Means you know shutting down a little Bit sometimes that means having a Hermit Phase sometimes that means taking a Break sometimes that means just living Your life until the answers come to you But no matter what it seems like you Have a very vivacious spirit and a very Intense spirit and if it's not tempered By Earthly Limitations I I think that you would Just Vibe so high you fell off the Earth Or flew off the Earth and that's not What you're here to do you're here to be Part of the earth and so I definitely Think right now like the parts of you That would be able to Ignore these distortions or ignore the Things that are holding you back um Those have had to be dialed down so that They don't wreak more havoc in the Future and create some sort of tower Moment but I also feel like that sense Of impending doom is not necessarily the Truth it could just be like I would look At where your Chiron is I understand This cuz like I have my Chiron is in Scorpio in the second house

So it doesn't matter like I could get All the praise in the world and if I Still feel insecure if I don't feel good Enough if my self-esteem is bad like I Am going to feel like crap and I'm not Going to feel good about myself it Doesn't matter what anyone says to me Same thing with possessions like I could Have everything that I need and still Feel like it's not enough or I don't Have enough even though that's not the Truth and so that what that wound is Trying to do is to get me To push beyond that and and Chiron is a Wound that you kind of deal with your Whole life and so what it's meant to do Is is meant to help you heal and grow Beyond that you know Chiron is a wounded Healer and where our deepest wounds are In this lifetime or where our greatest Healing can come from and so I would Look at where your Kiron is right now um Kmon uh her Channel K Moon astrology Just the letter k m o o n asro uh she Has really awesome videos on Chiron And all that so I would look her up for Sure but this is definitely stuff that Is meant to make you feel more secure Meant to make you feel more empowered Meant to help you in in ways That don't cause you to have these Cycles in the future because these Unseen parts of you will already be seen And so you can anticipate you can almost

Intercept them in when they come up Rather than they wreak havoc underneath The surface that's also been like a Theme in all the readings so one thing To know is is that you are not alone and Even if the semantics of what you're Dealing with are different you are not Alone in this but I think this Eclipse Season has been like particularly Intense um even if you're watching this At a different point in Time things have been challenging okay I Am not shuffling but essentially what We're going to do is we're going to look At how you can shift all of these Energies and with judgment being upright We're going to look at what you need to Know about this judgment Card so let's give these a couple good Shuffles but I do quickly just want to Thank everyone who takes the time to Leave me a little like a subscribble a Comment or like let my ads play in the Background because those are the Simplest and easiest ways to show Appreciation for me in my channel they Also like let me know what you're Enjoying and what you want to see more Of and they're also just a way to show Appreciation and and give back to me in A way that is completely free so thank You to everyone who takes the time to do That I I really appreciate that but Let's go ahead and Shuffle these cards

Now so Spirit how can pile Four Shift The Chariot and strength Please they like just turn it right side Up that's so funny okay how can pile For shift this Queen of Wands energy oo Okay that's a lot That's an annoying amount of a Lot but Okay it's clearly needs to be Here so I'm just going To put that there like that okay what About the tower SP in Reverse how can pile 4 get in alignment And shift into alignment from this Energy we have the seven of Pentacles And finally what does pile 4 need to Know About This judgment Card what do they need to know about This Judgment we have the Five of Swords Beautiful beautiful beautiful on the Back of the deck we have the Ace of Swords so this whole cycle is about Clarity for you and about seeing things More clearly yeah that that's that's What Clarity is about but how can we Shift this Chariot in reverse and the Strength in Reverse by getting out of Our ego and getting into our heart this Strength upright is all about you having

Compassion and surrendering to what you Can cannot control if you do not have The energy to move forward instead of Beating yourself up for that and wasting Those reserves on being mean to yourself Taking the energy you do have And saying okay how can I nurture myself Right now this is Also about paying attention to what's Leading you know strength is not about Controlling overpowering or domineering And I feel like that energy may be Really present in terms of your path Where you may be almost like Overly um you may be the type of person To watch these readings a lot hello hi Greatful to have you here um but it may Come at the cost of of your own agency At times and I feel like that is Something like I resonate with that a Lot like I have really I I have not Watched a general reading in eons and it Makes me so sad because like I love I Just love watching my buddies like do Their thing um and also I love like Being connected to that but I knew that For my highest good like I needed to I Needed to stop depending on that to Confirm my own intuition and I just Needed to like do my own little thing And I think that in your case may There's maybe a little bit of that Energy here but but also just having the Strength to be okay with not knowing and

The strength to be okay with you know Only taking the steps that you could see Directly in front of you I also think This strength card is about realizing That it takes a lot of strength to be Gentle with yourself when you're Frustrated with yourself it takes a lot Of strength to be vulnerable about the Fact that you're not doing well and you Wish you were at a different place it Takes strength to be gentle with Yourself when you're mad at yourself but That is why it's so important to Cultivate it Because when you can simultaneously have These challenging emotional experiences That come from frustration or that come From things not working out the way you Want them to or the way your ego wants Them to having that compassion for Yourself not only allows you to to have That for others but it also helps you Move through these challenges a lot Easier because those energy reserves Aren't being wasted on beating yourself Up further Or creating stories that don't serve you Does that make sense Sense now with this Queen of Wands in Reverse this is huge because this has a Lot to do with Self-esteem and the fact that we have The Six of Swords the six of Cups and The

Lovers this is more of a Process I feel like there are times Where you feel confident and you feel Good about yourself but there are other Times where you really fall into the Pits of self-loathing and really just Like feel like flop City I feel like the Six of Swords six Of Cups and lovers which these are all Sixes um and let me remind you that Sixes are not a bad number 666 is not an Evil number uh people created that fun Fact in kindergarten not kindergarten Second grade we were learning about Three-digit numbers and we were told to Like everyone in the class had a Whiteboard and we all had to come up With our own three-digit number and my Favorite number was six at the Time and so I did that and like a bunch Of kids in my class were like and and And I was like what like I like the Number six and they're like that's an Evil number so I had to change it to 667 But now if if I could go back and tell My childhood self I would be let grow up Keep those three sixes up Like they were just indoctrinated like That's it there's no such thing as a Negative number Um but in your Case you are meant to this this cycle For you and shifting out of this is About moving beyond the past and what

You believed about your lovability I Feel like you have beliefs around how You need to show up in order to be Worthy and those aren't true and in fact True confidence is showing up Authentically not how you think people Want you to show up and oh my God I Could take a a a page or two from that Because even I I'll tell you I relate to This because there are times where I Don't film because I'm like yeah but I Don't feel super peppy or I don't feel Like I don't feel amazing I feel like if I don't show up at 100 and even when I Do show up at 100 there people that are Like you seem off or you seem like you Need a break or like and whether they're Right or wrong which they're usually Wrong um it's like oh I don't want to be Perceived I don't want people to like Look at me that way and so my way of Control is just isolating myself but Does that help me no what I'm meant to Do is not well I feel bad saying like Not caring about what people say but Like not taking that to heart and not Taking like those judgments as truth and Also not letting them stop me from Showing up because the reality is is That people are going to perceive me how They're going to perceive me and they're Going to perceive you how they're going To perceive you whether we like it or Not we don't have control over it and

The thing is is that if we try to you Know mold our Behavior to what other People expect of us like we will always Be denying ourselves the opportunity to Be authentic And that's a hard it's it's a hard thing To do but it's very necessary and it's Very worth it and one thing that I love Is that in the Six of Swords there's a Child and the six of cups is a has a lot About childhood and Nostalgia and so I Really feel like one there's inner child Healing about your worth about being Seen about showing up but also if you Have wounds from a past relationship Around your desirability around your Loveability there's definitely a real Need for you to realize that those Weren't the truth and that it's time to Start moving forward but I also think That this is about making a Choice to cuz the lovers is not just About about like you know counterparts Union stuff like that it's also about Like choosing and I think in your case To shift this Queen of Wands upright is To make the Choice to live from love and to do Things in a loving way including towards Yourself you know what's interesting There's so much black smoke coming up I Feel like there's a lot of um Purging that you've been doing around Unhealthy belief systems but I think

Your memories of the past sometimes you Know despite all that purging bring up More or create more fear or create more Energy around those insecurities and I Feel like the universe is really Encouraging you to to to when that Happens to affirm that those times are Over you are not that person and those Things are not the truth and in fact Your past self is not going to feel Comfortable in the present until they Know they're safe to be here I think That your past self is keeps bringing up To your attention that no matter what Confidence you do have some of it is on A false foundation and some of it you Don't truly believe And what it's trying what this energy is Trying to do is to get you to see that You Know you don't have to be entirely Confident in yourself to love yourself But loving yourself will allow you to Inherently have more confidence and when You make choices from a place of Love you will inherently have more Confidence in where your present self is Guiding you I feel like also just Healing around past relationships are Very important for you to move forward Because I feel like if you've been Trying to do things differently in your Love life or show up differently it's Going to be really hard to do that if

You still feel like your past self and You keep falling into these past habits And behaviors I feel like there needs to Be a conscious willingness on your part To not only move forward from the past But heal and Reintegrate you know these parts of self That maybe you've abandoned or have Believed unworthy and and how you do That it's going to be different for Everyone there are lots of forms of Inner child healing Um one thing that I'm doing is like this Thing called inner family systems Therapy that's working well for me I Have an inner child reading that you Could check out um but there are lots of Different ways that you can heal your Inner child and I would encourage you to Explore that but I I definitely think That you're going to continue to Struggle to feel confident in yourself If if you continue to judge yourself Based on who you were in the past you Are not who you were in the past and who You are now is no better or worse than Who you were in the past it's just who You are now is more aware more conscious More healed than the past versions of Yourself and what this cycle is trying To get you to see is is that we want Your confidence to come from a place of Utmost from from utmost authenticity and From utmost like

Truth and that can't happen if you're Stuck in the illusions of the past and Now the illusions of the past like Things may have like not saying that Your memories are Illusions but the Stories that we tell ourselves aren't Necessarily the truth or aren't necess Or aren't even if they are the truth They may not necessarily be helpful and So those stories that we tell ourselves That keep us stuck you know it's been a Huge theme in this Reading that can really stop us from Making choices that love our that are Loving towards ourselves and they can Also really stop stop us from having the Confidence to take risks because we're Afraid of being rejected shamed and Abandoned the way we were in the past That led to these feelings of not being Confident and not feeling good about Ourselves in the first place and you Know the beautiful thing is is that now You have the wisdom and awareness to be There for yourself and have the strength To give yourself compassion and Grace When you do encounter feelings of Abandonment or rejection or you Literally have those things happen um And I think what's most important is That this is about coming home to Yourself in a way Where you're not trying to be what other People want you're not trying you're not

Trying to be what you think looks good You are trying to Be you're not trying to be anything you Just are yourself and know that you Can't control how people respond to that But man once you are able to embody that Authentically it's going to feel so good You are not going to ever feel the urge To you know put up a false self again Anyway I also think there's a specific Message here for those of you who have a Divine counterpart or are in a Relationship that is in the process of Healing one thing that will hold this Connection back is if you continue to Judge the connection based on what Happened in the past and you continue to Assume that what happened in the past is Going to keep repeating now that might Be the Truth but you should be confident and Assured in yourself enough to know that If these things are violating your Boundaries or if these things are not Good for you that you can set boundaries And cut them out and move forward and Beyond it but I also think you're giving Some people way too much space in your Head and way too much you know you're Giving their perspective and their Opinion way too much credit and it their Perspective is not the truth either and I definitely think so long long as your Confidence is dependent on approval from

Others or dependent on you know showing Up in a way you think others will like Like you're never going to feel truly Confident because it's not confidence It's Camouflage but more than anything how to Shift this move Forward look at the past heal the past Rewrite the stories of the past in ways That bring you Peace make sure you're making decisions From a place of love and not from a Place of insecurity or a place of ego in Any way and be focused on the future be Focused on the present and the future And where we're moving that's where We've been where are we headed cuz where We where we're headed is the unknown and That can be really Exciting with the tower in Reverse here How we can shift this is with the seven Of Pentacles which is what I really love So a tower moment can't happen if it's Built on a solid foundation found and One thing that I'm hearing is that you Already have a solid foundation that you Have been Cultivating Now I think that there are certain Actions that you could take in your Material World to feel more confident And more Secure and what those things are are Going to differ for some of you this is

Financial stuff so you may want to talk To a financial adviser or if you do like You know just make sure you've got Everything where it is or you know make Sure you are like Optimizing you're saving you're spending You're investing things like that but Also with this Tower Universe you know Making sure you have enough for a rainy Day making sure you have these things Set aside and I feel like this is deeper Than just money though I feel like this Is this is just losing who you are and And and and just like complete loss of Self complete loss of like what you love In life and and I feel like spirit is Saying you can't lose those things cuz Those things are you and you've already Planted those seeds and already have Raped the benefit from some of those Seeds I think it's just that you may Have fears that like that won't remain Forever and and sure things fluctuate And what you know and and what we have Changes and and things like that but I Feel like this is a lot of um Catastrophizing and whatever Catastrophes you're worried about I feel Like spirit is saying you already have Found in place to protect you should These things ever happen which I don't Think they are I feel like it's almost Like you know a self fulfilling prophecy You've been investing in and I feel like

Spirit is saying stop investing in that Um but also recognize that if there are Things that you are genuinely afraid of Pay attention to the ways in which that You can protect yourself from that and Concrete and practical ways Like I live in the midwest we have Tornadoes And even though when I get a tornado Warning or when I get a tornado warning I usually just like okay and I keep Moving forward cuz midwesterners will Literally stand on our porch and watch It we're smart you know it's one thing To worry about a tornado and then do Nothing about it yeah it might be very Devastating if you don't make any Preparations if the tornado does Hit And There's damage and you know the power is Is out your phone is dead yeah it would Probably be really helpful to have a Hand crank radio so that you can hear What's going on yeah it would probably Be really good to have water in your Bathtubs and water set aside you know It' probably be really good to make sure All your devices are charged before a Storm hits like you know we can't Control the storm but we can control our Preparedness for it that doesn't mean That you know we may not suffer that Doesn't mean we may not struggle but it Does mean that we lessen the blow of Whatever could happen that's beyond us

And I think the thing is is that a lot Of what you're fearing is much bigger Than what it would even be should it Ever come true and I think that like a Lot of what you're worried about won't Even come true and I think that spirit Is really encouraging you to let go of Of what you're worried about and and Focus on what you want to cultivate more Of and if there are real fears that you Have you know that you can't seem to let Go of then do what it takes to make Those practical steps to protect Yourself cuz there are realities Disasters do happen but I think some of The disasters you're worried about Aren't Ro rooted in reality and I think You know some of the ones that even Could be a possibility you Know with the right parameters in place Wouldn't even be an issue the worst Thing is that they might be kind of Stressful to deal with but finally with This judgment card Upright this is all About what you need to know about this Judgment card Is you're being awakened to all the ways In which you cut yourself off from the Light cut yourself off from Spirit cut Yourself off from truth and keep Yourself stuck in separation Consciousness because even if we try our Best to be in unity Consciousness it is

Natural that at times we are going to Slip it is natural you know it there is There is this Divine dance that we are Doing as beings in a body as finite Beings in a body And infinite Spirits you know There's very many paradoxical aspects of Our nature and I think what spirit is Really saying is is that this this time Period right now is helping you see the Thoughts the belief systems the fears The programming that you have within you That could sabotage your movement Forward that could undermine you on your Path because another thing that I Genuinely believe too is that like our Path is ours we can never truly be taken Off of it but we can certainly be led Astray we can get lost we can you know Get confused we can turn around we can Try a different path like there's a lot That happens and I feel like what spirit Is really trying to do with this cycle Is is help you see where you're cutting Yourself off where you're where you're Um being unfair to yourself and also Where where you're stifling your own Growth and keeping you separate I Definitely think that there's a lot of Truth truth that's coming to light here About you know where you haven't been Talking the talk and where maybe you Have been projecting outwards you know Your frustrations of humanity without

Realizing that you're just projecting The inner frustrations you have about Yourself that you can't control you know I definitely think there is this energy Here as well of you Seeing that the people that have wounded You you know especially those past People that aren't even in your life Anymore well I hope that the people if Someone wounded you that's still in your Life I hope you've healed and you know Resolved that and and grown but Um those wounds and those pains from Those betrayals those rejections like it Doesn't matter if the person's out of Your life it doesn't matter if you're Good at ignoring those realities like They're still going to undermine you on A subconscious level until you address And deal with them because it's less About the thing the person did and it's More about the the thing the person did How the thing the person did made you Feel feel and in your case I feel like You're also meant to look at how you Judge yourself how you judge others Obviously judgment is like less about Overt judgment but I do think that in Your case like there is this realization Of of how maybe it's hard for you to Step into this expansion and this Authentic expansion because you're Judging yourself like I think about the Fact that like I never had like a cringy

Wattpad phase when I was growing up and I'm so sad about that that because like I wish I could look at look back at that And laugh but I can't because even when I was a child the thought of seeing my Own words on paper or on the screen Literally made me want to vomit that is How much self-loathing and judgment I Had and criticism I had for myself like Like the thought of putting anything Inside me out here and making it real Disgusting can't do it no not doing it Don't playing games I love JMA Collins um Anyway that Um it can be really hard to grow and Expand when you judge yourself so Harshly And so I feel like this judgment card is Here to make you realize like Man your mental perceptions the stuff That's keeping you in the past like it's Time for that to go so that our Wheels Stop spinning and we can move forward You know the next steps that you're Meant to take I think require more Confidence they require more courage and More trust and faith and what you can't See that's guiding you onwards Everything is okay but there's a massive Transformation happening and it's and It's designed to help you lead from love Rather than from lack fear doubt Insecurity whatever because those things

Aren't the truth those things are you Know human creations and human issues That We give to each other and that we share With each other and that are part of our Collective psyche and part of our Culture and part of our Consciousness And you know in order to change the World you have to be the change you want To see I used to think that was [ __ ] But that is so True because honestly it is hard enough To change yourself you can't expect the World to Change and yeah I think that More than anything getting on the right Path for you is about having more love And compassion for yourself about having The courage to accept that you may not Always feel that way about yourself like A lot of times self- Lov is not about Being like I love myself it's about Being like I'm a being worthy of love And I don't feel good about who I am Right now I don't like myself right now I feel like [ __ ] right now you may not Like yourself but you you can not like Yourself and still love yourself at the Same time you know what I mean like Parents I'm sure there are times where You really don't like your kids like not Literally but like there are times where You're just like I don't like the person You're being right now or I don't like The behavior you're exhibiting it

Doesn't mean you don't love them but it Means you don't like like the thing that They're doing and so I think that there Is this need to Separate this idea of like you can love Yourself and not be happy with yourself You can love yourself and be frustrated With yourself it's about how you deal With those responses and how you deal With those feelings that matters you Know the loving response to those is to Accept and acknowledge them and ask how Can I be here for myself how can I deal With these in a healthy way rather than You know shame myself beat myself up and Make the problem worse that is a lack of Self-love and that is what's really Important here um I also think impostor Syndrome is a thing you might be healing And dealing with but I also think too There needs to be a release of fear of Betrayal and a fear of you know dealing With these energies from others because You are going to deal with these Energies from others that's that's the Power of discernment um because you get Better at anticipating those things Before they happen but one reality of Life is that people are going to people And we can't control that and sometimes People are going to hurt us and Sometimes people are going to do unfair Things to us And it is what it is it and you know

Like it can only affect us to the level We allow it in but also you Know if you shame judge yourself for Being bothered by it or being hurt by It that's once again a lack of self-love Because you're shaming yourself you're Believing you should deal with it Differently the loving response would be Oh this really Hurts I need to deal with this I need to Address this and I need to make sure I Have boundaries in place to avoid this Again like and and realizing that it's Not your fault for being open to someone It's not your fault for extending trust To someone especially When they haven't given you a reason not To trust them you know if they've given You a reason not to trust them and you Trust them anyway well then you know That's more of a well you know I Wouldn't beat yourself up for that I Would just be like yep should have Listen to myself oh well I feel like There there is just maybe a need to let Go I think there's a part of you that Holds on to your failures and your Mistakes and your perceived you know Wrongs and the things that you just Perceive about yourself that you know Are just not right and the thing is is Is Like ironically there is no such thing As right or wrong especially on a cosmic

Perspective despite what this reading is Called which I called it this cuz I was Like there was no easy way to be like Are you in alignment with your highest Good like there's only a 100 characters In it and I felt like most I don't know I just felt like this was easier and More digestible for a from a marketing Standpoint But you Know this energy is really just helping You expand and grow in the ways that you Actually want to you it's like you're Not messing up in fact you're right Where you need to be the universe is Saying hey these are the things that are Out of alignment these are the things That are going to stop you from moving Forward these are the things that are Inhibiting you from embodying more of Yourself from loving more of yourself From you know embracing more of yourself Let's deal with these things so that we Can be an even bigger badass and be Stronger and be more courageous and you Know live a life more more embodied and More bold and more loving than you ever Have before so let's go ahead and get Guidance for all of these now so Spirit What Guidance Do you have for this Strength Chariot energy in reverse and This strength Upright Cleanse oh I just feel like I need to

Take a breath pile pile for will you Just take a deep breath with me I felt really good some some Tension and some and Listen oxygen is still free breathe it And enjoy it while it's Here before we know it we're going to Have an Oxygen Plus Max Subscription hopefully we won't because People people like us will be helping Shift the consciousness of Society to Not do things that way But yeah cuz we are the answers to all These problems right so cleanse the Trigger statement there is no answer the True statement I am the answer the Aligned outcome for you is simple but Not necessarily easy commit your goals To Heart each day and know every single Action will take you closer to them yeah I would also say as well if you get Really frustrated when things don't go According to plan and that leads to Self-destructive behaviors learning to Be more gentle with what you are able to Do in a day and not beating yourself up For it like imagine if you just like Verbally accosted a baby for not being Able to do taxes like imagine bullying a Baby for not being able to do Taxes well I can't imagine it because The IRS does it to me and you we're just Babies we're not meant to do taxes um Which honestly I wouldn't mind taxes if

They didn't go To you know mass murder uh I like them When they help people I just hate them When they don't uh Anyway I I know you were dying to know My stance on Taxes what's more American than that Hating taxes it's why we s ceed Seceded Anyway um okay I'm like so like Like I'm all over the place I feel like I feel like you probably are too because Like your energy is very like but I'm Also Like I could just be Like I could be the I I it could just All be me and I'm projecting it on to You which in that if that in that case I'm sorry but this is so telling because What spirit is really trying to say here Is is that Like you're not going to get anywhere by Spinning your wheels and that you are The answer and that maybe one of your Problems is is that you beat yourself up When you don't meet your expectations But maybe your expectations of yourself Are Psychopathic have you ever Considered that you know like oh I I'm I'm going to do these things and I Shouldn't be able to S like sometimes we Have just expectations and forget like Oh yeah you know you need to like sleep And and and have like a life outside of

That Right sometimes we forget sometimes the Mind just wants to transcend the body And that's just not possible what else Spirit what other guidance would you Give pile four please We have yep Selfworth the trigger statement is I am Disgusting the true statement is I am a Miracle please be gentle and love Yourself provide your body mind with What it truly needs to carry you on your Journey and that's the thing is like you Can't like you are going to be able to Do far less from a place of Self-loathing than you will from a place Of self-love and you know what buddy We're in this together actually because I can relate to this entirely and one of The things that I had to come to terms With in my longish hiatus like that 3 Weeks I was gone was like I've been Taking action and doing these things From a place of like I feel like I have To and I feel like if I don't do the Absolute most all the time that I'm Doing something wrong and that I'm a bad Person if I don't and that's not the Truth it was just my own insecurities And me being afraid of backlash should I Do things differently and the thing is Is that like whether I get it or not Like I can't control that but you know The the physical detriment to

Not you know making changes would is a Hell of a lot worse than you know Backlash so you know I had to really see That and understand that and I think for You as well the universe is like we Don't want you to push yourself to the Brink and feel like you have somehow Failed on your path when the reality is Is that you haven't but it would be far More painful for you to keep going with This process and not be able to embody Your path from a place of self Lov which Would just be not only more empowering For you but it will allow you to give From a more authentic place and it will Allow you to take action from a more Authentic place and not get yourself Caught up in stories belief systems and In just cycles of unhealthy behavior That don't serve you so let's okay I'm Pinky promis pinky promised me that you Are going to do what is loving to Yourself first and accept the Consequences of whatever loving Yourself results in in the outside world And know that even if what happens in The outside world is not what you would Like to see if you are doing it from a Place of love then no it is worth it and That you're doing something right cuz Think about how messed up that is Like like if people only want you to Give and they don't care like how how it Affects you or people want you to show

Up in a certain way and you know are mad If that's not the case Like they don't they don't care about Who you are they care about you showing Up in a way that makes them feel Comfortable or in a way that they like And that's about them that's not about You and it takes a sense of self-esteem And it takes a lot of a lot of courage To be able to be disliked and and to to Be yourself and be like okay yeah that's Fine you can dislike me you cannot Approve of that that's Fine and as a people pleaser or a Recovering one I'm sure you are one too It is like putting your hand on a Burning hot stove but eventually you Stop feeling It eventually you burn the nerve endings Off so you Know it's worth it and and to have a Sense of self-esteem and self- worth I Think is you know one of the greatest Gifts that you can ever give yourself And it's something that can't be bought And if you look at some of the uh big Dogs at the top you can see oh yeah your Money cannot buy you a sense of security In yourself that's for sure Anyway we also have comfort the trigger Statement is people cannot be trusted And the true statement is I trust my Heart your big beautiful heart is ready To open trust that you will be able to

Discern who is best to walk with you Yeah I literally I I said this already So yep and one more Spirit we have Soothe the trigger statement is I need To fix this and the true statement is I Am willing to learn from this lift Yourself above your life situation and Observe as a witness understand that you Are so much more than the story and look What's on the back of the deck Clarity The trigger statement is I am so Confused and the true statement is I am Present allow your mind to clear and let The noise of noise of your thoughts Fall Away listen to your intuition and you Know another thing that I want to say That's like a personal me thing so feel Free to skip ahead if you're if you Don't care um so many I just want to say Thank you because like so many of you Guys are so loving and caring and Supportive and understanding of me and I Feel like I I you know sometimes don't Always like I feel like sometimes it is Hard to acknowledge that you know like You know then the mind is naturally Focused on negativity but like the Amount of positivity and love that you Guys send me is insane and it's like I'm So grateful for it and thank you and I'm Sorry if like sometimes I don't do Enough to express like how grateful I am For that but like just know like even

I'm talking about it's think of it this Way if like there were 500 people in Front of you and like 95% of them are Going to give you the biggest warmest Most healing hug of your life but 5% of Them are going to punch you in the face As hard as they can and you don't know Who's who it's going to be a little bit Harder to receive the hugs cuz you're Anticipating the punch that's that's That's the best way I can describe that Position but just know that Like I love you like thank you for the Kindness and Grace that you extend me And and I I just hope that like I extend That back to you and I hope that you Just know that you are so great and I'm So grateful for any kindness you send my Way and I hope that we're able to do the Same and I hope you know that you're not Alone and none of us are alone in this And you know every little thing is going To be all right the words of Bob Marley Okay with that being said let's go ahead And get into your charms now little bit Of a headphone warning uh you might want To turn your headphones down uh this can Be kind of loud Um but I'm just going to close my eyes And then whatever cards come out we will Use as uh signs for your path and extra Guidance so Pile pile four Spirit what

Charms are Relevant signs and guidance for pile Four on their Path okay beautiful So the fact that we have this Tower card Out here Again I feel like there's this huge Emphasis on Spirit asking you to not be Afraid of tower moments cuz if they're Meant to happen the star always comes After baby and I feel like any Tower Moments that have happened in your past Have led to a lot of um heart healing You know this star is pink and green Which are both heart chakra colors and I Definitely think with this Tower card Being here um spirit is trying to get You to see what needs to be dealt with Now before a tower moment would ever Arise and I feel like that is further Reiterated with this little clear Charm and this bottled up emotions it's Like the emotions that you've had Bottled up are going to continue to be a Problem for you until they are able to Be seen and Released I also think that you may Really judge yourself harshly for your Emotional reactions especially if you're Sensitive um which is okay but you know Obviously Society is not very kind to Sensitive folk and are often not very uh Understanding or caring and that's why You have to be and that's why you have

To you know one of the things about Sensitive people is that sensitive People are here to shed light on the Things that those who are less sensitive Remain unaware of and yes sensitive Folks we not always the best at Expressing ing those things but that's Why we learn to get better and we learn To find ways to deal with our Sensitivity so that you know our Reactions to them don't become everyone Else's problem but in your case I feel Like there is still a lot of maybe shame For your emotional experiences and shame For you know your humanity and I feel Like what spirit is saying is is that Any Tower moments that have happened in Your past have led you to having more Compassion and understanding for Yourself and with this being said as Well is You're creating a solid emotional Foundation for yourself that is going to Allow you to move through the world and Life's challenges with less judgment and Persecution of yourself I also think That if there have been any Tower Moments in the past that you don't quite Understand you will be getting Clarity From them but I also think spirit is Really encouraging you to look at what Is what is continuing to feed into this Sense of Doom this sense of fear because Those are the things that need your love

And care and Attention in order for these feelings of Impending doom to either be lessened or Eliminated I also with this dinosaur Here though I feel like you may have Some of these feelings of impending doom May Come From Beyond this lifetime they May be in your ancestry cuz remember too Like you know you carry the trauma of Your ancestors as well as yourself like I'm pretty sure Like I don't know I I don't know biolog I got to see in biology probably because I didn't show up very often but if I had I would have definitely gotten a B minus So I'm not going to talk about things I Don't understand so I definitely think Spirit is saying to not hold back your Emotions in the words of Elsa Let It Go Or in the songs of Elsa Let it go you Know and you need to let go of those Emotional reactions otherwise they will Continue to rule you um but with this You know dinosaur here I feel like one Thing that spirit is saying is that some Of these fears are not logical which CU One fear isn't logical but two some of These fears may be rooted in past lives And rooted In you know your ancestors like lives That you have like inherited through you Know their Genetics there are a lot of factors at Play here

And so one thing you might want to look Into is like past life regression Um I'll write down who I go see for past Life regression um her name is Lorna Wilson and she is in the UK so um her Website is like a UK website but she's Her name is Lura Wilson and if you just Look up Lura Wilson l n r a w LS o n Past life regression you should find her She's absolutely incredible and and um If not like just anyone you want to find Like past life regression I think that Could be very helpful um past life Regression is less about like exploring The past life and more About reintegrating um closing out old Chapters and like looking at themes and And healing things on a soul level it's It's not about exploration it's about Closing chapters healing tying up loose Threads things like that so I think that Could be really beneficial for you Because there could be things that are Deeply ingrained and just fears in you That may not have a root that you can Identify on your own and that might be a Helpful way of of getting there let's See we've got more tarot cards ooh okay I love this we have the Ace of Wands Upright with the nine of swords in Reverse so the fact that this is a nine And I've said this in other groups you Know the eight of Swords is usually Mental stress and and mental anguish

That you can get out of yourself the Nine of Swords is usually when you want To get some external help and I feel Like what spirit is saying is is that if You don't have a lot of energy right now You'll get your mojo back your spark Back when you start to deal with and Address you know the mental turmoil that You may be dealing with so you know if You can find resources like I Said this can be many different things This can be therapy this can be talking It out this can be journaling whatever It is for you you know Finding help and Finding ways To deal with that energy be so that it Doesn't like sap you dry I think is Really important but also with this Ace Of Wands here Um a little bit of Selflove in uh that way if you know what I mean great way to help get you back in Your body I just have to say these of Wands is the dick card not saying that You have one but you know everyone can Rub one out every now and then it won't Kill you um you know that's a great way Of self up you know but also that that That was more of a silly interpretation Well it's not silly but like it's one Where I'm like I feel silly saying it But at the same time it's not silly it's It's Society making me feel silly you Know but with this Ace of Wands as well

Like I feel like the more you deal with What's going on internally the more Energy you're going to have um but I Also think too one way that could really Help you get out of your mental anguish Is to do things that excite you and Maybe and this is kind of like a Chicken And the Egg thing it's like Like you may not get more excitement and Passion until you deal with the mental Anguish or you know pursuing the things That you know can make you feel excited And passionate will help you deal with The mental anguish it's like kind of Both and like this or that or true so You kind of Just if you don't know what your process Is this is the time to start Understanding your process how you do Things you know cuz how we do things is Going to be different and and just start Paying attention to what works for you What uplifts you I do think that more Than anything spirit is saying like There is no reason for you to be afraid In fact all we have are exciting Opportunities coming your way and we Want you to be in the position to Receive them properly and take them so That you know you don't push them away Out of fear you're not good enough and And miss out on beautiful things that The Universe wants you to experience you Know we want you to take opportunities

With boldness and courage not you know Take them and and then feel like an Impostor or feel like you're doing Something wrong or feel like you're not Good enough like you are good enough You're good enough now but until you Start to believe that it's going to be Really hard well there's that a of Swords so yeah a lot of mental anguish Here and I feel like spirit is saying Like as L as long as you allow your mind To control You you are going to have a bad time the Mind is meant to be a faithful servant I Okay I'm thinking of that Albert Einstein quote and it literally goes Into this intuitive Albert Einstein a Man with a big old brain You know he came up with his most Powerful theories through intuition and There's this quote of his that says you Know the intuitive mind is a wise guide And the rational mind is a faithful Servant Society Has upheld and honored the Servant to the detriment of the Intuitive mind or something like that And basically his point is is that you Know We have a society that caters to the Servant rather than to the intuition and That is a problem your mind is here to Help you implement things your mind is Here you know when you get that when you

Get that creative inspiration oh I want To I want to make this painting you know The mind says okay let's make sure we Have the right supplies like oh we need To go we need to go um we should we Should text that person and see if they Have like this type of oil paints or Like you know the the brain does the Does the like oh okay you want to do That thing let's go figure it out let's Let's let's do the things to make that Happen let's you know the Mind should Serve you you shouldn't serve it if your Mind is topping you and being Daddy it's Time for you to um take your power back And make that mind submissive again okay And also Pisces Pisces energy could be Significant um intuitive I feel like You're really being called to trust your Intuition and I think there's a part of You that's known all along like Everything's going to be okay and that There's a purpose for everything that You've been dealing with but it's just Very easy To still be afraid and even even if You've been on a spiritual path for Years or if you've been on a path of you Know your highest good for year it's Like it doesn't necessarily get Easier you Just expand you just learn more and you Just Grow anyway let's look at your little

Fortunes as you can tell I've eaten a Lot of American Chinese food in my day I've been saving these for a long time And I had them in a separate thing and I Was like well I'll just add them to the Charm box cuz I haven't used them uh Every moment is a golden one for him who Has the vision to recognize it as such And I think that is so big for you Because like there are golden moments That you may miss out on because you're Beating yourself up or like you're Focused on you know the negatives and It's actually like golden outside like The Sun is setting and I just think That's so beautiful like you do have This golden vision and you can't see it If you're stuck in the darkness and You're stuck in the the past and stuck In what hasn't worked and look this Strength card is so gold like thinking Of Shea Shake good is gold that's so Funny um significant song Uh I watched like the second season of Vander pump rules when everything was Happening cuz my nail tech like really Wanted me to and uh it stressed me out So badly I had to stop after that season Um anyway Lucky numbers 35 55 39 38 21 this is Definitely the group where I'm just like Inhibitions are freed and I'm just Like my peeps are here and I can ramble And even if there are some people that

Are not my peeps well that's okay just Know that my peeps are here and that's Why I'm rambling and you can be my peep If you want but you know that also means You have to accept me in my Shortcomings Okay if you have knowledge let others Light their candles by It oh and what what's that what's that What's that really tiny Writing oh use code aso1 for 10% off ASO Taros candles oh yeah that's a good idea Just kidding that'll be linked down Below though but seriously those are There if you want them Uh but also like I feel like you you Underestimate your own knowledge now and The fact that like you already have so Much to give now um but the lucky number Numbers here are 31 3 50 7 17 and 12 and Finally we have don't forget you are Always on our Minds okay well that's like slightly Terrifying in the sense of like who Who's our but I'm going to go ahead and Say that that's Spirit um and you know spirit's always Watching over you spirit's always loving You um but if you had someone come to Mind when I said that maybe that is a Sign for you uh But yeah let's look at the numbers on The back here 52 54 33 30 384 interesting I've noticed a lot of

These have 50s and 30s on them I don't Know what that means but pile four that Is where I'm going to leave this reading Thank you guys so so so much for Watching and for letting me read for you And thanks you thank you so much for Letting my ads play in the background While you do something else that is one Of the simplest and easiest ways to Support me and show appreciation for my Channel so thank you to everybody who Does that um if you would like to Support me in other ways you can check Out my candles like I just said you can Like this video comment down below Subscribe if you haven't already shout Out to my notification Squad I love you Guys so much um you can check out my Social media you can check out my merch Um or other videos especially ones with Extendeds it's all super helpful but That's all I have for you guys so thank You so so so much for watching and for Letting me read for you I hope you all Have a wonderful day or night whenever It is that you're watching this video And I hope you'll come back and see me Again soon bye bye

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