Can This Relationship Heal?❤️‍🩹⛑️ Pick a Card Timeless In-Depth Tarot Reading

Can This Relationship Heal?❤️‍🩹⛑️ Pick a Card Timeless In-Depth Tarot Reading

Hi friends!! Thank you sm for watching & for being here!

Intro: 0:00
Reading Breakdown: 0:11
Pile Selection: 2:00
Make a Wish + Message from Archangel Raphael: 3:29
Pile 1 (Pietersite Bear): 9:10
Pile 2 (Agate Daisy): 1:13:31
Pile 3 (Bumblebee Jasper Sun): 2:01:08

Candle of the Month: The Empress (USE CODE ESO10 FOR 10% OFF)

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I don’t currently offer personals readings, but I’ll update if that ever changes!

Decks Used:
The Gummy Bear Tarot
The Miaow Tarot
The Sleepwalker’s Tarot
The Audacity Oracle
The Vessel Oracle
The Sunstone Runic Oracle
Cosmic Reading Cards

👀About Me👀
Madison, 26
Tropical: Aries ☀️ Virgo 🌙 Libra ⬆️
Sidereal: Pisces☀️ Leo 🌙 Virgo ⬆️
Life Path 11, INFP

Hi friends welcome or welcome back to my Channel I'm ASO this is ISO tarot and in Today's reading we are going to be doing Something a bit different today we are Looking at a specific relationship in Your life current or present and this Can be any type of relationship romantic Platonic familial that you are currently Not in a good place with um you could Have had a falling out with this person You could be in a conflict whatever the Case may Be we're looking at can this Relationship heal and I put right now Because you know energies always change And you never know what the future holds But based on what it looks like right Now are things open for healing between You and them so how this reading is Going to work is we're going to start With an energy check where you are going To be on the left your person is going To be on the right and the connecting Energy between the two of you will be in The middle and we'll look at both of Your energies and intentions and the Connecting energy and we'll look at them And see if these energies are open or Blocked now if anything is blocked you Know we'll look at why but essentially Yeah we're just seeing what is open for Healing and what is blocked and then if That resonates with your situation and Sounds like you I do want to say this is

A reading where you do not want to force Things if they do not fit please trust Your Intuition if this reading is not for you That's okay but I appreciate you leaving Me a little like anyway um but if that's Resonating and it sounds sounds like What's correct we are then going to go Into the tarot and essentially I am just Going to ask the questions that I feel Guided to ask and there is no limit We're just going to go until I feel Satisfied and I feel like we've done What we needed to do and yeah we will do That and then we will finish off with Some guidance on Soul healing available To you right now so we have three Different groups to choose from today With three different decks so starting With the first group group number one we Have this little Peters sight bear and We are going to be using the gummy bear Tarot and then for group number two we Are going to be using the meow tarot and I have this agot Daisy on Top and then for group number three we Are going to be using the sleeve Walkers Tarot mini Edition which the mini Edition is blue instead of green which Is cool uh and I have this bumblebee Jasper sun on Top so with that being said we are going To make a wish today but I am using the Archangel Raphael candle today as you

Can see it's already lit we already made Our wish so what I decided to do was Make a wish with this candle and also Pull a message from Archangel Raphael so If you feel called to check that out It will show up right after this but That is all I have for you guys so once You have picked your pile or piles you Can go ahead and scroll down to the Description box or the comment section Where I will have all the timestamps Listed down below and once you picked Your pile or piles I will see you in Your reading Don't Force anything that Doesn't fit and yeah I hope that I can Help bring any sort of healing today no Matter what that is thank you for being Here and I'm going to bring it going to Give it over to make a wish ASO In the words of our Lord and savior Hillary Duff Let the Rain Fall Down And wake my dreams is that it let it Wash away my Sanity I can't remember the rest of that Song but it's coming clean and what we Are going to be doing right now if you Came here is to make a wish on our Lovely candle so this is not from my Tarot candle line but this does come From my amazing Candle Maker Maggie this Is the Archangel Raphael healing candle And that is what we're going to do today

I didn't want to rob you guys of not Being able to make a wish so what we're Going to do is we're going to make a Wish with this candle specifically to Archangel Raphael and then we are going To get a message from Archangel Raphael And see what he they want us to know and Any healing that we can do together so Go ahead now and just pray to Archangel Raphael who loves you unconditionally to Just be present with you in your space And in your Heart and just set the intention that This candle serve as a vessel for your Heart's desires your heart's wishes and For your heart's Healing and if you would like to focus Your wish on the candle now or just say It quietly in your head whatever ever Works for you I'm going to go ahead now And make my own little [Music] Wish and may yours mine and all of our Wishes come true thank you Archangel Raphael for being Here and we're just going to go ahead Now and pull a message from Archangel Raphael and see what he wants to say to All of us and then if you would like to Do the healing practice on your own time Feel free to screenshot it once I show You the book so beloved Archangel Raphael what would you like all of us Who came

Here for a message for you or from you To Know your heart is a Healer ah okay so This is so perfect for what we're doing And I love it we've got the number 22 so 22 could be Significant this is the Angelic light Work healing Oracle by the way by Alana Fairchild as you know we stand her Creations on this channel she's a Fantastic fantastic Creator so Archangel Raphael wants us to Know you are now offered healing for the Heart in all matters of love and Forgiveness your heart is a Divine Genius a true healer it knows how to Experience all emotions from the heights Of bliss and pure Divine love to the Depths of sadness loss and the pain of Betrayal it can arise renewed again and Again this Oracle asks you to give your Heart some extra love oh I love You I was about to say a pile but I was Like I don't know who's here so I guess Sound off with a green Emoji if you want To know if you want to let me know you Are here for the healing healing [Laughter] Squad this Oracle asks you to give your Heart some extra love it is working hard For you to heal renew and open to the Next chapter there is something special In the wings of your life and your heart Is guiding you towards it continue to

Let go of meanness cruelty and pain from The past let it be give your mind Permission to tune in to the loving Wisdom of your heart that always knows The way to heal and move closer to the Divine fulfillment of your highest Destiny that is so beautiful and so Perfect for what we are doing today Which is looking at healing so I'm going To go ahead now and show you the pages Of the healing process if you would like To do that on your own whether Screenshotting that that I'm going to Leave it up for like 10 seconds on each Side this is a bit of a longer healing Process and I often actually do these Healing processes when I'm in the Bathtub I know that sounds silly but Like I'll go in there and well I'll First like shuffle a card from maybe Like this deck and then I'll take the Book with me into the bathtub and then I'll kind of just do the healing Practice while I'm in the bathtub um you Don't have to do it while you're in the Bathtub I wouldn't recommend doing it in The shower unless you have it memorized Cuz you might you know get stuff wet but These healing processes can be very Powerful and I can understand that it's Hard to feel like it's working when You're the one facilitating it and when You kind of have to look and read and See what it says but I promise that's

More than enough um and if you want to Have the healing process kind of spoken Out for you I would recommend recording Yourself and I know that sounds Horrifying But part of self Lov is accepting what Our voice sounds like right and and by Facilitating your own healing with your Your own voice that is far more powerful Than me doing it and um yeah so here is The healing process if you wish to do That on your own this is the deck if you Wish to get it uh but with that being Said I'm going to go ahead now and start The reading so thank you guys so much For doing this healing with me thank you Guys so much for for making a wish with Me thank you so much for not giving up On your heart and giving your heart room To heal and grow so with that being said Now I'm going to go ahead and get into Your reading hi there pile one welcome To your reading and thank you so much For being here if you guys chose the Peter site bear and the gummy bear tarot This is going to be your reading on can This relationship heal now you're going To have to bear with me a little bit Because we are going going to be kind of Doing this more intuitively rather than Having a strict setup plan so what I do Have set up is the energy of this Reading so if you resonate with what I'm Talking about then this is your reading

If you don't I would try a different Pile you are going to be on the left Your person is going to be on the right And your person is whoever you are Asking about we are not specifically Asking about romantic relationships this Could be any type of relationship Romantic platonic familial whatever and We're basically just going to be looking At whether the energies between the two Of you are open for healing or blocked For healing and why and then we're going To go from there and I'm going to use The Tarot deck you chose to answer a Bunch of b a bunch of questions and We'll just see where the reading leads Us I want to have fun less structure Less rules more healing okay so let's Start by looking at your energy and Intentions towards this person so for You we have the last Tah and we have defeat oh this one makes Me so Sad I'm sending you a hug pile One open your heart and you'll get It and then looking at your person's Energy the person you're asking about we Have the tower in reverse and we have Rest and then for the connecting energy In between we have manaz in reverse I Could be saying that wrong if I am give Me some Grace or correct me in the Comments okay So as I figured there will be Nuance

Here so your energy is open to Healing Which makes sense hello hi thank you for Being here but the energy towards the Connection and or the energy of the Connection and your person's energy does Seem to be blocked and I can see why This is and P one can I just like start By saying you know how beautiful like Your loyalty is and you are definitely The type of person who will go to the Ends of the Earth for the people that You care about you are not the type to Give up on someone and I wonder if this Person has kind of given you a run for Your money um especially for some of you This is like a family situation where You've just continuously tried to you Know bring in more healing Or whatever the case may be I'm going to Try my best best not to do a ton of Specifics around like what type of Relationship this is because I caught Myself just doing that and I feel like I Don't want to create chaos it doesn't Well your person does want to I don't Know if they want to create chaos but They certainly are chaotic the vibe of This connection in terms of healing Seems to be blocked because there is no Room for Spirit to come through on your Person's end your energy is open to this Healing there there is a part of you That feels like it doesn't seem like It's going to happen at least not soon

And I would say you're correct about That but stop don't click off this Reading we've got very important stuff To look at with you and we're going to Get to the bottom of why your person is Like this and what's going on but Essentially what I'm seeing here is that You have been consistently let down by This person and you have desire to Connect to them on a much deeper level Than they're willing to meet you and it Doesn't seem like this is inherently Malicious but your person does seem to Be a bit self-centered and selfish um I'm not saying that from a place of Judgment I'm just saying that from a Place of it seems like they don't really Learn from their mistakes with the tower In reverse and it seems like they kind Of create chaos wherever they go Um I hate to say this but it kind of Reminds me of like their energy kind of Reminds me Of Lindsay Lohan and her like late 2000s Era when you know she was like really Struggling and and and going through a Lot and like here's the thing is Lindsay Lohan a bad person no she's a human and Had insane circumstances placed upon her At a young age and had Society literally Tear her down for being young talented And beautiful and she didn't have a Proper support system or really anyone To guide her differently I don't know

Why we're I love Lindsay Lohan I I love Her so much um and and here's the and Look at her now like she's in a Completely different place she's she's a Mom you Know she seems to be doing better and I Hope she genuinely is I don't know why This this this came down that rabbit Hole But I feel like I I know why it did it's Cuz your person's energy reminds me of Her in that time you you know when she Just was kind of chaos wherever she went And was all of that chaos self-created Probably not it was also probably her Environment and the fact that you know She she couldn't make a mistake without Being crucified for it but I don't know What your person's circumstances are and It seems like whatever their Circumstances are they are blocked From receiving an understanding higher Truths the fact that we have this rest Here and there's all these Stars around And then you're showing up here as this One Star I feel like and I and I don't say This to like trigger you I say this to Help you understand that there is Nothing that you can do to show this Person things Differently I am sure that other people Have as well and like look at all these People that care about your person

You're not the only One and maybe these aren't all people Maybe they're also opportun unities for Awareness opportunities for Understanding no matter what it is your Person doesn't seem to have much empathy Or understanding for other people Because they are very much focused on Themselves and I don't want to pass Judgment on why that is you know it Could be from you know a traumatic place But that also let me be clear doesn't Invalidate any pain that you might be Experiencing from their inability to Meet you where you want to meet them Truth can coexist and I I feel like this Is actually a really beautiful Representation of where you guys are at Because it's Like you seem to feel like you're in the Darkness but you're in light whereas Your person feels they're in light but They're actually in Darkness for you I can just tell that You see something special in this person And you see their soul light but they Don't see theirs you have a connection To your soul in a way that your person Doesn't and that doesn't mean they never Can but if you think of the concept of Like selling your soul to the devil Right really what a lot of that is I Mean I don't know what weird crap people Are doing

But that can happen in very subtle ways And we see that through the the devil Card you know the things that we're Attached to the things that we're that We hold on to you know the things that We do to satiate our ego that deny our Spirit that is a way of selling our soul To the devil right and I'm not saying That that's like what your person did That's a very I'm just saying that this Person is much more an ego and they're Not really able to see their soul their Egoic experience is the truth of their Reality whereas I think that you have an Awareness and understanding of the fact That you have both your ego and your Spirit and there are multiple parts of You And maybe you were once in a position Where you were only an ego and now you Are starting to see the light or now you See things much more clearly and it's Like you want to share it with this Person but they are willing to it seems Like whatever Rift happened here Happened because this person either Wasn't capable of making the changes you Desired or you realize that this person Was not able To connect with you in the way you need To connect in order to have meaningful Relationships which for you is someone Who meets you as deeply as you're Willing to meet them someone who fits

Well in your life and someone who Supports you in the way that you support Them and I wonder if this person denied You in a way And also I want to mention too this Representation can also just be the Amount of times you've tried to connect With them the amount of times you've Tried to show them something differently But I have to say first and foremost if This person brings a lot of chaos And you know hardship to your life that Doesn't seem to change and and move Like that's going to create a lot more Blockages in your own healing because They're kind of like a bull in a china Shop you know they're they're they don't Even realize that they are the bull in The china shop you know they're just Doing them and honoring what feels good To them but what feels good to them is Based on an ego level and it seems like You know the ways in which you're trying To connect right now it's just Not it's just not connecting it's Like explain tax law to a Baby that baby is going to stare at you And and do what a baby does poop its Pants cry make cute Faces smile and laugh for no reason Babies are so cute um and you know and I Feel like in a lot of ways this person Is kind of a baby Soul like in the sense That their their soul seems to be kind

Of newer like they're having a lot of Earthly experiences and it just seems Like you have the energy Of why does every reading come back to Shrek references oh I know why because Shrek is incredible I like when I feel Your Vibe I'm feeling like the scene From Shrek 2 where uh first of all the Fairy Godmother is singing The just Absolute best rendition of Holding Out For a Hero it's better than the original And I wish it was available like Seriously Google Holding Out for a Hero Shrek 2 cover it is chef's kiss it's Incredible like and and I feel like you Are that and in a lot of ways like you You are Shrek you are handsome Shrek Riding in on handsome donkey and and Coming in to save the day like and I Feel like the thing is is that not Everybody is is worthy of that that Saving it's Like the difference between Fiona and Prince Charming like Fiona is a deep compassionate person the Same way Shrek learns to be right I'm Not saying you're Shrek or Fiona but Like Prince Charm He's surface level and only cares about His desires and has mommy issues and you Know just wants what he wants when he Wants it he doesn't even if he I guess He works for it like it's still from a a Schemy point of view it's not loving he

Does Prince Charming doesn't want to be With Fiona because he loves Fiona Prince Charming wants to be with Fiona because He loves loves the thought of being King And loves everything that would come With that right and so it's like you Guys are coming in from these two very Different positions Where your desires aren't matching I Mean and there could be desires that do Match But it seems like it's deeply painful For you to to try and connect with this Person because every time you do it's Like it just falls on deaf ears or they Say one thing and do another or they're Just not able to show up in the way that You know you're seeking and asking so We're going to go ahead and start Getting to the bottom of this because it Seems like can this relationship heal Right now No if you can do basic math which I know Disgusting we almost never do it on this Channel I promise but you're open the Connection is blocked and your person is Blocked and it seems like your person is The key to why these connecting energies Are blocked because it's kind of like You know meeting a force of resistance That isn't your barrier to break through If that makes sense Um But get back in

There am I putting these back the same Way someone pointed out that I I do the Deck I I do this more as like a little Thing but then I realized someone Pointed out to me that I put them back In the exact same position which really Doesn't matter cuz I'm Shuffling anyway But I thought it was funny and now I Think about it and I pause but anyway What we're going to go ahead and do now Is I'm going to start shuffling cards And what I first want to look at is why Your person is blocked from From meeting you here and why because We're going to do a lot in terms of Looking at your energy and I just kind Of want to understand where your person Is coming from first so that I don't Make any like false promises or give Them the benefit of the doubt or create Hope or maybe like cuz I don't know like This is a general reading and for some Of you this person could stay unaware of These aspects of self for a long time I Mean the fact that we have the tower Here if it were upright these are like Divine shakeups but the fact that it's Reversed means that like even if the Universe is sending this person Tower Moments they're not they're not waking Up like they're not seeing it and I feel Like there is a part of you that's like Maybe you kind of distanced yourself From this person and they haven't really

Reached out out and I feel like that is Pretty telling because it's just Like I think that the connection that You have forged with them is much deeper Than the one that they have forged with You and that's not because you're not Worthy of that it's because they are Literally incapable it's like you know Asking it's like telling a baby to swim To the bottom of a pool they're not They're not even going to understand What you're asking them to do they don't Even have like those functions Yet Like and I know that may be hard to hear But it's important to understand because Your loyalty deserves to be with those That can hold hold it as well and Appreciate it and meet you halfway like You are a genuine deep soul with a lot To give and and giving it to the wrong Person will be detrimental to you so Spirit why is their person blocked In terms of healing and connecting why Is this person Blocked we have the Six of Swords so This person doesn't learn from their Mistakes they kind of move away before They ever have to look at them it's it Reminds me actually of Rick and Morty I Know I'm using a lot of Television References I apologize but like that Show is based in in different dimensions And there's one dimension that they

Completely destroy and they and the Characters and two of the characters Basically the main ones like leave and Everyone else in that Dimension just Basically has like this apocalyptic Outcome while they go to a new dimension And everything's fine and normal and They continue their adventures and that Kind of reminds me of your person in the Sense That they I don't even think they Realize that they are the sewer of their Own chaos but this is someone who would Rather run away or move away From issues then work through Them will it be that way forever I don't Know But they don't they Don't reflect and they have trouble With they have trouble With reflection and self reflection it's Like it reminds me of Like something coming In taking all the resources it can and Then being like oh this place is Barren It doesn't have any resources and then Going where to the next spot not saying That you are Barren and out of resources But I do feel like you kind of have Woken up to where this person is at but I do want to know like how how does this Person see you uh what is the Deepest understanding they have of you And and their connection with you what

Is pile one's person's deepest Understanding Of okay so I think that they Know that Don't think for a minute that they don't See your value or know that you are Something Special it's that they know that they in Order to show up in this connection with You they would have to do the work and That they would have to work with you And that they would also have to be Honest about themselves and they are Unwilling to be open to that I think That that whatever healing work that you Do is incredib incredibly incredibly Triggering for them because it makes Them Realize that there's a lot of themselves That they're not looking at but they Don't want to look at it there is this Kind of like oh that would take a lot of Work and that seems kind of overwhelming And and there's just this overall Resistance to it Like they almost like they feel safer Around inconsistent people who don't Want to put in work Because then it's no harm no foul when They mess up and then they can move Forward I do feel like there is this Kind of Like I wonder how long like you guys Well I mean I guess it depends on the

Type of relationship But this person definitely values you And values who you are but they don't Have the ability to or if they have the Ability they don't want to do the work Necessary to meet you halfway and to Show up as an equal it's like I don't Think they see themselves as an equal But I also think that they are someone Who is just kind of moving through Life very fancy free very Um I think that they like to keep things Light because there's a lot of Darkness Underneath their surface that they're Not ready to address and I feel like With this eight of Pentacles they might Use work as like an excuse or they might Feel like oh I need to work on myself I Need to work on my stuff but they don't Actually work on anything I feel like This person maybe thinks they do or like Tells themselves like yeah I'm going to Work on this I'm going to do this I'm Going to change but I don't see them Actually acting on it because once they Try to face it it's like oh crap Um I don't want to deal with these Emotions I don't want to deal with What's going on um but I do think That they know that there's something Here and like they see your relationship As whatever type of relationship this is They see it as one where I don't think They think they deserve you like and

They also feel a little bit Vulnerable around being open with you And and hi there pile one you're Probably wondering what just happened I Will tell you what happened I finished Your reading last night and it was Really beautiful and I loved it and then I went to go hit stop recording and I Realized my my camera decided to do that On its own I don't know why I had plenty Of storage and a full battery but I Don't Know it just didn't record and it was Really upsetting and I was like I do not Have the emotional bandwidth to redo This reading and you guys deserve me at My best not at my quite frankly Most pissed Off so I was like I'm going to go to bed And we'll kick back up tomorrow so where We were at I burned my nail when I was Cleansing where we were at was we were Looking at your person and what their Deepest understanding of your connection Is and I think their deepest Understanding of this connection is Around the fact that this connection Requires work of them because you are a Solid reliable person even if you don't See yourself as as that way compared to This person you 100% are um I definitely Feel like there is just a deep Resistance to doing that work And I think it's largely

Because I have to stress like how Impersonal this is in the sense of like It's not you it's what you evoke Within Me does that make sense and it doesn't Matter you know what type of Relationship this is It's just obvious That you show up with more care and Commitment and concern than this person Does And I also want to mention that I feel Like I kind of I don't want to say I Took on your energy because I think that We really can't take on someone else's Energy unless there's a part of us that Is that resonates with it and I feel Like I kind of really felt your energy Last night and in just the sense of like The frustration and the powerlessness And the feelings of defeat and anger and Like I and mine wasn't coming from like A a relationship it was coming from the Fact that I was frustrated that like you Know my hard work wasn't recorded but When you put all of your love and care And your heart and soul into something Or someone I I know how hard it can be To to realize or to be disappointed By you know the shortcomings of the Reality around us And I'm kind of glad it happened because I need you to know like as cuz cuz we're Going to move Into a lot of stuff about you and about This connection and what it means now

But I I just want you to know like it is Okay to feel however you need to feel And in fact I encourage it like when I Kind of felt myself going off the rails Last night I gave myself permission to Just be done like Okay this is a manifestation of deep Frustration that's not just related to This reading but rather more about my Own process and I wonder If you may be experiencing the same Thing not in in my case like not in the Same semantics but in the sense that you Put Your love and your heart and your effort And your energy into people and you Don't always get the same return and you May feel like why does this keep Happening or why does this same pattern Keep repeating and we're going to look At it um you may want to check out one Reading I did called why do they keep Coming back um that was a little while Back you can scroll down But I do feel like for a lot of you Whether this is a friendship or a Relationship I'm getting less familial But if it is familial I do feel like There is this element of like obligation Like if this person is connected to you In a way where it feels stronger than Just a a mutually formed Bond um well Not that family bonds are always Necessarily strong but there is that

Like that you share genetics you share Or a home or whatever it may be and so There may be this Essence like this Aspect of of obligation like oh I don't Have to change or I don't have to fix Myself like they'll do the work and They'll continue to do the work because I don't have to like and they may not Consciously realize that and that's more So in a family instance but this can be Like I said any any type Of any type of connection So what we're going to Do is I want to start by looking at What is underneath these feelings of Defeat and frustration because here's The thing Yes this person is part of the reason Why this is coming up but I feel like This is deeper than just them I almost Feel like They're they're A mechanism for like trying to prove Yourself in some way so let's see what What is underneath these feelings for Pile We have the Page of Cups Yeah I okay there's definitely some Inner child stuff going on here and Maybe one of the things that you loved About this person or that you love about This person is that you guys can just be Very playful fun and carefree and and

That is definitely one of the benefits Of a person like this is that they do Know how to have a lot of fun but it's Like all fun no work and I feel like in Your case Your inner Child seeks approval and I think that You seek approval not in ways of like Just surface level compliments but Rather Through being able to touch someone's Heart and knowing that you've made a Difference in their life which like so Beautiful and like and understand that Your inner child is also you Like and when you think of your inner Child you don't have to think in terms Of like Where where your your brain and your Consciousness was at but where your Heart was at because children can just Love like it it's it flows effortlessly And it is just how they are and you know I can even remember when I was like Young I had this realization once where I was like wow you know people don't pay Attention to me with like the same depth That I pay attention to them like I Remember I would remember all these Little teeny tiny facts about people and Honestly look at them through the lens Of God like when I look back on it now Cuz it was through the lens of love Right

And that's how you are like that's why This Spirit energy is coming through Because you are someone who can see Others Through The Eyes Of Love Through The Eyes of source Through The Eyes Of God whatever word you like to use to Describe that Divine divinely Unconditionally loving intelligence that Flows within and and throughout all Beings you're able to connect that way And I feel like you're subconsciously Drawn to People that are hard to connect with in That manner because there is a part of You that is Almost seeking validation from them that You have this quality within you because Yeah if someone can already perceive it You didn't have to work for it you Didn't have to earn it and I think there Is a part of you that has learned That that love can be painful and that You Know that you have to earn approval or That you have to Earn people seeing you or validating you And that's not True you don't need other people to give You permission to be playful and fun and Love others freely love given is never Wasted and I want you to know that no Matter what type of connection this is The love that you've given this person Is not wasted

Love grows love always every time And just because they may not be able to See that and and And receive It doesn't mean that it's wasted or You've done something wrong in fact what I think this is trying to show you and Why maybe this is a pattern or people Like this come up in your life or why You seem to be able to struggle to let Let go of this situation and and not in Terms of like this person entirely like If you still want to have them in your Life in some capacity that is your Choice um But they are mirroring back to you the Fact that you can't receive the love That you give so freely and what they Are trying to show you is is that you Are going to constantly feel unsatisfied And Undernourished when you're not Acknowledging that love inside of you It's like you are looking for people Outside of you to acknowledge that for You which is not a bad thing like humans Are social creatures that's very normal You're you're you're humaning it's Normal and you should not feel any type Of way about that but Realize the people that you are seeking To validate this part of you are ones That seem to be unable to and so I think That they are validating some sort of

Insecurity within you that maybe your Love isn't as pure or maybe your love Isn't as powerful or maybe your heart Isn't worthy of you know care and Understanding maybe you do have to prove Your worth or maybe you do have to show Up and in in the ways that they expect And that's just not true and I think That you have a very beautiful Passionate devoted loyal heart and that Is incredible and when you reenter that Not only towards yourself but towards The things that bring you meaning that Fill your heart up and that give you a Sense of purpose and meaning you will Start to See Why not only is this situation not as Personal as it feels but also Why it was never your job to reach this Person's heart space and Soul Space And there is no one person that could do That you know if you think you can Change them well buddy you're you're Going to have a hard time because they Can't even change themselves you see What I'm saying and so I think think That really what's underneath this is Actually let's let's just stop can you Just take a second put your hands on Your heart if you can if you're in Public or somewhere else you know just Visualize it and just let your inner Child know and your heart know hey I

Love you I see you I feel you you matter You're deserving of Love and I love you And then repeat what I just said because I just forgot it in first person I'm Saying well you could do first person in General but Just just feel the the part of you that Is in so much anguish is the part of you That that needs to be seen and that part Of you that needs to be seen needs to Know that it's loved and that it's it's Valuable and the more you are able to Hold that part of yourself and realize Like oh wow like Man I really didn't need to like Acknowledge myself look at myself or Just hold myself like I feel like you Just need to hold yourself dude take Your arms and give yourself like a big Hug like I'm doing it right now and it Feels so good like sometimes doing this Just like makes me cry but it's just Like just hugging yourself and just Feeling your own Embrace and feeling the Magic that like can come from that when You just feel the love coming from your Own arms and maybe you can't feel it and That's okay but just try and see what Feelings arise and whatever arises don't Judge it accept it and see what it has To show you because there's so much Awareness there so what does pile On's Inner child and and pile one's heart

Really really need in order to feel held Loved and Seen we have the seven of Swords can we Clarify That okay Okay what you really need number one is A bit of healing of the mental body so If you're not already in therapy or Doing something to just kind of work on You know your mental space whether That's journaling you need to work with Your mental body because it seems like Your mental body is cutting off not only Your connection to trusting trusting Your own intuition and trusting Source But it's also cutting off your ability To manifest and you are a powerful Manifestor like the most powerful Manifestations come from the heart and So if you're not tapped into your heart Anything that you're trying to create is Going to be automatically less effective And there is a part of you that hasn't Healed yet and that's okay from these Experiences and and considering you may Still very well be in the midst of this It may take some time To deal with these feelings and to work With them so that healing can occur You're already open to this healing Which is wonderful but I think what you Truly need is to stop betraying yourself You know with this seven of Swords here Not only do

You not only does these like wounds of Rejection and unworthiness manifest in Like a fear of being rejected and in a Fear of trusting others and being open To others and maybe that's why you've Hung on to this situation for so along Because it's familiar and it's what Feels it's what feels familiar but with This magician Here there's so much more that wants to Seek you and there's so much more that You're seeking and it seems like your Mind is [ __ ] blocking your heart and Spirit Which tail his oldest time I Relate welcome to the club Um and what what your inner child really Needs is for your authentic Spirit to Sit with It and I would ask Yourself how how are you parented Growing up and how would your your Parents deal with you know your Emotional vulnerability or your Emotional Sensitivities and pay attention to Whether you treat yourself that way too Whether positive or negative um but if It is negative maybe pay attention to That because I think you you're probably Already aware of how that's an unhelpful Way of nurturing you and and guiding You there are betrayal wounds Here but what you're stepping into and Starting to recognize is that you have

So much magic and power within you and All that's stopping you from trusting it And and and feeling it is this lack of Trust in yourself and this need for People around you to acknowledge and Validate it so that it's almost like you Need people to see you and see what's There before you can be truly seen and I Think that's and and when in reality you Just need to be you and show up as you Are and in doing that you will see what More clearly what will naturally align With you and what won't I also feel like Your loyalties have been towards people That have betrayed you which makes it a Lot harder for you to know what is Authentic guidance and what does does Work for you and so what spirit is Really saying here Is you're going through a process of Unification of the the emotional mental Physical and spiritual bodies and that's Incredible and I'm so excited for you But the mental body is going to be the Hardest component of this especially Because not only as a as a society do we Operate primarily in the mental body now But also we are taught to discern from The mental body and the mental body is Not going to be the most powerful form Of of discernment for you your heart is Because think about it this way any Lawyer will tell you like you can argue A case for anything you can make

Anything sound convincing even the most Depraved horrible Acts but you can't convince the heart You can't tell the heart That you know evil acts are Justified Because they're just not cuz they're not Loving and the heart discerns love And the best types of situations the Best creations the best experiences that You have will come through when you're Centered in your heart and you know one That you can trust yourself when you Feel you need to remove yourself from a Situation and Two that you can bring about and create The experiences you genuinely want to Have and you also don't have to say yes To things that are not for you out of Fear that if you say no that nothing Else will come It's time to stop betraying yourself and It's time to stop looking for validation From people that that don't even have The awareness of what you're looking for It's Like it's like expecting a blind person To compliment you on your outfit Like I mean they they might like the Touch of the fabric okay obviously I'm Generalizing but what I'm saying is and And I've been using I don't know if if That made it into the video or not but I Was using analogies of like expecting Someone to sense something that they

Don't have a sense for and I feel like a Lot of the rejection that you have felt Has not been because people genuinely See bad things in you or think you're Unworthy but the things that you were Looking to be validated they couldn't See and so I feel like what will be Really helpful for you is validating Those things on your own because then You will also be able to see who can Validate it for you as well because Validation is not necessarily a bad when We're relying on it it can be but I Think that your inner child like dude Children what what do you kids do They're like look at me look what I can Do they they want tons of validation and That's normal and that's okay you know They do a little they do a little turn And they're like look at me and and You're like wow that's great that's what You need from you and I feel like that's What you've been looking for from this Person for them to see you in the way That that and the ways that you've been Able to see them But they can't see you in those ways and The picture that if even if they could Paint the most accurate picture from Their perspective it would still be so Distorted and not based in the truth of Who you are and that doesn't mean they See you in a bad light they don't but They they don't feel good about

Themselves they they don't know how to Be with themselves they don't know how To sit with themselves and I would be Willing to bet that this is someone who Can't be alone with themselves and is Really uncomfortable with that Process and so there is this call for You to start taking the lead in your own Healing where you Stop whether consciously or not placing Your worth or placing these things you Want Recognized in others' hands especially The hands of those that can't hold Them So now I want to See what Blessings Could okay is there a practical example Of how pile one can bring more healing To their heart and this Situation Choose Yourself period Choose Yourself you know the Five of Swords is Often viewed in a negative context and Like it can be but I feel like there are Times where we really do just have to Let go of how people are going to feel About what we need to do in order to Heal and just do it because once you Feel how good it feels you'll realize oh I'm not betraying anyone by doing this Cuz you're really not if anyone treats Your own healing as a self- betrayal That is a sign that they are not a safe

Person to put your heart with and I Think the more healing you do the more You'll be aware of oh is this a safe Person to put my heart with or not and Obviously I know I said this isn't a Love reading but you know it's not just Romantic love where you put your heart In a situation you know I have very deep Meaningful friendships where that are Very heartfelt and based in love and it Is important that my heart feels safe With them and vice versa and any type of Relationship you know the ones that are Deeply meaningful and the ones that will Be deeply meaningful to you are ones That are heart-based and heart- Centered you w you will Not they will never shame you for doing What you need to do to feel good and They will never guilt you for setting Boundaries and in fact maybe even the People that you need to set boundaries With wouldn't guilt you but you would Feel guilty and you would feel bad and So there it is again you are the one That is shaming and judging yourself for Not being a martyr and you're not a Martyr you need to stop martyring Yourself there are you know instances Where being a martyr is praised and it Shouldn't be because it is not a it is Not a positive quality to completely Sacrifice yourself to the needs of Others especially when it's not

Necessary so I want to See okay I feel like I feel this energy From you where like you're like okay ISO You're telling me all this stuff but Like how do I do it it's not as complex As you're Thinking it starts with just sitting With yourself and Just observing and noting what's going On and paying attention to whether You're judging that or not because your Own self- judgment is a very powerful Part but I feel also called to say a lot Of this healing is happening naturally And the Resources and guides And information you need are flowing to You in the perfect time and the perfect Way and so if you don't know something You may not be meant to know something At that time but just know that just Because you don't need to consciously Heal in order to heal time heals a lot Of things you know our we don't have to Tell You know we get a scratch we don't have To tell our skin to heal it it just does It and so I think part of what you need To know is is that an aspect of this Healing process is very intuitive and It's just you choosing what feels right And doing more of what feels good Especially when you feel the Inclination to do what will make someone

Else happy because yeah people pleasing Does feel good that's why you do it well It may not feel good but it does feel Safe right and so sometimes what makes Us feel good isn't always what is safest For us emotionally and the only re and The only way we can test that is by you Know choosing differently and so a a way That you will heal is just how can I Choose differently how can I make the Choice that honors me and who I am right Now and it takes awareness and so if You're someone that has a hard time Sitting with yourself and being aware With yourself like that is the first Step to just be open and accept to where You're at right now because that's Perfect and that's where you need to be But I feel called to tell you though Like you're doing great and you're going To continue to do great and your healing Process is one that is unique even Though every single person here that Chose this pile you know has this Reading in common how each of you heal Will be different and what each of you Needs and what your heart needs and how You need to be supported will be Different and that's why it is important For you to advocate for yourself and Stop looking for the answers and Everyone else especially those who don't Even know the questions that you're Asking can't even understand the

Questions that you're asking they Certainly can't be the answer for You pay attention to birds birds might Be a powerful sign for you um and pay Attention to the words of strangers you Might have strangers come up to you and Tell you things that you just need to Hear Um but you don't need to be conscious With this process so the fact that your Mind is already okay I need to heal but How do I heal well well you start by Keeping your brain in check and saying I Don't need to know how I can trust that It's already happening and I can pray For guidance or ask for guidance you Know I know some people are Uncomfortable with the word prayer so Whatever word makes you feel most Comfortable the goal here is for you to Feel more comfortable in your emotional Body and more comfortable validating Yourself and validating your truth Without needing others to do it for you And without seeking that validation Because whether you realize it or not it Does seem like that is an underlying Reason why you've been holding on to This situation and remember that truths Can coexist there can be love Camaraderie compassion friendship Understanding between the two of you and Still a lack of connection a lack of Reciprocity a lack of being able to meet

Each other's needs like these not only Can these truths coexist they often do And what makes it so confusing but I Want you to know that you're not doing Anything wrong by sharing your love Freely with the world but you are doing Something wrong by not acknowledging how Loving your heart is and the fact that It needs you to protect It so that you can place your Love into the world in intelligent ways And in meaningful ways rather than ones That leave you feeling depleted and Defeated you deserve that okay so I want To to see what blessings will come as a Result of the healing work that you're Doing so and like I said whatever that Healing work is sometimes healing work Is just I choose to be kind to myself Today I choose to give myself a Break I choose to not be hard on myself I choose to give myself Grace those are Powerful choices and very healing things So what blessings will come From pile one doing this healing Work yeah you won't be attached to the Things that keep you stuck you know the Devil is that card that is all about What keeps us chained to the material Realm what keeps us chained to what Doesn't serve us what keeps us stuck in The lower mind what keeps us stuck in Our darkness and stuck in cycles and Let's be clear Darkness isn't

Necessarily a bad thing but it keeps us Stuck where we don't want to be and Keeps us holding on to things that don't Serve our our growth And what spirit is really saying here is The healing work that you're embarking On is going to set you Free and it probably won't be all at Once it'll probably be like I'm I I just Saw this vision of like you know how Chains kind of Link together it's like One chain unlinks and then another and Then another and then another and then Another and then and then it's like you May not even consciously realize how Much Freer you are until you reflect Back and you're like wow me a year ago Would have made a completely different Choice or wow me a year ago wouldn't Have been able to surrender and release What isn't serving me wow me a year ago Wouldn't be able to let go of this toxic Situation or this toxic relationship Whereas the version of you that you're Coming into Is and what's coming from this is Empowerment and awareness of where Putting your love focus and energy will Only lead to depletion and Disappointment you know because you Deserve so much more than that you Deserve freedom and you're getting there You're getting there Cowboy yeeha you Are getting free so before we move on

Into guidance I just want to ask spirit Is there anything that pile one needs to Know about this situation with this Person moving Forward what could bring them the most Ount of Peace in terms of this situation Before I turn this over I do want to say You know what you need to do here I Don't need to tell you and even if I did Tell you you should only take it as a Suggestion anyway because you are in the Lead of your own life And the biggest thing you need to know Is is that you're not a bad person for Choosing yourself and Also this situation is not a failure It's an Experience what the [ __ ] did I say you Already know what you need to do you Know the truth of the situation whatever This truth is there could be Many okay well this is not going to work Out right now but maybe in the future oh Okay well it's not open for healing Right now so I'm going to work on myself Oh okay I need to distance myself from This person as hard as that may be like You know for some of you it may be like Okay I need to go no contact I need to Be I need to be more silent like Whatever it is for you and I think the Interesting thing is is that I already Feel like this situation is dissipating On its own and as you gain more of your

Own empowerment you will realize like oh I don't I don't need this and I think I Love that the magician and the high Priestess came out because your whole Vibe is just spiritual energy and it's So beautiful and so this is a balancing Of your feminine and masculine spiritual Aspects and the more you are in touch With your emotions the more your Intuition can speak to you and you can Say and and you can start to trust that More and it will take time and it will Take you Know it will take experience and it will Take trust it's a growing process let go Of the idea of perfection because it Doesn't exist and Instead give yourself the credit of Knowing you can trust yourself like I Don't know if it made it into the video But I noticed how these outlines were Kind of like oh your person seems to be In the light but it's like they're Avoiding their sh Shadows whereas you've Been in Shadow for a long time but You're seeing the light and that is and And so what spirit is trying to show you Now is is okay you've got that light Within you you've been exploring your Shadows now it's time to come out and Share that light with the World and you don't need to have every Step planned out in front of you you Just need to trust yourself and I hate

To say it but I feel like a lot of this Reading is about you And whatever healing is meant to occur Between you and this person you'll know It in your in your heart you'll know it In your intuition and your in whatever Your intuition tells you about this Situation trust it and don't be attached To whatever it is just trust it and keep Moving forward and trust That whatever is meant to happen however Things Are Meant to unfold they Certainly can if you're not doing your Part And I feel like more than Anything there are secrets that the Universe is waiting for you to uncover About your s about people not mentioned In this reading about people that Haven't yet come into your life but You're going to discover them through This healing through reentering yourself In your heart and magnetizing those Experiences I feel like everything I'm Saying sounds really crazy and it is Kind of crazy but it's not crazy because It's actually the truth that will set You free And can this relationship heal right now No that doesn't mean never but you are Open for healing you are open for Empower empowerment and you are open for More empowered relationships that are Naturally healing and free flowing and

Balanced so just know that you're headed In a beautiful Direction and wherever This person is Headed it is a product of their own Creation and you're not responsible for It period no matter how hard they might Try may try to place blame on you but I Don't feel like this person isn't Intentionally malicious I just feel like It's kind of like it just kind of gives Me the vi es of you Know an addict who is not ready to let Go of addictive behavior And their only way to cope with that Reality is to lash out And and I'm not saying that this person Is an addict it's just kind of like you Know how does a teenager react when you Try to take their phone away Like just when you you get what I'm Saying but we're going to go ahead now And finish off this reading with a Guidance card Um And we will just see what Spirit wants You to know moving forward and I love This deck actually if you don't have it It may be a really beneficial deck for You it's called The Cosmic reading cards Um because there is so much Soul within You that that just needs to be seen and You know your child self was so Connected to soul and so connected to Like spiritual energy and I think that

You're you've gotten back there in a lot Of ways But you can always go deeper and and That's where you're headed and I think That things that can't support that are Are not going to be able to stick around But at least for now unless they evolve Too which that possibility is always There but pile one Spirit what Guidance Do you have for pile One we have Golden Crown beautiful Okay all Right let's see what this [Music] Says your light is magnificent let us Now uplift and honor the radiant light Of others congratulations on your Amazing journey so far acknowledge the Spiritual and personal growth that you Have achieved dear one celebrate this Moment and that's the thing too is like You may be feeling like ah I'm getting These messages and you may be feeling Like a little bit discouraged like You're doing something wrong no you're Not doing anything wrong there's just More you can do right or right for you Let's say That and you've already come so far so Give yourself another big hug my higher Self is giving you a big hug Too we are all here to rejoice in just How far you've come your strength and Perseverance have paid off and your

Future is bright the gift of the Golden Crown has been placed upon your head in Honor of all that you've already Achieved bask in the Glory of Love That Rains down on you you deserve it are you Up for your next adventure we here in Spirit need your assistance many Souls Dwell upon on the Earth are disconnected From love they do not know their Worth Or see their inner Divine Light we ask That you assist in helping Humanity see Its creative potential power and Brilliant light so here's what's Interesting I'm telling you This and meanwhile I'm telling you not To do that with this Person and here's why because there are People that are receptive to this and I Think that your person that you were Asking about is a mirror To where a mirror to show you what types Of Energies may not be worth sharing this Light with at least in the ways that You're trying to cuz I don't want to say Like they're not worth it or anything But it's like rather in terms of like Their value just in terms of the Expenditure of energy you know it's like The difference between trying to Convince one person to see their own Light when you could have 20 people in a Room all asking for you to see all Asking you to show you how to see their

Light there are people that will be Receptive to you in ways that this Person Isn't we ask that you assist in helping Humanity see its potential power and Brilliant light and how can you do that If you can't see your own so that's why That healing is important be conscious Of feelings of judgment and envy it's Easy to get caught up in either of the Two energies Judgment of those you see As less empowered and envious of those You see as more guiding others to their Inner Light requires love empathy and Compassion there is no one less or great Greater than you for we are all part of The same source of Love help us guide Humanity back to the remembrance of who They are with pure heart and mind you Will have to go the distance and you Should be pleased with your personal Excess go now and be of service to Humanity blessed be the affirmation is I Am positively shining with spiritual Light love and compassion Illuminating I Inspire others to be blessed as the Radiance they truly are and I also want To show you the card that came out Originally because I think it could be Beneficial as well but I love this Because I feel like in the last reading I probably didn't do enough validating Of how powerful your light is cuz I was Very much focused on like the healing

Component but I think you need to Understand that your light is healing Like your awareness is healing your Understanding is healing your Integration of wisdom is healing and the Most powerful kind I remember it was Walk your path I think it was number 35 or walk your truth see your light and Know your power have the courage to walk Your truth true empowerment comes from Walking living and speaking your truth Having the courage to be guided by your Heart and following your dreams don't be Afraid to shine your magnificent light As a result of the opinions and Judgment Of others yes you might be ridiculed Scorned and your choices mocked with Disapproval but understand this dear one Others Mock and criticize from a place Of fear within them a fear that keeps Them trapped in a rep repetitious wheel Of Illusions by Breaking Free and Walking true and walking the true path Of your heart you step off the Merrygoround of the cyclic pain and Leave the ones who scorn behind don't be Surprised when others do everything and Anything to discourage you from walking This path of the heart in time those That ridiculed and judged you will be Inspired by your courage and ability to Stand stand strong they will gravitate Towards you like moss to a flame with Hunger to know your

Secret that's all I'm saying like you're Going to bring about the right people And you're going to be able to discern The wrong types of people to let in your Energy a lot easier they'll probably Mirror this person in some way or Aspects of them where you're like okay My heart isn't safe there and so I think That's the thing is like and that's why Discernment is important not judgment Rather than judging them for what They're capable or incapable of Receiving just it's more of an Assessment on your part of like hm is my Heart safe here yes or no might take Some time but until you know it is safe You can just keep those safeguards up You Know in time those that ridiculed and Judged you will be inspired by your Courage and ability to stand strong they Will gravitate towards you like moss to A flame with Hunger to know your secret Your light will shine so bright that it Will inspire others to find the courage Within them to also follow their true Heart and true calling by walking your Truth you connect the highest powers of Love and enter the amazing world of Manifestation what' I say manifestation Comes from the heart stand strong during This testing time and stay true to your Heart you are not alone during this Process of having to defend your reasons

And beliefs synchronistic events will Bring you the right people and Conditions to encourage you on this Chosen path you are being Guided by the Holy Spirit of love so stay strong a Positive outcome is assured and the Affirmation is I am Guided by the Universal Spirit of love as I follow my Heart in all that I do and I just think That's so beautiful because no matter What is really meant to happen here like This reading was about you py one and I Love that cuz you're the One I'm heing Rihanna now you are the One and my love is your love your love Is mine and I love you pile one and I'm So proud of you of how far you've Already come and I know how hard and Frustrating this is because when we're Sensitive people man we just want to Give ourselves to everyone but us and Sometimes it takes a lot of strength to Give to ourselves and I'm proud of you For doing it And I will tell you this if you can't do Something for yourself do it for me Until you can do it for yourself use me As a crutch until you don't need me Anymore because if I want the best for You and I want you to feel good and I Want you to feel loved and I want you to Just be in love with life and yourself And the world around you and the more That you experience that the less it

Will matter when someone can't receive That because you'll just be like ah We're just on different wavelengths and The wavelength you're on is [ __ ] Badass you are a badass and I love you And I'm so proud of you and I'm going to Stop myself because I'm going to start Crying but I just need you to know that You're doing amazing and you're going to Continue to do amazing don't give up you Know if you need to rest if you need to Take a break do it but just know that You are so far ahead of where you think You need to be you're already where you Need to be and who knows where you will Go but what I do know is is that the More intelligent you become with where You place your time and energy the Faster things will move and the more Empowered you will be in the world and The more supportive your environment Will be as well so P one I don't know if Any of that made sense but I'm just Going to trust and hope it did thank you Guys so so so much for watching and Thank you so much for letting my ads Play in the background that is one of The simplest and easiest ways to show Appreciation for my channel but if you Would like to do it in other ways you Can like this video you can comment down Below let me know how it resonates you Can subscribe if you haven't already and Be sure to click that little

Notification Bell to be notified Whenever I upload a new reading you can Check out my merch you can check out my Candles or any candles this is the Archangel Raphael candle if you want to Go make a wish if you haven't feel free To do that all Candles on Angelic Magic 8 site can be Discounted with code As10 uh you can check out uh my fat Juicy ass just Kidding uh you cannot um you Can you can check out another video or What I would really love is if you just Do something today that's kind to Yourself if you could do that for me That would be awesome but that's all I Have for you guys so thank you so much For watching and for being here I love You guys guys so much I hope you all Have a wonderful day or night whenever It is that you're watching and I hope You'll come back and see me again soon Bye hi there pile two welcome to your Reading and thank you so much for being Here if you guys chose the agot Daisy And the meow Tarot this is going to be your reading On can this relationship be healed so We're going to start by making sure this Is even your reading so we are going to Look at your energy the person you're Asking about like I said um this does Not have to be a romantic relationship

This is any type of relationship uh in Your life and you are going to be on the Left your person and your person is Literally whoever you're asking about is On the right and the connecting energy Will be between the two of you will be Here Um yeah okay so let's start by looking At your energy we have the Tea and if you drink tea comment what Your favorite tea is I'm like such a tea [ __ ] so um I'm always looking for new Te's to Try um and we have abundance I like These vibes from you okay the connecting Energy between the two of you is Vandy and then your person's Energy is the two of these D's excuse me Two of D's and Boundaries which I'm just immediately Taken to the de nuts Vine um This is really interesting because all The cards are Upright naturally things are never like If I I I was trying to do it so like if The cards are reversed it means the Energy is blocked but like things are Always way like life is more complex Than The rules we try to create aren't they That's why I'm doing this More free Fallen a song I heard uh as I Was starting your reading as I was

Getting it ready was uh Heard it Through The Grapevine by Marvin Gay so that Could be a significant song but it Definitely seems like no matter what you And this person have been thinking about Each Other but the difference in how you've Been thinking about each other Is Major in terms of your energy we have All of these overflowing cups which is Beautiful like it definitely seems like You're in a really good place and also You could Be you could be in this Vibe where you Just feel so good That you Are looking at everything through Rose Tined glasses now not everything but I Do think you may be looking at this Person through Rose tinted glasses and Here's why it seems like you have Something you really want to tell them Or at the very least like Maybe you heard gossip about them or Maybe there's something you've wanted to Tell them it seems like whatever Happened between the two of you you guys Are Not part of each other's lives or if you Are it seems to be very like surface Level and cordial the fact that we have Vandy here Like this the connecting energy between

The two of you is certainly being Created in the Moment but What's interesting is is that I see a Very genuine energy from you and with Your person I see an unwillingness to Even care or open up to what you have to Say it seems like there could be healing In This connection relationship whatever Type whatever whatever platonic romantic Familial whatever um but the person You're asking about seems to be in a Place of indignance Where if you don't Know telling someone To suck these nuts uh is not necessarily A Kind thing it seems like this Person has A I heard mean and jealous Streak and I do think that that applies To You I do feel like this person has been Significant in your life in some way Like you guys are kind of all tied up Together and it seems like you do share Energy chords with each Other and it seems like you genuinely Care about this person and want to share The beauty of your life with them and They are not open like hands seem to be Very important Theme here you Know there are two hands in the Vandy

There are two hands In your intentions card but with your Person their two hands are pointed at These nuts and their intentions one hand Is a hand out and I noticed that their Orange coat matches these orange strings And it's almost like yeah those strings Might be weaving but those strings could Also be preventing these two hands from Coming together and so if we look at It well if I as I'm looking at it I feel Like there would be healing in this Connection if this Person were open to that but it seems Like they do not want to receive what You have to Give and I don't know if you would Receive anything Back there seems to be this Vibe with Them like They're not even willing to explore your Energy like they just they're it seems Like they're pushing your energy out and And whatever in whatever ways they're Feeling your energy it's like they are Doing their best to avoid it and shut it Down whereas for you you might be Experiencing feelings of like longing And a desire to catch up or a desire to Connect and and a desire to just share Your light and your love with them and They do not want that So in terms of can it Not right now because they they don't

Want to but we're going to look at why That is and and what's going on here Because what we what you do need to know Pile two is that you're good like you're Fine and you don't need this Person but I want to See why they are acting this way towards You and why why they feel so why they're Radiating ID GAF Vibes because they do GF they do give a Freck a freaking heck I I said the f Word a lot in the last reading so I'm Trying to be careful I just want to see What this is oh the tower before I put It back Um I do think that this person is Envious of you they feel like they're Like one step behind you or like maybe Even two steps And I also think that there could be Qualities of theirs that you don't see Because you see them through the lens of Love and that's not a bad thing but it Can be when we leave ourselves Vulnerable To other people so why does this Person why is pile two's Person Avoiding denying pushing Away pile Energy yeah cuz you're a light pile Two mhm So yeah they're jealous and they they Don't know how

To let's get one more just to be sure Yeah there you Go what's what is their current Situation hauh interesting page of cups Upright in the magician in Reverse so This is definitely someone who's pretty Emotionally immature And whatever success you've cultivated They see you as not needing them this is Someone who is offended by your own Abundance because your abundance means That you don't need them which is really Sad because if you guys have a genuine Connection or have had wonderful times Together there there could be a lot of Anger and frustration and jealousy Around that and it's almost Like they didn't want to be in your Shadow anymore you know you don't need Them and so if you rejected Them they have more to lose and that's Not just in a relationship context That's in a familial context that's in a Friendship context you know this is Someone who needs to be needed And they Also it's like An example I can give Is they look at at the results of People's hard work and they're like yeah I deserve that I deserve success I Deserve abundance I deserve this but They believe those things should just be Handed to them with this magician in

Reverse and with this page of cups Upright it's like they have a very Juvenile understanding of manifestation And of abundance and they've seen the Abundance you've reaped like look at how The the dress in the nine of Pentacles Matches like the orange here and the red Flowers it's like I feel like they Thought in the past by associating with You like your success would rub off on Them or that like they would get what You have too and I think that in reality It just made them realize That well I don't know if they realized Anything but they they did see that I don't even want to say they saw it Because they're not seeing clearly But Basically you shine too brightly and You're successful and you seem to be Doing well for yourself I can tell Um and they can't handle it they're Jealous and also manipulative this is Someone who is manipulative and knows How to use their um Their manipulation tactics to get what They want and so understandably the Universe doesn't run on Manipulation or Dunkin Donuts I love Dunkin Donuts Um but it does run on love and this Person has a very rudimentary Understanding of what love is and and How that is shared

And they can't fathom That you got what you Got or you you've earned and received What you Have from a place of just genuine love And abundance and Care this is definitely someone that I Would say like not only cannot meet you Where you're at but is a taker and Someone Who cannot stand to be Outshined and so when they feel Triggered when their ego feels triggered They Project place Blame they push away they lash out and They give off this air of like oh I Don't care and I think they really Genuinely believe that they don't care And that they and that it's not a big Deal to them but that's because they Avoid dealing with it so with this four Of Cups I bet one of the reasons why you Both were were close at a time is Because they wanted a lot of the Qualities you had they wanted the life That you had and with this four of cups Being here they didn't see that see why You had it they were just like well why Does pile 2 have that stuff like I want That stuff I want that like why am I not Getting it and it's like this real anger And frustration it's like the difference

Between if we're talking Charlie in the Chocolate Factory like you're Charlie They're Vero assault or any of the other Kids I don't care they can be Gus dis Gloop they can be viable Regard the TV One I don't know if there are any Others Anyway they also have a very surface Level understanding of what happiness is And I think it makes them like if you Were to reach out to them they would Love that because they would get off on Rejecting you like they would be like Yeah I'm I'm better than you I I'm like In the fact that they even think that Okay I'm sorry I'm being a little bit I'm trying to not be judgmental but like Oh I just I just it makes me sad when People act this way because man this Person whoever this is they are missing Out on a great friend romantic partner Or family member that's what I will say Because pile two you got a going on um And I think they know that and they're Jealous they are peanut butter and Jealous and they want what you have and They have not been able to cultivate it In the same way gee I wonder why um and As a result they do not want to be Around you because their Envy would eat Them alive and whatever has happened Between the two of you I don't know but You're definitely still entwined with

Each other's energy and I think that's Because you do genuinely want to heal Things here and they don't Because they're not a real they're not a Safe person you Know they've got a lot of deep deep Emotional issues that they haven't Worked through and I think they're Really good at even deceiving Themselves and I feel like this person Thinks that You're they just can't stand to be Around you I'm just going to be honest They can't stand it because you shine Too brightly and I know Like I know this is the like when you Hear like oh they're just jealous you Don't really actually believe it but Like yeah it's actually true they are Like this because they're like you don't Need me like why are you even like Wasting your time and it's just sad like This person is missing out but honestly You're not missing out So I want to ask This why is pile two still attached to Healing this Relationship the Two of Wands maybe Because you envisioned them being a Greater part of your life maybe it's Because you had plans with them in them Or you thought that maybe things would Come Around it seems like you both have like

Similar spirits And maybe that's why you guys got along Like maybe you have this like fun Heartfelt had this fun heartfelt Connection or you could connect in Certain ways But I feel like this is the type of Person who does not like to associate With anyone they deem better Or stronger Or whatever the case may be and it's Really sad like I feel really bad for Them but also at the same time like they They they create their own is But you may think you care more about Them than they you but they care a lot More than they're willing to admit they Just can't look at it because when they Look at you all they see is what they're Not and that's not a you problem and in Fact with this Two of Wands Here you could be reminiscing about the Past and like you even though the Two of Wands is usually about the future um I Do feel like there is this element of You know we once talked about doing These things together and now I'm at This place where I can make it happen And they're not here and like that might Be really sad it might be really hard And I'm so sorry if you're going through That but also no I think it's cuz They're not meant to be there it's like They would [ __ ] in your brand flakes

Dude Like they're just the type of person Who if shod and Freud were a person it's Your person unfortunately like they are They seem to be kind of Miserable and they get by in life Through these Disney Like truthfully kind of childish Fantasies about everything just working Out for them and because they deserve it They deserve success they deserve to be Seen they deserve you know the Recognition and and the abundance and They may feel like you don't deserve it And they don't understand why you have It you know why you have it look at this Third eye is flowing into all these cups Because you have a connection to Source You have a connection to Spirit and a Connection to your heart and you have Acted from a place of Genuine care love Honesty and they don't understand how to Do That the name of their game is Manipulating things into getting what I Want and so they're chronically Disempowered and when that comes up Against real power those that delude Themselves into believing they're Powerful or believing that they're meant For great things often can't hang when Someone achieving great things stands in Front of their face

And shows them what they're not can be Very upsetting and these things is like It's like great things I'm meant for Great things it's Like you know great things can be Anything and sometimes I think that you Know the ego can can hold on to these Like delusions of grandeur And I also think that that this person Fantasizes about your life in a Disney Way as well like they assume you have no Problems and that everything is working Out for you and life is just so perfect And like it's just it's just mean and It's nasty like it's nasty energy I'm Not going to lie like I don't I don't Like this energy Personally because it it's literally Like you could give this person a giant Bouquet of flowers and the be like you Put hydrangeas hydrangeas are cheap and I can tell that this was not a very Expensive bundle of flowers and I like Blue hydrangeas not pink ones these are Totally Like why would why and and it's no Wonder they they don't manifest anything Do you want to give a gift to someone That isn't grateful for it no why would The universe like this person is not Abundant and they literally push away Abundance even when it would be knocking On their door because the energy of that Abundance is a threat to their

Ego very Interesting So I want to see Then where could you be placing this Abundance you know where could you be Connecting king of Cups okay So people that have the same emotional Depth and awareness that you do Scorpi Specifically but see here's the thing Scorpio just because someone's a Scorpio Doesn't mean they feel deeply in Empowering ways you know Scorpio in its Shadow like Scorpio in it in its shadow Is the reason why Scorpio has its Reputation like Scorpio energy well all The signs have positive and negative Expressions and when it comes to the Person you're asking about they're Showing up as a page and You're being called to connect with People that have this king of Cups and So if you're unaware of the Court cards The page is the youngest most unevolved It's it's the earliest form Of the cups energy personified and cups Energy is like Emotions and the king of cups is the Most evolved it is the most wise the Most grounded you need to invest your Time and energy with people that are as Emotionally mature as you that have a Sense of depth and are able to Self-reflect that can dream and have Powerful visions and are very creative

But it's grounded in reality even if the Things that they're dreaming of seem Fantastical they're Still there's still there's still it's Possible you know what I mean with this King of Cups here you need people that Your heart is safe with and this was Actually a theme in the last reading too Even though the Vibes are really Different you need people that have Emotional maturity to them and will not Lash out at you for being successful and For doing great things and for being Abundant and for being full of love you Need someone that will recognize that Love and and be not only be able to Share it with you but also admire you Someone who has the wisdom and maturity To cheer for others and and be happy for Their successes rather than envious and Try to tear them Down this reading is not necessarily a Warning But a reality check for you pile two Because not everybody can eat at your Table and you can still want everyone to Eat but not everybody gets an invite at The table and this person they belong at The kids Table that that is that is where their Name card Is you are at the adults table it Doesn't matter how old or how young you Are you have that level of maturity and

You you can connect and so the right Person will connect with you in ways That are emotionally fulfilling and you Know one thing that you may even think About is the fact that this person even Though they drained you like like even Though you enjoyed their presence they Drained you the right people are not Going to drain you they are going to add To the abundance you already have and They also are going to understand what Is their responsibility this is someone Who doesn't take responsibility for Their emotions and blames them and Lashes out at others for the emotional Responses that are theirs and they are The type of Person to take like therapy speak And use it against you so like Boundaries like this person could be Like well I have a boundary around um Friendships like you have to be Available to Me you have to call me back or I have a Boundary like like you know those people That are just like I have a boundary and It's this ridiculous requirement that's Very obviously not a boundary but Someone trying to use the word boundary As a way to manipulating you into doing What you want yeah that's their Vibe um And that's not fair to you and you need Also I feel like the types of people That you connect with will be able to be

That Safeguard when you can't see it for Yourself because I do think you see the Best in people and that's beautiful but Sometimes an outside opinion to be like Hey like I don't really think they Have like you know your best like I Don't think they have the greatest Intentions or I don't really think this Person truly values you like they might I don't want to say this person took Advantage of you but I do think that They were really jealous of you and were Probably Not the best friend to you even if they Were sometimes it's one thing that I've Had to learn as someone that sees the Best in people is To discern based on what someone's worst Is because once you know what their Worst Is that can kind of gauge whether They're a healthy person or not you know If if at your worst you guys have a Healthy discussion and be like hey this Thing hurt me like can we talk about it Can we heal like yeah that's the type of Relationship where healing can happen But let's Say you know with a person like This they're just Like they're going to create problems Out of nothing out of their own Insecurities oh you didn't text them Back quickly enough well

Then they're going to come up with all These reasons well pile two just must Think they're better than me and you Know how could they not consider my Feelings blah blah blah it's just it's Very self-centered and it's very like I Am in emotional pain and rather than Dealing with it I am going to Chronically disassociate and fantasize About the life that I want whilst not Taking any action towards it and Actively blaming everyone else around me For not giving me what I Want it's really exhausting energy and Honestly I don't know how abundant you Would be hanging around with them too Long because they just are a bit of an Energy suck like I feel my energy being Sucked just like from like channeling Them and I like and this doesn't mean That they're a bad person it just means That they're emotionally immature and Incredibly distorted and guess what a Lot of people are like that and that's And that doesn't mean that they're a bad Person it just means that that this is Where they're at and that's okay you Need people who have emotional maturity Have people that can you know uplift and Support you and also you know when you Want to devolve into an an immature Place or you want someone's perspective Like the advice that this person that Your person would give you versus the

Advice that a king of Cups person would Give you is like night and day like Let's say for Example someone wasn't texting you back And you were like oh I'm I'm I'm worried they're going to reject me I'm worried they don't like me this Person would say well screw them post Something on your story with someone Else make them jealous like do this do That like a lot of emotionally immature Egoic suggestions whereas the king of Cups would say well maybe they're busy Um have you guys talked about like the Frequency of how much you communicate How important is that to you are they Capable of doing that maybe you should Have a talk with them and and talk about What's important to you like they and And they're also not going to tell you What to do they're going to give you Suggestions whereas this person is going To be like no you need to do this and Like they they are so sure about like What they're saying and what they're Doing that they're not going to consider Anything Else so Spirit what does Pile To need to know About Their connection with this person why Are they still holding on to It I feel yeah I feel like you want a

Positive resolution here and I think the Positive resolution here Is just choosing yourself and not Needing their approval or Recognition I also think that you may Feel like this situation failed and it Didn't it's just an experience and you Both learned and grew But this Person they're not they're not able to Meet you where you're able to meet able To meet them and I feel like there is a Part of you that just wants to end Things on a good note and at the very Least get closure and your closure is That you're doing great you're doing Great and they are still where they were And I bet if you have any information About them you will understand that and Sometimes it's that distance that makes You realize that like oh I wasn't the Problem and I definitely think that this Is a circumstance of that and with this Six of Wands here you have to stop Thinking of this as letting go being Losing There is a real need for you to Recognize That this is a one-sided Relationship and you Are the one that's being taken advantage Of in this situation and this person Will do that by talking you in circles And manipulating you and using and and

That's the thing is that they're they're Extra convincing because they genuinely Believe what they're saying And if you feel like you have anything To prove to this person let it go cuz You don't you don't need this person the Greatest revenge or not saying that you Want revenge but like and revenge isn't Necessarily healthy but Like the greatest revenge is living a Good life and I think that the Universe Wants you to stop feeling guilty for Where you're at the success that you've Had and the abundancy you've reaped and Instead you know when this person comes Into your zone of Awareness wish them well and move Forward like it's really not your your Job to worry about it so Spirit how can Pile two well let's put that back how Can pile To Heal this situation so that they have Closure what what does pile two need in Order to gain closure from this Situation Yeah put put the weight Down this situation is not going to Change yeah with the Ace of Swords on The back of the deck yeah it's not it's Not what you're going to realize is that You never the problem here this person Has deep-seated issues that are not Yours to resolve and as someone that's

Channeling their energy I I feel like a Mama bird right now like I'm just kind Of like horrified like oh my God I don't Want pile two like being around them Like It's like I see a snake in the grass and I want to uh protect my baby like you're My baby I want to protect you and and Like that that is the truth like even Though you can take care of yourself Like I feel like you just have This you are so so willing to give People Second Chances and persevere and So willing to try to make things right And that's what you're doing wrong there Was nothing wrong with you to begin with And with this Knight of Pentacles and This T of Wands this person is not going To come in and give you the resolve that You're looking for the resolution that You've needed especially if you guys had A falling out or something like that I Feel like this person has a very diluted Idea of what happened between the two of You and it's through their own lens of Distortion and it's like they're more Than happy to leave this burden with you And I do think that there is a process That they're going to have to go through Around like how it may feel to like Realize like you're not open to them Anymore but you're open to them right Now and that's just because I feel like You are looking for a sense of release

Here and the only way that you're going To get that is if you put down the heavy Load you've been carrying the way that This situation unfolded is not your Fault and the way it is now is also not Your responsibility to do anything about And in fact the universe is really Saying this is something that's keeping You chain to the past this is something That's making it challenging for you to Grow and this is something That is not your burden to carry and in Fact it seems like a desire for changing The situation is slowing you down and as I said that I cut the deck and it's the Chariot obviously I don't know what your Situation is with this person but what I Do know is is that you are carrying the Emotional burden of this situation your Person is not worrying about it at all In fact and Even if and like even if they knew how Much you care about them and how much You want them and and you're I feel like One you're looking at them through rose Color glasses you're thinking about the Good times um but Two you will this will any engagement With them now will consistently lead to You carrying the most of the burden and Being punished for being yourself and Being punished for having things that They perceive themselves as not having And I feel like what you need to know is

Is that nothing has changed and the Proof is in the pudding because no Matter how much time has passed look at Yourself and where you were when you First met this person versus when you Know things stopped being good between The two of you and look at where you're At now and look at where your person has Been at least as far as you're Aware is who's changed more I feel like That'll give you an answer and also know That it's not your responsibility And sometimes the things that we feel Responsible for are not ours you're not Responsible for this Person's success or drawbacks you're not Responsible for giving them you're not Their emotional security blanket and I Think that's what they treated you as And that's not your Job you can hold space for your own Emotions and you need people that are Emotionally mature enough to do the same And it's those types of people that will Be truly worth Engaging With so I guess I just want to see Before we move on to guidance spirit is There anything else that you would like Pile two to know about this situation That I haven't already mentioned what Could bring closure healing and Awareness the page of Pentacles so I Feel like what what you need to know is

Is that you are setting seeds for much Healthier relationships friendships and Foundations and in fact if you don't Feel even abundant at all you already Have way more abundance than this person Ever had and abundance isn't just like Money it's a feeling it's it's it's a Flow that we're connected to and with This page of Pentacles here I feel like You are learning to be more grounded In in your Relationships where you're actually Taking your own well-being and needs Into account which is awesome and I feel Like the universe wants to highlight the Growth that this relationship created Within you and they want to acknowledge That and say like hey you're not the Same person you were when you entered This situation and that's part of the Reason why your Fates were tied for a Time that doesn't mean that they are Always tied forever and I feel like in This Case one they're encouraging you not to Shy away from just opening yourself up Again and forging new connections but With this page of Pentacles Here I feel like they're wanting you to Know that That there are much better seeds that You could be planning and tending to and That it seems like this has kind of run Its course at least for

Now this situation can always be open to Healing if this person becomes open to It but it's got to be them it can't be You Because that would just be a waste of Energy no it doesn't matter how open and Loving and caring and giving you you you Can Be if they can't receive it it's Not going to be very beneficial it's Just going to be a lot of energy wasted Um and now love wasted love given is Never wasted But you know you can use that love in More intelligent ways and I feel like With this page of Pentacles here the Universe is saying that you learned some Valuable lessons and now it's time to Let go of of the burdens that you feel And the things that you've been beating Yourself up for and just keep moving Forward you're solid you're doing great And if anything I think it would be Really great for you to do some sort of If you need to uh maybe some sort of Cord cutting ritual or just whatever you Need to do to release whatever is has Been pinned up within you whether that's Talking to a therapist or writing a Letter you don't send or just screaming Into the void whatever it may be like You're a very loving and giving person And I feel like the universe kind Of cut this connection off at the roots

Oh my God I was literally going to say It's like that like this relationship is Almost like a dead tree and like the Tree's literally been cut off and They're standing on it like yeah I don't Care like if that was your relationship They're acting like they don't even care And that that's not their problem And quite frankly you know pile two just Based on the energy that I've Experienced you know that is someone who Does not deserve to be on the receiving End of your love and beauty and kindness And joy and Humanity so This relationship is definitely blocked For Healing as long as this person is Blocked from seeing reality so however Long that is but the good news is is That you're already planting seeds Towards much more beautiful things and In fact what the universe is saying is Especially with this page of Pentacles What you need to know is is that you've Done all you can and you need to let go Of responsibility you're not responsible For that person's distortions you're not Responsible for that your for that Person's pain I don't even want to call Them your person cuz like they don't Even want to be called that you know What I mean like they don't want to be Called your family member your friend Your

Person because they hate themselves And you are everything they are not you Are love you are wisdom you are Compassion you are kindness you are Abundant and you may not see those Things about yourself I hope I hope to God you Do but and maybe you do but you've just Been thinking like like yeah well well Maybe they'll maybe they'll receive it Differently this time or maybe they'll They'll they'll they'll be healthier and It's Like it's not looking good Chief I think it would be a better use Of your time and energy to continue T Tending and planting seeds Towards what continues to nurture you And I think you know deep down that this Is kind of the answer you were going to Get but I think it's so beautiful that You still have love for them and still Hope that things can change and you know What I'll just say a prayer right now For your person pile two that They that they have the circumstances They need to heal and that if there is Any closure or resolution that can Happen I pray that you receive it I pray That they receive it too and I pray that Healing comes in whatever Form be most aligned for both of you and And I also pray That you see things clearly too from a

Place of recognizing what is your Responsibility and what isn't and I pray That you are able to see clearly what is Not yours to carry and I pray that you Let it go and and just put it down cuz It's not yours to carry in the first Place and actually fun fact I think when You put this down your person is in for A a a whirlwind of emotional chaos cuz I Actually think that that because you're Kind of tied in with each other right Now Um you're carrying a lot of their Emotional burden for them and you're Playing into their projections by Thinking it's your responsibility to Heal this by thinking it's your job it's Not keep doing you let it Go you just Channel your inner Elsa and Let that [ __ ] go let it go and and don't Stop giving your love to others but give It to to those that that can actually Receive it and with the page of Pentacles here I feel like too you know At one time and look the page is looking At the page of Pentacles is looking at The page of cups and I feel like at one Time the both of you were on the same Playing field and the both of you did Have things to learn from each other but Your person didn't learn and you did and Your person is bitter about that because They don't they they didn't do they Didn't fulfill their role in

This and that's not your job your job is To continue slaying so with that being Said let's go ahead now and just finish Off with some guidance for you and see What Spirit wants you to know moving Forward Spirit what Guidance Do you have For pile two when it comes to this Reading their life in general their soul What guidance could be most effective For them at this time self worth Yeah beautiful okay I think that's the Thing is like maybe some of your Selfworth has been rooted in this Person's approval or you feel Like their rejection of you means that There's something wrong with you and It's like maybe you want to kind of Prove your worth but that's not your job And that's what this person wants Because that makes them feel powerful And that's Distorted this is the type of person That levels so they bring you down to To they try to bring you down so that You're on their level rather than trying To Lift themselves up to meet you where You're At sometimes the hardest part of the Journey is believing you're worthy of The trip do you know just how worthy Amazing and unique you are you are Incredible yes you are and if You' Picked this card we would like you to

Also see the amazing soul that is you You are enough step back from trying to Justify Your Existence with all the Things you that you constantly do stop Comparing yourself to others dear one Please do not for a second ever feel That you don't measure up to the people Around you no one is perfect and see That's the thing I feel like you guys Have been mirroring this but you're Mirroring it in a way where you feel Like you've somehow failed not only the Universe but like this person because of How things have unfolded and it's like No this Person has shown you that you deserve so Much More please for not for one second ever Feel that you don't measure up to the People around you and if this person Made you feel that way that's all the More reason why you need to stay away From them because they don't want you to Feel good about Yourself no one is perfect even the People that you may be comparing and Measuring yourself against and that's What your person doesn't realize too Much of your personal power is being Given to others which can be draining on Your own energy supplies one of the most Fundamental questions to ask yourself is How much do I love myself take some time Out of your schedule and reflect on this

Question the extent to which you love Yourself dictates how successful you are In every facet of your mind mind body And spirit you are worthy it's time to Stop walking in the shadow of others Take your place on your own golden chair Sit amongst the gods and goddesses and Shine Your radiant light appreciate Yourself and all the beauty you bring to This world the more you come to see your Own value and worth the more others come To see these qualities within you no Matter who you are or what you feel you Have accomplished in this life you are Magnificent and unique and but most Importantly you are enough take your Place and shine Holy Spirit fill me with Love and help me embrace the light love And creative soul that is truly me yeah And so Spirit what spirit is really Saying is is that this person helped you See your own Selfworth whether you realize it or not And that's why you haven't been able to Let go of this situation because this Situation not healing this Rift between The two of you is not about you it's About them and how they feel about Themselves and how you trigger those Feelings of Inadequacy and in turn you pick up on Those and they make you feel not good Enough and so then you can really want This person to you know apologize or be

Like you're right I didn't see this or And they're not they are going to double Down if You I'll just leave it at This you deserve so much better than What this person has to offer you and Whether you they are obligated to be in Your life or Not you are not obligated to carry their Burdens and their feelings and certainly If you they have no obligation to be in Your life there is a reason why the Universe has prevented them from coming Back in it's because there's no room for Them here they will have to take their Self-loathing and projection Elsewhere until they wake up to their Own light cuz stealing yours is not okay Well light can't be stolen let's be Clear about that stealing light is not Okay but also it's it's not it's not Possible But they are Fe feeding off of your Light they're feeding off of your energy And what they truly feed off of is Dimming your light and making you feel Small and making you feel like crap and And making you feel how they feel on the Inside that is how they that is how they Steal your light they're not truly Stealing it that concept doesn't exist It's not real if anyone believes that um Red Flag but yeah light cannot be stolen but

People can drain the [ __ ] out of you and This person certainly has so keep those Boundaries up and remember you are worth You not only are you worth more than you Think you are but all that you have and Have received you Know it is not your job to make others Feel better about that and it's not your Job to dim your light to make others Feel better you are a powerful soul look At that this abundance card this bright Open third eye you have the ability to See clearly take off the rosecolor Glasses and trust your intuition because I think your intuition knows this is not A safe person and their problems are not Yours to solve and I would say you're Absolutely right pile to and also you're Doing amazing and I hope you continue to Slay as hard as you have been so pile Two that's where I'm going to leave this Reading thank you guys so so so much for Watching and for letting me read for you Thank you so much for letting my ads Play in the background while I do Something else that is one of the Simplest and easiest ways to show Appreciation for my channel so thank you To everyone who does that um if you Would like to support me in other ways Please like the video that is one of the Most helpful helpful helpful things you Can do um Comment down below let me know how it

Resonates you can subscribe if you Haven't already and click that little Notification Bell to be notified Whenever I upload a new reading shout Out to my notification Squad I love you Guys um you can check out my merch you Can check out my candles well this is Technically the Archangel Raphael candle It's not part of my candle line but all Candles on Angelic Magic 8 site are can The the code A1 for 10% off can be used So Yeehaw um okay you can also check out Other videos or whatever but more than Anything I hope you check out your own Fine light and appreciate it so that's All I have for you guys thank you so Much for watching and for letting me Read for you I hope you all have a Wonderful day or night whenever it is You're watching this I love you so much And I hope you'll come back and see me Again soon bye hi there pile 3 welcome To your reading and thank you so much For being here if you guys chose the Bumblebee Jasper sun and the Sleepwalkers tarot mini Edition this is Going to be your reading on can this Relationship be healed so so we will use The tarot in a bit but we're going to Start by looking at Whether the energies for healing are Open or blocked so we're going to start With your energy Here on the left so for you we have the

Fair weather friend in reverse and Grieve on the right where your person's Energy is we have the Audacity and choice And the connecting energy between the Two of you is Sunstone H Sunstone well It's not the same thing but like you Picked the Sunstone I'm I'm sorry that That made me really happy um okay great News yes this situation absolutely can Be Healed But we are going to have to have a Little conversation and I'm going to ask You For your judgmental voice to leave the Room because I just want to be here with You and your Heart your heart knows the truth your Judgmental voice doesn't and I don't Want your judgmental Voice impeding on a message that is Coming straight from love I can tell That both of you in this situation care About each other what I feel is that no Matter what the situation is You are showing up As being more invested or more quote Unquote Allin with this relationship whatever Type of relationship it is whereas it Seems like your person has more Flexibility more freedom more options And it seems like that's very painful to

You or it seems like It seems like you've taken something That this person did very Personally and I feel like it's Triggered some catastrophizing Tendencies within you Where a perceived rejection that may Have not even been personal you're may You may be taking it personally and also Taking it as a sign That that this situation can't move Forward that you're not good enough it Just seems like something small that This person did and it made and let me Be Clear just because it was small to an Outsider's perspective doesn't mean it Wasn't big to you and doesn't mean it Wasn't important to you I'm not saying Small in the sense That your feelings aren't valid your Feelings are valid the actions you take May not um because of them may not be But I feel like whatever this person Perceives doing they thought it was Something small they didn't really Understand why this was a big deal and I'm kind of really intrigued by the fact That there's all these little stars here And their card and in your card it's Just one big star and it and it's Grieving and So I feel like whatever Situation is going on here I do think

That there are past wounds that is that Is intensifying this I feel Like both of you don't want to be at the Place where you are at currently and Both of you want To see clearly it's like there's clouds Of confusion over things right now Especially because your Person is taking your reaction to Whatever they did personally cuz they Care and also they're like well I Couldn't have known that this would Happen how could I know well maybe they Did know and maybe they forgot I don't Know I don't know the situation but what I do know is is that I can tell you're a Very loyal person and you the type of Person to put your all into something And it seems like whatever this person Did It triggered old feelings that you've Had of people not having your back not Supporting you you know leaving you in The Mud quite literally being fair weather Friends and I feel like there is this Energy here where you may be Predetermining this your person's Intentions or your person's reasons for Doing what they've Done from a place of your wounds rather Than from the truth of what actually Happened it's getting dark so I'm going To go turn the light on real quick hello

I'm back okay yeah we had to add some Light light to this situation I Definitely think that both of you want More clarity here I wouldn't be shocked If your person is kind of unsure of what To do at this time Like I feel like there's a part of them That's also feeding into the to the Emotional energy that you have Like Where they don't know what to do here And they didn't realize that whatever Whatever they did that upset you would Upset you and so I think that that is Something that they're having a hard Time with and and I also think as well They're like really bummed out about This situation because they're like man Things things have been so much fun Between us like things have been going So well like why what happened here and It seems like what happened here which I'll confirm in the tarot but it seems Like they did something that made you Feel like you weren't important and that You weren't a valued part of their life Or that you know the way that you see Them isn't as intimate as as how they See you and now obviously like take that As it resonates because for some of you Intimacy is not the the problem um but Of course intimacy doesn't have to be Romantic Um and I'm not going to lie pile three

It does kind of seem like your person Maybe has a Bit less wounds around rejection and Around I don't want to say that let's Let's get into the tarot and let's like Let's look at things more deeply here Because one I feel like you are pushing This person and this situation away out Of fear that you will be rejected and Out of fear that this is just another Same Old Situation but I genuinely feel Like this person cares about you And they don't they want to make the Best decision but they also don't have Clarity here like there is a way through This Sunstone card is an indication that The both of you want Clarity the both of You want resolution here but in order to Have resolution you have to do things Differently and create a new Solution and I definitely think I'm Going to call you out pile three if you Are writing this person off pushing them Away and assuming everything is over and That you guys can't be friends anymore You can't continue to pursue this or Whatever that's not the truth you are Catastrophizing here And it's it only is that way if you make It so and you affirm that so I just want to go a bit deeper so can You give me Insight on pile 3's Perspective yeah you feel like they made A choice that was

Really you feel like they made a choice That didn't consider you and you feel Like they made a choice that indicates That you're not important to them and That they don't care about You what is the truth behind the Decision that they made Spirit what were They actually Doing okay can we clarify That yeah okay that wanted to come back Down so I definitely think that this Person does have wounds around intimacy So I guess intimacy is a big thing here And maybe what you're feeling is you've Wanted to get connect with this person More deeply than they are ready to Connect with you and that's and you may Be taking that as a complete rejection Outright but it's not Your person actually oh my gosh look at How similar this is this king of Wands And this um The Audacity your person is very careful With their heart and also I feel like They just want to come through now and Say it breaks their heart to think that You would think that they don't value You like they Do but they're also someone who is Very careful about opening up and I also Think that that they don't always Realize how their actions can hurt Others and how their choices can hurt Others and you know what I I I have to

Apologize to you pile 3 because maybe Maybe I've even been kind of Invalidating you a little bit and if I Have't I'm so sorry I don't mean to it's Just that your Person sees what whatever choice they Made as a protective mechanism and and Just as a way to them for them to Continue to feel safe cuz they they are Wounded too and I think that's the thing Here is even though you're wounded I Feel Like you both approach intimacy from From different perspectives for you holy [ __ ] [ __ ] can you just like stand There and not be my God okay so see why Did I just do that I just got super Frustrated with this deck for Moving I I can't control physics this Deck's like well damn I so I can't Control physics I know you Can't and it just seems Like there's some frustration over Things you can't control and I feel like Both of you are trying to maintain a Sense of control and how you maintain a Sense of control is okay I want to get As deep as possible and see who this Person is so that I know whether there's Something here or not whether this Whether it's worth continuing getting to Know them whe whether it's worth I'm not Going to lie I'm not getting a lot of Family energy from this I think this is

Either romantic or platonic um but it Doesn't have to be it can be familial But if it's familiar you're really going To have to take it out how it resonates Um how it resonates for You whereas their way Of keeping themselves safe Is moving things more slowly and more Gradually and I think Sometimes your person Isn't very good at picking up on when Things are off because your person has a Lot of like Good Vibes to them I'm not Going to lie and I bet that's one thing You love about them and you might feel a Little bit insecure around like their Light and feel like you know they have So many choices like I'm not good enough And I really do think that they trigger Your feelings of inadequacy and I feel Like if they knew that that would make Them really Sad but also they don't want you to feel That Way they are just someone who will not Open up further until they're truly Ready to and sometimes your person can Also have a bit of Pride and so like for Example whatever went down between the Two of you if you started giving them The silent treatment for example that's Going to trigger them and they're going To be like well then whatever you know I'm going to go do my own thing I'm not

Going to worry about it and then and Then you might be like well they're not They're not trying to reach out like I Knew I knew that they didn't care and When in reality both of you care and Both of you are feeding into ego Responses and playing games in order to Keep yourself safe so we need to cut That Out So let's see what Spirit wants you to Know about this choice that this person Made Like well actually no let's do This I was going to do hm should I do Okay let's do this what is pile Three Seeing Or what is the truth of the situation That pile three isn't seeing the Magician yeah um ooh and this is a Really interesting magician it's like a Very this is a bloody wounded magician This is a very Gothic crying Magician beware of your self-fulfilling Prophecies and beware because you could Create a Situation okay a lot of what you may be Blaming this person for you may have Actually created with your own actions And I'm not saying that to like belittle You but I do think that if if if this Sounds right if this person did Something that hurt you and you took

Personally and you took action from a Place of spite anger hurt frustration Whatever And they responded with something Similar that was I I brother I'm just Going to let you know brother sister Gender neutral sibling you serve the Ball there and they olied it back Like if you want to play games they'll Play games but if you play stupid games You will win stupid prizes and the Reality here is is that your tender Heart is just afraid and you're being Hypervigilant about protecting yourself And that's understandable but the Healing here is not based in this Person's approval or this person showing Up the way you want them to the healing Here is in recognizing your own tendency To play games your tendency to take Things personally that isn't personal And ask yourself whether these Tendencies to catastrophize or jump to The worst case scenario are active Getting in the way of you connecting More intimately I think they are I think You both want to get to know each other More deeply or connect more deeply but You're unable To because neither of you have really Been honest about what's happened here I Don't know if you've even told this Person that the choice they made hurt You maybe you don't want to tell them

Maybe you're afraid that they will think It's Stupid Okay let's look The reality is though if you don't want This situation to be over if you if you Want more closeness and healing that's There that's available you just have to Be willing to step into that energy and Not be riant on this person doing so Because from this person's perspective They didn't do anything wrong like all Of a sudden you just switched up on them And yeah they're going to feel some type Of way about that especially because I Thought things were going well you know What I mean so there's tension here And this tension is not going to be Resolved by fighting fire with fire or Flinging more [ __ ] at each Other it's going to be solved by Stepping back and stepping into your Heart So what is the truth In pile 3's Heart and what is the truth in pile 3's Person's Heart Yeah you want to talk to this person you Want to speak up but I also think that You're afraid of saying really biting Things that could push this person away Further and you're Correct the Knight of Swords is not

Always the Most graceful in terms of how they get a Messenger across and even I feel like I Feel horrible like as I'm giving this Message cuz I feel like I'm being too Like cutting and Biting so I'm trying my best I'm so Sorry please please forgive me like I Want you to know that like this is this Is such a normal thing and this message Is so important important because like There's something beautiful here Whatever this is a friendship a deeper Family relationship you know a romantic Connection this can't be solved without Communication and I feel like what's in Your heart is the desire to be upfront About what happened and how it made you Feel whereas what's in your person's Heart is they have a desire to keep Certain things close to the chest that They're not ready to divulge but they Also want to understand you more Deeply they Have this Like they have This like this feeling of like I don't Want pile three to Know what's in my heart for Them because my heart is still fragile And I don't want them to take advantage Of that and even though you Wouldn't their own fears so your fears Are being triggered just as much as

Theirs are so they have a hard time Listening to their intuition when Someone is upset at them they are going To go into fight or flight mode then and With this High Priestess card here this Person feels in their heart that you Both have an intuitive connection and That you both get along well and that There's value here but I also think that Your person isn't sure where that value Lies And how things are meant to continue I feel like they are really trying their Best to stay in their intuition and kind Of Stay present but I also think what's in Your heart is that you want them to come Forward and apologize but that doesn't Make sense to them because they don't Even realize they did something Wrong and maybe they didn't do anything Wrong maybe they just did something and You took it personally I don't know but They're not going to know that that Hurts you unless unless you speak up and I and I think that if you're waiting for This person to come through and be like You're right I'm so sorry I was selfish They're not because truthfully speaking I don't think that they were being Selfish I think they were doing what was Best for them and you're perceiving it As selfish and that's probably because You've been conditioned to give all of

Yourself to people and not make choices That are best for you you've been Conditioned to give all of yourself and Find your worth and those That receive what you're willing to Give and when that's unbalanced it can Be really hard when you're trying to Have healthy relationships and it's like Well if you're not taking everything That I have to give and if you're not Focusing all your energy on me then how Do I know how do I know that like I Matter you do matter but what you need To see here is That you play a role in this situation Just as much as they do and they can't See their their role and you can't Either and so that's why that's why I'm Here and that's why you know Communication is so important and Instead of being accusatory being like Hey you know this thing kind of hurt me And it made me feel this way I'm not Saying that's the truth of your Intentions but you know this is just Kind of what happened and I don't want This to be the case So let's just see Here what perspective or growth is Needed for your healing in this Situation what Yeah gosh that's a mood and what growth And healing is needed for your Person cool okay

And What how can we begin this healing Process okay the World so for you the healing is about Looking at things differently you are so Busy crying over a Situation that you perceive in your head That you're not realizing that there's An opportunity for emotional closeness Here for your person they seem to Already be doing the work but they're They also do seem to have other Priorities that they have to focus on um And that could quite literally be Work I feel like for them they have been Gradually growing and they and they want To know if they hurt your feelings they Want to know if if you're upset they Just don't want to receive Like they they don't want to play games They are serious and any attempt from You to play games I'm not going to lie They're going to disengage and they're Going to be like okay like they've had Too much of that and I'm not blaming you For playing games it's normal you know It's how we're taught to do things Unfortunately And you may not even see it as playing Games it's you're you're operating from A place of woundedness or from a place Of fear but that that is a game you're Not being authentic and I feel that this Person can tell when you're being

Authentic and they feel rejected by you Because of what's happened whatever's Happened between the two of you so your Healing is in looking at things Differently it's in this Sunstone it's In How can I Speak my truth in a way that is valid But also compassionate and isn't Accusatory I feel like there is Something that you are not seeing Because One I think the healing is not about This person it's about how you've been Treated in past relationships and how You felt disrespected how you felt Discarded how you've felt Betrayed and your person doesn't know About all of That and even if they know they clearly Don't they haven't truly understood it They might think it's less severe than It actually is they might think it's Something that you're over definitely no Matter what it seems like this person Does a very good job of minding their Own Business And this is the type of person which I Actually really admire this I I cuz I Admire this I am biased cuz I have this Policy too where unless you tell me Something is wrong I'm going to assume Nothing is wrong because one thing me And your person have in common is we

Don't play games we just don't like it's Either you show up you be authentic well This person does they're still doing That and that's the thing is like even If we say we don't play games we can Still play games right but we can't Realize it until we're like oh wait I'm I'm I'm I'm part of this like your Person wasn't playing a game until you Did but then they Justified it cuz you Started it does that make it better no And then they' got to work on that too But the reason they played that game With you is because they also care about Their impact on you and they care about What you think of them and they care About being rejected by you So y'all are Coming to a cycle of healing here you Know with the world there is a cycle That I think will be closing out through This healing and I do think it's Partially spirit that will facilitate This um but I do want to look at um How you can initiate this how they can Initiate this Um and if you don't the universe will Orchestrate something like but I just I Really do feel like you know this is Someone who doesn't want to disappoint You this is someone who doesn't want to Hurt you but they Also need to do what's best for them and If you're taking you know them doing

What's best for them Personally they may feel less inclined To be open with you because they're Going to feel bad for hurting you for Doing what's right for them and so I Feel like rather Than taking this personally asking Yourself why am I taking this personally Am I not spending enough time with Myself am I not prioritizing myself Because if you're not then yeah it's Going to be a lot harder To accept when someone else is making Those decisions for themselves when you Know Know you're not but healing here is Assured like it's it's it's fixed it's Going to happen um But in your case I definitely think your Healing is around looking at things Differently and not allowing your Emotions to Cloud your vision entirely Especially when they convince you that Everything is Doom and Gloom and your Person's healing is in you know not Falling back into Old patterns and also You know maybe being a bit more Open about what's going on with them Because I don't think they're maybe as Open as well Um but I think the thing is is That their heart is just as tender as Yours I think that they're just better At hiding it you know it's very rare for

People to not feel emotion at all you Know the vast majority of us do feel Emotion it's just that we process and Express those emotions differently and You may process your emotions very Quickly you might move through emotional Cycles very quickly whereas I feel like Your person is a lot more consistent and Like where you might Bounce from four Different emotions they might stay Stagnantly peaceful all day like they They might get passionate or motivated At certain points but it's like there's Less variation of where they're at and I Think that it's bewildering to them when That consistency isn't return so like For them they're just like like what Happened like there's real confusion There I'm hearing Come Together by The Beatles So if pile 3 wants to initiate healing With their person what do they need to Do the king of Pentacles I'm going to Get the Book I found it it was by my Toilet just being real but I also want To mention I feel like it's really Interesting I I typically don't stop the Camera to go and do things um and I've Done that twice in this Reading so I almost wonder too if there Are almost like necessary pauses in Communication or just engaging with each

Other just so that you can kind of Gather your bearings and and see things More clearly so for the king of Pentacles this is the how to read tarot A modern guide this is the first tarot Book I ever got if you couldn't tell It's been used a little bit um so we're Going to look at the personal spiritual Definition of uh of the king of Pentacles let me move him over good old Common sense is what you need to make The decision in front of you concerning Your personal and or spiritual life You're being reminded that success Doesn't happen overnight it is usually Achieved over time have patience make a Plan to help guide you toward your end Goal ask for what you know you are Worthy of so that you can create Long-term security and stability if you Are thinking about taking a risk weigh The pros and cons before you take a leap Into the unknown don't forget to take Care of yourself in mind body including Enjoying the Finer Things in life Soul And Spirit so I think that this is the Perfect guidance for you Like there is a need for you to Challenge what your emotions are telling You and be like is this the truth or These my fears trying to tell me this is The truth like common sense I think is a Big thing here because you may make Assumptions and then see them as truth

And never stop to ask yourself wait a Second is it Even plausible that they would be seeing Things that Way unless you have said something Explicitly you can't assume that they Know and understand it and even if you Have checking back and being like Hey do You remember when I said XYZ and if they're like yeah you should Be like can you remind me what I said Again um and see how they perceived what You said because maybe what you said Isn't how they perceived it and it and So you may need to clarify but your Healing is in your own selfworth and Sense of security and caring for Yourself it seems like the excitement of This Situation has created attachment really Fast and also fear of losing this person Really fast and the thing is is That whether this person is meant to be In your life for a reason or a Season their presence shouldn't make or Break your emotional state and if it is That's probably a sign of codependency That you need to look at within yourself Because now not to say that like oh Humans shouldn't Forge connections or Depend on others I'm not saying that but You know if If your emotional state is wholly Dependent on how this person shows up or

Can easily Be altered by how this person shows up You may need to look at your attachment To how they show up and how attached you Are to their presence and that may be Why this person is being very cautious About being open because maybe they've Been in situations where they've jumped In too quickly too deep and they've Gotten hurt and so they don't they want To know that they are safe to take Things slow whereas you seem to be the Type of person where you want to know It's safe so you want to get to know Them as deeply as quickly as possible so That you can know whether it's safe to Stick around or not and it seems like The both of you will have to find A happy medium there But If pile 3's person initiates healing how Would they go about That okay well here's the good News I definitely think that they Couldn't stay away for long I do feel Like they they would they are the type Of person who even if they didn't feel Like they were wrong they would Apologize I feel like they've been Trying to do that and I guess here's the Thing nobody's wrong here you both are Just operating under a lack of clarity Miscommunications and your wounds are Doing the talking for the both of you

And so it's creating this barrier where There really doesn't need to be one it's Just the both of you like building walls Instead of bridges and I feel like your Person can and does want to build a Bridge and I think the universe will Bring things around if you don't or they Don't but I do think you may need to ask Your yourself like Hey hey pile three or I guess whatever Your name is maybe we should just take The night off and just sleep because I Think the thing is too is like there's a Part of you that knows that these Emotions are not necessarily in relation To your person but rather they are Triggering old feelings that and Old Wounds that you haven't fully healed yet And so when it comes to instigating Healing with your person it is important To be grounded in your perspective to be Practical and make sure that you're not Having Fantastical expectations of what Needs to happen and I do think that your Person will come in in a playful healing Way but what I want to know for you is What is the healing to be done around These emotional wounds so that you can Exist more comfortably in this Connection without being so attached to How this person shows Up Okay we have the five of Pentacles in Reverse so this is a matter of letting

Go of the past and like past and letting Go of losses and letting go of lack Mentality it's it's quite literally Like you are on a path oh my gosh and Look at that the Queen of Wands is Underneath there there is a Real there's a healing process for you Here where you are meant to empower Yourself and see your worth regardless Of how this person shows up yes their Presence can be a very powerful Aid in That but I actually think your own Feelings of insecurity and past wounds Are making it hard for you to show up in This situation authentically and I bet If you talk about this from from a Centered place when you're not in highly Emotional and and have had time to Reflect your person will be forthcoming About what they're dealing with as well I do want to Note That if you resonate with being with Seeing how you initiated this Situation I think it would mean a lot to This person to not have to be the one to To show up and I think it would mean a Lot to this person To to just know where you're at from an Authentic place they're not going to be Offended with the star being on the back Of the deck that's like why I'm holding This Here there's healing hope and beautiful

Things in the future for you and it's Really hard to see them because you do Have unresolved wounds around the past One form of healing that I think you Could do Is quite literally getting rid of the Things that attach you to your past Reality let go of those um any sort of Therapy that could be useful but I also Heard past life aggression that might be Helpful maybe these wounds run deeper Than this lifetime um but I also just Think it's a matter of Letting Go what Will help you let go of the past you Need to move through these emotions Do you need to find assistance do you Need to do a releasing ritual your Intuition will tell you that and if you Don't know what to do pray for the Answers just ask the universe you know How how can I let go of this how can I Heal this and the thing is is that if You try to let go of something Prematurely it'll probably Boomerang Right back to you and so if you're not Ready to let go of something yet Acknowledge that and accept that and and Understand it as a work in progress and Something that you're releasing more Slowly rather than immediately but there Is healing coming and I do feel like This person could be a Powerful a Powerful resource in terms of growth and

Healing and I feel like there could be a Lot of bond like a lot of a lot of Bondage huh uh I don't know that that Depends on you guys um there could be a Lot of bonding over healing from people That have mistreated you both and I Think that's the that is the real thing Here can this relationship be healed Absolutely you both are open to it but I Think in your case you are having a much Harder time seeing that there are all These opportunities for healing and that Things can be done differently because You are so used to the same story and so And and you are in this place where like Naturally your your conscious mind is Going To assume I've seen this before it's Going to happen the same same way when You don't know that to be the truth it's Scary to be open to the unknown but the Reality is is that nothing is going to Change if you don't change how you look At things and if you don't change how You view your past because I feel like There is a part of you that genuinely Believes that you cannot Escape your Past and that's not the truth not only Can you be a different not only can you Be someone who isn't attached to their Past you can also be someone that the Past you never conceived of because of Where they were at at that time I really Do feel like there are parts of you that

Are stuck in other places in space and Time um you may want to look into Like um healing through Shamanism like It it almost feels like some sort of Like Soul retrieval May really help with This process where you kind of realize Like okay things are different this is Different and I can be different you Don't have to repeat the same narrative You don't have to repeat the same story And that starts with a willingness to be Open to what kind of story do you want To write what kind of connection do you Want to have with this person do you do You guys want want to have a positive Healing one okay well what positive Healing solutions that are practical can We come up with both personally and in Connecting with others more than Anything Though the universe oh I'm hearing Put Your Records On um right now Lauren Hill I'm hearing Lauren Hill in my head Um and I feel like the universe is Saying you Know you are going to continue to see Your past everywhere and in everything And as a Potential Threat until you make Peace with your past and at least come To a place of acceptance around it and It and awareness of the fact that the Past does not have to dictate the Present and the future but if you Continue to stay stuck there it

Absolutely will so whatever you need to Do and I can't do that for You I know sometimes some of y'all get Really mad at me but like I I I know It's frustrating healing is hard but I I Can tell you I can tell you where the Bathroom is I can tell You the process of going to the bathroom But I'm not going to wipe your ass for You okay you've got two Hands and it is your job to take in I Think it's it's actually very important That you take your healing into your own Hands because I think there is a part of You that doesn't believe that you can And you're wrong I objectively if you're Going to take an outside opinion take One right now you're wrong about not Being able to heal and you're also wrong About not being good enough or not being Worthy of the healing love and joy that Is trying to find you in fact healing Love and Joy can exist in this relationship Whatever type of relationship it is and Your person didn't see anything other Than that until this whole Kur fuffle Happened and I feel like spirit is Really saying if you turn every mole Hill into a mountain it will feel Exhausting to connect with people it Will feel hard to open yourself up and The thing is is that you shouldn't beat Yourself up for having these experiences

These are just evidence of wounds that Have yet to be resolved and the more you Resolve those the easier and less Daunting it will feel to open yourself Up to painful or tricky Conversations But Ultimately healing is coming through This situation no matter What but I really don't think and this Is and this is my observation and I can Be wrong and you're absolutely free to Disagree with Me I don't Think that this Person should have to to be the Facilitator of This if you want them to be they can Be But I feel like it could be a really Powerful healing opportunity for you to Share your Vulnerabilities not from a place of Being accusatory but just from a place Of hey here's what went down here's what Happened you know I'm sorry for XYZ um but also you know this this is Why this happened this is why I saw Things that way you know doing XYZ hurts Me and just kind of working with them And seeing where they're at And also just start paying attention to What things you take personally that Aren't personal I did that last night I Was filming pile one's reading and was

Probably an hour long reading only 20 Minutes of it recorded my battery was Full and my storage was fine why did it Stop I don't know but it didn't stop me From having a complete like meltdown Because I was just so frustrated you Know what I mean and what that was Showing me was that it wasn't about the The video stopping it was about my own Frustrations with creative output And you know deeper stuff and I think That what what the universe is showing You here is that there is deeper stuff To work on and you know you can't just Put a Band-Aid over a gaping wound and Expect it to just go away on its own and Your person is going to trigger those Gaping wounds until you start to kind of Love look at what's going on here and The most important thing is that you Look at it with compassion and I hope I've been sufficiently like Compassionate I feel horrible like in The sense that like I'm not going to lie To you but also it can be really hard Sometimes to receive these messages so I Just want you to know like how much of a Badass you are and also how important it Is to receive this so that you can have What you actually want instead of Creating a self-fulfilling prophecy Where you push people away and continue To write the same old story because Because you don't believe that any story

Could be different they can be this Person is different you are different You are not the same person you were in Those past Situations but I think there is still Some integration and growth and healing Necessary but this cycle will come to a Close healing resolution will happen no Matter what method either you take the Lead they take the lead or Spirit takes The lead doesn't really matter Something's going to happen and things Will come full C And there will be more healing and more Awareness so I Guess what is on in terms of this Connection what is on the other side of This healing work how might pile 3 and Their person be able to connect more Deeply by healing and resolving these Conflicts okay these two wanted to fall Out oh look at that the Queen of Wands Did want to come out and and The Wheel Of Fortune yeah turning things back Around and look at that the 10 of cups Is on the back of the deck there is Fillment here in whatever in whatever Way it's Possible but it's like things will just Get back on track and I think that you Will start to feel more confident again And see your light and see your worth You know the beautiful positive things You see in your person you also have

Within you and not only that but they They already see those things and so a Lot of what you may be feeling and Experiencing they probably can't even Fathom is there and so they may just Take your actions as rejection and be Like oh I knew I wasn't good enough cuz They have that wound too and the reality Is is that you both are good enough on Your own and for each Other this relationship where whatever Type it is is meant to is meant to Continue turning and is and there will Be highs and lows as with everyone but At the very least you'll be able to move Through this cycle with more growth more Healing more awareness and be able to Connect more authentically and more Deeply and not be tormented by your own Wounds you know that's the thing is like When we leave these things unresolved They express themselves in different Ways that can be really harmful to us And I feel like what spirit is saying Here is is that we don't want that Situation to happen we need you to see Things more clearly so that not only can You be kinder and more loving to Yourself but you can also extend that to Others and not be as affected when Someone makes a decision that may or may Not be personal that hurts you you know Just Because it happened doesn't mean that

You should ignore it and pretend like It's fine but instead be like hey you Know when you did XYZ that really hurt Me and maybe it's the process of talking It out where you'll see like oh that Wasn't personal or oh maybe that was a Bit silly or no actually I was validated At being hurt and and and this person And your person can be like yeah you Know that kind of was a selfish decision And I'm sorry like the one thing I will Give your person credit for is that they They're not above saying I'm sorry even If they're wrong even if they know They're not wrong because they care more About not only being on good terms with You but but sharing the joy and love That does exist within this relationship Much more than they do about being right And I think that they still do care About being right but they're releasing That and I think the more you release That as well the easier it will be for Things to get smooth sailing but the Hardest part is just getting to that Like tricky point where where you talk About the uncomfortable thing it is very Uncomfortable to talk about you know These things it makes you vulnerable but It's those vulnerabilities that allow You to get closer and actually have the Type of intimacy you want with them and I feel like they want that with you too But you may have to be patient with how

They get there because they may just Need more time you know it's like you're The type of person to dive straight into The pool whereas they need time to kind Of acclimate and get warm it's two Different approaches neither are wrong They're just different you see what I'm Saying you both want to be in the pool You just need to get in in different Ways and I can imagine and not I not Imagine I know it's not as fun to be in The pool when you're in there by Yourself but just trust that they're Coming in they just need to wait and and And get used to the temperature of the Water and and not only that but they Just need to know that the pool is safe And that you know they they're welcome To swim here and I think that you can Kind of help show them that by being More open and being like hey like you Know I I care about you and and I care About our relationship and I care about You know us being on good terms and kind Of here's what's been going on cuz I Really do think this person is just Overall like really sad what's going on Between the two of you with this three Of swords Like I feel like they are trying their Best not to think negatively And I think that that's where you are Headed you know one where I feel like Understanding this person's mentality

Could be really helpful and like I said You know one of my favorite policies is If you have a problem okay well like Obviously I'm talking about like Friendships and stuff like that like if There is a problem you will tell me I Like no passive aggression no reading Into someone's energy trying to figure It Out I'm not reading into it I'm not on The clock you're my Friend I would want to know if I like Anyone who cares about you wants to know If they caus have caused you pain Because they want to fix it if I hurt One of my friends I want them to tell me Because I don't want to hurt them I love Them And that is what healthy relationships Are like you may have to talk about Things you may have to have Uncomfortable conversations but when Those are received in a loving way those Uncomfortable conversations can lead to Even more closeness than ever existed Before I really think there's something Beautiful here don't beat yourself up But really but do acknowledge the fact That you do have past wounds that you May be projecting on this person and They're just trying to keep you safe but They're actually keeping Out what you so desperately want to Bring in into your world and

So until you can kind of make space for More of that to come in this story is Going to continue playing out but I know It's not going to continue to play out Because we've sat through this reading Together and I know that even if you Don't know what the solution is yet You're going to remain open-minded and Kind to Yourself and allow things to flow and if You don't know what to do yet you don't Have to do anything if you're not ready To talk to this person yet don't you Know you may need time to process your Emotions You know it's hard to see the bottom of Water when the water's rushing and Raging right you may need to wait until You're at a state of emotional Calm Before you kind of start to process Things and that's Okay don't judge your emotions they're Just telling you something and it seems Like what your emotions are telling you Is is I'm not over some of the ways in Which we've been wounded in the past And these things are inhibiting my Ability to connect because I'm afraid of Being hurt again again And spirit is really saying it it's it's It's time to start moving out of that And I think that not only is this Relationship an example of how you can Do that but I also think that you know

There's a wealth of insight within you Just waiting to be explored and I also Think That the hardest thing you need to do is Just observe yourself without judging Yourself and just be with yourself Because that's the thing actual presence With ourselves can be such a powerful Healing thing because it's so easy to Disconnect from ourselves and only have Connection with when when we're with Others and so I feel like spirit is Really challenging you to connect with Yourself in a way Where you just sit with what is and Instead of judging it being like okay Thank you for sharing with me and going From there I don't have all the answers In terms of how you heal and how you go About this you don't need to be Perfectly healed in order for this to Work out there's no such thing as being Perfectly Healed but there is such thing as Healing and growing together and I think That that's something the universe wants To make happen between the two of you so We're going to go ahead and finish off Now with a guidance card for you and Just see Spirit what Guidance Do you Have for pile three that could be most Helpful and healing for them at this Time there we go baby we have Unconditional love and me burping

Ah what fell just a book okay meow Yow Meow meow 34 the ultimate lesson all of us have to Learn is unconditional love which Includes not only others but ourselves As well you have a choice between two Doors unconditional love and conditional Love Unconditional Love Is Love Without Judgment conditions expectations and Demands it is love that stems from the Heart space and is comprised completely Of pure love forgiveness and compassion Conditional love is love with conditions Expectations attachments fear and Judgments love is given and received Freely as long as the conditions of the Love contract are being met when others Fail to meet the requirements of the Love contract Love Is Lost and replaced With issues of fear distrust and doubts To have unconditional love is to First Love Yourself entirely when you can Completely love yourself with all your Imperfections you will have greater love And compassion towards others if if you Are in a space where your love is Conditional ask yourself where does this Condition stem more often most often you Will find limiting thoughts and beliefs Lingering in your subconscious deeper Still you may uncover the wounded child Within you it is to this child that love Understanding and compassion must be Shared now that you see the inner wounds

Within you with the gentleness of love You are better able to see the wounded Child within others you will clearly see The part of them that is in most need of Love this does not mean that you must Stay in a situation that does not serve Your highest good sometimes loving Unconditionally means having to walk Away the affirmation is I love all Facets of myself and send any hurt or Wounds Within Me Love or love and Compassion and yeah and I think that is So true like this is this is really an Opportunity for you to shift from Conditional to unconditional love and That starts with you you can't have you You're you cannot truly be compassionate If you don't have compassion for Yourself and unconditional love for self Helps you understand what is healthy and Reasonable in terms of loving others and What isn't because unconditional love is Not martyring yourself for another or Accepting behavior that is unfair but Sometimes unconditional love gives us Uncomfortable truth that we need to see Because the truth loves us so much and Knows that there's a more loving way That we can exist in the world and a way In which we can be more loving to Ourselves more understanding to Ourselves and more fair to ourselves and The universe loves you so much and I Love you so much pile three I understand

If you hate me after this message I I I'm not taking it Personally um you know this was a tough Message to give and I hope that you know You received it without feeling judged Or shamed is never my intention to do That um and and I just want you to know I don't judge you I don't think it's Shameful I think where you're at is very Normal and I think that where you're at Is is shared by a lot more people than You realize I and I also think that Where you're at is valid as [ __ ] and Something that you should honor as you Know it's not like you're just crazy in These these wounds manifested Spontaneously out of nowhere like They're an amalgamation of painful Experiences in your life and that Deserves to be validated and you deserve To be aware of how these wounds are Ruling your life but what I'm also not Going to do Is give your wounds free reain to tell You what's the truth when your wounds Look at things from a distorted Perspective persective there is a Perspective that's far more healing that Is far more loving and loves you Unconditionally and the more you Integrate that within yourself the Easier it is to take things less Personally and the easier it is to see Things more clearly because you're not

Attached or Fearful in the ways your wounds once Limited you so pile three that is where I'm going to leave this reading I really Hope this resonated and and helped you Thank you guys so so so much for Watching and thank you so much for Letting my ads play in the background That is one of the simplest and easiest Ways to show support and appreciation For my channel so thank you to everyone Who did that if you'd like to support me In other ways you can like this video Thank you to everyone who does that That's so helpful you can comment down Below let me know how it resonates and You can subscribe if you haven't already You can also click that little Notification Bell to be notified Whenever I upload a new reading you can Check out my candles be sure to use code ISO 10 for 10% off this is technically Not part of my candle line but all Candles on Angelic magic 88 site are Part of the code deal as 10 works on all Of them you can check out My Instagram other Videos my butt just kidding that's Becoming a pattern I need to stop um or Other videos but that's all I have for You guys so thank you so much for Watching and for letting me read for you I hope you all have a wonderful day or Night whenever it is that you're

Watching this video and I hope you'll Come back and see me again soon bye

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