Identity Shifting | Reinvent Yourself in 30 days + Manifest ANYTHING You Desire

Identity Shifting | Reinvent Yourself in 30 days + Manifest ANYTHING You Desire

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Hello lovelies!
Todays video is all about Identity Shifting | Reinvent Yourself in 30 days + Manifest ANYTHING Your Desire

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Hello my loves and welcome back to my Channel in today’s video I’m going to be Sharing with you the number one Manifestation Technique No matter what It is that you want in life whether you Want to manifest your soulmate your Dream career make more money manifest Your dream house your dream body your Dream lifestyle whatever it is that you Want to create everything boils down to This one thing which is your identity And your self-image and your self- image Is the way that you view yourself how You identify the labels that you put on Yourself all of that is your self-image And your identity and depending on how You currently see yourself will manifest Into your reality and it creates the Reality that you experience so for Example if you really want to make $10,000 a month but you currently see Yourself as somebody who’s not capable Of that you don’t see that ever even Happening for you because you just don’t Believe that’s possible because of your Type of self-image then you will never Be able to manifest that $10,000 a month That you desire until you change self Image to be in accordance with somebody Who naturally makes $10,000 a month Right when you change yourself- image to Be in accordance with what it is that You desire and you get in alignment with That with how you view yourself all of a

Sudden it will manifest into your life But nothing will ever manifest until you Shift your self-image to being in Alignment with what you want to attract And this is because your self-image is The framework of your being it’s the Container and the box that you put Yourself in and if you have a limiting Self-image just like a plant in a pot if That plant continues to try to grow Bigger but you keep it in the same Really small pot eventually that pot Will not be able to sustain the amount That that plant wants to grow it will Become root bound and it will likely Begin to wither away or drop leaves or Eventually even pass away and die and a Very similar thing happens to us as Humans if we have goals that we really Want to attain but our self-image Keeps Us stuck in that limited pot we’re Unable to expand outside of that we Become sort of rootbound and we don’t Feel as if we are achieving anything There’s a lot of resistance every time We try to expand all of a sudden we Can’t because we’re stuck in that Limited container or that limited pot And everything that you currently have In your reality and every pattern and Cycle and experience that you have all Of it can be traced back down to your Self-image your self-image is the root Cause of everything that flourishes and

Happens and gets created in your life And your self-image is also the Difference between having power or Having to use force in your life so if You currently feel like you have certain Goals that maybe have not manifested You’ve been noticing a lot of resistance With them that is because you’re in the Force aspect where you have that Limiting self-image that’s not allowing You to expand outside of that and you’re Not getting the results that you want That is a Telltale sign that your Self-image does not match your goal that You have however if you really want to Achieve something and your self-image is In alignment with that achievement and You think oh that’s going to be easy for Me that’s totally possible you’ll notice That there’s little to no resistance Along that path and it just happens You’re able to work through things so Much easier and you’re able to reach That end goal so much faster and that is Because your self-image was in alignment With what you were trying to get and a Really common example that most of us Have probably struggled with at some Point in our life if you’ve ever really Wanted to get in shape or get the body Of your dreams but you didn’t see Yourself as somebody who’s a gym goer And who is motivated to do those types Of things you might have noticed a lot

Of resistance every time that you tried To go to the gym and start being one of Those gym goers who works out really Frequently and you might have noticed Again a lot of resistance with that but That’s because it was out of accordance To your self-image and us as humans we Never want to act out of accordance to Our self-image it feels unnatural it’s Going to feel weird so anytime that you Have a self-image that goes against a Goal that you have it doesn’t matter how Hard you try to get towards that goal Everything is going to feel weird Resistant it’s going to feel like it’s Not you and you’re going to really want To revert back to how you identify it’s Going to be so much easier to revert Back to that version of you because That’s what feels good and that’s what Feels natural and the same thing happens When we we either want to manifest our Soulmate but maybe we currently view Ourselves as somebody who only ever Attracts guys who are unavailable or we See ourselves as somebody who just has a Hard time with love and nobody ever Wants us back and if that’s the case That is going to end up perpetuating in Your reality because of the fact that That is your self-image that’s going to Play out and cause you to act in certain Ways and be attracted to certain people And you might notice that you have this

Unconscious habit of always being Attracted to people who are unavailable But it’s because it is equal to how your Self-image is if you have a self-image That’s equal to that unconsciously You’re just always going to be attracted To the people who are unavailable and Never there for You all of this is happening on an Unconscious level and that’s why most of Us don’t even realize that our Self-image has this big of an impact or Even if you’re wanting to manifest Owning your own business and creating $10,000 a month if you don’t feel worthy Of that even when you get an idea or an Opportunity that could lead you to Creating $10,000 a month if you don’t Believe you’re worthy of it you’re not Going to take action on it because it’s Not going to feel in alignment for you You’re all of a sudden going to question Yourself you’re not going to feel good Enough and therefore you’re going to Self-sabotage and revert back to what You feel comfortable with so your Self-image is everything when it comes To manifesting and it doesn’t matter how Many goals you have if you do not align Your self-image and your identity it Will never happen so now with all of That information now you might be Wondering so what are the steps to Actually shifting my identity how do I

Do that and I’m going to give you five Steps in this video for shifting your Identity it is a process that requires Work and it requires patience but if you Dedicate the next 30 days towards Shifting your identity you will make a Massive shift but before we dive into Those five different steps I wanted to Give a huge shout out to today’s video Sponsor which is AA health and AA health Is an app that’s specifically for Improving your overall well-being and Your quality of sleep and it’s such a Great platform to dive in more to your Spiritual practices and if you’re Wanting to do an identity shift they Have so many different modalities that Can really help you with that such as Meditation journaling breath work they Even have one-on-one coaching different Podcasts that you can listen to and they Have tons of different content on Manifesting or even hypnosis to really Help you wire in a new identity and I’ve Personally used this app so many times With my own identity shifting practices I love using their visualization Meditations and I love also listening to Their affirmations so that I can really Wire in new ways of thinking and tap Into the mentality of the new me and if You are interested in trying out Ora Health I invite you to join me on a 30-day meditation challenge so that you

Can visualize the new you and fully tap Into the new identity and the first 500 People to use the link Down Below in the Description box will get a free trial Plus an exclusive 25% % off of the AA Membership and again all that Information is linked down below and the First 500 people will get the free trial Plus an exclusive 25% off and thank you So much to Ora health for sponsoring Today’s video and without further Ado Let’s dive right back into the steps for Shifting your identity so step number One in doing an identity shift is to First do a life audit look at all Different aspects of your life what is Your self-image within those different Aspects of your life and are you Satisfied with those different aspects This is the part where you’re going to Want to bring a lot of focus to because This is your main foundation for Building a new self-image and the reason Being is because we can never build a New self-image if we’re not currently Aware of what our current self-image Might be and where we’re being held back So this is a thing that you’re going to Want to spend a lot of time on maybe Dedicate an entire day for really just Going through and reflecting on this Piece and you can even add to this list Over the next s days so as you continue Your life you might have different

Epiphanies that come up of like oh I Just realized I have this other self Image where maybe I’m never confident to Speak to new people and maybe that’s Stopping me in my social life or my Dating life or something like this or Maybe you’re going to notice over the Next s days that maybe you have Different beliefs about money and maybe You have this belief that you can never Spend your money because you don’t Believe that you could ever make it back Or whatever your current self-image is Around all of those different areas of Your life you’re going to really want to Do a lot of self-reflection this is a Time to go into a little bit of a Hermit Mode and really be honest with yourself And take a good look at your current Self-image step number two in this Process is to create a clear and Detailed vision of exactly what it is That you want the more clarity that you Can add onto your vision of what you Want to manifest into your life the Better but I would highly recommend Focusing on at least the emotions that You want to feel so let’s say you don’t Quite yet know what you want to do Within your career at least toine how You want to feel within your career Because this will really help you Understand where you need to go with Your self-image moving forward so that

Next step is creating that clear Detailed Vision focus on how you want to Feel in those different aspects of your Life and focus on what it is that you Want to manifest what do you really want Your life to look like and I would Highly recommend allowing yourself to Really dream here a lot lot of us hold Ourselves back when it comes to what we Desire because our previous self-image Might not think that it’s possible but Allow yourself to expand at least a bit Step number three in this process is to Create a detailed vision of who you need To become so when you look at your list Your inspiring vision that you have for Yourself now ask yourself who is that Person that is living that life how do They view themselves what is their Self-image and what is their identity so If you all of a sudden now became the Person who makes $10,000 a month and is Living with their soulmate and they are So happy what is the self-image of that Person how do they view themselves are They more confident do they hold Themselves differently do they Communicate differently what changes About that person do they feel more Whole do they feel more fulfilled do They feel like they have more selflove And self- appreciation what is that Self-image of that person what does it Feel like to be that person you really

Want to allow yourself to tap into that And give yourself space for reflecting On this and it’s so funny because so Many people think that they will become The identity once they achieve the goal But that is so backwards you will Actually never achieve a goal until you First become the identity because in Order to even take those action steps to Achieving that goal you need to already Be that identity who believes in Themselves who has the confidence to do It who knows that it’s possible for them You need to already adopt that identity To even be confident enough and even Have the subconscious programs that say Yes let me take that opportunity let me Take action on that because it’s all Your subconscious programs all of your Identity is creating your subconscious Programs and if your identity says that Oh that’s not possible that’s never Going to happen for me that’s never Going to work out I’m not capable of That I’m not worthy of that that’s going To affect all of the different actions That you take in your life it’s going to Affect what you say yes to and what you Say no to and if that limiting Self-image is there you are never going To be able to expand to that goal Without first changing your self-image So a lot of people have it backwards and They think oh I’m going to feel that way

Once this thing happens but you have to Feel and be and act that way before the Thing can ever even manifest so that’s Why a lot of people have issues and Struggles when it comes to manifesting Is because they’re doing it backwards They think that they’ll be that person Once it happens but in order to make it Happen you actually need to be that Person first so that’s why all of these Steps are so important in creating that Foundation first and foremost step Number four is to do a big cleanout of Your life so after you’ve made your Clear self-image of who you need to Become that next step is to evaluate What do you need to let go of in your Life what is holding you back are Certain habits that you have from your Old identity that are keeping you stuck In that same limited self-image such as Maybe scrolling on your phone makes you Feel really negative about yourself and It constantly makes you feel like you’re Comparing yourself to others and it it Depletes your energy and it depletes Your amount of self-love well maybe That’s a habit that we need to get rid Of then or for example maybe we have Friends that constantly you know Perpetuate negative behaviors or other Things that we know know we wouldn’t be Doing if we were that new self-image Living that new life such as maybe going

Out and binge drinking instead of Working on your goals or maybe you have Friends that are not being supportive of You in some way shape or form and if That’s the case it’s time to distance Ourselves from those people and also Stop partaking in the activities that You know that you wouldn’t be doing if You already had your manifestation and If you were that new self-image it is Time to do a cleanout and an overhaul of Your life so that is Step number four Then step number five is to fully embody So step number four was that huge clean Out the clear out step number five is The full embodiment and practicing Embodying that new you every day so what Are those new routines what are those New habits that you would have and maybe Perhaps you’ll even notice that that new Self-image she might dress differently She might hold herself differently she Might be attracted to entirely different Things than your old self-image was and How that new self-image would go about Their day what would their routine be What would their interests be what would They now have the confidence to say no To and what would they now have the Confidence to say yes to however your New identity would be and act and the Environment that they would surround Themselves in if they were in your shoes Right now how would they act how would

They be what would their environment Look like and one powerful tool that you Can do in this step is to actually shift Your environment in some way because This helps tell your subconscious mind Like I’m making a shift right now and Things are going to be different and you Want to embody that you want to feel That energy and one of the best ways to Do that is practicing visualization Meditations and there is so many studies That show that when you do visualization Meditations or you even just take time To imagine your life as the new you it Creates new neural circuitry in your Brain as if you’re actually living it Right now and the more consistently that You can visualize that and tap into that Emotion and that Vision within your Imagination you’re going to wire in new Habits and new neural circuitry which is Going to help you amplify this new Self-image even more it’s going to help Really wire it in this is when you truly Start reprogramming your mind and you’re Going to notice that you become an Entirely new person you’re going to Become more in alignment with yourself And More in alignment with your goals And that’s the whole point of doing an Identity shift is getting in alignment With your dream life with the things That you want to manifest because as you Do that now they’re just flowing in

Naturally you don’t even have to force It or anything this is how you tap into Effortless manifestation is rewiring and Reprogramming your mind to be in Alignment with those goals and with Those desires and the way that you do That is through an identity shift Changing your self image right when you Start seeing yourself as that person who Has those things and who is capable of That now it is going to flow in your Life naturally it is going to feel feel Effortless now when you go sit down and Try to work on that big business project That you have it’s going to feel natural For you because it’s part of who you are And it’s part of your identity and now When you try to go to the gym and eat Healthy it’s part of who you are and It’s your identity so it’s easy it is Effortless and there’s no resistance Because it’s literally who you are You’ve made it into who you are now when You go on dates you’re going to notice That you’re also attracted to different People especially if you did this Identity shift now you’re going to be Attracted to people who probably also Like you back because you’ve shifted Your identity out of the old identity Where maybe we were always attracting People who weren’t emotionally available And who didn’t have interest in us back As you do this identity shift the things

That you’re attracted to will change the Things that you choose will change your Thoughts will change your emotions will Change your actions will change and it Will lead to entirely new results and You’ll be living a new reality and one Little secret that I’ll give you if you Want to expedite this Process the more elevated that you can Bring your emotions and the more that You can amplify the emotions around this New identity you will actually Strengthen the new neural Pathways that You’re creating in your brain so Studies Have shown that whenever you feel a Strong emotion around something it Creates a stronger memory or neural Pathway in your brain so the more Amplified that you can feel the more Good emotions that you can feel during This next month you will be really Wiring in the new you and it’s okay if You feel negative once in a while it’s Okay if you don’t feel anything at all Once in a while that’s normal however if You can just evoke really good Amplified Emotions at least for like maybe five Minutes a day this is going to really Help strengthen those new habits that You’re creating and strengthen this new Identity so that it wires in much more Permanently and much quicker so that is The last little thing I’ll leave this Video off with thank you so much for

Joining me here for today’s video All About Reinventing yourself I’m sending You so much love and until next time bye

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