Hello lovelies!
Todays video is all about the June 6th Venus Cazimi New Moon, and the new energies it will be bringing to you. PLUS we will be doing a mini manifestation workshop for breaking through blocks and limitations. If you’ve been trying to manifest something into your life, but it’s felt delayed or stuck, I’ll be helping you identify the root cause and create a breakthrough of change!

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[Music] Hello everyone just gonna wait a few Minutes for everyone to get on here [Music] Hopefully this is working is the chat Showing up for anyone Can you guys hear me let me know if Everything’s Working so nice to connect with you all Today oh yay okay the chat is working Everyone is coming In so Beautiful let me know where you guys are Tuning in from I’m currently in California it’s sunny Out oh hello Does everyone know that we have a Beautiful new moon Today oh so amazing so many people Coming in wow we have Croatia Chile Philippines Scotland Australia Denver Brazil Maryland Oregon North Wales Virginia Mexico Colorado Wow from everywhere Istanbul France so Amazing hello everyone ah it’s so great To connect with you All thank you so much for you all tuning In um I know it’s around the world is All sorts of different time zones so if You’re late at night early morning Midday thank you so much for joining me Here Today so we have an amazing powerful New

Moon that is happening today sorry if I Keep looking over here the chat box is Over here for me but my camera is right Over here so I promise I’ll switch to Both depending on um what I’m looking at So whenever I’m reading the chat you’ll Notice I’m looking way off over here but Um I’ll also pay attention to the camera A little bit so today we have our Beautiful new moon in Gemini so happy Birthday tell my Geminis we’re in Gemini Season right now the new moons in Geminis are all about creating much more Awareness whenever there’s a new moon in Gemini we might get um enticed to learn To grow road to go deep within our own Mind to see um where our mental health Is at so a lot of people whenever There’s a new moon in Gemini they’re Kind of reflecting on okay what’s been Going on in my mind lately um so it’s a Time where you might notice that you’re Overthinking a lot or it’s a time where Even you might just be noticing old Patterns coming up and it’s time for you To let them go but one thing that is so Amazing about this new moon in Gemini For one it’s very creative Geminis are So creative they’re so communicative They love talking talking so it’s such a Great time for that but it’s conjunct Venus exact which is creating a Venus Kazmi a kazmi is when the sun is Perfectly conjunct another planet which

Is really rare to happen exactly on a New moon so we have a new moon where It’s the Sun the moon and Venus all Conjunct at 16 degrees this is quite Rare Venus is the planet of love beauty And money and when the sun is conjunct Venus it amplifies the venutian energy So you might be called right now to Expand your abundance and Gemini is like I want to get creative with expanding my Abundance I want to come up with new Ideas for expanding my abundance and Since Venus is also the planet of Love Gemini is like okay let’s go expand love More so you might get called to make new Friends at this time if you’re currently Single this is an amazing time to Manifest and call in love into your life And call in Divine partnership because Gemini is the Twins and with this Beautiful kazim With Venus it is so beautiful for Calling in love for calling in abundance For calling in Beauty so if you’ve been Noticing any sort of internal callings Towards any of these things lately this Is because of the new Moon’s energies That have been happening also Jupiter Just moved into Gemini as well so if you Are a gemini or an air sign or no matter What sign that you are this uh Transit That we’re having having that’s going to Last over a year by the way so it just Moved into Gemini back in May and it’s

Going to stay here for a year and it is Bringing so much more awareness to us in Overcoming old mental blocks that have Been stopping us it’s also so amazing For expanding into creativity but one Thing that you need to watch out with With Jupiter transiting Gemini is it Does also get distracted easily Gemini Is the sign that it gets distracted Gemini is like oh look at this new shiny Thing or oh look at that cool creative Idea I want dive into this and dive into That and Gemini is the type of sign That’s going to be reading five books at The same time and might not even finish Them because it’s then now picking up a Sixth book and a seventh book and an Eighth book so with Jupiter transiting Gemini it amplifies this energy for Everyone it puts us into highly highly Creative states where we can think about And expand in new ideas in the most Amazing ways but you do need to ground Yourself especially when you notice that You’re getting distracted distracted Because that is the one thing about the Gemini energy is it does get distracted However if you hone in on this energy And you create more discipline for Yourself around this time especially for The next year you will come up with the Greatest ideas and if you have that Discipline you can take action on these Amazing Ideas and bring them to fruition

That is the beautiful thing about Jupiter in Gemini bringing all of these Things to Fruition and being able to get the Highest of creative ideas so that is the Beautiful aspect that we’re having here This new moon energy along with all of These planets that are also in Gemini so Just a look a little overview for anyone Who doesn’t regularly look at the Astrology we have Venus the moon the sun Jupiter and also Mercury all in Gemini Right now which is huge Mercury is the Ruler of Gemini so being uh Mercury is Currently conjunct Jupiter so with these Two planets conjunct each other this is The most amazing week for coming up with The most amazing ideas and having mental Breakthroughs when it comes to achieving These Ideas so yeah anyway I’m just going to Check in with you guys and make sure all Of you guys are with me and that you’re Hearing me okay to make sure that the Sound and audio is good I just want to Make sure before I like continue going Deep into all of This seems like everything’s going good Based on what everyone’s saying here Beautiful beautiful okay yeah so amazing Um does anybody resonate with all this Jupiter energy is anybody here getting Some Amazing Ideas flowing in like Creative new ideas of oo I want to

Expand my life in this way or oh I want To start doing that like new hobbies new Interests new ideas are going to come in At this time uh and it’s going to be Such an amazing time for expanding in Abundance so even if you do not know how A manifestation is going to happen Remember that the how is not up to you So any of you who are into the realm of Manifesting dreams and desires if you Get some crazy cool ideas and you’re Wondering how is all that going to Happen just remember that within Manifestation you you don’t need to Figure out how it’s going to happen but You do need to hold that intention and Ask yourself okay what’s that first step That I can take towards this intention And just realize that the path is going To in unfold in front of you as long as You keep walking down that path okay so That’s a little um quick thing I wanted To say about manifestation there but as Well with all this energy another thing That I wanted to bring up astrologically For all of us is that Saturn is right Now in Pisces and it’s creating an Almost direct square to the new moon That we’re having and I’ve seen some People online saying that this is such a Negative time and like Saturn Square This uh new moon is so negative but I Wow I just want to jump on here and say If any of you have been reading that dis

Just discount that that is absolutely Not true at all um Saturn actually Brings some amazing blessings and yes Squares are harder aspects and it is Bringing a very interesting energy to This new moon which we will talk about But you’ll hear some people saying like Don’t manifest during this new moon Because there’s this square and I just Want to say that no matter what time it Is you are always manifesting Manifestation is a Contin process and Most manifestation is happening Unconsciously so even when you’re not Deliberately or intentionally Manifesting something you are always Manifesting your reality unconsciously Or subconsciously always and so it’s Always better to do it deliberately with Intention and during any new moon it is Always more powerful to to sorry I Almost choked on my spit there um it’s Always more powerful to manifest on a New moon because it’s creating new Energy this is a portal of creating new Energy and anytime that there’s a Negative aspect it’s actually a positive Thing in the bigger picture so with this Square over to Saturn in Pisces Saturn Is the planet of discipline it is the Planet of overcoming challenges Overcoming Obstacles and so you might notice with This square with this new moon Saturn is

Going to be highlighting a lot lot of Those thoughts about how am I going to Make this new idea happen or it’s going To even be highlighting oh I tend to get Really distracted and now I’m starting To notice that I continue to let these Small little things because Gemini is All those small little things I continue To let these small little things Distract me from my biggest goal and Saturn is here showing us and Highlighting to us like are we being Disciplined are we creating a practical Plan so Saturn’s just here helping you With these realizations about hey and It’s knocking on your door like hey we Need to create a practical plan when it Comes to our new moon intentions when it Comes to any intentions or any ideas That you’re getting around this time any Actions that you want to take any things That you want to create in your future Saturn’s just literally here knocking on Your door like hey these things need a Practical plan we also need to overcome Current challenges or fears that might Be blocking us or standing in the way And Saturn just helps us see that and Realize that and the square is just Highlighting that for us so that we can See what those things are so I really Just want to point out it’s beautiful to Manifest during this time it’s Absolutely amazing and during this time

It’s the most beautiful time to realize What has been standing in your way what Has been blocking you and what has been Distracting you so that you can clear All of that and so I planned out a Little manifestation Workshop that we’re Going to go through today which I’m so Excited about which is going to help you Overcome and see what those current Blocks and limitations are so I want to Ask if anyone here um has had like a Manifestation or something that they Wanted to manifest in their life that They’ve felt like just has been blocked Or has not been happening maybe it’s Even a manifestation that you’ve had for A while that just yeah it’s been stuck It’s been blocked um so as any anyone Clear on their their manifestations and What they want and do they want to have Breakthroughs so that they can realize And Uncover exactly what they need to Overcome yeah okay tons of people saying Yes yes yes Yes okay amazing so I planned out this Little workshop that we’re going to do To help you realize what has been Blocking You and to also help you overcome and See what you need to do in order to Unblock yourself to have your Manifestation pour in so even if you Don’t have a old manifestation that

Hasn’t come true maybe you just have a New manifestation that you desire to Create in your life and call into your Life that’s okay this will still work Beautifully for you and this will still Help you manifest any desire that you Have so are we ready to dive into this Really powerful Workshop it’s quick but It is like it is powerful and I cannot Wait for you guys to experience the Power behind this especially you know This this is literally the exact Framework that I use if I have a Manifestation in my life that has been Stuck or blocked and for some reason I Can’t see why because usually if a Manifestation is stuck or blocked it is Because Unconsciously something is there that is Blocking us but it’s unconscious so we Don’t see it so in order to heal that we Need to First bring it to our conscious Awareness and then we can dive into Figuring out how to clear that so I am Really excited to dive into this yay Okay so since we’re all ready we’re all On the same page here I’m gonna give you Uh I’m gonna give you guys just a couple Minutes to grab a pen and a paper Because you will need it because part of This is absolutely uh journaling in Order to dive deep to uncover those Unconscious things so grab something to Write with someone asked if it’s similar

To Shadow work yes yeah similar to Shadow work so yeah grab like a pen and A Paper and get cozy even if you want to Make a little cup of tea I have a cup of Tea here it’s actually my Gemini Cup so very fitting for this season I’m A Gemini my birthday is actually uh in Two days my birthday’s on Saturday on June 8th so I’m a Gemini very Gemini ready oh yeah I can’t Wait to dive into this with you all Yeah and even if you guys want to take Digital notes that’s fine too um there’s Something though about sometimes writing Stuff on a physical piece of paper that Can be really powerful too so if you do Have a a physical Journal that can be Really powerful but even if you do um Want to do it digitally that’s totally Cool too oh thank you all for the Birthday wishes that’s so nice of you Guys a so much love to you All that’s so Sweet a it’s so beautiful okay type in The chat box when you guys are ready and Back and cozy definitely get cozy cuz It’s it’s easier to dive into your Subconscious mind when you’re in a cozy Space when you’re feeling good um So I’ll just wait here for that okay we Have a couple people that are Ready I will wait um one more minute one More minute here and then we’re going to

Dive In for any of you who are already ready And waiting um the thing that we’re Going to do is basically think about What desire do you have like what’s your Main desire in life right now your Biggest desire maybe this is a desire That you’ve had for a while that has Felt stuck that has felt like it hasn’t Been coming to fruition in your life or It could be just a new desire that you Have that you’re like yeah I want this To like pop in my life as soon as Possible because all of this that we’re Going to do today is just going to help Speed things up it will get rid of Anything that is standing in the way That you might not even see is standing In the way so just think about that one Main thing the biggest thing in your Life right now that you would like to Call in and Manifest okay and then um yeah let’s Dive in so you’re going to write your Desire at the top of your page what is The main thing that you desire to call Into your life right now and write it um As detailed as you want just to kind of Just create a clear um thing for your Subconscious mind to know this is what We’re focusing on this is what I desire So write it down in as much detail as Feels good for you at the top of your Journal oh beautiful I see some people

Writing their desires in the chat box so Building and expanding my business That’s beautiful I see somebody’s on a road trip they Just got comfy and cozy that’s Beautiful travel photography that’s Amazing for those of you wondering if This live will be saved yes it will so Um you can come back and watch this at Any Time all right Having the courage to Come out of the closet that’s a that’s a Beautiful one as well Okay a relationship with somebody Beautiful happy married life oh Beautiful okay so once you have your Desire written at the top of the Page um so the next step right here Is does anyone feel like they have an Inner critic that gets in the way of This desire sometimes so when you think About this desire you think about having It you think about taking action towards It do you ever have an inner critic or Like this inner voice in in your head That starts telling you things like oh This is not possible or this is going to Take way too long or you’re too old too Young this is just not possible for me Do you have an inner critic that comes Through and starts telling you different Things like this and it might be Standing in the way um even if you want To close your eyes for a moment tap in

And start to think what does my inner Critic say to me in regards to this Disign desire So Close Your Eyes tap In what does my inner critic continue to Tell Me about this Desire Okay take about a minute with This really think about what are those Thoughts that come up Okay and then your next step is to write Down the top three things that your Inner critic constantly tells you in Regards to that desire so what are those Top three things that that little voice In your head continues to come up and Sit say to You what what are those top three things Write them Down and allow yourself to go deep with This because honestly the deeper that You go with this the deeper that you Allow yourself to dive into what this is And the more honest that you are with it Be honest be raw and allow yourself to Dive in the deeper that you dive in the Bigger the transformation will be that You make so write down those top three Things that that inner voice says to you In regarding that Desire see a lot of people writing in The chat um a lot of their inner critic Voice and thank you so much for your Vulnerability because I’m sure it helps

So many other people who are working on This right now a lot of people saying Things like oh I am who am I to do that Or I’m too Old I’m not driven Enough there’s a lack and there will Never be enough yeah that’s totally Inner critic voices say these things all The [Music] Time low self-esteem and lack mindset That’s huge yes that happens all the Time too poor that’s another inner Critic voice I don’t know enough to do It y Yeah oh I totally feel that so yes um Does everyone have their top three Things written down I just want to make Sure that everyone’s getting enough time To really dive into their um this Practice so that they can get the most Out of it I just want to make sure that I’m not rushing in Anyone okay beautiful a lot of people Saying yes and just so you know if you Do need to take more time with this this Is going to be posted afterwards so you Can like pause it as you’re go going and Take as much time as you need um but Just to for time’s sake here we’re going To move on to our next um our next one Here so our next thing I want you to put A star beside the most dominant and Prominent thought that your inner critic

Is saying that you want to work on okay So the rest of the steps here we’re Going to go through and completely Transform this um which will transform So much in your outer reality as well And you can repeat these steps for the Other three that or the other two that You wrote down as well so you can dive Through all of them and you can do this You can repeat this process for any Manifestation and you can repeat this Process for any of those inner critic Thoughts but we’re just going to focus On one um right now to get through it Just so you can go through the steps With one of them so put a little star Beside the one that you want to work On and then Our next question that we’re going to Dive into for this so once you have your One Chosen what does that critical voice Fear might happen if you don’t keep Thinking this thought so a lot of us our Inner critic continues perpetuating These thoughts because there’s an Underlying fear there’s a fear that oh If I’m not thinking this then something Bad’s going to happen or if I if I’m not Thinking this then I’m going to walk Into some sort of danger so what does Your inner critic that inner voice fear Might happen if you don’t have this Thought if you don’t have this criticism

What is that underlying fear of what Might happen Okay so dive into this Question and go deep here just as much Detail as possible in what exactly is it That you fear might happen this is a Powerful one so go deep here For those of you that don’t know how to Answer tap just just sit with yourself Give yourself a little bit of time um And think About what do you fear might happen if You didn’t have this thought so if the Thoughts like um like I I’m not worthy Of owning my own business or something Like this what do you fear might happen If you don’t have that thought do you Fear failing along that road do you fear Like oh if I don’t have this thought Maybe I’m actually going to take all These wild chances and then what if I Fail and what if people laugh at me for This or if it’s um a critical thought Like like I’m too old for Love maybe that underlying fear is Rejection maybe if I put myself out There I’ll get rejected because I am Uncomfortable with my age I don’t feel I Don’t feel beautiful anymore I feel too Old for it or whatever the case may be These are just examples right so what is That underlying Fear in regards to your desire and there Might even be multiple fears so if there Are multiple fears write them out if you

Fear multiple things regarding this Inner thought what are they write them All down go into detail because this is This this is where you’re going to get The juice out of it this is where you’re Going to create some big transformation Okay so I’ll give you one more minute on This um if you get any more epiphanies On this question what is it that you Fear might happen For those of you wondering um how you Change your mindset around this we’re We’re going to get into that we’re not There yet but we’re going to get into That that’s going to be further down in This uh little Workshop okay amazing that I love that You guys are being so vulnerable so Honest here in the chat that’s really Beautiful and even for those of you not Adding anything in the chat that’s okay Too sometimes I’m really really private About this stuff and I just like to keep It to myself but it’s so helpful that You know some people are so brave to put It in the chat exactly what um they’re Going through and struggling with and All that so it’s really helpful so thank You all for those of you who are adding That in there and thank you all for Those of you that are still joining this And even if you are quiet during this um Quiet during this live Stream a somebody said hello from

Alberta Canada that’s that’s where I was Born it’s amazing um okay anyway diving Into our next question So I want you to question these thoughts Or these beliefs do you really think That this is true like truly all those Different fears that you wrote down do You really think that that’s true even Even your your inner critic Thought do you really think that’s true I want you to really question it and ask Yourself is this true is it true for Everyone Right and for those of you that are Saying yes I want you to dive deeper I Want you to dive deeper so start to Question it um so is this a true story For everyone in the world like that’s That’s something big that’s helped me so For example um like uh if you have this Thought that’s like oh I’m not smart Enough to get what I want in life is That really True I think you are smart enough but You can build that intelligence right so You can always build intelligence or When it comes to love and let’s say like Our our fear is rejection and let’s say That there’s a belief that all men are Going to cheat is that really True no not all men are like that maybe It’s like our previous experience that Has showed us that right or if our Belief is like oh I I’m too poor to

Begin that is that really true or could We actually begin it with what we have Because even if you look at examples of You know people who’ve done it Regardless there’s a bajillion examples Of people who have attained the biggest Of things from the smallest most Like like smallest of Places who have had nothing who have Come from Total poverty and have created Million dooll businesses or people that Have come from like really unfortunate Situ situations but it’s still Manifested the love of their life right So there are um there examples of this All around so I really want you to Question this and even if um even if You’re thinking right now maybe it’s Hard for you to question this come back To this question later and dive deeper Into it this is usually a question that I spend a lot of time on because Sometimes it it takes a lot of courage And a lot of thought to question that Belief especially if it’s a really Strong belief that I’ve been building Unconsciously for a long period of time It can take some time to really question It and to start to Realize I don’t think that that thought Is actually true it’s not true in every Single case therefore why does it have To be true for me why why would I be the Exception why would it have to be true

For me right so I want you to come back To this if you’re um if you’re still Struggling with um realizing That maybe it’s not actually that true I want you to come back to it and really Dive deeper into that okay So next question that we Have every critical thought that we Think actually comes and originates from A positive intention so what is the Positive intention behind the negative Thought so the negative thought that you Highlighted that you really wanted to Work on in this Workshop What is the positive intention behind it That might sound shocking right because It’s like wait this negative thought Actually comes from a positive intention But every single negative thought your Inner critic is actually there trying to Protect you it’s trying to keep you safe And your inner critic actually has Positive intentions even if it Accidentally goes about things in the Wrong way right so it might go about Things with all this negativity and with All this um like criticism but it’s Actually coming from a good place so if You dive into that critical thought Maybe it’s like I fear judgment and I Fear failure maybe that inner critic is Like I just want you to be successful And safe right so it’s coming from a Good place but I want you to dive deep

In this what is that inner critic trying To protect you from what is the positive Intention that that inner critic Actually has Okay someone said my inner critic is Trying to keep me from disappointment Yeah yeah our inner critic our inner Critic is actually our ego and of course It’s going to try to protect us from Disappointment of course it’s going to Try to protect us from failure or Rejection or things like that like it’s Just trying to keep us safe Right yeah and so said my inner critic Just trying to protect me from being Hurt and being Rejected wants to protect me from Feeling um shame or failing yeah that’s A huge One sense of security and Safety someone else’s positive intention Behind it behind their um inner critic Was to keep it all and be in control so That I don’t Fail Yeah yeah all amazing realizations right So isn’t it wild when we can realize Like oh my inner critic actually has Positive intentions for me which a lot Of the times we don’t see on the surface Right but the inner critic actually has A positive Intention okay now the next question is What was that critical voice trying to

Help you accomplish by thinking or Believing this thought what was that Critical voice and that inner critic Trying to help you accomplish or achieve By thinking or believing this thought Yeah it’s trying someone said it’s Trying to protect me from going down a Road that leads to unhappiness and Comfor ism Yeah trying to protect you from false Love that’s huge yeah like see the the Um the inner critic has positive Intentions but maybe it’s just not going About it in the right way Right okay Okay I’ll give you guys 30 more seconds For this question there could be Multiple things that you write down for This question too right about what that Inner critic was trying to help you Accomplish so if you get multiple like Um realizations definitely write those Things Down Okay next question here is are these Actions truly serving you or are they Holding you back okay so um or sorry I Missed one question scratch that uh how Are you currently trying to fulfill this Positive intention that’s the next one Okay that’s the next one I almost missed It here my mouse was on the wrong um Area of my iPad so how do you currently Try to fulfill this positive intention

What actions do you take or not take in Order to keep this inner critic happy Okay so what are all of those inner Critic that inner critic Voice what is it leading you to do in Your Life what is it currently doing to or What are you currently doing doing to Try to fulfill the positive Intention what actions do you continue To take or not take in order to keep This inner critic happy okay So um I feel like that a common one here I’ll just give an example a common one Here is let’s say that you uh really Want to be a YouTuber this was me before Before getting into YouTube myself so I’m using myself as an example here so Before I ever started YouTube I really Wanted to be a YouTuber but I had all These inner voices of like what are People going to think of me what are my Friends going to say fears of rejection Fears of failure all these different Things and um my inner critics thought The way that I would act on it and Fulfill the good intention of trying to Keep me safe and away from rejection Away from failure is I wouldn’t take Action on starting a YouTube channel I Wouldn’t do it because I was like oh Well then I’ll obviously be safe from The failure I’ll be safe from the Rejection because I just won’t do it I

Won’t take action on it I’ll just keep Thinking about it and wanting it and Overthinking about it and thinking about How could I how can I do it maybe today I’m gonna do it maybe today I’m gonna do It and then every day that inner critic Voice would come in and I’d be like Let’s just not take the action because If I don’t keep if I don’t take the Action I will fulfill that good inner Intention by never putting myself out There for failure or um uh criticism From other people because I just won’t Be doing the thing that could Potentially lead to that so I realized That I was constantly holding myself Back right people do this in love to um Fear of rejection and they might be Taking action where they don’t want to Commit to somebody or they find flaws in Somebody else before that person can Find flaws in them because they’re like Oh well if I can find flaws first I’ll Protect my heart because I will have Found the flaws first and therefore I Won’t get rejected because I’ll just Reject them first right so that’s Another example but this can pop up in a Myriad of different ways right like um It can it can cause inaction or it can Even cause overaction so for a lot of us If our fear is something around um not Having enough money we might actually be Overworking

Ourselves and we might be realizing that We overwork ourselves to burnout and Therefore we have like a lack of energy And have a hard time even getting things Done because we push too hard so that’s Another example here Just reading some of your guys’s um Responses Here oh somebody put actions that I’m Not taking in my weight loss journey is I’m not implementing a self-love and Gratitude practice there’s so much power In those routines there is oh my Goodness um speaking on that uh bit of Topic it can be so hard for us to take Action for ourselves when we don’t love Ourselves why would we want to take Action for ourselves if we don’t have Any selflove we’re not even going to be Motivated to do that we’re only going to Be motivated to continue to do the Actions that hurt us because we don’t Even have enough self- Lov to change That right so that’s a huge one that’s a Huge realization so self-love and Gratitude can absolutely transform that And that is such a powerful realization Oh my goodness I love the powerful Realizations that we have coming through Here this is Amazing someone else said I just Realized my inner critic is just a tough Love kind of guy it’s my job to work at My own pace but acting promptly instead

Of procrastinating and breaking under The Pressure Yep yeah someone else said Procrastinating not moving into a Direction of my dream choosing stability Over a risk being poor so I don’t lose Much wow that’s a huge realization oh my Goodness I love all of these every Single one of you wrting these down it’s Just you know these are like mindblowing Realizations right it’s realizing like Wow our our inner critic has been trying To keep us safe but also wow there’s my Block I’m also starting to see it so Hopefully as far as we are in this now You’re starting to see oh I can see Where my block is coming from when it Comes to manifesting this bigger desire Right because we’re starting to realize Like yes I keep taking action to keep Myself safe to keep my ego comfortable But at the same time it is is also my Block that’s standing in the way of me Manifesting and expanding into my dream Reality right because part of that is We’re going to have to expand outside of That block and so when we were talking About earlier how we have this beautiful New moon which is all about opening up These brand new doorways in our life and All this Gemini energy that’s so Creative and so expansive when it comes To ideas and the venutian energy that

Helps us manifest love beauty and money Venus helps us manifest all those things Venus is like one of my favorite planets Because of that and the fact we also Have Jupiter in Gemini right now as well Which is just massive expansion and it Is radical expansion so with all of this Energy right now there is just so much Ability to expand um and to you know get The most amazing Ideas but with this Square over to Saturn this beautiful Square it’s Helping us see What we need to overcome and how we need To create more discipline and a Practical plan to punch through that big Wall so Saturn this is the gift of Saturn some people they’ll look at Saturn and be like oh my God it’s a Malefic planet it’s so scary it’s not it Literally offers a gift because Saturn Is the courage to completely have Breakthroughs to break down old walls And this square right now so anytime That there’s a square in in astrology You can think about it as we’re going One Direction then we we realize got to Make a little detour in order to get Around the block I’m going to need to Create a shift in action so if we’re Going One Direction you’re starting to See right now with um so what I’ve laid Out here within this Workshop if you’ve Been following along since the beginning

You’re starting to realize that you have This pattern of going in One Direction Right because of that inner critic that Inner critic voice that keeps us making The same choices and living in that same Reality perpetuating the same reality to Occur because it’s giving us the same Result because we keep going about Things with the same action with the Same beliefs because of that inner Critic so this Saturn square right now Is like we need to change our action so What we’re realizing right now is Exactly that 90 degree turn that we need To make in order to start manifesting Things in our life right so um let’s see What is our next question here our next Question is are these actions truly Serving you or are they holding you back So those actions that you just wrote About in um the last question all about The current actions that you do take or Do not Take all of those so are they serving You or are they holding you Back Right I want you to really think about This somebody put most likely holding me Back think about it deeper I want Concrete answer here let’s go concrete Answer is it serving you or is it Holding you back write down as as many Thoughts that you have in this there’s No right or wrong answer here but I want

You to dive deep okay I want you to dive Deep into this so Yeah okay so for those of you that’s Saying that it is serving you is it Serving your desire your actual desire Or is it serving your intention it might Be serving your intention yes it’s Serving the intention of keeping you Either safe or comfortable you know it’s Serving the positive intention Absolutely but is it serving you in what You desire to Manifest is it actually helping you in What you want to Manifest okay All right so that’s a that’s a quick Question to answer for most of Us okay but yeah go as deep in that as You need to as you need to Go you know you might actually write Down a whole lot in there maybe you’re Going to have a lot of epiphanies or Maybe it’s just going to be a simple Quick answer for you okay our next Question is to list one to three new Ways in which you can act differently in Order to achieve your desire but also to Honor the positive Intention that you had in regards to Your in in in regards to your inner Critics so maybe that positive intention Was to keep you safe maybe that positive Intention was to keep you stable Whatever that positive intention was for

You what are one to three new ways in Which you can begin to act differently Or create change in your life in order To move towards achieving your Desire but also honoring your intention So get creative with this okay so um When it when it came to me creating my YouTube channel for example and I was Afraid of you know what other people Might think or say especially friends or Family um and then also fears of failure The ways in which I chose to act Differently was I’m going to put myself Out there I’m not going to tell friends Or family yet because that’ll help me Feel a little bit more comfortable here So I’m just not going to tell people That helped me feel more comfortable and Helped me honor the fear of what friends Or family might think or say about me Beginning it but it allowed me to take More action in that direction when it Came to my fear of Failure instead of saying I’m I have to Take this action in order to be Successful I said I’m going to create These YouTube videos and start doing This on YouTube just for fun I’m gonna Put my best foot forward I’m going to do It to the best of my ability so that I’m Actually proud of it so that it doesn’t Matter what other people say about it Because I’m proud of it and I also will Not fear failure as much because my

Intention is that I’m gonna do this for Fun and if it gets more serious if I’m Feeling more serious about it at least I’ll have more wisdom at least I’ve Already begun that process I’ve already Gained the momentum of doing the thing So you can shift the way that you’re Taking action in order to honor your Positive intention but to also at the Same Time start taking action towards your Desire rather than feeling held back There so yeah it could be all sorts of Different things Um all sorts of different things can Come Up someone said I have to stick to my Manifestation routine buy the ticket and Have fun Yes somebody said clean your space and Have encouraging friends yes a little Thing that I’ll say about cleaning your Space that actually helps you manifest And I’m not even kidding that is one of The weirdest but coolest and truest Manifestation hacks and techniques is Cleaning out your space if you have Clutter all around you will notice that You actually have a cluttered mind where Stress and overwhelm are at the for Forefront of your mind because it just Seems like you have so many things to do There’s so much clutter it’s hard to Find things it’s hard to be focused

Because there’s just so much stuff Around you um so yeah when you clean Your space it opens up energy it allows Energy to flow better it allows your Mind to flow better it allows your mind To expand more so cleaning your space is Absolutely amazing and somebody just Said that they cleaned their space today That’s beautiful Yeah a lot of people saying that they Resonate with the clearing their space Thing yes that’s so true but yes also Definitely focus on this this question Too so what are those one to three ways In which you can act differently in Order to achieve your desire and begin Moving towards your desire while also Honoring that positive intention okay Somebody said prioritizing the small Steps that we sometimes take the small Steps for granted and we think that oh The only way to make progress is to take The biggest steps possible but sometimes The smallest steps will help you more Than anything the small steps compound Over time and create massive change in The bigger picture and sometimes it’s Like the only thing that we can do Because sometimes the big steps seems Way too far out of reach the small steps Is the perfect place to begin and to Prioritize those small steps is amazing Developing clear boundaries that’s Another huge one

Yes somebody said um their thing is to Not ow their life to be led by fear I Love that but how can you add practical Action to that so what is an action step That you could begin to take in your Life to show that you are not leading it By fear right so that’s that’s the Perfect intention but now how do we Implement that into a a physical action What are you now going to do in order to Um to show up with that new intention in Your life Oh I love what this person said this is This is so true so this person says if I Fail I’ll gain knowledge that I didn’t Have before and know boundaries of my And know the boundaries of my Determination and threshold of energy Yes like so that’s a beautiful thing About failure and that’s actually um Another big realization that I’ve had Many times in my life and and um some of You might resonate with this or even if You haven’t um realized this yet you’re Going to realize it now so um every time That you fail at something it’s not a True failure because you’re going to Learn from it you’re going to grow from It if any of you have watched any Business podcasts before anything like That you’ve probably heard a lot of People say that um the failures is what Made them successful and I Wholeheartedly agree with that actually

As somebody who owns two businesses of My own um the failures are what help you Learn and the failures are literally What help you become successful I have Not I have not learned a thing from the Times where things were going perfectly I didn’t learn anything from that but The times where things were really hard Or rough or challenges popped up or Failures popped up along any of my paths That is where I’ve learned even when It’s come even when it comes to Relationships when you have failures That’s where you learn oh Oh that’s what I need to avoid or this Is what I need to start doing such as Having boundaries and communicating Boundaries in relationships or even Communicating boundaries in business or Within work you know all the failures That you run into along your path help You grow and they are actually a Blessing so to fear failures is holding Yourself back from wisdom and from Growth actually right right of course we Do fear failure and that that’s Something it pops up in my life Regularly but then with the realization Of oh every failure is actually a win Because I’m going to learn something so Valuable from it that I can then Implement and it’s going to help me Become successful anytime you fail that Wisdom is gold so it’s really like you

Didn’t fail because you won the golden Wisdom So yeah so it’s not failure it’s Learning somebody brought up um the Children example of you know in order to Learn how to walk a child has to fall a Bunch of times in order to learn how to Walk right it’s that’s how they learn When a kid first gets up for the first Time they might walk one step and then They’re going to fall over but they Learn from that they’re like oh if I put The weight on my foot in that way that’s Going to make me tip over so then they Kind of remember that and even if it’s Subconscious you might not even Consciously realize these things but Unconsciously you’re at least absorbing That information and eventually you get To the point of like oh I need to Balance my foot in that way in order to Bring my other foot in front of the Other one like you just learn right and It’s that’s how you learn is literally Through those failures so yes I’m loving What everyone’s putting down here these Are the best examples these are the best Um little nuggets of wisdom so thank you All so much for joining so much and Being so active in the chat here A thank you all so much for the Beautiful um chat box we have it’s just So supportive and so Helpful yeah we need failure to grow

It’s literally a beautiful thing Um and yes I do plan to do a lot more Lives so um for those of you that are Done writing down all of these different Questions so those that new list that You created of how to creatively act Differently in order to continue moving Towards your Desire and also honoring that beautiful Intention these are the new action steps That you need to take in order to Manifest this is literally the key right Here to helping you manifest if you have Been able to come up with creative ways To move towards your goal while also Honoring that inner critic that is going To help you move forward without any Block standing in the way that’s going To help you heal that inner critic voice Right so now with all this wisdom you’ve Just unlocked your key to manifesting Your desire so that’s how you do it all Manifestation does come down to the Energy we have the thoughts that we’re Thinking and the actions that we take Right and so our thoughts of course Create our emotional state and if we’re Having those critical thoughts that are Like don’t take this action don’t do This don’t do that of course that’s Going to make us feel negative emotion Around whatever action that we should be Taking towards achieving our desire and Then we’re not going to take it but what

You just created right here Here is an action plan that honors that Inner critic that allows you to feel Emotionally positive about taking that New action because it’s in alignment This will help you create new thoughts New emotions and the new action that you Just created and that’s Literally you’ve just unblocked the way So now moving forward what you must do In order to manifest your desire is to Now take these actions to implement the Work that you’ve just done it’s not Enough to just do the work and then go Back to your regular routine you have to Really take this work seriously and then Honor the realizations that you’ve just Had to act in that new way and Implement These new act actions in your regular Routine that’s going to help manifest Your desire and you’re going to get an Entirely new reality because you are Taking new action whenever you take new Action you get new results and you get Result that are equal to the action that You take so um that is the new action so How does everyone feel after our little Work today oh thank you all so much for The little donations Too thank you so much that’s so Beautiful Oh thank you All yay So

Beautiful does everyone feel like they Got some um beautiful realizations Through this Workshop please do more lives oh I Definitely definitely want To I will plan for this I say that every Time I do a live but at least we’ve done More this year than the previous year I Don’t think it went live at all uh last Year but this year we’ve got two in now Which is which is a start but I Definitely need to take More oh you’re are all so Welcome if any of you are feeling like You still need to dive deeper into this Then feel free like you you have the Content now you have the questions you Can always rewatch this video to dive in Deeper to any of these of course there’s This beautiful chap box with so many um Uh examples that people threw out there Which was beautiful and so Helpful um so thank you all for That can you add the questions to the Description that’s actually a great idea Um I will remember to do that right After This beautiful okay and another tip that I have for you um is to visualize your Desires there is so many manifestation Teachers godart is one of them that Talks about the power of visualization And how it can reprogram your mind so if You are just waking up or if it’s midday

Or if it’s night time for you if you Visualize things before you fall asleep So if you visualize your desire and if You visualize those new action steps That are going to lead you to your Desire and you embody that new energy oh My goodness that is going to help you Rewire your subconscious mind and your Subconscious mind is the super computer Basically that will lead you to your Manifestation if your subconscious mind Has the programs of becoming a Millionaire and owning your own business Or if your subconscious mind has the Programs of finding your soulmate and Being in the most beautiful perfect Harmonious relationship that will Naturally come to you it will naturally Come and the way to program your Subconscious mind is to one work through These blocks overcome these blocks and Rewire your actions and rewire these Thoughts which is the practice that we Just went through today and then by Visualizing already living your desire And already having it your subconscious Mind does not know the difference Between imagination versus reality your Subconscious mind does not know the Difference so when you visualize Something your subconscious mind thinks It’s actually happening so it starts Rewiring itself to that new vision to That new reality which automatically

Unconsciously gives you those new Programs that will help you take that Action and um act in new ways that lead You to that desire so hopefully that’s Making sense um but yes your Subconscious mind is literally Everything when it comes to manifesting And whenever we desire something but It’s blocked and it’s not happening it Is because your subconscious mind is not In alignment with what your conscious Mind wants right and so unconsciously we Might not be realizing that our Unconscious has all these fears all These limiting beliefs which is what we Just went through to uncover and realize But your subconscious mind might have All that and if it does it’s not in Alignment it’s not in harmony with what Your conscious mind wants therefore There’s that discrepancy and there’s That block and it won’t be manifesting Because you’ll realize that you can Never take the right action it seems and It seems like no matter what you do the Results are not showing up in the way That you want them to but that’s because Your results are still ma still matching And being a reflection of what your Current programs of your subconscious Mind are so all this work of what we Just went through today is what helps You rewire uh your subconscious mind Helps you get your subconscious mind in

Alignment with what you want and right When it is now automatically on Autopilot you will be just taking the Right action Without even having to think about it Without even having to force it it will Just now be who you are it’ll be your Automatic program because your Subconscious mind is all of your Automatic programs so that is that is That thank you all so much I just wanted To add more of that in there um just to Explain things a little bit further for All of You so thank you all so much for joining Me here today for this live I enjoyed it So much to connect with you all to chat About this beautiful new moon energy the Fact that it is a beautiful time to Manifest it’s all this beautiful Gemini Energy which again just to recap helps Us expand our mind it helps us expand Into new ideas and even the um the Square over to Saturn is beautiful and Just helps us overcome whatever is Blocking us it helps us redirect uh Squares is a redirection of energy That’s why it’s the angle of the square It’s like redirect so um this is a great Time for helping us redirect our energy To get into more alignment with what we Want if you feel like you are hitting Your head against a wall it’s because of That square energy that’s telling you

Time to redirect okay so that is that I Am sending you all so much love thank You all so much for joining me here Today I hope you have a beautiful Beautiful morning day or evening Wherever you are in the world and enjoy All of this beautiful energy that we Have in this new Jupiter in Gemini That’s here for the next year so love You all so much I’ll see you next time Bye

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