**MEGA-Detailed🔎**🔮APRIL 2024 LOVE Predictions💕💏🔥✨Psychic Tarot Card Reading✨🔮🧚‍♂️Pick-A-Card✨

**MEGA-Detailed🔎**🔮APRIL 2024 LOVE Predictions💕💏🔥✨Psychic Tarot Card Reading✨🔮🧚‍♂️Pick-A-Card✨

✨✨✨Welcome, my gorgeous unicorn family! Get ready for an extraordinary experience! I’m thrilled to announce a highly detailed tarot reading session that will unravel everything about your love life during April 2024.
This reading is designed to provide profound insights into the romantic paths that may lie ahead, offering you clarity and guidance as you navigate through your personal life’s journey. Expect a meticulous exploration of the energies surrounding you, unlocking the secrets that will shape your future.
Whether you’re seeking answers, validation, or simply curious about what the universe has in store for you, this tarot reading is tailored to bring depth and precision to the revelations.
Prepare to dive deep into the intricacies of your life’s narrative.
Embrace the opportunity to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions as you approach the next chapters waiting to unfold.

With Love from your big sis,

Vanessa Somuayina✨✨✨

📦My decks are now available on AMAZON:

👩🏽‍💻Book Your 1:1 Reading slots with me here or learn Tarot through my Masterclass (limited spots left):

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🖤Time Stamps🖤

🍿Group 1 – 2:56 (AMETHYST)
🌙Group 2 – 20:53 (CITRINE)
🐍Group 3 – 38:40 (JADE)
🫐Group 4 – 53:40 (TIGER’S EYE)

Follow Me On Instagram: @Vanessa_Somuayina
Follow My Brand BEAU LIFE SWITZERLAND On IG:https://www.instagram.com/beaulife_switzerland/
Watch My Short Tarot Readings on TikTok:

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About Me
Name: Vanessa
Sun: Cancer
Moon: Sagittarius
Current Location: Switzerland

Please note that my ‘pick a card’ readings are for entertainment purposes, advice, and positivity. Please seek advice from a medical professional if you are experiencing any physical or psychological challenges.💡Don’t forget to turn ON your notifications to never miss another reading! Intro from 00:00
#tarot #love #youtubetarot #pickacard #tarotreading #astrology

Hello all my beautiful little unicorns And welcome back to my channel if this Is the first time that you're on my Channel please allow for me to introduce Myself to you my name is Vanessa sa and You guys know me as your big sis from The internet as well as your favorite Psychic here on YouTube and in today's Pick a card tarot reading we are going To be discussing precisely what's coming Towards your love life during the month Of April and you guys don't panic of Course your monthly horoscopes in which Each and every zodiac sign receives its Very own reading is going to be uploaded Within just a couple days of this love Prediction so this is how you can Receive your psychic reading about your Love life during the month of April I Have prepared these four groups that I Will introduce you to in just a moment's Time and then I would like for you to Intuitively pick a group that resonates With you so that means you will be Following your intuition and your gut Feeling and selecting whichever group That you naturally feel drawn towards And that will result in you receiving an Accurate love prediction for the month Of April so let's get into it you guys These are the four groups group number One corresponds to the sacred feminine Oracle deck as well as the amethyst Crystal group number two corresponds to

The tarot of curious creatures deck as Well as the citran crystal group number Three corresponds to the shamanic Medicine oracle cards as well as the Jade Crystal and group number four Corresponds to the wandering star tarot As well as well as the tiger's eye Crystal but the timestamps to all four Of these groups can be found Below in The description box as well as pinned to The top of the comment section for quick And easy access from your mobile devices Your laptops your tablets so once you've Selected the group of your choice all You've got to do is Click your timestamp And you'll be fast forwarded to the Relevant part of this video so I will Now provide you with a little moment of Privacy to select one of these four Groups if you absolutely cannot make up Your mind don't worry don't stress you Can also tune in two groups because Sometimes your personal reading is a Mixture between two or more groups so Feel free to tune into to multiple Groups if you feel drawn to multiple Piles and absolutely cannot make up your Mind so I'll give you this little moment Of privacy and then I'll be right back To guide you into your Readings All right my gorgeous Souls I hope that By now you've been able to select one of These four groups so I will be getting

Into your reading starting off with Group number one which corresponds to The sacred feminine Oracle as well as The amethyst Crystal so if this is the Group that you chose then just simply Continue watching and to all of my other Beautiful groups I will catch you at the Click of your Timestamp hello group number one and and Welcome to your reading you chose the Sacred feminine Oracle deck as well as The amethyst Crystal to help guide you When it comes to your love life during The month of April so this is the Beautiful amethyst which you may be Familiar with as it is a pretty popular Crystal and it is one that is said to Bring out your psychic abilities and Also protect you in a very psychic Manner so kind of foreseeing where there Are issues or where there are situations Ship potentials and where you actually Have someone on hand that is marriage Potential that is long-term partner Potential that's what I see here coming Out for you Crystal clearly during the Month of April so we've got Clarity and Your intuition being on point right off The bat here with an untameable I want You to know group number one you will be Dealing with someone who is Untameable so someone who cannot make up Their mind as to what they want want Someone who is a little wild who you

Will never be able to 100% trust Romantically speaking now this can just Be someone that you're getting to know This can be an old friend an Acquaintance an ex that's trying to come Back and you already know they have this Untamable nature to them and group Number one I do see that you intuitively Know that this means trouble you're the Type of person who likes stability in a Room romantic relationship and someone Who is untameable is probably going to Make your nervous system feel a little Out of whack honestly and I see here With an independent that you are a very Independent person and you take pride in That so sometimes when you have to deal With someone who is untameable which is Not necessarily a great thing for Romantic relationships it can almost Feel as though you don't want to tame Them you don't want to tell them what to Do because after all you're independent And you quote unquote don't need them But at the same time it's like at what Cost are you allowing them to be Untameable if it costs you your peace Then that is not something that you Should continue to invest in and remind Yourself you can be independent and Still have standards for a partner you Can be independent and allow someone Freedom in a relationship and still Expect a minimum amount of Ness from

Them so to say a minimum amount of Communication about where they're going At night what they're doing who they're Hanging out with all of these types of Things I see here within aligned that Really your love life in April is a Thing you're looking at as needing to be Aligned you don't want to deal with Untamable animals anymore you don't want To deal with untamable beasts you want Alignment you want someone who Stimulates you also on an intellectual Level because you find that really hot And really attractive group number one And you've had your phase of dealing With people who are not sure who are Untamable who are all over the place and For you romantically speaking you want Alignment so that you can keep that Feeling of Independence in a very very Confident manner moving forward here for The month of April in untameable another Thing that I'm getting here is your wild Side coming out and independently of Letting other people know maybe getting Back in touch with like an ex group Number one uhoh with someone that you Know is bad news and is kind of trouble If you will and I do see like here with The dragon also in Untameable that you have a wild side to You romantically and sensually speaking Too and you don't want to be with Someone who who's boring who's just like

Vanilla all the time here with the Knight of Wands I do want you to Understand that we've got fire sign Energy the suit of Wands corresponds to The element of fire this is about like Passion taking action taking the lead And while you may sometimes seem like Shy on the outside group number one like Oh you in a romantic setting you can be Pretty fiery you can come out of your Shell and all of a sudden have people Think like oh okay okay this is not Someone who is as tame or as kind of shy And docile as they look like at first on The outside this person has a little bit More bite to them so next up here within The king of Cups we have a water sign That's coming into your life Romantically during the month of April The king of cups that is Scorpio cancer Pisces energy those are the water signs And the king of Cups shows someone who Is older someone who is well thought out Someone who also has their emotions in Check this is not the type of person That is like unhinged that is full of Drama they know what they want so this Is like a great contrast to some of the Untamable people that you've dealt with Before and some of the situations in Which you felt like the entire health And existence of the relationship was Just put on your shoulders meanwhile Whoever you were seeing just got to kind

Of of be wild do whatever they wanted Because they knew that you would fix it In the end they knew that you were the One to keep the relationship together And keep things going but you're not Taking on that responsibility any longer Group number one and I'm proud of you For not being the one taking on that Sole responsibility because it's not Meant to solely be yours and here in the Two of Swords I can see that you're Definitely kind of gaining the Confidence and Independence to say to Another person if you want me to do all Of the emotional labor you have got the Wrong one sir you have got the wrong one My dear because I am not here to be the Only one who is working hard I'm not Here to be the only one who is keeping a Relationship alive or afloat and I love That in your energy group number one This is definitely a shift from trying To people please and trying to be picked And chosen to actually being in control And here within the four of Swords I do Also see that what comes next in April For you is a month of taking time to Figure out what you want and also Writing lists like literally in your Notes app on your phone oh we have a Card that popped out um having a list of Different types of characteristics that You want your partner to have a list of Different parts of their

Personality that you appreciate and that Are non-negotiables and I see here Within the king of coins that not only Do you have the king of water signs Coming towards you like we spoke about In the king of Cups but the king of Coins also shows big Earth sign energy So Capricorn Taurus Virgo this is a very Reliable kind of practical energy and The king of coins is someone who is very Much into business who loves like Material things when you have a king of Coins in their generous energy this is Someone who will give you material gifts Who will give you a lot of their time And their attention and their patience And their love that's what I see here Group number one for your person with The king of coins and having this kind Of choice if you will during the month Of April in your love life is definitely Something that UPS your confidence so Even if you are in a committed Relationship having people want to be With you want to be around you that Never hurts when it comes to your Confidence that's never something that's Bad for you and your ego because you Tend to be a little bit more shy a Little bit more withdrawn a little bit More humble so seeing that actually you Are attractive and you are Wanted that's definitely something that UPS your confidence when it comes to

Love in April and you don't feel like You're going to die alone with your cats After all next up we've got the Empress Of the night so after the storm I emerge A shiny new star remind yourself group Number one if you have gone through some Really big storms and I mean heartbreaks Betrayals struggles with dating with Existing relationships and not seeing The person that you're with as actually Being part of your Future understand here that sometimes Going through these things is meant to Allow you to emerge as a new person Sometimes you have to go through these Storms so that you emerge as a shiny new Star and of course it's hard it's Challenging to go through these emotions And these phases in your life but remind Yourself that there's always a reason And there's always the option for the Outcome to be more favorable than it may Have seemed at the beginning I see here Within the constellation of Electra Within plad Pleades um we have one of the Seven Sisters which is Electra and Electra has The awakener number 15 of this card Which is all about rising out of the Ashes I rise like the Golden Sun remind Yourself that that is exactly what Happens once you feel like burnt hurt or Like you are down and out you will rise Out of the ashes not just like a golden

Sun but like a phoenix like a dragon Like a creature that is untameable to Others but you know precisely why you Have become this way you know when You've changed from the inside out and People almost complain about why you're Not so agreeable anymore or why you're Not just doing things whenever they want You to why you're not panicky why you're Not allowing for them to control your Emotions yeah well that change was Definitely necessary and often people Don't like changes that actually support You and that are healthy for you if that Means that they have less control over You so even bumping into someone who was Really controlling as a friend or as an Ex-lover in April and hearing their Comments about like oh you've changed Your so different you won't take it Negatively you'll actually take it as a Huge positive because that means that You're no longer that pushover that they Felt like they could do whatever with And whatever to which is awesome for you Group number one so I do feel compelled To cleanse and clear the space I will Then be right back with you so we can Delve even more deeply into your reading So just hold on tight group number one And I will be right back welcome back Group number one so let's delve a little More deeply into your April Love Prediction shall we I'm using my wild

Muse Oracle deck you guys it is Completely sold out on Amazon in the US I do still have some on my website and I Think on Etsy as well but anyways you Guys let's get into your reading So I will select three cards for you and We will see precisely what numbers Correspond to these cards and what They're saying about your love life Let's first start with our card in the Center shall we let's reveal so we've Got Hope on the Horizon love and love being a struggle Or something that you felt like you lost Hope in it's coming back the hope is Coming back group number one you no Longer feel as though when it comes to Your love life like it's just a struggle Bus there is actually Hope on the Horizon and it's coming to you in April In the form of a hopeful date with Someone who you can see as a forever Partner and form of actually seeing that There's not scarcity in love there are a Lot of people who you can love who are Perfect for you remind yourself there is Someone for everyone and to not fall Into this thought pattern of thinking That because you don't have anyone at The moment or you're lonely or your Partnership just isn't in it like it has To be like that forever it really really Doesn't I want to see who gives you hope Here during the month of April all right

So we've got Virgo Virgo is someone that Is going to show you like actually there Is a lot more to your love life than Meets the eye when it comes to Hope and Honestly like you also need to plan a Little bit when it comes to your love Life like set a certain amount ount of Like times that you actually go out Leave your house that you go to places Where you might meet new people set a Minimum amount of time that you pamper And take care of yourself so you can Feel good about yourself cuz often when We feel like we are lacking in love or We're worried about love once we become A little bit more self-obsessed and you Care a bit more about yourself rather Than what anyone else is thinking all of A sudden love becomes like less Important love becomes less of a oh my God this needs to happen or oh I'm going To be so lonely if I don't have a Partner no here within prioritize Reflection you are looking in the mirror Quite literally speaking you are Prioritizing yourself you are looking in The mirror and being a little Self-obsessed so doing face masks going For facials going to that dermatologist Appointment that you've been putting off For a long time getting that Non-surgical little tweak that laser Treatment that Botox appointment that Filler appointment you get what I mean

Okay that thing you've always wanted to Do where you look in the mirror and You're like I think I kind of want to Tweak this or change this I think I Would really like to enhance this and You're doing it for yourself you're Doing it because this is something that Will make you feel good and the more you Kind of focus on you the more you're Actually attracting others into your Life and the more you actually don't Feel like oh my goodness I need someone Here within stormy I want you to Understand that April will bring stormy Weather weather quite literally speaking To you group number one so wherever You're living make sure that your plants Things that you have in your garden on Your balcony that those are secure all Right make sure that you put your car in A secure place not under a tree where a Branch may fall off and and cause some Sort of headache pain tears because You're going to have to pay to get that Fixed so make sure that everything is Secure and safe also pets bring them in If you see that the weather is starting To get gloomy and dark and change bring All of that in all right protect that From the storm then what I do also see Is that if you're someone who is on Their cycle April is going to be a month In which your cycle feels heavy there's A little bit more pain so already like

Self soothe buy yourself the chocolates The drinks the painkillers whatever it Is that you need the hot water bottle Get yourself like your movies your Netflix ready so that you can really Like chill take care of you and that you Don't feel lonely and you don't start Thinking in your head like oh I wish I Had someone to take care of me and Everything like that of course that Would be nice group number one but we Are no victims here in April we have Prepared ourselves for anything for Every Stormy Weather so that we don't Fall into the energy of desperation cuz That is not attractive group number one And we care about us we care about how We look how we feel and we know that When we feel our best then we will also Be our best in a romantic relationship So group number one this is the reading That I received for you I will extend This reading and put the extended Version on to Patron because you guys Have been loving that I think we have a Patron family of like 1,500 of you I I Know it's over 1,000 I'm not sure the Exact number but thank you guys all so Much for your unwavering support so I Will extend that over there for all of My beautiful subscribers thank you so Much for being here for spending this Divine time and space with me don't Forget I've got literally over 600 tarot

Reading videos on my channel go check Those out a deeper April prediction is Coming for you within the next days as Well so you guys know I'm really your Big sis and I've got you covered whether It's about love your career the entire Calendar year everything in between go On to my channel if you'd like more Readings that are more in depth so group One thank you so so much for joining me And I can't wait to connect with you During one of my upcoming readings hello Group number two and welcome to your April love reading you chose the tarot Of curious creatures as well as the Citrine to help guide you so this is the Beautiful citrine Crystal the citrine is A stone that is set to bring you wealth And abundance and prosperity which is Maybe why you chose it I just put it up Here so we can benefit from its energy Throughout your reading now I will Shuffle and get into your April Love Prediction so group number two just lean Back relax and enjoy this U time because These pick a card readings are really Like self-care and just a time for you To focus on yourself so first up we have Got the world which by the way is one of The best cards in the tarot this is the Last card of the major Arcana within the Tarot as the tarot has this system where The major Arcana goes from the full Which is zero to the world which is card

21 this is the final card of the major Arcana and it means fulfillment it means Happiness it means being within this Tree pose within your yoga ASA and Thinking to yourself yes The World Is Mine the world is my oyster my love life Is going amazingly well I have nothing To complain about we might as well just End the reading here just kidding group Number two but this is a very positive Vibe that we've got for April for you Because they say the first card that you Pull is the most impactful one within Your reading And it kind of has this overbearing Energy over the rest of your prediction So receiving the World shows that in April your love life is actually really Winning group number two next up we have The Six of Pentacles now you did choose The tarot of curious creatures so of Course we have all of these very fun Depictions of the tarot cards but what They actually mean specifically here With the Six of Pentacles is that you Are living in abundance and in overflow Of love so much to the point that you Can give to others and you're giving Advice to these little chicks so to say So you are like the older hen or chicken And you're giving advice time and love To those younger than you to those that Came before you because your love life Is going so well you have so many good

Tips about how to be in control how to Have a healthy and good and stable love Life you've got so much experience under Your belt and in April you're feeling so Great about your love life that you do Have the time and energy to help others And to share with them and that also Makes you feel really good about Yourself and even better about your love Life because you can see that the odds Have turned in your favor next here Within Temperance Spirit wants you to Remind yourself that everything happens Within reason when it comes to your love Life in a sense of spirit wants to Remind you to enjoy things within reason So because you're feeling really awesome About your love life you may sometimes Feel tempted to do things that are a Little wild or a little crazy either Behind closed doors or just generally Within your life and spirit is trying to Tell you that life is really like an EB And flow and that it is important that You do things within reason and within a Kind of area that is healthy and that Isn't dangerous so this is especially When it comes to being intimate with Another person any kind of like Kinks That you may be exploring anything that Means that you're going to go see Another person like don't drive really Late at night not even For Love or for Romance uh don't put yourself in danger

Physically or mentally just because Things are going so well like don't take Extra steps without any precautions just Because it seems as though everything is Going in your favor because because it Is but at the same time like let's not Jeopardize that right let's enjoy all of The positives that you've got going for You rather than in a sense like Self-sabotage so the Two of Pentacles Card is really about finding the balance Between fully enjoying and the Adventures of love and going on really Fun amazing dates and in April feeling Also adventurous with intimacy with what You share with being a little bit like Flirty in a way that you never had the Guts to be before but then here the Two Of Pentacles is about yeah finding that Balance between being different fun Flirty daring but also remaining on the Safe side also not forgetting what's Really important to you when it comes to Your work and your career your Professional life because sometimes we Can get so enamored and obsessed with Love that we forget our careers and we Forget the goals that we had in there But I see that while in the past it may Have sometimes been so difficult to Maintain that you sacrificed one for the Other you've got this during April group Number two you've learned from your past Mistakes the 10 of cups is actually

Another one of the most favorable cards In the tarot I kid you not group number Two you actually couldn't have better Cards within your reading the 10 of cups Is a card of also fulfillment of family Of having everything that you need and Even like building your own family okay Finding a forever partner to build that With just knowing with certainty that You will have that love story that You've dreamt of that you will have that Partner that gets you that understands You that you can raise your little Babies with and that you can be in a Fulfilling relationship with who you can Rely on you even have the little dog Here you've got pets you're living in The nature you've got this just very White picket fence kind of wholesome Vibe that you've got going on in your Love life during the month of April and I'm so happy for you group number two That is amazing and we also have this Overwhelming theme of green within your Reading green is a color of actually Growth of nature of in a sense fertility Too and I'm not just saying that because The whole deck is made up of green it's Not see this is not a coincidence there Are a lot of other colors within this Deck too um that you could have received But no literally almost all of your Cards landed on green and I just want You to know that this is very meaningful

When it comes to your love life as well As it definitely shows us that your love Life is filled with fertile soils Fertile grounds for even more happiness For even more of a love life that you Are enjoying and that you feel really Grateful for and I hope that you've Enjoyed all of these creatures from the The tarot of curious creatures that you Chose I really love this deck personally And no I'm not sponsored to say that This is not a deck that was sent to me I Actually purchased this deck a long time Ago and I have been enjoying it because I love animals and I hope you do too so Next up we've got asterope from the Seven Star Sisters of the pladus Constellation with the card that comes With the master number 33 the sacred Orchard co-create my abundance mindset Attracts endless blessings this is a Mindset that once you attune to it group Number two that is why you've got all of These blessings coming towards you Because you have actually tuned into the Manifestations the way that you said you Would you have actually created a Mindset that attracts endless blessings You know when you manifest and you shift Your mindset from scarcity to actually Manifesting blessings to actually Manifesting the life that you want by Saying to yourself consciously repeating To yourself that you are deserving of an

Abundant life you are deserving of Everything that you've ever dreamt of so Here with the master number 33 we've got A master number of creation of learning But also of having thought yourself like Oh if I really want to I can manifest Whatever it is that I desire quite Literally I can have the most abundant Life ever so next within the enchanter You wish upon a star and your dreams Come true so this is further Confirmation o you guys I'm going to Have to rearrange our cards here cuz you Know I am the organized Queen when it Comes to my tarot setups when it comes To my cards I like for everything to be Beautiful to grow from a starting point Into like to a beautiful layout you guys Know I put a lot of thought into this so Let's make sure everything looks looks In line so here the enchanter dreaming And dreams coming true the most powerful Way for your dreams to come true not Just in love but in life in general is To write them down even creating like Vision boards for your dreams that is a Super powerful way for you to make sure That they come true because they really Do trust me especially if you keep that Vision board somewhere close to you you Look at it every morning every evening Oh let me just tell you there is no Stopping the vision that you've got okay So we've got Ln

A let's see what else that we'll get We've got L and e as well okay so Le Lena so Lena l or or Lean L another thing L Lan and we also have Lane of course so Having found your Lane I do want to add a few more of These into your reading okay so we have P and Y as well yep you found your lane Your lane l so L and when it comes to Lane and picking which side to go we've Got right and left your lane is the left Lane so when you get to pick whether to Go right or left left is your lane and Of course the universe is giving you Supreme confirmation of that here within Yep so you found your lane here in April Your lane is happiness your lane is Having time your lane is not being Overworked or stressed no that is not Your lane group number two and here Within the diamond you'll be receiving Or giving a precious gift wow group two Receiving a diamond receiving a precious Gift being in a place here in love why I'm saying receiving is because you are In the receiving energy that's what I Can see here from your reading right we Had the manifesting your dreams comeing True your abundance mindset attracting Endless blessings so being able to Accept quite literally speaking a

Diamond or something else that is Precious a money gift as well someone Spending a lot of money on you in one Way shape or form and here in the staff Remember you will be taken care of in Difficult times and you receive that Confirmation in April April will feel Like your guide are really here April Will feel like you are really divinely Protected because of course we all have Moments where we may find ourself Feeling doubt fear or anxiety about Whether we are protected whether our Love lives will ever be okay and how we Want them to be so know that you are Divinely taken care of especially in Difficult times and the two of Swords Shows us that April is not about you Making big decision In your love life just enjoy your love Life just enjoy everything that's going Well in your love life all of the Attention that you're receiving just Enjoy your love life in a sense of Whatever serves you serves you whatever Doesn't doesn't and you're just going With what works for you the empress Reversed also shows us here that no this Is not a month for pregnancy this is not A month for best family planning or Starting a family so to say this is a Month where you are being called to also Just like chill relax and not overthink That especially if you're in a space in

Your life right now where that has made You think more and overthink even if you Don't want to admit it to yourself but You've been feeling a little bit of Pressure when it comes to your future Family Planning kids what you're going To do in the long term when it comes to Your relationships and so on group Number two like April is a time to be Care free it's not a time to bother with That the right answers and approach to That aspect of life it all will come to You when it's meant to but that is not The month of April the month of April is A month of actually like just enjoying And not stressing so group two this is The reading I've received for you so far I do feel compelled to clear and cleanse The space and then I'll be right back With you and we can delve into a few More messages that you are meant to Receive about your love life for the Month of April so just hold on tight and I'll be right back hello group number Two did you miss me now let's do a Little more deeply into your April love Reading shall we so let's see what Spirit wants to say to you so I've Selected two cards for you I will also Just get our little Astro dice a little Closer and See what else we're going to receive Okay so here we actually have Pluto Let me just zoom in for you yes here we

Go Pluto Pluto or the plutoid is the Heavenly Body of finances of shared Resources transformation when it comes To that also death and so on but death Always means a rebirth right also the SE Ex subject is here within the plutoid Let's see what additional information We're receiving we've got Aquarius Energy this is very very unique Experimental out there kind of energy That is original that is independent Rebellious and super Different okay and then here we have the Number 10 for you so group number two April is bringing you this mixture of a Rebirth type of vibe it's going to give You a very original feel to your love Life like April is going to stand out From all of the other months and Something important will be happening on The 10th day of this month so whenever There is a 10th day so the 10th of April The 20th of April and the 30th of April Something meaningful will take place Then we've also got endless Serendipity Here which means endless positive Surprises that were super unexpected for Your love life during the month of April Remember how we also had the diamond for You remember how we had the fact that You are receiving a precious gift here In April yeah that is definitely part of Your endless Serendipity group number Two let's not forget about that and here

Within confessions okay the endless Serendipity has to do with someone Confessing and professing their love and Obsession to you during the month of April group number two so you will have Clarity you will know and it will give You power and a sense of feeling like You are in complete control and like you Are the prize so my gorgeous Souls of Group number two I will create the Extension of this reading and put it on To my Patron the patron family has been Steadily growing I think we have like 1 And a half thousand patrons at this Point which I am so thankful for and I Don't want to make these readings on YouTube too crazy long of course you Guys I'm always going to be creating Publishing uploading videos here on to YouTube for you guys to consume and Derive value from but I also love that Over on Patron I can actually talk about Things in a very uncensored way because You guys know that that is an open space Where I can also delve into topics that I cannot hear on YouTube due to Censorship so group number two thank you For being here the link to my Patron is Below if you want to tune into the Extension of this reading and receive Many other Patron exclusive readings Over there so make sure you check it out And last but not least group number two I'm sending you so much love and I'll

Connect with you during one of my Upcoming Readings hello group number three and Welcome to your reading about your love Life during the month of April you chose The shamanic medicine oracle cards in Connectivity to the Jade crystal in Order to help guide you throughout your Love life for the month of April so the Jade crystal is a crystal of prosperity Good luck and good fortune which is Probably just what AWA to for the month Of April in love but let's get into your Reading to figure out all of the Nitty-gritty little details shall we Group number three I hope that you're Just as excited as I am to delve into Your April love reading so oh we've got Two cards to begin with we've got East As well as the flute so I want you to Know here that April what you will feel Really drawn towards is Eastern culture And also people from the East will be Drawn towards you and one thing that Will like emerge from April is that Actually yeah you are broadening your Horizon and love you thought you had a Type you thought you had a specific kind Of demographic that you were interested In but actually in April you're opening Your mind to the fact that you're Attracted to so many more different Types of cultures versions of people Than you thought and the flute shows me

Here someone is going to express in an Audible way how attracted they are Towards you and they will be from an Eastern background and culture and they Will Express this to you in such a sweet Soft loving and tender sense that you Will feel to yourself oh my goodness I've been missing out on all of this Love or potential love for for all these Years because I didn't even think I was Attracted to this type of person so in The flute I definitely see love being Expressed towards you attraction being Expressed towards you and also finding That it is a very audible expression so Someone using their words and someone Also sharing music in order to express How they feel about you and it's going To be like the start of a new day like We've got here within East and it's Going to feel like your love life is Taking a turn for something completely Unexpected and unknown and as a result Here within fire you are feeling really Passionate group number three and Passion means a little bit of Naughtiness it means don't be afraid to Do something that is out of the ordinary Also being passionate in the sense of Someone really like lighting your fire Turning you on making you feel like you Want to go there with that person like You want to be intimate you want to get To know them on a level that you only

Usually get to know people that you are In committed relationships with and Group number three I just want to remind You of the fact that you are someone who Is grown you're an adult you can make Your own decisions you're wise and it is Completely okay for you to sometimes Also succumb to your own human needs and To sensual tension that is so fine now Here within the lodge that what you're Going to do is you're going to be Discussing a lot with like your friends Your girlfriends those closest to you Maybe your mom if you're that close to Your mother as well the lodge shows us That you will go into a lodge like a Closed Society for Council for speaking About all of the little intimate details Of your love life sharing giggling Talking about about differences and Things that are comparable within your Love life and close friends love lives So I do see here that some tea is going To be shared so you're going to drop Some interesting experiences that you've Had with past like lovers and boyfriends And partners whoever they identify as And you're going to be telling your Friends and they're going to be like What oh my God I didn't know you were Someone who is so wild so nasty in a Sense group number three and it's going To be a really good laugh a very Intimate moment and something that stays

Within the group but it's going to show That hey you're not as innocent as you Seem and you do have a little bit of a Side to you that knows how to please That knows how to appease in love as Well so next up here we've got the con Shell someone will be calling you Someone from your past a lover that you Had in the past they will will call you So not a text not a DM not a letter but A phone call and this phone call is Going to feel very surreal because you Didn't think that you would ever hear From them again so your love life is Going to get this reemergence of someone That you were once in contact with that You haven't heard from in a really long Time and immediately as you pick up the Phone it's going to feel like you're Right back to where you left it off it's Going to feel as though nothing changed With this person and I see here within The Ruby star that you embody your Authentic and sensual Essence during the Month of April and that is something That makes you really attractive and That's probably also why energetically Speaking everything aligned for this Person from your past to not only think About you but to then go as far as to Reach out to you to call you and to say To you that they want to meet up again They want to not only know how you're Doing but they want to date they want to

See you they want to pick things back up Where you left it so do know here within The Ruby star this actually shows that Because you're unbothered and focusing On yourself that is making you really Hot and attractive during the month of April furthermore here we've got the Aquamarine star which is is all about Expression so you're expressing your Intuition with Self-confidence with love and you will Intuitively decide for yourself here in April and I'm not judging you group Number three this is a judgment free Zone if you want to go back and hook up With an ex because why not and you are Over them and it's just for your fun and Your benefit group number three please I'm not going to stop you okay so don't Let the door hit you on the way out like Go do your thing if you know that you've Got it under control and you're not Going to be more hurt in the end than Anything else please you do you enjoy Your life enjoy your body enjoy your Sensuality I see here with an Unrecognized that the thing is for so Long you didn't recognize your own needs You didn't give them validity you didn't Allow them to be seen and to be taken Care of and because you're such a Selfless lover as well when it comes to Intimacy and love and being literally in Bed with someone you don't really ask

For what you want and what you really Like group number three you're the type Of person that is more like the pleaser You're more the type of person who wants The other individual to feel really seen You want the other individual to feel Pleasure you want them to feel like Being with you being intimate with you Is rewarding but you don't even think About yourself you often forget that you Have needs you don't ask them to fulfill Your needs you're almost a little shy to Even demonstrate what you like or to Teach them what you like and I see here That in April because you are not so Much in a zone of caring what others Think before experiencing your own Pleasure and your own wants and needs Being fulfilled you're actually reaching A new kind of sense of being attractive Because people like to please you just Like you like to please others like Remind yourself that is a gift like give It to others as well allow others to Please you give them the gift of Pleasing you and feeling like they've Done something to make you feel good now Here with an Unconditional the thing is that you Always put conditions on your love life So when you remove that when in April Your love life becomes a space of Unconditional love unconditional Pleasure and that pleasure being

Reciprocated and that love also being Uncondition towards yourself everything Shifts the entire energetic frequency And vibration of your love life will be Different from April on out because this Is a transformative time within your Love life group number three you will no Longer be the same person you will no Longer have the same mentality or the Same way of even behaving when it comes To romantic love now group number three We still have a lot to unpack here what I will do now is I will clear cleanse The space and then I'll be right back so We can delve a little more deeply into Your April love reading so make sure That you hold on tight you don't need to Do anything and I'll be right back with You to guide you deeper into your Psychic Prediction welcome back group number Three so let's delve a little more Deeply into it shall we so I'm going to Pick two cards for you which are going To guide us more deeply into your April Love reading so here we go these are two Cards from my wild Muse Oracle deck Which will be restocking on Amazon Shortly you guys a lot of you have been Asking me about it it's coming back Don't Worry so we have got the number 20 here So the 20th of the Month we've got a

Gemini and and we've also got the planet Saturn the planet of Authority of definition being mature and So on so there's something going on here With communication with you and a Gemini Being really mature about what you want Romantically speaking and basing your Connection on that so we have a very Interesting thing going on here for you Group number three then we also have Gentleness so finally finding someone Who knows how to honor your gentleness And who knows how to be gentle with you And this person is for change not an Energy vampire group three if you've Ever been with someone where you feel More tired after spending time with them Than beforehand you know they're an Energy vampire especially if this is a Romantic partner but because you have Learned to claim your energy and steer Clear of these types of individuals you Also have unlocked a new level of Gentleness towards yourself precisely Here and disconnect that's what you do You're disconnecting from everything That doesn't allow you to claim your Energy for the use that you intended to Go towards cuz when you're not claiming Your energy for your own usage then Someone else is dictating where your Energy and your focus is going and we're Not doing that group number three and Here we've also got love being in the

Air which is one of the most favorable Cards to show up in a love prediction Gentle Love kind love caring love I just Posted this the other day on my Instagram and you guys responded to it So heavily the fact that love is respect Love is gentleness love is care love is All of these things that you must have Within a connection for it to actually Be love and not just lust or someone who Is Bored trying to spend their time with You that is not a Vibe that's not what We're doing group number three and I I Want you to know here that for the month Of April there is a lot of love in the Air for you there is a lot of this Romantic tension and I do want you to Know with gentleness and Love Is in the Air we've got all of these feathers too There's a swan here playing in the Bedroom with like a feather or something Really soft and Blindfolding kind of playing with the Senses that's what I'm getting here for You and here within threatened I want You to know someone is feeling super Threatened in April by your newfound Presence someone is feeling really Threatened by you claiming your energy By you being unavailable to them you Probably have someone in mind group Number three and that is also precisely Who is feeling threatened so just know This is your confirmation and the

Intuitive nudge that you have is right But that's none of your concern at this Point there was a time where them Feeling threatened would have bothered You or you would have done something to Make them feel less threatened but that Time has come and gone for them group Number three and you have moved on to Claiming your energy for your own needs And I'm so happy that things didn't work Out with any of the people prior to Because then you would have never had This amazing opportunity and April to Discover love from a different Viewpoint Of someone actually caring actually Being gentle actually wanting to hear About your feelings and responding to Them in a healthy way and let's be Grateful for all of the heartbreaks that Meant that you were still able to find The one and you were still able to Experience better love because better Love is out here trust me group number Three so my gorgeous soul of group Number three we're at the end of your April loved prediction at least the YouTube portion I will put the extended Version of this reading on to the patron So if you're part of the patron tribe Which has grown immensely I think we're At over a thousand or 1,500 patrons Thank you so much for that my beautiful Unicorn Army then make sure that you Check it out over there and you guys

Know I am still going to be uploading Your April horoscope so look out for That being posted Within the next couple days of me Publishing this reading so I hope you Found this insightful group number three Thank you for spending this Divine time And space with me and I can't wait to Connect with you during one of my Upcoming Readings hello all of my gorgeous Souls Of group number four so let's get into Your April Love predictions now you Chose the wandering star tarot as well As the tiger's eye Crystal to help guide You on this psychic reading Journey for The month of April so this is the Tiger's eye Crystal I love this Stone Because it brings out your Natural Instincts and allows you to properly Read people without having to go through The traumatic experience of putting up With some unnecessary is if you know What I mean group number four so let's Get into it first up we have the six of Wand also known as the in German got the Owl here which shows that you're going To be triumphant as the owl is wearing This little Crown the owl also stands For you having supreme power and wisdom And knowing precisely how to navigate a Situation to your advantage the owl also Shows Fame it shows Triumph it shows That you're going to come out as a

Winner during the month of April and Rather than having these traits within You where you're comparing yourself to Others in love like if someone were to Ask you well what makes you special or What do you bring to the table you don't Even answer that question because you Don't need to answering that question Would make you like everyone else Answering to such a question that just Shows here within the 10 of Wands that You've already lost when you're Answering because you feel the need to Justify you feel the need to prove your Worth and your value you have learned From the past where you tried to please You tried to show what was so different About you you tried to prove Pro your Worth and your value no no no group Number four you are not doing that Anymore because you've learned that it's Just a trap this is a game and the thing Is like you are learning to play the Game of love like a pro whether you are Already in a committed relationship or Even a marriage or you are currently Single or in a situationship the tables Are turning and reversing you are Absolutely no longer in a position where You feel power and you feel like you're The one chasing no no no you're the one In charge you're the one who has all of The wisdom needed in order to get the Other person to do what you want without

Using any force and without using Manipulation that is beyond what you Feel is morally right you're just using Simple seduction techniques that you're Learning here within the Ace of Swords I Can see that the month of April is bring A completely new thought process to you So you're seeing love completely Differently you're seeing how freely Love is actually available in a Completely different light cuz that's The thing in the past you were kind of Clingy with some people or you tried to Prove yourself to people because you Thought well when will I come across Such an individual again when will I Find such a great guy again when will I Find such a great person again well you Know they have a job they're ambitious They're intelligent they look good oh my God where am I ever going to find this Again well once you change your mindset To the fact that there are 8 billion People on planet Earth you will find Another one and there are other ones sky The limit for you because you will no Longer be in an energy of desperation or Neediness and when things switch from Being stressed to get into a Relationship to get married to have kids Oh my God biological clock is ticking so On and so forth once you shift that to Like um everything is abundantly here if I wanted to get married I could pick

Anyone and get married if I wanted to Have kids not hard to do the thing is Like you're looking for the right one And when you've got that energy of just Knowing what you want here we've got the Four of Wands you are stable you've got Freedom to do whatever you want because You're independent boy oh boy how the Tables turn when you also truly believe That you've got options and you also Truly do not feel like you have to Settle for anything that doesn't make You feel good that doesn't make you feel Like this is actually it for me you know And often we try to Romanticize and I'm sure you know this Like you've got this vision of someone In your head and it's not actually who They are it's just who you think that They could be with potential and once You move away from from doing that here We've got actually The Chariot which Shows us that you are moving very very Quickly in your chariot away from doing That anymore that's when you move away From destruction the 10 of Wands is About destruction having to deal with Too much kind of like burning your own Fort but you're not doing that anymore You're on a journey to being in control Being in a position of power knowing Precisely how to handle your emotions And love and not succumbing to this Feeling of scarcity or this feeling of

Time running away from you okay because That's one thing that you had in the Past where you constantly felt like this Ticking this will I find again but what If I need to start from the beginning Well group number four did you not Always level up from the past did you Not always do better did you not always Find better yeah so group number four I Urge you to not feel scarcity anymore Okay so this is one thing that is Censored here on YouTube and that's why I've got my Patron because there I can Speak more freely within this oracle Card group number four which I will just Put out for you here we can see that You've been through a lot and when it Comes to love you have had Financial Emotional or physical situations that Left you feeling depleted and that we're Just not right you know what I mean Group number four I don't even need to Say it out loud you guys always get me You guys always understand what these Readings are about so the thing with That is that you have become so aware of The patterns of the telltale signs of The behaviors the behavioral patterns That go together with such people who Act in this way that is so unhealthy to You that there's no way you will let it Happen again and the thing is like you Have dealt with people who were so Demanding over your time and your energy

And the issue is that you gave it to Them you gave your power away and once You learn to not give your power away in That form that is when not only do you Take your power back but you see them For who they truly are all of a sudden When they try to forcefully take your Time and your energy and suck the power Out of you you just look at them and It's cringy you kind of on an internal Level you laugh a little bit you feel Sorry for them you think to a degree Like who the f does this person think That they are did I allow this to happen To me in the past like you just you just Are different group number four you just See things from such a different Viewpoint and it changes you from the Inside out for the better when you gain Some distance next up we have the Aquamarine star for you which is a card Of expression this is a card that shows That you express your intuition with Self-confidence and love but you're not Giving away everything and all of your Thoughts that's the thing you're not Doing that anymore in the past you would Have gone and went on a big tangent or Like venting session to who you were Seeing to a boyfriend a lover a Situationship whoever that person is and You would have like told them everything But now you know better there are Certain parts of you that you keep to

Yourself because you understand that Romantic love no matter how in love you Are with a person and I know a lot of You who are not yet there who haven't Experienced the Heartbreak the cycles of Love yet you may still think that you Will be with someone and they will be Your best friend your everything and you Will tell them every little story in Every little detail but those of you who Are more mature who are wiser who have Experienced relationships long and Shortterm one serious and situationships Those of you who are experienced you Know that there's always a little part Of you that you need to keep to yourself And I never got this group number four I Was also once the type of person who Thought no like my my person my husband I'm going to tell him everything he's Going to be my best friend like I'm Always going to vent to him and tell him All of my secrets and everything about Me I need to be like an open book and I Had very wise women in my life older Women women who are more than twice my Age who have been married who have been Divorced who have been able to be with Their dream husbands who have lost their Dream husbands they told me that there's Always a little part of yourself that You have to keep to yourself always a Little part of yourself that you have to Protect that isn't for him to see and I

Didn't believe it until I learned a lot Of lessons in a really hard way that I Came to the point that yeah you don't Have to put all of your dirty laundry And everything out there it's actually Probably going to come back to haunt you And it's not natural for somebody to be Everything to be your best friend your Therapist your lover your person so know Here within I am an embodiment of the Divine feminine being the divine Feminine also means being a little bit Mysterious also having some parts of you That are not just simply unveiled Immediately having parts of you that you Allow for someone else to slowly Discover that you allow for someone to Kind of get to know as time passes by But again you will keep some things to Yourself always some things are not Meant for someone to ever find out Whether they are your husband or your Boyfriend it is for you your therapist Maybe your girlfriend's but you are Keeping that mysterious part of yourself Now here within the universal Midwife We've got birth I birth fruitful and Sacred assignments I want you to know That for April birth is something you're Thinking about and you are seeing on Social media as well it feels like a lot Of people are pregnant a lot of people Are giving birth baby topics are topping Are popping up as well is what I meant

To say and what this also shows is Someone close to you Becoming a mother someone close to you Giving birth and one thing that I want You to know here in the Universal Midwife is that when we've got this kind Of birth energy it is also about Understanding that birth is something so Sacred it's such a sacred assignment That I think in many ways is not honored A lot in this day and age you know with People having to work 9 months pregnant With people not getting the time off That they need to recoup erate and rest Afterwards so here within the Jade star It's about surrendering let go with Self-compassion let go if you always Thought oh you're going to be that Person that snaps back or if you feel Pressure when it comes to birth children And how are you going to be able to work And do everything all at once can we Just let go with self-compassion of Feeling the need to always be so Masculine in something that should be so Sac ly feminine like why are we worried About performing when we are growing Another human being within us like why Are we worried about whether we're going To look lazy like it is not possible for You to be in the process of becoming a Mother and be lazy or not performing and I truly want us to break out of this Pattern and this cycle and this thought

Process because it's toxic and it's not Cool I think it is definitely something That in our modern Society we should be Rethinking and ask ourselves why we are Doing this when it comes to birth Motherhood and combining that with the Stresses of careers it is something that I feel like is not necessary but was Created to keep women weak so what we Will do now is you will actually just Relax and lean back and continue to Enjoy your reading and what what I will Do is I will clear and cleanse the space And then I'll be right back so we can Del a little more deeply into your April Love life prediction so group number Four Just Hold On Tight and I'll be Right back all right my beautiful souls Of group number four let's move a little Further into your April Love predictions Shall we let's see what Spirit has to Say as we use some of these letters Too okay so we've got m u x and e that's Really interesting I love using letters Because it's just so much clearer oh Okay so here we also have more what I'm Immediately getting here is two in French do and then we Have ECM Some H let's see what we can add over Here for you group number four okay okay So we have TR as well as

U all Right so I'm getting True true Cm2 true cm2 CM 2 this is an interesting Combo I can't wait for us to get further Into your reading to see precisely what Spirit is trying to say to us about your Life in April let's see what is True we've got the weeping willow so What is true is that when it comes to Love you will have to deal with family Sorrow someone that you deeply love is Going through family sorrow that is true So if you're dating someone if you're Seeing someone they are going to be Experiencing something that is really Not easy but the staff shows us that They will be taken care of in these Difficult times not just by you but also By Spirit by the God by what it is that They believe in the greater force that They believe in so let's see with CM Centimeter I know a lot of you also use Inches what's going on there okay so We've got a cat two-faced friend in Centimeters in close proximity so I want You to know that while you and your Lover and your love life are protected Even though there's some family sorrow There will also be a two-faced friend That reveals themselves that was in Close proximity and as you would have Needed them in this time of Sorrow you Are realizing that they're not actually

The type of person that they kind of Made themselves out to be let's see what We've got two of two doors two Opportunities waiting for you in love During the month of April group number Four and then we also have two kangaroos So two times the need to plan ahead two Times the need here in the kangaroo to Make sure that you have a plan B okay That you don't give your all to these Romantic opportunities that are here That even though you're there for Someone who is going through a lot when It comes to family sorrow that you're Not 100% just giving yourself to them that You are still planning ahead for okay if This doesn't work out that you don't get Too emotionally involved in someone Else's family sorrow and then what I Also see here with two two * V for Victory victory in your Endeavor of Love Victory in your Endeavor of making sure You plan ahead so for one of course you Will be a good partner a good spouse a Good person and be there for someone who Really needs you while unearthing Uncovering a two-faced Trend but then at The same time you also know you've got Options you also know there are more Opport unities and you know better than To get too involved in someone's life Who is not a spouse who is not yet a Forever partner and with whom you are

Still figuring out whether you want to Continue to do this whole thing called Life with let's see what else we've got For you group number four within your Reading all right we've got know your Worth as well as the journey it really Is a journey to knowing your Worth to Disagree group number four but you're Kind of mastering this journey you are Growing your self worth on this journey And you've come so far I see that in April the thing is that you are so in a Space of valuing yourself finally that Knowing your worth it just comes Naturally it's not something that you Have to prove to anyone it's not Something that you have to scream from The top of a mountain and that is Precisely what shows here that you know Your worth you've gone from that journey Of having to State it to just embodying That energy which I'm so proud of you For group number four and just think About how you were a year ago what you Allowed in your love life what you were Okay with what you just accepted and Where you are now and remind yourself That that was just a year ago imagine The strides forward you're going to make This year next year in the upcoming Weeks and months so group number four This is the YouTube portion of this Reading that I have prepared for you and I hope that you've enjoyed it now I want

To move into the uncensored part of your April love life prediction so if you Would like to access that then scroll Down into the description box and join The patron fam the Unicorn Army has I Think at this point 1 and 1 half Thousand unicorns within the patron Family which I'm so thankful for because There are just some uncensored things That I am able to put out over there That I can't put on YouTube so if you're Interested in that make sure that you Head on over to my Patron and you guys Of course we will have your April Horoscopes here on YouTube ready within The next couple days as well so look out For that you guys know I always put a Lot of time energy and effort into my YouTube predictions that is never going To stop but I also wanted to be able to Provide a little something extra and More intimate for a smaller group that Is more precise and where I can really Speak speak freely hence why we've got The patron as well so group number four Thank you for being here and for Spending this Divine time and space with Me and I'll either catch you over in the Patron only version of this reading the Extended version or in my next Prediction right here on [Music] YouTube [Music]


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