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Hello lovelies!
Todays video is a ’pick a card’ reading. Pick the card you’re most drawn to, to find out ’The Next CHAPTER of Your LIFE’! Once you’ve picked, skip ahead to the timestamp below where I reveal what it is…

𓂀 *Time Stamps* 𓂀
⁺˖ Intro: 0:00
🀧 Pick Your Card: 2:10
🀧 Card 1 (Zoisite): 6:15
🀧 Card 2 (Sunset Aura Quartz): 29:43
🀧 Card 3 (Opalite): 54:39
🀧 Card 4 (Amethyst): 1:16:57
🀧 Card 5 (Rose Quartz): 1:41:55

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🀧 *Learn To Read Tarot* 🀧

⁺˖ *Jewelry & Crystals* ˖⁺

𓂀 *Website* 𓂀

✯ *MANIFEST Your Wildest Dreams*

✦ *Crystals Used*

⁺˖ *Jewelry I’m Wearing*

🀧 *Decks Used*

🎥 My Camera Gear:

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✦ *My Newest ABUNDANCE Meditation*

✯ *Manifest Your DESIRES Meditation*

⭑ *CHAKRA Cleanse Meditation*

☆ *Activating Your Harmonic Frequency Meditation*

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• Currently not offering personal readings, I apologize •

The Gem Goddess

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Disclaimer: *Intended for entertainment purposes ONLY* – Seek medical or professional advice from Doctors or certified professionals only, before making any health/personal choices.

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Hello my loves and welcome back to my Channel today’s video we have a new pick A card reading but before we dive into It I wanted to give a huge shout out to Skillshare who are kindly sponsoring Today’s video if you have not heard of Skillshare before it is a huge online Platform full of classes upon almost any Subject that you can think about and They are taught by real professionals so If there is a skill that you have really Wanted to learn or if there is a way That you want to expand yourself or dive Into some new hobbies skillshare is an Amazing platform to do so and they also Have this section known as learning Paths which is a bunch of curated Classes upon a particular subject and This helps deepen your wisdom and Understanding of that subject so that You can grasp it to the best of your Ability and I recently took the learning Path all on canva and how to dive into This program so that you can better Understand it I personally use canva to Make all of my thumbnails and also my Workbooks for all of my online courses So I use this program so much within my Business and taking this learning path Has helped me deepen my understanding of This program so that I can bring my Skills to a much more professional level And polish up the workbooks that I have Polish up my thumbnails even more and I

Loved this learning path because they go So in depth on canva and if you do Anything where you need to make PDFs or Thumbnails or if you need to make Different Instagram posts you can do so Much within the canva program and taking This learning path can really help you Deepen your understanding of that but no Matter what it is that you want to learn Even if you’re wanting to dive into Photography video editing opening up Your own Etsy Shop how to price and sell Products e-commerce SEO even cooking and Baking or even home decor anything that You are wanting to learn skillshare Likely has a class on the topic which is Why I love this platform so much and the First 500 people to use the link Down Below in the description box will get a On month free trial of skillshare so if This sounds up your alley and you’re Wanting to uplevel your life and you Want to learn some new skills and Implement them into your life again the First 500 people to click the link Down Below in the description box will get a On month free trial of skillshare which You can take so many classes and so many Learning pass within 1 month so I highly Recommend checking that out and thank You so much to skillshare for sponsoring Today’s video and without further Ado Let’s go ahead and dive right back into Today’s pick a card reading hello my

Loves and welcome back to my channel Today’s video we have a new pick a card Reading all about the next chapter of Your life so all of us go through these Chapters we go through these phases and Sometimes they’re right around the Corner and we don’t even know it so We’re going to try to get as much Information in today’s video as possible For you all about the next chapter that You are currently creating moving Towards manifesting and we’re even going To get possible timelines of when Certain things are going to start Showing up in your life and getting Created so I’m very excited to dive into This new video with you all about the Next chapter of your life if you are new To these types of videos hello my name Is Jim and I do psychic greetings here On this channel where I tap into my Intuition and I ask Spirit to bring the Information for your highest good at This time that is going to help you and Bring Clarity for you and everything Else that you need to know so that is All the intentions that go into this Video and again also I want to give you A little explanation about how this Video works for any of you that are new Here so I have five different piles in Front of me over here we have pile Number one this has a type of Crystal on Top that I actually forget the name of

This one because I rarely ever work with This Crystal but I was so drawn to it Today especially for group number one so I’ll have the name linked down below um With the card timestamps but then over Here on group number two we have some Sunset orac quarts group number three we Have some opalite group number four we Have some amethyst and group number five We have some Rose quarts so take a Moment and pause the video if you would Like in order to find the pile that you Are the most called towards and drawn Towards and then there’s timestamps Linked Down Below in the comment box as Well as the description box so that can Skip right ahead to your personal Reading all about that next chapter in Your life and also if you have trouble Tapping into your intuition one way that I recommend doing that is taking a deep Breath and then closing your eyes and Waiting for a number between one and Five to pop into your head and then the First number that comes in without you Even thinking about it that is your Intuition speaking to you so that is the Pile that you would go with okay so That’s one little trick of tapping into Your intuition if visually picking a Pile is not really working for you and If you’re getting confused also if you Are drawn to multiple piles that Indicates that there are multiple

Messages for you within today’s video And that your energy is resonating with Multiple of these piles so you could go Ahead and watch um all the ones that you Are drawn to or if there’s just one Standing out that would be your group Last little thing that I will mention Here is that if you ever hear anything That you don’t like in any card reading Ever any psychic reading anything like That you have free will my love and the Tarot and the Oracle are just a Beautiful way of tapping into the Current energies that are manifesting And being created in your life right now So it is a beautiful tool at gaining Awareness and insight on our current Behaviors and habits and where those are Leading us so that we can gain Insight On oh maybe I want to change something Or maybe you’re going to hear something Where you’re like oh I’m right on track This is amazing so tarot and Oracle are Just an amazing tool from Spirit to help Us gain more Awareness on where we’re Currently going what we’re currently Creating but if you ever hear anything That you’re like oh no I don’t want to Experience that or anything like that I Just want you to know that you have free Will and with the awareness you can Definitely change that so I want you to Feel empowered by any reading that you Ever hear and I’ve really wanted to

Leave that message in today’s video so Thank you so much for joining me here Today I absolutely love creating these Videos and I am so excited that you Joined me here take as much time as you Need even pause the video if you need More time to choose your group and then I will see you in your reading and Without further Ado let’s go ahead and Dive Right In all right my group number ones if you Chose this pile this is going to be your Reading so let’s go ahead and Dive Right In all right my group ones we actually Start off with a really amazing message For you uh we have abundance fruition And attraction as your first three cards So one thing that’s happening in the Next chapter of your life is more money Is coming in abundance is when we feel Like we are surrounded by more and we’re Also feeling really grateful and we feel Like we have excess and we feel like We’re not living in scarcity or fear we Just feel abundant we feel fruitful as Well so there might be a dream or desire That is coming to fruition for you in This next chapter in fact I can say 100% There is a dream or desire or something That you’ve been striving towards or Wanting to achieve that is literally Coming to fruition in this next chapter And I see that you’re going to be really Proud of it and this is something that

Can expand and become even more like any Any idea any seed that you are currently Growing is about to Bear the fruit and It’s going to continue bearing more and More fruit so I see absolute expansion Here if any of you have been trying to Save your money for a big purchase I see That 100% happening if any of you have Been working on a promotion or a Business idea or gaining more money or Something like this to be surrounded by More abundance more wealth more Prosperity and a feeling of luxury That’s 100% happening and the card of Attraction this is when we feel magnetic This is when we feel like things are Flowing into our life our point of Attraction is on point Things Are Flowing in whatever it is that you’ve Been trying to attract or work on I see That working out 100% I’m also hearing a Message that some of you have been Really into the Law of Attraction lately And manifestation which is something I Am so into so hello welcome to the group However I am hearing that some of you Have been really into this lately and This is paying off the work that you are Putting in is paying off I’m also Hearing that a lot of you are doing Inner work on yourself To level up to rise higher to become a Greater better version of yourself and I See that that is going to be the main

Foundational reason why things are Coming to fruition for you things are Happening things are being called in you Are expanding you are gaining the fruits Of your labor whatever it is that you Are putting work in for you’re going to See the fruits of that and you’re going To be really really proud of that I’m Also seeing a lot of you have been Implementing new habits in your life Those new habits you are going to see Results From whether that be diet exercise Setting up a new routine of like Meditation Journaling whatever your new habits have Been o they are paying Off 100% I also see that some of you Have been maybe working on making a bit Of a shift the fact that this woman here Is wearing a mask is letting me know That some of you have been really trying To make a shift in how you see yourself Or how you show up to the world or just Changes in yourself and I’m seeing that Those are actually going to slowly Become much more ingrained and it’s Going to become naturally who you are The Angel Number 44 that we have on the Top here is also really significant Because this talks about building a new Foundation a reliable secure safe Prosperous Foundation it usually also Indicates really good luck with business

Ideas and business ventures so it would Indicate a very solid reliable Foundation with that any seeds that you Have been planting when we have a 44 and fours start popping up for you it Is the indication that you are on the Right track and you are building Something that is reliable lasting Secure and brings a sense of safety and A sense of of trusting right it’s like This total thing that you you can rely On it is safe it is secure so whoops Knocking things over but anyway let’s See what else we get for you um these This card deck is basically all major Arcana cards from the tarot and we’re Going to pull one of these to see like The major shift that’s going to be Happening and the main theme that’s Going to be occurring in your life in This next chapter I really feel like This card wants to come out oh we have The high priest so this is the herant In regular tarot in the major Arcana the Herant is when we put in a lot of work And the hat the three- tiered hat Symbolizes mind body and spirit Mastery And so what I’m seeing is for you you’ve Been putting in a lot of like self-work Maybe you’ve been uh inclined to take Courses maybe you’ve been inclined to Read books and really work on yourself Change things around seeking the Teachings or wisdom of somebody else

Maybe some of you have also been going To therapy or doing other things that Are just going to help you that it’s Like a self-improvement journey that You’ve maybe been inclined to go on or That you’re currently on and in this Next chapter oh my goodness the high Priest talks about getting into Alignment where we feel like we have Mastery over our mind our emotions our Habits our body our actions we feel so Much more in control and the high priest Is also um when we sometimes get the Opportunity to step up into the teacher Position so if some of you have been Wanting to guide others or help others Because maybe you’ve had certain Successes in your life maybe you’re Going to gain an opportunity to help Teach that to other people so the high Priest can also indicate that it can Also indicate when we seek out a teacher Who can greatly help us reach our Particular goals so there could also be A guide that’s in your life helping you Reach things or it could be like a Combination of all of these right the High priest is also when we um get to a Point where we feel like we’re really Fitting in as well and we are not really Scared of other people’s opinions Anymore because we just feel in Alignment we feel in alignment and it Can also indicate when we come back to a

Big amount of faith and Trusting so there could be certain Things that you are really gaining a lot Of momentum in gaining a lot of faith Behind this could even be gaining a lot Of faith behind yourself So yes let’s go ahead and dive into our Tarot cards to see some more information About this next chapter so my group Number Ones the next chapter of your life what Else do we get for You okay we have the 10 of Pentacles oh My goodness the fact that we have like Abundance fruition attraction and then Our next card is literally the 10 of Pentacles I’m also going to darken this A bit on my camera cuz it’s looking a Little bright okay let’s go with that so 10 of Pentacles this is such a powerful Card because this is when we feel so Abundant like we’ve attained everything And we feel secure and it’s like a Lasting foundation so this is kind of Repeating what I was talking about with The 44 and all this abundance stuff and This is is repeating the abundance Message 10 of Pentacles can also be when We receive like a a large lump sum of Money so if you are working on something Right now where maybe you Are getting prepared to sell something Or you’re getting prepared to do a big Project that you know you’re going to

Get a huge bonus for or perhaps like Your dream client comes in and wants to Pay you more than what you’re used to Like it’s sort of different things like That or it’s when we get a promotion and We finally land the position that we’ve Always wanted To it’s when we feel very taken care of And our foundation feels extremely solid Like so reliable and it’s usually when Something’s so reliable that it’s Reliable for generations to come it’s Something that’s so stable that it Really stays with us and that’s also What the 44 represents so there might Might be something that you are building Working on right now that’s just going To bring like prosperity and stability Into your life for years and years to Come we do also have the six and seven Of Pentacles oh my goodness a lot of Pentacle cards which is interesting Because we were already in alignment With talking a lot about like material Kind of stuff with abundance fruition Attraction a lot of like money and Material sort of things so it seems like This next chapter might be very career Focused for you or focused on the Material things that you have and that You own Six of Pentacles is when things Really even out and we feel ooh I’m just Hearing for some of you if you owe money Like if you need to pay off a debt Six

Of Pentacles I’m seeing you paying off That debt but from a place of like oh That’s easy now I’ve gotten to a place Where I’m no longer like fearful of Bills coming in or I’m no longer like Racking up this debt it’s all of a Sudden where we feel so abundant that We’re like oh I’m like easily paying it Off now this is easy for me I’m in Alignment this is good this is you know I really see you just shifting positions Like that where it’s going to be easy For you to balance that out seven of Pentacles coming in as well is when we Are building something even more and We’re building it even higher and so in This next Chapter you’re planting even more seeds Maybe even growing things further it’s Almost like I’m hearing this word like I’m not done yet like I’m just getting Started like that that’s it that that’s The word it’s like I’m just getting Started and I’m seeing you getting into Alignment with a lot of your career Wishes and Dreams um perhaps there’s different Things that are just going to be coming In that really get you into alignment That really start boosting a lot of your Career and um yeah I I’m just seeing a Lot of fruition because seven of Pentacles is also when we plant the Seeds and things start coming to

Fruition the consistent o I’m hearing a Message from Spirit that the consistent Effort that you continue to put in Towards your dreams your desires and Your goals Spirit wants you to know that That in particular is going to be the Reason why everything pays off for You I’m also just noticing another Little synchronicity the three and the Seven right here equal 10 in numerology Which is a one the three and the eights Equal an 11 so we have 1 1 1 44 if ones and fours seem to pop up in Your life or show up in your life what It’s letting you know is that there is a New chapter cuz anytime there’s a one it Indicates A New Beginning however ones When they’re in a sequence such as 1 one Or 1111 or 111 that also indicates the Manifestation and the materialization of Something that you’ve been Desiring and The 44 is the solid foundation that it’s Reliable it’s built on steady ground It’s going to last a long time and 44s Are also a um number of self-improvement As Well so you are in a lot of alignment Right now and the fact that we have so Many Pentacle cards coming up too There’s a lot of like money Financial Things stability coming in okay let’s See what else Spirit has to say for my Group ones so we also have the four of Swords and it’s being reversed wow okay

Actually this makes so much sense that This is coming up in the reverse Position for you because the fours and Specifically the four of Swords is about A time of planning and contemplation and Look it we have another four for you so Fours fours and ones are your number but The four of Swords is a time of planning And contemplation and thinking and Revising and reviewing when it’s Reversed it’s letting you know that like We’re ready to take action there’s we Don’t need to contemplate we don’t need To review anymore we don’t need to Continue revising this is the time of Just taking action and learning through Taking action rather than being in Hermit mode or meditation mode or Anything like that not saying meditation Is bad I still meditate every day and I’m a big action taker However you know when we stay in the Planning stage without taking action Because we feel like we need to keep Planning we feel like we need to keep Doing the inner work this next chapter Is the Outer Action it’s like yes the inner work is Great and I I feel like you’re still Going to be doing the inner work however The main focus in this next chapter the Main focus is going to be the action and The

Receiving rather than the planning the Inner work and things like that so this Next chapter is definitely more about The action and the receiving however I Do see you still doing inner work cuz I Feel like that’s going to be a major Pull and passion for you and it’s going To be the reason why all of this is Accumulating and happening in the first Place but perhaps right now you’re in This time where you’re doing a lot of The inner work and that’s probably your Main focus right now I see this shifting And I see it shifting very soon for you Actually I’m seeing that this is just Around the corner perhaps you’ve been Already getting that inner calling like Okay Now’s the Time to take action Now’s The Time to do something about this Now’s the Time to put this plan and this Idea this Vision this everything that I’ve been thinking about is time to do It um and put it out there and finish it Complete it grow it put in the work put In the effort I’m just seeing more of That coming through here and yeah let’s Dive into some more cards for You so my group of Wes let’s see what Else do we Have for you we also have the sixth Chakra which is your third eye this is Your vision I’m seeing you bringing a Lot of your Visions to life especially If you’ve been like you know writing

Down what your goals are if you’ve been Very clear on what your goals are the Things that you are clear on right now I’m seeing are going to come into your Life very naturally in this next chapter Because of the fact that you’re getting Clear on them Spirit wants to Congratulate you on getting clear and Look at we have another Four I can’t believe it but anyway Spirit wants to congratulate you on Being clear the fact that you have been Clear is the reason why things are Really really taking Shape and Yeah if you feel like you still need to Add more clarity and you have a calling For that do that if you have a calling To still develop things a little bit More before you take action do that Because I feel like that’s going to be Um such a major thing in this next Chapter is a lot of um receiving and a Lot of that Vision materializing the Next card that we have I love that this Card came out for you so this is the Magician in the Mirror you seeing your own Power you seeing Oh my gosh I am the Magician that I’ve always wanted to be I Am That wow also this equals a number eight In numerology which is um unlocking your IM uh unlimited

Potential expanding into your unlimited Potential the eights are oh and look It’s kind of like an Infinity which Eights are literally a symbol of Infinity that’s why it’s tapping into Your infinite potential the eights also Are 44 broken down so you can see it as Another 44 But the magician in the mirror this is You seeing your power and the fact that You’ve had the power all along it’s Really seeing your your own inner gifts Your light what you really have to offer I see just a lot of like um self-belief And self-worth and this realization like Oh I’m actually really powerful and I Have the power to really create my dream Life the magician is the one who holds All the power to create their dream life And we’re all magicians on the inside It’s about realizing that consciously so That we can tap into that potential Because if we don’t believe that we’re a Magician of course we’re never going to Be able to tap into that inner power so I just really see you noticing your Inner power seeing the magician within You seeing how capable that you are and I feel like this is going to be such a Driving force for you in this next Chapter as Well so so some of you um you might even Be doing mirror work like working on Your

Self-image um like how you see yourself That’s also paying Off so let’s See what else do we get for my group Ones all about this next chapter of your Life o that card really wants to come Out Sovereign is coming up Sovereign is When we are the leader and we also feel Um like we have our Freedom we also have dancer and lover Wow there’s like Joy like total Joy I’m Seeing you your energy is going to be Full of joy it’s Energized and embody you’re like the Embodiment of the good energy that You’ve been accumulating or striving For lovers can for one indicate things About our love life it can also indicate Things on a personal level so I’ll touch On both those topics um for one on a Personal level the lovers is when we Understand ourselves so much more we Start to love ourselves we feel Passionate about something in our life This could be you getting so passionate About a goal or a vision that you have To the point where you love waking up in The morning you you’re in love with life The lovers on another level can indicate That there’s significant events Happening in your love life so if you Are Single I’m seeing that there is a Potential to meet somebody really great

Somebody who kind of awakens you livens You up gets you really excited um about Life and you know connecting to the Right People this could also be connecting to A really important Mentor cuz lovers When it pops up it can also indicate Platonic relationships that are just Really special and deep and helpful and Connected so it can also indicate you Know connecting to a guide or a mentor Or somebody else who is you know really Close to you and helping you through This time on another level if you’re Already in a relationship perhaps a lot Of this like monetary stuff might be Also connected to you and this person You and your partner so it could Indicate maybe if you’re in business With your partner that’s like really Blowing up or your partner’s just going To be so proud and supportive of you and Perhaps is helping you you know find the Time for these things perhaps your Partner is being really supportive and Really open with um you know being there For you with whatever it is that you Need so that can also indicate that Sovereign here is when we have our Freedom we feel like that we are the Leader we feel like we’re the absolute Creator of our life and we feel free of Old attachments we feel free of old Things that once felt like they had

Control over us or that they were are Holding us back we this is when you Reclaim your power and it even says Reclaim on here preserve govern and Remember this is when you govern your Own life you remember and recall oh I am The leader of my own life so let me Continue like stepping up into this but I really see like this next chapter for You is stepping up into this leadership Position calling back your freedom Really manifesting some big things here We also have a four I want to point out With the dancer we have a four with the Lovers because 13 the one and the three Of course is a four and then we also Have a nine which is the completion of An old phase so that is what we have for You my group number one’s all about the Next chapter of your life wow that looks Like a lot of big great things are Coming in and I want to mention if some Of you are like listening to this and You’re like that sounds way good way too Good to be true well Spirit came through With that message so that is literally Your message and I feel like this is Right around the corner for for you like If I had to guess I feel like you feel a Lot of these trans formative energies Already about taking action you maybe Already see the opportunity that’s going To bring you this abundance you might Already be seeing like oh I can get an

Idea of where that’s coming because Perhaps you’re already in the planning Stage of this or perhaps you’re already In the pursuit of it in some way so I Feel like you are already going to Understand how that abundance is popping Up into your life if not um perhaps There’s like an idea that’s about to Come to you very soon like literally Around the corner but I do feel like What I’m getting is for most of you like 90% of you are already aware and already Working towards this goal like that’s There’s something already in motion here And yeah I’m seeing it being right Around the corner I am seeing that like The money and the the abundance is going To be accumulating and building more and More over the next six months but I’m Seeing this action and this shift Happening Like immediately I’m seeing you taking Action immediately and I’m seeing Like in the next 6 Months six to seven months huge things Are going to shift especially monetarily For You 10 of Pentacles um the next 10 Months are also going to be very Significant so around the sixth month Things are going to really start picking Up momentum with your finances but it’s Going to continue to grow from there Okay so really seeing it picking up

Continuing to grow I’m seeing a lot of Immediate action happening now where Things are going to start building and Trickling in and yes so that is what we Have my group on thank you so much for Joining me here for today’s video I’m Sending you all so much love and until Next time bye all right my group twos if You chose this pile all about the next Chapter in your life let’s go ahead and Find out what’s happening for you okay My group two is the next chapter of your Life we have Darkness growth and Beauty One of the main main things that I’m Seeing here is that you are growing out Of like a dark period a dark period Could be things where we lack Clarity on Where we’re going or we were going Through something a bit hard or we had a Lot of like unanswered questions things Were a little bit confusing things like That or perhaps like we had a lot of Situations where it felt like there was A lot of resistance or we were being Held back or there was a lot of things That we didn’t want to face um so growth Growth is your next card this next Chapter is you growing out of this this Is no longer going to be in your life And holding you back this is no longer Going to be your energy you are growing Completely out of that and growth is Also when the Sun starts shining again And we get Beyond something we become

Stronger than something so if there were Fears or anything like that I’m seeing You overcoming that those are no longer Going to be bothering you in this next Chapter growth is also um when we are Like kind of above the Old Situation Growth when it comes to also your Mindset and your emotions and no longer Feeling confused or lost it’s when we Gain Clarity and we’re growing towards Something maybe all of a sudden you’re Going to gain more clarity on what you Desire where you want to go and that Growth can finally take place because Things are getting figured out you are Growing and I feel like you’re growing So much stronger there’s like much more Self-belief in this next chapter and Then we also have the card of beauty When beauty comes up it can indicate That we’re going through some kind of Glow up and we gain more Confidence you know maybe there’s Different things that you’re Doing right now and even within this Next chapter that are going to Contribute to a lot more confidence it’s Going to contribute to feeling your best If there’s been something that you’ve Been wanting to do or improve on with Yourself I’m seeing you 100% Accomplishing that doing that being able To you know look at yourself in the Mirror and see so much more Beauty you

Know this could be doing just the inner Work or this could even be doing Something that you’ve been really Wanting to do for yourself such as Changing your hair changing your look Changing your style whatever it is that You are thinking about right now I’m Definitely seeing that there is so much More confidence and like Radiance that You are creating within this next Chapter so let’s dive into our next Cards the next deck that I’m going to Use is this small little deck that is All different major Arcana cards and We’re going to get one card to represent The sort of major overarching theme of This next chapter for you so the next Chapter of your life what is the main Energy of this next chapter okay that One really wants to come out we have the Hermit this is when we do so much Introspection and so much growth if you Have been Needing like answers wisdom if you’ve Been wanting to even get to know Yourself more because the darkness Energy can indicate a lost sort of Feeling where maybe we’re going through Something that’s really unknown and We’re sort of needing to refind Ourselves we’re needing to ref Who We Are The Hermit is when we go deep within And we truly illuminate and discover so Much more about ourselves about our life

The wisdom that we need for the universe So if you’ve been sort of lost on like How do I make things work for me how do I make my life amazing you know all of That you are gaining those answers in This next chapter you are doing so much Of the inner work so The Hermit card Some people look at it and they’re like Oh I’m going to be like alone it doesn’t Necessarily indicate alone but it does Indicate that we might enjoy our Solitude or might enjoy taking time to Deeply Think perhaps that’s something that You’ve been really enjoying is like Deeply thinking the hermit can also be When we start reflecting on our past and It brings us Enlightenment and awareness Of how to shift our future and it gives Us Enlightenment on how to make the Changes that we want to make and the Hermit I’m just seeing you doing that And the hermit is the ninth major Arcana Card and the number nine is very Significant because nines Are the closing and the ending of an old Chapter so you are truly birthing in This new chapter I feel like the this Next chapter for you the theme of it is Bringing a close to this unknown this Darkness this old phase and you’re just Stepping into this growth this beauty And what we can see here is like things Are

Blooming things are blooming and they’re Blooming in a very beautiful way so this Next chapter for you is going to be very Different and it’s going to be where you I feel like are yeah getting so much More into alignment really finding Yourself and improving yourself to the Point where you’re you’re really proud And confident and excited to get out There and be like this is the new me Everyone like this is who I am so let’s See what else we get for you within our Tarot cards here for my group Twos let’s see so we have the Knight of Cups being reversed this one I feel like Is talking about a little bit of your Current energy and what I’m getting is That you’re going to be shifting your Emotional state in this next chapter Shifting your emotional state and Bringing in more selflove and Fulfillment when the Knight of Cups is Reversed it can indicate that we have Felt drained like we haven’t felt Necessarily fulfilled by life’s Circumstances maybe it feels like There’s things that keep draining our Energy rather than filling it back up Like it feels like it’s out of balance a Little bit where we’re getting we have To give more of our energy than we’re Able to receive back this is something That I see you are going to be really Realizing in this next chapter and

Shifting out of that so that you can Grow your cup so that you can grow the Feeling of confidence the feeling of Beauty the feeling of Radiance in your Life also when it comes to romance if Any of you have been feeling like Romance hasn’t Been like what you wanted it to be maybe It hasn’t reached the stage of what you Want it to be yet like your romantic Life this is also going to be shifting In this next chapter and it’s shifting Because I I see that you are going to be Really seeing your your Worth and through this selflove you are Able to Confidently cut away anything that’s no Longer serving you you’re really able to See the answers that are going to help You with major decisions in your life so That you can find your freedom you can Find your peace you can call in what you Really deserve you can feel your Best you can really Blossom and Bloom in The past I’m I’m hearing that some of You have felt like you had to play it Small or you weren’t allowed to really Be yourself in previous relationships And I just see that that’s a huge shift That you’re going to be making is is Like no I want my integrity and I’m Going to be me in my in my future like Love life and I want somebody who loves Me for me so I feel like that’s going to

Be a major Focus for you When we have this card coming up I’m Also seeing you getting more Into Romancing your life enjoying the Beauty of life so Beauty it’s not just About our looks or our self-love it’s Also about enjoying the beauty of life Life is going to get more beautiful for You because your interests the things That you’re growing Into the things that you are going to Focus on and spend your time on are Those beautiful things that make you Feel like you’re Romancing your life it Makes you feel like you’re living a Beautiful Life that’s going to be a major Focus we Also have three of swords being reversed Okay this is definitely making me feel Like some of you have recently either Gotten out of a relationship or some of You are either contemplating ending a Relationship that hasn’t been serving You or hasn’t been giving You what you truly deserve and I’m Seeing seeing that this is going to be Incredibly positive for you I’m seeing That you being alone is way better than You being with somebody who steals your Energy steals your light maybe not Steals it but maybe represses it or we Don’t feel like we can truly be Ourselves or we don’t feel like we can Fully express

Ourselves Knight of Cups when he’s Reversed doesn’t really feel romanced And feels like they have to Maybe dim themselves or repress their Emotions in order to make somebody else Happy And the Three of Swords being reversed Is an amazing position for this card to Actually be in when it’s upright it Means that we’re still dealing with Heartbreak when it’s reversed it means That we’re really healing from it and We’re looking back and we’re sort of Realizing that it’s like the best thing That ever happened to Us and look at you’re stepping into the Growth and the Beauty and the healing when the Three of Swords is reversed the swords fall out Of the heart so if you know what this Card looks like in the regular tar it’s Like three swords stabbing into a heart But when you turn it upside down the Swords fall out they fall away we’re no Longer feeling like our heart is being Hurt so I feel like that’s coming Through um majorly for some of you if Some of you are already in like a Healthy relationship this could also be Talking about healing from like friends Or or a friend that hasn’t been that Great it can also indicate internal Healing if we’ve been the one hurting Our own heart through

Self-talk um you know self-criticism Things like that so it can also indicate That on a internal level like with Yourself so if some of you are already In a really good relationship and you’re Like wait how does that apply it would Apply more on that internal Level but again if this is resonating For like an actual partnership Relationship that’s what that would mean It’s also interesting we keep getting Reverse cards for your group so we also Have the herant being reversed here you Are ready to go against what other People think that you should do Or it’s also kind of getting over the The fear of disappointing Others and doing things your own way Because you’re putting your happiness First rather than societal Expectations First rather than honoring Traditions First it seems like you Are putting yourself your wants and Needs first in this next chapter which I Think is going to be the best thing for You I’m also seeing you maybe Questioning old belief systems old Things that you used to believe in you Are questioning and now breaking down Those old beliefs so these old beliefs Could have been something along the Lines of like I’m unlovable no one’s Ever going to love me back I’m not Worthy of a good relationship or the

Good relationships are just too hard to Find I’m never going to find it or if You’ve even been thinking things Around like your potential or your life Or anything like that if you’ve been Having belief systems like I’ll never be Capable of achieving this I’ll never be Successful whatever your belief system Was it could have even been a belief System such as Um like your actual like religion or Faith when the hant is reversed it Indicates that we are questioning a Faith or a belief System so there could be something like This happening in your life in this next Chapter and you’re questioning it so That you can be set Free and build belief systems and faiths That do work for You this is also when we sometimes have To break a promise maybe we made a Promise that you know it’s we’re really Not wanting to be tied to that promise Anymore we’re realizing that it wasn’t Good for us such as promising like I’m Going to be with you forever and then we Realize like that person is not our Person you know that’s a promise that It’s like it’s okay to break that Because sometimes as we learn more we Realize That that thing wasn’t good for us so The heroin being reversed is all those

Different things you know it could be The breaking of a promise that helps us Set us free you know this is about you Claiming your freedom back being okay Being on your Own because you are aware that it’s Going to be so much better than staying You know where we’re unfulfilled where We feel like we have to repress where we Feel like we have to kind of you you Know be in this unknown this like the Darkness is when we our life is filled With fears unknowns we have to Constantly question things or worry About our future things like that okay We also have Page of Cups being reversed Here a lot of reversed cards for you and I promise you not all the card like look At there’s so many right side up cards In this deck like but anyway there There’s like a half and half what we got For you Is some reversals here which is okay Because reversals are not a bad thing And I don’t want you to ever feel like They’re a bad thing but I know some People in the comment box they’ll be Like oh my God it must be that every Card in the deck is reversed which is Not the case so anyway Page of Cups Being reversed here you are going to be Doing things your own way there’s a Rebel energy coming out for you where You are like okay I’m going to do things

My own way and I’m going to put my Fulfillment first this next chapter is About You finding what fills your Cup how can you fill your cup because Living a life where it feels like we are Constantly drained is not fun and I feel Like you’ve been realizing that so this Next chapter is about you finding Yourself finding what fills your cup Finding this growth this beauty this Expansion feeling comfortable breaking Some rules breaking some promises Going Your Own Way being a little bit selfish Being selfish sometimes is not a bad Thing especially because like we’re all Responsible for our own happiness and I Just feel like you are taking Responsibility into your own hands for Your own happiness because living a Happy life is what you deserve so I’m Just seeing you taking things into your Own hands taking control back over it And feeling comfortable to speak about What it is that you really want not Being afraid of hurting somebody else You know it’s like it’s like well we all Again are responsible for our own Happiness so like you got to take care Of you and this next chapter is about You taking care of You so let’s see what else we get for You here my group one so we also have Appreciation I’m seeing that you are

Going to have like a newfound Appreciation for Life people are also going to really Appreciate you be proud of you in this Next chapter and I’m just seeing you Stopping to smell the roses stopping to Smell the roses we have the beauty card And the appreciation the appreciation For Life the appreciation for the beauty Around you I’m seeing a whole lot Shifting within your mindset and within Your interests and what you’re spending Your time on and realizing that it is so You are so worthy to spend your time on The things that you appreciate the Things that you love the things that Fill you with happiness like I’m seeing That really coming out in this next Chapter for you and really a lot of Self-discovery on what you appreciate And what you want to amplify what you Want more of in your life okay we also Have hostilities oh I see you facing This this you are so facing this so that You don’t have to repeat this Anymore okay hostilities just like when I was talking about the Three of Swords It can indicate a person in our life That there’s been like a hostile kind of Like interaction with you know things Might not have been that great and it’s Time to end that I’m seeing you getting The courage to end things and confront Things and move away from negative

Situations negative People I am also seeing when it comes to Yourself and your own maybe Self-criticism or things like that I’m Seeing you calming that down I’m seeing You questioning those beliefs right Because the herant being reversed is Questioning Beliefs questioning your own thoughts Because not every thought you think is True right you might think a thought one Day where you’re just like oh my God I’m So stupid or so this or I’m so that you Know that thought is not true and not Every thought that you think is true Right so Anyway like that’s my point here Hostilities can be your own internal Hostilities your own internal conflicts It can also symbolize the ones in a Relationship that we are confronting Because we’re like you know what I don’t I don’t deserve to live like that Anymore I’m going to remove myself from That it’s going hermit going on your own Realizing that it’s better to be on your Own than be around This energy right the fact that we have A lot of cup cards coming up can for one Indicate that either you are a water Sign or perhaps the person that we’re Talking about like if there’s an actual Person in your life that’s bringing all These energies they could be a water

Sign water signs are cancer Scorpio and Pisces um so that’s the most Likely um sign that they are just Considering that we have two cup cards That are the court cards which are they Represent people so just wanted to point That out for those of you who that will Apply To okay so our next few cards here we Have medium and we have Seeker So for you you are deeply an empath you Feel energies it’s like you can read People so well trust your intuition and I feel like this next chapter for you You will be trusting your intuition so Much more because you’re realizing it Has been true time and time again and Maybe people try to or like this person Has maybe tried to Like Gaslight you or defend themselves Or make it seem like they’re not at Fault for Anything and perhaps they’re really Convincing at times maybe they’re really Good at gaslighting and I’m just seeing Like trust your intuition because you Know it’s like you you feel these things You know the fact that it comes to your Mind all the time it’s like you have Such a strong intuition okay um so for One that message is coming up and trust Your intuition okay we also do have Seeker so expose heed appraise and face You are going to be facing something and

Being able to let it go exposing truth You are going to be getting the truth That you need you’re going to be getting The clarity that you Need and this next chapter of your life Is going to be so Beautiful Because you are overcoming this Like this phase and one thing that I’ll Say what I’m getting in terms of Timelines is that you facing this Darkness or this person or this internal Conflict or thing that’s been maybe Upsetting you or hurting you I’m seeing That you are like right around the Corner to faing it like it’s going to Happen what I feel is like within the Next few days or month Max that’s what I’m hearing I do sometimes give more Bigger timelines because they are General readings and so Spirit usually Gives me a broader timeline so that it Applies to everyone watching this but For some of you I feel like this is like This could be as soon as happening Tonight where this conversation arises Um this could be as soon as like a Couple days from now or like a month From now for some of of you this could Even be something that has already Occurred like maybe just very recently And your next chapter um Spirit wants to Emphasize that your next chapter is like Exploring you and having so much fun

Being free calling your freedom Back Being able to appreciate life calling in The beauty calling in your confidence Feeling good feeling feeling this Freedom to where The Hermit okay so the Hermit is not responsible for anybody Else’s happiness The Hermit is somebody Who is in solitude more or alone more But I don’t see you being like entirely Alone however the energy that I’m Picking up from this is like you no Longer have to please anybody else you No longer have to worry about your Actions and what somebody else is going To think or say about them you no longer Have to worry and stress about any of That it’s like you can step into the Energy of Being you because there’s nobody else Trying to control your life right those People are not good we shouldn’t have People in our life that are trying to Control us and I do feel like there’s Been a little bit of that energy there For you and I’m just seeing this next Chapter it’s like this freedom and this Feeling like oh I can be me and um yeah It’s it’s calling your freedom back your Sovereignty back Your everything about you going into a Much more beautiful time where you feel Free free at ease at peace with life and I’m also seeing you medium and Seeker is Making me feel like you’re going to be

Calling in something new the flames Right here make me feel like there is a Fire that is finally blowing away this Is you calling your power back being Able to blow out a fire Let It Go and I’m seeing you you’re you’re like oh I Can connect with my real me again I can Seek I can find who I am and I’m also Seeing you seeking out new things and Building a new chapter that’s going to Be just so much more in alignment with Who you are and it might take some time Of like working through these fears of Like like oh can I really be me it’s Like oh yeah I can yes I can so let me Let me do that you know and it might Feel a little bit weird at first CU you You just all of a sudden get all this Freedom back where you’re not worried About these other thoughts anymore these Other fears what other people are going To think what other people are going to Say and it’s just your sovereignty is Back so I just see you stepping more and More into that over these next few Months and I see this huge transition Taking place where your life and the Beauty that you’re calling into your Life I’m hearing that this is all going To start really Accumulating or not necessarily Accumulating but it’s really this new Life is building between the Next

Four to 8ish Months and I don’t want that to sound Sound like a huge timeline but when it Comes to like you really feeling like oh I found myself and my life is going like Way way way up and in such a different Direction it’s going to feel drastically Different your life will be drastically Different in the next four to 8ish Months so that is what we have here my Beautiful group number two is all about The next chapter of your life it looks Like you are totally getting rid of Toxic energy in your life that has been Holding you back and restricting your Growth and now you’re stepping into to Growth you’re stepping into the beauty Of life and stepping into like your own Sovereignty your own power and all of That so thank you so much for joining me Here for today’s video I’m sending you All so much love and until next time bye All right it’s my group number threes This is going to be all about the next Chapter of your life so let’s go ahead And Dive Right In wow my group thre is So we have resistance gratitude and Blossoming as our first cards for one Your next chapter you are overcoming a a Big obstacle or challenge or resistance That you have been currently facing look At all the growth that is happening Around this this next chapter is you Growing out of this obstacle challenge

Or thing that’s been holding you back if You have felt stuck like things have not Been moving forward things have not been Progressing or again if you’ve been Facing something that has just been like Overwhelming there’s just been a lot on Your plate and again like a challenge oh My goodness you are completely Overcoming that and this I even used the Word I think blossoming when I was Looking at this or talking about this or At least it’s been in my head but then We also have the blossoming Card this is when progress starts to Take place gratitude is when we’re also Receiving something and we feel very Thankful so you’re going to be receiving Like ooh I just heard recognition in my Mind there’s going to be recogn that you Are Receiving and I’m also seeing you being Really thankful about the fact that you No longer have to deal with this issue Or this problem anymore it’s it’s Totally healing you are totally Overcoming it and we also have angel Number 33 over here which is networking Meeting important people it’s also Creativity and when we feel like we just Have a lot of creative ideas that are Blossoming and helping us move forward So I think that you’re going to be like Like creativity is your key in Overcoming this I feel like your

Creative juices are going to be flowing Again in this next chapter and good Things are just going to be Blooming in your life that you are going To be very grateful for I do see that You might even be meeting somebody like If you’ve needed help with something or If you’ve needed to meet somebody get a Hold of somebody contact somebody to Kind of like help move things forward in Some way or even if you don’t even know That you’ve been needing that I just see Like really important networking or Meeting somebody important in this next Chapter where you’re making the right Connections that can really help you in Moving forward so we’re going to dive Into our next cards in fact I actually Didn’t mean to take these ones out yet We are going to take this deck out first And um this deck is a small deck that Holds all major Arcana cards in the Tarot which represent the major themes Of our life the major um chapters that We go through so we’re going to pull one Card to get the overall energy and theme Of this next chapter of your life so Let’s see what your major Arcana card is That is representing this next Chapter so my group Threeso wow we have the tower and that One came up reversed there so this is Amazing the tower is when we are Destroying something that is no longer

Serving us which makes total sense since I really felt like you are overcoming an Obstacle or Challenge and when the tower Is reversed this is when we’re in the Rebuilding stage where maybe something Wasn’t working out for us maybe Something like maybe there’s even an Ending where you’re getting the courage To end a cycle or To shift something or a breakthrough Because also the tower card the tower Could also literally represent the Challenge that’s been in your way and This can represent you coming down and Just destroying the CH the the challenge Or the obstacle and you’re just like no More am I dealing with this no more am I Letting this hold me back or no longer Am I letting this stand in my way and Now you get to rebuild your life in a New way so the tower when it’s reversed Always talks about a rebuilding stage This is your theme of the next chapter You’re rebuilding something new and Completely Overcoming that obstacle or that Challenge that is your major themee I Love that this one came up for you so This also represents things that are no Longer serving us so if there’s been Anything in your life like a job or a Person or a lifestyle a Habit anything within your life that Feels like it is no longer Ser serving

You and instead just standing in your Way this could even be yourself standing In your own way breakthroughs major Major breakthroughs that are going to Help you Blossom I’m also seeing a lot Of like like the fact that she’s playing A violin here I just feel like it’s Significant Somehow so creativity the Arts if you do Anything artsy or if you’re a creative Person I see you taking that to the next Level I also see your skills are going To be Improving so uh yeah if you again have a Certain creative skill I see that you’re Improving that maybe even learning Something new that’s going to help you Expand into a greater Vision in your Life with that but I’m just seeing like Yeah creativity is going to be utilized More it’s blossoming more um into your Life let’s see we also have the Judgment Card being Reversed letting go of fear of judgment Is the first thing that I’m hearing with This letting go of the fear of being Judged letting go of the fear of looking Stupid sometimes that’s the biggest Thing that holds us back so sometimes it Is us standing in our own way from our Own fears and it creates resistance in Our life cuz we we might have a vision That we really want but then we’re Scared like what are other people going

To think what are other people going to Say and then it ends up being a big Thing that sends in our way so getting Over the fear of judgment is what I Heard when this card came up reversed I Also feel like you have a big calling That perhaps at the moment you’ve been Delaying this next chapter is about you Taking Action Overcoming any of those internal voices That have been stopping you and holding You back I’m also hearing the words fear Of being Seen so a lot of us like unconsciously Actually have the fear of being seen we Have a fear of being vulnerable we have A fear of being open we have a fear of Making Mistakes we can have a fear of a lot of Different things so the fear of being Seen is a really common thing and all of Those things that I mentioned are under The category of a fear of being seen Also that card just fell out so we’re Going to we’re going to go with it Um I see you overcoming that ace of cups This is a card that shows up when we are Starting something new that is Emotionally fulfilling it’s going to be Emotionally fulfilling I’m also hearing The word aesthetic for some Reason I don’t know why I’m hearing the Word

Aesthetic so I don’t know if you have Plans for something where you want to Make something more Beautiful you want to make it more Ambient you want to make it more Pleasing to eye something like this but Ace of cups I’ve literally just heard The word aesthetic and making something More beautiful and more fulfilling and More emotionally fulfilling to see it or Be in it or live in it or experience it And I think that that’s going to be a Huge payoff for you and I think that’s Connected to this creativity thing also With the ace of cups is when we are Seeking emotional fulfillment and we’re Putting our emotional fulfillment first Rather than putting fear first or rather Than putting doubts first first or Rather than letting things drain our Energy the ace of cups is when we start Really focusing on our deepest Fulfillments ace of cups sometimes by The way can also indicate the beginning Of a new deep relationship so if you are Single and you are seeking love ace of Cups some of you if you have been Feeling stuck or resistant because maybe You have felt closed off maybe you felt Felt not ready for love Um just saying ace of cups can Definitely 100% indicate um the starting Of a new love interest in the beginning Of that so for those of you that are

Single that maybe resonate with going Through that I’m definitely seeing that For you in this next chapter 100% for Those of you that are already in a Relationship I would see that you’re Getting to know this person on a much Deeper level you are breaking through w S together you’re having breakthroughs In your love life things are blossoming You’re feeling grateful you’re feeling Appreciated in your love life feeling Grateful for those that you are Connecting with so yeah for those of you That um are trying to manifest that Right now or create a deeper bond in Your love life or to take your love life To the next level manifest Love 100% ace of cups indicates that Type of energy and massive breakthrough There of opening up letting down your Walls we also have 10 of Wands this can Be when we feel like we are carrying a Lot of weight and I think one of your Biggest things right now this is making Me feel like this next chapter for you You’re ready to take on more you are Ready to do more you are Also ready to really own your power and Own your Strength there’s so many breakthroughs That you’re having for one I feel like You are realizing how strong you really Are and how much you’re actually capable Of which I think is going to be such an

Amazing realization for you I’m also Seeing that there’s going to be a lot of Realizations Around like balancing your life as well Not letting yourself go to burnout Because this ace of cups was talking About your fulfillment right and when we Carry too much when we’re carrying way Too much it can drain us And I’m seeing you focusing on emotional Fulfillment seeing how strong you are But also having these realizations of What we need to maybe like patterns that We need to end things that we need to Have breakthroughs on but yes I am Seeing that this next chapter I am Feeling like it’s going to be a busy one For you I am feeling like it’ll be full Of things to do Responsibilities however I see you Thriving through it based on all of the Cards that we have here I’m seeing that You are thriving through and feeling Like you love The the amount that you have to do Loving seeing your strength loving the Fact that there are things to do and Things are actually moving Forward so we have that we also have six Of Cups being reversed this is when we Start moving forward rather than Reminiscing on the past six of Cups can Indicate attachments to our past past Memories from our past people from our

Past it can also represent our childhood And it can represent um previous Relationships and things like that when It’s reversed it’s the letting go of That it’s also the healing of the past So if you’ve had anything in your past That maybe happened even since childhood That maybe has still been keeping you Stuck or restricted in some way in your Life I’m seeing breakthroughs with that Healing with that so that you can Liberate and be free I’m also seeing you O I just got a huge message that there’s Going to be some sort of like Forgiveness and really important healing Conversation with somebody from your Family a family member this could be Like a Parent a Sibling somebody really close in your Family that there is like this deep Conversation where there’s understanding Forgiveness and a fresh start so that Just came in really really strongly There expressing the Gratitude between You and that person and and kind of Seeing like you know what I’m actually Really grateful for you and I’m really Grateful for all of our experiences and I think you’re getting to a point where You’re seeing like how every experience Has really served you and yeah a lot of Positivity with that I’m also seeing That you are the type of person to take

On a Lot and I think one of your biggest Realizations in this this next chapter Is like yes I’m strong Enough but I also deserve to fill my cup That’s a major major thing that I keep Hearing because I do think that there’s Going to be a theme where you are really Busy because I feel like that’s a norm For you and you do realize how powerful Are powerful you are through It however there is this calling to come Back to also focus on your fulfillment And realize you don’t have to take all Of it on on your own you don’t have to Say yes to everything you don’t have to Carry every single weight that there is That’s coming Through one other thing that I’m hearing From this is Dedication is going to be huge in this Next chapter it’s like you’re so Dedicated to a bigger vision and making A lot of progress breaking down old Walls that have kept you stuck and yeah Healing that so let’s see what else we Get for you so my group thre is this Next chapter what else do we have in This next Chapter let’s see let’s see let’s See we have deceit and it is being Reversed in this one which I feel like Is significant if you have been Like lied to in the past by like

Previous relationships Or within your family before if you felt Like maybe there’s a sense of mistrust Or not wanting to open open up too fast Especially within your love Life or in your family life like your Intimate close Relationships this is healing in this Next chapter this is healing there’s Forgiveness letting go so that you don’t Need to hang on to that energy anymore So that you don’t need to perpetuate That energy anymore that is Healing that’s going to be powerful for You I just felt like that’s that’s going To be so powerful like this is going to Allow you to open up to new love Especially you know if you’re single and You’re looking this is going to really Help you open up to new Love and have a Fresh beginning with that if you’re Already in a relationship I’m seeing That there is healing openness happening Within that relationship um more trust And deeper bonds if this is talking About an intimate relationship with like A friend or like close family member I’m Also seeing healing with that and Forgiveness and letting go So we also have the first chakra which Is the root chakra Archangel Michael Calling your power back this is Huge group three is calling your power Back the first chakra also deals with

Manifestation it deals with our physical Body our physical health our physical Well-being it’s also the chakra of our Stability our security our ability to Manifest things to make money to feel Stable to feel secure to feel trusting All of that is in the first Chakra and when our first chakra is out Of balance we can actually have Different pains in the body such as like Low back aches any sort of back aches Really um and just other different pains Or like leg hip kind of things anything In like the lower extremities of the Body it can also be adrenal fatigue it Can manifest in adrenal fatigue which is Feeling tired all the time and feeling Burnt out anyway I’m seeing that you are Balancing this chakra in this next Chapter And those physical things that you might Be dealing with if you’re dealing with Any of those physical like pains or Things like that I’m seeing that being Healed as well as the ability to feel More stable to feel in your power the First chakra is like your power center You’re going to feel in your Power you’re going to feel more Powerful more stable more secure more Like self-reliant sorry it’s not even Focused on this card but hopefully it is Um you’re going to feel so much more Like oh I can get this done it’s just in

Your power in feeling safe right Archangel Michael’s actually I haven’t Talked about the angels in a long time Um but Archangel Michael helps us feel Safe and you can actually call on Archangel Michael anytime that you’re Feeling stressed or anything like that And you can say hey Archangel Michael Please come through at this time thank You so much for like listening and I Really need help with this particular Situation can you please Surround Me In An orb of some people say Archangel Michael you surround yourself in a green Light but also you can surround yourself In a red light because that is going to Help you with the um the root chakra and That also helps you gain power you can Also say please surround me in my Situation in a white light because that Always encompasses all energies all Things um so yeah anyway you can call on The Angels at any time to help you and Help you bring in positive energy to Help uh guide you navigate you through The different energies and experiences That you are going through in life so Just wanted to throw that out there in Case that helps any of you but diving Into our last deck of cards here let’s See any last information for my group Threes about this next chapter we have Empath coming through wow so you are a Deep empath you feel emotions you feel

Energy ooh and the fact that I was Called unconscious ly to put this next To this card perhaps you feel like there Is some unfinished business that you Just need Clarity on something maybe Even from your past that we need closure On this is going to come through and You’re going to be given the opportunity For that in this next chapter and I just See things blossoming and healing and oh I I’m seeing Forgiveness and like healing is the Biggest word Here let’s see what else do we have my Group threes oh it’s interesting too you Had angel number 33 in your group three That literally just hit me now that’s so Interesting but anyway yes group Three and the fact that we have angel Number 33 showing up in this group so Threes are really significant for you at This time which threes are again all About creativity communication Networking and that sort of energy it Can also be where we get introduced to New love or we communicate and we’re Able to deepen love it can be associated With the energies of love so it’s Interesting that I also brought that up When we had U ace of cups show through I’m also hearing that um in your Relationship there’s deeper Understanding coming through and if you Are meeting somebody new this month for

Example if you’re single um I’m seeing Like a like a spiritual connection with This person where you kind of just like Really understand each other and then we Also have the Alchemist so being able to Take a negative situation and all of a Sudden it’s positive and I really feel Like you’re alchemizing that with this Relationship that um is going through This healing here then we also have Devote so this is when we are dedicated To something we are inspired we acquire We emerge Angel Number 22 showing up Here and another two as well twos are Planning and progress and moving forward Which I love that one coming up for you It makes so much Sense transmuting anything old and dark Into to something light and good Realizing the positivity that has come Through the previous struggles it’s like You’re alchemizing struggles into Strengths and into positivity in this Next chapter I feel like you you will Have gained so much wisdom to the point Where it’s like you feel Unstoppable in This next chapter because you’re like I Have learned so much I’ve had so many Epiphanies and I’ve realized my true Strength through this and it’s like You’re coming out stronger than ever More confident than ever in this next Chapter because of what you’ve learned And all the different changes that

You’ve gone through um the devote I see You more dedicated to certain habits or Practices that are going to be Incredibly beneficial and helpful for You I also see you connecting deeper to Angels if some of you have had a calling For that actually really it’s so Interesting that I actually felt called To talk about the angels in this reading Too and then like with this card I Really feel called to talk about it Again if some of you have a calling Towards learning more about angel angels Or Spirit guides or things like that I’m Seeing that being a a really positive Thing for you if not devote can also Indicate that we’re just really devoted To a bigger picture or a bigger idea or We’re devoted to changing we’re devoted To learning we’re devoted to Um uh overcoming old patterns and Becoming somebody new so I just see you Really devoted to this big shift that You are going through and that you are Dedicated to change and that this change Will be permanent this isn’t a change That one day you’re like oh let me fall Back into my old habits my old routines Like no this change is like permanent For you this is something you can trust And know that you’re good to go you got This so that is what we have here my Group number three is all about the next Chapter in your life thank you so much

For joining me here for today’s video And I’m sending you all so much love and Until next time bye all right my group Fours if you chose this pile this is Going to be a reading so let’s go ahead And dive right into it all right my Group four is this next chapter is going To be fun this next chapter is going to Be exciting we have surrender pleasure And sovereignty so these two cards gave Me so many messages off the bat but We’ll also get into this one I promise However this next chapter is going to be Exciting this new chapter I see that You’re gaining more freedom and Independence in your life so perhaps This could be things like moving out on Your own or more Independence in your Career job there’s just more Independence more freedom coming through In your life and you’re having fun this Is like like getting so excited about This new chapter that you’re just like Beaming with energy you’re inspired to Wake up every day um I keep hearing the Word move I feel like some of you are Moving Like moving to a new city moving Somewhere warmer hotter somewhere that’s More inspiring for you um being more on Your own being more independent and Feeling the freedom of that oh I just The word Freedom just keeps coming into My head and then also the fact that we

Have surrender over here we are able to Feel more calm more peaceful more at Ease we don’t feel like Things are like in control of us anymore We’re kind of just able to surrender sit Back lay back and step more into Pleasure step more into Fun I think fun is going to be the main Focus on this next chapter it’s fun and Enjoyment like genuine joy for life in This next chapter and sovereignty is When we feel like we are the Creator we Feel like we’re actually in control of Our life and we feel like yeah it’s it’s Up to us we feel more in control so Let’s see what else we get here for you My group fours um these are all major Arcana cards so it’s like a small deck And the major Arcana cards talk about The major themes in our life and since We’re talking about the next chapter of Your life we’re going to pull one of These to get the major theme of what This next chapter is for you oh we Actually got two so let’s go with it we Have the empress and strength coming Through this is so fun okay empress and Strength so the empress is feeling Abundant she’s also like she sits on her Throne and she looks at what she’s Accomplished she’s look she looks at What she’s created and she’s really Proud of it she is also usually in the Creation process of something so the

Empress is represented as the mother who Is pregnant and about to birth something Or she’s growing something so for one it Can symbolize pregnancy however it can Also symbolize and most of the time what It does symbolize is uh getting ready to Create and birth something new the Empress she’s in her divine feminine she Likes to be surrounded by Beauty she Likes to make things beautiful she likes To put effort into herself for her to be Beautiful she’s into all the self love The self- appreciation giving to herself Um just creating like a peaceful Nurturing beautiful environment where You feel nurtured and you’re giving the Nurture you have time for that it’s like Giving the time to yourself so you’re Going into your Empress stage which is The divine feminine and no matter if you Are a man or a woman we actually all Have mixes of feminine and masculine Within us every single one of us so even When I say divine feminine and maybe You’re a guy and you’re like what are You talking about um so what the divine Feminine is is going more into your Nurturing growing self love sitting back And relaxing taking in life stopping to Smell the roses that’s the divine Feminine energy so that is this next Chapter it’s going into more of That and then um yes we also do have Strength here strength is when we feel

Like we are in our Power and it’s also when we feel more Radiant we feel more alive we feel like We have the strength to overcome any Obstacle we feel like we are also at a Time where we feel good we feel radiant We feel strong we feel positive strength Is connected to the zodiac sign of Leo Which is also connected to the Sun so it It brings This Joy it brings this Radiance and strength is also when we Feel like we we have the ability to Overcome we have the ability to have Breakthroughs and we also have the Ability to really stand up for ourselves To be assertive to call our power back Which is makes so much sense because Sovereignty is like this beautiful mix Between the empress and the strength Card because it’s like it’s sovereignty Is sort of like this queen energy or it Could even be king energy I guess but Like who’s able to lead their life they Have the freedom to do so so this is This is just coming up strong for you is All of this like Freedom type of energy I’m hearing that if some of you have Been wanting more time to relax more Time for fun if you’ve been wanting to Manifest a vacation if you’ve been Wanting to manifest more Independence 100% and all of that is happening in This next chapter for those of you who Have wanted to live more of a uh work

From home or work as a nomad type of Lifestyle I feel like you are absolutely Building that for yourself for those of You who’ve just wanted a bit more Freedom with your schedule I 100% see That and um sort of like the the power To really do that the power to pull that Off and this Empress energy of like Having time for you so this is really Powerful so far now let’s go ahead and Dive into our next cards to get some More information on this next chapter For you my group Fours what else do we Have for this next chapter for my group Fours by the way this new card deck is Like one of my favorites I think it’s so Beautiful ooh we had 10 of Pentacles out For another group too and now it’s Coming up for you as well then we also Do have Six of Swords okay so 10 of Pentacles is one of my favorite cards in All of tarot and it’s actually one of The most positive cards in the tarot 10 Of Pentacles is abundance so connected To what I was saying with the empress Energy so this can indicate that we’re Making more money this can indicate that We feel more stable more secure we feel Like our foundation is set we feel like Our foundation is really reliable as as Well like it’s not something that we’re Like oh is that going to change in the Future No 10 of Pentacles is like solid

Stable we trust it and we feel good 10 Of Pentacles is also when we have a very Happy home life it can also indicate Gaining raises or uh getting Inheritances or getting gifted money or Um just more money coming in it can also Indicate success in business especially Long-term success or success in a career So it can indicate all of that um T of Pentacles is also making me feel Like your home will be significant like You’re really proud of your home in this Next Chapter for some reason spirit is Calling me to talk about a pet maybe Some of you have a pet or maybe some of You are thinking about getting a pet That for some reason just came up so Take that as you will but spirit I felt Like was not leaving my brain alone Before I said that like it just kept Saying pet and I was like really is that Is that what we see here Spirit kept Saying it so I just decided to throw it Out there if you’ve been thinking about Getting a pet that’s coming through on That card right there for those of you That maybe already have a pet and that’s Like not not in the cards this is a General reading so sometimes there will Be things just for specific people and I Feel like the pet thing is for like a Good 40% of you it’s like a good chunk Of you that the pet thing is relevant of

Getting a new pet in this next chapter And um having like a cute little one so Oh and then right when I said that For those of you that are maybe wanting To get pregnant or currently are Pregnant stability good things with this Feeling on top of it stepping into your Motherhood energy so just wanted to Throw that out there as well since that Just came to my mind uh Six of Swords Is when we are moving to clearer calmer Waters we’re also being guided in that Direction there is something that you Are surrendering to that you’re just Like okay I can’t change this so I’m Going to go on my own way or Surrendering to a situation and and Feeling ready to leave it behind Six of Swords is like a Bittersweet energy Where we leave something behind because We know we’re going to be happier Somewhere else we know that we’re going To be happier moving forward moving On this could be moving to a new city Away from your family for Example and maybe it’s going to be a bit Bittersweet Six of Swords can also Indicate when we’re like ready to Transition out of an old job into a new One and we know we’re not going to be Seeing the same people anymore and it’s Kind of bettersweet but we’re also so Excited at the same time it can indicate Stuff like that it could also be a

Transition like graduating from school And then going you know into the next Phase of life where we know again we’re Not going to be surrounded by the same People it’s like Bittersweet but we’re Also excited right there’s like an Excitement here Six of Swords is this Bittersweet energy but we’re also so Excited for where it’s bringing bringing Us and I absolutely see you for some Reason Spirit saying you’re stepping Into the unknown you’re going somewhere Where you’ve never been before you’ve Never explored this before this could Also be transitioning to Motherhood for Example or fatherhood or anything like This where it’s bittersweet we’re like Oh I’m not going to be as free and as Independent well I mean you’re going to Be really free and independent okay but You know I’m just throwing this out There as an example and then we Transition into the next phase where It’s like oh now I have this resp Responsibility now I have this thing Even though it’s so exciting and it’s Actually more exciting the Six of Swords Always indicates that it’s like that It’s like that transition phase so yeah Six of Swords that is what that Indicates this next chapter is going to Be ultra Ultra exciting and I think You’re going to be very stoked for it However there is like a like a oh well I

Do have to leave behind this chapter Which it was beautiful but oh I’m Excited so yeah let’s see what else we Get My group Fours we have 10 of Wands wow two tens So tens are the completion of a phase They are the ending of a chapter they’re Also an accumulation point so the Accumulation of stability wealth Proudness this really great energy here 10 of Wands is sometimes when we feel Really busy and that we’re taking on a Lot uh we might have a lot of Responsibility on our Hands and um perhaps you’re actually Taking on more responsib ility in this Next Chapter yes there’s more freedom there’s More sovereignty but for example like if This is moving out on your own for the First time yes it’s going to open up Freedom yes it’s going to open up all This but it it does come with more Responsibility however I feel like You’re very excited for this new Responsibility of however this is Showing up in your life you know I’m Just throwing out different examples but However this is showing up in your life There will be like more that you’re Taking on but I feel like there’s this Willingness there’s this excitement There’s this inner strength of like yeah

I got this and I’m so happy to now be Here and and have this next phase so I Do feel like it’s going to be busy I’m Going to tell you that it’s going to be Busy but you absolutely got this and it Is going to be so worth it we also have The herant showing up so this is funny We’ve had a lot of similar cards to Previous groups that are showing up I am Feeling really called to pull out Another card for you actually uh but the Heroin I also see you learning a lot more this Is like a whole new learning phase where Maybe you’re seeking a lot of new wisdom New guidance because this new phase of Your life it’s it’s different you know It’s it’s new in some way shape or form It’s just new that you are exploring This next phase um and I feel like you Are going to be Navigating and learning so much about How to How to kind of Na yeah navigate is the Word that I’m looking for navigate this New Phase the hant can also indicate higher Education learning things taking courses Reading books educating yourself it can Symbolize education so there could be an Opportunity to learn something new or to Dive into a course or a class or a book That’s going to really uplevel You and also with this next card this is

Kind of cute because with the seven of Swords I am seeing this like little bit Of nervous energy that you might have About this next phase of like oh like I Need to make sure that I do this right I Need to make sure that I have all the Wisdom and the knowledge I need to make Sure that that I’m thinking about Everything so there could even be a Little bit of energy of like like this Nervousness of really wanting to make Sure that you’re doing things right to Really wanting to make sure that Everything is going okay and that you’re Not making a mistake um but yes I see a Very positive outcome here and I want You to know that and spirit wants you to Know that but I am getting this like Slight like there could be like little Instances of fear that are popping up Into your mind of like am I going to be Okay am I going to do this right am I Going to be well equipped am I ready for This like there could be a couple of Those like little fears trying to Surface around this transition around This new responsibility this New Freedom This new chapter that you’re walking Into but I’m really seeing like the fact That we have 10 of Pentacles showing up Here here you are well equipped you have A sturdy Foundation this is the perfect Time that you are doing this in I also See that you are very strong very

Capable of perfectly making it through The fact that Six of Swords is upright You’re actually moving into a better Place in your life so yes you got this Yes you’re going to figure it out the Fact that we also have strength here the Empress as your two major theme cards of This next chapter oh my God you’re going To be great things are going to be Fruitful things are going to be Expansive for you and you got this okay You got this so diving into our next few Cards here for my group fours let’s see What else we get oh I feel like that one Wants to come out ooh okay so we have The card so some of you might be worried About money Financial constraints maybe Some of you are like like really Thinking about that this could also be Like where you’re at right now we also Have the first chakra Archangel Michael This one I swear just came up literally For the last group which is crazy um but Yes the fact that we have 10 of Pentacles here let me tell you that your Money like the things that you might be Worried about right now I see them Absolutely working out I see you getting To a way better place financially so if This is a current worry that you have Where you’re where you’re feeling Restricted or you’re feeling like like Anxiety when you think about the the Future I really really really see that

You got this the fact that we have 10 of Pentacles even coming up the fact that We have the empress also Strength like you’re going to absolutely Be okay um the first chakra as well Talks about our stability our security Our sense of safety it also talks about Our ability to make money that all comes And manifests from our first chakra Which is the root chakra um it’s also Where we manifest we have the ability to Manifest things in the world it’s also Our ability to take action and I’m Seeing that that you’re going to have This motivation you have drive I’m also Seeing you balancing this area so if you Have felt imbalanced in the first root Chakra this is balancing and I’m seeing You balancing your root which is your Foundation which is your again stability Your Security this is something you are Balancing in this next Chapter okay the fact that we even have The 10 of Pentacles coming up you are Absolutely building something very Sustainable I think that oh Spirit just Said that you are going to be focused on Making new decisions monetarily in this Next chapter and those new decisions the The decisions that you’re even sort of Realizing and making right now are going To really pay off in this next Chapter they’re really going to pay off

Spirit wants to say that you’re already On the right track because of these Thoughts these realizations Um that you have been having already Have been guiding you in the right Direction to getting your 10 of Pentacles so that’s That let’s see what else do we get for My group Fours all about this next chapter so we Also have the sear so this is when we Unlock our ability to see to gain Clarity um enlighten visualiz interpret So this could very much also be like Visualizing what it is that you want to Create if any of you have been like goal Setting working towards that I’m seeing That really paying off if you haven’t Done that yet I would highly recommend Because I see that that’s going to be Something that really pays you off the More that you can clarify your direction The better off that you are going to be Um but I’m also seeing you gaining a lot Of clarity on um everything that you’re Currently Maybe worried about anything That hasn’t worked itself out yet any Answers that you are still seeking I’m Seeing that those are coming in perfect Timing along your timeline of getting Into this next phase getting into more Freedom let’s see what else we have here My group Fours okay we also have a card that flew

Out on the ground this is our way Shower wow okay so if you are Unclear about how something’s going to Happen if you are Unclear about the right decisions that You need to make way shower is when all Of that we gain Clarity on that we’re All of a sudden able to see it um I feel Like this is going to unfold the More that time passes like you’re going To be able to see more understand more We also have teacher showing up the fact That we have heroin and teacher showing Up I would not be surprised if some of You are either wanting to step into more Of a teacher position in your life or Wanting to spread wisdom or knowledge or Wanting to learn or educate yourself or Prepare yourself for this next chapter Maybe you’re really into learning Seeking out information seeking teachers Reading books taking courses things like That that’s coming in heavily right now Again these both have different layers Because it’s like the student the one Who learns and is seeking the teacher But the flip side of the teacher and the Herant also indicate that you may feel Called to step up to share more wisdom Share more information and things like That so it has that Duality and you Might even feel called or resonate with Both of those or on side of that again It’s a general reading so I like to

Point out all the different layers and Options most of the time tarot has such Layers to where we resonate with both Sides of what the tarot is representing So you might find in your life that you Resonate with both of those also we have A number four popping up right here you Are group number four so that is Significant and that talks about setting Out a foundation um like a really strong Foundation we also have another four Over here that’s interesting fours are Showing up for a lot of People I would not be surprised if you Were also drawn to the other group that Had a four popup as well as their Prominent number I forgot which group That was already because when I do these Readings like my brain does not hold on To the inform whatsoever so I don’t even Remember what group that was at this Point but there was another group that Had a lot of fours pop up so I wouldn’t Be surprised if you were also drawn to That group but even if not that’s okay Your message is right here so that is What we have for you my group four is All about your your future that next Chapter that you are stepping into it’s Like that path is going to unfold so Much more so much Clarity is going to Come in the how is going to present Itself because maybe you’ve been really Wanting to to manifest something or to

Create something in your life maybe You’ve been really dreaming about Something but you don’t know how it’s Going to show up this next chapter the Way shower like that’s just going to Come in that is going to come in the way And the how and the means is going to Present itself and is going to make Itself clear in the next coming months In terms of timeline um let’s talk about Timeline so what I’m feeling is that This major transition into more freedom Into more sovereignty intuitively I am Feeling summertime is coming up Prominently like the month of July is Coming up really prominently also the Term three months is coming up really Prominently so this is a Timeless Reading no matter when you are listening To this this is timeless this is going To call you whenever you feel called to It okay but in terms of timeline spirit Is giving me those three different Things sometimes spirit is vague with Timelines in general reading Just because they are General readings And everyone has a slightly different Timeline so sometimes spirit gives broad Examples or sometimes spirit gives a Multitude of different options but you Are going to feel intuitively which one Makes the most sense to you or you might Even be surprised and find out like oh Wait that’s sooner than I thought that

Happened sooner than I would have Guessed so things happen like that but Again those things that I’m feeling is For some reason July is coming into my Mind summer is coming into my mind and Three months is coming into to my mind So that is when I feel like all these Things are going to start really Shifting more opportunity or the way the Way is going to make itself clear about Stepping into more freedom stepping into More time off stepping into more Pleasure more fun I really see this next Chapter for you it’s it’s fun it’s Really really fun and I see you being Able to enjoy yourself letting go of Stress especially if currently you feel Stressed in this aspect of life with the Seven of Swords like maybe just thinking About like what could go wrong Financial Constraints that you might be like how Am I going to make that work right you Might be asking yourself that right now Like how am I going to make that Work but let me tell you spirit is Coming through all right here the way is Going to show itself and I feel like It’s going to show itself because you’re Interested in learning you’re interested In educating yourself learning skills Learning the way and I I just feel like They’re you’re going to find the Information you are going to find the How that is going to present itself and

You will be moving into this direction Where things are easy abundance Financial abundance Freedom more fun More excitement more Independence in Your life more freedom with your Schedule all of that is coming in in This next chapter so trust it trust that Spirit is going to unfold it as you Continue to move forward as you continue To trust that that’s literally the key Here as you continue to Trust the way will be shown to you but You have to continue to trust hold your Vision see it hold that Vision the way Is literally going to come continue Seeking that knowledge continue having Fun continue living life continue Absorbing that energy as you embody the Energy of what you want to attract it Will begin showing up in your life and Magnetizing to you that is how you Magnetize things you embody the energy Of what you want to attract so that is The key secret that’s where I’m going to Leave you off group number fours thank You so much for joining me here today For this video all about the next Chapter of your life I’m sending you all So much love and until next time bye all Right my group fives if this was your Pile let’s go ahead and dive into your Reading all about the next chapter of Your Life all right my group five is we have

Action creation and the masculine your Next chapter of your Life let me tell you okay so everyone on This planet has a mix of masculine and Feminine energy we all do it just kind Of represents different different Different types of energy so the Masculine energy is all about taking Action Protecting um striving forward Determination uh they’re very like goal Oriented and it’s just all like action Action action let’s attain it’s also About the physical attainment and the Masculine again likes to protect it Likes to make the feminine feel safe and The Feminine is the Creative Energy and What I’m seeing for you in this next Chapter Is that I feel like you’ve been in the Creative Energy where maybe you’ve been Thinking about things or you know Wanting different things this next Chapter for you is all about action and It’s all about stepping into the Masculine energy which is doing Attaining making progress moving Forward uh creating a safe environment For yourself where you feel more Protected you feel more balanced you Feel more secure that is this next Chapter for you is taking action towards All of those different things so we’re Stepping out of just the imagination and

We’re stepping more into the doing the Action and all of that the masculine Energy as well is really sticking out to Me in the sense that perhaps this next Chapter there might be a a Divine Masculine type of person coming into Your life offering more stability or Offering more protection offering the Divine masculine type of energy which Helps us feel more secure it helps us Feel more creative so if you’re already In a relationship I see like a lot of Support coming in from that relationship If I’m also getting that this could also Be like a Business Partnership for some Of you where um we’re able to get more Done because we’re able to expand and Delegate Tasks things like that um I’m also Seeing like a lot of forward movement When it comes to your life your goals Your direction I’m also seeing you Gaining more clarity on Direction and That’s why we’re able to like take Action it’s like you’re really ready in This phase to take action and make Progress so that is coming through Really heavily Here the next cards that we’re going to Shuffle are this small little deck which Is all different major Arcana cards from The tarot and basically we are going to Get one of these cards because they Represent major life chapters and since

We’re talking about your next chapter of Life I want to get one of these to let Us know the Overarching theme and energy of this Next chapter for you so let’s see my Group fives what is your overall theme And overarching energy ooh so we have The card of Hope which is actually um Like a extended card of this deck so It’s not actually in the regular tarot Cards this is an extended card this next Chapter for you is having faith and Trusting in the process trusting in your Future in fact actually spirit is Telling me to pull one more card for you Too spirit says that you need to two Cards to represent the energy that You’re going into but hope is when we Have faith and trust in our future and That’s why we’re able to take action Because we actually have the faith and Trust that you know what this could Actually really work out and it’s Interesting that we have three moons on These cards and they’re all on the right Side which is the masculine side it Repres it represents the masculine Energy you are all moving Forward all of your energy is going to Be focused on making progress taking Action and doing things and getting Stuff done I feel like this is going to Be a productive like very ultr Productive next chapter for you maybe

You’re also called to be more productive Maybe that’s a thing that you’ve been Feeling lately like I want to be more Productive or I want to make like a More more progress more progress more Energy to feel Like also secure protected to make Progress all of that we also have the Card of judgment coming through this is A higher calling if you see these angels At the top with their trumpets and then The people down here This is when we feel like we have a Higher calling you are being called to Step up you are being called to take Action you are being called to to do Things to answer the call so you Probably already feel this now that There is some sort of calling to you to Like take action on something to take Action on an idea or a vision that you Might have to take action on an Opportunity you’re being called into That and I feel like this next chapter You’re answering that call ooh I just Heard that there actually might be an Important call with an opportunity Showing Up very soon um I’m hearing like the Next two-ish weeks maybe two months Max Spirit likes to give wider timelines in General readings because it has to Encompass a wider group of people so Spirit likes to give a broader timeline

But I’m hearing two weeks to two months From now um there could be this Important call where there’s this like Opportunity or there’s an idea that’s Somehow sparked from this cont Conversation this is going to give you a Sort of calling where we need to take Action and make a decision and it’s like Answering the call and I’m hearing the Words to be honest about your feelings Wants and needs when it comes to this Call but to also know that you have what It takes you 100% have what it takes and Um this is this is your opportunity to Take action this is your opportunity to Step into that Divine masculine side of Your energy which is all the action Oriented energy whereas the feminine is More of like the nurturing the Relaxing um that kind of energy the Masculine is the action productivity Getting stuffed done type of Energy let’s see what else do we get for You we also have the death card coming Up so the death card is one of my Favorites in the deck because it Indicates change and a metamorphosis you Can think about the death card as the Caterpillar becoming the butter fly it Goes through a massive metamorphosis and That’s what you are going to be going Through in this next chapter so if you Used to think of yourself more as the Caterpillar for example you know maybe

It felt like we couldn’t really fly Maybe it felt like we were living the Same day over and over again maybe it Felt like no growth was happening this Next chapter for you there’s a lot a lot Of growth and transformation where we Are being called to leave behind being The caterpillar and we’re being called To transform into to the butterfly where Our action is going to take us so much Further because now we have wings we can Fly we can move so much faster we can You know we we’ve just grown into a Bigger version of ourselves we have new Skills so in this next chapter you might Even be called to learn something new to Take action to expand Yourself the death can also indicate Answering this call and taking this Opportunity and then we’re kind of We Rise higher in some way so yeah this is A time of metamorphosis for yourself I Also think that a lot of Your identity your self-image is also Going to be shifting because when you Used to look in the mirror maybe all you Saw was the caterpillar this next Chapter is looking into the mirror and Seeing like oh I’m the butterfly so we Also have 10 of Swords being reversed And then we have Queen of Swords Upright planning decision making I don’t Know why the queen of Swords is pregnant In this depiction cuz Queen of Swords

Doesn’t really ever depict Pregnancy Queen of Swords though can be An announcement can be an opportunity Coming through um so yeah However the Fact that we do have a pregnant woman on This card some of you that might be Relevant however I feel like it’s a very Small small small percentage of you but For those of you that might be thinking About that or that might be in the cards For you that would be your confirmation On that pregnancy and pregnant women um Within symbolism within the tarot can Also indicate being fertile with Ideas being fertile with with the Creation of something and taking action To make things come to life 10 of Swords Being reversed is when we are letting Go of for one a victim Mentality that’s one thing it represents It can also indicate healing from Physical ailments or physical pains or An emotional Situation that has caused us pain a Mental situation that has caused us pain Things like this 10 of Swords when it’s Reversed is the healing of that so yes I’m seeing healing on the levels Of letting go of victimhood so if you Used to think like I’m not capable of That I’ll never achieve that that’ll Never be for me things like this maybe Thoughts that used to weigh on you and Thoughts that were not serving you I’m

Seeing letting go of that and Queen of Swords is when we start getting so much More in touch with a Positive mentality a mentality that Supports us and helps us Grow a mentality that helps us become More fertile in life with our goals and Ideas 10 of Swords being reversed is so Positive it’s literally the healing and The letting go of all the things that Were once Weighing on You also with um T of Swords reversed Another thing that I wanted to say about That is if you have been having like Aches or pains and I mean that like Physically mentally or Emotionally when T of Swords is reversed It is the clearing of that we are Solving that issue it’s no longer poing Us in the behind it’s no longer any of That that also that phrase just there Like gave me an epiphany if anything has Been feeling like it’s poking you in the Behind like maybe somebody’s like Constantly poking and prodding you for An answer when you don’t know yet or Somebody’s constantly poking and Prodding you about different things or This could even be other Responsibilities other situations that That they’re just like yeah poking into You a little bit and it’s getting Annoying that is also healing and going Away you are getting absolutely on top

Of that and feeling good you are Clearing that you are so able to fight That off and get over That so let’s see what else we have for You my group fives we also have the five Of Wands I see this like you are so able to Be more assertive that is really coming Through strong here and also the fact That we have Divine masculine coming Through as well Assertiveness oh if you have been Wanting To oh if you’ve been stuck in any Situation where maybe you’ve been a Pushover before or maybe you feel like People would walk all over you or take Advantage of you or if you felt like it Was hard to speak your truth to people Because you didn’t want to offend them Or hurt their Feelings wow is that ever about to Change this next chapter I feel like you Are so over that it’s like you don’t Want to be that anymore and the Divine Masculine is the energy of being Assertive but being the balanced Assertive they’re not Aggressive they’re not Like overly controlling or anything like That they are just assertive they will Assert their their thoughts because they Know that their thoughts are worthwhile They know that you know they not they’re

Not just going to let people disrespect Them or walk all over them things like That but they do things in a balanced Way they don’t they don’t fight back in An immature way they’re just balanced They’re mature they are strong they are Powerful Queen of Swords energy as well It’s just like let’s say it like it is Let’s say what’s on our mind let’s not Let things walk all over us and poke Us In the butt and take advantage of us Right so I see you being more aware of That and working towards like you know What I’m no longer going to be scared of Conflict I’m no longer going to be yeah And I just see you I see you facing Something that maybe we’ve needed to Face a conversation that maybe we’ve Needed to Have or perhaps again it’s just multiple Things that that we are really ready to Just be assertive be ourselves step more Into our power with those Situations saying it like it is if You’ve also been on the opposite end of That Spectrum where maybe you’ve been Somebody who who always gets into Aggressive arguments aggressive talks Maybe things always just seem to blow up Because we’ve had too much of the Masculine dominant Energy I see you also working on that And working through that and this would Be instead coming to a more peaceful

Situation where we’re being assertive But respectful and we’re also able to Tame ourselves a little bit more so Again if you’ve been on the opposite end Of that Spectrum it’s more coming back Into balance no matter what side of that Spectrum you’ve been on things are Coming more into balance in regards to Your communication your firness the Things that you need to say get off your Chest all of that so the action that you Take is becoming More in Balance okay so let’s dive into Some more cards here let’s see my group Fives what else do we get for this next Chapter of your life Angel Number 44 This is showing up for so many people so Many people are coming to a place of Manifesting more stability and you are No except ction to that rule woman Holding a heart I’m seeing that you are Healing if you’ve ever needed some heart Healing or if you’ve been wanting to Call in more selflove more time To give to yourself to love yourself if You’ve been needing that that is coming Through in this next chapter as well I’m Also seeing support coming through from A feminine figure in your life so this Could be like a wife a girlfriend your Mom But a feminine figure in your life a Really important feminine figure this Might not even be like a family member

Or anything like that this could also be Like a feminine figure like such as a Feminine boss that we might have a Female boss or something like this but I’m seeing like praise and appreciation And support coming in from this person And I’m seeing it being really Transformative and really Positive really really positive I see it Being something that’s like oh wow you Really feel that way like oh my God That’s so special and I feel like that’s Going to be a really um really nice Situation for You I’m also seeing wearing your heart More on your sleeve being able to Express yourself we also have door to Spirit coming Through this is when we connect more to The spiritual energies around us that Are guiding us if you’ve been needing More guidance especially signs from the Universe that you are on the right path That is coming through that is gushing Through that’s going to happen a lot Through this next chapter like signs are Going to be rushing in I’m seeing that Feathers are going to be prominent so if You see feathers laying around that is a Sign of Ascension growing your wings Like we were talking about in the death Card so growing your wings ascending Over old problems um it’s a sign also of Freedom and

Peace and um that your angels are Surrounding you as well so it’s a sign Of all those different things also what I’m seeing within our cards over here There’s like this dark background but This magic that’s like floating through The cards this is making me feel like Right now you are going through a time Where there’s certain things that might Be unknown where you’re you’re looking For a sign you’re looking for guidance You’re looking for the the sign that You’re on the right Path the magic that’s over here lets me Know that you are being divinely Guided By your inspiration by your inner Callings that you have and spirit wants You to know that those inner callings Are not leading you astray they’re Leading you right where you need to be And door to Spirit your intuition is Becoming stronger in this next chapter There’s going to be signs and Synchronicities that start happening to Let you know that you are on the right Path and when you get those signs and Synchronicities Trust in them okay Because they are there to let you know That yes you doing the right things Taking the right action you are on the Right path I’m also seeing um there’s this like Really powerful energy coming through Where it’s like no longer feeling

Fearful no longer Feeling scarcity the Divine masculine is Like so determined and no matter what’s Going on in the Divine masculine life The Divine masculine is like so Determined to get to the end goal to Make the vision happen and they fully Fully and I mean fully believe in the Elves this is the energy you’re stepping Into in this next chapter is this full Like determination within yourself of Like I’m not letting myself down I’m Going to make these certain things Happen I’m going to make these changes Take these actions reach this Destination Reach This goal so I see That happening a lot in this next Chapter let’s see what else we get for You my group Fives this next chapter of your life What else else do we have any last Messages oo let’s see okay we have love Maker and I feel like these other cards Want to come out Too we have love Maker which kind of reminds me of woman Holding a heart there’s more compassion Like like love for life love for other People I feel like you’re going to be More expressive with what’s on your Heart in this next chapter if you have Felt closed off or if you’ve been just Not taking the time to express what’s on Your heart I feel like this next chapter

Is like more heartfelt heartfelt Experiences heartfelt situations even With those that you are close to those That you love there’s more heartfelt Conversations and more heartfelt Experiences coming through we also have The card of the Divine door to Spirit And then Divine connect stabilize Stabilize personify Cal calibrate you Are calibrating in the right direction Signs are coming in stabilized things Are stabilizing for you because of this Divine masculine energy that you have we Also have the card of the Seeker who finds a way if there is a Will there is a way and that is so true For the Divine masculine that is so true For the Seeker we also have the action Card like the Seeker if there’s a will There’s a way they are going to find a Way and this is you in this next chapter Of really finding a way Heeding ahead appraise facing anything That you need to face to overcome it Expose so this can also be where we Where we open up oh I’m hearing that You’re going to expose more of your Heart more of your Feelings more of who you really are Feeling this this opening of who you are To be able to express it more to give And receive a love more if you felt if You Felt imbalanced when it came to to

Giving and receiving Love this is also Healing because I feel like you’re more Open to be more vulnerable to expose Your true thoughts and feelings which Will allow you to give more but it will Also actually allow you to receive more As Well so that is um also coming through There let me see if I see any last Messages here before we move on so my Group fives ooh we have number five Right here that for some reason just Stuck out fives by the way um indicate Shifts and Changes shifts and changes it can also Um indicate unexpected shifts and Changes too so there could also be Different things happening in this next Little while that create different Unexpected shifts and changes in terms Of timeline when it comes to all this Divine masculine energy sort of becoming Really prominent for you this action um Gaining these signs gaining progress Opening your heart all of these things I’m seeing that this next Chapter I’m hearing Around 2 months coming through so it’s Around the same time that you are Getting this higher calling coming Through which I was feeling around 2 Weeks to two months coming through and All of this action I’m really hearing

That it’s going to happen within this Next within these next two months it’s Like this this newfound confidence of I Got this I’m going to do this it’s this Real deep determination of not giving up Really moving forward we have double Sixes here as well the one and the five The two and the four um sixes are when We get back into harmony we get back Into harmony of of our life so more Balance is coming Through um magic following your inner Light where it’s guiding you it’s going To guide you to much much More like magical places magical Experiences in your life And I am feeling like a big theme for You is more Appreciation giving yourself more love I’m also hearing that people want to Throw a celebration or party for you in The next little while so there there’s Maybe like a Um o I’m seeing like like really Actually fully celebrating either a Birthday or significant Event and it’s like a fun celebration That for some reason is just coming Through right now as well some sort of Fun celebration for you so and I feel Like that fun celebration is going to Happen within the next 3 months for the Timeline on that so that is what we have My beautiful beautiful group number

Fives thank you so much for joining me Here for today’s video all about the Next chapter of your life what you can Expect happening there’s so much more Action being taken oh my God if you have Been contemplating something that you’re Like I should probably do that I I Should probably take action on that I Should probably finally step into that Wow this next chapter is you absolutely 100% wholeheartedly fully stepping into That making that transformation of Really believing in yourself and doing It creating more of that self trust and Pushing forward so yes again that is What we have to here thank you so much For joining me here for today’s video I’m sending you all so much love and Until next time bye

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