The Next Chapter of Your LOVE Life • PICK A CARD •

The Next Chapter of Your LOVE Life • PICK A CARD •

Hello lovelies!
Todays video is a ‘pick a card’ reading. Pick the card you’re most drawn to, to find out ‘The Next Chapter of Your LOVE Life’! Once you’ve picked, skip ahead to the timestamp below where I reveal what it is…

𓂀 *Time Stamps* 𓂀
⁺˖ Intro: 0:00
🀧 Card 1 (Selenite): 2:09
🀧 Card 2 (Celestite): 21:16
🀧 Card 3 (Lapis Lazuli): 40:16
🀧 Card 4 (Howlite): 1:00:03

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Celestite: (currently unavailable)
Lapis Lazuli: (currently unavailable)
Howlite Sphere:

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Divine Bracelet Set:
Pyrite Ascend Ring: (currently unavailable)
Gold Accent Bracelets:

🀧 *Decks Used*
Moonchild Tarot Shadow Edition:
Starchild Tarot:
Mermaid Tarot:
Crystal Visions Tarot:
Threads of Fate Oracle (discontinued, similar one):
Romance Oracle:
Love Story Oracle:

🎥 My Camera Gear:

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Hello my loves and welcome back to my Channel today's video is a new pick a Card reading all about the next chapter In your love life so no matter if you Are single or in a relationship whatever Stage that you're at we're going to be Asking spirit for guidance and Information for your highest good at This time to let you know what you can Expect moving into the next chapter of Your love life so what is just coming Around the corner for you the way that This video works is I have four Different groups in front of me over Here we have pile number one with a Piece of selenite on the top of it so if You're drawn to group number one this is Going to reveal all about that next Chapter of your love life group number Two we have this gorgeous piece of Celesti on top of this pile if you're Drawn to that one that's going to be Your group group number three we have This gorgeous piece of lapis lazuli on Top and group number four we have some Howl light so again take a moment you Can pause the video if you would like in Order to find the pile that you're the Most drawn towards and then there's Going to be time stamps linked Down Below in the comment box as as well as The description box so that you can skip Right ahead to your personal prediction All about that next chapter of your live

Of your love life I'm stumbling over my Words but we're going to be finding out Again that next chapter of your love Life so I'm really excited to dive into This one with you I hope you are too and Take all the time that you need also one Thing that I will say if you are Interested in any crystal jewelry I have A jewelry shop where we hand make Gorgeous beaded bracelets that are made With real authentic crystals they are Absolutely amazing and have like the Best energy and we make them according To your wrist size so that they fit you Perfectly and they're also made with Really high quality gold fills so that You can wear them in water and they will Not tarnish they are my favorite I wear Them every day I have well obviously I Have all of them I mean I make them so Anyway I wear all different types all The time for their Crystal healing Benefits they are my favorites and I Love them I'll have all the information Linked down below if you want to check That out as well as a special discount Code just for you my YouTube audience Thank you so much for joining me here Today and without further Ado let's go Ahead and dive right into today's Video all right my group number one's if You chose this pile this is going to Reveal the next chapter of your love Life so let's go ahead and Dive Right In

All right my group ones the next chapter Of your love life let's See ooh okay Knight of Swords this is when we feel like things Are moving a little bit fast things are Fast but there's generally a feeling of Like excitement there as well um but This could be like quick things all of a Sudden really picking up maybe we enter This new chapter and all of a sudden Things are happening like so quickly That we're like whoa oh my gosh there's Like so much newness um so much energy Going into this next chapter it can also Indicate a lot of communication as well Or a lot of planning for something Communication and planning Let's see what else we get for you Here oh all these cards want to come out So we also have page of Wands this can Indicate excitement and like zest it can Indicate passion romance but it's sort Of like a young feeling where things are Just really fun they are lighthearted And it's usually a Time full of a lot of Laughter as well Oo we have a lot of Court cards going on we have Knight of Swords page of Wands queen of cups Coming up she is emotional fulfillment And she is also when she's nurturing Herself so you might go through a time In this next chapter where you're all About nurturing yourself having fun and Doing what feels good for you okay there

Could be a slight energy of things Feeling like they're moving really Quickly in this next phase or Communication is just like on fire it's Like there's a lot of talking there's a Lot of events going on and things like That But it seems like also you're really Making time to nurture yourself to have Self-care to put effort into you the Queen of Cups can also be when we are Really focused on like upleveling Ourselves maybe we want to put a lot of Time and energy and effort into us so That we feel our best but she's all About her emotions she's about our her Feelings she spends time rejuvenating Relaxing doing doing a lot of self-care Practicing a lot of Self-love so it feels like you have a Lot a lot going on here especially with All these Court cards Court cards can Symbolize people in our life but they Can also symbolize aspects of ourselves Or different sort of events happening as Well we do also have the card of Serenity coming Up this one is the hermit in regular Tarot and it is reversed so this is a Time of kind of coming out of your shell A little bit um coming out of hiding Maybe you've been internally doing a lot Of like glow up type of things like Maybe you're really focused on the fact

That you want to feel your best and Maybe you've been taking some time away To to make yourself feel good and I feel Like that's really paying off but this Next chapter is now you coming out and Sort of sort of being like hey everyone Here's the new me and the new me takes Time for herself or himself and nurtures And I focus on my needs I focus on my Wants I focus on filling my cup I think That you're really ready to feel Fulfilled in all aspects of your life And you're wanting like people to know That and just coming out like okay here I Am here's the new me this seems like It's a time of really focusing a lot on Yourself I will say that so group twos This is the next chapter of your love Life is very much focused on you you and You know cuz maybe in the maybe in the Previous chapters we didn't do a lot of That or maybe we've just been craving That a little bit um so it's very Focused on you let's see what else do we Have here my group ones the next chapter Of your love Life let's see I do see like fun and Enjoyable like little events happening Here and there with the page of Wands Energy o and then we also have the Lovers okay group one All of this like self-care Self-nourishment

Is going to make you feel so fulfilled And so much more ready to show up in a Relationship feeling good maybe you're Realizing the importance of self-care And self-fulfillment when it comes to Relationships and all of the work that You're doing right now for Yourself and all the work that you will Be doing kind of focus focusing on Yourself it's going to allow you to come Back out into your love life and show up So much more yourself and you'll know Exactly what you want you need you Deserve I feel like it's going to raise It's going to raise your the standards a Little bit it's going to raise the bar In your love life if you're already Happily like in a Relationship um with somebody I just see That this person is going to be so Supportive of what you're doing because I just think that this next chapter is You're really focused on you and you're Focused on some big stuff in your life And I feel like your partner is going to Be so supportive of that um and also Very attracted to you because of all of That if you're currently Single what I'm seeing is that all of This energy that you're putting in Towards yourself is preparing you to Know exactly what it is that you want in Your love life so that when you kind of Come back out and you're ready to just

Like hop back in to your love life Things I things are going to go a lot Differently than they did before you're Showing up as this whole fulfilled Version of you and I feel like it's Going to attract different people into Your life different people than what You're used to and these type of people Are also the the very fulfilled type of Person because I also think that again Your your standards are raising and You're no longer going to be going after People Who maybe you know don't their life Together or aren't on that same page as You are and I just see that all of that Work is going to really pay off for you Again if you're in a relationship I see That your partner is going to be very Supportive of something that you're Doing more on a personal level and They're just going to be like you know What you do it I want you to be Fulfilled I want you to feel good like It just seems like your love life is Full of a lot of positivity in this next Chapter especially because of that Nurture that you are giving to yourself Around this time so let's see what else We get my group ones all about this next Chapter of your love Life let's See what else is going on here we also Have children coming up for you

Ooh children might be a discussion in Your love life maybe some of you you're Already married already have kids Something along the lines of this if so I feel like your partner is going to Help uh be really supportive for you to Also focus on you a little bit and give You time for you if you're single and All of that maybe some of you are single Parents and this is coming up because It's like you know what it's time to Balance out you plus the needs of others And your other the other people in your Family um if you don't have kids at all And you're fully single this next Chapter you might be starting to think About what it is that you want in your Future you might start thinking like M Maybe I do really want that maybe I am Finally ready for that because as you Kind of focus on you get to that place Of success and fulfillment within Yourself that might be a time where you Really start feeling like I think I'm Kind of ready for that so yes this next Chapter children are um part of that Let's see what else we get we also have This could be the One okay so if you're single one thing That I'm going to say is That the you're going to meet somebody That you're very excited about who's Going to be different than your regular Type

And it's going to be somebody that You're like wait I I could actually see Myself marrying this person so if you're Single I see that happening if you're Already in a relationship I feel like You're already feeling like you know What this is this is my person the way That they support me the way that they Show up all of that I feel like you're Going to truly feel that energy from Them um but yeah also so if you're Single I really see that this next Person coming into your life maybe not The next person but it's the next person That you're actually like wow that's Like this is this is a person that's on My wavelength they're on my same um Vibe And they have that same you know um They're at the same place in life as you When you meet that person that I feel Like you're going to fall really deeply For this person so let's go ahead and See what else we get My group Ones Let's See we also have compassion coming Up this next chapter for you is really Full of like patience with yourself and Letting go of Self-criticism um letting go of feeling Like the pressure that maybe your love Life used to give you it's kind of like You you don't sacrifice your peace and Serenity anymore the way that you might

Have in the past you're ready for a Balanced relationship you are just so Ready for that and you don't tolerate Like imbalances anymore in relationships So we also have the nature card this is Getting back in touch with with what you Really want what is the natural way for You to approach your love life and I Feel like you're also ready for a more Natural type of love something that Is why am I hearing the word traditional Not necessarily traditional because I I Do feel like you're you have your own Like unique qualities that kind of make You different but at the same time it's It's kind of like you're coming to this Place of being ready to like set Roots Okay o there's a lot of cards that fell Out there so we also have the get wild Card letting your wild nature come out The wild nature that says I want to kind Of do what I want I also feel like You're wanting to settle Roots yes so There is a sense of stability at the Same time there's a sense of of living a Life that you want getting wild being Able to speak about what it is that you Want at the same time setting Roots it's Like you're allowing that beautiful Balance of roots of nature Of growth along with let me get a little Bit wild sometimes if I want to like Wild in the sense of not uncontrollable

But but in the sense of like let me Express my natural desires my natural Feelings let me find somebody or get Comfortable with my person enough to Allow them to see that real side of me To allow me to be myself and that's Really coming through really strong here Like your Inner your inner kind Of eccentric more wildish wildling side Of you wants to be liberated a little Bit and wants to be nurtured to for you To just feel more you we also have the Card of spy coming out for you okay There might be somebody from the Past Who either you're still curious about And still keep looking at um but I don't Necessarily feel that much for you I Feel like you're pretty moved on from Other people when it comes to people From your past though they might be very Curious about you and they might be very Like oh how's this person changing did They change their mind on things they're Doing things differently they're letting Out a new side of them so there could be People from your past that um creep up On that and it's best to kind of like Let go of the drama that's a message That I'm hearing like let go the drama's Not needed right forgiveness Oh forgiveness and Spy you might have somebody that really Wants your forgiveness or they may

Really want To express or get forgiveness from you In some way shape or form I feel like It's somebody who wants forgiveness from You and they're still kind of like Attached they've never had the closure They've never gotten that that Forgiveness maybe somebody really wants That from your past for some reason That's coming through so might pop up in This next chapter for you I feel like This is a very minor thing compared to Like the big picture happening here but There might be like someone or something From your past that is wanting Forgiveness and wanting um closure but Again I feel like it's a very minor Minor aspect to this but I also feel Like you're forgiving your past I also See you forgiving yourself for different Attachments that you used to have and Then hope coming back to a place of just You know focusing on what it is that you Want how to move forward Sometimes the Best way to move forward is to forgive And then that allows us to just release Old energy so that could be an aspect or A thing that is um going to come up for You in this next chapter in order to Move forward in order to close things Out um in order to Release forgive there's something Forgiving forgiving with social media Forgiving with

Um online forgiving With phone stuff like there's something Here but you'll know how that applies to Your life but then there's this hope Coming back to Hope coming back to peace And moving Forward so that is what we have here Let's see if we can get any last Information on your love life for this Next chapter so my group ones I definitely see this glow up as well Ooh I'm seeing a glow up where you might Choose to like unfollow a bunch of People from your past that you're just Like I don't need to be tied to that Anymore I don't I can let that go I just Really see this courage to to do that so That you can have this Fresh Start um and allowing for That that's another thing that I'm Seeing right There let's see what else do we get Though my group ones this next We also have the card W this one just Keeps falling around um we also have the Card of trust oh I just placed that Upside down what am I doing I'm just Flying all over the place but yeah so Trust um this next Chapter reclaiming trust reclaiming Trust in your future your love life what It is that you deserve this is also About reclaiming your power by the way Um especially divine feminine power

Which all of us no matter if you're a Man or a woman um you everyone has Divine feminine Divine masculine energy Within them we all have a mix of it but This is about reclaiming your divine Feminine nature which the divine Feminine knows her Worth and sits back and doesn't Chase She like she just knows her worth Reclaims that power doesn't succumb to Lower lower AC Or lower words or anything like that She's just in a respectful place and I Feel like this is you trusting yourself To reclaim your power reclaim your Ability to be like you know what I do Want to cut ties with my past and I do Want to move forward and I I don't feel Guilty about that so there there's this Energy of letting go of guilt for Something and trusting that you know What you deserve happiness you don't Need to be tired to anything anymore you Can just totally move forward let the Wild you out a little bit do that self Nurture follow your own path a bit you Deserve that you deserve that balance in Your Life and I just see a very supportive Partner along this way especially if you Already have a partner um and then if Not I'm seeing um you attracting and Calling in that partner who's on that

Same wavelength as you call calling in That romantic partnership that Absolutely understands you has that Compassion the patience the same values Desires the same or similar path in life That you can build upon together so that Is what is coming through there I'm Going to get one last card from this Deck for you so let's see one last card We have the soulmate card but this one Wanted to come out too so we also have Honeymoon and Soulmate a marriage is definitely in Your Future with your soulmate with your Person finding your absolute person Maybe you're already with that person And this is just confirming like yeah That's it you already have your rock if You're single you're absolutely finding Your person I'm also seeing travel with Your person so either when you meet them Or again if you're already with them I'm Seeing like a really fun vacation Or something to look forward to I feel Like it has to deal with travel or going Somewhere or having some sort of like Beautiful experience that really like Ignites your spark together and having More more Time together and I feel like this is Happening specifically after you've Fully like found that inner fulfillment And you're just really speaking what it

Is that you want reclaiming your power Reclaiming who you really are you know Especially if you already have children Maybe you've kind of lost yourself a Little bit in raising a family and this Is your time to just focus on you again Build yourself back up and I feel like It's going to just really reignite the Spark here and create a lot of like Beautiful Romance in your future so that Is what we have here my group number Ones thank you so much for joining me Here for today's video I'm sending you All so much love and until next time bye All right my group number two is if you Chose this pile this is going to be your Reading all about that next chapter of Your love life so let's go ahead and see What is right around the corner for you All right my group twos let's see what We get for you In this next chapter of your love life So we have the Moon being reversed we Have eight of Wands upright we have Ace Of Wands upright this next Chapter okay right now in your love life There could be some unknowns there could Be something going on within your love Life where maybe we are curious about What somebody's feeling maybe we're Stepping into something right now that There's just a lot of questions in the Air or some unknowns that we really want To figure out maybe we're cu ious about

Something but it can definitely indicate That things are a little bit like Unknown we're stepping into the unknown And we want to know more it's like more Is waiting to be revealed and what I can Tell you is that in this next chapter There's going to be a lot that's going To get revealed to you I am almost Feeling like there might even be someone Who has a lot of emotions and feelings That they want to express to you you Might also be having a lot of just just Questions about this next chapter just Because there's there just seems to be a Lot of Mystery around your love life right now But eight of Wands this is when things Really start moving forward this is when Communication and Clarity come through So it's beautiful that we have this one Right after our moon card because around This next corner for you in this next Chapter you're going to get so much Clarity this is usually when we get Communication coming through or when Somebody like spontaneously just Expresses all their different emotions And feelings or sends us a message or we Just gain a lot of insight and Clarity On this next chapter so whatever it is That you are curious about right now Whatever it is that you're navigating You're about to get so much Clarity Around that and Ace of Wands is when

Something new Sprouts so this next Chapter you might be sprouting something New this could indicate like if you're Single this could be the beginning of a New relationship maybe somebody Expressing their feelings and then all Of a sudden it's like sprouting a Relationship it's like okay well let's Date let's let's go study Um this can Also indicate a surprise being planned So if you're already in a relationship All of these things can indicate a Surprise proposal somebody surprising You with something else like there's Just there's some kind of surprise Energy here and then there's something New that's being planted and Grown so very exciting things happening In this next chapter of your love life My group twos definite excitement moving Forward type of energy eight of Wands Can also indicate travel so within this Next chapter there could be an Opportunity to travel or to go somewhere Or to at least make plans for some kind Of travel but I'm definitely seeing like A sprouting of a commitment or a Sprouting of a of a Plan in your love Life so let's see what else we have we Have Knight of Pentacles this is a card Of Commitment my group twos if you're Single you're not going to be single

Much longer I'm going tell you that Right now you are getting into a Committed relationship absolutely in This next chapter and it is going to Catch you a little bit by surprise and I I feel like there's just going to be a Lot of Attraction and a lot of um Excitement between you and this person If you're already in a relationship I Think your person is going to surprise You with something they're like planning Something that you don't about right now Like planning a proposal planning Something else planning a surprise trip Um but there's yeah lots of commitment Um I also think that you know if you're In a relationship somebody's going to Deeply Express more of their feelings to You beyond what you've heard before and I feel like there's going to be a lot of Just like surprising really good moments Happening yeah this Knight of Pentacles Is also so beautiful because it Indicates commitment it also indicates Like being detail oriented I know that This man is holding up a flag but for Some reason this flag looks like a Champagne bottle to me I don't know why But I feel like it's spirit's way of Saying that there's something to Celebrate in this next chapter and it's Also saying that this person really Wants to celebrate with you sometimes The Knight of Pentacles can also

Indicate an an actual person so this Could be talking about the person that's Coming into your life or your person That you have right now and this would Most likely be a earth sign person which Is Taurus or Virgo or Capricorn however Even if they are not not one of those Zodiac signs those zodiac signs could Also be indicating yours but if not this Would indicate the personality of this Type of person they are reliable they Are honest they are truthful they are Honorable they will always want to do The right thing and I just see that this Person is they want to make it work they Are so committed this is like longterm Energy this person's in it for the long Haul they are here to put in the work They are here to even be with you on Your bad days They they just see the whole future with You and they are so dedicated and I feel Like they really want you to know that So you might hear from them in this next Chapter like they might spill a lot of Emotions to you by being like you know What I'm in this and I want you to like You know uh trust me because like they Really just want you to see where They're at and I just feel like they're Going to be expressing a lot to you oh And then as if we needed more Confirmation my group twos we also have The two of Cups coming through

Okay two of cups is one of the love Cards in Tarot and it's the partnership Card the lovers is also a partnership Card but the two of cups is like you Know also very similar in a lot of ways So what I'm seeing here for you is an Absolute togetherness a commitment a Celebration together an exciting new Chapter being opened up in your love Life with you and somebody that you are You have a deep connection with so you Might already be in a relationship with This person or again if you're single This is a new relationship but I I see This relationship really lasting I see This being a longterm Relationship um I'm seeing a lot of flow Of emotions I'm seeing that you two are On the same page this card indicates two People being on the same wavelength with The same interests the same values the Same emotions they're going into it with The same intentions they both want the Same things like they're they're writing Their story together and they're very Much just on the same page as each other So this next chapter of your love life My group twos my goodness this is very Exciting um so let's go ahead and see What else we get for you my group TW is All about this next Chapter so wow lots of really exciting Energy and emotion that I'm feeling in This one I feel like you have somebody

That they Really Want like something solid with you like This person has such good intentions is What I feel from the energy of this Reading we also have the playfulness Card this one came up for the last group Too wow I have Goosebumps looking at it You and this person have so much fun Together like this is best friend type Of energy as well as being so deeply in Love type of energy but I feel like There's a lot of laughter this next Chapter is about a lot of laughter There's a lot of trust and the the time That playfulness can really come out in A relationship is when there's a lot of Trust there and um I'm seeing that just Really being the Foundation of this Relationship And I see a really like Special times coming up where there Going to be really significant memories In your love life I see you making Memories that you're going to cherish For a very long time this next chapter Is full of really special moments that Are going to be like you know if Somebody ever asks you about your Relationship these are going to be the Moments that you kind of talk about and Highlight um And they're yeah they're very special to

You and this person I see you going on Really fun dates doing things that are Just really exciting between both of you We also have let go of control issues I Think that this is a type of Relationship you're going to feel so Safe in or you do feel so safe in that You don't feel like you need to control The other person and this person doesn't Feel like they need to control you like There's a lot of freedom between you and The energy of this person it's playful It's easygoing we don't like try to Control the other person because we also Trust them and we see that they have our Same values and when we see that and we Connect with somebody on that level it's Like the freedom is there right and it's Not saying like freedom is is you know There's no boundaries at all like I see You two having boundaries but you're Just on such the same page that it just Yeah it allows for that for that freedom And that trust because you're both on That same wavelength so let's see what Else we get here for you what else is Happening in this next chapter of my Group two's love Life see what else is happening in my Group 2's love life Let's see we also have Patience it's interesting that we have a Lot of fast moving energy with the eight Of Wands but we do also have patience

One thing I'll say is this next chapter Might feel like a whirlwind to you and It might feel like it's moving very fast But at the same time with this Knight of Pentacles energy there is like a balance To this like it might feel like a Whirlwind at times in this next chapter But there's such trust there's such Dedication there that um it also isn't Moving too fast if that makes sense like It's moving fast but it's also not Moving too fast there's like that Balance there it's kind of like going at The pace that just feels right and also With patience I feel like part of you is Going to want to slow down time there's Going to be special moments between you And this person where you're kind of Like wait that went by so fast I want to Relive it and you might be in your brain Like trying to just relive certain Memories and being like wow I wish that Lasted so much longer I wish I could Stretch the time of that um that's going To be something that I feel like you're Going to be thinking when you reflect on This next Chapter we also have the card of true Love the heart is singing there could be A special song There is a special song That you two are going to be singing Together Um and it's going to connect you both And it's almost like a like a secret

Kind of like little language that you Two have where you might be singing it Um just at random Times the notes are really sticking out To me there's definitely going to be a Special song that you two have and then Of course true love like this is Something that's very trusting and it's Something that can be built upon even More so let's see what else we get for You my group TW is all about this next Chapter Al we have playfulness and play If you needed to know that you're going To have fun in this next chapter of your Love life well here you go I think that There's going to be a lot of leisure Time time off time for maybe a vacation I am so seeing like travel or some sort Of fun thing that you're really looking Forward to and remember to enjoy it in The moment um there's that reminder here To enjoy it in the moment cuz it's going To go by like so fast because usually When you're having fun things just kind Of fly by and yeah there there's going To be a lot of fun and Connection in this next Chapter wow and it all it all starts From this place right now of feeling Like you're in the unknown a little Bit but we also have time for withdraw So time away time together time um this Next chapter I also see you having a Balance between your alone time and your

Time with this person however I also see Both of you having like alone time Together where it's not just like out And about but it's like this time to Just be with each other we don't Necessarily have to do anything but we Just be with each other there's like a Balance between those things and I feel Like those are going to be some of your Most precious times too is those moments Of just being Together we also have the Creator I love When this card comes up it's kind of Like the magician um when we are really Stepping into that manifestation seat And aot a lot of things start Manifesting in our life very fast there Could be things that you've been wishing For and wanting within your love life And those are like spontaneously Happening if you think about the Creator Card it almost looks just like the Ace Of Wands it's the sprouting of something New I think that you're going to be Planting a new seed in this next chapter And you're watching it grow you are Literally creating something together in This next chapter creating a future Together creating a future plan Sprouting a seed for something and and Yeah it's like you're working your way Towards it and there's a lot of Dedication and commitment in this Vision Together of what you're working towards

Maybe you're working towards buying a Home maybe you're working towards Starting a family maybe you're working Towards um like a certain lifestyle that You want to have together but you are Sitting in the Creator's seat and you Are creating plans together that are Really like starting to come together And it's going to be really fun to watch Those plans blossom and Grow so let's see any last information For my group twos all on this next Chapter of your love life let's See any last Information for my group twos we have The third house there's going to be a Lot of great communication between you Two again I'm seeing a lot of laughter And I'm also seeing a lot of expression About what it is that you two both think Like what it what do you think about me Or how do you feel about me or what do You think about our future what do you Want for a future there's so much like Like conversation around that and I feel Like it's going to be a very exciting Conversation um there could also be a Lot of like um text message back and Forth like if you two aren't together Every single day I'm seeing just a lot Of like communication holding you both Very strong if you two are together Every day are seeing you each other Every day I just feel like there's

Really healthy conversation between you Both try is the strongest shape in the World and also the strongest aspect in Astrology and the fact that we have this One coming up there is such a strength In this relationship this is a Longlasting like this is your Forever Person if you are single right now your Next person the person that maybe you're Communicating with right now and you're Like oo where's it going to go this is Your long-term person this is it this is Absolutely it and again if you're in a Relation ship you probably already know You probably already feel this this is Your person this is literally it for You So this is just so great like my group Two you just like blew this out of the Water it's just so fun it's playful it Almost brings out your childish nature Of just feeling so free just laughing About things this person is your rock Where like if you feel stressed out About something this person's like no I Got you they bring you back to like the Breath and feeling at ease and feeling Like okay I got this like you really Empower each other I feel like you both Offer that to each Other so there's a very positive energy Here very much on the same page very Similar like personalities that I'm Seeing um let's go ahead and get one

Last card for this reading for you so Group Twos the last card we have the second House which is related to Taurus and Venus energy I have this is about your Material world Um So within this next chapter I also Wouldn't be surprised if there's gifts Being exchanged between you both or an Investment the second house can talk About an investment of time or money or Energy so I feel like there's an Investment on all of those planes Between you and this person I'm also Seeing that like there's a lot of Excitement around having each other There excitement like oh my God that's Mine like I'm so excited about you it's Like excited to wake up next to that Person every day um but it is also a House of investment so I wouldn't be Surprised if you're saving up for Something with this person or if they're Saving up for a surprise for you or Something along the lines of this but Definitely lots of surprises lots of Commitment between you both let me see If I see anything else in here before Saying goodbye and closing out this Reading So lots of great Mutual energy between You both very strong energy um the Second and third house together I feel Like this is

Communicating a lot of commitment like Anytime this person speaks it's like you Can see you can hear in their voice what It is that they're feeling which is so Beautiful and Venus is the planet of Love beauty and money so I feel like It's like harmonious on all those Aspects of your life going into this Next chapter so ooh I just heard that Maybe you two are going to really commit To each other to the point where it's Like you you enhance your assets because Once we are like together or a bond it's Like we both have what each other has um So maybe this person's going to be like Yeah keep a toothbrush at my place or Maybe you again move in together and Then you have double of your stuff Because now you live together so that Kind of stuff there's definitely like a Sharing of assets the growth of Assets In this next chapter of your life as Well so that is what we have here my Group number TW thank you so much for Joining me here that is all about the Next chapter of your love life very Exciting stuff I'm so excited for you And for this next chapter I'm sending You all so much love and until next time Bye all right my group number three is If you chose this pile this is going to Reveal the next chapter of your love Life so let's go ahead and Dive Right In okay my group threes the next chapter

We have nine of Wands being reversed as Your first card when this one comes up Reversed it can indicate that we are at The moment a little bit scared to fully Open up our heart and wear our heart on Our sleeve and trust it can indicate That we've had certain disappointments In our past and we're kind of guarded we Have our guard up and we're not we're Just not in that trusting space at the Moment so there could have been Something going on recently within your Recent past within your love life where It's caused you to sort of um close up a Little bit or to kind of stay a little Bit reserved and guarded so let's get Some more information on what this next Chapter is going to bring for you so we Do also have the six of Cups the four of Swords and then the Knight of Pentacles Being reversed six of cups when it is Upright can indicate that we are Reminiscing on the past and maybe we're Also kind of wanting to change the past Maybe there's something that has Happened very recently that you're kind Of thinking like I wish that would have Went differently or maybe you're even Reminiscing on the past thinking like oh That was so beautiful if only I could go Back to that moment or relive that time That can kind of come up um Within These So maybe there's something that you're Like really wanting to change maybe

You're hung up on something or yeah There's something dealing with the past Here four of Swords is when we are stuck In Contemplation wow so there's definitely Something here that spirit is coming Through saying that We have to move on no matter how much we Contemplate and think about the past We're never going to change it and also Everything that unfolds is meant to be You if there's something that's meant For you it will always be and you could Never ruin it if it's meant for you There's no way that you could ruin it Because you just being you and making Any decision that you make and doing Whatever it is that you do you could Never ruin something that is truly meant For you if you could ruin it that means It's not meant for you it wasn't meant To last in your life anyway so there's That just that huge piece of advice Coming through from Spirit right now That they really just want you to know That whatever it is that's happened in The past whatever it is that you feel Like you cannot change that's okay make Peace with that that is absolutely okay Because anything that's meant for you Always will be and you could never ruin It in any way shape or form okay Knight Of Pentacles being reversed again we Have that card that's indicating that

It's been hard for you to move forward Okay um your next chapter though is About you overcoming this your next Chapter is Letting Go making peace with It and being able to move forward Because wouldn't that be beautiful to be Able to move forward and manifest the Thing that is truly meant for you Because you are meant for happiness and Love and peace and joy and all of that So nothing that you could have ever Done you know could ever ruin something That's meant for you I just really want You to know that I feel like that's your Biggest message right now from Spirit And they just really want you to know That going into this next chapter and You know if you want to move on and if You want to create Beauty and love and Amazing experiences in your life it's Going to require moving forward and not Staying stuck in contemplation sometimes Contemplation is great it can help us Grieve it can help us um heal so I do Feel like you're in this healing stage Which is amazing and it's beautiful and I see that coming out of that it's going To offer more more Beauty in your life And it's going to open up new doors for You but the nine of Wands when he's Reversed he's definitely more in that Protection mode rather than in the Exploration mode okay two of Swords Being reversed so in this next chapter

You're going to take off that blindfold And be able to fully just open up and See things for what they are to accept Things for what they are Maybe you have Been hiding you haven't been wanting to Accept a certain truth because when this Card is reversed sometimes especially With the four of swords as well we can Be trying to deny something and it's Almost like we're trying to stay frozen In time like let me just stay where Things are good let me just stay where You know but there might be something That we kind of have to either accept or There could be something that we have to Be honest with ourselves about Or um at least get back to a place where We're trusting in our future and Realizing that anything that's meant to Be will be and it it it will have to be For you right and so if something didn't Work out it wasn't meant to last in your Life anyway if something's not working Out it's not meant to be so we have to Move on we have to learn how to move on How to trust ourselves how to trust the Universe maybe it's because there's this Underlying thing of like you you might Not trust yourself um you might not Trust in your path so that's probably Why certain things like this are Transpiring for you this is all to kind Of build you up to start trusting Yourself to start believing in yourself

And um that's going to make more Harmony Within your love life when you trust Yourself you believe yourself and you Also choose to see things as they are And choose to trust other people when They tell you Something you know and when they tell You something through their words and Through their actions we have to take Both into account right CU people Communicate things on multiple levels so We have to be honest with what is Actually coming across from the Relationships in our life what's coming Across from us and that'll help us Navigate and see truth the four of cups Being reversed there is something Completely new coming out of the blue For you in this next chapter this is the Best position for this card to come up In when it is Upright it indicates that we are still Sulking over what's not working out We're not moving forward and then There's this person kind of like this is Supposed to be the universe or God in The background that's coming and Offering you a new opportunity or a new Thing a fresh start a new idea a new Approach all these different things you Know it could be a new person you know The right person for you or if you're Already in a relationship this could be Like the solution or whatever but when

We're too busy sulking and staying Stuck we don't see that the universe is Here being like hey I got this for you Surprise you know but when it's reversed It's finally when we look over our Shoulder and we begin to move on and We're like you know what let me go down A new road let me let me leave this Behind but it does require leaving this Behind whatever it is that you're upset About whatever it is that has not Changed we have to move On right so we have to move forward so There's an energy here of moving forward Letting stuff go from the past that we Haven't been able to change and let's See what else we get for you in this Next chapter of your love life let's see So we also have judgment coming up okay This is a time of making a new decision There's a calling you're being called To to step up to move in a New Direction which is I think going to be So beautiful for you I think it's going To open up entirely new doors maybe you Were scared of rejection that's coming Through here here being scared of Rejection and almost wanting to like Prove ourselves or protect ourselves From rejection so we're staying Stuck we're staying stuck on Something but there comes a time where We have to just move forward we have to Open up we have to open up about our

Feelings do all of that and then that's Going to be what sets us free that's Going to be what heals us so let's see What else we get here for You actually I want to take out these Cards next let's go into these ones My group threes what else do we have for You what else does Spirit want to say About your love life in this next Chapter so I absolutely see so much Healing and moving on for You and okay we also have chemistry and Romantic feelings coming up if you want To bring the spark alive in your life if You're single right Now I'm seeing that this healing is Going to allow you to fully open up Again the healing that you're doing Within this next chapter is going to Allow you to fully open up to have Chemistry to create romantic feelings to Create that spark as you heal As you Move forward as you go in this new Direction as you let go of the past you Let go of past hurts you begin to trust Yourself trust the universe trust the Universal Universal guidance right That's going to bring you back to Manifesting exactly this if you're Already in a relationship and maybe There's things that we need to Communicate about in order to heal in Order to overcome but maybe we're scared Of judgment maybe we're scared of

Rejection so maybe we've been hiding Keeping our feelings sort of shut down Maybe we haven't been communicating About what it is that we actually think And feel if So the way that you bring the spark back Alive in your relationship the way that You move on from this is unfreezing Yourself a allowing yourself to open Up and moving forward with compassion Because the four of cups like it's Almost like someone's over here Extending out an arm but we've been Maybe ignoring it because we've been so Focused on our negative feelings that We've been like nope and we're just like Shutting somebody Out okay we need to come back we need to Be vulnerable judgment is a card of we Need to be Vulnerable because the only way to Achieve something is we have to wear our Heart on Our Sleeve we have to and it's okay if we Get judged for our feelings like that's Just part of life sometimes it's okay if We get rejected it's okay if you know People don't understand us the purpose Of communicating is to help people Understand us and yes there might be Misunderstandings at times we might have To explain things more in depth we might Have to go deep in our emotions we might Actually have to be truthful and honest

Rather than staying in protection Because when we stay in protection like This is is shown in movies so much Especially in those romance movies where Somebody's like staying in protection And they're not actually saying you know That they love the person and then that Person just interprets it as oh they Don't love me so I guess it's time to Move on you know and then they they kind Of separate and as the audience M you Can see that both of these people want To be together they want to have that Forgiveness but nobody's being open and Honest right or sometimes somebody's Like stuck on something from their past And you know maybe they're single right Now and they're so stuck on something From their past and the audience member Again in these films can see like oh my God but like we see the love of your Life that the that the movie has shown Over here but you're too stuck on your Past to like move on and be open to it No you know again as the audience member We always see this as the external Person we always see this so like I feel Like spirit is trying to let you know Right now that the key to your next Chapter being full of this chemistry the Romance is through your ability to Unfreeze Yourself to start moving forward to have Compassion to be open to be vulnerable

To wear your heart on your sleeve again To trust Again and to trust that the best thing For you is to open up to get Unfrozen so let's see what else we have For you my group thre is all about this Next Chapter of your love life I absolutely See your love life just reigniting as You open up as you deaw and then look at We have the death I love that this card Came up for you this is a perfect card For you so the death card is a Transformation it's also when the Caterpillar goes into a cocoon but then Hatches from the Cocoon and becomes the Butterfly so this is you like you might Be in the Cocoon stage right now where You're in protection mode and in Transformation mode really deeply Thinking about a lot of things the death Card is when we are able to shed that Old skin that's been keeping us stuck That we've outgrown death is when we Make a huge change a huge transformation We also let it's kind of an ego death Too because sometimes our ego is what is Scared of being open and being Vulnerable because it fears rejection CU To the ego rejection feels like death And so the ego is scared of that it's Scared to accept that it's scared to Even confront that because what if That's the case then the ego has to die

It has to go through a many death but That's okay because that's what frees You right so rather than staying Frozen Let's become free let's not be scared of Of the ego death that we might have to Face let's not be scared of the Communication that we might have to deal With the transformation that might have To come because the transformation like You're talking about staying here versus Coming here right like of course we want To be in chemistry and and romance like That's just the best place so This next chapter is all about letting Go and having that inner transformation To really open up and to heal which is Going to be the best thing for you but I Think spirit is coming through with a Lot of advice right now because like This is your next chapter but I feel Like this next chapter um it's up to you When it unfolds right how long do you Want to stay frozen for so Spirit keeps Reiterating this question to you Because this next chapter can start to Tomorrow it can start today it can start A month from now it can start 6 months From now it can start a year from now it Can start 5 years from now how long do You want to stay frozen for how long do You want to stay stuck for like that's The question that spirit's asking Because this next chapter is going to be Beautiful and you're going to be so

Happy that you took that leap into this Next chapter you're going to be so glad That you did that but it's up to you When you do it so Spirit keeps posing These questions right now for you Because I think it's like they're like It's in the pom hands but I'll tell you What what's in the next chapter but it's Up to you if you want to if you want to Hop on over to that chapter so connect To Heart connect to your heart this is Loyalty this is when we respect Ourselves and we also respect another Person because we choose to understand Them and you know just because we Understand somebody doesn't mean that What they're doing is right doesn't mean That what we're doing is right but we Can still understand right and the dogs Talk about understanding and they also Talk about connecting to your heart Speaking from a place of compassion um And Yeah honoring your heart as well Honoring your wants needs and Desires Dare To Dream dare to let Yourself dream my Love because I think what awaits you is So much better than what you like what You think your future might hold like Maybe you're looking at your future Thinking that it might hold a lot of Pain or it might hold a lot of rejection Or judgment or other things that your

Ego might fear but on the other side of The storm on the other side of the Darkness is always the most luscious Greenest most beautiful place you've Ever been like Dare To Dream because What's on the other side of this is like So much better and spirit is just saying Like like whatever it is that you're Fearing right now the other side of that Is just so beautiful and yeah I see that You like connecting to heart look at These two they're like on the same Wavelength they understand each other They are so loyal so committed so like Perfect Dare To Dream because what awaits you is so much Bigger than you could have ever fathomed Before so very exciting let's dive Into another set of Cards all right my group threes what Else do we have for the next chapter of Your love life healing look at that That's perfect card to come up for you The healing Card I'll focus in on that so you can See it better there we Go healing so emotional healing mending Your heart becoming full and whole again No longer staying in the in the pain There's another card that's like flipped Over here fear you have to over come the Fear you might fear the healing you Might fear that you will never heal but You absolutely will oh my gosh you

Absolutely will this is going to be Absolutely okay I feel like you're Almost going to be looking back on this One day like after your healing and You're almost going to look back on this Being like wow it was so silly that I Ever feared that it was so silly that I Ever was so scared about confronting That and overcoming That let's see any other messages we Also have family ooh this might heal Things within your family there might be Certain ties with your family that Um this is correlated with that this Will also be healing like as you heal These other fears find forgiveness find Ease and all of that it's almost like It's healing things generationally or Yeah if you've had any family calms like This is healing that as well so that is Is pretty wild oh my goodness let's try To get one last card here let's go back Into this deck maybe one or two last Cards for the next chapter of your love Life so we also have Paradox I think That you're going to realize like it's Going to be so funny for You looking back and being like wow that Was so much better than I thought who Would have guessed That pain facing pain equals pleasure Sometimes we try to avoid pain thinking That avoiding pain is going to bring us Pleasure but it kind of doesn't if

There's pain that we have to eventually Face like we're just going to have to Face it right it's always going to be Waiting on the other side of the curtain Sometimes we just have to face it Overcome it get to the other side and Then we have the magician you have all The power within you to create something So beautiful and this next chapter I Feel like you're going to feel like all The powers in your hands you're like This is how you achieve the power you Have to face the fear you have to face That overcome that heal that and then All of a sudden you're just like oh wait Oh I have all the power back all my Powers back in my hands and I don't feel Stuck anymore and I feel amazing I feel Open I feel like I can achieve anything I apologize for those beeps they're Doing construction out outside today um But yeah you all of a sudden have all The power you're the Magician of your Life and you're like whoa I'm back in The Creator's seat rather than feeling Like I am I am stuck by my life right so That is what we have have here my group Number threes thank you so much for Joining me here today for this video I'm Sending you so much love and until next Time bye all right my group number four Is the beautiful how lights group let's Go ahead and dive right into your Reading all about the next chapter of

Your love life okay my group four is Let's see we had two follow cards Already we have Knight of Wands being Reversed ace of cups upright interesting Lot of Knight of Wands energy in pretty Much every group so far Knight of Wands When he is reversed can indicate times When we either feel frustrated or we're Trying to rush something or it can Indicate even when we are like there's Just a lot of heated energy there's a Lot of kind of all over the place it's It's spontaneous it's fast it's rushing Then ace of cups can indicate emotional Fulfillment the sprouting of something New something new that pop pops up in Your life that you're like ooh that has The potential to be something Really great um so ace of cups usually Is the sprouting of a new relationship Or of Love or something deeper or it can Indicate forgiveness so if you're Already in a relationship and things Tend to be a little bit frustrating ace Of cups is sort of like a fresh start of Like new Waters new energy New Life Coming in um but if you're single and Maybe you're frustrated about something Right now this can indicate kind of like Something new coming in that we're like Oh that's refreshing like the word Refreshing is coming up when I'm looking At at ace of cups right Now um so let's see how this is going to

Transpire into your next chapter but I Feel like Knight of Wands right now um This is indicating you at the moment and A little bit of your energy and the ace Of cups is sort of indicating that in This next chapter there's going to be Something a little bit refreshing like Refreshing news or going on a date with Somebody who's unlike anybody else that We've met before and it's Refreshing it's refreshing for us we Also do have seven of Swords we have 10 Of Swords we have the emperor coming up Okay you are at a place Where you have Been in difficult times in your love Life Before where you felt like you had to Tiptoe around things or you felt very Defeated at times where maybe you Couldn't trust certain people or you've Had a lot of Disappointment in your previous Experiences and you are ready for Something refreshing you're ready for Something that's new that's going to be Different the emperor coming up is a Very strong Energy it's when we pick back up the Pieces and we become stronger than ever Oh my goodness okay wait a second I Would be surprised group 4 if some of You recently went through a breakup or Recently felt like like you got stabbed

In the back by Somebody or somebody maybe mistreated You or lied to you or something like This okay the story is Building what I can tell you is that This next chapter it is going to set you On fire to become your best self truly Like I don't think you've ever been this Strong before the way that you're Getting your life together and the Person that you're becoming Is like so amazing and I feel like all Of these things kind of needed to happen In in order to kind of get you to this Point and a lot of people after their Breakups you know all of a sudden They're they're like I'm going to get Super fit super healthy I'm going to get My life together I'm going to become Super successful and then that person's Going to regret ever leaving me you know Some of us kind of get into that into That space which can actually be a good Thing because it really helps us you Know focus on something and and and We're focused more on improving Ourselves which is great and I feel like You're going through a time of really Improving yourself um you're going to be Very focused on putting all the effort Into yourself which I think is going to Be beautiful I see you having a self- Transformation because of what you've Gone through and even if you didn't go

Through a recent breakup or recent Disappointment I do feel like at least Something within your past has really Caused you to make some kind of internal Self transformation that you are going To be really proud of to the point where You look in the mirror and you're like Damn who's that like I would be excited To be with a person like that you know I Feel like you're going to be looking at Yourself with that with that image you Know and that looking at yourself in That way where you're really proud and You're like ooh I'd be excited to be in A relationship with me right like that's The sort of energy that I'm that I'm Feeling there that you're kind of giving Out we also have seven of Wands and then The world being reversed as the other Two cards that just flipped out um so You're getting on top of things and you Are I I see you really healing from old Emotions and I also see you I see you Getting to a point where you're getting Yourself together so much to the point Where people from your past might Actually try to come back and and get Into your life again and you might be Like um no I'm I I don't even want you Anymore and you're almost going to look At the people from your past like how Did I ever date you I don't even Understand because I just feel like You're getting to such a different level

Not that like anyone's better than Anyone else per se like like nobody We're all equal however I do feel like You are getting to a point where it's Like your standards are raising what you Desire is changing on such a deep level That you know you're really going to be Looking at your past in that way of like I've really risen above that and I feel Like yeah you're not even going to be Attracted to the same type of people Anymore um I also think I also feel like There's going to be a lot of people Again from your past even friendships From your past that are all of a sudden Wanting to come back in your life Whereas maybe they used to kind of take You for granted maybe they used to kind Of walk all over you take advantage of You and they didn't treat you quite Right and I think it's like the type of Person you were before was it's not who You are becoming who you're becoming is Just So strong so respectable So in their power that yeah like I just See so much success coming for you the World being reversed here is like you're Wrapping up this old chapter of your Life and I feel like you're ready to Totally embody something new it's like You're ready to embody a new you a new Identity a new persona it's like maybe Over here you felt a little bit weak and

Maybe it was easy for people to step Over your boundaries whereas over here Oh my gosh nobody steps over your Boundaries because you lay those Boundaries down not in like a mean way But more of just in a powerful assertive Like this is me I'm in my power this is Who I am either meet me up here or don't Be in my life right so it's just a very Powerful energy that I'm seeing coming Out for you in this next chapter and um I also see you cutting ties with people Who were negative to you and really Starting to let them go and I I just I Just see you upleveling so big I'm Really excited for this glow up for you I can say that this is like a true glow Up in this next chapter and then I also Think That like who you're willing to give Your time and energy to is going to be So wildly different so wildly different Than who you would ever consider in the Past um because I think you're you're Seeing your worth and you're building up So much more of your selfworth and then Worth waiting for so in this next Chapter I feel like you're so ready to Take time and have patience and not rush CU over here with the Knight of Wands it Was sort of this rushing energy of like Like let's dive in right now let's have Things rush to the Finish Line whereas I Feel like over here you're like you're

Much more patient and yeah it's like You're not just gonna Be with anybody or let anybody take your Time or your energy Away let's see what else do we have my Group Fours the next chapter of your love Life let's see so we also have let your Friends help you I feel like your Friends are going to be I I feel like For one like you have let certain Friends go but you're now surrounded by People who really get you people who are Truly Lov loving real friends and those Friends I feel like are going to be by Your side a lot and they're friends that You know they Really they are that true kind of Friendship I do think that your friends Might try to set you up with people as Well by the way is what I'm getting in This card your friends might come and be Like oh I have somebody that you should Meet or you might also meet people Through your friends and through Different like Gatherings events get Togethers and things like that you Actually might um be meeting some people And going out on some dates there Codependency is also coming up and I Feel like this is what you are letting Go of I think in your previous time you You were almost codependent in your Relationships which caused them to sort

Of turn a little bit chaotic and fiery At times and cause you to feel like Backstabbed or let down or felt like you Had to tiptoe around certain people Whereas I feel like now you're no longer That it's like you're no longer wanting To be a people pleaser you just want to Be in your power and have somebody That's also in their power to where you Can be a power couple together and That's like a a beautiful new energy That I feel like you're exuding in this Next Chapter let's See yeah I keep hearing a lot of people From your past are going to try to come Back but I feel like you're just so done With that Whereas in this phase you were not done With that you would have been so excited To have them come back but in this next Phase you're like No no not at all cuz you you're going to Change so much in this next chapter like You might have already changed a lot Already while you're listening to this But you're going to change so much more And Yeah so next card we also have the card Of Trust I think your biggest thing moving Forward is like I need to trust this Person and I think the biggest reason Why you're never going to go back to

People in your past is you don't Actually have trust with them there is Not trust there they have let you down So many times they have done things that Have really hurt you to the point that That trust is gone and I feel like That's particularly the reason why You're not going back to them because I Think that you're upleveling your self Respect your Self-worth so much that you would never Give your time away to somebody that That you don't trust anymore and I think That that's going to be one of your Biggest things that you look for in Future relationships is like it has to Have Trust And yeah we also have the card of Gifts I think that the the next person That you're going to be with like the Next serious relationship that you Have there's going to be a lot of Like compliments and this person's going To be Like showing you in multiple ways how Appreciated you are and and admiring Your gifts admiring your what you have To offer it's like they see what you Have to offer the next person is not Going to take that for granted and I Think that you also see what you have to Offer you're like look at what I look at All the things that I have that I show

Up to a relationship with and I feel Like you're just you're gaining more Things under your belt over the next Little while we also do have the card of Spy I'm getting a couple different me Messages from this for One previous people from your past they Are very curious about you the changes That you're making I feel like there's People from your past that constantly Creep and try to find out what you're Doing ask about you things like that to Try to get information cuz they're like What what they're now doing this they're Now doing that what and it's just like I Think it's surprising for them it's Shocking to them so they there's people That kind of creep they talk about it And um you know cuz they they can't Believe like what a big transformation That you're doing Also another aspect of this in this next Chapter I feel like you are also letting Go of the need to look at other people's Social media that you were once tied to I feel like you are you are relieving That itch to do that and you are Realizing that it's not really good for You it's not good for your health your Mental health your emotional health it's Just not good right and I feel like you Are becoming aware of how you need to Maybe block people or cut people away um And I think that's going to be one of

The healthiest things for you in this Next chapter is to become aware of that And no longer do that if you have been Doing That so let's see what else we have my Group fours the next chapter of your Love Life let's see what else does Spirit Have to say we have the wildling coming Out wow I wouldn't be surprised if you Do things out of the norm that really Shocks people and I feel like this is Why a lot of people are like looking at What you're doing kind of asking about You very curious about you um you're Letting your wild side out whereas Before maybe in these old relationships You didn't even feel like you could do That you felt maybe stuck or controlled By the other person and you didn't feel Like you could fully be you and I think That's why people are going to be so Shocked at how you change not Necessarily that you are becoming a Different person it's like you're you're Really actually stepping into who you Who you truly are that's been Repressed okay you're be you're stepping Into who you really are and stepping Into more of your power than you ever Even realized because you are going to The depth and allowing your true self to Like come out and really working on that Self-improvement and that

Self-improvement only gets you closer to The core of who you really are and that Wildling is coming out where it's like You might make some radical decisions But these radical decisions I feel like Are very good for you I'm feeling like They're very good positive radical Decisions of like like I'm changing my Life I'm no longer going to stay Addicted to video games and I'm going to Start going to the gym and I'm no longer Going to do this I'm going to do that It's like you're really just you're Getting in touch with like the most Inspiring version of yourself the void Here is there might be times where you Have felt like empty but I feel like the Biggest way in which you are curing that Is through this focus on you and this Self-improvement and and becoming that Highest greatest and best version of Yourself like I feel like that's going To be your motivating factor and I feel Like it's going be very healthy and good For you so we also have Movement for one I see this being you Being more active which is going to be Very healthy for you you're going to get Glowing skin from it you're going to be Really proud of yourself I feel like You're going to like get really excited To look in the mirror um and see Yourself but also with movement I see That in this next

Chapter all the things that are Transpiring within your love life might Actually be a big conduit to you Deciding that you're going to make a big Move in your life a big movement such as Moving jobs moving careers moving to a New city moving to a new state moving to A new country moving somewhere there's a Lot of movement happening in your life And I feel like there's been something That you've been wanting to do for so Long and now you're finally going to Feel like so free to do it where you're Cutting ties you're like you know what I Quit my job and I'm moving to go do this Or I just quit this and I'm going to do This and I'm selling my home and I'm Going over here like there is a huge Shift connect to heart I feel like You're connecting to your true heart and I feel like you're now connecting to Loyal people people who are loyal Honorable have integrity have trust this Is what you're connecting to now and I Feel like you're never going to settle For anything lower than that which is Going to be beautiful for you and it's Going to be the healthiest thing So let's see any last cards for my group Fours all about this next chapter of Your love Life I do see you okay spirit's talking About something that's a little bit Further in your future here it's kind of

Like the next next chapter of your life Spirit wants to talk about the next next Chapter for you just a little bit of Hint about what's to come okay which is Very exciting So there's our last card you are going To connect to Somebody who is so much like you but They're like the true you they are like Your other half the same interests the Same values you're going to meet this This person in the next next chapter Okay so this could be a little bit Further out in your future maybe like a Year two years a little bit further out Okay um but you will be meeting somebody Who's so like you And you were going to connect to this Person so deeply what I can tell you is That you have such the same core Interests and there's so much trust and Freedom in the relationship between you Two and it's a relationship unlike Anything you've ever experienced before It's unlike anything you've ever Experienced before I had to repeat that For Emphasis it is so beautiful it's going To be your Forever Person that's your next next chapter so If you just need a confirmation that yes You're going to meet like the one yes You are Absolutely and they're going to be very

Very like you okay we also have Uranus Unexpected shifts are going to be coming Up you're going to be making a lot of Unexpected shifts where you're just like Whoa who am I look what I'm doing but I Think it's you're so proud of yourself And then we have the wounded healer Chiron Chiron is the exact story of what You're going through right now I can't Even believe that card came up for you I'm I'm like shocked right now this is The perfect story of you the wounded Healer wounded but healing Chiron is the Story of like the one who yes got Wounded goes on a healing Journey but Along that Journey awakens their inner Power and then becomes so powerful that They are like Unstoppable and they do This crazy transformation that's all of A sudden like whoo What like it's When it's almost like the warrior who Gets like hurt in battle but then comes Out like stronger than ever and all of a Sudden realizes their superpowers and All of a sudden is like Unstoppable After that like that's your story that's Kind of like uh coming through right now And I wouldn't be surprised if you Realize your strengths and become Insanely Successful across multiple aspects of Your life I'm hearing that you're career Is also going to become successful Because of this um not necessarily

Because of this but but because of the Empowerment and the new mindset that you Are you're achieving because of This Uranus is all that change Transformation this is your you're You're turning from the caterpillar into The Butterfly you are transforming yourself On such a huge level and I feel like You're doing like a physical Transformation for yourself mental Emotional transformation you're going to Become so much more healthy and just so Much more in alignment with who you Really are and it's going to be so Inspiring for a lot of people to see and I'm inspired just giving this a reading For you so I'm very excited for what's To come my group number fours that is All about this next chapter in your love Life and we dove into a little bit of That next next chapter um I do think It'll be a little bit of little bit of a Ways away but it's just the perfect Amount of time Spirit wants to say You're going to be this person in the Perfect amount of time to where you are Truly actually fully healed and you're You're going to be very ready for this When this person comes around and you Will be that that perfect you you'll Have already settled into your growth Your healing your power and all of that You're going to meet somebody who's just

So equally on that same Vibe and that's Going to be your person person and You're going to be very happy with all Of how this pivoted you and all how this Helped you really awaken who you really Are and you're realizing that you don't Want to change for anybody anymore you Don't want to put on an act for anybody Anymore you just want to be your true Self and you're cutting off all these Old habits where maybe you used to Undermine your wants and needs for other People and I just see you stepping into Like you know what I want to be me and And I want to find somebody who loves me For me and is also on my same wavelength And I love them for them it's kind of Realizing that and that's exactly what You're going to be getting over here in The next next chapter so thank you again So much for joining me here my group Number four is this is all about that Next chapter of your love life and the Next next chapter for you so I'm sending You so much love and all the happiness On navigating through all of this next Chapter it looks like there's beautiful Things transpiring for you right now and I'm very excited for all that this is Going to be leading to and I'll see you Next time in a future video Bye

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