The SECRET to Manifest ANYTHING You Desire – The Law of Assumption

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Hello lovelies! Todays video is all about the Law of Assumption (which is the SECRET to manifesting ANYTHING you desire). If you can assume it, it is YOURS.

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Hello my loves and welcome back to my Channel today's video we're going to be Diving into one of the most powerful if Not the most powerful manifestation Technique that exists this one is known As the law of assumption which was made Famous by Neville Goddard who is an Absolute Pioneer in the entire Manifestation realm so we're going to Get into what this practice is how you Can utilize it in your life to manifest The absolute life of your dreams and I Cannot even begin to describe how Potently powerful this technique is and I'm going to be giving some examples We're going to get into it so let's just Go ahead and dive right into this video This might be a little bit of a long one So feel free to grab a cup of tea sit Down with me take notes let's get into How you can manifest your dream life With law of assumption so the absolute Most basic understanding of the law of Assumption is when you assume the Feeling and the embodiment of your Manifestation as if it already exists And when you do that the law of Assumption States that whatever you Assume to be real within yourself Through your own beliefs and assumptions And your own inner feelings and emotions It then has to reflect and has to appear In your external reality so that is the Most basic understanding of the law of

Assumption in what it is because anytime You feel different it affects how you Vibrate it affects your frequency all of Us have frequency and everything in this Universe everything that exists has a Vibration and a frequency when you Change how you feel internally it Changes your vibrational State and when Your vibrational State changes it Changes how you interact with your Reality and it will change how your Reality reflects back to you just like Tuning a radio once you tune it to a Different station the radio plays a Different song all of those songs are Existing all at the same time and all Potential realities even the reality Where your most deepest Desires are existing that exists we know Within the quantum field that all Potential realities already exist so the Reality where you're living your dream Life where you're making the amount of Money that you want to make or you are Married to your soulmate all of these Things all of those realities already Exist and when you change your internal State your internal frequency it's just Like tuning that radio you're going to Tune to the reality where your dreams And desires are part of your reality Right now so all of those are already Playing on the radio All of those are already playing out

Within the universe it's just about Tapping in and tuning your frequency to Them which you can do through the law of Assumption so step number one in this Entire process is first clarifying what It is that you want that's step number One when manifesting anything clarify What you want and if you don't know the Specificities or the details of it at Least Define in detail how it would feel If you already had it so if you already Had all of that abundance that you Desire what would that feel like to you Would it give you a sense of security of Safety of Peace would it feel like oh I Can do whatever I want would it give you The sense of Freedom or if you're trying To manifest love would it make you feel Safe open honest accepted loved how Would that make you feel so go into Detail on how it would feel and then go Into as much detail as you can about Actually having the thing and what that Looks like and what it is and you also Want to write this down in present tense As if it's already happened because That's going to help with the next step When we go into assuming the feeling and The belief that it's already happened That is Step number two so when you Write it down in present tense in Step Number one as if it's already occurred Such as oh my gosh I just manifested my Dream man my soulmate we travel together

We do this we do that there's such open Honest communication we love each other So much etc etc etc as you dive into That and you put that into present tense Step number two becomes a lot easier Because then when you can read it you Can read it as if you're living the Perspective of it already happening then It's much easier to assume the feeling Of it it's much easier to assume the Belief of it and sometimes step number Two takes a little bit of time to tap Into sometimes when we're so stuck on Our current reality it can be hard to Imagine the emotions of having it now it Can be hard to tap into that at first it Can be hard to tap into the belief but The more that you Practice assuming the emotions the Feeling of it already happening into Your life the faster it's going to Happen for you and the more you're going To be able to tap into that feeling so It can be a little bit tricky at first And right when you feel those emotions With intensity that's the moment where You know you've tuned your radio dial You've tuned your frequency to match That reality and that's where your life Is going to start changing and the Longer and the more often that you can Tap into that feeling the faster your Manifestation is going to come into your Life but you have to continually tap

Into that feeling because it's really Easy to revert back to your old emotions Your old state of being but the more Often the more frequently and for the Longer period of time that you can tap Into that new emotion that's going to be Where things really gain momentum step Number three is to visualize or mentally Rehearse this in your mind and the most Powerful time to visualize and manifest Is right before you fall asleep Neville Godard talks about something called the SATs method or SATs which is known as a State akin to sleep and what he says is That The Closer you are to falling Asleep while you're visualizing Something and embodying the feeling of It and shifting your beliefs to knowing That it's already happened when you do That as you're in that sleep-like state You're closer to your subconscious mind Because your brain waves slow down when You're in a very relaxed state or a State akin to Sleep this allows you to reprogram your Subconscious mind at a much deeper level Which will make it easier to hold on to That new feeling and that new frequency And that new state of being throughout The rest of your day it'll become easier And easier because your subconscious Mind is where 95% of all of our Personality behaviors habits and Everything in our life stems from the

Subconscious mind 95% of all of who we Are stems from our sub Sub Conscious and So when we start to reprogram our Subconscious to think in new ways to Feel in new ways to be a new you as you Program that new you in that will become Your new autopilot State and right when You shift that now you've really tuned That radio and you're no longer going Back to that old station and playing out The old reality you'll really start Calling in those manifestation so much Faster as you're able to tap in and tune Your subconscious mind and if anyone is Looking for a really good source for Guided visualization meditations where You can fall asleep listening to a Guided visualization and see your Desires as if they've already happened I Highly recommend checking out the app Ora Health who are kindly sponsoring Today's video Ora health is an All-in-one sleep and wellness app and They have tons of content ranging from The guided meditations affirmations they Also have one-on-one coaching breath Work sound healing podcasts and so much More and I personally love using aaal Health for their affirmations and for Their guided meditations especially as I'm falling asleep I like to use that SATs method where I visualize my desires As if they've already happened and AA Health has some really amazing guided

Sleep visualizations on their app so if You want a great place to find content Around the law of attraction or get Access to coaches teachers or different Modalities that can help you with the Law of attraction or with raising your Vibration of becoming more of an Energetic match to the reality that you Desire AA health is my favorite app in Place for this and if this sounds like Something that you would enjoy you can Actually get started with aura today for Free and the first 500 people to use the Link down below will get a free trial to The aura membership plus an exclusive 25% off and again the first 500 people To use the link Down Below in the Description box will get a free trial Plus an exclusive 25% off of the aura Membership and thank you so much to AA Health for sponsoring today's video and Without further Ado let's go ahead and Dive right back into the rest of the Steps for the law of assumption and Manifesting your absolute dream reality Our next step is positive selft talk This is huge when it comes to the law of Assumption and with manifesting your Dream reality because a lot of us tend To have a really harsh inner critic and When we have a harsh inner critic and We're constantly saying negative things To ourselves about what we're doing or What we look like or what we're capable

Of this really diminishes our power with The law of assumption because the law of Assumption works on the things that you Assume to be true if you're looking at Yourself and you're like oh I'm not Capable of achieving such and such Desire look at me I'm I'm not Knowledgeable enough I'm not old enough Yet I don't have enough experience blah Blah all of these things like these are Just beliefs it's just a thought that's Passing through your mind it does not Have to be true however we tend to kind Of really accept the things that we Think and this really holds power over Us when it comes to the law of Assumption because now we're assuming oh Yeah I don't have enough knowledge I am Not good at this things therefore I Can't ever achieve it I'm not good at Talking on camera therefore I'm never Going to be a YouTuber or I suck at Dating and all guys always ghost me After our first date all of these things All of those thoughts are becoming your Assumptions about your life and your Reality and anything that you assume to Be true about your life and who you are And your reality will become your Reality that you experience so that's Why the law of assumption is so powerful And that's why your selft talk has such A powerful impact on your ability to Manifest and use the power of the law of

Assumption so instead when we can use Positive selft talk and we can just Reinforce more positivity or at least Let ourselves be comfortable and know The fact that not every thought that I Think is true that's going to really Help take some of that weight off and That's also Al going to really help you Detach from some of those negative Assumptions that have built up over time Through your inner self-critic and the More that you can Reinforce the things that will help you On your manifestation Journey such as Thoughts or affirmations that can uplift You and help you assume things that are Going to get you closer to your Manifestation that's going to really Help you such as assuming I do have what It takes and I am lucky and lucky things Happen to me there's a trending topic Right now known as the lucky girl Syndrome where you assume that you're Lucky and good things just happen to you All the time and this is using the power Of the law of assumption so the more That you can tap into those good Assumptions about yourself and your life Now you've really tapped into the power Of the law of assumption and it's going To start really working for you so start Assuming that things work out for you Start assuming that you have all the Power within you to make all your dreams

And desires happen because you do and It's just about assuming that reality Cuz right when you do that your reality Is going to reflect back to you an Entirely different experience our next Step is detaching from the how whenever We get caught up on how a manifestation Is going to show up it diminishes our Belief that it could ever happen because Maybe from our current state of Awareness we don't see how our desire Could come into our life we don't see How it's possible however the how is not Up to you because I promise you from Your current state of awareness it Probably does seem impossible and the Reason why it seems impossible is Because you haven't had that experience Yet you're not on that level or that State of awareness or Consciousness but Trust that the Universe always knows the Easiest way to bring it into your life Because it does and your only job is to Work on your inner energy feeling the Emotions of your desire emitting that New frequency and assuming that it's Already done assuming the right beliefs That are going to bring it to you such As I know it's going to happen it's Inevitable it is meant for me I know it And I feel it and I trust it when you Assume that state of being the universe Is already working its magic to bring it To you and your next task is to detach

From the timing similar to detaching From the how timing can also get us Wrapped in this place of doubt and Mistrust and lack and all of those Negative emotions that revert us back to Our previous reality in our previous State of being and so sometimes the Universe has Divine timing and sometimes We need to hold on to a certain feeling For long enough in order to create the Momentum of our reality moving into Another Direction so for example if We've been living our current reality For so long and we have so much momentum Going in that direction energetically It's going to take a little bit of time For us to start taking all of that Momentum and moving our energy into the Direction of our desires it's going to Take a little bit of time we live in a Universe where there is such a thing as Time so one thing that I noticed that's Super common is a lot of people will try These techniques for like a day maybe a Week maybe a month and then they'll say Oh see it doesn't work I've tried this And it didn't work for me it didn't Happen and then they give up and what Happens then all of that momentum that They were just starting to create going Into that new Direction halts and stops And now they just go back to their old Reality so if you want something to Truly happen if you want this law to

Work for you detach from the timing and Trust that there is divine timing and That it is happening it's inevitable you Have to continue living in the frequency Living in the energy that it is Inevitable and it's already done and the Way in which is best to detach yourself From the how from the timing from all These different worries is to continue To tap into the state of being as if It's already happened because right when You're in that state the desire really Fades away the lack of your desire Fades Away in your life you stop realizing That there's a lack of it because you Already feel as if it's really there and When you're really in that state you're Not worried about the timing of it cuz You feel like it's already happened You're not worried about how it's going To come into your life because you feel As if it's already there so that is the Key to really making this work if you're Getting caught up on timing if you're Getting caught up on how if you're Getting caught up on doubts fears all These different things it's showing you That you've let go of that inner Frequency and you've started tuning the Dial back to the old radio station so This is where we can catch ourselves and It's okay if you find yourself here it's Totally natural it's totally normal Whenever I'm manifesting something I

Have my days where I start doubting or I Start wondering certain things like when Is it going to come but then I catch Myself and I'm like oh I'm living back In the old frequency let me tap into the New frequency again and right as soon as I do it helps ease all of that tension And all of that wondering and then the Last thing that I want to mention is Letting go of of this notion that oh it Can't just be that simple me just fixing My internal emotions my internal Vibration it can't just be that simple There must be something more that I have To do there must be more work in the Process a lot of us especially in Society today have been wired to think That everything takes a lot of work that We have to work really hard for it that There must be some complex process to Making something big big happen in your Life but I'm here to tell you that the Process is actually that simple I have Proven it time and time again in my life Through wild wild stories of manifesting Things that I would have once believed Were completely outside of my realm of Possibility and it has fully manifested With all of these processes there's Countless stories of countless people Using the law of assumption that is why It's such a popular topic because so Many people have used it to manifest Massive things in their life

So many people have used the Law of Attraction and the different techniques Within the law of attraction to manifest The life of their dreams but the law of Assumption is the sort of magic potion That you add onto any manifestation Technique such as scripting meditating Visualization all of that you add the Law of assumption where you assume the State of it already being fulfilled and That is the magic that puts it into Motion that is the magic where the Universe actually hears what it is that You're wanting because the universe Listens to energy it listens to Vibration and frequency and once you Change your internal energy that's Sending out a new energetic signal to The universe that's sending out a new Frequency to the universe and that's Where things actually start to change it Doesn't change just because you say that You want change it doesn't change just Because you write down what it is that You want it changes once you change and This is also why manifestation does not Work for some people or seemingly Doesn't work is because they still don't Fully believe that they've done enough They don't fully believe that they are Worthy of it and they don't fully Believe that it's actually going to Happen in their life they're still Looking for the confirmation they're

Still looking for the signs uh that the Universe is going to actually bring it To them they don't fully trust and know Within their entire being that it's Happening and when you haven't tapped Into that feeling fully you have not Utilized manifestation in its full Entirety there is still limiting beliefs To overcome and energy to shift if You're still in that doubt or fear or That wondering or waiting type of energy That's the energy that you're emitting To the universe and when we're still in The energy of desire and waiting and Wondering and doubting that's just Affirming to the universe that you still Don't have it and the universe will Always be a reflection of the energy That you are emitting the frequency that You're on so if you're tuning your radio Station to the station that's I still Doubt it Universe can you show me that I'm on the right track and all these Different fears and doubts that come up The universe is going to reflect back to You more doubts more fears more Delays into your life it is going to be More delayed but the second that you tap Into the energy of already having it to The point where you're like oh I don't Even desire it anymore cuz it genuinely Just feels like it's already Happened that's the moment your Manifestation is going to pop po into

Your life faster than ever so that is How you utilize this process it is that Simple and these steps are something Anybody can use you don't need to buy Any fancy equipment you don't need to Buy any fancy things this is something Where it just requires you your Awareness your attention your dedication And that is all and so with that being Said that is the entire process that is How the law of assumption works that's How you can get it to work in your life To manifest the reality of your dreams And I cannot wait to see what you create In your life I cannot wait to hear the Stories about what you create in your Life as you utilize this process this is Exactly how you do it step by step this Is how you overcome those limitations by Rerouting right back to assuming the Reality of your dreams it's already Existed you're already in it you're Already living it and as you do that Repetitively that momentum is going to Pick up and your realities are going to Come into your life faster than you even Know it so trust that process live in it Be it and it is going to be created and Thank you again so much for joining me Here for today's video I'm sending you All so much love and until next time bye