What Is This Connection & Where Is It Going? 🦋 Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading

What Is This Connection & Where Is It Going? 🦋 Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading

Thanks for stopping by! I’m KINO ♈️☀️♊️🌙♉️👆I hope you enjoy your reading ❤️

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Intro – 0:00
#1 (Fluorite/Ostara) – 6:26
#2 (Selenite/We’Moon) – 46:16
#3 (Carnelian/Art of Love) – 1:31:44
#4 (Rose Quartz/Starchild) – 2:07:59

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Decks Used (in order):
📍The Cosmos Oracle by Jea Parrinella ※
📍Ryujin Cards by Hikari Ohsugi
📍Queen of the Moon Oracle by Stacey Demarco
📍Majoco Majolica Oracle by Kutsushitaneko
📍Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor
📍Green Witch Oracle by Cheralyn Darcey
📍Group 1: Ostara Tarot by Molly Applejohn, Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard, Julia Iredale
📍Group 2: We’Moon Tarot
📍Group 3: The Art of Love Tarot by Denise Jarvie & Toni Carmine Salerno
📍Group 4: The Starchild Tarot Akashic by Danielle Noel ※

💍Snake Ring (Use code KINOTAROT20 for 20% off!)
🕯 EsoTarot Magician Candle:
🕯Archangel Michael Candle:

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#pickacard #tarotreading


Hi guys it's Kino welcome to another Video so today's pick a card reading is All about the connection between you and The person on your mind so this can be Any person any type of connection we are Going to see what is currently going on Between the two of you and what your Future holds I think this is one of my Favorite topics to do so I'm really Excited to get into it before we do I Did want to let you guys know that I Have a new song out today which is Called Gemini as some of you might know Will forever be my favorite sign Gemini Is probably the song that is closest to My heart out of all of the songs I've Ever put out in this song I'm singing to Someone I love someone I looked up to Who is not there anymore and because I Can't accept that I look for signs of Them everywhere I go I want to somehow Convince myself that they are still here But in the end I realized that I'm not Going to find this person by looking for Some signs or synchronicities out there Because what I'm really longing to feel Feel is their soul it's it's their Essence which is always there and really The lives of everyone that this person Influence is the greatest proof that They existed and that they are still Here and that their beautiful soul is Still living we will make sure of that If we carry on embracing our passions

And following the dreams that they Inspired then they will live forever so Oh Gosh obviously this is written about Someone who in inspired and supported me Very much when I was just a kid and Feeling alone and feeling weird and Because of this person's influence I was Able to find a home in Japan and live a Beautiful life there and I got to meet So many amazing friends too and just Become even more passionate about music Especially music composition and Production I prepared a lyric video for This song with the help of Christina Georgeva who is an amazing intuitive Artist who also makes Oracle Decks that I've used on this channel so it was Really special to be able to collaborate With her on this hi it's me from the Future I just got back the final version Of the lyric video and I'm so happy with It and I was just watching it back and I Forgot to mention that another reason This project is so special to me is Because it actually includes part of a Voice note that ASO sent me for those of You who don't know aoo Madison and I Have a really special friendship and she Sent me this voice note that was really Really sweet while I happened to be Working on this song and I just got the Idea to include it and it stayed in There and so there's little part of her

In this song as well if you would like To check that out I'm going to have it Down below in the description and in the Pinned comment thank you so much to Everyone who has supported my music Until now and I'm sending you guys so Much love and let's get on to the Reading through drops of hope I see you Shine like the stars on that spring Night through the dark I [Music] Realize hi guys it's Kino welcome to Another video so today's pick a card Reading is going to be a deep dive into The connection between you and your Person this reading is for all types of Connections so your person can be anyone Who is on your mind and whether you need Clarity about what is going on in this Connection or maybe you just need some Confirmation perhaps even you are Needing some closure whatever it is that You may be looking for I hope that you Can find messages that will help you in This reading we're going to look at both The current energies of what's going on In your connection from both a human Perspective and a soul perspective and Then we're going to look into the future Timeline of events of what is likely to Happen based on the current energies so There are four groups for you to choose From today and I'm going to be using a Different Tarot deck for each group I've

Also placed a different Crystal on top To help you pick and I'm going to be Showing you a card from each deck so That you can get a sense for what the Artwork is like so sometimes I pick a Card like to show you the same card from Each deck but I did not do that today so I'm just going to be showing you Whatever card is on the top of the deck Right now so when you're choosing your Group you could be drawn to the front Artwork the back artwork the crystal or The actual card that appears for you so There's a few different factors to help You choose if you are drawn to more than One group today that is totally fine There could be m messages for you about The same Connection in multiple groups Or there could be messages for you about Different Connections in your life but With all that being said let's give you A close-up look at each of your options Group number one you have this fluorite And we're going to be using the ostara Tarot and your card is the Knight of Pentacles for group number two we have This selenite and we're going to be Using the wee Moon Tarot and your card Is the 10 of fire embracing the Universe group number three for you we Have this Carnelian we are going to be Using the art of Love Tarot and your Card is the five of stars Diversity and group number four for you

We have this rose quartz we are going to Be using the star child Tarot akashic Edition and your card is three of Cups okay so just in case you need a bit More time to pick these are all of your Options laid out side by side so that You can compare them and see which one Is calling to you the most as always Take all the time you need to pick you Can pause the video if you need to I'm Going to go ahead and get started with Number one hi number ones so if you guys Chose the fluorite And the ostara tarot this is going to be Your reading so here is the full Breakdown of the reading that we're Going to be doing today about the Connection between you and your person So we have the reading here on YouTube As well as an extended today and here on YouTube we're going to start by looking At the current energies so this is my Little diagram if that's what you call It we are going to lay out cards on top To represent your 5D connection and then The bottom row is going to represent Your 3D connection and we're going to See your energy your person's energy and Then the overall energy between the two Of you will be in the middle then once We see the current energies we're going To move into the future and see what is Happening next between you and your Person so this is going to be like a

Timeline of events starting at the Present moment and moving into the near Future and we are going to be just Looking at the 3D connection for this Part so what is happening between your Human selves on Earth and then in the Extended reading we are going to look More into the long-term future so the Future energies that we see here are These energies going to change are they Going to keep growing are they going to Stay the same what does your long-term Future hold with this person we are also Going to see significant time frames Within the connection based on the Current energies and then we'll finish Off with messages from your person and We're going to get messages both from Their 3D self as well as their 5D self So messages from their human self and Messages from their soul essentially so That is the reading that we have today Without further ado let's get into it I'm actually going to set aside this Tarot deck for now we're going to start Off the energy check with oracle cards So your cards are going to go here your Person's cards are going to go here um I Just saw 222 by the way and if you feel Like the energies are reversed this Sounds more like your person this sounds More like you it is totally fine to Switch them around you may even find That you resonate with the energy on

Both sides which is a strong sign that You and your person are mirroring each Other however if you don't see your Energy anywhere in this spread then this Is probably not your group but anyway Let's get into it so your 5D connection The energy on your side is represented By Retrograde and the flow dragon and it Says to get into a good flow and we have The number 33 on your person side we have black Body and we have the auspicious dragon With the number 30 and it says an Unbelievable Miracle will Happen and then the card to represent The energy between the two of you is Number 22 Isn't that cool cuz I just saw 222 earlier so that's probably a very Important number in your connection we Have the waning gibbis moon and Wisdom Okay then for your 3D connection on your Side we have wait Time we have patient On your person side we have Trust and door to personal healing and Happiness and then the card to represent The energy in between the two of you is Figs with vitality Okay we are going to start up here with Your 5D connection I love that we have This number 22 in the middle if you Don't see this number already keep a

Lookout for this number because your Person's higher self probably Communicates to you with this number or Your spiritual team delivers you Messages about this connection with Repeating Twos we have wisdom in the middle so This tells me that both of you are wise Souls and that likely I do think that You have been together for many Lifetimes and you will be together for Several more in the future as Well and you are equally wise you are Equally powerful but you have different Strengths and you have paired up to Teach each other what you know like oh This is so simp symbolic like we have This boat which represents a journey so Your two souls are definitely on a Spiritual journey together we have the Books representing knowledge and the Latter and the way this person is Reaching up to the sky it's like you Share the knowledge that you have Accumulated from your past lifetimes With each other to help each other Advance and to lift each other up so It's a very beautiful mutually Beneficial Rel relationship and I think That you teach them and help them as Much as they teach you and help You what I will say is that this is Current energy so I think that at this Current moment between your soul and

Their soul you are the one who is Teaching them something right now However this is also benefiting You the way I'm seeing it with Retrograde is that you are currently Teaching your person a spiritual lesson That you have already learned however This is helping you review it you know Like when you teach someone something You already know um there's that Expression the best way to learn Something is to teach it and I feel like You helping your person learn this Lesson right now it's like an excellent Review for you it's like a way to brush Up on the material so to speak and and Maybe going back and picking up things That you missed so if you think of the Spiritual lessons as like a textbook Maybe you already read chapter 3 ages Ago but now you're helping your person With chapter 3 and you're like oh my Gosh I missed this I missed this when I Was studying it like let me let me put That tidbit of information in my head And remember it so you going back to Things you've already covered in Previous life lifetimes is actually Benefiting both of you um I also think Think it's very interesting you have the Number 33 I wonder if you guys you could Be like a life path 33 or 22 or three or Two or your person could Be um but this is the number of the

Empress so it's a very giving and Nurturing energy and I think that right Now your soul is giving a lot to your Person's soul giving a lot of knowledge And giving a lot of wisdom and they have A lot to give to you as well but in this Current energy they also have the energy Of the f so there's an element of a Clean slate inexperience you could be Helping your person's soul right now With something that they really don't Have a lot of uh experience In and with black body I believe that This is a similar energy to a black hole Which just absorbs anything that comes Its way and so I'm seeing this as your Person's soul just like eagerly soaking Up all of the wisdom that you are Sharing The thing about the black body is that It absorbs really fast it absorbs in Like 2 seconds well probably a lot Faster than that but it takes a long Time to emit Something so the gap between the time That it receives something and then give Something Back is very big so your person right Now is in a major energy of receiving And you are in a major energy of Giving and it might take quite a bit of Time before the roles Reverse and your person is giving back To

You how this might reflect in the 3D is That it takes a long time for your Person to learn Lessons but once they do they've really Really got It an example that's coming to my mind Is actually Like an infant who is not speaking yet And it's taking them a long Time and adults around them might be Concerned but actually they're absorbing Everything like they're just taking Everything in and they might start to Speak kind of late but once they do They're like speaking full sentences and They won't stop talking and I feel like That's kind of how your person learns Spiritual lessons or how your person Heals it's like they need a long time of Just receiving and absorbing and taking Everything in and the person who is Helping them or teaching them may have To be really patient with them but then Once they've got it they've got it and They have a really really deep Understanding I just knocked the table By accident they have a really really Deep understanding And I honestly feel like in your Person's life it it may be easy for Others to lose patience with them or Give up on them because they don't Understand that in this waiting time They're not doing nothing they're not

Failing to register things they're not Failing to process Things they are very much on the inside Taking it all in and they're really Listening and they're really trying it Just takes longer for them to emit Something it takes longer for them to Output something But once they do they've got it better Than everyone Else that's kind of like their learning Style a lot happens a lot happens behind The scenes for a long time and then it Just explodes out I feel like that's how Their growth works as Well you know like when they're trying To master something they'll try it 100 Times and it it it looks awful and then On the hund and1st time they've suddenly Mastered it that's kind of how your Person's growth works and I feel Like your spiritual teams or your souls Decided to pair Up Because of the compassion that you can Have for each other's learning styles And the patience that you can have with Each Other I just saw 1155 so you help each Other change you help each other Experience Breakthroughs through having the comp Passion and understanding for what the Other needs to really internalize

Lessons and So I do feel like in your current energy You're in a role where you are sharing Knowledge with them and being quite Patient with them as they really chew on It and as they really um process Everything that's so cool So if we look at your 3D energy I think It's very telling that you have two Cards that denote patience like this is Literally patience and then we have wait Time which also very much feels like a a Message of needing patience another Thing I'm noticing is that on your End both of the cats are facing away and Even this dragon is facing Away and I think there's Maybe a lesson that The lessons the lessons you teach this Person do not always require your active Attention and your active Participation sometimes it's your Silence that teaches them sometimes it's Your distance or your absence that Teaches them sometimes it's your moving On that teaches them so I guess your Spiritual team doesn't want it to feel Like this burden of I need to be helping My person I need to be teaching my Person I need to be like consciously Giving and feeding my energy to them in The 3D you could be moving on living Your best life doing your own thing and Energetically you are still teaching

Them something very Valuable this is Not uh an act of giving that has to Drain you it's something that you give To them by just existing and that's why I feel like that's why you've chosen to Pair together because there's something About your energies that you can help Each other in a beautiful way just by Being around each other your mere Existence is like a wealth of knowledge To them and their mere existence is a Wealth of knowledge to You just by living your life in a Natural way you are fulfilling your Mission of of teaching each other it's Not something that you really have to Force and that's why you you chose to Incarnate together for all these Lifetimes or your your spiritual teams Helped you pair up it's like it feels Like beautiful symbiotic Kind of Relationship um I do wonder if there's a A lull so to speak in the connection in The 3D right now because of this winter Scene and just the words waiting and Patience you may kind of be In ah cuz we have a wintery looking Scene we also have a springl looking one And we have a waning moon which means Some energy is on its way out so it's Like you're you're in a winter with this Person but it's in the process of

Melting The winter is in the process of melting And turning into spring where things are Going to start to move forward there's Going to be motion but it requires Patience all of the creatures on your Side are looking Away on their side all of the creatures Are moving towards You so I do think in the 3D connection It is you who is I don't really like the Word waiting because waiting implies That something is put on hold and I Don't think that you have to put Anything on hold um to allow this Connection in I think you can very much Keep living your life and keep doing Your thing but I think it is important That that they come towards you they and They will be the one to come towards You with Vitality here that lets me know That this connection is still very much Alive and well so even if you are going Through a lull even if you are going Through a period of no contact or Minimal contact or you're not together In the 3D that doesn't mean that your Connection is like losing steam or Losing energy or dying out that's that's Not the case at all this is to Taurus Energy one or both of you could have Taurus placements but I more so feel Like this is talking about the Sturdiness of the connection and the

Stability of the connection so even if You were far apart or you didn't Communicate for a long time your Feelings for each other and your Appreciation for each other would never Dwindle it would still be like I'm Hearing fresh and fertile interesting Words but it would still very much be Alive and well we also have the element Of water here so you or this person Could have water placements as well Um maybe there's like a Taurus with a Water moon or a water sign with a Taurus Moon um but in terms of your psychic Connection I do think you very much stay Connected through Gifts of clar Sentience so even if at a physical Distance from each other you're likely Very well attuned to their emotions Their emotional experience and and Probably vice Versa um I'm just noticing too that the The clock is on fire it's like I know I Need to be patient but man like it's Burning at me anyway sorry so yeah what I think is so interesting is they are Moving towards You I'm actually thinking of this Creature as your person and this is a Spirit guide perhaps and in order to Move towards you and move towards this Connection they have have to pass Through the door of healing and Happiness so they have to embrace their

Healing and they have to embrace their Happiness which can be a difficult Feat in order to pass through this door They need to Trust and so they have a spirit guide That is helping Them ah and I love that this is a dove Cuz it represents like peace but I also Feel like it represents Freedom personal healing is the key to Their their Liberation like emotional Mental spiritual perhaps even physical Liberation but they need trust to step Over that Threshold and to step through this door And and stepping through this door will Ultimately lead Them closer to this Connection um it may feel like they're Reluctant it may feel like they're Delayed but from what we've seen in Their five in your 5D connection it Feels like they're just they're still Processing things they're not it's not Like they're slacking on their healing Or like they're not doing the inner work It's just as we Saw in their design it takes a long time For them to process but then once they Do get it once it clicks for them and They take action they really have it Mastered they really really get It So yeah you may feel like you're in this

Energy where you're you're waiting for Them and and you're being Patient I feel like personally I might If if you're if you are doing this I Might challenge you or suggest to not View it as waiting I just don't like That word cuz waiting for someone Implies that you're like putting your Life on hold or or something like that Or that you can't move forward until They come to you And it I just don't really see it that Way or maybe it's like to say you're Waiting on someone or waiting for Someone is maybe not the most Um healthy way to look at it I don't Know But this just feels like no matter how Much time goes By your connection will still be strong Your connection will still be robust so I don't think you have to worry about Missing out on it And I think That they're processing things in their Own time and whether whether you're Actively doing this or not you are Teaching them your higher self is Sharing Wisdom and I think if you can trust in That and trust that even if things look Stagnant which they're not but even if They look stagnant in the 3D your higher Selves are working together

Beautifully so I just saw 2121 which I Think is definitely a confirmation That's the number of the world in Tarot So you could be at a physical distance With this person you could literally be On the other side of the world or you Could be from different uh different Countries different backgrounds the World is also a sign of completion and Things coming full circle so you're Already in the process of closing off The current cycle with them closing off The winter season so that you can enter Into spring we're going to get into your Tarot now and see what the future holds For you What is in the future For my group number ones and their Person that came out really really fast We have the two of Swords the Knight of Pentacles Which is the card that came up for you Guys in the intro when you were choosing Your group and actually this is more Taurus Energy we have the 10 Of Wands And then we have the Six of Swords and then at the the bottom of the Deck we have the Knight of Swords Which that makes so much sense because The Knight of Pentacles is the slowest Moving night and you may have noticed

But the last cards to come out here were Taking a really long time compared to The first Ones I wonder If this connection in the 3D was one That started off really fast you know Like you met or you found out about each Other and feelings developed really Quickly and maybe things were moving Really quickly in the beginning and then Just suddenly slowed down cuz that's What it felt like when I was pulling These cards this came out in like 2 Milliseconds and then this came out Really soon after that and then once we Hit the halfway mark the last card Started to take a really long Time but We have the Knight of Swords at the end Which is like things things speeding up Again things are really really slow and It feels Like it feels like an uphill battle it Feels like a lot of work and then Finally things get Better and then things start to move Really really quickly and I feel like That just illustrates your person's Energy so well it's Like your things are building and Building and Building behind this scenes or within Them building and building and building But you don't see anything

Externally until the very end and then It's like an explosion of progress an Explosion of Growth I think that bears could be a Significant spirit animal just because We have the image of bears Repeating and also snakes because I Think this is a water snake and then we Also had a snake here this kind of looks Like a bear as well I don't know what This is but it kind of reminds me of a Bear um I really do Feel a piece of Advice to not push things or to not Force things I I feel it's like Let let things unfold naturally Or let them come to You Because I feel like if you yeah and There's the winter the winter energy Again I feel like if you tried To speed things up or like if you tried To move things along from your side it Will likely feel like you're forcing it It will feel like you're trudging Through the snow it will feel like You're pushing Uphill even the whale it it feels like a Lot of effort cuz the the 10 of Wands Which is a whale in this deck the 10 of Wands WS is like a huge effort that can Really exhaust you and that can really Drain you and Actually if you

Feel if you feel exhausted by this Connection I feel like it's actually not The connection that is exhausting you It's the Way you try to fight against what is Currently happening or the way you try To push things forward before it's time Like that that could be what is Exhausting you Yeah I think That if you were it's like trying to Move against the current or exhausting Yourself by swimming because you want to Get there faster but if you were to just Stop and let go the current would carry You Naturally so what's exhausting you is Not is not the current it's the trying To swim and force things to move along Faster I feel like maybe cuz this is the Current Moment the two of Swords if we're going In a Timeline uh Libra moon could be a Significant placement of you or your Person Um but some of you may feel on the fence About what to do with this connection Or you're unsure about how your person Feels about You And with the Knight of Pentacles this Just and the T of Wands after it it just Gives me the feeling

Of doing a lot I don't know how else to Explain it But rather than being like I'm not sure Sure what's going to Happen I guess time will tell and just Kind of being in the flow like your card Says and just riding the wave through so That you can get to the point where you See what Happens it's like you're trying to get To the end faster so you can see what Happens and maybe there's a feeling of Like kind of forcing things and I'm also seeing the example of like Someone trying to do a reading for Themsel but then they just keep pulling More and more and more and more because They feel like they're not getting an Answer that satisfies Them and it's like but you could get the Answer if you Just Vibe and live through the time and Then you can eventually see what happens And I don't there's really not a feeling Of some Something needing to be Done on your part it's kind of Already Secured there's no feeling of like what Do I need to do to make this Person like me or to make this person Come towards me or what do I need to do To make myself worthy of this connection Or there's there's nothing like that

That is coming up I feel like all you Need to do is believe that It's already yours and it's Already secured for you and like there's No need to be running around or there's No need to be rushing it just feels Like exhausting a lot of your own energy Because you're resisting the way things Currently are if that makes Sense Um and I think the best way to find out What's going to happen is to just keep Naturally Moving through Life I wonder if there's a period for One or both of you coming up Where life is going to get quite busy I Wonder if it's for you I feel like Things could be getting quite busy at Work or there's like other things that You're dealing with but it ends up being A good thing because I think it will Kind of take your Mind off of things and take your mind Off of this connection it feels like Maybe there are some of you that Are overthinking about Things And I don't say thinking too much in the Sense that there's a prescribed amount That you should be thinking about the Connection and if you go over it it's Bad but I mean thinking too much about It in the sense that it might be

Interfering with your well-being or like Getting the best of you in your Day-to-day life when your spiritual team Is really encouraging you to just like Keep flowing and keep living day by day And so I feel like life might be picking Up for you and you might be getting Busier in a good way And find yourself thinking less about The connection which is very okay and May actually be a good thing because Again like we said before whether you're Active Investing in the connection or thinking About the connection or not you're still Helping them grow you're still helping Them heal your higher selves are still Helping each Other yeah things are picking up for you It's a good thing and and time is going To start to pass by really quickly it's Like I just see you absorbed in Different projects or different Endeavors and then the next thing you Know like months have gone by and you're Like what the heck how did the time go By so fast and the next thing you know You're hearing from this Person And it's Like I I see you getting a text from This Person And looking

Back at all the time that has gone by And being like Oh my God imagine if all This time I was like holding my breath And waiting for them every single day it Would have felt like forever but because I was just doing my own thing and Keeping busy it didn't even feel that Long I can't believe it's been this much Time it's like I can't stress it enough The message is just like life is picking Up you're booked and busy you're doing Your own Thing Energetically you're higher selves are Still working together it's like it's The resistance to the flow that is Exhausting you it's not the connection Like I I just have to keep saying that And then yeah like time will fly by and The next thing you know you're hearing From them and the next thing you know You're talking Regularly both of these Cards give me a message of communication And this person is reaching out to you When they're in a much better place Mentally so they have passed through the Door of healing and happiness they have Embraced their Happiness and maybe now The roles will reverse and they're Teaching you like how to be in the Flow there may be travel involved as Well cuz we have two

Boats um they may be moving closer to You or you might be moving closer to Them I feel like they're coming towards You um the boats could also just be Symbolic of the spiritual journey that They've been through and like the Emotional Journey that they've been Through but you're going to recognize That they're in a much better place and That it feels good to hear from them When they're in a good Place and that may also bring the Realization Of like it wasn't time to force things Before because they weren't in the right Head space or Like and that's not to say you can't Reach out to someone when you're not in A good place but I just Think they'll be feeling a lot more like Themselves they'll be feeling a lot more Open like the energy between you will Just feel a lot better when when they Initiate and they come to you from from A good place that they're In and after that Knight of Swords so This feels like a lot of catching up That will be done I often see the Knight Of Swords as like very long messages Coming in with a lot of information Spaning a lot of time so it's like just You could be receiving really long voice Notes from this person or or they're They're texting you really long messages

And just filling you in on everything Everything they've been thinking about Everything they've been processing which We know they process for a long time and They process thoroughly and this Represents the moment where they're just Like spitting it all out to you and Sharing everything with you like this is Everything I've been through all this Time everything I've wanted to share With you and from this moment this is When you will be in frequent Communication with each other and you Will start to grow closer and build Intimacy really really fast with them Because it's like you've already been Building the intimacy on a soul level And so now your 3D selves are just Catching Up like you know when you're in a video Call with someone you know when you're In a video call with someone and then They freeze for a few seconds and then When they unfreeze the video is like um Sped up so that you so you see them Moving really fast so that they catch up To where they actually are in the video Call is kind of like that so things are Now going to start moving really really Fast between the two of you so that you Can catch up in the 3D to where the place where your souls Have reached in the Connection if that makes sense so yes I

Do think for a little while you may not Be hearing from them a whole lot or you May not be hearing from them at all and That might like leave you feeling unsure And indecisive but I really think that The advice from your guides is just like Keep moving forward keep pushing forward And if that's difficult like if it's Difficult to just like focus on your Life and and tend to your business I do Think that life is going to be picking Up for you with some quite exciting Things that actually does just Naturally take your mind off the Situation and help patience be something That comes naturally and that doesn't Feel like waiting or putting your life On hold or anything like that and by the Time you do hear from them it'll be like Oh my gosh like it won't feel like You've been waiting forever time is Going to fly I promise you and then you Have this beautiful like frequent Communication with them and and building Intimacy quickly so things do look Promising in the near Future so now we are going to move into The extended where we see the long-term Future of your connection so will things Continue to grow from here will they Change will they stay the same what's Going on in the long term we are going To see significant time frames for the Connection based on the current energies

And then we're going to get a message From your person's 3D self and from Their higher self so if that sounds good To you and you would like to join me in The extended I'm going to have that link Down Below in the description as well as In the pinned comment of this video However if you're going to leave the Reading here I want to say thank you so Much for letting me do this reading for You I hope you have a wonderful day or Night whenever you are watching and I Wish you all the best please take good Care of yourself stay healthy don't Forget to like comment and subscribe if You feel like doing that if you enjoy my Content and You' like to find me Elsewhere I'm going to have linked down Below my tarot reading Instagram My personal Instagram my patreon where You can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like this one And you can also decide on topics for Future readings I will link my music Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I'll Also have my latest release link down Below and finally my Vlog Channel and my Merch which features the floating Temple That was at the start of this video Thank you guys so much for supporting me My channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here and I'm sending so much love to you to your

Person your higher selves your Spirit Guides your spiritual teams and all of Your loved ones both here on Earth and In the other Realms and I will see you Guys in the next one Bye-bye hi number twos so if you guys Chose the selenite and the we Moon Tarot This is going to be your reading I want To start off by showing you guys the Full breakdown of the reading today so We have the reading here on YouTube as Well as an extended here on YouTube We're going to start by seeing the Current energies in your connection so We're going to have a row of cards on Top to represent the 5D connection and a Row of cards on the bottom to represent Your 3D connection and then we're going To have your energy here your person's Energy here and then in the middle will Be the energy that exists between the Two of you then once we see that we're Going to move into the future energies And see what will happen next between The two of you we're going to look at This as a timeline of events from the Present moment into the near future and This we're going to look at it from your 3D connection so what is transpiring Between your human Selves then in the extended we are going To look into the long-term future of Your connection so this energy that we Saw in the YouTube reading is this

Energy going to change in the long-term Future is it going to keep growing is it Going to stay the same we are going to See significant time frames in your Connection and this will be based on the Current energies and then finally we're Going to get messages from your person We're going to get both a message from Their 3D self as well as their higher Self so that is the reading for today And I actually want to just set your Tarot deck aside For the time being because we're going To start off with oracle cards to do Your energy check so like I mentioned Your cards are going to be here and your Person's cards are going to be here However if you feel like your energies Are switched like that sounds more like Your person that sounds more like you it Is totally fine to switch the energies You may even find that you resonate with Both sides and that's totally fine too That's actually a strong sign that you And your person are mirroring each other But if you don't see yourself anywhere In this spread then this is likely not Your group but with all of that being Said let's get started so for your 5D Connection your energy is being Represented by Matter and the gold Dragon card number one and it says some Oh that's really cool because this says

Like something is finally taking shape Something is finally taking its form and Then we have matter so I feel like those Messages go Together then for your person's energy We have synchronous rotation I don't Know what that means so we'll have to Look in the guide book for that one then We have the Silver Dragon okay the Gold Dragon and the Silver Dragon cards Number one and two that is so freaking Cool um and this says the basically that Your desired reality is going to come True and then for the energy in between The two of You we have boundaries with 333 as I'm Holding up this Card boundaries With I'm about to get up and walk away What the heck is going on with these Synchronicities okay look at this we Have the Gold Dragon and the Silver Dragon 333 as I'm holding up this card And look at How these numbers go Together one one 2 2 there is there is intense mirroring Going on between between you and this Person this is very much giving like yin And Yang Divine counterpart Energy Wow okay so the first thing I want to do Is look in the guide book

For the cosmos Oracle this one because I'm not entirely Sure what synchron synchronous rotation Means Where is She okay here we go so it is on page 101 the two faces of the Moon wow okay do you know where the Expression the two faces of the moon Comes from not a single day has passed Or will ever pass where the Moon shows Its other face the gravity of one body Slows the orbit of another so that it Always has the same face The Far Side of The Moon is the one we never see from The earth we always see the same side as The moon rotates at the same speed as Its orbit around the Earth this card Warns us about the hidden what we do not See the interesting thing here is that Is is not about a lack of vision but About what does not wish to be seen or Who does not wish to be shown I'm getting chills when I read this Passage first of all the two faces of The Moon I feel like you and this person Are the two faces of the moon like you Are two sides of the same being you are Two faces of the same Moon if that makes Sense you are the gold and they are the Silver you are side one and they are Side Two And it's so interesting they have the

Dark side the Dark Side of the Moon is Facing towards You as If they are showing You the other side of You that does not wish to be seen it's Not that you can't see the other facet Of you it's that you don't want to see It or you're in resistance to seeing It I think this connection is going to Be deeply Healing Because you show each other wait how do I explain This okay I'm going to just go from your Side imagine you are the moon and you Have two sides to You the Light Side of the Moon is the Side of you that you wish to be seen the Traits that you deem attractive the Traits that you deem Acceptable the dark side of your moon is The side that you don't want other People to see and maybe even the side That that you don't want to see yourself Because you have deemed it as as bad or As Unacceptable and this connection is Going to be so healing because you meet This Person you find this person to be Amazing you find this person to be Beautiful and wonderful and so bright And so attractive

They are proudly showing they are Putting in the Forefront your dark side of the moon the Side of you or the traits of you that You did not wish to be seen they are Actually wearing those traits proudly And showing you that it is something That you can be proud Of um just for an example maybe there's A side of you that is very out out Spoken and opinionated and that's your Dark side of the moon I've hidden that Away I don't show that to people that's Not acceptable that's bad and then you Meet this person and they are very Openly um opinionated and very Assertively sharing their views on Things and letting their voice be Heard the very thing that you were Hiding and you felt was like your dark Side they are expressing it as their Light Side they are expressing it as Something to be proud of and it's this Moment of like holy crap I can do that I'm allowed to do that I'm allowed to Look at my other Side thank you for showing me that this Is something I can be proud of and Actually now that I see you expressing It I find it very attractive and very Beautiful and very Positive and you are going to do the Same thing for Them you're yin and yang you

Equally give to each other oh this is so Freaking cool And the fact that you both have messages About Manifesting something is finally taking Form your desired reality is Manifesting you are likely from the Moment you come into each other's lives You're helping each other manifest your Greatest desires because in order to Manifest your greatest desires I think It Requires Integration of both sides of your moon You have to you have to reclaim and Embrace all of yourself to really Manifest your greatest Desires oh this is so cool Um with matter Here I do feel like this is saying Something about your 3D connection okay Your higher selves cuz I'm just thinking Of showing the dark side of the Moon and Something that doesn't want to be seen Your higher selves might not reveal much To You about the spiritual connection Because they want you to focus on the 3D Connection they want you to focus on Like what is tangible and what is in Front of you and really be grounded in The 3D connection cuz that's where You're doing amazing Things and so you might find that when

You you inquire about the nature of the Soul connection or like what's going on In the 5D you might not get a lot of Answers and remember what the guide book Says it's not because of a lack of Vision it's because of what doesn't wish To be seen so it's not because you lack Insight or you lack psychic ability it's Because your higher selves do not want To reveal this information to you yet or They don't want you to focus too much They're like leave it to us for what's Going on energetically And I don't think it's so much of like a You can't know this but just that they Really want you to be present in your 3D Experience cuz that is just what will Benefit you the most right now because This is your this is your current Energy also gold and silver is making me Think of medals like a first place medal A second place medal and I just feel Like both of you are so excellent and You could be really reaching the top of Your Fields you could actually be in the Same field and you guys like the top two That would be really cool or you're at The top of your respective things but I Wouldn't be surprised if you come Together and work on something because You Are going meant to or already helping Each other Manifest and I feel like there's

Something else I wanted to Say I guess Just just to be in the present and be in The 3D with your person and and take Things that face value in the 3D is Probably what they're and encouraging You to do um and then we have boundaries In the middle so there may also be Things that their higher self is is not Ready to reveal to you and that your Higher self is not ready to reveal to Them and it's important to respect those Boundaries learning about boundaries in General could also be one of the Important parts of this Connection boundaries with your Interpersonal relationships but also With yourself Because I feel like what thoughts you Let consume your mind and what Narratives you choose to entertain or Not entertain that has to do with like Boundaries that you've set with yourself And with your mind so okay this is Really cool I want to get into the the 3D stuff so on your side we have like Light this is like light showering over You and 1313 as I held up this card we Also have the angel of Balance on your person side we have love Or I love you and 1331 as I'm holding up this one the Synchronicities must go Crazy um between you and this person

Like you must see so many Synchronicities about this Connection which then I can see why you Want to inquire a lot about the the Spiritual nature of the Connection and then we have community And for the card in the Middle we have the number three again Desire with Lettuce that's funny that does sativa Mean leaves cuz I'm thinking about like The other Leaf called Sativa maybe that is relevant to you and Your person um doesn't have to be though Um it's cool that we have like ones and Twos at the top and then three at the Bottom yeah you are really you're coming Together you're collaborating you're Working on something Together um yeah we have desire for the Energy in between the two of you so There's there's definitely a mutual Desire a mutual longing for each other We have cancer energy here which could Be significant and we have the element Of Earth so cancer placements or Earth Placements uh could be relevant um this Card makes me think of cancer as well Because it reminds me of the three of Cups with the three people here but yeah There could be like a cancer sun earth Moon or Earth Sun cancer Moon amidst the Two of you it doesn't have to be but

These little things could could be Confirmation Um where do I start let's start on your Side with light showering over You and the 13313 that accompanied that It's so clear to me how happy this Person makes you and how much light and Joy this connection has brought into Your life I'm hearing for some of you You maybe didn't even realize that such Joy was possible or that it was possible To Love someone so much or just feel so lit Up and so Inspired by someone they've brought a Lot of joy into your life I feel like This is You and these are your higher selves Because there's the yin cat and the Yang Cat the Gold Dragon and the Silver Dragon and so I do think that both of Your higher selves are watching over you And both of your higher selves are Frequently communicating to you so you Probably hear from your person's higher Self as much as you hear from your own Higher self I just heard like we a Package deal even the names of the Dragons are very similar like this one Is kinu which is the Gold Dragon and This one is gin cuz King is gold and Ging is silver but it sounds similar Your I don't know what your soul names Are I feel like that's a very intimate

Thing but your soul names could be Similar to each other or sound similar To each Other um and also I think it's Interesting that the higher selves are Illustrated as cats and this person is Wearing a cat locket this may be an Encouragement to wear a pendant a Necklace or something close to your Heart that reminds you of this Connection or reminds you of their Higher self just to feel more connected To them Why am I hearing eat your vegetables That is that a message from their higher Self just wanting you to take care of Yourself I'm not sure maybe it's cuz There's a vegetable here and I'm just Subconsciously thinking about vegetables Um I also like that the cats are wearing Witch hats because it very much feels Like your higher self and your person's Higher yourself Constantly working magic in your life And just being present in your life and I think Think you really feel that and it makes You happy in your daytoday if you're Ever overcome with joy that's probably Their higher self sending you love Giving you an energetic hug or a sign That your person on the other side is Thinking of you and and being happy About you too there's just so much light

Here and it's it's very sweet it's very Sweet to just soak up this energy with The angel of balance here this can mean A couple of different things for one I Do think that you probably feel this Person's energy balances you out like You are yeah like you are counterparts To each Other oh the other thing I wanted to say Cuz of that 13313 it makes me think of The death card so after meeting this Person or After being in exposed or introduced to This person's energy you may have felt Like you you went through some kind of Rebirth or you went through an ego death Or you went through an Awakening or a Reawakening it's almost like you feel Like a a new person there was me before I met them and there's me after I've met Them um yeah so sorry with the angel of Balance I do think you feel this person Energy balances you out I also think This could be you trying to balance your Emotions or balance your expectations so You still might not know how things are Going to turn out with this person or What the the future holds for this Connection and it's like you don't want To get your hopes up too much and I Actually think you're doing this in a Healthy way because I don't think you Are shutting off your desires or Shutting off your love or shutting off

Your passion I very much do think you're Allowing yourself to feel it and be Inspired by it and be moved by it and And feel Joy from it why while also Saying like I don't know what's going to Happen and I'm detached from the outcome I just feel like you are in a very good Place and I think your guardian angels Are helping you remain in this really Good place and then over on your person Side this looks very Community like like We literally have this community card But then we also have this group hug Going on So you could be in the same Community as Your person Even if like even if you don't know each Other that well or honestly even if you Don't know each other in the 3D yet you Could still be a part of the same Community as In the part of the same movement on Earth um like for example cuz I see the Harp here let's say you and your person Are both musicians even if you've never Collaborated together or even if you've Never met each other in person like You're still part of the community that Is music you're and you're both Contributing to this community and You're both influencing this community So you are connected through being part Of some Community together it could even Be like you're both entrepreneurs you're

Both self-employed and even if you're Doing completely different things you Are part of the community of Entrepreneurs on Earth and your Experience and your discourse will shape Each other's Journeys That's kind of the vibe and so but I do Think if you're not already you will be Part of a closer knit Community together Where you're actively interacting with Each other and I just saw 21 21 lots of 12 21 1331 333 one twos and threes are coming up a Lot um and I think That whether or not like no matter how Close you are of this person in the 3D They do have love for You because they have love for their Community and anyone who is in it they Have love for and they want to Support I do think that there's a desire To get close closer to you from your Person's Side So and I keep I keep feeling like saying Regardless of how close you are in the 3D or even if you haven't met so I Wonder if some of you who chose this Group like haven't met them yet in Person or like This anyway obviously you'll know what Where your connection is at right now But they might get more involved in a

Certain Community because they want to Get closer to you or they might try to Get closer to you through your shared Interests or through your shared Aspirations I do feel like there is a passion that Links the two of you Or a um an aspiration a goal a Talent and again a community that links The two of you and that you will Particularly stand out to each other and That you will particularly Inspire each Other and yeah the the desire and the Longing is definitely mutual so these Are your current energies we're going to Move into your future future Now and see what is Happening between you and your person From now moving into the Future another thing there might be I'm Just looking at this boundaries card Again I think something I just feel a Strong emotion of Appreciation it I don't know if it's Coming from you or them or it's mutual But there's this sense of appreciation Of you see you see me beyond my role in Society or beyond the communities and Groups that I belong to or that I Contribute to and you see through to me As a Person which is maybe like like a rare Thing so let's just I'll use myself as An example this would be like and it

Sounds weird saying this Because like I'm just Carrie but imagine Imagine if there's Someone and I'm like thank you for for Seeing Carrie and thank you for Appreciating Carrie and not just seeing Me as Kino like thank you for just not Liking me as the tarot reader on YouTube But liking me for who I am you know it's Like that kind of vibe or we can use Musician again as an example and your Person is like thank you for not just Liking me for for my accomplishments or For what I do or what I contribute or Like the community that I'm in and you Just see me as like a an individual Human and you see through to my my Personhood and my humanity and there's There's a sense of appreciation there Okay what is in the future I'm excited What is in the future for my group Number twos and their Person who we have the sun with life Force that is Beautiful this deck is awesome the wee Moon Tarot you guys have good taste We Have look at this image this is you guys We have 2552 another mirroring number as I'm holding up this card we have the two Of fire which is the Two of Wands and It's called The Art of love in this Deck Oof we got some fiery energy going on

Obviously the sun is also Fire we have fire again Priestess Mother I would guess I actually don't Know this is one of the Court cards but I honestly find with this deck it's it's Quite different from traditional tarot And so it's not always helpful to be Strict about what the the equivalent is So to speak um tending The Hearth and we will get one More oh now we have a water card Amazon Daughter Moon Time the moon seems to be well we have The Sun and the Moon here Actually which is just more more yin and Yang energy and then at the bottom of The deck we have the water the water Priestess mother look at The Duality That we have here like we have the fire Priestess mother and the water Priestess Mother more Duality we have the Sun and The Moon more Duality and then we have The art of love with the two of you Coming together Yep this is divine counterpart energy What can I say this is awesome So this is Your this is your timeline of events And I feel like this is kind of Something you're going through together This definitely indicates some kind of Union the Two of Wands or some kind of Uh Partnership and if we look at this as a

Timeline this is more towards the Beginning of our timeline so that leads Me to believe it is happening relatively Soon with the sun here this feels like Inspiration this feels like a new Project Which it's either just you or it's both Of you but it's definitely You starting a new project creating Something like completely from you You may have assistance but I feel like The idea and the passion behind it is Really coming from You it's something that you feel very Excited excited about because you feel Like it's really going to bring light to The world but at the same time I feel Like it's something that you're Starting for fun it it feels very no Pressure it doesn't feel like oh I'm Starting this project and I really hope That it's successful and I really hope That I reach this goal and I I meet this Standard it's like I'm just winging it I Don't I'm not expecting anything from This I'm just I'm just doing this for Fun uh it's kind of like when I started My channel I did not think anything I Was like let me just start it and I just You know it it feels like something like That that you just suddenly get very Inspired to do and it's something that You do for fun and you just want to Express yourself and you just want to

Share light with other people people and It feels like you're not really putting Any pressure on yourself to meet any Sort of Standards or for it to grow to Any sort of capacity but it will grow it Will naturally grow it will organically Grow I think you'll naturally bring in Supporters or you know people who want To help you or people who want to follow Your Work and it comes completely from a Place of just inspiration and from a Carefree place and I think this is kind Of going to be a mindblowing thing for You when you just when you just create From joy and passion And it Feels like the growth is just So I want to say organic like it just Comes organically it just comes Naturally and I think that can be Something that's kind of Counterintuitive Because humans silly humans we don't Have anything figured out but we like to Pretend that we do and we say like if You want to be Successful I don't know like if you want To have a successful YouTube channel you Have to post at 300 p.m. and 13 minutes And 21 seconds and your content has to Be 6 seconds long and you have to get The attention of people in the first .9 Milliseconds and you have to post every

28 business seconds like we really like To make these strict rules and formulas That you that you have to follow and Make people feel like if I'm if I can't Keep up with this then I'm going to fall Behind and I feel like whatever you're Doing you're just so fueled by Passion And your inspiration that you're not Even thinking about all of that and You're Just soaring you're just knocking it out Of the park and it's it just happens it Just comes naturally and it feels so Good and feels so expansive I hope that It making sense I just feel like I'm Getting I'm getting so excited sitting With this energy and it's just a Testament to like how powerful The soul is and the Soul does not play By the silly rules of The Mortals it's Kind of the vibe life force you're being Driven by life force and the name of This uh Painting is called manifestation chamber Or of this Illustration this deck is so cool Because all of the illustrations are Done by different people it's like a Collaborative that's funny it's a Collaborative project and I wonder if Intuitively you were drawn to this deck Because you are meant to Have joyful collaborative projects with Other Souls that is so cool and then we

Have the Two of Wands which shows you Coming together with your person so Whatever you're doing here it's Either um getting the attention of your Person Or if you already have their attention This is probably them taking interest Perhaps coming on board with you perhaps Assisting you but it's interesting cuz This is Mars and Aries energy so it's it Feels very Enthusiastic you are putting yourself Forward enthusiastically and they are Responding Enthusiastically and this is also very Healing too because it shows you what it Looks like when people really Choose You When people really care when people Really want You you're getting it's like you are Getting such an enthusiastic Yes from the universe and from your Person and I guess there's kind of a Looking back of wow I was really taking All that lukewarm energy before and like Trying to determine if this person was Choosing me if this person wanted me if This if this company wanted me I was Taken all that with washy energy and Being like is it a yes and now I know What a yes really looks like now I Really know what it looks like to be Seen and to be chosen and to be Prioritized and for someone to be

Excited about me and what I'm Doing and I think that's a boundary Thing too cuz it's like I'm going to Take any more lukewarm wishy-washy Energy now cuz I know if it's not a hell Yes then it's a no if I don't and same For what you will accept like if I don't Feel hell yes towards something Then I'm going to keep it Pushing you're I think You're in whenever you can Cuz Life Is Life sometimes but whenever You can you are choosing to be driven Just by what inspires you and what you Feel really excited about the the reason I say life is life is cuz you're Sometimes we just have to do things that We're not crazy excited about like I'm I'm not excited to to do my taxes But you know but we don't have To accept like commitments or accept Projects or accept opportunities that We're not totally excited About um and then moving on here we have Fire Priestess mother I think it's very Interesting that this person is Pregnant I don't know if that is meant To be interpreted literally Although it very well could be that Could be a confirmation for some of you But I do think for many of you this is More so metaphorical in the sense that You have something that you are Preparing to birth into the world and

That is and that is in the Works and something that you are Preparing together with your person also Just looking at this person their hair Looks really long and healthy and it Looks like they have the pregnancy glow So you're Definitely very passionate about what You're doing and I really do think That's going to make you glow and it's Going to make you feel more attractive You could even notice some changes to Your physical appearance naturally Occurring or you could be making changes To your physical Appearance but I feel like this Represents kind of it's gestation the Word a gestation Period of an Idea of a project for some of you it Could literally be a child but I do feel That for many of you this is more of a Symbolic Thing and then we Have Moon time it's interesting cuz this Energy all feels very like fiery and Passionate and exciting and go go go and Then this feels like More Serene And Introspective it almost feels Like I think you're creating something That's going to be very healing for a Lot of people and it's also going to be

Very healing for you but Interestingly I think a lot of the Healing doesn't come Right Away the healing you may not really Notice what's happening while you're in The creation Process and while you're kind of in the Afterglow of launching or Releasing this project but it's like After the energy has kind of died down Maybe after you've heard people's Feedback or you've kind of let it so SP In and really process what this project Means to you I'm almost like shaking Right now as I'm talking about this I Feel like that's when the deep healing Is going to Happen And it's like if you had made a body of Work and you were just channeling the Whole time you're just like channeling And channeling and you're really um Excited about it and and high energy and And go go go and then you release this Body of work and then there's still that Lingering excitement and you're like Buzzing from it and then after some time Goes by and you really look at the body Of work that you just made and you Really reflect on it it's almost Like you realize the meaning of it After because before you were just in Channel mode you were just in creation

Mode and I think a lot of the Times we do heal as we Create it almost feels like a delayed Thing you don't fully realize the Meaning of what you just created until After the fact maybe after you see its Impact or After the messages have really sunk In there's like another wave of healing And realizing what this work means to You I hope that that makes sense There is also a Feeling Just with the Moon seeing all the phases of the moon Here seeing The like the waxing and Waning and the Fish there is kind of a feeling of Coming together and then going your Separate ways and then coming together Again and going your separate ways again So you may be you know join together you Come together for this joint purpose and It's very exciting and passionate And then after that you might Retreat Again and it's not that you've had a Falling out or anything like that it's Just I'm going into hermit mode I'm Going into introspection mode I'm going Into I'm going into processing Mode if this Is yeah cuz there's just a feeling You're like coming together And activating things each Other like you could

Be giving downloads to them and they're Giving downloads to you and then you Have to go apart and be in Hermit mode To Process the things that you activated in Each Other to fully make sense of what was Just transmitted to you Energetically you have to retreat from Each other for a second And just Like process Things if this is a romantic Connection if it's not please ignore me But if this is a romantic connection This could represent a moment in which You Are physically intimate Together And that experience is like very Powerful and It just brings up a lot of things in you Or it causes a lot of downloads to Happen and Then and then there might be a period of Not really speaking to each other after That but it's cuz you're both just So overwhelmed and like what the heck Just happened I feel like when you come Together it's so intense that there's Almost like a you need a period of Recovering after to be like what the Heck did I just experience what was all That

What was going on I feel like I was in The 11th Dimension I don't know what's happening Like this looks even this it looks Very Psychedelic you might have a psychic Psychedelic experience with this person If you're into that kind of thing Definitely don't have to but this does Not look very Earthling to me this looks Like a cosmic Being it's just the the activations that Happen when you're together are very Intense and so when all is said and done After that initial fire it's like okay Now I have to cool down now I have to go Into this water energy now I have to go In this energy of reflecting and Processing and I feel like you do that You continuously do That you come together when it's ready To when you are ready to activate each Other and then you process things and Then you come back and then you process Things and it you know it goes like like That um and I just saw 4242 so wa that Is this reading was cool so this this is What is happening for you guys in the Near future you're having some your Passion is being activated you're Blowing up you're growing they're Joining you you're having some intense Intimate passionate experience together Whether that's like creating together or

Being physical together or or all of the Above And Then you got to process what the heck Just happened so there might be more of Like a a quiet period at least in the 3D A quiet period in your Connection Wow um I mentioned Aries energy with This with the Two of Wands Aries energy Leo energy and Pisces energy could be Significant also cancer the Moon is Making me think of cancer and we had Cancer here as well but holy crap this Was very very intense so we are going to Take it over to the extended now where We See what is happening in the long-term Future between the two of you and we're Going to see relevant time frames within This connection based on the current Energies and we will also get a message From your person's 3D self and from Their higher self so if that sounds good To you and you would like to join me in The extended I'm going to have that link Down Below in the description as well as In the pinned comment however if you're Going to leave the reading here I want To say thank you so much for letting me Do this reading for you I hope you have A wonderful day or night whenever you're Watching and I wish you all the best Please take good care of yourself stay

Healthy don't forget to like comment and Subscribe if you feel like doing that if You enjoy my content and you'd like to Find me elsewhere I'm going to have a Link down below my tarot reading Instagram my personal Instagram my Patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like this one and I just saw 4444 And you can also decide on topics for Future readings and I will have my music Channel linked which includes the intro Song of this video that is an original Song I'll also have my latest release Link down below and finally my Vlog Channel and my merch which features the Floating Temple that was at the start of This video thank you guys so much for Supporting me my channel and anything I Do I really really appreciate having you Here and I'm sending so much love to you To your person your higher selves your Spirit guides your spiritual teams and All of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one Bye-bye High number threes so if you Guys chose the Carnelian and the Art of Love Tarot this is going to be your Reading I want to start by showing the List of the full breakdown of today's Reading we have the reading here on YouTube as well as an extended here on YouTube we're going to start by seeing

The current energies of the connection So we'll have a row of cards on top for The 5D connection and a row of cards Below that for the 3D connection and we Will have your energies here your Person's energies here and then in the Middle will be the energy that exists Between the two of you then we're going To move on to the Future energies so We're going to see what will happen next Between the two of you and we'll look at This as a timeline of events from the Present moment into the near future and We are going to look mainly at your 3D Connection so what is going on between Your human selves and then in the Extended we're going to look more into The long-term future so whatever we see Here in your future energies of the Connection connection we're going to see Whether this energy will change will Things keep growing will things stay the Same and then we're going to get Significant time frames for your Connection based on the current energies And finally some messages from your Person and we're going to get a message From both their 3D self as well as their Higher self so that is the reading for Today thank you so much for being here And let's get started so I'm actually Going to put this deck to the side for Now because for the energy check of your Connection we're going to be using

Oracle cards and actually I just want to Put our Carnelian on a stand because I Think that he's a bit wobbly so there Okay so your cards are going to go over Here your person's cards are going to go Over here and then um the middle is Going to be the energy between the two Of you but if you listen to these Descriptions and it sounds reversed this Like this sounds more like your person And this sounds more like you it's Totally fine to flip the energies around You might even find that both sides Sound like you and if you resonate with Both sides that's totally fine too and It's actually a strong sign that you are Mirroring your person's energy or you're Mirroring each other I should say um but If you don't see yourself anywhere in This spread then this is likely not your Group but without further Ado let's see What we have for you so starting with Your 5D connection your energy is being Represented by dark Nebula then we Have it's like the celebrating dragon And it says cheers to a joyful Future on your person side we have Parek then we have the cloud dragon and It says you are Protected and for the energy between the Two of you we have Dark Moon the void With the number One okay I want to look in the guide

Book for these two cards because I'm not Super Familiar with this deck and I want to Make sure that we properly know what They mean but I do want to point out That there's quite a bit of Darkness Going on here and clouds we see Literally your person is being Represented by the cloud dragon in your Dragon card as well you are surrounded By some clouds and this dark nebula card Looks like clouds as Well so there could be a feeling of Mystery a feeling of Confusion with this Darkness there could Be a sense that this connection has gone Dark so to speak or you feel like you Are in the dark when it comes to this Connection let's start with your dark Nebula so this is on page 45 Hiding the treasures of light lack of Clarity and understanding dim and Blurred visibility there are nebula of Birth light and evolution well this is Not the case cut off from light the dark Nebula is not linked to any stars it is Not ionized nor does it reflect the Light of any body a dark nebula is Simply a cloud of Interstellar dust Which does not shine or emit light Through a telescope it will appear as a Dark p hiding Stars Interesting okay I just I'm going to

Look at parek as well but I do feel like I have a sense of what is being shown Here parac is on page 72 distance between one object and Another one place and another one being And another the distance creates a pause And and the necessary air to be in the Field from another place making space Listening to silence touching Nothingness looking at the void tasting The new perceiving the aroma of calm and Meditating will be key senses to Bringing Clarity empty the mind of noises images And movement which do not help create a Blank space with distance we can Appreciate the place to fill later with New apparitions which are not taking Place as they are unable to find an open Space a pause for a new flow distance From the space where we can find bodies Movement andity this place where all the Matter is contained calls for some time Off in order to make enough room and Then we also have this message portal Activate 999 portal I think it's Interesting too that this passage is on Page 72 which does add up to nine so Nine or repeating nines could be uh a Significant energy to this connection Maybe one of you is a life path nine as Well okay and that kind of confirms what I was thinking about this Energy the fact that we have a void in

The middle I'm thinking of a void of Course Moon which is a moon that is not Aspected by any other planets and it's Kind Of isolated and In astrology a void of course Moon often Indicates a situation where that's not Really going to come through or nothing Is really going to come of it so for the Current energies in your connection from A soul Perspective it feels like you may be in An energy Where nothing is really happening or Nothing is really unfolding between the Two of you or it could it could feel That way and it could Feel lonely I'm wondering if some of you Have felt disconnected From this person's higher self or felt Like it's more difficult to hear from Them or you don't hear from them as Often or you feel a distance between the Two of you cuz this parac card was Talking about distance it was talking About still as well you may feel a Stagnation in the connection and you Also might feel confusion like you might Feel left in the Dark the dark nebula spoke about Confusion and your person's dragon is Literally made of clouds So you've maybe been left confused by

This person's Actions Or you've been left confused by the lack Of Action or Just just the connection Entirely and then in the midst of all of That we have this celebrating Dragon it Kind of looks like your person is moving Away because the dragon is moving in This direction and they're creating Distance and it looks like you are Seeing them Off and with all of this clouds and Confusion you might not understand why They're choosing to move Away But you want you just want them to know That you're proud of them and you're Happy for them like no matter this Energy of your higher self it's like a No matter what you choose I'm going to Support You it almost feels like they chose to Move on from the connection or maybe There was something that you had planned To do together like your Soul's planned Okay we're going to come into each Other's lives And we're going to learn this together Or we're going to experience this Together and then they they suddenly Changed their mind or they their energy Suddenly started to move away from

You like kind of deviating from your Soul's plan And your higher self is here like oh That's okay I'm I'm proud of you or I'm Happy for you you've made this choice to Like go off somewhere else or pursue Something Else but behind That friend like the friendliness of Seeing them off and being happy for them No matter what I feel like there's a Great confusion and I do feel like There's a heaviness in your higher self Heart and if you've ever felt really Drawn to this person and like something More was meant to happen with them than What really did happen I feel like it's Because at one point it Was cuz this feels Lonely it feels like there was more that You were meant to do or experience or Gain together but then they mysteriously Decided to create Distance and this is is you trying to be Like even in the midst of this Confusion like I can be the bigger Person I don't have to understand why You're doing this and I can Still I can still wish you Well it's a tough Energy and I do think that your soul is Is holding space for all of it like deep Down you do have love for them and you Do wish them all the best and you are if

They're pursuing what they believe will Make them happy then you are happy for Them but there's also a feeling Of like loneliness or disappointment or Confusion that is coming Through as Well and just the fact that they're made Of clouds I wonder if they're confused As well they may be pursuing something That they think they want that they Think is bigger and better like a grass Is greener kind of Thing But I I can't tell with this cloud Dragon are they hiding their true Intention from you or do they themselves Not even know what what they really want So I think we'll get into your 3D cards To get a further look at what is going On so on your side we have says like Going the wrong Way the the wrong Direction we have walking Away on your person side we have Reaching a Goal and we have Financial Constraints and for the energy in Between the two of you we have six Success with Peppermint and I noticed that the number 20 is appearing Twice so that could be IR relevant Number or like the year 2020 also could Be significant or like 2020 Vision could

Be relevant in some way we also have the Sign of Libra here and we have the Element of fire you don't necessarily Need to have these placements but it Could be confirmation for some of you um There could be a Libra sun fire moon or A fire Sun Libra moon in the mix Um okay let's get into It I feel like this is your person and This is you because they're the one Who's walking Away and this person yeah this will be Like a sign that this is your group is That I think that this person your Person has walked away from you whether That's like in the 3D they walked away Or they have pulled away from you Energetically there's a feeling of them Moving away from the connection creating More distance and creating Confusion so and they look their face it Could be an angry face but I feel like This is more a face of resolve and a Face of Determination And you're you look Bewildered and Confused and like I thought we were Going this Way it seems like you were walking this Way together and then they suddenly Turned around and you're like wait what Like I thought our plan was to go down This path together it could also be that

You were walking together and you came Up at a a fork in the road and they Chose to go that way and you were like Confused by that choice but you have to Keep going in the direction that feels Right for you and and you know with this Walking Away you have maybe made the choice to Walk away from this Connection or you're thinking about Doing so but I feel like deep down it's Not because you want To because I think deep down Like your higher self is always going to Be watching over them the same way They're they're seeing them off here You're always going to care about them You're always going to worry about them You're always going to feel that urge to Check in on their Energy and you don't want to stop caring About them I I feel Like it's it's a sad energy to sit with Because it's like I don't want to move On but I have no choice because I can't Follow you down this Path cuz it doesn't feel right for me or I I Can't like if you're walking away I have No choice it's that kind of feeling I Don't want to move on and I I wish you Weren't walking away but I'm also not Going to just stay Here by myself I'm going to go my own

Way I'm going to try to move Forward yeah and I think it's hard Because you can probably like these two Butterflies at the top you can probably Feel your higher self and feel their Higher self and you Know you know that there's a spiritual Connection that exists But if they've made this Choice it's Like what can you Do so yeah I feel Like you're in this energy of okay then I'm going to walk away too or I guess or Kind of making peace with that idea of Like I guess I have to walk away now as Well um on your person's end we have Achieving a goal so I Wonder if for many of you The reason this person walked away was Because of some goal that that they Became I'm hearing that they became Consumed with and I'm hearing they had It in their head that like they need to Reach this goal and pursuing this goal Is going to make them happy and it's Going to fix all of their problems and I Wonder if there's a part of you that Kind of question That And really from a place of of genuinely Caring about them Cuz pursuing this Goal I feel like is What took them away from you in a sense

And if you genuinely believed that Pursuing this goal would make them happy I think that it would be a lot easier For you to to watch them walk away But you might observe that their Motivations are distorted or that it's Coming from a a grasp is greener kind of Mentality I do think whatever it is they They have achieved the goal or they will Achieve the goal which is which is Awesome and I think That you're truly happy for them or you Just you just want them to be Happy you know we have achieving the Goal here we have success in the middle You you both will be successful in Whatever you are setting out to do but Success and happiness are two different Things you Know So I Guess you're like I believe in you and I Believe in your ability to achieve this Goal but I just really hope it's it's Going to be the thing that makes you Happy and also in a way That Maybe it's almost like your higher self Feels selfish to say it but it's like I Miss you I want you to be here with me But I also want you to to do whatever You feel is right but I'm just worried If this is really the right thing it's Like and reconciling these two energies

Cuz you may be perceiving it in like a Selfish versus selfless way But it's it's valid if you're if you're Concerned about them and it's valid if You miss them and it's valid if you're Disappointed about the way things turned Out we have Financial constraints here So this could have been a motivation for Them to pursue a certain goal as well This could also be indicating a sense of Insecurity that they felt about their Financial situation or their material Status whether they genuinely were Experiencing material lack or if they Just always perceived that whatever they Had wasn't good enough I'm not sure but Just looking at this person again with That face of determination and resolve It's it's like they want they were Chasing more money or more material Success or like a higher material Status this may be someone who had a Period in their life where they went Without and so now there's a feeling of Wanting to correct that and they might Overcompensate sometimes or they might Have kind of a void in them of like of Like no matter what I accomplish it's Not enough no matter what I earn it's Not enough and maybe upon seeing their Goal you might have thought like oh my Gosh like why do you need to do all of That you're already doing great for Yourself I just it there's kind of a

Feeling that you're not fully convinced About their motivations which at the end Of the day only they need to be Convinced right but it's like I'm not Sure if they're even convinced Of why they're doing it you know and I Wonder has this person been defensive About it cuz I just see you feeling Confused and bewildered where it's like I just want you to be happy like I'm Just making sure you know what will make You happy and that you you know you're Doing the right thing and then you might Get like push back from them or or just Be completely left in the dark where Like you don't understand why this is Happening so it seems like like it Really does seem like a tough energy That you are currently in so what we are Going to do is get into the tarot now And we're going to see what the future Energies [Applause] Are okay the future of this Connection between my group number Threes and their [Music] Person we have the empress with mother And 2222 as I'm showing this Card we have the Ace of angels with Wisdom and I believe this is the Ace of Swords we have the Queen of Angels Queen Of

Swords with Visionary and we have the six of Hearts Which is the six of Cups and the past Wow okay I'm going to look at the bottom Yeah oh my gosh this happened for um Group number one as well where the same Card that we showed in the intro is Actually appears in your reading at the Bottom of the deck we have the five of Wands With Diversity Okay Okay so I feel like this Empress is Representing you and this was Representing you as well which I think Is interesting because there was Butterflies flying around you here and Butterflies flying around you here Butterflies could be a symbol of your Higher self or of guardian Angels and I feel like the color pink is Relevant to you as well with the pink Flowers on both cards and the pink um Clothing the pink butterflies and it's Like a a magenta a reddish pink a a rich Pink kind of color even this Angel has The rich pink wings and this being has The pink face I wonder if your soul or Your aura imit this Color but I think that this Empress is You and this really Represents the unconditional love that You have for this

Person that no matter what they do or no Matter what you do or no matter what Happens you're going to have love for Them and I wonder if this represents a Moment where you are Finally recognizing that You're finally embracing that Truth And yeah like my my I can physically Move on But like my heart and soul will Not I'm always going to have love for This person and I Think acknowledging that and letting That ring true inside of You this is being shown known as like a Significant event and then here we have The Ace of Swords and the Queen of Swords which which makes me think that You will probably Initiate a Very Straightforward no BS conversation with This person and it's interesting because The Queen of Swords we often see her as This kind of cold or Detached Um figure and she can be quite blunt and Just like harsh Sometimes but the empress is the softest Most loving most Caring gentle being and so it's almost Like you're Realizing sometimes when you really love

Someone you have to be in this energy of Just being very straightforward and very No BS and there maybe was a point where You thought that that allowing your Person to go down this path was actually Showing them love because it's like oh I'm being selfless by just letting them Go whatever way they Want But I feel like you're reaching a place Where you Realize if I truly love them I have To and it's not like it's not like You're going to tell them they can't do Something but but it's Like they need they need to know how I Feel they need to know the Truth And if I if I view this path as like Harmful it's like they deserve to know That or I can't just like sit and let Them behave like this or let them make This choice they might yeah they might Be doing something and kind of silly cuz The the Queen of Swords is very like Let's cut out the BS and I don't mean to Judge your person or judge their path But I feel you're coming through is just Having this nagging feeling of like I Have to tell them I have to be honest With them about this path cuz that's how I will really show them Love Is by Sharing my truth and by just by just Like shutting up and and letting them go

Down this path that is not really Showing them love it feels almost like Enabling or just being passive and if You speak your truth and you're really Honest with them and they still choose To go down that path then that's then That is fine you know you're not going To force them to do anything But it's like I can't just be quiet About it I at least have to say what is On my mind I at least have to say my Peace and that is coming from a place of Love like this this blunt energy is Coming from from a place of Unconditional love so I do think you're Going to have a really honest Conversation with this person in the Near future about like I'm very confused About what you're doing and I just I Don't know if this is like the right Path or I don't know if this is the Right decision and I thought that we Were going to do this and this and this And can you like if this is really the Path that you're going to go down can You at least like help me understand or Like what changed and and maybe this is Even an act of love for Yourself the Empress is I deserve to Know if if there's I don't have to just Accept that I'm left in the Dark I deserve to know or like I deserve To have closure at the very least if if

If you're going to continue going this Way And this six of cups is is really Beautiful to me I I do want to talk About this five of Wands because you Know it is an indicator Of conflict and friction and things like That and So I feel like there maybe was a part of You who part of you That You thought you were being the bigger Person and doing the right thing but Really you were just a avoiding Confrontation and So your ego maybe kind of consoled you Of like you're doing the selfless Thing By just remaining silent you're doing The selfless Thing by just like letting Them walk Away um but really it's that you're just Afraid of confronting them and you're You're afraid of the conflict that it Might Cause and so ironically it was kind of Like a selfish motivation not that I'm Calling you selfish but I feel like your Ego kind of spun the reaction Into like oh that's very big of you but Really it's like I'm afraid to speak up Because they might get mad at me or like It might it might turn into a conflict Or I might get my feelings hurt and I Feel like the Queen of Swords is saying

The Queen of Swords she's so like no BS She's like screw it i'm let me I'm going To confront this person like I think This is messed up Because you made these promises to me And you gave me these Expectations now I'm getting now I'm Like you wasted my time you wasted my Time you violated my Boundaries and I was trying to be this Like massive hearted oh but this is Their journey and I must let them be Free and the Queen of Swords is like no [ __ ] that you wasted my freaking Time by the with these empty plans and These empty promises and I made space For you in my life and I'm not saying You you have to like pay me back but I At least deserve to know like what the [ __ ] Happened woo there was some anger hiding In there and it took me 30 minutes to Get to it so you guys maybe have some Really deeply repressed anger like You're allowed to be angry at how this Person treated you I know it's like it May feel like it's the spiritual thing To just let them no don't let them hold Them accountable the [ __ ] like What oh sorry I got a bit worked up There and I think with this six of Cups You know it's so interesting that The that grass is Greener kind of expression was coming to

My mind cuz the six of Hearts is it's Your home it's what's familiar it's what You've already experienced so the six of Cups feels Like your garden I feel like your person did something Where they wanted to run off to another Garden rather than watering the garden They already Have or they just Felt like or they were trying to they're Like I need to go find myself but you Saw through that and it's like no you're Actually escaping yourself right Now like you're going to have all the Same problems even if you run Off if You it's Not if a if a plant dies it's not the Plant's Fault if you walk away from your plant Because it died and walk away to a new Plant guess what the new plant is also Going to die unless you solve the issue Which is how you care for the Plant they need to hear this Cuz I think there's a part of you that's Like okay you can go off cloud dragon But you're going to do the exact same Thing and you're going to come across The exact same problems and I'm not even Saying this to be like please stay with Me I'm saying this because you need to Hear it before you perpetuate the same

Cycle over and over Again and I'm telling you this because I Care about You so you have to you have to have this Confrontation and I I do think I mean you don't have to but I think You'll feel called to and and I do think You're going to get through to this Person look at all this emphasis on like The third eye that's seeing beyond the The veil and seeing beyond the BS and Seeing the truth of a situation and I Almost feel like Reactivating what they know is right and And reactivating their connection to Their higher self and to their intuition And the the six of Cups it just feels so Much like I'm going to stay in my home I'm going to stay in my garden and I'm Going to tend to my Garden wo that intense so that is what Is happening in your near future or what What Is what you may feel called to do and What would be Beneficial that a lot um but we are Going to move into the extended now Where we see The long-term future for this connection Where we see relevant time frames for The connection based on current energies And we will also get a message from your Person's higher self your person's 3D Self and then your person's higher self

So if that sounds good to you and you Would like to join me in the extended I'm going to have that link Down Below In the description as well as in the Pinned comment however if you're going To leave the reading here I want to say Thank you so much for letting me do this Reading for you I hope you have a Wonderful day or night whenever you're Watching and I wish you all the best Please take good care of yourself stay Healthy don't forget to like comment and Subscribe if you feel like doing that if You enjoy my content and you like to Find me elsewhere I'm going to have a Link down below my tarot reading Instagram my personal Instagram my Patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like this one and you can also Decide on topics for future readings I Will link my music channel Channel which Includes the intro song of this video That is an original song I will also Have my latest release link down below And finally my Vlog Channel and my merch Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video thank you Guys so much for supporting me my Channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here and I'm sending so much love to you to your Person to your higher self your Spirit Guides your spiritual team and all of

Your loved ones both here on Earth and In the other Realms and I will see you Guys in the next one bye Bye High number fours so if you guys Chose the rose quartz and the star child Tarot this is going to be your reading So I want to start off by showing a list Of the full breakdown of today's reading We have the reading here on YouTube as Well as an extended and over here on YouTube we're going to start by seeing The current energies between you and Your person so we're we're going to look At one row of cards at the top to Represent your 5D connection the Connection between your higher selves Then we are going to put another row Beneath that to represent your 3D Connection we're going to have your Energy here their energy here and in the Middle will be the energy that currently Exists between the two of you then once We look at the current energies we're Going to see the future energies and see What will happen happen next between the Two of you this is going to be like a Timeline of events starting at the Present moment and into the near future And this is mainly going to be about Your 3D connection so what is going on Between your human selves and then in The extended reading we're going to look More into the long-term future so Whatever future energies we saw here

We're going to find out will these Energies change in the long-term future Will they keep growing will they stay The same we are going to see significant Time frames for the connection based on Current energies and then at the very End of the reading we will get messages From your person and we're going to get A message from both their 3D self as Well as their higher self so that is the Reading today thank you so much for Being here and let's get into it so I'm Going to put this Tarot deck to the side Because for our energy check we're going To be using these or cards so like I Mentioned your cards are going to be Here and your person's cards are going To be over here but if upon listening to These descriptions the roles feel Reversed like this feels more like your Person and this feels more like you that Is totally fine you may also feel like You resonate with the energy on both Sides which is a strong sign that you And your person are mirroring each other But if you don't see yourself anywhere In this spread then this is likely not Your group today but with all that being Said Let's get started so your 5D connection Your energy is being represented by the Protoplanetary Dis and the flying dragon and it says to Do things in a different

Way then on your person's side their Energy is represented by attraction And the ascending Dragon quite similar And it says like you are suddenly Leveling Up and then for the energy that exists Between the two of you we have gratitude With the last quarter moon and the Number 23 I'm noticing that all of these Numbers are quite close together like 23 25 26 I wonder if these could be ages of You and your person or it could even be Dates like you could be born on the 23rd 25th 26 or like February 3 5 or 6 you Don't have to be but I'm just mentioning That in case it's a confirmation for Some of you what I do find very Interesting is that you are the flying Dragon and they are the ascending Dragon So you guys are definitely on a similar Vibe um you come first and they Follow your number 25 their number 26 And even the way the dragons have Appeared you're like I'm flying over Here come with me and their higher self Is like okay and going with You you have the protoplanetary disc as Well I will admit I am not super Familiar with a lot of the cards in this Deck and so I have been reading from the Guide book a few times throughout this Reading but I am familiar with this one And the protoplanetary dis is the space Where planets are

Formed so what we have for your energy Is that you are taking on a different Way of doing things and you are creating Your own world so I think this Represents your higher self as I just Saw 444 by the way um which you may see When your higher self is is Communicating with you your higher self Is definitely a free spee spirit and I Think that reflects on your human self You have maybe felt like a black sheep At times or just that the lifestyle that Is Encouraged in the world of the Earthlings is not a Vibe for you and you Don't want to live your life the way Most people do or the way most people Seem to want to live it and you are Likely destined to take a path in this Life that would be considered Unconventional and that there's not Really a prescribed set of rules to or Like a formula on how to do it you are Just Really winging it and trying things your Own way you are not modeling your Ambitions or your path off of anyone Else you want to be completely Free and this will likely reflect as a Human this will likely reflect in your Career in your living situation It could also reflect in the people you Are surrounded by I'm seeing 555 as well And actually this kind of reminds me of

Life Path 5 energy because and I'm a Life path 5 myself like We crave that Freedom and doing things our own way and We need variety and change and Stimulation in our life so anyway all of That to say I think you're a free spirit And you will likely be happiest when You're living life in an unconventional Way by your own set of rules not just Following someone else's rule book and There's that expression of like if you Don't feel like you belong in this world It's because you're meant to create a New one I feel like that's something You'll definitely feel a lot of Fulfillment if you live By you are creating your own world you Are creating your Own Universe and you're boldly going towards It and you have have inspired your Person's higher Self whatever you're doing here on Earth Whatever you're doing in this Incarnation you have caught the Attention of your person's higher self I'm imagining like okay just imagine This is Earth and Then Um these are your higher selves up Here wait I need a Yeah and these are your higher selves up Here and like you're helping your human Self on Earth and you're living this

Badass life and they're like oh that's Interesting what are you doing what you Doing down there can I see and you're Like yeah yeah look so now my human is Doing this and this and this and they're Like wow that's awesome I want to do That too like it the way it's coming Through I don't know why I needed the Visuals but that was very fun the way It's coming through is like you're Totally inspiring your person's higher Self right now and your person's higher Self wants to step out of their comfort Zone and live a life that is similar to You or similar to what you are aspiring To and they have the message of suddenly Leveling up so I think that their higher Self peeped what you were doing and was Like oh that could that could be very Beneficial for my human like we could Achieve a lot of growth that way and so They're kind of they're tagging along And and I feel like they're just such a Big supporter of you and they're very Attracted to you it's like you're a Magnet and you're going together and Even look at these Hands the hand on your side is coming From up above and looks like is pulling The other hand Up I think maybe your person was in a Dark place or in a dull Place and their human self was not super Fulfilled with with

Life and I Think you inspired them and you pulled Them up to a higher perspective or to a More aligned way of living and that They're Incredibly they're incredibly grateful For that and I'm sure the Gratitude goes Both ways and you're very grateful for This person as well but this is a really Sweet energy to start off with I'm Excited to see what your 3D connection looks like Uh Oh oh it like this should be in the Middle but that's because I didn't put Them down yet so for your energy I love This on the right Path let that just resonate with you cuz I think some of you really need to hear This Message you are on the right path you Are doing life the right way you're Doing the right things for you it's I It's hard when you look around and and People are doing things differently and You're like should I be doing that too Should I be pursuing different things Should I be prioritizing different Things should I be wanting that Milestone because everyone else is doing It no you are on the right path for Yourself and I love the the candles on Either side of the road it's like your Higher self and your spiritual team will

Always light the way for you and they'll Always be showing you little signs that You're on the right path in fact that 444 that we saw even just or that I saw That you might be seeing it too even Just that number in itself it's like Everything is unfolding the way it Should be you are on the right path you Are protected you are divinely guided I Think you guys really need to know that Um we also Have the thinking Woman so clearly you are incredibly Intelligent as well for your person's Energy we have it's like putting in the Time and effort or just putting in the Effort I'm not sure but that's basically What it means and then we have Action and then we have attraction again Okay we have attraction twice I'm just Going to turn down the light a bit cuz I Feel like it was getting kind of glary We have attraction we have attraction we Have Action um that reminds me of get in the Action feel the attraction call my hand Do what I Dare want to be free and feel the way I Feel man I feel like a Woman that's a good song She's Canadian Shout out um Anyway yeah I like that Very strong indications of Attraction And we have it in the middle here so

Definitely in the 3D there is a mutual Attraction to each other if you Have already met this person in the 3D then they are attracted to you if you Haven't this is letting you know that They will be very attracted to you when They meet you they absolutely will be I'm just hearing it will be hard for Them to understand that you are real Like they'll be looking at you and and Spending time with you and talking to You and being like how can such a Perfect person exist And especially so if this is a romantic Connection there will be a very very Strong physical attraction and physical Compatibility between the two of you and Then regardless of what kind of Connection this is your intellectual Connection will be very very strong like You just get each other you understand Each other you challenge each other Intellectually and you have amazing Conversations and eye openening Conversations with each other and I Think both of you really prioritize that Type of connection and it's very Exciting when you meet someone who can Vibe with you on like a mental Intellectual conversational level um There's something else I wanted to say And I don't remember oh that I was Looking at this cauldron and the little Witch stirring The Cauldron and just for

A moment it it felt like a message of of Them cooking for you or wanting to cook For you or there could be a dish that They want to introduce to You especially like if they or their Family are from a different country they May want to prepare you like the dish of Their Homeland or you know or even just Like these are my grandma's famous Cookies like they they might show their Love through cooking or sharing food or Sharing recipes or something like that Which is a very specific message but I Felt like I wanted to mention that we do Have Libra uh the sign of Libra here and we Have the element of Air and I was actually thinking that Your intellectual connection feels very Airy so you guys you could both have air Placement ments or you could have a lot Of placements of the same element so Maybe you have like a fire dominant Birth chart and they also have a fire Dominant birth Chart your Moons I just thought of moons trining Each other so your natal Moon and their Natal Moon could could Trine each other Which which also means they're in the Same element for example like a a Libra Moon and a Gemini Moon I wonder if this group if you're Like into astrology

Because I usually don't go that in depth With it well I mean that's not very deep But you know what I mean Anyway Um this is really mirroring what was Going on up here it's it's quite similar In that in the 3D you are inspiring this person a lot Or you will inspire this person a lot When what was that Sound that was a spooky sound I don't Know what that was it was outside and it Sounded like when a when a firework goes Off and it's Like I don't know what makes that Sound um that also kind of makes me Think of like a shooting star or a Falling star which shooting stars could Also be a sign of your higher selves Watching over you um but yes you are Very inspiring to this person and I even Feel like this is them too the same way You're they're the dragon who's flying After you they're also the human who is Interested in following your Journey if you haven't met this person Yet your first sort of interaction could Literally be them following you on Social Media or just approaching you one day And asking maybe you're reading a book And they're like what are you reading or Oh you're reading that book like and They're so excited to talk about it cuz

They don't know anyone else who has read That book but I feel like the way you Might meet if you haven't already or Maybe you did meet this way is that You're doing something and they're very Interested that you're doing it and more Specifically for some they're very Excited that they found someone else who Also does this or or is also interested In these things Um yeah maybe you're wearing uh like a Band t-shirt and and they're like oh my God you like that band too it's you're Displaying something or doing something That they're like oh my God you're one Of my people and and there's a feeling Of just excitement and giddiness that They get to now um share Thoughts with You and and discuss things with you and This thinking woman is like they're Really just in awe of your mind and they Have the energy of action ooh this is so Cool so I feel like on one hand this is Talking about the potential of your Connection Where They have the ability to take action to Bring your brilliant ideas to life like You share with them your idea of what You want to do or create or invent or Build and they're like okay I got it and Then they run off and they start working On it cuz this is like they're cooking Something up they're putting in the time

And the effort this they're like say no And they're off to work on it and make It a reality for you and I feel like in Your friendship or in your relationship Whatever it might Be all you have to do is like mention That you you want something or you like Something or you're interested in Something and they will like run off and Learn about it or look into it or Prepare it for you depending on what it Is which is so sweet it's they're just So excited to be a part of your Protoplanetary dis like to be a part of The world that you're that you're Creating and I think you give them the Confidence to create their own World there may be a point in this Connection Where they are running off To prepare something for you to work on Something to work on Themselves And it feels like they're pulling away But it's actually it's actually very Much the opposite because in the 5D they're following you they're Pursuing you but in the 3D the way these Beings are Facing it looks like you're pursuing Them or it looks like they're moving Away from you So there might be times where you feel Like oh they're not interested in me

They're they're distant they're pulling Away but actually they're off working on Something for you or they're off working On themselves so that they Can share with you or for some there's a Feeling of like they want you to be be Proud of them or be um or be impressed By them and now I'm also thinking of That don't impress me much if that's What it's called that don't impress me Much you got have you got to touch which Is also Shia Twain but like I feel like The point of the song is like okay so so You're hot so you have nice things like I don't care I care about your heart and Your soul and So I feel like they're working on these Things to impress you which which you Will be impressed but it's not the most Important thing right you're like I Think you would want them to know that They're perfect and wonderful and Amazing just as they are and it's like Sometimes they might pull away from you For like self-improvement or to work on Themselves which is wonderful and we Want to encourage them to do that but They might have this weird mental Blockage where it's Like I I Can't like they can't see you during That time or they can't reach out to you During that time because they should Just be focused on the hustle and they

Should just be focused on bettering Themselves and it's Like like anyway so let's get into your Tarot cuz we want to see what the future Energy is going to Be the Future Between group number four And their Person so we have oh we have two fours Coming out at the same time I'm telling You repeating fours four4 four that's Your number CU we got number four with The Emperor number four with the four of Swords and this is really sweet cuz it These two Together it feels like Cuz the emperor feels like Mastery and Confidence and like being the boss And being accomplished and just just Being awesome and it's like the four of Swords Is it's in action it's just letting go And just being and I feel like these Together it's like you don't have to do Anything you don't have To oh there's a okay I have to go get This deck cuz it's reminding me of a Card From the Divine abundance Oracle which Is one of my favorite oracles ever and There's a card in here that is so Beautiful and for a while I actually had It like up on my wall cuz I wanted to

Look at it a lot because I felt like I Needed the Message but it is very f getting To this energy here it is and it also Has it has a tiger on it so like similar Vibes it's worth you have been worthy to Belong to love all along without any Need to improve in fact you are love Itself I just I think it's such a Beautiful message and that's The energy that these two cards together Are giving me it's like relax you don't Need to to hustle so hard you don't need To work so hard you Don't have to like self-improvement from A place of feeling like you you need to Change Yourself is quite sad and I feel like They might fall into that kind of trap Sometimes and I think all you want for Them is to know that they're already Perfect and worthy of the best things And the highest love just the way they Are and you want to show them that Unconditional love and the way you feel About them having this blockage may also Shed light On ways in which that blockage exists Within You so in this timeline you know this is The current energy so I feel like both Of you are maybe working on selfworth Right now I also think that you're Probably receiving tons of synchronic

Ities about the connection right Now I'm also just thinking we have Libra Energy again this four of Swords is also Libra and Aries and Aries and Libra are Sister signs and they represent that Axis between the self and Others which may be a duality That is heavy on your mind right now or On on their mind right now Of not losing yourself To like not losing yourself to others Basically one of you might have a Tendency it feels like a pisan tendency To kind of Lose Yourself to the Collective or Lose Yourself to other People or like like lose your energetic Sovereignty or your sense of self or Your shess of self I struggle with this Sometimes I I have a ton of pisci and 12th house [ __ ] going on in my birth Chart and I am quite impressionable Because of that which is it's a neutral Trait but it depending on your Environment and who you're around it can Be a good thing and it can be a bad Thing and also my Aries Libra axis is Intercepted so um yeah I feel like There's some astrology baddies watching This Um it's this this balance of how can I Connect to others and serve the Collective but still retain my energetic Sovereignty and my personal Power and how how can I generate come

Back to that part of me that generates My worth from within and is not Influenced by others or by external Factors I think you're working on quite Similar lessons and that's probably why You're attracted to each other and why Your souls decided to go together and Tag Along I also think it's interesting that Your hand cuz this is representing you Looks older and this hand looks younger Cuz I do feel like you might be just Slightly just maybe one step ahead in This person's Journey than this person's Journey at least when it comes to Emotional and spiritual things so you Know if you're if you're working on a Particular blockage you might notice That a month later or something they're Working on the exact same thing [Applause] We also have the Hant yeah so you're definitely learning Together and you're definitely helping Each other become your highest Versions this is so beautiful this Relationship this connection it feels so So constructive and just mutually Supportive because and it's so nice that You're working on the Same it's like you're doing the same Work in Life like for example working on the Same limiting belief or working on the

Same blockage or kind of analyzing the Same patterns at quite similar Times so By the Time they've worked on the same thing It's still fresh in your mind cuz you Just went through it and then it's like You can kind of convene and talk about Your insights and learn from each Other's Journey I'm hearing for some of you it Will almost reach a point where let's Say you were you were doing some healing Work and you removed a blockage and it Reaches a point where you can just Expect that okay in a couple weeks I'm Going to get a text from my person and They're going to have worked on the same Thing and want to talk about it it's Super Cool you could have a similar field of Study or have a similar Major or on your own time you could Self-study about the same topic just cuz You're both interested in it and I do Feel like both of you are quite Interested in personal growth and Self-improvement and maybe your Relationship even starts because of that For example maybe you both you meet at The gym because you're both on a Self-improvement journey and and trying To get your routine together and trying To focus on your health and so you Bond

Over that desire to become your best Version And and then having to Sort of peel that back and realize just Because that's how we met it doesn't Mean it's like the basis of our Relationship or the basis of our Admiration for each other and it's okay To show each other when we're struggling Or When like I guess That life is not all about just getting Better and and getting ahead And we don't have anything to prove to Each other kind of thing Then we have the Knight of crystals Which is the Knight of Pentacles so from Now into the near future I definitely See you frequently meeting in Person if you're in the Same location like if you're in the same City or relative L close to each other I Do think you're going to see each other In person on a regular basis you might Even meet on a regular schedule for Example let's meet every Tuesday to Study together or uh we both go to the Same class at night so I'm going to see Them every Thursday or you just have Planned that you're going to meet once a Month it might literally be on a regular Schedule like that but even if it's not There's regular contact act regular Meetings if you do happen to be at a far

Distance from this person this would Probably be cuz it feels More real than just like texting so Maybe it's a video call or something Like that where it really feels like You're Together but yeah I feel like this Represents consistent meetings in your Near Future and that you that you always come Out of it Feeling like feeling good and feeling Motivated and feeling Better it's also cool that they're Both holding this orb pondering an Orb o oh my gosh look at this card that Just flew out it's the four of Wands Which there's a lot of Aries and Taurus Happening Too Taurus Taurus Aries Aries so those could be relevant Placements as Well but Yeah four of Wands that that feels like Union Vibes that feels like wish Fulfillment Vibes that feels like Happily ever after Vibes I love it And and there's another Four feeling Completely like this worth this four of Wands I feel like represents your Mastery of it and now being able to be Completely vulnerable with each other

And Completely at home with each other and Coming together in the way you really Want to something that's coming through Is that there may be something that You're wishing will happen and so every Time when you're consistently meeting You're like well today be the day will Today be the day and it's like this Anticipation and this represents the Moment where where it finally happens so Let's say this is a a romantic Relationship and you've been going on Regular dates with this person and you Really want to kiss them or something And so every time you're like is today Going to be the day where they kiss me This represents when they finally do or Maybe you've been wanting to hear I love You from this person or there's a Certain Invitation that you've been wanting to Receive from them or a certain goal that You've been wanting to reach with them I Feel like this represents the moment Where it finally happens and so all this Anti anticipation has been building up And this is like the clima and the the Moment of the moment of Celebration and then at the bottom of The deck we have the Eight of Cups and We also have the Chariot and we also Have the Six of Swords and we also have The four of cups sorry I feel like I

Have to mention all of these Because Eight of Cups when I saw this I Was like okay there's a moving on Happening Chariot also moving on Six of Swords also moving on and then the four Of cups It's Like uh Boredom so it's kind of cool that There's four cups and eight cups cuz It's like if you each had four you would Be putting them Together and Saturn feels like Cycles so I think you're completing a Cycle with them where it's like okay I've poured out all my cups to You I've taught you what I can and You've taught me what you can and now It's time to move on to something else And the Six of Swords is moving on to a More peaceful Situation The Chariot love that it's a Unicorn it's like embracing your unique Self kind of looks similar to this Action Card Oh you know what I think this is it's Like they've been following you and They've been taking inspiration from From you and now you're like okay let's Go this way now and so now you're going To follow them and you're going to take Inspiration from Them and it just moves like

This like back and Forth oh that's so cute it reminds me of Like when puppies play together and They're like okay now I'm going to chase You and okay now you chase Me it's and puppies are very pure so I Bet I bet both of you have very a Cate And adorable energy to You and yeah I'm going to put these all Here but even Saturn it feels like You've passed a Test the hant is like you're studying For the test and then Saturn says you've Passed the test and you've really Mastered you've mastered selfworth Together and you've mastered feeling Holding complete Together and you're like okay we've Accomplished this we've learned Everything we have to learn now it's Time to move on to the next challenge And I feel like the next challenge is Starting to really manifest your desires Into physical reality which you now have A really strong energetic backbone and Energetic sovereignty to go out and do That and to know that you'll stay Committed and you won't Waver you're ready for the next big Challenge ooh that is so exciting so We're going to take it over to the Extended now where we see the long-term Future of this Connection and and we will also see

Significant time frames for the Connection based on the current energies And then we will get a message from your Person's 3D self and a message from Their higher self so if that sounds good To you and you would like to join me in The extended I'm going to have that link Down Below in the description as well as In the pinned comment however if you're Going to leave the reading here I want To say thank you so much for letting me Do this reading for you I hope you have A wonderful day or night whenever you're Watching and I wish you all the best Please take a care of yourself stay Healthy don't forget to like comment and Subscribe if you feel like doing that if You enjoy my content and you'd like to Find me elsewhere I'm going to have Linked down below my tarot reading Instagram my personal Instagram my Patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like this one and you can also Decide on topics for future readings I Will link my music channel which Includes the intro song of this video That is an original song I will also Have my latest release link down below Below and finally my Vlog Channel and my Merch which features the floating Temple That was at the start of this video Thank you guys so much for supporting me My channel and anything I do I really

Really appreciate having you here and I'm sending so much love to you to your Person your higher selves your Spirit Guides your spiritual teams and all of Your loved ones both here on Earth and In the other Realms and I will see you You guys in the next one bye-bye

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