What You NEED to Hear Right Now (If You’re Seeing This, It’s Your Sign) • Tarot Reading •

What You NEED to Hear Right Now (If You're Seeing This, It's Your Sign) • Tarot Reading •

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Hello lovelies!
Todays video is a ’pick a card’ reading. Pick the card you’re most drawn to, to find out ’What You NEED to Hear Right Now (If You’re Seeing This, It’s Your Sign)’! Once you’ve picked, skip ahead to the timestamp below where I reveal what it is…

𓂀 *Time Stamps* 𓂀
⁺˖ Intro: 0:00
🀧 Pick Your Card: 1:47
🀧 Card 1 (Sunset Aura Quartz): 4:50
🀧 Card 2 (Black Tourmaline): 23:28
🀧 Card 3 (Amethyst): 38:40
🀧 Card 4 (Pink Botswana): 58:28

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Modern Aphrodite Tarot:
Dreamgate Oracle:
Threads of Fate Oracle (discontinued, similar one):
Goddess Power Oracle:

🎥 My Camera Gear:

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The Gem Goddess

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Hello my loves and welcome back to my Channel today’s video we have a new pick A card reading but before we dive into It I have such a special announcement my Jewelry company Luna is doing the Biggest sale of the year which is ocean Day sale on June 8th and since it is Ocean day and we’re celebrating the Ocean and we do this sale every year a Huge portion of the proceeds goes Towards cleaning the world’s oceans and If you have not heard of my company Luna Jen before I’m going to give you a quick Little rundown of who we are so we Actually specialize in making hand Beed Crystal bracelets and these Crystal Bracelets are made according to your Wrist size so that they fit you Perfectly and they are also made with Gold fill so they do not tarnish you can Wear them in water and they will last we Also use the most amazing crystals that Have the best healing benefits so if you Like Crystal healing you can browse Through the site and read the different Crystal descriptions to see exactly the Healing properties that that Crystal has So if you’re wanting to manifest more Confidence more abundance more love into Your life whatever it is that you desire You can read about those Crystal Descriptions and get some Crystal Jewelry to help amplify that energy in Your aura and in your life we also have

Tons of other jewelry and crystals on The website as well so if you like to Place crystals around your home or Meditate with crystals we have tons of Different options we also have necklaces Earrings and rings and so much more so Have the link down below as well as the 25% off discount code which is ocean and I just want to thank you all so much for Helping support Luna Gem and also help Support the ocean we donate to the ocean Every single month but on Ocean day we Do a huge donation because of this sale And thank you so much to all of you for Helping support Luna gy and also helping Support cleaning the world’s oceans all The links will be down below for easy Access as well as your ocean discount Code again we ship worldwide and it is Going to be 25% off of your entire order And let’s go ahead and dive right back Into today’s pick a card reading hello My loves and welcome back to my channel Today’s video we have a new pick a card Reading all about what you need to hear Right now this is going to be an Important message and we use the tarot Cards and the oracle cards to ask Spirit To bring information for your highest Good at this time and what I want you to Know is you are not bound by any reading That you ever hear you have free will And Tarot is just a beautiful tool in Helping you look and see at the current

Energies what is currently going on in Your life and what is currently Manifesting and within knowing that you Can navigate your life and use more Awareness to begin manifesting and Creating the life of your dreams so That’s why I love Tarot so much and also I love this topic because this is again What you need to hear right now this is What Spirit wants you to know and all of That good stuff if you are new to these Types of videos I’m going to give you a Quick little explanation about how it Works so as you can see there are four Different piles in front of me over here We have pile number one this has a Gorgeous piece of sunset Ora quarts on Top so if you are drawn to group number One or this Sunset Ora quartz this is Going to hold the message that you need To hear right now out from Spirit group Number two we have this gorgeous piece Of black Turmaline so if you are drawn to group Number two that is going to be your pile And your message group number three we Have this stunning piece of Amethyst so if you’re drawn to the Amethyst this is going to hold your Message of what you need to hear right Now and then group number four we have This pink batswana Crystal So you can take a moment you can pause The video if you need to in order to

Take more time to figure out which group And pile you are the most drawn towards And then there’s going to be time stamps Linked Down Below in the comment box as Well as the description box so that you Can skip right ahead to your personal Reading all about that message that you Need to know right now everything that You need to hear that will change your Life and it will shift everything for You so take as much time as you need if You need more help tapping into your Intuition another little trick that I’ll Give you is to close your eyes and wait For a number between 1 and four to pop Into your head and the first number that Pops into your head without you even Thinking about it that is your intuition Speaking to you and your intuition Always knows which group is going to Hold all of the relevant information for You and which one is going to have your Reading inside of it so your intuition Is intelligent it is like Universal Intelligence and all of that is is Inside you for you to access so that is How this video works again there’s time Stamps linked Down Below in the comment Box and the description box so that you Can skip right ahead to your personal Reading all about those things that you Need to hear right now and I will see You in your reading so without further Ado let’s go ahead and dive right into

Today’s video all right my group ones if You chose this pile this is going to be Your reading so let’s go ahead and Dive Right In okay my group ones we have the Death card the Knight of Wands the Lovers the seven of swords and the two Of Cups over here so what you need to Hear right now starting off with the Death card this is a card about Transformation and change so maybe you Feel called in your life right now to Change things up to do things Differently than you’ve ever done them Before maybe you even feel like there’s A new you that wants to be born that Wants to come out maybe you’re noticing That different things that you used to Do or the person that you used to be is Is isn’t really feeling resonant anymore And maybe you’re feeling like that you Want some sort of change and some sort Of shift and spirit is coming through Right now saying that that is going to Be the best thing for you your intuition Is so correct on that shift and that It’s going to bring you to a much better Place in your life we also have Knight Of Wands the Knight of Wands is taking Action and using spontaneity to just say Yes to go for something so if you are Currently in a space right now where You’re wondering do I say yes do I take Action do I start this do I go for it Spirit is coming through just absolutely

Saying yes but I also feel the fact that We have the lovers and the two of Cups Here perhaps there’s like relationships Where maybe you feel that you cannot Change because maybe you know you don’t Want to disappoint somebody else or Maybe other people just see you as a Certain version of you and maybe you’re Feeling held back back or again not Wanting to do this change because maybe We’re worried about judgment maybe we’re Worried about people not liking us Anymore or again disappointing somebody Hurting somebody whatever the case may Be but the message that I’m really Hearing is that like do you want to live Your life for other people and to make Them happy or do you want to live life For you and liberate yourself and really Create the most beautiful experience That your life could ever be because Spirit is really saying like you have These callings for a reason your soul Wants to experience certain things for a Reason and it is saying yes there could Also be an a significant relationship in Your life that maybe is moving forward In some way shape or form the fact that We do have the lovers and the two of Cups here there could also be like a Significant relationship that maybe We’re being called to look at and also Being called to step up into our our Authenticity in that relationship

Because the lovers also indicates our Authenticity when we’re not being Authentic with the people that we are Around then like they don’t see the real Us if we have to be someone else for Somebody we’re never going to feel real We’re never going to feel understood We’re never going to feel authentic and It’s almost like we’re putting oursel Aside because we feel like someone Else’s attention someone else’s Commitment someone else’s love is worth More than us being who we truly are it’s It’s almost like saying that like that Is more valuable than honoring myself Right and so there is a message here Coming through to tell you that the Things that you’re feeling inside about Wanting to be you wanting to be yourself And wanting to go through a change Wanting to go through a transformation Wanting to be spontaneous wanting to say Yes to your dreams like that’s coming From a real place and spirit is Definitely saying like it’s time to Honor That and even if certain people fall out Of your life because of that that’s okay Because wouldn’t you rather be yourself And be your full true authentic self and Then connect with people who Truly love you for you and see you for You and accept you for you wouldn’t you Rather that because that’s so liberating

It’s like you get to be yourself and you Get to have beautiful authentic Relationships maybe it’s not with the People that were in your life before Because they didn’t see the real you Therefore they weren’t they weren’t like Real connections because they weren’t Connected to who we really are right or Sometimes we might notice when we come Out and truly be ourselves sometimes There’s certain people in our life that Are actually more drawn to us because They like oh my God I was waiting like I Saw the real you underneath and I was Waiting for you to be the real you right So sometimes we get closer with certain People but sometimes it can repel Certain people and either way it’s okay The death card talks about a shedding And the shedding is so liberating Because it allows you to be the real you I feel like you’ve outgrown your current Cocoon you don’t want to feel stuck Anymore the death card is kind of like The caterpillar that’s gone into the Cocoon but it sprouted into a butterfly And it it’s being called to break out of The Cocoon and shed the Cocoon and being Okay with shedding the Cocoon maybe the Cocoon has its own Comforts Right and it also could be Bittersweet Letting it go because it it feels Familiar to us however like I’m just Really feeling like as you allow

Yourself to sprout as you allow yourself To Blossom and spread your wings and own Who you are now which is the butterfly It’s like you’ve changed changed my love Group number On’s you’ve changed you’re No longer a caterpillar you’re a Butterfly and the Butterfly doesn’t Belong in the Cocoon anymore and so I Just really feel like you are just Feeling like spreading your wings Breaking out of something Breaking Free Being more real being more authentic Being more in alignment with who you are And I do See your relationships will change Because of that but in the best way Possible like the lovers and the of Cups The fact that we have two cards that are Talking about like real connection and Real romance you are going to call in People that are so connected to you on The deepest core of your being um and I Also feel like it will make certain Relationships in your life even closer Because people are going to see the real You and the people that really love you For you will stay right but the people That love you for the mask or the Cocoon That you had those ones might fade but The people that truly love you for your Core I feel like they’re going to They’re going to stay they’re going to They’re going to be there also the seven Of Swords there’s a message here about

Not like like I feel like you’re really Called to step away from feeling like You need to tiptoe around things and You’re being called to let go of living In fear especially when it comes to Other people maybe there’s a fear of Voicing yourself of speaking of being Seen and the Seven of Swords talks about Like Um sometimes we sugarcoat things or we Beat around the bush or we tiptoe around Things CU we don’t want the Confrontation or it’s it’s a card of Avoidance right and so there’s a message Here about Confronting what you’ve been Avoiding and realizing that you are Strong enough to make it through that And it’s also going to be the most Beautiful transformation for you to push Through that and move through that Because on the other side of that again The most real connections will Blossom the most real connections this Is you also finding yourself the lovers Is also when we find Ourselves imagine how beautiful life is Going to be I got goosebumps imagine how Beautiful life is going to be when you Feel so liberated for being you and you Just step up into that Power you’re going to have more energy More Inspiration things are going to move so

Much Smoother I’m also feeling like some of You perhaps you’re working with somebody On Something and I’m just seeing like this Needs to we need to feel comfortable Voicing our true opinions like if you Have a business partner by any means Like this is a message just for some of You by the way um this is a general Reading so sometimes spirit is like oh There’s a group of people that we need To talk about this for so anyway if you Are in any sort of Business Partnership Or where you kind of need to work with Somebody on something or you live with Somebody I’m really seeing that it’s so Important for you to Voice what you really think and not Tiptoe around things not sugarcoat Things because that leads to like Misunderstandings it leads to to more Frustration in the future I might Constantly be thinking like why doesn’t This person understand what I’m saying It’s like well maybe you’re holding back A little bit so Um it it’s like there’s a message here From Spirit of just be comfortable being You be comfortable voicing yourself and Being seen and all of that cuz it’s Going to just make things go so much More harmoniously and I feel like you’ve Been realizing these things already

Spirit also wants you to Know you are a gift Visionary step into Your light wow you are a gift you have So much light to offer this world you Have so much I feel like you’re a very Creative Visionary and you also have a Vision already of your life and if not You’re really good at coming up with Visions so I feel like it’s going to be Effortless for you to even think about That you are a gift step into your light Don’t dim your light because of other People step into your light oh my gosh You are so deserving of that um maybe You grew up in an environment where you Always had to be quiet or you had to Maybe you had a parent that would like Um get angry really fast whenever you Spoke out or had an opinion and now it Feels like in your adulthood um maybe It’s still difficult for you to do That um because there’s those like Subconscious like Fears but I spirit is really saying like It’s time to shed that it’s time to let That go because the things that are Going to be available to you the things That are going to open up for you are Going to be so beautiful and it’s like You deserve To be your own Sovereign Being like you really do and there’s so Much like you have so many gifts for the World that are only going to come out as

You honor your callings so anyway we Also have Messengers coming through this One says um Guardians Divine Orchestration and calling in support so This is the calling in of people who can Help support you on this Vision people Who really get you people who you’re Comfortable being yourself with um I do Also feel like there’s going to be People that that are really drawn to you As you kind of step into this like very Authentic version of you there’s going To be so many there already are so many People that are drawn to you I’m also Hearing that some of you um perhaps There’s like a career that’s more in the Public eye that you’re after for some of You um and if so I feel like you’re Going to be calling in more audience Calling in more people as you step into More of that authenticity of who you Really are people want that realness They want to see that real you and I Just feel like um stepping into your Authenticity is going to be like the Best thing for You okay we also have new beginnings and We also have Communication oh my gosh the fact that We also have the communication card Coming up is so funny because like I was Sort of feeling that a little bit as if Like maybe communication is something Where we just we just need to get over

Whatever is stopping us and like just Dive in communicate your truest feelings Your authenticity right Communication whatever it is that you’re Doing right now your communication is Improving the situations that you’re Going through right now are going to Help liberate you they’re going to help Teach you everything that you need to Know and New Beginnings this is all About you shedding that old shedding Whatever doesn’t feel authentic to you Anymore you are a gift and you you’re a Creative Visionary so step into your Light it’s time to shine it’s time to Radiate it’s time to to do that and be The messenger maybe you have a message That you really want to give to the World right maybe it’s time to start Feeling excited about communicating that And just saying yes and stepping into That putting yourself out there letting Go of the fear of being Seen that is going to help liberate you In so many ways oh my goodness I see so Many more people being drawn to you I See you bringing in more Success you becoming this stronger more Confident individual I just see so many Positive things coming in through that So let’s see what else we get for you Here we also have the energy of Gemini In the sixth house with Mercury okay so Mercury and Gemini in the sixth

House the sixth house is our work or our Service to other people um so like again It touches on our work it can also talk About our environment our health um and Our routines mercury in Gemini you are Being called to to definitely make a Shift when it comes to Your routines your regular routines Gemini is spontaneous Gemini thinks Outside the box they let their Creativity shine both of mercury and Gemini are so connected to Communication and also our thoughts and Our Ideas and then setting a routine to Bring them to Life some of you maybe we need to Communicate more in our profession in Our career maybe we need to open up more Maybe we need to be seen more maybe we Need to be more authentic maybe we need To express our vision More we need to show up with our Vision but there’s so much here about Communicating it and just taking Action utilizing your gifts So let’s see any last information for my Group number ones we have the card of Play coming through you don’t like Spirit is saying you don’t need to take It too seriously all everything that You’re going through right now and Facing we don’t need to take it too Seriously we can also have fun with it

When it comes to communicating your Authenticity when it comes to stepping Outside of your comfort zone see it as a Fun thing because it is it’s you Stepping into who you really are which Is fun that is Exciting sometimes even facing our fears And overcoming them we can do it from a Place of fun we can do it from a place Of like you know what I’m the main Character of my story I am going to Enjoy this I am going to create a Beautiful memory I’m going to create a Beautiful experience you know and you Are really the creator of your life okay We also have share wisdom I feel like You’re being called to share a message You have I feel like you’re being called To again it could it could be as simple As expressing yourself more in your Relationships also in your work life but It could be as grandiose as maybe you Really feel like you have something to Offer the world and maybe we need to we Need to shed our old skin that’s just Been holding us back our old thoughts Our old fears our old limitations and Just say yes and step into into it step Into the spotlight look at her there’s This Spotlight coming down and she is Moving into it she has people that are Encouraging her right so I do feel like You’re going to have people that do Encourage you you probably even have

People right now that encourage you to Do that but this is like like yes let’s Do it let’s let’s hop into the shine It’s interesting that we also had Sunset Ora quarts on this group because I never Look at the cards before diving into the Message and also putting the crystals on The cards and it’s just so interesting Because Sunset orac quarts is all about Stepping into your Radiance into the Light into the spotlight because it’s Connected to the sun Energy and this is about you stepping More into the spotlight being okay being Seen and again this could also be you Following a big Vision or big dream that You have and just diving into it maybe There’s something here where we’re Needing to use our voice more in order To achieve our Dream we need to also put ourselves out There more right we need to put our work Out there more we need to take Action allow yourself to be seen allow Your work to be seen allow your Authentic authenticity to be seen all of That stuff so that is your message today From Spirit it’s all about opening up That throat chakra which is that blue Chakra which is exactly this color of You stepping into the spotlight so Utilizing your voice being comfortable With your truth your authentic Authenticity realizing that you deserve

To have a truth and you deserve to have An authenticity and just because some People might not agree with it that Doesn’t Matter not everyone’s truths are going To line up not everyone’s authenticities Are going to line up not everyone’s Going to like us that’s okay we just Honor ourselves we have fun we we make It more fun rather than some big Stressful thing we make it more fun okay And so that is the energy of your Reading my beautiful group number one’s All about the message that you need to Hear today And enjoying your life even if this is Something where we’re needing To go on our own with something it’s Like let’s do it with courage let’s do It with fun let’s do it with like Opening up all the Possibilities that is your message today From Spirit so thank you so much for Joining me here today for this video I’m Sending you all so much love and until Next time bye all right my group number Two is if you chose this pile this is Going to be your reading of everything That you need to know right now so let’s Go ahead and Dive Right In okay wow my Group twos this wow we have six of Cups The heroin Eight of Cups and the Sun the First thing that I’m seeing here is that This card right here the six of Cups

Talks about our past and our past self Or just different things from our past The herant talks about our commitments Things that we’ve maybe committed to This could be like school or like a Relationship or other different Commitments that we’ve made in our life Decisions promises that we’ve made Eight Of Cups is when we’re realizing that Maybe we don’t feel quite fulfilled There and we’re wanting a shift or a Change and the Sun is such a positive Radiant card that is also indicating a New beginning the sun card in regular Tarot has a little baby riding a horse And the baby riding the horse indicates Like a rebirth so my group twos maybe You’re at a point in your life right now Where you’re kind of realizing that Maybe your current path in life the path That you’ve currently forged is a Reflection of the old you and perhaps You’ve gone through different things That have created big shifts for you and You’re kind of realizing you’re a Different person now with different Wants and needs and Eight of Cups is When we’re like happy but we’re also not Fully fulfilled and we feel like there’s Something missing it’s like and we can’t Quite put our finger on it yet however It is about to unfold especially the More that you honor that feeling and you Explore that because the secret of the

Eight of Cups is going on a journey of Exploration and adventure and it is a Card indicating the beginning of a Journey your message from Spirit today Is that your feelings are valid if you Are in this state stage right now of Just feeling like your path that you Forged is not quite what you want Anymore that feeling is valid and spirit Is absolutely Encouraging going on a journey of Self-discovery and discovering okay who Am I really how have I changed who is This new me what does she or he want in Life moving Forward what where do I want to go who Do I want to be what do I want to create What do I want to experience And spirito is also Encouraging to honor your individuality You know like sometimes we’re so Concerned about like oh what are other People going to think of me if I change My mind or am I going to disappoint Somebody or yada y yada like we can come Up with all these different things and And one big question that Spirit has is Who are you living For and who do you want to live For so what kind of Life do you really Want to live let’s go on that journey And let’s at least figure it out because Maybe we’re going to go on that journey And then we might realize oh wait like

You know what this is a great path let Me stick to it however that’s pretty Rare usually we go on a journey and we Kind of realize like oh maybe I do want More however it could go in two Different ways but spirit is absolutely Encouraging right now to explore this Feeling and to honor it because spirit Is just saying like like you don’t need To feel guilty for feeling like you want Something more you know we’re here being Humans living a human experience we Change right humans change and that’s Okay it’s like you’ve been through all These different life experiences that Have brought you to this point and Perhaps this is time for a shift perhaps This is time for a redirection but we Need to go on a journey and find that Out and I really see with the sun card Being over here the sun card indicates A New Beginning a fresh Start and maybe that’s exactly what you Need right now is to go on a journey of Self selfis Discovery and allow for this New beginning to Blossom because oh how Amazing is it going to feel to honor That to honor that feeling and then get To your son which the sun is epiphanies It’s realizations it’s Discovery it’s Illumination so it’s Illuminating also More more things so maybe we don’t know Right now exactly what direction we want To go in or maybe we have a little bit

Of an idea but as we go explore that It’s going to develop more and then We’re going to see more and then it Feels like the sun is shining again it Doesn’t feel anymore like we’re stuck in This phase of contemplation of wondering Because the the more that we just stay Right here and don’t do anything we’re Going to continue perpetuating the same Thoughts and feelings and reality and It’s just going to keep us in the same Space right and so you deserve to figure Things out right and I just see that as You do take this journey the sun card is In your future which is all of this Brightness all of this like positivity And it’s again a time for a rebirth and I just feel like that is exactly oh I Got goosebumps I’m getting goosebumps in All these readings today um so the the Sun card is exactly where you’re Supposed to be you’re supposed to be Happy and fulfilled the sun card is Literally a card of Fulfillment so This journey is going to help you find Your fulfillment and spirit just really Wants you to know it’s like it’s you Don’t need to feel guilty for it you Don’t need to feel obligated to stay Where you are just because maybe you Decided that long ago you don’t need to Feel guilty for that nor do you need to Stay there so we also have Elementals

Dreamland lore otherw World Earth Spirits oh my goodness I’m just going to Hold this up for a second because this Is so powerful the fact that we have Dreamland lore allow yourself to dream And maybe you have been maybe you’ve Been maybe you’ve been dreaming about Like making changes and that’s a Beautiful other world it’s like this is Time to explore other options other Worlds other realities that you could Begin creating for Yourself Okay then we also have hidden Portal so alternate Routes look closer Creative Solutions if you’re stuck in this Problem right now and it’s feeling hard To Solve there there is answers and spirit Just wants you to know that there’s Answers let’s go explore the card of Exploring let’s go on a journey let’s Start allowing ourselves to dream um Explore other ideas things like that Let’s let’s just start the Journey and Alternate Routes there’s Other ways of making things happen you Can change your path you can take an Alternate route you can be different you Can change things up okay so look closer You have options there’s options there’s Options that you haven’t even considered

Hidden portal is letting letting you Know that there’s options there’s more Options than what you’ve even Considered and Creative Solutions there is more available There’s More there’s absolutely more options and And the more we go on that Discovery Journey and we also just honor the Discovery Journey we allow ourselves to Get excited about it because like how Fun is it it’s almost like starting a New painting project because maybe we’re Like okay I’m done the other one not Really feeling those same colors anymore It’s time for me to move on to a new Painting it’s like oo well what do we Want to paint here like this is actually A really fun space that you’re in Whenever we’re on the verge of making a Change it’s kind of like it’s also our Blank canvas moment where we can explore Exp all the other options and think About what do I want to do from here on Out you know and we let those Limitations or those other voices in our Head we just let them subside for a Little while so that we can step into Our creativity so that we can step into The Dreamland and expand let yourself dream There’s nothing wrong with dreaming There’s nothing wrong with contemplating So we can let the other voices just go

Away for a moment and then if we find Something that we like then it’s like Okay let’s let’s explore that more There’s always creative ways of making Things happen there’s always alternate Routes there’s always like there’s Always ways anyway we also have Revelation um so spirit is saying that That there’s going to be epiphanies There’s going to be all sorts of Revelations along this Path I think you’re going to realize so Much more about yourself about who you Are we also have adaptability so Spirit Also has a message for you saying that Yes you have what it takes Yes you have all all of the tools to Adapt to a new Life and everyone around you does too so If you making a change affects anybody Else adaptability okay adaptability is One of the essential parts of like all Of existence everything needs to adapt Because everything does change there’s Unpredictable things that happen and um It’s it’s okay if if you want to dive Into an Unpredictable um path so let’s go ahead And dive into some more cards for you And then also some asra dice we have get Wild so here here’s a message for you my Group TW is it’s time to get wild it is Time to allow yourself to feel to think To take action to move to allow your

Imagination to get wild like maybe we’re Not quite at the point of taking action Yet because maybe we still need to think About things and discover things but we Can at least allow our imagination to Get wild you know really start Considering things and see how it makes Us feel see how like like really Discover it’s like this self-discovery Journey which is so beautiful and spirit Is just so encouraging It I think it’s going to be one of the Best things ever for you and I feel like This is such a turning point for you and Such a it’s going to be full of Revelations epiphanies and so much Wisdom let’s see what else we get for You we also have underworld so it might Feel right now like there’s a lot of Pressure to maybe stick to your promises Or there might be all these other Reasons that we feel that we’re attached To that make us feel Stuck but Spirit really wants you to Know that that those are Illusions You’re not stuck there is Adaptability nature can adapt other Things people creatures can all adapt You can Adapt right things change nothing’s Permanent Um and you changing like you don’t have To stay stuck you don’t have to stay Under pressure allow yourself to just

Dream and yeah what if best case Scenario happens what if this is the Best possible thing for you and everyone Else what if what would that look like If it was the best if it was the best Thing for you and everyone else what Would that be like and then Ascension a spirit is so Pro Ascension Like Let’s rise higher let’s Elevate let’s also Elevate our mind Think about best case scenario what if The best thing happens what if the and That’s a huge Possibility okay so I’m also seeing that This journey is going to really help you Ascend it’s going to help you rise Higher it’s going to help you see the Bigger picture it is going to help you Elevate your life So let’s go ahead and see more Information so we have mercury in Libra In the first house the first house is About you the first house is about your Identity who you are and it’s also about You being first putting yourself first Mercury and Libra is um Libra is the Energy of Balance so yes we can do things in Balance but you also need to honor Yourself right not necessarily always Put other people before you sometimes Need that balance where we honor Ourselves too because it’s hard for us

To show up as the best version of Ourselves if we’re not first and Foremost happy and fulfilled it’s hard For us to even show up for others and Nurture and give to others when we don’t Feel great ourselves so sometimes the Best thing for other people and for Ourselves is to put ourselves first so We can feel fulfilled and when when We’re in a place of fulfillment what Lesson does that show other people it Also shows them like hey put yourself First once in a while and create a Fulfilling freaking life that you love And do that that’s what that speaks to Other people that’s the lesson that’s That’s within there so this balance this Libra Energy is balancing Also putting yourself first and filling Your cup because we cannot give from an Empty cup yes it’s beautiful to give to Others it’s beautiful to think about Others it’s beautiful to put others First sometimes but we can only do so When we have a full cup otherwise There’s no point in doing it and look at These cups that are kind of falling off It’s like it’s almost as if we’ve been Feeling drained and we’ve been draining Our cup just constantly giving into Other things and other People but when we put our Cup first and We focus on fulfilling that filling that

Cup First that’s the secret sauce of Fulfillment and being able to also show Up for others in a beautiful way too so It’s both of those types of energies Mercury is the energy of communication It’s also so our imagination our mental Well-being So I feel like for you this is going to Like you already there’s such a new you That wants to come out and it’s time to Honor that it’s time to also be that to Shift the identity to be equal to who You really are honoring who you really Are and all of that so that is all of The information that we have for you my Beautiful group number two is my black Turmaline pile and black turmaline is a Crystal of protection and I feel like Maybe that’s exactly what you’ve been Needing right now is to feel protected And to feel like you’re going to be safe On this journey of maybe making these Huge shifts and feeling like you know You are safe it is safe for you to Explore new ideas it is safe for you to Make change black turmaline is the Crystal that helps protect and brings Energy of safety it also helps us dispel Negative energy things that have been Draining us all types of energy like That it is a protection Crystal and all Of that so that is what we have here Thank you so much for joining me here

For today’s video my beautiful group Number tw’s that is everything that Spirit wanted you to know right now I’m Sending you all so much love and until Next time bye all right my group number Three is if you chose this pile this is Going to be the message that holds Everything that you need to hear right Now so let’s go ahead and Dive Right In My group threes let’s go ahead and dive Into your message we start off with the Hangman then we have four of Pentacles The star page of Pentacles and then the Emperor so starting off with these two Cards there’s an energy here the hangman Is when we feel stuck and when our mind Is like maybe we’re trying to even think About Solutions of how to get unstuck or How to create change and it’s almost Like our mind like we can’t even think About anything we just feel Bound by our Current circumstances and four of Pentacles is when we feel um almost in a Mindset of scarcity or we’ve become Rigid because we’re scared of losing What we have and so we’ve become like Very protective of it and we almost feel Like like there’s this energy of being Scared that things are going to slip Through your fingers or that they’re Going to disappear one day and that You’re going to just some yeah somehow Like lose what you have it’s like a Mindset of scarcity or lack so if you

Are in that right Now my gosh does Spirit ever have a Message for you the star is our Center Card in this reading the star this this Is you Spirit wants you to know that you Have so much untapped Potential maybe there’s this fear of Thinking like oh I’ve I’ve already Gotten to my Peak this is the best it’s Ever going to get and now I need to Protect what I have and again it’s just Like this feeling like there I don’t Know if I can get more I don’t know if I Can achieve more but oh my gosh the star You have so much untapped potential the Star is this energy of um kind of this Energ energ of discovering your Potential and also knowing that so much More is ahead of you and that there is Like these energies that you can tap Into that are all just like floating Around that are there for you to access You my my love have so much untapped Potential it’s all existing right there Page of Pentacles is when we dedicate to A new idea to A New Path and we continue Working on it regardless of how hard it Gets regardless of the challenges that Await us along the way Spirit wants you To know you are absolutely strong enough And you have so much more within you you Have so much more within you so this is A card of of having hope and believing In yourself and knowing cuz Spirit

Really wants you to know maybe you maybe You’ve been looking for a sign the star Card can also be when we’re looking for A sign and we’re asking the universe Like please show me that that there’s More that I can have more that I’m not Just bound and stuck right here and oh Spirit is coming through for you right Now my group threes spirit is like Absol Freaking lutely Absol freaking lutely You can have so much more and you have What it takes to continue to persevere Page of Pentacles is also the journey to Abundance it’s the journey to more it’s The Journey To Success it’s the journey To a material manifestation of something So this could be the material Manifestation of money of the career of Your dreams of the home of your dreams The car of your dreams any sort of Material thing in life it is the journey To that this could also be the journey To the love of your life you know all Sorts of success you name it whatever it Is that you are after whatever it is That you want to achieve in your Life you my love have so much ahead of You to tap into the Emperor as our last Card oh my gosh the Emperor is the king who sits on his Throne and is able to look at everything He’s achieved and he’s at the peak he’s At the top you haven’t even reached that Yet you’re on the journey to that and

You can achieve that that is literally Written in the cards here that that is Accessible for you but it’s all about um Continuing this journey from the page of Pentacles where we just dedicate we push Forward and spirit saying that whatever It is that you’re facing right now Whatever it is that you’re going through You got this you can get through this You can overcome this this is time to Tap into your strength and realize how Strong you really are because you are oh My gosh and all of these things that You’re facing right now and that you’re Learning from they are all here to help You grow into your Emperor to realize That you can have it all you can achieve So much and sometimes there’s you know Learning on the path there’s learning on The life or on every path in life and I Just like yes success is absolutely Right there um so there’s an energy and Message here of persevere push through You are you are absolutely strong enough The star card like this is you shining This is you tapping into that untapped Potential also realizing that you have More talents and Gifts left for you to Uncover you can be the star of whatever It is that your dream is like this is You being the star of that dream um it All comes through this dedication of let Me continue let me keep going and also Having the excitement of like let’s

Learn let’s climb up let’s get to the Other side and it all comes through a Perspective shift the hangman the secret Of the hangman the thing that I love About tarot let me just go off for a Second the thing that I love about tarot Is that there is secret messages and Wisdom within each and every one of the Tarot cards there is pieces of wisdom The piece of wisdom that the hangman Shows us is that a perspective shift is Going to shift you out of everything That you are currently challenged With so for example the hangman its Normal depiction is a man being hung Upside down from a tree and his ankle’s Like tied to the Tree if he shifts his Perspective it indicates him being able To come out of the tree no longer Feeling like the tree is ruling over his Life maybe currently you feel like your Circumstances are in control of you but Realize that that the man hanging from The tree he’s actually smarter and more Capable than the tree is he can overcome That problem and change the circum ances Around so it’s a it’s a reminder that You are smarter than your problems you Have more potential than any problem You’re ever Facing and you have the strength to Overcome it but it’s from a perspective Shift that you will tap into that so I

Feel like the universe right now and Spirit is calling you to tap into your Wisdom shift your perspective and Realize realize This you are freaking intelligent and Amazing there is so much available to You and I see success success is Literally meant for you my group threes The fact that we have the emperor coming Up as our last card success is literally Meant for you it’s almost like it’s Being served on a platter it will be Served on a platter to you just keep Going keep moving you will overcome all Of this it’s time for a perspective Shift though rather than feel feeling Like life is in control of you let’s Freaking take the reins of life back Let’s take the reins of life back so When you get out of bed in the morning This is your message here okay when you Get out of the bed in in the morning Instead of feeling like oh my God what Is life going to throw at me today uh uh Uh uhuh instead we get out of bed in the Morning and we’re like oh I’m going to Take the Rains of my life today and Anything that comes my way I got this I’m going to push through it I’m going To stick to my vision I’m going to hold My vision cuz I know that I’m strong Enough I am capable enough I know I can Make it happen I’m going to go and make It happen today I’m taking control of my

Life life is not going to control me I Am controlling my life and I’m creating My life it’s like really grabbing your Power back and that’s what Spirit really Wants you to know right now is just like Take your power Back call it back like it’s right there And spirit Spirit wants you to call that Back you are not meant to be controlled By life or any of those any of those Things it’s Like step into your magic my love you Are so oh so capable there’s so much Magic around you Spirit also wants you To know that they are guiding you they Are literally here with you the Star Card means that the heavens are guiding You when you ask for these these answers For example this is one of your answers Right here the reason why you’re called To this video the reason why you chose This group is because you’ve been asking For some guidance you’ve been asking for Some Reassurance here it is it could not be Clearer than this yes success is Literally here for you waiting to be Served on a platter let’s go get It okay you are so strong enough let’s Shift that perspective of feeling like Life is controlling you uh-uh let’s grab Control of life again let’s just do it Like you got this it’s a sh it’s a Simple shift in your in your perception

Of that and just Deciding nope I’m taking the control Back that’s it okay we also have golden Hour oh I love this this this is you Stepping into your golden golden time Golden times await for you okay positive Omen the Great Central Sun positive things are already meant For you there’s so many messages talking About how such positive things are Literally literally meant for you and They’re waiting for you I’m also hearing Abundance gold and all this shimmery Stuff is making me feel this essence of Abundance and material success and um The achievement of that like being Surrounded by things that you’re like oh My God this is like luxury this is Beautiful this is gorgeous I feel like That’s like it’s it’s meant for you okay We also have the desert the authentic Self Transcendence courage Genesis maybe you’re walking through a Time right now where you feel like it’s The desert and you’re like where is the Results where is like and at times it Might feel confusing but Spirit really Wants you to know that the golden hour Is right around the corner we just keep Moving moving forward through it all Hold your vision take the Reigns of Life Get through that desert push through you Have so much power within you um to do That so yeah the authentic self

Transcendence transcending the old Energy and the old feelings and just Moving into your power the star the Wisdom of the Star by the way the star Is somebody who’s been shed of Everything the star card comes after the Tower card in the major Arcana sequence The tower card is when things are like It’s almost like they’ve been falling Apart or they’ve been taken away from us The star card comes right after that and The star card is one of the most Beautiful cards in the deck it’s one of The most magical cards in the deck but It’s when she regardless of the fact That she kind of has nothing she awakens Her inner power and she’s like you know What this is the best thing that’s ever Happened to me let me freaking call my Power back and and she trusts and she Knows that this is going to lead her to Her Emperor stage to her fulfillment of All the things to her golden Hour all of these things are leading you There the star card is following your Vision knowing that you are absolutely Going to get there and here’s your Confirmation from Spirit yes you are we Have to keep moving forward keep moving To the Future take the reins of life into your Hands and let’s let’s go let’s freaking Go then we have death and Magic death is When we release something we let go of

The old self and I feel like this is Spirit calling to let go of the of the Version of you that felt Down because that’s not the real Authentic you the real authentic you is This powerful star who’s the star and Main character of their own life and They’re like let’s go it’s like if your Life was a movie right Now and this was like your story it’s Like you’re the main character that Right now is going through that Character Arc and pushing through Whatever that thing is and you know as The audience member you’re like yes keep Going because I see I see where you’re Going so from the external perspective It’s almost like uh spirit and the Universe and all of your Spirit guides Are watching you right now and they can Kind of see like the um the bigger Picture of everything they’re like yeah Let’s keep going let’s keep going Because right now you’re about to have That like that beautiful Peak or Whatever it is that they call it um when All of the stuff starts pouring in Because they stuck to it they kept going They had that belief and they trusted The process and they they knew that I am So capable and I can take control of my Life again and I can change things Around and I can just I I can achieve I Can achieve the vision so death and

Magic death is about the shedding of the Old and then the magic is tapping into Your magic just like the star card that We were just talking about tapping into Your [Applause] Magic so let’s see what else we get here My group threes and it’s also Interesting that we have amethyst on This pile amethyst is all about Awakening your magic and Amethyst is Also um a crystal that helps us let go Of things that are no longer so serving Us it helps us transmute negative Energies and let go of negative things That have been maybe clouding us or Holding us back we also have compassion Coming through compassion for yourself Oh my gosh that came in strong just Now if you tend to be hard or critical On yourself Spirit also has a message of Like oh my gosh start loving yourself go Look in the mirror next time you look in The mirror after this video next time That you look in the mirror look into Your own eyes and tell yourself I love You You like really do that and you’ll see Like the the oh it creates such a Transformation it it really really does And and some people have a hard time With that but it’s one of the most Transformative practices compassion for Yourself love yourself you are a

Beautiful freaking human being you have Magic inside of you you are a freaking Star okay fate like you are faded you Like you’re meant for amazingness you Are meant for your Emperor ending where You’re sitting on your throne and you’re Looking at all of your achievements You’re meant for the golden Hour okay every successful person has Gone through like some sort of wild Story to get there and I feel like You’re going to have like this amazing Story afterwards and being like wow I’m Actually really glad that all that Happened because it made my story so Much more potent and so much more like Relatable And like it’s so much more inspiring so Yeah the movie that you’re writing right Now since you’re the main character of Your movie Movie this is a beautiful story that You’re creating for yourself so let’s go Ahead and see what else we get for You we also have the planet of Venus in Sagittarius in the 12th house the 12th House is the house of creativity of Imagination of the subconscious mind Sagittarius is opening up and Expanding your message is to expand your Mind to also see what’s possible Venus Is the planet of love beauty and Money so if you’re wanting any of those Things realize that there’s so many more

Doors to open there are so many more Opportunities to expand into and your Life is it doesn’t have to be stuck Let’s shift that Perspective call your power back let’s Grab hold of those Reins and let’s freaking be that main Character and become the freaking Star of of the show let’s be the star of The Show that is the energy and the message From spirit Spirit Really oh they they have so much Encouragement for you they see your Shine and and everything that you have To bring to this world and it’s so Beautiful this is just really time to Grab hold of your power my love that is Your main message grabbing hold of your Power because success is literally there For you Right um and you are so so so freaking Capable of it but the only way okay the Only way for you to achieve success Here’s your Secret if we continue to let life Control us and we continue to just roll With the waves that life gives us and we Succumb to feeling controlled by life we Will stay in the hangman stage cuz the Hangman again he’s stuck to the TR Tre He feels like life is controlling where He Is once you shift that perspective and

You just say uh-uh nope life is not Controlling me anymore I am controlling My life and I am taking the reins of That back just like the message we were Saying earlier this is literally your Secret sauce that Spirit wants you to Know okay grabbing the reins of life and Just saying oh hell no I’m in control Let’s go and I’m going to control my Decisions I’m going to control my Choices I’m going to control my Reactions right so rather than feeling Like like something can get control of You emotionally or cause you to feel a Certain way it’s like no I’m in control Of how I feel I’m in control of how I’m Going to react to this situation and I’m Going to be the main character in my Story and I’m going to act and choose to Move towards my my success and I’m going To choose to move towards my Abundance and that’s what I’m choosing From here on out and I release anything That used to keep me stuck I release Anything That yeah literally kept me stuck I Release it I let go I am now in conscious control and I’m Moving towards my success and it is Inevitable for Me so that is your that is is your Secret sauce that is your secret for Your golden hour for your success my Loves my group number three is that is

Everything that Spirit wanted you to Know right now you got this so I’m Sending you so much love thank you so Much for joining me here for today’s Video you are such a Badass you got this you have so much Power within You let’s call it up let’s call it up to The surface my love so thank you again For joining me here for today’s video so Much love and I’ll see you next time bye All right my group number four is my Last pile if you chose this one this is Going to be a reading of everything that You need to hear right now let’s go Ahead and Dive Right In all right my Group fours we have the Five of Cups Queen of Pentacles uh King Of Wands Ace Of Wands and then the Two of Pentacles Starting off with the Five of Cups over Here one of your first messages from Spirit is about being grateful for the Things that are going beautifully in Your life the Five of Cups can talk About the fact that maybe at the moment We’re focused on certain things that Have been disappointing or certain Things that haven’t given us the results That we wanted or it could be feeling Sad or upset about something maybe it’s Also feeling drained in some way in your Life just feeling kind of at this moment Of blah or lack of Inspiration and spirit is saying to to

Really get this zest back in your life Is to begin focusing on what are all the Things to be like so grateful for right Now gratitude yes is a powerful practice And that is one of your first messages The power of gratitude what’s going well In your life right now do you have like A comfortable bed to sleep in at night Do you have a car that’s like operable That you can drive to work do you do you Have a job like some of these things are Like we take for granted and they’re so Beautiful are we able to like cook Ourselves a beautiful meal at night and Create something like a beautiful Ambience around us and enjoy it and you Know what are the beautiful things that You personally have in in your life Because Spirit is really saying like there is Beauty in life don’t spend it focusing Solely on the things that are maybe not Going so well like let’s also focus on What’s going right and how can I amplify The things that are going right and how Can I be so grateful for them that I Start really feeling myself that I start Really like enjoying myself cuz I Promise you there’s things that are like Beautiful in your life right now um Queen of Is also when we we focus on getting Stuff done but we also focus on like Self-care and becoming like the highest

Greatest and best version of ourselves This is when we invest in US Queen of Pentacles she invests her time and Energy into creating Beauty in her life And also creating herself to be the Highest greatest and best version so Perhaps you feel like you have a calling Right now or an inspiration to to to Like uplevel yourself or maybe you think It would be really cool to like like Elevate Life in some way shape or Form and that is one of spirit’s Messages is to go through this process Of like let me see all the good things Of who I am and let me like build on That let me build that up King Of Wands Over here is becoming a leader and also Stepping into Inspiration spontaneity into your own Passion and fire and igniting the Passion and fire in life and to be a Leader when it comes to moving in the Direction that you want to go In so five of cups is like again that That energy where we’re kind of kind of Staying stuck but is that where we Really want to stay is that where we Really want to be like probably not and What I’m seeing for You is that as you put energy and you Invest in you as you invest in you and For example Queen of Pentacles she’s the Type of woman or man because I mean she She can be both she can represent both

Um but she’s the type that is going to Cook the most gorgeous healthy meal and She’s going to enjoy it and she’s maybe Going to take a bath to like really soak In the energy she’s also the type that’s Going to show up to her career and she’s Like I’m going to do the best job ever I’m going to be outstanding today I’m Going to like level things up I’m going Expect more from myself in all things But she also does it within balance and Moderation you know she’s not pushing Herself to burnout she’s using the Energy of like let me impress myself and Then let me also enjoy myself with like A good meal and self-care Queen of Pentacles she’s very well-rounded in That aspect and she focuses on Fulfilling all aspects of her life and Also just becoming like badass and Expanding herself in all those ways and So one of your Messages is diving into into that and I Feel like um like as you do that this is Going to unlock so many amazing things For you for one this is going to bring Tons of balance in your life your Outcome through all of this is so much More balance and also feeling um Financially so much more independent and So much more Abundant finding more personal Independence and also Freedom this is Also when we feel like we have life in

Control and we’re like juggling all the Different things and we feel so Perfectly in Balan with them we’re like Yes I have the energy to put towards my Career and yes I have the energy to put Towards my family and yes I have the Energy to put towards myself and also Have fun and do leisure activities it’s Like the balance of all of that so I Just really Feel you moving into this Queen of Pentacles energy where it’s just very Well-rounded and very like like I’m Going to blow myself away I’m going to I’m going to go and put my best foot Forward With everything that I do and I’m also Going to put my best foot forward even When I relax too like when I relax let Me really relax let me put my best foot Forward with that and when I do anything Let me put my best foot forward with it And yeah King uh King Of Wands he’s such A leader he steps up into being that Leader um and then the Ace of Wands too We have two wand cards this is fiery Energy spontaneity getting the spark Back of life over here it seems like the Spark was kind of like missing and it Almost seems like we’re feeling tired And again drained and focused on the Disappointment but Five of Cups reminds Us that there’s beautiful things to Focus on and we can shift our

Perspective to instead just amplifying What we do have rather than sulking over What we cannot control or the things That have gone wrong let’s shift that Because focusing on it is not going to Change it right let’s focus on what we Can do let’s focus on what we can create All of that and this is going to Reignite your spark for life this is Going to call in more balance for you This is just going to the flame is Turning back On let’s see what else we get we have Gentle drift there is no need to rush go With the flow and Trust yes I love that that came up Because that’s one of the things I have Not mentioned yet with the Queen of Pentacles the Queen of Pentacles doesn’t Rush anything she takes her time the Pentacles are the slowest moving suit of The Tarot but they remind us that if we’re Going to do things to the best of our Ability and if we’re going to create Balance we also need to slow down maybe There’s been this energy of you feeling Like we need to rush or you feeling like Maybe you’ve been behind on things and Feeling disappointed that things aren’t Happening as quickly as you Wanted let’s slow down because as we Slow down that’s where we can be Well-rounded that’s where we can focus

On all these things and that’s also Where we can put our best foot forward With everything we do and then the Results end up being so much more Abundant the Pentacles are the suit of Abundance and prosperity and they are Also the suit of being slow and Intentional and slowing down and putting Your best foot forward with everything So that is literally the secret cuz Tarot holds secrets with everything it’s Literally The Secret of life and so the Element of Earth which is also the Element of abundance and prosperity and Creating Balance is also the suit that moves slow And intentional it’s detail oriented and It also puts its best foot forward that Is that is your Secret to creating abundance prosperity And balance and happiness and joy there Is no need to rush go with the flow Trust you are right where you need to be Let’s let’s live a more gentle Life let’s create more intentionality More gentleness we also have Celestial Temple coming Up dream Incubation so allow yourself to incubate Your dreams that’s when we move slow We Allow them to grow then we also have Cosmic downloads Divine truths so if you Want to tap into more of that more of Your

Intuition slowing down and allowing life To unfold more Naturally by going with The Flow is going to allow more of that Creativity more of your intuition to Flow through it’s interesting that kind Of both of these talk about like a flow A gentle drift a flow with life and Slowing down is going to re ignite your Energy reignite the spark create more Inspiration and balance in your life we Also have the card of water and secrets Oo I like that water came up too because We were just talking about the flow of Life so water is the energy of our Emotions when we allow our emotions to Flow we’re honoring our emotions so yes It’s important to also honor the way That you feel But there is so much goodness Transpiring water as well is going with The Flow going with the flow the secrets Card is I feel like you’re going to be Coming across a lot of Epiphanies in your life As As you move towards more of this like Intentionality more of this slowness I Feel like that’s where you’re going to Get your best Ideas that’s also I feel like Secrets is There’s um there’s really amazing Surprises waiting for you around the Corner

But they’re only going to be found Through moving out of this and moving More Towards like putting your best foot Forward creating that balance creating That Harmony focusing on that making That your top priority rather than Trying to rush I feel like there’s Special surprises that are waiting for You water I also see that your emotions Are going to become so much more Balanced and fulfilled Water is the element of our Emotions and I’m seeing like emotional Fulfillment in your Life the spark the zest coming back In look at how just abundant Queen of Pentacles is Here I just see like this is this is You through the process of moving with Intention and slowness and balance And and honoring when it’s time to relax When it’s time to have fun honoring Self-care the joy of life life is meant To be joyful it’s not meant to be this Hard grind or anything like that we also Do have the card of strength coming Through you are so much more powerful Than you think that’s another one of Spirit’s Messages you are so much more powerful Than you think Let’s see what else do we have for you My group fours we have reclaim this is

Reclaiming your power calling your power Back you are a powerful being it’s time To Reclaim your power rather than feeling Stuck here and rather than letting other External circumstances control you Emotionally this is time for you to take Back control of your emotions rather Than letting what somebody says Control the way that control your state Of being your your emotional state or Rather than letting some other thing Externally alter you or shift you Or again push you around it’s like let’s Let’s reclaim our strength and our power And our Emotional strength and our emotional Sovereignty you get to be in control of That so that’s one of the messages Coming through as well Um so reclaim your power creating more Balance let’s get one last card here for You and then we’re going to dive into Our Astrad so my group four is we also have Versatility becoming versati with life So whatever life throws at you like Let’s navigate it let’s move around it So there’s a message of Versatility and I also feel like you are a very Versatile person you are incredibly Strong you are you have all of this Power within you So let’s let’s tap back into that back

Into that natural aspect of ourselves Let’s see what else do we have for you My group four is all about the message That you are meant to hear right now we Have the South node in Gemini in the 11th house okay the South node is our Past there’s something that maybe we’re Needing to let go of from our past this Can also talk about so randomly this Could also talk about somebody that We’ve known from the Past coming back Into our life the 11th house is usually Somebody that’s more of an acquaintance Kind of coming back into our life that That might be a fun surprise in the Future or something like this but this Could also be when we’re still attached To things that have been said in the Past we’re still attached to what other People might think of us from the past We’re still attached to different Mistakes or different other things that Have happened in the Past and this is a message of we have to Move on otherwise we are staying living In the past if we continue to feel the Emotions of the Past we are staying literally our Chemistry in our body is still living as If we are in that past moment right now And then we continue perpetuating the Past and it feels like we’re stuck there It feels like we’re Bound by it and That’s what the Five of Cups talks about

So the way to get out of that there’s no Need to rush gentle drift let’s go go With the flow Forward let’s allow our emotions to Start bringing us to a new Place Queen of Pentacles Self-care putting your best foot forward Using intentionality in your day of like You know what I’m not going to stay Stuck over there I want to focus on this Other thing I want to focus on the Things that evoke happiness and even if We don’t know what that is quite yet Because maybe we’ve we just we’re kind Of in that space where we’re like I Don’t know what’s going to make me happy Well now it’s time to explore that it’s Time to explore those things and be like You know what what what puts a smile on My face maybe it’s running myself a hot Bath getting some grapes and reading a Good book like maybe it’s something like That or maybe it’s like cooking yourself A candle lit dinner going out with Somebody that you that you love such as A friend or a family member or a partner You know doing something that’s going to Evoke those good feelings to put Yourself forward emotionally to be able To let go of the past so that is what we Have over here spirit’s message is all About letting go of what you cannot Control let go of what’s already Happened because focusing on it is not

Going to change it we cannot change the Past we cannot change what’s already Occurred so let’s focus on what we want To do in our future and like look at all The beauty that’s in your future Queen Of Pentacles king of of Wands Ace of Wands Two of Pentacles this is balance This is inspiration this is zest this is Passion this is life this is balance This is a abundance this is all of those Things so that is what is waiting for You as you look at the rainbow moving Forward over here out of her chest it’s Like calling her to move forward it’s Calling her to move over here so that is What we have for you my beautiful group Number Forest thank you so much for Joining me here today for spirit’s Message that is meant to find you right Now I am sending you all so much love And until next time bye

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