What You Need to Know About This Connection💡❤️‍🔥 Pick a Card Timeless In-Depth Tarot Reading

Hi friends!! Thank you sm for being here & for letting me read for you! Remember that you have free will and nothing is ever set in stone💗 I hope these messages bring you clarity and peace! Xoxo

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Pile 1:
Pile 2:
Pile 3:
Pile 4:

Intro: 0:00
Reading Breakdown: 0:28
Pile Selection: 4:11
Make a Wish + Mini Reading: 5:11
Pile 1 (Amazonite Heart): 13:09
Pile 2 (Kunzite): 1:11:12
Pile 3 (Strawberry Quartz Moon): 2:12:00
Pile 4 (Aura Coated Quartz): 3:27:58

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I don’t currently offer personals readings, but I’ll update if that ever changes!

Decks Used:
Accurate Af Tarot
The Apparition Tarot
The Starchild Tarot
The Modern Love Tarot
The Gentle Thrills Tarot
The Vessel Oracle
The Pixie Oracle
The Price of Love Oracle
Affirmators Oracle
Affirmators Love & Relationships Oracle

👀About Me👀
Madison, 26
Tropical: Aries ☀️ Virgo 🌙 Libra ⬆️
Sidereal: Pisces☀️ Leo 🌙 Virgo ⬆️
Life Path 11, INFP

Hi friends welcome or welcome back to my Channel I'm ASO this is Aso tarot and in Today's reading super big boy reading I Might add we are going to be looking at What you need to know about the Connection you are asking about so this Is going to be more of a love reading Though if you want to ask about any type Of connection feel free but it is up to You to filter out the messages but we Have a lot to cover and I've been Resting up for a big boy so let's talk About what we're doing in this big boy So to start in the free reading on YouTube where you are here hi um we are Going to look at your current energy in This connection your person's current Energy and your connection with them and The connecting energy between the two of You you may not be able to confirm your Person's current energy but you should Be able to recognize yours and I said The intention that your energy is going To be on the left by the candle your Person's energy is going to be on the Right if it's flip-flopped that's okay Um but it's going to be up to you to Switch that I just want to ease Confusion and if that resonates you Found the right pile you may not be able To know if your person's current energy Resonates but you should be able to Recognize your energy and you should be Able to recognize the energy that you're

Feeling in the connection so if those Resonate then you found the right pile Remember don't force things that don't Fit um but if that resonates then we're Going to go into the Tarot deck that you Choose and we're going to start by Asking the question what do you need to Know most about this connection Obviously for your highest good then We're going to get some guidance for you On any fears that you're having around The connection whether that's like Reassurance or just helping you see more Clearly what these fears are showing you And then we're going to look at what the Connection is trying to show you about Yourself so I'm really excited to see What's going to come through with that Question and then we're going to look at How you can deepen your connection with Your person and slash like create more Intimacy with you and your person so I'm Excited for that question as well and Then we're going to finish off with Guidance from Miss Meade deck she is Making an appearance today so if you're Not giving a like for me you better give A like for Mega de cuz we don't Disrespect her here now if you're really Enjoying that and want to hear me swear And be more chaotic and if you want to Explore a Shameless Deep dive into your Person's energy then you are going to Want to check out the extended link Down

Below on Vimeo we have a lot of fun down there Anyone who's had an ex who's been to the Extended side they will probably tell You yeah it's worth it it's a lot of fun I work just as hard on them as I do the Free readings but in the extended we are Just doing a Shameless Deep dive into Your person's energy so we're going to Start by looking at how they're Currently viewing you as an individual And also how they're viewing their Connection with you then we are going to Use the deck that you chose once again To pull what they've been recently Thinking about you what their current Feelings are for you their current Intentions towards you and the action That they plan to take towards you in The near future I definitely think that Distinction is important to see how Aligned their intentions and their Actions are hopefully that will be Really helpful for you and then we're Going to get channeled messages so Message cards and I'm going to use those Channeled messages from them to not only You know let you know what they want to Say to you or what maybe they're Thinking but also clarify each of these Messages numbers 11 through 14 so that We can get an even clearer idea of what They're thinking what they're feeling Intentions actions yet Y and then we

Will finish off with some final love Guidance so if you feel called to the Extended please check it out not only is It super helpful to me but I do my best To make them as affordable as possible So that as many of you can see it as Possible that is very important to me so Thank you to everyone who checks that Out over there you are helping me more Than you realize but of course I'm just Grateful that you're here and if you Want to help me in a free way liking the Video letting the ads play are super Helpful ways but if you can if you have The means to definitely check out the Extends cuz we have a lot of fun over There and if you like chaos and swearing And all of that I think you will be Pleased but with that being said we have Four different groups for you to choose From today starting with group number One we are going to be using The Apparition tarot and I have this Amazonite heart on Top and then for group number two we are Going to be using the star child tarot And I have this piece of of clite on top Hopefully I'm saying that Correctly and then for pile 3 we're Going to be using the Modern Love Tarot And I have this I think it's strawberry Quartz but it could be rod and I I do Believe it's strawberry quartz though or Some kind of quartz moon on

Top and then finally for group number Four we are going to be using the gentle Thrills tarot and I have this orac Quartz on Top so with that being said go ahead and Pause the video if you need to we are Going to go ahead now and get into our Make a wish mini message portion so if You are unaware um my tarot candle line Is available link down below any candles On Angelic magic 888 site you can use Code as10 for 10% off but with the tarot Candle line This is the star candle each One comes with a mini tarot card inside And the star candle comes with a unique Star Crystal as well so the star Represents things like hope faith Healing things on the label it's one of The most positive cards in the deck and This candle is one of my most favorite Scents uh it's Egyptian Amber if you're Called to if you're not into the star Candle you may want to check out the Archangel Metatron candle cuz it is the Same scent and it's my favorite scent But with that being said we're going to See the mini tarot card that is inside And that is going to be the Min message For this reading so woo okay oo and We've got a malachite star I love that I Feel like that is a good sign for heart Healing so we're going to take that bad Boy out right there look at how pretty That is I love that and can we also just

Appreciate like how gorgeous she is I Love that okay we'll get into the mini Message in a second but let's start by Making our wish so if you need to pause The video or just take a second to focus Your intentions of whatever your wish is Feel free I'm going to make a little wish Myself May Yours Mine and all of our Wishes come true for the highest good of All Beings that was maybe an unnecessary Amount of fire n I'm an Aries there's no Such woo look at look at her she is like She's like not only are your wishes Coming True we'll set set anything on fire That's in the way of them okay so we Have the mini message of the hanged man So this definitely to me is a sign that If you are having trouble right now it Could be because you are resisting what Is or resisting surrendering to what is You know the hanged man is all about Surrendering not necessarily to their Environment but to whatever is I guess Environment counts with that um and There's also an except Acceptance in That but a big thing about the Hang Man As well is that that surrender allows For A New Perspective this is also Pisces energy so Pisces energy could be Significant um but this is a lot about You not feeling like you have to rush or

That you have to take action you know if You feel like you want to push forward In life right now but it seems like Nothing is working out or it seems like You Know despite your best efforts you can't Seem to move forward I think that's a Sign that you're being called to take a Step back and rest this is also a sign That um anything that you've seen in Meditation uh might have like important Messages for you or make sure you're Writing down what's in your meditations If you're not meditating that's a sign That you should be because there could Be important signs in there um I Wouldn't be shocked if things you see in Meditation you see out around you I feel Like there is this emphasis here on you Surrendering more to your spiritual Nature whatever that is for you um Whether that's just a deeper connection With yourself a spiritual practice a Religious practice whatever it may be Surrendering to what feels right and Also not forcing yourself to continue Doing the same things over and over Again or doing things that you know Don't fulfill you just because you think You should or because it's what's Familiar I feel like there are things That are out of your hands right now That the universe is kind of encouraging You to just take your hands off the

Wheel and let the universe work its Magic because I think that there are Certain things where you may may not Realize like oh I didn't need to be Pushing for this the universe is was Going to help me receive this all along Um an example of this that I'm thinking Of is is last year I traveled for about A month and I had this expectation that I was going to have this like you know Light bulb moment while I was traveling And I was kind of disappointed that that Didn't happen when I was when I was Traveling when I came back I was like Man I thought I would be like a Completely different person which is Silly but like I I don't know I kind of Felt like I would have a bigger shift or Something like that and it was only After I came back that I realized like Oh I just needed to take a break and Have fun that was the light bulb moment I just needed to embrace being with my Friends and you know exploring the world And having a good time and sometimes I Just need to surrender to the fact that You know traveling or doing things that I enjoy is not Necessarily for some greater purpose Other than the great purpose of eny Enjoying my life and and seeing more of The world so I definitely think that if You are trying to find some clarity the Way to receive it is by letting go of

The need to have the answer it's like It's going to come to you in that moment I'm also seeing the very last scene of Madman excellent show if you've never Seen it one of my favorite shows in the Entire world um where the main character Da is meditating with his back to the Ocean and he has there's like this Little ding like this almost like this Light bulb moment and he smiles and I Guess I I don't want to like well you Know he he he has a light bulb moment That is very powerful for him so that's Kind of what I was seeing and so I think Meditation is going to be super helpful For you um if you're not the type to sit Down and meditate I would look into Guided meditations of any kind I would Also look into active meditations like If you can dance and listen to like you Know music with chanting in it oh chant Is a great way to um increase your Spiritual energy but just really Anything that can kind of allow you your Mind specifically to let go of the reins And let the universe work its magic for You because I feel like you may be Feeling like you're responsible for Everything or that you have to be in Control of everything or you have to Know every next step and the universe is Like no we've got you we've got your Back please stop trying to push you're Wearing yourself out let us help you so

The more you can surrender and let go The more you will receive and the easier Things will be for you and as I said That I burped so that means it will help You release negativity around trusting Yourself and also I think it'll help you Trust not only the rhythms of your own Body and of your own energy and also Trust that what's meant for you won't Miss you and the universe is bringing You what you need in the perfect time And the perfect way and if you don't Need to know something you probably Won't know it yet and when you do you Will get the message so Don't worry don't stress everything's Okay but give yourself time to rest and Really go within and relax so hopefully That resonates thank you shout out to my Intro Squad if anyone wants to talk about like Meditation techniques or anything like That feel free to um if you have links You can't post links because Bots like To post uh you know adult content so I Would just type what it is uh cuz if you Post it with a link you people won't see Your comments so um if you want to add Any recommendations or anything like That or just support each other I'm so I Get so happy when I see you guys just Like uplifting and supporting each other In the comments so thank you for making The comment section such a supportive

And beautiful place and thank you for Letting me read for you and with that Being said we are going to go ahead and Get into to your reading now so feel Free if you need to pick more than one Pile that's absolutely okay um like I Said there will be an energy check in Each one I know the piles are pretty I Know it can be challenging but if it Resonates it's meant for you if it Doesn't it's not it is that simple don't Overthink it um and once you have picked Your pile or piles I will see you in Your reading hi there pile one welcome To your reading and thank you so much For being here if you guys chose the Amonite Heart and The Apparition tarot this is Going to be your reading on what you Need to know about your connection with Your person so we're going to start by Making sure that this is actually your Reading and this is what you need to Know so we're going to look at your Energy your person's current energy and The connecting energy between the two of You your energy is going to be on the Left next to the candle your person's Energy is going to be on the right if The energies are flip-flopped feel free To switch them and if there is mirroring Here if you resonate with both sides That's just indicative of mirroring or That there's similar energies that's

Absolutely okay as well but do not force A message that doesn't fit so if it Doesn't resonate this message is not for You so to start with your energy we have The Eight of Cups New Direction walking Away we have Movement for your person's Energy we have The Two of Wands Independence Achievement we have anxiety mood and Then for the connecting energies between The two of you we have Escape and we have Sparks hello new Connections pile one did you meet Someone recently I wouldn't be shocked If you did okay I'm going to get very Clear on who this reading is for just Straight out the gate for the vast Majority of you this is someone that you Have met recently or someone that you Have been seeing and it's still pretty New if this is someone that you have Known for a while this is not someone You have ever been with in a committed Way this is definitely someone Who you have never Like this is not an ex so if you've in The past been like as so I'm tired of Getting my ex well congratulations You've done the healing necessary to get Out of that and uh if you're wanting to Hear about that I would try a different Pile but I'm so excited to talk about This energy I feel like for some of you

You were maybe stressed out by the Energy of these cards but this is Actually so freaking awesome I wanted to Say some a different f word but I feel Like it we're it's too early we'll save That but let's start with your energy Which I just first of all would like to Compliment like chef's kiss your energy Is chef's kiss you pass the vibe check Here I feel like you are in this really Healthy energy of like if it is not Serving me if it is not loving if it is Not reflective of my worth it is not for Me I feel like you've probably been in a Position where it's taken you some time To work through past emotional pain and Taking you some time to just feel Comfortable being open to someone again And also I think too maybe like in the Past you tried to move on or tried to Move on from your past but it seemed Like you just kept meeting people that That were similar to your past um or the Same person kept coming up and it seems Like not seems like it is a fact that You have done the work necessary and Learned those lessons and you have Evolved beyond that cycle so can we just Like like I'm so happy for you like Round of Applause like snaps I'm so Happy for you pile one like no matter What like this is a beautiful energy to Be in this is an energy of selflove this Is an energy of seeing your worth and

Like I have chills everywhere I'm so I'm So happy to see this I'm so happy for You beautiful beautiful beautiful so I Definitely feel like your energy right Now is open to this person but also like I am not going to put up with any BS so You know if this person is playing games With me if this person is wasting my Time like I'm going to keep moving Forward and moving towards what's for me And I'm just like that is beautiful You've clearly been working really hard On yourself investing a lot of time into Yourself and you have learned necessary Lessons around what is not going to Serve you and what is not worth Investing your energy in and so I feel Like in this person that you've met you Definitely feel this like okay like There's something new here the biggest Thing that I want to say which actually Let's start with the connecting energies Is there is a mutual energy here of like Sparks like I'm hearing Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift hot take but my favorite Album of hers is speak now I'm not a Swifty but I you know I support swifties And love to see Queens thriving and Succeeding all kinds um I support Women's rights and women's wrongs anyway Uh it seems like the both of you like There's a line in that song that says I See sparks fly whenever you smile and I Feel like there there is that five there

Like there's a lot of chemistry uh There's some physical tension there I Don't know if you guys have uh done Anything like that yet but I can Definitely feel there's an energy of Respect but also it seems like the Connection itself is creating a pathway For the both of you to experience life Differently than how you ever Experienced it before and in your case I Feel like this is someone Who is Not dependent on on you for their Self-esteem also someone who is not Going to control you or tell you Negative things or harmful Things in order to make you feel Insecure and make them feel better about Themselves which like glad you don't Have people like that in in your life Anymore excuse me I'm burping and as I Say that you know when I burp in Readings I'm I'm fine I promise it's Just like a release of negativity and I Feel like for you maybe I I think maybe One thing that you and your person Bond Over is the fact that you're very Protective over your heart you both have Been working on yourselves um but I feel Like for you it's more likely that You've been dating and kind of which I Guess maybe that's actually the both of You I feel like the both of you have Been either either you haven't been

Doing anything at all and you've been Solely working on yourself and meeting This person it's like okay whoa like who Are you like I like The Vibes going on Here and your person feels the same way And that I think scares the ever loving [ __ ] out of Them but they're not backing away or Backing down the vibe that I'm getting Here is that the both of you mutually Feel a lot of a lot of chemistry a lot Of connection with each other that like This is an energy of equals and I feel Like you're in this very relaxed kind of Well trying to be relaxed state of being Where you're like there's a part of you That's like I don't want to get my hopes Up like I don't want to Like which like partially kind of makes Me sad because you deserve to feel hope About exciting things in your life but I Also understand like you don't want to Be disappointed so I feel like you have This really beautiful mindset of like You know if it's meant to work out it Will but I'm not going to you know hold On to something that isn't flowing I'm Not going to you're not putting your Life on hold for anyone and I feel like You're in this energy of I want to keep Seeing where this is going I want to Keep exploring this but also you know if They don't feel the same way I'm going To keep moving I'm not going to like you

Have a Vibe of [ __ ] or get off the pot Which love that for you whereas your Person I definitely feel like they have Either never met someone like you Or they've never met okay so there's Something about the both of You so you are not only physically Attractive to them but you also have an Incredibly attractive personality and I Feel like in the past this person has Either been attracted to someone and They didn't really Vibe with their Personality or they had a really great Personality but they weren't necessarily Attracted to them in a romantic way you Got it all by one like your person is Terrified it's like I feel like they Wanted this for so long like someone Like you someone that they do have Genuine chemistry with and and maybe Both of you had this Vibe of like well Maybe that just doesn't exist and maybe I should settle and I feel like both of You are seeing now like oh like this is Why I don't settle for something that Isn't for me because like something like This is out there I feel like the both Of you are ready to escape past cycles And you see that opportunity with one Another which I mentioned but for your Person it seems like there is this fear Of Of moving too quickly especially because They forgot what it felt like to to feel

So attracted to someone and to like you Know not in a creepy way but like have Have their thoughts consumed by you and Like be thinking about you and just Like it's scary to them because you know They usually are focused on you know Their personal achievements and their Independence and so there's a focus for Them right now where it's like don't Fall too hard too fast like stay Centered if your person has mutable Placements like Uh Pisces Gemini Virgo Or Sagittarius there could be like they if They have a dominance of those energies Um it could be that it's very easy for Them to be consumed by a relationship And especially one where they're very Invested in it so I definitely think There's this like like this person Wanted your person wanted this type of Connection Wanted Someone Like You in Their life so badly and now that they Have it they're like holy crap like I Don't want to mess this up what if it's Too good to be true like what if Something happens and so I feel like They are doing their best to just Stay centered and Not dive too deeply and and it's Interesting too because you're kind of Showing up with this ocean and they're Showing up with a desert and so I feel

Like and I'm hearing our Lord and savior Selena Gomez uh A Year Without Rain and It it's literally what it feels like for Them it's like they realiz like you're Quenching a thirst they forgot they Had and that scares them because then It's like cuz I don't think they realize You know how comfortable they had gotten With less passion in Life you know it's like they've kind of Been getting by on individual Achievements and like it seems like They've had a generally solid uh routine For themselves and you're kind of coming In and just Like changing everything for them and And that's really exciting but also very Nerve-wracking I feel like your person Is in an energy of I really want to see Where this goes but I want to be as Careful and as like pragmatic about this As possible because I feel like there is This worry on both ends like you know I Feel like neither of you want to um have A situation where it's Like things burn really hot and fast and Then they dissipate just as fast I feel Like you guys are doing your best to Kind of like keep the connection moving Without moving too quickly and without Like making the other feel like the Other's not interested I do feel like um On your End there may be times where your

Person's Vibe seems off or they just Seem a little bit iffy and that might be Really really Um anxiety inducing or fear inducing for You and first of all that's absolutely Okay don't shame yourself for that like These are even when we heal and and move Beyond you know past ones that doesn't Mean they don't come up again for even More healing you know healing never Ends and you know one of the things that And and I and I don't think it really Matters like whether you've been in a Hurt in a relationship or not I think It's it's nerve-wracking no matter what To kind of open yourself up and and be Vulnerable I feel like when you guys are Together time stops and like you can Spend hours and hours and hours with Each other and hopefully you have cuz I'm sure you guys have great Conversations and like a lot of passion Um and it just like time flies by like That it's almost like you guys are this Beautiful escape from each other not From each other with each other from the World but also you know there there is The the risk of that becoming unhealthy And so I feel like the both of you are Doing your best to just kind of stay Centered stay true to yourselves Without without Um giving the the impression that you're Not interested so I I I feel like this

Is a beautiful match in the sense that You guys have like you guys are Different where it matters but similar In so many ways and I think that there's A lot of empathy you have for each Other's experiences and I don't know how Much you've opened up I would be willing To bet you've opened up more than your Person has um but I also think that's Because your person maybe is not used to Opening up in a in a romantic sense like I almost feel like even when they been In romantic Relationships they haven't met someone That is able to see through whatever Mask or get to the core of who they are Like they might know deeper things about Them but past relationships and past People they haven't been able to really See to that depth and you know something Else too this could be confirmation for Some of you this person may be used to Like dating in the sense of having like You know one or two dates with a lot of Different people and maybe they just Felt like oh that that like I'm maybe I'm never going to be the right person Maybe I'm going to be picky and or maybe I'm never going to I don't want to say The right person because Like what does that even mean but I feel Like what they were looking for they Found in you which is someone that they They feel this um

Intangible passion with this this Chemistry with and and this Like this feeling that makes them feel More alive that makes them feel like They're not lost in a desert but rather They're just in the sand walking to the Ocean it's like and where you guys meet It's at the beach cuz like oh maybe you Met at a beach or like had a date at a Beach that could be significant beaches Could be significant but um but it's Like where you guys meet it's like the Beach and who doesn't love the beach I Okay people who don't love the beach Like that's your right but I'm sorry but You're wrong um that's a wrong I don't Support we we love beaches around here Uh but more than anything I feel like The both of you are kind of maybe you Haven't had like a what are weed Conversation um I could see a little bit Of antsiness on your side because it Does seem like you are ready to move Faster than your person is um but think About it this way you can uh move a lot More quickly in calm Waters than you can Walking in sand dunes like if you've Ever you know run like in the desert or On a sand dune like you know how Physically grueling that can be so I Feel like for your person it takes them More time to kind of get on the same Page as you or just like catch up to you But I feel like you you're being so

Patient and understanding with them Which I feel like is beautiful but also Not denying yourself and your needs so Like for example if you guys aren't in a Committed relationship you're just Seeing one another like I can see you Just being like yeah okay I really have A connection with this person but also Like I'm not going to stop myself from Exploring the world and just seeing what Is out there and I I love that that's Such beautiful healthy energy and yeah I Love this I love this energy so much I'm So happy for you and I feel like this is An energy where the both of you are Really feeling each other and and There's those nerves and the excitement That comes with meeting a new person That comes with you know a new Experience and and when you know that Comes with paths Converging and While there is fear here and uncertainty And hesitance and a little bit of Like guards up walls up I feel Like the the Sparks are helping set Those on fire so that you both can be More open with each other so yeah I feel Like for both of you it's like both of You have something that the other needs Like um Certain attributes uh certain ways of Being it's Like you know you're the water that

Needs the sandy beach and they're the Sand that needs the water to make the Beach does that make sense so if that Resonates oh also with this Escape card This is like also Escaping a lot of the same old thing a Lot of stress a lot of tension a lot of Like blah energy a lot of apathy a lot Of like same old same old I'm like Getting that that scene from SpongeBob Where like that random fish is uh They're they're like going through his Schedule every day where he's like you Know he wakes up he's in traffic he's at Work he's in bed then he wakes up and Then he's in you know that that's the Kind of vibe that I'm getting whereas Like you guys you guys are walking away From that and there's like this I I feel Like you found what you are looking for In each other but also being like I Don't want it to be too good to be true I don't want to you know jinx anything I Don't want to um ruin anything and so I I see this like very beautiful patient Energy that's like just taking things One step at a time in the words of our Lord and savior Jordan Sparks um and Yeah I love that for you so let's go Ahead and get into your tarot now but While I'm Shuffling if you guys are Interested and you want to know of like What your person is thinking and feeling In the extended we are doing a deep dive

Into your person's energy so if you like My chaos my swearing I'm not going to Hold my FS back there um and you just Want to do a deep dive in your person's Energy it'll be Like we do we look at eight things in The free reading we're looking at eight Things in the extended so if you want To oh that was a bad Shuffle uh but Thankfully I know that you will forgive Me um if you want to check that out That'll be linked down below thank you To everyone who does um anyone who's Seen an extended you know if you want to Vouch for me I appreciate you we have Lots of fun over there and I love doing Them and I and if you think I'm chaotic And unhinged Here believe it or not I'm rained [Applause] In I just wanted to do like one Bridge Shuffle but it's okay if not though I'm Just grateful you're here and I'm just Grateful to read this energy to see this Like I'm just so happy that that this is That this is an energy out there there Right now like I I wish that I could be A fly on the wall and just Like be excited on your behalf like I Feel like I feel like a like a crazy Like a crazy aunt that's like stalking You that like with binoculars just like Making sure you're safe and okay but Also hoping that you're enjoying

Yourself and having a good Time anyway I love this and like I said Too you know even if this isn't this Doesn't have to be a new new person this Could be someone that you you've known For a long period of time but at the Very least you have Never explored the connection as deeply As it's heading and you've never been in Like a committed relationship this is Not an Ex okay so we're going to start by Asking the question of the reading which Is and it was it's getting so hot Speaking of Nelly um I had to take my Jacket off so a lot of heat between the Two of you Spirit what does pile one Need to know most about this connection What do they need to know about this Connection for their highest good Please yeah like hello Sparks you can trust the excitement that You feel you can trust like this is the Beginning of a beautiful creative spark For you if you've been going through a Very Grueling healing Process you're going to be seeing the Other side of that which like first of All can I just say like I think I Already said it a little bit but like I Am so proud of you like on a human Friend level like if you were in front Of me I started the video with high

Friends for a reason if you were in Front of me right now like I would be Giving you the biggest hug and just Being like you so badass I'm so proud of You like I'm grining from ear to ear Like I as an internet mother I could not be More Proud anyway with this Ace of Wands here I really feel like spirit is saying you Can trust these Sparks Like they are here and they are for real But Also this is not necessarily a warning But something to be aware of in the Sense That fire can Also there's a message here of not uh Not relying every like relying on your Person to do everything there's Encouragement for you to also create Opportunities for more connection Whether that's like inviting this person Out to do something you enjoy or doing Something creative together um I think If there's like a lot of tension and you Guys are trying to um leave room for Jesus whatever that means to you not That you have to but just if you are for Whatever reason Um spirit's saying that like you guys Could really connect through a creative Activity or through something that Allows you like to both like Express

Yourselves like an example I'm thinking Of is there's uh places where you can uh Drink wine and and paint which I mean You don't have to go to a place for that You could put on a Bob Ross video and Pour some wine not that you have to I I You know consume responsibly uh only if You're comfortable with That you can do things like I feel like There's this encouragement to be Creative with how you continue to get to Know each other and not feel like you Have to do like the standard dinner in a Movie thing or that you have to adhere To any rules but I also see that there's A lot of opportunities for passion Between the two of you and I feel like This connection is reigniting a lot of Your passion just for what life has to Offer new possibilities new ways of Seeing the world new creative Opportunities um and just a new Found energy like in the sense that you Just have more of it you're more excited And I feel like there is this message Here of don't invalidate your excitement Don't invalidate your feelings and don't Invalidate your passion because not only Are you like selling yourself short and Selling this situation short in that way But also you're denying yourself the Opportunity to feel excited and feel Good I understand why it's there you're Trying to protect yourself you don't

Want to be disappointed But this only happens so often in life And you deserve to enjoy that this is The beginnings this is early days and You know whatever is meant to happen Will happen but it's it is a mutual Creation and I do feel the urge to Remind you that you don't have to leave Everything in their court and in fact I Think that they would be very your Person by they I mean your person they Would be kind of relieved to see you Initiate and and maybe you already are Initiating um don't shy away from that Don't let your ego get in your head About that because I feel like your Person maybe has more fears around Initiating like they don't want to they Don't want to You know suggest the wrong thing or they Don't want to be rejected and I'm sure You feel that way too but it seems like At the very least look you've got your Little magic wand there you can create Whatever scenarios you want here and I Feel like spirit is really encouraging You to get creative with how you and Your person connect so you know whatever Excites you whatever allows you to get To know each other in a unique way ooh You guys could do um uh well first of All axe throwing is really fun you might Want to look into that um and also what I was thinking of is like a a break room

Not like a not like a break room at an Office but there's like these places Where you can go and just break stuff That might be really fun and really Cathartic because it seems like both of You have have had some you know Energetic emotional mental burdens and I Feel like that could really help the Both of you kind of get that out and get That energy out maybe get some of that Tension out so that you know you can can Continue to take things as slowly as You're comfortable with with um but also This is this is an urge to not deny the Attraction you feel to not Rob yourself Of the opportunity to enjoy the Excitement of this situation like if I Sound more excited for you than you are You need to step your excitement game up With peace and love I mean do what you Want but like I'm super excited for you And I feel like you probably feel even More excited for me but you're trying to Downplay it and play it cool like you Don't need to keep the candle lit Be excited this is exciting I'm so Excited for you Yeehaw um and Also when you feel like you are up Against a block or up against a wall in This situation you're being reminded That there's always a way through There's all and if you feel like you Stuck between two options there's always A third

Like this Connection is going to be very helpful For you creatively and even if you're Not a like there's no such thing as not Being a creative person by Nature we're Literally Creator beings you create Every day by just choosing how you want To feel or choosing what you make for Dinner or choosing how you design your House or you know picking the the right Card for your friend like creativity is Everywhere and it's in everything it's Not just in specific artistic ways it Can be but creativity like an example of Creativity is Creating a date that makes you excited Creating an opportunity for your person To express themselves in ways where Um maybe they haven't in the past you Know if like the traditional dinner Thing is a little intense like find Different ways to kind of ease some of That tension and and excitement well I Don't know if you can ease that but at The very least uh keep your your bodies And Minds busy so that you're not in Your heads like one thing that I'm Seeing is just walking and talking I Think that could be a great thing and It's free we love that um so like just Walking and talking in a place that's Really inspiring to the both of you Especially in nature um you know I think It is even a therapeutic practice that a

Lot of therapists will take their Clients like on walks as they talk Because it's easier for people to open Up when they're moving when they're Walking and so I feel like you're Already kind of doing that and I I think That in a way you are kind of leading The way a little bit But you're helping them ease their Tensions in that way and I I feel this Call to say as well let go of how you Think need things need to be and let go Of the idea that things have to fit Traditional gender Norms or traditional Social norms in order to be right or Valid there is no such thing as that you Know you both get to create whatever This experience is Don't don't deny your own creative Abilities and Don't Don't block yourself into a corner where You feel like you have to do things a Certain way or that you're trapped cuz You're not there's infantism Opportunities for new Pathways together New Opportunities together and I'm Burping a lot so there's a lot of Negativity being released and I think Actually uh and don't worry I'm fine um Like I've been to a doctor I only burp When I'm doing this I or if I'm drinking Diet Sodie I love diet sodie but anyway

Um yeah this is all about you honoring That excitement and also not shying away For opportunities to connect with one Another be creative together and let Sparks Fly more I I just love to see it So let's get some guidance on fears that You have around this connection Spirit What does pile one huh that's you uh You're the Ace of Wands what does pile One need to hear when it comes to their Fears what can you Say okay so one of the things I want to Mention is that it took a minute for This card to pop out so there may be a Part of you that's like I'm not afraid It's fine I'm playing it cool And I can tell but also Like you don't need to and if you are Playing it cool you may miss Subconscious fears that are linging Lingering in the surf oh that's so Cute okay so first of all I feel like This is this is a message about Spirit Having your back and trusting That y'all were meant to meetting each Other for a reason with this lovers card Being here I feel like spirit is saying That no matter what is meant to happen Between the two of you it's leading you Closer to not only loveing yourself Which you've already been experiencing And like that's the thing too is you've Been choosing yourself you've been Choosing love like you're in a very

Healthy energy and I feel like there's a Part of you that doesn't trust yourself That feels like oh I'm not ready or what If I mess it up like you can't mess it Up relationships are not measured in any Way you can't mess up a relationship Like even like the challenging negative Relationships you've had you've grown And learned from them that's the point Of them and you know the lovers is all About choosing love and choosing your Heart and I feel like the universe is Reminding you like your heart knows Better than your mind does especially When it comes to situations like this Not that you should completely disregard Your mind or disregard you know that Part of you but allow your heart to lead In this situation I I also feel like um Archangel Raphael could be watching over This situation I also think That you're being Encouraged To extend your hand and give them the Opportunity to reach yours like I feel Like you will both do that but if you Notice your person's hands are kind of Locked in these chains and I think you Know it's their fears whereas you're all Loosey Goosey and free and we love that So I feel like the universe is saying There may be times where you really want Them to instigate to confirm like that They feel the same way you do but they

Do like I'm here to confirm that and so I think you're being encouraged like When you feel that urge to like extend Your hand to them when you feel that Urge to go a bit more deeply to talk About something that you know you Haven't talked about before or you Know be vulnerable do it you're not Going to regret it this is all about you Choosing love and asking yourself like What would love do in this situation and That doesn't mean that you're in love With this person but you know if you Love yourself you are going to approach Dating and romantic relationships from a Viewpoint that is not only loving Towards you but loving towards that Person as well doesn't mean you're in Love with them but it does mean you're You're loving and kind towards them Which I'm not saying that you're not but I think that it could be very easy for You to get in your head and feel like oh Maybe this is too good to be true like Maybe this is just going to be another Fling but Like here's some tea pile one there are Times where people are like oh like I'm Seeing someone new and or or like I've Been dating and Like it takes a lot of Energy for your situation to show up Here and when people are casually dating There's not a whole lot of energetic

Exchange there it's kind of two people Getting to know one another but think About how often like people can can Connect with each other but they're not Really connecting they're just talking At each other or they're existing in the Same spot or they're doing an activity Or they're engaging in a conversation But there's no real connection like this Situation would not have shown up if you Were not meant to see it and like Truthfully there are times where like a New situation doesn't come in because it Doesn't have the energetic weight for me To even pick up on it cuz it's just two People getting to know each Other so the fact that it's even here The fact that we're been talking about This the fact that I'm confirming it That is a sign alone but also to know Like you are not alone in this situation Like the universe is blessing you Archangel Raphael is watching over you There is abundance here I'm feeling um The Rune Spirit Fu like there's a lot of Creative Energy here this is a very Nourishing nurturing energy and I feel Like you guys are going to continue Ascending here and so but but I feel Like that's going to happen on your own Terms And with gentle understanding Communication and compassion and I have No doubt that you will be able to do

That But there's just a real message here of Trust your heart this reading came to You for a reason this person came to you For a reason you have these feelings for A reason and you owe it to yourself to Explore them and and just see where Things lead because you never know where They could lead and also I feel like There's a message here to not put Pressure or expectations on things Because that can create a lot of stress And you don't need to you know more than Likely it's other people that will put Stress and expectations on it so there Is a message here about being cautious About who you share this with not Because they'll be jealous or try to Sabotage things but you know a lot of People have very egoic ideas of romantic Relationships or very set expectations Of how romantic relationships are Supposed to unfold and what works for You may not be what works for someone Else and sometimes that unsolicited Advice can be unhelpful and create Unnecessary stress so I feel like no Matter what if it doesn't if it doesn't Feel right in your heart don't take it And to trust that this situation is here For a reason and you can you can trust Yourself you can trust yourself you can Trust yourself in this Situation you're fine don't beat

Yourself up don't let your doubt get in The way of this very magical energy That's here I love this okay so now I Want to See what is this connection trying to Show pile one about themselves at this Time what is the connection Okay hauh yeah so oh boobies I didn't Catch that one Minute all right let me get some Crystals very unfortunate cuz they're The Beautiful beautiful breasts but YouTube doesn't think so so we'll have Some censorship there probably oh my God And then hopefully these are actually Censored cuz one time I used a Censorship Crystal and then I didn't Cover the boob at all which is very on Brand for me but this this connection is Showing you where you're still attached To fear to Shadows to uncertainty to the Past to ways of being that don't align With you but this is also showing you That you have needs you know the devil Isn't all negative things like the Devil knows how to play hard and work Hard and I feel like there is a part of You that hasn't allowed yourself to Indulge in The fun playful aspects of life that are Often demonized especially by Puritanical religions you know you don't Have to hold yourself to those standards So maybe something you know if

You feel conf icted you know if you have Religious beliefs that don't Enlighten With your heart don't take them you know Or if you know you've been Deconstructing or healing you know from A religious doctrine that is telling you What you're doing is wrong or what You're doing is not Okay just remember that you know Yourself better Than a book written thousands of years Ago and you can trust that if it's not Love if it's not coming from a loving Place if if it's not coming if it Doesn't resonate as truth in your heart You don't have to take it you're not a Bad or evil person for not choosing A for not choosing Dogma that keeps you Trapped and fearful and stuck in a state Of being that you're ready to leave in The first place this connection is Showing you where you are still in Chains where you are still you know Holding back out of fear where you are Still you know just needing to Free Yourself I feel like the beautiful thing About this connection is it it's about Freedom for the both of you and Recognizing that like you can experience Freedom with another person like you Don't have to like not all relationships Are controlling or codependent and you Know I I think as a human Collective We're trying very hard to move away from

Situations like that and in your case I Feel Like this connection is showing you Where you're still holding back where Where you're still not ready to let love In where you're still feeling like You're not good enough or where you know Where your fears are keeping you trapped To a state of being that you know no Longer aligns with you um but also I'm Getting a message that like it's okay to Be horny like you deserve you deserve to Feel that way Like don't kink shame like don't like That's not even Kink though that's don't Shame yourself for being a sexual being Unless you are under the age of 18 in Which that case you shouldn't even be Here please go do something else if you Need to watch readings watch ones about Self- Lov I don't want to see you Watching I don't want to I don't want to Hear from you I don't want to know that You are here these readings are not for You these are for people these are for Adults peace and love okay it's not it's Not that I it's not that I don't love You it's not it's just that you're not Ready yet this is not these are not Messages for you but I know everybody Here is above the age of 18 so with that being said yeah don't Shame yourself for being a sexual being And having desires um I also think that

Uh there could be a lot of Uh Sexual Healing uh in this connection Should you guys reach that point um but I do feel like this is not something That's it's I feel like this is less of A situation of like oh um I still have An issue around my attachment style okay Fixed I'm done I feel like this is Rather as long as you are engaged in a Connection with this person there are Going to be things that come up as your Connection grows and evolves where just See where you're still trapped where You're where you know things lingering In your subconscious and your Shadow Self you know need to be freed and Unleashed and and you know a lot of Times our shadows aren't bad things They're just things that we're ashamed Of so like for some of you I'm getting The vibe like you know if you've had an Awakening around your sexuality or an Awakening around you know the type of Relationship you want to be in I feel Like you could be really Facing insecurities or judgment that You've had for yourself around that or Fears of being judged around that um you Could also this could also be like you Know just fears of opening up fears of Being vulnerable fears of of sharing Yourself with someone that you know Wouldn't wouldn't have the same love and Care that you have towards them and I

Just don't think that's the case but I Do think that your fears are going to be Tested and challenged because you are Brushing up against the very thing that You've been Desiring and so as that Happens You know the things that get in the way Of that come to the light to be burned Away purified so that you can genuinely Connect in a way that is loving and true But also I think that you need to give Yourself the room and the freedom to Have more fun and to just experience the More sensual um and pleasurable aspects Of life this is making me think of the Egyptian goddess Bastet so if you've been seeing cats um That could be a sign that she's around You but she's like the goddess of Pleasure celebration lots of other Things actually I have um I have a book Right here it is From a guide book that I have the wisdom Of ancient Egypt guide book so let's see Where bastad is and we'll see what that Says uh because there's also a love Message in there okay where is Bastad okay page 106 106 could be a All right I'm not even looking at the Page numbers where are the page Numbers you're like some of you guys are Cringing at me right now okay oh I see Them now all

Right and that's why patience is a Virtue cuz sometimes I will do things That annoy you but thank you for Forgiving me okay there there's our Queen oo okay so there could be other Energies there too But I've also seen her be represented Not only as health pregnancy and child Birth she's the goddess of protection Against contagious diseases and evil Spirits many Egyptians prayed to besta To cure diseases and protect their house From evil spirits they would often place A statue of bastat in their home to Shield them against thieves and special Basta amulets were worned to increase Fertility in women bastet was originally Portrayed as a lionist goddess alongside Sekmet some translations mention that Seket and bastet were the same goddesses While others distinguish sekmet as a Mighty warrior while bastet was given The role of a of the gentle cat cats Were considered holy and magical Creatures guess who else is Holy and Magical you um Okay an ancient Egypt capable of Bringing good luck to the people who Housed them Royals would often dress Their cats in jewels and they were Mummified when they died to honor them She is the wife of T the god of Architecture and craftsmanship so But I also have seen her represent

Things like like celebration enjoying The Finer Things in life um not not like The finer thing like it can be like you Know we have like jewels and stuff here But more just like the fun playful Aspects of life like um in Alana Fairchild's book Crystal goddesses 888 You know she talks about best as a Goddess of sacred play and and talks About the emphasis and the importance of Play for you know everyone and the need To enjoy and rest and relax and enjoy You know the beautiful things that life Has to offer us like good friendship Connection Celebration things like That ha all right let's read the romance Message if you are without a partner now This is a great time to take care of Yourself everything else can wait a Little longer there is no rush you may Not be aware of it but putting oh I love It this is exactly what I was saying You may or may not be aware of it but Putting pressure on yourself to do Something you don't want to do can take A toll on your health like a bad diet or Other harmful habits take care of Yourself a timeout from the pressure you May be putting yourself under to finally Write the find the right partner and I Feel like hello you have so now it's Just you need to take it slow and not Put pressure on yourself if you are in a

Partnership you're advised To live your life and enjoy what is Happening I feel like that that is the Biggest message here if you are in a Partnership your advice is still take a Break from controlling situations take Time to allow things to come to you Without impulsive actions or changes be Mindful and relax if some of your Partner's actions or statements bother You be more of a cat than a wild Predator and proceed gently it will pay Off this card can also indicate the Thought of procreating could be on your Partner's mind right now so listen if You don't want any of that to Happen protection that's all I can say Um but I feel like that that is great Confirmation I love that that was right There Perks of being a disorganized mess my Life is like a game of ice spy I'm Always losing Okay so now we're going to look at how You can deepen the connection with this Person SLC create more intimacy with Them so Spirit how can pile one deepen Their connection with their person and Create more intimacy between the two of Them we have the moon okay so number one I feel like this is about addressing Fears and being honest about them like If you have these moments of insecurity Or these moments of like hey

Like you know even even like fears Around vulnerability fears around Opening up I feel like that could be a Very freeing confession for your person To hear because Like they may have the same fears as not They may I feel like they do whatever Fears that you have I feel like they Have similar ones and and so hearing you Talk about them might might give them Like might help them feel safe enough to To be like yeah I've been feeling that Way too and and that can bring you Closer cuz I also feel like you're not Going to be the type of person like Maybe there are fears that they've had But they haven't wanted to talk about Them because they were afraid of like Offending you or making you think that You know you're that they're not Interested cuz they are so I feel like Um talking about fears could be really Helpful but also late night Conversations could be especially Powerful so if you have the opportunity To just be somewhere where you guys can Like talk for hours at night I feel like Night is is specific here I feel like That could be really powerful like Sometimes just late night talks hit Different you know I and I'm even Filming this right now at night and I Usually do but I haven't cuz I've been Like craving the Sun for the first time

In my life weird uh but I feel like Night time is going to be an especially Powerful time for the both of you to Share and connect with each other but I Also think like you can trust what you Intuitively feel and so when you feel Intuitively like I should reach out or I Should talk about this or I should do This thing do that um but I also think That like the bastet card said you know The More allowing and gentle and patient and Understanding you can be I feel like the Easier things will flow it's when you're Trying to hold on to control you can't Control fire you will get burned so I Feel like this is a beautiful energy of Just like you know go with the flow but Also don't be afraid to to speak truth To your fears and speak truth to also Your dreams like I think talking about Like what you guys see for your futures And and talking about different Possibilities I think can be really Helpful as well and I think that there's This just this call and you've probably Already been intuitively feeling it like This desire to just really bear your Souls to one another at the very least Like you know that might be a little Intense but like to start doing that and Start just having like heart-to-heart Conversations and honest conversations About where you feel your shortcomings

Are where you know where you feel Insecure where you feel uncertain like Those things are not going to make your Person unattracted to you they're going To make your they're going to make you Even more attractive to your person Because not only is it going to be Harder for them to put you on a pedestal But you Are showing them truth you're showing Them parts of yourself that you don't Show everyone that not everyone sees and So that feeling of like oh wow pile one Trusts me with this information pile one Trust me enough to open up to me like This not only is that going to be a very Meaningful gesture to your person but Also I think it's going to be an Opportunity for you guys to have even Deeper conversations and just create More emotional intimacy especially cuz You know the moon rules emotions and I Feel like there's just the opportunity Like there's a lot of fire here but I Feel like kind of water wants to come Into the picture where things are just It'll help kind of cool down all of the Physical passion and fire energy here Where the both of you kind of feel safe In each other's presence and like when You have that emotional safety with each Other it's going to be so much easier to Go with the flow because you're Not you're

Not holding on to control as much and There's more transparency but I also Think that um like the moon there are Different Phases of this connection so there may Be times where it's harder to connect More deeply and that's okay um but you Know when those opportunities are there When the when the time is ripe when when It ripe I meant to say when the time is Right but or guess time is ripe I don't Know foran slip is that a fan slip I Don't know I don't know anything Beyond pop culture references apparently Um this will just allow the both of you To kind of go with the flow but you know Trust each other more and just feel safe To be a little bit more vulnerable and To Traverse territory that is a little a Little scary because you can't see What's happening and and it's just like A little overwhelming but I think that There's a lot of um emotional safety That will come to that and I just had A Inappropriate thing like I I think this Was just a joke Um show them your your butt like you Know Moon that sounds like Archangel Michael Behavior But you know that is a way to create Intimacy too who doesn't love a good Booty but that is something you do when

You feel comfortable and feel good and With consent so Okay with that being said we're going to Bring Miss Mega deck out now and what I Am doing today's Mega deck Features the affirmators relationship Cards and the re regular affirmators Guidance cards so I'm just going to give Miss Mega deck a good Shuffle and I will Say if you're not liking the video for Me you better like it for Mega Deck Mega Deck is love Mega deck is life she Deserves Our utmost Respect and we'll just see What words of wisdom Mega deck has for You before we move on to the extended And I get way more inappropriate Probably finally we get some good Shuffles in There Okay oh wise and Powerful Miss Mega deck What Guidance Do you have for our Amazing pile ones okay woo okay Okay tacted I speak with act I speak and Act with care remembering that impulsive Words or a harsh tone can sometimes hurt Others if it feels like I'm walking on Eggshells I'll remind myself that those Eggshells might actually be a Shop full Of China and I might actually be a bull Then I might remind myself to stop Mixing metaphors and I would say this is Just not this is not towards like this

Can be towards other people but I think This is especially towards yourself like You know if you're feeling excited about Something and then you're like telling Yourself like mean things or Disempowering yourself that could be a Challenge and I guess also if I didn't Say it as well um you know fire can burn So like you know if you're very Emotionally invested in something and Something upsets you and you don't know Why like you can say something without Thinking but like I think that also you Know if that happens like there's growth And learning to happen there we also Have Independence I embrace total Independence and I see how empowering That is even when I'm in a relationship I can still be independent by meeting my Own needs and creating my own happiness Which you're doing and I love that for You when I do that I'm the fullest Version of myself and I have much more Me to give without needing pieces of me In return a scientifically impossible Expectation and I think that's the Beautiful thing like you will know Things are right when you don't have to Sacrifice your own agency and you feel Not only your own independence but you Feel freedom within the connection that You guys forg but anything else oh wise And Powerful Mega deck what would you Like pile one to know let's get one more

What would you like pile one to Know what would you like pile one to Know Okay we have rest I take a step away From my stress and then a deep breath And then a crankiness killing nap when I Get the rest I need I instantly become a Better version of myself able to Navigate complex relationships in a Single bound when I don't I'm not which Means I shouldn't but I try to and then We can't and it doesn't but I did so it Wasn't G good night I definitely think When you're overthinking things when You're especially like reactive or Taking something personally that may not Be personal at all it could just be that You need sleep I don't know about you But when I'm when I haven't had sleep I Cannot emotionally regulate myself and Everything is the end of the world Sometimes you just need to go to bed but Finally yeah there we go we have benefit Of the doubt I believe in the basic Goodness of other people and I give them The chance to show it if they prove me Wrong that's on them at least I can go To sleep knowing that I practice trust And forgiveness rather than fear and Doubt and later on if I need to I can Always change my mind and retroactively Judge them like it's my career I mean That's your choice um I don't find Judgment very useful but it's a hard

Thing not to so you know not judging but I do feel like the back of the deck Wants to talk to you ooh I feel like This is speaking to that Ace of Wands Spontaneity do you like spontaneous Adventures of the highest caliber the Only acceptable answer to this question Is yes so buckle up Charlie there's a Pretty good chance your name is not Charlie but even if it is hi Charlie You're about to take a wild ride through The unexplored unconventional and Underrated you're about to learn that Yes is a magic word with a power to Unlock New Dimensions In Time space and After hours hang ah after hours Hangouts What I say if you feel the urge to like Ask them to do something like and it's Like 11: p.m. you don't need to send Don't send a u up text but be like hey Do you want to like hang and talk for a Bit when the spontaneous urge arises Without of Wands to initiate something Do it or if it comes from them feel free To say yes yes will lead you to Experiences you didn't think possible And teach you that lifelong friendships Are sometimes lurking just behind a Karaoke sing karaoke singer's mullet There's a oh yeah we already did that Okay so pile one that's why I'm going to Leave this reading I'm going to head Over to the extended now but if you are Leaving me here thank you guys so so so

Much for watching and thank you so much For letting my ads play in the Background that is one of the simplest And easiest ways to support me and show Appreciation for my channel but if you'd Like to do that in other ways like the Video comment down below let me know how It resonates and subscribe if you Haven't already you can also click that Little notification Bell to be notified Whenever I upload a new reading shout Out to my notification Squad I love you Guys um if you want me to see your Comments I usually see comments when I First upload and then whatever is Usually like the most liked Um but sometimes I just see random ones So you never know I might see it I just You know can't stay in there all the Time cuz mental health uh but other ways You can check out my candles be sure to Use Cody attend for 10% off uh to get This Camp uh you can check out my Instagram that I hardly post on uh you Can check out but I I want to I Intending to at some point you can check Out my merch or other videos most Helpful thing come meet me in the Extended we're going to have lots of fun I want to see how this person is seeing You but that's all I have for you guys Thank you so much for letting me channel This beautiful reading uh I'm really Excited for you definitely feel free to

Come back and let me know how things go I'd be happy to know um I'm just rooting For you guys and and rooting for this Situation so I hope you all have a Wonderful day or night whenever it is That you're watching this I love you Guys so so so much and I hope you'll Come back and see me again soon bye hi There pile two welcome to your reading And thank you so much for being here if You guys chose this Kunite and the star child tarot this is Going to be your reading on what you Need to know about this connection so we Are going to start with by looking at Just what this connection is you are Going to be on the left your person is Going to be on the right and the Connecting energies in the middle um if You want a full breakdown of the reading There is one in the intro but to start With your energies in this connection we Have the two of Swords indecision and Avoidance and Self-care for your person you guys got Extra cards um Not because I guess it was just extra Information so for your person their Energy in this connection is the 10 of Cups abundance and attainment as well as The Three of Wands development Opportunity and truth and then these Represent the connecting energies Between the two of you so for that we

Have Bounty we have Ego and Dead End okay so the one thing I will say is If I start describing this reading and You feel like the energies are Flip-flopped please check out a Different pile before you sit through This entire reading because there may be A pile that resonates with your energy And the you spot and I just want to make Sure you get the messages actually meant For you that being said you may be at The right reading so let's talk about Your energy here it seems like you're Kind of avoiding this person or at the Very least avoiding feelings around on This person it seems like and I think This isn't just like related to this Person it seems like maybe you've been a Little burnt out and like really just Needing to take time for yourself and um If you're the type of person who can Kind of get lost in uh other people's Energies or lost In things outside of yourself it seems Like this connection has been kind of Waking you up to where you need more Time for yourself I I feel Like your energy is certainly more Hesitant than your person let's talk About your person's energy and so if you Resonate with your person's energy Sounding like you I will say please try

A different pile first just to make sure I haven't filmed the other ones yet I Don't know what's there But just just for the record you don't Have to stick to something cuz it's the First one you chose you know what I mean But it could be beneficial I don't know Anyway all I do know is is that I'm Grateful you're here and and another Thing I do know is that this person is Grateful for you um I feel like they are Looking at you in this connection as the Potential for something really happy you Know the Three of Wands can talk about Uh waiting for ships to come in huh Maybe like a Relationship I feel like they don't Necessarily feel they could feel the 10 Of cups when they're around you which is Like fulfillment it's like it's the last Scene of like any Disney movie where It's like they all lived happily ever After or Um that moment of self-realization or Just true connection and joy I feel like They feel that with you they feel this Like the potential for something really Special between the two of you and I Think that they are very clear on what's In their heart they want to pursue this Connection but it seems Like they're aware of your hesitance to Do that and let's talk about the Connecting energies actually um with

Bounty here it seems like both of you Find Value in this connection and seems Like there's a lot here there's warmth There's the potential for abundance There's the potential for real Connection here but it seems like the Connection is at a standstill right now And it seems to be triggered more by Your energy than necessarily theirs Though it it could be both it seems like Your person is giving you space because It's obvious that's what you need and if You asked for it directly like they're Not taking that personally um I think if Anything they could be fantasizing a lot About the future and I think they're Very sure of their feelings for you They you have a spot in their heart and I think that they are feeling quite Patient about uh this situation Unfolding but they're also like I feel Like they know how they feel they they Really like you they they see great Potential here um or if you're already With this person like you know they they Just they see a future with you and they They want to pursue this connection Further and so I feel like they're Pretty Resolute about that whereas I Feel like in your Case you're definitely overthinking this Situation and I definitely feel like You've been beating yourself up a little Bit so maybe apologize to yourself for

That um it's okay not to know what's Right for you and I feel like in this Case there's a part of you that maybe Feels like you don't deserve this Situation Or and I and I want to say this uh this May not be your case but I think it's Important to bring up for some of you You might see a lot of potential in this Connection in this person but maybe You're just not feeling the same way and That's Okay you don't have to just say yes to Someone or something because it because They're a good person or because you Know that they would treat you well you Know if your heart's not in it you don't Have to force yourself to to do Something just because other people Would approve of it or it looks good on Paper um so I just want you to know that Uh but I feel like for a lot of you you May be feeling like you feel a lot of Value in this connection but you're Overthinking it and wondering if it's if You're even worth it you know the fact That we have this ego card here I'm kind Of taking these two ego and Dead End Cards two different way two different Ways they could both be um they could Both apply to the both of you but I'm Kind of seeing this dead end card more On your person's side and this ego card More on your side and now the thing is

Is I'm not calling you egotistical we All have egos um and I feel like in your Case your ego is probably trying to keep You safe from making a decision that you Would regret or keeping you safe from Opening up to something that makes you Feel vulnerable I feel like also though You know your ego has been kind of Telling you like hey we need to care for Ourselves we need to like take some time To reflect and and care for ourselves so It seems like there's a bit of like There's a lot of Wonderful potential and energy and like Beautiful things when it comes to the Connection you have with each other but It seems like you're aware of the fact That you have unmet needs or you're not Quite sure yet how you feel about this Connection how you feel about this Situation and so you're just kind of Taking that time that you need and it Seems like your person if anything may Be um projecting a lot of their desires Onto this connection which there's Nothing necessarily wrong with that but I do feel like your person is really um Invested in a future with you and maybe That's something that's overwhelming you Like maybe you're not so sure how you Feel about that and that's absolutely Okay um but it seems like your person Knows how they feel and they're kind of Just patiently waiting uh I don't I

Guess I don't want to say waiting but There's like there's an awareness of the Fact that things can't really move Forward right now because you need time To like sit with yourself you need time To care for yourself and it seems like That um that energy on your end is Being Amplified by maybe avoidance of Yourself it's like I know I need to Address this stuff I know I need to look At this stuff But I feel like that might be kind of Overwhelming for you and so then you're Doing things to distract yourself and Avoid it even more and it's kind of it's Like a Snowball Effect like you know how A if a little snowball is on top of a Hill and you roll it down it's going to Start getting bigger and bigger and Bigger as as it rolls and picks up more Snow so that's kind of the vibe that I'm Getting from you so I feel like you've Come to the right reading because we are Going to be looking at all of this stuff Um but the one thing I do want to say For sure is that like there is the Potential for a lot here and it's it Seems like you guys have already Benefited from whatever connecting you Have been doing I do feel like there is A part of you that wonders if if you're Worthy of something like that though and That breaks my heart and I just want you To know like you are worthy of all the

Beautiful things you are worthy of Having people love you you are worthy of Receiving love you're worthy of Receiving care you're worthy of Receiving kindness and patience and Understanding you are worthy of Receiving everything that is in your Beautiful heart and never doubt for a Moment that that you are Unworthy of Something there is no such thing as Being truly broken we can all be damaged But Um there's there's this there's this Type of Japanese art and I'm forgetting What it's called Uh but it it is the Process of um I think it's called kugi And it's the process of putting together Old Pottery and sealing it with gold and It like then the point of it is is that You know you're not Broken and like and in fact you're like The the peace becomes even more Beautiful after the fact than it was Before it was just you know the the Object before it was broken I feel like There there is a part of you that is Just like overthinking things and Getting really afraid of of maybe your Own feelings and of opening yourself up To something that could be really Powerful and wonderful um out of fear of Maybe losing it or fear that You're not good enough or fear that you Know this person will see you more

Clearly one day and they'll realize like Oh W oh yeah pile two is not as great as I thought and I feel like that's just so Like that's your ego talking that's your Ego like and and that's the funny thing About ego is that it it's trying to Protect us but it does it in very Unhelpful ways and so I feel like a lot Of your fears are much bigger Than or they seem much bigger than Really are like you know how Shadows can Be a lot bigger than you know our actual Bodies like it seems like your fears are Especially intense right now and I think You're doing the right thing by focusing On yourself and your self-care because You know it doesn't matter how much Someone loves us or or sees our value if We don't see it ourselves and we're not Unable to receive It it's just there going unreceived and And it's energy that and love that is Unable to be received so if that Resonates and and you kind of agree with Being you know avoiding the situation Overthinking it being unsure and just Being like I just need to focus on Myself like this is definitely your Reading but if you resonated with you Know your person's energy of like really Seeing a future um with with your person And feeling like you kind of need to Give your person space and you resonate With this side then I would definitely

Say try a different pile first just to Be sure um I don't want you to sit Through everything and then uh uh and Not know that there's a better group for You but I don't know if that's there I I Haven't filmed the other groups yet and I'm burping So I feel like more than anything this Is this is a connection where things are Kind of at a standstill right now and That's more so because you need that Time to process and care for yourself Which is absolutely okay but I think Both of you acknowledge that there's Value in this connection and value in Each other and I feel like your person Has a much more optimistic Outlook than You do Um and I feel like they are definitely Like fantasizing about you and thinking About your futures and like fantasizing About your futures and like you Definitely have a place in this person's Heart no matter what um and I think also You know this person would rather you do What is right for you then pursue Something if you're not ready for it or You're Not or you're unsure about it I feel Like more than anything your person Cares about your happiness and and what Is authentic to you so so I feel like You came to the right reading cuz I Think the the questions I chose to ask

Are going to be Especially beneficial for you So uh-oh your self-care card was like I'm coming Too speaking of that that might be Something that you're thinking go that's That's one way of self-care that's what I will say um oh jeez okay But we're just going to give these a Good Shuffle these are kind of harder to Shuffle just cuz they're so Thick but it's a good thing I'm strong And I will just say while I'm Shuffling If you want to look at your person's Energy more deeply that's what we're Going to be doing in the extended we're Going to be looking at how they see you How they see the connection their Thoughts feelings intentions and actions Towards you we're going to get channel Messages and we're just going to have a Dang good time and I'm going to be even More vulgar than I am typically so if You're interested in that that'll be Linked down below but we're going to go Ahead and start by asking the question Of the reading which is what you need to Know most about this Connection and then we will go from they All they All I'm thinking of be movie and the and The the Trope of like the lawyer that Like that that southern lawyer you know That's

Like I don't know why I'm thinking of That but that was like kind of the what Was reminding me of the voice I was just Doing um anyway so Spirit what does pile Two need to know most about this Connection we have the seven of Pentacles okay so I feel like what you Need to know most is that it's okay to Not know and it's also okay to not feel Like you have to come to a decision About what things are immediately you Know the seven of Pentacles is all about Patience and about you know seeds being Planted and needing to kind of tend to Them and harvest I I feel like the fact That you're being called to focus on Yourself is not a bad thing I think it's A very important thing especially Because if you do have feelings for this Person as well and you and you want Something with them or want to connect More deeply with them um you know you Can only connect as deeply as you Connect with yourself and so I feel like Spirit's been kind of bringing to your Attention maybe what you've been Avoiding and what uh and certain Insecurities or vulnerabilities that You've had that are making it hard for You to open up more and so I feel like But I feel like there is a part of you That is trying to know exactly how you Feel and exactly what you want to do Before you take action towards this

Person and I feel like spirit is saying A lot of times s we don't know until we Experience and I feel like you're almost Like it's like You're like 60% of the way through a Story but you want to know how the story Ends before you read the rest of it and I feel like spirit is saying well that It's being written it that that doesn't Exist you kind of have to see and be Patient I feel like what you need to Know most is is that there's nothing set In stone when it comes to this Connection but there has been a lot like There's been a pretty solid foundation That has been created between the two of You and I don't feel like your person is Pressuring you to hurry I feel like if Anything your person wants you to take The time that you need to feel more Comfortable and I feel like this this is The thing about your person is that they Wouldn't want you to choose them and This connection if you were choosing it Because you wanted to make them happy or Because you know They want you to choose them because you Want to choose them not because you want They they want you to choose them Because you want to not because you know That they want you to choose them does That make sense um they want you to do What is best for you and and they are Not

Um they are not like sitting there Looking at the clock being like when's When's pile two G to respond I feel like You are putting pressure on yourself to Figure things out and to know exactly What is happening before you make a Decision or before you make a move and I Feel like you know the universe is kind Of coming through to be like hey that's That's if if you keep trying to go from That perspective that's not going to Work very well Because sometimes the only way to know Something is if we explore it and open Ourselves up to the unknown and that can Be scary and I totally understand that But I think you massively underestimate How sof solid your abilities to perceive Are and how much growth you've had when It comes to caring for yourself and Knowing when you need to take a step Back and do what works for you like I Mean the cards here are showing that Exactly like you don't need to be so Hard on yourself and I think if anything Your mind is he heav heavy heavily Distorting that's why I was saying that R heavily Distorting um one how capable you you Are of being able to discern whether Something is right or not and and two The fact That you are not a bad person for taking Time in space for yourself you are not a

Bad person for being for hesitating to Jump into something especially if it Could be something serious but also you Are not a bad person for receiving and There's nothing wrong with receiving if You're the type of person to give and Give and give but feels uncomfortable With receiving I do feel like that one Thing that this connection might be Trying to show you is that you know past Relationships and past experiences may Have been unfulfilling and draining Because the balance of giving and Receiving Was not balanced at all and you were Likely giving and giving the most and And with someone that was taking and That's you know that's that's a normal Thing and that's probably what you're More comfortable with it's probably Weird and uncomfortable receiving and You may feel like immediately when you When you do get like some something Complimentary or something nice or you Receive like good energies like you may Just want to immediately give it away to Someone else and I feel like what spirit Is really saying is is That now is not the time to Self-sabotage and push yourself into Something before you're ready now is the Time to Really focus on what is distracting you From your

Truth and get clearer on what about this Situation makes you so uncomfortable Whether and and this is the thing is it Can make you comfortable because maybe You're not interested in receiving this Type of thing from this person it could Be because this person is giving you a Lot or is very kind towards you and You're not used to that you know maybe Your idea of Love Is someone taking from You and you incessantly giving but That's not loving towards yourself and I Also think that you know you are just Needing to be patient with yourself in This process and I think that you are Looking for a hard like for a just a a Clearcut decision and I think the only Only clear-cut decision that you can Make right now is that you don't know You don't know whether this situation is Right for you you don't know whether you Want to pursue this further but the only Way you are going to know is if you give Yourself permission to explore and and Not Know I think that you're doing great and I think that you shouldn't beat yourself Up so much but I do feel like you the The only danger that I see here is you Making a decision prematurely because You feel pressured and you feel bad that You need so much time to process and and I feel called to say like this person is Not putting that pressure on you and if

They are then that then that like first Of all that that is one example of where You can't take what resonates here Because um I do feel like this person is Patient Um but if they are putting pressure on You you Know that's not fair to you and that Could be an exact situation where once Again you're getting into something with A taker who just wants to take from you I just had this like deep fear I wasn't Recording okay thank God sometimes that That comes in and I'm like well is this Recording or have I just been talking to Myself Um that's good um and you know that Whole situation like maybe there are Times where you're feeling really Comfortable with this person and then All of a sudden you're Like what if this is bad what if I'm Doing something wrong like what if this Ends in like a giant dumpster fire and Like the point is is that you can't know Until you explore it and and I think That the the foundation that you've Already been building is one that will Allow you to be more comfortable in that Not knowing and I think what Spirit Really wants you to know is is that it's Okay to be patient with this process and Try to make sure that you're not the one Putting pressure on yourself to figure

Things out you know if this person is Putting pressure on you then I would say You know be sure to set boundaries and Also Al not take that onest truth um and I would say if they are putting pressure On you and they want a decision now like That is a sign in of itself that you Know maybe your intuition has a point And that maybe you should be taking a Step back because if you gave into that Pressure you would be betraying yourself Even further but if this person is not Putting any pressure on you is not Asking anything of you and it's just you Know telling you the truth of like you Know I see something special here like You know you have a special place in my Heart I really care about you but I also Understand and like you know if you need Time and space I get that like I feel Like your person knows how they feel They Feel they have like there there's Definitely feelings of like wow like This they they think you're something Special and they they feel like they're Could be a really they feel like your Connection is really powerful and they Benefit a lot from connecting with you But they also know that you know they Don't want a connection where the other Person feels obligated to be with them Like just because they have these deep Feelings doesn't mean that you know you

Feel the same way and that's okay I feel Like you are I feel like you could fall Into one of two camps where maybe you Genuinely don't know how you feel and You are uncertain and maybe it's like You do have feelings but you know like You may not know if you're ready for Something like that yet and you may not Know if you want something like that or You do have feelings and you do want to Pursue this but you're afraid that You'll sabotage it or afraid that it Will be too good to be true or that you Will end up with the same type of person In in different clothing or end up in a Situation where you're being taken from Again and so I definitely feel like Spirit is letting you know that you Don't have to have is figured out Immediately and sometimes the only way To figure things out is to continue Exploring them but you have to do that Because you want to not because the Other person wants you to you have to do That Because there's something in your heart That says okay this is scary but I think We should see where this leads And I feel like the universe is also Saying you know there is no timeline For self-care any any timeline for how Things are meant to unfold that that is Based on your actions their actions and You know what occurs between the two of

You there's a real need here for you to Be more gentle with yourself and be more Patient with yourself and instead of Avoiding yourself or pressuring yourself To come to a decision I think maybe the Self-care you really need is to sit down With yourself and be like okay What am I avoiding here and am I Avoiding the situation because there's Something about this person and like our Connection that doesn't seem right or is It because I'm uncomfortable with Receiving like I definitely think that It's going to take even longer for you To feel more comfortable taking the next Step if you want to because you feel Like you're taking forever you feel like You're not figuring things out quickly Enough and by focusing on that you're Not actually focusing on what needs to Be addressed and I just think you're Putting a lot of unnecessary pressure Pressure on yourself and I think spirit Is encouraging you to let go of that and And also remember that you're human you Don't have to know everything and it's Okay if you need time and space you know You shouldn't be in in a relationship or In a situation with someone if you're Uncertain about it if you don't know Like this person knows how they feel but If you don't that's okay like that's not A reflection of your worth or a Reflection of like that you're a bad

Person it just means that you need more Time and space to figure things out for Yourself and that's okay and I would say If you're the type of person to give a Lot it's it's hard to receive it's hard To take that time and space for Ourselves and in today's society where Everything is now now now instant Gratification it it can be hard to sit With ourselves when we don't know what The answer is or we don't know what the Next step is but I feel like spirit is Saying just be patient and trust and Trust that you know you're going to come To the conclusion in the perfect time And the perfect way that you know will Serve you And if you are Factoring this person's feelings more Than your own I feel like that's that's A thing that you need to take into Consideration you know what are your Feelings about this situation what do You want and if you're like I don't know What I want well that's exactly where You need to start looking and if you Decide that what you want is you know More alone time more time to process Then you give yourself that it's not About how this person reacts it's about What's right for you this person wants Wants what's right for you too I promise Um and if they don't then this is not Your reading and well maybe this this

Part is your reading and that's what you Need to hear but I definitely think that This person is patient and they also Recognize like you know things can't Move forward you can't have a one like You well you can have a one-sided Relationship I think both of you maybe Know what that's like and I feel like This person is is being very like Understanding and accepting of that and Like they know how they feel but they're Also you Know that they they want you to come to The conclusion that is true to you and I And I really like that about them I Think that is a major green flag and uh Yeah patience is key here and patience With yourself and really getting to the It takes time to get to the nitty-gritty And I think That you probably Trust external opinion And conclusion like past you probably Trust your past experiences and external Consensus more than you do yourself and I think spirit is really asking you to Ground and and ask how you feel and Really honor and validate that and even If how you feel is I have no clue how I Feel I have no clue what I want validate And honor that like and if you haven't Talked to this person about that maybe That's that's where you start and you Work together to explore that or you Know

Ask for more space for to to do that you Know that's up to you and I think more Than anything is is the trying to Control this outcome or trying to know Exactly what is meant to happen is just Going to lead to more uncertainty and Slow things down even further and I feel Like I'm hearing the the song Slow Ride Uh in my Head uh and I feel like you just need to Take it easy and and give yourself that Time and space so let's get guidance on Any fears you have surrounding this Connection so Spirit what does pile two Need to hear when it comes to their Fears surrounding this connection their Uncertainties okay we have the page of Wands here and I feel like this comes Back into I wonder if you were a child If you got in trouble for being Impulsive or got in trouble for um just Being a kid and and doing things that Kids do like Kids do kids do silly and dumb things All the time but it may have been that You weren't allowed to be a kid even When you were a kid it could have been That you were really expected to have an Unprecedented amount of maturity um at a Really young age and I feel like uh you Are continuing to do this to yourself It's like you are so afraid of making Mistakes that you almost see yourself as One and like any action you take as a

Mistake and that's so unfair to yourself I feel like this page of of Wands is Really trying to help you remember that You Know it is so like unfair and sad that That's how you were treated but like you Are not a bad person for being uncertain For wanting you know for wanting to Explore things I think that there is an Energy here of exploration like the page Of Wands is fun and exciting and it it Is the the least mature of the wands Cards But there's a childlike Beauty to the Page of Wands that loves exploration and Adventure and excitement and I think That this situation does excite you and I think that scares you because you Almost feel like well what if I make a Wrong decision what if I'm impulsive and You won't know until you are but I think That like even just your desire to Experience something exciting is almost Like bad or wrong to you I feel like you Weren't allowed to have and maybe this Isn't for all of you but I feel like for Some of you you are not allowed to just Be a kid and and laugh and have fun and Play and now as an adult because you Have to be an adult if you are watching This I know there's no one that's 14 Watching this cuz if you are you should Not be with peace and love come back Later this video will still be here when

You're older but with this page of Wands Here I feel Like this is about You recognizing that the fear is not all Reality like I think some of this fear Is just rooted in well what if I get get In trouble what if I make a mistake and That's just being human and I don't Think you're going to get in trouble For exploring what's right for you I Feel like you need to put less pressure On yourself and realize like I'm not Going to know what I truly want unless I Explore and I'm actually thinking of uh My personal favorite Barbie movie uh Princess and the popper uh one of the Characters Erica you know she has Feelings for this guy one of one of the Princes And she doesn't you know have happily Ever after with him immediately in fact You know once they're able to actually Come together she goes off for a year And and sings all over the world because That's her dream And the the the prince that she's like Into you know he waits for her and cuz He recognizes how important that is to Her and that she does need to see the World and and she comes home to him like And yes it's a Barbie movie and life not A Barbie movie well it [ __ ] should Be and I feel like what you need to know Is is that if your heart is saying no

Your heart's saying I need to explore I Need to get to know myself that's Important too and you can honor that and The thing is is like well what if They're not here when I get back well Then maybe it wasn't meant to be but Maybe it is and maybe you both need that Time I don't know maybe maybe you don't Need anything at all other than just the Freedom to explore the freedom to Recognize That it's okay if you continue to Explore this situation with this person And you decide it's not for you and it's Also okay if you explore this situation And realize it makes you happy and let It In what you feel is not a bad thing and You're not a bad Person for having desires and having Impulses that makes you human and I'm so Sorry that you had experiences in your Past that made you believe you were Wrong for that but I definitely feel Like a lot of your fears are just trying To keep you small and keep you convinced That you're you don't deserve exciting Things exciting experiences people that Love and adore you And spirit is really letting you know That like you don't need to be policing Yourself so incessantly if anything you Need to give yourself permission to just Not know and have more fun and feel more

Free and I know that's a lot easier said Than done but but that aspect of self is Within you And what you are feeling drawn towards What you are feeling attracted to you Deserve to honor that and you know you Might Fine you go through this process And you're like oh the only thing that Was stopping me was the realization that I was afraid to receive so much love and Care from someone but you then you might Also realize you might come to the exact Opposite conclusion and be like oh the Reason why I was having trouble here is Because you know I was worried that if I Didn't accept this situation I wouldn't Find it again or you know if I did I Would be pushing something away that you Know is good for me and I feel like you Need to start trusting that you know More than You you know yourself more than you Realize and I feel like that's why Sitting with yourself is important but I'm also called to this dog and I feel Like you and I have this in common pile Two we got that dog in us um but I think That there is a um a budding loyalty to Yourself that um hasn't been there in The past and I think that it's not Always going to be easy for you to know What is truly loyal to you and so Sometimes you're going to make mistakes Sometimes you're going to have to

Explore paths that you realize are not For you sometimes you're going to have To face things with an uncertainty but I Think like when it comes to this Situation what you choose to do you're Really being encouraged to look at it From less pressure And just focus on Like what excites you what feels Empowering what feels like true to you And authentic to you and and to be Conscious of what you're uncomfortable Surrounding these situations and rather Than like beat yourself up for it you Know give yourself that room and space To process it and not judge yourself as You're going through these experiences I Feel like if anything you're putting too Much pressure on this situation like you Know worrying about bridges you haven't Even come close to cross yet like the Bridge may not even be built and you're Already putting too much pressure on Yourself And telling yourself that it'll only Happen like one way and and I don't Think that's necessary I think if Anything there's a need for you to be More playful and when you are Approaching this situation Like instead of you know feeling like The burden of the connection is all on You saying you know this is this this Connection is an exploration and I won't

Know what I won't know till I know it And it's unfair to myself to push Something away entirely because I'm Afraid of messing it up but it's also Not fair for me to feel pressured into Into pursuing something just because I Know the other person feels a certain Way you know this is about you and this Is about how you feel and and what what Is right for you and I think that There's just a real resist and I'm not Saying that you don't have feelings for This person or that you shouldn't pursue This at all what I'm saying is is that It you deserve to know how you feel and Not make decisions based on how the Other person feels and what the other Person wants this is about being true to You and I and we're about to look at This but I feel like a big aspect of Learning in this connection is realizing That Like your feelings matter too your Desires matter too your wants matter too And you need to stop beating yourself up For wanting to explore things and not Knowing like this is this is a real Energy of Like needing to give yourself the grace To make mistakes and to not know and to Be uncertain but have the courage to Explore anyway and and see what happens You know it's time to get out of like Your own metaphorical prison and into

The freedom that comes with just life And exploration you Know mistakes don't exist on in the Spiritual Realms mistakes are called Just Being Human so feel like that's Important to remember but what is this Connection trying to show pile two about Themselves perspective yeah I definitely Feel like is This H oh okay it's the is it is this The hangman yes it's the hangman that Look at how I could barely see that um This connection is is trying to show you A lot about yourself but also help you Surrender into certain realities Realities that you can't control Everything realities that there are People who see wonderful things in you And that see a like see you as as worthy Of sharing their life with and you know May if you've had the belief since you Were young that you were unworthy and That people could never love you or People could never you know give to you The way you give to them then maybe it's Trying to change change your mind around That but I think there's a huge aspect Here around surrendering and Surrendering to what is whatever your Truth is no matter what it is and Putting less pressure on yourself and And less focus on needing to know now or Needing to get to the truth as soon as Possible so that you can keep moving

Forward you know the hanged man is Stagnant and the hanged man is quite Literally like his perspective is turned Upside down and I feel like no matter What if this read is for you your person Has genuinely loving intentions towards You and they do see a future with you But they do not want that future if it's Not what you want and they want you both To want that and if you don't know what You want you do need that time to change Your perspective and do what works for You I feel like this connection is Showing you where you still need to know Yourself more so that you can connect More deeply I feel like this connection Is showing you where you've been on Fairely persecuting yourself and And judging yourself and criticizing Yourself for just having very human Emotions and and not knowing everything That is an ego response and it's Impossible for us to know everything We're human if we were meant to know Everything we would not be people we Would not be here even I don't think There is any being on this planet that Knows everything H I think cats Do but Even then I don't know there's just Something about cats where I'm just like They've got it figured out Uh but I think that this connection is Just showing

You everything you haven't been able to See before and sometimes that takes Patience and I feel like I've been like Even even in this in this reading I've Almost been pushing you to Like and I hope I'm not but I feel like I I've almost been pushing you to like Push this situation away which I'm not At all um I just I feel that urge within You to push it away and I feel like There is a need for you to to look at Why that is is it because you genuinely Sense some sort of red flag in in this Connection with this person or is it Because the red flag is internal and It's telling you you're not worthy of Receiving this and and you'll mess it up You know and or is it just telling you You know this is a beautiful situation But maybe I'm not ready for it maybe I Need more time or maybe we need to take Things slower whatever it may be I feel Like your person is on board to working With you they they certainly do not want To dictate how the situation goes and They don't want to be involved in Something unless you are in agreement With that but I feel like the amount of Overthinking you've been doing has made It very hard for you to get in touch With yourself and I feel like this Connection is trying to show you that if You do not connect with yourself it's Going to make things messy and confusing

And if they already are messy and Confusing it's going to get Messier and More confusing the more you avoid what You're trying to see within yourself but I think that this is beautiful like There is no there's no right or wrong Here there is the only wrong that you Could do is is actively ignore whatever Your intuition is telling you or Whatever your heart is telling you and And listen to you know your fears and The things that keep you small I think You need to recognize that your needs Your Wants matter just as much as anyone else I and there's a need for you to change Your perspective on connections and Relationships I feel like you may have a Very straightforward idea of this Happens and this happens and this Happens and this happens and I think That you need to change your perspective To one where you both are able to create And grow together and and you know Relationships are based on you know both People choosing that and another message I'm getting is you know if if you are Someone who for example maybe is into Polyamory or non- monogamy you you know That's something that you need to honor As well Because if that if your if your person Isn't into that you know that's okay but It's not okay for you to to to deny what

You want in order to appease someone Else because you know Ultimately you're you're cheating Yourself out of something that that you Desire and So I think that's important but I feel Like this connection is really showing You wounds around childhood wounds Around like your needs and and people Caring for you and having comfort for You cuz I feel like no matter what like Even if you didn't want to pursue Something romantic with this person I do Think they would still like have a Loving care towards you where they would Want the best for you and you likely Could still be friends but if you do Want this and I feel like that's the big Key if you do want this please take the Time and energy to really get in touch With yourself so that you can make a Decision from a clear heart of like I Don't know what is going to happen here But I do know I want to pursue this I do Know I want to explore this like you Know this person sees a lot of wonderful Things in you and it's clear that you Both see a lot of wonderful Opportunities in this connection I think The biggest thing holding you back is is That you're not you feel like you're not Worth it and that's just a lie that's Not true and it's time to change your Perspective around that and I feel like

One big reason why I've been harping so Much about like you know making sure This is what you genuinely want is Because you Know we can run from ourselves in Relationship ship and it seems like this Person has really genuine loving Intentions towards you and I feel like You Know that it would be unfair to them for You to you know say yes or no to the Situation when you just don't know I Feel like they're willing to explore With you and the more you open up about That uh I think the EAS the the the the Closer you will get to coming to a Satisfying conclusion but I think the Biggest thing is it's okay not to know And it's okay to need time and Exploration That that is huge here and you know what The outcome of this situation is is up To the both of you it And your wants needs and desires do not Exist in a vacuum where they don't Deserve to be seen or recognized the Universe hears you the universe sees you And what they're wanting you to know is Is that you're not messing anything up By taking the time and space that you Need this person is patient and I feel Like if anything they're trying to give You that space and not trying to put any Pressure on you I feel like the pressure

Is on yourself and so there there's a Real need for you to ask yourself is my Avoidance and indecision because I don't Want this situation or is it because I Do want this situation and I'm afraid of What would happen if I opened myself up To it I'm afraid of losing it that's up To you and for some of you you you like For everyone here you guys might come to Different conclusions and so all that Matters is is that you honor yourself And not what someone else wants you know Because I feel like more than anything This person wants you to be happy and if You were not happy with them they Wouldn't want That so let's look now at how you can Create more intimacy slash like deepen The connection with you and with your Person so how can pile two create more Of a connection SL intimacy with their Person Please be honest about this like yeah I Feel like if anything thing you know Your person might be okay we have this King of Wands on the back of the deck And I feel like the thing is is like Your person knows how they feel but they Also like They they don't want you to do something That like you don't want like this this Person will be okay if you reject them But what they certainly don't want is For you to reject them because you're

Rejecting yourself like if I think the Only time this person would fight back With you like not in a literal sense but In a I feel like the only time this Person would would really be unhappy is If they knew that you were rejecting Them and what they wanted to give you Because you thought you weren't worthy Of it but also I think there is a part Of them that would recognize well if you Can't receive what I'm giving then then I I can't control that and they would Surrender but I feel like the biggest Thing is is that you know if you're open And honest about what you don't know About your fears that will be really Helpful and you know this eight of Swords is just confirming that you are Very much in your head about this And terrorizing yourself with outcomes That don't exist and behavioral Responses that this person doesn't have This person seems to be pretty empowered And understanding and kind and wanting The best for you so if they knew what You were going through and what you were Experiencing I would be willing to bet They would be a great shoulder to lean On and very and I feel like it would Bring them more peace as well because They would better understand what's Going on with you in your hesitance you Know Um more than anything I feel like this

Is also though about you getting out of Your head and the difference between the Eight of swords and the nine of Swords Is that the eight of Swords is a Self-contained mental prison and so Whatever you need to do in order to move Beyond those those fears of being open Of being honest I feel like just honest Conversation could be really powerful um But also like you know if you're not Ready to do that maybe like even just Writing things down writing letters um Or just getting Becoming aware of what parts of you are Hesitant or what creates a lot of Overthinking a lot of like analysis Paralysis within you because when you're Aware of that and you come up with Solutions to you know counteract it that Will help create more intimacy and Understanding but I think the biggest Thing is is that this person would not Judge you the way you think they would Judge you if you were honest about your Shortcomings or your uncertainties Everyone has shortcomings right and I Feel like there's a part of you that's Really afraid to show this person what's In your heart or what's inside of you Because they might judge you or think There's something wrong with you and That's not how they see you and I would Be willing to bet they see a lot more of That internal resistance and and that

Self-sabotaging that self-loathing than You realize and I think it would just Give them more insight into what what You're dealing with and you know I think A big thing too is is is you know say Like if you want to open up to them let Them know if you want advice or if you Just want to vent because I do feel like This person could be like a bit of a Rescuer and like the type of person to Want to fix things U maybe you guys have That in common uh but on their end like They just want to know what's going on And they want to be able to if they can Support you if they can help you they Want to Like and I think that they too kind of Get caught up in in fears and worries And and I think there is a part of them That is a little bit more surrendered And just accepting to what is and I feel Like one thing you need to know is is That this person is not going to take Things as personally as you think they Are I I feel like you massively Overestimate how offended people will be By just you being human and having Thoughts and doubts and uncertainties It's okay not to know not to know it's Okay not to you Know it's okay to be in your head it's Okay to be anxious it's okay to be Afraid it is scary opening yourself up To someone and it is scary you

Know being with someone that that you Have genuine deep feelings for but I Think it's even scarier to think that You could have that especially if you Desire it and push it away from the Belief that it's you're not worthy of it Or that you would ruin it anyway how the Hell do you know that you won't know Until you try just because maybe you Have in the past and I'm not saying that You have if you believe that even if you Have in the past have you not learned Have you not grown it's clear you have You've recognize that that part within You that that needs time to process and Grow I guarantee you you weren't always Aware of that so why would you be the Person that you once were you're not you Then you're you now and so I think the Biggest thing is is to get out of your Head and And really Start letting go of the shame that you Have for being flawed and for being Afraid and for being uncertain and give Your person the opportunity To be a listening ear and a shoulder to Cry on Or a source of support because I think More than anything that's what they want To do but they also recognize they they Can't support you if they don't know What's wrong and you're unwilling to Show them and if you don't want to show

Them that that's okay but I do feel like At the very least there's a you need to Get out of your head and stop letting These delusions rule your life because Like all these delusions about your Selfworth and what you don't deserve are Keeping you from very real beautiful Things that could be in your life right Now you don't need to earn kindness you Don't need to earn love you don't need To earn Respect Well I guess there's different belief Systems about that but I think that you Don't you don't need to earn love you Don't need to earn compassion you don't Need to earn friendship or a a partner You can just have it because you exist And because you are who you are and and That was enough for this that is enough For this person like I promise you they don't look at you Delusionally like they they recognize Both like like the they recognize more Of what's going on within you than you Realize it's just they recognize it's Not their place to open that open those Doors like you have to be the one to Open it they don't want to be invasive So yeah if you want if you want to open Up to them more I really don't think They would take it personally I think That they would be relieved that you Trust them enough to be honest about

That and would be relieved to just know What's going on so that they're not Jumping like they're trying not to jump To conclusions but there's also a Certain uncertainty there of like what What certain things are why you're Feeling a certain kind of way and I just Think it would they they they would feel Very grateful to be able to talk to you About that cuz I'm sure they've got Things too And I just feel like a lot of the walls That you've been putting up between the Two of you are not walls that need to Exist and in fact the more you break Those Down the more the more easily you'll be Able to start coming to a conclusion About what it is you feel and and feel Safer to just explore and see what Happens so we're going to finish as I Cut the deck communication wonder how That other person is feeling ask them Wish they knew how you were feeling tell Them you've just been drafted in the Communication Army shout out to the Communication Army Uh you've you've officially been Conscripted and Yeah Canon list buddy sorry you've been Drafted into the communication Army Where there is a strict do ask do tell Policy speak with kindness and Gentleness and reach an understanding if

You don't assumption will just make Asses of everyone including the person Who came up with that aforism okay so Mega deck is already given Mega advice So let's just see what guidance she Wants to give you at this time Miss Mega deck what Guidance Do you have For piled to when it comes to this Connection with their Person what do they need to Know power I am strong I am grounded I Am powerful I am like a cross between a Dinosaur and a tank but not a tank that Is used for War I am like a peaceful Loving Dino tank who feels so strong it Doesn't need to do anything but be and I Think that's a big thing to maybe you're Afraid of the power of this connection Or the power of like that you hold like You don't want to hurt someone but also It's not your job to protect people from Things I I'm telling you your person is Fine and if anything you're taking your Own power away when you don't honor your Feelings and don't Honor honor what your inner self is Leading you To you have the power to say yes and you Also have the power to say no what else But I also think that grounded is really Important because when you're ungrounded That's when this overthinking eight of Swords will come in and so I would Google grounding techniques and start

Trying them if you haven't because Everybody gets grounded in different Ways but sometimes like letting go of an Issue and just being in the present Moment can allow for inspiration and Awareness to hit when you least expect It what else Miss Mega Deck let's just get okay well that's it So we have playfulness I am a playful Participant in life and I always have The option to make something a fun game Rather than a heavy burden Mary Poppins Put sugar in the medicine for a reason That lady really knows how to party and I feel like that's what this page of Wands is really talking about like you Need to give yourself permission to just Explore and have fun I feel Like I feel like if you feel like Relationships are a responsibility and And a Burden I feel like maybe this person has Come in to should show you that that's Not the case like if you have fun with This person give yourself permission to Just have fun and reflect afterwards Like you don't have to be constantly Analyzing things in the Moment Like That's how you miss out on awareness That's right in front of your face we Also have joy to enjoy something I Simply need to add joy to it Joy is like Butter I can put it on anything and It'll make it way better today I will

Add joy to everything really slather it On today I'm the Orville Redenbacher of Joy and life's popcorn is about to get It so I think that's one thing too if You enjoy being around this person if You enjoy the connection that you have That is some that is telling you Something that is telling you positive Things and if you are like oh I don't I'm not worthy of of feeling Joy like That's that's a perspective that needs To change because you're going to remain Miserable and miss out on opportunities To connect with people that enjoy being Around you solely because you feel like You're not worthy of it and so that's a Real call for you to look at what is Telling you you're not worthy of that or What is keeping you so afraid because Once you start to address that you know It'll be a lot easier for you to receive And you'll realize like oh there was I'm Not a bad person for wanting to enjoy Life with someone and I do deserve kind Connections that bring me joy but Finally yeah we have the benefit of the Doubt I believe in the basic goodness of Other people and I give them the chance To show it if they prove me wrong that's On them at least I can go to sleep Knowing I pr practice trust and Forgiveness rather than fear and doubt Later on if I need to I can always Change my mind and retroactively judge

Them like it's my career so that's the Thing too is like you know maybe you are Projecting your fears onto this person And feeling like oh well you know maybe They'll betray me or sure maybe maybe It's fun now but then maybe they'll wake Up or they're they'll change their mind And it's like you don't know that and I Think you know the big thing about Giving yourself the benefit of the doubt Is or giving people the benefit of the Doubt is what it says like you know you Can't control what other people do but You can control like your own integrity And I think it's powerful that it's a Lion caring for this Antelope like you Know a natural predator caring for its Prey like you may feel like your person Is a bit of a predator because you feel Vulnerable but I think what you need to Realize is is that your person is not Trying to prey on you if anything they They just they see you as an equal and Want to share experiences with you but They're not going to force you and They're certainly not out to hurt you if Anything they they they're out to love You and out to make you feel beautiful And Worthy so you know I think that Could be a really beneficial practice For you and and not jumping to Conclusions before you even have the Opportunity to explore things I think You've probably pushed things away in

The past because you thought you weren't Worthy of them or you had a pessimistic Attitude which I'm not beating you Beating you up for that it's natural and Normal But it's time to stop pushing joy and Good things away from you just because You feel like you're Unworthy of them Otherwise you're going to be miserable Your whole life and miss out on all the Wonderful things life has to show you And that's the thing too is that if you Don't have joy in the situation you Don't want that don't assume that by Being honest with that person that They're going to hate you and like you Know go crazy if anything they they'll Probably just be like okay and and move Forward you know they might be sad but I Don't feel like they want to cause you Harm or hate you or will'll hate you or Anything like that you know that's just Part of life and no matter what truth You come to You can't control what the other person Is thinking or doing and I think that in Your case like there's a real need for You to take a step back and realize Like you deserve to give yourself the Time Grace and space that you give Others and recognize that if a lot of Your fears come down to your fear of Receiving or your fear of losing Something that you enjoy

Receiving it's time to make peace with That unknown and stop pushing that away Just because Just because of Fear it's okay to feel fear but you Don't need to push it off and it's time To have more fun and embrace the power That comes with choosing choosing what Feels right for you and and and if other People want to choosing to let let Them have a role in your life and let Yourself receive that so pile two I'm Going to head over to the extended now But if you're leaving me here thank you Guys so so so much for watching and Thank you so much for letting my ads Play in the background that is one of The simplest and easiest ways to show Appreciation and support for my channel Um but if you would like to support me In other ways the extended is very Helpful um you can like this video Comment down below let me know how it Resonates you can subscribe if you Haven't already shout out to my Notification Squad you can if you hit That little notification Bell you'll be Notified whenever I upload a new reading And that's usually when I respond to People um you can check out my merch you Can check out my social media you can Check out my other videos but that is Where I'm going to leave this reading so Thank you guys so much for watching and

For letting me read for you I hope you All have a wonderful day or night Whenever you're watching this and I hope You'll come back and see me again soon Bye hi there pile 3 welcome to your Reading and thank you so much for being Here if you guys chose this I think I Think it's strawberry quartz the Strawberry quartz Moon I think it's a Quartz of some kind um and the Modern Love Tarot this is going to be your Reading good deck choice this is a Really pretty deck um but before we get Into your tarot we're going to start by Making sure this is actually your Reading so you are going to be on the Left by the candle and the Crystal your Person is going to be on the right and The connecting energies between the two Of you are going to be in the middle um If you resonate with things on the Flip-flopped that's absolutely okay um But you might want to check and make Sure there isn't a rating where the U Part is there um because that might be More useful but um if you want to full Breakdown of the reading there is one in The intro I'm going to stop yapping and Get into your reading so to start with Your energies and this connection we Have the Ace of Pentacles recognition Success and we have Change for your person's Energies we have the Priestess with

Illumination and Knowledge and we have Childhood and then for the connecting Energies between the two of you we have Stairway which immediately like Stairway To Heaven is Ling in my head uh and we Have have Trapped so I like these Energies I know typically the idea of Being trapped has a negative connotation But I don't see it in that way I want to Start with your energies here it seems Like things in this connection are Shifting in a solid more profound way And it seems like either you are Initiating some sort of next step with Your person or you both have talked About some sort of Next Step and you are Kind of holding true to that Uh this talks about like the initial Stages of something new and it seems Like you have reached a point in this Connection where um things are changing And things are looking up and it seems Like if you've had any frustrations with This connection or things like that You're looking at it differently I feel Like you feel really solid in your Intentions towards this person which I Think are centered around either Commitment or commitment to seeing where This connection is meant to head if You're already in a connection or commit If you're already in a commitment with

This person then this could be like a New stage of the relationship this could Also just be you know if you've had a Rough patch with them or if there have Been like unforeseen challenges or even I guess for scen challenges like um Logistical things like visas for example Or you know school things work things it Seems like things are finally moving and It seems like you are starting to feel More op optimistic about things but There's an awareness that like this is Going to take time I think the beautiful Thing is is that of all of the Aces and I guess of all of the elemental cards in General the Pentacles are the most solid And I think you're recognizing that like The work you've put in either within Yourself or within this connection or Both is paying off and if you and your Person have had to be patient in certain Ways it seems like things are finally Starting to get moving and that's really Exciting um I also feel like there is This kind of Like maybe frustration over the fact That things aren't moving faster but There is this awareness like that it Will be worth it and things are moving In the flow that they are meant to and I Feel like you are doing what you can to Not only bring your all to this Connection and this person but also not Get too in your head or overwhelmed now

I feel like your Person is in a more Uh introspective phase right now where They're having a lot of unique insights Around how their childhood affects their Connection with you and affects how they Are willing to open to and receive love And I feel like they I wonder if the Both of you have had some conversations Recently about like significant things That are happening in your life or like Significant things that have happened Between the two of you that this person Realizes uh connects to their childhood I feel like there's just a lot of Illumination coming when it comes to you And this connection with this person Where they are starting to see through Past wounds and look at things more Optimistically and more realistically But I definitely think that there is a Part of your person that is a bit Guarded and I get the vibe from them That they're really used to empty words And people kind of ripping the rug out From underneath them and so they are Kind of hard like I'm getting this like Stubborn m energy where they're kind of Hard to move because They have only felt like they could rely On themselves to be safe and like you Know even in this childhood card this This egg we this green egg which I think Is very symbolic of their heart I feel

Like their heart is going through a Rebirth with you and it really doesn't Matter um the length of this connection Whether it's newer or um you know you Guys are in a relationship or you're in A situationship whatever really it may Be it seems like this person is having Some some heart Awakenings I feel like They're reconnecting to aspects of Themselves that they forgot existed or Thought they lost and I think that their Heart is definitely still very delicate But they are starting to see the value In what their wounds have been trying to Show them and I think now too they're in This process of just integrating this Awareness so if you haven't had Conversations with them about this I Don't know if those conversations will Happen in the future like in the near Future or not um I I think it depends For you how much uh how forthcoming your Person is just With personal information you know like If they've got Scorpio placements they Might not be the most forthcoming but You know if they have different Placements they might be well I guess it Doesn't necessarily have to be Placements But they could just be in in this more What's the right word I like I'm going Back to the word Yin like this just Receptive energy where they're kind of a

Little bit solitary a little bit like Just needing to take time for themselves And recoup And process these things but I Definitely think that they are paying Attention to what is true for them and What is a Projection and also like What and what I mean what is true for Them what is genuinely true and what is A wounded projection if you feel like This person has maybe projected wounds Of their own onto you in the past I Think they're seeing these things more Clearly and I do think your person has An awareness that like there are certain Things that um they've either done or They've believed or certain things that Have kept this person from being more Open to you that they now realize was Unfair because they were just kind of Projecting on this situation one thing That I think is really interesting is That you know you are a one here and They're a two and then we have 12 here With the stairway it seems like things Are continuing to ascend like things are Are getting better but it's like one Step at a time and the words of our Lord And savior Jordan Sparks I definitely Feel like with this trapped card the Reason why I don't feel like it's Negative is because I feel like no Matter what the situation is between the

Two of you there's there's kind of This you kind of feel locked in with Each other and it seems like even if you Guys have wanted to avoid this Connection or run away away from it or You know push the other away it kind of Seems like you're drawn back together or Um if this is a newer connection then it Seems like the the energies feel intense Enough but solid enough that neither of You necessarily want to walk away from This or or avoid the intensity that Exists I I definitely think both of you See things headed in a positive Direction I feel like your person is More in a position where one they feel Very like grateful for the love and Kindness and patience that you've given Them but also they are Um kind of reconciling like things from Their past that they don't want to bring Into this situation with you and I feel Like you're also taking this time um and I and maybe it's time apart or just like Less time together I feel like you're Taking that this time to really get all Your ducks in a row gather your bearings Like make sure that you have what you Need in order to be able to show up um In an equal balanced connection with This person if you are like doing Anything to change locations or change Your financial situation I feel like These are um signs of positive progress

There and I feel like there is just a Level Of commitment between the two of you Whether spoken or unspoken I would be Shocked if there if this is just like New and you guys just recently met cuz It seems like this is either a situation Where you're already in a committed Relationship with him or it seems like It's like a friendship that's heading There or you know a connection that's Been kind of on and off though I will Say you know if this is the type of Person that gives you the runaround and Is manipulative and isn't kind or fair To you um that's not this person and I Don't know if this is your reading and Also I don't know if you should be Getting a reading on a person like that Because that's not fair to you and you Deserve better um but anyway I Definitely think like with the number Like that makes me think of um the Hanged man and I feel like there there Is a level of surrender here where where Both of you kind of know like there are Certain things that you can do that are Within your control to progress this Connection but timing is more of a a Thing you both have to flow with I feel Like your person has things that they're Not ready to tell you yet and I think They have a lot to do with their own Insecurities and their own setbacks and

There may be things about their Childhood that um they're not ready to Open up about but they do want to tell You because they do do feel like they Can trust you um I and I definitely Think too if you've been frustrated About the fact that things don't seem to Be moving forward it seems like you're Starting to reach a point where you can See that it will be but there is this Frustration of like it seems like the Situation has been stagnating a little Bit um but I don't think that stagnation Will be lasting forever I think it's a Matter of just allowing things to Continue to flow I think there's a lot Of important and Necessary Integrations of awareness and Energy that you both are going through Right now where you're both becoming More like empowered and dependent and Self-sufficient individuals and how you Navigate your own lives personally and I Feel like that's helping you have more Confidence in how you navigate this Connection which I think is really Beautiful and I was also kind of Noticing you know with the 37 I I was Kind of attributing this three to you And this seven TI your person um and Like three is a number of creation it's Also a number of learning and teaching And mastery so I feel like you are Creating and learning and growing and

Seven is a very spiritual number it's Also a highly individual number so I Feel like your person is having really Interesting spiritual insights whether They are traditionally spiritual or They're just more so related to their Human Journey this lifetime um I think There's this awareness for both of you Like as much as you would like to maybe Push things along or push this away Neither of like in your hearts neither If you truly want to and so I think both Of you are surrendering to the reality Of what this connection is asking of you And at this time I think it's asking for The both of you patience individual Growth and um the willingness to be more Open and share with each other and you Know I really want to commend you pile Three I feel like yeah three yeah pile Three um I feel like you are you've been Doing a really great job of not letting Your ego get in the way of things and Also being patient and trusting what Your intuition is telling you I know It's not easy and I know it is Frustrating but it seems like you've had Um Tangible evidence in the recent past or Like now that is letting you know that Things are moving towards success things Are changing maybe not as rapidly as you Would like it to but but you may be Stuck on this stairway but you're not

Stuck on the step does that make sense You guys are are headed where you need To go and I definitely think that um Your person might be a little bit Freaked out by the insights they're Having they could even be having like Psychic Awakenings or things like that And so that might be a little bit Overwhelming for them but I think Overall they are kind of there there's a Matter of you both getting your ducks in A row but for you I feel it's more External and for your person it's more Internal um and that is leading to the Both of you Like converging more deeply like I'm Just seeing like two paths like can like Me like doing that um I'm trying to see If I see anything else but like this is Pretty straightforward and I feel like Too um there's real guidance here for You About continuing to do the things that Are different to like if you want things To move faster the more you invest in Yourself invest In creating the life that you want and Especially like creating the life that You want with this person in it and how You envision that the more you're going To start to see those changes and also It will keep you distracted so that You're not like focusing on on the clock On how you you'd rather maybe things

Change even faster but also Al the Letters CH could be significant just Because they're here for both of you um I feel like there's definitely a sense Of mirroring here if you feel like you Resonate with your person side as well Um I I wouldn't be shocked if there is a Bit of mirroring here but I definitely Think that um the situation is testing Your patience and testing your ability To trust in yourself and what you know To be true so I really want you to know Like I think you're doing great and I'm Really proud of you for sticking to what You feel to be true and You know not giving up on something Because you worry that it's it's it's Not going to pan out or you worry that Like you're missing out on something Else or something like that like I I Feel like maybe if you've felt in the Past like oh this isn't moving fast Enough or I don't know like what what if I'm denying myself other opportunities Maybe you've explored other Opportunities and realized you Know those grapes would die on the vine Or that's not actually what I thought I Wanted I feel like you both are kind of Realizing like you would rather choose The challenges that come with this Situation than something that is Less igniting on a soul level something That's less empowering on a personal

Level I definitely think there's a lot Of um empowerment here and I really like That I love to see that and I think that Both of you are redefining what love Looks like and what love means to the Both of you individually and together And I wouldn't be shocked if like the Hard thing is is like in terms of the Connection Like because there's different people That are coming to this reading and Different energies different experiences You guys uh will be at different Situations depending on who you are and Who's watching but I feel like no matter What things are headed in a positive Direction and if this is your reading I Feel like you can continue to have Confidence in what feels like a positive Start like I feel like this is more than Anything a positive start in in the Direction that you both want to head in And if you don't know what direction Your person wants to head in the Direction that I think you want to head In they also do as well um and I feel Like the direction that you want to head In is one that maybe triggers childhood Wounds for them and so that's something That they are kind of realizing and Working through and having really Powerful insights and and there's this Really big energy um on their end where They're becoming aware that like you are

Not their caregivers you are not the People that hurt them they're realizing A lot of like unfair projections that They've had on you and also realizing Just like the value that you bring to Their life and like I think that if you Haven't gotten an apology I wouldn't be Shocked if at some point this person Lets you like maybe not an apology but a Thank you um I guess it depends on your Situation it could be both like a just a Thank you for being in their life like Thank you for being patient with them Thank you for seeing like parts of them They couldn't see themselves I would be I would be willing to bet you've seen Things in them that they haven't seen About themselves and you've held strong On those beliefs and and they're Starting to see those things now and be Like wow okay like pile three really has My best interests at heart and you know We don't have to stay stuck in a past Energy we don't have to stay stuck in You know karmic cycles that don't serve Us not saying that you guys were in a Karmic cycle but I think that karmic Cycles can be involved in anything like For example karmic Cycles around Childhood karmic Cycles around repeating The same thing and and uh getting the Same results but expecting different Results um it could be a lot of Different things but I think more than

Anything things are headed in a positive Direction your energy is very stable and Your person is in an energy that's Very like wo like Illuminating so I Definitely think your person is going to Be taking some time to process but I Think the fact that your energy is just So solid that's really helping your Person feel confident to integrate the Energies that they need to so that um You guys can keep ascending this Stairway so if that resonates let's go Ahead and get into your tarot now I love when it's straightforward and it Doesn't take me like 40 minutes to say Like five Things I know I Yap I'm sorry I do my Best I just wish I could like Telepathically communicate cuz I feel Like there are so many times where a Concept just feels so easy to express Energetically but then when you try to Like put it in words it's a lot Harder but that but with that being said While I'm Shuffling um if you are Interested and this is resonating we are Going to have an extended where you're Just going to do a deep dive into your Person's energy and feelings for you We're going to be looking at how they See the connection how they see you um And I also want to mention too like and I don't think I mentioned this for those Of you that are in I don't like saying

This word in separation because I don't Think that's real or true but like You're Not you and this person are not actively Engaged with one another right now um Engaging with one another right now on On a physical level at least I Definitely feel like you both are making Positive progress and the connection is Still doing work on the both of you so I I feel like for some of you if you're Like well I what if I haven't like what If my person and I like haven't seen Each other I don't know what's going on Well if you are in a positive new cycle Of your life where things are changing You're growing and you're recognizing Success I would trust and you feel like You're growing and and things are Evolving I would trust that your Person is resonating with this side and That things are growing and things are Moving and you you don't necessarily Need to know how in order to trust that Things are all working out but yeah like I said if you want to know about your Person's energy their feelings what They're thinking all that jazz uh it'll Be a propa deep dive that'll be in the Extended but we're going to go ahead and Start by asking the question of this Reading which is what do you need to Know most about this Connection so Spirit what does pile

Three need to know most about this Connection for their highest Good yeah can we clarify this Actually huh interesting okay So definitely money is isn't well not And it doesn't even have to be money too It could be Like your sense of security your sense Of stability your sense of value your Sense of worth I feel like this connection Is has been assisting you in creating a Turning point with your ability to Receive your ability to create and your Ability to set yourself up for Success If you in the past had partners that Took advantage of you or Um expected you to kind of like be Dependent on them I feel like this Connection has been helping you see Where you don't need someone else to Assist you and also to see where you can Empower yourself I also feel like this Connection is trying to show you not Only your inherent value but the fact That sometimes the best things take time You know with the 10 of Pentacles here That is all about like family Legacy Generational wealth and I feel like you Are creating a solid foundation not only For you and this person but For any Generations that you create Together and anyone that you consider Part of your family not that this person

Isn't at all but it seems like the focus Is more so on you I also feel like if You are missing this person I feel like You need to know that that that is Mirrored like I think this person also Misses You Um and there could be a message here too About meeting this person's family or Vice versa like if you guys are long Distance or if you haven't seen one Another in a while I feel like there is This message here that it's okay to miss This person like it's okay to be Frustrated at at certain circumstances But I also feel like I feel really Called to let you know that Like what you want and what you desire Is not being kept from you you're being Led to it and when it comes to like big Things that we want in life like for Example this shows a woman who's in a Wedding dress and she's like locked out Of this building right and it almost Just seems like she she can't get to Where she wants to go and I feel like The universe is saying you're well on Your way you're well on your way to Going where you want to be and in Fact the more you believe that you're Failing or the more you believe that It's not enough or it's not working the More it slows things down I don't Believe that like negative thoughts or

Like negative Energy like ruins or um tarnishes your Manifestations but I do think that like It can slow them down because it and Maybe it's not even slowing it down Because like when those things happen Where we do get caught up in you know Negative cycles of thought um struggling With things struggling with like things Like lack and or struggling with things Like finances it can really be hard to Trust in ourselves trust in the universe Trust in in our creative abilities and The idea that we're worthy and that Things can get better Um I would highly recommend commend Every single one of you if you have like An audible subscription or if you can Find it uh Louise Hay has a really Awesome talk on receiving prosperity and I think that could actually be a really Beneficial talk for you to listen to What she says about Prosperity I find to Be very interesting and very helpful um She may not be for everyone so if you Don't feel called to do that obviously Don't but I do feel like what spirit is Saying is is That this connection is something that Is not just about you and your person It's also about you as an individual and You not relying on certain expectations To Happen not relying on certain things to

Happen in order for you to feel safe to Act but rather realizing you can just Act now and that's actually what's going To bring in what you're Desiring I feel Like it's like what you keep wanting is Like just Out Of Reach and I feel like The universe is trying to tell you No it is within your ground Gras you can In the words of uh Patrick Star firmly Grasp it but it's about you kind of Taking it for yourself and also not Letting other people's experiences other People's stories and other people's Opinions tarnish and distort what you Believe to be true I feel like there's Also a message here where like maybe you Feel pressure by like your family or um By just Society in general or like your Friend group to to be at a different Point in your life than where you're Currently at and maybe you feel pressure Like I need to do this by this age and This by that age and I feel like the Universe is really asking you to take a Step back and remember that what other People value doesn't have to be what is True for you and also the fact that your Worth is not reflected in your life Experiences and your worth is not Reflected in you know what you have or What you don't have I feel like one Thing that you don't see that you have Is just like the most precious heart and Also an incredible ability to create and

Manifest I feel like I don't know if you have any Family members that are just not very Supportive of you or don't quite Understand like the value of what you Put in the world or just the value that That you inherently have and I feel like That's something where maybe you mirror This person that like that could be Beneficial in helping you heal those Childhood wounds but there's a real Family energy between you and your Person and I feel like that is where the Both of you are are headed right now um If you both are together and there are Like Financial issues I feel like spirit Is really asking you to trust yourself And Trust what you feel called to do um And trust your ability to move through What you need to I also think that um if You are feeling unworthy or worrying You're not good enough for this person Or this Situation there's a real need for you to Take a step back and remember like when You get so caught up in those fears that You feel like what you desire is not for You or that you won't get it or that it Won't be worth it Like you need to remind yourself that Just because you can't see it right now Doesn't mean it's not going to be here And that in fact the more you generate That energy within the more you will see

It come towards you but I feel like You're already creating really wonderful Actually I I don't know why I didn't say This earlier but the fact that you're Showing up as the Ace of Pentacles and Then we have the five of Pentacles and The T of Pentacles you are changing the The Outcome of your life to be one of being Trapped trapped from having what you Want trapped in a in a in a cycle of Lack tra trapped in a belief system that Keeps you stuck trapped in a state of Being that doesn't resonate with you and You're moving into one that is genuinely Abundant self-sufficient sustaining and Nourishing and I feel like your person Is coming along for the ride in the Perfect time and the perfect way and I Feel like if you and your person are Already together um I feel like you can Be a really posit positive support System for them as well like maybe you Both kind of exacerbate certain fears Around not having enough around losing And like those are totally Understandable fears to have but I think Both of you need to believe in Yourselves more than you believe in the Fear and I feel like what spirit is Saying is that you've changed the Trajectory of your life to instead of be One that repeats past Cycles or maybe Even repeats um generational Cycles like

Um for example you know maybe if you've Had um if maybe there's a cycle in your Family where previous family members Have had you know failed marriages or Failed or have lost a lot of finances in Divorces or have had partners that uh Cheated them out of things or cheated in General it seems like all of the hard Work that you are doing is helping you Create a narrative where not only does That not happen but you help heal that From happening you know to your family And obviously we can't control what what Other people do do but I feel like You're not like you and this person Don't have those intentions towards each Other and like that's why your person is Doing so much work to like make sure That they don't create you know some Sort of situation where they would lose You but also I I feel like you may not See it yet but you're planting really Powerful seeds that are creating you're Planting you're creating a foundation Right now for a really really gorgeous Well I mean I want to say gorgeous house So like maybe you are um gaining the Finances to buy a house or um this could Be a metaphorical House of just the House of where your family tree lives The house of where love lives where your Love lives I feel like that's being Created right now and just because you Can't see where it's heading doesn't

Mean it's not there but I feel like you Are entering a very powerful time where You are letting go of generational Cycles you're letting go Of of fears around your material Security and also opening up To just the creative ways and the Creative ways that you can generate more Abundance for yourself and also the Creative ways and the the universe can Bring abundance to you I also feel like This is a beautiful sign that you are Rebalancing re just rebalancing in General and and just setting yourself on A course for success and so if you feel Like things are finally looking up or Things are like finally getting to a Place where you can create tangible Change I would say you're absolutely Right about that and I think this Tangible change is having a positive Effect on the connection as well um if There are certain things that you were Feeling like needed to happen before This energy could happen it's like You're realizing oh no I was I was the Person that needed to just get thing get The ball rolling and I think you're Realizing that that shift in perception Is is having very powerful results in Your reality and if you're not seeing Those results yet you will start to and They will come in time like it's not Pentacles don't come very fast but they

Are assured so that's the important Thing to remember there but now I want To see and this is very on point for you Um guidance on any fears that you have Around the connection like what Spirit Wants you to know about those fears Spirit what Guidance Do you have for Pile three when it comes to fears they Have around the connection we have the Three of Wands so I feel like this is Encouragement to Continue with the like the positive Mindsets that you've had and continue Envisioning the positive future that you Know you you will have um I also think When it comes to like manifestation and It's funny too cuz I'm I'm like not a Big manifestation guy in the sense that Like it's just not something I Consciously focus on um but I guess There's healing for that for me too But I feel like one of the most powerful Forms of manifestation is like feeling Yourself in the future you want to be Like feeling what it's like to have the House that you want feeling what it's Like to sit in the chair with the view That you've dreamed of feeling what it's Like to have your person you know next To you on the beautiful porch swing and And you guys are just sitting there Enjoying a warm summer evening I I love That Vision I'm like damn I'm Manifesting that for me too like thanks

For that um not saying that that's yours But um just things like that the more Like powerful and tangible and sensory You can make envisioning these Experience is the more it will feel real And the more encouragement you will feel Towards um just keeping like just to Just keep going even when you feel like Discouraged deflated and the interesting Thing is too is like there is a lot like I'm not getting a lot around your person Like I was originally but now it seems Like it's really heavily focused on you And I think that's because a lot of the Things that maybe you've been assuming Are like your person's job or like you Know it's all in your person's hands You're realizing okay yeah maybe there Are some things that are in their hands That are their job but like there are Tons of things that I could be working On right now that could get me in a Better person get me in a better Position to receive this person or I Mean you know also too if if you would Choose you know something different or Decide that you you want something else I mean that that can happen as well but I I wasn't getting that Vibe but I will Say for those of you where that would Resonate for you also honor that um you Know always honor what what is true for You over a pair of Talking Hands on the Internet um these talking this pair of

These pair of this this talking hand is Well meaning but it's not all knowing so Uh just just be aware of that but I also Feel like spirit is really letting you Know like you can trust in the seeds You've already planted and don't give up On your dreams don't give up on your Plans keep going and the fact that Things take time like I feel like spirit Is saying you know there will be things That require your patience but you will Be so happy that you trusted yourself And I also think that this is a Beautiful time of expansion where as You're planting these seeds it's like Now the staircase is starting to reveal Itself it's like okay you finally got Your shoes on let's Start getting up the steps and I feel Like this is just a beautiful sign too Um like for for traveling purposes like I am feeling this thing like like if You're worried about traveling in any Sense you will be safe someone is Playing very loud music I'm sorry if you Can hear that um my whole floor is Shaking Uh but also I feel Like you can trust the inner Compass of Your heart like this Three of Wands is Really telling me like yes your fears Might be quite palpable at times your Doubts and uncertainties and Insecurities may be quite powerful but

Your your heart is a powerful compass And it's already LED you to this point You can trust it to help you keep going I also feel like if travel or anything Like that is significant I feel feel Like things are unfolding in a positive Way and I also think that there's just This sense of optimism and like just This encouragement to keep looking Forward and not let your fears cause you To look back cuz like there's nothing Back there for you and it's interesting Too because like a lot of these figures Are they have their backs to to the past To us and so and I feel like that's What's leading you to this T of Pentacles and it's cool because it's Like the Three of Wands is kind of Pointing to that and so I feel like Whatever your T of P Les is like Whatever you envision for your life you Know an abundant loving family life Whether that's like you know your Created family or a chosen family Whether that Is I feel like that expands Beyond Family though and and can be Like forms of service is like a big Thing that I'm getting like like one Thing I was getting was like self- Sustaining Farms or Like if you're wanting to do something Where you serve Mother Earth in some way Where like like I said a farm or like a

I'm thinking of like A you know rescue like rescue farms for Animals you know that that um are Rescued from situations uh like I'm Thinking of example like I think there's I can't remember the exact term of what It is but I'm thinking of like if you Guys have ever seen like the gentle Barn I believe they're on YouTube and Instagram and they and they rescue um Farm animals and and you know let them Live out their life and in comfort and Peace like I can see you doing something Like that and I feel like there is this Reminder that um there is so much more To your life than just this connection And if you find yourself getting like Really focused and keyed into that um The universe is asking you to take a Step back and remember it's not just About you and this person like there's So much more to you than that and you Know it may be hard to want to invest in Yourself sometimes when you're missing This person or you're feeling frustrated But the universe is reminding you like This is leading you to something very Solid with your person and if that Sounds right if that feels right in your Heart as I say that then take that as Your truth because that is your truth And you're actively creating and Manifesting that but it's something That's quite solid and substantial and

So it it's a process in in an unfoldment And I feel like spirit is just really Encouraging you to keep going keep Trusting and keep growing and I love That for you okay let's see what this Connection is trying to show you about Yourself at this time Spirit what is This connect Ah so I definitely feel like with this Five of Cups here it's trying to show You That losses are not the end of the world You know if you and this person have Gone through difficult phases or you Know like you've broken up at at some Point or you've had phases of on and off Or you've had you know just time periods Of loss that have been really Disappointing I feel like this Connection is showing you that you don't Need someone to save you from that and That in fact like your grief is sacred The things that you lose are sacred and Also the fact that like no matter what Happens in your life like you will be Okay like I feel like you are learning To find home within yourself and Learning to recognize where you don't Need someone to save you and even though It might be Nice it's Still not something that you need like I Guess I guess that's why this Empowerment energy is coming in but I

Also think that this connection is Showing you that just because things Aren't aren't unfolding the way you Wanted them to doesn't mean they're not Unfolding at all I feel like there have Been times where you thought something Was going to happen either between you And this person well I would say between You and this person that then didn't Unfold but then they they ended up Unfolding in an even greater way or They there's like or you you return to Evidence that's like Okay I know there's more here but I'm a Bit bummed out at like what I was Attached to I'm bit I'm a bit bummed out Things didn't unfold the way I thought They would I feel like this connection Is showing you that just because it's Not like just because the way that you Were attached to things happening isn't Occurring doesn't mean that they're not Happening at all it just means it's not That the universe is saying no the Universe is saying yes and we need to do These things in order to get there and I Think that there have been times where You've been very emotionally invested And things unfolding quickly and in a Certain way and that has led to Disappointments with you And I feel like the universe is showing You like you know disappointments in Life are inevitable but sometimes we can

Prevent those when we don't get attached To how things unfold and just trust that They will and let the universe take care Of the how that not only allows the Universe To work its magic but it also helps you Have more confidence and Independence in Yourself and I feel this genuine Frustration like I feel like some some Of you want to strangle me right now But you know I I guess at this point I'm I'm glad that this is online U for for The sanctity of my neck Um and I think it's like very Frustrating because I think all you want Is just for someone to like sweep you Off your feet and just take you away From your problems and tell you Everything's okay and I wonder if maybe That's an aspect of this generational Cycle maybe for some of you you've had Family members that had this situation Happened but then those people ended up Leaving them high and dry or like ended Up you know screwing them over in the Long run and I think that one thing that The universe is saying too is like we do Not want you to be in a situation where You are under the thumb of someone who Has control over you or doesn't Genuinely respect you and sees you as You Know theirs or sees you as an item or an Object rather than a fully-fledged human

Being I feel like there's also this Disappointment around maybe certain Dreams of how things would unfold and I Feel like the universe is asking you to Give yourself the time and space like if You still are are grieving over certain Things to process that and it it could Be as well that like if you and this Person are at a distance it could be Because you both are processing certain Types of grief that you know could Create conflict or complications in this Connection if they weren't resolved um But I do think more than Anything this connection is showing you That sometimes loss isn't a true loss Sometimes something needs to needs to go Away for a bit so that it can return to You in a much better form and sometimes Things do need to go away so that they Can be replaced with something better And I feel like in your case you are Learning that like you know losing Things that you were really attached to Might be hard sometimes But the benefits you reap will be so Much will be so worth It I definitely think as well though There is this energy here where spirit Is really asking you to look At the way that you project negative Expectations on your future because You've had negative experiences in your Past like that's natural and normal

Don't beat yourself up for that but I Feel like the universe is saying like You know you can be Both confident in the fact that there Are beautiful things ahead of you Without being attached to how those Beautiful things come in and what Exactly those beautiful things are and Trusting and and I know it's like Complicated but I'm I'm kind of in a Dicey situation where I'm like I'm not Going to sit here and make promises that I don't know to be true the same way That it's not healthy for you to you Know hold on to certain outcomes with Like a vice script and then cuz you know It can create pain it can create Suffering and I think the biggest and Most important thing is that you know The truth that is in your heart and that Truth is what is going to continue to Carry you and the problem with having a Powerful truth in our heart is that our Mind can be like uh what the [ __ ] is This what the [ __ ] does this mean what The [ __ ] is happening I am scared I am Afraid I don't know what's going on I Don't know why I'm doing this voice and It's like and it's like the mind is like Panicking and being like ah okay so what Does this mean why is this going to Happen how and and I feel like and I Feel like your higher self in both the Univers is just being like hey it's fine

This truth is guiding you your mind is Going to freak out sometimes you are Going to have fears you are going to Have worries but your heart is leading You exactly where you need to go exactly Where you want to Be and I feel like Sometimes you know what we see is the End is really just a beautiful beginning And so for for you and your person there Could be an end of a way of relating That you know you both are healing right Now where you're able to show up more Clearly and more powerfully with each Other which we're going to look at that In a second and I got a really powerful Feeling in my gut when I had that like If you and your person had an ending in The past and maybe you thought it was Truly over I'm hearing Katy Perry in my Head right now it's never really over Um and you may be realizing like oh no That was an ending of a phase between The two of us not not an ending of the Connection itself and I feel like There's maybe awareness coming to you That like for those of you that resonate With this like if this is a highly Spiritual connection you may be Realizing like there's a transcendental Aspect of this connection where you know Things Change on a human level but like the Spirit of the connection doesn't change

And the spirit of the connection Actually leads both of you to grow and Evolve as people in very powerful ways And actually be able to Anchor more Loving energies with each other and be Able To be solid counterparts for one another I also think more than anything to Um it is okay to be upset and Disappointed about things that haven't Worked Out and also it is important to give Yourself the time and space to work Through your own emotional processes and To remember that like it's not personal When someone else needs to work through Theirs like I wouldn't be shocked it's Actually really interesting how Like if you feel it a distance from your Person it seems like they are still Connecting to you anyway and like look At how similar this High Priestess and This five of cups is like I feel like You both could be processing grief right Now maybe not even related to this Connection but related to um you know Painful experiences that taught you you Know that you weren't worthy of Love or Taught you you know things about love That weren't necessar necessarily true But just you know wounded responses to Being hurt I feel like you could also For I feel like both of you in certain Ways could be grieving childhood

Experiences you never got to have or Grieving just experiences That you never got to have and I feel Like spirit is saying that that's okay But to also remember like you are Creating your own experiences you are Creating a lot of love in this situation And I feel like also If you are taking like your person if Your person is at a distance right now Very personally just know that like it's Not person it's personal to them less so Personal to you but I think there's a Lot of awareness in and how that is Making you feel um that could be Beneficial for your own healing I also Think as well uh the light is reaching You and things are getting better and Whatever you have lost in the recent Past Like apart from like loved one I I'm Going to kind of that that's like a Whole different thing um but like things Tangible things that you've lost they Are being returned to you in in ways Where you're getting something new or The the same thing is being regenerated Into something better it's like it's Either transforming or it's coming in in A new way so I feel like in the case for Um you and your person what this Connection is trying to show you right Now is that sometimes what feels like The end is really just the end of a

Phase the end of a cycle and and in fact You can trust what your heart is telling You more than you realize because you May have been feeling like um in in at This point of in time or in the past When this happened like oh everything is Over like everything is going to [ __ ] I Was so stupid for believing this and Like you're not stupid don't call Yourself stupid um and you may be like Realizing now like oh I was being so Dramatic and it's and I don't think That's fair to you either because if it Genuinely felt like the ending of Something you really cared about like How like of course you're going to be Upset about that of course you're going To feel some type of way but I feel like The universe is telling you you know you Don't have to be afraid of those Experiences it's understandable be Because they're painful and like it's Just natural human inclination to want To protect ourselves and avoid pain and Vulnerability but it's it is within that Vulnerability that our heart opens more And we awaken to deeper truths and we Are able to stand strong in painful Energies and carry ourselves through Them and gain more wisdom and awareness It's not not always fun but it is worth It at least in my opinion um you don't Have to agree with me but I do think That this connection is showing you

Where maybe you Project this idea that things won't work Out or you are so afraid to like trust In yourself and where your heart is Leading you because you're afraid of of Things just getting worse and you know Your heart being broken and I feel like The universe is saying that's where That's where you need more love and care Towards yourself like this connection is Showing you that your heart needs one it Might need like more time to process and Grieve certain things if that resonates For you um but also it may be that you Need to honor all of your emotional Experiences and recognize that that They're valid um and also recognize that Sometimes what feels like an ending is Rather a new beginning and you know a Sign that things are changing for the Positive and and things are getting Better so I feel like no matter what Like wherever your person is like you're Headed in a really solid Direction and I Think no matter what that's helping your Person as well um and I guess and this Is not the vibe that I'm getting for the Vast majority of you but I do feel like There could be a select few of you here Where you are kind of choosing to move Forward Beyond this person even though You may have a great deal of love and Care for them and that may be very hard For you and I feel like that's important

That you honor that process in that Experience but just know like you will Never regret like when you look back on Your life you will never regret choosing Yourself and choosing what's important To you um and I I do feel like things Are headed in a positive direction but Like I said that message is only for Like a few of you I feel like a lot of You have this person in your heart the Same way they are in yours and um I feel Like whatever past if there have been Past painful experiences between the two Of you Misunderstandings right person wrong Time things just not working I feel like This that that disappointment is Something that you're processing and Working through and I also just think Disappointments in your personal life Like this connection is highlighting Where you are still afraid to Face the unknown and I think the biggest Thing is is that you have faced really Painful really challenging things in Your life like and you face them with Less wisdom less awareness less support And less tools than you do now like even If you face well we all face challenging Things but even if you face things that Are even more challenging in the future Which you know we we can't know those Things I do know they won't feel that Way because you will be far more

Prepared for them but I'm not saying That in related to person I just think That this is more in general like you Know a general fear fear of being Disappointed like you may have this General fear of like I I don't want to Be sad I don't want to be disappointed So I won't be invested at all and I feel Like the universe is trying to get you Back into that mind back into a more Positive mindset and and recognition of The fact That if you're only engaging with things In life that that don't have any feeling Attached to them or just feel safe or Just feel like me you're not truly Living you're just kind of existing with What feels comfortable and acceptable And I feel like this connection takes You outside of your comfort zone same With your person and you're really being Encouraged to recognize that that Especially if you feel like you and this Person have like a very you know special Connection and like I said I can't say That for you only you can say that in Your heart Um to trust in that and instead of Needing to justify it or figure out like What it all means or what's going to Happen to just go with the flow and Follow what your heart is telling you You and see what comes in for you as you Continue to create the change that is

Improving your life and you know there Might be a part of you too that that is Needing to grieve like what you didn't Realize in the past and that's okay um Just be gentle with yourself and be kind To yourself you know um if there's a if At any point you feel like beating Yourself up or you just feel like Embarrassed or ashamed or stupid you Know ask yourself if your person was Going through this would you tell them To feel that way if you wouldn't well I Hope you wouldn't but You know that that's really up to you More than anything though like I feel Like this five of cups is really Speaking to you about Like how you know those low moments Those moments of Sorrow those moments of Sadness can be really important Catalyst To our growth to choosing ourselves to Doing what we need to do and for for our Highest good and to in order to be able To engage in a balanced healthy Connection and I feel like you both are Going through that process right now and I feel like what this connection is Showing you as well is that sometimes There's wisdom and things falling apart So that they can come back together um In a beautiful way so now I want to see How you can create more intimacy slash Deepen the bond between you and your Person so Spirit how can pile 3 deepen

Their connection SL create more intimacy With their person please yeah literally Let what needs to die look guys we have The six of Cups on the back of the deck Which is all about reunions Reconciliations this is all about Childhood healing as well if you and Your person are at a distance from one Another and you are unable to Communicate with them I definitely think That like the more you just continue to Follow your own Evolution the and Continue to grow and transform and let What needs to to end end like that is Helping create a deeper bond with your Person um and I guess maybe for some of You if this person like passed on like I Feel like connecting with them Intuitively could be a powerful way Though I I don't know I if that is the Case I'm so terribly sorry um I'm I'm Not really the best at like handling Stuff like that um but I think this is a Lot more about you connecting as deeply To yourself as possible because you can Only connect to your connect to others As deeply as you can connect to yourself So the more you can grow and evolve and You're already doing that so the more You can just continue to go through this Process of trans And let what needs to end end and Continue to like bury what is not meant For

You that is helping you create more Intimacy and awareness with your person I also feel like there is a matter of Like you and your person if you guys Like are you know together or in contact Or things like that I feel like there's A need for the both of you to kind of Really open up about how you're Transforming and also you Know be p patient with each other as you Move through these processes I feel like This is less about like a specific Action and more so following the flow of What your evolution is asking of you and Trusting that they're doing the same I Think that opening up about that can be Really helpful as well if you're able to But I also think that like the the Wisdom and insight that you gain about Yourself will help you understand your Person in the process and I also think It will help you have more patience and Understanding for your person and and I Think vice versa like maybe your person Feels a lot of pressure or just feels Like you know they have to get Everything figured out or you know Whatever it really may be I think That for some of you if you feel like You need to like press pause on this Connection which like I feel like I Would have said that Already man okay I'm not blaming this on You this is just this is this is my this

Is my cross to carry as a reader uh I Just I'm very malleable to like Whoever's energy reading so like there's Like a lot of uncertainty a lack of Trust in your energy so I feel like I I Can't really trust myself and and I'm Feel like I'm like I'm like I'm trying To be as grounded and like realistic as Possible and there is that energy of Like be realistic and and I I don't Think that's serving you in fact I feel Like called to encourage you to be Magical and Fantastical about things and To kill the parts of you that make you Feel done inside kill the parts of you That create more division with yourself Kill the parts of you that make you feel Uh disconnected from your person so for Example like you know if if your ego Stops you from reaching out or if your Um your fears stop you from taking that Action that you know would really Empower you and help move you forward in Life like that helps create more Intimacy with your person even if it's Not objectively seen in the present Immediately as you're doing it it seems Like there is a there's a greater growth Process happening between the two of you Right now that is leading to oh and I Didn't even think about it too like the Six of Cups comes after The Five of Cups my brain can't do math but it's Sure full of Shrek and Simpsons

References Um but I definitely think also maybe There could be a lot of healing between You and your person around um your Childhoods and like you know opening up Together about like you know the ways in Which you don't want to repeat Generational Cycles the ways in which You don't want to be you know like your Ancestors and you don't want to be the Way that you were taught to be I feel Like the more you can shed layers of What is inauthentic to you and kill what What makes your spirit die the more you Will be able to be open and vulnerable Not just with this person but with life In general and realize like it is safe For me to be open in the world like I Can protect myself and be open and Vulnerable and the more you do that the More you will be like I I'm like you're So badass pile three I don't think you Realize it and I and I think you're like Thanks ASO but I wish I wasn't and I I Get that but you know it takes a very Special soul to be able to take on the Things that you've taken on in this Lifetime and I feel like this is leading To powerful growth that you don't even Like realize like it is going to be Worth it I promise like let me I'll just Even ask what is this death leading to What is what are these transformation Energies leading to

Quick positive action movement travel That travel is coming back in and we Have the emperor on the back of the deck So I really do feel like Like the more you try to control this Situation and and control the outcome The Less the less you're going to be able to Create positive change or forward Movement here but the more you just Focus on what is within your control Especially when it comes to yourself and Your own growth like the things you know You need to do the things that you know You need to continue focusing on like That is going to make things move so Fast and and that's really funny because Like I would say the only card that's Faster than the eight of Wands is the Knight of Swords and I and I K N I G HT Oh my god um that that public education Is showing uh the Knight of Swords is Probably the the only card that's faster Which I don't know I would Argue we'd have to do a race between the Two of them they're both very fast Acting but like I think That as things continue to end like the Things you know that don't serve you Like things are going to move very fast Here and there could be a very fast like Move of some kind like I I am hearing Things about like moving and movement And

Um I think that things are far more Beautiful than you realize I think you Just need to Embrace the endings of what you know is Weighing you down in holding you back so You can start ascending the staircase And um you can have confidence cuz like That confidence like helps attract like What you want and I feel like no matter What your situation is with your person What this connection is showing you is a Lot more about yourself than your person And I feel like it's also trying to show You where maybe you have been Placing your um your the things that you Need to do on your person and I'm not Saying you're doing that on purpose it Just could be the belief of like I need This person to come in before I feel Confident in To make an offer on this house or you Know I I need this person to be with me Before I decide to make that move like You never know how things can unfold and It's like maybe you need to do the thing First so that the person can come in Like it's maybe you have like you might Have like certain ideas reversed and and You might be feeling like Certain things lie in this person your Person sorry I'm burping your person Showing up in a certain way or the Universe kind of like giving you a Certain green light but they're trying

To show you like the green light is Within you it's in your heart and you're Already getting there so like the more You continue evolving and just allowing Yourself to get rid of anything that Doesn't belong in this new life that You're forging for yourself you know the Life that you envision cuz I think That's the thing is like maybe for some Of you maybe this is even just the Connection with yourself um getting Really meta here but I feel like you're Headed in a positive Beautiful direction And it just feels like you're not Because you I think there's a part of You that doesn't know what it feels like To just enjoy the fruits of your labor And Enjoy success and and have the universe Bring what you deserve like I feel like There is a part of you that has felt Genuinely unworthy and you should check Out my pep talk from the universe uh It's the last video I posted so um that Video might have some messages in there For you Uh obviously you don't have to but um I Feel like One of the biggest Inhibitors in you Moving forward is the negative Expectations you project on your future And I want to be so like clear in saying Like I am not sitting here being like Pile three like you're just you're just

Projecting negative things and like you Just need to stop like stop it like just Be love and light like it's not that Simple like it h like it is hard not to Project negative expectations on the Future like our whole society just runs On negative And I think that like and when you've Had really hard experiences in your past It's really hard to believe that things Can get better and I think that's all The more reason why you need to hold on To that for dear [ __ ] life because Not only do you deserve that but Like it is going it is just going it's Going to feel like you're moving in Molasses when you fall back into Old Cycles of thinking old cycles of Believing old old patterns of behavior But you're going to find that you move Forward like faster than a [ __ ] Cheetah like when you are making these Changes so I just feel like there's a Lot of positive beautiful things in your Future and you're creating a very Sustainable future for yourself that I Think also includes your person and if That feels like and if that like you Just feel that truth in your heart then You need to trust and honor that and Trust that your heart is leading you Where you need to go and it may not be a To B it might be a to z to F to Y to B But that route may be the fastest route

To go and so you just have to trust the Lack of logic in your heart and let your Mind do the logistical things when your Heart tells you okay we need to go do This thing then your mind can say okay What is the best way for us to do that So like for example you know if if like Moving is is because I keep getting that Example a lot moving you know You your your heart says okay we're Moving and then your mind says Okay so Let's like for example if you haven't Been to the place yet let's take a trip There like when would the best time to Be you know just just those logistical Things you know allow your mind to serve Your heart in ways where you're Obviously not like making decisions that Are Reckless and destructive but you Know you are allowing yourself To you know do things differently change Change how you go about things change Your process change how you're moving in The world and allow yourself to really Flourish by trusting your own inner Wisdom and recognize that like your Brain is here to help serve what your Heart is guiding you towards and it's Here to help you know Think of think of your heart like the CEO that delegates things to your mind Like I want this to happen blah blah Blah and then your mind says okay let's See how we can make that happen and if

You don't have a concrete understanding Of what that is yet then you tell your Mind okay stay on standby we're not Quite sure what this is yet I think We're just going to keep leading And see what happens you know I'm not Telling you to to listen to your heart Without any any acknowledgement of logic Or your mind I'm just just saying you Know it seems like You're that the mind can be much more Overbearing and and louder than the Heart and you know your your mind is not Meant to lead your heart is cu if your Mind leads you're going to be led back Back to dead ends and walls and Blockages that you've grown Beyond and Even if you are LED back into them You're just further empowering yourself To be able to get out of it and have More confidence that even if you do find Yourself in that situation you're going To get out of it far quicker and you're Probably going to prevent it even Happening cuz you're going to recognize What instigates that in the first place I feel like you just need to believe in Yourself as much as I believe in you and The universe believes in you and I feel Like I'm definitely excited to look at What your person is going through in the Extended because like I know that like There's a lot of beautiful energy there But I feel like Spirit was really like

Listen you know yes it's great to look At their person and stuff but a lot of This stuff is about you right now and Um just knowing that you're doing great And you need to stop beating yourself up And need to stop Like believing that this is all for Nothing because I promise you like and I Guess I will say as well you know if You're doing all of this specifically Just for you to have the experience that You want with this person I do feel like That could be something that you need to Heal because you should want it for Yourself you know that's important too So with that being said it it's and I'm Not saying that you can't also want do Things because you want that with your Person as well I'm just saying like make Sure you also want it for you cuz that's Important So we have Miss Mega deck here if you're Not leaving a like for me you should Leave a like for Mega deck she works Very hard she's very smart very wise I Don't know why I'm talking like this I Really honestly like when I once I Figure out how to do a Transatlantic Accent it's over for you ho like I'm Telling you like I'm I'm going to be Full like talking like a 50s reporter For the rest of my life you guys are Going to be like oh god um yeah anyway Okay oh wise and Powerful Mega deck what

Guidance Do you have for our lovely pile 3es teamwork I'm determined to be a good Teammate in all of my relationships if We disagree I'll resist the urge to Blame and look for a way to solve the Problem together when we're a team Everything's a game and when we're on The same side nobody can lose not even The Cubs finally woof um hey and they Won they won the the baseball Thing World Series I almost said Super Bowl that shows how much uh yeah I'm I'm I'm a good guy at sports I I know Sports Things yeah like Cubs lost a whole lot But they finally did win and I think That this is also a reminder too that if You sometimes maybe wait for your person To in iate or like you have fear Sometimes that like you have fear Sometimes of initiating things or like Talking about challenging things or like Having difficult conversations I feel Like remembering that like it's not you Against each other it's like you Together against the problem could be Really helpful but I also think too if You feel like it's all on you to solve And figure out everything um I think Maybe allowing yourself to be more Vulnerable and open yourself up to help And just people that want to give you Nurturing and support like that could be Really beneficial for you but what else Me make a

Thck ah yes ideal partnership I a rare And precious spine and my Brilliance Will be reflected back to me when I am Paired with a true match my ideal Partnerships are working relationship my Ideal Partnerships and working Relationships are easy and free flowing I deserve greatness because I am Greatness and to paraphrase roomie what I'm looking for is also looking for me In fact he or she might be paraphrasing Roomy right now H and I feel like that's The thing is like for some of you you Know this person is like the ideal and For others like you know a select few of You you may be realizing like I don't Know what that is um but for a lot of You I feel like it's a matter of Recognizing like I know what I want but Like the logistics of it unfolding is Something that's out of my hands so I Need to trust and you know continue Working on having that ideal partnership With myself all this unfolds but I also Think you know remember that there are a Lot of people that get into Relationships not because they are They've found their ideal partner but Because they are afraid or because they Are attached or because they they are Worried that they will not find better Or they are focused or they have other Priorities you know some people don't Don't get into Partnerships because they

Have the deepest truest love they get Into them because they have other Priorities like you know honoring Cultural Traditions or I mean and not Saying that honoring Traditions doesn't Mean you can't find your true love Through that but like you know there are People that marry for I mean marriage Used to be a a business transaction way Back when so you know The fact that we have the gift to choose For ourselves is is really beautiful and Love has never been more accessible than It is right now like I'm rereading the Letters of abalar and Heloise and I'm Just like damn like we are so lucky to Live in the time that we do right now Like you know yes we've got a lot to Improve upon but you know for the vast Majority of recorded history things have Been horrible and they still are in in Plenty of ways there's there's a lot of Work we got to do but when you have Opportunities to seize love to seize Experiences to to wait and Trust for What is true for you I'm not saying Waiting is in like holding your life Back but at the very least you have the Gift of being choosy don't beat yourself Up for that not everyone has the courage To to follow their own path or or wait Until they find someone that is truly Meant for them and I feel like with you And this person like you may know like

They are the person for you and and so You have to go through these challenges Together or experience these challenges Until you're able to come together and I Feel like you know if that is worth it For you like like truly ask in your Heart like would I rather see this Situation through or you know do Something else and I'm not saying that Like you're in that situation but if you Are meant to let go of this your heart Will do that like your and and so if Your heart keeps leading you back to This there's some there's a reason for That and and you should honor that but Like you will know when this situation No longer serves you because your heart Will release it does that make sense but I feel like if you feel that with this Person I feel like they feel the same And that's why like you both kind of Feel trapped in this situation where It's like you know things may not be Where we want them to be but it's like There's a reason why we keep coming back To each other and you know my parents Have been married I say this a lot but My parents have been married for over 30 Years and they always say when you know You know and they have a very beautiful Relationship and like my dad treats my Mom like a queen and as he should and You know it's just it's really beautiful Like I know that true love exists

Because of my parents and I know that Not everybody has that experience and I'm incredibly blessed to have that Experience like I was raised in an Environment where you know we may not Always get along we may not always agree But we love each other unconditionally And unconditional love is the foundation Of my family and so you know if it Wasn't the foundation of yours there is More work to do and and and forging that For and even then as someone who is Raised in it it's still not my Foundation I still have things to work Through around that you know what I mean Like it's not something that's always The easiest to cultivate especially on An individual level but I promise you It's worth it and I promise you it's Real and I promise you Like your heart would not lie to you Your heart would not lead you astray and Even if your heart isn't leading you to What you expect it'll be better than What you imagine and I think think that You need to let go of expectations so That you can really let the universe do Its work and I feel like that's the Thing too is you I feel like you think It's all on you to do everything Yourself when in reality the universe is Is has a lot of tricks up their sleeves And I'm hearing Time After Time by Cindy Loer poop okay what else Miss Mega

Deck levity laughter is the best legal Medicine it's also free and take that Big Pharma and it looks like it's time For you to take a sweet sweet hit of it When someone annoys you or a plan goes Aide try to find some try finding Something funny in there and if you ever Feel like the butt of the joke remember That the only difference between someone Laughing at you and someone laughing With you is in the first version you're Not laughing you always have the options So opt to lighten up it's legal in Almost 200 100 Countries okay what else Miss Mega deck What final Guidance Do you have for pile Three yeah this is important oh you guys Got two more two more no scorekeeping I Cut ties with past conflicts and make my Personal life a clean shiny slate Beginning this moment everything is new Including you when an old grievance Repeats itself in my head I introduce it To my new head tenants tolerance and Equinity then I give it its tupid it Stupid t-shirts and Records back and Tell it to leave and we also have tact I Speak and act with care remembering that Impulsive words or a harsh tone can Sometimes hurt others if it feels like I'm walking on eggshells I'll remind Myself that those eggshells might Actually be a shop uh a Shop full of China and I might actually be a then

I'll remind myself to stop mixing my Metaphors more than anything pile three I feel like I feel like just more than Anything like everything is is going Great and you you know your situation Better than I do you know your truth Better than I do and you need to start Trusting it because if you don't trust In it how is it going to get anywhere You've already gotten this far and you Are at a beautiful positive new Beginning and I feel like things are Just going to keep getting better and Any like setbacks or stum like stumbles You have are just going to be like Further fuel for you to be like ah it's Fine like like I feel like you're just Going to keep running faster and faster And it's like you're going to start Realizing like oh my God like you're so Powerful and and I just can't wait for You to continue to see that and also Recognize that Like your heart has a wisdom that you Can only trust by following its Madness And and seeing where it leads you and I Can't wait to find out well if you want To tell me at some point where it lead You I would love to know but I know that Everything is going to be better than Okay it's going to be great you're doing Great and I'm I'm really genuinely so Proud of of all the work that you've Done and I just hope that you continue

To project a positive future for Yourself that is full of love and Abundance and respect and Beautiful Moments because you deserve nothing less And that's what the universe not only Wants to bring you but that's what your Heart knows you're worthy of and that's What it's leading you to and I think for A lot of you it's leading you to this With your person either together or back Together and you know whatever Challenges you are go going through Between the two of you I do feel like They are you know being resolved and They're helping you grow and um Everything in the words of Bob Marley Every little thing is going to be all Right so pile three huh Three Little Birds yes that that is your song for Sure pile three that is where I'm going To leave this reading if you want to Check out the extended where we're going To go into a deep dive of your person's Feelings definitely definitely check That out cuz I'm excited to see um but If you're leaving me here thank you guys So so so much for watch watching and Thank you so much for letting my ads Play in the background that is one of The simplest and easiest ways to show Support and appreciation for my channel So thank you to everyone who does that But if you would like to support in any Other ways you can like this video you

Can comment down below you can subscribe If you haven't already you can click That little notification Bell to be Notified whenever I upload a new reading You can check out my merch you can check Out my social media you can check out my Uh that juicy ass cuz that that that That has become a part of my outro um You can check out my other videos um but I think that's it so thank you guys so So so much for letting me read for you I Really hope you enjoyed this reading and I hope it brought you peace and Clarity I hope you all have a wonderful day or Night whenever it is that you're Watching this video and I hope you'll Come back and see me again soon bye hi There pile 4 welcome to your reading and Thank you so much for being here if you Guys chose uh this Ora coded quartz Stone and the gentle Thrills tarot this Is going to be your reading on what you Need to know about your connection with Your person first time I'm using this Deck I believed I've used it in one Extended but other than that you guys Are the first to use this deck so Congrats okay so game plan if you want To see a full breakdown of the reading There is one in the intro but it is my Intention that you are on the left by The candle and your person is on the Right and the connecting energies are Between the two of you of course um if

The energies are flip-flop that's okay If you find you resonate with both That's also okay um that's often Indicative of miror ing just it's Important to take what resonates but if This does not resonate do not force it You can feel free to try a different Pile but you know don't take messages That aren't yours that'll just create More confusion and unnecessary stuff Okay so let's look at your Energy oh okay so to start we have the Five of Cups dwelling and Avoidance and we have Choice your person's energies are the Three of pentac Les collaboration Competence and Rest and then the connecting between Energies between the two of you are Shadow Magic and contract okay there's a Couple of different scenarios that I'm Seeing here Um so I'm just going to allow them to Flow as they do so if you don't hear Yours immediately hold out um but this Reading is definitely for you if if You're in a position right now where You're really yearning for this person Or you're a little bit disappointed with How things are turning out or the timing Of things it seems like for whatever Reason you are unable to connect with Your person as much as you would like to And it seems like you're kind of

Oscillating between Like being really stuck in like the Sadness or disappointment Of what you don't have right now or what Isn't happening between you and this Person but then also on top of it Creating maybe confusion for yourself Where you're trying to like do What you're trying to stay aligned with What is true for you and and what is Most authentic for you but I think that There is a lot of maybe confusion Around what you should be doing and What's really happening what is all this About I Guess a couple of scenarios I'm seeing Like one is that you know with this Contract you and this person have some Kind of Soul contract um if you are not With them it seems like you know despite Whatever has transpired there is like Even though there is momentum or has Been momentum it seems like there hasn't Been any in the recent past and it just Seems Like maybe you're dwelling in like kind Of the sadness and disappointment of Things not being where you want them to Be but also you know maybe fear as well Of well what if I'm making the wrong Choice like what if if I'm doing the Wrong thing and for some of you I may Even feel like you're kind of trying to Decide based on what your person is

Doing and and that's creating more Confusion um for some of you like if you Are married to this person or in a Relationship with this person it could Be that there is some sort of hard Thing Well could be a hard thing I'm sorry my Mind is so dirty Um there could be like a challenge like For example maybe long distance maybe Um Uh maybe your person is having to work a Lot maybe they are unable to be Available if you're not in a Relationship with this person um they Could be really focused on work and even Though there is uh focus and intention Like I feel like no matter what this Person has at the very Least implied or or made it clear to you That that they see you as as something Special as they see you see you as Something worthy invest as investing in But if you and your person are single it Seems like your like their love life is Kind of on the back burner right now Like they're really focused on their Work but that doesn't mean that they Don't see like the value in you it just May be that like they don't have the Time energy and resources right now to Devote to you in the way that they would And that's why they're working and so For you it might be the situation where

It's like you understand why that is the Case but that doesn't change the fact That you're still sad that they can't be Here now that you can't do more now and Like oh my God like pile four I Literally just like want to take you and Like hold you in my arms and just like Tell you it's going to be okay like I'm So sorry that you're feeling this way And a I just like want to kiss your Forehead and like give you candy and and Just tell you like it's going to be okay Like I know it sucks and I know it's Hard but I definitely think that this Feeling of um disappointment and sadness Is creating a lot of uh doubt if I'm Being honest I feel like your person is Very solid if you're in a relationship With them I would be shocked If they haven't if if there isn't an Understanding and an agreement of like I Have to dedicate more time and energy to This like for example your person could Do something like they could be deployed In the military so they could be you Know overseas and even though you're Together it's still really hard to be Far apart or they could have a job where Like like oil rigging or you know like Being a fisherman for example like those Are just they don't have to be that but Like those are examples that I'm getting Of you know jobs where someone has to Leave for long periods of time because

Of you know those obligations and Because it's not like a regular thing There they're just unable to be as Available so like that's an example I'm Getting but it doesn't have to be Something like that it's clear they're Dedicating a lot of their a lot of time And energy to creating a more solid Foundation and they are certainly not Stressed About About how they feel about you in the Sense that like they feel quite solid And either if you're already with them Like the fact that they love you choose You like this is their commitment um There could be some disappointment in The fact that they can't like show up More or can't be present with you or Your family more if if you guys have a Family together um but if if you both of You are single and this is a situation Where like you know you have a Connection with this person or you know These are like the you guys have been Seeing each other and it seems like it's Headed in a favorable Direction it could Be like this person Uh things at work have caughten up with Them and like they are just needing more Time to Rest whereas with You I feel like there is just this doubt And uncertainty in in your heart and in

Yourself around like am I doing the Right thing I don't want to screw myself Over like I'm afraid and I feel like There's if you're in like a bound Commitment with them like you know a Relationship a marriage something like That I do feel like this five of cups is Around just like the sadness and Disappointment around just being unable To spend more time together just being In this current situation and then also The fact that like it can may be hard For you sometimes to like look at the Bright side of things to like enjoy and Appreciate what's here or to choose the Things that are positive and productive For you because sometimes like it may Just be overwhelming and disappointing Um but then also maybe dwelling in those Energies creates a lot more fear and Creates worry um one specific message That I'm getting is if you've been Reading a lot of stuff like or watching Stuff like online like like Reddit or Tik Tok or things like that about like People who have had like dishonest Spouses or Partners or like people that Are cheating and stuff like that um I Would be very careful about consuming That sort of content cuz it could be Creating fear that isn't there um I Definitely feel like your like if like If you're in a committed relationship With your person like when they say like

They're going to bed they're going to Bed sure they might get up and scroll For a second but like they're going to Bed like this person is quite grounded And focused on what they're trying to Build and I do think that they they Could be a part of a team or part of Something bigger than themselves that You know requires them to make certain Sacrifices that they're hoping will pay Off in the future for not just you know Themselves but for you as well um but if You are not in a like committed Relationship with them and this is more Of a connection if this is like a Spiritual connection or a a connection That has been building it seems like There is some sort of like Soul contract Here that's like bringing you back to One another or you there's like a tie to Each Other that I do feel like is creating a Lot of fear within you because you're It's like you're wanting to trust what's In your heart but like yeah but what if That isn't the case what if that isn't True and the Shadow Magic thing is Really telling me that uh fears are Being EXA exacerbated here and your Person might might be kind of frustrated That Like if you're in the group where you're In a committed relationship with this Person they might be frustrated that

They are just unable to give you more Time energy reassurance um because they Really are needing to like rest and you Know just invest their energy in this But if if you know you're not in a Relationship but that like you guys have Are seemingly headed in a solid Direction like I do want to say like This person sees you as something very Valuable and very as something as Someone very valuable and very special Um but they are also not going to Sideline their own goals and dreams in Order to you know Usher this in Especially when they're not ready and I Feel like if if you're in that camp Where you're not um in a committed Relationship with them but like you know Your heart is in this like you could be Exploring other options and just seeing Like this is not what I want like and And you may like go back and forth Between being like you know that I want To just continue seeing where this Situation is like I'll keep my options Open but it seems like even in doing That there might be some guilt and some Like why am I doing this is it because I Feel like I need to or is it because I'm Afraid that I'll miss out on something If I don't or like there there's this Real energy in you that I completely Understand where it's like I don't want To look stupid I don't want to invest my

Time and energy into something and then Find out like I was wasting it or I was Foolish and I really think that is like A key that you want to look at because Like is it foolish to invest time and Energy into what your heart cares about I think part of the issue here is the Fact that you may be maybe feeding the Fear a lot with the Shadow Magic here And allowing you know a lack of Understanding or a lack of A lack of like details or information to Forge a story that really scares you and Cast doubt and fear into your Heart I feel like there is a part of you That comes back to well this is the Situation I choose like this is the Situation my heart wants and like you Know the heart wants what the heart Wants and I don't think that there is Anything wrong with that I do think that Society thinks that there's something Wrong with that because we are so Conditioned to believe that we should Just be you know moving on to the next Best thing or just always there's a lot Of like beliefs egoic beliefs around Dating and around seeing other people And you know and and that can be helpful For some people but you know it it may Just make things more challenging for You if you know you're doing it to avoid The fact that you're sad that this Situation hasn't progressed or you know

You could also be investing a lot of Your time and energy into you know know How this person shows up or what is Happening or what isn't happening and That's causing you to like neglect Yourself at the same time like I feel Like you're almost like you're Connecting with your higher self here Like I see these two eyes as like this Is the these are your human self eyes And these are your higher self eyes and Like you know what you truly want and Like you know what's in your heart and Even though you can't predict the future I do feel like you know that you you Want to pursue that but that doubt Creeps in that fear Creeps in and that Also like yeah but what if I end up Looking stupid like what if something Happens and I'm just feeling this heavy Energy here like there is a deeper Whether you are with this person or not There seems to be a deeper commitment Underlying things like whether that is Like a soul contract that you and this Person both agreed upon before you came Here um and it also could be like if This person is tied to their work it Could be that you know you know that um Their lack of their their inability to Show up as much as you would like them To or their inability to show up at all Is not because of you know their lack of Interest in you it's because of what

They are currently tied to which could Be like a legal contract um it could Also be as well like you know maybe they Are getting out of a complex situation Um it seems like there Are external barriers or there's either External barriers created by agreements Or contracts or there is some sort of Soulle contract that keeps your heart And soul kind of tied to this person and This situation that it seems like you're Not going to be able to release until Your heart is ready to do so not saying That you would release this in general But like if if you were to um you know Soul contracts can be different I feel Like you're just in this energy Where you are dealing with the realities Of it's hard to love and care for Someone and yearn for someone and not be Able to have them close to you like like That's such a mood dude and like I get That that like those feelings are those Feelings are valid as [ __ ] but what you Do with them may or may not be um and I Think there is a part of you that has Maybe been feeding into your own fears Cuz there is this self-sabotaging energy In you and I want you to be aware of it Because it's not the true you it is it Is the production of well it is a Creation that has come from past Disappointments past wounds and also so The [ __ ] that Society projects

Onto loving relationships happy Relationships love in general like if You see like like there's kind of a Trope like on Reddit for example like You know where people ask about like Relationship advice and like everyone Like no matter what it is is like break Up divorce break up they're cheating Break up divorce and like there is just This projection of negative expectations From society on relationships in general And that can that in that would affect Anyone and when you're already in a Vulnerable position where you know You're dealing with the heartache of Missing and yearning for someone like Yeah that's that's going To that's going to affect you more Deeply and alter your decisions and so I Definitely feel like right now it's a Lot easier for you to see what isn't Working what is disappointing what is a Bummer rather Than what what what the potential is Here or what truly is here like for Example you know if you're already in a Relationship with this person like there Is a loving caring connection between The two of you and the circumstances That are you know separating you right Now like is certainly unfortunate but It's not something that will last Forever um but also if you are not in a Relationship with this person and you

Are unable to be together at this time Or unable to progress the relationship Or this person is unavailable you know Not only is that an opportunity for Deeper communion with yourself and the Opportunity to like work on yourself in Ways that just bring you more peace and Healing and just help show help you have The opportunity rather than to drown In the pits of suffering which like you Allowed to do and I'm not saying that You shouldn't do that at all but when You are ready not to you Know to really hold yourself and connect With yourself in ways where you can tell Yourself you know I may not be able to Change this situation but I can change How I support myself through it it um And I definitely feel like you're just Kind of in this position where you don't Know what to do and and I I think maybe One of the best things to do right now Is nothing and and be kind to yourself And gentle with yourself and honor your Emotions rather than avoid them maybe There is a part of you that has been Like if if you're not in a relationship With this person like that has been Looking for external distractions and Like trying to trying to like it's it's Like you're trying to to keep yourself In the best position possible but in Doing so it's almost like you're making Decisions that further reiterate the

Idea that it it just makes you long and Miss for this miss this person more and Also just Want and also just like creates more Doubt and confusion and and wondering Like what is right for you and what is True for you and those two things can Only be answered by you unfortunately I Mean other people can can give you Guidance hello hi thank you for trusting Me but ultimately you know what you Choose to do in this situation Comes down To what you choose and and what's in Your heart and I think that Um what you may be feeling like is Happening like everything is imploding Like things will never get better or They'll never be less busy or it's it's Going to be so long till I see them next Or whatever it may be like there's still Two upright cups this two of Cups there Is still the opportunity for Union Communion connection love Harmony and You know and I feel like if you're Already in a relationship you know that But it's just hard to deal with like the Distance and like or or the if it's not Distance then just like the inability to Be together and connect as often as you Would like to and if you're not with This person then you know the the Unknowing that comes with things being In the air you know the challenges that

Can come with your heart being in one Place and your mind being in another and Your fears telling you one thing and Love telling you another you know that's A lot and I think when you're at a Particularly like emotionally vulnerable Place it can be really easy to feed the Fear and and feed those things and so I Feel like you're kind of in this Position where I think you came to the Right reading and I'm glad you're here Because like I think that your fears are Creating illusions that are then causing You to make choices that don't honor What is true for you and like here's the Thing I'm not saying like especially if You're not in a relationship with this Person you you don't have to like not See anyone you don't have to be like a Solitary Monk on a mountain like you can Absolutely do whatever you want Especially if there is no agreement but You may feel pressure like like you Should or you have to and maybe that's Not the thing that honors your heart Maybe maybe it would be better for you And and you have to ask yourself that Ask yourself that I don't know that but You may find it is better for you to Just kind of take time and maybe Sometimes you need to be more solitary Or just need to you know honor your Feelings and not try to suppress them You know a lot of guidance in regular

Life just encourages us to repress and Suppress our feelings like what's that Quote the best way to get over someone Is to get under someone else Like that advice could work but you Know I feel like if you're trying to get Over someone that your heart has no Intention of letting go of why are you Trying to do that like wouldn't it be Better to sit with what's here and see Where that what that leads to because Maybe it does lead to getting over Something or maybe it leads to a deeper Appreciation and understanding of where This journey is taking you only you will Know that and I can't be the one that Tells you that for you but what I do Know is is that um things are not as Dire and bad as they feel and I would be Really careful about indulging in things In media especially that confirms your Fears and and causes you to not only not Trust your heart but not trust the Situation and not trust your person Because I feel like your person like Your person is very solid in the sense That like it's like yeah like pile 4 They're incredible and if they're Already with you it's like yeah I I love Them I I wish I could spend more time With them I wish I could be there more Often and if they're not with you it's Like yeah pile four is an incredible Person and definitely someone worthy of

Investing in and I really want to keep Getting my work done and and keep keep Growing here and and do what I need to Do To to reach whatever Next Level they Need to or reach the end of what they're Focused on so that then they can devote More time and energy to you but I do Feel like this person like your your Person has a really healthy like they're Not stressing the way that you are um They and if anything they may not even Have the energy to stress it it may be Stressful and frustrating to know that Like they are unable to provide more um Reassurance and comfort but I feel like If you're not in a committed Relationship with them they may not even Know that like you're yearning for them This deeply or that you are struggling This much and um I feel like and and Whether you tell them or not like that's That's up to you but um I feel like you Know it it it would certainly make them Sad to know that that you miss them that Much like their absence in whatever way They are absent from your life currently Is not a personal thing on your end it's Not personal about you it's personal to Them and what they've agreed to or what They have to focus on but I this is not Forever this is an energy that is Building and I also feel like you know Your person is needing just more time

And energy and resources to dedicate to Whatever it is that they're working on But that doesn't mean that that they are That they're down and out or they're you Know out messing around or or doing Things like that or just playing you or Things like that like it it whatever They've told you they say what they mean And mean what they say and I and I and That might be challenging for you to Trust um especially if you do have Issues around trust but I think that can Be a very powerful form of love where we Choose to trust someone even when you Know we don't Have the you know the ability or Information to know whether they are Trustworthy or not um and and and Honestly and you don't have to but I do Think that like trust can be a powerful Form of of love and I think that you Know this also kind of extends to Yourself where I feel like you maybe Don't trust your inner yearnings and Your feelings and your which I guess Like feelings too aren't aren't always The truth like you know our feelings of Fear can create perceptions that are not Reality and I think that is definitely Being highlighted here um But and I would say if anything the way That this fear energy is manifesting in Your person they don't have any fears Around like you they have fears around

Not being able to show up for you or Fears around like whatever they're Working on failing or not working and it Keeping them from you longer or keeping Them from you period like that's where They're fears lie but I think that your Fears lie and things not working out and Things like being too good to be true or Or you kind of following this path that Ends up you know and being a waste of Time which is no there is no such thing And also you know I feel like you're Definitely looking at the glass half Empty right now which is fine and Understandable but um I can tell you in Your heart you don't want to be there You may need to move through the Emotional cycles of whatever is Happening right now but I know in your Heart like I think it's creating more Pain to to deny and invalidate what You're Experiencing and pretend like it's not There rather than surrender to the Feelings you have and honor that like It's not fun to yearn and Miss for some Miss someone and be sad that they're not There but the fact that it is there just Shows like the depth of your care for Them and your love for them and that and That is a beautiful thing and you know That is something that you deserve to Honor even if other people can't Understand it and you know

Especially if you Are subscribing to this idea well you Should be subscribed to me But I'll give you a second to do that if You haven't Thank you good choice unless you chose Not To not the best choice you could have Made but it's okay I'll forgive You anyway um it does just seem like you Could be subscribing to ideas that don't Even align with the type of person you Are or don't align with your heart but You're you may be like giving them more Agency in your decisions than you Normally would just because you're at a Vulnerable point right now and so I Think like if you need someone to give You permission to let go of guidance and Ideas and and expectations that don't Serve you like here's your permission Card here's your permission slip uh you Hereby have permission to not adhere and Or listen to anything that doesn't feel Right or true for you okay so we're Going to go ahead and get into the tarot Now but while I am shuffling I do want To say uh in the extended we are going To be doing a deep dive in your person's Feelings so we're just going to be Connecting entirely to your person so um This could be a good way to connect with Them uh and you Know help maybe Soo well hopefully the

Questions here will help sooth a lot of What's in your heart but also you know If you're really missing them and want To connect with them that could be the Extended might be a good idea for you We're going to look at like how they're Viewing you how they're viewing the Connection thoughts feelings intentions Actions um we'll get channel messages And further guidance they've all been Really fun so far and really enjoyable So shout out to anyone who comes to Visit me over there cuz we have a great Time but if not I'm just grateful that You're Here and I'm grateful that you are Sticking around for these messages cuz I Definitely think they will be beneficial For you right I am not shuffling very Well just give it one more Good okay so we're going to start by Asking the Question of the reading which is Spirit What does pile four need to know about Their connection with their person at This Time yeah can We can we clarify that what is this Death About so I definitely think that this What you need to know most about this Connection is that it it is evolving Right now and there is an ending of of The way things have been and that likely

For a lot of you is actually a good Thing not a bad Thing but for those of you who are in a Relationship with this person and they Are at a Distance this I feel like this death Card is talking about the fact that Like there has been an ending of a Routine that you were happy and Comfortable with and that's Understandable but I feel feel like this Connection right now for all of you is Showing you where you're ready to grow And evolve and also change your mindset Around certain things I feel like you Are learning to find more balance Personally and I feel like this Connection is challenging you to find More emotional balance and also balance In your Material World it seems like Also the fact that we have this Two of Pentacles here and your person is the Three of Pentacles I feel like there is An ending to what you need to know most About this connection is That it is exposing your fears around Loss and ending endings and also Exposing to you what unresolved fears And wounds are lingering in your Subconscious especially with this Two of Pentacles being here it seems like You're trying to stay balanced whilst Ignoring like really intense deep Processes that you're going through and

Actually What I would say as well is is that I Feel like this death energy goes beyond Like this person like in your connection With them I feel like you're undergoing Like a deep process of transformation Right now and in like a a deep cycle of Metamorphosis and Like and you're changing how you view The world what your priorities are and I Feel like one thing that you're Releasing is a mentality of lack and not Only a mentality of lack but a Bel Around where like how worthy you are of Things and by that I mean like it seems Like you've settled for less than what You've accepted before or you're just Changing your priorities And focusing more on your worth I feel Like this connection is pushing you to Evolve and to let go of what isn't Serving you you know that that's what Death is often about is you know endings That create beginnings and I don't Really think this ending is related To this well I mean okay one specific Example that I I guess now that I'm Looking at it like could be here is if You and this person are ending your Relationship and it seems like they are Focused very much on themselves and Building like if this is some sort of Divorcees thing but that would already Be like happening and you were already

Be in this process then like what you Need to know about this connection is Like as it is ending it is creating not Only more balance in your life but the Opportunity for more growth but I don't Think that that is if that is for you That's there but for the vast majority Of you if you're like if your butt Started clenching as soon as I said that And and like you you started getting Even more fearful and and it that isn't Even relevant to your situation that's Not your message don't take it Especially if your butt clenches that Means that is totally not your message Um but I definitely think That no matter what this could Connection Is one that is transformative in nature And it's it's not one of those Relationships where everything is Easy Breezy beautiful all the time and I Don't think there is such thing as a Relationship that is easy breezy Beautiful but I think that there are you Know like for example really loving Happy relationships where neither person Is necessarily forced to grow it's like You know you you both may grow over time But it's more like it's a more gradual Process and it's more like the both like Like the two people you Know create a dynamic that works for Them and that is like solid and

Consistent um rather than transformative Like I feel like some relationships Require a lot of transformation and Evolution and growth and others are just Kind of more like gentle um but they can Often be more stagnant in terms of like Personal growth and evolution and that's Me generalizing that's not the case for Everything like you can have a gentle Loving connection and still be Transformative and I'm not saying this Connection isn't gentle and loving but I Do think that what this connection is Trying to show you is where your fear of Loss is causing you to lose sight of What's important and also Where you are ready to grow and change And look at things differently not only Look at things differently but be Different you are evolving into a Different person one that is more Confident one one that is more secure Cure more balanced and also one that Doesn't put other people in front of Themselves anymore and I feel like you Know one of the things that this Connection is showing you right now is Where maybe you Are denying yourself your own power and Your own agency because you are focused On well how is this what is this person Doing how are they showing up do they Still feel the same way cuz like what What if they don't like what do I do

Then like and and it's not only causing You to miss the point but it's also Taking your power away because you're Not thinking about well what do I want What do I care about and what am I Willing to let go of in order to embrace More of so like for example you know This may be this connection what you may Need to know about this connection is That as As it requires an ending of fears of of A it requires you to look honestly at at Shadows at doubts at fears That you know are not serving you but Also I really want to look at what that This the guide book for this deck is Remarkably simple and so I want to see What terms the author chose for um both Of these cards and see if they hold some Relevance rather than me just like Oh pile four guess what there are two Cards on the floor there are two cards On the floor and the first one was Upright and it's the 10 of Cups and the Other is the Queen of Swords You know what this I mean we can look at This I I I no we don't you know why I Was told to look at this cuz I wouldn't Have seen those cards on the floor I Didn't even realize they fell down but Uh this is the gentle Thrills tarot if You wanted to see what it looked like But this was literally it was it was on The ground like this and I didn't even

Realize they were on the floor this is An ending to you selling yourself short And also allowing your mind to create Fear and lack and also create Division And separation like there is genuine Loving fulfillment here and I feel you Know that in your heart and like the Fact that the five of cups is here it's Like yeah it's because half of your Heart isn't with you right now but that Doesn't mean that you can't continue to Expand and grow in that process I feel Like you are headed towards genuine Loving fulfillment and a lot of people Don't experience that in their life Because they are unwilling to do what it Takes to let go of you know the things That make them miserable the things that Make them feel trapped and you know That's not a judgment on them like it it Is it is challenging it is hard but a Lot of times people don't even know that Like they can choose differently and That they can change and I feel like This Queen of Swords is speaking to how Once again your mind denies your heart And your mind does it in ways where You're trying to keep yourself safe but In doing so you're actually in D like You're creating danger in the sense of Like making choices that don't honor This connection and like you know I Don't think that like you could the only Way like this situation could truly end

Is I think if if you like choose to Truly sever it and never be involved With it but I think you know that like One thing that you need to know is that There is genuine love and happiness here And to not let like The honestly the misery of others and The negative projections and Expectations of others to Cloud your Judgment and put fear in your heart it Is absolutely okay natural and normal to Have doubts have uncertainties and think Logically but you can't do that at the Expense of what sets your heart on fire And I also feel like with this death Card what you need to know most about This connection is is what is dying what You are losing and and the experience That you're currently going through Right now is bringing You is bringing you this 10 of Cups And helping you find Joy outside of just How this person shows up and I'm not Saying like that you do that but but you Know it could be that at times like the Heartache and yearning for them is so Intense that it is hard to enjoy other Things and that might create like doubt Or bitterness or frustration and it Might lead to your mind coming to Conclusions that aren't the truth and That are blinding you from the light you Know this Two of Pentacles is so focused On only like they can only focus on what

They can see especially in the material So it's like you might be taking taking Things like oh well that they haven't Been talking to me as much well yeah cuz They're sleeping and working I remember um my sophomore year of College I I moved into uh I had a random Roommate and two days into being Roommates she was already going to Everyone in the in the dorm talking [ __ ] About me saying all she does is sleep And work and yeah that was true I I I Worked as well as going to school and I Worked a lot and when I was not working My ass was [ __ ] sleeping and Apparently that she was really offended By that for whatever Reason and I don't know why I needed to Mention that but it you know it's just One of those things where it's like man Like some people are just [ __ ] mean And like that was an example of someone Who's just mean And you know that meanness is not the Truth like I'm not an [ __ ] for Sleeping and working like and I'm not The one going around talking [ __ ] about Myself for doing so and I feel like in Your case like I I feel like that Example is coming up because there may Be people that are like that almost like Want you to give up on your situation or Give up on what your heart wants because They want their own they want their own

Assumptions about love to be confirmed And they they like you know the phrase Misery loves company it's like they they Want Uh they want you to be in the same boat As them and I feel like spirit is saying No like if especially if that doesn't Resonate with your heart like you can Love someone but also recognize that Like and like like for example maybe This is someone you love and care about Maybe this is a friend maybe this is a Family Member um or maybe this is even like Yourself like an aspect of self that is Really trying to sabotage what's in your Heart and and take your steal your joy And I feel like spirit is saying like One thing you need to know about this Connection is it will require you to Face energies like this in order to get To what sets your heart on fire you Know a lot of times like people who are Incapable of feeling you know the joy And fulfillment that comes with the 10 Of Cups which is like literally just Like complete satisfaction and joy it's Like those beautiful moments of Connection which I'm sure you've had With this person where it's just like Nothing is out of place this moment is Perfect I don't want to be anywhere Other than here with you like some People have never experienced that and

Others believe they're not worthy of it Or are jealous of others having Experienced it because they don't get to And you know if you're not careful you Could really let someone you know Rain on your parade and And and I think even if you do let them You know after rain comes the rainbow Right but I think that what you need to Know about this connection is the things That aren't feeding what's in your heart And feeding like what's true for you cuz This connection is is not only about you Know you and your person it's also about You and your heart and and I feel like One thing that is coming to your Attention right now is the fact that Your heartache matters and the fact that Heartache doesn't necessarily mean you Have to do something about it especially Something egoic about it the way that Some people may believe you do and maybe They have good intentions in saying that I'm not saying that they don't but it's Really not fair to you to self-sabotage Out of a fear of getting hurt because Then you're just hurting yourself no Matter what um I definitely think that There is a need for you to see Beyond the material see beyond you know What people are telling you or what You're seeing at face value and Trust What's actually true for you and also Al Trust that you're moving through a cycle

Of transformation where I think as you Move through it you will become a lot More confident in what your heart is Telling you and realize oh oh every Like everything is fine Like I'm seeing this old Adult Swim uh this old Adult Swim uh like Sketch in my head where this giraffe Gets stuck in quicksand and goes through Like the five stages of grief And then he ends up hitting the bottom Of the quicksand and so like he doesn't Die and he like thinks he's going to die The whole time I mean he is is still Stuck in the quicksand but in my mind in Canon the draff gets rescued and he's Okay um and but we don't see after that But at the very least like it wasn't Over for him you know he thought it was Over for him but it wasn't And I feel like in this case you're kind Of dealing with that it's like you're Grieving a death that hasn't happened Because you are focusing on what has Been and what you're afraid will be Based on evidence That what is fear false evidence Appearing real in the words of my father Well I'm sure my father got it from Somewhere but that's what my dad says to Me all the time and and that's what my Dad would say to you too and he would Also tell you you know my dad's in a Very loving relationship with my mom and

They have been you know for over 30 Years and you know when when your heart Knows your your heart knows and that's What they tell me too when you know you Know and it's okay if you don't know but Trust that you will when you do and if You do know trust that knowing and give Yourself more agency because the people That think they know and that are Telling you what you are telling you What they think they don't know if Anything they want you to confirm the Fears that they have around their own Insecurities and wounds around love and They're likely projecting Them I definitely think that Um what what you need to know about this Connection is that you can trust what's In your heart and trust that the Emotions you're flowing through could Partially be created by fears that People are are feeding and that you may Also be feeding as well um and you may Be creating more pain for yourself by Denying the reality of what you feel and Also creating more pain for yourself by Taking actions that don't actually align With you and one thing that you need to Know about this connection is that there Is genuine fulfillment here and you're Not crazy for you know holding this Person in your heart and obviously you Know if you're in a commitment with them Like it's not crazy to do that but if

You're not in a commitment with them I Can understand why it feels like it is But I feel like you can trust what you What you feel to be true and you know You've got to stop giving people outside Of you more agency than than and their Opinions more agency than what your Truth is because a lot of times people Can't understand your situation and Don't know your situation they're Understanding it from their perspective Not yours and even if they have your Best interest at heart it may not be What's best for you so speaking of fears Let's address them so pile for Spirit how what do they need to know About their fears when it comes to this Connection what Guidance Do you have for Them when it comes to dealing with their Fears Yeah this is about choosing love like And also the fact that you're not crazy And feeling like there is love Here There Is Love here I feel like your Person is very solid on that I feel like You're the one that goes back and forth And and I understand why that is you Know when we're hurt or we're afraid of Being hurt it can create a lot of doubt And fear like that Shadow Magic is Create like the Shadow Magic card Literally just talks about fear creating Distortions and illusions that make Things scarier and worse than they

Actually are and I feel like what spirit Is saying is is that the way through This situation is to choose love and to First choose what is loving towards you And then let that follow cuz like let it Be clear unconditional love is not Unconditional if it doesn't extend to You and unconditional love never says Stay in a situation where you're where You're not being treated well or stay in A situation where you know it's not Serving you unconditional love is is First and foremost extended towards you And then it Helps and what is unconditionally loving Is not always what other people will Want or be happy about but that's why It's so important to honor what's in Your heart Because would you rather see something Through than would you rather see Something Through till you till you know know the Truth or know what it Is or and choose to trust or would you Rather you know make a decision based on Uncertainty and fear and end up creating A situation that doesn't honor your Heart and takes you further away from What your heart truly Wants love and fear kind of go hand Inand you know they they are polarities Of one another and I a lot of people say it's not love like

It's not fear it's hate but what is hate At its root it's fear like a lot of Things like a lot of things really Underneath them are just fear judgment Is fear criticism is fear and and people Might not think it's that but Like more often than not maybe not in Every single case but in a lot of cases There's some underlying thing going on That's a lot more about the person than It is about you and the lovers is about A choice and I feel like spirit is Saying you have to choose love over fear Especially when it comes to yourself and Especially when it comes to what you Choose to commit to and I feel like you Know if you feel like there is if you Are not in a commitment with this person Yet like you have to choose to commit to What the love that's in your heart and Where that leads you and if you are in a Commitment with this person you have to Trust that like you guys made this Commitment for a reason you guys Genuinely love each other and yes it's Scary and hard sometimes to be a part or You know to not to have these fears and These worries but that doesn't mean that They're true and that doesn't mean They'll happen to you I definitely think That spirit is really just encouraging You to choose choose love and to trust In the greater Divinity of this Connection the greater Divinity in

Yourself and the wisdom your heart has For you you know if if doing some if you Are doing something out of like you just Really need to look at the motives of Your intentions and and whether they are Stemming from a place of fear or a place Of Love cuz the more you take action From a place of love the less fear will Be able to distort your reality and Cause you to make decisions that cause You to fall further off balance you know You really can't Take take what is on the surface as the Truth here like at least in terms of Like B aside from your person explicitly Saying like hey I'm not going to be able To talk as much because of XYZ or like Hey like I really see something special Here but like I am unable to invest in That right now you know XYZ like you can Trust that but what I'm saying is is Like what isn't there like so for Example oh well they're not texting you All the time well they're clearly Texting someone else like news flash a Lot of people aren't on their phones all Day like some people are but some people Aren't and like you know people have so Many different forms of communication And people are genuinely different and More often than not there all there There can be a little a little birdie in Your ear you know from someone who is Projecting their own fears and their own

Wounds onto you and and they're coming From a place of fear and they're Distorting your ability to see from a Place of love and so spirit is really Saying you know your fears are not the Truth love is and you know that I know You know that but you know it's just Hard to trust in that and I think that If you've been trying to heal trust Issues start by trusting in what your What Your Heart and intuition have been Telling you and what you know the truth That you continue to return to even when Your fears get you lost for a While okay let's see what this Connection is trying to show you about Yourself besides everything I've already Said Spirit what is this connection Trying to show up pile for at this Time that you're a [ __ ] Baddie like With this Empress card like you need More nurturing and care and gentleness Towards yourself I feel like you know The empress not only knows their worth But the empress e E i I was trying to say effortlessly but I almost said expertly but I guess they Could be both effortlessly and expertly Attracts what they need and Is nurturing and loving towards Themselves and one of the biggest things About the empress is that she is loving You know this connection is trying to Get you to balance your feminine

Energies and that doesn't mean that you Have to be a woman and feminine energies Are not about projecting like gendered Ideals feminine energy is Yin energy it Is creative it is nourishing it is Nurturing it is compassionate it is Restorative it is free flowing it Is ADD head its Roe loving and creative And Gentle and expansive and Abundant it just started raining I don't Know if you can hear that but what this Connection is trying to show you is to See your self-worth and to stop Like to stop projecting this idea that You're not worthy that you're not good Enough that this person will wake up That this person is just like playing With you or cuz cuz here's the thing Even if they were an empress would be Like wow you know that they might be Hurt they might be sad but they're not Going to write stories about what that Means their response is going to be Giving themselves the nurturing and Compassion and Grace necessary to move Through any pain involved and they're Going to move forward because they know Their worth they're going to be like wow That's the dumbest [ __ ] decision you Ever made like must suck to have poor Taste and be an idiot like but they Probably would say it in much Kinder Terms like

Hm like you know it must suck to have Poor taste they would probably stop There but like I'm like yeah they're Also like my personal opinion an idiot For not seeing your worth and you're Being very silly for not seeing your Worth I'm not going to call you an idiot Cuz I think it's very easy to not see Our worth but there is this venusian Energy here where you need to open up to The sweetness of life and not believe That it can only be accessed through the Arms of a lover because it can be Accessed through so many different ways It can be accessed through the love of Family friends Pets the beauty of nature The beauty of creativity you know There's and the beauty of just honoring And caring for yourself and I think There is an opportunity here for you to See where maybe you have been relying Upon your person to bring you things That you could bring for yourself and to Also become aware of what you do Genuinely need from from your partner or You know a partner where you know okay Like this is what I can handle on my own But like this is what I I I need from Someone else you know it's it's Unrealistic to expect us to just like be Completely self-sufficient Where we are you know social creatures For a reason but you know there may be Things there may be aspects of

Nourishment and rest and restoration That that you've been denying yourself And care and comfort that you've been Denying yourself Um because the fear has been making you Feel like you're Unworthy of doing that Or the fear has been causing you to Avoid the emotions in the first place And that's causing you to like not Really see how you're not honoring your Own selfworth and that's the thing too Is like you shouldn't be in a Relationship if it doesn't honor your Self worth if it if it isn't loving and Mutually beneficial and and nourishing But this connection is trying to show You your [ __ ] worth and the fact that You know you don't have to control this Situation and you also don't have to Know that how things will unfold you Just have to trust that things have Already been set in motion things are Already being created and when you are Depleted or off balance or stressed or Struggling that is not the time for you To draw conclusions about what's Happening that is the time for you to Take a step back from analysis and step Into care and nurturing for yourself and You know put that off to the side Until until it's ready to be a trust or At the very least let go of it until oh It's raining hard quite hard until you Can you know look at things from a more

Balanced and loving perspective not only Towards yourself but towards this person I feel like you know this is the time For you to just care for yourself and be Gentle with yourself and I feel like That's what your person wants for you as Well um and I feel like this connection Is trying to get you to see your worth And and help you come into Balance in your own personal self-love Journey in a way where you no long Longer allow anti-life aspects of Yourself to guide your decisions and Guide how you operate in the world and How you care for yourself and and and What you accept and allow yourself to Receive I feel like there's a lot more That you're meant to receive and part of That requires you being willing to like Accept that and be open to that be open To that nurturing be open to that care Like if I was talking about earlier like Oh like I I just want to hold you and Like like that is empress energy I'm not Calling myself that but like like that Is the that you know the the empress is A motherly nurturing energy and that is What the connection is trying to show You about yourself how can you cultivate That for yourself and also you know cuz That'll also help you recognize what you Will what what you will accept and what You will receive from others and for a Lot of you I feel like your person

Whether you are with them or not um Could really really benefit no matter What from knowing what makes you feel Loved what makes you feel cared for what Makes you feel nurtured and if you're Used to just accepting the bare minimum And not asking for anything part of what The empress you know is about is not Being afraid to ask for what she wants Not being afraid to receive and and Being grateful and accepting of of what She receives and not accepting things That that are not nourishing uh for her And I feel like you know what this Connection is showing you Is what this connection is showing you Is everything that is stopping you from Remaining or staying in Empress energy Or embodying Empress energy and what you Need to know is is that this is all Coming up to be cut out so that you have A much more loving gracious energy and These fear these fear energies don't you Know get in the way so much of you Caring for yourself and staying on the Path that feels aligned for you cuz no Matter what you know the empress not Only Trusts in herself but she also trusts in The nature of the universe to provide And the fact that she's worthy of Receiving in and worthy of you know Beautiful abundant things and you are And I feel like this connection is

Showing you that and in fact I feel like Your Person part of the reason why they're Working so hard is because they want to Be able to give more to you and and and You know and and I don't even think That's just in in a material sense but Like the material sense may be important For them to have more time and energy or You know to be able to relocate or you Know whatever the case may be for you This connection is showing you how to Care for yourself more through Exacerbating your fears your worries and The choices that don't serve you and and That is what is giving you the wisdom to Cut those things out and to choose Differently and to choose things that Are more loving and supportive of you And I feel like that will also help Bring you more peace in this process Where you know you may still have that Yearning in your heart you may still you Know you may you may still have those Those experiences but rather than you Know those experiences of the heart you Know creating a a terrifying reality for You they create a a a reality where it It calls you deeper into connection with Yourself to be a loving nurturing Support system for yourself even when You can't have that outside of you or Even when and also to it it will also Help you recognize what sorts of support

Are helpful or hurtful because like I Said there are clearly energies that are Around you that are are giving you Guidance that is not helpful that is not Nurturing that is not caring towards you And like and that's not a knock towards Them like they could be doing their best But what what they think is not the Truth And your truth is the truth and the more You nourish that and honor that and care For yourself the easier it will be for You to move through these challenging Cycles and also you will not feed into Fear as much it will not it will not be Able to take hold over you and the ways It has in the past that's a beautiful [ __ ] thing okay so now now let's see How you can create more connection SL Intimacy with your person Spirit how can Pile 4 create more connection SL Intimacy with their person please okay We have the Six of Swords so I do think That like part of This this depends on their availability But I do think that this is moving Forward from the past in a lot of ways And also Like if you have the opportunity to Travel towards them like you know that Might be something that could be really Special Um if you guys have been thinking about Moving like or they've been thinking

About moving like that that could be an Aspect that is uh going to create more Connection and intimacy but I think one Way you can create more connection and Intimacy with your person is by doing The necessary healing to move beyond the Mental patterns that create Self-sabotage doubt fear and lack of Trust not only in yourself but in others And To do what you need to in order to move Forward with um move forward from like The wounding that has created those Belief systems and that obviously that's A lot easier said than done but I feel Like you know there are times where we Can self-sabotage you know from our Fears and like you know I I think a very Common thing in relationships is where You know arguments are started because Of one person's insecurities like you Know being projected out onto the other Person and being like you know I I don't Have a good example for that but like if You know what I'm talking about you know What I'm talking about and and if you're Guilty of that you shouldn't be self Flatulating you'll just be like yeah I I've definitely done that and and what And has that created more connection or More Division I can almost guarantee you It's created more Division and a lot of Times like when those situations happen You know what what's happening truly is

A desire for deeper connection but it's Just being expressed in a distorted way And and instead it's creating more Division so I feel like you know Especially if you can't move towards Your person right now or you can't have More connection with them than what Already exists then the way to create More connection and in intimacy As you Move forward with them is to continue Putting in check you know the things That hold you back the things that keep You trapped in fear and the and the past Wounding that has created these ideas And you know they may not leave Immediately they may not you know fully Disappear but at the very least you have The tools to counteract them and not Allow them to be your truth and take Hold in your mind so much that you are Thrown off balance that you are stuck in A state of fear and that you are and That might cause you I'm not saying that You would but might cause you to have Self-sabotaging behaviors Or engage in behaviors that se Discord Or create more disconnection between you And your person I feel Like inner peace is leading to more Peace between you and your person and And the more inner peace like you feel And and the more you're just willing to Accept and move forward like okay these Things are the past and I like releasing

The past will help create a lot more Intimacy with yourself and intern your Person because I think that there is a Part of you that is ashamed of the fact That you have been hurt by others Ashamed of the fact that you've trusted In people that didn't have your best Interest at heart and that's not your Shame to carry that's not that is not Your job to to deal with that shame and If you can't you know address that on Your own please do get the help that you Need like I definitely think that you Need rest too like you need time for Just healing and I think that you know This connection is giving you that Opportunity and I feel like that's just Creating a healthier base for you to Connect with your person and that's Really beautiful and honestly like Nothing is out of place nothing is Missing I think if anything just Continuing to move forward especially With the truths that bring peace to your Heart and mind and that that feel true For you and that you know help you make The decisions aligned with your highest Good like that will be very beneficial For you so we are going to finish off With some guidance from our loving and Special Mega deck I'm using two Different uh affirmators decks for our Mega deck today and we are just going to See what guidance she wants to give

You so oh wise and Powerful Mega deck What Guidance Do you have for our Incredible pile Fours Who are so special And Perfect and do not need to judge Themselves so harshly what do they need To know o okay and one more all right so We have resilience sticks and stones may Break my bones and unkind words can Somehow drain every bit of joying color From my once Rosy life but nothing can Ever permanently damage the real me I Love myself I cherish myself and I vow To remember that I'm always camped out In the depths of myself even when I Don't feel feel like very much of myself Yeah and so that Mega deck is really Saying like this this is this energy That you're experiencing will not last Forever and we we know it's hard like I Feel like your guides are here I feel Like your ancestors are here being like We know it's hard but you know this is Pushing you to forge an even deeper Connection with yourself and like the The empress believes this the empress Says I love myself I cherish myself and I vow to remember that I'm always camped Out in the depths of myself even when I Don't feel like very much of myself like You are always there and you will always Return to yourself we also have don't Take it personally if someone starts to Speak unkindly to me I'll remember that

They've got something on that has They've got something going on that has Nothing to do with me like maybe they Just pooped their pants yes that's Probably it and so yeah I think too like Any anything that people have told you Or like you know things that people have Projected on to you like you're really Being encouraged not to take it Personally CU it's not about you we also Have inspiration there is a voice of Inspiration within me right now it's Only a whisper but the more I listen the Louder it will get soon it will be a Flawless speech voiced by James Earl Jones through a through a microphone With lots of Applause love that we also Have cleansing feeling bogged down by The weight of a thousand thoughts Feelings boxes of mystery objects Lurking in your closet consider this a Prescription to clean house mentally Physically literally figuratively and Anything else that applies adverbially It's hard to make room for new Connections and experiences when every Bit of your emotional space is cluttered With psychic bricka so enjoy a major Guilt-free flush out and and see that's Why it's so important your butthole Isn't clenched and not to worry you can Always find new psychic Bricker bra in The metaphorical clutter section of Craigslist and finally we have

Friendliness when ever I smile I make Someone's day better what a cool way to Buy happiness for free today I'll Remember what an awesome power I hold And take joy in improving lives by by Improve improving lives simply by giving Away grins like crazy no in a pinch Money will also work and I definitely Think that like that friendliness needs To be extended towards yourself and the Back of the deck I think this is Important for you too authenticity Authenticity is the name of the game Whatever comes up I will feel it Whatever needs to be said I will say it Whoever doesn't get it doesn't have to Get it it but at least they know it Because I've said it and that's way Better than leaving a passive aggressive Note about it and yeah this is what like I've really been that's a word that I Was trying to you know get to that I Couldn't come to maybe I did say that And I don't remember but pile four I'm Going to move over to the extended now Where we are going to do a deep dive Into your person's feelings and energy Towards you so if you want to check that Out please do so but if you are leaving Me here thank you guys so so so much for Watching and thank you so much for Letting my ads play in the background Because that's one of the simplest and Easiest ways to support me and show

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