What You’re NOT SEEING 👁🌵✨ Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading

What You’re NOT SEEING 👁🌵✨ Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading

Thanks for stopping by! I’m KINO ♈️☀️♊️🌙♉️👆I hope you enjoy your reading ❤️

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#pickacard #tarotreading


[Music] Hi guys it's Kino welcome to another Video so in today's pick a card reading We are going to be uncovering things That your spiritual team would like you To know that you are not currently Seeing now these could be things that You literally have not noticed at all Yet or it could be things that you have Seen but you are still Ignoring them or dismissing them or in Resistance to them so there are four Groups for you to choose from today and I have placed a little succulent on top Of each pile to help you pick I'm going To show you each of these up close one By one and please pick whichever one or Ones you feel drawn to the most here's Option number One number two Number Three and number Four okay so as always take all the time You need to pick you can pause the video If you need to I'm going to go ahead and Get started with number one hi number Ones so if you guys chose this Green Cactus with the cute little pink flower On top this is going to be your reading About what you are not seeing so this is Everything that we're going to be Covering in today's reading we're going To start off with a little energy check Where we look at your current energy as

Well as the energies that are Surrounding you right now and then we're Going to dive into the what you're not Seeing part so we're going to look at a Truth that you're not seeing an Opportunity that you're not seeing as Well as a sign that you're not seeing And who this sign is from and then we Will finish off the reading with Messages and advice from your spiritual Team so that's our reading for today Thank you so much for watching um at the Beginning of the reading and then again At the very end of the reading we're Going to be pulling cards from the bloom Oracle deck and then throughout the Reading we're going to be using the Gentle tarot and these two decks Together are the kenot tarot spring Bundle which I've curated in Collaboration with tarot stack every Season tarot stack and I team up to put Together a Tarot and Oracle deck bundle And I'm so excited for this one spring Is my favorite season and these two Decks are both nature inspired and They're so beautiful and they look so Good together if you guys haven't heard Of tarot stock before they're an online Shop that carries a huge selection of Indie tarot and Oracle decks so you can Browse decks from all different creators All in one place and Tarot stack is a Very active supporter of the tarot

Community with 50% of their profits Going towards funding new indie tarot And Oracle decks projects so they help These independent creators realize their Projects and get their decks out there Into the world which I'm so grateful for I've learned of so many cool decks and Creators thanks to tarot stack so I'm Going to have this bundle linked down Below if you guys feel called to it if There's one deck in particular that you Feel drawn to you can also check out Every card in the deck on tara. website And you can also look at my own personal Insights on this bundle and these decks And how to use them and everything like That this is me from the future I just Finished filming your reading and Spoiler alert it was lovely but I forgot To mention that you can get 10% off this Bundle using the code Kino so thank you Very much terot stack for collaborating With me once again and now let's get Into your Reading so we're starting with the bloom Oracle and we're going to See group number one's current Energy okay what is group number one's Current Energy Group number one's current Energy we have weeds take the time to Weed your Garden and we have the number 33 and then we have wow

Reincarnation the forest floor these two Cards together are so so freaking cool So what this seems like to me group Number one is that you are likely in a Process of Decluttering three oh my gosh okay 333 on the camera timer as I'm talking About you decluttering and also 33 on This card so it looks like repeating Threes is a very important number for This group if you are not seeing this Number yet look out for it as a sign That you are on the right path and also As a sign that a big transformation is Coming a positive one Because you seem to be in an energy Right now of making room you are making Room for blessings in your life and so You are decluttering things you are Getting rid of stale energy you are Releasing old versions of you that you No longer resonate with you could Literally be physically decluttering Your space so getting rid of possessions That you don't need anymore or that you Don't feel an attachment to anymore Getting rid of clothing that you feel is Not really aligned with how you want to Express yourself you could be clearing Out your contact list you could be for Some reason I want to say decluttering a Playlist like there's Maybe music that You don't really listen to anymore and You're deleting it from your playlist

You could be unfollowing people that you Don't resonate with anymore like Decluttering your social life your Schedule it seems like you're really Just I want to say expelling as well You're in an energy of spelling and just Getting rid of all of that old energy And I think weeds is a perfect analogy For this because if you let weeds Overgrow they will start to choke the Other plants because their Roots grow so Big and they take up all of the Nutrients so you may find that there's Things hanging on to your energy and Things hanging around in your life that Are just not only taking up space but Actually preventing you from focusing on And investing in the things you really Care about like sucking energy out of Those things so I think in your current Energy you're realizing you're realizing What needs to go and then we have this Message of reincarnation which is so Cool because it totally gives a feeling Of you transforming and your life Transforming and a new version of you Emerging I want to read this weeds card From the guide book because I feel like This one is really important [Applause] Take the time to weed your garden does Your mind feel like an overgrown Garden Looks like you have some weeding to do What do you need to let go of where can

You detox and simplify weeds can be Habits that don't serve you toxic people Self-sabotaging thought patterns even Physical clutter around your house Weeding allowed space for the fresh and The new and the Beautiful this card Calls you to focus on decluttering your Life before pouring your energy into Something new address the old and the Ugly so you can approach life from a Place of Clarity yes exactly and with this Reincarnation card it is also ooh okay It is also kind of I'm thinking of the Judgment card like when I use oracle Cards I often look at the number and if There's a link with tarot that that Feels relevant I like to mention that And I definitely think that we have some Judgment card energy going on for this Group so it looks like you're making Space to receive blessings but also Creating room in your life and creating Space in your mental energy that you can Start really focusing on and moving Towards your Calling and for those of you who have Felt lost or felt like you don't really Know what your calling is doing this Weeding once you you clear away all the Weeds you might see lying Underneath is your calling it's like you Have to declutter some things first Before you can figure that out but

There's also a feeling of Resurrection So those things in your life or those Passions that energy that was choked by The weeds once you remove the Weeds now We can have regrowth of what was once There so just for an example let's say There was something you were really Really passionate about but then your Life got filled with all these other Responsibilities and things that were Eating up your time and those are the Weeds once you weed your garden that Passion now has an opportunity to regrow And to resurrect and I actually think That in this transformation that you're Going through you will actually be Reclaiming parts of yourself that you Haven't expressed in a long time so it's Not really just about moving forward to A new version but reclaiming things from The past that you miss or that you want To reintegrate or that you felt like I Was you know I was more myself back then And I want to get back to that you're Going to get that chance to like go back And take those old traits and passions Along the way with you which is it's Just so beautiful so this is your Energy let's get Into the tarot and see what are the Energies surrounding You so this will be more like your life Your external circumstances what are the Energies surrounding you we have the

Wheel of Fortune we love to see This and we also have the seven of Cups Okay so with the Wheel of Fortune it's Very clear that the universe is working With you the universe is going to be Working in your favor if you are in this Decluttering energy so you're getting Divine support in this stage of your Life there is a sort Of unpredictable energy with the Wheel Of Fortune if you think about spinning a Wheel and you don't know what it's going To land on so through this process you Might be Surprised At you might be surprised that some of The things you feel like you need to let Go Of the more you let go of the more you Realize oh crap I have to let go of this Too so I wonder if you're letting go of More than you expected you also may be Surprised at what is still hanging Around you know when you are cleaning Out your home maybe you're going through A box or something and you're like oh my God I still have this like I thought I Got rid of this years ago or like I Haven't seen this in ages what is this Still doing in my house there may be Some things like that when you are Clearing out your space so for example Maybe you are um doing a decluttering of Limiting beliefs or of baggage that

You've been carrying with you and you're Like damn I'm still holding on to that Like that's still affecting me I'm still Worried about that I'm still upset by That some weeds that you didn't realize Were there and that you may have to Clear away and maybe that's one of the Things that you are not seeing is like There's there's things that are just Taking up Space um taking energy away from what You really want to Do That need to be removed you could also Be clearing out devices like clearing Out a phone or a computer because There's a lot of junk on it that you Don't realize is there like maybe one of The things you don't see is that there's More energetic junk or actual junk That needs to be cleared away that you Maybe don't realize is there or you Don't see that you there's more you need To let go of than you might realize um I Also see with the seven of cups that Once all of this stuff is cleared away And you can start completely Fresh that might be a little bit Overwhelming this is giving the energy Of for Example someone who left a job because They're like this job is toxic or like This job is not good for me this job is Draining me and now that they're done

That moving forward they don't have to Go back to the same job they could do Literally any type of job they could Start any type of endeavor now because They're free and that that freedom can Sometimes be overwhelming and I feel Like once you clear all of this old Energy away you're going to have so many Options in front of you of what you want To do next that you might be like oh my Gosh like it's just a lot it's a lot um And I Wonder I wonder if there's a part of you That wants to avoid that overwhelm which Is maybe causing you to hang around Where you are it's having to make that Decision of how to move forward once all Of this is gone that could be Overwhelming there May yeah I I see you moving into an Energy where you're sort of choosing a New chapter choosing a new adventure but It feels like there's so many options And that's overwhelming But you will also easily be able to weed Out these options a lot of the time with The seven of Cups it feels like there Are several choices in front of you that The idea of it sounds really nice but The reality of pursuing it is not so Nice so the more you research each Option and look into what it actually Entails you'll be able to say like oh no I don't want to do that so that person

Who just left their job and is looking For a new one maybe they have all these Ideas of oh my gosh that job sounds so Cool that sounds so fun that sounds so Interesting but then when they actually Start looking into what their everyday Life would be like and all those kind of Practical things like what the pay is Like and those facts oh okay never mind So there you know it might be Overwhelming at first but you will will Be able to Easily weed out so to speak those new Options so if this sounds like your Current energy and what you're currently Going through then this is your group so Let's get some more cards for You we're going to get into the details Of what you are not Seeing which actually this could also be Something that you're not seeing um There may be certain prospects that you Are entertaining that that you feel like You want to move towards but if you were To look into the reality of what that Path entails you might not want to do it Anymore something where the idea of it Seems much better than the actual Reality so if there's something on your Mind of like oh moving to that place Might be nice or getting that kind of Job might be nice or being with this Person might be nice uh that is kind of Just like a dream at this point like

Fantasizing oh that could be really nice What you might not be seeing is looking More into it will make you realize that The reality of it is not as good as it Sounds which being able to see that Truth and then eliminate that option Will make life a lot less Overwhelming cuz it's like you have one Less option to think about so seeing That truth will bring you a lot more Clarity in like knowing that you're Making the right Choice we also um Scorpio energy could Be significant to this group a person With Scorpio placements whether that's You or someone else or a Scorpio season Even though this is like a reading in Spring Scorpio season whenever the next One from whenever you're watching is Late October to late November group number ones what is a Truth that my group number ones are not Seeing we have the fool And two which came out at the same time So we Have the Eight of Cups and we have the Chariot so that's really interesting too Because the Eight of Cups is a card About moving on and we've definitely Been receiving messages like that in the First part of your reading I think Something that you're not seeing is that Your new Beginning is probably going to start

Much sooner than you think I'm I'm going To keep using the job examp Le because I Think it's it's easy to understand but If there was a person who left their job And they're thinking oh it's probably Going to take me several weeks or even Several months to find a new job and That's that's something that kind of Well actually I don't know how they Would feel about that but the fact of The matter is that they're probably Going to find and start on that new Chapter um sooner than they realize so If you are watching this right now and You Felt concerned you felt concerned that There's going to be this long period of Limbo or there's going to be this long Period of stagnation where you're not Going to be able to figure out what your New path is um I don't see that to be The case I think you're actually going To find it much Sooner And I know this sounds cheap cheesy but When you have found the new path that is Right for you you will just know you Know you won't have To if you are feeling overwhelmed about What am I going to do what are my Options it's probably a sign that the Options you're considering are not for You because what I'm seeing for this Group is that when you find the path

That is right for you you're going to Know really quickly and you're going to Take action really Quickly you're going to suddenly become Like super go-getter super action Taker And you're just going to make it happen The Chariot it's all about Forward Motion it is related to the sign of Cancer which is a cardinal sign and Cardinal signs just like take the lead And move forward it feels very like uh Linear so it just feels like your Instincts are going to propel you Forward and when when a path is right For you like yes of course still Research it because that could be Helpful but when you find the path that Is right for you I don't really see you Debating about it and like H should I do It should I not do it I don't know I Don't know if this is right for me it's Like you will suddenly just become very Decisive and be like yes this is it I Know it I have to do it And you'll just get a surge of Courage That allows you to take the leap of Faith the fool talks about leaps of Faith and it can also talk about Unexpected opportunities coming your way Which also leads me to believe that your New beginning and your new path may not Actually be something that you actively Seek out but rather just something that Happens to you especially because these

Are both major Arcana which is like Divine Divine orchestration The Wheel of Fortune spe specifically means divine Orchestration so this would be the Energy of rather than someone finding a Job through you know searching online And applying for things um they might Meet someone who offers them a job or Someone already in their life just Offers them a job and it's like perfect The Stars aign everything lines up Perfectly and they're like yes this is It I just know it instinctively this is What I have to do So and actually we're going to get into This in the next part but what you may Not be seeing is an opportunity an Unexpected and there's no way you could See it because it's literally going to Come out of left field and not through Your planning uh or not through your Active searching but what you don't see Is an opportunity coming your way that Will be the Catalyst for a complete new Chapter in your life I also something that you may not have Seen is that this Ending you're never too late obviously But I think your spiritual team is Saying this ending could have happened Much sooner you know it happened when You felt ready but Practically the energy was right for This ending to happen for quite some

Time [Applause] What is an opportunity that my group Number ones are not seeing ooh okay we Have the high Priestess and Death all right So you know I said earlier you don't see This coming because there's no way you Could see it I may have to correct Myself a little bit because I think your Higher self did see it what I should Have said is that there's there was no Way for you to anticipate it with Your physical eyes or with your physical Senses or based on what is in front of You but Likely the reason you have this surge of Courage to end something in your life And move forward is because your higher Self already sees that an opportunity is Lined up for you so this may be Something that you can't physically see But that you can Feel like I can't really explain why but I feel like there's like a blessing Coming my way I feel like there's an Opportunity coming my way if you have Been feeling like that I do want to Confirm that with the high priestess Because One thing about the high priestess is That she sees the Unseen and she knows What's up like she knows what is going

On so many of you have probably felt That this is coming I do get a sense With the high priestess that you Are leveling up in some way or stepping Into a higher Position there's this message of gaining More visibility Or gaining More like a how do I say this it's like More reputation or a higher Status more People know who you are or like are Aware of what you're doing or are Admiring and enjoying your work but You're still Maintaining a private and lowkey life That is kind of how this feels and and With death I feel there's Scorpio energy Again like there's there's strong There's honestly strong water energy in General in this group like these are all Water as Well and there's water in this card so You could have a lot of water placements Or someone significant to you could have Strong water placements but Also this is like literally a message of Reincarnation Rebirth Reinventing yourself oh you know What this might Be the hermit crab like moving into a New shell you could be moving homes or Even moving cities or moving Countries and that is helping you to

Stay low-key somehow like you're moving Somewhere where nobody knows You or like you're moving into a new Environment where nobody knows you or There's no Mutual people and so you can Really go through a personal rebranding And really express yourself in a Completely new way so it's like you're Gaining visibility and you're being Known by new people and so they don't Have any preconceived notions of of who You are it's kind of like if you stayed In the same environment people might be Like why are you suddenly changing like Why are you doing this I I thought you Were like that I thought you used to do That I missed the old you you know Sometimes we get people who are like Resistant to our growth and Transformation but if you were to be in A new environment it's like people only Know you as this authentic version so They're not going to make you feel like You should crawl back into your shell or You should revert to an old version of You cuz they don't know that version it Just it feels like an opportunity to Present yourself as a a completely new Person and yeah I do feel like maybe We're in a different home or a different Environment with this crab in a new Shell and yes I also see with the high Priestess you are in a higher higher Status or you're gaining more respect

From people and there's also something About you Being legally recognized I don't know What that means legally recognized as a Resident or maybe like if you're like Your union with someone is being legally Recognized or something like that some Aspect about you is being legally Recognized or you could be getting a Certification in something as well and These things will bring you more respect But again I feel like cuz the high Priestess she doesn't Chase she lets Things come to Her and so I feel like these things are Just kind of happening for you they're Just They're just coming to you and any Actions that are required on your part Will feel Very instinctual you know rather than Like I analyzed the situation and I Weighed the pros and cons and I feel Like this is what I'm I should do it's More like you just feel this is the Right way this is the way to go about it And if you do find yourself analyzing a Lot it may be because the right option Has not even presented itself Yet so let's See what is a Sign that you are not seeing and who is It From the root of Wands which is the

Knight of Wands and the lovers okay So definitely seems like you are oh okay Okay Okay there's two ways I can interpret This and please feel free to claim both Because they're both lovely Messages um Knight of Wands for me has a Pretty specific meaning when it comes to This this kind of question it is like a Guide friend and I often see it as when Two Souls have had many lives together As like best friends and now one of them Is hanging out to guide the other like Your friend who is not incarnate in this Lifetime is guiding over you I often see The Knight of Wands like this so like a Guide that you are very very friendly With this spirit guide when they Communicate to you they likely do so in A way that is kind of casual that is That has a lot of humor in it you know It's not like very formal and strict It's like they're just um they're just Having fun with you they're having a Good time with you and it feels friendly And it feels light that's how this guide Communicates and they like to send you a Lot of uplifting and encouraging Messages because this is someone who has Lived on Earth and knows how tough it is And knows how it can really chip away at Your self-esteem and we can doubt Ourselves and so their role as a guide

Is to keep reminding you how amazing you Are and lift you up in hard times and Encourage you to keep going so I do Think there is a spirit guide like that Who is sending you signs and in terms of What they're sending you signs about it Is about a significant relationship in Your life with a soulmate or with a Divine counterpart so they're probably If you already know someone who is your Soulmate or Your Divine counterpart then They're probably sending you messages to Like to take action to keep moving Towards it to make the first move so Maybe they see that you're not really Doing that like you're seeing the signs About this person but you're perhaps not Acting on them or you are seeing signs But you're still doubtful of them so This guide is here to really reinforce Like no like the signs are there for a Reason like this is what we're trying to Tell you go for it embrace it embrace it Yeah I feel like many of you are seeing The signs but you're not fully embracing Them or you're you're doubting them a Lot and this guide is like come on Believe in yourself believe in what You're experiencing and know that you're Amazing and know that you're worthy and Go for it so that is one interpretation Of this but you could also be Additionally receiving signs from the Higher self the higher self of your

Counterpart who wants to lift you up and Encourage You and I have a feeling for many of you Who chose this group you know if you're Going through this transition of weeding And and ending and walking away and and Stepping into like a completely new Stage where you can Invent Yourself and Express yourself however you want to Without being um unwant unwantedly Unfavorably tied to past versions of you That you don't resonate with anymore Like if you're going through this it can Be tough right and so maybe their higher Self is kind of whispering to you that There's something beautiful for you to Experience together on the other side of All of this like there may be a union Between the two of you or uh advancing To the next level that's on the other Side of all of this and so they're kind Of their higher self or even them from The future is calling to you from the Other side to help help you make it Through this uncomfortable transition so Yeah I think you guys have a really Really close soulmate who is waiting for You um I do feel that for many of you It's romantic this image definitely Looks that way but of course it can be a Platonic soulmate as well so yeah and I Think especially for this part it's not Necessarily That You Don't See this but Are maybe

Not fully embracing it or fully Believing in it because with the lovers As well like definitely their higher Self speaks to You I I often see psychic and telepathic Connection with the lovers cards So for the final part of the reading or Just going to get any Additional messages and advice that well I was going to say your soul family okay That your spiritual Team has for you And so we're going to use the bloom Oracle again for This we have harmony with this is all Perfect we have the number 10 which is The number of the Wheel of Fortune and a Butterfly and 3333 as I'm holding up This card so 3333 is definitely a sign Of your transformation if you're seeing That number you're transforming and You're Specifically transforming into your Highest version your most authentic Version And your spiritual team just wants you To know that everything is unfolding in The perfect Way oh sorry Cactus our final card is sunflower face The Light with the number 26 A it's like a a Butterfly flying towards the sun towards The light towards the warmth um I'm also

Thinking of death like the death card Again cuz you know we talk about going Towards the light when you're um when You're ending an Incarnation and I Really Feel I think maybe your spiritual team Just wants to highlight how Dramatic this transformation will feel For you for some of you it could Literally feel like you are dying and Being reborn again and you might really Look back on this time of your life as Like this is when my first life ended And my second life started like it just Feels completely new and different but You get to bring everything about you That you want to bring into this new Life and anything you don't want to Bring you don't have to bring It um your talents your Strengths um especially parts of you That you you felt got lost in this phase Of your life that you've been that your Soul has been aching to express because You know the sunflowers it's making me Think of passion and and self-expression And I feel like there's a lot of Delightful traits about you that that Haven't gotten to be expressed in your Current environment or that you don't Have the time to express or you don't Have the energy to express because You're so drained or you're just focused On all these other things and I can

Really say in this next stage of your Life is that you have a lot of room to Breathe like the real version of you has Space to come out and stretch out again And breathe And you have a lot of space to create or Recreate yourself and decide who how you Want to show up in the world in this Next phase like we don't have to be on Autopilot and keep repeating our old Habits and our old Expressions so this Is a really Beautiful opportunity that you are Stepping into and I'm so happy to see it So group number ones these are all the Messages I have for you so I'm going to End your reading here thank you so much For letting me do this reading for you And thank you so much to tarot stack for Collaborating with me on another bundle And thank you so much to the creators of These amazing decks I'm going to have The individual decks as well as the Bundle link down below so if there's Whether you want to check out this Bundle or just one deck in particular You can do so through the links below And remember that you can check out Every card in the deck on terot Stack's Website and you can also get 10% off the Bundle using the code Kino and I hope You guys have a wonderful day or night Whenever you're watching and I wish you All the best please take good care of

Yourself stay healthy don't forget to Like comment and subscribe if you feel Like doing doing that if you enjoy my Content and you'd like to find me Elsewhere I'm going to have linked down Below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like this one And you can also decide on topics for Future readings I will link my music Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I Will also have my latest release link Down below and finally my Vlog Channel And my merch which features the floating Temple that was at the start of this Video thank you guys so so much for Supporting me my channel and anything I Do I really really appreciate having you Here and I'm sending so much love to you To anyone who appeared in this reading Directly or indirectly I'm sending love To your higher self your Spirit guides Your spiritual team and all of your Loved ones both here on Earth and in the Other Realms and I will see you guys in The next one Bye-bye hi number TW so if you guys Chose the yellow C practice this is Going to be your reading all about what You are not seeing so this is everything That we're going to be covering in the Reading today we're going to start off

With a little energy check where we take A look at your current energy as well as The energies surrounding you right now Then we're going to dive into the what You're not seeing part so we're going to See a truth that you're not seeing an Opportunity that you're not seeing and a Sign that you're not seeing and who this Sign is for from and then at the end of The reading we will get some messages And advice from your spiritual team so That's the reading today thank you so Much for watching at the beginning and Also at the very end of the reading We're going to use the bloom Oracle deck And then throughout the reading we're Going to be using the gentle tarot and These two decks together are the kinot Tarot spring bundle which I've curated In collaboration with tarot stack tarot Stack and I team up every season to put Together a Tarot and Oracle deck bundle And I'm really excited for this one it Is nature themed it's perfect for spring It's just so beautiful tarot stock if You haven't heard of them before they Are an online shop that carries a huge Selection of Indie tarot and Oracle Decks so you can browse decks from all Different creators in one place and Tarot stock is an active supporter of The tarot Community with 50% of their Profits going towards new indie tarot And Oracle deck project so they help

These independent creators realize their Projects and get their decks out there Into the world which I really really Appreciate I've discovered so many Amazing decks and creators thanks to Tarot stack so I'm going to have this Bundle linked down below as well as the Individual decks if there's one in Particular that you resonate with you Can check them out individually as well And you can see every single card in the Deck on Tera Stack's website you can Also see my own personal insights and Comments about this decks and how to use Them and all of that kind of stuff and If you do feel called to get the bundle You can get a 10% discount using the Code Kino thank you so much tarot stock For collaborating with me once again and Without further Ado let's get into your Reading so we are starting off With nails are not very efficient for Picking things up we are starting With the bloom Oracle and we're going to Check out your current energy Group number Two group number two's current energy we Have sunflower face the Light and we have family we are stronger Together what beautiful cards so for for My group number twos we have sunflower Here if this is not your energy right Now it is about to be your energy very Soon but I see you in an energy where

Things are really looking up I see you Happy honestly that's just a very simple Way to put it I see that your Sorrows Your stresses are fading away I see that Your inner world is feeling much better Your mental health is improving your Emotional state is improving you feel More joyful in your day-to-day life you Feel more Carefree in general you feel More Free anything that has weighed you down Or is weighing you down is Dissolving and I see you full of life And like just genuinely cheerful and Excited about life and excited to Experience life without fear and and Without Judgment this kind of feels like a zest For Life a passion for life you could be Feeling very creatively inspired or Inspired to try new things and Experiment without pressure like just For fun I think life feels fun and light And you are just happy it's really Simple but that's just that's just it I See you in an energy where you are happy And I also see you with a beautiful Support system with this family card we Are stronger together I love the roots That are coming down it feels like You're in a place where you feel a sense Of belonging and you're with people Where you feel a sense of belonging at This time you could be deepening your

Bonds with the people in your life so You could be feeling more connected to Your friends to your family your partner Or your love interest this could also be A sign for those of you who are Manifesting soul family connections This could also be a sign that you are Like the energy you need to be in to Manifest that you are already in that Energy so that's why I say if this is Not you right now it is about to be you For some of you this could indicate Improving relationships with your Biological family or your Family as a group is receiving some good News like you're receiving good news That will positively impact your whole Family you could be receiving some good News about a family in Increasing or starting a family or Children cuz this kind of reminds me of The sun card so I think that's why Children are in my mind but um Manifesting Soul family strengthening Bonds with your family or good news that Will positively impact your family I Also see here there could also be a Message of reconciliation if there's Someone you've been wanting to reconcile With I do see that you are currently in The energy to manifest that and if You've been wanting to reconnect with Someone or deepen your bond with someone Or really open up and be vulnerable with

Someone there's also energies that are In favor of that so this looks really Beautiful that's your energy let's see What energy is around you right now What energy is around my group number Tw's the seed of stone so this is the Page of Pentacles and oh okay and the six of Stones which is the Six of Pentacles Actually it's really beautiful that for Your surrounding energies we have two Earth cards because that's an energy of Stability and security and we were Talking about you feeling rooted and Grounded I do want to say for those of You who have struggled with Anxiety I feel like you're entering into A stage of your life where you feel much More calm because there is stability and Predictability in your surroundings and I'm hearing like you can settle into it You can you can ease into the way your Life is now and know that the rug is not Going to be um the rug is not going to Be pulled out from under you I don't Really see an energy of there being Unwanted unexpected changes the things That you want to plan and keep under Control they will go according to your Plan and if there are any um unexpected Like surprises it's going to be welcome It's going to be positive something that You want to happen so no nasty surprises No rug getting pulled and there's a nice

Sense of predictability a nice sense of Consistency that you are experiencing in This stage of your life you it's like You can settle down emotionally you can You can settle down you don't have to be Looking over your shoulder like what's Going to happen this could be for some Of you like you're settling down in a Relationship or you're settling down in A living situation or you found a Position or you found a role that you Can really see yourself in in the long Term This is a stage of your life where you Are settling into long-term things that Nourish you that bring you comfort that Bring you sustenance that bring you Security it's um it's a really beautiful Energy with the page of Pentacles Here again there could be a message About children cuz this reminded me of Children and the pages can talk about Children of course take that if it Resonates like if you if you resonate With a child coming into your life or if You already have children this could be You spending more time with them Consistently um for some of you this Could also be your inner child who is Coming through and they're coming Through because your inner child is so Happy they're finally getting that Stability that they craved finally Getting consistency that they craved I

Do see that you will have opportunities To try new things in your career to um Learn new skills to take on new hobbies This is a time with a lot of potential And whatever you're doing now it is Laying the foundations for you to have An abundant lifestyle in the future and To really have lasting Prosperity then we have the six of Stones the Six of Pentacles which I Think is very similar to this card's Energy they're actually both a number Six which is like the number of the Lovers healthy relationships intimacy Connection uh peace balance Harmony Really lovely energies here but this is A card about giving and receiving and Being supported and being assisted so Again I feel like that's a confirmation Of you having a really wonderful support System around you and actually for those Of you who are thinking about learning Something new starting a new project Trying something new in your career Something that you might not see is that Supporters are going to rush in for you Whether that's an audience people Actually helping you do the work Collaborators Support is going to rush in for you if You start on a new Venture you will be You will be supported and I also feel That this Six of Pentacles confirms that Whatever efforts you put

Into uh a project or Adventure it will Pay off it it will pay off perfectly Like nothing the universe is saying Nothing will slip through the cracks so Any efforts you put in they are going to Pay off and I just kind of feel like This is a stage in your life where Things are going according to plan and Things are going as you expected I just Saw 1111 so I think that's a sign of that Things are going according to your will Basically in a very in a very nice way You know it's it's really nice to see And the Six of Pentacles also talks About reciprocity so I think you're Going to be feeling more of that in your Life uh people around you reciprocating Energy back to you or perhaps a specific Person reciprocating energy back to you And I think in general just feeling like The universe is reciprocating the Universe is listening to you the Universe is hearing you you're going to Feel 11:44 as I say that you're going to Feel like you have a really clear and Open channel of communication with the Universe and that what like whatever Request or intention you put into the Universe or a question that you put into The universe it will kind of spit out Exactly what you expected so there's not A lot of having to read between the Lines and like guess what is the

Universe planning what is the universe Trying to do it feels like a stage of a Lot of clarity and I think that this is Going to bring a lot of relief I think This is predictability in your life that Is much Needed after uncertain times after Turbulent times it's like finally Finally everything is Settled I love it okay so we're going to Pull some more tarot cards to see what You are not seeing I wonder if you know We've been talking about a lot of lovely Blessings and perhaps some of these are Things that you don't see coming at this Time I just Noticed cuz this card has number 11 on It so this would be numerologically it Would be two so it's like two two 2 six Six six twos and Sixes it's like balance balance Reciprocity Harmony in your Life also with this Earth Energy um Earth placements someone with Earth Placements could be significant Especially Taurus Taurus energy Leo Energy Gemini energy as well cuz there's A A lovery vibe Here what are my group number tw's not Seeing so we're going to start with a Truth that you do not see uh I wonder if I should Be covering these I don't know because CU it's it's so obviously drawn but I'm

Just I'm scared of YouTube So we have oh my gosh and it's Another Pentacles card another Earth Card a truth that you do not See I feel like I resonate with that Message too this Two of Pentacles and we oh and another two two Twos 2 two two 666 twos and sixes I Wonder if someone is like 26 years old Or um could even be someone's birthday On the 26 some date with twos and sixes that is Important but that's so cool that we got Two twos again and the two of Cups which Is about reciprocity relationships Connection like beautiful connections That that is definitely Something in your future and that is Already happening now that maybe you Don't See on this note with the two of cups I Think a truth that you don't see is that There could be for those of you who have Feelings for a specific Person you might not see that those Feelings are Reciprocated uh maybe you're not seeing It or maybe it's not being shown to you But if you have feelings for someone the Feelings are equally Reciprocated and even platonically if There's someone you really look up to They're so cool they're so amazing I Wish I could be closer with them I wish

I could be friends with them you know if You Platonically like if you have a platonic Crush on someone let's say they feel the Same way about You you I think you don't see how people Reciprocate feelings to You people admire you more than you Realize people like you more than you Realize people want to get closer to you More than you realize and I kind of Wonder if some of you who chose this Group maybe create a self-fulfilling Prophecy Where like I'm just imagining someone Who stays home or you know doesn't go Out doesn't meet people because they Think oh people wouldn't like me Anyway um but then they create a Self-fulfilling prophecy where those People don't have a chance to see how Amazing you are and and then it's like See I don't have friends and it's Because nobody likes me and it's like no Like you have to get out there and show People how amazing you are or maybe a Better example of this would be if you If you like someone romantically Platonically but you assume that they Don't feel the same way so you don't say Anything and then they assume that You're not interested so they don't say Anything either and it just creates this This Loop where nobody is saying

Anything so maybe the person on the Other side also does not see how you Feel and how you admire them and how you Like them and how you want to hang out With them you could even be in a Situation where you really want to get Closer to someone or you really want to Spend more time with someone but you're Like oh no they must be so busy I don't Want to bother them and then they are Doing the exact same thing on the other Side they're like oh group number two Must be so busy I don't want to bother Them and then you're just both assuming That the other has no time or the other Is not Interested they're yeah it's like it Feels Self-fulfilling and it does cuz with all This reciprocity energy it kind of feels Like both parties are doing it So you might not see just how beautiful The PO of a certain connection is what You think is just a fantasy of like oh I Wish I wish I could get closer to them I Wish they like me I wish they felt this Way it's like no they do it's just that Nobody is initiating because you're both Making the same assumptions about each Other so I think that is one truth that You're not seeing again this could be in A romantic connection or in a platonic Connection and I also think a truth you Don't see is that there are certain

Spaces out there where you belong and Spaces that want you and spaces that Will welcome you and I think this maybe Falls more into the category of um Impostor syndrome or feeling not good Enough for something like let's say you Really wanted to learn how to dance but You're like oh if I if I go to that Dance class like I'm going to be the Most beginner and I'm going to slow Everyone down and it's just going to Annoy people or like people are going to Look down on me cuz I'm not that good at It but what you don't see is that maybe That Community would be super Welcoming and oh that's just reminding Me in my poll class there are these two Girls who are more advanced than the Rest of us but they're like oh my God They're so sweet and helpful and Encouraging and they're like Angels Angels um there's there's just there's Amazing people and supportive people out There that maybe you don't see yet Because you're Not initiating or putting yourself in Those spaces to get to know them So things things like that or feeling Called to try something professionally But then feeling like an impostor Feeling not good enough not qualified Enough not worthy enough and what you Don't see is that those people would Love you in that space and they would

Welcome you with open arms and you would Fit right in and they would celebrate Your presence there I think you don't Maybe you don't see how much your Presence is wanted or needed or Appreciated or how much you are welcomed And yeah like go you should go in the Spaces that you want to go to because I Think the negative assumptions that you Make it's just a story you tell yourself And it's maybe keeping you from really Amazing experiences and amazing Connections and then with the Two of Pentacles something you may not be Seeing is that I see often well that's Literally what the Two of Pentacles is About like you're juggling many things So there may be Especially for those of you who Are torn on a decision like should I do This or that there might be a way that You can do Both that you just don't see yet or if You feel like you have to choose one Passion or choose one lane what you Might not see is that you can actually Do it all for some of you you might even Find a way to combine them or just maybe You don't see like if you prioritize and If you manage your Time if you are more efficient you will Have time to do everything that you want To do and everything that you need to do And if you have a support system

Actually for that matter you you can and Will do all of the things you don't have To compromise you don't have to Sacrifice a passion or sacrifice a hobby Um like you have time and you may not See that things may need to be moved Around and Efficiency may need to be increased but It is possible and the other truth that You might not see and this is the one That I kind of resonate with is That there's no such thing as being Settled Forever or like everything is always Going to change and there's always going To be something in your life that's up In the air or that's going through a Transition and that's okay and you can Still feel settled and happy in those Circumstances in those conditions I I Used to stress myself out about like I Just want to get settled down I just Want everything to be settled but that's Kind of an illusion because life is a Dynamic and it's always moving 2222 as I'm talking about that there are those Twos again there's just so many moving Pieces and I think the lesson is just Don't if you are waiting for everything To stop moving Until you can be calm and at peace and And start working on what you want to Work on you're never going to do it I Wonder if there's something like there's

Something new that you want to do that You want to try but you're like I just Have to wait for my life to settle down And it's like I do see you in a very Stable place but the idea that Everything is going to be still and not Budging and then that's it you settled Your life the end that's it's just not a Thing like life is a living breathing Thing and even while things are moving You can start working on something you Can start doing the things that you want To do you can feel peace you can feel Fulfillment let's see what is an Opportunity that you are not [Applause] Seeing what is in an opportunity that You are not seeing woo that's a lot well I'm not going to take all of those but Um damn universe that's crazy I'm not Reading all that um but I will take that As a sign that there are many many Opportunities that you are not seeing or That You Don't See Coming many many We have Strength A and the seed of Wands those images are Actually kind of similar with the Rainbow and the swimming Creature this Y is so cute and a whale They're both very cute um and what was I Going to say Anyway um this is very sweet to me I

Think that this just makes me think of Friendship and I don't even know if That's a meaning of the strength card Traditionally but a lot of the time I do Think of friendship and maybe it's Actually a sign that these two creatures Look similar and they're both uh they're Both fire sign like this is Leo and I Think the page of Wands is just fire Signs in general but is this me and ASO Like two fire signs swimming along Peacefully um yeah I think that you have Some besties out there that you haven't Met yet people who will become your best Friend people who are perhaps your soul Family and maybe what you don't see is That the opportunity to meet them is Already There which leads me to believe that the Way to meeting these people is To face the fears that that stop you From from going and doing the things you Want to do so there may be you know that That Assumption that people are going to Perceive you in a certain way that keeps You in your shell or uh an impostor Syndrome that keeps you in your shell Maybe there's an a discomfort in going Somewhere new alone or trying something New alone that keeps you in your Shell um maybe it's the illusion that You don't have time so you don't try new Things

But I think that cuz like I I what I Really want to make clear is That the person the version of you you Need to be the person you need to be or The energy you need to be in to manifest Everything you want you're already in That energy right now 26 26 oh my gosh Um you're literally already in that Energy and I think The only thing that's really in the way Is getting over fears or discomfort or Challenging the negative assumptions That you have it's like they're Literally there waiting for you you know I used that example of going to a dance Class like in that example your besti is Already in that dance class like the Opportunity to meet them is literally There if you just go to the thing So the The Inspirations you feel to Study something new to take up a hobby You know to learn something new to try Going to a new place that you feel You've been hesitant about or that You've been holding yourself back what Is on the other side of that is the the Best friends you could ever imagine and Isn't that so sweet like imagine Stepping into that new space and you're Like people like people don't want me Here I don't belong here uh I don't fit In here or these people are not going to Like me they're going to think I'm this Or that

Stepping into that space thinking those Very things and your your bestie for Life is there I think yeah and even page Of Wands it's like and yeah strength Having the inner strength and Having the Courage to Boldly try something new for fun or that You're passionate about or that excites You or that lights you up and it doesn't Have to be it doesn't have to be so Serious right I think The page of Pentacles likes to start new Ventures knowing where is this headed What is my 5year plan how am I going to Monetize this how is this going to be Constructive whereas the page of Wands Is just like this looks fun let's do it You know you know you know what if I What if I only go to two dance classes And then I quit what if I can't keep it Up that's Okay that's okay you could still try Like it's okay and I I think it's like Taking the pressure off of yourself of Trying new things that It doesn't necessarily have to amount to Something it you know it could that's Maybe not even the reason you feel Called to it maybe you feel called to it Cuz it's going to be very enjoyable or Because you're going to make amazing Connections and so I think we don't Always need to know the Reason that our higher self is calling

Us to do something we don't always have To speculate about where it's going to Lead and like what the trajectory is Going to be that often actually over Complicates Things when really we don't know and if We just show up then we will see oh That's that's why the Universe told me to to come here I Think I was wondering if I was ever Going to tell this story but I think It's a a case study in don't don't Assume your higher self's intentions Like don't assume the universe's Intentions I don't even know if this is exactly the Same but it's still a funny story so I'm Going to tell it Anyway um I was reading the comments on One of my videos and someone had Commented in a thread you know like they Were replying to the original commenter I think and I and it it it felt rude to Me like it felt like they were saying Something rude about me and I kind of Sat there and I was like do I respond no I don't have to respond or maybe I Should maybe I have time today for some Foolishness um I kind of sat there Debating for a bit and I asked the Universe if I should respond the Universe said no and I assumed because Because I had my own reasoning you know I was saying to myself maybe I should

Just be the bigger person and not Respond that was the story I was telling Myself so when the universe said no I Just overlaid that onto the universe's Answer and said oh the universe is Saying no because the universe wants me To be a big person okay Universe got you But actually that was not why because Literally hours later I was riding my Bike just I was idle and I was like wait A minute I completely misunderstood what That comment was saying and it actually It actually wasn't rude at all and I was Like can you imagine if I had responded With some SASS and they're like um Kino That's not what I meant like I just I Like misunderstood the the sentence Structure like on a on a grammatical Level and I'm like oh my God that's what They were saying so thank God I didn't Respond but also that just goes to show Sometimes when the universe tells you to Do something or to not do something we Don't know Why we like to assume why and that's how We get confused and disappointed I think Um universe but you said if I did this I Would no I didn't I just told you to do It maybe I didn't say why said it's Going to lead to your expansion it's Going to be a lesson like you didn't ask Me why you just assumed So why was I anyway you don't have to Know why you're called somewhere to just

Go for it and it doesn't matter if it's Not going to lead to Some big [Music] Long-term profitable constructive thing Maybe you just go to one dance class you Never go again but you met an amazing Friend like that's okay it doesn't have To Be doesn't have to be for Some other assumed reason that was can You hear Molly Upstairs okay let's see what is a sign That you're not Seeing and who is this sign From we have the hermit Okay so the sign is From your higher self Oh and your Star Family you're receiving Signs from your higher self and from Your star Family and what is the sign that you are Not seeing I actually think I have to Pull another one cuz this is like Who who the sign is from oh you know What though The Sign it's not something that you see Externally it's that your star family is Communicating to you from the inside so Through emotions through thoughts Through downloads things that suddenly Pop into your head uh perhaps even Physical Sensations that you feel in

Your Body so if you are Not registering these signs if you're Not recognizing that they're there it May be because of like a bit of Disconnection from your body which tends To happen when the mind is very active And when we're thinking about a million Different things and going through the Motions of the day we kind of have to Make make a point of slowing down and Reconnecting to our body so your star Family may be encouraging you to do that I also think There's messages from your higher self That you are destined for greatness or Destined for something greater that you Maybe don't see or don't Accept yeah I yeah I was going to pull a Clarifier but at the bottom of the deck There's the five of Wands so I actually Think That um for a lot of you it's not that You don't see the sign it's that you Resist it or even refute it or deny it I Think you get a lot of signs and Messages about how amazing you are and How bright your future is and you just Like dismiss it or or just it's hard to Believe maybe you're like you watch or Readings or do readings for yourself and The messages are so amazing and like all Of these blessings are coming in and you You can't

Really find find it in you to believe it Or to accept it or you know surely that Couldn't be about me or my life or Something like that but I also think you Know the five of Wands sometimes feels To me like a frazzled mind so if you do Have a frazzled mind you might be Missing the signs from your star family And from your higher self because They're they're not out in the world I Think a lot of the signs and messages Are coming from the inside yeah So for the last part of this reading we Are going to go back to the bloom Oracle And let's get some messages From messages and advice from your Spiritual Team we have detach from ego with Humility which is funny cuz I feel Like you know for example saying that I'm the best I'm better than everyone Like I'm the most important person in This room that's ego and that's Something that we very much Acknowledge is ego but also saying that Like oh I don't fit in people are going To think I'm weird or that that's also Ego you know and ego isn't Inherently bad or Malicious but it is self-protecting like That's its main function is to protect And preserve you and it I feel like a Lot of the time ego doesn't have that Discernment of is this method of

Protecting myself Helpful um so it can maybe your ego Thinks that it's protecting you from Rejection or protecting you from Disappointment but it's it could be Holding you back so that's why we have This detach from ego Message this is also with humility this Is also reminding me of that Message um For Example like let's say I'm just going to Use the dance class again okay it's very Good for this situation if you're like Oh I'm not that good at it and like Everyone's going to be judging me it's Like nobody cares nobody's even going to Be thinking about you they're just Focusing on their own dance and so it in A way like even if you are having Thoughts that are Self-deprecating you are also kind of um Inflating your importance you know like Nobody is oh look at look at that person They're dancing F like they don't people Are not thinking about you that much People are not looking at you that much And that's also kind of an egoic way to Think so I kind of feel this is like Setting yourself free from all of that Egoic like how how are they going to Perceive me or what if they don't like Me and you're just like I don't care That's when you are truly free

And it's funny that this is the number Of the hanged man so it really feels Like ego is keeping you stuck it's Keeping you hanging there in a limbo Where you have this passion and then you Hold Back what other advice can we get From For although maybe that slip is a sign This is advice from you advice from your High by your S oh Unity we are all in this together These go together so well we are all in This together we are stronger together You know what too everyone else in that Dance class probably also feels Self-conscious and everyone else in that Dance class also probably needs to know That nobody's looking at them and nobody Cares like you are definitely not alone In feeling this way I think this is a Common human experience and as much as You may be stepping out of your comfort Zone to enter into new spaces I think Knowing that others in there might feel The same way makes it a lot less Intimidating and then rather than Retreating from people out of fear now We want to lean lean into each other to Comfort and support each other in our Shared experience I want to read um this Unity card from the guide book We are all in this together me and you Us and Them him and her we are all in

The same River of Life just in different Boats we came from the same place and One day we will return to the same place Why judge and compare someone else's Journey to your own and vice versa we Are one and we are all ask yourself Where have I been comparing myself to Others and where have I been comparing Others to me I'm very glad I read that that's a Lovely message so group number Twos these are all the messages that I Have for you thank you so much for Letting me do this reading for you thank You so much to tarot stack for Collaborating with me once again and Thank you so much to the creators of These beautiful decks for your work for Sharing your insights for inspiring us I'm going to have this bundle linked Down below I'm also going to have the Individual decks if there's one in Particular That you are feeling called to remember That you can see all of the cards in Each deck on tarot deck's website and Also remember if you do feel called to Get the bundle you can get a 10% Discount with the code Kino I hope you Guys have a wonderful day or night Whenever you're watching and I wish you All the best please take good care of Yourself stay healthy don't forget to Like comment and subscribe if you feel

Like doing that if you enjoy my content And You' like to find me elsewhere I'm Going to have link down below my tarot Reading Instagram my personal Instagram My patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like this one and you can also Decide on topics for future readings I Will link my music channel which Includes the intro song of this video That is an original song I will also Have my latest release linked down below And finally my Vlog Channel and my merch Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video thank you Guys so so much for supporting me my Channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here and I'm sending so much love to you to Anyone who appeared in this reading Directly or indirectly to your higher Self your Spirit guides your spiritual Team and all of your loved ones both Here on Earth and in the other Realms And I will see you guys in the next one Bye-bye hi number threes so if you guys Chose this green succulent I don't know If this is a cactus but this little Green boy this is going to be your Reading all about what you are not Seeing so this is everything that is Going to be covered in the reading today We're going to start off with a little Energy check and take a look at your

Current energy as well as the energies Surrounding you then we're going to dive Into the what you're not seeing part so We are going to see a truth that you're Not seeing an opportunity that you're Not seeing and a sign that you're not Seeing and who that sign is from and Then we'll finish off the reading with Messages and advice from your spiritual Team so that's the reading today thank You so much for watching at the start of The reading and at the very end we're Going to pull cards from the bloom Oracle deck and then throughout the Reading we're going to be using the Gentle tarot and these two decks are the Kino tarot spring bundle which I've Curated in collaboration with tarot Stack every season tarot stack and I Team up to put together a Tarot and Oracle deck bundle this one I'm so Excited about she is nature themed she Is beautiful it's perfect for spring if You guys haven't heard of terot Stack Before they're an online shop that Carries a huge selection of Indie tarot And Oracle decks so you can browse decks From all different creators all in one Place and Tarot stock is an active Supporter of our community with 50% of Their profits going towards funding new Indie tarot and Oracle deck projects so They help these independent creators get Their projects realized and get their

Decks out there into the world I am Going to have This bundle link down below um and the Individual decks if there's one in Particular that you feel called to you Can check them out on tarot's decks Website you can also see every single Card that is in each deck and you can See my own personal insights and Comments on the deck and the bundle and How to use it and everything like that And if you do feel called to the bundle You can get a 10% discount using the Code Kino thank you so much Tera stack For collaborating with me once again and Now let's get into your reading so we're Going to start with the bloom Oracle and see what is going on in your Current Energy my group number Threes what is going on in your current Energy we we have Beauty cherish your Own Beauty and then we have thorns notice Your weaknesses and vulnerabilities Isn't that cool doesn't this look like Both of these cards are a pair like They're meant to go together for one They both have roses on them and I'm Thinking of that expression every rose Has its thorns so this is about Recognizing your beauty and your Strengths and this is about recognizing Your weaknesses and vulnerabilities

Honestly what I felt as soon as I saw This first card is that in your current Energy you are falling in love with Yourself 333 as I am saying that which Is such a beautiful number for that Because three is the number of the Empress unconditional love unconditional Acceptance also an energy of nurt Ing And nourishing yourself this really Feels like an energy of falling in love With yourself recognizing your inner Beauty recognizing your outer beauty Giving love to parts of yourself that Had been deprived of love for so long I Also think this could be a time where You are receiving praise honestly praise And external validation for your Character or for something that you made Is what is coming through so or some Work that you've done you could be Noticing that more people are being Vocal about their appreciation towards You and the quality of the work that you Do and the beauty in the things that you Make and this is going to be very Fulfilling for you because of course the Ultimate Joy is enjoying what you create And enjoying yourself but it's very Fulfilling to know like what I make is Appreciated the work I do is is Appreciated and I am bringing positive Value to this space and to other People's lives I think you're really Going to be getting that confirmation or

You already are if this is not your Current energy it is about to be your Energy and I think you're just getting That confirmation and validation that The work that you've been putting in is Really paying off and it's really Worthwhile and just you know I am Beautiful and I'm capable of expressing That beauty and I'm capable of creating Beautiful things as a part of the Universe I am inherently beautiful and I Am inherently precious and a miracle and I just see you really filling up with This this selflove and even me just Sitting in this energy it feels really Really good and the beautiful thing is That you are aware of your weaknesses You are you're aware of your challenges And that doesn't that doesn't take Away the love that that you have for Yourself and that doesn't make you any Less lovable and Maybe I feel like there's kind of a Shift in mindset where it was like I Have these Weaknesses yeah it's like I see this Mindset shift where it starts at I have These weaknesses and I need to change Them and then I will love myself and Then it shifted to I have these Weaknesses and I have to try to love Myself in spite of them and then its Final stage of evolution is I have Strengths and I have weaknesses and I

Love myself unconditionally and this is The place that I think you're in and It's really nice to see I want to read The cherish your own Beauty card from the guide book so Passage number Three cherish your own Beauty for Yourself first and foremost a rose Blooms not for validation but for the Pure pleasure of Self-realization embrace your beauty and Your full potential simply because you Deserve it you deserve to feel your most Authentic light beautiful self authentic Light beautiful self this card also Signifies that it's time to focus on Self-love on pouring your time and Energy into filling your own cup ask Yourself what do I find beautiful what Makes me feel most beautiful what brings Me pleasure how can I feel better right In this Moment I feel like there's some irony in This message because it's like if you Were in a More self-doubting or a more insecure Place that's when you would maybe care About others validation and it's like When you've reached a place that you not That you don't care about it but that It's not like you depend on it to be Happy that's when you start receiving it It's this weird thing where the universe Gives you things when you stop caring

About it or maybe you just notice more Of it because you're not you're not Looking at the world through lack tinted Glasses but anyway I think you're really Going to be feeling the love from within You and from outside of you as well Definitely receiving a lot of Confirmation like external confirmation Not that's the most important thing but It's going to be there like just know That it's going to be there So I want to take a couple cards from The gentle Tarot and we're going to look at the Energies that are surrounding You roses could also be an important Sign for this group like seeing roses That could be someone on the other side Sending you love love look at that we Have the six of Wands which is Literally external validation people Admiring you looking up to you finding You Attractive but the thing is that yeah I It's like I feel like you can actually Enjoy it and thrive in it because you're Not so um because you're not so attached To it For those of you who are working Towards uh fame or being more known or Growing a platform the six of Wands is a Very strong sign of that it could also Be That you're having

Interactions with people like that so You could be I want to say uh rubbing Shoulders I think is the expression you Could be meeting public figures people Who have a big following you could be Working with them or working for them or Having back and forth with them Messaging back and forth with Them I'm also hearing scouted you could Be scouted Somewhere this also really gives the Feeling of not uh not dimming your light Anymore and repairing your relationship With receiving Attention the eagle is one of the flyest Tying Birds if not the highest which Makes it you know everyone can look up And see it and it's also an excellent Bird if you if you determine Excellence By how high you can fly the eagle is a Very excellent bird and this person who Is riding the eagle They have their arms spread out like They're not hiding they're Completely open and in plain sight and It just it feels like repairing a Relationship with being seen or being Perceived or re receiving Attention and then we also have the Strength card so an interesting thing is That both of these cards have Leo energy They're both related to the sign of Leo So you could have Leo placements or a Significant person could have them it

Could also be that Leo season coming up From whenever you're watching this is Going to be an important time so late August to late September oh no that's Virgo season but that might also be that Might also be an important sign cuz I Said it so late July late July to late August but also to late September yeah Um basically August and September okay So anyway back to what I was saying I Think it's interesting that both of These are Leo because this does talk About Your like your light your light that you Shine your passion your presence your Your charm your charisma and this has The planet Jupiter's influence as well So it's being expanded and this does Feel like an energy of coming out of Your shell and being very well received But the thing is I it's not like you're Coming out of your shell because you Want to be like everyone look at me You're coming out of your shell because It feels good it feels good to be Expansive it feels good to express Yourself it feels good to put yourself Or your work out There and people receiving it and people Admiring it is just going to be a a Byproduct of that and I think you've Reached a really good place Where you you are not attached to

People's perceptions of you or you're Not attached to the validation so just For one example like let's say someone Got famous and then they derive a lot of Their self-worth from like oh all all my Fans love me and I'm getting so much Attention and I have so many admirers And my work is performing super well Then that person is kind of screwed Because if all of that goes away they're Going to be in a really bad place and so I feel like you're in a really good Place and so even if someday all of that Went away you would love yourself just As much so it's more like you're Enjoying the ride and you're not every Day like how do I maintain this how do I Make sure this doesn't go away you're Just like this might not last forever And that's that's fine I'm just enjoying Myself I'm enjoying expressing myself I Feel like that's the energy that you're In or that you're moving into and I Wonder if for this group the universe Was saving certain blessing blessings For you um to make sure you were in that Good place or there was something from Inside of you that was kind of hitting The breakes or holding you back from Going after certain things and maybe you Didn't know why maybe you thought like Oh why can't I get motivated why do I Keep chickening out and it was because Instinctively or from your higher self

Maybe you wanted to wait until you were In a good place that you could truly Enjoy the blessings without getting to Attach to them because you you needed Them for validation if that makes sense So everything's happening in in the Perfect time and honestly what I'm Talking about is very much strength it's An inner strength it's having work Worked on and cultivated your self-love Building a thick skin and resilience and A love that is is unconditional and that Can wear any storm is that it bear any Storm whatever that that life throws Your Away okay so we're going to get into the What you're not seeing part What is group number one not or group Number three not seeing what is what is A truth that they're not Seeing uh if anyone is watching this Right now and you did feel called to Group number one that was maybe Confirmation to check out group number One too um if you weren't drawn to group Number one then ignore that it was an Accident Um so we have three cards coming out at The same time we have the Magician whoa okay so we Had the magician and two fives right so Like one 55 and then when I held up the Magician card the time on the camera was 1551 so if you're looking out for

Repeating numbers ones and fives could Be something that you are seeing or that You will start to see like numbers to Look out for and that definitely makes Me think of new beginnings and and Change so you are this magician that Might be a truth about yourself that you Don't see and and basically what I would Say about this is that you are more Powerful than you realize uh especially You're a more powerful manifestor than You realize this group you may also be More intelligent than you realize like You need to give yourself more credit For how smart you are it's interesting These two people look very similar you Are this magician riding the eagle I Wonder if Eagle is like a spirit animal For this group um I think just in General you are more Influential then you realize as well and You may end up like whatever profession Or position you end up in you may end up Being like a highly influential person Some of you may even be an influence sir As your career but you could be Influencing The public's tastes the The Public's opinions or just in the field That you're in your approach and your Workflow and your philosophy might Influence others around you and that's Something a truth that you might not see And in fact I think there's already a Lot of people who are inspired by you

And who emulate you and you don't don't Realize that or you don't accept that Because you are humble I almost said you Are too humble it's just that's how it Came through but for example maybe you I Don't know let's say You uh Make uh you make clothes okay and you Make a very distinct style like it's Very colorful and then you start to see Other people around you starting to wear Colorful clothes now you are so humble And so you might say like oh I guess That's just become the trend now or I Guess it's just a coincidence and it's Like no honey They're copying you like They're they like what you're doing and They're mimicking it they are inspired By you and so I don't know if there's Just like a part of you that well you Don't want to assume that or maybe even For some of you it's like you you Couldn't fathom that that someone would Be copying you or be inspired by you but Like no that that is what is going on And I think you just have secret Admirers maybe secret fans or just just People that are not like very vocal About their support and admiration for You and are just kind of supporting you On the sidelines and so it makes sense That you wouldn't see it also on that Note sorry there's a lot there's a lot Coming through that's the Mercury energy

Of the magician something just came Through that people from your past may Not in a creepy way but they may watch You from afar like on social media or Something and they are very impressed by You or they find what you're doing is Very cool but they don't necessarily Like comment on your stuff or or tell You that because maybe you're not really You know how you sometimes you just like Randomly follow people from high school Still and you don't really engage with Each other's posts but it's like there's Someone or multiple people like that From your past who like they're looking At what you're doing and they're like Wow so that's what group number three is Up to like that's so cool there's a lot Of people who think who are very Impressed by you that you don't realize Cuz they're not necessarily like Forthcoming about it but just know that You are impressive and you are Influential and you are inspirational Even you know people might and this is Kind of dramatic but people might even Make life choices and make changes in Their life because they're inspired by What you're doing or they're inspired by Something that you said and You just don't know that yet so that's That's you as the magician um if you do Your own readings get readings done Watch readings I would say to look out

For the magician CU I think it Represents you it represents like a very Aligned and authentic version of you Also there's something about like you're A very powerful Speaker or you're very articulate you Explain things very well or you have a Beautiful voice talking voice or singing Voice and you might not see that about Yourself the universe maybe wants you to Use your voice more and will maybe and This might be opportunities that you're Not seeing yet but you may be invited to Speak somewhere like at an event or to a Class or on a podcast or you know you May be asked to formally give your Opinion on something or review something It's it's like people want your words People want your thoughts um people want To see what is going on in that Majestic Mind of yours uh then we have the five Of Thunder which is the Five of Swords And the Five of Cups which is the Five of Cups and I Mean all the fives are pretty Challenging aren't they but these ones Have to do with like mental and Emotional Challenges a truth that you're not Seeing a this is Like your head is sad and your heart is Sad Because there may be some Division and they're not really enemies

You Know your head and your heart want to Work together and at the end of of the Day they do want the same thing they Want you to be happy And maybe the truth that you don't see Is that or the truth That the truth that your head doesn't See and the truth that your heart Doesn't see is that they actually want The same things and they they're on the Same page more often than not and they Don't have to be um opposites of each Other they don't have to exclude each Other they don't have to fight each Other they actually have the common Ground which is which is wanting to make You happy and I think that they can hear Each other out and I think we Do we do sometimes kind of perpetuate That like oh my head says this but my Heart says that my head versus my heart But and maybe a little bit of that is Within you as well but they're trying to Work together and they want to work Together and it may it may be easier Than you think for them to accommodate Each Other also something that you might not See and this has to do with other people Is that if you had a conflict with Someone if you got into a fight or if You like had a breakup whether that's Romantic Platonic Family if you

Separated from someone they are actually Feeling worse about it than they let on And they they miss you more than they Let on so they're not really showing you That so there could be like an ex Partner or an Ex-friend who really really misses you But they don't I think a lot of the Things you don't see is because people Don't tell you you know it's not like Why don't you see it it's staring you in The face it's like no you don't see it Because people are not making it scene So like how could you know well you Could know intuitively but yeah I don't Think this person's actually telling you How much they miss you or like how Guilty they feel for what they've done Or how much they're hurting but but they Do okay so next we're going to See another thing you might not see is Like in if you had a a runin with Someone in the past or argument Something blew up with someone you might Not see that you were actually in the Right I that's the thing I feel like This group you are so humble so you know You don't want to Assume for example you don't want to Assume that that people think you're Great and that people are emulating you But they are and then if you had a Disagreement with someone you don't want To assume that you were in the right but

You are you Know cuz I just Hear your guides being like no that like That person was being an to you What do you mean like no you were in the Right okay what is an opportunity that You don't see we have the three of Stones which is the three of Pentacles So looks like a work opportunity And more specifically perhaps an Opportunity for Collaboration there could also be cuz We've been talking a lot about people Feel this and that way about you but They're not saying it there could be Someone who wants to work with you or Who wants to collaborate with you and They're not saying it uh but the feeling Is Mutual like you both want to work Together but not saying anything you Both want to create Together there could also be this is Very specific but if any of you have Online friends who you haven't met in Person uh you may not see it now or you May not see it coming that there's going To be an opportunity to meet them in Person it's kind of giving the feeling Of you're traveling and you're in a Certain city and and then you're talking To your online friend and they're like What the heck like I'm literally in that City right now and then and then you

Meet Up or yeah just getting to meet someone In person whom you haven't met before But you like would really like To there's that opportunity is there That you don't see Yet another very specific thing just Came through But if you have like if you follow Artists or you have favorite artists Make sure that you are you have your Notifications on for them because I Cannot tell you how many times when I'm In Tokyo I will find out after the fact That one of my favorite artists was just Performing in Tokyo or like just was in Tokyo and I'm Like yeah so make sure you have Notifications on for your faves so that You don't miss Anything because you know Seeing seeing someone in concert is is Seeing them in person So just make sure you know where Everyone is I didn't mean to take three Cards but I did so we're just going to We're just going to go with that we have The three of stone oh yeah that makes so Much sense Like Emperor he's independent he does it on His own 10 of Wands he gets burnt out Like that's literally so straightforward

And it's funny cuz with the emperor There can be a bit of uh stubbornness This sea lion he's like just like Plumped on the ground it looks I don't Know it looks stubborn to me the number Four feels kind of Stubborn uh this is someone who's like No I can do it by myself and then and Then they get overwhelmed and they burn Out so there's an opportunity that maybe You don't see now to get help or Collaboration in your projects and to Not burn out which is very specific Yeah I I actually think that's it's so Straightforward that I don't really need To um what is the word I don't need to Break it [Music] Down okay so finally we're going to See what is a sign that you are not Seeing and who is the sign from we have The Hofan and we have the nine of Wands so This is a sign from your higher self and This hant card is very Cute So let's talk about this I'm I'm Actually going to break down this image Quite a bit I think first of all I love That these two birds look pretty much The same because this tells me that your Human self and your soul are on a very Similar frequency right now same energy Same personality same motivations like

You are really in harmony with your Higher self right now um you're the same But your higher self just has a bit more Of a bird's eye view no pun intended a Bit of a higher perspective they can see A bit farther over the Horizon so they Can help you out with guiding your next Steps but they're not like above you or Or better than you I think your higher Self is really humble too and you have a Beautiful relationship with them and the Other thing I'm noticing is that in a Traditional hofan card you would have That like wise authority figure up here Who knows everything and is is can tell You what to do and then you have the two People at the bottom who are like you Know um submitting to the hant or or Taking the hant orders or something and In this card we only have two beings Like it's just you and your higher self There is no like Overlord there is no Boss there is no one who can tell you Better what to do you are the Wise One You are the one with the authority it's You and your higher Self for some reason I just that feels So it feels so funny funny to me because And I'm laughing with you by the way Because I just feel like your your soul Group you all are like you have a great Sense of humor and it's like you and Your higher self are out here Unsupervised just like doing whatever

You want to do and your like Soul Teachers and soul group is like oh here They Go um it's it's it's really sweet um but Yeah like as long as you and your higher Self are on the same Page go for it do it Like you don't need to wait for the okay From any higher being or you know no no Other being can like tell you what to do Or rule over you that is just not that's Just not how Souls work we want to Explore freely so that the Universe can Understand itself and the universe can Expand and I think I often think that we tend To project the hierarchies that we have Here onto the soul world like yes there Are older and younger souls or more or Less Advanced Souls but it doesn't have That same Connotation as Earthly hierarchies do Where it's like because I'm older than You you must do what I say or I'm more Worthy of respect or I'm I'm better than You I'm above you it's it doesn't have That same connotation and you might Because of how it is on Earth well we in General we might sometimes feel like our Guides are going to treat us like that Or or spirit is going to treat us like That but it's just it's not really like That So it's just you and your higher self

Baby and did I already say that anyway Um the sign is coming from your higher Self and there's something there's Something that they're telling you not To give up On because you've come so far already And you may actually be closer than you Think reaching your goal is closer than You think you may be about to experience A Breakthrough in one of your personal Goals and this may be something that you Have written down if you have a Manifesting journal if you set monthly Goals if you set yearly goals You may want to check them and see if There's any that you've been kind of Losing motivation or you're like ready To give up cuz it just doesn't seem like It's working your higher self is saying No don't give up like you are so close You are about to experience a Breakthrough like you you don't even Realize and Then there may even be I think it Happens so Abruptly that your brain is kind of like Wait that's It that was that was the goal like I Just did that it's like for example have You heard of it's like a popular game in Japan it's called the watermelon game And it's very Hard um took me months to make a

Watermelon my friend downloads it gets a Watermelon in the same day which I'm Still mad about but anyway it's like the Goal of the game is to make make a Watermelon okay And I to me it seemed like this distant Goal someday someday in my future maybe When I'm 10 in 10 years and then one day I I got the watermelon and like I wasn't I wasn't expecting it at all cuz in my Head I'm just like oh another day Another failure like it's going to be The same again and I and then when I got it I was happy for for like and Then and then I was like oh That like this is what I was hyping up This is what I was putting on a Pedestal Okay cool so like it just goes To show that the goal was more in your Reach than you think and it didn't have To be so hard and it didn't have to be So it didn't have to be so heavy I guess I don't mean to say that your goal is Not important or that it's not going to Matter to you but it's like oh this was The thing that I was stressing myself Out about Like yeah it's you know what it is it's That you had underestimated Yourself and hyped up this goal that It's going to be so hard and I'm not Going to get it and then you just you Just do it and I think this is less About your goal wasn't important and

It's more like yeah like that's how Powerful you are that's how strong you Are that's how smart you are that's how Gifted you are now will you stop Underestimating yourself and then and Then falling into the illusion that your Goals are too big for you what the heck Like that's what your higher self is is Trying to tell You maybe the goal is too small I don't Know it's like why are you yeah your Higher self is like why are you Surprised that you achieved this what do You mean like do you know you let's go For something bigger come on I'm bored Up here like that's kind of the vibe of Your your soul yeah so for the last part Of this Reading we're going to get some oh these Birds just look so funny I don't know I'm so tickled by Them I am sure this group you have you Have such a joyful and bright sense of Humor and just so Charing Okay messages From group number three's spiritual Team we have winter rest and Recuperate and grow take inspired action Yeah these two Cards definitely make a nice message Together like when it's time to take Action you will feel inspired to and in The meantime it's okay it's okay to slow Down it's okay to rest and recharge it's

A very simple message but I think it's One that we often forget and I'm also Noticing the first two oracle cards is 327 And the second two is 329 which seems like dates to me um March 27 March 29 so I wonder if those Dates will end up being important or Someone born on those dates or something That happened previously on those Dates Um I also think there's a message here That rest is also a part of your Growth 3838 as I say that I Think sometimes we think of it as like There's a period of growth and then There's a period of rest and there's a Period of growth and there's a period of Rest but in rest rest is a part of the Growth process so it's not like growth Stops when you're resting if you think Of I'm thinking of like uh a teenager Who's going through a growth spurt their Body is probably doing a lot when They're Resting and using all the nutrients and Their brains probably making new Pathways while they're resting I mean All of our brains do that while we're Sleeping It's you know it's just I guess Erroneous to look at it as in like You're either growing or you're resting

No you are growing while resting and So I think if you are one of the many of Us Unfortunately have like guilty feelings Surrounding rest remember that it is Productive and it is Important and you can feel good about Yourself while you're doing it you know I Think I think your spiritual team maybe Wants you to get to a place where you're If you are resting you're not Like okay I guess I guess I'll rest now I guess it's okay if I rest rest I guess I I can allow myself to rest as if you Are like as if you're granting Yourself this this permission like I Will have mercy on you and let you rest And to rest more enthusiastically being Like hell yeah I'm doing something Really good for myself right now and and Actually like feel positively about it And Molly is singing upstairs Now so she agrees with me right Momo Yeah [Music] Exactly um yeah so group number threes Not group number ones group number Threes these are all the messages that I'm seeing for you so I'm going to end Your reading here thank you so much for Letting me do this reading for you thank You so much to tarot stack for Collaborating with me on another

Seasonal bundle I really love this one And thank you so much to the creators of These gorgeous decks I'm going to have The bundle linked down below I'm also Going to have the individual decks Linked down below if there's one in Particular that you are feeling called To remember that you can see every card In the deck on tarot Stack's website um And you can also get a 10% discount on The bundle using the code Keno I hope You guys have a wonderful day or night Whenever you're watching and I wish you All the best please take good care of Yourself stay healthy don't forget to Like comment and subscribe if if you Feel like doing that if you enjoy my Content and you like to find me Elsewhere I'm going to have linked down Below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like this one And you can also decide on topics for Future readings I will link my music Channel which includes the intro video Of this song intro song of this Video um can I blame retrograde for that Um yeah anyway way it's the you Know at the intro that's on Music Channel and Also my latest release will be linked Down below and finally my Vlog Channel And my merch which

Features the floating Temple that was at The start of this video and thank you so Much Molly for providing your beautiful Tunes and thank you guys so much for Supporting me my channel and anything I Do I really really appreciate having you Here and I'm sending so much love to you To anyone who appeared in this reading Directly or Indirectly I'm sending love to your fans And to your haters who are just fans in Disguise and I'm sending love to your Higher self your higher self your spirit Spirit guides your spiritual team and All of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other other Realms you Know what I just realized though because We were talking about how an eagle might Be an important spirit animal for you And then the animals representing you And your higher self are also birds and Then Molly was singing so I do wonder if This group has a special connection to Birds birds could be uh delivering you Signs or the spirit animal of a bird is Helping you I actually I wonder if this Guide book said Is what the what kind of bird the hant Is it just says seabirds but yeah Seabirds could be I mean Molly's not a Seabird but neither is an eagle I think But okay so I think it's just oh wait it Says the red-faced Corant attentive and alert in the

Sunlight Yeah red red-faced corant Um I'm sorry this went completely off The rails but anyway thank you thank you So much for being here I am sending you So much love and I will see you guys in The next one Bye-bye High number fours so if you guys Chose the pink Cactus this is going to Be your reading all about what you are Not seeing this is everything that we're Going to be covering in the reading Today so we're going to start with a Little energy check where we see your Current energy as well as the energy Surrounding you right now then we're Going to dive into the what you're not Seeing part so we are going to see a Truth you're not seeing an opportunity You're not seeing and a sign that you're Not seeing and who that sign is from and Then at the end of the reading we are Going to get some messages and advice From your spiritual team so that is the Reading for today thank you so much for Watching at the beginning of this Reading and also at the very end we're Going to pull some cards from the bloom Oracle deck and then throughout the Reading we are going to be using the Gentle tarot and these two decks are the Kino tarot spring bundle which I have Curated in collaboration with tarot Stack every season taros deck and I team

Up to put together a Tarot deck and Oracle deck bundle and I'm so excited For this one it is absolutely beautiful And it's nature themed it is just Perfect for spring if you guys haven't Heard of tarot stack before they are an Online shop that features a huge Selection of Indie tarot and Oracle deck So you can browse decks from all Different creators in different styles All in one place and Tarot stack is an Active supporter of our community with 50% of their profits going towards Funding new indie tarot and Oracle deck Projects so they help independent deck Creators realize their projects and get Their decks out there into the world Which I really really appreciate Appreciate I have discovered so many Amazing decks and amazing creators Thanks to tarot stack these ones Included so I'm going to have this Bundle linked down below I'm also going To link each deck individually if There's one in particular that you feel Called to you can look at every single Card in the deck on teros Stack's Website and you can also look at my own Personal insights and comments on the Decks and how to use the bundle and all Of that kind of stuff and if you do feel Called to the bundle you can get a 10% Discount using the code Kino so thank You so much to tarot stack for

Collaborating with me and now let's get Into your reading so starting with the Bloom Oracle we are going to See what is going on in your current Energy Group number Four's current Energy Okay we are starting off with Unfurl have you met all of Yourself and we have humility detached From ego interesting how these two go Together so it definitely looks like my Group number fours you are currently in An energy of self Self-discovery of meeting all of the Parts of yourself the light and the Shadow and integrating all parts of you And so with this card next to It the message detach from ego it does Look like perhaps certain parts of you Have been blocked off by your ego for Whatever reason and it could be for many Different reasons it's like your ego There's certain parts of you that your Ego might not want you to see That it doesn't want to identify with I Think probably the biggest reason is Like certain parts that you have been Directly or indirectly shamed for at Some point in your life and so your ego Is like nope we're not touching that Because a big goal of the ego is to Preserve itself and so it often seeks For ways in which it can be

Accepted for survival and so Parts of you that have kind of Been suppressed locked away I feel like You are reclaiming those and you're Looking at them in a new light I think It's really interesting I've been paying Attention a lot to the numbers that are Coming out in this Oracle deck it's Interesting that we have the number 12 Because that's the number of the hanged Man and that card is all about looking At things from A New Perspective so I Feel that Not only will there be you're going to Be meeting parts of you that maybe you Didn't know were there um talents you Didn't know were there passions you Didn't know were there needs you didn't Know were there strengths and maybe Weaknesses too that you didn't know were There but I also feel like you are Getting reacquainted with certain parts Of yourself but you're looking at it From a different perspective Now and you're you're seeing it in new Light where oh I I never really had to Hide this away this was actually a a Really beautiful strength but for some Reason I felt ashamed of it and your Perspective has maybe changed because You've gotten older or because you are In a different environment or you're Surrounded with different people who who Value different things but all of these

Influences on you have allowed you to Now go back to these parts of yourself And see see the positive in them and see How you can utilize them and see that You don't you don't have to hide them Away Anymore so this is really beautiful and Even the number 30 uh if you reduce that Numerologically it's a number three and So that's the number of the empress Which is like I feel like in this case It's representing your journey to Unconditionally loving and accepting Yourself so I kind of want to okay let's Read this one let's read Unfurl from the guide book Have you met all of yourself like Unfolding fronds of a sleepy Fern unfurl Your potential there is Magic lurking in The depths of you that can change the World have you met it yet have you fully Met yourself yet all of you step into Your full self your full realized power This card reminds you to go outside your Comfort zone in the name of growth Unfurling can be terrifying for you are Allowing others to see the deepest most Vulnerable parts of you but those parts Are also the most powerful this is where Real magic happens in the Unfurling a couple things came to my Mind as I'm reading this passage one of Them is oh no okay I remember one of Them I might need to jog my memory by

Reading it again but one of them is that Some of you guys may might be breaking Out of this pattern where it's like you You carry this Assumption that No one could really know you or no one Could Really understand You or they they think they know me but They don't know the real me but that may Actually be because you don't show the Real you and so it's like how could you Know if this person loves you for who You are or how could you know that they Truly understand you if you are not Showing your authentic self okay I just Took a moment to remember it Um the other thing that I wanted to say The other message that came through was That some of you at the time of watching This may be avoiding this process of Self-discovery through distraction so a Big part of this self-discovery and you Know meeting the parts of you that want To be expressed now I think would Require just spending time alone with Yourself like spending time in your own Company and being alone with your Thoughts and some of you at this time May be kind of running from that by for Example always always having some Content playing in the background or Always watching something Or just always keeping yourself busy in

Some way and at the root of that might Be like I don't want to be left alone With my thoughts because I don't know What's going to come up but that process Is very important for finding the gold For finding the magic that is hiding Inside of you so this may be a sign that It's time to even the hanged man he's Just hanging there he's just Vibing and yeah in order to reach this Point where you can find that magic in You look at your strengths with a fresh Set of eyes and like that passage said Change the world with it I think it does Require some Solitude and like Uninterrupted quiet that some of you may Be Avoiding So let's get into the tarot now and see What the energies are surrounding you at This Time what are the energies surrounding Group number Four oh my gosh it's the hanging one I'm just going to cover her because I'm Not sure what YouTube will allow but Literally we've been talking about the Hanged man because of the number 12 and Then and then the hanged man comes out And then we have the three of Cups Okay it's interesting That we had the hanged man in your Energy and we also have it in the External energy that is surrounding you

I feel like there Is a Stillness inside of you or we're Not really moving forward right now and The key to moving forward is meeting all Of Yourself this is a message for those of You who are feeling stuck or stagnant in Life and with the hanging woman coming Out as an external energy I do think that maybe many of you who Chose this group are kind of at a Standstill in your life where either you Know what you want to do but it's just Not moving Forward or you're not moving forward Because of a lack of clarity in what you Want to do you may be feeling that life Is a bit um like it's kind of the same Thing over and over repetitive is maybe The word I'm looking for monotonous You may feel like life is kind of Getting like That And I think that it's not that you're Stuck or it's not that you're you're Blocked or something like that but the Key to moving forward is inside of you And I feel like that's kind of the last Place you're Looking there was that message of maybe Trying to keep yourself distracted or Unconsciously keeping yourself Distracted as a way to avoid being alone With your thoughts and I also think that

Maybe looking for external things to get You unstuck may be consciously or Subconsciously a way of avoiding the Internal work that needs to be done so That you can get out of this rut and Move forward that the reasons for this Rut I think they come from within and Then your external world is just Responding to that and if things start Moving inside of you then things will Start moving in your external life as Well so going within is the key to Finding what your next steps are or Gaining the Courage the strength the Clarity to go forward with them we also Have the three of Cups here as an energy That is surrounding you I do feel that The universe is inviting you to be more Playful and more light-hearted about Things and I know that inner work and Especially if you're doing Shadow work That can be really that can be really Heavy stuff but it's almost as If the Fear there's a message about taking it Too Seriously which sounds weird for me to Say because again like inner work is a Heavy Thing but this is what it feels like Someone who is afraid to do Shadow work Because they're like what if I go within And I find a weakness what if I go Within and I find a character flaw what

If I go in and I find an Imperfection and that they take that Fear so seriously and it's really Weighing on them Whereas it's possible to look at it in a Way of like of course I'm going to find That because every human has that and It's okay there's almost it's like There's a part of you that maybe wants To punish you for what you find when you Go and look in the Shadows and I wonder if this comes From being in a strict environment for a Lot of your life and having a dynamic Where you were like rewarded for for Being good and punished for being bad Rather than being like nurtured and Taught and guided it was just like Punishment and that might be something That you're perpetuating now and it's Like you rather than just being curious About what your Shadow is and knowing That it doesn't make you a bad person Because literally everybody has a shadow And the stuff that is in our shadow is Not even inherently bad it's just stuff That has probably been shamed or not Accepted and that we've hidden away so You know yes it is kind of scary to dive In and do that work but there just there Is an element Of it's not that serious and I don't Mean it in a way to belittle your Experience but I mean that you're not in

Trouble or it's not it's not the end of The world if you have some darkness in You um there's I think when I get the Message of taking something too Seriously I think that's more what it is Referring to Um like I'm kind of being Shown someone who has some wrong answers On a test and they're really really Distressed about it and an adult being Like it's okay everybody everybody makes Mistakes that's it's very normal there's Something that I feel like maybe you're Scared to find because you put a lot of Weight on it and it's like it's very Okay like you know it sounds very cliche But making mistakes is how we learn and I think we recognize that At school and like when we're learning Skills but it's the same thing with Maturity it's the same thing with Emotional growth it's the same thing With relationships and whatever even the Deepest darkest gnarliest thing that you Could find inside yourself is very Normal it's very normal there is nothing Wrong with you it's nothing that we Haven't seen before so I think that what I mean when when I say it's not that Serious it's not like an invalidating or A belittling thing it's like it's okay You don't have to be so scared you don't Have to beat yourself up that much for It so yeah I think it's that kind of

Message And if you can cuz this also talks about Friendships you don't have To you don't have to do this all alone You know if you if you go into the Shadows and you find something heavy and You find something scary you can you can Talk about it to people you can share it Or maybe this is here because the Universe wants to offer you a lot of Experiences and opportunities to see That what you're going through is Not maybe not as unrelatable as you Think it's not as unique as you think And it's not as bad as you think There might even be something that you Judge yourself for like I can't believe I do that I can't believe I think that Way that's so bad and it's actually a Normal thing that a lot of people Experience and it doesn't make you a bad Person and it doesn't mean that you have To like intrusive thoughts for example Just because you had an intrusive Thought it doesn't mean that's you it Doesn't mean that you act on it or that You necessarily agree with it it's just An INT Ive thought and if if having Those thoughts make you a bad person Then everyone is a bad person so it's It's yeah it's the universe wants you to Know whatever you're afraid of you are Not alone in it and wants to give you Courage to to go on this inward

Journey okay we are going to get into The tarot now And this is the what are you not seeing Part so okay we're going to start with a Truth that you are not seeing and we Have the Devil and the nine of Thunder which is The nine of Swords I think a big truth That you're not seeing is That everything is going to be okay and That you're good enough as you are and That you're worthy of love and you're Worthy of all the good things it's so Interesting how these two cards came out Because the nine of Swords represents Someone who has anxious thoughts Negative thoughts and kind of expects The worst and just the way it came out It kind of looks like They're the way they're leaning forward It's like the devil is pulling them and It feels like something that has control Over your mind and that has control over Your thoughts And is kind of Causing Illusions about who you are it's It's strange it's Like I think this group you might view Yourself it's like you're a much better Person than you might realize and you're Much more Lovable and kind and empathetic then you Realize it's a truth that you don't See about yourself I think this is a

Group that is is very hard on themselves Judges themselves very harshly for Things that are for things that are Normal and when I say normal it doesn't Mean that like for example if you caught A cold that's normal but that doesn't Mean you want to keep having the cold But like having a cold is bad but it's Not a moral failure it's it's that kind Of thing it's like beating yourself up For struggles or uh imperfections that Are very normal and you can improve them You can improve them Without without judging Yourself another example would be like Someone who went through a physical Transformation and they're they're more Fit now and it's like yeah I I love Myself before and I love myself now and Just because I did something that Improved the quality of my life and Improved my image like Improvement Doesn't necessarily mean it was bad Before or it was unacceptable before and There's maybe there's maybe a part of You that that views it that way and There's maybe maybe your ego is Motivating ated by punishment or shame So it's maybe hard to focus on personal Growth without being like the current Version of me is bad and I have to Evolve into this other better version I Hope that what I'm saying makes sense But I think what you're not seeing is

How you are just as lovable and worthy As as everyone else there's nothing Inherently like unlovable or bad or WR About you and your struggles are very Relatable and very common and the the Times that you have moments of weakness Or you know it's it's all it's very Human I think it's very human maybe Something you're not seeing is that You're a human you are Not a perfect machine you are not a Perfect doll you are an organic living Breathing complex messy human and we all Are and you're not alone in That And this is happening quite a bit where I feel like there was something I wanted To say and then it it escapes Me Which I wonder if there's some Like um brain fog or issues with memory From this Group I don't know maybe maybe it's just Me Bute yeah and I Think the other truth that you may not See is That you Can I it's funny it's like I think of Course it's like you grasp these Concepts but then your ego says except You like it doesn't apply to you like We're all lovable and we're all Beautiful but not me or something like

That and it's like this weird thing Where maybe you feel isolated or like You are some kind of Exception but the other thing I wanted To say is that you can grow and Improve by being fed Love you don't grow and improve by being Fed shame and Punishment you grow and Improve by being fed love and Encouragement You can't and I don't think this is my Quote but you can't hate yourself into a Version of you that you Love what is an opportunity that group Number Four oh is not seeing we have the Empress which we were talking about About Before unconditional love and acceptance Of yourself and taking care of yourself And nurturing yourself just the way These are coming out it's like the devil Is pulling this poor person which is Like all the negative thoughts the Intrusive thoughts the anxiety the Limiting beliefs societal conditioning Just pulling them in this direction and Then there's this beautiful look at this He's like the birds and the butterflies It's this beautiful gentle Energy and this is this is your Spiritual team this is your guides this Is your higher self they're just Standing behind you just waiting for you

To turn around like I really Think This Journey this journey to self-love and Self-acceptance You're really so close and I know that It might not feel that way but you're so Close to achieving The mindset and the emotional state that You want to be in it's literally a Matter of just turning your head to the Other Direction it's not like you have to turn Around and run a 100 miles to get back To the place of self-love it is Literally always right there inside of You it is Always available getting Into as someone who's very very anxious And hard on myself Too it's always There we we don't see it sometimes it Feels far away sometimes But to the universe is literally love And you are the Universe so by Extension that place of unconditional Love it's always inside of you and it Like you cannot be devoid of it it Cannot be any other way it is you it is Inside of you and so it's really just Like flipping a switch going from Looking on the outside to looking Within it's always there and and that is

What makes us all Equally lovable and worthy of love Because we are love Itself and you are just like everyone Else in that you have this inside of you And you always have the opportunity to Align with it and and to reconnect with It by Just coming out of getting out of your Head And yeah this is very easy for me to say Because of course there are mental Blockages there but it is always Available and it is always There that feeling That that feeling that everything is Going to be Okay and I'm sure I'm sure you have felt It a many Times what is an opportunity that group Number four is not seeing we have the 10 Of Cups this is like the happiest card the Happiest card in the tarot and it is Being Completely Content satisfied emotionally fulfilled There's a lot of love in both of these Cards and this is like your dream life Your happily ever after getting to wake Up every day and just love and be loved It's like the 10 of cups is like what More could you ask for and so I think What you don't see is that this future

Is possible for You and that you are actually on the way To it If you're feeling Particularly heavy like if your energy Is feeling particularly heavy recently Or you find old negative thought Patterns resurfacing or old limiting Beliefs resurfacing or old Insecurities heart breaks they might Actually be resurfacing because they are On their way Out because I just feel like you're Closer to this than you Think it's like just one last adjustment That needs to be made And this is making me think of I saw the Eclipse the other day most beautiful Thing I've ever seen I'll never forget It um I was in totality so I saw it when It was the sky was completely black and There was just a ring but it's so insane How bright the sun is because yes when It's in totality it is completely dark But the Second the moon shifts like one degree That way suddenly the whole sky is Bright again like you only need one tiny Sliver of sunshine to make the whole Sky Bright again and it's like automatic it Goes dark for a couple minutes and then It's bright again and I actually thought About it imagine if you were an ancient Human and it's your first time seeing

This happen and the sky goes dark and The Sun is gone you would probably not Think it's going to come back and you Would be freaking out But it only lasts a few minutes and then The sky is light Again so you know if this is your light Inside of you and there's some negative Thoughts and And if there is some Darkness obscuring It it really only takes it moving just This much to flood everything with light Again and I think that's that's what you Don't see So and when you're in that dark place Much like an ancient person might see a Total eclipse and think that oh the sun Is gone sky is dark now where did the Sun go it's still right there it's still Right there and that's the same with Your light so if you're in a heavy place And you feel like it's going to be this Way forever it's not the moon just has To move like one degree I think it just It takes it will take something small And then that will snowball and you You're closer to this than you think That's what I can Say I'm also thinking About this is kind of personal but I Mean it's back when I was a teenager but I was like really really struggling for Like a year with some mental stuff and It it literally took

One I like one text message from my Friend and Just yeah it was crazy um you just you Never know you never know how things can Turn Around what is a sign that my group Number fours are not seeing And who is the sign From we have the hofan this is the exact Same card as group number three in the Exact same Position and the Ace of stones which is The Ace of Pentacles so for the Hierophant this would be your higher Self but I actually Remember I checked the guide book when This came out for group number three CU I wanted to know what kind of bird it Was and I do believe it had some Messages about Elder Generations so your Ancestors could be sending you signs as Well um so yeah these are red-faced Corins as we learned in the last group Seabirds are ancient the wisdom in their Movement and in their eyes is older than The Millennia accountable on our Fingertips here we observe the red-faced Corant attentive and alert in the Sunlight only until we honor our Ancients can we truly know who we are And pursue a life we love this card Guides us to dig deeper connect and Embrace the wisdom of the ages that is Dormant within us this potent card asks

Us to remember our worth by studying or Reconnecting with our past who has Contributed to who you are both Physically in this life and before you Arrived Wow so this is yeah it's your higher Self it's your Ancestors it's past on loved ones it's Your lineage that is is sending you Signs and this image looks really so Beautiful because I imagine this as like The hand of your ancestor and they're Passing on the World to You I wonder if connecting to your Ancestry or connecting to your heritage Or learning about your relatives Learning about your past unloved ones That could be something that's really Helpful in this self-love journey and I'm I'm remembering something that one Of my best friends posted that was Really beautiful um that was I don't Know if it was original post or a repost It doesn't matter but basically the Sentiment was that we often talk about Inheriting trauma and struggle like Generational trauma but we should talk More about the strengths that we inherit From our ancestors the Courage the gifts The beauty the wisdom like we inherit a Lot of of good and a lot of beautiful Things as well and I think just learning More about what what you came from and And those wise Souls that that live

Still inside of you and that are a part Of you thinking about The Lion King now With like Mufasa in the sky I wonder if That movie is is significant to you but But it's like it's an emotional scene And just you're I think there's Something with this group of feeling Isolated and and the universe wants to Help you see just how connected you are And this connection really is an Illusion because you're you're part of Everything And oh man it's happening again where I Wanted to say something and I can't Remember what it is but yes I think Connecting to your ancestors connecting To your lineage could really help with Selflove um oh yes this is what I wanted To say so one of my other best friends Is Jamaican and she was telling me that They kind of say something in so like For Example my mother's name is Anna so if I Got mistreated or something people would Be like can you believe that Anna's Daughter like you call yourself so and So's daughter or so and so's son um if There are any Jamaican people watching Please feel free to um correct me if I Told it a little bit wrong but it was it Was something to that effect and it's Kind of beautiful in a way like framing It in that way it's like it's Someone's Child it's so precious and like you are

Someone's Child you are someone's great Great great great great great great Great grandchild and your Ancestors struggled to to create this World for you and to assure that you Would exist like they fought so hard for You to exist that is how precious you Are and like I don't know about you guys But if I'm like someone who's rude to Carry I'm like okay someone was rude to Anna's Daughter no absolutely not like don't Respect Anna's daughter like that just I Don't know it's weird but anyway I think You are receiving signs from your family Tree your family tree who love you so Much and who are watching over you and Are literally right there over your Shoulder I think it's interesting How they're coming up behind you here They're coming up behind you here if you Feel the presence of an ancestor or a Past unloved one you might kind of feel Them standing behind you almost as if They are protecting you you know looking Over you watching over your shoulder you May feel you know sometimes I feel like An energetic hug or an energetic hand Holding you might feel something on your Shoulders like an energetic back rub or Something like that and I do think that They show you signs in the material World because Ace of Pentacles is very Much a material energy the hofan being

Ruled by the sign of Taurus that also Talks about the physical world and we Also literally have a world here so you Probably get signs through through Things that you see like certain objects Might have a significance or certain Parts of nature or certain Animals may actually be your ancestors Talking to you they might talk to you Through nature for example if you are Walking down the street and you see Flowers or you're thinking about Something and then all of a sudden the Sun comes out from behind the clouds and Warms you up or you hear some birds Singing or things like that I think are Are signs and I also think that your Ancestors are helping you with material Abundance and so something else that you Might not see is that there's big Abundance like especially money that is Coming your way that's something that They would like you to have and would Like you to Enjoy Okay so For the last part of this reading we're Going to get a couple more cards from The bloom Oracle to get messages from your Spiritual [Music] Team Cactus I was wondering if this card Was going to come out because today's Reading is a pick a cactus so group

Number four you are the lucky one ones Who got the cactus card adapt and Thrive and unity we are all in this Together what a perfect last card to Show that you are really really not Alone um I'm noticing these oh my gosh That's so cool 4:29 I was thinking it Could be the date April 29th with which If you're watching this when this video Goes up that is quite super soon is in a Like a couple of weeks maybe exactly two Weeks but that is the birthday of one of My besties who I quoted in this reading So kind of cool that that's coming up And then we have the three of Cups which Is about friendship this may be a time To lean into your existing friendships Or this may be a message from the Universe that you are manifesting Beautiful friendships with this adopt And Thrive I sometimes get messages like This for cards That feature something that can exist in Harsh conditions like you know cactuses They can go a long cacti they can go a Long time without water camels can go a Long time without water albatrosses Which I have learned from using oracle Cards but I think the message for this Group is you know this is what our our Personality does as we go through life It adapts in order to survive so we Might break off certain pieces of our

Personality and throw it away in order To survive or we might suppress our Needs because they're not getting met And so if we acknowledge that need it's Going to be very painful and awful so We're just going to numb that need and That's that's the way we adapt which it Can sometimes it can be helpful In in extreme situations but not in Everyday life and so I think this group You do have that ability of adapting and Being able to survive even in harsh Conditions but your spiritual team is Now helping you to realize That it doesn't mean that you should be Living this way it doesn't mean that you Have to be living this way um just Because you can ignore your needs for a Long time that is not advisable or just Because you can be really strong and Endureed that does not mean that like Ideally you shouldn't have to do those Things and I feel Like it almost feels like this is the Core of who you are and there's like Certain parts that have to break off Just to keep going And I Think maybe a lot of This there cuz there could be new parts Of you that you're discovering there Could be old parts of you that you're Reclaiming but also there could be parts Of you that you forgot

About because they've been blocked off In some Way I mean yeah it is it is intense it's Intense energy But I think this is a process of you Becoming whole again which again the Whole version of you it's always just Behind there it's not like oh I have to Go back and get this part of me over Here and this part of me over there it's It's all right there it's just Obscured like like the sun being Obscured by the moon it's literally Right there you know the it's all Connected back to the Core Mhm Molly is singing us a song and she's Gotten more vocal during groups three And four she probably wants to come out Now because it's around dinner Time um yeah I think that these are all The messages for my group number Fours thank you so much for letting me Do this reading for you I wish you guys All the best I hope you have a wonderful Day or night whenever you are watching And I want to say thank you once again To tarot stack for collaborating thank You so much to the creators of these Decks it has been such a joy to use them Together and and I just Love how beautiful and gentle these Messages are and I hope that it's been Helpful and I'm going to have both of

These decks individually linked down Below and I'll also link the bundle if You want to check them out you can look At every single card in the deck and Remember that you can get a 10% discount Off the Bundle with the code Kino and I hope you guys I'm sending This group so much love cuz I know this Is a tough energy please take good care Of yourself stay healthy don't forget to Like comment and subscribe if you feel Like doing that if you enjoy my readings And you would like to find me elsewhere I will have linked down below my tarot Reading Instagram my personal Instagram My patreon where you can get even more Even more videos just like this one and You can also decide on the topics for Future readings I will link my music Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I Will also have my latest release link Down below and finally my Vlog Channel And my merch which features the floating Temple that was at the start of this Video thank you guys so so much for for Watching this video for supporting me my Channel anything I do I really really Appreciate having you here and I'm Sending so much love to you remember That you are lovable you are inherently Lovable you could never not be lovable Or worthy of love because you are love

And I'm sending love to anyone who Appeared in this reading directly or Indirectly to your higher self your Spirit guides your spiritual team your Whole entire family Tree into the past Generations into the Future generations and I'm sending love To all of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one byebye

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