What’s About to SHIFT in Your Reality + WHEN? ✨ Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading

Use KINO55 to get 55% off your first month at Scentbird
This month I received…
Parisian Embrace by Sentier
Viva La Juicy La Fleur by Juicy Couture
Sexycrush by J.U.S
Amazon Rainforest by Sanctuary


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Choose Your Group – 6:27
🎀 #1 (Viva la Juicy) – 7:50
🌧 #2 (Amazon Rainforest) – 35:49
🍐 #3 (Parisian Embrace) – 1:03:53

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Decks Used (in order):
📍Blue Dragonfly Oracle by Danilo Sanino
📍Energy Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor
📍The Shaman’s Dream Oracle by Alberto Villoldo & Colette Baron-Reid

💍Snake Ring
💍Gold Heart Ring:
🕯 EsoTarot Magician Candle:

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The readings on my channel are not meant to substitute professional advice. I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy for any reading. Please use your own judgement when making any decisions based on a tarot reading.

Music by Lofi Breno – Champlooness –

#pickacard #tarotreading


[Music] Hi guys it's Kino welcome to another Video so in today's pick a card reading We are going to be seeing a shift that Is about to happen in your reality but Just before I get into it I did want to Give a quick update as some of you guys May have already seen on the community Section of my channel as well as on my Instagram story I will be opening up Personal readings very soon for the First time in ages and so I created a Landing page where you can share your Email address and then receive updates About when they are going to open but it Is going to be very very soon I'm going To be sending out an email just sharing The details about the types of readings Available the pricing how to book and I'm going to be sharing the booking link As well as the date and time that you'll Be able to access the booking page so if You would like to receive that Information you can go to the link down Below it's a MailChimp link thank you so Much to everybody who has signed up so Far and thank you so much to everybody Who has expressed an interest in a Personal reading so for today's pick a Card reading we are back with the Fragrances we did this a few weeks ago In a video where instead of crystals on Top of the piles it's different perfume Bottles so I'm going to be using three

Of those fragrances from the last one in Today's video in the last video at the Start of each group we sprayed the Fragrance and I spoke a little bit about The feelings and the m messages that it Brings up for me but this time I've had A little bit more time to wear these Fragrances out and about and to sort of Build a relationship with them so the Messages that come through this time are Going to be a little bit different these Are the fragrances we use and I'm just Thinking maybe next time I'm going to Keep them in these cases cuz you might Be drawn to like the different color Cases when you pick your group these Fragrances were provided by scentbird Whom I've worked with a couple times now And it's such a pleasure to be able to Work with them because I am obsessed With fragrances I have a lot of Fragrances in my collection I personally Am not really a signature scent kind of Person I like to alternate depending on My mood that day what I'm going to be Doing and also the type of vibe that I Want to give off to the people around me So for example Diva La Juicy laf she has Been an everyday perfume for me this Summer it's a very nice fresh and clean Floral scent with Jasmine as the main Note while on the other hand Parisian Embrace this one is more of a sweet and Fruity scent so I would wear this one on

A weekend or on a night out when I'm Feeling a little bit more fun and flirty My sexy crush this one she's deep she's Woody so I wear this one when I want to Feel like cool and creative I really Like the variety of having several Scents to cycle through but if you're Someone who does want to find your Signature scent scent bird is a great Way to try out different fragrances Every month and see what you like Without having to commit to buying a Full bottle which can be quite expensive Although I actually did buy a full Bottle of perfume after trying it on Stford love High by Confessions of a Rebel and I will absolutely be getting a Full bottle of this Amazon rainforest by Sanctuary I love it my partner loves it It's my favorite one I I literally want To snort this stuff having them in these Vials makes them super portable which I Really appreciate just the other day I Went out with a friend and I put one of These in my little purse and I always Have one in my everyday backpack I'm Currently taking pole dancing lessons And DJ lessons and I do them on the same Day every week but after my pole class I'm a little bit sweaty especially in The summertime and I don't want to be Bringing that into my DJ lesson so Before I go in there I just do a little And freshen up and then I am the best

Smelling DJ in there and which one do I Use in there that's right it's the sexy Crush because she's my cool and creative One so yeah they're super portable and Yet it's quite a generous amount this Will give you at least 30 days of use I Usually use two sprays per use and it Will last much longer for me and they're Cheaper than a lot of the travel siiz Perfumes and those little rollers that You would buy in stores for your first Month of seer it's only $8 and then After that it's about 17 so it's a great Option for beginners and fragrance who Are still finding out what it is that They like or for those who don't want to Make the huge commitment of purchasing a Full bottle sen bird has over 700 Fragrances to try ranging from popular Brands to more Niche labels and they Have a quiz to help you find out which Fragrances will be perfect for you while I definitely have my favorites I Personally have never gotten a fragrance From cird that I didn't like so they are Pretty on the nose with the Recommendations if you guys are Interested in trying scent bird you can Use the link down below or you can use This QR code right here on the screen And use my code Kino 55 to get 55% off Your first month thank you so much to Sbird for sponsoring today's video thank You so much to you guys for listening to

That and now let's get on to the reading Hi guys it's Kino welcome to another Video so in today's a card reading we Are going to be looking at a major shift That is about to happen in your reality And for today's reading I'm really Feeling called to just leave the format Open so I don't have a list of all the Specific different things that we're Going to be looking at in the reading Like I sometimes do we are just going to Dive right into it and let the messages Be whatever they want to be whatever Spirit would like to reveal to you at This time about this shift that is Happening so I'm excited to see what Messages will come through hi guys I'm Just adding this in here because I just Watched back the intro that I filmed and I realized that I completely forgot to Mention this so in addition to seeing What shift is about to happen in your Life we are also going to see when this Shift is happening and for this part as Well I want to leave it up to Spirit how This message is delivered so it could be A very specific point in time it could Be a range that the shift is happening Somewhere in between this range there Could also be multiple time frames that Appear and using your own intuition you May claim one out of the multiple time Frames or you may claim several of them Depending on your situation there are

Three groups to choose from today and we Are back at it with the perfumes I Absolutely love all of these fragrances These fragrances were provided to us by Our wonderful sponsor scentbird so when You're choosing your group I'm going to Show you these bottles up close I'm also Going to show you a picture of what the Full bottle looks like as well as a Picture of the different notes that are In the fragrance so there will be a Couple of different factors to help you Pick if you feel drawn to more than one Today it could very well be that there Are multiple shifts that are happening In your life so please feel free to Watch any and all that you feel drawn to And without further Ado let's get a Close-up look at each of your options For my group number On's your fragrance Is Viva La Juicy laf FL by Juicy Couture And the main notes in this one are Jasmine gardinia water lily sandalwood And Vanilla for my group number twos your Fragrance is Amazon rainforest by Sanctuary and the main notes in this one Are Mandarin black pepper geranium fer And Rainwater and for my group number threes Your fragrance is is Parisian Embrace by Sonier and the main notes in this one Are Peach pear brown sugar bitter almond And black

Licorice okay so as always take all the Time you need to pick you can pause the Video if you need to I'm going to go Ahead and get started with number one hi Number ones so if you guys chose the Viva La Juicy this is going to be your Reading this one is actually the Fragrance out of all three that I've Been wearing the most recently I really Really like this one it has this fresh And clean scent it's like a mature scent But it's also bright and fun at the same Time so this has really been my go-to Recently you guys made an excellent Choice but anyway let's get into your Reading so like I mentioned in the intro I didn't really feel called to make a List for today's reading and I also felt Called to just Shuffle everything on Camera so we're going to start off with These Oracle decks I'm going to shuffle And pull one card from each and then We're going to get into the tarot Afterwards so let's get Started we want to ask Spirit to come Through and let us know about a major Shift that is about to happen or perhaps Even that is currently unfolding in your Reality Group number Ones a shift that is about to Happen in their reality so we have Number 27 genetic eyeliner Fearless Courage inner strength and incentive

Oh by the way this is the blue dragonfly Oracle And next we're going to get a card from The energy Oracle we have all tied up with the Number 23 And then from the Shaman's dream Oracle Ah sorry Archangel Gabriel Archangel Gabriel took a Tumble we have Overflow overwhelm and plenty And we also have eye of the needle with Intentionality when I look oh we have Two mentions of eyes cuz you have eye of The needle and we have genetic Eyeliner and we have the numbers 27 23 43 and 17 which could be significant numbers to You but when I look at this eye of the Needle Card this makes me think that the shift Happening is something that is already On your radar so to speak it's something That you're already kind of seeing Unfolding or seeing that it's about to Unfold it's something that you are Manifesting with great Precision yeah this is like a shift that You are manifesting and so spirit's here To confirm to you that it's going to Happen exactly as you have envisioned it Something about this eye of the needle It feels like a bullseye it feels very Specific it feels like I'm hearing it's

A one in a million chance and you're Getting it so some of you could be Victorious in an Endeavor that usually You have very small chances of being Successful like it's not many people who Can do it it's not many people who pass The test I'm hearing or who get selected But you are the one who is making it Happen And on that note I was going to say with Genetic eyeliner that you have a Gift that is very rare and that is hard For people to copy many people might try To copy your gift but they can Never they can never fully get it Right so this is something you're Manifesting because you have the rare Gift to make it happen There could also Be there's a lot of stuff coming through There could also be a shift happening That leads to more freedom in your life Especially freedom of expression like You can do whatever you want you can say Whatever you want you can wear whatever You want so you could be moving out of An environment that has been quite Strict or quite restrictive on you Moving out of a place or a situation Where there were a lot of rules placed Upon You it could just be as well that the Rules are changing within within a Certain system within a certain

Institution and you are being granted More freedoms to be you and to express Yourself how you really want To there could be a shift that is Happening in your physical appearance as Well and I'm sort of getting the feeling That this is something you've wanted to Do or wanted to try for a long time but Now you finally have you're either able To do it because of a change of rules or Now you have the resources to do so so Or you have the courage to do so and an Example I'm thinking of is like let's Say in your workplace they're like um They have a dress code or you're not Allowed to wear makeup or you're not Allowed to do your hair in a certain way And those rules are changing or you are Changing workplaces Where now the dress code is more relaxed And so now you have the freedom to Express yourself or maybe there's a Certain change you've been wanting to Make to your appearance that costs money Like a tattoo for example or like Getting your hair done or some kind of Cosmetic procedure and like you're Getting the the funds to do that or you Just finally don't give a what People would think if you do it and so You're just going to do what makes you Happy there is a feeling of you being a Trend Setter and people wanting To copy you which I know that can sound

Malicious like if someone's copying you But I honestly think it's like they just Are inspired by you they want to be like You or they want to be more like You um but no one can really quite match Your Energy with overflow overwhelm and Plenty this kind of reminds me of the Ace of Cups you you being overwhelmed with joy Overwhelmed with the support that you Are receiving with the abundance that You are Receiving there's a plan of yours that Is going to go very well because you Executed it exactly right and it's going To bring a lot of support and wealth Into your Life so group number one stick to your Vision because I think this is something This is not just something that's Randomly happening to you it's very much Something that you're consciously Manifesting and spirit wants to confirm To you that you are right on the Bullseye you are right on the money You're doing everything right and you're Going to manifest very Precisely what you want and More with this overflow overwhelm and Plenty it's like not only are you Hitting the target for what you do want But you're getting even more than that There may come a point where you are

Overwhelmed with the blessings that you Are receiving and I'm hearing that you Might quite literally not know what to Do with them like I don't know what to Do with all of this abundance that is Coming my way Um but I feel like That's that is a bridge to cross later You know it's no use uh like when you're In the place right now where you're Trying to Manifest this abundance spirit Is saying it's no use right now to try To imagine like oh but what if I get too Much what am I going to do with like Don't worry about that right now you Will figure it out as you Go interesting so let's get into your [Applause] Tarot and we'll see if we can get some Clarifying messages about these chicks So we're using the Lucid Minds Tarot let's see my group number Ones we have the three of Cups we have the Knight of Swords Judgement and the Hermit okay so I'm really liking this Three of Cups card because because it Kind of reminds me the the vibe that I Get when I look at this three of Cups Card is just like the fragrance that you Guys chose because the three of cups is A card that is about it's like Light-hearted it's fun it's Playful but this card has a very like

Sleek refined sophisticated look to it And that's really how I feel about this Fragrance like it's Simultaneously fun and playful but it's ALS Al like mature and sophisticated That's how I feel about it so I think Spirit is saying that this is what your Energy is like or this is an energy that You are stepping Into I'm also hearing you have grownup Money whatever that means So there could be an improvement coming In your financial situation also I'm Hearing an improvement in your financial Decisions like you're making Smart Financial decisions and then this allows You to live um a better lifestyle so to Speak or the lifestyle that you really Want I'm also hearing that you are Having fun on your own terms now so There's definitely a strong sense of Freedom and Liberation and Self-expression that is going on with This Group and maturity as well you've Reached an age or you've reached a level Of maturity where you really could not Care l less what others think about you You are making decisions for yourself You are making decisions because it Makes you happy and it should not Concern anyone else like what I didn't Ask you like I feel like that's your Vibe I didn't ask you what you think of

My eyeliner and I didn't do my eyeliner For you I did it for me because I like It it makes me feel good I like Expressing myself it makes me confident You're not paying my bills like you you Don't get an opinion that's like that's Very much your Vibe so yeah it's there's A shift happening in you where you are Mature confident empowered and you are Having fun and choosing your joy on your Own terms you have both the courage to Do this and you also have the resources To do this you could be going somewhere With your friend or celebrating Something with your friends um like Going on a a trip with a group of Friends or a reunion I'm hearing like Bachelorette party as Well may and maybe that's a shift like You or someone close to you is getting Married But yeah it's Like there's also a feeling of coming Full Circle where maybe at one point You leaned in too much to like Leisure Splurging having fun and then you're Like no I got to snap out of it and grow Up and so you did that and now you're Coming full circle where you're like I'm I'm grown I'm mature I'm responsible and So now I'm going to lean back into that Fun and playful and leisurely energy Because now I can do it in a way where

Where I'm in Control where I have control over it And do it in a way that I Really I really enjoy enjoy to do it um And as an example this is just one Hypothetical example but it would be Like if a younger person would go out to Party all the time but it was only Because um they didn't want to miss out On what everyone else was doing and they Wanted like the validation that they got When they went out and then they were Like okay I have to stop partying I'm Grown now and now they're like I'm grown but maybe I'm going to like Dabble in partying again except for this Time I'm going to do it my way you know I'm going to take my friends out for Nice dinner and drinks and I'm going to Really wear what I want not what I think Some random strangers are going to like And I'm going to spend my money how I Want to it's like reclaiming the way That you have fun or like doing it in a Way that is empowering and I I would Love to know how this resonates for you And like your specific situation that This applies to because this is such a Beautiful Energy there also could be something That you are leaving with a group of People the vibe is kind of like if you And multiple colleagues left a job at The same time it's like let's get out of

Here that's what I see with the three of Cups it's a group of friends who are Like let's get out of here we don't need To do this anymore So you and some others could be leaving Something at the same time or it could Be that just in your individual lives You and your friends happen to be going Through endings where you're walking Away from something at the same Time interesting um with the Knight of Swords there's also going to be a shift In life is getting Faster so manifestations are speeding up That's yeah that's a shift for you for Sure as you step into this new energy is Being able to manifest things with more Speed and more Precision but I also think there's a Shift in your mental energy so this Could be an improvement in your mental Health which I think makes a lot of Sense like considering all the stuff That we've talked about until now a Shift in your mental health um feeling More focused feeling more on the ball so For those of you who struggle with Things like brain fog Forgetfulness sort of having a chaotic Mind where there's a million things Going on at the same time I feel like That's going to be improving whether That's something that's just happening Naturally or you're finding something

External to help you regulate your mind I feel like your mind's process is just Becoming a lot Smoother sharper more focused more crisp Um I'm hearing like executive function so Maybe that's something that's improving For you where you're like um if I set Out to do this this and this today I'm Going to be able to do it and I'm going To be able to stay focused that's going To get a lot easier for you um making Decisions is going to become a lot Easier for you so if you're the Indecisive type and you like you spend a Long time to make a choice which there's Nothing wrong with that because like It's your life think about your Decisions for as long as you want to but I just think that that's going to start Happening faster for you because it's It's just becoming so much easier to Know what you Want like I think this is in terms of Making decisions where you have to Choose what you want to do that's just Going to become a lot quicker for you Because you trust your first initial Instinct your first initial instinct Tells you what you want but then you Might start kind of second guessing and Like thinking about other people's Opinions well like what do you think I Should do and I just think you're not

Doing that anymore you really believe in Your gut instinct of like Yep this is What I want to do this is the first Thing I thought of and so I'm going to Do it I'm going to make it Happen um your ability to like take Initiative and get the ball rolling on Things is really improving so if you had An idea for a project or like for Something you want to do the time from When that idea is conceived to you Actually executing it it's going to Become a lot Shorter I think you're sort of adopting More of a mindset of like I'll just get Started and I'll figure it out as I go Whereas before you might have kind of Stayed where you are and think oh but What am I going to do if this or that Happens or and it's good to think about These things for some Time but if we start to think about Everything too much we can get Frozen Where we are and I think you're getting Better at just moving forward and and Trusting that you're going to find the Answers and the information you need as You go along so you're doing a lot You're doing a lot you're doing a lot More I feel like you're a lot more Active in this reality shift and yet You're also a lot More peaceful The Hermit as well the Hermit is very much some someone who

Just does their own thing and really Does not care what you have to say about It because at the end of the day that is What they're inner Compass is telling Them to do my ears are ringing at the End of the day that's what their inner Compass is telling them to do that's What their higher self is guiding them To do that's what they're going to do And it's that simple and when you have That strong connection to your inner Compass like yeah your decision- making Becomes a lot faster because you're not Considering all of these Like BS factors that don't really matter At the end of the day what matters at The end of the day what you'll find as You go through this shift is honoring What higher self tells you to do and I'm Hearing you will have the data to prove This you will have the data to prove This every time I listen to my higher Self I don't regret it sure my higher Self might take me down some difficult Or uncomfortable paths sometimes but It's always worth it and it always Serves my highest good and then when I Look at times where I ignored my higher Self um I'm never happy that I did that I'm not like yeah that was a good call Ignoring what my inner voice told me no And and a lot of the time I'm saying I But this is like you Reflecting a lot of the time when I

Ignore my higher self I end up coming Around to do what they told me in the First place you know so I'm just going To listen to my higher self the first Time and I think that's a really big Shift that's happening for you being Able to Having the courage to just Listen to your higher self the first Time cuz you know you know if you don't Listen like it's going to be this whole Thing and you're going to come back in The end and say hi yourself you were Right let's do what you said so yeah Doing your own thing and I'm just Looking at the similarity between this Red clothing I've been getting this Message a Lot in readings that I've been watching About the color red and having it you Know it's it's symbolic for like rooting Something grounding something so this is Even more confirmation about you Grounding your manifestations into your Physical reality but I think this is Really sweet cuz like this represents Your friends or your friend group and Like you're wearing the same color so I Really think whatever you're going Through your friends are going through It Too like all my friends are manifesting Their dream life right now and that Makes you so excited and on that note I Think one sign that your manifestations

Are about to come is that you're going To start to see all your friends Manifestations coming and then you know Like I'm next I'm next it's only a Matter of time because all of my circle All my closed circle is getting blessed Right now like we're all oh my gosh I'm Getting so excited talking about this We're all moving up Together we're all freeing ourselves Together this is Beautiful and then we have judgment Which I am so late to realize this but You know earlier in the Reading this is Archangel Gabriel well Not literally this Stone but you know What I mean it represents Archangel Gabriel and it fell over and I was Thinking maybe Archangel Gabriel is Significant to this group and then Judgment came out which this card also Relates to him so Archangel Gabriel Could be with you right now could be Facilitating this journey for You but Look at this look at how these came out Like it looks like the angel is calling Out to you to the hermit so you have Support not only from your higher self But by angels and in this context I feel Like judgment is very much about Answering the Call Mhm this is not this shift is not

Happening by Chance it's happening because you listen To your higher self and you're Focused you're focused you are going to Make this happen exactly as you Envisioned it you are going to make this Happen with such Precision group number One you know what your purpose is yes You do you know what your calling is and I think honestly you already know that You are stepping into it and I think That this reading is confirmation for You but you've known this for a long Time and I feel like in recent Years it's only gotten stronger and Stronger I heard you're fulfilling the Prophecy which sounds kind of dramatic But there it is that's the message You're fulfilling the prophecy this is Something you've known is going to Manifest for a long Time okay we're going to roll some dice Now and See what Spirit has to say about when This is happening so I'm just going to Take Three random Dice from this [Music] Bowl we have yeah I'm not surprised at All we're just talking about your Calling your life purpose and then we Get the North Node so yeah you're moving In the right direction if you if you Needed your sign if you needed

Confirmation this is it this is your Sign that you are on the right path you Are so on the right path it's not even Funny group number One we also have Pisces okay yeah that's A very specific One and I literally just looked this up Recently but I already forgot so bear With me as I look it up again okay so This is a range but the North Node is Entering Pisces on January 12th 2025 and It's staying there until July 26th 2026 but my first instinct when I saw This was that when the North Node enters Pisces could be an important time for You so that's happening in January 2025th um if at the time that you are Watching this that has already passed Then I would say from now from the time That you're watching until July of 2026 Is going to be a very important time for You yeah that's super specific when the North Node is in Pisces we do have one More die so let's just see let's see What she Says we have the number nine So this could Be yeah I don't think it's 9 years I Think it's 9 Months yeah the next the next N9 months Or 9 months from Now yeah that's all I'm getting with This number nine mhm But I do think this is a sign of you I

Do think this is a sign of you being Near completion with something like near The Fulfillment of a goal near the Fulfillment of a manifestation near the Fulfillment of a project it's like You're you're so close you're almost There Mhm yeah so those are all of the Messages for my group number ones thank You so much for letting me do this Reading for you and thank you so much Once again to sent bird for sponsoring Today's video if you would like to get 55% off your first month you can use the Link down below or you can scan this QR Code on the screen and use the code Kino 55 to get your discount so thank you Very much to sent bird for sponsoring Today's video I hope you have a Wonderful day or night whenever you're Watching and I wish you all the best Please take good care of yourself stay Healthy don't forget to like comment and Subscribe if you feel like doing that if You enjoy my content and you'd like to Find me elsewhere I'm going to have Linked down below my tarot reading Instagram my personal Instagram my Patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like this one and you can also Decide on topics for future videos I Will link my music channel which Includes the intro song of this video

That is an original song I'll also have My latest release link down below and Finally my Vlog Channel and my merch Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video thank you Guys so so much for supporting me my Channel and anything I do I I really Really appreciate having you here and I'm sending so much love to you to your Higher self to anyone who appeared in This reading to their higher self and to Your Spirit guides your spiritual team Your lovely angels and all of your loved Ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will see you guys in the Next one Bye-bye hi number twos so if you guys Chose the Amazon rainforest this is Going to be a reading this one is my Favorite my absolute favorite out of all Three it may actually be one of my Favorite fragrances that I own of all Time but I gave this one to my partner Because somehow I just prefer the scent When it's on somebody else I don't know Why but whenever he wears it I'm just Like we went out to eat like not too Long ago and we were like sitting at the Table and I swear every 5 minutes I Would just blurt out you smell so good Smell so good so you guys have very good Taste and I wonder if there's a message In there for some of you like maybe There's a shift happening with you and

Your partner that you're going through Together or there may be a shift in your Love life and relationships but let's Get into your cards so like I mentioned In the intro I don't have a list today Of like the specific breakdown of the Reading and I also felt called to Shuffle everything on camera so we're Just going to dive right into it Starting with these Oracle decks I'm Going to shuffle and pull one card from Each deck and then we're going to get Into the tarot After so our first Oracle deck is the Blue [Applause] Dragonfly a major shift that is about to Happen for my group number twos we have I am Independent um Freedom Liberation Individuality and free spirit group Number one was also getting a lot of Messages about freedom and Liberation so I don't know if you guys were drawn to Group number one as well if you were Maybe this is your sign that there's a Message there for you but this is pretty Straightforward the shift that is coming Into your life involves you becoming More Independent and actually there's a whole Whole part at the end of the reading Where we're going to look at timing Predictions but for those of you who are

Watching this in 2024 I feel like the Fact that we have a dragon here is Indicating that this shift is going to Happen within the year 2024 cuz we are in the year of the Dragon right now but if you happen to be Watching this in 2025 or later perhaps The message for you is that this shift Is going to happen within whatever year You are watching but you're gaining more Independence you're gaining more Freedom that is for sure so we have to See in what area of life this Is but Actually for those of you if you're in a Relationship of any kind that makes you Feel tied Down you could be freeing yourself from That like freeing yourself from a Controlling relationship or a toxic Relationship whether that's like Romantic platonic professional [Applause] Family this could also be a confirmation For some of you that you very much can Be successful as an independent artist Or as a self-employed person You could be getting your own place Getting or getting your own space to Call your Own I'm also hearing Uncensored so this might be a very Specific message for some of you but It's like you've been holding your

Tongue on Something and you haven't been able to Say it but now that the circumstances Have changed you can finally say It I don't know it's like now that I'm Not under this contract anymore or now That I'm not in this company anymore or Like now that you've broken up with that Person I can finally say what I honestly Feel it's something like That okay next we're going to get a card From the energy Oracle deck And we have Financial Constraints Yeah that gives the feeling cuz I'm just Thinking like independent artist Self-employed money can definitely be a Concern when it comes to Independent Ventures and so when I look at these two Cards Together it's this feeling of I'm I'm Worried about I'm worried about Financial constraints or I'm worried About material security but I'm going to Take the leap of faith anyway you are Making a choice for your freedom and you Are making a choice for your peace of Mind and you could be Risking current security or your Current Financial Situation um cuz it's just it's not Worth it to have that security anymore I'm hearing if if you're going to be Driven Crazy by your current

Circumstances and this is just one Example to illustrate this energy but It's like um if you were living with a Roommate and your room drives you crazy And you're like I or maybe you realize Like I can't live with someone else this Is driving me crazy like I need to have My own place and you're like I don't Care if I have to pay all of the rent by Myself like I just it's worth it I got To get out of here so you could be Consciously choosing to spend more money Or consciously choosing to forego some Kind of money or income because it's It's worth it for the freedom and the Inner peace P that you'll get or it's Just a risk you know like for example Starting a business is a risk it might Not go well financially but it also Could go very very well and so I feel Like this is you saying whatever risk is Worth it cuz like I need to do this I Need to free Myself and we have the number 13 here Which is the number of the death card so It does feel like you're choosing to end Something so that you can be [Applause] And then Finally we are going to get a card from The Shaman's dream Oracle major shifts Happening for group number One we have wailing tree with

Reconciliations Interesting so we have an ending but we Also Have Reconciliation looking at this tree this Tree does not look Happy this tree is on fire I think maybe Not it looks like it's on fire and it Looks Strained And when I look at the red leaves and When I just look at this image as a Whole it feels like someone who is is Burdened because they have been holding On to something for too long much like If you were carrying a physical weight For too long your muscles would start Burning so there's something that you've Been holding on to or even that you've Been holding in like something you've Really wanted to say or Express that You've been holding In and holding on to this is like Burning you I'm thinking of that Meme It's like this guy and he's I think he's Sitting down and he has like veins Popping in his head and people you know People make all of these memes about it Like um and I don't agree with the Sentiment I think it's really dumb but Like when you're vegan and you haven't Told anybody in five minutes like shut Up I love vegans but um it's I'm just Seeing that image you know like

Like my veins popping there's something I really want to say or like I really Want to break free from this and I've Been I've been holding on to this for Too Long some of you may have Some like tea that you've been holding On to but you can't talk about it to Anyone because it's a secret and now I'm Thinking about like Friends the TV show Friends when Monica and Chandler who Were like two people from the the friend Group are hooking up and only one other Person in the friend group knows about It and they're like this is killing me Like I want to talk to somebody about This and I think there's actually like Multiple in the friend group who they All know this secret but they don't know That like others know as well and They're they're just all like dying to To talk about this and they finally can So maybe that's just for some of you but It's like you'll there's an experience That you've been through or something That you're feeling and you're finally Able to talk about It Interesting Um there is there are messages about Freeing yourself from toxic Relationships but there's also messages About Repairing relationships that are

Important to you and so definitely feel Free to claim both of these messages Depending on your situation you might Resonate with one or the other or both But There's the potential for reconciliation Here yeah so you could Be welcoming someone back into your life Interesting so it's you who is allowing Them back in someone is approaching you Expressing a desire to restart something With you and you are welcoming them in So it's yeah it's up to You okay so we're going to get into the Tarot now And we're going to see if there's Any other clarifying messages about These shifts or any other shifts that You should know [Applause] About major shifts happening for my Group number twos W oh my gosh that just Flew out Um just the way the deck behaved just Now I don't know if it was on camera but There was a feeling of something getting Shaken Loose so there might be and I don't mean For this to be a a scary message but There could be a little bit of chaos Stirring up in your life soon because That chaos is going to shake loose some Things that are not meant to be in your Life I have this visual

Of sprouts sprouts coming out of the Soil and then we shake up the Soil and all of the Sprouts that have Firmly rooted are not going to move Because they're already rooted but the Ones that are not firmly rooted they're Going to fall over and be like taken Away I don't know it's like spirit is Stirring up some chaos in your life So that you can see what is firmly Rooted and what is staying and what is Flimsy we have the Wheel of Fortune luck is working in your favor Right now the universe is moving in your Favor right now So honestly if you are worried about Money or material things or if you're Just worried about the outcome of you Taking the sleap of Faith The Wheel of Fortune is promising that it's going to Work in your favor you are going to be Blessed with good luck because there is Something there is something risky I Think about the leap of faith that You're taking and of course there may be Elements of proper planning and strategy And things like that but there's also an Element of luck there's always an Element of luck so I think spirit is Saying when it comes to the luck side of Things luck is going to favor you Something specific that is coming Through is luck surrounding who who Happens to be reviewing your

Application that's Interesting um who happens to be grading Your work or who happens to be reviewing Your Work um in the example of a job Interview yes there's a matter of Preparation knowing your stuff being Confident having good answers to the Questions presenting yourself in a Professional way being qualified for the Job like there's all of those things but Then there's also the luck of who is Your interviewer going to be and are They in a good mood today or like are They are they strict are they relaxed Are they friendly what does that Individual happen to be looking for I Remember When I was in school we were doing some Kind of evaluation where we were broken Off into groups and each small group had A different teacher grading them and we Were all asking each other like which Teacher did you get oh you're so lucky That teacher is like really easy with Their grading and oh crap I got this Teacher they're so strict with their Grading like there's a luck about who You're working with or who is going to Be reviewing your your submission or Your application or who you get paired Up with that is going to work in your Favor we Have the seven of Wands and I love how

This came out because this looks very Much like a barrier you can't walk past Here you can't climb over this because It looks all spiky and there's a wall Behind the Fence there's a barrier here but you are Flying good things for you you don't Have to worry about fences because you Are flying so any obstacles that stand Between you and your Goal whether it's Financial Financial Constraints time Constraints Um something Else my mind just went blank but any any Obstacles that are standing in your way You will fly over them because luck is Working in your favor The the universe is saying don't even Worry don't even worry about the Obstacles that you see right now don't Even worry about the difficulties that Present themselves because they're Either going to change or they're going To disappear or you are going to be Shown some way to overcome Them you do not have to Worry there's a message about you Proving yourself which is not really Important at the end of the day you Don't have to prove yourself to anyone But it does feel nice you know so you Could be proving someone wrong like if There were people who thought you

Couldn't do It who thought that you were making a Mistake by pursuing certain things or by Leaving certain things Behind people who doubted your journey People who doubted your process or your Destination they are going to be proven Wrong and you're going to prove that you Could do it Your ego is going to be Happy which they're allowed to be Happy group number tw's major shifts Happening for my group number twos we Have two coming out at the same time I'm Going to keep these together as one Energy we have The Two of Wands and we Have the page of Wands WS the way this Globe is we can only see the continent Of Africa so that might be significant For some of you we can also see a little Bit of Western Europe up there those Parts of the world could be significant Or the ocean could be because there's a Lot of ocean on this globe as Well I love that the page of Wands is Holding it looks like wheat because that Makes me think of harvest it makes me Think of hard work paying off there's Definitely a sense of embarking on a New Journey with these two cards because the Page of Wands is literally A New Beginning particularly a new exciting Adventure or a new challenge A New Path That you are feeling led to purely from

A passion or a gut Instinct and then we have the Two of Wands where we see the world in this Person's hand so there's feelings of Adventure of Exploration of Traveling especially to places that you Have not been Before many of you who chose this group Could be traveling in the near Future traveling to a new place or Moving to a new Place you could be going somewhere that Is south or west or Southwest from where you currently are And there may not be a whole lot of Planning involved in this either because You didn't have time to plan and so you You had to just improvise you had to Just do what you could with the time you Had Or there wasn't really a way for you to Plan cuz it's one of those Journeys Where you just have to go and see what Happens you could be making a decision To travel or relocate Kind of Suddenly it feels like a kind of Impulse or even if it's something you've Been thinking of doing for a long time The thought of let's do it now let's Just go for it now could feel a little Bit Impulsive this could also be you

Embarking on a New Journey Creatively so starting a new creative Project or putting yourself out there Creatively in a way that you haven't Done before learning a new skill or Taking on a new hobby that is creative In nature but with the Two of Wands I Often get this feeling of something Being adjacent so it's not completely Unfamiliar you may have not done it Before or you may have not been there Before but it's similar to your previous Experiences so for example I've I'm Going to this country that I've never Been to before but we speak the same Language as my home country They speak the same language as my home Country or like it's similar to my home Country so it's not going to be Too out of my element or I've never Played this instrument before but it's a A string instrument and I know how to Play string instruments so I'm pretty Sure like I'll figure it out it's like Kind of borrows from your existing gifts And talents so you're not completely a Fish out of water but it is new and Exciting for you I think there's also a shift Happening mentally for you or Spiritually for you where you're you're Realizing that for you true abundance Lies in your experiences and lies in Seeing and appreciating the

World it's almost like you're saying Money has no value to me if it's just Sitting in my bank account it's valuable To me if and when it facilitates me Seeing more of the world and falling in Love with the world More you Want yeah you want Experiences your wander lust or your Zest for life could be heightening Around this time as well and there's a Lot of fire energy wands wands wands and This tree looks like it's on fire um you Could have fire placements or people With fire placements will be significant To You and the last card fell on the Floor what is it it is the Moon okay you could be going somewhere Pretty far away Somewhere pretty far Away there's a shift happening for you Spiritually as Well there's a shift happening where I Think you're embracing more spontaneity And you're embracing the truth that you Don't have to know everything and you Don't have to have everything figured Out there can Be uncertainties there there can be Unknowns and you can still move forward Anyway and almost kind of realizing That feeling like you know what's going To happen or feeling like you have

Everything under Control is an illusion Anyway security real security comes from Trusting Spirit and maybe this sounds kind of Dramatic but I'm hearing that's the only Way you can truly feel Secure because you could have everything Lined up for you in the future well First of all you could have everything Lined up for you in the future and it Could be taken away so in that moment Feeling like oh I'm secure cuz I have All these things lined up for me that's An illusion cuz really you never know What's going to happen it could all be Gone tomorrow and in the same way you Could have Nothing and then suddenly be enormously Blessed tomorrow like you you never know What what going to happen and so you Can't if you cultivate a sense of Security based on what you think is Going to Happen that's not real security like it It has to come from a relationship with Spirit that's how it's coming through so You're reaching this place where whether You had the whole plan laid out in front Of you and you felt like you knew Exactly where to go or whether you had No idea a what the heck you are doing You're going to feel equally as secure And you're going to have equal trust in

Spirit that's the place that you are Reaching Wow okay so for the last part of the Reading we are going to see what Spirit Wants you to know in terms of timing of Course we got that message at the very Start that within this year whatever Year you're watching within the year These shifts are going to happen but We're going to roll some dice for this Part as well and just see what else Spirit wants you to know so I'm taking Three random Dice from my Bowl we have the sign of Leo we have the number Two and we have the the South Node um the South node okay I'm going to Look this up because that's not that far Away when the South node enters Leo it's In Libra right now then it's going to go Into Virgo and then it's going to go Into Leo so I just looked up the dates The South node is going to be in Leo Between July 2026 and March 2028 so something that's interesting About that is at the time that I'm Filming this we're in the year 2024 so that is 2 years from Now And that period from July 2026 to March 2028 is almost 2 years as Well interesting so I do think there's Something happening for you by the end

Of this Year maybe something is something is Resolving itself I'm hearing like a Stressful situation is resolving Itself you are gaining your freedom and Independence by the end of this Year and Then between 2026 and 2028 that's going To be like a peak period for you a Blessed period an abundant Period Yeah okay so group number twos those are All of the messages that I have for you So I'm going to end your reading here Thank you so much for letting me do this Reading for you and thank you so much Once again to our wonderful sponsor sent Bird if you guys would like to get 55% Off your first month you can use the Link down below or you can use this QR Code right here on the screen and use Kino 55 for your discount thank you guys So much and thank you sent bird for Sponsoring this video I hope you have a Wonderful day or night whenever you're Watching and I wish you all the best Please take good care of your yourself Stay healthy don't forget to like Comment and subscribe if you feel like Doing that if you enjoy my content and You'd like to find me elsewhere I'm Going to have link down below my tarot Reading Instagram my personal Instagram My patreon where you can watch tons of

Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like this one and you can also Decide on topics for future readings I Will link my music channel which Includes the intro song of this video That is an original song I'll also have My latest release link down below and Finally my Vlog Channel and my merch Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video thank you Guys so so much for supporting me my Channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here and I'm sending so much love to you to your Higher self to anyone who appeared in This reading to their higher self and to Your Spirit guides your spiritual team And all of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one Bye-bye hi number threes so if you guys Ch the Parisian Embrace this is going to Be your reading this is one that I don't Wear as often although I do really like The scent but I wear this one when I'm Feeling like flirty and feminine which Just doesn't happen that often so she's More of a special occasion kind of Fragrance for me but that is her vibe That's definitely her vibe she's very Sweet very fun we love her So like I mentioned in the intro I do do Not have a list today of like the Breakdown of the reading and I also feel

Called to shuffle everything on camera So we're just going to dive right into It and see what Spirit has to say about The shifts happening in your life we're Going to start off with these Oracle Decks so I'm going to shuffle and pull One card from each of these and then we Will get into the tarot After and our first Oracle deck that We're going to be using is the blue Dragonfly Oracle Group number three shifts happening for Group number three now when I sit with The energy of this Group does feel like a lot of my group Number 3es have been ansy or have been Anxious for some change to happen so you May be getting Honestly a bit bored or maybe a bit Frustrated with your current Situation with the stagnation like just Really wanting something new wanting Some change to happen we have divine Feminine um I feel called out with this Cuz I was just talking about how I don't Feel feminine and now spirit's like Divine feminine energy we have abundance Growth and artistic project [Applause] From the energy Oracle Deck we oh my gosh you have woman so There's more feminine energy woman Holding a heart And from the Shaman's dream

Oracle we have Drifter experiencing life As it Comes okay we have the numbers 244 and 14 which could be significant I'm just Thinking 214 that's Valentine's Day like The date February 14th also Is there another yeah January 24 like 1 124 April 12 412 November 24th like any dates with These numbers could be Significant or a time as well when I First saw 244 for some reason I was Thinking of the time like some something Happening at 244 and maybe that's Someone's birth time or something like That there's definitely like we just Mentioned strong feminine energy Happening here and so I do think when it Comes to a shift unfolding in your life This could be you really stepping into Your feminine energy or this could be Someone close to you who is getting in Touch with their feminine energy and This is also affecting you in a positive Way because we have woman holding a Heart I do think there will be a shift In matters of the heart the number 44 is Making me think this is something that Is Faded a shift in matters of the heart That is faded it it feels like perhaps a Relationship a faded relationship a Divine counterpart relationship could be

Progressing in some way or you within Yourself are entering into a place where You are ready to receive love from your Divine Counterparts from your soulmate from Your soul family There's definitely a feeling of Receptiveness as well not only with this Feminine energy but also this Experiencing life as it comes there's a Feeling of just allowing 444 as I say That so we have 44 444 on the camera Timer um April 4 which is my birthday Could also be a significant day because That's a date with fours or yeah any Date with ones twos and fours that just Keeps coming Through but that is an angel number that Makes me think of divine protection also Of divine orchestration and being on a Destined path I think you trust that What is unfolding in your life is meant To be happening and you trust that You're on your destined path and I think You're in a state of just Allowing surrender and allowing life to Unfold as it unfolds and feeling safe in That and feeling like everything is Going to be Okay this is a beautiful shift And I'm hearing you're able you're able To be in this energy because the Universe has shown you shown you very Clearly that it's safe to do so like

It's safe to let your guard down and Trust the direction your life is moving In or someone in your life is showing You that it's safe to let your guard Down you know we we talk about divine Feminine energy being you know all about Like allowing and receptivity and Creativity and softness and things like That but you can't be in that energy Unless you feel safe like you can't Soften unless you feel safe and so I Think the universe or someone close to You is showing you evidence I'm hearing Evidence that you are safe to now soften Up mhm and let your walls come Down and live yeah live a more gentle Life we have abundance growth and Artistic project as keywords those could Be very specific for some of you Creating abundance from an artistic Project or experiencing growth in an Artistic or creative Endeavor this divine feminine energy is Making me think of the empress which is Very much about abundance creativity and Manifestation also love but I'm also Thinking of the high priestess and so With all of this unfolding I do Think this is all really confirming your Intuition it's confirming what you've Always known was in the cards for you no Pun intended But yeah this is Beautiful um let's get into your tarot

And see what else we can uncover about This shift [Applause] You could also just be entering into an Energy where you don't plan things as Specifically and to illustrate this Energy I'm seeing somebody's day planner And somebody was going from organizing Their tasks for the day down to the Minute you know I'm going to wake up at 700 and then between 7:15 and 7:30 I'm Going to meditate and then between 7:30 And 7:35 I'm going to brush my teeth you Know like someone really planning like That to now there's hardly anything or There's much less written in their day Planner because they're just going to go With the Vibes and see see how they feel Each day see what they feel called to do Or they just or they write down what They need to do but not in a specific Time because they trust that it's going To get Done becoming more free or more loose With plans that's an interesting word That could be another shift that you are Going through and again this very much Has to do with feeling safe because I Imagine that planning things down to the Minute in that example it makes that Person feel safe cuz they're like I know What's going to be happening at at every Moment and maybe that person is afraid Like if I just leave it to my intuition

To do whatever I feel that day what if I'm not going to get my stuff done what If I'm going to fall off the wagon or Something like that doing something Intuitively I'm also thinking of um Intuitive Eating and again I feel like that could Just be an example although that could Be literally what some of you are going Through where it's like someone is Nervous Or they used to be someone used to be Nervous about doing something Intuitively because they felt that if There's not a really specific structure To It things could fall Apart but then they realize when they Start this intuitive approach they Actually Grad um why was I going to say Graduate maybe some of you are Graduating what I meant to say is they Gravitate towards the right things at The right Time so you know in that eating example Maybe someone's afraid if I just if I Just eat when I feel like it or whatever I feel it whenever I feel like it what If I don't get all of the correct Nutrients or like what if I eat too much And they're just worried like that Whereas if they really get into it They'll notice that their body just

Knows what it Needs so yeah you could be shifting into A process that you do more in L this Could also be in your creative process In your workflow in the way you make art Like you're not structuring your Step-by-step process so much anymore You're just diving into it in a very Intuitive way and seeing what happens Sometimes you could even like I just Thought of a painter who's like I don't Even know what I'm about to paint like I'm just going to I'm just going to pick Up my brush and I'm just going to go at This canvas and and see what happens and I trust that it's going to be something Beautiful and sort of letting letting The art reveal itself to You you could be starting to forgo the More conventional structures when it Comes to Creation being more experimental [Applause] And Now I'm seeing another example Of uh like let's say there's a YouTuber and they make the same kind of Video all the time that does really well But also they're like they need every Last penny that comes from their videos They need it that person is not really Going to be in a place to experiment you Know they're like I have to keep doing What I know works well

Because I can't Like I don't have the the safety net if I experiment and it doesn't go well so I Think for many of you you are receiving That safety net maybe someone is Providing for you or maybe you've just Provided enough for Yourself that you can play around a Little bit more and you can experiment Cuz it's like even if it doesn't work Out well it's no sweat I have this Safety net or I have the means or the Resources to just start again you know There's something like that too coming [Applause] [Applause] Through messages for my group number Threes we have the Eight of Cups the Queen of Pentacles that makes a Lot of sense more feminine Energy more abundance Energy I think this Queen of Pentacles Is you The Eight of Cups talks about walking Away and at first I thought maybe it was Like you're walking away from something But now it's like you're it looks like You are watching someone walk Away or watching Something leave your life and you are Letting it happen I just heard don't let The door hit you on your way out so Maybe for some of you it's like a good Riddance situation where you're like

Okay bye and the example that I'm Thinking of now is like if you work in Retail and there's a very difficult Customer and then they're like I will Not be coming back here you just lost my Business like I you know I'm you just Lost a customer I'm not going to give You my business anymore and they storm Out and you're like okay bye see you Never there's that it's that kind of Feeling you are just watching something Leave your life Because you you're not going To you're not about to get up and chase Them I'm not going To there's something Like I'm not going to I'm not going to Run after you and mess up my outfit like And I think the the reason it's coming Through that way is because well you Could be looking fire you could be Looking very good right now but also I think it just shows how little it Means to you like if you're not going to Run after someone for such a petty Reason as like man when I when I have a high ponytail I'm not Going to run because running is going to Mess it up it's very important but it's Like if I if I cared about someone I'm Not going to care about something as Petty as my ponytail I'm going to run After them so I think phrasing it in That way just shows how Petty it is like

Bye you're not worth messing up my Ponytail to run after you like bye There's that kind of feeling I hope that That makes sense and I think it really Comes from a place of knowing your worth With this Queen of Pentacles And also I'm thinking of of let them That philosophy of just let them let People do what they're going to do let Them make their choices you don't have To change their mind you don't have to Change who they are or who they're Trying to be just let them do what They're going to Do and worry about your own Stuff some of you could be parents or You could be becoming a parent Soon Or if you have children it could be that Your child child is going through a Major Shift And there might be a part of you where It's like Bittersweet cuz they're kind Of going off on their own Journey but You have to let them because you know That that's what's best for them and and You want them to be Happy there could also be Yeah e no matter what this is I feel Like you're at peace with the person Leaving so you know in that previous Example it was a little bit more Petty Like bye but there's also an

Interpretation of I'm going to let you Leave even though it makes me sad Because I know that this is what is best For you and another example that came to My mind is like if you had a co-worker Who you really loved working with maybe They you had a friendship with them and Now they're they're quitting the company And they're moving on to better things It's like you're sad to see them go but You're not going to stop them because You know that they're making their Dreams come true and like you're happy For them so it could be something like That as well it could be like a friend Is moving away someone you really like Is leaving the Company someone is going on to bigger And better things and you're how happy You are for them and how much you want Them to make their dreams come true is Just it's so much bigger than any kind Of selfish not that you're selfish but Like the selfish desire to make them [Applause] Stay and definitely feel free to claim Both of those interpretations You know both could resonate for Different Situations I'm not sure that they would Resonate for the same one it's probably Two different People for some of you this could even Be someone

Who who Left the Earthly Plane and you're making peace with it And perhaps you're starting to really Feel your soul connection more and You're starting to realize That that they're still with You yeah it's making peace With and this is just for some of you But it's like your soul you know if that Was your your Soul's Journey or if your Soul was Ready I have to make peace with That we have the world And I just want to go ahead and take the Last Card we have the world and we have the Six of Pentacles there's somebody there's Somebody who is providing for you group Number Three someone is providing for you it Could be yourself but for for most of You I do get get the feeling that There's someone else who is providing For you like a partner a significant Other who's like providing you with Security both in the material sense and The emotional Sense this could also be your you your Journey or your work is getting funded In some Way this could be like receiving a Scholarship receiving a a grant for work

That you want to do or research that you Want to do or your expenses being Covered by someone else your living Expenses your travel Expenses work Expenses you could be getting a Sponsor or someone is investing in your Work yeah you are getting funded you are Receiving Assistance And you will Learn to be comfortable with receiving This kind of assistance and I feel like There's two different things coming Through for some of you you could Resonate with both but for some of you One thing you'll have to get over is the Feeling of discomfort that comes with Receiving because of like you're so used To being the one who gives and so when You receive it feels unnatural or maybe Feels like you're not worthy of it or Someone else should have it like there May be feeling of guilt associated with Receiving for others of you you'll have To overcome this illusion that you had For a long time that you should be able To do it on your own cuz that's that's The way that's the way it's done it's Like you're maybe you compare yourself To other people who seem to have done it With less help with less Assistance and spirit is saying that's An illusion because nobody accomplishes

Things completely by themselves Everybody achieves things with the help And support from others and so you Saying like I shouldn't receive this Help because I should be able to do it On my own based on What who's done it on their own Nobody sometimes people act as if they Did it by thems because that's like Somehow more Admirable but but people aren't always Truthful you know Um I'm thinking as an example of someone Who became a really successful Entrepreneur but like they they come From a wealthy family so they never you Know they did they never had to go into Debt they they had that support system Maybe they had connections you know Their family had connections and helped Them out um which is that's awesome for Them but it wouldn't be fair for Someone to look at that and be like oh My gosh they they did so much certainly Would not be appropriate for that person To be like I got where I am cuz I worked For it and you can do it too if you work For it like like we got to you got to Recognize your privilege a little bit You know and So if that person looks at the Successful whatever I said successful Entrepreneur and is like I should be Able to do that too if I work hard

Enough and then they feel bad about Receiving help like no cuz they receive Help too and everybody receives help too So I I guess in either way it's about Removing the shame and realizing not Only is there nothing wrong with Receiving help but but literally Everybody does and everybody needs to It's like that's called being a human we Help each Other you help other people and other People help you and that's how we move Forward nobody does things completely Completely completely on their Own so yeah all of that to say all of That to say something you're doing is is Getting Funded and then we also have the world And while this could literally be Talking about traveling it could also be Talking about a relationship an International relationship or a Long-distance relationship or a Cross-cultural relationship or something Like that but when I first saw this my First instinct was Recognition that you are receiving Recognition and I think that goes back To this abundance growth artistic Project something you're doing is Getting the recognition it deserves and Maybe you need this support to be able To really realize your Vision and know that you still that

Doesn't make you any less worthy of this Recognition that you are going to Receive The doorbell's ringing that's definitely A confirmation yeah so that doorbell Could be a confirmation of what I was Just saying but also I feel like when Doorbells ring during readings it's a Sign of like someone new entering your Life Or someone approaching you like someone You already have a connection with is Approaching you or reaching out to you Uh one of these I know what it is one of These is green juice these things that Just arrived what is this one I am not Sure your present oh it's Nails oh my gosh they're so cute oh my Gosh they're so cute I can't wait to Wear these nails okay um Anyway I don't know if there's a message In there for you something pertaining to Green Juice or nails but there we go yeah you You deserve help and receiving help to Realize your vision does not then make You any less worthy of the recognition That you are going to receive and I Think with the world card here there is Something about you gaining recognition On a large Scale you're becoming More recognized your name is being

Recognized you I heard household name Which that sounds pretty dramatic but You know more people knowing your name More people knowing of you more people Knowing what you're doing having more You could be amassing more followers More clients a bigger Audience which I'm hearing whether you Like it or not which sounds menacing but I think that means even if that's not Your main goal even if that's not what You're necessarily searching for I do Think that's something that's going to Happen your name getting out there more On a large scale it could be around the World or there could be a specific Location In the world where you're becoming Really welln like I don't know maybe You're in um you're in South America but Somehow you're becoming really welln in Europe you know something like That okay so for the last part of this Reading we're going to see if Spirit has Any insights on important time frames For you so I'm going to roll these dice We have everybody got a node today you Got the North Node group one also got The North Node group two got the South Node it's all about the nodes baby I Don't know why I said that I'm so sorry We have the number One and we have Capricorn uh nodes are not going to be

Entering the sign of car Capricorn Anytime soon I don't Think well let me see I feel like it's Going to be pretty far into the Future but we can check yeah this is Quite a ways away it's March between March 2028 and September 2029 um but I mean those years could be Significant for you 2028 and 2029 and Then we also have the number one with Capricorn so this is definitely making Me think of the month of January of Course with January being the first Month and with much of Capricorn season Happening in the month of January so Please feel free to claim both of those If they both feel right for you um the Next month of January from whenever you Are watching This as well as the years 2028 and 2029 could be significant for You if you are familiar with your birth Chart and you feel like checking this if The nodes are passing through your first House or your 10th house in the next few Years that could also be a significant Time for you as well and that kind of Makes sense cuz the first house and the 10th house are very significant houses Dealing with your identity and yeah your Identity and your Public Image so it's Like your role how you show up in the World how you How you identify yourself or what you

Identify with and the type of identity That you Are showing up as in the world like your Public Image your public Persona your Public impact those things are going to Be greatly changing over the next years And you could be really Reinventing Yourself over the next Years and really cherishing your Relationships I'm hearing It's Beautiful it's beautiful to go through a Major personal Transformation and recognize that you Have loved ones who have been there all Along the way like they've seen and Loved the old you and now they're seeing And loving the new You and then it's a whole other Beautiful thing to transform into this New you and see the new people that Attracts you know what you are now like An energetic mat To so So there's a transformation you're going Through that is quite emotional in a Good Way H okay so I think those are all of the Messages for my group number threes Thank you so much for letting me do this Reading for you and thank you once again To sbird for sponsoring today's video if You would like to get a 55% discount off

Your first month you can use the link Down below or the QR code right here on The screen and use the the code Kino 55 To get your discount so thank you so Much to sent bird for sponsoring today's Video and I hope you guys have a Wonderful day or night whenever you're Watching and I wish you all the best Please take good care of yourself stay Healthy don't forget to like comment and Subscribe if you feel like doing that if You enjoy my content and you'd like to Find me elsewhere I'm going to have Linked down below my tarot reading Instagram my personal Instagram my Patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like this one and you can also Decide on topics for future readings I I Will link my music channel which Includes the intro song of this video That is an original song I'll also have My latest release link down below and Finally my blog channel and my merch Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video thank you Guys so so much for supporting me my Channel and anything I do I really Appreciate having you here and I'm Sending so much love to you to your Higher self to anyone who appeared in This reading to their higher self and to Your Spirit guides your spiritual team And all of your loved ones both here on

Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one bye-bye

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