WHAT’S NEXT IN LOVE? 🥰💌 Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading ✨

WHAT’S NEXT IN LOVE? 🥰💌 Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading ✨

Thanks for stopping by! I’m KINO ♈️☀️♊️🌙♉️👆I hope you enjoy your reading ❤️

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Intro – 0:00
#1 (Cherry Blossom Agate/Starchild) – 2:57
#2 (Trolleite/Dive to You) – 46:46
#3 (Mystery Boy/DreamyMoons) – 1:30:59
#4 (Selenite/Moonchild) – 2:16:04

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Decks Used (in order):
📍Line of Love Oracle by Irène Rust
📍Spread Crafter’s Oracle by Fables Den
📍The Crystal Spirits Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid
📍Accurate AF Tarot by Prism + Fleur
📍Group 1: The Starchild Tarot by Danielle Noel ※
📍Group 2: Dive to You Tarot by Mucult
📍Group 3: Dreamy Moons Tarot by DreamyMoons ※
📍Group 4: The Moonchild Tarot by Danielle Noel ※
📍Archangel Oracle Cards
📍Lovers Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno

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💍Howlite Bracelet:

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The readings on my channel are not meant to substitute professional advice. I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy for any reading. Please use your own judgement when making any decisions based on a tarot reading.

#pickacard #tarotreading


[Music] Hi guys it's Kino welcome to another Video so in today's pick a card reading We are going to be finding out what is Next in love for you and this is going To include a look at your overall energy Towards love and the direction that You're headed in as well as the specific Events that will be unfolding next in Your love life in chronological order And we are also going to get messages For different relationship statuses so Whether you are single with a specific Person in mind or single without a Specific person in mind or in a Relationship there will be messages for You in this reading so there are four Groups for you guys to choose from today In each reading we're going to be using A different Tarot deck and I've also Placed different Crystal hearts on top Of each deck and I'm going to show you a card from each Deck so that you can get a feel for what The artwork is like and I'm showing Different major Arcana today so I just Went through the deck and whatever major Arcana came out first is the one that we Are using so when you're choosing your Group you could be drawn to the crystal You could be drawn to the back artwork Of the decks the front artwork or if you Are familiar with tarot you may be drawn To the actual card that comes out for

You so there's a few different factors To help you choose your group but Without further Ado let's get a closeup Look at each of your options group Number one we have this cherry blossom OT heart and we will be using the star Child Tarot and your major Arcana is star seed Which is the fool in this Deck group number two we have this Trolleite heart and we're going to be Using the dive to you Tarot and your major Arcana is Strength group number three we have this Mystery heart which I am now thinking is Some kind of Jasper and we are going to Be using the dreamy moons Tarot and your major Arcana is the Moon and group number four we have the Selenite heart and we're going to be Using the moon child Tarot and your major Arcana is Temperance okay so just in case you need A bit more time to pick these are all of Your options laid out side by side so That you can compare them and see which One is calling to you the most as always Take all the time you need to pick you Can pause the video if you need to I'm Going to go ahead and get started with Number one hi number ones so if you guys Chose the cherry blossom agot and the Star child tarot this is going to be Your reading so here is the full

Breakdown of the reading that we're Going to be doing today we have the Reading here on YouTube as well as an Extended here on YouTube we're going to Start by taking a look at your overall Energy and this can also be an energy Check for you if what I'm describing Sounds like what you have been going Through in your love life then that can Be a sign that this is your group but we Are going to see what energy you are Coming from and where you are headed When it comes to your love life then We're going to get some personalized Messages so there will be a message for Those of you who do have a partner or a Person of interest right now as well as A message for those of you who don't Have a partner or a person of interest I Will put time stamps in the video if you Want to skip forward to the part that Applies to you although of course you Are very welcome to watch both of these There could be mess me for you and both Then we are going to get into the Timeline of specific events that are Coming up in your love life in Chronological order and then we're going To finish off the reading with messages And advice from your Spirit guides then In the extended we are going to get Messages from your person so that will Be like your Person of Interest or your Partner or the new person we see coming

In for you and we are going to get a Message from both their 3D self so their Human self as well as their higher self Then we are going to see what are your Person's current feelings towards you or Their current experience of this Connection and we'll also look at that From like a 3D and a 5D perspective to See how they are perceiving and Experiencing this connection and then we Will finish off with a timing prediction For an event that we mentioned in the Reading it can be anything you want to Know about it could even be something we Didn't talk about in this reading I will Leave it up to you but we'll get a Timing prediction for that and we'll Also see what could influence this Timing could something make it happen Faster could something make it happen Slower and that is the reading today Thank you for listening to that so let's Get into it we're going to start Off by seeing where you're headed Overall in your love life so this pile Of oracle cards is going to represent The energy that you are coming From we have Reconciliation problematic Behavior what Are the toxic behaviors from you or from Others that are present in your life Right now what needs to be acknowledged And dealt with and this is a shadow work Card and then then we have watermelon

Taline love that that's actually my Inspiration for this setup today cuz Pink and green are the colors of the Heart chakra so that's kind of cool that We got that and then for the energy of Where you are Headed we have Development synchronicity what are the Signs and meaningful coincidences that Surround you right now what do you need To pay attention To and this is a light work Card and finally we have Lipolite I think it's so cool that you Guys got like Shadow work for the energy That you are coming from and light work For the energy of where you're headed so A really important takeaway from this Reading that you guys need to know is That when it comes to your love life and I think when it comes to your energy in General you moving out of dark energies You are moving out of heavy energies and You are moving towards the light you're Moving towards a situation that is Brighter that is easier where burdens Are lifted if things have been tough for You group number one they are getting Better you're already headed towards This Energy and I also think it's interesting That we have the number 18 here because This does correspond with the moon card In

Tarot which deals with things in the Subconscious Things that are hidden things that are Behind the scenes and that's what shadow Work is all about it's about looking at That which is normally not seen or that It's not so obvious but that is Influencing our life and influencing our Patterns so for those of you who chose This Group with this reconciliation card There could be very many of you who Recently have reconciled with a person Of interest or gotten back together with A partner or this could be something That you are Desiring there's a feeling here that we Are getting to the root of the problem Of what didn't work out before so if This is you and you're like wanting Reconciliation with a specific person Then this could be indicating that you Have been reflecting on what happened in The past um and discovering the root of A problem to make sure that it doesn't Happen again or this is what your spirit Ual team is currently encouraging you to Do for those of you who don't resonate With having like a specific person that You're reconciling with or getting back Together with this could also be you in General looking back on your previous Relationships whether that be like exes Or um previous friendships that you had

And sort of going over what happened in Those relationships that you didn't like That didn't feel good what went wrong Basically reflect ref in on what you Don't want to repeat in your future Relationship or when you get back Together with this specific person and By identifying what you don't want to Repeat I feel like it's going to help You understand what you do want more of In Contrast so it seems like yeah Reminiscing over the past and Identifying those problems and red flags And these could be like this card says These could be your own behaviors that You're like I really need to work on This I really don't want to do this Again I've got to like get my head right On this or it could be behaviors from Others where you're like I'm not going To accept this kind of treatment anymore Like if we're going to be together you Got to work on this too I feel like it Goes both ways for all parties involved And with watermelon turmaline like I Said it's so beautiful to have this here Because it's the two colors of the heart Pink and green that are coming together And it does represent like the feminine Aspect and the masculine aspect coming Together so this could also be Indicating like your desire for Union or Reunion with someone regardless of your

Genders um it could also be indicating That you are Reconciling two parts of you that were Seemingly opposite or that were Seemingly incompatible so like maybe There are two aspect of your Personality that you felt were at odds And they are finding a way to coexist or You had like two different needs in a Relationship an easy example of this is Like the need for connection versus the Need for Independence or something like That and and finding out how both of Those needs can be addressed and making Peace with the truth that they are not Like mutually excus exclusive and that You you can very much have both of those Needs or have both of those aspects to Your personality and they can both be Honored so this re ilation could also be Something that is happening within Yourself like two aspects of yourself Are forgiving each other or two aspects Of yourself are coming into Union but You're doing very important work right Now to set yourself up to have a Beautiful healthy relationship in the Future so with that being said let's Take a look at the energy where you are Headed we have development so this is Also a really good sign for those of you Who do have a person of interest or a Partner because this is basically saying There's going to be developments in your

Relationship with this person even if You don't actually even if you don't Have a person of interest this card is Saying there's going to be developments In your love life like that is the Energy that you are heading towards and You are likely already seeing signs and Synchronicities that tell you this Development is Coming with the bouquet of flowers here There could be someone who is like Making a romantic gesture towards you it Could literally be that someone is Bringing you flow hours or someone could Be writing you a letter or sending you a Heartfelt message someone could be um Giving you a gift but I feel like for Those of you who are reconciling with Someone it will be of course words and Intentions set forth but paired with Some kind of gesture to show you that Like I'm really serious about this I Really want to treasure you and make you Feel special moving forward and then for Those of you who don't have a specific Person in mind yet I do feel like you're Likely manifesting someone who is quite Forthcoming and quite expressive when it Comes to showing their feelings and Showing their affection they are going To make you feel very special they're Going to make you feel spoiled so it's It's a beautiful energy that you guys Are heading into regardless of your

Relationship status and like I said I Think your spiritual team and possibly Even the higher self of your person are Already kind of dropping hints that this Is happening I also think just in General you may be experiencing more Synchronicities in your life so you may Be seeing more um angel numbers there May be more like imagery or symbols that Are repeatedly following you around you Could be having recurring dreams at this Time just feeling more connected to Spirit in general I also think something That you might start noticing happening Is that your manifestations are coming Faster so things that you're consciously Manifesting they are appearing in your 3D reality faster but also even if you Didn't outright say to yourself like I'm Going to manifest blah blah blah it's Like as soon as you think oh this is a Problem Oh I need to deal with this a Few moments later it's already solved Things are being solved quickly Solutions are being brought to you Quickly things you desire are being Brought to you quickly and it's just Showing that your energy is getting Lighter and you are connecting more and More with spirit and so you're going to Really feel in this energy that is Coming you're going to really feel like The universe has your back spirit is Watching Spirit has your best interest

At heart it's just this is like the Sixth time I think I've said your energy Is beautiful but it really is and then I Love that we have lepidolite too because This means that your worries are being Soothed your anxieties are being soothed You are healing and so not only are we Healing from things that have happened In the past and repairing problematic Behavior but when we move into this new Chapter we're not going to be burdened By like any sort of fear that what if Things go back to how they are Before which means that you feel very Certain about the work that you've done You feel very certain about the person You're with um or you feel certain about A new person that is coming in and you You know like these old Cycles are not Going to repeat and so you can sort of Move forward without being like haunted By your past is how it's coming through You don't have to worry that like it's Going to go back to what it was before So now we are going to Use this Tarot deck the accurate AF Tarot to get some personalized messages For you so I'm going to start with a Message specifically for those of you Who do not have a person of interest or A partner right Now if you do have someone in your life You are more than welcome to listen into This message but if you do not feel like

Doing that there will be a time stamp Right here so that you can skip forward To your personalized Message what do my group number ones who Do not have a specific person need to Know right now what is their Message my group number ones who don't Have a specific person woo Okay we have okay yeah there's two There's two cards coming out together we Have the Tower and the magician two Major Arcana so big faded events are Coming for those of you who don't have a Specific person right now and one thing That I want to mention that I think is Quite significant is that when this Tower card first came out I thought it Was just one card because the magician Card was kind of like stuck to the back And it wasn't until I fanned it out that I realized there's a second one Underneath so this magician was hidden Behind the Tower all you could see at First was this Tower moment and for Those of you who are familiar with tarot A tower moment is basically when Something in your life falls apart when Something hits the fan some kind of Unexpected it can feel chaotic it can Even kind of feel like a crisis at times Where things are just falling apart and We don't know what's going on but it is Always a destruction or a removal of

Something that was not meant to be in Our life to make room for something new Something more sturdy something more in Alignment with our highest good to be Built in its Place with the magician underneath here Synchronicity again synchronicity and Manifestation some is going to hit The fan in your life group number one And I know that that's kind of a scary Message but what you might not see is That this hitting the fan is Actually part of you receiving what you Have been manifesting it's part of the Universe answering your request to bring In what you desire that's why I think It's so significant that this magician Card was hiding behind it and like I Didn't see it at first you might not see At first why this is happening in fact It may even feel like the opposite is Happening it may feel like the universe Is taking you farther away from your Manifestation but it is indeed bringing You right to it so all I can say for my Group number ones if you don't have a Specific person trust in the Divine Detours trust in Divine detours is Something is falling apart I would say Let it fall apart because it is part of The universe's plan and I think it's Really cool that in this deck the tower Is like literally a house of cards Because houses of cards are notorious

For being Flimsy they you just likew sneeze and it Completely falls down so anything that Is exiting your life anything that is Falling apart or falling through it's as If the universe was saying it was flimsy In the first place and we're just Getting it out of the way so that we can Bring you your true Manifestation something that might Happen to is like and maybe this has Happened to you Before you receive something that is Similar to your manifestation like it Has many traits of your manifestation But it's not quite it um but you might Think it is it so that when it leaves Your life you're like oh no that was What I wished for and the universe is Like no that wasn't the real deal so Just just trust if things are seem to be Falling apart or if plans are falling Through because the hidden the universe Is hidden in intention behind that is to Bring you what you truly Want I'm also going to roll I'm going to Take a couple of dice out of my Bowl let's see what other Messages you guys have o we have the North Node so confirmation that you are On the right path this is a very Faded um like placement in someone's Birth chart so the fact that we have This paired with two major

Arcana there is fate at play in your Love life right now like there is a big Faded Event in your love life that is coming Your way And whatever you're longing for right Now whatever you are Desiring I think That Spirit wants to confirm to you that You you are on the right path and what You're currently Desiring what you're Currently looking for in love what You're currently looking for in a Partner and even I want to say the Overall direction of your life is very Much in alignment with your highest good With the collective's highest good with Your happiness and with your life Purpose Also oh and this is ah interesting this Is the number nine So okay let me just say what I was going To say first before I Forget um the new person who is entered Entering into your life they could have Personal planets like around your North Node so for example my North Node is in Scorpio so if this were my reading this Would be someone who has like sun moon Mercury Venus maybe Mars on like in Scorpio or maybe even Like in close proximity to my North Node and I would even say that this new Person that you're Manifesting is going to contribute

Immensely to your expansion this is Going to be someone who helps you to Dream bigger and to believe that you can Achieve more than what you might Currently believe they're kind of Testing your limits of how much you can Believe in yourself and how high you can Aim when it comes to your Goals this could also be someone Who by being with them you could gain Like status or you could gain class like Your social status could go up maybe This person comes from like a well-off Family or a family that has a really Good reputation or something like that This is also likely someone who is Highly Educated very Knowledgeable um very cultured I feel Like the like the word media training is Coming to my mind I don't know if this Person has gone through media training But like no matter what environment They're in no matter how casual or fancy It is or no matter who is there it's Like they can blend in and they can have Meaningful conversations they can Discuss a wide range of topics and Actually add something insightful to the Conversation and like have a a wellth Thought out opinion there's just Something like classy or cultured or Something like that about this person I Would also say for those of you who are

Considering traveling or relocating or You have done that recently that's Likely a step in meeting this person or For those of you who have considered Furthering your education with this uh 9th house energy so this is the message For those of you who do do not have a Specific person in mind at this time so Now we are going to move on To those of you who do have a specific Person in mind what is the message For my group number ones who do have a Specific person in Mind who do have a partner or a person Of Interest we have the Three of Wands with Development and opportunity okay P so Things are definitely moving forward oh My gosh wait a minute so in the previous Part we had a qword repeating Synchronicity synchronicity talk about a Synchronicity and then we have another One development development that's so Cool like this is the kind of thing That's going to be happening for you Guys I feel like you're going to notice More and more synchronicities like This okay So Three of Wands uh Three of Wands is An Aries Sun so an Aries Sun could be Significant or an Aries Mercury could be Significant and yeah things are Developing things are moving forward so For those of you who do have a person of

Interest you will be taking things to The next level with this person and also I see that both of you are all parties Involved you are starting to come out of Your shell more and be more comfortable Being your true self I feel like masks Are coming off walls are coming down We've kind of moved past a stage of Worrying about impressing each other or Worrying about like turning the other Person off of course we're still going To be considerate to each other's Feelings and like maintain ourselves and Stay attractive to each other but I feel Like the fear is gone of like oh my gosh What is this person going to think if I Say this you feel comfortable around Each other now that you can start to be More of your true self especially your Goofy side might be coming out more your Sassy or sarcastic side might be coming Out more your like bold side might be Coming out more your fire because this Is a fiery card I also think with this Number three like this can talk about Third parties so I feel like for those Of you who do have a person you're going To start to meet more people in each Other's lives and sort of blend into Each other's circles so this could be You like meeting their family or meeting Their friends or meeting the people they Work with or they are meeting your Family friends people you work with and

It's the circles maybe starting to kind Of blend together so um like let's say You meet your person's friend and at First in your brain you're always saying Like oh this is my person's friend this Is my person's friend but after some Time they just become your friend and You stop thinking about them in the Context of being your person's friend if That makes sense yeah so you Are and I also think you're becoming More what's the right way to say this You're not people pleasing with each Other anymore like you can just be real With each other you can just be honest Because you know that you you love each Other and it's all love and you're not Saying anything to be malicious or to Make the other person feel bad and Honesty and straightforwardness will be Very appreciated and with that being Said any like Vague wishy-washy energy that you've Experienced with this person that is an Energy that we're moving out of and from Now on things are going to be very clear And direct and and open and blunt and It's like thank God like we're not doing Anym guessing games we're not doing any More like tiptoeing and beating around The bush like we're just being open with Each other and it feels really good so Also you could be it's funny I mentioned Travel over here as well you could be

Going on a trip with your person Relocating with your person or moving in With your Person so let's [Music] Roll a couple of Dice we have of Uranus Unexpected ooh Uranus in the 10th house Okay so either you or your person is Going through unexpected career change And because we have opportunity Here I really do believe that this is Positive like literally the Three of Wands is about um opportunities coming In offers coming in um expanding your Horizons going bigger doing more so one Of you it could even be both of you both You and your person are about to Suddenly shoot up in your career and Suddenly your standard of lifestyle or Like the lifestyle that you're living is Is going to be changing like you could Be suddenly moving with your person to a Place that is like three times more Expensive than what you had before or You were plan to there's like a dream Vacation you wanted to go on and you Were thinking maybe okay maybe in like 5 Years from now we'll be able to do that And all of a sudden you're planning to Do it like next year something is Suddenly just Advancing

And these are actually pretty these These messages kind of have similarities Now that I think about it if and if you Watch both of them you might be kind of Realizing how how they have uh Similarities um Also someone with Uranus in Capricorn or Uranus in Aries could be significant so Now finally we're going to get Into the tarot that you guys chose our Beautiful star child tarot and we are Going to See the chronological events that will Be unfolding in your love life so it's Going to go like from now from the time That you're watching this into the Future [Applause] This deck is a thick Boy all Right group number ones what is the Series of events that is about to unfold In their love Life starting with the nearest Future Okay we have okay so these are two Together we have oppression which is the Devil ooh and we have the Queen of Swords okay Next we have the page of Crystals then we have the seven of Cups and we're going to get one More and then we have perspective which This is the hanged man All right

So let's just go through cuz you know I Love to talk about my zodiac signs we Have Capricorn energy here Pisces energy Here and then we have Venus and Scorpio yeah I'll just mention those Ones So in this current energy There's someone who is Feeling stuck there's someone who is Feeling tied Down in their life in general this could Be you this could be another person Involved but there's a feeling of being Stuck and it feels like it feels like Something that is being Done to you or something that is being Done to this person it doesn't feel like One of those situations where like um It's limiting beliefs that are holding Us back like we could be free we could Be making progress if only we were Confident if only these mental blockages Weren't here that's not what this feels Like it feels like an External power that is like being Imposed on someone and they can't leave And they can't free themselves and for Some reason the example that's coming to My mind is like if someone really wanted To leave their country but like they it Was taking forever to get their passport Or something like that so this is not Like if only I believed in myself I Could leave the country it's like no

There's literally nothing I can do Because these people are keep messing up My passport or something or like someone Really wants to leave a job but they're In a contract that is not permitting Them to leave like it it feels like even With this being a major Arcana it feels Like one of those situations where like There's nothing that someone can do and With the Queen of Swords I feel like This is really frustrating for one of Two reasons one could be because like it Is such a simple fix and Yet there's nothing that this person can Do like it's as if you're waiting for Someone to fix something and it's so Easy and like you could do it yourself Or like you just need the signature it Literally takes 2 seconds I just need You to freaking sign this thing and this Can all be over and it's like H it's Taking forever so because it could be Something that is done so quickly or That is so easy that makes it even more Frustrating and then the other thing is Like this feeling of I'm too smart for This like maybe in the example of like Being stuck in a job this job is my Numbing like this is too easy I'm too Smart for this I have my ideas are too Brilliant to be stuck here and yet I'm Stuck in this contract so like someone's Feeling really like frustrated and held Down like this

Um which could either be you or someone Else involved and I just want to jump to The hanged man here I do this is about Gaining another perspective on your Situation especially if you're in a Stagnant situation so while I do think That when all is said and done and when Like when this situation is over you'll Be able to look back and maybe see a a Reason um I don't I wouldn't want Whoever is going through this to think That like oh I'm manifesting this I'm Creating this reality cuz I do think It's just something Like a faded event that is very Frustrating it's like something that you Have to go through cuz maybe there is Some lesson to be learned but it's not Like it's not your doing or it's not Your fault it's not like I manifested This because I have limiting beliefs it Is just a shitty situation that that Someone is In and I think it's really interesting How there's two swords here and two People here because this to me looks Like you and your person are putting Your heads together to get out of this Situation so if you already know who Your person is then you're working Together to get out of This if you haven't met your person yet I think your spiritual team wants you to Rest assured that even if things are

Tough right now you're still a powerful Manifestor and you can still Manifest This person into your life and in fact Manifesting this person into your life Might be a powerful step to getting out Of this situation like you might need Their help to get out of this or if it's Them going through it they might need Your help to get out of This the fact that these two people are Coming through as Pages you know pages Are small But ah you might Feel like your efforts are going to be Fruitless or you might feel like you're Taking a shot in the dark and that it's Not going to work out It's Like you might feel like you're less You're not as equipped as you need to be To solve this problem or like the Opponent that you're going up against is Way bigger than you and so how are you Going to be successful but one thing That the opponent doesn't have is like Your spirit your soul your resilience And that's why I think that when these Two pages come together they're able to Make this like Cosmic p Pentacle that is Levitating like they they may not have a Ton of resources and and but they have Soul and they have Spirit on their back They have the power of God and Anime on Their side that's the vibe here so when

You and this person come together like There's nothing you can't Do and so whoever is suffering in this Situation um you will be able to get out Of it and I feel Like with the seven of Cups there's a couple different ways to Interpret this I think that for some of You this is an indication of like a Dream coming true of Things of things seeming too good to be True and this might be this situation Might be the last of heavy energies that You and your person have been clearing Away this is the last of situation and Like now that it's all Over it feels too good to be true and I Feel like this represents the point Where you can peacefully be together in The way that you've really wanted to be Without any baggage or like we talked About before without any fear that Things are going to go back to how they Were before so yeah it does feel like a Dream it does feel like too good to be True but also I feel like there's a Feeling of not knowing what to do with Yourself you know what I mean like Where Do We Go From Here what now it's like Suddenly you have all this freedom and You have all these options and it's Overwhelming so to use that example of The person who's waiting for their Passport like they're going to go from

Being stuck in the same Place to now being able to go anywhere And that could be kind of overwhelming It's like oh my gosh where do I want to Go cuz the seven of Cups can talk about Like being being overwhelmed by options And it's like you and your person now Feel overwhelmed with this Freedom it's Like suddenly all of these doors are Opening for you and you know we had Messages of like someone's career could Be suddenly exploding this could also be Like you're suddenly coming into a bunch Of money and it's like you've always Wished and wished for money but now that You have it you're like what do I do With this like I don't even know what to Spend this on or like how to use it it's Just like too much so but I think that This overwhelm is a is a good thing Because it's like you just have this Abundance of Freedom now or this Abundance of options now and I feel like This is where you and your person truly Have like burdens of your life lifted From you and you can do and you can do Whatever you want and maybe the New Perspective that you're gaining and Maybe one of the reasons like why this Situation happened or like something That you can take away away from It um is That it keeps you levelheaded enough to Not go crazy when you are when you are

Granted all of this Freedom it's like The energy of someone who who knows what It's like to be broke so when they do Come into a lot of money like they're Responsible with it or you know it's That kind of Energy so I think that whatever you or Your person or both of you have been Through in the past it will make you Very appreciative of the blessings that You're receiving now and I feel like You'll never you'll never take it for Granted and maybe even one of the Blessings or the blessing is that you're Finally able to be together in the way That you want to Be like the obstacles were finally Overcome and you can finally be together How you want to be and that is something That you will never take for granted Because you you know all too Well the pain of not having It yeah that's what this perspective is It's like I don't want to say like it's A good thing that this happened because Obviously it was shitty but with your Wisdom and with your insights you can Take a helpful lesson from it you can Gain a helpful perspective from it you And this person You could go on to like achieve material Successes together you could go on to Have successful business ventures Together you could also build a house

Together or like build a home together Cuz this page of Pentacles looks like Two people building something tangible Together or like something Material together and I just feel like With the seven of Cups the possibilities Are really endless for you once you get Out of this situation the possibilities Are Are Endless yeah oh my gosh that's so Exciting so we're going to finish off Now with a couple of Oracle decks to get Messages and advice from your Spirit Guides what does group number one need To know as we close out this Reading creative writing we have Archangel Gabriel coming through make Time to write down your thoughts in a Journal or pen an article or Book maybe you and your person are like Writing a book together or Something or maybe you just are doing That okay and then we're going to Get some love mess Messages W okay let's take how many is That we're going to take all of These so these are your love messages Life is a series of constantly shifting Cycles when we resist change we resist The natural flow of life and create Unnecessary Stress go with the flow you will be Surprised where it leads

Don't make decisions based on guilt or What you think you should do for it is Only in being true to yourself that you Can be true to Others and finally Transformation your relationship with One another is about to deepen love Conquers and transforms all things My group number on these are all of the Messages that we have for you so we're Going to take it over to the extended Now where we are going to get messages From your person and this will be both From their 3D self as well as their Higher self we're also going to see your Person's current feelings towards you or How they are currently experiencing or Perceiving this connection in the the 3D As well as in the 5D and then we are Going to get a timing prediction for Anything you would like to know about it Could be something that we talked about In this reading it could be something Completely different I will leave it up To you but we're going to see when that Event is likely to happen and we're also Going to see what could impact um the Timing what could make it happen faster Or slower so if that sounds good to you And you would like to join me in the Extended reading I'm going to have that Link Down Below in the description as Well as in the pinned comment however if You're going to leave the reading here I

Want to say thank you so much for Letting me do this reading for you I Hope you have a wonderful day or night Whenever you're watching and I wish you All the best please take good care of Yourself stay healthy don't forget to Like comment and subscribe if you feel Like doing that if you enjoy my content And You' like to find me elsewhere I'm Going to have linked down below my tarot Reading Instagram my personal Instagram My patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like this one and you can also Decide on topics for future readings I Will link my music channel which Includes the intro song of this video That is an original song I'll also have My latest release link down below and Finally my Vlog Channel and my merch Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video thank you Guys so much for supporting me my Channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here group Number one and I'm sending so much love To you to your your person to anyone Else who appeared in this reading Directly or indirectly to your higher Selves your Spirit guides your spiritual Teams and all of your loved ones both Here on Earth and in the other Realms And I will see you guys in the next one Bye-bye hi number twos so if you guys

Chose the trolleite and the dive to you Tarot this is going to be a reading all About what's next in your love life so This is the full breakdown of the Reading that we're going to be doing Today we have the reading here on YouTube as well as an extended on YouTube we're going to start by taking a Look at your overall energy towards love And we're going to see what energy you Are coming from and the energy of the Direction that you're headed in your Love life and this can be like an energy Check for you so if what I'm Describing especially in this where You're coming from part if that sounds Like something that you have been Through or that you're currently going Through then that's your sign that this Is your group then we are going to get Personalized messages depending on your Relationship status so there will be a Message for those of you who currently Do have um a specific person in mind Like a partner or a person of interest And there will also be a message for Those of you who don't have a specific Person in mind I'm going to put a time Stamp in this video if you want to uh Skip forward to the part that applies to You although you are very welcome to Listen listen to both of these messages And then we are going to see the Timeline of upcoming events in your love

Life in chronological order see what's Coming next for you and we will finish Off the reading with messages and advice From your Spirit guides then in the Extended reading we're going to get Messages from your person so that would Be like your partner or your Person of Interest or the new person that we see Coming into your life for those of you Who don't have a specific person yet and We're going to get messages from both Their 3D self so their human self as Well as their higher self and we're Going to see this person's current Feelings for you and how they have been Experiencing or perceiving this Connection in both the 3D and the 5D and Then we're going to get a timing Prediction for an event of your choice It could be something that we spoke About in the YouTube reading it could be Something complet completely different It will be up to you but we're going to See when that's likely to happen and We're also going to see what could Influence the timing of that event so What could make it happen faster or what Could make it slower so that is the Reading today and without further Ado Let's get into it the first thing we Want to see is your overall energy Towards love so this pile of oracle Cards represents the energy that you are Coming

From and we have sec secret with the Number 22 purpose what is your North Star your Calling what drives you and inspires you What do you allow to guide your actions What Gives Life Meaning and we have UK with the number 23 then these are going to represent the Energy of the direction you're Headed we have Lightning with the number 59 assert to claim to take space to Remain honest and Confident and we have Spirit quartz with The number 54 group number two I like this energy Okay so let's start with where you are Coming from We have secret here and we have purpose And we have light work this is a light Work card so and we also have ukays Which is about like truth honesty Discovering Your Truth committing to Your Truth so it looks like the energy that You're coming from or maybe this is the Energy that you're currently In there is something pertaining to your Life Purpose your Soul's Calling Your Passion or your deepest Longings that you have Either kept a secret from the world like You haven't really talked about it or

Been open about It or you have even been hiding it from Yourself like there could be something That you're really passionate about that You kind of Suppress Or you're not honest with yourself or Others about it maybe out of like a fear Or out of uh Insecurity even out of just being too Overwhelmed by the Emotion and I think the energy that You're coming from is one of finally Facing the Truth about your Soul's deepest Longings this could be pertaining to Your love life like for some of you part Of this energy could be about like Facing the truth of what you really want In love especially if that goes against Societal Norms or if that goes against What your community or what the people Around you expect of you um like for Example maybe you've realized that you Don't want to get married and have that Traditional family which is what Everyone expects of you or maybe maybe You are not attracted to the gender that Everyone expects you to be attracted to Or something like that or there's a Specific person that you feel really Really drawn to and you've been kind of Denying it but like you can't deny it Any longer you have to be honest with

Yourself that this is the person I'm in Love with or like this is the person I Have feelings For for others of you it could be about Like your career path like what you want To do in the world what you want to do For a living and Up until now you've maybe pursued paths That Are not that because that's what you Felt like was the the right thing to do What you felt like you should do or what Came to be expected of you and I think This is about having the courage to be Honest with yourself that you actually Want something different and that this Thing that you want is actually part of Your Soul's Purpose and Realizing that if you were to commit to This truth sooner or later you will have To change your path in life and you will Have to start telling people that that This is what you really want so you've Been down a journey of like discovering Your truth and and finding the courage To live in your truth and express it That's what this energy looks like with 22 and 23 here uh the years 2022 and 2023 could have been like really big Years for this Revelation you could have done a lot of Soul searching during these years it Could also be like the ages 22 and 23 if

You are around that Age but when we have lightning in the Energy of the direction you're headed in And Assert you are definitely headed in the Path of revealing Your Truth we're moving away from Secret and We're moving into assert so you're not Hiding who you are anymore and you're Not hiding what your heart desires Anymore and I feel like this is really Powerful transformation when it comes to Your love life you know you Can't you can't find what you want if You don't express what you want or if You're not even honest with yourself About what you want and so I feel like You're moving into an energy where you Can really start manifesting what you Truly desire and not being ashamed of it That's really important Too when I look at Spirit courts this Just feels like freedom to be who you Truly are And experiencing the Joy of manifesting things that are in Alignment with your soul like you are in Alignment with your spirit and ukay Represents like the honesty and the Truthfulness that it took to get you to This place which maybe was not easy or Super Comfortable but because you committed to That and you didn't give up to your give

Up on yourself now you can be in this Spirit quartz energy that is like Letting all of your true colors shine Through and allowing yourself to express Yourself how you want to identify Yourself how you want to present to the World how you want and to go out there And and get your needs met and embrace Your soul Family this is a beautiful Transformation and with lightning here You know this does feel like something That is sudden it does kind of feel like An epiphany so and even with this person Like falling off the tower it feels like A bit of a Tipping Point you might reach A point in your life where you have gone On for so long uh living an inauthentic Life and it's getting heavier and Heavier on you you might kind of reach This point where you're like I can't do This Anymore I can't take this anymore and There may be some Falling outs in your life this kind of Feels like the tower card with this like The lightning and the person falling out Of the Tower there may be some falling Outs With like commitments that you had with Things that you were pursuing even with Certain people around You

But what is falling away is anything That was preventing you from living in Your truth and unapologetically loving Yourself which I feel like is so Important to manifesting the type of Relationship that you want in your love Life some of you guys may be musicians As well I do want to say that like Spirit quartz makes me think of music There's a deck that I have that relates It to music and I just always think of That it also makes me think of Archangel Sandalin probably for that very reason Because that angel relates to music as Well that could be an angel who is with You um but yeah for some of you like you Might be pursuing a path of music and That's like really scary but you have to Admit to yourself that this is what you Really want um of course it doesn't have To be that but that could definitely be A confirmation for some of you or um if You're manifesting a new person like They could be a musician or you could Already be in a relationship with a Musician or this person's higher self Could speak to you through Music so now we're going to get some Person personalized messages for you so I'm going to start with a message for Those of you who currently do not have a Specific person in mind so you're not in A relationship you don't have a person Of interest um if you do have a person

At the moment you are welcome to stick Around for this message uh but if you Don't want to I'm going to put um a Subtitle here with the timestamp um so That you can skip forward to your Message but let's get into it My group number Twos who do not have a specific person Right now what is the message for Them what is the message that is Specifically for Them my group number twos who don't have A specific [Music] Person okay so than things have been Slow group number two or things have Felt stagnant Because this deck is Not given Anything you've been maybe waiting for This person to show up in your life for A long time or just overall in life you Feel like things are not Moving okay Okay yeah we have the five of Cups with dwelling and Avoidance this is also a card that can Talk about just an unfavorable outcome And like being being disappointed at the Current situation it can also talk about Focusing on Negatives and I don't think that's Coming through in a in a judgmental way You may actually feel at this time in

Your life that the negative outweighs The positive and so it it feels it may Feel inauthentic to be like well at Least look at the bright side like at Least this one thing in my life is going Well you you might just kind of be in an Energy where things are not really going Well for you or things are just taking a Really long time to manifest for you and That is leading to feelings of Disappointment rightfully So the advice that this card seems to be Giving is is That there may Be before you can move forward there may Be something from your past that needs To be let go or a change or adjustment That you need to make in your life but That you might be Avoiding I feel like the key to finally Bringing in change or the key to finally Moving forward is something that is in Your hand Which is a very empowering message to Get as opposed to like you just have to Suck it up and wait I think it it is in Your hands to bring about this change But the thing that you need to do it's Like you may not be ready to face It because there's something from the Past that you still don't want to let go Of Yet or you are avoiding making that Change because it's scary or because

It's Overwhelming or because your animal Brain that wants to conserve energy Thinks that it's too much of a hassle or It's going to be too complicated and is Making is really trying to like keep you Inert yeah it's kind of a a message of Like if you want your life to Change then you need to change you need To change something dwelling feels like Dwelling in the past it feels like Staying in a a comfort Zone for some of you and just ignore me If this doesn't resonate for you but it Could kind of be an emotional comfort Zone like we could be dwelling in Some kind of Past trauma or dwelling in even like a Victimhood mentality and the example That's coming to my mind is like um Let's say someone has really bad trust Issues because they were betrayed in the Past And they are Resisting like taking on that Responsibility Of I need to put myself back out there Like this yes other people will help me Heal my trust issues by being Trustworthy people but I also need to Play the role of trusting people again Like it it has to be a two-way street Like that and in this example This person might not want to

Recognize their own role in the healing Because they're still upset with the People who betrayed them before and so They want it to be like no it's your Fault and like you have to make this Right or something like that or it could Be um part of them wants to hold on to The trust issues because they feel like It keeps them safe if I still have this Wo then I won't trust someone again and If I don't trust someone again then I Won't get betrayed again it could be That kind of defensive like I'm still Holding on to this thing even though It's not actually serving me part of me Thinks that it's protecting Me So something needs to be let go of or Moved on from or changed from the past And it's like you have to accept your Role in making that Change rather than it being on the Universe completely on the universe or Completely on someone El else it's like Having to meet that energy halfway if That makes Sense so let's roll a couple of Dice what other messages do you have for My group number twoos who do not have a Specific person we have the number nine Which is the Same the same that group number one Got my non-person having group number Ones they also got a number

Nine and we have a number one the number Oh it makes the number 19 I love that it could also be 91 like Maybe someone's born in 1991 um and we also have Mars and Scorpio energy here but the reason I Thought 19 was so cute is because it's The number of the sun the sun card so You may be going through a dark night Right now but the sun will rise for you There will be bright days for you there Will be carefree days for you and I Think it's really a confirmation that we Have the number one because the first House in astrology that has to do with The self that has to do with you so you Know if there's like a pattern that you Feel stuck in I think this is really About recognizing the role that that you Play in perpetuating that pattern not That's not to say that it's all on you Obviously but recognizing your part in It and recognizing the changes that you Can make and yes if you want to build a Positive pattern in a relationship it is Just as much on the other person but This is about recognizing what you can Do and with the number nine being Related to Sagittarius energy what this Really is making me think of is optimism In the context of this is making me Think of optimism and I think there's Also a piece of advice or something that You will need to do in order to

Experience happy and healthy Relationships is to start like and it Really is a Practice um and I can say this from Experience cuz I was I really had to Work on this as well is getting into the Practice of Assuming assuming positive intention in People And going off like like in your Relationships going off what you know to Be true I know that this person loves me I know that this person cares about me I Know that this person wants me to be Happy and so when something happens that Maybe like hurts you or triggers you you Don't jump to the conclusion that this Person doesn't care about me Anymore this person was like wanted to Hurt my feelings or they just don't care And I feel like that's also a defensive Thing assuming the negative intention is A defensive thing cuz your brain is like Well when I inevitably find out that They did have bad intentions it's Like at least I won't be disillusioned Cuz I already expected that Anyway so I think there's some like Defense mechanisms that this group has That are just not helpful and like they They mean well they think they're Protecting you but they're just really Not Serving so like for example if you sent

Your friend a bunch of long texts or Your partner and they responded really Shortly like if if you're in a good Place mentally you can look at that and Say okay this is like this is my best Friend this is my significant other I Know that they love me I know that they Care about what I have to say and based On that knowledge I can assume that this Short response just means like they're Busy right now or maybe they don't have A lot of energy right now and I'm sure They'll be back later in their normal Energy rather than jumping to some Horrible conclusion that they stopped Caring about you and and that's going to Be something that's really important Moving Forward So this concludes the message for those Of you who don't have a specific person In mind so for those of you who do have A person a person of interest or a Partner we are now going to take a look At your Message my group number two's who do Have a specific person your m message is The world achievement and fulfillment so You and your person first of all if you Are not official with your Person this is a sign that you're about To become official because the world is Like I want everyone to see I want Everyone to know I am I am out on the

World stage I am letting the world know So you are going to become official with Your person if you're not already and Also even if you are in a relationship And like your person hasn't told people In their life about you for whatever Reason or maybe there's some people in Your life that you haven't told yet it's Like you're finally going To come out and make your relationship Known and and make it public so that's One interpretation of this world card um It could also be that cuz the world is About like completion it's it's the last Major Arcana in the deck so it's like Coming full circle you could be reaching A significant uh Milestone with your Person or kind of reaching like the Final stage of your relationship Whatever that means right for some People that might be marriage for some People that might be having a Family for some people that might be Retiring like whatever you feel like Your final form is that that you want to Get to with your person you are going to Be like going all the way so to speak And reaching that level with your Person this also sometimes the world Makes me think of like graduation so for Some of you you and your person are Going through something that's kind of Like the end of an era and it's kind of Bittersweet so like maybe you've been

Living in the Same house together for a long time and You're moving and it's like very Emotional or maybe you've worked Together for a long time and now one of You is is moving on to other things There's a a kind of end of an era that You're going through together which you Know graduations like it's sad because You're you're not going to see the same People and be in the same place but at The same time it's exciting cuz you're Like we're moving on to bigger and Better things now so there could be Something like that that you are going Through with your person um the world Can also indicate like you could be Traveling with your person you could be Long distance for a little while in the Near future Um if you have cultural differences with Your person or like a language barrier With your person then that could be Really highlighted in this next phase of Your life as you move forward like for Example if you are getting married to Your person you know your culture might View marriage in a certain way and your Family might expect certain things and Want the wedding ceremony to be a Certain way or the events leading up to The marriage to be a certain way or the Expect of how we show up for each other And take care of each other once you two

Are married it could be very different From what their family and their culture Things there could be something Happening where your cultural Differences are really being um Emphasized and like have to be worked Through in the near future so let's roll A couple of dice We have Neptune and we have Saturn interesting these are kind of Opposite energies because Saturn is very Realistic very Practical and Neptune is kind of like Woo woo Neptune is like Spacey up in the Clouds dreamy Idealistic and Saturn is like very Down To Earth so I wonder if in your Dynamic one Of you is more like This um you know Sensitive dreamy artistic kind of head In the clouds type and one of you is the Very like grounded Structured practical type and those Differences May ALS Al be highlighted in The near Future like one of you is more Idealistic and romantic and one of you More like realism that kind of thing That yeah I feel like that Duality is Going to be highlighted and Maybe maybe there will be a way for you To find a harmonious balance between

These two energies and and make them Work together because both of these Energies can be strengths and they can Be used to create amazing things in the World so you might find a way to like Put these two energies together and do Something or make something awesome Together yeah like For one of you and I don't know who's Who right but one of you could have Really brilliant ideas but struggle Grounding them into this physical Reality and one of you could be really Hardworking and disciplined but lack in Inspiration and so when the two of you Come together it's like a dream Team yeah uh okay So also I feel like I think the world is Related to Saturn so that's kind of Interesting anyway let's get into the Tarot deck that you guys chose now the Dive to you tarot which I love And we are going to See what events are unfolding in your Love life in chronological order so the First card we pull is going to represent Like now or the nearest Future and then We're just going to move into the Future group number two what events are Unfolding next in their love Life starting with the nearest Future we have the King of Swords we have the Knight of Wands Okay we have the Six of

Swords and we have the four of Cups okay so it's funny cuz when the King of Swords came out I was just Thinking about how like serious he looks You know like so studious so hardworking So serious like that's the vibe that This King of Swords gave me and then Right after that the Knight of Wands Came out who by contrast is like playful Adventurous very unserious very Uninhibited So for those of you Who have a specific person in Mind things are going To become a lot less Stiff I guess things are going to become A lot less stiff between you and a lot More Loosey Goosey and a lot more Fun so and I think that honestly for Those of you who do have a person it's Because you're getting taken out of your Everyday responsibilities this kind of Feels like going on a Vacation you know this feels like very Serious I'm studying for finals and the Stakes are very very high and then this Feels like finals are over now we can Have fun so it seems like a period of Your life where that was like high Stakes and you had to really buckle down And get done and be serious that Phase of your life is coming to an End for both of you or for you and your Person and now you can move into you can

Relax you can have a more playful energy Um you could be like like I said going On a vacation with with this person Going to a party with this person or in General you're just seeing a side to Them that is more like playful and like Goofy and funloving that you maybe Didn't really get to see Before and then for those of you who Don't have a person in your life yet I Feel like that's what this person is Coming into your life to do this person Is coming into your life to remind you That life doesn't have to be so serious And boring and Monotonous I feel like regardless of Your relationship status you guys who Chose this group you might kind of be Stuck in the is the word humdrum I don't Know like just stuck in the monotony of Everyday life and always focused on like This responsibility and this chore that I have to do and this task and you know Being in meetings and this is just being Like a boring adult I'm not saying You're a boring adult but I feel like There's a lot of boring adult Responsibilities that you've had to be Focused on and this is you like Breaking Free from them so you and your person Are getting to be in this childlike Playful energy the universe is bringing You an opportunity to do This and for those of you who are

Bringing in a new Person they're going to help you like You could be manifesting a person who is Very adventurous and funloving and Playful And they remind you that life is not all About this it's not all about your books And your glasses and your library and Your work and they're helping you to Live a little like they're helping you To have fun again and helping you to be Spontaneous that is the vibe with the Six of Swords when I first saw this it It did make me think of a honeymoon like They're in a in like a gondola and it Looks romantic it looks like they're Sightseeing you know like pointing at Stuff for each other to look at so I do Feel like a lot of you could be like Going on a vacation with your person or Meeting your person on Vacation somewhere where you are doing a Lot of sightseing and going on a lot of Adventures and doing a lot of things for The fun of It for those of you who resonated with That message of reaching an important Milestone with your person you could be Going on a trip to celebrate that you Know like celebrating the Milestone of Getting married by going on a honeymoon Or like celebrating your one of you Getting a promotion or one of you Graduating by going on this little trip

There's a vacation there's a vacation in The cards like this boat this diving in The water with a swimsuit On there's a vacation and you could be Going somewhere with um with water as Well and actually even just going back To the start of the reading it could be This more um you know let loose Have Fun Open up type of Environment that Finally gives you the courage to tell This person your secret to tell them What you're really passionate about to Open up to Them and this person supporting You when you reveal your deepest Longings or when you reveal who you Truly Are this is going to be like a very Pivotal moment in your Life yeah it's like you maybe expected Them to judge you or to react in a Certain way but it's almost Like they don't care it's like you are Revealing something that you think is Going to be shocking to them and they're Like oh not I shouldn't say that they Don't care but it's that they don't Really have an emotional reaction or They're not really shocked and but for You you had built this up as like this Secret that you're about to come out With about like this is what I really Want to do with my life or this is who I

Really am and they're like oh okay that You should do it and you're like wait That's it like it's that simple yes it Is that Simple this your Person is helping you to to Grab the life that you want to seize the Life that you Want and I feel like they are just the Most Non-judgmental Person And they're Very they're intelligent and they're Very good critical thinkers and so they Don't they are less prone to like Falling into biases or falling into Prejudices and So they're just not very quick to judge People or maybe just don't judge people At all and I think that you'll feel Really at Ease with this person and and you know Divulging deeper parts of yourself parts That maybe you haven't told other People so Then we have the four of cups now this Can indicate something that you haven't Been seeing or something that you've Been Ignoring and so for some of you this Could be referring back to like the Secret that you've kept or the thing That you have been uh

Suppressing like a part of you that you Haven't Been like there's a part of you that You've been Neglecting And maybe it is this part of You you've assumed I feel like you guys Like you've assumed the role of this Like you've assumed assumed the role of This like busy responsible Person and there's a part of you that You've been neglecting and that is like That's the dreamer that's the Creator even like your inner Child youve oh oh my gosh like I feel Like this is the part of you this is the Part of you that you'd been oh my gosh Why do I feel so emotional right now This person represents the part of you That you had neglected or that you were Hiding away and so like they're hiding Behind the tree and turning away from The world and this is your person who Goes who goes looking for them who goes Searching for Them like it's like they didn't expect Anyone to actually come find Them whatever you've been suppressing Whatever part of you you've been Neglecting whatever truth you haven't Been um expressing your Person is bringing it out of you because They refuse to ignore that part of you They refuse to neglect that part of

You they refuse to turn a blind eye to Your Light and no matter how much you try to Hide it they're going to see it and no Matter if you go hide behind this tree They're going to come find You um I'm noticing too I don't know if This is just something in the deck yeah There's a lot of people wearing like White button-up shirts but that could be Something that this person wears they Could also wear Stripes cuz both of These people have stripes yeah so the Last thing that we're going to do Is get some messages from your Spirit Guides from your [Applause] Angels so I'm going to use A couple of Oracle decks for this [Applause] Part group number two's Spirit guides What messages would you like to leave Them as we close out this reading um I Just hit the die and it switched to Number four so if you see repeating Fours in your day-to-day life that will Be a message from your Spirit guides From your guardian angels we have Archangel Raziel coming through I am Bringing you esoteric information and Symbols and helping you understand Spiritual truths I feel like seeing Repeating fours could also be Confirmation that you are aligning more

And more with your inner truth And I feel like part of you living your Truth and part of you living your Purpose does involve spirituality and Does involve recognizing or using your Psychic Abilities and I I also think that your Spirituality and your psychic abilities Is something that you can be open with Your person about and something that you Can share with Them even if they don't have or use the Same abilities I think it's something That they will be um open to What else do group number two need to Know group number two's Guardian Angels a message for you ah okay this is Probably from your Person I'm thinking of you this very Moment Your Love fills me with light I Love You oh What other love messages does group Number two Need we have this Message deep in your heart you already Know the answer do what feels right oh That is a message from Miss ukays for Sure I'm going to put them together I do Not know anything about like how Available this stone is or how expensive It is for some reason I feel like it's Expensive But blue stones could be helpful to you

Any type of blue Stone let's get one more for my group Number Twos um amazonite could be a good Crystal to have Amazonite uh lapis Lazuli chrysa Cola Sodalite okay and then your last message Okay twin flames your passion ignites so Confirmation for those of you who are on A twin flame Journey or who have felt Like you are you have met your twinflame Or are calling them in this will be Confirmation for You Okay so my group number twos these are All the messages we have so we're going To take it over to the extended reading Now where we are going to get messages From your person's 3D self as well as Their higher self we're going to see Your person's current feelings for you Um or if they don't know you yet then We'll see how they are currently Experiencing this connection how they're Currently experiencing this journey how They perceive the connection with you And then we are going to get a timing Prediction for an event of your choice Whether that is something we spoke about In this reading or something something Different it will be up to you and we're Also going to see what could influence That timing so if that sounds good to

You and you would like to join me in the Extended I'm going to have that linked Down Below in the description as well as In the pinned comment of this video However if you're going to leave the Reading here I want to say thank you so Much for letting me do this reading for You I hope you have a wonderful day or Night whenever you're watching and I Wish you all the best please take good Care of yourself stay healthy don't Forget to like comment and subscribe if If you feel like doing that if you enjoy My content and you like to find me Elsewhere I'm going to have linked down Below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like this one And you can also decide on topics for Future readings I will link my music Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I'll Also have my latest release link down Below and finally my Vlog Channel and my Merch which features the floating Temple That was at the start of this video Thank you guys so much for supporting me My channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here and I'm sending so much love to you to your Person to anyone else who appeared in This reading directly or indirectly I'm Sending love to your higher selves your

Spirit guides your Angels your spiritual teams and all of Your loved ones both here on Earth and In the other Realms and I will see you Guys in the next one Bye-bye hi number threes so if you guys Chose our beautiful mystery boy please Do feel free to comment if you know what He is and the dreamy Moon Tarot this is Going to be your reading all about what Is next in love for you this is the full Breakdown of the reading that we're Going to be doing today so we have the Reading here on YouTube as well as an Extended here on YouTube we are going to Start by looking at your overall energy Um so we're going to look at where you Are coming from and the direction that You're headed in with regards to love And this part of the reading can be an Energy check for you especially this Where you're coming from part if this Sounds like what you have been through Or what you are currently going through Then that will be your sign that this is Your group then we're going to get some Personalized messages for you so there Will be a message for those of you who Do currently have a specific person like A partner or a person of interest as Well as a message for those of you who Don't have a specific person I'm going To put a timestamp in this video if you Want to skip forward to the message that

Applies to you although you are very Welcome to listen to both messages and Then we are going to see a timeline of Events that are coming up next in your Love life in chronological order and Then we're going to finish off the Reading with messages and advice from Your Spirit guides then in the extended Reading we're going to get messages from Your person so this would be your Partner your Person of Interest or the New person who we see coming in for you For those of you who don't have a Specific person yet and we are going to Get messages from their 3D self so their Human self as well as their higher self And then we're going to see your Person's current feelings for you if They do know you and also how they are Currently experiencing and perceiving The connection with you and we're going To look at that in the 3D and in the 5D and then finally we're going to get a Timing prediction um for any event of Your choice it could be something that We talked about in the YouTube reading It could be something completely Different um whatever event you'd like To know about we're going to see when It's likely to happen and we'll also see What could influence the timing what Could make make it happen faster or Slower so that is the reading Today without further Ado let's get into

It the first thing that we want to see Is how your overall energy is Shifting With regards to your love life so this Pile of oracle cards is going to Represent the energy that you are coming From we have work Forgive to neutralize guilt to make Peace to practice compassion to let go To set yourself free and this is an Expansion Card and we have Jade then For the energy of where you are Headed we have beginning Family parenting Children and blue lace Agot Okay group number threes I feel like the Energy of this group is quite Specific like it should be pretty Obvious if this is your group or Not and there is one interpretation of This spread that is coming through the Most strongly I recognize that this may Not resonate with everyone but I want to Just mention this one first because I do Feel like it is the strongest one that Is coming through if this is your group Then in terms of where you're coming From I feel like your focus has largely Been on your job On your current job or on your career Path at large and I feel like love for You has maybe not been a main focus in

Your life it may actually even be a rare Occurrence that you are watching a love Reading today if you and I just saw 444 If you are someone who frequently Watches tarot readings or does your own Tarot readings it's likely that you more So frequently ask about your career Goals or like personal goals and things Of that nature and you may not focus so Much on the relationship side of things And I think that you a lot of you guys If this is your group you have felt a Sort of pressure when it comes to Achieving certain goals in your career That either you have imposed on yourself Or that maybe you feel pressure from Society or you feel pressure when you Look around and compare yourself to your Peers but this journey does kind of seem Like a stressful or strained one where The goal that you want to get to just Always seems to be Out Of Reach or you Might be in this energy where you do Reach your goal that you originally set Out to reach but then it's not enough And the goal post becomes farther and Farther and farther it feels like you Guys have been kind of chasing abundance Or a lot of what you would like to Manifest is related to abundance money Recognition success your job and things Like that at least this is the energy That you are coming from this may be in The process of

Changing but I feel like this has been Your main focus up until now or up until Recently very important things to focus On very important things to care about But I do feel like it's shifting a Little bit like the scales are tipping a Bit in your new Energy I feel like the focus is going Away from work away from your job and Into this family parenting children so For those of you Who already do have a family or already Do have children this could look like Some of you considering To leave a job or spend less time at a Job so that you can prioritize your Family Or realizing that you want to start a Family and and I'm also feeling that Some of you might be in resistance to This message and being like no I don't Want a family I don't want Children um so feel free to just ignore This message if it doesn't fit for you But I feel like even some of you who had Previously decided that this was not an Important Focus for you that could be Shifting and you could be realizing that After all like you do want a family or You do want children or you do want a Life partner and it feels like your Values are more going Into this direction and with this Forgive card what is coming through is

That for those of you it seems like many Of you Are healing from your childhood or you Are coming to a place where you can Forgive Your parents or forgive adults in your Life that may even be like teachers or Other kids or whatever it might be those People Who Made childhood Tough basically I feel like you are Coming to a place where you can forgive Them and so this is a very specific Message please take it if it resonates But I feel like there's a shift Happening for some of you where you were Like you felt like you didn't want to Have a family or like you didn't want to Have children and as you heal from your Own childhood that might be Changing and maybe one of the reasons You felt that you didn't want that was Because You it's almost like you had negative Memories or negative associations with Childhood and you didn't want to bring More of that into the World or you didn't want to have the Type of relationship with your child That you had with your parents and so That unconscious fear was maybe Manifesting as like I don't want a Family at all and I'm just going to like

Focus on my personal goals nothing wrong With that by the way I just think that For some of you take if resonates those Values might be those values might be Shifting and it doesn't have to Necessarily be about you having children It could just be wanting to focus more On your family I've even even noticed This myself like when I was younger I Didn't really care about being close to My family I was like I just want to go To Japan and and go on a bunch of Adventures and I don't mind being on This far away Island by myself and as I Get older I miss my family more and more And I want to be closer to my family More and more so I can relate to this Energy in that sense where my values Have shifted and I I've come to really Appreciate like the family bonds and and Want To appreciate and cherish and build Those Connections so yeah I mean this of Course this can manifest in so many Different ways but it's like a shifting Of values and I think that like coming To peace with your childhood or like Forgiving your parents Or forgiving people from your past could Sort of like melt the ice around this That's kind of how that Feels and I also think something else That could be shifting for you guys is

How you Define success and Abundance the type of success and Abundance that you had been chasing Until now you may be starting to realize That it's not very fulfilling or that It's fleeting you know like if someone Like let's say someone defined success As Um like having a certain number of Followers well when they reach that Number then they're going to want more Or there's always going to be that other Person who has more or whose audience is More engaged or whose work performs Better or if they think that success Means being famous well it's only a Matter of time until people lose Interest and they move on to the next Big thing and then you have to chase Something else it's like you can never Feel if you chase that kind of surface Level Success or abundance it's never you You're never going to feel settled or It's never going to be Enough um and that's not to say material Success and abundance isn't important And can't be fulfilling but you may Be not wanting to chase that anymore or Like rethinking what abundance means to You or what being successful means to You and with blue lace AG I think you're incorporating more

Matters of the heart into that Definition and prioritizing peace rather Than the hustle prioritizing like Moments of comfort and joy and Relaxation rather than the constant Struggle of like hitting the next Goal And for some of you there could even be This realization of like I don't want to Prove myself to strangers or like people Who don't care about me on a personal Level I want I want my family or my Chosen family like I just want to be Happy with my circle who love me no Matter what so I feel like this is a new Beginning that you guys are going Through like I said this energy is very Specific so you will know like if this Is you or not but let's get into your Personalized messages now so I'm going To start with a message for those of you Who currently don't have a specific Person in mind um if you do have a Specific person you are more than Welcome to stick around and listen to This message there might be something Here for you but if you don't feel like Doing that I'm going to put a subtitle Right here with the Tim stamp for you to Skip forward to your message So with that being said let's get a Personalized message for my that's That's too many cards but I'm going to Take take a mental note that a bunch of

Cards just fell out my group number Threes who do not have a specific person In mind I wonder if that's a sign that Like multiple people are interested in You or you're getting offers from Multiple People my group number threes who don't Have a specific person Again a bunch of cards fell out it's too It's too much for me to take all at once But yeah group number three either There's several people who are currently Interested in you or there's one person Who's really really really interested in You or Both there could be one person who's Like quite obsessed with you and then Multiple people who are interested a Normal amount But you definitely have Options we have Temperance moderation And Equilibrium okay for those of you who Don't have a specific person your Message is temperance this is all About M okay this is very very specific I think it might just be for a few of You but for those of you who are dating And meeting new people People there may be a piece of advice to Go on dates that don't involve Drinking um or to go on dates like During the day cuz it might just feel Like less pressure you know like going

For coffee or like going for a walk Doing something like that during the day Rather than having to like get all Dressed up and spend a bunch of money on Drinks you know there may be a More I don't know lighthearted or low Pressure way of dating that is better Suited to you again I feel like that's Just for a few of You um But yeah I see you guys I see you guys Focused on bettering yourself like this Is about finding balance in your life um Coming to A Healthy Place feeling like Put together in your life having good Discipline having good self Control this group if there's one thing I can say about everyone who chose this Group is that you have made tremendous Efforts towards self-improvement and Becoming the version of yourself that You want to be and I think that you will Manifest someone into your life who is Um who is conducive to this so you may Be looking for traits of like someone Who is Responsible hardworking like who has a Good head on their shoulders someone who Has an even temper someone who has Discipline I also feel like you could be Attracting someone who has the same the Same goals as you like very similar Goals to you you may even have like take Inspiration from the same people or

Maybe you have read the same books or You've like listened to the same Lectures and you kind of have similar Philosophy Philosophies about life and similar Goals I also feel like when you have met the Person who is right for you it's not Going to feel like a whirlwind it's Going to feel and this was this just Came up in a reading I did recently Where Temperance felt it felt like a Simmer like a slow burn rather than like Being lit on fire you know so if you Yeah I would stay away from people who Are coming on really strong or who are Like going all out and spoiling you Right from the get-go because it's Likely that they're just trying to make A good first impression on you and then They're just going to get comfortable And that sort of energy is going to die Out um and when you meet the right Person it's going to it's going to build Slowly you know like I just feel like This person is quite levelheaded even Tempered they don't they're emotional But they don't get carried away in it They're not going to like flood you with Love and affection right from the start They're going to be like let's get to Know each other and it just feels very No stress I feel like another sign that You found the right person is that you

Won't be nervous or you won't be as Nervous and there is a feeling of doing The traditional dating thing you know Like meeting for a first date getting to Know each other and then it slowly Builds from there and you'll find that You have kind of the same philosophies On life and you have the same Values and it just it feels very Wholesome you know it it's not intense It's just wholesome and Comfortable this is Sagittarius energy By the way so a Sagittarius person could Be Significant now I'm just taking two dice From my Bowl what other messages do we have for My nonperson having group number threes We have the number five which is like a Lighthearted and fun energy you will Also this is another thing you could do For dates cuz I feel like your person is Going to have the same Hobbies as you so You could like make a date surrounding That activity that you both like like if You both maybe you both have dogs and You both yeah cuz wait is it the fifth House that is Pets or is that the sixth House whatever it doesn't matter um Maybe you both have dogs and so you Could have a date where you like walk Your dogs together and your dogs have a Play date or maybe you both like um Classical music and so you go to see a

Performance together or you both like Rock climbing and you go on a rock Climbing date there is some like hobby Or activity you both enjoy you will have That in common and and that you Can do Together and oh and then we also have Six that's so funny cuz I I just Couldn't remember like five or six one Of them has to do with pets I think it Might Be could be both honestly cuz the fifth House is children and pets can Definitely be like your Children and sixth house has to do with Small animals I'm pretty Sure so could definitely be both and Maybe the fact that that message is Coming out twice pets companion animals Or love for animals could actually be a Big theme of your relationship with this Person that might be more significant Than I thought but again like the sixth House it has that feeling of having your Routine having your stuff together this Kind of reminds me like when I first met My partner my routine and lifestyle was Kind of a mess and um he's very regular Cuz he has like a a I don't even know I Don't want to say normal people job but Like he wakes up at the same time and Goes to work every day like works at a Company and so when I started to spend More time with him my sleeping schedule

Also regulated and even now to this day I'm like sleeping and waking up at the Same time and actually like waking up in The morning and it's awesome so being With this person could like regulate you Somehow like it could regulate your Sleeping habits your eating habits your Nervous system your emotions you Feel regulated and secure and Like it's predictable and you're safe And you have it together like that's how This person makes you feel and that's Not to say that there's no excitement Cuz number five like the fifth house That's passion that's passion that's Fun it's fun but it's safe and that's Very sweet okay so now let's get a Message for my group number threes who Do have specific people this will be a Message for those of You who Have Um a partner or a person of Interest my group number threes who have A specific person what is the message For Them we have the dawn of rings Reflection and Diligence I don't even remember which One this Is It's a court card it's a court card Of Pentacles and you know what I feel Like that's all we have to know let's Let's go ahead and roll some dice just

To get some context I feel like it might Be the queen because it is like a Feminine yeah the dawn of Swords is also A feminine being the dawn of Cups also a Feminine being okay yeah so this is this Is the Queen of Pentacles and we have The key words reflection and Diligence so for those of you who do Have a specific person we're looking Into the future and it looks like you Are still going strong because the suit Of Pentacles it feels stable it feels Secure it feels like something that is Growing slowly but Sur L and kind of a Similar message to what we got over here Like things are just growing slowly and Steadily and it Feels it feels wholesome for those of You who have a person of interest but You're not together with them yet I do Feel that your spiritual team is Confirming to you that this this is Genuine this connection is genuine that This person is like long-term partner Material or even life partner material Which maybe you already know that maybe That's the reason that you like this in The first place cuz you can tell that They're a real Gem and your spiritual Team is just confirming this to you and I'm also noticing that in the sky There's a new moon that is just ever so Slightly waxing maybe actually this is An eclipse but it looks like the Moon is

Just starting to grow so you are slowly But surely growing with this person and At the same time you still have a lot of Growth to do and that's something that's Very exciting cuz I I feel like a lot of You you already are in a good place with This person and on top of that you're Going to continue growing and growing And growing together very exciting um There could be a new level of commitment That you are reaching with this person It like it looks like this person is Offering a ring so you could be reaching The next level of commitment with this Person um the future we definitely see You feeling very sure about where you Stand with this person so you know Exactly what you mean to them and you Can trust that that's going to stay the Same and you feel very secure in this Relationship you could Be also like for those of you who are More serious with this person already You could be thinking about your future In terms of your Finances you could be making some money Moves together Like a joint a joint venture a joint Investment or you could be thinking About your living situation in the Future for example going from renting a Place to being homeowners it's like You're you're looking to make changes That are more long-term and

Permanent and I feel like there's Something else I wanted to say but I Don't remember Anymore but Whatever if it's if it's meant to be it Will come back let's roll some Dice oh I think it was maybe that you Could be thinking of starting a family Or if you already have a family um Thinking more about the long-term future Of your Family okay so we have the South Node a we have the South node and we Have Venus so yeah the South node I'm Taking this as like talking about your Past I and I feel like now that Venus Has come out this feels like um Nostalgia it feels like Reminiscing on Your past to see how far you've come so You and your person might have an Opportunity to do that soon you might be Thinking about like oh my gosh has it Already been this many years since we've Met you might be thinking back to your First date or thinking back to the first Time you met or earlier stages of your Relationship and looking back with Compassion for those past versions of You and also being proud of yourselves And proud of each other for how far You've come and just happy for how You've evolved in your relationship like It's a very sweet Energy so now we are going to get into

The Tarot deck that you guys Chose and we are going to see I move These down too much we going to see the Timeline of Events that is coming up in your love Life and this is going to be in Chronological order so we're going to Start like this card here is going to Represent now or your nearest Future and Then we're just going to keep moving Into the Future Okay that was a clumsy Shuffle But we're just okay let's do one More okay good enough group number Threes the timeline of events in group Number three's love life what is next For them starting with their nearest Future oh we have the Sun there could be quite a few of you Who chose this group who are welcoming a Little one into your Home whether Thaty well there is a human child on This card and there's also an animal so And we had like children here we had two Messages of companion animals Here So and the sun like that's childlike Energy I feel like the next step for you Guys is having a little one in your home Human or animal or maybe both and if It's going to bring joy to your life and Honestly is going to purify your soul And remind you of what really

Matters I have some of you guys have Maybe seen pictures of Yumi if you Follow me on Instagram the little black Pug and I mean my cats were like this Too and if if you have an animal or have Spent time with animals you know this But just being with them and and Snuggling with them and playing with Them it Just it just takes all your worries away Way and I think part of that is that the Animal doesn't care about your worries And probably doesn't even know what your Worries are you'll be like ah I'm so Stressed at my job and your animal's Like what's a job play with me and it Just it it takes your mind away from it And it's very beautiful so that seems to Be the next step for you Guys ah we have the four of Wands which This is a literal Wedding that we see Here okay for those of you who um who Haven't met your person yet you could Actually meet them at a Wedding cuz this feels like this is Celebratory energy this is celebratory Energy so you could meet your person at A wedding Or um if you do have your person in your Life already you could be in in the near Future like getting Engaged Or making plans to start your life

Together you could even be renewing your Vows if you're already Married or like we mentioned here if You're already married you could be like Reminiscing on your wedding And um bringing that spark back and Bringing that Joy back we have The Two Of Pentacles And we're going to get one More okay our last card is is the king Of Cups a I feel like This forgive energy and this blue lace Egot energy they match with the king of Cups so well like he is he is healed he Is compassion he is Forgiveness he is emotionally fulfilled Like this is the future that you are Moving Towards and this can also Be parent energy there's just there's Very strong parent and Child energy in this reading and and That's why I think for a lot of you it Is about like you having children or you Having a Family um or like forgiving your parents Or getting close to your parents or just Having more Family Values if you really Don't resonate with those messages it Could also be that you are finding and Creating your chosen family cuz this can Also be like your community who loves You and supports you for who you

Are and who feels like home like where The place where you really feel like Home in the place where you really feel Like you belong and I feel like that's The most important thing for this group Is that you're finding the people who Make you feel at Home and who love you for you and accept You for you and I just feel like Whatever you were pursuing Before it's Like you realize That whatever you were cultivating there That was not love Or or people didn't love you for who you Are it's like the energy of someone Who's working really hard to like Impress their boss and they're like my Boss doesn't really care about me like What am I doing or or like a a content Creator who's trying to get more Subscribers and they're like these are Like strangers commenting on my stuff Like they don't know me or care about me Like like my family will or you know What I mean There's there just seems to be this Shift in like whose opinions you think Are important or like who you're trying To prove something To um who you're letting occupy your Mental space and more and more the Desire to have this Close-knit um family

Whether that's a a blood related family Or a soul family or your chosen family That is growing stronger and stronger And I do think for a lot of you there is Like an addition to your family that's Coming because with the Two of Pentacles This is having to juggle things having To multitask having to find a balance so Imagine like if you're working really Hard at your job and Now you have children or you like moved Into a new house with your partner and There's a lot of things to um there's a Lot of work to do or you have like a Puppy in your home now and it's like Eating the furniture and it can't be Left alone for too long there's a There's this feeling Where like professional Ambitions and Matters of the Heart we're like trying to find a Balance and it's not to say that we Can't do Both but there is a feel feeling that You do have to prioritize one we see it In a lot of decks and we see it in this Deck too that one of the Pentacles is Higher than the other like that's often How it shows up and so something has to Be prioritized and you can see where This person is looking to they're Looking to the Sun what brings them Joy The four of Wands their home their Family their community and so I think

That this is going to start to be more Of a priority and even with the king of Cups being here that's also matters of The heart that's also your emotions so Again please only take this if it Resonates but some of you might be like Dropping certain professional goals that You once had or just putting less Importance on them because your Motivations have changed it's not that You're like giving up or quitting it's Just that You're your drive has changed your why Your why has changed You are this feels like an emotional Awakening or like an Awakening To the beauty of connection and Realizing That success and joy the the greatest Successes and joys can be in the simple Things in the moments that you share With loved Ones yeah and there's big big messages Of commitment Too like I don't know if you listen to To one or both of these but both of These had that Vibe like I said this is a literal Wedding this is like having a harmonious Domestic Life like if you haven't met your person Yet the the next person you're meeting Like is this person it is the person That you will do life with that you will

Have your home with that you will have Little ones with like that is very that Is very Clear um We have I mentioned that Sagittarius Energy is here Leo energy is here as Well uh this is Venus and Aries this person could be like a Pisces With Venus and Aries or a Taurus with Venus and Aries um this is a bit more specific but It's Jupiter and Capricorn um which if you are born in 1996 you could have Jupiter and Capricorn Yeah anyway so to close off this Reading we're going to take some cards From these Oracle decks for some Messages and advice from your Spirit [Applause] Guides group number three's Spirit Guides [Applause] What messages would you like to leave For group number [Music] Three As woo as we finish off this reading I Did want to mention it didn't fall out But a card that said Clairvoyance like flipped over so I just Saw it Briefly so you could be increasing your Clairvoyant abilities

We have Passion Archangel hanel trust and follow Your renewed passion that's so funny in Your love life and career like this is The whole reading has been about Balancing these things also 3838 as I'm showing this card so yeah This is not about like leaving behind One for the other I think it's just About fine-tuning the balance like Redefining your priorities so maybe Before you were like 80% career 20% relationships and now It's more like 5050 or it's more like 60 Relationships 40 career and and it it Might change too but I do feel like I Even said at the start of the reading The scales are kind of tipping more Towards like relationships love matters Of the heart and even you know this Temperance card is very much about Fine-tuning and finding that perfect Balance and so you know this is Definitely not about giving up on your Goals or or giving up on your passion You just might be approaching it in a Different way there might be certain Things you were chasing that you realize Are not important anymore and like You're going to go about pursuing your Passion in a different Way Um and that Clairvoyance card that Flipped over some of you guys might be

Passionate about like Visual Arts or Something that has to do with Aesthetics Or design you might have a very good Taste when it comes to what looks good Whether that's like fashion interior Design graphic design like when it comes To visuals I just I feel like you have a Really good uh taste in That okay and then let's get some love Messages for You what love messages does group number Three need right now okay so we have two Coming out for You oh my gosh secret admirer someone Has deeper feelings for you than they Are letting on see that is exactly what We were picking up on um well we picked Up on it here I don't know if you watch This part but there is a message that Many people are attracted to you right Now and there could be one person who is Very very attracted to you and this says Someone has deeper feelings for you than They are letting on however I feel like Intuitively what I'm feeling for most of You is that this person who is like Crazy about you you don't feel the same Way so it's not it's not your person It's like someone else who is watching You from afar and who has like really Strong feelings for You it imagine all unwanted thoughts Dissolving into light creating room for New opport unities and possibilities for

Your Life imagine all unwanted thoughts Dissolving into Light I like that let's get one more one More for my group number Threes your final love message is Freedom there is nothing stopping you The path is clear if you want it to be And so to pair that with this previous Message um any thoughts you're having Where you feel trapped where you feel Stuck where you feel like you can't do Something um a practice that your angels Might want to help you with Is almost as if you're like leaving Those worries to them or handing it over To them Imagine allowing your angels to just Transmute those worries into light and And clearing the space for you to plant Whatever whatever new seeds you want There for New Opportunities and Possibilities for your Life beautiful so these are all the Messages that I have for my group number Three so we're going to take it to the Extended reading now where we are going To get messages from your person both Their 3D self and their higher self We're also going to see your person's Current feelings for you or how they Currently experiencing this connection And and perceiving this connection with You we're going to look at that in the

3D as well as the 5D and then we are going to get a timing Prediction for an event of your choice That could be something we talked about In this reading it could be something Else it is up to you we'll get a timing Prediction for that event and we'll also See what could influence the timing so If that sounds good to you and you would Like to join me over in the extended I'm Going to have that linked down below In the description as well as in the Pinned comment of this video however if You're going to leave the reading here I Want to say thank you so much for Letting me do this reading for you I Hope you have a wonderful day or night Whenever you're watching and I wish you All the best please take good care of Yourself stay healthy don't forget to Like comment and subscribe if you feel Like doing that if you enjoy my content And you like to find me elsewhere I'm Going to have link down below my tarot Reading Instagram my personal Instagram My patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like this one and you can also Decide on topics for future videos I Will link my music channel which Includes the intro song of this video That is an original song I'll also have My latest release link down below and Finally my blog channel and my merch

Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video thank you Guys so much for supporting me my Channel and literally anything I do I Really really appreciate having you here And I am sending so much love to you to Your person to anyone else who appeared In this reading either directly or Indirectly and I'm sending love to both Of your higher selves both of your Spiritual teams and your Spirit guides And all of your loved ones I just saw 4444 by the way and didn't I see didn't I see 444 earlier in this reading I'm Pretty sure I did and then I just saw 4444 Um yes so I'm sending love to you guys And I will see you in the next one Bye-bye hi number fours so if you guys Chose the selenite and the moon child Tarot this is going to be your reading All about what is next in your love life Here is the full breakdown of today's Reading we have the reading here on YouTube as well as an extended today on YouTube we are going to start by taking A look at your overall energy we're Going to see where you are coming from And where you're headed when it comes to Your love life and this part of the Reading can be like an energy check for You especially this where you're coming From part if this sounds like what you Have been through or what you're

Currently going through that can be a Sign that this is your group then we're Going to get some personalized messages Depending on your relationship status we Will be getting a message for those of You who do currently have a specific Person in mind like you're in a Relationship or you have a person of Interest as well as a message for those Of you who do not currently have a Specific person and I'm going to put Time stamps in the video in case you Want to like skip forward to the message That applies to your situation although You are very welcome to listen to both Of them uh then once we do that we're Going to get into the upcoming events in Your love life and we're going to look At what's next and what's unfolding in Chronological order and then we're going To finish off the reading with messages And advice from your Spirit guides then In the extended reading we're going to Get messages from your person so this Would be like your partner or your Person of Interest or if you don't Currently have one we will get messages From the new person who is entering your Life and we're going to get messages From both their 3D self so their human Self uh as well as their higher self We're also going to see your person's Current feelings towards you and how They are experiencing this connection or

How they're perceiving this connection And we're going to look at that in the 3D and in the 5D and then we are going to get a timing Prediction for an event of your choice So it could be something uh that comes Up in this reading it could be a Different event anything that you want To know about we're going to see when It's likely to happen and we're also Going to see what could influence the Timing so that is the reading that we Have Today without further Ado let's get into It so this pile of oracle cards here This is going to represent the energy That you are coming From so we're starting off with Loneliness Seeker use this card to Represent you who you are what you may Be thinking thinking and feeling and how You are positioned in a situation or Relationship right Now and we have Bix Bite next these are going to represent The energy of where you're Headed we have Change surrender to allow to soften to Give permission to trust to open Yourself Up and then we have dalmati Stone all Right so let's talk about this Loneliness card first as you can maybe

Tell there are two languages on these Cards so there's the French word and the English word but Solitude is also an English word which has a little bit of a Different connotation than loneliness I Feel like loneliness feels like a Negative thing it feels like something We don't want to be experiencing whereas To me I feel like Solitude is something That is more desirable it's like getting To be in your own company getting to Enjoy alone time I feel like it has a Bit more of a positive spin to it so for Those of you who chose this group in Terms of the energy that you are coming From And this could also be your current Energy I feel like you are spending a Lot of time alone or sort of pondering Your aloneness and for some of you you Could be very well feeling lonely and Craving connection for others of you you Could be enjoying this alone time and Because humans are complex you could be Feeling both of those emotions at Different times I think it's interesting That we have the number nine here Because in Tarot this number is Associated with the hermit card and I Feel like that very much Matches the energy of this loneliness Card if you think of someone who's a Hermit they're like they're closed off They're alone they're doing their own

Thing and now that I think about it Seeker this Seeker card feels very hermy As well because the hermit is all about The inner work the inner Journey um the The soul searching Something that you may be going Through you may have had an experience Where you even though there were people Around you you still felt Lonely and what may be happening right Now is a sort of inner Journey or soul Searching where you're trying to figure Out why that is because hermit energy Loves to go within and find the root of The problem so I see someone who's Experiencing like and even this 21 That's the world so it's like I'm out in The world I'm surrounded by people I'm Interacting with people and yet I still Feel lonely so what I think I need to do Is go within and and figure out why that Is figure out the root of the problem Because clearly my loneliness is not Coming from a lack of people in my life Or a lack of interaction it's coming From something deeper perhap perhaps a Lack of truly feeling seen a lack of Intimacy or a lack of like closeness or Depth in my Interactions and you may be in this Reflective process Of what do I need in order To feel connected to others what do I Really need in order to cure this

Loneliness cuz it's not just about like Going out more it's not just about Talking to someone it's about the Quality of those interactions it's about The type of connection that I'm looking For so you may be on this inner journey Of like figuring out how to address or How to solve this feeling of loneliness Cuz you know there might be moments Where you feel more lonely when you're With people than even like when you're With Yourself cuz even your own company is Better it's like you're trying to figure Out what type of company you need or Like how to solve this issue cuz that Hermy Virgo energy it it likes to Problem solve it's analytical I I feel Like for those of you if this group is For you like where you're coming from You've definitely been in a period of Reflection uh then we get into the Energy of where you're headed and we Have change we have Surrender we have dalmati stone which Has the number of the sun on it so it's Like a new dawn a new Day I feel like where you're you're Headed Is I feel like you might not exactly Know where you're headed but you trust The Universe you Are definitely stepping out of this

Hermit mode and stepping back out into The world and I'm also noticing how this Heart has walls around it like there's Four walls to protect it um to keep to Keep something out or to keep something From getting out and I feel like what You're about to do is step back out into The world but with these walls down so You're about to go back out there with More vulnerability and seeking the type Of connection that you want and maybe You don't necessarily know what that's Going to look like you don't know what The universe has in store for you in This next chapter you don't know how True love or true connection is going to Find you or or when it's going to come But you trust the universe you trust the Universe enough to say I'm going to put These walls down even though I don't Know how or when or if real love and Connection is coming I'm going to put These walls down to show the universe That I'm ready and I'm open and I'm Allowing this Change and I feel like with this Dalmatian Stone this is a stone that Helps us connect to our inner child you Can see there's a little baby's face in The stone and inner child messages have Been coming out quite a bit not just in This reading today but I feel like in Readings that I've been filming recently Um inner child messages have been coming

Up pretty frequently so maybe the Collective or at least the community who Watches these videos thank you for being Here by the way maybe collectively we're We're doing some work to heal our inner Children I also want to say I feel Archangel Michael with this group so he Could be helping you um helping you with This healing or To welcome change and to welcome a new Chapter into your life and to trust the Universe even if you don't know what That next stage is going to look Like I'm Also looking at this dalmati Stone you Know it's black and white obviously as You can see it's white with black flex And I know this is a Dalmatian but it's Kind of making me think of a zebra and Like the age-old question of is a zebra White with black stripes or black with White stripes and Even the roundness of this Stone I feel Like there's some symbolism in here Of accepting Life in its Entirety you know it even in life even In the good moments they going to There's going to be Speckles of darkness And even in the dark moments there's There's going to be Speckles of light And I feel like you're just ready to Embrace it all like that's the true Energy of surrender you're ready to

Embrace everything To allow to soften to give permission to Trust to open yourself up and maybe this Is what you've really Been seeking or like the Key the key to Free Yourself is Surrender okay so we're going to get Into The personalized messages now so we're Going to start with a message for those Of you who currently do not have a Specific person in your life If you do have a person you're still Welcome to stick around and listen to This message but if you don't feel like Doing that I'm going to put a time stamp Down here so you can skip forward to Your message but let's get into It group number fors who do not have a Specific person at this time what is the Message for them what is the message for My group number fours who don't have a Specific person Okay and Just again with this note of surrender Like I think a valuable lesson that you Guys may be learning right now is that Is just is not to force things like not To try to push things to Happen and just to allow Divine time and Allow the divine plan to unfold Naturally you may be moving away from an Energy that felt kind of like forceful Or like you were at odds with the

Universe or like you were having a power Struggle with the universe and like Trying to control Things and you're just moving into an Energy of Letting Go and it feels like a Feels like relief you Know okay So we have judgment Revelation and Awakening this image I feel is so Relevant and Powerful for this group Because we just finished talking about You entering into a new chapter in your Life and you may not know what it's Going to look like but you're trusting And just the fact that we have this Gateway going into like a night sky it Feels like stepping into the Unknown and judgment often makes me feel Like answering the call I also just saw 13113 on the camera timer which is That's the number of the death card so It's release ending Transformation it's like you have the Courage to end a current phase in your Life even though you don't know what the New one is going to be like that takes a Lot of Bravery that takes a lot of trust In the universe and many of you may be Going through a spiritual awakening or Uh the next stage of your spiritual Awakening because Awakenings happen in Stages and they continue to happen Throughout our lives so you may be going Through another wave of that and that's

Making you feel more and more trusting Of the universe's plan and more like More held by the universe and supported By the universe and you may find Yourself in this new energy that you're Moving Into not worrying about the same things That you used to worry about and having It be such a no-brainer you know not Even like I'm trying not to worry I'm Trying to be positive it's almost like I Can't believe there's a time I let Myself worry so much about that like it Just doesn't you're not bothered or Worried by the same things Anymore oh my gosh we also have the two Of Cups what a beautiful card for a love Reading respect and balance we have two Twos cuz this is this is 20 and this is Two um repeating twos might be a sign That developments are coming in your Love life or just in general a sign that You're on the right path I also think This Group you have the gift or you're about To develop the gift of CLA oh God old faction CLA Smelling And I don't know why this is coming up But you might pick up on smells from Your person like if they wear a specific Kind of perfume or something like that Um or like their detergent even if if You haven't met them yet you might kind

Of pick up on that sort of smell or like Just for an example maybe your person's Name is Rose and then like you smell Roses or something like that but that is A gift that might you might start to Develop or randomly experience uh as you Go through this Awakening but yeah I Feel like the two of cups is a beautiful Confirmation that you are manifesting a Relationship right now one where you Definitely do not feel lonely where you Feel seen where you feel heard Where you feel engaged with where you Feel like present in and the order that These came out as well like stepping Into this Unknown leads to this Union leads to This relationship so that's a very clear Message I'm going to go ahead and roll a Couple of Dice from my [Applause] Bowl what other messages do you have for My group number fours who don't have a Specific person we have the number 11 Which could also be a relevant number For you guys someone also like could be Born on the 11th or like born at 11:00 a life path 11 could be Significant and we have the sun ooh so That could even be you know like sun in The 11th house someone could have sun in The 11th house uh that could also be Your sinistry with this person so for Example I'm a Taurus Rising my 11th

House would be Pisces so if this was my Reading it could be someone who has sun In Pisces so if you know your birth Chart this person could have their son In your 11th house or you could have Your son in their 11th house But beautiful the sun that's that's the Symbol that represents your new Beginning and it's such a beautiful Thing to come out when we have this Archway where you're stepping into the Darkness but it's Like you stepping into it creates light There and rather than seeing this as an Unknown maybe this darkness is Like this void so to speak is potential For you to create whatever you want to Make it whatever you want it's like a Blank screen and you can project Anything you want onto It with the number 11 here you could be Meeting this person through friends or You could be friends first before things Get romantic also any kind Of like Community involved act like if you get More involved with your community I Think is what I want to say getting more Involved with your community um or Getting more involved in Like humanitarian causes Activism Community organized events like These are the kind of things that Surround the 11th house because it's

Like it's about your community at large And your larger Network so the person Who's coming into your life may already Kind of be in your circle like you might Have a couple Degrees of Separation but I feel like they're around and that's Perfect cuz we see you coming out of Your hermit mode I feel like you're Definitely ready to get out and to get More Involved and yeah it's like getting Involved in your community or getting Involved in a cause that you care about Um doing volunteer work or something or Like Networking that could also lead to you Meeting this person and one thing that You'll notice about them is that even in A room full of like dozens of people They are like a ray of light in the room They will just light up the room and Maybe something about their smile or Their Laughter your attention will immediately Go to them like I just see you walking Into this room and there's a bunch of People and you're like like that's them Like beine cuz it's just their warmth Their their Sunny nature radiates off of Them okay so now we're going to move on To the message for those of you who do Have a specific person again if you Don't have a specific person you're Welcome to listen to this message but if

You don't feel like doing that I will Put the Tim stamp to skip to the next Part of the reading My group number fours who do have a Person what is the message for Them Oo we have the Wheel of Fortune okay group number four so There's the message here is more or less That it's a Surprise um there is a faded event that Is coming up with you and your person um What I can say is for those of you who Have been dealing with a blockage or Dealing with stagnation or feeling stuck Things are going to be set into motion Soon and this could be that things are Stuck between you and your person like Your relationship is not moving forward And your spiritual team is saying things Are going to be set in Motion or like if you're already in a Relationship with your person you and Your person together could be facing a Situation um where things aren't moving And like you're both getting frustrated About it cuz you both want to get on With your lives or like move to the next Stage of something you're planning and So like things that were stuck are Finally getting set into motion but with This Wheel of Fortune here I I do feel Like you and your person are kind of Entering Into a stage of your life where

Planning is not very useful like this Could be a period where a lot of Unpredictable things are happening and Things aren't going according to plan to Plan and I feel like the more rigidly You try to stick to a plan the more the More frustrated you're going to be so The best thing would just be to let the Universe Take the Wheel Take the Wheel Yeah cuz it's the Wheel of Fortune um Anyways I'm going to roll a couple of Dice from my bowl and see what other Messages we have for you there could Also be a situation with you and your Person where it's kind of like the Tables are turning like your roles are Reversing So uh let's say for Example you were in a phase with your Person where it kind of felt like you Were chasing them like you would always Be like texting them and trying to see If they're Available and they would be like busy or They would be kind of hard to get or Something like those rules could be Reversing where it's like they Weren't they weren't responding to you So you kind of lost interest a bit and Now they're chasing you and it's like oh Interesting how the tables turn like That kind of vibe or it could even be Something like if you are Married um maybe it used to be that one

Of you was working outside of the home And was like always busy and out and About and so the other one was more Taking care of stuff in the home and now Your roles are switching it's like yeah That sort of energy but let's roll the Dice okay we have Libra which came out very Excitedly we have the Libra which also funny cuz Libra's like Scales so I feel like the scales are are Tipping the other way 2323 as I said That Oh I was Just I was just talking to ASO recently And she pulled an oracle card for me and It was card number 23 and she was saying How it's like the divine Feminine which I'm guessing it's cuz Like it's the high priestess and the Empress 2323 um it could be like you and your Person maybe one of you was more in your Masculine energy and one of you is more In your feminine energy and now that's Switching and yeah I I do feel like I'm Switching a little bit I was like in my Masculine for a long time okay ooh and We have Jupiter and Jupiter is the planet that Relates to the Wheel of Fortune so yes There are going to be some unstable and Unpredictable times ahead but they will Lead to Blessings so these unexpected

Events they are pleasant surprises in The moment they may seem like Inconveniences I'm hearing but it's Disruptions that are happening to bring You greater Blessings I feel Like you and your person's spiritual Teams are close together or they're in Cahoots or something but it's like they Want to bring you guys better Relationships in your life they want to Bring you and your person like a better Support System and there may be this is a really Really specific message so I don't know How many people this is going to Resonate with but like for those of you Who are in a committed Relationship with this Person um There could have been a situation where You hired someone to do work for you Like maybe to do work in your house or Just I don't know you hired someone to Help you with something as a a Unit and like the relationship with them Went sour or like they couldn't do their Job well and you had to fire them and it Was like all this Drama and this is happening like to make Way to bring in a better person for you To bring in a better uh support system For you for you yeah but I feel like You're both manifesting better

Relationships okay So this concludes your personalized Messages I just Accidentally what do you call it rolled That and it changed to Pisces so that Could be significant Pisces is ruled by Jupiter all right So uh oh I'm like where's your deck it's Literally right here so So we are going to look at the timeline Of events now that is happening next in Your love Life okay group number Fours so we're going to do this in uh Chronological order with this card here Representing like now or the nearest Future and then we're just going to keep Going into the Future what is happening next okay Judgment ah I don't know if you watched This part but we got judgment here so we Have judgment coming out Twice so regardless of your relationship Status there Is what's happening now or what's Happening in your nearest Future is you Are being called to step into the Unknown you may be called to take a leap Of Faith in your life and this is going to Move you closer to your calling or this Is going to move you closer to Spiritual Awakening I'm hearing there are people That need you there are people in a

Certain field of work who need you or There are people in a certain Community Who need your voice or who need your Help or who need your Wisdom the universe is calling you to Move into a new space because you are Going to be a breath of fresh air in This new Space And for those of you who have not Met your person yet stepping into this New space will somehow link to your Meeting of this Person we also have the page of Swords So yeah this is like a new person coming In Um again for those of you who have not Met your person yet I feel like this Page of Swords is representing your Person coming in for those of you who Already do have your person uh it's Funny we got that message about your Spiritual team wanting you to meet Better people so you and your person Could be like networking together or Making new friends as a result of you Like entering into this new stage of Your life like even if your person isn't Directly involved in this new chapter For you I do feel like you stepping into This new chapter is going to facilitate You and your person uh growing Closer and I feel like both of you both You and your person in this stage it's Like you're networking or you're making

New friends you're definitely not Feeling lonely anymore not only are you Feeling close to your person but you're Feeling like you're surrounded by Like-minded people you're surrounded by People who have the same vision as you I'm hearing like you're surrounded by People who get it like they're on the Same Vibe as you they they may have a Similar like Soul Mission as You you may also at this time of your Life Be um meeting more people who are Spiritual or who are Psychic and it feels obviously it's not A coincidence but it kind of feels like They're serendipitously coming into your Life even if what you're doing has has Nothing to do with spirituality it's Like you're meeting new people who you Vibe with and then they just happen to Also be Psychic woo okay so two cards coming out At the same Time yeah look at this we have this Three of Cups so this is like friends a Circle of friends a Social Circle you Know a community that you get along with That you have a great time together so This message is coming through really Really strongly um again like I I've Already said this but if you haven't met Your person yet like it's through a new Circle of friends a new network a new

Community that you are going to meet Them um and if you already do know your Person um both of you are expanding your Circles and having more fun times Together having more light-hearted times Together and this is going to bring you And your person closer Together and we also have the Ace of Swords so something else that's being Highlighted with the page of swords and The Ace of Swords is like Intellectual Compatibility uh relationships that are Mutually in intellectually stimulating And that like you challenge each other You keep each other on your toes you Keep each other Entertained Um one of the reasons it may be hard for You guys To relate to a lot of people is because I feel like you're just really Smart And like a lot of people just aren't on Your level I feel like it's kind of that Energy of like you're playing chess and Everyone else is playing checkers and so And this this is not to be to like judge People and I don't think you judge People but you may just get bored a lot Like in conversations with most people Because it's Like your brain is too buff like you Want you want to discuss something

More like stimulating or more Challenging or more uh productive and Just most conversations could Be just like I'm hearing like mind Numbing like it's just You crave more or you could you could be Just like someone who gets bored easily Or like your brain is built different Than most other people and so it's like It's hard to Relate but I feel like intellectual Compatibility or like being on the same Wavelength Mentally uh cerebrally has maybe been Like an issue for you in in making Friends or in making close connections And so oh this this has changed twice Hey it went from Libra to Pisces and now It's Capricorn all of these could be Relevant like zodiac signs of people by The way Libra Capricorn and Pisces Placements um but yeah there's there's Really an emphasis on like having Amazing conversations having the same Sense of humor um being knowledgeable in The same things maybe you like Specialize in the same things you're You're smart in the same ways kind of Thing um and Also I just feel like being around other People with your person cuz you know Everyone like presents in front of People a little differently you know Like I'm not the exact same person like

With all of my friends or with my family Members or with my partner there's like Different different facets of you might Be magnified a little bit more you know Different facets of you might take Center stage and other facets might kind Of like fall to the Wayside and so I Feel like having this opportunity to be Around your person and other people it's Going to allow you to see um other sides Of your person come Out and I feel like that's going to be a Really beautiful experience like you get To see more Yeah more facets of them and I also feel Like seeing how your person like Interacts with others and how they treat Others and how they carry themselves in These situations it's going to make you More uh attracted to them so there's Definitely going to be lots of Opportunities coming up in your future To like interact with your person in Various uh in various social Settings you could also be meeting other People in your person's life and then Hearing stories about them that you've Never heard before and that again give You a fuller picture of who they are and Make you you know like them even more Like for example maybe you meet this Person's mom and then your mom first of All you see how they act around their Mom and that makes you like them even

More and then their mom tells you a Bunch of stories of when they were a kid And that gives you like the Fuller Context and it's so cute imagine them as A kid and it it gives you more insights On like how they grew into the person They are today so it's like the more People you get to experience with your Person like the The painting that is your person becomes More and more colorful and more and more Complete it's like that kind of vibe so Wonderful opportunity for bonding not Just with your person but like with a Beautiful Circle okay we have was this three cards Coming out at the same time oh jeez okay So yeah we have the Wheel of Fortune Again which I I noticed before and then Forgot so The Wheel of Fortune is Repeating we have the king of Wands oh cool and then and then we have Shadow Work which I feel like is what what You've been doing I feel like that's the Energy you're coming from but this is so Cool like this group you guys are so Excellent can I just say that you guys Are so excellent So okay I need to move these so there's Room you are stepping into this new Space and I feel Like within a pretty short amount of Time you are becoming the leader or a

Leader in that sphere or you're becoming One of the best in that sphere and it it Just seems like it's happening very Quickly so you know we spoke about There's a a field that needs you there's A community that needs you and it's like The second you step into it you just Shoot to the top um an example of this Would Be let's let's say your spiritual team Was telling you there's a lot of people Around the world who need your insights So you need to like start a YouTube Channel or start a podcast and you need To Start speaking your truth cuz it's People who need to hear it so you enter Into this new space from zero and within I want to say like in less than a Year you are why is it so glary and Bright okay within less than a year like You are at the top of that field you are Excelling I feel like this King Of Wands Is representing Mastery and just how Your talent and your capability is is Limitless and we do have this element of Shadow work and Honestly this can manifest in different Ways for different people um for some of You this could be a healing experience You know like if you if you had Previously doubted yourself and doubted What you were capable of this experience Of

Mastering a new Endeavor could be very Healing to that doubtful side of You but there also could be others of You who the shadow that you're dealing With is even though I am so successful Even though I am receiving all this Recognition I don't really feel It you know even though I'm receiving That externally I don't really feel It and then the other interpretation of This is that there could Be some envy that is happening between You and your Person So like they might be envious and it's Not like a malicious jealousy it's it's Just a like a a wound that's being Triggered so your person could start to Be like a bit envious of your success Or you might be comparing yourself like Rather than focusing on your own Successes and being happy for your own Successes you might have a wound that is Causing you to Still like compare yourself to what your Person is doing or how far your person Is on their journey and it's almost About like feeling worthy enough for That person and and I think deep down You know That that voice is not you like it's a Wound talking but Someone achieving fast success I think Is like triggering a wound for most of

You interesting yeah we have like the Five of Pentacles at the bottom of the Deck which is like a lack mentality or Like feeling like you're not enough Feeling like you're not doing enough it Can also talk about feeling left out so Someone might have a wound that's like Oh you're going to keep getting more and More successful and then you're going to Move on without me or you're going to Get tired of me or something like that H so that brings us to the last part of This reading I don't know why it just Keeps getting so bright and I keep Having to turn the lights down maybe That's your light you're just shining so Bright Um okay so we're going to use these two Oracle decks to finish off the reading With messages and advice from your Spirit Guides what messages would you like to Leave group number four as the reading Comes to a Close oh oh my gosh what did I Say what did I say it's Archangel Michael oh my gosh okay okay I knew he Was Here Crystal Clear intentions Archangel Michael be clear about what you desire And focus upon it with unwavering Faith and I would also Say keep shining as bright as you can Don't you know like I feel like that

Light was significant like even though I Kept dimming the light it just kept Shining brighter and brighter so despite Like you might feel urges to dim your Light to make other people comfortable You might feel other people around you Want you to dim your light but don't do It keep Shining okay and then we're going to get Some love messages for You okay we have let there be closeness Between you but always give each other Space love never claims it simply allows And Gives okay then we have close your eyes And tell yourself that you deserve to Feel joyful you can allow joy into your Life regardless of the circumstances you Currently find yourself In and then Finally criticizing one another will Only lead to further unhappiness love And accept each other as you are and Your relationship will magically Transform So I feel like at some point within the Relationship and maybe this brings us to The end of your timeline I feel like you And your person will have to have a Conversation about Boundaries and a conversation about your Triggers as well because you know the Only way to heal a trigger is through it You know the same way the only way to

Get over a fear is to to face it and Expose yourself to that fear but doing That before you're Ready can do more harm than good like if You force yourself to face a fear or Expose yourself to a trigger like before You feel ready to do that it could just Further yeah it could further cause harm So if you or your person are starting to Feel like certain things are triggering You like for example if one of you is Becoming successful and starting to get A lot of attention and maybe starting to Get approached by other people or I Don't know what it is I'm just it has to Do with one of you like blowing Up um like becoming really successful And so there may be certain situations Where it actually is better To to give more Space um and and it will be a Conversation you have to have right like What's going to make me feel better in This in these moments is it going to be To be closer to you and to have more Communication with you or is it to like Remove myself from this situation I feel Like those kinds of conversations are Going to are going to come up and this Relationship between you and your person Person it is like an an excellent lesson That you're helping each other learn About boundaries and you know how can I Keep pursuing my joy and keep shining my

Light um and respecting my boundaries While also accommodating yours and That's just like the dance Of interpersonal relationships at the End of the day So these are all of the messages that I Just have 45 45 these are all the Messages that I have for my group number Four so we're going to take it over to The extended now where we're going to See messages from your person both their 3D self and their higher self we're also Going to see how your person currently Feels about you or how they're currently Experiencing this connection and Perceiving this Connection in the 3D and 5D and then We're going to get a timing prediction For an event of your choice whether that Is something we talked about in this Reading or something different that is Totally up to you but we're going to see When it's likely to happen and what Could influence that timing so if that Sounds good to you and you'd like to Join me in the extended I'm going to Have that link Down Below in the Description as well as in the pinned Comment of this video however if you're Going to leave the reading here I want To say thank you so much for letting me Do this reading for you I hope you have A wonderful day or night whenever you're Watching this and I wish you all the

Best please take good care of yourself Stay healthy don't forget to like Comment and subscribe if you feel like Doing that if you enjoy my content and You'd like to find me elsewhere I'm Going to have link down below my tarot Reading Instagram my personal Instagram My patreon where you can watch tons of Timeless exclusive pick a card readings Just like this one and you can also Decide on topics for future readings I Will have my music channel linked which Includes the intro song of this video That is an original song I'll also have My latest release link down below and Finally my Vlog Channel and my merch Which features the floating Temple that Was at the start of this video thank you Guys so much for supporting me my Channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here and I'm sending so much love to you to your Person to anyone else who appeared in This reading directly or indirectly and I'm sending love to your higher selves Your Spirit guides your spiritual teams And all of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one bye-bye

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