Why Are You So Drawn to Them?💘⚡️🧲 Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading

Why Are You So Drawn to Them?💘⚡️🧲 Detailed Pick a Card Tarot Reading

Thanks for stopping by! I’m KINO ♈️☀️♊️🌙♉️👆I hope you enjoy your reading ❤️

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All Groups:
Group 1:
Group 2:
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Intro – 0:00
#1 (White Agate) – 2:26
#2 (Angel Aura Rose Quartz) – 34:16
#3 (Desert Rose Selenite) – 1:05:44
#4 (Fluorite) – 1:37:16

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Decks Used (in order):
📍Fairy Lenormand by Davide Corsi
📍Inquire Within Oracle by Kristen Drozdowski ※
📍Universal Oracle Cards by Christina Georgieva
📍The Outlaw Oracle by Hillary Banks Self ※
📍(Group 1) The Sleepwalker Tarot by SENGIA
📍(Group 2) Way of the Panda Tarot by Fables Den
📍(Group 3) Botanica Oculta Tarot by Dark Synevyr
📍(Group 4) Spiritsong Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

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💍Gold Bracelet (Use code kino15 for 15% off!):
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[Music] Hi guys it's Kino welcome to another Video so today's pick a card reading is For those of you who have been feeling Particularly drawn to a certain person Maybe you have been thinking about them A lot their energy has been popping up Everywhere for you and we are going to Get to the bottom of that in today's Reading and see what your spiritual team Has to say about why you might be Feeling this way and why you may be Experiencing these things and this Reading is for any type of connection Regardless of how close you may or may Not be in the 3D or the nature of the Relationship this is really for any Person who has been on your mind and That you've been feeling drawn to there Are four readings for you guys to choose From today and we're going to be using a Different Tarot deck for each group and I've also placed a different Crystal on Top to help you pick and I'm going to be Showing you a random card from each deck So that you can also get a feel for what The artwork looks like so when you're Choosing your group you could be drawn To the crystal the back artwork of the Deck the front artwork or the actual Card that appears for you but without Further Ado let's get a closeup look at Each of your options for group number One we have this white agot and the

Sleepwalker Tarot and your random card is the 10 of Cups For group number two we have this Angel Aura rose quartz and the way of the Panda Tarot and your random card is also the 10 of Cups for group number three we have this Desert rose salinite and the Botanica Ulta Tarot and your random card is the Queen Of Wands and for my group number fours we Have this florite and the Spirit song Tarot And your random card is the four of Pentacles okay so just in case you need A bit more time to pick these are all of Your options laid out side by side so That you can compare them and see which One or ones are calling to you the most As always take all the time you need to Pick you can pause the video if you need To I'm going to go ahead and get started With number one hi number ones so if you Guys chose the white OT this is going to Be your reading I want to start by just Going through the full breakdown of Today's reading we have the reading here On YouTube as well as in extended and Here on YouTube we're going to start With an energy check to make sure this Is your group and we're going to be

Talking about your experience of the Connection so if what I describe does Sound like how you've been feeling Towards this person then that's your Sign that this is your group then we are Going to move into the main question of The the day why are you drawn to this Person and at the very end we're going To see what your guides think about this Connection and then in the extended it's Kind of going to be like the same Reading but for your person so we are Going to see what their experience of This connection has been is it similar To you is it different we're going to See what their guides think of the Connection and then we are going to see What will end up happening between the Two of you so that is the reading for Today and let's get started the first Thing we have to see is your experience Of the Connection so we are starting with the Heart Nourish lovers okay Divine counterpart Chemistry partnership And finally we have Saloon escapism Good Times Hideout okay what I can say right off The bat for my group number ones is that This is the energy of a connection that Makes you very happy so if you're drawn To someone and you're like mad about it If you're like G why does this person's

Energy keep coming up um I don't think This is your group I think you are very Excited and very happy anytime this Person's energy comes up because this Person's energy just lifts your spirits So much there's heavy lover energy in These oracle cards like we literally Have the lovers appearing here and we Have lovers here this is the heart card But it is all about like love and Relationships and romance so it could be That for very many of you the person on Your mind is a romantic interest but at The very least I would say that you do Feel a lot of love towards this person And a lot of affection towards them and You really want the best for them and There may be something special about Them that just like gets you in your Feels in a different way than you've Ever experienced before like something About them just really pulls on your Heartstrings you may describe this Person as Adorable like every little thing they do Just hits you right in the heart even if I just have this image of Like this is so silly but like this Person could be doing the most normal Thing ever like eating an apple and You' Be like oh my God the way to eat that Apple is so sweet and then other people Next to you would just be like bro They're literally eating an apple but

You can't help it because that's just Like they hit your heartstrings in this Really special way that is how it's Coming through through I do feel like a Strong longing to get close to this Person you may really feel like you Crave this person or you ache to be Close to them um in a physical way like Just to be in physical proximity to them And I actually think that if there was a Lot of physical distance between you and This person like for example if they Were all the way on the other side of The World I feel like that would kind of Hurt like you would really be longing For their physical Closeness I really do think with this Nourish card That this Person existing and you knowing about This person or getting to have them in Your life has been a really positive Thing I think that it has fueled you Like this nourish card says maybe it Gives you inspiration it gives you Motivation to keep going you may feel That this person is very special to you You've maybe even thought about the idea Of this person being a Divine Counterpart of yours being a soulmate of Yours we have two swans here it's so Cute how they're making a heart together But swans do represent reflection and

Mirroring so you may find that this Person mirrors you in a lot of cool ways That you have some really cool uh Similarities and you may also get quite Excited when you find another way that You mirror each other or you find Another thing that you have in common Because of course it makes you you feel Close to this person and I think in General you just get excited when you Get to learn something new about them Even if it's a very like normal or Trivial fact about them and that's Something else that's so beautiful about This connection is that the most normal Mundane everything Everyday Things Become like exciting or adorable to you And it's just it's that's a really Beautiful energy to be in where things Are so bright and exciting it's just Really nice to sit with this energy and See how happy this person and this Connection makes you with the saloon Card here with like escapism Hideout Because this is talking about your Experience for some of you you might Have this worry in the back of your Mind of like what if I'm Leaning too much into this connection as A way to escape my problems or like what If I'm fantasizing too much about this Connection and that's taking me out of The present moment when really I should Be in the present moment you might worry

About that sometimes because you know if This connection or thinking about this Person makes you feel so good I can Definitely see why you would lean into That there is kind of a I want to say Pisan vibe to this card just the word Escape makes me think of Pisces and also We do have like the little triangle here That's the element of water um but also Like Pisces placements or water Placements could be significant to you Or this person I would say also Gemini Just because we have two cards that are Very much reminding me of the lovers Card in Tarot but Actually now that I mentioned that with Gemini and Pisces energy that's very Much giving psychic telepathic Communication so you may feel that you Have a psychic connection with this Person that you receive telepathic Messages from Them I also think that this connection Has changed the way you perceive Yourself in a good Way it's it's improved like how you view Yourself how you feel about yourself and Your and your Potential it's maybe inspired you to get More in touch with your Intuition Also I think it's inspired you To think about how you can serve others

And how you can make the world a better Place and I do think if it hasn't Already this connection will really Positively impact like your self-love Journey I just I see positive things Here and I'm I'm excited to get into the Tarot just one last thing I want to Mention we have the numbers 24 and 39 Here uh which could be relevant numbers To this connection they don't have to be But it could be extra confirmation for Some of you so for example someone could Be 24 years old or born on the 24th Someone could be 39 years Old or 42 they could be born in the year 1993 or the numbers 2 439 could be Present in your birth days in your life Paths something like that but now Hopefully you have determined whether This is your group and we're going to Get into your Sleepwalker Tarot and let's see why it is that you Are so drawn to this Person why do they have this special Effect on you and this special place in Your heart Why do they pull on your heart strings Like This I would say as well Like just looking at the leaves and the Nest you could feel very at home with This person's energy or it feels very Natural being drawn to them just feels

Natural it feels like a like a moth Going to the light kind of thing and ALS Also looking at all of this Liquor behind him you could feel like You are drunk when you're around this Person or like drunk off the feelings For Them or it just feels Very something about it feels magical And Fantastical I'm thinking About supernatural by Ariana [Music] Okay our group number ones why are my Group number ones so drawn to this Person so oh look we're starting off With the moon which is more pisy in Energy and also I just realized you guys Had the 10 of cups in the Intro like to choose your group which is Also pisci and energy so I would not be Surprised if one or both of you has Pisces Placements or maybe Pisces season is Going to be like an important time in The connection which is late February to Late March we have the Queen of Wands Which was the option For number three group number three and Then we have The strength card I'm just checking how These fit in the frame Okay we have the Magician and the Five of Cups and then

We're also going to take the bottom of The deck energy to see how your guides Feel okay so for how your guides feel About this connection we have the two of Cups and I'm honestly not surprised to See that this is a pretty um this is a Pretty obvious message and I'm also Pretty sure that you guys just clicked On this for confirmation because Like the energy is strong Also out of six Cards that we pulled half of them are Major Arcana which is pretty Significant So I think that you incarnate a lot with This Soul not all the time but Frequently and I think your souls have a Very close bond this is just my own Little personal thing but whenever I see The strength card in a reading like this It lets me know that your souls are best Friends like they're really really close And I also like that there's a lion on The the two of Cups card because that's Like the mascot of the strength card and It just it's really giving the feeling Of you having a very strong Soul Bond to This person and that's why I say I think You're just watching this for Confirmation because judging from what You've been feeling and experiencing you Probably already knew that or you were Pretty sure because the way this Connection hits is just really special

And Really different it like unlock locks It's like it unlocks a whole expansion Pack on your emotions and it's it's very Wonderful so Yeah um where do I even start I feel Like I'm going all over the place let's Start with the strength card cuz that's What we were just talking about your Souls have a very very strong friendship Um I don't think like I said I don't Think you're you necessarily meet each Other in every single lifetime but every Time you do you have a very important Relationship so I don't think you would Ever just be like an extra in each Other's lives or like a passing Acquaintance it's like when you have a Lifetime together you are like best Friends or you are lovers or just you Have a really close relationship so I Don't think that your relationship is Bound to always be romantic it might end Up that way a lot of the time Because I think when a human experiences Love that powerful it could often Manifest in that Way actually I don't know but that's Just that's just the feeling I'm getting Like with two of Cups the lovers this Imagery for many of you this could be Romantic but it could also just be like A really intimate and Affectionate platonic relationship

I think that your main goal is to bring Out the best in each other And lift each other's confidence and Lift each other's self-esteem which it's So cool that that message is coming out Again because I I felt it intuitively in The first half that this connection will Help you on your self-love journey and It will um positively impact how you Perceive yourself and that's really why You're here for each other I often get a Feeling with the Queen of Wands in this Type of reading of being like someone Who activates you so you know if you Have this this like really amazing Talent within you or this Burning Passion within you of what you're meant To do in the world something about Meeting this person and observing this Person and interacting with this person Is really going to bring that out of you So just for one example Like let's say you were um meant to be a Musician in this lifetime and when you Meet this Person you feel so intensely for them You start making like crazy beautiful Music I guess like Muse may be another Way to put it but the word like Activation always comes to me when I'm Talking about this kind of thing like That talent and that passion and that Calling already exists within you and Somehow meeting each other

Like Sparks it it like activates that Passion within you so I think that the More you lean into this connection the More Vitality you will feel and the more Drive you will feel towards utilizing And exploring your gifts and that's a Really good thing because that's one of The the goals that you have for each Other in this lifetime is like I'm going To help you see how freaking amazing and Talented you are and I'm going to make All these feelings come out of you that You didn't even know were there And I'm going to help you Channel them Into some like beautiful ass art or some Some beautiful work that will serve the Community yes I actually think musees is The word for that but that's kind of What you are for each other and and what Tends to happen when you incarnate Together I think that both of you are Crazy talented and you have a lot Of you have a lot of drive or you have The potential to be like a very driven And Ambitious to be very driven and Ambitious people in this lifetime um I We have the moon here which I definitely Feel is yeah this is this is confirming The companionship of your souls because We have these two dogs together and that Represents like loyalty and Companionship and yeah best friendship That is that is exactly what this is it

Is so sweet and I think that the Moon is Definitely Confirming the psychic connection that Exists between the two of you you May communicate a lot at night or while You are sleeping like we have this Person sleeping here so o that just hit Me very strongly so I know it's true This person and you probably see each Other and and visit each other a lot in Your dreams and Like exchange energies that will help Each other as you move into new stages Of your Life And I I don't exactly know what it is But there's very specific points in Which you will show up in each other's Dreams um and maybe that's different for Everyone who's watching this but it's It's not random when the timing that you Dream about each other is not random It's not just like oh I randomly dreamed About you today I guess I was thinking Of you I guess something reminded me of You it's like no I'm appearing in your Dream because I have something important To tell you or I have some important Energy to transfer to you because you Are at this pivotal point in your life So if you dream about this person it's Probably because something important is About to happen in your life or like Your energy is Shifting and they were

There for moral support or like they Were there to tell you something Important and That is making my eyes feel like they're Sweating because it's it just it makes Me feel very emotional that you that you Show up for each other in that way and It's also coming through that because we Got that message that you may not Necessarily incarnate together all the Time but you do always show up in each Other's dreams so like you could maybe In another life for example you were Incarnate here on Earth and they were Incarnate somewhere else and you still Your higher self still showed up in each Other's dreams so you're never really Disconnected it's just that you may not Always literally be in physical vessels On the same Planet at the same time but Yeah even if you're far away you're Still connected you're still guiding Each other that's kind of the very um Strong bond that you have I love that Even this Queen of Wands has as her Loyal companion black dogs or black cats Could be relevant to this connection it Could be a sign that you see or you Could have such a companion animal at One Point what's interesting with this Strength card is that it kind of looks Like the devil you know the devil card Has a scary figure that looks like this

And you know it looks so big and scary But the point is that You have the Inner Strength because Strength is not about your your size It's about your soul and you have the Strength to tackle this being so I think That another thing you do for each other Is you help each other to Gently tackle your limiting Beliefs that's the whole thing with Strength is that you don't win you don't Win this battle through force or through Intimidation you win it through Gentleness and kindness and Compassion and I think a valuable lesson That you'll teach each other is that You're not going to bully yourself into Becoming better you're not going to Punish yourself into growth you you will Love yourself there you will show Compassion to the parts of you that you Struggle with to your Shadow and that's how you will get Better that's how you will feel better There's there's no point in your journey Where you like have to be mean to Yourself or have to harshly judge Yourself you can do it all with love and I think the connection is is teaching You that Because it's almost Like I guess in a way this connection Shows you what it truly feels like to Have nothing but love for

Someone and as you treat each other with This kind of unconditional Love you'll realize that this is how you Should be treated as Well you know like I would never imagine Saying this mean thing to my person Because they're so precious and they're Doing their best like why would I speak To myself that way that doesn't make Sense it's like that kind of thing you The love that you show to each other it Kind of rubs off and helps you to be More loving and kind and compassionate To yourself too and I'm just smiling cuz I have I have friends in my life who are Like that and it's just it's so nice I I Literally like hear them in my head and I'm like no let me correct myself let me Let me revoke that self-deprecating Statement and say something more kind to Myself like this this is the impact that You have on each other and it's very Sweet and even like with the magician it Also feels like feeling empowered Through this connection and feeling like You can manifest anything I think that This connection also really really Boosts your creativity and your drive to Make things and your drive to manifest Things and and to like get out there and And make your mark on the world you know I think that if you were in kind of a Reclusive energy a Hermit likee energy a Reserved energy this connection would

Really pull you out gently of course but Like pull you out of your Shell remind you how the world needs you And how the world needs your energy and Allow you to take up Space um when I was talking about you Showing each showing up in each other's Dreams I saw this kind of flash of Yellow light and I wonder if that was a Reference to the solar plexus Cuz when I talk about taking up space And like shining your light in the world It often makes me think of the solar Plexus so one of the reasons you show up In each other's dreams might be one of The reasons they might show up in your Dreams is to be like hey you like it's Time to get out there get out there and And show them what you've got show them It's time to show the world the amazing You that that I know and Love this is like the fourth time I Think I'm getting emotional in this Reading but like like the love and Support that you have for each other is Just so unmatched and I think everyone Deserves a best friend like like the Best friend that you have in each Other um so they may show up their Energy may show up or or they may show Up in your dream when you're starting to Doubt yourself or you're starting to Hide your light away or you're starting To think about like quitting on a goal

They show up to be like hey Don't you dare you keep shining your Light you keep believing in yourself Like to to give you that that lift Like yeah like look at this Five of Cups this person feels gray and gloomy Because they're they're only seeing the Spilled cups or maybe they're only Choosing to see the spilled cups and They don't see these beautiful Shiny Gold cups that are literally right there All they have to do is is turn their Head all they have to do is change their Perspective and they will see it And I feel like this magician is coming Along to be like hey you remember how Powerful you are remember remember all The gifts that you have you just have to Look over here it's like whenever things Are hard whenever you're feeling Down ooh I just got a little bit mad not Mad at at anyone in particular just Let's talk about this Because when you're down this connection Cheers you Up and some part of You has decided that that's escapism Excuse me like when you're feeling down You deserve to and should do what you Can to move into a place where you feel Better and this is like a a healthy Source of love and of feeling good like Why shouldn't you lean into That why should you have to lean

Into feeling bad about yourself as if Like that's the default and if you're Trying to feel better about yourself You're just Escaping there may be we may need to Work on Like some Blockages regarding deserving to feel Good this this group may you may need to Irm to yourself like I deserve to feel Good I deserve to move to where things Feel better I deserve to and should move To where there is less Resistance and honestly I think this Connection is going to help you do that It's going to help remind you that you Deserve to feel good you deserve to be Happy um and you deserve to make it Known that you are happy and shine that Light yeah and then I mean as for what Your guides think about this connection We have the literal two of Cups So I mean Divine partnership very much Confirmed and this really affirms that Your guides feel super positively about The connection and feel that and know And know that you and this Soul are like Two peas in a pod that you are each Other's special companion even if you Were literally incarnated in different Worlds even if you were existing in Different Dimensions you're going to show up for Each other you're going to lift each

Other up and honestly the fact that You're together here on this earth now That's pretty freaking significant and Cool and amazing and I hope that you Don't deny Yourself how good this connection feels And yeah we need to work on whatever it Is that's that's making you feel like It's escapism because it's literally the Opposite it's like you're leaning into The truth of Who You Are by allowing Yourself to feel these feelings and You're you're leaning into the Brilliance of your gifts by allowing Yourself to feel these Feelings you guys are making Me my eyes actually did sweat a little Bit there anyway So um Beautiful beautiful beautiful energy for My group number ones this today's pick a Card reading definitely started off with A bang and I'm so happy that I got to Sit with this Energy and thank thank you so much um in Terms of Other what do we have we talk about Gemini Pisces Leo Gemini Again yeah I'm going to I'm going to Stick with those cuz if I start naming All of them it's going to be way too Many so those are I think the strongest Ones that are coming through if we're

Just going off of um major Arcana but I Will say because this is Venus and Cancer if we're going for like really Specific placements um someone could be Like a Gemini with Venus and cancer or a Leo with Venus and Cancer um could also be like a cancer With Mercury and Gemini and then Whatever yeah this is Mars and Scorpio So someone someone could have Mars and Scorpio too I'll just name all of them Okay so group number one this concludes All of your messages so we're going to Go into the extended now where we're Going to do a similar reading but for Your person so we are going to see what Their experience of the connection has Been like what their guides think of the Connection and ultimately what will Happen between the two of you so if that Sounds good to you and you'd like to Join me in the extended I'm going to Have that link Down Below in the Description as well as in the pinned Comment of this video however if you're Going to leave the reading here I want To say thank you so much for letting me Do this reading for you I hope you have A wonderful day or night whenever you're Watching and I wish you all the best Please take good care of yourself stay Healthy don't forget to like comment and Subscribe if you feel like doing that if

You enjoy my content and you'd like to Find me elsewhere I'm going to have link Down below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of time Timeless Exclusive pick a card readings just like This one and you can also decide on Topics for future readings I will link My music channel which includes the Intro song of this video that is an Original song I will also have my latest Release linked down below and finally my Vlog Channel and my merch which features The floating Temple that was at the Start of this video thank you guys so Much for supporting me my channel and Anything I do I really really appreciate Having you here and I'm sending so much Love to you To your beautiful person and sending Love to your beautiful partnership and To your higher selves your Spirit guides Your spiritual teams and all of your Loved ones both here on Earth and in the Other Realms and I will see you guys in The next one Bye-bye hi number twos so if you guys Chose the angel Aura rose quartz this is Going to be your reading I want to start Off by just going through the list of Our full breakdown for today's reading So we have the reading here on YouTube As well as an extended here on YouTube We're going to start off with an energy

Check to make sure that this is your Group and we're going to look at your Experience of this connection so if what I'm describing does sound like what you Have been feeling and experiencing with This person then that's your sign that This is your group then we are going to Get into the main question of today's Reading which is why you are so drawn to This person and then at the end we're Going to see what your Spirit guides Think of this connection then in the Extended it's going to be basically the Same reading but for your person so We're going to start by seeing how they Have been experiencing this connection Is it similar to your experience is it Different we're going to see what their Guides think of the connection and then Finally we will see what's going to end Up happening between the two of you so That is the reading that we have today And let's get into it the first thing we Have to see is we have to make sure that This is your group so we're going to do The energy check and see what your Experience of this connection has been Like so for the first card we have the Messenger then we have make space for It Communication connect Reach Out speak Listen And finally we have dust bow Darkness Blackout

Oblivion okay so to start we have the Messenger we have the number one on this Card and this is making me think that For some of you this could be a new Connection or something about this Connection feels new or fresh or it Feels like the first time so for example For for some of you it could be the First time that you have felt this way About someone it could be the first time That you're having um the experiences That you are um with relation to a Person it could even be that this is the First time you have been drawn to this Type of person like this person could be Different from the usual type that you Are attracted to just this number one Like it feels like something is the First time or like something is new and Exciting I also o think it's interesting That we have this card which is Literally called the messenger and can Talk about news or communication coming In and then we have this communication Card too So I think [Music] That okay so for some of you this could Just be indicating that there is a Strong desire to have more communication From this person or to like communicate On a deeper Level for some of you I also feel that There could have been a period where you

Were communicating a lot with this Person and then that sort of died out Because we do have dust bow here which Is talking about like a Blackout Oblivion um with the word dust I'm Thinking about something that hasn't Been used or that hasn't been touched For a long time it starts to gather dust You you know so to have this Communication card and then to have dust Bow it does kind of feel like a no Contact situation or a minimal contact Situation and maybe there's a mixed Group where for some of you like you've Never really had that close or frequent Communication with this person and it's Something that you're really longing for And then for others of you I feel like You did have that at one point and now That that has died out you are really Feeling this person Absence um and then we have this make Space for it card so I definitely think If this is your group it's likely that You are leaving the door open for this Person and you'll always have a space For them in your heart in your life like You would want this person to know that They are welcome in your life and they Are welcome to take up space I also Think that up until now you've been Pretty open to Like whatever this connection is

Supposed to be or whatever it means for You I think you've been open to whatever You might find and just open to however It naturally Unfolds I don't really get the sense at This time that you are actively chasing This person I don't think you Really want to do that and it's not that You don't want to connect with them and That you don't want to communicate with Them but there's this feeling of Like you you've done everything that you Can on your side so like maybe you've Tried to reach out or you've made your Interest known or maybe for some reason You can't do those things right now and So you're like I'm not going to force it Like I know on my end I've done what I Can do and I've made space for this Person so if they would like to come in And take this space in my life they are Very welcome like yeah like the door is Open for Them there's also this is kind of a Specific message that is coming Through where I feel like some of you Have come across these things that are Like manifest your specific person in 24 Hours or like this is what you can do to To manifest a specific person or like to To manifest someone coming into your Life And I Feel like you

Don't want to do that that's kind of how It's coming through there's this really This feeling of I don't want to chase This person and I don't want to force Anything so like if you like me you like Me if you want to come into my life you Want to come into my life if it's meant To be it's meant to be like I don't want To manipulate or Force anything to Happen in a certain way but at the same Time but at at the same time you don't Want to ignore your feelings either it May not necessarily feel right to just Forget about this person and move on Because then you wouldn't be honest with Yourself about what you're feeling Towards them so it's like I don't want To ignore it but I also don't want to Force it so I feel like at this point in Your journey you're just very much in an Energy of openness and surrender I think That you've made your desires known to Your God es like you've been honest with Them about like I feel drawn to this Person I want to communicate with this Person I want to connect to them and if You are in communication or if you do Have like a 3D relationship with this Person I do think that you have made Your interest known and and you have Done everything that you can do to like Make that known and make this person Feel welcome so I think at this point You're

Just yeah like in an open energy and in An energy of surrender Um we do have the number 21 here which Is the number of the world so I wonder If for some of you this is a long Distant situation it could also be Someone you met online or it could be Someone who's from a different Background than you a different country Maybe speaks another language um it Doesn't have to be but that could be an Extra Confirmation and the number 21 could Also be like someone who 21 years old or Born on the 21st the year 2021 could be Significant like for example that could Be when you met or or knew about this Person for the first time and then of Course the number one as well and I Wonder if even like January 21 could be A date um the month of January someone Born on the 1st uh a life path one uh a Onee age Gap like the number one could Have some significance like that as well Again these things just for extra Confirmation what's more important is Like the main message of how you're Feeling and what you've been Experiencing um but now let's get Into your tarot so if this does resonate With you we're going to move on to the Next part Now and See why you are so drawn to this

Person I'm just looking as well there's A lot of Hearts like we have these two Hearts that are connected in the the Communication card we have all of these Hearts here and Actually with nine Hearts it's kind of Like nine of Cups nine of Cups Vibes so yeah I do think you are and It's beautiful right like you're honest And acknowledging of your longing for This person and your desire for this Person and just really don't want to Don't want to push it or like don't want To infringe on their own on their own Free will or what what they want for Themselves it feels like quite a Selfless Love or selfless care that you Have for this person and you may feel Particularly connected in an emotional Way like if I'm thinking about psychic Connections you might pick up on when This person is is feeling happy or Feeling sad or you may feel like you Have this kind of clar sentient Connection with them Why are my group number twos so drawn to This Person a so we are starting off off with The Sun then we have Temperance is that A I think there is an eyelash on this Card which I'm thinking about how like You can make a wish on an Eyelash then we have the Knight of Cups

And we have the king of Cups and then I'm also going to look at the bottom of The Deck card to see what your Spirit Guides think about this Connection and we have the Eight of Cups So that's Actually cuz I was just thinking about The eyelash and you know when you make a Wish on an eyelash you like you blow it Away right like you send it off and then Same thing when you make a wish with a Dandelion like the fluffy dandelion you Blow it away and and just let it go and It flies away and now that I think about It there's a lot of that kind of Symbolism when you make a wish even like Throwing a coin into a fountain it's Like you're releasing something you're Letting something go and when I look at This Eight of Cups this is actually Really interesting because very often on The Eight of Cups we see someone walking Away But in this one we see the panda like Waving it's like waving goodbye to the Butterflies and letting them fly free so I think everything that you have Done in this connection like it's like You've made a wish on it and you've just Like surrendered it I feel like your Spirit guides Really agree with that you know And I think you are in this energy Of leaving it

To the divine plan or leaving it to the Divine timing and kind of wanting to Be free of like worrying about how and When it's all going to come together you May have been in an energy like that With this connection in the past like Really worrying about like when is it Going to happen and what should I do and What if it doesn't work out but I think You realize that that didn't feel good And so you just want to like let it Breathe and give this person space and It's it almost gives that feeling of Like when you love someone let them go And if they come back that's how you Know it's meant to be and I think your Guides want to confirm that you really Are doing the right thing because Ultimately this is what is best for your Peace of mind because you're being Honest with yourself about how you feel And what you truly desire and you're Still making space for it but you're not Going to like have iron grip on the Outcome or how things happen and you're Not going to worry yourself about it I Think this nine of cups is also saying You are prioritizing yourself and your Own inner peace on this journey and when Things when you start to feel resistance Or when it starts to like not feel Peaceful you're like okay we have to we Have to loosen our grip a little bit we Have to let go a little bit and I think

That that has made you feel a lot better And your guides are really happy that You're doing that and I think they would Encourage you to keep just like trusting The universe and trusting in the Divine um I also think it's really Beautiful like when I was shuffling the Cards they were coming out Slowly in a way that felt very nice it's Like just taking a slow and steady pace And not rushing the process and to have That kind of energy and to have like the Knight of Cups transitioning into the King of Cups it just gives a feeling of Someone someone who is healing and Maturing and discovering themselves at a Slow and leisurely pace and I think that This is what this is what both of you Are doing I actually think one of the Reasons and I want to say one of the Reasons you are both drawn to each other Because I think you are it is mutual you Are both drawn to each other and you Both do like pull on each other's energy It's because you may be at a similar Stage in a journey of yours so in your Journey to I mean I kind of think all of These are intertwined but you know if You're like in a journey of working Through a certain limiting belief they Might be working through the same thing And they're kind of at the same stage With it as you are or maybe you are I do Feel like it's kind of matters of the

Heart or something emotional maybe You're working through uh you're working Through certain aspects of your Childhood and they had a similar Experience and they're at the same stage So you're drawn to each other because of Your shared experience and perhaps your Ability to your ability to help each Other cuz another thing with cups Court Cards like the page Knight queen king of Cups I see a lot of Like empathy and ability to relate to Each other so I do think and maybe You've already discovered this with this Person but you would be able to relate To each other on a deep emotional level Because you've had like a lot of the Same experiences like with the sun here Maybe your childhood was quite similar Um your main relationship Dynamics were Quite similar your aspirations as well As your fears and limiting beliefs could Be quite similar so it's kind of like You See I think kindred spirit is the word You see like a familiar Spirit within Each other and I think that's a big Reason that you are drawn to each other And also a big reason that you would Root for each other because you know to See Someone who's had the same struggles As You move past that and Thrive and live a Happy life it's like that's it's almost

Like Healing you know to see someone who's Had the same struggles as you recover And be able to live a good life it feels Healing for you as well because it shows You that it's it's possible possible and There is this feeling of the two of you Being able to heal and mature and grow Alongside each other like to grow into Your king of Cups alongside each other And I just heard like one of the reasons We put you together so maybe that's your Spirit guides talking like one of the Reasons we put you together is because You are both actually committed to the Journey you know the the KN represents Motion it represents yeah setting things Into motion and taking action so in a a Healing Journey um the Page of Cups Might be the the person who's just Becoming aware of what they need to heal But they're not necessarily doing Anything about it yet whereas the Knight Of Cups is like let's go like I'm Committed to this healing Journey I'm Taking the steps to know myself I'm Taking the steps to like repair the Relationship I have with myself and meet My needs better like both of you are Actively committed to that journey and That's why you were put together so to Speak or why why you ended up being a Match to each other and I do think that You support each other's healing Journey

Whether you are in 3D communication or Not I actually think that this could be A visual representation of how your Hearts are connected it's like your Hearts found familiarity in each other And kind Of created a yeah like created a thread Or a cord Um and stuck you're like sticking Together sticking together as you heal Together A um butterflies could Be a significant symbol in this Connection as well as pink flowers this Might be a Lotus I'm not sure and then a Rose but pink flowers in general could Be even cherry Blossoms or some other pink thing um Also antlers cuz like we have This I don't know if that's a deer or an Elk or what but antlers could be um a Significant Symbol another thing I wanted to say With the sun is that I do think like if You know this person in the 3D I do Think it's very obvious to them how you Feel about them because it just kind of Radiates out of you I think probably When you're around this person or when You think about them it really lifts Your spirits and it makes you kind of Giddy and Excitable cuz the sun just feels like Childlike joy and I'm just looking at

This sun Panda and it almost looks like He's trying to hide behind this branch Which is so silly and so impossible you Know the Sun the the giant shining Sun Cannot hide behind a stick you know you Cannot cover up the sun it's too big and Bright so it's like a feeling of you not Being able to hide your feelings or not Being able to hide your passion but it's A it's like a very endearing kind of Thing where it's like oh come on it's so Obvious and probably if you were in a Room with this person and many other People probably the other people in the Room can tell that you have feelings Because it's just like your whole Being lights up and the way you smile is Different and the way you just your Energy just becomes so bright and joyful It's like anybody can tell and that's Just it's just really sweet and it's Kind of there is a feeling of a Crush which you can have platonic Crushes you know just feeling very Inspired or feeling like someone is Aspirational or feeling like someone is Really really cool so I do think that This is just a very human reason that You're drawn to this person and it's Because there's things about them that You find really cool and that you look Up to and that maybe you would you would Want to be like or you would want to be Close to there could be aspects of this

Person's worldly situation that you find Attractive so you know their physical Appearance or what they do for a living Or the kind of Lifestyle they live it's Like there's something about them that Might be um aspirational to you and Something about them that gives you hope As well especially if you're coming from Similar beginnings and you have similar Struggles to see how they're living and How they're thriving I Think it's like your human self and your Soul just really likes that cuz it's Like this is the kind of Lifestyle That's possible for me and this is the Kind of Joy that's possible for me and So yeah I think you're sticking together It's a feeling of you've been like your Hearts are sticking together and with Temperance I immediately thought cuz you Know the image of temperance we don't Really see it here but the image of Temperance is like cups of water pouring Into each Other and I do think that your hearts Kind of have that connection where if You're going through an intense Emotional experience they're going to Feel it a little bit and vice versa Regardless of how close or or far away You may be physically I think they do Have that kind of connection where where Something's going on in this heart this Heart is going to feel it cuz you just

This even looks like a telephone cord Like your hearts are in Communication and so that's what the the Temperance pouring cups made me think And it also makes me think of the two of You like pulling on each other's energy So you know if if you're think about Them a Lot it's probably one of the reasons is Probably because they're thinking about You a lot too and then like you Influence each other you thinking about Them causes them to think about you and Vice Versa and I also think That You Manifest like signs of each other you Know what I mean so like If you're thinking about them a lot you Could manifest a sign of them and but They're doing the same thing like if They're thinking about you a lot they Also manifest a sign of you so I do Think that your your experiences we're Probably going to see that they are Quite similar I'm curious to see how They're experiencing the connection just Cuz we have this Temperance card which Which talks about like you know balance And and pouring into each other but what I can definitely say is that you have a Strong heart connection like you're Connected emotionally in some way and

You're kind of growing at the same rate And healing at the same rate and I do Think in the span of your connection you Will get to see this person at various Stages in their growth and that will be Something that you feel like inspired by And that you feel proud of and I do Think that like energetically you are Leaning on each other and influencing Each other so you're drawn to each other Just because of your ability to relate I Think you both see a bit of yourself and The other and are both like Genuinely genuinely rooting for the Other person I kind of just want to pull One more card and see why this dust bow Energy is here Why do we have this dust bow energy this Blackout oo oh we Have the death card so I mean that is Kind of literal because it talks about An ending so maybe maybe for many of you Who chose this group like you Were you were in community Comm Unication with this person and then it Kind of died out we have death which Talks about release we have the Eight of Cups which is like sending off the Butterflies Um I don't know why like it could be That your person is like going through a Pretty heavy transformation right now Cuz death is that feeling of like Reinventing yourself it could be that

You're going through an ego death um you Know when you're in Hermit mode because You're processing some heavy [ __ ] like They could be in that energy right now But there is definitely a feeling with The death card and with this being a Major Arcana that this is meant to be Happening so actually your your instinct To not push it your instinct to not Force things it's just proving again and Again to be correct and it probably is Your intuition that is telling you that It's maybe even this person's heart Communicating to you like that that they Need space you know um that they need Space to process things but also that They have they always have like a space In you a space in your heart um I do Think it's divinely guided Guided by Your intuition that you're you're Navigating this situation the way you Are and I think your guides really want To confirm to you that you are in Alignment that you are on the right path And that this kind of dust bow energy This blackout it is meant to be Happening for for whatever reason you Know I don't know why but it is meant It's meant to be happening right now and It is just a phase in this connection Right Because death it's all about Cycles too And like no stage of a cycle lasts Forever so if you're in this blackout

Energy it is just a stage in the cycle And it cannot last forever that's that's What your guides want you to know so Finally again this is just for little Extra confirmation ations but the zodiac Signs that we see here we have Leo Energy with the sun sag Energy with Temperance and Scorpio Energy with death and Actually the Knight of Cups I think would be Scorpio as well Because it's water and it's fixed so Scorpio energy is coming out quite Strongly um with a little bit of s sag And Leo also Pisces because both of These would be pisci in and the nine of Cups that we talked about before like This was remind me of the nine of Cups That's also like pisan energy so those Those are the ones that are coming out The most strongly and more specifically The Eight of Cups is Saturn in Pisces um I don't know of course this is a Timeless reading and I don't know when You might be happening to watch this but Saturn is currently in Pisces at the Time that I'm filming this and it will Remain in Pisces until until I think It's like February is February or March I don't remember but early 2026 um Saturn will be in Pisces until Then so um there may be some message There that important things are Unfolding within this connection from

Now throughout the time that Saturn is In the sign of Pisces and actually I Wonder if one or both of you could be Going through a Saturn return cuz that's Definitely Heavy stuff to process and that's Definitely a Transformation yes so I think that those Are all of the messages for my group Number two so we're going to take it Over to the extended now where we're Going to do basically the same reading But for your person so we're going to See what their experience of this Connection has been is it similar to you Is it a bit different um what do their Guides think of the connection and Finally what is going to end up Happening between the two of you VI so If that sounds good and you would like To join me in the extended reading I'm Going to have that link Down Below in The description as well as in the pinned Comment of this video however if you're Going to leave the reading here I want To say thank you so much for letting me Do this reading for you I hope you have A wonderful day or night whenever you're Watching and I wish you all the best Please take good care of yourself stay Healthy don't forget to like comment and Subscribe if you feel like doing that if You enjoy my content and you'd like to Find me elsewhere I'm going to have link

Down below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like this one And you can also decide on topics for Future readings I will link my music Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I'll Also have my latest release link down Below and finally my Vlog Channel and my Merch which features the floating Temple That was at the start of this video Thank you guys so much for supporting me My channel and anything I do I really Appreciate having you here and I'm Sending so much love to you to your Person your higher selves your Spirit Guides your spiritual teams and all of Your loved ones both here on Earth and In the other Realms and I will see you Guys in the next one Bye-bye hi number threes so if you guys Chose the desert rose selenite this is Going to be your reading I want to just Start by going through the full Breakdown of today's reading so so we Have the reading here on YouTube as well As an extended here on YouTube we're Going to start with an energy check to Make sure that this is your group and Basically we're going to be looking at Your experience of this connection so if What I'm describing does sound like what You have been feeling and experiencing

With this person then that's your sign That this is your group then we're going To move into the main question of the Day which is why are you so drawn to This person and then to finish off we're Going to see what your Spirit guides Think about this connection then in the Extended reading we're basically going To do the same reading but for your Person so we'll see how they have been Experiencing this connection is it Similar to your experience is it Different and what their Spirit guides Think about this connection and then Finally what is going to end up Happening between the two of you so that Is our reading for today and let's get Into it so to look at your experience of This connection we're going to be using These oracle Cards first we have this is like a Crossroads as you can see I forget the Like official name of this card but it's Crossroads and we have the number 22 Which could be significant repeating Twos we have begin Again we have Choice decision options Possibility Hesitation and then finally we have Diamond Back Rattler speed Primal Power I don't know why this keeps Happening but this is group number three And all of the groups so far have had The pretty much the exact same message

Between these two decks so you guys as Well you have this Choice Card which is Talking about decisions options Possibilities hesitation and then this Crossroads card where we have to make a Choice if we're going to go this way or That way So the sign if this is your Group I think would be that You currently feel faced with a choice To make about this connection so for Some of you you could Be kind of going back and forth between If you want to you know keep holding on And having hope or keep investing Actively in this connection or if you Want to move On it could also be that you have some Kind of indecision or confusion when it Comes to what this connection is or if There you know if there's really Something here like some days you might Really feel the connection super Strongly and feel very sure about it and Then other days you might kind of fall Into uncertainty and wonder if certain Things are all in your head there's just The feeling of being kind of Torn Between Two Energies another way to interpret this Could be that in some way this person Has influenced a choice that you need to Make in your life whether that was Through them inspiring you to go down a

Certain path versus the other Or they may influence a choice in terms Of like you're thinking about what would Bring you closer to them so you might Make choices about your living situation Or about your career path or about what Invitations you do or don't accept and They're kind of a factor in that like Will this bring me closer to them or Will this bring me farther away um so Yeah it could be that you literally have To make a choice about them in this Connection or that they are influen Inuencing a certain choice that you have To make But I Do get the feeling that this group like There's not a whole lot of Clarity right now about what this Connection is and what you're supposed To do And this could be something that is Adding stress to your life honestly like Just the the confusion of like how do I Navigate this how do I make sense of This with begin again it could be that Some of you are like wanting a new Beginning with this person so for Example you could be not together right Now or not in contact right now and You're wanting to start things up again With them or for those of you who Resonate with having to make that choice Of do you stay or do you

Go it could be overwhelming to think About starting over with someone else Like for example if this is a love Interest someone that you were like Heavily involved with or someone who you Dated to think about completely letting Go of this connection that you had Already built up to a certain point and Like you had finally started to trust This person and and know each other on a Deeper level and and to feel really like Vulnerable and open around them to think That all of that is over and that you Would have to like start from scratch And build that up in a new Connection that could be something that Just feels overwhelming for you or Something that honestly you don't want To do like you you would maybe rather Have a new beginning with this Person but but you're not sure like is There potential for a beginning with This person or do I have to literally Like start over am I going to find Someone new so it just kind of feels Like your energy how you're experiencing This connection right now Is full of uncertainty there's like a Lack of clarity a lack of what direction Is this connection going in this may be A group that you're watching this Reading for clarity of something that You don't know rather than confirmation Of what you already know yeah it feels

Like confusion it feels like Indecision um then we have this Diamond Back Rattler with speed and Primal power And I feel like At the end of the Day you May act or make this decision Impulsively or just based on the Heat of The Moment and so it's kind of like all Of this going back and forth and all of This debating and all of this trying to Analyze the Situation is probably not going to be Fruitful or really amount to any sort of Clarity because at the end of the day You're just going to do what your Instincts tell you you know it's like Someone deciding should I tell this Person how I feel or not and they're Have making a list of pros and cons and Imagining all the scenarios that could Happen if they told this person versus If they didn't tell them but no matter How much they analyze it it never gives Them any more certainty or any more Clarity and then at the end of the day Just one day they get overcome with Otion and they're like I'm going to do It I'm going to tell them it's almost Like your spiritual team is saying all This kind of trying to like weigh the Options and all this trying to analyze The situation and and make sense of it With your mind is probably not going to

Amount to much and at the end of the day You have to make these choices with your Gut and that's not something you have to Think about like but how do I do that But how do I listen to my gut because at The end of the day it's like your gut is Going to I guess take over and you're Going to make the right decision for you I think you could be kind of tiring Yourself out with trying to overanalyze The situation or like make decisions From a rational place I think that Ultimately you will make decisions with With your gut and be and be led by your Emotions and I I do get the sense that That's a good thing because I don't Think being in this like super Analytical energy feels good and I don't Really think it's been I don't think It's been productive either it doesn't Really feel that way um the number 22 Could be significant like I said this Could be a number that you're seeing it Could also be someone aged 22 22 years Old someone born on the 22nd someone Born in February a life path 2 a life Path 22 we also have the number 41 here Which could be significant the number 41 Or the number 14 So Hopefully you can tell if this is your Group if you are feeling out of Crossroads if you are feeling [Music]

Confused this is probably your Group I wonder if there may be some Something about the contrast between day And night like for example maybe in the Daytime in your Waking Life you're like Oh I'm over them I'm fine I don't care And then you go to bed at night and you Have the most intense dream about them And you're like what the what the heck Was that or like at night you feel Really in your feelings and like really In your head about it and then you get a Good night's sleep and you wake up in The morning and you're like oh I was Overreacting I'm fine Something about your emotional state Shifting between day and night or Feeling a difference in your Waking Life Versus in your Dreams you could also be getting a lot Of conflicting messages about this Connection especially if this is a Connection that you've like done Readings on or watched a lot of readings On it might be like sometimes you get These messages of this person is the Ultimate one and It's they're madly in love with you and It's going to be amazing and then other Times you'll get messages like move on There is nothing here which just adds to The confusion it just feels like the Situation where the more you try to get Answers the more confused you end up

Being and I honestly think that that Might be happening because your guides Are Saying like we don't want you to rely on This externally looking for answers We're we're actually trying to get you Into your Primal urges and into your gut Cuz that's where you will find the Answers I also just heard why are you Asking questions that you already know The answer to so some of you maybe Needed to hear That snakes could be a significant Animal in the connection someone could Be a year of the Snake why are my group number threes so Drawn to this Person we have the Empress so there's there's Definitely I think you guys love this Person or have like have love for them And there's also a feeling that these Feelings may be kind of snuck up on You just like a snake creeps through the Grass it's it feels like maybe one day You just realized how strong your Feelings were and it's like oh crap I Can't there's no turning back now I also think you may kind of Have a protective feeling over this Person you know wanting to protect them Or wanting to take care of them and you May sometimes Feel like you are the one who needs to

Help them or you are the one who needs To take care of them We have the three of Pentacles so we Have two number threes in a row three Could also be a significant Number um okay this one dropped on the Floor we have the strength card And we have the two of Cups and then I'm just going to look at The bottom of the Deck um to see how your Spirit guides Feel about this connection and then we Have the Hermit Okay so a lot Of three out of five major Arcana so this is a significant Connection for you it Is likely a faded connection like you Were meant to meet this Person I think having the hermit Here in terms of what your Spirit guides Think about the Connection I think they can See they can see the trajectory of this Connection they can see the future of This connection and they would agree so I think there's several of your Spirit Guides They would agree that ultimately this Connection is going to greatly Contribute To your spiritual advancement and to Your

Own Self-discovery depending on how you Approach this connection it can be like A wonderful mirror to see what is going On inside of you to the parts that you Usually can't see so your subconscious Pattern s or your Shadow um and getting to see the root of The root of your desires the root of Your Fears the connection with this person Holds up a mirror to your subconscious Or to your Shadow so you can actually Learn a lot about yourself Through this person and and with the Number 22 here that might be Mutual they may be going Through the same thing I wonder if we have the empress and we Have the three of Pentacles you may be creating something With this person or you will in the Future because the three of Pentacles Very much has a collaborative and work Sort of feeling to it like building Something together and the empress is Very creative too and she also talks About birthing something so I do wonder If you'll work on a project together or Maybe you do already work with this Person or like you'll create something In the future and that is one of the Reasons that you've come into each Other's

Lives with the two of Cups here I mean You are a match for each other so I Would say in the same way that you have Been drawn to them they have been drawn To you I do think that the two of cups Is indicating that feelings are mutual Between the two of you and I do believe that your souls chose to Meet each other and when I say that your Connection is faded personally what I Really mean by that is your souls made The choice like we're going to Incarnate We're going to meet each other we're Going to have these experiences so it's Still your choice to come together but It's kind of like pre pre-selected Before this lifetime if that makes sense I do believe that your souls chose to Meet each other I do believe that they Know each other with the strength card They probably go back quite a bit so if You have felt a familiarity with this Person that is Why so I guess there are two Earthly Reasons that I'm seeing as to why you Have come together and why you feel Drawn to each Other I do think there's something that You want to create together or something That you want to collaborate on Together which might be later in the Future I feel like there's some Masterpiece or some big project that you Will work on together in the

Future but I also See there's something about codependence That I Think they're teaching you about or that Is the main lesson for this connection Right Now and more specifically It's like this urge that I think you Might have to be to be all things to This Person and I think that comes from the Relationship you have to your feminine Energy I think feminines a lot of the Time we are socialized To like we're expected to just give and Give and give and be like the Unconditional nurturers and always have The right thing to say and the right Thing to provide and to be all things You know to be like successful in our Career and to be like hardworking but to Also be this soft and nurturing motherly Figure there's really a pressure to be It all and do it all and I think that Sometimes we internalize that and I also Think we're expected to be highly Empathic and and Uh what is it discern how everyone is Feeling and anticipate what they might Need and provide that for them Especially for for people who aren't Able to to do it for Themselves and I feel like those of you Who chose this

Group have developed that kind of Relationship with with your feminine Energy where it's like I have to be Really giving and really nurturing and Maybe With this person it's like I have to Anticipate how they're feeling and and Provide for them and also I have to show Them their blind spots and I have to Help them heal and I have to help them Address this wound and I have to help Them on their spiritual journey Um And yes we all need help with these Things but there's kind of a feeling Of like I need to be the one to do this For them or I like you really want to be The one to do this for Them But you can't be all things to one Person and the same way that one person Can't be all things to You you know I used to have this problem In my relationship where like I expected My partner to also be like like a Therapist and my best friend and this And that um but I I had to realize I Cannot get all my needs met by this one Person and rely on like that's that's The feeling that I get with this three Of Pentacles it's like a support group It's a support network we where we don't Go to one person for everything but we Have different people in our lives to

Meet different needs um and it could be Going both ways where maybe you're like Expecting this person to be a lot of Different things for you and also this Is not a judgement because this is what We're we're taught like like your Soulmate is your lover and your best Friend and you're confident and you're This and that all wrapped into one Perfect superhuman being and it's just Not Realistic but we're taught that like When you're with the right person They're going to be everything for you And like meet all of your needs But but no one person can do that and It's also not fair to expect Yourself to be that person to be Everything for one person and maybe There's something like well if I'm the Right one for them if I'm their soulmate Then I should be able to like heal all Of their stuff or help them with all of Their stuff and fix all of their stuff And it's just like not a healthy Expectation to place on yourself and I Think that you might see ways in which This person needs to heal you might see Ways in which they're holding themselves Back but also have to make peace with The fact that like I don't need to be The one to fix that I don't need to be The one to help them with that and I Trust that someone else will be able to

Meet those needs or the universe has a Plan for them to get those needs Met um and I kind of wonder If that's one of the things that Is I want to say exacerbating how drawn You feel to Them because if you have that instinct Of like I must be the unconditional Giver and Nurturer then you might kind of be drawn To people it seems like they need help Or they need healing or Something So but at the same time I think that This person is like depending on how you Approach the connection they could be The one who holds up that mirror so that You see that pattern in yourself and I think with the two of Cups here and With strength I was telling another Group another group got the strength Card this tells me that your souls go Way back like your souls are buddies so Um I think there is potential for a Beautiful connection and this is in no Way me saying that there's there's not a Beautiful connection here this is just One of the lessons that their soul is Helping you with right now and I think One of the things that you will get Over and that will actually bring a lot Of clarity to you especially for those Of you who resonate with this person Influencing life choices that you make I

Think that is something that ultimately You'll want to free yourself from cuz The hermit is very much about just doing Your own thing going to the beat of your Own drum not letting yourself get Influenced by like what someone else is Doing or what is expected of you And oo I'm I'm getting emotional like I Feel this group you've really Been expected to be the one who Accommodates everyone like maybe this is How you grew up or just how like for Example I do feel like women are often Socialized to be like that not to make Such a big Generalization but we often become the Ones who are expected to anticipate how Everyone's going to feel and make Everyone Comfortable and I feel like this group You've really gone through that and so It's almost become difficult To turn off everyone else's voice and be Like what do I want to Do cuz you start thinking about Like well what what should I do what What do you think I should do is this Going to inconvenience you and that just It just made me Really that just made me really Emotional it's o There's there's a beautiful opportunity To get back in touch with your Own inner Compass because it's always

There it's just about removing all of The outside Noise your internal Compass is not wonky It is very Accurate it's just About removing it's like there's dust on The compass's face and you just have to Clear it out and then you can see that That accurate needle again so I think This person is in your life there's the Opportunity for them to shine light on This and to be like oh my Gosh I've I've been living this life where I Feel like I need to be the one who Accommodates everyone and makes everyone Comfortable and provides for everyone And that's a beautiful trait but not That's not a beautiful trait to have if It comes at your own expense and if if Your own needs get hidden under Everything And I think the hermit is About getting back in touch with that Inner voice and that inner compass and Not not Letting what this person might think of You or or how close or far away it would Bring you from this person like not Letting that influence what you truly Want to do The Hermit does not listen to that [ __ ] The Hermit just goes their own Way and and trusts that everything

Everything's going to work out perfectly And this these life decisions cannot be Made through careful analysis and Weighing how everybody is going to feel Like it it just comes from your gut it Comes from your Primal Diamond Back Rattler Instincts yes So and it's funny cuz I feel like the Moment you stop caring about what Decisions are going to bring you closer To this person is actually when you Start moving towards them because it's When you start moving in an authentic Way that you line up with with what is Meant for you and I really feel Like your authentic path will lead you To like working together creating Something together birthing something Together That is a big part of what your Soul's Decided and I do think there's beautiful Compatibility here and beautiful Potential here But that is hindered when you try to Take on this role Of being everything for this person Instead of just being being you for this Person there's this feeling of and I Don't think it's just with this specific Person but there's this feeling of like When interacting with others what does This person need me to be right now and I'll be that for them and there's a

Feeling of like maybe there was a point Where you needed to do that like for Survival or you needed to do that to be Accepted I think it's something that a Lot of us are conditioned to do and Something that that you might Be struggling with and the irony is like When you stop caring about what you need To be for this person person and just Focus on on being you that's when you Actually become the perfect match and The perfect inspiration and and the Perfect honestly healer for this person It's that's the gift of the gift of the Empress is that she can give Effortlessly when she's giving from the Right place and she can give Effortlessly and abundantly as long as She's receiving Too Yeah it's beautiful it's it's Challenging to do this inner work but It's beautiful so in terms of zodiac Signs that I see here these are just for Confirmation but we Have this is Venus energy so Taurus Libra Leo and Virgo and then we have Venus and cancer Here so for example someone could be Uh a Leo actually Taurus Leo and Virgo Can all Have Venus and Cancer yeah so it would be cool if one Of you has that placement and then this

Is Mars and Capricorn so that could also Be Relevant but these are all the messages That I'm seeing for my group number Three so we're going to take it over to The extended now where we do basically The same reading but for your person so We're going to see how they've been Experiencing this connection what their Guides think about the connection and What is ultimately going to end up Happening between the two of you so if That sounds good to you and you'd like To join me in the extended I'm going to Have that link Down Below in the Description as well as in the pinned Comment of this video however if you're Going to leave the reading here I want To say thank you so much for letting me Do this reading for you I hope you have A wonderful day or night whenever you're Watching and I wish you all the best Please take good care of yourself stay Healthy don't forget to like comment and Subscribe if you feel like doing that if You enjoy my content and you'd like to Find me elsewhere I'm going to have link Down below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like this one And you can also decide on topics for Future readings I will link my music Channel which includes the intro song of

This video that is an original song I Will also have my latest release link Down below and finally my Vlog Channel And my merch which features the floating Temple that was at the start of this Video Thank you guys so much for supporting me My channel and anything I do I really Really appreciate having you here and I'm sending so much love to you to your Person to your higher selves your Spirit Guides your spiritual teams and all of Your loved ones both here on Earth and In the other Realms and I will see you Guys in the next one Bye-bye High number fours so if you guys Chose the fluorite this is going to be Your reading I just want to start by Showing the list of everything we're Going to be covering today we have the Reading here on YouTube as well as an Extended so here on YouTube the first Thing we're going to do is an energy Check so to do that we're going to look At your experience of the connection if What I'm describing does sound like what You have been feeling and experiencing With this person then that's your sign That this is your group then we're going To answer the main question of the day Which is why are you so drawn to this Person and then finally we're going to See what your Spirit guides think about This connection then in the extended

Reading it's basically going to be the Same reading but for your person so We'll see what their experience has been Of this connection is it similar to your Experience is it a little bit different And what their Spirit guides think about The connection and then finally we're Going to see what is going to end up Happening between the two of you so that Is the reading for today and let's get Into it so to see your EXP experience of The connection we're going to be looking At these oracle Cards we are starting off with the Moon then we have see with Eyes Of Love completion ending results Rewards and then we have Mirage Illusions shadow and Fantasy so starting with the moon one of The meanings of this card is dreams so This could be representing the dreams That you have about this person I feel Like you probably dream about them in Your sleep and also daydream about them But one thing that I can see for this Group is that the dreams likely leave You Feeling it's like they leave you feeling Fuzzy or cozy I feel like they are a Pleasant experience just the way that This fairy is gazing at the moon and Then we have this sea with Eyes Of Love It feels like a gaze that is full of Longing that that is full of love and so

You probably have if you do dream about This person it's probably quite Pleasant And it leaves you feeling warm and fuzzy I think that will be a sign that this is Your group I think when you do have Energetic run-ins with this person it's Very Like you know I well you can't see me But I'm like you know when you put your Hand over your forehead ah swooning it's Like oh you're swooning it just leaves You feeling so warm and fuzzy um this Card can also talk about Fame and Recognition so that could be another Important sign for this group um this Person could be a public figure or you Could be a public figure or this person Could be someone who is just very Popular who has a lot of eyes on them Um This can also talk about how other People perceive you so this person might Have their Public Image or how the Public perceives them could be very Different from their true self which is Maybe something that you have picked up About them but I also think that this Could be indicating that you do spend Quite a bit of time thinking about how This person perceives you or I'm also Hearing how they would perceive you so For some of you there may be parts of You that this person doesn't know about Yet and you're like I wonder what they Would think if they knew this thing

About me or if they saw this side of me Some of you might not know this Person that well yet I do not think That's all of you like but there's some Of you who may be it's one of those Situations where you know about them but They don't know about you cuz I feel Like there's a lot of daydreaming about What would it be like you know what Would it be like if we were to come Together in this way what would they Think about me or what would they think About this aspect of me of course you Can daydream in that way about someone You know in the 3D but just the fact That that message is coming up makes me Think that in this group we do have some People who it's like you know of them But that they don't know of You um and I do think in some ways this Person Represents your ideal end result like They might be at a stage in their life That you wish to reach or they might Have certain things that you dream of Having as like your end result so There's a bit of like an aspirational Feeling to this Energy um there is another way that I Can interpret this which is actually Quite Different um for some of you this could Be someone whom you've ended things with Or that there was an ending that

Happened in your connection but you Don't have any hard feelings about it so You still see that person with only the Most love and respect and you only want The best for them there's a feeling of Like my feelings for you have kind of Died down but I still I still have Nothing but love for you and I still Look at you fondly or look at our times Together Fondly but regardless of which one of These you resonate with so whether you Resonate with you know really like Looking up to this person and Daydreaming about this person and Wondering what it would be like or if You resonate with like the we've already Had our time together and I look at it Fondly but I recognize that it's over I Think that regardless of which one you Fall Into you would still be feeling confused About why you are so drawn to this Person if you're one of the people who Feels like your time with this person is Over and you've moved on from them I Feel like you would be confused of why Is their energy still here not Necessarily that you're upset about it But just like oh that's weird cuz like I'm kind of ready to energetically move On from this and it's it's strange that I see you popping up like is there some Unfinished business are you still

Thinking about me and that's why like What's going on here so some of you Might be confused in that way and then For those of you who are in the energy Of like daydreaming about being with This person I think the confusion comes From you have kind of convinced yourself That this is Impossible so it's like it's not like I'm going to be with them anyway so why Do I keep bumping into their Energy why why do I keep receiving these Signs or messages when I can't be with Them it's like you've already decided That this dream is unrealistic or Impossible and I guess maybe even that That you should move on from It Maybe maybe both of these Interpretations are similar in the sense Of like I thought I was moving on or Thought I was supposed to move On But why is your energy Here because I don't feel like we're Moving towards Union so why do I keep Getting messages like that that's that's Kind of the vibe so hopefully you will Know whether this is your group or not I Also want to mention we have the numbers 32 and 27 which could be significant so Someone for example could be 32 years Old or 27 years old or someone could be Born on the 27th or the numbers 3 2 and

Seven could be significant like life Path numbers um like the years of age Gap numbers in your birthday things like That it doesn't have to be but I just Thought I would mention it because it Could be extra confirmation for some of You we have the element of air here on The Mirage card so air signs could be Significant as well and then I feel Pisces in energy with this card just Because it is the moon and there's the Moon card in Tarot which is related to The sign of Pisces and even this like This eight of Hearts would be Eight of Cups which is also Pisces and energy and I feel like Pisces energy has just been Coming up a lot in today's reading Across all of the groups it's very Interesting So anyway this is what I'm seeing for The energy check there was sort of two Different interpretations there but if One of them or maybe even both of them In some way if it resonates with you Then keep watching because we're going To get into your tarot Now and see why it is that you are so Drawn to this Person yeah it's like A why why is this still happening after All this time Or why is this happening even though I Can't move towards them even though we Can't be together or we're not going to

Be together it's like you've convinced Yourself that you're not going to end up With this Person and so why am I experiencing [Music] This that was a very loud Screech from Outside I think it was like the breaks Of something maybe a bus I don't Know why are my group number fours so Drawn to this Person the way these leaves are as Well I promise this message is not meant To be creepy but I just thought of Someone peering through the leaves So you could be admiring this person From afar or they could be admiring you From Afar and there's also a feeling Of so close yet so far away I feel like You've maybe had multiple occasions of Almost running into this Person an example that's coming to my Mind is like if you went to a cafe And then the next day you see them post And they're at that same Cafe and There's a feeling of like oh my gosh we Could have we could have almost bumped Into each Other feels like there's been several Experiences like that of just missing Each other or feeling like feeling close To them and yet not being able to get Close to them There's also just a message

Of you you were at the same music Festival or you were at the same concert Or something but you didn't see each Other um we have so this is the death Card it's called transformation in this Deck and we have a little cada which I Am kind of afraid of them but not so bad Anymore Um transition and Liberation then we have the king of Shells with Harmony and integrity which Is the king of Cups and there is even More pisci and energy I don't know if I Just have a lot of Pisces people Watching but Pisces has been coming up In like all of the groups Then oh this is the card that you guys Chose in The um in the intro the four of Pentacles control and Security then we have the traveler which Is the fool adventure and potential and I'm also going to look at the bottom of The Deck card to see what your Spirit Guides Think about this connection and we have The five of shells so the Five of Cups And we have hope and Readjustment okay this might be kind of A frustrating message but the reason you Are so drawn to this person or the Reason you have Been having these experiences seeing These

Signs it is Destiny and that is pretty Much all I can see at this point maybe As we sit with these cards more messages Will come up but I think what you need To know at this time is that you are Feeling this way because of Fate because Of a faded connection with this person But it feels Like it feels feel like you are In no you're not in resistance to it but It feels that Way because what I see Here with the four of Pentacles this is Something that is pretty much secured It's here to stay it's not it's not Going Away and it's almost like your guides Are saying to You these feelings that you have and the Way you're feeling called to this person Is not going to be changing anytime Soon I never say never you know they Could go away in the far Future but for the foreseeable future These feelings are here to stay and this Person's energy is here to stay and it Will keep it will keep popping Up um with the death card Here I do feel feel like this represents You know it talks about an ending it Talks about a Release and judging even from what we've Seen in the first half of the reading I Do feel like many of you are trying

To trying to let Go of this Person trying to move on trying to drop These Feelings But I feel like it keeps It keeps coming Back death represents Cycles it's a Number four card this is also a number Four card which represents Cycles so it's this feeling of it Continuing to come back so you might Have moments where you're like you move On from this person and then you bump Into them again you move on from this Person and then you dream about them Again you move on from this person and Then and then the feelings come back Again and It feels like you are resisting That but I think what you're actually Resisting Is the unknown with this fool Card yeah I don't think we're going to Get any other information than this Connection is Faded because I hear Spirit saying this Connection is faded and then you say in What way What's going to happen What do I do Where is this leading and spirit says Just follow me just trust me and we Often don't like that you know with our Rational brains we want to know exactly

What's happening so that we feel like we Have a sense of Control it makes sense but the Fool the Fool as the number zero the fool Literally has zero zero thoughts zero Brain cells in a good way the fool has Complete faith the fool is about taking A leap of faith trusting the universe And diving into the unknown and I feel Like there's a part of you that's in Resistance to That like I it's like not wanting to Fully lean into and embrace these Feelings unless you can know Like where is this going to lead me and How long is it going to take and what is The final outcome going to be if you can Tell me all of that then I will lean Into it and then I will take a leap of Faith um especially Because there's elements to this Connection that I think makes your mind Feel like it's not Possible feel like it's not realistic It's not likely you know there's no no There's no way we could be together how Would that even Happen um I feel like that energy is There for a lot of you and so yes it is A big ask from Spirit to be like ignore All of that don't think about that don't Worry about that there's we have plans For that we're going to we're going to

Work that out but how no sh just come With Me and spirit has their reasons yes this This could be a big exercise in trust But I also think that there's something Things that we Just that we just Can't Know because if we did know in our Current State we might Not we might not follow Spirit Um I feel like I can kind of I feel like I could kind of use myself as an Example um Because for from the time Where I felt like I wanted a Relationship to the time that I got into A relationship was like more than 4 Years and if if Spirit had told me that I would have been like screw this you Know if Spirit was like oh yes you will Meet someone in four years I would be Like what the heck I'm not coming with You then like there's just some things That and I don't know what it is is for You guys but I feel like there's some Things that you just can't know in Advance and you just have to you just Have to trust and you just have to go Along with It um so there could be something like That but it could also just be Spirit

Trying to help you and trying to teach You how to Trust but what I can confirm for sure is That yes you were meant to meet this Person or you were meant to find out About about this person you are meant to Feel drawn to them in the way that you Do and you are meant to embrace these Feelings and lean into them and follow Them And yeah it's not that you're in Resistance to the feelings or that You're in resistance to the connection It's all of the unknowns around it that Your mind doesn't Like and so it tries to just like throw Away the connection because the unknown Feeling is so uncomfortable But this is the Thing having a lot of Unknowns Sucks right to the mind that wants to Know everything and and have a sense of Control it feels bad but suppressing These feelings also feels Bad And I do Think eventually it reaches a point that That suppressing the feelings or Ignoring the signs feels more Uncomfortable than facing the Unknown and I really think spirit is Saying like just trust me I think what You're being asked to do is just to to

Lean into the way you Feel and to stop saying like no I'm Supposed to be moving on or no this Because this could never happen Anyway I'm hearing like give it a chance You know Give it a real chance trust the trust The Vision your higher self has a vision Their higher self has a Vision but and trusting it means Trusting it it doesn't mean I'll Trust It if you can tell me this and this and This and if I like what I hear that's Not trust that's being very selective And being very conditional with your Support can you embrace the way you feel And fully trust that it's there for a Reason and that it's going to lead you Somewhere amazing it's not really Meaningful if you get all the answers And that's why you follow your Soul Like that's Not it's kind of Like it's like if your Soul it's like if you ask someone to Marry you and they're like like well I'll only marry you if you can tell me Um the future of your career and if it's Going to go well and if you're going to Have any like illnesses in the future Like then I'll commit to you that's not Real commitment that is conditional

Support and so if you're saying to your Higher self if you're saying to Spirit I'm only going to trust in these Feelings if I know that it's going to End up in this way and if you can tell Me the precise timing and coordinates When this is going to happen that that Is not trusting your intuition that is Not committing to your Soul it's embracing the same way when You commit to marrying someone you're Like I don't know what the heck is going To happen in our future but I promise That I'll be there through It and it's like you You are Resisting doing that for your soul cuz Your soul is trying to lead you Somewhere your Soul's trying to show you Something Amazing mhm So what yeah that is that is all I can Say is that it's it is Destiny it is Meant to be and I cannot divulge details Of the journey what I can say is that I Think your your Spirit guides are Feeling a little bit sad about things Right now the Five of Cups it does talk About sadness and disappointment and It's not like they're disappointed in You I think just with with the way Things are Because literally the keywords in this Deck is Hope and

Readjustment and I feel like there's a Lot of there's a lot of Wishing but there's not a lot of Hoping I was just explaining recently to My partner like the difference Between wish and hope because he's Learning English and Like when you say I hope blah blah blah It's usually something that you think Could happen I hope things turn out that Way but when you say I wish it feels Like a hypothetical I wish I could do That I wish I had this if it's like if Only I could do that when you say wish It Feels it feels less likely you know if I Say Like I hope I get into that school I'm probably thinking I have a bit of a Shot if I say I wish I could go to that School I probably don't really think I Can anyway I'm not trying to give you an English lesson but just um just that Your guides see you wishing and wishing Like if Only but there's not a lot of Hope there In the sense That you believe it's possible and I Feel like that makes them Sad they see there's maybe a lack of Trust and I think that's what this Readjustment is talking about even with The number five being about Change they're hoping that they can help

Change that for you and hoping that they Can help you be more hopeful and maybe They're even kind of in a reflective Energy Of what can we do to make it more easy For group number four to trust how can We be more re Assuring with group number four how you Know cuz it is it's a group effort That's why they're your spiritual team It's a team effort to help you get to This place where you Can feel good about the signs you see And lean into them and embrace them and And get joy from them and keep following Them you know like and having this Unknown Journey because having unknowns Can be really fun if you Trust if you trust the person you know Like if you're if you're loved one who Knows you really really well is like I Have the best birthday planned for you And they don't tell you anything about What they have planned you're probably Going to be really excited and like oh My gosh what did they have planned for Me because you love them and you trust Them but if it's a random stranger who Planned your birthday you're going to be Like a [ __ ] Like oh no what if I don't like It why are you treating your soul Like a Stranger what do you mean what if you Don't like

It H i feel like I'm talking kind of weird For this group but but they want you to See the universe and your spiritual team As like the loved one who really loves You and really knows you and has the Best birthday plan for you because they Do and if they told you it would it Would ruin It yeah So that's that's what I am seeing for This group um we spoke about yeah Pisces Energy was coming Through Scorpio which has also been Coming through quite a bit today Pisces And Scorpio um also Capricorn and Aquarius energy are present here and Then this one is a little bit more Specific but it's um Mars in Scorpio so Those could be extra confirmations for You if you or your person have these Placements But look I just really want to confirm To this group that you're not crazy and That these feelings are here for a Reason and that your spiritual team is Really really really encouraging you to Embrace them and to make space for them In your life and to let them inspire you You know you don't have to look to the Signs to tell you what to do but if you Sit in the Emotion that the signs give you it will Inspire you to move and when it does you

Will be moving in the right Direction So that is all I can reveal to my lovely Group number four is at this time but we Are going to move into the extended now And basically do the same reading but For your person so we're going to see What their experience of the connection Has like whether it's similar to you or Maybe it's different and what their Guides think of the connection and then Finally we're going to see Ultimately well we'll see we'll see what Will be revealed Because this group Is there's Mystery we'll see what we can uncover About the future of this connection and What's going to end up happening between The two of you so if that sounds good to You and you'd like to join me in the Extended I'm going to have that link Down below in the description as well as In the pinned comment of this video However if you're going to leave the Reading here I want to say thank you so Much for letting me do this reading for You I hope you have a wonderful day or Night whenever you're watching and I Wish you all the best please take good Care of yourself stay healthy don't Forget to like comment and subscribe if You feel like doing that if you enjoy my Content and you'd like to find me

Elsewhere I'm going to have a link down Below my tarot reading Instagram my Personal Instagram my patreon where you Can watch tons of Timeless exclusive Pick a card readings just like this one And you can also decide on topics for Future readings I will link my music Channel which includes the intro song of This video that is an original song I Will also have my latest release link Down below and finally my Vlog Channel And my merch which features the floating Temple that was at the start of this Video thank you guys so much for Supporting me my channel and anything I Do I really really appreciate having you Here and I'm sending so much love to you To your person your higher selves your Spirit guides your spiritual teams and All of your loved ones both here on Earth and in the other Realms and I will See you guys in the next one bye-bye

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