Why He Isn’t Good For You – Divine Feminine Energy Needs Safety to Thrive✨🪽🧝🏽‍♀️🦋

Why He Isn't Good For You - Divine Feminine Energy Needs Safety to Thrive✨🪽🧝🏽‍♀️🦋

i know this hurts. but someone had to be honest with you sis.… you can do better than someone who makes you feel this way. he knows what he’s doing and he simply doesn’t care. so either choose peace and stay away from his following list or dump him 🚮

#divinefeminine #relationships #feminineenergy #selflove #selfcare #feminism #divineenergy #softlife #softgirl #selfreminder

Honestly no I don't think any woman who Likes to be in her divine feminine Energy wants to wear the pants in the Relationship I think a lot of women have Been forced to wear the pants in the Relationship just as I found myself in a Situation like that at one point can I Say that that made me more attracted to The man that I was with let me think About it no absolutely not what I can Say that it did do was take me out of my Feminine energy put me into my masculine Energy take me out of living a soft life And put me into fight ORF flight mode And gradually I became a version of Myself that I didn't want to be and that Was unrecognizable to me because I like Most women do not Thrive for a prolonged Amount of time being in my masculine Energy especially not when I am in a Relationship with someone who is Supposed to be a man but is refusing to Step up and lead and honestly I think That that's the reason why a lot of Women become bitter and unhappy in their Relationship we are not meant to Exclusively be wearing the pants

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