Your JULY 2024 Prediction • Whats Happening For YOU?! •

Your JULY 2024 Prediction • Whats Happening For YOU?! •

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Hello lovelies!
Todays video is a ‘pick a card’ reading. Pick the card you’re most drawn to, to find out ‘Your JULY 2024 Prediction • Whats Happening For YOU?! •’! Once you’ve picked, skip ahead to the timestamp below where I reveal what it is…

𓂀 *Time Stamps* 𓂀
⁺˖ Intro: 0:00
🀧 Pick Your Card: 1:24
🀧 Card 1 (Copper + Fire Quartz Bracelet): 5:40
🀧 Card 2 (Fantasy Quartz + Tanzanite Bracelet): 30:20
🀧 Card 3 (Angel Aura Quartz + Bracelet): 54:50
🀧 Card 4 (Pyrite + Chrysoprase Bracelet): 1:16:34
🀧 Card 5 (Super 7 + Lepidolite Bracelet): 1:39:55

⁺˖ *Jewelry & Crystals* ˖⁺

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✯ *MANIFEST Your Wildest Dreams*

✦ *Crystals Used*
(I’ll update this soon, just on my honeymoon 😝)

⁺˖ *Jewelry I’m Wearing*

🀧 *Decks Used*
(I’ll update this soon, just on my honeymoon 😝)

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Hello my loves and welcome back to my Channel today's video is a new pick a Card reading but before we dive into it I wanted to give a huge shout out to Keen who are kindly sponsoring today's Video if you have not heard of Kean Before they're essentially a huge online Network full of psychics and spiritual Advisers that are there to answer your Life's questions and a couple of the Things that I really love about Keen is The fact that they are online so no Matter where you live in the world and No matter what time it is you can log on And browse through available psychics And choose the amount of time that you Want to spend with with a psychic they Also range from different prices so you Can find one that matches your budget my Personal experience with Keen has been Great I've had a few different psychics Predict some really accurate things for Me ranging from my career and also my Love life but I'd highly recommend Trying out a few different psychics Before choosing the one that you spend Your most time with because each psychic Reads a little bit differently and of Course you want to find one that you Resonate with and I would also recommend Preparing your questions in advance that Way you can make the most of your time With your psychic and if you're Interested in giving Keen a try you can

Head to my link try Jem to get Your first 5 minutes for only a do and Again that is sjem to get Your first 5 minutes for only a do the Link will also be down below in the Description box with all the info so you Can easily access it and thank you so Much to Keen for sponsoring today's Video and without further Ado let's go Ahead and dive right back into today's Pick a card reading hello my loves and Welcome back to my channel today's video We have our July 2024 for month ahead Prediction welcome I'm so excited that You're joining me here today to find out More about your month of July we're Going to get into as much detail as Possible whether stuff comes up about uh Career finances love lifestyle just Other happenings within your life we're Just going to get as much information as Possible of course we always connect to Spirit and ask for information for your Highest good at this time and that is Today's video if you are new to my Channel welcome I do tarot readings on This channel I also dive into astrology Manifestation and how to create your Absolute dream life so that is what we Do here and if you want a quick Explanation about how this video works I Have five different groups in front of Me and you're going to use your Intuition to pick one of the five groups

If you're drawn to multiple that's okay Too that just means that there is Relevant information within multiple Piles for you but I would say at least Pick one if not maybe two if you are Drawn to two but most people are just Drawn to one so it really just depends Use your intuition see which one you're The most called towards there's Timestamps linked down below so that you Can easily navigate through this video So once you choose your pile of course You can skip right ahead to your Personal reading using those timestamps That are in the description box or the Comment box And we have different crystals and Different bracelets on these groups as You can see today I have had so many Requests in the past Uh for like honestly years now to use The crystal bracelets from Luna gem Which is the bracelets that I make um And to use them for the crystals that we Always put on top of the piles so that You can choose intuitively of course I Also put crystals on here too but with Some bracelets So yeah thank you all so Much for those suggestions in the past We're finally getting around to it and Using the bracelet so what we have here On group number one if you're drawn to Group number one this one has a gorgeous Piece of copper on the top of it so that

Is the crystal for group number One and the bracelet is this gorgeous Stunning piece of Fire Quartz well that that's uh yeah we're Going to pick that up in a second but Anyway here is the gorgeous Fire Quartz Bracelet it is one of my favorites ever It is so sparkly and so unique and it Has a bunch of iron in it which is what Creates all of that fiery glow and the Redness within the quartz so group Number two we have this beautiful piece Of fantasy quartz along with a tanzanite Bracelet so if you're drawn to the Tanzanite with the fantasy quartz that Is group number two and then group Number two would be your pile if that is What you are drawn to group number three We have some Angel orac courts along With an angel orac courts Bracelet so if you are drawn to the Angel orac quartz that is going to be Your Pile and then group number four we have This stunning piece of chopas along with Pyite so if you're drawn to these Crystals this is for group number Four and then group number five we have This stunning lepidolite bracelet along With the this super seven Crystal super 7even is basically like a type of Amethyst but with a bunch of different Other minerals in it seven different Minerals to be exact so if you are drawn

To this one that is group number five And then that would be your pile so Again take a moment pause the video if You would like in order to find the pile That you are the most drawn towards and Then of course there's time stamps that Are going to be linked down below as Always so that you can skip right ahead To your personal prediction for the Month of July thank you again so much For joining me here um and without Further Ado let's go ahead and dive Right into today's Video all right my group number one's my Gorgeous copper and um Fire Quartz group If you chose this one this is going to Be your July prediction so let's go Ahead and dive right into it all right My group ones we have death and then Judgment being reversed 10 of Swords Being reversed six of Wands upright and Then we have the Three of Wands being Being reversed so this is actually an Amazing reading I'm loving this we also Have Priestess and Magic maker here as Well so your month of July first off You're going to be going through some Major shifts and Transitions and I feel Like honestly even entering the month of July you are already feeling that you Are already maybe wanting to make some Major shifts and changes in your life Right now and this energy is just going To accumulate more and more and I see

You fully shedding like an old version Of you and with judgment being reversed As our next card one of the main Feelings that I get is like releasing Judgment of yourself rather than being So critical of yourself I feel like You've been having all of these Realizations lately of like wow I need To stop this self-criticism I need to Let go of being so hard on myself so Harsh on myself and I feel like a big Practice for you is this self-love Right um and I feel like that's going to Be a major theme for you and I feel like That's something that you're already Feeling like you're wanting to work on Um and realizing that you are so worthy For who you are like it doesn't matter What sort of mistakes you've had in the Past it doesn't matter like you know it Doesn't take away from your worth you Know um 10 of Swords being reversed here As well is one of my favorite cards to Show up in the Reversed position when It's upright What it shows is a bunch of if you look At like the original um depiction of it It's a bunch of Swords stabbing into Somebody's back and it's indicating when Somebody feels burnt out drained or Literally stabbed in the back by other People um or it's even just fears of Being stabbed in the back by other People fears of what other people might

Think or say it can be worries you can Also indicate going through like Physical pains um like back aches Headaches soreness other things like it It just Indicates all this stuff you know that We kind of go through when we're going Through a bit of a more negative period However when this card shows up in the Reversed Position those swords fall out of that Person's back it indicates the ending of That cycle and the ending of that period So um what I'm seeing for you in the Month of July is total healing healing From any sort of physical ailments that Maybe you've been dealing with and Figuring out how to deal with that for Some reason Spirit also just said the Word acupuncture maybe some of you are Going to get into that or try it out in The month of July maybe you've had a Calling for that um this is not medical Advice by the way so if you don't have a Calling for that obviously just like let That go I'm not saying you need that by Any means I just feel like for some of You you may have had a calling for that Or to try that somebody might have Suggested it to you um and if so just Spirit wanted to point that out um T of Swords also being reversed the Self-criticism you're able to let go of So much more of that I really feel like

By July 10th and 11th you're already Going to be so renewed into this new Sort of like way of being this new sort Of philosophy of life this new sort of Viewpoint of yourself which will be so Healing I feel like some of you may have Even been like deliberately working Towards this and working on this working On loving Yourself and being kind to yourself um Motivating yourself we also have six of Wands so this is such an amazing card I Love that this one showed up for you Especially after what we had over here Because it's sort of this beautiful Story sequence that's happening right Now and six of Wands is when we feel Accomplished other people are also Cheering us on uh it could also be where We get more Rec recognition for Something so people might give you Recognition for how far you've come the Things that you're accomplishing in July Maybe there's even something that you Are working On that will gain more recognition or You will feel really proud of It maybe even just proud of yourself Like this could be feeling really proud Of yourself but it six of Wands always Indicates that other people are seeing It too it's not just you it's also so Like you for one you're sitting on your High horse that's literally six of Wands

It's like you're sitting on your high Horse but everyone else is also cheering You on and they're like oh my God look At you it's kind of When You Reach This Moment of of a little bit a little bit Being the center of attention but in a Good way it's like people really Praising you cheering you on giving you Recognition for where you are because It's almost like you've climbed the Ladder to a new height and other people Are like admiring that they're proud of That so there is something here where You're working on stuff there might be a Chance for you to be in the spotlight in Some way shape or form within the month Of July for some of you like if Spotlight energy is something that You've been trying to manifest like you Know um Landing a job or um stepping up To a new Position um like releasing something or A project that you've been working on it Could be things like that that give you More recognition and and but it could Also be like a personal transformation That you're making and other people are Just really noticing and yeah then we Also have the Three of Wands Three of Wands is being reversed here which can Indicate that we're also we're not Pushing ourselves too much it's like Let's Celebrate what we've accomplished right

Now we don't need to like push ourselves To go Accomplish so many things right away I Feel like you're also realizing that you Don't want to over do it you don't want To over push yourself but you're staying In this nice balance of like oh my God I'm so proud of myself let me continue What I've done and let me not like get Caught up in thinking that now that Means I have to like climb 10 more feet Like let me continue on this amazing Journey of recognition being proud Continuing on those practices that have Brought me here and let me just sustain This feeling for a while so I feel like That is um another aspect that's coming Through is just taking the time to Celebrate taking the time to enjoy what You've accomplished because I do see you Accomplishing something in July that you Are going to be really proud of Priestess begin there's a total New Beginning the fact that this is the First card you are also group number one Um number ones are all about New Beginnings the fact that we have the Death here too it's sort of like a Rebirth the death card doesn't ever Indicate death and I want you to know That so if you're new to Tarot or Anything like that the death card is Actually a very positive card and it it Can be symbolized as a metamorphosis

Like a caterpillar turning into a Butterfly like it's the death of the Caterpillar because the caterpillar is No longer a caterpillar they're now a Butterfly so right it's like this Amazing metamorphosis and a Transformation for the better that's What the death card is it's also can be Seen like a snake shedding its skin it No longer fits into the old skin so it Sheds it becomes bigger and more wiser And Um stronger and all of that so for you That's what the death card is it's this Amazing metamorphosis in transition the Priestess card with begin and the fact That she's wearing all red and this is a Very red card it's stepping into your Power this new beginning is all about Stepping into your power you're going to Be so proud of yourself the six of Wands With Priestess and the death card here All of these are just like ringing on Each other and amplifying this energy of Proudness and self-worth self-confidence Looking at yourself with this like whoa Look what I did this month look what I've accomplished look at the change That I've made look at who I am now look At who I'm still becoming to like whoa And it's this moment of just like being So proud and also what it says here is Perceive predict and Prophesies I see that you you are going

To gain a lot of confirmation within the Month of July that your goals are way Underway to the point where all of a Sudden you can perceive predict and Prophesize exactly where your future is Going because you are really stepping Into like the seat of the architect the Designer of your reality you know when You really call your power back and you Start taking action on go on your goals And you get into a routine of it where You're actually seeing progress and then You're like ooh oh I'm unstoppable now I Can see exactly where I'm going and I'm Stepping into my power I am literally Unstoppable right like willpower right Here it's like oh I'm determined to keep Going and I'm going to keep this up Because I really see that you don't want To end up back here with this judgment And 10 of Swords energy you're so Determined never to end up back there And if you think about the death card When we're talking about like a snake Shedding its skin it will never fit back Into the old skin and just as you the The shifts that you're making this month And even that you've already begun Making right now you're never going to Fit back into the old skin of the old You anymore you're the butterfly that's Like oh I'm lit there's no way I can Become a caterpillar again it's actually Impossible I can only go up from here

That's going to be the new you and so Perceive predict and prophesize what That's really um telling me right now is That you're going to have this new Vision for the future where There's just whole new doors that are Opening up for you and you can you can See a whole new life for you and it just It's going to make sense it's just going To be obvious to you um we also have Magic maker so I just see that you are Feeling so much more confident in your Ability to to continue making the magic Of your life because what's really Happening this month for you Is is like stepping into that power Stepping into your magic we also have Angel number 33 popping up for you which Is also a master number and it indicates Coming into harmony networking and Meeting the right people it indicates a Self- transformation of becoming much More in alignment with who you're meant To be what you're meant to be doing and And in case anyone's like confused about Like well who am I meant to be if you're Ever confused about that you're actually The creator of that right it's about Following what feels in alignment to you Okay and even if you're lost on that That's okay try new things and you'll Eventually find something that does Resonate with you that you're like oh Yeah that makes sense and this one here

Says Captivate touch tantalize and Sense I feel like you're going to be Totally captivated by this New excitement that's happening in your Life the progress that you are making There's something that you are so proud Of and I I do feel like for a lot of you It's self-focused like being very proud Of yourself and the changes that you are Making the shifts that you are making Some of you this could be very proud of Like your career really proud of how far You've come maybe you're going to do Some big accomplishment within your Career and that's going to be very Captivating and motivating for you um to Continue for others of you this could be Making a lot of progress within your Personal life or even within your Romantic life and feeling really excited About that um but yeah touch tantalizing Sense you are going to feel so good About this like I just This magic maker and this six of Wands I Just see you feeling yourself there There's something you're going to be so Proud of um for in terms of Timing July 26th is really sticking out To me when it comes to this like six of Wands magic maker Energy July 26th is really really Sticking out however that time frame Might be a little bit like before or a Little bit after for some of you cuz it

Is a general reading and um so yeah that Timeline could be a little bit different But July 26th is really sticking out to Me for some reason as an important date For this kind of stuff but yeah let's Dive into some more cards here to see What else we get for you so my group Number ones I really feel like diving Into this deck of cards so let's see What else can my group ones expect for Their month of July let's see Ooh oh you know what's so funny I cannot Believe I didn't even realize this right Before going into the like or right when We started the reading is the fact that You're the fire quarts group that chose Like the red and copper and then your Major theme right here is the Priestess Card which is all this red energy which Is stepping into your power if you are Drawn to Red lately my group ones which Is so funny because I was so drawn to Using this deck for you next in this Reading cuz cuz I was just like oh red Is calling to me for some reason right Now um yeah group number ones if you are Drawn to Red lately this is a calling to Step into your power into your Confidence it's also an activation of The root chakra the root chakra is our Foundation it's where we feel secure It's where we feel safe it's also where Our Material World exists so if you've

Been wanting to make more money find More Security find more stability Manifest your dreams into a physical Reality taking an idea and making it Like a physical thing it could also be Doing physical action it's also where Our exercise comes in um the root chakra Is connected to our adrenals so this is Gaining more energy gaining more Motivation to actually move your body um Make physical shifts take physical Action the fact that we have all this Red and that clearly you're somehow Attracted to red because you chose the Red group um this isn't activation of Your root Chakra this is all being act all that Energy that I was just talking about That's what's being activated for you Right now okay and then we also have Mirabai the saint of true Freedom love Is what sets me free I am married to my Own soul Wow love is what sets me free I am Married to my own soul that is so Powerful because like when we can like Connect with our own soul that deeply That we feel so just married and Connected to our own soul that is Powerful Love is what sets you free Loving yourself marrying your own soul And loving who you Are seeing yourself from the eyes of Somebody who loves you and seeing how

Like amazing you are and then evoking That inwards think about how much you Love other people right or how much you Love somebody else and now turn that Love Inwards and see how you can start loving Yourself in that same way because that Is going to set you free all right the Next card that we have is Lakshmi the Goddess of abundance which I just Mentioned abundance because of the root Chakra because it does rule our like Finances and money and our ability to Manifest money so goddess of abundance I Choose to feel abundant wealth is an Inside job you know that's actually so True um way back long time ago I used to Never understand that concept that Wealth is actually created from within And that actually when you do create the Wealth within the wealth externally Shows up Um it's so so so true I think that That's something that you're going to be Working on is this feeling of abundance From within loving yourself from within Doing all this inner work but that's Going to lead to the external success That you are then Creating you are creating Magic by Shifting a lot of your internal self Getting rid of the criticism getting rid Of the burnout getting rid of the um um Harshness getting rid of even people in

Your life that have been tearing you Down or stabbing you in the back or Getting rid of the fear of judgment and Getting rid of um like physically like Improving your physicality all of those Things are going to reflect in your Reality in what manifests and that's Just going to be amazing and huge for You and I'm so excited to see what comes About from this so my group ones wow wow Wow Let's see what else we have for your Month of July here's our Astro cards Let's see what shows up for you for your Month of July been using a lot of the Same cards lately I've been so drawn to Like just a certain few of them and I Can't stop using them I'm just so into Them so Anyway I know sometimes people like when I use different cards that you guys Don't see often but here we are we have Aries energy which is very fire very red Um esque so I wonder if some of you are Connected to Aries Energy in some way but if not this Aries Energy this is just what's coming into Your life right now Motivation focusing on the self focusing On what you want taking Action this is a surge of energy a surge Of Inspiration it's also a new beginning Because Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac so it also symbolizes the new

Beginning which is your major theme of This um month then we also have waxing Crescent inspiration creativity growth Accomplishments and Learning wow that fits with you Perfectly Inspiration uh creativity growth Accomplishments and learning so waxing Crescent is when the moon is in the Phase of Building it's building up to the full Moon which means it's building up to the Um the full accomplishment the full Manifestation so yeah tons of amazing Energy we also have Sagittarius energy More fire energy for you I cannot Believe it I wonder if some of you are Fire signs or you're just you know You're going through a fire phase of Your life where things are fiery they're Motivating it's the inspiration is there The energy is there it's like let's take Action let's make some moves here but Sagittarius energy is the energy of Expansion it's also the energy of Learning um learning new philosophies Expanding your Consciousness expanding Yourself um Sagittarius is also ruled by Jupiter which is the planet of abundance So could be calling in more abundance And also uh Sagittarius is also very Keen on traveling so there could be Something where maybe we're wanting to Expand ourselves get outside of our

Comfort zone maybe do something we've Never done before go to a place we've Never been before so it could mean Literal travel or it could just mean Traveling outside your regular routine Traveling outside your regular comfort Zone so doing things again like you've Never done before um trying out Something new going and seeing a new Place even if it's like local it's like We're still expanding ourselves out and Um trying new things in that way and You're going to find abundance and a lot Of fun Sagittarius and Aries are both Very fun they're very exciting so I do Feel like this month is going to be full Of stepping outside of your comfort zone A lot of fire energy so I'm feeling like Warmth is a theme going somewhere warm Being in the warmth um being in the sunm Being outside being playful things like This so that is what we have here let's Dive into one more deck of cards then We're get going to get into our Astra Dice so let's see my group Ones any last messages for the month of July transmute Work or B getting stuff done things that Have been left undone for quite some Time now things that you're just like I Need to finish that I need to get that Done I need to do that thing this is a Month of productivity this is a month of Getting stuff done the worker be is also

He makes the honey he makes something Sweet out of it I feel like you're going To be very proud of your accomplishments And I also feel like you're going to be Um treating yourself for those Accomplishments because it's like oh I Got that thing done let me go and enjoy The honey now let me go and enjoy some Fun some excitement something rewarding So I do also see um rewards coming in For you for the month of July so with That being said let's dive into our AST Dice we're going to roll the zodiac sign Dice three times to get the top three Most likely zodiac signs that will pop Up in your life be in your life this Could be like people that you know People that you work with um all that so Let's see the most prominent zodiac Signs for You so we have uh why am I blinking Virgo coming up for you so Virgo People that was Scorpio although I just Like accidentally flipped it but I feel Like that might also be because Libra is Your other one so Scorpio Libra and Virgo are the zodiac signs that are Going to be the most prominent for you In your life and let's go ahead and roll All these together now to get any last Information for you So my group ones of course we have Venus Energy coming up for you in the fourth House and Virgo energy once again so

Virgo Venus and Virgo in the fourth House productivity that is for sure um Also making your space more beautiful Might be a calling that you have like Tidying things up making Things gorgeous like Venus is the planet Of love beauty and money so when it's in The fourth house we feel like Beautifying our space we feel like Making it more homey more comfortable More aesthetic more pleasing to be in Also since Venus is the planet of money And the fourth house is our foundation And our home this could also be where We're really inclined to start saving More especially since this is in Virgo It's like making more of a savings plan Or making more of a plan of how to how To invest and grow your finances the Fourth house since it's the foundation It also talks about the ground so it can Be Um so when Venus is there it could be Planting new seeds that we're now going To grow so this is in regards to money This could be different plans that we're Making of like ooh let me grow my money In this way let me do this so I can save It and then this is going to grow here This is going to turn into more here This is going to be a good investment Here so Venus and Virgo in the fourth House is all those different types of Investments but it is also beautifying

And creating a more healing space Virgo Likes to Heal Virgo likes to feel um comfortable And organized Virgo is also um there There's this idea that Virgo is like a Like a clean freak or much more Particular so this could also be where We feel like decluttering and Reorganizing our home to make things More flowing and to make things more Breathable to make things more organized Right so I do also see this possibility Of doing some more like organizing Getting stuff in order getting rid of Stuff that you haven't touched in years And just doing a whole cleanout to be a Little bit more um little bit more tidy And Zen and all that so that is what we Have as our last information for you for The month of July my beautiful group Number ones thank you so much for Joining me here for today's video I'm Sending you all so much love and until Next time bye okay my group number two Is if you chose this pile this is going To be your reading for the month of July So let's go ahead and see what we have For You all right my group two is your month Of July we have empath and sorceress Then we also have Queen of Swords being Reversed king of Cups upright seven of Wands nine of Cups and then Temperance Being reversed as well so getting into

This first off Queen of Swords when she Is reversed one thing that I'm feeling For you is that through the month of July you are going to be letting go of Overthinking you are going to be letting Go of fear of speaking what it is you Truly feel and need to say cuz when She's reversed like she might be Repressing her voice a bit she might be Afraid to confront situations she might Be um feeling really emotional about Things and putting her her heart before Her head and just feeling a lot the fact That we also have empath coming up I Feel like um this is a month of getting Back into balance when it comes to your Thoughts and your feelings and figuring Out exactly what it is that you need to Say what it is that you need to Express And also gaining the confidence to Express those things to address them There's definitely something that per Like I'm feeling like you personally Need to address in your life like maybe It's um speaking your mind like Queen of Swords being reversed I feel like there Is something you have not spoken your Mind on and it is still lingering around And you know that you need to maybe face It and address this thing Rather than like it's almost like you're Afraid of hurting people the fact that We have empath the fact that we also Have uh king of Cups you are so

Emotionally in tune to Where even when you do have something You really deeply need to say it's Almost like you might hold back because You'd rather not hurt somebody else and You'd rather not create conflict or um Yeah like Create Conflict it's like you're trying to Avoid conflict but The month of July is about healing this Overcoming This and letting go of these thoughts That are sort of just eating away at you It's like let's address it so that we no Longer have to carry that around right And you will be addressing it you're no Longer going to have to carry it around It's going to be great so I see you Gaining the confidence to express Yourself Speak Your Truth king of Cups Right here too I just see you doing it a In a compassionate way because what I'm Getting from this is like you are a Compassionate person you do feel things Deeply you feel things a lot and there's Actually ways in which to use your voice And to use your heart and your kindness Together to create the Perfect you know um way to express Yourself that's not going to rock the Boat too much I'm also seeing that there Is a lot of blue energy this actually Happened for the last group where their

Energy was all the Red Energy just like Their Crystal was actually red which is Crazy and I don't plan these things guys I don't even look at the cards before Placing the crystals on them nothing I Have no idea I just do it intuitively And there's always these crazy Synchronicities so for you there's all This blue energy you have the tanzanite And the fantasy quartz which is all that Blue king of Cups sorceress here even Our Temperance and our nine of Cups has A lot of this like blue purple energy This is an activation of your throat Chakra and your third eye Chakra and using them to open them Up using your voice voice and also your Listening skills cuz part of th the Throat chakra is also listening and then Also understanding wanting to gain Understanding also wanting to be Understood but in order to be understood We also have to want to understand so it Goes both ways right um anyway now we're Getting deep seven of Wands here as well I see you getting on top of this if you Have a fear of Confrontation if you have A fear of standing up for yourself if You have a fear of expressing yourself I Really see that this month is going to Give give you the opportunity to really Face that learn from that and also come Out and be like Oh I got This i got this that was way easier than

I thought like life is full of these Situations right we can't run from them And I just see like this is the month of Facing it and then look it it's healed The fact that like our sequence here From our Queen of Swords is going into The king of Cups which is like oh let me Just speak from my heart and that'll Make speaking much more Easy seven of Wands is like oh yeah I Actually this is fine and it's realizing That you got it under control it's fine Seven of Wands is when we you know we Might have to stand up for ourselves and It's literally the card of standing up For yourself which is wild and that's Your first and Center card this is your Month of saying what it is that you want To say having a conversation about it it Doesn't have to be aggressive it you Know it can come across compassionately Which is what I see that the approach That you're going to be taking and then We do also have nine of cups as well Which is being satis Saied with the Outcome through the month of July as you Face whatever this is um you're going to Be really satisfied with the outcome I Also see like as well with these cards I'm seeing this energy of like I just Want to stop overthinking I want to come Back to a calm fulfilled place of Feeling Good Feeling fulfilled Literally and I see you being able to

Get on top of things getting on top of Your um responsibilities getting on top Of tasks getting on top of your to-do List I see that being a huge thing for You oh my goodness if if you wanted a Productive month of getting stuff done To where all of a sudden you can then Relax and you're just like you know what I'm pretty satisfied with the outcome Right now that is what you're getting if There is something that you are worried About right now that you don't want to Face it's like you're going to be fine You're going to get the outcome that you Want Knight of Cups you're going to be Really satisfied with the outcome here If any of you Are um needing to deal with admin stuff That you've been putting off I see you Getting on top of that that's going to Go great you're going to be satisfied With the outcome and I see you just I See honestly the rest of the month of July I see this energy of like why was I Making such a big deal over that like You're literally going to be saying my Love you're literally going to be Looking back on all of this energy of This overthinking overw worrying anxiety All that you're going to be looking back And you're going to you're literally Going to think oh my God why did I put So much energy towards that everything Literally turned out fine everything is

Fine and the nine of cups is when we're Like So Satisfied it's also the wish Card when we get a wish so my question To you right now group number two is What are you wishing for what do you Want to Happen Define that because you're Getting that and honestly I actually see You being more s satisfied with the way That things turn out than you could have Wished for previously I see you being Even more satisfied more content things Are going good nine of cups with king of Cups too is this level of fulfillment Where we're feeling emotionally full We're feeling emotionally really Satisfied we're Feeling totally good like emotionally Through the month of July that's going To be great okay Temperance being Reversed too is getting things back into Balance and um Kind of figuring out what mixes and what Doesn't mix I do think that there's Going to be certain things in your life That you're looking at that you're Like why was I trying so hard to make This thing happen when I can just be Satisfied with Like like going with the flow there's an Like I'm getting the feeling like There's an easier answer and it's going To come to you you're you're going to See it and figure it out in July there's

Going to be an easier answer than what You've been Almost forcing to happen Temperance Being reversed is when we're trying to Mix oil and water and we're just like Why won't it mix and it's just like it's Constantly separating it's constantly Not mixing and it's like well it wasn't Meant to mix and then so I really see That you're going to be solving an Issue that you've been maybe approaching The wrong way before you're going to be Solving that is that issue and being Like Oh I see that was easier than I thought So yeah that's what I'm getting from This then also the fact that we had Empath I touched on this one a bit it's Just talking about the fact that you are So empathic and you're going to be Getting more in touch with your emotions And realizing like your emotions are a Gift it's such a gift that you are so Aware of other people's feelings it's Such a gift because then that means you Approach things with such Compassion and you're going to reach Understanding this month for you is all About your feelings and getting your Feelings to a fulfilled happy Place relate understand and console that Is the theme Going through this next month finding Understanding just like what we were

Talking about with the throat chakra Like in order to be understood we must Also seek to understand that is a rule Of thumb that is always true in all Circumstances um so yeah also with Sorceress we have summon conjure weave Enchant as this like I feel like you're Summon you're summoning your Inner strength that you didn't even Realize you had because maybe we We just didn't see ourselves that way or We didn't feel confident to speak Ourselves you're just summoning your Inner voice you're going to summon that Stronger part of you in July and realize Oh oh let me just like rise up and Realize that I am so much stronger than I give myself credit for let me rise up To a more authoritative position rather Than letting people walk all over me Rather than me just suppressing my Thoughts and feelings let me rise to a More authoritative position let me Summon my inner sorceress and let me Summon my inner Power and let's dive in like that that Is your biggest theme happening here so We're going to dive into some more cards Let's go into these ones we're going to Stick to the same cards we used in the Last group too so oh okay that card Really wanted to come out for you so we Have the goddess of Devotion I am I am a love that doesn't

Leave when I commit to love my soul Evolves wow so yes commit to like you Don't have To in order to use your voice you don't Have to be somebody different like you Can use your voice with compassion you Don't have To yeah it's like using your love using Your Compassion with all the things that you Have to deal with with all the things That you might be going through um at The moment and then overcoming that I'm Hearing that July 16th is going to be a Special date for you I think July 16th Is going to be a really significant date Where a lot of things shift for you in July where it's kind of like you're Sitting there satisfied happy you're Like oh things things went really well Things went really well there like let Me summon my inner power let me summon My inner compassion and fulfillment and Let me speak from my heart Like that's really your biggest theme And I know I'm talking a lot about the Speaking in this in this video I mean It's been like 10 minutes of talking Talking about your voice but like really I feel like group twos you've needed to Focus on that like that's been that's Been something that's been needing To be addressed and Um to have more confidence about as well

We also have locki the goddess of Abundance this one came up for the last Group too but I love that it's coming up For you so I choose to feel abundant Wealth is an inside Job realizing you have so much to offer Also whenever the goddess of a comes up It opens up our realm of feeling more Abundant and the fact that we have the Nine of Cups and the king of Cups here In your reading this is when we feel so Fulfilled and when we feel fulfilled When we feel abundant things around us Just are more abundant so this could be Like we're going to feel more abundant When it comes to our love relationships That are around us feeling more abundant With love because that's very connected To the cups but it can also be when we Feel more abundant literally with our as Well and we feel like oh I just feel More wealthy can also be feeling more Healthy feeling abundant feeling like Things are you're surrounded by goodness And that's a feeling that I think is Going to come through the month of July Um as you face and let go of or not let Go of but Heal and Overcome these things by facing Them so let's see what else do we get For You my group Twos for your month of July what else do we have as your big

Themes emotional fulfillment is Definitely a huge theme as Well finding what emotionally fulfills You so then we also have the 12th house Showing up for you which is all about Our subconscious mind it's also our Creativity um it's a house of intuition Which intuition is a huge theme coming Up for you in your reading since we have All this empath all this water energy And this one specifically says this is The house of yeah intuition and the Unconscious just talked about both of Those um here's where we see Transcendent Experiences hospitals prisons um secret Agendas and hidden enemies as well as Unknown possibilities and one's Weaknesses so for for you what I'm Seeing when that part comes up I see That there is different fears that you Might have that you know you need to Face and you know it's right around the Corner that you need to face them which Is kind of what we were just talking About through this reading and I really See you coming on the other side and Being like Oh it was literally fine you might think That it's a weakness for you but I see You getting over it and being like Oh I Don't know why I was so scared of Speaking my mind saying what it is I Needed and and having that conversation

Doing those Things this is also the house associated With long-term confinement seclusion and Psychic abilities I don't see you being This card actually the way that it Describes the 12th house is like really Dark it's not actually that dark and It's rarely ever that dark um so anyway You you do like whenever the 12th house Comes up there is a tendency to spend More time alone yes um And there's a tendency to want to be More internal but what I'm really seeing For you is Like one of your themes for this month Is kind of overcoming that and really Izing oh I can express I can come out of My head I can come out of living in my Overthinking I can come out of living in It's cuz it's almost Like the way that you've been living is Like all of your emotions thoughts and Feelings have been like kept inside Which is kind of like that confinement It's like you're you've been feeling Confined when it's come to your Emotional um things and like the things That you've needed to face and all of That the fears that you've needed to Overcome and and face so what I'm seeing Is like you coming out of That shell facing that overcoming that Literally being So Satisfied of like why Was I ever overthinking that in the

First place why was I ever like so Distraught about that in the first place Like that Is that is the energy of how you're Going to overcome that and how you're Going to feel on the other side we also Have the sixth house coming up as well Which is the house that's related to Virgo um energy and it's the house of Getting stuff done it's productivity It's it's also a house related to Healing since it's so connected to Virgo As well and um being of service to Others so maybe some of you tend to be People Pleasers and maybe you're really Needing to face that this month and and Overcome that it is also a house that Talks about our daily routine so I feel Like for you perhaps you're going to Want to Find a routine that really feels good For you a routine that that allows you Peace and Serenity because sometimes when we have A routine where we have segments of our Day where we're not really doing much And we're just scrolling on our phones We have a tendency to overthink in that Time or you know if we come home and We're like oh I don't know what I want To do right now or oh like you know we Have a tendency to overthink in those Moments and let our Mind kind of jump tall things so I do

Feel like uh getting a routine in your Life is going to really be so healing For you to where it's like oh I have Stuff to do let me go and work on this Let me go do this activity let me go and See this friend let like those types of Things it's when we're much more not That you should distract yourself away From your problems I'm definitely not Advising that but Um it's like realizing that overthinking Is not going to it's not going to help Right so let's see what else do we have My group Twos my group twos my group twos let's See more about your month I'm definitely Seeing routine is going to be um just Like I said especially healing for you And I feel like spirit is really Encouraging like yes make a routine that You love and I definitely see you Working through that and working on that Um in this month and I'll also just read What it says here too so this is the House of health and jobs here is where We can see the daily work life routine And organizational ability as well as Body care diet and exercise animals and Pets also belong to this house too So yes we also have the waning crescent Moon so surrender restore reflection Intuition and Stillness tons of intuitive cards coming Up like you can you feel stuff on a deep

Level my group twos my goodness but this Is your month of like let's surrender Let's no longer let all of these Thoughts you know I'm kind of going on On the same topic and I don't mean to But um hopefully it's helpful to hear This stuff but yeah Resto as well this Is your month of restoring restoring and Coming back the fact that you have the Wish card you literally have the wish Card of getting your wish and feeling Fulfilled and feeling like oh I'm So Satisfied with how things turned out so It's like yes it's there's so much Encouragement in this pile from Spirit we also have lunar eclipse coming Up for you so releasing the past Breakthrough pushing limitations and Healing that is literally your thing Theme this month my group twos wow Releasing the past so patterns that kept You stuck in the past are being released You are having your breakthrough this Month seven of Wands that's also a Breakthrough card it's a card of facing Fears and overcoming obstacles facing All sorts of things and getting to the Point of having a breakthrough pushing Limitations realizing oh wa I've never Gave myself credit for how much strength I actually really had because I never Knew knew it before it's like you're Discovering that and then healing Because it's like yes once we overcome a

Challenge or obstacle or fear of course It's so healing on the other side of it And the fact that we have all these cup Cards it's all of this energy of healing Emotional healing feeling so much more In alignment feeling like your emotions Are in a good amazing fulfilled Place so let's see my group TW is what Else do we get my group Twos ooh the Revolutionary look at you Calling your power back and creating a Revolution in your life things are never Going to be the same again it's really Like igniting the torch and being the Creator of your life creating a Revolution which is also kind of like a Evolution it's the evolution of your Soul and then we also have oh the Seeker Whenever the seeker comes up so there's Uh if you can see there's like teeth on This card and and whenever teeth show up If you ever have dreams of your teeth Losing your teeth whatever teeth teeth Teeth teeth symbolize self-worth and Self-image so the Seeker I see you your Self-image is improving realizing like Oh I am so much more capable than I Thought I am so much More I'm just so much more than I Thought it's that realization I'm so Much more than I thought taking your Power to create a revolution in your Life leading a Revolution you're the leader of a

Revolution in your life through the Month of July overcoming this fear to Where you're going to look back on it And literally just be like why was I Ever scared of that why would why did I Ever give it so much power and so much Emphasis before because I never needed To selfworth I feel like you're going to Gain compliments this month Compliments Are coming through for you So that is what we have here we're going To go ahead and take our Astro dice We're going to roll the zodiac sign dice Three times to get the top three most Likely zodiac signs to be in your life This month then we're also going to roll All of them together to get any last Information So group twos Sagittarius is coming up So Sagittarius People Capricorn Energy and Scorpio energy so Sagittarius Capricorn and Scorpio now let's roll all These Together and let's see your last Information is the sun in Aquarius in The second house wow the second house is The house of like it's a house of worth It's the house of belongings your Material possessions the sun is the soul Where we illuminate and Aquarius is this Energy of innovation new ideas expansion Thinking about all the whole world right Uh can also be where we invent things we

Get creative when it comes to thinking Outside the box trying new things um so Your Last bit of energy here I see you kind Of being really Innovative as well when It comes to your material world and Realizing you have so much more power And you you can do and manifest so much More than you once thought I think that You're going to be learning something Completely new when it comes to money Finances or your career or your material World you're going to be expanding Outside the box and learning something Entirely new here you might even be Called to learn a new skill or dive into Something that you've never done before Maybe You' had an idea for quite some Time that you're like oo that would Really fulfill my soul to pursue that Maybe you've had an idea like that and This is the month of taking action on That and uh pursuing that and doing the Things that light your soul up so what Lights your soul up my group twos um That is the question that I will leave You off with here for this reading Everything is going to go so much more Smoothly than you are are currently Thinking so again if you are Overthinking anything right now or Scared of facing something it is going To the outcome is going to be so much Better than you think and yeah set your

Intention for that because that Intention will be manifesting and Getting your wish and coming out on the Other side also the wish card the nine Of Cups can also indicate when we Manifest something that we've really Been wanting to manifest for quite some Time so that is also an aspect that the Nine of Cups brings um so there is Something that you have been wanting to Manifest but you didn't understand how It would Happen something is coming in here new Information progress and possibly the Actual physical manifestation of the Thing so I see that and tons more Fulfillment tons more just like Happiness and contentment and feeling so Good so that is what we have I'm sending You all so much love thank you so much For joining me here today my group Number tw's and until next time bye all Right my group threes if you chose this Pile this is going to be your reading For July so let's go ahead and dive Right into it okay my group three is my Angel orac quarts group and you know What is so funny every group so far the Color of the bracelets and Crystal has Correlated to the colors that show up in The reading and it literally is Happening for you right now too and I do Not plan this I never look at the cards Before uh placing the crystals on them

It's just I do it intuitively and again We have that same synchronicity Happening so we have a lot of like Rainbow energy of course with the angel Ora quartz we got a lot of rainbow Energy and light energy going on in the Cards like it's all just like this Rainbow gold just like the just like the Bracelet and the Crystal so anyway so Funny um let's dive into what is Happening for you Two of Wands with a Page of cups to start us off going into The month of July I feel like for you You're kind of visualizing there's like An idea or something that you're Thinking about stepping into further in The month of July Two of Wands is like When we have our sights set on something There's something that's caught our eye There's something that's caught our Interest it's a vision that we're Currently holding and we're in the Planning stage of it we're sort of still Defining it figuring it out figuring out What it is what it's going to lead to With Page of Cups right next to it as Well it's when our emotions are also Really pulling us in that direction our Emotions are like H this is really fun Andc exciting this vision is catching my Eye this idea is catching my eye this Path this thing this I want to pursue it More I want to see where it's going I Want to see what it could possibly

Potentially turn into and Become page of cups is like um getting An idea that's sort of like you know It's new it's different it can also be a Romantic interest or um something that Again is just fulfilling to us Emotionally or interesting to us Emotionally and it's calling us in that Direction Page of Cups can also indicate Like invitations coming through so like Somebody reaching out to us and saying Like hey do you want to try this out or Do you want to work together do you want To do this do you want to do that here's An invitation for for this it can be all Types of things along the lines of that And I do see you kind of like H let's let's play around with this idea Further let's let's plan it let's talk About it let's potentially dive into it So it talks about all things like that For some of you I do feel like this Could be a romantic interest for others Of you I do feel like this is maybe just The personal creative idea that you have Um or even like something that you're Working in collaboration with somebody Else that is coming Through that is something to look Forward to something that is quite Exciting Five of Cups being reversed Over here through the month of July so One thing that I get here Two of Wands Is sort of when we're we're still in the

Planning stage of whatever this is we're Still in the thinking stage of like do I Say yes do do I dive into it do I fully Take the plunge and five of cups when It's reversed indicates that we are Overcoming fear and doubt so maybe in The past or maybe even in the present Moment you've been dealing with some Like like is it going to fail though or You know I don't want to jump in too Soon and then have it bite me in the Butt I don't want to take this leap and Then be disappointed that I did after so It's kind of like this waiting and and Evaluating and I feel like this is your Energy possibly even right now or this Is going to happen sometime within the First week of July this energy of like Oh there's this new thing how do I how Do I navigate it and how do I evaluate It the fool card is the energy of taking The plunge and taking the leap so with All of your evaluations with all of your Things I see you diving in literally Even the horse in this reading or this Card is diving into the water so I see You diving in and taking that leap Taking that chance going for it the sun Being reversed over here um the sun is a Beautiful card and whether it's in the Upright or revers position it brings Positivity and sunlight and amazing Energy to any reading whether it's Upright or revers which is amazing when

It is reversed though it can sometimes Indicate that um we might not see the The entire picture right yet it's still Developing but it's happy it's exciting It's something that's like oo it's Illuminating your life this thing Whatever this is is going to be Illuminating your life we might not see The whole picture yet we still might Have questions about it but it's Illuminating your life and it's going to Feel like a fun New exciting Venture Ace Of Pentacles as well is when we plant The seed we invest our time we make a Commitment we make a plan we make a Schedule we solidify something so you're Going to be solidifying an idea and Solidifying A New Path in your life this Month solidifying a project solidifying Like a I'm going to commit I'm going to Do this I'm going all in and it's Overcoming the fear and doubt that might Have been kind of Delaying your ability to just Dive Right In so yeah I see that sun reversed can Also indicate some delays so there could Be something that again there was some Sort of hesitation however it's like There's such good energy around it There's such good energy that how could We not how can we not dive in right um But yes so anyway all of that energy the Sun still brings this really positive Energy where we are we're going in but

We're also like okay I'm still Navigating it at the same time right Luminary as well there's an exciting Prospect coming into your life an Exciting idea it's going to illuminate You it's going to light you up the fact That we also have sun it's kind of like The sun rise like when the sun is Reversed it's sort of like the sun is Still rising and we're sort of seeing it Come to life we're seeing something come To life the picture come to life the Project the idea the prospect come to Life this is activate so you're going to Feel activated through the month of July There's an exciting opportunity it's oo And it's going to Brighten it's going to brighten your Life it's going to add more fun um You're going to be really determined for It as well it's like this energy of like Let's go for it it's a lot of action It's a lot of like oo let's dive in and Then we also have this Spirit energy Which is renew detox purify and cleanse So as well on top of everything that you Are going through I'm also seeing this Like inspiration to possibly do some Like detoxing in your life getting rid Of the negativity and the fact that we Do also have five of cups being reversed Here makes so much sense like through This next Month I see you

Detoxing your Mind purifying your life so when it Comes to the things that held you back When it comes to the things that weighed You down stole your energy stole your Your Vibe and your essence and dragged You down I see you becoming more aware Of that and cleansing that getting rid Of those things in your life I feel like I get a message for you my group 3es That this is a month where you're going To deeply deeply deeply feel like I just Want to get rid of anything in my life That weighs me down that drags me down And I want to feel renewed I want to Feel like I'm spreading my wings flying High I want to bring in the brightness Into my life I want to bring in the Sunshine I want to bring in the Happiness and I want to bring in the Good Vibes like I see that for you Raising your vibration is going to be Huge for you it's also interesting that This is the Angel orac quartz Group Which is the group that you chose which Is all this rainbows and sunshine and Light and Illumination and also it's very Connected to Spirit Angel orac cours Connects us to Angels Spirits higher States Of Consciousness raising your Vibration it's all of that Energy so I also feel like you're going To get downloads of what you need to do

More of your purpose is going to be lit Up more of who you are there's going to Be a deeper understanding of who you are Um and I do feel like you're being Divinely guided and I feel like this Decision that you're making this thing That you're taking a leap into it almost Feels feel like you're divinely being Guided to do So you're going to feel that greatly and The fact that we also have Master number 11 showing up for you right here Master Number 11 is a new beginning and it's Also where we are called to step things Up like connecting to the highest Version of yourself connecting to your Higher Self I see that you're really leveling Things up this month my group threes so That is beautiful and let's go ahead and Dive into our next um deck of cards here So for you I actually feel like pulling Out these ones so let's see what we get Here for you we have Ooh best possible decision it came up Reversed which I actually feel like is Significant a lot of the times in oracle Cards I don't read reversals because Most oracle cards don't ever have Reversal meanings however I do feel like It was actually um meaningful for you And what I'm getting is that it was Meaningful in the sense of maybe you're Wondering like is this going to be the

Right decision for me is this going to Be like do I go all in yes you might not See that it's going to be the best Possible decision right away but I think On the other side of it you're going to Be like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah That that was amazing we also have a lot Of this Periwinkle energy showing up Periwinkle is going to be a prominent Color for you um in this next month and I feel like for you it's connecting to Your vision your higher Purpose um you might be really drawn to That like pastel rainbow Periwinkle kind Of like colors we do also have safe Travel showing up so keep me safe and Let me roam far away but bring me home So there could also be an opportunity to Physically actually travel maybe you do Have travel plans in the month of July If so I see that going really well for You and being so fun that could also be Like an opportunity that's just going to Pop up for you in this month um Also uh if is not a thing which I also Feel like this has multiple Dimensions To it so another message that I'm Getting from Safe Travel is that when When you expand outside of your comfort Zone when you take this leap you are Going to be safe you are Traveling to an opportunity or to a Place in your life that you have never Been before you are traveling outside of

Your comfort zone and you're going to be Safe this is a time for you to roam get Outside of your comfort zone and and Expand your home home expand where you Feel comfortable expand what is familiar To you I see that being a major theme For you we also have Master number 22 Showing up which Two of Wands and Master Number 22 are very connected because it They both talk about planning it also is A time of Self-improvement it's also a time of um Creating an ultimate Vision that you are Going to you're going to pursue and You're so dedicated to pursuing and Doing so from a place of like how do I Step in to and become that version who's Going to land that career get that love Of my life uh increase her amount of Income create the best lifestyle with The highest greatest best version of Myself like it's it's stepping up into Those things having something to really Reach For so let's dive into our next deck of Cards here my group threes let's see What we get for you here with our Astrology card so we have first quarter Moon making Decisions obstacles taking action Momentum so yeah I do feel like you're Going to be overcoming an obstacle but The obstacle is the self is what I'm Really feeling um which I do feel like

You're going to get over just fine based On all of the cards that came up but Yeah you're making a decision this month There's a big decision to make taking Action and gaining momentum on this Idea we also have the last quarter we Have the first quarter and the last Quarter ooh there's a cycle of Completion going on you're beginning Something this month and you're also Going to reach some sort of completion Or or Milestone at the very least like Major Milestone of like woo I made it to Where I intended to make it to okay so Last quarter so first quarter last Quarter you're it's a full cycle that's Happening and then we have transition Letting Go forgiveness adaptation so There is a transition that you're going To be going through this month um I also Feel like for you it's letting go of Those those fears and doubts kind of What we were talking about and adapting To exploring outside of your comfort Zone then we also have serus coming up As well sius is the asteroid that is About motherhood children nurturing but It can also be about nurturing yourself Or nurturing an idea or showing up as That nurturing version of you for Somebody in your life so it can be that Sort of like the nurturing side of you Is going to come out this month whether That be towards projects that you're

Working on towards the self or towards Someone else but that is going to be a Theme of your month as well is this Nurturing side being called to come out More um in this month So that is coming through and let's also Dive Into these cards as well to get any last Cards and we're going to dive into our Astra dice for you my group threes Let's See we have the sage coming Up I also want to point out this this is Just random Epiphany that came up but The fact that we have Master number 22 And 11 those are really calling out to me And the fact that you're group three and When we add these you kind of also get Master number 33 I feel like there's This Ascension happening for you there's An Ascension through this next month um But yeah also the sage is when we clear And cleanse detox you could actually be Literally doing some form of detox this Month like detoxing yourself from your Phone social media substances detoxing Yourself from gossiping negative people Other things that bring you down doing Some sort of detox to allow you to rise Higher I see you absolutely like being Able to see and address what um is not Good for You and coming to a place of like yeah Let's get rid of that why would I

Surround myself with that perhaps you're Also going to do a big cleanse around Your home and like Sage your home which I highly recommend I do it all the time And I feel like my home just uplifts in So much energy when I do a huge clean Out and then I just Sage every room um If you don't know how to Sage a room and You don't know what Sage is Sage is a Type of like dried well Sage is a type Of plant but then you you get it in the Dried form and you can burn it and do Something called sweeping so sweeping With sage sweeping with smoke and you Can Google it Google how it's done and Basically you just go around your house And it clears old negative energy and it Will literally renew your space and like It's amazing it's such a an amazing Thing you can also Sage yourself um you Can Sage objects to cleanse them all Sorts of different things so yes I see That that could be a really beneficial Thing for you you might even be called To do that you might already do those Things um so yeah let's see what else we Have my group Threes I want to get one more card from This deck Let's see okay oh we o that one wanted To come out too so the magician is Coming Out then we also have Release letting go of what's no longer

Serving you that's coming through big we Also have Withdraw okay the Magician withdraw sage and Release I feel like you're going to gain The confidence to step outside of your Comfort zone to step outside of where You are to take that leap the the frog Is leaping from his familiar lily pad And he's like okay we're going to a new One um so you're going to get the Courage to really yeah take that leap And release what has been holding you Back Releasing negative things negative Habits negative patterns um also Stepping into your magic stepping into Your magic the magician steps into their Magic they know that they're so capable Of manifesting their higher Vision I'm Also seeing meditation being a a thing For you I think some of you group threes You're you're wanting to create a Routine that it's almost like a Spiritual routine it's like almost like You're wanting to create like yeah like Some sort of routine to keep you in Alignment or to keep your spirit in Alignment to keep that health of the Spirit which meditation is such a great Way Sage or palosanto amazing rituals um All sorts of different things that you Can do to get yourself back into that Like spiritual cleanse alignment Feeling

High Vibe and I feel like you're going To create a routine around that I feel Like a lot of you have been called Towards that which also makes so much Sense that you called to Angel Oro Quarts because Angel Oro quartz like is Such a spiritual and spiritually Connected Crystal it's basically when You take quartz and you plate it with Platinum and other precious metal but The main one is platinum which creates The rainbow colors so it's a precious Metal um basically plated onto quartz And it creates that beautiful rainbow Glow so for you it's like for it's this Ascension of Consciousness Platinum is Such a high Vibe element and it helps us Access higher States Of Consciousness Higher states of being when you have Quartz along with that quartz is a Magnifying Stone and quartz is also a Great Stone for manifesting so it's kind Of just like connecting to the highest Greatest version of yourself and tapping Into manifesting which is why Angel Orquin is like one of my favorite Crystals of all time because it's all That type of energy so it's no wonder You were drawn to that I feel like for You it's like stepping into your higher Higher version and stepping deeper into Your spiritual [Music] Practices Angel Ora or a quartz or a HS

I almost said horts Angel orac quartz Helps you step into and access those Higher States and it also helps you Deepen your spiritual practices because It it connects you so much deeper to all Of that so anyway enough of that that is All about that Crystal that is all about Your month of July coming up and wow it Definitely looks like you're just Stepping into something new and Something that's so exciting like a Vision that you have to bring to life Stepping outside of your comfort zone to Make it happen and like fully committing And dedicating to it um by the end of The month so oh and I almost Forgot literally almost forgot to do our Astro dice um so we're going to dive Into this we're going to roll the zodiac Sign dice three times to get your top Three most likely zodiac signs to be in Your life this month so let's see what They Are we have Taurus Energy Virgo energy Virgo's been coming Up for a lot of people Viro be out there This July um and then Sagittarius so Virgo um Taurus and Sagittarius are the Top three most likely zodiac signs to be In your life life and let's see any last Information for you we have the moon in Libra in the sixth house ooh creating More balance in your routine is coming Up and creating more emotional

Fulfillment more emotional alignment in Your routine which the last thing that I Was touching on was literally I felt Like you were creating like a spiritual Routine to help keep you in the high Vibes to help keep you in the in the Alignment in the good energy o I just Feel like you're creating a routine Around that And that's also what's coming up here Like the Moon is our emotional self it Also connects to our spirituality our Intuition and our sixth house is our Routines our schedules our work our um Environment it also deals with our pets As well so um all of that and then Libra Energy is the beautiful balance Libra Brings balance to everything Libra is Also our flirtatious our fun our high VI Kind of self and it's also the part that Brings Justice to situations and is like You know what I'm saying no to this Because that brings me out of balance And it's like I'm saying more yes to This because it brings me more into Balance etc etc so Libra is that Beautiful energy of like really putting Your foot down for things and stepping Into the more flirtatious out there Exuberant excited happy laughing kind of Energy so that is what we have to end us Off here my my beautiful group 3es thank You so much for joining me here for Today's video I hope you enjoyed your

Reading for the month of July I sending You all so much love and until next time Bye all right my group number four is if You chose this pile this is going to be A reading so let's go ahead and dive Right into it okay my group fours jul July is about to be a huge month for you Let's talk about why um so we have the Mystic and the teacher here then we also Have the devil and the six of Cups being Reversed Then we have the Tower and the three of Pentacles upright and then we have the Knight of Swords being reversed over Here Soo this is going to be a big month the Fact that we start off with the devil Being reversed and six of Cups also Reversed here there is something that it Almost seems like you've been needing to Let go of for a while this could be Anything from like a toxic habit toxic Client job that doesn't appreciate us Relationship that is not working out um Other different habits and things that We have ways that we've even been just Repressing ourselves or repressing our Truest desires Um all of that that has accumulated to a Point right now where I feel like you've Kind of had enough and you know that Like you just don't want to be doing the Same things anymore you don't want to be Making the same choices you don't want

To be going down the same path that is Evident and clear right here And the tower being your first or not First but Center card I always say first When I'm talking about the center card Your Center card here it's your main Dominant July energy is divine Intervention and the Ending of what no longer is meant to be In your life Anymore this is a very positive thing Okay especially considering the cards That precede the tower and come before It um The fact that we have the devil here With the six of Cups this is something That like it's been needing to leave Your life for a while it's been needing To be let go Of you have deeper Desires that have not been being met And honestly like the devil is always Talking about something that we're Attached to that is not good for us but We just feel bound to it we feel like we Have to stay there and the tower is like No this is the time to get rid of it and Divine intervention is coming through From the universe being like this is the Month this is the month where we are Separating from it we are distancing Ourselves from it the six of cups as Well being reversed shows that we were Maybe attached to it or we thought we

Had to stay with it or um it was Something from our past that maybe we Just have a lot of history with the Tower it's like no no no no no no no no No no let's not have the thing in our Life anymore that's holding us back back And three of Pentacles right here you're Going to have so many people around you That are helping you giving you Opportunities helping guide you and lift You up through this shift process Because there is definite it's a Definite shift the tower is like yeah And I feel like you're even you're Already aware that the shift needs to Happen I really get that vibe from you Group four that you're already totally Aware that this shift has to happen and Maybe we just didn't know when it was Going to happen but July is your month Of the transition and I just see so many Supportive people being around you the Three of Pentacles is so positive when It comes to uplifting people being Around us like look at the support That's happening even with the hands of These two people it's like they're They're just supporting each other They're here and I just really see that Um on the other side of this you're Going to realize that there is like so Much love and um that things are easier Than maybe you thought and it's this Realization of like oh I'm totally going

To be okay and I'm so glad that this is Now happening and I feel this sense of Relief as well new opportunities are Going to come in because of this like Total new opportunities that are going To help with this sort of like Transition and all of that I also see You having a lot of fun through the Month of July I just see you seeing a Lot of people um having like fun and Like laughing and smiling and and just This energy of like support and goodness Is going to be around you Knight of Swords being reversed as well is this Energy of like let's slow down we don't Need to rush I feel like it's also this Energy of like things that you were Worrying About the answer is going to flow to you Through this month the answer is going To Flow To You um I also see you Navigating things and people being Around to help you process like thoughts Emotions all sorts of things and to come Out on the other side of it just being Like h H I'm ready I am supported all of That I just ate a bunch of apples so I'm So sorry if I'm like ever making Digestive sounds that my microphone Picks up on I don't know why I eat Before these readings that's like the Silliest thing cuz then I always have my Stomach making like gerles and digestion And sometimes my microphone picks it up

And sometimes it doesn't so anyway we Have Mystic no seek contemplate Philosophies you're going to have this Inner knowing and I feel like you Already have this inner knowing in fact You have this inner knowing like you Already see that this needs to happen You already see that this is happening And I feel like you already know that on The other side of it so many more Amazing things are going to open up it Is going to set you free Anytime we Face the devil card and what The devil card represents which is all Of these attachments that have been Holding us back all these kind of toxic Things all these not good things that Have been restricting us oppressing us Holding us back from our desires of Course when we face it and we get to the Other side of it it allows it sets us Free it literally sets us free to now go And pursue our desires it sets us free To now go and find something that's Going to be expansive rather than Restrictive and feels like a cage right And so for you I see that this this Month is going to be about ooh you're Going to contemplate and start Seeking what's going to light me up What's going to be the next what do I Want to do on this blank canvas whenever We go through a tower moment and Something like ends in our life because

The tower is like an ending um then we Have a blank page or a blank canvas Moment of life nothing is written yet What are you going to write in that next Chapter what are you going to intend and Pursue in the next chapter it's all up To you because it's blank it's new so What what are we going to do right so It's kind of like the world is your Oyster and um this is just your time to Step Into more expansiveness the Mystic Taps into her visualization Abilities she has inner knowing she has Inner calling so listen to like what are The things that you really love and Allow yourself to dream like this is a Time you're going through a time right Now group threes or sorry group fours um Where this is your time to dream and Expand when you get a blank page that is A rare opportunity you know and so now You get this time of like what story are You going to Write it's so fun like I'm actually so Excited for you um we also have the Teacher here learn upskill educate Prepare so you may also be called To uh attend a course you might be Called to start reading books you might Be called to self-improvement you might Be called to Um uh connect with some somebody who you Admire who can give you guidance and

Advice which I do actually see being a Thing for you um this could also be Connecting with somebody who can like Really yeah just support there's so much Support but also yeah the teacher I do Feel like you are going to be learning Something new uh diving into Self-improvement maybe attending a Course class other thing like this to Kind of up level like this is your month Where I think you're going to be really Inspired to like uplevel yourself and Maybe you're also going to be learning About like like how do I create my dream Life that that might be like a new Interest for you it's like since I have This blank canvas moment like how does One create a freaking like Transformation of stepping into like Their Ultimate Dream because right now You that opportunity is right here so Yes some of you may have already just Gone through this Tower Moment by the Way you this might just be the energy And the aftermath of what You're um still transitioning through in July by the way so I do want to say if Any of you you're like I already had my Tower moment does that mean there's Going to be another one I do want to Point out that if you've already had This Tower moment you are just going to Be transitioning through the remnants of This and stepping more into this Mystic

Which is this seeking visualizing Stepping into the teacher um aspect Where it's like oh what do I want to Learn what do I want to grow into who do I want to become in this next chapter And and diving into the support and Things like that so if you have already Experienced this Tower moment um July is Going to be the the moment of like Asking yourself what do I write on this New page what is this new chapter going To be what is this new book going to be What is this what is this Um blank canvas going to become so that Is your biggest question through this Next month let's dive into some more Cards I feel like using these ones for You And let's see my group Fours your month of July what else do we have ooh those Cards zoomed right out that was like Very airy type of energy there's a lot Of Air energy in That um we have Divine guidance okay so Yes you're going to have people around You that are so here to support you to Teach you to uh give you advice and Guidance through this time you might Also connect to somebody that you really Admire and you might really enjoy taking Advice from I also feel like you're Going to also be divinely guided as well By your Spirit guides um they're

Divinely guiding you through this time So Whispers from the beings who shine Let their messages be clear and kind Then we also have Harvest this is where We rake in the fruits of our Labor as the waves of the ocean are Infinite as the trees in the forest grow Tall let my work now bring me to harvest I am ready to receive my all honestly in This next chapter for you and in this Like next Month I see that you're going to be so Much more excited and fulfilled like You're being divinely guided to a bigger Purpose to a bigger vision and that's Why this Tower moment had to happen Because you're meant for more you're Meant for more than what you were Previously ATT attached to and what you Were previously settling for you're Being divinely guided whenever okay so There's a saying Rejection is just um divine intervention And redirection rejection is just Divine Redirection you're being divinely Redirected literally Divine guidance You're being divinely Redirected To what's going to bring you more Abundance to what's going to be more Fruitful for you because back here like Whatever this is that's ending in your Life wasn't bearing much fruit for you Was it like it wasn't giving much

Juice the plant was not producing the Fruit that it should have for you like It just wasn't in this next this next Month I feel like you are being divinely Guided to to open your horizons to Something so much more to make an Intention for something so much more Again I do see you learning and Upleveling so much to where honestly I Think you're going to be looking back Because whenever we do this uplevel and We do this like self-improvement and we Do this rediscovery of who we Are when we look back on what previously Ended in our lives we actually look back At it when we're like how did I ever Want to settle in that how did I we kind Of like question that right but of Course like you know it had its time and Place but where you're going to be is Going to be so much higher so much Greater than what that was that it's no Longer going to resonate with you I Really feel like at the end of July like By the end of the July you're actually Going to be looking back on this being Like yeah I actually don't resonate with That anymore and I'm really glad that That ended and didn't continue in my Life um so yeah you're being divinely Led to what's going to be more abundant For you so if this is a job ending You're being divinely led to a job That's going to bring you

More you're being divinely led there if This is a relationship ship that's Ending it probably wasn't a super Fruitful relationship to begin with and You probably weren't getting much juice From the from the can and you're being Divinely led to like hey you deserve so Much more you deserve for all the effort That you put in you deserve a a fruitful Harvest right you don't deserve to be Starving in your relationship you don't Deserve to be starving in your job you Don't deserve to be starving in your Life for fulfillment for love for Anything like you are meant for more and I just see that you're going to be Looking back being like oh man I am so Glad that that happened because wow did It ever open up so much more for you and And spirit wants you to know that going Into this month because you Are being divinely called to plan a new Vision and it doesn't need to be perfect It doesn't need to be perfectly planned Out because it's going to develop over Time more and more of course um But like you're being called to at least Begin creating one and the reason why All of this is coming up for me to tell You is because like don't create a Vision that's limited for you again You're not meant to do that because That's going to be another thing that Just ends again you're meant to create a

Vision that you're so excited by that You're like wait that would be the most Inspiring life for me that would be the Most Incredible time in life and and maybe You're going to be navigating that and Figuring out what that looks like for You and again it doesn't need to be Perfect it it doesn't me to be fully Flushed out by the end of July but I do See it's going to be you're going to be More steps ahead you're going to Understand more and more of what you're Truly meant for so let's dive into more This is such a big month I cannot Believe the information that's coming up In this reading it's just so deep and so Like like this is usually the kind of Stuff that comes up when we're doing a Reading on like like what you need to Know right now our massive changes Coming into your life next this is Usually stuff like this doesn't usually Show up in a monthly reading but it is For you because wow there's just massive Energies happening in your life right Now so we also have the square which is A Divine redirection so I can't believe That's coming up again so resistance Struggle obstacles um experience effort Learning conflict Obsession problems so Yeah there's something that you're You're navigating out of and when we Think about the 90° angle of a square

It's literally like a like maybe we were Headed in One Direction it's like oh no That wasn't the right direction like It's the Divine redirection so whatever Obstacles struggle the things that you Were struggling with the things that Weren't making sense for you the things That were never being fruitful and not Leading to the outcome it's like it's Time to redirect the other card that we Had here is New Moon um New Beginnings Planting Seeds setting Intentions look at the last word on this It says blank page how many times did I Bring up that analogy in this reading Like I can't even I cannot even Spirit Just has so much to say my group fours There's so much going on for you and Also I just want to mention that you are Group four numerologically the fours are The energy of setting a foundation Setting a solid foundation the tower Does not break down on a solid Foundation the tower only breaks down When the foundation was never meant to Last anyway it wasn't built on a solid Foundation and therefore it breaks down So the tower is the analogy of the tower Breaking Down this next phase for you this next Chapter since you are group number four And that's significant you are setting a New solid foundation you will have

Learned from the the previous stuff Whether you consciously realize that yet Or not you will have learned from that And you'll be so much more aware of like What creates a faulty Tower versus what Creates a strong solid structure that You can live in you can breathe in you Can soak in you can feel secure in right And this next phase for you is is Connecting to that So let's go ahead and dive into our last Deck of cards then we're also going to Dive into the Astro di to get some more Info for you so let's see what comes up Here I also feel like I need to change My battery cuz it is about to die um so I'm going to change that as we get our Cards here and then I'll I'll quickly Change that so let's see any last Information for my group Force ooh that card wanted to come out I love that the sage card came out for You let's get one more Here o that one really wanted to come Out Warrior oh I love it okay I'll be Right back I'm going to change my Battery and then we'll get into this Okay we are back so the sage card is When we clear out negativity from our Life so your major theme through the Month of July as we know so far is Clearing out Negativity also the Warrior actually I want to I want to

Talk about that one last I want to talk About that one last but we also do have Sacred sexuality so I feel like you are Your self-worth you're no longer going To let the same things into your life That you did before so sacred sexuality Doesn't just deal with our sexuality it Also deals with what we let into our Life on a deep Level um so I do think you're going to Be a lot more cautious a lot more aware Of what you say yes to I think you're Going to take a lot more time before you Say yes to something like it's like Waiting for the right job waiting for The right person and Like it's okay to make mistakes and Stuff of course but I do see that you're Just going to be a lot more protective Of your energy and aware of like I don't Want to let just anyone into my space Again I don't want to take just any job Just because it pays the bills like I Want to get something that I love I want To get something that's fulfilling I Want to you know that kind of energy Then also with the Warrior wow you are stepping up into Your power literally your power I see You being so much more confident to um Set boundaries to lay down your thoughts To lay down the law Um I just see you being so much more Determined the warrior is this energy of

Determination willpower strength Boundaries courage like it's a warrior Type of energy the warrior is going to Get the job done it is going to face the Battle and it is going to it's like this Energy of winning the energy of winning That is your energy coming out of the Month of July is like this energy of Like I'm GNA win the next thing that I Dive into I'm I'm going to win at it the Thing that I choose right the thing that I'm going to choose to do I'm going to Freaking win it right I'm going to I'm Going to do it so let's dive into our AST to get any last information for you We're going to start off with our zodiac Sign dice we're going to roll it three Times to get the top three most likely Zodiac signs to be in your life this Month so let's See we have Aries which there's Aries horns right Here actually so Aries is definitely a Prominent energy for you I almost wonder If some of you are Aries um of course This reading is still relevant Regardless but Aries is definitely a Dominant sign for you we also have Scorpio coming up and it's interesting Because Aries and Scorpio are both ruled By Mars which is a very Warrior energy And what do we have it Aries is popping Up for you again so a lot of Mars energy Is in your life this month

And Libra so Aries Scorpio and Libra Energy are the most prominent of course Um Aries and Scorpio they're both very Connected to Mars there's a lot of Action energy a lot of strength energy a Lot of warrior energy coming Through and then let's see any last Information for my group fours we have Venus in Gemini in the 12th House the 12th house is our subconscious It's also our cre Creativity Venus is the planet of love Beauty and money and Gemini is the Planet of or zodiac sign of Communication and writing um it's the Zodiac sign of the mind and thinking for You I see that you are coming to a much More like beautiful mental state because Since the 12th house also deals with our Subconscious Gemini is also the mind I See for you Like Learning how to like create more peace More trust within your own mind within Your own mentality um Venus since it Deals with love beauty and money I'm Seeing this Improvement of self-worth Improvement of self-image I'm also Seeing a more abundant mindset of Realizing you know what like I can Download the codes of of believing in Myself to create abundance to go from For the bigger things in life right Imagine somebody who has the mindset of

Like like I can do anything luck comes My way I can go for the big stuff and I Can win at the big stuff Venus brings That energy into our mind when it's like In the 12th house with Gemini it helps Us with mindset work so I also wouldn't Be surprised if some of you are really Interested in like taking classes Reading books on like self-improvement Or mindset work to like learn uplift Educ at and prepare you and especially With Venus also being here in the 12th House I would not be surprised if some Of you are going to get really into that This month um and even if not I'm just Seeing like even the people that you're Just going to be talking to and the Encouragement that you're going to be Getting from your friends and from those That you're surrounded by is going To uplift and create a lot of those new Um new thinking patterns as well so that Is what we have here my group number Four is thank you so much for joining me Here for for today's video I am sending You all so much love and until next time Bye all right my group number five is if You chose this pile this is going to be Your reading for the month of July Almost said January oh my goodness Anyway let's go ahead and dive right Into your reading ooh okay my group Fives so we have seven of Swords being Reversed queen of Cups upright Justice

The Star King of Swords we have guardian Enchanter and musician as your cards That are showing up for your month of July so going into what you can expect Starting off with the seven of Swords Being reversed is an amazing position For this card to be in because this is When we are Addressing issues and not trying to Avoid things we are addressing them we Are facing them we are also healing them We are also ready to just make decisions That are going to be good for us rather Than trying to beat around the bush Rather than trying to um be avoidant Basically so I see that you're going to Be facing a lot of things and through That you're going to become so much more Strong I see you also upholding Boundaries this month like the fact that We have seven of Swords reversed Justice Upright over here and Justice as your Center card the Justice card is when we Come into balance we are also so ready To liberate ourselves from past mistakes We're so ready to liberate ourselves From negative energy or other things That we've been in that we're just like I just need to like put my foot down Bring Justice to this I need to uphold Boundaries I need to create balance in My life so you might be doing this on a Personal level with yourself like such As creating better boundaries with

Yourself what you allow yourself to to Do or not do and um you know laying down Some nice boundaries to keep you in Alignment with your goals and with where You want to go in life life um this Could also be in regards to other people And laying down proper boundaries so That you're not getting caught up in Other people's stuff or letting people Take advantage of you or anything like That like justice is when we become so Much more strong and Sovereign and we're Like leading our own life and all of That and so I just see you getting into Much more alignment and I see it being Able to set you free the fact that Justice is surrounded by Queen of Cups And the star right here you are going to Find so much more emotional fulfillment Emotional contentment um and what's Interesting is this group I feel like There was a similar very similar message And I believe it was in group number one I think um but there was a similar Message on creating boundaries and Creating emotional fulfillment and Things like that and I'm seeing that in Your reading too which is so beautiful So um yeah and then also the star card This is going to say set you free this Is going to allow you to spread your Wings to feel the lightness it's like You're taking a weight off of your Shoulder if you've been really needing

To get down to the truth of a situation Or speak your truth in a more powerful Way and to also feel Justified if there is anything in your Life where you felt like like oh I'm Unsure about this or what do I do is is This the right thing to do you are Figuring out the exact right thing to do The Justified thing and you're going to Feel Justified for your actions and what You're doing um so that's going to be a Beautiful powerful energy for you this Month and again it's going to bring a Lot of emotional fulfillment it's going To set you free it's going to make you Feel like you've taken a weight off of Your back and all of a sudden it feels Like you're floating and there's more Faith more more energy of like coming Back to connectedness To yourself to your values to just being In alignment and the star is also when We feel like there's a new Beacon of Light in our life and it might even be Exuding from you just feeling like like Oh I can let myself shine I can let Myself be authentic and be real and yeah And seeing the value also within Yourself this month King of Swords is um When we get so much more clarity our Mind is so much more clear on what we Want and our communication is very clear And straightforward again if you've been Needing answers on something we have a

Lot of cards here pointing towards Getting answers getting feedback getting Approval things going right for you if You're in a situation right now that That you're really trying to Win um or something like this Justice And the King of Swords is a very much Like like I'm I'm going to win I'm going To get the yes I'm going To figure this out I'm going to you know Get the answer so this is all like Getting answers and things like that King of Swords can sometimes also Represent another person in our life so An air sign male most likely queen of Cups can also represent another person But I really feel like Queen of cups is Showing up as you and feeling more Fulfilled feeling more in alignment Feeling healed as well so this could be A very healing month for you and King of Swords I do feel like it's an aspect of Yourself but I do also feel like it Could be another person in your life That maybe you are waiting for answers For or maybe um something along the Lines of this for this month so we do Also have guardian enchanter and Musician right here for one I see this Being a very healing month for you in Regards to your emotions and also just Feeling back in flow feeling back in Harmony music is always getting into the Harmony of life and the mus ition card

It says shine play invoke and Express this is like what I was seeing In the Star Card like your ability to Shine your Light there's something here where You're going to feel more bright in the Month of July and I'm hearing it's going To be around the 20th of July there's This brightness you're just going to Feel brighter and lighter um there's a More playful energy for you if any of You play instruments I feel like you're Going to get really inspired uh by that Through this next month um but also Invoke and express if there's any Creative ways in which you express Yourself yourself my group fives whether That's like painting writing um playing Music uh anything else that's creative Art anything like this I'm seeing that That's going to be a very like um Prominent thing in your life through July it's like evoking more more Inspiration for you within your creative Fields perhaps you're even going to Reinvigorate your spark for something Creative and then we do also have yeah Guardian and enchanter you're going to Be so much more protective of your Energy this month so rather than letting People like dictate your energy or walk All over you or again the feeling where We can't say no and we feel like we have To say yes to things like I just feel

Like you're kind of done with that Energy and you're so ready to step up Into your power and say no when you Don't want to do something to feel like It's okay to cancel a plan if you're Really not feeling it like it's okay you Can guard your energy you can preserve Protect defend and shelter your energy And your mood and queen of Cups like the Fact that she's upright this is when you Get into emotional balance and I'm Seeing that being a huge factor for for You through July is like protecting your Emotional balance guarding your Emotional Balance um you might even feel like There's something where you are Protective over it through the month of July so if you are a parent um perhaps Like through the month of July you're Just going to be a lot more aware of Like okay I don't want like I'm going to Protect more right I don't want things To um like outside influences to Influence whatever um so you're going to Be much more protective of your kids if You have kids I do also see um you being More just protective of yourself in your Energy like I was saying and then Enchanter over here magnetize open Reveal and Manifest you're going to become so much More magnetic to manifestation as you Step into your creativity which I'm

Seeing with the musician card you're Stepping into more creativity this month The star and the musician like this is Your month to step back into shining Shining your light doing what feels good And through that I'm seeing this more Magnetic Energy things will come to you easier so Like uh like good news good things Happening new good opportunities you're Going to be Magnetizing those into your life through Getting creative and allowing yourself To just ignite your inner spark so maybe There's something that you have been Creative with and I feel like this is a Lot of you actually I'm getting that This is the majority of you that are Watching this reading there's been Something that you used to be really Creative with and you used to allow a Lot of creativity in your life but maybe Lately you haven't been making time for It again this is It's artsy it's Creative it's fun it's thinking outside The box not feeling like you need to Restrict yourself to doing things in the Same way you always have like sometimes When we're an artist and then we come up With a style and then we just stick to That style and eventually we're kind of Just like oh I'm just always doing the Same thing now and I used to be so Creative I used to be so fun with it I

See that you're getting back into the Fun with creativity you're getting back Into something that maybe you stopped Doing for quite some time or if you've Had writer block or just felt uninspired I'm seeing that reinvigoration happening But there's a lot of creativity this Month and I feel like you're going to be Called to pick something back up that You used to do so again that could be Like painting music art um writing all Sorts of things like that so let's see What else we get for you my group fives The mon of July oo my microphone cord is Getting attached to my finger um let's See okay we have true love come to Me there's a new spark coming back in When it comes to your love life this can Also talk about your love life where We're calling in more affection more Real love like if you're single I feel Like you're ready for like true love or Nothing it's like it's it's either it or It's not and I'm not going to make time For the in between stuff so that's one Thing if you're already in a Relationship I do see you getting closer To that relationship I see really fun Exciting things happening for you uh Where there's just more romance there's More romance there's um quality time Like real quality time spent together Where it's kind of like you fall in love Um deeper with your person we do also

Have the card of confidence as Well um I feel like as you get back into Your like filling up your cup Emotionally through creativity igniting Your spark having boundaries when it Comes to your energy and protecting your Energy and all of that I just see Confidence confidence is going to rise Because of that because you're honoring Your energy and your energy has time to Thrive and shine and be fulfilled and All of that it's going to be a Confidence booster that's for Sure now let's see what else do we get Here my group of Fives I really feel like you also you Don't the queen of Cups she's intuitive Seven of Swords can sometimes be like us Sniffing out BS so if there's anybody Who tries to like I don't know Like Gaslight you Or um Not take the blame when it's when it is Their Fault you sense that so deeply like you You can feel that like people cannot Pull the curtain over your eyes you're So sensitive to that and there might be A time in July where you're going to really have To bring Justice to that situation and And just be like okay no more like I've Had enough of this I'm not going to you Can't pull one over me like I I'm not

Going to play stupid I'm not going to go Along with this game it's like The fact that Justice is here and that This is here it's like no longer wanting To play those games no longer wanting to Like yeah I just you can sniff it out From a mile away and I also feel like You are just getting more in alignment To just truth and honesty and being able To express your Truth to guard your Energy To turn your back away from people who Ever tried to like you know not respect You I just see you turning your back to Them and being like you know what I Don't have time for that so that's Another aspect that I'm really seeing Here and picking up on as well we also Have the waxing gibbus moon here this One is alignment refinement nurture Patience and evolution getting into Alignment I've been using that word so Many times throughout this reading Nurture I feel like you're going to be Nurturing your energy through guarding It protecting it and being being really You know cautious of who you're around And who you're going to give your time And energy to so yeah refinement also Patience and evolution this is a total Evolution of your Soul we also have Neptune here Inspiration dreams spirituality and

Delusion so Neptune is actually the um Planet of like creativity and arts Anything artsy so like music media if Some of you are into media at all or you Work in Media or you work online or Anything like that I think that there's Opportunity to expand that space in July There's an opportunity to bring in more Inspiration and new creativity in that Space or even if you just work in other Types of artsy creativity type of things Like again music art painting writing All of that all of that like the Neptunian energy is very artsy and so Inspiration dream spirituality and all Of that it does also rule delusion but That's also because it rules illusion Which is like fantasy so it's all the Fantasy kind of stuff um Maybe some of you are really into that Or maybe some of you are just really Imaginative and creative and want to Dive into and explore and expand more of Of Like A Creative Vision and have fun And and create More inspiration that's really the word That I that I want to use here so yeah We also have the card of nurture with is Which is sius this has been showing up So much for people lately I can't even Believe it but it is the asteroid that Represents children in astrology because It deals with the mother and nurturing However it can also be something that

Indicates what we are nurturing so we Can be nurturing ourselves right we Could also be nurturing an idea or a Project and bring it to life or we could Be physically nurturing our children and Being the guardian of them so this might Be just um a confirmation for some of You if you are mothers or fathers you Have children or anything like that they Might be a really big influence big part Of your life through the month of July There might be a lot of like let's Nurture let's learn let's grow let's Have fun together let's do activities Things like that um another aspect of it Could be nurturing yourself and Nurturing your creativity nurturing your Ideas and your vision and all of that so It's the the card where we're making Something come to life so maybe there's A vision you have that you're working on Making it come to life you're taking That vision building it so that it can Be a physical tangent real thing so That's coming through as well and let's Go ahead and dive into our last deck of Cards here and then we're going to get Into some astroice to end off your Reading so we have surrender coming Up let's see let's get some more card Oo We have the outlaw coming up and I Really feel like this one wants to come Out Too we were talking about boundaries so

Much in this reading I'm not even Surprised that we have boundaries coming Up Okay so there's certain things that we Cannot change that we just have to Surrender To right so if somebody is you know like We can't change other people so for Example that's something that we Sometimes have to surrender to because It's like well I can't change you and if You're going to act this way maybe I Just need to set some boundaries and Give you the boot if you cross those Boundaries so when it comes to people Crossing boundaries sometimes we just Need to lay down that law and You know uphold those boundaries and we Just need to surrender to certain things That we can't change that we don't have Control over so I do see you becoming a Lot more protective of your energy Protective of your time protective of Self-respect right um and then also Having the confidence to say no having The confidence to um give the boot to Anything that is disrespecting you or Not in alignment with you not alignment With your values giving the boot to any Habits or patterns that we no longer Want to have in our life all of that You're just becoming so much more Protective so much More like in your sovereignty to say

No and to uphold that right so that is Amazing right there let's go ahead and Dive into our Astro dice we're going to Roll the zodiac sign dice three times to Get the top three most likely zodiac Signs to be in your your life this month So let's see who they are we have Scorpio energy coming Up we also have Pisces coming Up and Gemini Scorpio Pisces and Gemini Energy are the top three most prominent Zodiac signs coming up for you now let's Go ahead and roll all these together now To get any last Information so ooh all the way over here If I can even this my plant is in the Way so we have the sixth house Neptune In Taurus in the oh no that's the ninth House oo sorry yeah that's the ninth House there Neptune in Taurus in the Ninth house Neptune is of course showing Up for you over here as well so there's A lot of neptunian energy for you Through July creative creative creative Creative Media is a huge thing if you Ever have wanting been wanting to expand Your media or expand your artsiness Expand your vision this is a month of Expanding Vision uh this is also a month Of expanding what's possible for You the ninth house is expansion Philosophies in Travel so there could be something that You're also maybe planning or

Visualizing in your future that you're Wanting to expand into and it could deal With you know either a bigger Vision or Travel or something like this uh being More flexible more on the go Taurus is the practicality and putting a Plan into motion getting the Physicalities of it figured Out so I see you have a vision that You're putting into a practical approach A practical plan that deals with Expanding yourself More so that is beautiful um I also feel Like you might learn a new modality in Art and Taurus is ruled by Venus which Which is all about beauty it's also About money too so there could also be Creative new things that you're thinking About in order to make your life more Beautiful or more abundant or more Fruitful more opulent so there could Also be things that you are thinking About and expanding into and realizing And I feel like you're expanding what's Possible like there's going to be more Information coming through where you're Just like oh I never even considered That before I never even realized that That was a possibility and oh that's a Great idea and it's now you have more Ideas in Your Arsenal to like expand Into and to consider and that's going to Be a beautiful aspect of the month of July for

You so that is what we have here my Beautiful group number FES all about Your month of July thank you so much for Joining me here today I'm sending you All so much love I hope you have an Amazing and beautiful month it sounds Like it's going to be artsy it sounds Like it's also so much more like in Alignment because you have those Boundaries coming through where you're Protecting your energy and staying in Alignment with the road you want to be On rather than feeling like people can Like you know take control of your Energy and tell you what to do and all Of that just like you're really stepping More into that justified position of Like no this is what I'm doing I'm Justified for this and I'm okay choosing This and this is what I choose like That's going to be amazing for you I Love that energy coming in and yeah I Hope you have an amazing beautiful month By group number five is again sending You all so much love thank you so much For joining me here for your July Prediction and until next time bye

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