Your JUNE 2024 Prediction • Detailed Tarot Reading •

Your JUNE 2024 Prediction • Detailed Tarot Reading •

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Hello lovelies!
Todays video is a ’pick a card’ reading. Pick the card you’re most drawn to, to find out ’Your JUNE 2024 Prediction’! Once you’ve picked, skip ahead to the timestamp below where I reveal what it is…

𓂀 *Time Stamps* 𓂀
⁺˖ Intro: 0:00
🀧 Pick Your Card: 1:27
🀧 Card 1 (Red Coral): 3:52
🀧 Card 2 (Blue Kyanite): 29:46
🀧 Card 3 (Mookaite Jasper): 52:32
🀧 Card 4 (Pink Tourmaline / Rubellite): 1:20:22
🀧 Card 5 (Carborundum): 1:47:43

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Hello my loves and welcome back to my Channel today’s video we have a new pick A card reading all about your June 2024 Month ahead prediction but before we Dive into it I wanted to give a huge Shout out to Kean who are the sponsors Of today’s video if you have not heard Of Kean before they are essentially a Huge online network of psychics and Spiritual advisers that can help you Answer your life’s questions and a Couple of the things that I really love About Keen is the fact that they are Online so no matter where you live in The world no matter what time it is you Can log on and browse through available Psychics that range from different Prices and you get to choose the amount Of time that you want to spend with a Psychic and personally I found some Really accurate psychics on Keen but What I would highly recommend is trying Out a few different ones before choosing The one that you spend your most time With because each psychic reads a little Bit differently each psychic also has an About section where you can read more About that psychic and see whether or Not you’re going to connect with them And resonate with them you can also Check out the reviews to see other People’s experiences and I would highly Recommend preparing your questions in Advance as well that way you can make

The most of your time with your psychic And if you are interested in giving Keen A try you can actually head to my link TR Jem to get your first five Minutes for only a do and again that is Jem to get your first 5 minutes For only a do the link will be down Below in the description box for easy Access and thank you so much to Keen for Sponsoring today’s video and without Further Ado let’s go ahead and dive Right back into your June 2024 month Ahad prediction to find out exactly what You can expect happening for you in this Next Month hello my loves and welcome back to My Channel today today’s video is our June 2024 month ahead prediction so if You are curious what you can expect Through the month of June for you in Your personal life in your love life in Your career all different aspects we’re Going to be diving in to get as much Detail as possible for you and if you Are new here welcome we do tarot Readings and the way that this video Works is I have five different groups in Front of me and you’re going to use your Intuition to find which group that you Are the most drawn to because that is The group that’s going to hold all of Your prediction for the month of June Over here we have group number one this One has a beautiful piece of red coral

On the top of it so if you are drawn to Group number one that is going to be Your pile group number two we have this Beautiful piece of blue cenite on the Top group number three we have some Mukay Jasper group number four we have Some pink turmaline and then group Number five we have some cardal I always Forget how to pronounce this but it’ll Be written down below but anyway those Are our different Crystal options today And our card options so again depending On which one that you’re the most drawn To that is going to be your pile there’s Timestamps linked Down Below in the Comment box as well as the description Box so that you can skip right ahead to Your personal reading for the month of June and all the different energies that You can expect through this next month I’m so excited to get into this reading With you and for you and if you need Help tapping into your intuition one Thing that you can do is close your eyes And wait for a number between 1 and 5 to Pop into your head and the first number To come in that is your intuition Speaking to you and that is going to be Your relevant pile I also want to Quickly mention that tarot is a tool to Look into what we are currently Manifesting and what we are currently Attracting so you are not bound by Anything that you hear you are not Faded

By it you are not destined by it it is Just a tool to look at the current Energies that are accumulating the path That you’re currently on but you have Free will and you can change anything at Any time so I also just want to quickly Mention that I haven’t mentioned that Part in a video in a little bit so Figured I’d throw that back out there For any of you who are new here but Thank you again so much for joining me In this video I am so excited to get Into it with you and see what Spirit has To say and reveal to you and let’s go Ahead and dive right into today’s video All right so my group number one is if You chose this one this is going to be Your reading for the month of June so Let’s go ahead and see what you can Expect okay group ones we have a big Reading over here so we start off with The four of Pentacles being reversed This one indicates that there might be Something that you have felt unstable With and the Knight of Pentacles also Right next to it just shows this sort of Maybe resistance or something that we’ve Just felt like insecure about and the Justice card that we have here the month Of June you are going to be balancing Something that you have felt either Worried about or maybe you were Concerned about you are completely Completely finding balance and peace

With this situation this month so for One this could be like a money situation Like perhaps we felt like um our money There just keeps being expenses on Expenses and things like that just keep Happening and maybe we’ve been worried About our money this would be the Resolve of that and this would be things Rebalancing so that we feel like we’re On track again um this could also be Getting rid of overspending if we felt Like we’ve been doing that lately this Is again the balance bringing things Back on track so that we can even that Out this could also be other things that Have made us feel unstable like this Could be instability in our living Situation or maybe our career maybe There’s been a little bit of instability There and we were unsure about where Things were going to go and Justice Being your Center card I just see you Stepping into so much more of your power This month getting the answers that you Need getting to the point of something And maybe there’s something that you’ve Needed to like bring up or take out Action on or learn more about or ask Questions about gain Clarity on Something um it seems like that was Around this situation and the month of June is bringing in all the Opportunities for you to gain Clarity on That so you can close that out and if

You have felt as if that you’ve been Putting in more work than what you’ve Been getting out in something good karma Is coming in Justice always symbolizes Good Karma and any anything that has Been out of balance for us is coming Back into balance and it’s also Interesting I chose to put the scales on Today’s reading and then we have the Scales so perfectly right here it’s very Libra type of energy so if you know any Libras they may be a prominent zodiac Sign in your life this month they might Be somebody who’s helping you gain Clarity or maybe they’re involved in Whatever this imbalanced situation is And perhaps there’s some balance Happening here maybe even you are a Libra right so um this Justice card just Indicates that good karma is raking in Things are balancing out if there’s been Anything that you’ve also felt like you Need to get off your chest and just be Honest about this can also represent That this is opening up an opportunity For us to be real for us to be authentic Especially if we felt like we couldn’t Be in the past and maybe we just felt a Lot of resistance around being ourselves Or being open and honest about what we Were TR truly actually going through and Dealing with this is just all of that Clearing it’s a huge clearing month by The end or not even by the end Honestly

By I’m hearing around June 10th 12th is That is when this whole resolve and Balance is going to come and I feel like You are going to be just thinking likeo I’m so glad that’s done and over I don’t Need to worry about that anymore I don’t Need to focus on that and it’s just sort Of like this Fresh Start where yeah it’s Like a breath of fresh air for you um And that’s happening definitely Spirit Saying around the 10th or 12th of the Month we do also have the five of Wands Being reversed and this is the resolve Of conflict so also if there has been Any conflict this could be internal Conflict or it could even be external Conflict but however it’s showing up in Your life when this card gets reversed It also indicates that we are really Facing those things and putting out Those fires putting out those battles so That it doesn’t need to continue more And more and more so I just see absolute Fresh Beginnings it’s so beautiful that We have the justice and the fool card Upright these are both major Arcana Cards so there’s major things that You’re learning from both of these Different sort of other types of Situations that you’ve been dealing with Like this one where we felt kind of Maybe Insecure or unstable in some way and Then conflict you’re learning from both

Of those situations in such a deep way And I really I’m hearing from Spirit It’s like good karma is on its way if You’ve been thinking or wondering like Why does all this keep happening why Does all this keep accumulating what am I doing to attract this Spirit wants you To know that good karma is on its way Anytime that we have to go through like A bout of turmoil or something negative Sort of pops into our life there there Is a beautiful sense of karma in the World nature always likes to balance Itself out so nature is going to balance Itself out and spirit just really wants You to know that and yeah the fool so One thing I’m seeing is if this was Career or money related I’m really Seeing like justice will be brought to That you will be given that raise more Money will be flowing in for the work That you’ve been doing but Spirit wants You to know whatever you put in you will Get out sometimes it might take a little Bit of time but but it eventually Karma Always repays so anyway the fool card Over here there is a brand new beginning Especially with the resolve of conflict Especially if you’ve been really hard on Yourself and maybe there’s been a lot of Internal conflict maybe even indecision On something here Ooh the word indecision especially since This is right next to our Justice card

Indecision Justice you are absolutely Coming to A clear clear clear conclusion Of what you need to do where you need to Go and what you are going to Do anything that you’ve been undecided On you are getting your clear answers we Are putting putting that other chapter To rest it’s in the past and the fool is A new beginning it is a brand new start It’s a fresh start a new beginning the Fool feels free he feels adventurous he Feels a little bit even like wild and Like there’s like this vast Openness where he can explore he can go On entirely New Paths new adventures and I feel like that’s what’s opening up for You around the end of June um I’m Hearing June 26th is like maybe a Prominent date of where this sort of Like new fresh energy is really going to Come into play maybe you’re going to Feel really good around this time you Know it could be a couple days before Couple days after again these are General readings but I’m definitely Hearing like June 26th might be a sort Of General time frame of when this sort Of fool energy is coming in where we Just feel like I’m stepping into Something new and the fool when he’s Upright has such a positive energy Around it and we might even feel like We’re stepping into the unknown a little Bit but it feels good it feels

Adventurous there’s like a zest and There’s even a little bit of like a like A wildling type of energy to the fool Because the Fool’s ready to take a risk He’s ready To like take take a leap of faith on Something and I see you doing that um by The end of the month and having much More like confidence in yourself and Feeling ready to maybe say yes or open Up a new door so that is what’s coming Through there let’s go ahead and dive Into some more cards to get some more Information for you for your month of June I’m also seeing better balance in Your life because Justice with the Scales is also about balance so if if You’ve ever felt lately like things have Been imbalanced or inequal unequal for You in some way or in some area of your Life I see you putting your foot down to Create more balance to create more Boundaries oh Justice is so much about Boundaries especially when it comes to Conflict either again internal or External Justice is like we’re putting Up the boundaries I’m no longer allowing This old Behavior or this negative thing To continue perpetuating in my reality And Justice is really good at putting Her foot down creating these boundaries And creating more balance because she Does not like to be out of balance right When we tip those scales it’s it’s

Difficult it’s hard we don’t like to be There she she’s the balancer of the Scales and the um sword here indicates Coming to decisions it indicates courage To cut away what no longer serves you it Indicates courage to get directly to the Point especially with the things that we Say and the things that we might need to Get off of our chest that’s what the Sword represents so yeah that is what I’m seeing for you that is like one of Your main energies in the month of June Is just you stepping into this Justice Situation this is a time for you to Speak your truth to put an end to things That you’ve been worrying about or Things that have been on your chest or On your mind that need to get sorted out We also have radical acceptance I think That this situation that might be like Festering or maybe you’re worried about It I feel like you’re coming to this Point of being like I just need to Accept this and then move forward I need To accept something and then that is What’s going to set me free if I accept It I can then breathe through it make New decisions move forward and through Those new decisions rake in entirely new Different experiences that will not be The repeat of any of these old things so So also I’m getting a very like uh Wildling energy from Freya as well she’s Kind of like a hunter she’s like in her

Wilderness aspect and I just feel like This is you coming out more into your Own Like Wilderness sort of free Warrior Huntress kind of energy where you’re Much more like I’m going to hunt down The truth and I’m going to be so Determined and more much more forward we Also have the card of heal healing so There could even be conflicts that we Are healing this could even be our Relationship with oursel too especially If this is like an internal conflict um If this is regarding another person in Your life you are bringing Justice to The situation you are getting your Answers and it is going to be so healing For you and liberating for for you um Justice is also equal to the word Liberty so it’s like Liberation right um All all types of energies along the Lines of Freedom bringing Justice Putting your foot down so a lot of that That’s going to be the main energy for You occasionally Justice can also Represent legal matters so if there is Anything that you are dealing with Within like legal documents or other Legal things this is a month of taking Care of that getting that done and Getting to a point of a resolution right Conflict being resolved D here coming to Conclusions getting your Answers then being able to move on and

Heal opening up a new chapter so I just Want to mention that for any of you who Are dealing with anything like that just Want to throw that out there since Justice can also um indicate that so Let’s see what else we get here my group Ones what else do we have the month of June for you we do also have Communion this one makes me feel like You are going to be surrounded by people Who are really there to support you and To guide you along I also think that you Returning back to or you know maybe even Just stepping more into spiritual Faith Spiritual connection I’m hearing like Prayers will be answered just trust it Your prayers are being answered let’s Trust that and I see you also just Tapping more into your own spiritual Faith and I feel like having that Internal faith in your life and through The month of June is just going to be so Beautiful for you because it’s leading You all to this fool energy which is all Of this Freedom opening up Huntress Energy uh this very much more Wild free Adventurous energy like we can let go of All the baggage that we were holding on To and we can feel so much more free the Fool one thing I’ll say about the fool Is he also represents getting rid of Unnecessary clutter getting rid of Unnecessary Baggage and letting it go so that we

Feel lighter we’re able to be more Flexible we have more room in our day And in our physical life and in our mind Our mentality so there could even be Different things that you’re doing Within the month of June that are going To help you feel more liberated and free And light and roomy and spacious and um Yeah it’s like you’re getting rid of any Weights that have been on you and the End of June is just feeling again so Much more free so much more liberated So let’s dive into some more cards here For you the month of June my group ones Let’s See the month of June o I really feel Like all three of these cards are Wanting to come out let’s see what they Are so we have bondage wow so there was Definitely a situation that you felt Trapped by And you felt like you didn’t even have Your own sovereignty or Freedom because of this situation this Is something that you are resolving this Is like Spirit really wants you to know This is being Resolved um you’re getting your answers This month and it’s also up to You whether or Not you’re willing to face that to Resolve that but I really just feel like You are because Justice is right here Upright I just feel like you are just so

Ready to Um face it to see it and yeah we also Have cooperation so if any of this Involves other people I actually see This turning out really well people Being accepting and cooperating when it Comes to figuring things out getting the Answers and then also being like Accepting the outcomes right and being Able to open up fresh doors I’m also Seeing that you’re going to be Surrounded by people that really they Want want the best for you I feel like You have either like a really good Support team of friends or even family Members that they really really really Want the best for You and these people are going to be Very helpful through the month of June And I think it’s going to be so nice to Have them around you we do also have the Card of trust so being able to trust in It and I also feel like this is trusting More in like your faith your beliefs and Knowing knowing that yes you absolutely Deserve a happy ending you are Absolutely worthy of that there’s Nothing in the universe that is saying Like oh no he or she is not worthy of a Happy ending we’re not going to do that There there’s nothing like that and I Really want you to know that because Spirit I feel like is coming through Right now so much to tell you that um

Happy endings are totally within your Power you are getting through this Situation like Spirit just wants to give You so much encouragement and so so much Love right now and to also begin to Trust because you are meant to feel free You are meant to feel light and good and Confident and reach Success like justice and the fool right Here this is like and also our Freya Energy healing and moving forward and Reconnecting and finding your your People that you’re meant to be Surrounded by and moving into so much Better times I’m just seeing like this Opening of much much better times ahead Because there’s endings of these like Struggles these conflicts these Hardships and I’m just seeing that this Is a month where a lot of answers are Coming through for you which I think is Going to be very beautiful so let’s See what else do we get for you my group Ones for your month of June angel of Love oh my goodness I’m getting this feeling like you are Actually going to feel very loved this Month the people around you I feel like Are going to be so loving so supportive I feel like you have people that that You can really rely on for their love Kindness and support Angel Of Love is Also making me feel like there’s a new Spark of hope and a new love for

Yourself as well Ooh if you have felt out of touch with Self-love This is a month where I feel like you’re Also going to get so much more in touch With Self-love romanticizing more of your Life romanticizing more of every day Finding the Beauty and the joy in every Day we also have the world and the world In indicates conclusions for one and it Also indicates um for one it can Indicate travel it can also indicate Doing something more on a worldly level You might get in inspired by a bigger Picture of something Also this could be the Understanding of the bigger picture Especially if you felt lost or confused On a subject this is sort of the bigger Understanding coming through you finally Getting to this point of like oh I can Easily forgive and let go and come back To a place of Love CU I see the bigger Picture I’m seeing the entirety of It long-distance friends Or family members or other people might Get deeper in touch with you um in this Next month as well if you do have any Travel plans this would just be Confirmation that this is going to be a Very positive time if you do have any Travel plans through the month of June and it’s the wrapping up and the

Endings of an old cycle that are now Leading you to the fool which is all of That new beginning type of energy the Healing the new beginning the opening up Of more and let’s go ahead and see any Last card that Spirit would like to show For us and then we’re going to dive into Our astrod Di and see these zodiac signs That are going to be the most prominent For You so my group ones what else do we Have for my group ones for the month of June okay we have Multiverse oh and this is kind of what We were just talking about so this says Expand your mind Quantum travel the big Picture there is going to be big picture Understanding coming through in this Next month anything that you’ve been Really needing Clarity on if you’re or If you’ve been asking the question like Why is this happening to me why is this Giving me resistance or why is this not Working out the way I want it to the big Picture is going to be coming through in The month of June and you’ll have a much Much clearer deeper understanding of Everything I feel like you’re also going To have a much clearer and deeper Understanding of where you want to go Next which is why we we had the fool Card because it this is like opening up Literally a new chapter and you’re going To get clarity of exactly what you want

To open up Next more passion is coming out because Of this new chapter I think you’re Seeing the bigger picture of what it is That you want to do create be and have And it’s opening up a world more of Possibilities for you I think that You’re expanding so much impossibilities Expand your mind Quantum travel one Thing I’ll say about that so I did Mention travel here so there could be an Opportunity coming up through the month Of June regarding travel I just want to Mention that Quantum travel can also Indicate a Quantum Leap coming up I feel Like you are preparing yourself for a Quantum Leap and a Quantum Leap is when Your Manifestations happen so quickly that It’s like whoa What it’s it’s that so you go from maybe You know where you’re at now to all of a Sudden making such a big shift that Things happen so quickly that it’s like Shocking and to other people it might Look like overnight success but for you You know how hard you’ve been working at This for how long so there could be Something like a yeah like a big thing That’s about to happen that’s now Accumulating because of the shifts that You’re doing in this next month that are Going to then bring in for you and I Feel like this is going to happen before

The end of 2024 that this Quantum Leap is going to Happen where certain things that that You’ve been trying to manifest are then Going to come in very Quickly there’s a big Quantum Leap ahead Of you so different things again that You’ve been wishing for that you’ve been Asking for because of this bigger Picture Insight that you are getting This is going to help you make those Quantum shifts which will lead to a Quantum Leap in your near future of Raking in a lot of the manifestations That you’ve been asking for so that is What we have here let’s go ahead and Dive into our as dice to end off this Reading for you so we’re going to take Our zodiac sign dice we’re going to roll This three times to get the top three Most likely zodiac signs to be in your Life and let’s see what those are Definitely want to say I had Libra Energy a lot but we also have Sagittarius energy coming Through we also have cancer Energy and we also have Scorpio energy So cancer Sagittarius and Scorpio energy Seem to be very prominent let’s go ahead And roll all these together to get any Last Information sth House of relationships Coming through Pluto so Pluto in cancer In the 7th house major Transformations

Regarding your Relationships major Transformations if There has been patterns within your Close Intimate Relationships or even in Your love life patterns that you’ve been Really wanting to address and let go of And stop or Transform this is the month where that Is going to happen the seventh house is All of our intimate relationships so This could be anything regarding our Romantic Partnerships our extremely Close close close friendships or even Business Partnerships so again if Anything along those lines has been Really needing a Transformation this is going to happen This month on a very deep significant Big level Pluto is the planet of endings And Beginnings throughout your reading we’ Had the ending of conflict the ending of Insecurity and instability and the birth Of stability which was our Justice card Underneath this one the birth of Stability the birth of boundaries of Confidence Clarity getting your answers And the birth of a new Beginning that is what’s coming about For you and it’s really focused in your Intimate Relationships sector of Life Cancer is the energy of forgiveness it’s A deep deep deep connection it’s also When we feel um when we can feel

Heightened emotion we’re also much more Aware and sensitive to other people’s Emotions you know we feel them much Easier I feel like you might even be an Empath or you’ll notice that through the Month of June a lot of that empathic Quality or ability that you have is even More Heightened and this is working in your Favor cuz I feel like it’s going to Bring a lot more clarity for you and Understanding and it’s going to bring You the confidence to really like cut to The chase cut to the point in things and Yeah I see that those are going to be Transformed Pluto is the bringer of Gifts okay I want to say that because Some people see the planet of Pluto and They think it’s like a malefic planet Which it can be associated with that CU It does create certain endings in our Life but endings can be a blessing such As the endings of a pattern that we Don’t want anymore or the ending of Something that’s no longer serving us Pluto only ever gets rid of things that Are no longer serving us whether we Consciously realize it or not and then Pluto always replaces it with something That is in alignment with us Pluto Always does that it’s the planet of Endings and Beginnings so it offers us a New beginning and it offers of us the Beginning and the new gift that is

Literally in alignment for us so that is What Pluto brings it is a planet that Brings gifts so that is your reading for The month of June that is what’s going On for you through this next month so it Looks like there’s a lot of clarity and A lot of those things coming through Thank you so much for joining me here For today’s video my group number ones I’m sending you all so much love and Until next time bye all right my group Number two is if you chose this pile This is going to be a reading so let’s Go ahead and dive right into it all Right my group twos we have Ace of Wands Being reversed to start us off um I want To say the thing that I’m getting from From your reading is you’re about to Make a very massive energetic shift in The month of June so starting off with This Ace of Wands is making me feel like Either in the recent past or even in the Current moment you are either feeling Like a lack of energy a lack of Motivation a lack of inspiration in your Life and right next to the magician Being uh reversed as well is definitely Making me feel like you’ve been really Trying to like reinvigorate the magic And reinvigorate more of that spark and That inspiration and perhaps the reason Why you’ve been feeling demotivated or This lack of energy is because it seems Like everything that you are

Doing there seems to be little to no Payoff for it and maybe you’re wondering Why maybe it’s getting frustrated maybe There’s been a lot of resistance in your Life when it comes to getting any reward For all the work that you’re putting in All the different things that you’re Doing the seven of Pentacles being Reversed just indicates that yeah we’ve Been stuck and stagnant however The seven of Pentacles being reversed is So positive because when it’s Upright it indicates that we’re still Waiting around for results we’re still Waiting around for something to happen Or something to change or to see the Fruits of our labor but when it’s Reversed it indicates that the fruits of Our labor are finally beginning to come Through they’re finally beginning to Show up in our life so it’s very Positive that this came up in that Position and then we also have really Great cards over here Queen of Wands and Then page of Pentacles there is a Massive energy shift happening for you In the month of June and it’s all Regarding raking in the rewards that you Deserve all the work that you’ve been Putting into different things all of the Things that you’ve been trying to push Forward on there is going to be a lot of Forward movement the Queen of Wands is Full of inspiration she’s full of energy

And zest and life and ah just she’s such A radiant um vibrant type of energy so It seems like you’re going from this Sort of lack of energy and lack of Inspiration to all of a sudden oh my Gosh I’m getting reinvigorated I’m Getting remotiv I’m now full of energy If you’ve been getting a lack of sleep Or anything like this I just feel like There’s going to be more exciting things Happening around mid to end of June that Are actually going to kind of keep you Awake there are things that you’re Looking forward to things that you’re Kind of like oh I can’t wait to continue Doing that the Queen of Wands also Indicates being in a flow state so if There’s different things that you’ve Been wanting to get done but it feels Like they’re being put off or it just Feels like we’re never getting caught up With the amount of work that is on our Plate you’re going to get all of the Energy around mid to end of June to Really push forward there’s going to be Inspiration there’s going to be flow Things are going to happen things are Going to get done and you are going to Feel reinvigorated by it the Queen of Wands does not feel burnt out right when She’s upright she feels like oh I can Keep going I’m in such a flow and I love The reward that I’m getting afterwards And it just sort of is this beautiful

Balance of taking action but also Getting energy from the action that You’re taking because the action is like Exciting for you and there’s reward Because of it we also do have page of Pentacles here which is another very Positive card this one is really making Me feel like there is a new opportunity That’s going to be coming through for in The month of June for you this could Either be like an idea of your own or an Opportunity that you get from elsewhere Or something along the lines of this That is going to be really exciting and It’s going to be new that’s something That I want to make clear is it’s not Something that you’ve done before it’s Not something that you were aware of Before there is like a new inspiration Or a new spark or new opportunity coming In near the end of June for you and I Feel like it’s within the last 9 to 10 Days of the month of June that this is Going to now come through and this is Going to be something that is full of a Lot of potential for you it’s full of Potential for increasing prosperity it’s Full of potential for just increasing Your motivation your excitement and your Joy and zest of life and page of Pentacles is um an energy where it feels It feels feels very promising it feels Very solid and it feels reliable and we Might see like okay well yes it’s going

To take some some time and some energy To build this new idea but being right Next to the Queen of Wands and the page Of Pentacles being upright I feel like You’re not even going to be thinking About the work that goes into it or the Amount of time that it’s going to maybe Take in your schedule cuz it’s something Exciting it’s something that you really Want to say yes to it’s like a full body Yes type type of feeling around this Idea and I’m definitely seeing that it Could could offer more Prosperity or it Could even be a new beginning materially In your life page of Pentacles can Sometimes indicate like the purchase of Something that we’ve been really wanting For a long time that we’ve been thinking About for a while but it can also Indicate like a new project or idea or Opportunity that we get that’s actually Going to be bringing us more abundance More wealth and more Prosperity down the Line as long as we continue to build it And move forward on it but I absolutely See like you have the energy to do so You’re going to be doing so and I just Feel like there’s a lot of inspiration Coming through there from that I’m also Seeing that um I I feel like you are Going to be taking a look over At where you were investing your your Time and your money and your energy in The past and you’re almost going to be

Re-evaluating those decisions and Creating more freedom for yourself the Queen of Wands she’s a very free person And she’s also somebody who is so Intelligent and likes to learn and Reflect from her mistakes so that she Can just be in her full empowerment Right and since she’s like looking over At this card right here I think that You’re going to be evaluating like oh I Now see why previously my past efforts And and struggles have led to little to No results it’s like you’re getting all These epiphanies you’re getting all These realizations of oh I can see that Why that wasn’t yielding the results That I wanted or I can see why I was Held back in that area or I can see why Things weren’t moving forward and I felt Stuck and I felt like I was stuck in This bubble of resistance I think you’re Going to get so many epiphanies on that And there’s just going to be this Beautiful like Reinvigoration and this like beautiful Moment of epiphanies coming through These realizations and this energy of Moving forward okay if you have been Stuck and feeling BL or drained or anything like that that Is coming to a close that is coming to An end you’re stepping into your power The Queen of Wands she is powerful let Me tell you and that is your focus card

And I’m seeing that this is It’s really You like you are transforming into the Queen of Wands in this next month so Let’s go ahead and Shuffle some more Cards and see what else we get for you My group number Twos the month of June let’s see oh it’s A lot of cards that just flew over there But we’re just going to go with it we Are going to see what they are because Sometimes Spirit just has a lot to say So we have the card of co-creation Spiderwoman ooh so spiders might play Significant role if any of you ever have Dreams about spiders or if you start Seeing spiders around a lot I know that Some people find that scary however Spiders are actually a really really Really positive Omen spiders weave webs And they are the symbol of things Manifesting from the dream world to the Material world so maybe there has been Something that you’ve been dreaming About that now you are like taking Action on you’re taking action on it and You’re getting physical results because Of that action that you’re taking you Are fully creating something that you’re Like oh I’m really proud of that or this Could be again a new idea that you’re Like oh my gosh I cannot wait to weave That together and make that happen like I just see you getting reinvigorated and I see you getting motivated to work on

Something and to take this opportunity And get real results and get like it’s Like you’re investing your time your Energy your resources into something That you’re really like yeah that’s Paying off and I’m really proud of that And I see you being proud to show it off And that’s what the Spiderwoman Co-creation is also indicating Here um then we also have Secrets I feel like you’re going to be Discovering a lot of things that were Kind of left unknown especially when it Came to like all of this this lack of Energy this resistance this stuck kind Of feeling um I feel like a lot of Answers are coming for you in this month Somebody might even open up to you about Something as well and let you in deeper Into their life so if you are currently In a relationship or seeing somebody or Talking to somebody perhaps they’re Going to let you in on a little bit of Deeper things regarding their inner Feelings or maybe even their past and I See you getting more information and Being able to get deeper in into the Relationships maybe in your love life or With your close friendships as well so That could also be regarding close Friendship so if you’re not in a Relationship usually that would coincide With close friendships we also do have The card of ambition coming through so

Again getting the energy getting the Motivation you are going to be feeling So much more in alignment this month and The feathers on this person’s ears right Here on This Woman’s ears it’s like Freedom to think freedom to expand your Mind feeling like you are floating up or Raising your Consciousness uh getting new ideas that Maybe you’ve never even thought of Before it’s that sort of Energy we also have the card of Miracles Coming through if you’ve been asking for A miracle if you’ve been asking for Guidance or something to change Something to Happen I just got goosebumps thinking About this and yes That is absolutely coming for you this Month absolutely is coming for You we also have the card of beauty Oh Yes actually this is something that I Almost forgot to mention regarding the Queen of Wands so I’m really glad that This card just came up because with the Queen of Wands she also indicates a very Glowing very kind of like like aesthetic And beautiful energy the Queen of Wands She’s somebody she’s like a head turner People just focus on her right any of The wand cards they represent like this Sort of glow that somebody has where They’re like feeling their best they Feel even more attractive than they

Normally do and the fact that we have Beauty coming up I wouldn’t be surprised If through this next month as you make This transformation as you start you Know as things start really moving Forward again I feel like you’re going To get reinvigorated and The fact that you’re getting this new Energy rush and you’re feeling more Energetic I just see that energy being Exuded from your skin it’s like you’re Glowing you’re feeling more beautiful Perhaps you’re even going to go through Some sort of glow up in the month of June like focusing more on like I want To look my best and I want to feel my Best cuz sometimes sometimes feeling our Best is correlated to how much effort we Put into ourselves right so I do see That you’re putting more effort into Yourself in the month of June perhaps Even Around I’m getting like June 17th is to 2 second perhaps you’re going to do Something to enhance your beauty such as Like getting a new haircut or like Getting a new type of outfit or playing And experimenting with your wardrobe a Little bit but there’s something that You’re doing here um where there’s a Total glow up and I feel like you’re Going to get a lot of compliments I feel Like you might even have people around You that know you that are like wow what

Have you done you just look so good you Look your best or they’re going to be Like wow I love the clothes that you’re Wearing lately or I love this that you Have lately it’s just there’s this sort Of glowy energy about you where wow it’s Just really magnetizing and people are Drawn to it and you’re going to feel so Much more invigorated and so much more In alignment and even you I feel like You’re going to be looking in the mirror Being like Oh I like this I like what I See You know that’s always a good feeling When we can have that feeling about Ourselves right so I absolutely see that Happening for you and let’s go ahead and See what other cards we get so my group Tw’s the month of June For You O we have okay the golden path Within so more about the gold radiant Energy she’s very similar to the Queen Of Wands but the golden path Within I’m really hearing like new career Opportunity or at least like a career Idea or some sort of expansion within Career maybe you’re even going to hear News about like a promotion Or hear news that’s going to give you The inspiration or some sort of epiphany To expand further within your career but I’m really hearing some sort of like Career expansion or some sort of Opportunity around that um

Especially because we have so much of This gold this Pentacle this Radiance Like I just see a lot more motivation Coming out with that also the golden Path within you’re you’re glowing you Are glowing this month you are going to Receive so many more compliments if you Are single I would not be surprised if You have a lot more people like being Drawn to your energy being drawn to come And say hi to you being drawn to talk to You that kind of stuff if you’re already In a relationship I feel like your Partner is just going to be really Enamored by you really inspired by you And you’re going to hear a lot of Compliments from them that’s for sure so Let’s see what else we get Here my group two’s your month of June oo Okay we have the inner eye and then we Also have familiar steps coming Through so the inner eye Is pineal activation illumination and Psychic Bridge if you have felt out of touch With your intuition maybe you’ve even Been questioning your intuition lately Especially if you’re still going through That stage where maybe there’s like this Lack of motivation or lack of energy or Other things like that maybe you’ve been Questioning your intuition lately Through the month of June there is a

Reactivation of your intuition not that It’s ever been turned off however Sometimes we feel like we’re out of Touch with it right because of what We’re going through things like that There’s this reactivation where you’re Getting re back in touch trusting your Intuition more connecting with it on a Deeper level you are going to feel so Much more in alignment when it comes to Ideas and your inner Vision there’s so much more clarity Coming through with that so the Illumination of your inner Vision the Clarity of what it is that you want the Direction that you want to go so much More of those things are going to become Clear to you uh through this next month And being able to trust your intuition So much more feeling like you’re tapping Into your intuition really seeing your Future and being able to trust in that Then again familiar steps so reoccurring Dreams um Continuum and then reclaimed Fruits Ooh or truths I almost read that as Fruits sometimes my eyes when I’m not Wearing my glasses it’s a little blurry However reclaimed truths it’s funny that I read that as fruits and we were Talking about fruits of your labor Because of the seven of Pentacles card Which literally talks about the fruits Of your labor and I feel like sometimes

When my vision is blurry I feel like It’s it was like meant to be read that Way for a second cuz Spirit had an Underlying message there so I’m also Going to give you a little reading on Reclaimed fruits so Reclaiming like other so let’s say that You’ve put a lot of work in for Something and you deserved to be paid For that you deserved for all that Effort but maybe something didn’t come Through maybe somebody owed you money And never paid for it or maybe again you Did a lot of work and nothing ever came Of that there is a repayment of that That’s going to come through reclaimed Fruits the fruits of your labor are Going to begin showing up so that’s one Of the things reclaimed truths as well Coming back to your own inner truth Finding more like getting back in touch With yourself Then also reoccurring dreams so Reoccurring dreams could mean literally There could be like a reoccurring theme Or dream that you have if you have a Dream journal or if you’re inspired to Start one please start one because when There are reoccurring dreams it is Usually assigned from our subconscious And keep in mind that dreams speak in Symbolism and they shouldn’t be taken Literally most of the time they usually Speak in symbolism but if you keep a

Dream journal you can look at the Reoccurring Patterns and gain a lot of of insight Into your subconscious and into your Life and things like that so if there’s Any sort of like reoccurring patterns Reoccurring dreams pay attention to Those write them down and listen to what Those are saying because I feel like It’s going to offer a lot of insight for You in the month of June so that is what We have there let’s go ahead and dive Into our astr dice now to get any last Information for your month we’re going To start off with the zodiac sign dice We’re going to roll it three times to Get the top three most likely zodiac Signs to be in your life during this Next month so let’s see what they Are so first off we have Virgo then we also have Gemini and then we also have aquarius so You might be one of those signs or again They could be uh prominent zodiac signs That are going to be showing up in your Life through the next month now let’s See any last information that we have For you so we have Saturn in Gemini in The 11th house the 11th house is the House of friendships of worldly Expansion it can also indicate the Clients that we have in our work and Just the world in general it can also Indicate just like overseas type of

Stuff Saturn is the planet of discipline It’s the planet of hard work it’s the Planet of pushing forward and laying Down boundaries and things like that Being in Gemini in the 11th house I feel Like this is a a real time in the month Of June for you To connect with people that you really Trust because talking with them I feel Like is going to be so beneficial for You there might even be like a Longdistance friend that you get in Touch with deeper have some sort of deep Conversation within the month of June That might be very liberating and Helpful and it might really like help You get down to the truth of something Cuz Saturn it’s very like clear cut and Dry it doesn’t sugarcoat anything it’s Very like like here it is here’s what I Think and that’s that Saturn is also Very disciplined and knows how to move Forward so they’re also could be a big Idea that you Have that this is time you’re in the Planning stage of planning out that idea Which totally makes sense since we had The page of Pentacles as well so you Could be really motivated to really push Forward on something and and expand Something the 11th house it’s expanding To a worldly Level maybe there’s something that you Really want to expand further an idea or

A project or something within your Career this could also be you wanting to Be more disciplined so that you can Expand more on a personal level this can Also indicate meeting new people as well And there’s usually layers within Everything that spirit says so sometimes When I’m saying all these random Different things you could literally Have like a combination of all of these Things happening in your life and then You’ll eventually kind of see how that Unfolds for you but again this could Also be like a really faded meeting of Somebody that is like from another Country from another place or lives far Away from you can also indicate things Like that I also want to mention it can Also indicate social media I know I’m Mentioning so many different things Right now but the 11th house can also Indicate social media the internet Especially along with Gemini being over Here and then this is sort of like a Commitment so maybe there’s a commitment To do something around on social media I Just knock that over but yeah um so this Could be for example if you’re wanting To create content this could be Committing to a real schedule to create That to take action on that to dedicate Yourself to that rather than pushing it Off this could be a dedication to Improving it this could also be a

Dedication to like an important phone Call with somebody online that lives far Away it could also be a dedication to Maybe creating better bound Jes around Social media use it can indicate all of Those different things and perhaps for You it’s going to be a combination of The different layers of all the things That I just mentioned which I know are a Lot but it indicates all those so that Is what we have going on for the month Of June for my beautiful cenite pile Thank you so much for joining me here For your June prediction I’m sending you All so much love through your month of June I’m so excited for your glow up I Hope you are too I cannot wait to hear Your stories about everything that has Happened through this next month and I’m Sending you so much love and until next Time bye all right my group number three Is if you chose this pile this is going To be your reading so let’s go ahead and Dive right into it all right my group Threes let’s dive into your reading so First off I just have to start with this Card right when I looked at this I just Had so much to say so the hangman being Reversed look at all of these like Strings that were like once tied to him And now he’s like loose from them I Getting this message like if you have Felt tied to certain things or as if you Were Bound by all the different

Obligations that you’ve had or all the Different responsibilities and you’ve Almost felt like life has been more in Control of you than you were in control Of life this is about to shift in the Month of June the hangman being reversed Is one of the best positions for this Card because it’s a lot of epiphanies It’s a lot of realizations it’s calling Back your freedom and it’s also calling Back more movement and Some like forward energy in this next Month rather than being stuck and rather Than being bound and restricted and Feeling like your freedom was like taken Away from you everything is changing and I feel like you I’m getting this feeling Like you have been doing like Adjustments or learning or you’ve been Just diving Into trying to discover more about life Or more about yourself or something like This like perhaps you’ve been reading Books or like watching content or Something along the lines of like how to Improve your life and how to create Change and how to take control back over Your life the these things are helping You even if you haven’t been doing that Or maybe you’re just kind of like asking The question like how do I gain more Control and freedom back into my life The fact that you’ve been asking that Question the fact that you’ve been

Seeking that out that is something that Is going to be happening for you in this Next month Page of Cups being reversed Can indicate that we are looking at all The areas that were once unfulfilled or We’re even getting the courage to say no To things so when it when it comes to Things that have been maybe stealing Your energy draining your energy you’re Going to be looking at that and feeling The courage to cut loose and to cut the Ties to that and be like you know what I Think I’m better off without it or I Think I’m better off approaching it Differently like I just feel like you’re Shifting your approaches you’re shifting Your mindset and these things are going To help so much your front and center Card is the Emperor which we’re going to Get into in a second I know I’m all over The place but I’m just really excited About your reading cuz there’s just so Much to say but yeah also with this card I keep getting this feeling like I’m Seeing you holding this cup with this Like thing in it and you’re kind of just Like you know what just toss it I don’t Even want that anymore I’m just going to I have the courage to say no I have the Courage to throw away old things that Are not resonating with me anymore or to Kind of like cancel plans or cancel Things that I I’m just realizing are not Good for my energy you know I just see

That you’re going to be doing this sort Of um assessment or like re-evaluation Of your life and really draining the cup Of things that have been sort of Stealing your energy and not they Haven’t been giving you what exactly it Is that you want they’ve been more again Holding you back I see you saying no to That the emperor over here you’re Stepping into your power okay the Emperor is Such a positive card full of power Encouragement success stepping onto your Throne it’s like being the Creator and The controller and the the person who Calls the shots like who’s the person That calls the shots in a whole Kingdom It’s like the emperor right and I just See this is you stepping more into your Emperor position and gaining more Freedom and control back over your life And I just see this like determination Of like I’m no longer going to let life Control me I’m no longer going to be Controlled by these circumstances I Really want to step back into the Creator’s seat and I just see you doing That perhaps you’re going to be inspired To just dive into more like Self-improvement or more manifestation Or more other things that that kind of Teach you how to how to really take your Control back and I just see you diving Into that more the emperor can also

Sometimes indicate a father figure so if You have a father around May he’s still Around I’m actually seeing a lot of like Encouragement for some reason from your Father and a lot of like support and Things like that so if you’ve ever felt Maybe worried about what your father Might think or what he might say Regarding your Life Path and your Decisions and maybe the decision to kind Of like cut loose and call back more of Your freedom and cut loose on things That no longer resonate if you’ve been Worried about either your parents Thoughts and opinions on that or your Father’s I actually see this playing out Really well and getting like a lot of Support Um and even if you don’t get it right Away I’m definitely seeing like a like a Shift in energy and I I do see like a Very positive energy regarding like your Parents in this situation or if some of You um just have a very strong masculine Energy in your life such as like a Partner or a friend that you really Appreciate I do feel like they will also Be very supportive and also give a lot Of like really great Advice like this masculine figure gives A lot of really great advice and I’m Just seeing a very positive like Interaction when it comes to different Questions that you have or different

Things that you’re navigating in life And receiving like really great Responses from somebody that you look up To or like a Divine masculine kind of Figure that’s in your life this could Also be again you seeking out um like Education or seeking out wisdom that you Can apply into your life for the changes That you’re making and the improvements That you’re making in the emperor oh my Gosh I see that you’re developing into The emperor energy in the month of June Just like really calling back your your Power your freedom and being able to Really sit on the throne and call the Shots and to really start to trust Yourself a lot more and to realize your Power a lot more o I got goosebumps when I said that that’s that’s right on point So Spirit yeah Spirit wants you to know The month of June is you realizing that You are so much more powerful than you Previously thought and that you were Previously giving yourself credit for You have so much more untapped into Potential and energy and power and Strength and I just see that the things That you’re going to be doing in June Are going to really help you see that And to also realize that you have a Really good support system around you um The Judgment card is when we step up to A calling especially when it’s bright Side up and what’s Wild is we have three

Major arcas upright over here then we Have a major Arcana which is reversed Over here which is very positive for This card but basically your entire Reading is Major Arcana cards which Are there’s only 21 of them in the Entire 78 card deck so it’s more rare Than not to have a bunch of major Arcana Cards in a reading and you have four of Them in a five card card reading what This indicates is that this is going to Be a very major month for you full of Tons of major energy and it’s just so Great because your major energy is Freedom calling back your power stepping Into your power realizing that there’s So much more answering a call right so This could be literally answering like a An important call but usually what this Means is like answering an inner calling Like an inner calling that you have That’s like I want to step up and do More I want to be more I want to choose More I want to realize more of my Potential I want to step up more into my Power I want to answer the call that I Feel Within Me That I’m may be meant for more I’m meant To do More so there’s that calling within you And this is you answering that call this Like Divine inner calling that is Unexplainable Wheel of Fortune is such a Positive card I love this one so for one

It can indicate a turn of events when it Is upright it’s a very positive turn of Events it can also indicate that all the Events that happen in our life that Maybe we didn’t understand what their Purpose was or why they were happening All of a sudden it starts to make sense As the wheel continues turning and it’s Like an accumulation point of oh all of That had to happen to lead me to this Next step to lead me to this next Realization right so sometimes we go Through hardship and turmoil and it Teaches us something but then it leads Us to a new Epiphany and then we’re like Oh my god oh I love where this led me it Led me to finding myself spiritually or It led me to finding this and then all Of a sudden it’s going to invigorate Like a new spark in whatever or a new Interest whatever so it’s sort of like That the accumulation of all these Different events Wheel of Fortune as Well is when we have really good luck And there’s fortune on our side it can Indicate a surprise happening and like Really good luck happening in the month Of June where all of a sudden like Things really turn in our favor and We’re like oh I just got a lot of luck On my side that started happening this Just worked out I just got like the best luck possible Because this blessing just showed up

This miracle just showed up in my life It’s things like that okay sometimes The Wheel of Fortune can be something that’s A little bit behind the scenes at first But will become more apparent as you Continue down your path so I just want To make that clear so if by the end of June you’re like wait what was that like Really crazy Miracle or blessing that Was supposed to happen sometimes The Wheel of Fortune is working behind the Scenes and as the events continue Turning and the wheel continues turning It’s like leading you somewhere it’s Like the wheel is on the right path of Leading you to something that’s really Fortunate that’s really great um and That’s prosperous and abundant and it’s Like a miracle and a blessing so you’re On the the wheel that’s leading you to That some of you might already notice Like a big like Miracle or blessing Happening in the month of June Specifically but for others of you I’m Hearing that this is like a behind the Scenes wheel turning that is going to Become more and more apparent as this Wheel keeps turning down this New Path And as you keep answering this new Calling as you I feel like this is Connected to this calling that you’re Answering this action move that you’re Going to be inspired to take there’s Like inspired action that’s going to

Come through this month and as you get On that new wheel that new turning wheel And you you start moving Forward that’s where your fortune like There’s a lot of really good luck in That direction like Spirit really wants You to know that it’s it’s something That’s going to pay off more and more And more over time and you might not Even realize how fortunate that One answering of that call could be so For example if you have a calling like I Really feel called to start doing this Or to invest more time into this or to Start reading about this or to dive into Manifestation whatever the case is for You it’s going to be unique for all of You but for example following that Calling what spirit is saying is that That actually has more potential than You realize and there is a lot of good Fortune in there which I feel like you Feel on a deeper level I feel like you Feel the inspiration you feel something More kind of Brewing beneath it all and That’s going to all start to unfold more And more in the next coming months so Let’s go ahead and add more cards on This reading to get more information for You my group threes let’s see what else Do we have for my group 3’s month of June I feel like that card wants to come Out so we have a Assurance so Spirit Wants to give you Assurance this could

Be something like reassurance for Example like you are on the right track You are on the right track maybe you’ve Been questioning should I answer this Call or should I just stay bound to Where I am and feel like I’m just stuck There maybe you’ve needed more signs Maybe you’ve been waiting for signs Maybe you’ve been waiting for more Clarity more reassurance that you’re Going the right direction and you are Maybe this Direction like for some of you you might Even feel like it’s not fully clear yet Like you feel something you feel like You’re meant to make a move you feel Like you’re meant to maybe move in a New Direction but maybe it’s not fully clear Yet some of you it might be totally Clear and it might be fully like like Yeah I just need to go there um but for Some of you it might it might not be Fully clear yet and you might be seeking More Assurance more clarity more Reassurance that that you’re supposed to Do that and move into that direction and I’m hearing for you if you’re on the Wheel you gain more clarity you keep Going and there’s a quote I forgot who It’s by but it’s Basically it you don’t need to see the Whole staircase before you take the First step right because more gets Revealed as you go you get to see more

As you keep climbing so there’s that Message for you coming Through so let’s see what else we get For you my group Threes let’s see okay this card wants to Come out wise leadership oh you were Meant to step up into a leadership ship Position the fact that we have the Emperor and wise leadership like like Say less you are meant to step up into Your leadership into your power you’re Meant to lead your light life you’re Meant to be the creator of your life Your life is not supposed to be leading You you are meant to be leading it and I Know sometimes it feels like like life Just has its power over us but I just Really feel like the Paradigm is Shifting here because you’re just Realizing so much you’re putting so much More effort into all of these things and I just see such a paradigm shift Happening for you because of the work That you’re doing because of the the Things that you’re diving into the Things that you’re inspired to read or Learn from or watch and gain wisdom from I just see all of those things being Such a great resource and help for you In making such a deep paradigm shift so Let’s see what else do we have for my Group threes for the month of June let’s See let’s see let’s see we have rose Petals coming up rose petals are a sign

Of love and they’re also a sign of Passion and beauty and softness and also Feminine energy so maybe you’re getting More in touch with your divine feminine Of let me listen to my intuition that’s Divine feminine energy listening to your Intuition getting more in touch with Creativity with passion with sensual ity With beauty taking care of yourself this Is like self-care self-love there could Also be like um a romantic gesture Coming in so so for some of you if You’re in a Relationship there could be a romantic Gesture coming through from that person Something really thoughtful and Significant that you’re going to be Really awed by um so I just want to say That for those of you who are not in a Relationship you may have an admirer You may have somebody who’s really Admiring you who is going to come Forward this month so rose petals can Also indicate that it can indicate like A romantic Interest that kind of energy okay and I See that this is time of Like um you stepping into your power Things more coming to you rather than You needing to force things I feel like That’s the main paradigm shift that is Starting to take place This next Month let’s see what else we have for

You my group threes group threes group Threes the month of June okay so we also have forgiveness Coming Through I see you making peace with your Past this one makes me feel like making Peace with your past being able able to Let go of it and be unbothered by it It’s kind of like yeah that happened but Look where I am now and look where Things are leading me it could even be a Self forgiveness or a forgiveness of a Situation or even a letting go in a Forgiveness of a Person if there’s been anything that You’ve experienced in the past that you Haven’t let go of yet I feel like this Is a month where letting go of that is Going to be so beneficial and it’s Almost just going to feel natural for You at this point cuz it’s it’s like You’re really ready and then look at This oh my goodness the fact that we Have Wheel of Fortune and then we have The card Good Fortune coming Through one thing that I’ll say that This indicates Good Fortune indicates Abundance okay so when it comes to your Career or the different choices that You’re making in your life all things Like that you’re moving in a direction Of calling in more Fortune calling in More abundance Prosperity wealth expansion Good Fortune

Even when it comes to your love life Like good blessings are literally coming Into your Life you’re on the wheel and the wheel Is turning in that new Direction because Of the work that you’re doing and if you Needed to know whether or not the work That you’re doing all the time and Effort that you’re putting into the Self-development Self-improvement all of that oh it is Absolutely paying off it is totally Shifting your direction so let’s go Ahead and dive into Some more cards for you then we’re also Going to get into our AST di so let’s See my group 3 is your month of June so we also have the card of Kindred Spirits Soul family vibrational Magnetism you are literally getting into If you know anything about manifestation Yet which I know some of you who watch My channel definitely do but in Manifestation and in order to receive Something that you desire you need to be A vibrational match to it the fact that We have vibrational magnetism right here And all of the cards that are laid out You’re making such a big energy shift That I feel like you’re getting into Vibrational Alignment with really amazing things This is going to call in Miracles and Blessings into your life your vibration

Is rising and when you raise your Vibration you feel good you feel amazing You feel so much better and when you’re In that higher state and you feel good You attract more good to You so in this I also do feel like You’re going to be surrounded by people That really lift you up because we also Have soul family Kindred Spirits so for One I feel like the people that you’re Going to be either surrounded by or Meeting within the month of June are Going to be really uplifting they’re Very high vibrational people That just are there to uplift You um you might also be magnetized Izing people into your life or Magnetizing different energy from the People that you already Know and some sometimes when you change Your energy the way you interact with People changes so even when you go hang Out with somebody that you’ve known for A long time if you’re in a different Energy you might notice that hanging out With them brings out different energy in Them too and then maybe it’s more High Vibrational blah blah blah blah blah you Know all different things So the soul family card I do feel like You’re going to be surrounded by really Good people I feel like you’re going to Be making really good memories In this next month memories that you’re

Like oh I love this and I feel like it’s Going to be something that you look back On and that it’s going to be really Positive so let’s see what else do we Have my group Threes I want to get one more card from This group okay well we actually got Four so let’s go with it okay heart Activation selflove following your bliss Restoration Your heart is turning back on I mean not That it was off because our heart is Never Off but when it comes to like Activating your heart for more selflove Following your bliss and Restoration like feeling good feeling Like your heart is full right if you’ve Been feeling drained and things like That and you haven’t been maybe you felt Like you didn’t have time to give to Yourself maybe you’ve been feeling like You don’t have time to do the things That you want to do and maybe you feel Guilty every time you do because you Know Whatever I feel like this month is such A shift of like you know what life is About feeling good let me give more Selflove because when I have a full cup I’m able to give more too you know and Everyone imagine if everyone on this Earth focused on filling their Cup first And everyone had a full cup like the World would be so much better of a place

Would it not rather than feeling like we Have to drain ourselves in order to feel Like we are worthy in order to feel like We’re doing enough and we’re Contributing because we’re overworking And like that’s not that’s not a good Philosophy for life right so anyway you Are a gift Visionary step into your Light you are a gift Visionary step into Your light this is your month of kind of Really seeing your worth just kind of What we were just talking about through The heart activation seeing your worth And realizing you are a gift to the World you are a gift just for existing Right so you deserve time to focus on Fun and self love and nurture and Filling your cup and feeling fulfilled You absolutely deserve that anyway our Last two cards before we get into our Asise is the desert authentic self Transcendence courage Genesis Oh you are going to have the courage to Go on a completely new path to be Authentic to leave behind old masks Transcendence so transcending old Beliefs old paradigms that kept you Stuck Having the courage to go forward The whole Genesis like you’re on a whole New path of so much more like totally Greater Things pyramid amplification harmonic Resonance Cosmic Union Cosmic Union so

There could definitely be like a Significant Relationship if you are relationship I’m Definitely seeing like um getting closer To that Person a romantic gesture if you’re Single I’m definitely seeing somebody That’s interested in You so harmonic resonance and Amplification amplifying your energy Harmonic resonance so getting in Resonance with what you desire just like What we were talking about with Vibrational magnetism there harmonic Resonance is when we get into harmony With what we want we start magnetizing Those things into our life because we’re In alignment um now moving on to our Astro dice we’re going to roll the Zodiac sign dice three times to get the Top three most likely zodiac signs to be In your life this month so let’s see What those Are Sagittarius Scorpio and Virgo so Sagittarius Scorpio And Virgo are the top three most likely Zodiac signs um to be in your life over This next month and let’s go ahead and See any last information information for Your month of June okay so we have Uranus which is a Planet of radical shifts and Unpredictability and change this is in

Your first house and it’s in the zodiac Sign of Libra okay this month is all About you and the fact that we have this Radical unexpected shifts and it’s in Your first house which is all about the Self and who you are you are making a Radical personal shift in the month of June coming more into balance Libra is All about balance Libra is also Libra is The energy of romanticizing your life Romanticizing each moment filling up Your cup Libra loves to create beautiful Experiences to fill their cup they are Flirtatious Fun they’re such a light to be around They also are all about fairness and Equality and anything that is unfair or Drains your energy or doesn’t Reciprocate or give Back you know the same amount that you Give to something Libra is like uhuh Libra is the balance Libra is literally The scales and anything that’s out of Balance Libra is like nope so for you What I’m seeing is you’re focusing on The aspects of yourself or of your life That have been imbalanced and you’re Creating radical change there of like You know what this is time for me to Receive more this is time for me to give To myself more especially if you’ve been Giving externally a lot have you been Giving to yourself And if not we need to start giving to

Ourselves so I feel like there’s going To be a lot of radical shifts for you on A very personal level that you’re going Through a personal transformation this Month and I felt that from the second I Looked at hangman being reversed I was Like oh my God personal transformation To the max over here for my group threes And it’s going to be radical it’s going To be amazing it’s going to lead you to All of the Good Fortune it is leading You on a whole new path and this path Like like again A lot of it might be happening behind The scenes like all the good fortune That’s sort of like raking in and all The good results that are are that You’re accumulating through this new Switch it could be happening a little Bit behind the scenes through the month Of June but keep in mind it’s going to Start pouring in keep your trust keep Moving in this good direction because as You feel good you attract good as you Focus on feeling your best you will Attract more of the best to you in your Life in all areas in all aspects so I Really see you doing a very deep big Personal Paradigm Shift um lots of Healing and just self-love too Libra is Like self- Lov romanticizing life I’m Seeing you stepping into that energy Okay and as you do oh my gosh The Good Fortune the um abundance the

Prosperity it’s Otherworld Um what you are capable of as you dive More into that it’s going to be such a Positive transformation for you and I’m So excited to see what comes especially Since your first or not your first but Your middle most prominent energetic Card was the Emperor the emperor that’s you stepping Into your power into your throne being The controller of your life all of that Energy that is your energy for this Month all of that self transformation That you’re making is going to lead to So much more like opportunity and doors Opening for you and the ability to Really climb up way higher mountains Attain way higher Dreams oh my gosh just so much is Changing so much is opening up I’m so Excited about what’s to come for you so Anyway group number three is the work That you’re doing is absolutely paying Off continue on that path it is amazing I’m going to just like give you a little Round of applause for all of that and Thank you so much for joining me here For today’s video for your month of June Prediction and I’m sending you so much Love and until next time bye all right My group number four is if you chose This pile let’s go ahead and dive right Into your June prediction okay so my Group fours we start off with this five

Of Pentacles upright and then we have The Two of Pentacles being reversed over Here Three of Wands reversed Queen of Swords upright the moon and the strength Card your month of June for one I’m Picking up on an energy that at the Moment you’re feeling as if you are Either behind or overwhelmed or even Been just like really busy juggling way Too many things Two of Pentacles being Reversed is like we’re juggling way too Much but the month of June the fact that We have this Queen of Swords and the Moon over here I feel like you are so Ready to put your foot down about what It is that you want and need kind of Make new plans make new decisions and Also saying no Queen of Swords one thing About her she is not afraid of saying no She’s also very clearcut and Straightforward with what she means and With what she wants and I feel like this Is your month of changing around a Pattern where you’re putting your needs And desires on the back burner right Like the five of Pentacles over here Lets me know that perhaps you’ve been in The previous months like not focusing on Your needs and focusing on everybody Else’s to the point where maybe we’re Even feeling burnt out maybe we feel Behind on our own wants dreams and Desires um and with this Three of Wands Being reversed I’m feeling like you’ve

Been in this energy of of getting Frustrated at the lack of progress but Yet things have been so busy but yet There’s this lack of progress and this Is your month the month of June cutting Away distractions cutting away of Anything that no longer serves you the Things that have been standing in your Way Having the courage to say no and to Cut away the things that are again Taking you off your path that you truly Want to be on or the path that’s at Least Balanced this is your month of getting Back into balance let me tell you cuz Things have been like over here they Were out of balance maybe we’ve even Been feeling physical effects of what We’ve been dealing with perhaps like Tiredness backaches different other Things popping up that that contribute To this outof balanced feeling and Queen Of Swords over here she’s just so ready To put her foot down to make a new Decision and all of that the moon card As well coming up this is also a month Where I feel like you are ready to face Any fears and doubts that have been Holding you back as well so perhaps um In the previous month there has been Different fears or doubts regarding Moving forward on what it is that you Want maybe you also felt fear of like oh Well I can’t let go of my

Responsibilities or I can’t make I can’t Make time for myself because if I do Then everything’s going to fall even More out of balance like it’s almost Like maybe that was the thought process Around this but in June I just feel like You’re so ready to face that fear to Face that doubt and to figure out a Solution Queen of Swords is very Solution oriented and she’s also so Intelligent and you are so intelligent And I feel like you’re tapping more into Your internal wisdom you’re getting Epiphanies Realizations and this is your month of Finding your strength of filling your Cup as well focusing on your mental Well-being again cutting away Distractions making sure that your mind Can think clearly if you’ve been Struggling with any brain fog or Forgetfulness or things like that I feel Like it’s going to improve and get so Much better through the month of June And just see with this strength card I See a situation that over here just felt Imbalanced and chaotic and I just see That you’re just gaining this strength Of like no actually I got this and I’m Going to step up to really handling this Really putting my foot forward and I Just see a lot of mental strength for One coming through the way that you Maybe you talk to yourself is Shifting

Maybe there’s a lot of realization of Like oh if I change myself talk I’m also Going to change a lot of my own mental Head Space and I think that that’s going to Be a big thing for you here I’m also Seeing in the strength card this really Positive and vibrant energy that you’re Tapping back into especially as you say No to things that have been weighing you Down they maybe aren’t as important as We think that they are And perhaps we’re coming up with Different solutions of how we can Delegate tasks figure stuff out to tap Back into our strength because when we Focus on having fun and we focus on our Mental well-being and our emotional Well-being and we put ourselves first so That we can fill our Cup first things Always work out better in the end don’t They like because when we approach any Situation from a full cup we’re better Equipped we have the energy we have the Capacity to Deal with it and to handle it and it Gets done so much easier and we don’t Feel depleted afterwards so I really Feel like you’re shifting things around To feel a lot better um and to overcome Quite a bit so let’s go ahead and dive Into some more oracle cards here to get Some more information on what you can Expect and what’s going to be happening

I’m also Hearing that around the 10th to 12th of June That’s when a lot of stuff is going to Shift for You a lot of this like courage to say no Courage to step into the unknown courage To face and overcome fears and doubts in Your life and to find your inner Strength by the end of June like I Really just feel like you will have Found your strength again and you’ll Just feel on top of it you’re going to Feel back in control and back into So much more alignment and goodness and Let’s see what else we have for you we Have illusion and communion so for one I Feel you’re tapping back into faith and Belief that’s one thing that’s coming Through so strongly so if you feel like You’ve lost faith oh my goodness Especially with this five of Pentacles Energy over here if you feel like you’ve Lost faith in the Recent um times I see you coming back to Trusting I see you coming back to like Oh I believe in the goodness I believe That good things are here for me and Happening for me um and you’re breaking Out of old Illusions false beliefs that Maybe kept you stuck and kept you uh in This sort of chaotic cycle I feel like You’re letting go breaking through the Moon also rules Illusions by the way um

It’s connected to Pisces and also Connected to cancerian energy I mean It’s mostly connected to cancerian Energy but one thing I will say is since The moon card Al deals with Illusions It’s also connected to Pisces and this Talks about breaking out of like an old Story that we were telling ourselves That was maybe holding us back and You’re going through a Revolution and oh I see you telling Yourself a new story Queen of Swords you Might even be interested in Reading new Things journaling writing new things Queen of Swords she’s all about like Mental things so words reading learning Writing getting stuff off of her chest So perhaps you’re even going to be Called to start journaling or even start Scripting about what you desire Journaling can be such a great way to Take time to process and reflect on our Life and it can help us break out of our Own stories and sort of have time to Reflect and question our regular Thinking patterns which can help us have Massive like again revolutions and Epiphanies so I feel like for you Journaling might be huge Um like beneficial thing that maybe even Spirit is saying like hey if you haven’t Already maybe try Journaling so take that as you will if You feel called to I feel like that

Might be a a really good thing for you Also with the strength card I’m seeing You like getting to a place where your Heart is opening more the strength card Is connected to Leo and Leo rules the Heart and I see you living life more From your heart rather than solely from Your mind and overthinking or feeling Kind of stuck by reality I’m seeing you Living more from the Heart feeling much more connected much More strong tapping back into faith I Really think that there’s going to be Something that you Are either tapping back into or Discovering or learning or just having Epiphanies on that is going To really like help with this reset and This shift and this transformation that You’re making we also have wings of Light coming through so wings of light Is such a positive card it talks about Raising your Consciousness having Epiphanies bringing light to the Darkness which is sort of like the moon Energy with the strength energy as well The Moon is when we’re kind of in the Shadows we’re kind of discovering ing The unknown stepping into the unknown um It also talks talks about our Unconscious or our Subconscious habits and beliefs and Things like that wings of light you’re Kind of ascending to a lot of

Realizations this month that I feel like Are going to liberate you they’re going To set you free it’s going to help you Find your strength there could even be Other people that you’re talking to that Help you have these like different Epiphanies things and situations are Going to feel so much lighter I see that You’re letting go of a weight it’s Almost like there’s been a weight on Your shoulders and one message that I’m Getting for you is if you feel like You’re caring around a lot of baggage One little trick that you can do is Actually give it up to the universe or To God whatever it is that you believe In but take off that baggage literally Drop it and say you know what universe Or God I’m giving this to you because I Am done dealing with it I want the Solution I want to figure this out so I Am I’m no longer carrying this around And you just drop the weight and so even Just saying that is a subconscious trick Or not necessarily trick but it’s a Subconscious tool that you can use to Actually mentally drop that weight which Can be really helpful and the universe And God are always listening so anyway That’s a little thing that I just wanted To throw in there But um let’s see what else we get for Your month of June for my group Fours I also see this as um a month of

Making progress like real real real Progress especially if you’ve felt Behind or too busy for yourself too busy To work on what you really want to Do it’s like that busyness has really Been keeping you stuck and I just see Progress I’m seeing progress where you Are making a Plan and strength taking action Dedicating to a Plan overcoming fears and doubts that Were stopping you from Moving forward on that plan so I just Really see that this is like a great Transformative month for you we also Have the card of selfworth I love that This card came up for you this is a Month of improving on self-worth Especially if you’ve been feeling like That’s something that you need is to Like really start to believe in yourself And see your worthiness oh my goodness This is a month to grow your wings to See your light to shine your light Strength is also about shining your Light it’s the Leo energy which Leo is Ruled by the sun it’s shining your light We have the moon energy and we have the Sun energy even though this isn’t the Sun card it’s still connected to the sun Through its connection with Leo And this is your time to Blossom to Rekindle Faith to rekindle self-worth to Be surrounded and and realize that you

Belong you absolutely Belong improving on self-worth finding The strength and oh my gosh becoming so Strong in your simage in your own Beliefs about you know what I am Important too and I need to put myself First and I need to put my desires first I need to put my happiness first oh That’s a huge Epiphany that’s going to Be happening for you through this next Month maybe that’s even an epiphany that You’re having right now which is why all Of this is showing up for your month of June because this is where it’s really Getting implemented right it’s really Getting implemented and this is what What is the theme for this next month And I really see that your selfworth is Transforming for the better it is Becoming so much more strong this belief In yourself this this new found strength And really seeing like your inner lion Really seeing your inner lion or lioness Right and let’s go ahead and see what Else we have for you my group Fours my group four is your month of June one thing I’m also hearing I’m Hearing that for some of you um since we Do have these Pentacle cards starting us Off if any of you have been feeling Things around money where maybe Money’s Been hard to balance this is something Where I feel like you’re making new Plans with it totally new plans

Redirecting energy and kind of coming up With entirely new approaches you have The strength to fully make it through That is the message I have for you and The strength card also indicates that Really positive times are ahead where Stability is being found more stability More strength more sense of security so If over here you’ve been feeling like The insecure energy the instability Energy the strength card is the exact Opposite of that it’s when we refin Stability this can also be applied to Love life your home life your personal Life your love life all of that Whatever’s been feeling unstable Is going to feel stable you are finding Your stability through the month of June You are finding your strength and recom Back to a very positive good Foundation so let’s see what else do we Have for my group fours for the month of June Let’s see we have the desert coming Up here this one says authentic self Transcendence courage and Genesis Wow walking through the desert talks About the unknown CU it’s such a it’s an Unknown place there’s not a whole lot That’s defined in the desert right this Is you finding your authentic self Getting in touch with your authentic Self and listening to okay if I haven’t Been feeling my Best why is that maybe I need to put

Myself first I need to honor my wants And needs and I also need to to start Telling myself like hey I’m worthy Enough to put myself first to put my Happiness first because that’s what Matters most you are a human that came Down here for a human experience for you You are not put here for anybody else’s Happiness you were not put on this Earth To just work and have a job you were put On this Earth to experience life as a Human in whichever way you wanted to Experience it okay so Transcendence Which is exactly our wings of light Energy Transcending these old negative patterns Transcending the imbalance and find ing Balance creating new plans courage Genesis all of this energy so it’s like You’re you’re really doing a major Transformation and all these Realizations I feel like are going to be So beneficial and I’m also hearing from Spirit that your life through the rest Of 2024 is going to massively shift Because of the shifts and the Realizations that you’re making right Now about putting yourself first making New plans putting your stability and Strength and security as number one Rather than ever continuing to put your Energy towards things that were creating Chaos and that they were too much it’s Like it’s time to say no to cut cords

With things that are no longer serving You that’s that Queen of Swords energy Cutting cords with what no longer serves Putting your foot down creating Boundaries so that anything that’s in Your future is stable it’s secure It’s strong it’s Reliable like that’s that’s it you know I feel like this is your time of just Like such courage of you know and maybe You’re also feeling like okay maybe I’ll Have to walk alone through this a little Bit maybe there is a sense of like Having to do it on your own a bit but You got this you’re totally strong Enough Queen of Swords like you Absolutely got this your happiness right Here where the sun is just shining your Heart energy is flowing and fulfilled The strength card is your heart energy Being fulfilled Right it’s the Leo Connection that is that’s what all of This is now leading you towards that’s What all of these new decisions these New epiphanies like this is really it so Let’s see what else do we have my group Four is your month of June let’s see it’s like Spirit doesn’t Want to speak anymore through these Cards right when I say that of course There’s a Fallout card card Let’s see we Have Messengers so Guardians Divine Orchestration calling in support so you

Do have a support system you don’t have To be all on your own right it might Feel like you’re all on your own at Times with what you’re going through What you’re dealing with but you have People that would love to be there to Support you divine orchestration Messengers so there could be some Important information or messages coming Through in the month of June this could Be you know different people giving you Some kind of message or you might notice Synchronicities where maybe you’re Thinking about something and then you Hear somebody talking about it right at The same time like something like that Those are like little Divine messages From the Universe I feel like that’s Going to be coming through this month um Guardians as well like you are being Totally looked after and watched over You are absolutely safe in everything That you are doing and that’s a message That Spirit really wants to give you Right now Okay and let’s go ahead and dive into Our astr dice we’re going to roll our Zodiac sign dice three times to get the Top three most likely zodiac signs to be In your life in the month of June so Let’s see who they Are so we Have I’m rolling the wrong one South Node we’re going to keep that because

I’m sure that that is significant in Some way I don’t know why I grabbed the Planetary astrod Dates let’s dive into the zodiac sign Dice this time and see those top three Zodiac signs oh you know what I just had an epiphany about why this One came up when we’re talking about People in your Life South node is people from your past So people from your past might be Significant in some way in the month of June so I’m just going to throw that out There but for zodiac signs we also have Libra Libra energy we also have Pisces Energy and Sagittarius energy so Libra Pisces and Sagittarius zodiac signs see Seem to be really prominent for your Life this month and also somebody from The past clearly Spirit also wanted to Throw that message in There and then overall our last messages We have sun in Libra in the 10th house The 10th house is the house of goals What goals do you have in life right now 10th house is also the house of career And achievement climbing the ladder um Attaining Success the sun which is connected to Strength wow I love that that that’s Coming up for you so the sun in Libra Finding more balance in your work Knowing that you are so worthy of having Balance what you put out you also get

Back right so let’s put out fun Fulfillment right when we approach work Oh my God I’m going to give you a little Manifestation lesson right now it’s like It’s coming through so whenever we’re Manifesting let’s say that we attach the Belief that we have to work so hard and Basically break our back in order to Make money well when we put that energy Into it that’s the energy we get out We’re going to have to suffer to make Money because that’s the belief and That’s the energy and that’s the Vibration we’re putting into it but if You approach your career and if you Approach your work or any goal from this Place of fulfillment and this place of Fun and this place of abundance and just Feeling like I have so much energy and I Can’t wait to give and I just I love Doing this I’m going to put my best foot Forward and I’m just going to put it all In I love this I’m abundant I am good High Vibe energy oddly you’ll notice You’ll actually make more money because You’re doing it from a place of a full Cup and what does a full what’s the Energy and vibration of a full cup That’s the energy and vibration of Abundance that’s the energy and Vibration of fulfillment so what do you Get back you get abundance fulfillment And a full cup that’s what you get out Of it so whatever energy you put into

Something if you are putting in the Energy of lack and hard work and this Feeling like I’m not worthy to make more And I’m whatever energy that you’re Putting into it that’s the energy that The universe is going to bring back to You so that’s a little lesson that I Wanted to say because this Libra energy Kind of reminded me of that it’s like This give and take right it’s the scales It’s the balancing what you give in is What you get back okay it’s like if you Put in a totally Full Cup into this side Of the scale what is the univer what is The universe going to have to balance it Out with and give you back a full cup However sometimes we think like oh if I Work so hard that means I will make so Much money no when we put in the cup of Hard work what’s the universe going to Give you more hard Work think about the scales the universe Is going to put in the other side of the Scale exactly the energy that you are Putting into the universe the universe Will just match it right so that’s the Lesson of the scales and like I see so Many people wanting to manifest like More money or or you know you could you Could use this example even For Love or Anything like that but when they try to Attain more money they really just put In like like so much hard work and sweat And they they they neglect all of their

Own needs in order to push forward push Forward push forward and do it do it do It do it do it but again the universe is Going to give back to you and match that Exact energy it’s going to match okay Here’s more burnout Here’s more hard work for you here’s More this you know and Like so anyway that’s the perfect way to Imagine it to help it make sense right So anyway the sun in the 10th house this Is your energy of epiphanies this is Your energy of realizations this is the Self the sun is the self this is you Balancing your energy with your goals With your success with your attainment With your career with your money with Moving forward climbing the mountain Getting higher and attaining your Goals this is your month of rebalancing And matching energy the Libra energy It’s matching energy matching the Vibration of what it is that you want You’re getting more into alignment this Month my love and it’s because this is Your month where I’m seeing that you’re Going to start having these realizations Of oh I need to put my happiness First I need to put myself first I need To I need to fulfill myself I need to Have fun and sometimes we might have a Limiting belief that comes up right the The moon we might have a limiting belief That comes up that says no oh my God if

I take time for myself then I’m taking Time away from all the hard work that I’m supposed to be doing and then I’m Going to lose Everything the thing is if you take out All of the hard work from this side Instead you start focusing on filling Your Cup that’s going to shift the energy of What you’re putting into the scale now You’re taking away the hard work so then The universe is also going to be like oh Let me take away the hard work for a Second because they’re not putting that In anymore now they’re putting in self- Love and fulfillment oh let me put in This side more self- Lov and fulfillment For them and part of that is naturally Of course more abundance more happiness More goodness more stability more Strength right so anyway hopefully that Lesson makes sense to end off this Reading I feel like I need to talk about That in a video I’m surprised I’ve never Talked about that concept before but That was such a beautiful way to explain It anyway that is your month of June my Love my group number four is massive Realizations and Transformations about Putting yourself first I love it and Coming back to Faith breaking out of old Illusions old beliefs that were keeping You stuck finding your self worth oh I Love it so many good things coming for

You through this next month one little Quick thing that I’m going to say about Um pink turmaline which is also known as Rubal light it helps align you to your Purpose and your path rubal light is one Of my favorite Stones because it helps With that this is like a really Interesting kind of rub but there’s also Like um more polished rubilite that you Can get and it is um pink turmine and Rubite by the way are literally the same Thing it’s just a different name for it But yeah it aligns you to your purpose It helps give you a boost of energy and Whenever I got my first piece of rubal Light by the Way I was blown away because it actually Aligned me to my purpose and helped me Break out of old obstacles and things And I was just blown away by that Crystal it literally happened like right When I got my first piece of rubite it Was really cool anyway I just thought I’d share that story with you about pink Termine rubite when I got it and it’s so Interesting that that’s the crystal that I put on this group because that’s Literally the energy that you have for The month of June which is wild so I Just felt called to mention that but Anyway I am sending you so much love Thank you so much for joining me here For your June prediction and until next Time bye all right my group FES if you

Chose this pile for your June prediction Let’s go ahead and dive right into it Okay my group fives we actually have Quite a similar message to the last Group that I’m getting off the bat it is Different there are differences in this Group compared to the last group however I just find certain similarities Happening so I wanted to point it out Just in case you attracted to both group Four and five by any means or any chance It’s very interesting that there are Some crossovers here but Anyway starting off with Ace of Pentacles as well as our queen of Cups I’m hearing the words investing into Yourself Investing into your fulfillment that is One of the major major major themes of This month perhaps you’re already in a State right now where you’ve been Wanting to invest in your happiness in Your fulfillment maybe you’ve been Trying to carve out more time for Yourself lately and this is an energy That’s going to help build even more Through the month of June I’m seeing Like taking time for even like self-care Going and getting a massage going and Doing something for you that’s going to Fill you up like cooking your favorite Meal having a spa night doing things Like that queen of cups is about Emotional fulfillment she’s also very

Much about romanticizing life and about Beauty as well so there could even be Certain things that you are doing where You’re investing your time your energy Maybe even some of your money in making Yourself more fulfilled putting energy In time into beauty or romanticizing Your life that is coming through really Big over here um so maybe there’s going To be an opportunity for something like That in the month of June and then also Um I am hearing that this is a month of Really improving more on like let’s take Some action let’s have fun let’s be Spontaneous let’s laugh King Of Wands is So like powerful and we have two kings And a queen right here the fact that we Have three court cards for one this can Indicate that you’re surrounded by a lot Of people this month um there’s going to Be like a people focus this month Perhaps you’re um like seeing a lot of People there’s a lot of social Networking things like that but these Can also represent different aspects of You as well so for one king of Wands is Like let’s have fun let’s laugh more Let’s get outside more he’s very like Let’s take action let’s move more uh Perhaps some of you are even more Interested in like working out being More active doing things that are going To help your body feel more alive feel More pumped and

Energized it can be related to Fitness As well investing into things like that So perhaps this is like investing into That King of Swords is about Communication planning things um saying Yes to certain Things also the courage to say no to Uphold boundaries the fact that we have These cards like all right side up over Here I just feel like is so beautiful Because I’m getting this energy of you Just stepping into your power I’m Getting this energy that you’re going to Be surrounded by really supportive People if there’s anything that you need To discuss with anybody I see it going Really well if there’s different oh for Some reason I heard the the word Meetings the word meetings just came to My mind like maybe there’s going to be Some important meetings that are Happening through June and perhaps these meetings are Going to go really well there’s a lot of Clarity there’s a lot of like progress Here if you are in collaboration with Anybody if you’re working with anybody Like oneon-one or you have like clients Or things like this through the month of June I see all of that going really well Going really positively I see you Attracting more people into your life so If you’ve been wanting to network or Expand yourself within your people or

Clientele or friend group or anything Like this I’m seeing the expansion of Meeting people getting more people into Your circle or into you know um Collaborating work or things like this The star card being reversed can be when We’ve Questioned like our Direction at times Or maybe we’ve even questioned our faith In what we believe in and I I feel like This is coming up because this is your Month of sort of Reinstating faith in yourself and in Your future and in where you’re going This is the month of reinstating that Reinvigorating the spark reinvigorating Your direction maybe you’re even at a Time in your life where you’re asking For like more confirmation on your Direction maybe you’re wanting more Confirmation that you’re on the right Path that you’re doing the right things And the fact that we have all these Cards coming up right front and center Here I really feel like you 100% are on The right path and with this star card Being reversed I feel like this is a Month of Just like letting go of questioning Yourself over questioning yourself Letting go of having this lack of faith Because I just see like energy is moving Forward and you also have people that Are encouraging you to move

Forward this is a month of taking action King Of Wands being like right side up As our Center card this is a month to Take action Ace of Pentacles can also Represent an idea or an opportunity Coming in by the way it can also Indicate a thing that we’re wanting to Either invest in or put our money Towards such as making a big purchase or Things like that so if there is an idea Or an opportunity like that that you’ve Had in your head or even something Career-wise that maybe you’ve had in Your head or an opportunity again that Might unexpectedly show up it could be All those different things I know I Sound all over the place there but Ace Of Pentacles can represent all of those Things Things so with this I feel like there is A new opportunity or a new idea that you Will be taking action on and perhaps Even asking other people like like oh is This the right one or should we do this Or maybe you’re even going to get sort Of like a little team together to kind Of help you with Something or at least these people are Supporting you giving you advice giving You guidance on whatever it is that You’re wanting to do or invest in or Begin so yeah there’s definitely a new Opportunity that is coming through here And maybe we’re wondering like I need

Confirmation that this is the right path I need confirmation that this is the Right thing so we’re going to add some More cards on this to get some more Information on this unfolding Picture here so let’s see my group fives What else do we have for my group fives Okay we have the in between we have Romantic love and we have Liberation so The in between we’re stuck in between a Choice there’s definitely some sort of New opportunity or new idea that you Have that you are Contemplating and maybe you’re on the in Between of like do I say yes do I say no Is it the right choice for me is it not This is something you’re just going to Have to ask yourself does it feel right To you is it something that you Want is it something that you want and Ask yourself if there’s there’s anything That you are scared of with it is that Just a limiting belief or a doubt or a Fear or do you question it because you Don’t actually want It okay so ask yourself that question That will help you figure it out of if You should say yes or if if you should Say no so our in between card we’re Figuring out which direction we want to Go in romantic love okay this has Different layers that I want to talk About for one it can indicate Igniting passion in your life so it

Doesn’t always have to deal with literal Romantic love it can also be igniting Passion in your life romanticizing your Life which is exactly what I was feeling When I first saw the queen of cups if You are in a relationship already I am Absolutely seeing that that relationship Is going to bring more fulfilling Opportunities more fulfilling events Through this next month if you are Single I would Absolutely dare to say that there is Going to be an opportunity Of somebody of Interest coming in this Month so if you are single and you are Looking for that the fact that we have All of these Court cards here I would Not be surprised if there is somebody That you are absolutely interested in if Not maybe even multiple people right cuz This could be like the queen of cups With like two guys after her or vice Versa again uh the cards are usually Actually not gender specific but that’s Just an example that we have over here Since there’s three cards so that could Definitely be a possibility however Again if you are in a relationship I see That there’s going to be more Opportunities for romance with you and Your person we also have Liberation so Liberating out of things that were Making you feel stuck especially when You felt like you’re in the in between

On this idea maybe you’re stuck between Like do I take action do I do this or do I just put it off maybe I’m not fully Decided on if I should take action yet Or not I really feel like this is the Month the month of June of liberating Yourself from St on that fence this is Time for you to cross the fence and Choose which side you want to be On you either do it or you don’t this is The time to make the decision we’re no Longer like like standing on the fence And you know losing our balance it’s It’s time to make a decision which side Do you want to be on and you’re Liberating yourself from that sort of Stuck energy uh in this month and really Just figuring it Out let’s see what else we get for you My group five My group FES my group fives the month of June let’s see so we have spring coming Out so we are in spring in the beginning Of June actually and we also have Intention wow these ones came up for Another group I think But spring I feel like this is talking About you springing back to life Springing back into action right not That you’re springing back into life You’ve always been in in life you know What I mean but springing back into Action rather than staying on that in Between oh for some of you this is a

Message literally only for like 10% of You you’re going to know obviously if This is for you some of you have two Romantic love Interests and you need to make a Decision of who you Want okay we need to spring into action We need to pick who we want I feel like That that’s going to be a situation that Makes itself really apparent this month If that is the case for you in your life So again that’s literally only for like 10% of you discard that if that is not Where you are at in life right now but Anyway um intention as well I feel like There’s a lot more intentionality and Awareness when it comes to making Decisions this month and I’m also seeing That perhaps you’re even setting new Intentions for yourself with this King Of Swords coming up as well I’m seeing That you’re like setting new intentions Of you know what I’m going to make this Promise to myself I’m going to dedicate Myself to this I’m going to make this Plan King of Swords can also indicate Occasionally signing contracts making Agreements saying yes to something so it Can also indicate that in in some cases As well so I want to just point that Out and let’s go ahead and see what else We Get okay my group FES we had a bunch of Cards that just slipped out there let’s

See What they are so we have familiar steps Reoccurring dreams Continuum reclaimed Truths okay so there could be some like Reoccurring Resurfacing dreams or it could even be Re Resurfacing different patterns different Other things and we maybe have to like Re-evaluate like oh do I want to go down Those familiar steps again or do I want To make a new choice this time do I want To take new action and go in a new Direction or do I want to keep following My same old footsteps and my same old Path we also have spiral of incarnation Past lives uh Soul blueprint and karmic Patterns reading this thing of spiral of Incarnation it makes me feel like um This is a month where you’re really Wanting to make a new decision you’re Not wanting to spiral into the same Incarnation again not not speaking Incarnation as in your life Incarnation But Incarnation as in For example when we make the same Choices every day it leads to the same Outcomes every day and what births from The same outcomes it’s like or the same Choices it’s the same outcomes so Soul BL blueprint karmic patterns I feel like You’re breaking out of karmic patterns You’re releasing old Karma even from Your past life you are healing that by

Uh making new Choices reflections of time surrender Cycles of change unearthing and lessons Wow reflections of time this is going to Be a huge month of reflecting on Old Choices reflecting on old things so that You can come to a good a good conclusion On whatever it is that you’re in between On okay because we can’t be in between On two different things and like go in Two different directions at once it Doesn’t work right so we’re going to Have to kind of make a choice so Surrender cycles of change unearthing And Lessons Shadow key inner Waters Disclosure Emotional healing wow there’s going to Be some opening up there’s going to be Some some information that is being Revealed in the month of June this could Be from somebody like somebody opening Up deeper about their feelings and their Emotions right Um and disclosure can also be when uh we Maybe even have something on our our Chest that we’re needing to talk about And Release and disclose So that’s one aspect of the Shadow K It’s like anything that we are hiding or Anything that this can also be like a Plan that you’ve had or a thought that You’ve had that you’re finally ready to

Take action on and not just stay in the Shadows right it can also indicate that Opening up more I really feel like There’s this opening up energy um Happening through the month of June for You opening up oh my gosh that is a Theme Spirit wants to emphasize that Opening up This could be you opening up which I do Feel like on a huge level it is you Opening up and I’m also seeing that Perhaps somebody else is going to open Up deeper as well But with that being said let’s go ahead And dive into our astrod di to roll this Three times to get the top three most Likely zodiac signs to be in your life Through the month of June okay we have Leo energy coming Up we also have Scorpio energy And we have Pisces Leo Scorpio and Pisces I feel like Pisces has been Making an appearance lately I keep Somehow seeing Pisces on here but let’s Go ahead and roll all these together now To get any last information for your Month of June so we have the South node wow in Sagittarius in the third house the South Node represents things from our past it Can represent our past self our Immediate past that we’ve had it can Also represent people from the past Being in the third house I wouldn’t be

Surprised if somebody from your past is Coming back into your life and with Sagittarius this is an energy of like Moving forward or shooting your shot Or I’m also feeling like this could be Like a a desire that you’ve been Thinking about for a while where it’s It’s like oh let’s take action on that Plan let’s take action on that idea this Could also be networking as well Networking or even running into somebody From your past that helps you expand and Introduces you to somebody that that is Important um definitely things around The lines of communication friendships Learning and your past things from your Past your desires from your past your Past self um and then moving forward Moving forward on those Things um also breakthroughs Breakthroughs from your past Breakthroughs from uh like networking And meeting people that help you shoot Forward that help you expand that help You have realizations there’s definitely Like this realization energy this could Also be representing your own mentality Because the third house can be planning It can be your own mental mind and Learning and expanding so perhaps you’re Getting out of your past patterns and Learning and expanding from them and Overcoming them overcoming and Liberating

Yourself liberating yourself from past Patterns that have maybe been keeping You stuck in the past and didn’t we have A card that was literally talking about Um past patterns I think it was this one Cycles of change unearthing lessons Maybe it was this one spiral oh yeah Past lives karmic patterns yeah and then Reoccurring dreams like familiar things That keep Reoccurring I feel like you’re you’re Expanding outside of that there’s going To be a lot of realizations that you’re Having this month that are going to help You expand and have breakthroughs so That we’re no longer repeating old Patterns and old things anymore so that Is what we have for your June prediction My group number FES thank you so much For joining me here for today’s video I Am sending you all so much love and Until next time bye

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