Your Life ONE YEAR From Now… • PICK A CARD •

Your Life ONE YEAR From Now... • PICK A CARD •

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Hello lovelies!
Todays video is a ’pick a card’ reading. Pick the card you’re most drawn to, to find out ’Your Life ONE YEAR From Now…’! Once you’ve picked, skip ahead to the timestamp below where I reveal what it is…

𓂀 *Time Stamps* 𓂀
⁺˖ Intro: 0:00
🀧 Pick Your Card: 1:27
🀧 Card 1 (Peach Botswana): 5:15
🀧 Card 2 (Black Tourmaline): 23:47
🀧 Card 3 (Amethyst): 46:22
🀧 Card 4 (Sunset Aura Quartz): 1:11:54
🀧 Card 5 (Selenite): 1:34:38

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Hello my loves and welcome back to my Channel today’s video we have a new pick A card reading but before we hop into it I wanted to give a huge shout out to Skillshare who are kindly sponsoring Today’s video and if you have not heard Of skillshare before they’re essentially A huge online platform full of classes Upon almost any subject that you can Think about and skillshare also has this Section known as learning paths which is A bunch of curated classes upon a Particular subject and these classes are Intended to reinforce one another and Build upon each other so that you can Grasp a skill to the best of your Ability so whether you’re wanting to Dive into video editing photography Opening up your own business becoming a Content creator whatever it is that you Want to do skillshare likely has a class On the topic and I recently took a Learning path all on photo editing in Lightroom and I loved this class because I got to learn real professional skills In Lightroom which is a pretty in-depth Complex app and now I can edit photos With so much more confidence and I feel Like I fully understand the app light Room now so i’ highly recommend checking That one out if you are into photo Editing or no matter what other skill That you wanting to learn again skill Shar likely has a class on the topic and

The first 500 people to click the link Down Below in the description box will Get a on month free trial of skillshare Which you can take so many classes and So many learning paths within one month So there’s no reason not to check it out And again the first 500 people to use That link Down Below in the description Box get a on month free trial of Skillshare and thank you so much to Skillshare for sponsoring today’s video And without further Ado let’s go ahead And hop right back into today’s pick a Card reading hello my loves and welcome Back to my channel today’s video we have Our new pick a card reading all about Your life in one year from now so if you Are curious what you are currently Attracting and what you’re currently Creating in your life and what you can Expect to transpire within this next Year then you came to the right place And the way that this video works is I Have these tarot cards and oracle cards That we are going to read from and we’re Going to ask Spirit to bring you Messages for your highest good at this Time and you are going to use your Intuition to pick one of these five Groups if you are drawn to multiple Groups there may be multiple messages Within this video for you so I’d highly Recommend listening to um both of those Groups or all the groups that you are um

Just drawn towards intuitively and once You’re done choosing there’s going to be Time stamps linked Down Below in the Comment box as well as the description Box so that you can skip right ahead to Your personal reading all about what Your life is going to be like one year From now I also want to mention that you Are not bound by this reading so if you Hear if you hear anything that you’re Like I want to change that you have all Of the power to do that and that is one Of the reasons why I love the tarot Because it makes us conscious and aware Of what we’re currently creating and What we’re currently doing so that we Can utilize more of our conscious Awareness and our free will to make Things better and to make things more in Alignment with what we want but maybe Also you’re going to pick a pile and You’re going to be like oh my God that’s Exactly what I want that’s exactly what I’m creating and then that’s just Confirmation that you are in alignment With creating exactly that so I just Wanted to mention that before we dive Into all of this I also want to quickly Add for any of you who have difficulties Tapping into your intuition one of the Best practices is to close your eyes and Wait for a number between 1 and five to Pop into your head and whichever number Is the first number that just appears in

Your mind without you even thinking About it that is your intuition speaking To you and that’s going to be the number And the group that is meant for you Today and that’s just a little trick if You’re having trouble if you’re having Trouble visually picking a group and Just to clarify over here we have group Number one which has some Peach Botswana On the top of it group number two we Have some black turmaline group number Three we have some amethyst group number Four we have some Sunset orac quarts and Then group number five we have some Selenite and for those of you that like To get close-ups of the crystals we will Also do That so my group ones here is the peach Botswana so if you were drawn to to this Crystal or this group that is going to Be your Pile group number two we have some black Turmaline if you’re drawn to the black Turmaline group two is going to be your Pile group three we have this gorgeous Piece of Amethyst so if you are drawn to group Number Three then that is going to be your pile Group number four we have some gorgeous Sunset orac Quartz so if you are drawn To this Crystal then group number four Is going to be your

Pile and then group number five we have This piece of beautiful selenite so if You’re drawn to the selenite group five Is going to be your Pile so those are our Crystal options Those are the pile options so depending On which one you the most drawn to That’s going to be your reading again Time stamps are linked down below so That you can skip right ahead to your Personal prediction once you’re done Choosing your pile or piles if that Might be the case for you and I will see You in your reading and let’s go ahead And dive right into today’s video all Right so my group number ones if you Chose this pile this is going to be your Reading so let’s go ahead and Dive Right In okay my group ones the first few Cards that we have out here we have Seven of Pentacles upright we have the Devil card being reversed which I love That that one’s in the reverse POS Position for you we also have the eight Of Pentacles reversed we have Eight of Cups upright so it’s really interesting We have double eights and a seven then We also have the 10 of Cups being Reversed over here so your life in one Year from now you are unhinging yourself From different things that used to Restrict you or this could also be Letting go of fears different fears that Have been holding you back from stepping

Into what you really want to do with Your life and it’s so interesting too That we have this eight of Pentacles Being reversed because it’s making me Feel like perhaps some of you are stuck In something that you don’t really want To do or you’re kind of pushing through Because you know that it’s just going to Lead you to the end goal that you want So for example this could be like Studying and you’re just like oh it’s so Hard to study it’s so hard to you know Practice for these tests but I know that You know I’ll be able to move on to the Career of my dreams as I get through This you know it’s like stuff like that Where we kind of have to like push Through and I get the feeling like some Of you in one year from now you’re going To be really pushing through to a really Big end goal and you’re going to be able To leave behind um some of all of this All the stuff that you’re kind of going Through right now and you’re going to be Able to move on to bigger and better Things and I just see that you are Preparing for like a bigger Vision right Now and um perhaps there’s also a big Transition that you are thinking about As well because the devil being reversed Here also with the two eights that we Have this can really indicate that you Might really be looking forward To getting over and leaving behind the

Types of things that you’re doing right Now and there’s this energy that you’re Just really looking forward to leaving That behind and no longer ever having to Look back or do that again I get the Feeling like some of you are definitely In school and you can’t wait for that to Be over or some of you are in a job Right now that you know you don’t want To stay in forever and you are really Looking forward to transitioning to Something else um and I just see you Just working really hard at the moment And the fact that we have the word Lord Coming up as well this makes me feel Like either some of you are studying or You’re writing a book or you are Preparing for something something or Learning a lot and making a plan this Could be making new plans writing things Defining you know what you want your Life to be like or again just diving Deep into studying or learning new Skills or making plans like there’s deep Plans going on we also have preparation Prayer sacred ritual the altar princess You’re really setting up your life for Something new right now and in one year From now I see you making this Transition and being like Oh my gosh I Get to leave this behind right now I get To finish this the fact that we have the 10 of Cups being reversed here also lets Me know that one year from now I do feel

Like you’re you’re kind of just going Through this transition process and Awakening in new chapters into your life New things into your life and um that’s Really what I see kind of going on Between now and a year from now I do see Also with the seven of of Pentacles You’re looking at these different seeds And you’re almost looking into your Future getting really excited about it But you’re kind of like H I just wish I Could press the fast forward button and Fast forward through more of this like Difficulty and kind of Blu mundane Things that sometimes we have to go Through in order to get to a big goal so Um that’s what we have right off the bat Over here and let’s go ahead and Shuffle Some more cards to get some more Information for you and your life in one Year from now so we also have Resourcefulness so one thing I’m seeing As well is that you are getting a lot Better with your resources your time and Your money and your energy so one year From now you’re going to be so much more Aware of how much energy you want to put To certain things and I also think You’re getting much more resourceful With your energy so that you can get More done in a shorter amount of time Some of you might be really interested In learning about productivity and maybe You’re like ooh I want to like study and

Learn how to be more productive and That’s like very much seven and eight of Pentacles along with the word Lord That’s like so much of this like Productivity type of mindset learning How to really utilize what you have to Get the most bang for your buck or to Get the most out of the energy that you Use on anything in life so I do see you Being more resourceful in that way I’m Also seeing you be more um be more Resourceful with your money so this can Indicate that um we are saving our money As well the seven of Pentacles here it’s Like we’re more focused on saving and Watching it grow because it’s giving us More satisfaction rather than just Spending it on things that’s like oh I Only used that a little bit and then it Was gone you know I feel like you’re Really you’re you’re so much more aware Of like how you’re spending your money How you’re spending your time and then We also have creation there is something That I feel like you have in your mind And Like A Creative Energy coming out One year from now where you are being Much more creative and I think that You’re maybe prepping for a big project Or a big idea in one year from now this Creation card is definitely making me Feel like yeah you’re you’re ready to Step more into the creative process Devil being reversed I also really want

To come back to this because this has so Many underlying meanings for one I think That you are unhinging yourself from old Things that used to limit you or made You feel trapped or made you feel Negative and I do feel like this has to Do with career or money for the most Part because this is surrounded by our Pentacle cards which both deal with our Money or our material items and maybe we Are also Al realizing like oh I was Trapped focusing on all the material Things whereas also one year from now I Do feel like you’re going to be more Focused on your emotional fulfillment And you’re going to be more like you Know what I think I want to focus on What makes me happy emotionally not what Makes me happy monetarily because maybe We’re realizing that that didn’t really Bring us happiness for example if we’re Doing a job that pays a lot but maybe we Really hate it and it’s not our passion At all It doesn’t bring us fulfillment right so It’s almost like you’re ready to find The balance Between Creativity having money being Resourceful creating abundance for Yourself but also focusing on what’s Going to bring you emotional fulfillment As well because you do get to have it All let me tell you you could choose

Something where it brings you all of Those types of things and I do think one Year from now that’s going to be like One of your major focuses so diving into Our next set of cards here let’s see my Group ones one year from now what else Do we have for you so we also have the Herald of change the horsemen ooh horses They resemble Freedom you are going to be so much more Focused on your freedom you don’t want To be Chained and that’s exactly what The devil reversed has been indicating Throughout this reading it’s like you no Longer are wanting to feel chained by Anything or stuck by anything or feeling Like your life is in control of you Rather than you being in control of your Life the horse symbolizes freedom and The fact that this is the herald of Change card it’s like you’re really um Taking the reins of your life back right You’re taking the reins of your freedom Back and that’s exactly what I was Feeling in this eight of Cups card it’s Like you’re kind of ready to say no to Something that you know maybe you once Thought was for you or maybe maybe even You’re just ready to let go of a certain Phase and you’re like I’m glad that That’s done and over with like I am so Excited to close that chapter and I Don’t see you despising that chapter I Actually see you being like you know

What that chapter had its time in place But I’m so ready to go on this next new Journey I am so ready to open up new Doors to call in more Freedom I’m also seeing more Independence it’s like you want to feel More independent more in charge more of A leader rather than a follower and That’s very much also Eight of Cups and It’s interesting that this card has an Eclipse on it and that’s really sticking Out to me um in this reading so I Wouldn’t be surprised if around the next Eclipse season whenever you’re watching This video this video is timeless the Next next eclipse that is coming I Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s going to Be a marker of this Herald of change for You where you kind of make new decisions And begin the process of moving in a New Direction I really think that oh sorry Notifications on my computer I forgot to Silence silence that I will go do that In a second but Anyway um it’s interesting that we had The notification right when I was Talking about it’s you making plans and Um Doing this big change it’s almost like a Like a reminder like hey this is coming Up um in your future this is a reminder Of like hey you’ve been thinking about This here’s your reminder to go do it Here’s your reminder to take action on

That so we also have the wood wives of Adaptability during this next chapter I Do feel like you’re going to be so much More flexible and so much more willing To to step into the unknown whereas Before it might have been full of like Fears with stepping into the unknown Which is like super common but the fact That you have adaptability it’s like you Feel ready and you’re like you know what I can adapt to whatever comes my way and I trust myself to navigate through any Challenges any bumps any curves it’s Like you’re you just feel so much more Adaptable you feel so much more ready And I really see you you are seeking Emotional fulfillment because you’re Realizing that that’s one of the most Important things in life I also see by The way on top of this like it seems Over here you were much more focused on Like career money material things or Status or just other sort of more Physical life type of Things and one year from now it’s sort Of like this realization of I’ve been Putting my emotional satisfaction my Emotional wants and needs on the back Burner but that’s all changing that’s All changing over here one year from now You’re like ooh I think the most Important thing to me now is focing on Focusing on my emotional wants and needs And

Desires so I see you being more focused On that I see you coming back to um Wanting to focus more on your uh Important relationships wanting to focus More on your um like fun and play and Pleasure being in that more creative Mode being able to also express yourself And express your wants needs and desires I also think that there might be Something where a year from now you’re Going to have to really express yourself And maybe lay down the law with Something and create new like promises To yourself or even have some sort of Confrontation either within your work or Within this could even be a conversation That you have with yourself too where You’re just like I’m not doing this Anymore I’m not going to throw all of my Energy towards something that isn’t Bringing me emotional fulfillment as Well so I just see you doing all these Different things um also your prayers That you are saying right now if you Have been praying for something if You’ve been praying for a break if You’ve been praying for um like wisdom On what direction to go in if you’ve Been praying for some answers in your Life one year from Now or at least I can say within one Year from now not even that you’re going To have to wait an entire year but Within one year from now all of these

Things are accumulating and you’re Getting your answers you are getting Your answers and then you’re going to Feel like oh it is time to change it is Time to make a shift it is time to call My freedom back it is time to move Forward so yes tons of different Energies tons of different Um events and all that happening in your Life through this next year and let’s go Ahead and dive into our astrology cards To get any last information for You my group ones any last information For my group Ones we have cancer coming up cancer the Crab this can indicate that Cancer Zodiac signs might be really prominent In your your life and it can also Indicate that your Intuition is going to be your Biggest guiding Factor within this next Year you’re going to start listening to Your intuition and cancer again is Connected to the cup cards our water Signs this is you wanting to focus more On your emotional Fulfillment and I also see you creating A much more solid version of you if you Think about cancer the crab it has a Very hard external shell so I feel like You are hardening up in certain ways and The things that are happening to you Right now are helping helping you harden Up and I don’t mean harden up as in like

Creating like walls I mean hardening up As like becoming so much more strong in Yourself and protecting your emotional Wants and needs by honoring them and Caring for yourself cancer is a very Nurturing type of energy so I see much More nurture in your life as Well and there’s a desire For deeper emotional connection not like Surface level connections it’s like you Really you’re so past that you’re so Past like the physical kind of things Cuz you’re realizing if it’s just Physical it’s not emotional and you can Have a mix where something is physical IAL and emotional and it’s also Passionate and fiery which is the wands And it also has a spiritual side which Is also the wands and then it also has An airide which is the sword cards which Is all about communication and Thoughtfulness and intelligence and Wisdom you can have all of that and look At that we also have the solar eclipse Coming up and over here this is a solar Eclipse it’s the moon in front of the Sun so we have two cards now that are Indicating that a solar eclipse is going To be a major time in your life whenever You are watching this video I would Highly recommend Google searching when The next solar eclipse is for you um Because that’s going to be a very Important date and I would almost set I

Would almost advise to set a reminder in Your phone just like my computer had That notification reminding me of Something set a reminder in your phone To pay attention to that day right and Pay attention to what you’re feeling That day because or at least Within that Week of that solar eclipse um because Sometimes you know the solar eclipse its Energies last for a few days prior to The solar eclipse and a few days after So that is a very potent time for you of Creating massive change we also have wax And gibbis which is when the moon is Sort of in its growth stage this is Alignment refinement nurture uh patience And evolution this is the evolution of Your soul you’re creating a massive Evolution right now my group number ones And you’re focused more on heart-c Centered things it’s no wonder that I Was called to put um Peach batswana on Your group because this is the higher Heart chakra is what it resonates with And this is you wanting to step more Into that heart centered energy rather Than just the physical rather than just Pushing yourself or doing what needs to Be done or taking care of just Responsibilities and just the physical Aspects it’s like no let’s nurture let’s Feel good let’s create amazing emotional Fulfillment and that’s going to be um One of your biggest focuses in a year

From now and just so much more Resourcefulness with your Energy and feeling much more emotionally Fulfilled because you are now going to Move into the energy of seeking that and Seeking more of your freedom so that You’re not bound by things that you Don’t want to be bound to so yes you are Going to be so much more adaptable Massive change the solar eclipses all Indicate massive change it even say Right here embracing change Revelations Courage determination and connection That’s exactly everything that we’ve Been talking about in this reading so um Yes that is what we have here thank you So much for joining me here for today’s Video my group number ones that is your Life one year from now I’m sending you All so much love and until next time bye All right my group number two is if you Chose this pile this is going to be your Reading all about your life in one year So let’s go ahead and Dive Right In Group twos so we have Knight of Pentacles we’ll Fortune Temperance Six Of Swords Queen of Wands Three of Swords Then we have the ring master of scrutiny Which is all about discernment Clear Vision and details then we have the high Lady of love and compassion which is Reverence kindness and consideration so Diving into your year ahead and what Your life’s going to be like king or

Knight of Pentacles here is such a card Of dedication moving forward it is Persistence in pursuit of a goal in Pursuit of a certain vision and for some Reason when I’m looking at this card I Keep hearing the word promise it’s like You’re making a promise to yourself or You’re making a promise to someone else Or to your life or something like this But uh there’s going to be a really Important promise that you are following And sticking to so if you’ve been Wanting to implement new habits in your Life even right now or if you’ve been Wanting to make a certain promise to Yourself I see that that’s going to be Something that’s really successful for You and your your persistence your Ability to stick through and to continue Showing up is going to incredibly pay Off through this next year The Wheel of Fortune this is going to start spinning The wheel in your favor this is going to Bring in Good Fortune for you and I also See that your life is at a turning point So you might be even feeling a little Bit of this energy right now like you’re On the precipice of a turning point or You’re thinking of like changing things Up or maybe there’s going to be Something coming along within the next Few months that is changing up your life In some way shape or form Temperance Over here you are so much more focused

On balance and filling your cup Temperance is also a card that reminds Us of moderation so you may also be Focused on creating more moderation in Your life when it comes to your work Life balance or when it comes to your Emotional fulfillment and being able to Nurture yourself and fill your own cup Because how can we ever give when our Cup is empty a huge thing that you’re Going to be focused on and doing a year From now is you’re going to have balance In your own fulfillment being able to Totally fulfill yourself and I also see That you’re going to be within this next Year really focused on the different Things that have been um draining your Sense of fulfillment or draining your Cup and those things I feel like are Part of our Knight of Pentacles when we Were talking about making promises it’s Like these promises of of I don’t want To partake in those activities or do Those things anymore that have been Draining my cup it’s like you’re really More focused on balance and how can you Bring more to your cup and create better Balance in your life also Temperance Talk talks about getting to a goal the Huge crown that we have over here on the Horizon or you could look at this as Just like a beaming light or whatever Indicates a Goal and I see you making progress

Towards that goal throughout this whole Year the different things that you are Doing towards this goal are going to Massively pay off I can promise you that Ring Master Also can be about making a promise or a Commitment to your yourself if you think About a ring what does a ring symbolize It symbolizes a form of commitment You’re committing to something and The Wheel of Fortune it will rake in good Things for you there’s a major Transition coming up into your life as Well with the Six of Swords this is moving into better times Moving into a place where things are Much more level it’s not just a bumpy Road and going back and forth if you had A wishy-washy energy previously in your Life where maybe you started moving Forward but then you would fall out Fall Off Track and then you’d go back go this Way swaying things or even if you have People in your life that seem to be very Back and forth in and out in andout Energy look at one foot in one foot out And Six of Swords is sort of one foot in One foot out if you’ve been having People in your life that are that way I See you having courage to release that And let that go I see that that’s no Longer going to be be part of your life A year from now you are going through a Major transition because ring master of

Scrutiny there’s a higher sense of Discernment in your life and you have a Clear vision of what you want you you Know the details of what you want and You’re no Longer like settling or Allowing things in your life that were Not totally committed to your well-being And to your same vision right there’s no More of this like inout energy it’s kind Of like either we work together either We’re on the same page or we’re not Right and Six of Swords can indicate That you’re moving on and away from Something that was negative for you or Something that was just a rocky ride That kept being unpredictable you’re Moving away from this unpredictability You’re moving away from hectic Challenges and being stuck in a storm Because this card kind of can indicate That we’ve just transitioned out of a Storm one year from Now you you’ve left the storm behind Whatever storm that you’ve been dealing With in your life you’re leaving it Behind and you’ve also been feeling an Inner guidance to leave that behind You’ve been feeling that because the Person that’s rowing the boat in the Background indicates your Spirit guides It can also indicate other people around You it can sometimes symbolize a Physical real person as well so maybe

There’s also a physical person that’s Been just been really encouraging you Really there to support you and perhaps You’re going to have that as well a year From now or at least within this next Year and this person’s going to be very Supportive in helping you and Encouraging you that you it’s okay to Move on it’s okay to move to clearer Times it’s okay to move to better Weather right and I use that Metaphorically however it can also Indicate um like more actuality as well So there could actually be literally a Move somewhere with better weather for Some of you however that can most of the Time be taken metaphorically that you’re Moving out of the storm you’re moving to Better times so there is a a huge Transition that you’re going to be Making within this next year and you’re Stepping into the Queen of Wands the high Lady of love and Compassion I would associate this card a Little bit more with the queen of Cups However something is telling me that These two are very connected and it’s Almost telling me like you’re going to Be a mix of the queen of Cups and the Queen of Wands which is very much like In your own lane this is an energy of Confidence an energy of I know what I Deserve and I have high standards and High values for myself I also am like

Fun and social and excited and Passionate the Queen of Wands she’s so Integrated she takes care of herself she Knows she’s beautiful and it’s almost Like entering into a time of your life Where you also like really feel sexy and So one year from now I’m getting this Energy like you’re just going to feel Sexy you’re going to feel wanted there’s Different things that are going to be Happening in your life that make you Feel like a very desirable very like Glowing type of person a magnetic type Of person and I do see that you’re going To be magnetizing beautiful experiences Into your life and I do see that perhaps Even a year from now you’re going to Have somebody that’s really wanting to Commit to you on a deeper level ring Master discernment Clear Vision details You’re becoming so much more conern um Discerning and the high Lady of love and Compassion it’s like you’re really Opening up your heart ready to really Receive because you’re also stepping More into your own confidence your own Beauty your own light which always Existed but it’s like you’re really able To see it and I do think that the Different goals that you have right now Are really Like is so good for your soul they’re Like nourishing for your soul and this Is going to be a huge part in why you

All of a sudden feel this glow this Magnetism this sexiness this passion This like inner beauty this inner Radiance and I just see that this is Like you entering a much more fun much More passionate era of your life but It’s not the type of fun that’s like not Grounded it’s the type of fun that’s Like I’m just living life more Passionately because I know how I know What’s more fun I am confident to be Social to laugh to create more Brightness in my life o brightness is Coming back and there’s a theme Here Some of you may be moving and there’s More brightness in your life it’s like Really somewhere that’s brighter Somewhere that’s more open and sunny There’s a sunflower here so some of you Are also going to be moving like that or Moving somewhere that can bring more of That and then we also do have the Three Of Swords you are going to be healing From this thing that you are leaving Behind from the Storm we were talking about a storm and This card is talking about that Particular Storm I do see one year from now like You may still be going through that Process of where you’re going through That transition and maybe sometimes you Still think about like like oh I did Leave this thing behind and you know

Maybe there’s a little bit of Bittersweetness there However however You are so much happier Queen of Wands She is so Happy and even though sometimes she Might still think of the past and be Like oh yeah that that happened she’s Also so excited to move on she’s so Excited to be in her own lane she’s so Excited to just Blossom this is the card Of Radiance and blossoming the high Lady Of love and compassion reverence Kindness consideration you are stepping More into your high lady type of energy Or even high masc type of energy because No matter if you’re a man or woman Watching this all of us have a mix of Feminine and masculine energy and I just See you being so much more nurturing so Much more ready to like open up Emotionally as well and to accept people In your life that you know you’re you’re Just more Discerning of who you let in You’re so much more Discerning of who You give your time to and who you give Your heart to ooh I’m also getting a Message here that there’s going to be a A lot of people that that want to come Into your Life and you might have to be like you Know what not quite the right match or Or this is you having confidence To to say no and you’re no longer scared

Of disappointing people cuz Queen of Wands she’s not scared of that she is Not a people pleaser she’s more in her Warrior type of energy rather than in Her servant type of energy so rather Than being a people pleaser or wanting To console other people’s emotions Because we’re worried that they can’t Handle themselves no you’re more in your Own Lane and you’re so much more aware of Like you know what emotions help make us Strong so I’m going to be in my own lane And not worry so much about other people And their emotions and things like that Which does help us you know we do need To have a balance of course it’s amazing To be compassionate and all of that and That’s exactly what this one is however I do see you creating more balance Moving away from being a people pleaser But yet still having compassion and Empathy and kindness to people and there Is a fine line of that balance and I do See you moving more into that particular Type of balance so let’s see what else We get for you for your life one year From now my group Twos let’s see what do we have so we Have um Hermitage and we also have Darkness and it’s interesting that these Ones literally flew up upside down I Don’t know if you realize that and a lot Of the times you know oracles oracle

Cards aren’t really usually meant to be Red upside down in any way shape or form However I am being called to the fact That Spirit meant for these to like flip Up upside down so we’re going to go with It anyway darkness and Hermitage The darkness being upside down the Opposite of darkness is obviously light Which is exactly what we were talking About with our Queen of Wands so Whatever sort of like unknowns that you Are currently facing or any sort of like Big questions that you might have or Anything feels like it’s still in the Dark for you that is now coming to light I see you having a lot of epiphanies a Lot of realizations this can also mean That things that were once physically Dark in your life such as like living in A a dark home or living somewhere where It’s always cloudy or anything like that I’m seeing that you’re going to be Transitioning into a much more brighter Much more radiant much more Sunny time I’m also seeing you really loving who You are like loving who you are so yeah We have that we also have the Hermitage So the Hermit is someone who sort of like Like hides or is in a cave or is in Their shell or is more Introspective more introverted and with This one being reversed I feel like you Are stepping into a time where you’re

Wanting to be more radiant more out There um coming out of your shell being Open and honest I also see this as you Opening your heart from it being locked Down and disappointed if you’ve been Going through times where it just seems Like like like you’re never getting what You want or it’s always like a rain on Your parade or it’s always cloudy There’s always a storm there’s always Something happening or if you’ve had Doubts because of past hurts that have Not been Healed this is going to be healed one Year from now I see you moving into a Time of just being so much more open and Healing all of those different things Okay let’s dive into our next set of Cards Here my group two Group twos group twos group twos this One wants to come out we have Opportunity the caterpillar caterpillars What do they do they turn into Butterflies you are going to be going Through a major metamorphosis over this Next year and there’s going to be new Opportunities coming into your life You’re going to be open to New Opportunities because I feel like you’re Going to be able to reach New Heights Because you’re the caterpillar that’s Transforming and going through Metamorphosis and becoming a butterfly

Now you’re going to be able to move much Faster get to higher highs and also the Butterfly feels a lot more weightless And so I feel like for you life in General I feel like is going to feel More Weightless I feel like these three cards Want to come out let’s go with it Overflow overwhelm and plenty so this is A card that indicates abundance more Abundance filling up your cup what was I Talking about over here with our Temperance Overflow overwhelm and Plenty so overwhelm can be a good thing And in this context it’s a very good Thing because it talks about like an Overwhelming amount of your cup being Full an overwhelming amount of Fulfillment in your life this is a card That’s connected to our Emotions and for you moving into this Next year I see that you’re focused on Things that are much more Promising cutting away things that have Been a repetitive Pattern moving into much more kindness Compassion we also have Moon maiden of New beginnings lost Compass of getting Back to Integrity so the Lost Compass Just like what I was pointing out with The Wheel of Fortune with that sort of Lost energy or repetitive Cycles you’re Getting back to Integrity you’re laying

Down the law of okay I have more Discernment and I don’t want to just be A lost Compass I don’t I want to have Direction I want to have certainty and Anything that’s no longer giving me sure Direction and sure certainty it does no Longer it’s no longer going to be in my Life one foot in one foot out we no Longer want that energy if you have been One foot in one foot out on anything in Your life it is time to make a choice it Is time to make a decision and I see you Making that decision cuz look you’re Making this Choice you’re moving forward And yes it might be like a little bit Bittersweet because we’ve had to to Choose one thing over the Other but that’s the most important Thing because if we can’t if we can’t Choose like that’s unfair it’s unfair to Whatever it is that we’re still only one Foot in one foot out that’s an unfair Circumstance so I see you coming back to A place of Choosing no Longer ever settling for one foot in one Foot out if it’s one foot in one foot Out it’s probably a no because like if You can’t fully commit to it it means That there’s something that’s not quite Right there right so new Beginning lost Compass getting back to Integrity getting back to your own Integrity so let’s go ahead and Shuffle

Some more cards here we’re going to dive Into our astrology cards to get some More information on what is happening For you over this next year and what Your life’s going to be like one year From Now ooh this card’s wanting to come out Solar eclipse this one came up for the Past group too that’s so interesting so The solar eclipse is going to be a major Time for you if there is any solar Eclipses coming up in the near future Which I mean there’s solar eclipses Literally every year so when is the next Solar eclipse happening this reading is Timeless so whenever you’re watching This go to Google and Google when the Next solar eclipse is Happening and pay attention to that Because that’s going to be a very Significant time for you we do also have Sex tile which is a very positive aspect In astrology it’s all about integration Cooperation tools skills Ingenuity Harmony and empathy so you’re gaining so Much more like wisdom and tools and Skills to attain more of what you Want the things that you’re learning the Lessons that you’re currently going Through are teaching you um how to move Forward to achieve what it is that you Really want we also have try which is The strongest aspect in astrology coming Up for you now

This is when things get so much easier Ooh the things that you’re learning the Skills that you’re learning the promises That you’re making to yourself the Commitments that you have those are Going to really pay off and create a lot More flow in your life things are going To get easier things are going to become Stronger you’re really becoming so much Stronger in your life this is fluency Ease Talent Development privilege Aptitude self Comfort temper laziness And intelligence so when when we have The Trine it’s such a strong shape that We’re able to relax and be a little bit More lazy because we are in the Strongest shape right we don’t need to Struggle to get where we want to go it’s Much more easy we can relax into it so That’s another aspect that I wanted to Point out there but that is all about Your life in one year from now uh my Group TW is so much more Overflow this new beginning saying no to Something having that courage to let Something go stepping into your Radiance and saying no to anything that Has ever been one foot in one foot out It’s like you no you deserve better and Also if you’ve been one foot in one foot Out it’s like no you deserve to make a Choice and not stay stuck in Limbo so yeah lots of interesting Messages here for my group twos and it’s

Interesting we have black teraline this Is a protection Stone it helps protect Us so if you’ve been in any sort of Storms lately um you know anything going On that you just felt like was a little Bit chaotic black turmaline is a Grounding stone and a protection Stone It helps us find our sure footing it Helps us get back to a grounded sense of Being and over this next year I’m seeing You’re getting back to a grounded sense Making those choices that are going help You move forward that are going to help Bring in Good Fortune for you overflow To a time of getting more abundance and I do see a possible move for you like a Literal possible move of moving Somewhere that’s like sunnier and Brighter and just overall is going to Feel so much better for you so that is Again all the little recap of what we Have going on over here I’m sending you So much love thank you so much for Joining me here for today’s video and Until next time bye all right my group 3 Is if you chose this pile this is is Going to reveal all about your next year And what’s going to be happening in your Life one year from now so let’s go ahead And Dive Right In all right my group Threes we have Justice we have the Five Of Cups Queen of Pentacles the four of Swords and then the Ace of Wands so Starting off with the Justice card in

The next year I see that you are going To be so much more forward and feel Really comfortable being honest and Expressing your truth and your opinions I don’t know if that’s something that Maybe you struggle with right now or Maybe it just makes you uncomfortable But the Justice card is really making me Feel like you are just becoming this Really strong person who’s also very Balanced and who knows that they are Right if you ever feel at the moment Like you question yourself and you’re Like am I wrong for speaking my truth or Am I like wrong for doing this like this Next year you are really stepping into So much more like selfcon confidence Selfawareness where you feel more Comfortable as well laying down Boundaries and speaking your truth and Also being honest with other people Especially if you know they’re doing Something that hurts you or if if you Are wanting to get the truth out of Somebody or whatever the case may be I Just see you being so much more strong So much more powerful and this type of Like confidence and this inner Justice And this inner knowing that you know What I deserve truth I deserve honesty And I also deserve to feel comfortable Expressing my truth and expressing my Honesty and this Five of Cups right here Is making me feel like maybe in the past

Um there was this energy of feeling like Disappointed or sad when things maybe Went wrong or um I’m almost getting this Feeling like there might even be a Relationship in your life or there was a Relationship in your life that um always Made you feel bad even when you weren’t Wrong but they maybe gaslighted you or Something like this and I’m sort of Seeing that this energy is totally being Eradicated from your life you are Stepping into this very strong Persona Where you’re like I’m never going to let Myself be treated like that again I’m Never going to let myself succumb to Those situations ever again because I Just see that you’re going to have so Much more self-awareness and awareness Of other people and other people’s Intentions which is going to be so Beneficial even if this doesn’t have to Deal with another person for you this Could also be like internally always Maybe feeling like questioning yourself Or there was some sort of thing that was Just more disappointing and I just see You bringing Justice to that situation And overcoming it being able to really Overcome that That emotion that was holding you back And it’s interesting that we also have The prison wave which is all about Self-sabotage and poverty Consciousness So if you ever related to feeling like

There was some self-sabotage where maybe You would ruin something before it got Too good out of fear of getting hurt or Self-sabotage can also be when we never Fulfill our goals because there’s some Sort of like fear standing in the way That maybe we weren’t conscious of and So we end up Self-sabotaging so if you relate to any Of that or if there’s been any poverty Consciousness which basically talks About um like a lack based mindset never Feeling like there’s enough or worried That like oh this is the best it’s ever Going to get like look at this card it’s Almost like this person’s thinking like This is the best it can ever get for me Therefore I should just settle for this No no no no no my group number thre is Oh my goodness this next year is going To be such a shift such a change in your Level of Consciousness your level of Awareness and the justice and the Queen Of Pentacles both of these women are Wearing this red gown with this gold Crown and this um green robe okay and The red symbolizes stepping into your Power that is you through this next year Stepping into your power You we’re no longer feeling sad or Victimized or anything like that we’re Just we’re just calling our power back We’re like you know what I have the Power to change this I have the power to

Create great circumstances for me and I Am going to make things better I am not Going to settle for this is the best it Can ever get because it can get better And it will get better and it is going To get better because again you’re Stepping into your power the green cloak That um she is wearing here symbolizes Claiming Abundance green is the color of Abundance it’s the color of fruitfulness It’s the color of things that are Growing it’s the growth so you stepping Into your power there’s going to be so Much growth for you happening over this Next year and then it’s you putting on The crown being the Leader of your life being the commander Of your life no longer feeling like life Is in control of you it’s like no I call The shots of my life I decide what my Life is going to look like and Queen of Pentacles oo she is in her power and Look at all the growth happening around Her look at all the abundance and like The growth of the trees and the blossoms And the flowers she is in a blossoming Stage and also Queen of Pentacles the Pentacles are the strongest most sturdy Most reliable most material aspect of All of the elements and the suits of the Tarot so when we have the Queen of Pentacles she’s the queen of her Material World she’s stepping into her

Mastery of manifestation if any of you Watching this video right now are into Manifestation in any way shape or form Or maybe you’ve been trying to manifest Something Queen of Pentacles I feel like You’re going to be um really gaining a Grasp on manifestation and you’re going To see physical results coming into your Life over this next year of your Manifestations Manifesting these are Manifesting and Queen of Pentacles she’s Sure she trusts the process she also Trust herself and she’s very stable so I Also wouldn’t be surprised if whatever Poverty Consciousness you might have had Or feeling like maybe your finances Weren’t where they where you wanted them To be Queen of Pentacles she’s abundant And she has growth she has abundance Just like her robe just like all the Plants growing around her so I really See you getting out of this this prison That you feel like you are maybe in this Prison of your circumstances and feeling Like life is just had its hold on you no Oh my gosh Justice is bring being Brought to that and things are evening Out this is also when we’re raking in Good Karma and when things balance out So if it felt like the scales were Tipped the scales are now tipping into The other direction so instead of Overgiving now it’s over receiving and

Vice versa it’s the balance things are Now balancing Out Queen of Pentacles she takes care of Herself she nurtures herself she also is Much more stable and fulfilled in her Career and also in her Material World um This card is also making me feel like You are going to be surrounded by more Beautiful things next year or at least Within this next year you’re going to be Accumulating um different material Things that you’re just like wa I never Knew that I could get that because I Never gave myself the chance to be that Or to achieve that and I never thought I Could do that and I see that in one year From now if you look back on your life One year from now you’re going to be Like oh I actually would have never Imagined that I would have this that I Would own this that I would have this Sort of income or other things like that Like I’m seeing this as a card that’s Indicating um more balance with money More material assets or other things That you’re surrounded by that that make You feel really good they make you feel Like really proud that you’ve achieved That and I’m really seeing that you’re You’re doing it on your own this Queen Of Pentacles is this energy of Independence and it’s this energy of the The person who’s doing it all you know They they’re focusing on their health

And well-being they are focusing on Their family and their relationships and They’re also focused on their career and They’re also focused on their Foundation Their abundance and their Safety and Security they are focused on all the um They’re very well-rounded basically then We also have excuse me the four of Swords um this is a card of rest and Relaxation so also within this next year I feel like you’re able to let go and Relax especially I’m hearing the message If any of you have struggled with Overthinking or anxiety or um lack of Sleep or feeling like it was just really Hard to find time for yourself this is a Card letting me know that in this next Year you are finding time for yourself You are able to find time to rest and Relax and rejuvenate and I’m just seeing That that’s going to be something where You’re able to also rest at peace with Something rest at I’m not not saying That in the way of like rip in the Negative way I don’t mean that at all in Any way shape or form the way that I’m Meaning this in is with something that Used to overwhelm you or give you Anxiety you’re now able To rest it’s no longer bothering you It’s like oh that’s okay now I’m fully Good with that and like you’re just Feeling so much better we also have Ace Of Wands here this is a new inspiration

Birthing this is a new growth this can Also be where we awaken to new spiritual Ideas or we’re on a new spiritual path Um this can also be when there’s just a Whole new passion Awakening within us a New beginning something new that’s Awakening our inner flame and our inner Fire so um that’s also something that I See happening and it’s interesting that The Ace of Wands you know it has all of These leaves which is reminding me of How connected it is to the Queen of Pentacles which is all of this growth This abundance your ideas are going to Feel so much more prosperous and they’re Going to feel so much more alive to you And I just see this new idea kind of Coming out of nowhere this might be even An idea that you’re not even aware of in Any way shape or form right now however A year from now there’s going to be like These new Inspirations these new ideas Coming through that are going to feel so Much more in alignment with You okay then we also have the arrow Master hitting the mark intention and Detachment o the arrow Master you’re Going to have your sights set on goals Targets that you want to reach and I see That cuz the arrow Master this is kind Of like the manifestation master that we Were talking about here hitting the mark Being able to set an intention and Knowing like hey I got this and I know I

Can achieve it and there’s this type of Like relaxation with the word Detachment Because we’re not we’re not like no Longer feeling uh lack the lack mindset Of the prison wave we feel like you know What I’m detached I trust the process And I know know and trust in my skills To get me there it’s like you’re really Stepping further into your power and Much more with clear Intentions and you’re also able to hit The mark better you’re able to meet your Own standards better better rather than Feeling disappointed by certain things It’s like we’re able to hit the mark We’re able to nail it you’re nailing Things in this next year that maybe Beforehand you were kind of struggling With so yes we also have the Swan Queen Transformation intuition patience so You’re going through a massive Transformation yes you are going to be More tapped into your intuition to help Guide you and that’s also very much what The four of Swords is it’s very Intuitive tapping into your intuition Being able to reflect and then get Answers it’s also a very meditative card Where maybe we’re taking on the Practices of meditation and maybe They’re helping us with attaining a Epiphanies getting the answers that we Need moving forward or even just getting The rest and relaxation and personal

Time that maybe we really need right now So I see a year from now you’re just Much more tapped in you’re trusting your Intuition so much more you are really More in your Power and doing this huge transformation Because before maybe we were impatient Everything was not working out it was Feeling H and we were stuck in this lack Mindset and then over here it’s like no We’re in our power we’re detached and we Keep hitting the mark because of our Relaxed Detachment and we’re getting What we Want And the things are manifesting you Literally are going to be owning things That right now you’re kind of like You’re you’re you’re really wishing for I see that you’re wishing for certain Things but perhaps you don’t even see How it’s possible cuz you’re like I Don’t have enough I I don’t know how I’m Going to make that happen But over here Queen of Pentacles she’s Like I did it I literally did it and You’re not even stressed about it you’re Like relaxed about it you’re just like I Did it here it is I’m surrounded by this This is natural for me it’s going to Feel natural for you to have those Things um it’s interesting that you also Had the amethyst on this group because Amethyst is a royal Stone any purple

Color was actually like associated with Royalty for really long long long Periods of time and um ameth used to be Worth more than diamonds and Amethyst is Also a stone that helps us detach and Let go of things that are no longer Serving us and it helps us call in more Of our internal royalty our internal Value our own leadership being The Sovereign being of our own life amethyst Is such an amazing um uh Crystal for Letting go of anything that’s no longer Serving you and stepping more into your Power which is exactly kind of what we Have going on over here so anyway diving Into some more cards let’s go ahead and Take Out one of my favorite new decks this Egyptian gods deck and let’s see what Else do we get for you your life next Year what else is going to be Happening Union and power ooh you’re Going to be also connecting with other People that really uplift you that are Also on your same Vibe and again we have This power theme of you stepping into Your power but the union card is really Sticking out to me as well and this this Lets me know that you are going to be Attracting like-minded people into your Life that are no longer resonating at This Five of Cups level they’re instead Resonating at this Queen of Pentacles Level just like

You and they are people that honor Honesty they are people that are also Strong and say it like it is and they Also want to be surrounded by other People that say it like it is rather Than you know having people that tell You what you want to hear but it’s it’s Not like helping you in the long run Right um I just see you being surrounded By much more um Like in their power type of people who Also are just very supportive and Like Inspiring and they’re they have the same Values as you anyway we also have have Raw which is the enlightening card this Is also um like the sun god raw and this Is you stepping into your Radiance this Is you stepping into enlightening times Of like Oh now everything makes Sense also the sun deals with our Ability to shine and it’s also the um Manifestation energy we have all of this Red red is like your color if if you are Drawn to Red at all in any way shape or Form within this next year this is a Symbol of you stepping into your power And we also have like this raw symbol Actually going on right here as well Within this card it’s like at the top of This one so anyway this is you stepping Into your power into more of your Ability to shine and to take action in

Your life because the sun raw is about Taking Action movement moving Ahead letting things go that are no Longer serve you and letting the sun Shine this is about you also stepping Into the confidence of letting your Authenticity shine right no longer Feeling like we need to hide it in any Way because we’re just comfortable Shining we’re totally comfortable with That we’re comfortable being ourselves And expressing Our Truth expressing our Authenticity let’s see what else do we Have happening for you next year within One year from now my my group Threes my group threes my group threes My group Threes let’s see what do we get for You these cards are not wanting to talk Too much but let’s see my group threes There we go there we go beloved so Radical Acceptance I see you just accepting so Much about like where you are possibly Right now or where where you were in Your past and feeling so comfortable and Good about letting it go and moving on Moving Forward we also have lost in space Needing Direction I feel like this is a Little bit of a reflection of possibly How you’re feeling um right now and we Also have the falling angel um spiritual

Narcolepsy narcolepsy is when we like Randomly fall asleep wow there’s a theme Here about you wanting more sleep Needing more sleep maybe sleep has felt Not as fulfilling lately like somehow We’re waking up a lot or um other things Like this I see that um next year or Within this next year your sleep is Going to be improving and I really feel Like it’s because you’re letting go of All of this stress or the negativity That was kind of over here and we’re Able to turn around and see the Opportunity and take advantage of the Opportunity that’s sort of sitting there But we don’t see it right now when we’re In the five of of Cups era and in this Energy we’re kind of looking at Everything that’s tipped over rather Than at the things that we could take Hold of right now and the good things That we could focus on so I feel like Gratitude is going to be one of your Best practices in shifting your Energy and stepping more into your power And I know sometimes gratitude can sound Just like such a simple little silly Thing that’s just like what kind of Power does that really have I know it Can sound like that Sometimes however if you look into any Of like the great thinkers the great Minds the great spiritual leaders they Will all talk about the power The

Amazing Power of gratitude and there is So much power within it and guess what Gratitude’s free anyone can do it at any Point in time and it will transform your Life if you dive into it and you you Really stay consistent with it so anyway That’s just something that I’m going to Throw out there whether you’re willing To pick that up or not that’s that’s up To you but I I just get the message that Gratitude is going to be something that Can be so transformative for you maybe It’s something that you already practice And I’m just seeing like that is Something that spirit is like yes that Is going to be amazing you are going to See transformation with that um if you Choose to practice it so anyway I just Feel like it’ll speed up your Transformation and then as well we have Beloved radical acceptance I’m just Seeing you being able to radically Accept where you are and then Lost in Space needing Direction This is where This was this is all of this Energy okay and then I also see in one Year from now I think so much is going To change for you that you almost will Be at one of these points again where You’re where you’re kind of like where Do I want to go now it’s sort of opening Up a fresh page however I don’t feel Like it’s going to be this energy of Feeling lost I feel like it’s going to

Be more of this grounded calm type of Energy that’s like hm I’ve done all of That what do I want next like it’s More like a wondering excitement of like O what what do I want next so I I do see That theme kind of coming back a year From now but it’s a much more positive Cuz you’re you’re just in a much more Positive place a year from now so this Is going to be much more yeah positive Anyway spiritual narpy we talked about That one that’s all about you getting Much more sleep and um honoring your Time to relax you may also um I’m seeing If some of you have been really wanting To manifest like time off and to take a Vacation I am absolutely seeing that That’s going to be manifested for you Within this next year okay 10th house And Leo I achieve and then Leo which is Connected to the sun which is connected To our raw energy that we were talking About just earlier in this card um Anyway Leo could be a prominent zodiac Sign in your your life over this next Year you may even be a Leo but even if You’re not a Leo and even if you don’t Know a Leo the Leo energy this is Talking about the energy you are Stepping into which is much more Inspired it’s fiery it’s confident it is Radiant it is the energy of the Sun so It’s you stepping more into that Spotlight this could also be where we

Are attracting more clients more energy More recognition for what it is that We’re doing we may even have a spotlight Moment happening within this next year Especially since we also have the 10th House there definitely could be this Spotlight moment that you’re having Where you might achieve something that’s Really great and you’re getting Recognition for that particular Achievement the 10th House deals with Our career and our goals or any other Big aspirations that we have and it’s Mostly centered around like our Material World so like our money or again our Career Or other sort of achievements like Rewards or recognition things like that In anyway Leo just enhances that energy By putting us more in the spotlight so The fact that we have those two cards Coming out there is something here where We’re like attracting more abundance We’re attracting more recognition um I Do see that you might win or get to a Big Milestone and possibly even win some Type of Award of some kind Uh this could be like an award you know You you’ll know how that applies to your Life but there might be some sort of Award that you are winning um and then We also have waxing crescent inspiration Creativity growth accomplishments and

Learning the waxing crescent is when the Moon is growing and it’s in its growth Phase so this is you your next year is All about growing into more inspiration More creativity growth in general Accomplishments which is what we were Just talking about with our 10th house And Leo and then learning so there’s Tons of learning tons of growth and I’m Seeing this learning being like an Inspiring learning of like ooh I want to Know that I want to develop this skill I Want to do that like I’m almost seeing You learning something to expand your Career in some way shape or form um and That’s going to be really exciting and I Do see again some sort of like Accomplishment Milestone award Recognition something like this is Happening in this next year for you and I feel like it’s going to open up more Doors and more opportunities and it’s Going to be very fun and exciting so That is what we have here my group Number threes thank you so much for Joining me here for today’s reading um I Cannot wait for you for your next year It looks like there’s going to be tons Of transformation and just a lot of Energy moving forward and all of that And stepping more into your power which I love for you I love that so I’m Sending you so much love again thank you So much for joining me here and until

Next time bye all right my group number Four is if you chose this pile this is Going to be your reading all about your Life in this next year so let’s go ahead And Dive Right In my group fours my Little Sunset Ora course group um let’s Just get into this this is really Exciting so one year from now we start Off with the six of Wands and then the Knight of Wands the six of Wands is a Celebration people are celebrating you This is a time where we’re getting Recognition or we are in the spotlight Or there’s just something happening Around us where people are like cheering Us on they’re celebrating us they’re Really proud of us and we’re kind of Like able to ride through town up on our Horse being like yeah I did it here I am This is it so this for example could be Things like weddings or a graduation or A huge milestone in work where maybe you Publish a book and everyone’s like oh my God you did it or like something like This there’s some sort of big milestone That you’re reaching some sort of big Celebration that’s going to be happening Um within this next year for you the Knight of Wands is this energy of a lot Of excitement and spontaneity and it Could be this new thing that we’re so Excited to LEAP ahead on it can also be When energy is moving really fast and When we make a a new decision that we’re

Just so excited about we’re on a journey That lights us up and the Knight of Wands can also sometimes indicate moving Occasionally it can sometimes indicate That so I do feel feel like for some of You watching this there may be an Opportunity to move somewhere new to Move to a new home to upgrade in some Way um but the Knight of Wands also is Just like a quest a journey that just Lights us up and we’re so excited to Move forward um so this could also be Like traveling like an opportunity to Travel or an opportunity to step into More freedom or like a project or an Opportunity that we’re so excited to be Like yes let me Dive Right in this is Exciting so there’s definitely energies Like this I’m getting the feeling for Some of you this could also be some sort Of like promotion or again hitting a big Milestone that’s like yeah and then it Just reignites us the 10 of of Wands Being reversed I love that this card Came up reversed for you because this is Letting Go and able able to let go of Some things that were really heavy for Us this could be like carrying too many Responsibilities having way too much on Plate to the point where it’s kind of Like we can’t really do that just on our Own anymore so I I do see in this next Year um there’s going to be people in Your life helping you out and we can

Share some of you know our Responsibilities and feel a little bit More at ease or we’re just able to at Least let some of them go cuz we’re like Okay I’m done that chapter I’m done the I’m done the Long Haul I’m able to Breathe a little bit and things feel a Little bit more sustainable as well I Think it you’re getting to this point Where you no longer want to feel Overburdened and I think you’re noticing That when you say yes to too many things It comes at a compromise to yourself and Over this next year I just feel like You’re much more willing to say no and It’s easier for you to say no and we Don’t need an excuse for the reasons why We say no sometimes a no is just a no And it’s just a no and you’re totally Justified for that that is absolutely Okay and I just see you being so much More confident in yourself to say no to Step more into your freedom to step more Into the things that feel really good For you uh Page of Cups being reversed Here can also be that no type of energy When when an opportunity comes our way And we’re just like you know what I Don’t need to say yes to everything let Me just say yes to the things that do Feel in alignment or the things that I Actually need you know and other than That it’s like if it can if it can be Said said no to let’s just say no to it

It does we don’t have to do everything And I think that you’re realizing that You don’t have to do everything which is Going to be such a blessing for you and Then that’s going to open up an entirely New realm for you the moon card is when We’re stepping into something new that We’ve never even stepped into before I Feel like this Milestone that you’re Reaching this big accomplishment this Celebration that’s going to be happening Is a doorway into a brand new era of Your life that you have never explored Before it’s going to be entirely new and That’s that’s what the moon indicates It’s like an entirely new thing and I do Feel like there’s um excitement you may Be nervous at times because any time That we’re stepping into something new There there tends to be a little bit of Nervousness or sometimes we’re like There’s a couple fears that might come Up like oh my God am I going to do a Good job or like you know what awaits me Around this corner what are the Challenges going to be you know like There might be some thoughts like that Moving into this next chapter however I Am getting a very positive positive Feeling from this group especially since We’re starting off with these cards and Also the ability to say no and let go is Coming through I just really see Entering this new phase with a lot of

Like positive energy and again it’s just Something you’ve never stepped into Before so it’s going to be very exciting For you if this is a graduation it’s Like stepping into the you know Workplace and we’ve never done this job Before and it’s totally new or maybe It’s like getting married and then we’re Just like oh my God I’m like maybe Starting a family and that’s totally new Or whatever the case may be there’s a Big Accomplishment and then the beginning of Something completely brand new for you And I actually feel like shuffling the Cards and putting one more card onto This just to get a little bit more Definition about this new um phase that You’re stepping into ooh death card Being reversed okay so this is you Shedding just kind of the old and um This is definitely going to be A time where the old version of you is Changing and I see you going through an Era of Maturing and welcoming in this new phase And it’s sort of like needing to shed Your younger self or or at least just The self that’s outdated I don’t want to Use the word younger self because I feel Like we’re all always we’re always young You know what I mean but like um at Least shedding the aspects of you that No longer resonate so again for example

When we get married or something like That maybe we’re like shedding the Younger self and stepping into that more Mature self or when we’re graduating and Going into the workforce it’s like There’s there’s an aspect of us that Definitely changes along with that and I Feel like for you the reason why the Moon is coming up is because I don’t Even think you’re going to be able to Foresee the changes that are coming for You but I do feel like they’re extremely Positive because you’re stepping into This stronger version of you that can Say no and and also is able to get more Of a breather in not feel overloaded Okay this next year you are not going to Feel overloaded and that’s going to be Something that is so Beautiful and I do see this like Reinvention of yourself happening around This time and I feel like it’s like it’s This excitement about Reinventing Yourself and I feel like you’re even Going to be feeling this way moving into This next Chapter right it’s it’s like this Excitement of like ooh this is going to Be so fun to like reinvent myself to Change to step into this new chapter This new era and just explore that and Again yes I mean all of us when we’re Stepping into new chapters there can Sometimes be a little bit of like

Hesitations of like oh my God but at the Same time like that’s such an exciting Feeling and I feel like for you it is Going to be exciting it’s going to be Totally exciting and I’m so excited for You even just reading this Um this like what we have here reading This reading for you I’m so excited for You because I can kind of feel the Energy of what you’re feeling and Although I feel like you’re going to Have a lot of questions moving into this Next phase there’s going to be a ton of Questions going through your mind There’s this feeling of excitement about It this feeling of like oh my God I Can’t believe this is my life now steep Stepping into here and I feel like you Know you might even be asking a lot of Friends like oh my God like what did you Do when when you did this or you know What was the The Experience like for you When you stepped into this new chapter You know you’re just going to be wanting You’re going to have a lot of questions But it’s coming from this like like Really good place like really exciting Place and then we also have the four of Cups being reversed with the um the Opportunity being seen so I love when The four of cups shows up reversed Because when it’s upright we’re looking At all of these cups that are sort of Just like average they’re the cups that

We see every day you know what I mean um And when this card is reversed there’s a New opportunity coming in an opportunity That we could have never guessed we Could have never seen we could have Never predicted because it’s out of the Blue it’s literally the blue it’s out of The blue there’s going to be an out of The blue opportunity this could even Come in the form of like an idea or a Surprise or like some other happen Stance some syn istic happen stance That’s going to lead to like an entirely New something an entirely new surprise An entirely new chapter and I I feel Like it’s going to be so good and like This is something that’s meant to be This hands coming out of the sky like This is the universe bringing you Something that is meant for You this is something that’s meant for You and it’s a happy surprise but it’s Something that you’re going to be like I Can’t even I there’s no way I could have Even predicted did that it’s going to be That kind of energy coming through this Next year okay we also have the rainbow Prince com uh compensation and Perseverance Compensation you’re reaching a milestone And you are going to be rewarded for That Milestone there’s some sort of Reward coming in for you perseverance You’re sticking through and I do feel

Like this is talking about how you’ve Really stuck through maybe carrying a Lot maybe being able like really doing a Lot because maybe it’s just like so many Things were happening at once this could Be about your energy right now or it Could even be about the energy in your Very immediate future right but this is About to let up this is about to release Because you’re going to be able to Release some of that and let it Go and be able to catch your breath have A breather have breathing room in your Life to just relax be at ease and be at Joy this energy is the energy of joy in Your life and rainbow Prince the Rainbow there is going to be blessings Coming into your Life I I feel like there is a surprise Blessing coming in this next year and Again it’s like an unpredictable it’s Something that you would have never even Guessed okay we also have the webw Weaver synchronicity and I was just Talking about the energy of Synchronicities um probably like two Minutes ago we have Divine intelligence And then cause and effect there is Things that are weaving in your life Right now that are leading to like this New chapter being created you are Weaving this web right now there is Divine intelligence in order bringing You right where you’re meant to be and

Bringing you something that is so meant For you this is so meant to be we also Have the Shadow Queen acquiring Knowledge insecurity and manipulation The Shadow Queen is making me feel um Not the manipulation energy or anything Like that this is actually making me Feel the surprise the the thing that’s It’s like the moon it’s Unknown and then all of a sudden it’s Known you know it’s out of the Shadows Once it’s out of the Shadows it’s known But the Shadows is the moon whenever It’s night time when the moon is when The moon is out there’s a lot of Shadows There’s a lot of Darkness there’s a lot Of unknowns and I’m not saying that your Life is going to feel like Darkness but It’s going to feel like stepping into The unknown right just like what we were Talking about and um there could be a Couple insecurities that come along with That however even when we’re stepping Into Sometimes the best thing There can always be accompanying Insecurities you know what I mean like Imagine getting the job of your dreams But then it’s your first day and you’re Like oh God you’re like insecure you Know what I mean it’s like such a Blessing but even though it’s a blessing It can come with its own like like Unknowns and like nervous energy and Things like that even though it’s a

Really really positive thing so I want To emphasize the positivity cuz I don’t Want to like I don’t want to put out the Energy like you know like there’s Something negative cuz there’s not like It’s just so positive but yeah that’s Where like the insecurity energy that I’m getting is coming from so anyway With that being said let’s dive into Some more information about this next Year for you we have the card of Understanding all of it’s going to start To make sense and I feel like you’re Going to get to this place where like as You step into this new chapter your Answers are just going to come to you so Naturally for example starting that new Job or starting that family or that new Chapter whatever it is starting whatever That is all of a sudden all this Understanding is going to come through This Enlightenment is going to happen The path okay so this symbol is all over Egypt this woman I I forgot her name but Um anyway she resembles like the stars Our Sky she’s like kind of the goddess Of the sky or that’s probably nut Actually but anyway so that resembles Our guidance And it’s sort of like you’re here on This boat and you’re being divinely Guided and it’s going to lead to this Understanding like as you step into this New chapter I feel like your answers are

Going to be divinely Answered um and you’re just going to Figure it out and it’s going to be like Oh okay that was great you know what I Mean like you start that new job and all Of a sudden you’re like oh I get it I Didn’t even need to be nervous this is This is fine I’m fine it’s that type of Energy realizing that you’re totally Okay and that it’s just this is Everything that you’ve been wanting Right this is like totally it so anyway Diving into some more cards here let’s See I feel like these two want to come Out so we have change and then we have Death and rebirth coming Out I’m laughing at the synchronicity The fact that we have Osiris which is Death and rebirth and the fact that we Had our death and rebirth right here With this card being upside down and Yeah the change so you’re going through Massive change you’re going through a Death and re birth there’s going to be Like the letting go of that old you and The total Rebirth of the new you so Spirit wants to reiterate that message a Little bit for You um that in this next year there’s Like yeah you are letting go of the old You but it’s going to be so Divine and So beautiful and you’re going to rebirth As this new version of you that there’s A celebration here and there’s an

Exciting energy of like woohoo the Knight of Wands oh my gosh I just keep Seeing you going woohoo like oh my God And it’s also like momentum it’s Fast-paced energy of like yeah and it’s Like excitement and yeah anyway so let’s Dive into some more cards here we have Watchers Transpersonal I feel like a lot of People are going to be really rooting For you there’s a this is reminding me Just of our our six of Wands card where There’s a lot of people like looking up At you and being like Oh my God they’re Like cheering you on I feel like there’s Going to be a lot of people really Excited for you there’s something here Where maybe there’s Like a more bigger announcement that you Might have like again graduating getting The job that you want Marriage family Whatever there’s a lot of people really Rooting for you and I feel like there’s A lot of people really invested in your Story and they’re kind of like they’re Constantly wanting updates they’re like Oh give me updates what’s happening now What’s going on now I feel like you have A lot of there’s a lot of eyes on you This next year and eyes on you could Also be indicating like the type of next Chapter that you’re stepping into maybe You are stepping into a chapter where

More eyes are on you that could also be Taken literally right so yeah um we also Have benefactor Grace and generosity we Also have hollow bone Teachability so you’re going to learn New things really fast in this next Chapter so if you are worried about Anything at all about like can I handle This do I have enough skills do I have Enough knowledge am I ready if you are Wondering if you are ready because again Those couple insecurities that might Come up as you enter this new chapter You are totally ready and you are going To learn so fast teachability you’re Going to learn so fast benefactor so There’s some sort of thing where you’re Really benefiting from everything that’s Happening there there’s a lot of benefit Coming in through this new phase that You’re stepping into and Grace and Generosity I do feel like there’s going To be people that are here to help you Like this is just making me feel like There’s a really good support system People are being generous they want to Help you they want to see you succeed They’re like really rooting for you you Have people that are totally rooting for You and yeah I just see that you’re Going to be Benefiting off of a lot of things in This next year um benefactor can Indicate that other people like giving

Us a grant for student loans or um a Benefactor can also be again like Getting a raise getting promotion you’re Benefiting off of something that’s Happening when we get married you know Then we we both share like expenses and Things like that that’s a type of like Shared benefit right so there’s Something like this that you are going To be um like you’re benefiting from all The different happenstances through this Next year and things are going to feel More prosperous things are going to feel More easy because of that so let’s go Ahead and dive into our last deck of Cards to get any information for you my Group number four is all about this next Year so we have Taurus coming up Taurus Could be um a prominent zodiac sign in Your life through this next year so Taurus Sun moons and risings maybe You’re even a Taurus but Taurus can also Be talking about the energy that is also Really prominent in your life and Taurus Is our Material World it talks about our Money and everything material around us It can also talk about beauty so this Could be things like having a glow up This could be stuff like Um Renovations in our home or improving The aesthetic of things that are around Us improving our environment um and then Also again making more money is also Associated with

Taurus um it’s ruled by the planet Venus Which is the planet of love beauty and Money so there could be a lot of things There where you’re feeling more grounded When it comes to love beauty and money Or feeling much more secure you’re Feeling much more in alignment and then We also have the 10th house coming up This one came up from my last group and It’s really interesting that in my last Group we were kind of also talking about Like big achievements and possible Rewards and stuff so my group fours I Almost wonder if some of you were also Attracted to group number three because There there is some crossover here with Some of the different things however These groups are very different in many Many many ways um but there are a couple Similarities so I I would just find it Funny if you were attracted to both Groups but anyway 10th house I achieve This is all about your achievements it Can talk about making a big achievement Which is exactly what six of Wands was Just talking about it can also indicate Our career moving up and moving ahead Especially with Taurus here as well this Is a lot more grounding this is like Making more money finding that our Career has more stability it’s more Reliable and um having more structure in Our life and achieving goals so this Could be a big goal that you might have

Um so yeah definitely there’s Achievement here happening my group Fours which is very exciting let’s get One last card to end this off I really Feel like that one wants to come out the Cancer card is coming out cancer is our Emotional states it’s also our Intuition and I’m seeing that for you Moving into this next year you’re much More tapped into your intuition your Intuition is is guiding you and it’s Very strong and I feel like you’re going To trust it so much more it’s just very Reliable for you um and intuition is Always reliable for all of us but Sometimes we can be like sometimes we’re Not tapped in and we’re not trusting our Intuition but I feel like for you this Next chapter it’s like you’re really in Tune and trusting it um also with cancer I feel like you’re really focused on Emotions and emotional fulfillment being Able to say no to things that are Stealing your your energy and stealing Your emotional fulfillment and being Able to say no to those things Um And yeah I feel like something’s really Developing here really developing for You like this whole new chapter is Really developing and cancer can Sometimes also indicate like emotional Connections so there could be like a Beautiful emotional connection um coming

Out or or at least something that’s Fulfilling for us emotionally in this Next year it’s bringing out a lot more Of that type of energy and it’s very Secure it’s committed um both of those Deal with commitment and so does the 10th house so there’s a lot of committed Energy to fulfillment cancer can also Resemble family time too it’s connected To our family it’s very connected to the Fourth house in astrology which is our Foundation our connection to family so There could be something here where We’re much more grounded we feel more Successful we’re achieving Something within the lines of that so That is what this indicates my group Number fours and it’s interesting your Group number four we were just talking About the fourth house in astrology That’s interesting but anyway thank you So much for joining me here today I am Sending you all so much love and I wish You an amazing beautiful and blessed Year and I’ll see you next time bye all Right my group fives my last group we’re Going to dive into your reading to find Out what your life’s going to be like One year from now so let’s get let’s Let’s get started my group fives let’s Dive into your readings so we have the Um six of Cups the world the Ace of Swords being reversed and we have the Hangman and Tower upright we also have

Sacred Union the lady of the gift and Then the resting tree so one year from Now one thing I can say the six of Cups Over here is this energy of forgiveness It can also be this energy of like Generosity and receiving it’s very much Like Lady of the gift generosity Receiving all of that kind of energy It’s very six of Cups six of Cups can Also indicate that we’re surrounded more By children and our focuses on that it Can also indicate reminiscing or things From our past that we are making peace With and able to release and let go of And just make that peace like we’re Making peace with the past okay we also Have the world here which is like the Completion of something if some of you Need closure on anything in your life if You need closure or if there has been Like family issues or issues with like a Part Or anything of the Sort there is closure coming through and The Completion of that you won’t have to Reach back into the same old Shenanigans Of the past that’s going to be over and That is going to be healed and there is Going to be a clean slate with whatever That was so if you have been Experiencing anything within your family Or again partnership where there’s been Anything going on there is closure

There’s forgiveness there is letting go Of that we also have Ace of Swords being Reversed and this can be where we’re Able to like finally cut ties with Something like I feel like you are Cutting ties with something that maybe Right now you’re like oh I don’t Understand how I could cut ties with That I don’t understand how I could let That go because it’s reversed at the Moment so at the moment I feel like you Might not be Seeing what’s to come but I feel like There’s going to be a really big shift For you over this next year and we have Hangman in the tower you’re having a Huge wake up a huge like Epiphany Realization perspective shift this is Massive this is like all of a sudden When we are hit with a huge Spiritual Awakening and we’re like Whoa um and we realize so much all at Once and it creates massive Change in our life and I’m seeing that There’s going to be massive big change For you and it’s interesting we have Three major Arcana cards here we have The world which is like the closing of The chapter it’s also getting all of the Elements in order feeling like we are Good and fulfilled and then we also have All of this around a massive perspective Shift and a massive Change I think you’re going to be

Changing on a very deep level over this Next year to the point I feel like You’re going to want to make radical big Change in your life and I feel like this Is going to be really positive because It’s almost like you’re waking up to the Idea of like I don’t want to be in this Tower forever I don’t want to be stuck Here forever I don’t want to be doing The same thing the same day over and Over again and it’s this this kind of Thing that helps us wake up and helps us Start moving if you have felt Stuck this is the energy that wakes us Up and gets us moving It’s also the energy that gets us out of Our shell and gets us out of our Tower So if we’ve been feeling like we’re just You know always stuck at home Ooh just got a major message for you if You feel like you’re always kind of Stuck in the same routine the same Schedule always at home or always like You know in your own bubble this is Something that’s going to be changing There’s going to be a lot of things that Start happening that that are going to Bring you out of that bubble and into Something New into something new expanding in the World I also think that your perspective Is Shifting possibly about the world Maybe your old beliefs that you used to Have your old values or again there’s

Just this huge radical shift and Epiphany that’s going to be happening And it’s going to lead you to a lot more Freedom in your life the tower lets me Know that there was this energy of Feeling sort of stuck or bound um stuck In patterns and I just see that you’re Going to be shifting out of that and Calling in much more expansion into your Life we do also have the card of sacred Union which is so Interesting I do feel like there’s going To be a um potential for romance so one Thing I’ll say if you’re already in a Committed relationship the sacred Union Card indicates that that Union is Becoming stronger perhaps even going to The next level together somehow it’s It’s yeah it’s like going to the next Level of a relationship if you’re Already in one if you are single sacred Union of course indicates meeting Somebody that has amazing potential to Create a long-term relationship with so Over this next year this could also be Like the radical shifts the radical Change so I’m just saying in my group Fives there’s Definite possibility for Romance and I think it it’s also tied With your ability to kind of forgive the Past as you forgive the past it’s like Either your current relationship goes to The next level or again if you’re single

This is allowing you to open your heart To get out of your Tower and to get out Of being stuck and open your heart to Romance and love to somebody that’s like Oh my God gosh they just steal my breath Away they take my they take my heart Away in in the best possible way we also Have Lady of the gift there’s gifts Coming into your Life especially if you felt stuck or Closed off or if you Felt just burdened by different things That have been making you feel like Things weren’t progressing or moving Forward things are going to start moving Forward and again Lady of the gift Generosity receiving withholding it’s Almost like there was this feeling like Like I you were withholding your heart a Little bit and like you know keeping Walls up for Protection or it’s almost felt as if Like you were waiting around for Something to happen and it’s almost felt Like it has been withheld however I’m Seeing that in this next year now you’re In the Receiving there’s generosity there’s Partnership there’s romance there’s Receiving things are moving forward and We’re also able to do so from a place of Resting a place of like calm this so Even after all of this Likeo there’s this energy of being able

To like breathe this energy of being Able to rest to be like yeah this feels Good I’m so happy that this change Happened I’m so happy that that I was Forced out of my old patterns that I was Forced out of my old Comforts because being forced out of These old Comforts are going to help you Open up to more magic in your life and It’s going to really help you like get Things moving but also be able to be More at peace with Life yes things are now moving but You’re also more at a restful State even Though things yes they’re starting to Move forward we’re more at a restful State because we’re at peace with It and there’s going to be a lot of Things happening I feel like over this Next year that really create like a Perspective shift for you on things that Used to feel stuck by or things that you Used to hold yourself back From you’re no longer going to be Holding yourself back from them Withholding we’re no longer doing that The hangman was that withholding energy And look at we have the tower right After the hangman so there’s going to be Circumstances that really get the ball Rolling they get the ball moving this is No longer time of standing still this is No longer time of staying Stuck this is the time of movement of

Creating more Peace by moving into this New Era okay being able to receive love and Being able to generously give love as Well so there’s like a beautiful Combination here of um I feel like a lot Of you there’s like heart opening Happening over this next year and Different things where your love life is Ascending your love life is moving to The next Level so let’s see What else do we get Here my group fives my group fives it’s Interesting you’re also group five fives Are all about radical shifts and radical Change and that’s exactly what we have Going on here for you is like radical Shifts radical changes um perhaps you’re Even going through like radical change Even right now in your life and it might Be a lot of unknowns both of these cards Talk about the unknowns feeling like Like oh my gosh what’s going to happen Or or kind of dealing with like a lot of Things in life That we’re learning how to navigate Essentially we also have Hermitage so Yeah you’re coming out of the hermit Stage look at that um this is like an Awakening to Like um open up right we’re no longer Living in the tower I do feel like there Might even be opportunities for you to

Work more remotely that’s also showing Up between the world and the tower here Working more remotely not having to like Go to an office every day and also Having kind of the freedom to work from Where you want to that’s sort of coming Through here so I don’t know if some of You have had that in mind and have been Wanting to do that but I’m also getting That message here being more resourceful When it comes to your time I also feel Like your regular schedule especially if You felt like you were really Bound by That schedule I feel like there’s going To be more freedom in your schedule in This next year and um it’s going to be a Very positive sort of shift that’s going To be happening for you After the fact so usually when we have All of this it can kind of Feel a little bit chaotic as we’re going Through it but just the outcome cards That we have going on over here are so Beautiful and you’re going to be so glad That these circumstances pushed you out Of your comfort zone and pushed you into More Expansion um this is going to really Help you like get up and start moving Forward in life and not that you weren’t Moving forward before I don’t want to Make it sound like you weren’t moving Forward before but it’s just like Getting you moving forward in a new way

With more expansion And kind of like pushing you To to Expand and to welcome in more so that You can receive more abundance so that You can receive more goodness and so That you’re not just living the same day Over and over again I really feel like That has gotten boring for you living The same day over and over again it’s Like we’re really wanting we’re really Wanting some kind of change and I think The change is again going to be so Positive for You um moving forward so let’s go ahead And dive into more cards for you my Group FES let’s see group fives what else do We have going on one year from Now empty well so time to replenish we Can never give from an empty cup we have Horsemen coming up which is all about More freedom I love that that one’s Coming up we also have sacred contract Coming Up ooh so the horse always resembles Freedom the areas in which you were Stuck over here and where we were in Limbo Freedom you are freeing yourself From old chains of being stuck we no Longer wanting to stay stuck this is Time for you to now replenish your Energy and focus on your fulfillment Rather than waiting around for something

Else to occur rather than waiting for Something else to happen sacred contract Can indicate that there could be Something really important that you’re Signing this could be a job offer that You’re saying yes to a new job that’s Like oh we get to be remote and now I Get to like woo this could also be Where We unexpectedly lose a job but then it Creates all of these circumstances that Brings us to a Union that we really want and we’re like Oh wait I am so glad that that happened I am so glad that that change forced me Out because that change is going to be One of the best things that’s ever Happened to you sacred contract this Could also be where you know all of a Sudden we’re like forced to move or we Just decide on a whim like I am going to Move right and then we sign a new Contract this could be like a lease or Purchasing a home or something like this But there’s something that’s kind of Forcing you I I feel like it’s a little Bit of sometimes when we have hangman And Tower the universe is like coming Through and forcing change upon us it Can sometimes be conscious deliberate Change on our part however I’m getting Sort of a feeling from you Like like the universe is sort of Pushing for a change because the Universe wants you to know you don’t

Have to stay stuck where you are there Is so much more waiting for you and Anytime that we lose something it gets Replaced by another Thing because look at your energy as Like a full bubble anytime that you lose Something and it’s taken away it’s Because that thing actually Energetically no longer resonated with You and that creates a void and a sort Of Vortex that now calls in the new Thing that will resonate with you and we Be replacing that so there is a lot of Energy going on through this next year For you and it it might feel like a Whirlwind but it’s leading you to a new Commitment something that’s so much more Meant for you and it’s going to create More freedom in your life it is going to Create more expansion in your life more Feeling of wholeness and fulfillment Especially since we had the empty well Time to replenish there is something in Your life that’s felt a little bit empty And the universe says my love my love You are not meant to live with an empty Feeling in your life you’re not meant For that the Universe did not intend That for you and your soul didn’t intend That for yourself either okay and I know You know that Like yeah you’re meant to fulfill that So the changes that are coming through Over this next

Year it’s because you’re meant for Something so much better you are meant To feel fulfilled and there is a Beautiful like commitment coming through The signing of something new again like This could be a car this could be a Sacred contract such as marriage a Sacred Union a job offer that we are Signing a lease a mortgage home Ownership the like there’s so many Different things that fall under this Sacred contract energy and I feel like Um there’s just going to be a lot of Change in your life and just a brand new Opportunity and brand new commitment That’s coming through because of that And it’s just going to be like just one Of the best things that’s ever happened To you I can really say that and you’re Going to be so thankful for it um and It’s all because of this sort of like Unexpected very quick like shift and Change something is radically no longer In your Life then it opens the doorway for the Thing that is really meant for you the Thing that’s so much more in alignment So let’s go ahead and dive Into our last deck of cards here my Group fives let’s see what we get for You any last messages we have square so This can Feel this is talking about this energy Up here where we might be like whoa

There there’s a lot of shifts there’s a Lot of changes it’s like when we have These obstacles or when we’re making Like a a full like shift like you know These angles it’s like when we have to Turn into an entirely New Direction so This is reminding me of this energy Where you have to like pivot it’s a Pivot energy that’s the perfect word so There’s going to be a big pivot energy Over this next year but squares are not Necessarily a bad thing when you go Through them it might feel like whoa That’s a pivot that’s such a H there’s So much going on all at once however the Way that it’s leading you Oh it is going to be so much more Beautiful and I just feel like you’re Going to be so much more at peace with Life so much more relaxed there’s going To be um new commitments coming in new Unions new Partnerships even new Friendships new things that are just so Much more in alignment so much more Better we have mercury coming through And we also have the vertex card coming Through so Mercury is communication Knowledge information curios vity it can Also Indicate Contracts it can also talk about short Distance travel so maybe there’s going To be maybe we’re moving somewhere and It’s like it’s still sort of close to

Where we live right now but it’s also Kind of Different the world can also indicate Big travel as well Mercury indicates More small travel the world indicates More big travel so there could be like a Combination going on of that or there Could be different opportunities where You get to pick and choose Between where you want to be where you Want to end up where you want to travel To where you want to go um Mercury is Also offers and opportunities it’s also When we are able to communicate about Things this could be talking about that Closure or that forgiveness or that Peace that we’re creating with any past Situation it can also be where we are Discussing with our current partner or With a love interest that is in our Future and we’re discussing our future And we’re discussing how that’s going to Look together and we have vertex which Is the karmic point it is sinistry faded Connections and a turning Point that’s exactly what I’ve been Talking about this whole time the Turning point and the pivot within the Square faded connections so you’re You’re being led to some really faded Connections people that are meant to be In your Life jobs that you’re meant to have Faded connections with where you’re

Meant to be where you’re meant to live The whatever contract it is that you’re Signing these are faded connections and This is a karmic turning point for you That’s going to be so beautiful in Helping you shift because I really feel Like you’ve been needing a shift and Sometimes shifts are they feel a bit Like a Whirlwind but they are also like so Necessary in helping us Shift and especially cuz like some Sometimes we ask like like I do want my Life to change and I I I just wish that It would just change overnight and be Something different well here we go Here’s the Whirlwind here’s the Whirlwind coming through that’s going to Help create very quick shifts very fast Shifts and it might feel like a Whirlwind however it is bringing you Somewhere so much more sacred sacred Unions sacred contracts things that are So much more meant for you in your life And leading to so much more freedom Rather than feeling Chained and stuck in The same four walls in the same Structure every Day that’s changing for you and that’s Going to feel amazing so my group fives That is what we have going on here for You for your next year there’s a lot of Energy and I really one thing I have to Say I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed

By this like this is going to be so Beautiful For You especially as you see How many good things are in store for You and what’s truly meant for you this Is all happening because you are meant To live a fulfilled life you are not Meant to feel like an empty well or to Feel like there’s something missing or To feel unfulfilled you’re not meant to Do that and so the universe is stepping In you’re also waking up to the idea of Like you know what yeah change is going To be amazing and so I really see that This is going to be such a beautiful Like faded turning point for You that is just so meant to be to help Bring you to your peace to what you’re Meant to be connected to and I think That it’s just going to be like overall Such a blessing and you’re going to see And appreciate this blessing so much as You see all that the Universe has in Store for you on the other side of this So my group FES that is what we have Here my lovely selenite group one thing That I’ll I’ll talk to you guys about I Always get these comments that you guys Love when I talk about the crystal Meanings tooo so selenite is a cleansing And recharging Crystal it cleanses and Recharges it’s a very high vibrational Crystal that never needs to be cleansed Itself other crystals um such as quartz Need to be regularly cleanse because

They can take on energies and absorb Energies um and it influences their Thing anyway selenite does not take on Negative energies but it does cleanse Them it dissipates them it transmutes Them into light and and I feel like this Is um a Metaphor of your energy you are such a Beautiful being and all of the things That are going to be happening the Whirlwind you’re transmuting it into Light you’re going to be transmuting it Into such Positivity and I feel like you have an Internal knack for that my selenite Group like You I wouldn’t even be surprised if You’re going to get drawn to selenite Over this next year cuz selite is just Such a powerful Crystal to work with it Help helps with cleansing energies it Helps us with Transformations it also helps us raise Our frequency and our Vibe and it helps Us feel amazing and it also helps us Recharge our energy so if we ever feel Drained or stuck it helps us recharge And it also helps other crystals Recharge so if you like place it on Another Crystal or anything like that it Will help that Crystal cleanse and Recharge I always actually keep my Jewelry especially my crystal jewelry in Selenite dishes um like I have these

Like selenite bowls around my house that I keep my crystal jewelry in because it Will cleanse the energies that that Crystal has picked up on throughout the Day and then it will also recharge that Crystal so that it’s at its peak Amplification anyway just giving you a Little little back little backstory on The crystal celite so that’s what it Does but I feel like this is such a Powerful Crystal for you right now cuz It’s talking about your energy and how You’re going to be transmuting energy Through this next year and it’s going to Be very positive and this is all about You stepping into more of those High Vibrations stepping into that highest Version of yourself because you are not Meant to stay stuck and that is like the Biggest message that’s coming through Right now so my group fives that is what We have over this next year for you That’s what your life is going to be Like um I feel like all this stuff is Actually like right around the corner For you or you might even be Experiencing some of these energies Right Now and then next Year I see that you’re already going to Be in this place where you you’re like Signing these contracts you’re making These connections these unions with Positivity and feeling so much more free

Like you might even be experiencing this Whirlwind at the moment and that’s not Going to last very long this is very Quick a lot of those Whirlwind energies They’re very fast and it’s like a huge Pivot so you’re not in the pivot energy For long until you’re already going down A New Path and I just feel like this is Going to be um like very quick for you And shifting your path and getting you In alignment with what resonates with You the most the things that are going To provide so much more fulfillment for You so anyway I know I’m kind of going Off right now but um just wanted to add That in there for a little bit more Clarity and all of that but I am sending You so much love thank you so much for Joining me here today for this video my Beautiful group number FES I’m so Excited for you and the fact that you’re Going to be inviting in so much more of What is meant for you so I’m sending you So much love love I also want to mention Okay last thing that I’m going to Mention sorry I just keep going off this Sacred Union you are Connecting also with all sorts of Partnerships this is business Partnerships romantic Partnerships Friendship Partnerships that are very Sacred and they’re very supportive and They make you feel more like they just Make you feel so good and the

Communication with them is very strong And it’s like we’re on the same page and There’s going to be really fun things Happening in the realm of relationships For you over this next year so anyway Just wanted to add that in there this Card can also indicate marriage for some Of you um that are wondering about that So if you already have a partnership or If you just started talking to somebody That feels like they could be the one um Sacred Union can indicate that again We’re going to the next level with those Relationships so Anyway to end this reading off Um yeah I’m sure you guys get the point Of the reading and yeah that is what we Have here thank you so much for joining Me here for today’s video I am sending You so much love and until next time bye

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