Your MAY 2024 Prediction • Tarot + Astrology •

Your MAY 2024 Prediction • Tarot + Astrology •

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Hello lovelies!
Todays video is a ’pick a card’ reading. Pick the card you’re most drawn to, to find out ’Your MAY 2024 Prediction’! Once you’ve picked, skip ahead to the timestamp below where I reveal what it is…

𓂀 *Time Stamps* 𓂀
⁺˖ Intro: 0:00
🀧 *Pick Your Card* : 21:02
New Moon: 1:48
Full Moon: 6:26
Jupiter in Gemini: 8:46
Find Out Which Blessings Jupiter is Bringing YOU: 10:58
(Cheat Sheet) Which House Jupiter Will Be Transiting For YOU: 12:04
Gemini Rising: 12:41
Taurus Rising: 13:15
Aries Rising: 13:55
Pisces Rising: 14:43
Aquarius Rising: 15:16
Capricorn Rising: 16:08
Sagittarius Rising: 16:56
Scorpio Rising: 17:47
Libra Rising:18:20
Virgo Rising: 18:53
Leo Rising: 19:16
Cancer Rising: 19:58

🀧 *Pick Your Card* : 21:02
🀧 Card 1 (Angel Aura Quartz): 23:27
🀧 Card 2 (Chrysoprase): 46:28
🀧 Card 3 (Rose Quartz): 1:13:11
🀧 Card 4 (Sunset Aura Quartz): 1:40:00
🀧 Card 5 (Aqua Aura Quartz): 2:04:54

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Hello my loves and welcome back to my Channel today’s video we have our May 2024 month ahead prediction we’re going To be diving into the astrology for the Month of May and talking about the major Astrology transits and the energies that They’re going to bring through this next Month and then we’re also going to be Diving into our pick a card reading Where you get a personal tarot card Reading of all the different personal Events that are going to be happening in Your life and all the different things That you can expect through this next Month and as always there’s going to be Timestamps linked down below so that you Can easily navigate through this video But before we dive in I wanted to give a Huge shout out to Keen who are kindly Sponsoring today’s video if you have not Heard of keen before they’re essentially A huge online Network full of psychics And spiritual advisers that are there to Answer your life’s questions and a Couple of the things that I really love About Keen is the fact that they are Online so no matter where you live in The world and no matter what time it is You can log on and browse through Available psychics that also range from Different prices and you get to choose The amount of time that you want to Spend with your psychic my personal Experience with Keen has been great so

Far I’ve had a few different psychics Predict some really accurate things for Me when it came to my career and also my Love life and it’s been really fun to Connect with other psychics as well but I’ highly recommend trying out a few Different psychics before choosing the One that you spend your most time with Because each psychic reads a little bit Differently some you’ll find that you Really connect with energetically and They’re able to provide a very detailed And accurate prediction for you but Others might not connect with your Energy as much and you might not find as Much detail with those particular Psychics so I’d highly recommend trying Out a few different ones before choosing The one that you spend your most time With and if you’d like to get started With Keen you can use my link Jem To get your first 5 minutes for only a Do and again that’s gem to get Your first 5 minutes for only a do and Thank you so much to Keen for sponsoring Today’s video and without further Ado Let’s dive into our May 2024 astrology So the first major Transit that we have In May is on May 7th and this is our new Moon in the zodiac sign of Taurus new Moons are all about new cycles and being In the zodiac sign of Taurus which is All about comfort and stability Grounding finding a sense of security

And it’s also about like wealth and Abundance and your material world that’s Around you the new moons is creating a New cycle in this energy so if you Notice that you’re the type of person That tries to rush things or you’re Pushing yourself to the point of burnout Or anything like that the new moon in Taurus is one that will help you go more Introspective and it almost will kind of Force you to take a bit of a backseat And to calm down a little bit to find More balance in your life if you notice That you reach a lot of resistance in Your life when you’re trying to push Yourself too much or anything like that The new moon in Taurus is like nope Because it is calling all of us to find More Rejuvenation to find more balance To find more peace tranquility and Grounding this is where you will find More abundance abundance does not come From from overly working yourself or Overly pushing yourself and the zodiac Sign of Taurus is the one that reminds Us of that the new moon in Taurus is Also a time where people might get Inclined to do something new for their Health and their well-being since it Does rule all things physical and Taurus Also deals with our diet and sometimes It can touch a little bit on our ability To exercise and get in good physical Shape this new moon will also maybe

Inspire new changes for your health and Your well-being so to do things within More balance to have more commitment but To also take time to rest and recharge That is a huge aspect of this Transit so Again if you are noticing any resistance In your life it is probably because You’re are trying to push against this Type of energy whereas Taurus is really Calling us to focus more on our Self-care our self-love and focusing on Our internal well-being and you will Notice that you become more abundant This new moon is making minor Conjunctions over to Jupiter and Venus And Uranus which are also all in the Zodiac sign of Taurus as well so with These minor conjunctions Venus is the Planet of love beauty and money that Rules over Taurus and so since this uh Planet is also going to be conjunct this New moon it is going to amplify the tan Energy it is also amplifying love beauty And money in all of our lives and it Teaches us how to become more grounded How to have more patience with all of of These aspects of our life of Our Lives How to know our worth how to uplevel our Worth so that we get what we deserve That’s what this venutian energy is Helping us with with this new moon Jupiter helps us expand it’s the planet Of Good Fortune good luck it’s a planet Of travel philosophy and so this is

Going to really help you rewire and Reink about what are your philosophies Around working or around relaxation and How can we find more balance so that We’re still being productive and we’re Still moving forward but we are also Making time to recharge and rest and Relax and recuperate and to enjoy the Beauty that’s in our life along the way Taurus is the reminder to slow down and Take time to smell the roses the planet Uranus in this conjunction as well Creates radical change and Uranus always Likes to create unexpected change Especially for those who have not not Become aware of the change that they Need to make themselves so if you are Needing change in your life but you’ve Been resisting it and you’ve been trying To push along or Force certain things You will notice big changes happen Around this time because of this Uranus Energy it will force you to take time to Rest and recharge and recuperate it will Force you to look at what are all the Beautiful things in life that you’ve Been maybe overlooking and missing out On because we’ve been too Focus focused On our work or on these other things That have been um distracting us from The beauty of Life the new moon in Taurus is all about focusing on the Beauty of Life the beauty of the rest And relaxation and the ability to notice

That you can create so much more Abundance when you take time to balance And to rest and rejuvenate that is what Venus and Taurus remind us of so this New moon is going to be creating those Types of energies our next major Transit Of the month is our full full moon in Sagittarius happening on May 23rd full Moons are the closing of chapters and They’re also an accumulation of a lot of Energy so it’s like the peak energy of Something being in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius which is all about expansion And freedom and good luck and learning And philosophy it is creating a shedding Of anything that has been holding you Back from your freedom so if you have Felt restricted or constrained in any Part of your life if you felt like Something was hindering your sense of Freedom this full moon is going to Highlight that so if we have a job That’s hindering our sense of freedom And we feel chained to that this full Moon is going to highlight that and Probably bring up different events where We have to address that and we have to Clearly make changes or if we have felt Restricted by our own internal Limitations or limiting beliefs or fears Or doubts that have been holding us back From expanding or or pursuing what we Really want to this full moon is also Going to highlight that since

Sagittarius also deals with our beliefs And our philosophies if you have any Outdated beliefs or philosophies that Are no longer serving you and they are Instead just hindering you or stopping You from your ultimate expansion and Your ultimate Freedom this full moon Again is going to highlight all of those Things for you to shed them for you to Let go of them however if you continue To hold on to them they’re going to be Just Amplified more and more and more And it’s going to be more and more Difficult to continue with those same Limitations or those outdated Philosophies or all those old fears that Are again stopping you from your Expansion all of this energy is pushing You towards more of your freedom and More of your expansion and to let go and To address anything that maybe feels Like it’s restricting you around this Time which could be a job it could be Relationships it could be your family it Could be anything but we need to Confront and address those things and This full moon is going to bring up Events where we must address them and Confront them so that is what this full Moon is going to bring but it’s all for Our healing and our benefit so that we Can release that and heal that and step More into our expansion and our freedom And then our last major Transit of the

Month which is very significant is Jupiter changing signs Jupiter only Changes signs about once every 12 to 13 Months so it happens about once a year And stays in that same zodiac sign for a Year Jupiter brings expansion and it Brings good luck and good fortune to the Zodiac sign that it’s in since it’s Moving into Gemini it’s going to bring a Lot of good luck and good fortune to all Of my Geminis and it was just in the Zodiac sign of Taurus so it was bringing A lot of good luck and good fortune to My Tauruses but however even if you’re Not a Taurus or you’re not a Gemini Jupiter still is going to bring good Luck and good fortune to a new aspect of Your life as it changes into the zodiac Sign of Gemini and I’m going to be Telling you exactly how you can figure Out where Jupiter is going to be Bringing new good luck and good fortune To you depending on your birth chart I’m Going to show you exactly how to Decipher that but stick around till Later in this video where I’m going to Talk about that but first off let’s talk About the Jupiter energy so as Jupiter Moves into Gemini for all of us Collectively this is creating more Expansion and more good luck and good Fortune around our mentality around our Ability to communicate to learn new Things to absorb new information you

Might notice over this next year you Become interested in brand new things or You get inclined to take up a new skill Or a new hobby this is going to be Affecting the entire collective in this Way you also might notice that this is a Great time to meet new people and you Might notice that random events happen Where you do meet new people and these New people are very much in alignment With your same core values your same Life path and they’re going to be be Really great people to network with and Connect to so over this next year all of Us are going to be experiencing that Type of energy that Jupiter is bringing Now that it’s transiting the zodiac sign Of Gemini it also helps us with Expanding our Consciousness which helps Us figure things out in life in a new Way it helps us create a new perspective On life a refreshing New Perspective However let’s dive into as well how Jupiter is going to be specifically Personally affecting you and where it’s Going to be leaving all of its Good Fortune for you for this part of the Video you will need to know your exact Rising sign in order to know what house That Jupiter is going to be transiting Within your natal chart if you do not Know anything about astrology and you’re Very new to this there is some online Calculators that can help you calculate

Your rising sign and if you know your Rising sign then you will be able to Navigate this video and understand how Jupiter is going to be blessing you and In order to calculate your rising sign You will need to know your exact date of Birth your exact time of birth and your Exact place of birth and I will have a Online calculator link down below to Where you could calculate your rising Sign with that particular information if You do not know your exact time or place Of birth you will not be able to Calculate your rising sign so therefore You will not be able to know which House Jupiter is going to be affecting for you In your astrology but that’s okay Jupiter is definitely going to be Bringing blessings to all of you Regardless however if you do know your Rising sign I’ll have this little chart Up here where it will show you exactly Which House Jupiter is going to be Transiting for you based on your rising Sign and then there’s going to be time Stamps linked down below so that you can Click ahead to the portion of the video Where I talk about exactly the different Blessings and good fortune that Jupiter Is going to be bringing you and which Part of your life is going to be very Full of good fortune and good luck over The next 12 to 13 months so all of that Information again the time stamps are

Linked down below so you can skip ahead To learn how Jupiter is going to be Bringing you your blessings in this next Year so if Jupiter is transiting your First house if you are a Gemini rising This is going to be affecting you on a Very personal level this is going to be Helping you create an entirely new Identity to birth an entirely new you And you might feel very inspired during This time to reinvent yourself this is Affecting the way that people see you And also how you see yourself and Jupiter is going to bring you a lot of Good luck when it comes to your personal Life and your personal identity this is A huge internal shift for you that’s Going to be taking place as Jupiter Transits your first house if jupitor is Transiting your second house it’s Bringing a lot of good luck to your Wealth to your money to your material World and also to your career and also Your diet and a little bit of your Health as well this is also time Management so as Jupiter transits this Area it’s bringing a lot of good luck And good fortune around these aspects of Life and this is like the area of life That mostly deals with your money and Your finances so Jupiter being here this Is a time where we might notice that we Get a pay increase or we notice that we All of a sudden now have the money to

Buy that big thing or invest our money Into something that we’ve always really Wanted in our material world if Jupiter Is transiting through your third house This is a time where Jupiter is Expanding your communication it’s Expanding your friend group it’s Expanding your learning your skills your Hobbies you might get really inspired to Learn something new or you might get Inspired to take a course and then all Of a sudden you have all these new Skills that you can now utilize this is Also a house that deals with networking And communication so you might get Really good at communicating you might Learn a lot about your ability to Communicate and figure things out and Problem solve and connect with other People that are like-minded and it Brings up new opportunities for that and It also brings up new opportunities for Short distance travel this could be like Traveling to new cities or even new States and things like that if Jupiter Is transiting your fourth house this is Bringing a lot of good luck and good Fortune to your home life this could be Where we improve our home we buy a new Home this is also our family so it Improves relationships with our family Members and creat cre a more expansive Family this could also be where you feel Like you’re ready to expand your family

So Jupiter transiting the fourth house Creates a much more solid secure Foundation and it’s all about your home Life and your family life and it brings All good luck and good fortune to that Aspect of your life if Jupiter is Transiting your fifth house the fifth House is your dating life the romance it Is also our Pleasures our creativity and It’s also the house that rules children As well so as Jupiter transits this House this improves and amplifies the Romance in our life Our dating life or Even our um chemistry with other people So if you’re already in a relationship You might notice that both of you are Like let’s go out and have fun more Let’s expand and enjoy ourselves but Since this also deals with children if You have any children in your life this Improves your connection with them or it Even expands your family to creating More children and things like that but It invites in more creative more fun More heart- centered type of energy and Brings amplification to all the Pleasures and creativity of life if Jupiter is transiting your sixth house It’s bringing a lot of good luck and Good fortune to your health and also to Your career to your productivity and Also to your day-to-day schedule and Your immediate environment around you as Jupiter transits the sixth house a lot

Of people also get inspired to maybe buy A pet or something like that because the Sixth House deals with pets as well as The 12th house but it’s also within the Sixth house but the sixth house is also Your health and your well-being so this Is bringing a lot of good luck and good Expansion to your physical body your Physical health it might inspire you to Take up something new that improves your Health or it can even be where we’re Getting more productive and we’re Getting more done and we’re noticing a Lot more um flow and good luck within Our career as well the seventh house is The house of intimate Partnerships and Intimate relationships so if Jupiter is Transiting your seventh this could be a Time where we have a lot of good luck When it comes to our deep intimate Romantic Partnerships this could be a Time of expanding those like getting Married or expanding into um a new realm Or a new chapter together with your Intimate close partnership and Relationship it also deals with your Close intimate um friendships the ones That are very close and near and dear to You it helps expand those it helps Create a lot of good luck and good Fortune with those people and also Business Partnerships so if you have a Business Partnership or if you’re Working really closely with somebody

Else it brings a lot of good luck and Good fortune with that or even if you’re Wanting to call in a business partner it Brings good luck and good fortune with Calling in a business partner if it is Transiting your Eighth House this is a House of shared assets of sex of um Inheritances so Jupiter transiting this Area can enhance all of those energies It can make us more in tune with our Sexuality it can help us get more Expansive in that area of our life to Explore more of our sensuality it can Also be where we are in Partnerships That are very um good for us that bring A lot of good fortune that bring a lot More stability for us and then if Jupiter is transiting the ninth house This is really helping you expand in Your philosophies this might even um Bring you up to being more in the Teacher position in some way shape or Form being more of a guide or a Philosopher or being curious just to Expand yourself and it can also be um an Area that deals with travel so if you Really want to travel more or if you’re Getting curious in traveling more Jupiter might be transiting or moving Into your ninth house and as it does That it really expands all of that Energy in your life if Jupiter’s Transiting your 10th house this is where Business starts booming

Jupiter Transit the 10th is where we get Promotions raises our business goes to The next level we get a lot of great Luck and great fortune in all aspects of Our career this is usually when we get Very known for something or we get Recognition for something all energies Like that if Jupiter is transiting your 11th house this is expanding your Networking this is expanding who you Know the people you know you might meet Very significant people around this time Of your life um this is also a Time time Where we expand ourselves in the world As well this could also be where we Expand our career but more in terms of Going more globally with our career Traveling for our career or connecting To other people who live maybe really Far away that can help us boost our Career this can also be a time where we Meet somebody very significant that Lives long distance from us sometimes This is the start of a long-distance Relationship or even a long-distance Friendship or anything along the lines Of that if it is transiting your 12th House this is a time of a lot of Creative expansion your mind is going to Be expanding this can also be spiritual Expansion when all of a sudden we want To Deep dive into spirituality and we Don’t even know why or we want to Deep Dive into more religious or spiritual

Practices that is also the 12th house The 12th house can also deal with media And wanting to maybe express yourself More creatively with some sort of media Type art that could be like photography Or music or um art or anything of the Sort it kind of brings more artistic Interests and more spiritual or even Religious interests as Jupiter transits The 12th but it can also be a time where We really expand ourselves and our mind And we sort of have breakthroughs when Jupiter transits the 12th and those are All of the major astrology transits that We have happening through the month of May and the different energies that they Are going to be bringing and without Further ado let’s go ahead and dive into Our May 2024 pick a card Reading hello everyone and welcome back To my channel today’s video we have our May 2024 month ahead prediction we’re Going to be diving into the tarot cards Today and seeing what energies that you Can expect going into the month of May And all the different themes and Different things that are going to be Happening for your month if you are new To these types of videos the way that This works is I have five different Groups in front of me each of them are Of course different energies there’s Going to be different themes going on Within These groups and depending on

Which one you are the most drawn towards That’s going to be your intuition Speaking to you because your intuition Knows exactly which group holds all of The relevant information for you and It’s going to predict your exact month And all the different energies that you Can expect through the month of May so That is how this works if you clicked on This video and you notice that you were Drawn to a particular group or pile That’s your intuition and that’s going To be the group that is meant for you But of course you can take a moment you Can pause the video if you need more Time to find which one is going to be The right pile for you and then there’s Going to be timestamps linked Down Below In the comment box as well as the Description box so that you can skip Right ahead to your personal reading all About your month of May so of course Over here we have group number one this One has a piece of Angel orac quartz on Top of it so if you’re drawn to group Number one that’s going to be your pile Group number two we have some chopas on Top if you’re drawn to this one that’s Going to be your group group number Three we have some Rose quarts group Number four we have some Sunset Ora Quarts and then group number five we Have some aqua Ora quarts so again take A moment pause the video if you need to

In order to find that group that’s Really calling out to you if you have Troubles tapping into your intuition by Visually looking at the groups another Technique that you can use is to close Your eyes and wait for a number between 1 and five to pop into your head and Then the first number that just comes to Your mind without you even thinking About it that is your intuition so that Would be the group that you go with and That’s just a little trick if you need a Little bit of extra help tapping into Your intuition and trusting your Intuition so that is what we have here Thank you again so much for joining me For today’s video and without further Ado let’s go ahead and dive right into Your May prediction all right right my Group number ones if you chose this pile This is going to be your M prediction so Let’s dive right into it okay my group Ones we have Advocate nurture and The Illusionist as your first three cards Here with the advocate coming up this is Something where we’re wanting to make a Promise to ourselves or wanting to find More balance in our lives or wanting to Do something that we know is going to be The right decision this card talks about Having choices or again wanting to like Rest structure things in order for them To be more fair more balanced more equal And more sustainable because maybe

There’s something in your life right now Where you’re like I need to like change That I need to make a promise to myself To change or to uphold this new promise Or to shift something about myself so That I can step more into balance so That I can step more into what I know is Going to be healthy and good for myself That’s what the advocate is all about I Feel like you’re advocating for yourself And for a future that you really want to Have I feel like there’s been some Imbalance in your life that you’re Really wanting to heal through making Different changes and different promises To yourself the nurturer is so Interesting that we have this one next Because this one can be about self-care Nurturing yourself or it could also be About nurturing an idea or even being Pregnant or being more fertile but it Can also talk about very fertile ideas Ideas that make us really excited that We’re so excited excited to take action On um and also self-care so with these Two cards I wouldn’t be surprised if Some of you are making a promise to like Eat healthier or to cut certain things Out of your diet or to start exercising More or to just find more balance in Your routine so that you have time for Rest and Rejuvenation and self-care the Month of May is like really putting your Foot down with certain things and I also

Feel like with this card it it’s setting Boundaries or being really clear with Your communication because maybe you’ve Been realizing that in the past whenever You’re not very clear or direct about Your communication maybe it causes like Misunderstandings and miscommunications Down the road because we weren’t clear From the beginning therefore it left Room for misinterpretations to happen or Other things like that so I feel like Another thing that you’re realizing is Like I really need boundaries but I feel Like what What Spirit keeps pulling me To talk about is creating boundaries When it comes to the structure of your Day maybe you’re realizing that there’s Certain habits or patterns that you keep Falling into that you really don’t like That steal your energy or make you feel Really blah and negative and just steal Your time and I just see you sort of Just putting a foot down in the month of May to to create some change that’s Going to really help you like flourish And grow and then The Illusionist this One is so interesting this one has so Many different layers to it so for one One message that I’m getting from this Is that you have a hard time seeing your Value or like the the true skill level That you’re really at I feel like you’re Always undermining yourself and what You’re capable of and The Illusionist is

When we are like we keep putting a veil Over our heads cuz we’re like oh I’m not Ready for this or I don’t know enough or I’m not like a master at something yet Therefore I need to keep learning I need To keep doing this I need to keep doing That it’s like we’re not really stepping Into our full like potential and I feel Like in this month you’re really wanting To like upgrade and see more of your own Value The Illusionist can sometimes also Talk about especially when we have the ADV Advocate over here as well it can Also talk about when we Go through a period of wanting to learn Or uncover the truth or to deeply dive Into something that we’re like oh I Don’t know enough about that but one Other aspect of The Illusionist is like You need to also trust yourself at the End of the day as well you need to begin To trust that you are amazing the way You are yes it’s great to learn it’s Great to dive in further but trusting Yourself is also so important but There’s something here about uncovering The truth maybe you are on a journey of Uncovering something learning more about It maybe you’re diving into a new era of Your life where you’re like ooh I need To like I need to learn more here I need To kind of step out of my shell a little Bit and believe in myself and know that I am capable of doing this in my future

I’m totally capable of being the Nurturer of bringing this idea to life Bringing this thing to life I am capable Of that and that’s sort of what Advocate And Illusionist are it’s like you’re Really starting to yeah step into more Of your power when it comes to all of That So let’s dive into our tarot cards the First one that we have nine of Wands Being reversed wow so you are totally Ready to let go of some of the weight That you’ve been carrying and also to Not run yourself to burnout the nine of Wands can be when we’ve fought a lot of Battles and maybe we’re just like Getting tired or we notice That we’re regularly feeling just yeah Like burnt out and the fact that this is Reversed I feel like you’re you’re Really ready to close that chapter of Burning yourself out and putting way too Much stress and worry on yourself um and I think one of the most beautiful things Coming for you in the month of May is Restructuring your day in order to Create more of this nurturing Energy we also have the sun card here Wow I I feel like you’re going to get Outside more for one the sun can also Sometimes talk about going on a vacation Getting some much needed time off it can Also indicate a lot of laughter being Around people that just create a more

Fun environment whereas maybe before you Were just really pushing yourself you Were really hard on yourself and you Weren’t really making room for for that The fun the joy the excitement the sun Can also talk about family time and Spending time with people that you Really love it can also talk about Friendships that help us feel more of That freedom The Joy the laughter so This is happening for you in the month Of May you are leaving behind this Burnout feeling and you’re like I need Time to enjoy life life is not meant to Be just like work work work work Work it’s just not like that’s not the Way that humans are supposed to live we Are supposed to have fun we are supposed To enjoy life like we came here as a Soul as our main purpose to live a life And create a life that is fun and Exciting and it’s an experience so yeah Anyway it’s time to have fun we also Have the universe this one is the world Card in the normal in the normal tarot And it talks about things coming to a Close the close of an old chapter but It’s interesting because in this card She almost has the universe in her belly And then the universe card is popping up As well so it’s almost like you’re Creating a new Universe and some big thing that I’m Really feeling for you is internally

You’re making a lot of changes and Cultivating the seed that’s going to Grow into an entirely new like chapter For you and maybe you’re thinking about All these little things maybe there is Something Brewing maybe a big idea that You have that you’re Brewing maybe Something else that just feels like Internally you are growing something new Becoming someone new creating that new Universe for you in your future and I Feel like I feel like you feel that deep Down inside like there’s a whole new Universe in creation for you right now And you’re the one that is the creator Of it you are literally creating that as We speak we also have judgment okay okay The fact that we have three major Arcana Cards coming out right in a row Here any time that we have a bunch of Major Arcana cards they are indicating That you’re going through a major time In your life right now the month of May For you will be a very big time it’s Interesting we have judgment and Advocate because both of these talk About Decisionmaking and being the judge of Something it can talk about getting down To the truth it can also talk about Liberating ating yourself and freeing Yourself from old Illusions the Judgment hugely talks About liberating yourself from old ill

Illusions finding the truth behind Something and being able to liberate Yourself it can talk about a higher Calling that you now have and now you Need to be the judge Of where you’re going now because you Have a higher calling and more Information is going to be coming Through in the month of May where we’re Going to have to be making some Decisions of like okay where am I taking This where am I going with this but I Feel like there’s some big decisions That you’re definitely going to be Making in in May this can also talk About law sometimes and it can also talk About signing agreements signing Contracts um again making promises Things like that so there could be Something along the lines of that that Might pop up in the month of may as well So just to throw that out there then we Also have the seven of Cups being Reversed oh yeah you are coming down to The exact decision that you’ve been Needing it seems like you’ve had like a Lot of different things going on in Earlier this year you’ve had a lot of Different things going on maybe a lot of Different eggs in all different baskets Doing this doing that diving into this And it’s like you’re you’re really this Month like Narrowing things down to the essentials

Choosing what is most important for you And I feel like it’s yeah it’s going to Change a lot of things in your life and Provoke a lot of change all these Different decisions that you’re making The new choices that you are deciding on And it’s just going to evoke so much Different shifts for you again I’m Really feeling like this is the most Major thing right here the fact that the Universe and the nurturer card are both Like the Center cards here is really Making me feel like that’s your focal Point of the month of May is Nurturing this new universe that you’re Creating for yourself I feel like you Really want change or change is just Upon you and now you’re like okay let’s Write this new story let’s see how this Is going to be and the universe is such An amazing card this is when you have a Blank canvas right in front of you You’re closing out an old chapter and Now it’s time for you to just like paint The new picture and this opens up so Many more opportunities by the way so I’m really excited to see what happens For you in this month my group ones and It’s so interesting you chose Angel orac Quartz this one is such a high Vibrational Stone it activates all Chakras within the body it amplifies Your energy it amplifies your Manifestations and it’s really calling

Me into the seven of Cups right now Because it’s like the seven um chakras And so it’s almost like you are Going through like an Awakening or an Activation within you of all these Different epiphanies all these different Things that have happened that have just Brought you to where you are today So yeah we also have courage going into This new sort of ERA with a lot of Courage moving forward if you were stuck In anxiety and fears and burnout earlier This year this month I think that There’s just certain things that are Happening where it’s like you know What I’m moving in with courage because I’m done living like this I need time to Just have fun to enjoy life like look at This like singing dancing fun energy That we have with the sun card this is The epitome of the month of May for you And liberating yourself letting go of Judgment and also it’s like being ready To be judged it’s like you’re really um O another thing that I’m being called to Talk about within the Judgment card is Is your judgments of yourself I feel Like you’re so ready for big change and You’re going to be creating such big Change in May sticking to certain Choices and I feel like you’re ready to Really like look yourself in the mirror And say I’m ready to be judged for these New decisions like I’m ready to put

Myself out there as this new me and this Is me it’s like you’re you’re actually You no longer really fear judgment Because it’s like you really You’re sticking to these new promises You’re really upholding this new version Of you and it’s almost like here I am Here’s the new me and I don’t care what You have to say because I’m honoring What I like and that feels good to me so It’s sort of like that’s hopefully That’s making sense but yeah we also Have Destiny courage and Destiny I feel Like you’re going to have so much more Energy and vitality to move towards that Higher call that you’re going to have And it’s interesting we have double Eights the one and seven is of course an Eight and then we have eight so double Eights eights are about infinite Potential this is a time of unlocking Infinite potential for yourself moving Into all of these new sort of choices All of these new decisions this is Really unlocking so much for you eights Also talk about abundance so maybe you Have different ideas maybe you’re going To make different choices that are going To help you unlock more potential Potential abundance in your life and Abundance is like wealth health love Like unlocking so much potential within All those aspects of life So yeah let’s see what else we get we

Also have communication Iris I feel like There’s a lot of people that are going To be wanting to talk to you in the Month of May you might get a lot of Communications coming through this one’s Also making me feel like documents like Maybe you’re going to be signing a Document making a Promise some sort of communication There’s really important communication Coming through this could even be Um Like oh and we have Master number 22 so This might deal with another person or Like a new opportunity coming through or Really exciting communication coming Through that we’re like ooh oh that’s Like getting really exciting in my life So yeah there’s some sort of like really Important sort of message Mage or email Call communication networking that’s Going to Happen we do Also we have the sun card again but in The oracle cards wow double sun coming Up for You wow wow wow getting outside more Feeling more fun Radiant the word radiant is hugely Coming Through this is going to be a huge month For you my group ones there’s happy news Happy communication coming through Something exciting something that you’re

You’re like oh my God I’m so excited to Tell people this or I’m so excited to Share this news or um somebody else Having really good news that’s going to Light you Up so there’s something along with this That’s going to be really Fun and Exciting I feel like you’re also more Radiant and ready to just like like here I am or to share something to like I Feel like you’re going to have exciting News to share that’s that’s the message I keep getting through here you’re going To have exciting news to share but let’s Go ahead and see what else we get for You my group Ones your month of May we have ancestors coming through I Feel like family is going to be a big Aspect of May connecting with family Maybe more communic ation with family Maybe good news associated with family Um might be coming through also getting Back in touch with family maybe if you Haven’t seen your family in a while There might be um time for that this Month we also have speak Truth so just kind of like what we were Saying in the beginning I do feel like You’re going to feel more ready to Communicate Your Truth um and ready to Communicate boundaries and what it is That you need and all of that also with

The speak truth card Um when it comes to something that has Been unknown for you something that You’re kind of like maybe you’re seeking The truth behind something or maybe You’ve been holding onto something that You’re finally ready to talk About in may as well cuz with that Illusion Illusionist and also with the Advocate card it kind of makes me feel Like you’re a truth Seeker in May Seeking the truth or Or you’re ready to speak about the truth Or To tell people something or um feeling Ready to like talk About something that you’ve been maybe Keeping on the back burner something That you’ve been nurturing like maybe You’ve had a project that you’ve been Working on or a secret surprise or a Different secretive thing that’s been Going on that this month it’s kind of Like feeling like you can communicate And speak about it and open up about it Like there’s something going on with That energy in the month of May so However that is going to apply for you I Feel like it’s going to be a little bit Different for each of you but I do feel Like it’s good news like I feel like It’s good communication um or at least Something that’s going to help things Move forward like it’s positive I’m

Getting a positive energy from it So yeah that’s what we get there then Let’s dive into our astrology cards just To get any last information on your Month of May I apologize for the Construction outside I cannot wait till They’re done that um of course they do Construction every day at the time when The sun is out when I film so we have Kimi kazimi is a very powerful aspect in Astrology where uh the sun is basically Like perfectly conjunct another planet And it talks about a very potent energy It’s a radiant energy and of course we Have so much sun cards we have the sun We have the sun we have kazimi coming Out so this is is your moment where you Feel like like you’ve caught a ray of Sun and it’s like this really just fun Energy I feel like it’s going to light Up your heart there’s something in the Month of May that you feel lit up About which is very exciting um and Again it makes me feel the energy of Like positive news coming Through let’s see any last cards for my Group ones for their month of May Also since we have a lot of sun energy I Wouldn’t be surprised if Leo ends up Being a prominent zodiac sign in your Life Leo type of people or maybe you are A Leo we do also have Gemini energy Coming through with our Mercury card um We also have Juno sacred Union

Conjunction Wow so the fact that we have mercury Here and then we also have Juno and con Junction Your love life like something along your Love life or at least people that you’re Really close to there’s like a union Happening or a promise or at least a lot Of support or a lot of connection Between you and another Person Juno usually indicates like a Sacred Union between you and a romantic Partner so maybe if you’re dating Someone maybe that’s going to go to the Next level if you’re already with Somebody Maybe you you both are doing Something to heighten that connection or Create a deeper bond with that person if You’re not already in a relationship I Would not be surprised if you meet Somebody that you’re going to be very Interested in because Juno in Conjunction it’s like a sacred meeting There’s like a meeting or connection That’s Happening Mercury is all about Communication as well so communication Maybe a loved one or somebody that You’re interested in is going to open up And talk about their truest feeling Feelings with You even if you’re single I feel like You might have somebody that like tells You how beautiful you are or opens up

Like saying saying something very Positive and very like Uplifting to you and it could be Somebody that ends up being a romantic Interest for you if you’re already in a Relationship I definitely see your Partner opening up so much deeper I also See you opening up so much deeper and Feeling ready to just like dive into More truth to really open up to um Communicate some really deeper thoughts And bring them to light um so yeah that Is what I’m seeing here all very Positive energies my group number ones This looks like it’s going to be a very Positive transformative month we have so Many cards here that are major Arcana Cards so many cards repeating all of That sun energy the connection energy a Lot of communication energy and and Union and opening up this new universe For you so this is going to be just all In all a very major month for you I feel Like this is going to be um a very Memorable month of the year for you and It’s going to be very full of like Positive energies connecting with people That um mean a lot to you especially if You haven’t seen them in a while so my Group ones that is what we have here for Your month of May thank you so much for Joining me here for today’s video I’m Send sending you all so much love and Until next time bye all right my group

Number two is if you chose this pile This is going to be a reading for the Month of May so let’s dive in all right My group tw’s our first three cards we Have faith Lov maker and teacher so with The faith card in the month of May you Are being called to believe in yourself Maybe you’ve been feeling called to do That even right now maybe there’s been Certain things in your past that have Made you question whether or not you can Get to a certain goal or do something or Be something and this month like spirit Is really calling you to have faith and To continue moving forward towards Whatever it is that you want to move Forward in there might be something in The month of May where you have to face A fear or face the unknown and just Decide to open up regardless but there’s An energy here of breaking down old Walls that have kept you stuck that have Held you back and this is a month of Moving forward and facing those fears so That you realize that there’s nothing There to fear and I just really see you Like Spirit just keeps saying you’re Breaking down walls you’re breaking down Walls the love maker over here love give Receive and be this is a month as well Of opening your heart to more love Perhaps there’s something in your life Where maybe you’ve been closed off to Love this could be selflove or romantic

Love or loving your family or opening up About your deepest feelings and it just Seems like there’s different things that Are going to be happening through the Month of May that are really calling you To open up and look at how much fun She’s having as she opens up and as she As she just embodies the essence of love She gives love she receives love and she Is love and having the faith that this Can be you you can be so full of love And know exactly how to give and receive It and just be in that Essence and that Energy and all of that this is also Being so passionate about yourself and So passionate about whatever it is that You’re doing in life and whatever it is That you’re creating in your life your Path in life deserves to be one that’s Full of love and the month of May is Just really calling you to break down Those walls that have been disallowing The feeling of love in your life and Again that could be directed towards Yourself like self love or love towards Others and being able to fully Express That and I just see that there’s going To be a lot of opportunities that really Help like break you open but in the best Way possible we also have teacher over Here this can also talk about stepping Into a place of sharing your wisdom Sharing your knowledge maybe this is a Time where we have to have more trust

And more faith that we do have something To offer and the beautiful thing about The the actual teacher archetype and the Balanced teacher archetype is they are Always humble enough to know that yes I Have something to offer but I also know That other people have something to Offer me too right the teacher knows how To give and receive that’s something About the teacher as well they are also Never-ending Learners so the fact that We also do have teacher here also lets Me know that there could be something in This next month that either is an Opportunity to step more into a teacher Position maybe there’s wisdom that You’re wanting to share maybe you’re Being called to step into like a certain Type of career or build a career or be Some sort of Creator the teacher can Also indicate finding a teacher and Wanting to learn and grow more this Could be interested in taking a course Or even building something something Like that so stepping more into that Teacher position sharing your wisdom Sharing your knowledge and also Realizing like hey I am ready to do that The teacher is a NeverEnding learner I Don’t need to know everything before Feeling comfortable stepping into my Light and sharing what I have to offer Right I don’t need to be a master before Doing that and and even so even Masters

Know that there’s still more to learn Right because life is a neverend ending Journey of learning it’s there’s Infinite things that we can learn so It’s like if you’re wanting to step up Into that teacher position you can if You’re wanting to step up into that Leader I’m even hearing the word leader Leader position or being in the Spotlight with something or feeling Ready to pursue something there like you Don’t need to be Like anybody else and you don’t need to Endlessly learn before like hopefully You’re getting the point like there’s Never ending learning so it’s like we We’ll never be ready if we’re trying to Know everything prior to stepping up Into that position so you already know Enough to step up there because teachers Are also students too and those are the Ones that make the best teachers so Anyway we also have Five of Swords wow It definitely like there’s been some Past hurts or things that have happened In the past that have caused you to Maybe not believe in yourself or not Trust in the future to have some sort of Anxieties or fears moving into the Future in the month of May I feel like You are confronting those things this is Time for you to confront those I’m also Hearing the word forgiveness between you And somebody else maybe somebody that’s

Hurt you and this forgiveness allows you To move on this forgiveness is going to Allow you to kind of like laugh it out And be like you know what let me move Forward let me move forward here and I’m Really seeing that there’s this energy Of like letting this go so that you’re No longer stuck here like would you Rather be stuck here or would you rather Be where this woman Is and you know she’s been scorned by People too but she just she knows how to Forgive and let go because she realizes Humans are humans at the end of the day And and there’s no point in living here Because of some outside situation we Should never let some outside situation Continuingly make us feel Emotions cuz then we’re just living in The past right and I feel like you’re You’re you’re ready to move forward You’re ready to um create Faith again in All of that so we also have Oo we also Have ace of cups here’s our new Emotional beginning the ace of cups is So powerful and it’s such a beautiful Card this is when we’re also focused on Our fulfillment I am absolutely seeing Forgiveness between you and another Person and this sort of new fresh Beginning of like H let let’s express our emotions let’s Be ready to give and receive and I feel You just opening up about your true

Emotions where there’s like in the past There was this sort of stuck energy and I just see this like refreshing energy Coming out for May and I’m seeing you More focused on fulfillment CU you’re Realizing like these aren’t fulfilling Emotions over here but these are and This is just a new start for you um Emotionally and when it comes to your Happiness as well this is when we’re Focused on creating so much emotional Fulfillment that we begin overflowing With love um I’m also seeing like a an Emotional release the ace of cups is an Emotional release where we’re able to Maybe cry about something to let Something go and this emotional release Ends up being so healing that we’re just Able to like move on it’s this heart Tohe heart and it’s that birth of a new Emotional start the fact that we also Have the snake here um is sort of like Kundalini so I feel like there’s going To be a lot of epiphanies and Realizations when it when it comes to Like previous hurts or previous pains That have sort of kept us stuck um this Could also be again directed towards Yourself for some of you for others it Could be the self and dealing with other People or just other people in general But I am feeling um spirit is also Saying that this could have been Feelings about you as well like this

Five of Swords just feeling like down And hurt and like overly self-critical And all of that and it’s just this card Is all these different realizations of Like hey I want to be I want to live in Fulfillment I want to get back to this Love maker energy of like fun laughter Forgiveness and you know not Feeling triggered by everything that’s Happening it’s like the love maker she’s Just like you know what everything is Love at the end of the day and she just Laughs at things she’s like she takes Things light-heartedly and and lives in That light-hearted energy and I see like Through the month of May I feel like You’re just getting back to that love Maker energy we also have Page of Cups Being reversed here so I do feel like There has been another person involved That maybe like maybe they’re going to Come through in order to gain closure or In order to kind of open up and have a Conversation around the topic of healing And being able to understand each other And things like that I feel like that’s Going to be a big theme for May for you Um and healing all of that page of cups Also being reversed is sort of like Getting down to the to the deeper Emotions and it’s also when we kind of Like realize That the way that we were seeing our Emotions we maybe were blowing it up to

A bigger picture than it actually was Because the page is something more Innocent the pages are more innocent Where whereas if if it’s the king of Cups being reversed that’s a lot more Like heavy right but the pages they’re They’re more innocent and when this one Comes up it sort of lets me know that We’re almost able to kind of like laugh It out and be like oh my God and it’s sort of the where we Realize like maybe I was overthinking Things maybe I was like yeah it’s just We’re able to laugh it off and we’re Able to brush it off and it’s not heavy So there’s that kind of energy energy Coming through as well we have Divine Wisdom being reversed and I just I think There’s going to be so many epiphanies And I feel like there it’s this energy Of coming back to laughter ooh we also Have the shadow work card I love that This one came up as well so Shadow work Is incredibly powerful if you have not Heard of it before it is um sort of Something that we do like a it’s like a A type of work a type of practice that You can do in order to uncover Your hidden wounds and triggers that Continue to keep you in this state Shadow work is when we look at our Shadow and our shadow is our unconscious Self and all of us have an unconscious Self all of us do and sometimes it can

Get triggered by certain things like Somebody might say something and they Might mean it in a light-hearted funny Way but maybe it’s triggering some past Wound for us unconsciously and all of a Sudden we get so offended we’re just Like how dare they even say something Like that but maybe they meant it in This like light-hearted way and then all Of a sudden we’re just like whoa anyway So Shadow work helps us uncover all of Those different things that are going on Within us that are maybe contributing to Negative experiences or other sort of Negative unconscious things in our life That we’re like okay I don’t want that Unconscious pattern anymore I don’t want That unconscious wound anymore it’s a Time of healing and I just feel like the Month of May for you is a huge time of Healing and I feel like it’s also Healing old doubts that you used to have On yourself and bringing you back to Self-belief the faith card is all about Self-belief knowing that you are so Capable of something knowing that you Can achieve something and sort of coming To this place of like oh my God like why Did I ever why was I ever so afraid to Pursue what I really wanted why was I Holding myself back I feel like you’re Going to be laughing about like why was I ever holding myself back so afraid to Step into the unknown so afraid to take

A chance on something so afraid to make The first move that type of energy it’s Like laughing at that and realizing like Oh my goodness I had nothing to be Scared of and then yeah it’s also like Stepping into that teacher position Maybe you’ve had a calling to take on a New opportunity or to start something For the first time maybe you’ve had a Calling to do that but maybe there’s Been a lot of fears around it and a lot Of self-criticism and a lot of judgment And then all sudden we step into doing It and we realized like oh my God I was Making that out to be some really big Thing when it wasn’t it was just so Innocent it was so light-hearted and now All of a sudden we can just laugh about It and be like oh my God let me just Like continue moving in this direction I Actually love doing this I’m so glad I Started this why did I ever work it up To be something so crazy before Divine Wisdom you don’t need to know everything In order to just get Started you you like you have all that You need already okay we also have Healing oh my God I’m not even surprised That this card is coming out for you and By the way I never look at the cards Like prior like these are all pre-picked Cards but when I pick them it’s from a Deck where it’s all like laid out and I Like choose intuitively which ones I

Never look at them prior and it’s just So wild to me that like the perfect Cards come up for a group like the most Perfect cards anyway so anyway point Being healing is coming up for you this Is a month where I feel like you’re Healing all of that energy that was just Keeping you stuck keeping you held back This is your month of healing coming Back into that ace of cups where we’re Focused on the Fulfillment and like Living in a place of Peace of excitement Like I feel like a rush of good energy While I’m doing this reading and I just Feel like this is going to be a rush of Good energy for you in the month of May Through this healing through this new Epiphanies through this laughter through This like all these realizations of like Oh it’s not so bad and you know what Things are good and healing Relationships like I’m seeing you Healing relationships that maybe need Some form of forgiveness or some form of Healing on their own and then we have Transformation you my darling are making A huge transformation this month as We’ve been talking about I feel like This is a transformation of love self Belief all of a sudden realizing that oh I am capable and I’m more capable Than I thought and this is like I was Working it up to be something that it’s Not right like this is so doable for me

And again this is also a transformation Within your interpersonal relationships As well um so Yeah we have Divine guidance it’s Interesting we have Divine wisdom and Divine guidance you are being so Divinely Guided by your guides your Spirit guides this month your Spirit Guides are like you got this you have Inner callings that are guiding you to Do something you might continuingly have A calling like oh I want to reach out to This person and talk about this thing so That we can reach the bottom of it or oh I feel this calling to start doing this Thing that I feel so called to but it’s Scary oh my God does that mean I Shouldn’t do it no like the fears are The egoic things that are trying to keep Us in the past that are trying to keep Us in the familiar comfortable present That we’re used to but that inner Calling that you have that’s calling you To step outside of your comfort zone to Do something differently to step into This calling that you have that is the Divine guidance that’s guiding you where You’re meant to Be that that’s the energy of May you’re Being called to step in there and then Look at the next card that we have is The Harvest the more that you move into The new the more that you plant those New seeds

You will reap the rewards of that Work when you start putting your heart Into the work following your calling you Will reap the rewards of that this is Something that can be abundant for you Abundant in the rewards that it gives I Feel like you’re going to feel very Rewarded through the work that you’re Doing in May when it comes to working on Those relationships that need healing Working on your relationship with Yourself oh my gosh that’s going to pay Off hugely and I see you absolutely Diving into that some of you I see you Joining a shadow work course or doing Some sort of learning on Shadow work if You don’t know where to start with Shadow work and it’s the first time that You’re hearing about it I have multiple Videos on Shadow work um and there is One of them that has a free pdf that you Can download to follow along with that Video it’s my most recent video on Shadow work so if you literally just go On my channel scroll through to find That video or even if you just type on Google the goddess Shadow work and you Go to the most recent one that one has a Free pdf that you can download and dive Into Shadow work I feel like it’s going To be an amazing start for you um to Dive into this especially if you feel Like you are called to doing some of That work um so anyway that’s just side

Note um on this video since you have a Lot of Shadow work Divine guidance Divine wisdom cards coming through and Yeah so let’s see what else we get for You you my group Twos for your month of May this is such a healing month for you Versatility I think you’re just going to Realize that you are so much more Capable of so many different things than You previously thought I also think that You’re going to get a lot more done than You thought And the the mice are making me feel like There’s this like running along and kind Of being productive and also being able To like move through things easier than You thought because mice are very like Agile and if you put them through like Some Crazy like like they they they run Through pipes they run through all these Different things and they’re so agile And they’re able to get into small nooks And crannies and I just feel like for You the things that you’re thinking are Hard you’re going to realize like oh That’s actually like I’m so able to Handle that I’m so able to adapt to Figuring it out and even you know Figuring out the intricate things and Being able to do it successfully so um Yeah let’s see what else we get for you Why am I also being called to say that Some of you watching this might be the

Year of the Rat even if some of you are Not and you’re like oh my God no I’m the Year of like something completely Different that’s totally fine but in the Chinese Zodiac if some of you are the Year of the Rat I feel like this is Going to be a really big year for you of A lot of transformation and also a lot Of like self-love and all of that so Anyway it’s a random Note coming up on The side but let’s See what else do we get we have Revolutionary this is when we have some Big Like like realizations and we go through Some really big changes and it for one I Feel like this is the revolution in your Relationships I also feel like this is a Revolution internally for yourself um I Also feel like you’re going to be Getting in touch with with more love in Your life like just a general feeling of Like more love Um I feel like there’s going to be a Healed Connection a lot more love when it comes To Yourself and I feel like there’s going To be a support team around you that’s Giving you a lot of love too these could Be like friends that are just really Cheering you on that are like you know What I just love you and they’re going To be really expressing exactly what it

Is that they love about you and I feel Like it’s going to be really uplifting For you to hear that um and that’s the Way that you should be really seeing Yourself you know like you’re you’re the Person that you have to live with 24/7 right you’re always in your own Head talking to yourself and all of that You should become friends with yourself Because like the way that you talk to Your friends would you ever talk to them In the same manner that you talk to Yourself probably not and if you did you Know I wonder how long those friends Would stick around you know what I mean Like if if you had a friend that always Talked to you in the same way that you Talk to yourself would you want to keep That friend around for very long hm Questionable and if not it’s time to Like make some changes because you Deserve to be your own friend and Friends can be honest too but the thing About friends is like even when they’re Honest if they’re a good friend they Will be honest but they’ll be honest in A loving way and they will still love You so this is how you need to kind of Like create your relationship with Yourself if is Love Yourself yes you can Be honest with yourself but you need to Still love yourself regardless and tell Yourself things in more loving Nurturing kind

Ways right honesty has lots of forms and Honesty doesn’t need to be critical even When we are maybe you know uh focused on Something serious we can still be honest In a compassionate Way and it doesn’t have to diminish from Our Worth or you know create aggressive Critical Behavior so Anyway let’s see any last cards these Are our astrology cards just to get any Last information on your month of May my group twos we have the full moon Here so I wouldn’t be surprised if the Full moon in May which I don’t remember What day that is at the moment but it Was at the beginning of this video the Full moon in May um that’s going to be a Significant time for you I feel like It’s going to be a time of shedding of Letting go of breaking down those walls That we were talking about I feel like It’s going to happen around that time Full moons are also the accumulation of Something so if you’ve been trying to Manifest something in your life or Create a new opportunity I wouldn’t be Surprised if like a certain Manifestation comes into your life Around that time we also have the waxing Gibbus moon which is alignment Refinement nurture patience and Evolution and then we also have Leo so Leo zodiac signs might be prominent in Your life this this month so Leo Sun

Moons and risings the fact that we also Have the full moon coming out also makes Me feel like Cancer zodiac signs and we Did have a lot of like kind of cup Energy coming out so yeah cancer Scorpio And Pisces might also be some prominent Zodiac signs in your life and this is Like building something this is also Growing into this new fullness I feel Like the month of May growing into a new Fullness and letting go of things that Were diminishing your ability to be full Your ability to shine and be confident The fact that we also have Leo coming Out indicates stepping into a more Confident era of your life starting to Love yourself Leo is the epitome of self Love it is the sign of self love so um This is opening up your heart and Leo is It it is the center of the heart that’s The um the area that Leo shines they’re Known to have really big hearts and I Feel like this month you’re breaking Down walls in order to shine your heart So much more in order to step into the Spotlight as well because Leo can be Stepping into the Spotlight and coming out of hiding we Are growing to our fullness stepping Into the spotlight in May being able to Shine to be expressive to express your Truth to have open clear communication To get to a place of understanding as Well so that is all the different

Energies that we have for you my group Twos for your month of May it looks like It’s going to be a huge revolutionary Month of creating really big change That’s been very needed in order to Break down all these like barriers these Limitations these walls that have been Really just holding you back and this is Going to be such a great month of Overcoming that stepping into that Healing and getting into that ace of Cups energy which is all just like it’s Time for fulfillment it is time to Overpour it is time to also release old Energy that maybe I’ve been storing or Repressing or all of that it’s like this It’s a time of releasing it it’s a time Of healing so that it’s no longer just Following you around and and all of that So it’s going to be such a great time of Almost this rebirth Energy and going from a cloudy time to Like a sunny time of radiant time and Yeah that’s what we have here it’s also Interesting that you have the chopas Crystal this was the crystal that Alexander the Great always wore and he Believed that whenever he wore jewelry With this Crystal it was the reason why He was able able to conquer Lands and this Crystal is known for its Ability to help you conquer your Different challenges Or obstacles that might be standing in

The way this is a courageous like type Of Crystal it creates courage it creates Like a Winner’s mentality it helps you Break again all those old limitations Those things that have been holding you Back and that’s why it was Alexander the Great’s favorite Crystal and it’s Interesting that this is the crystal That I put on this pile because it seems Like that’s the exact energy that you Are needing right now to have this Revolution and have these breakthroughs Um in this next month because that’s Like the theme of May for you is all These great breakthroughs that are just Going to help you liberate and become More of that love maker energy um and Yeah just to really like shine so thank You again so much for joining me here at My group number tw’s for your May Prediction I’m sending you all so much Love and until next time bye all right My group number three is if you chose This pile this is going to be your Reading for the month of May so let’s go Ahead and Dive Right In my group three Is what a fun reading we have already For you we have Archer Circle and devote So for one your month of May this is a Month of focus and I feel like you’re Really wanting to get something done This month or to reach a certain Target Or goal and this is when we be We Begin Really refining things and really

Wanting to improve ourselves where we’re Not just wanting to do something half Asked for lack of better words we’re Really wanting to like uplevel and to do It right and to like do it the best I Think you have a a certain Vision that You have this month this could be a Vision for yourself or a project or Something else that you’re doing that You’re really focused on and yeah it’s Like you have a Target that you are Wanting to reach and this is your month Of honing in on that incredible focus And also knowing that any obstacle that Comes in the way is like it’s part of The process this is also a card that Reminds us not to get a upset and Frustrated if things aren’t like Perfectly going smooth it’s the Realization that all of those different Things are helping us pivot in the right Direction you know for example like the Archer when the wind starts coming you Know wind is inevitable it might be There sometimes and it might throw our Arrow in a whole other direction but When we can learn from that we realize That maybe it’s pivoting us you know to To realize that there’s a better Target Or there’s there’s an easier way to do Something or it’s helping us sort of Pivot in the right direction so it is Like a reminder of that and to do things With more ease and more flow and to

Trust the process to not allow like Frustration to stop you I do feel like Maybe you’ve been really focused on Something and on hitting a certain Target and maybe there has been moments Of getting frustrated at the process Sometimes but that’s okay um it’s all Part of pivoting you in that right Direction we do also have the card of Circle which can talk about your inner Circle your friends the collective it Can talk about networking and meeting People that can help you reach a Target Or meeting people that can help give That advice or who are on a similar path As you I really think that you’re going To be either meeting people or Connecting deeper with with certain People that are on that similar path Maybe you’re also going to be um working Directly with somebody this month that Can really help you meet those goals Because this is a reminder that you Don’t have to do it all on your own and Maybe doing it all on your own is what’s Creating some of that frustration but Maybe if we have somebody else there it Can really help us give us that Encouragement or give us some more Wisdom and knowledge to help us make Things easier to take some of the load Off um and yeah it’s like I’m seeing Like friends and other people are going To really help be supportive this month

In in reaching something or doing Something this month devotee is another Amazing card that we have this one can Indicate getting deeper into a spiritual Practice or sticking to your promises Being very devoted to something so this Could be devoted to reaching that goal Reaching that Target climbing to the top of that Peak Getting to that place it can be when We’re very devoted on that and I’m also Seeing you getting rid of distractions Distractions I feel like you are so Aware how they’ve been you know Distracting you that’s what distractions Do and I think you’re realizing like I Just really want to be very focused this Month because I think that there’s such A determination that’s coming out for You this month and devote can also be When we get more into our spiritual Practices as well it can be getting Devoted to meditation getting devoted to Loving yourself devoted to putting that Effort into yourself so that you feel Like you are that person that you are The most inspired by you know being Devoted to whatever Practices that make you feel your best Maybe it’s going to the gym in the Morning maybe it’s doing your Meditations maybe it’s going on a run Maybe it’s um staying devoted to a Particular diet that makes you feel

Really good there’s some sort of like Thing that you are really making a Promise for this month and staying Devoted to I do see like I feel like a Lot of you are on a deep spiritual Journey those of you that chose this Group like I’m really feeling Like like you’re on a deep spiritual Journey and you’re wanting to deepen That spiritual journey maybe you’re Going to meet like-minded people who are On that same path as you this could also Be um having an opportunity to network Or connect with people who are on that Same path and to get very focused on That and getting very focused on um like Reaching that certain outcome or goal Ooh we also have 10 of cups I love that This card came out for you 10 of cups is One of my favorite cards in the whole Deck it is a time of joy of celebration Of happiness and I love that this um Like these tarot cards also kept the Rainbow in it because the rainbow is so Significant in the 10 of Cups the Rainbows only appear after it Rains something that you’ve been maybe Struggling with something that’s been Causing you Frustration when it comes to reaching Your goal hitting your Target those frustrations are all of a Sudden going to make a lot of sense in The month of May because you’re going to

Have a lot of epiphanies on maybe how to Solve them and have your Rainbow moment Of this like ah like it led me to the 10 Of Cups right the 10 of cups is that Ultimate fulfillment it’s a Celebration but the rain is what led you There the rain is what created the Rainbow it’s what created the growth Rain also comes down and you know rain Can be seen as the metaphor for sadness Or disappointment or feeling like Something’s raining on your parade but The rain is what allows the flowers to Grow in bloom it’s what allows all of The plants and all the fruits to get all Of their nourish so that they can grow And Bloom and become fruitful like it’s It’s getting the fruits of your labor That’s happening in the month of May Seeing the fruits of your labor so maybe You’re going to be dedicating to daily Meditation which maybe maybe you you’ve Been struggling with that you’ve been Finding it hard and maybe it’s been Causing some frustration sometimes but As we stick to it all of a sudden we’re Like wait a second I really love this or You know other things along the lines of That it’s sort of like going through the Struggle and getting the reward from the Struggle staying focused staying Dedicated and staying committed to your Goal to your vision and then the payoff You are going to see some payoff from

Staying devoted to something this month Um we also have seven of Wands being Reversed so at times I feel like you’ve Felt as if like there’s been so much to Do it maybe feels overwhelming at times How much there is to do you might have a Lot on your plate you might say yes to a Lot of different things and it might get Overwhelming sometimes this is a card Where that overwhelm I feel like you’re Conquering that overwhelm based on what We have over here I feel like this is a Month of you conquering that and Realizing like you know what I got it And maybe we just need to like surrender Sometimes and let go of all of the stuff That we have going on or or at least Some of it so that we can catch our Breath and that we can get back up Stronger and continue on so um I do see You taking time to like catch your Breath to be patient with yourself um Seven of Wands can also indicate when we Feel like there’s a lot of competition So I do feel like I’m getting this Message that especially with circle ooh Sometimes you might compare yourself to Other people and it might make you feel Down and I feel like you’re really wanting to get Rid of that distraction of comparison Because I feel like you’ve been noticing That it’s it’s taking away your power It’s taking away and diminishing some of

Your energy depleting some of your Energy rather than uplifting you so Sometimes we need to let go of Comparison sometimes we need to let go Of this like competition of feeling like We need to prove ourselves and get Better than somebody else or beat Somebody else at something in order for Us to feel better right right you don’t Need to you’re on your own unique path And it could never be compared to Somebody else’s maybe there’s other People in your circle that seem like They’re ahead of you or maybe you’re Looking at other people your age and You’re like oh my god look what this Person’s accomplished though it’s like Well there’s always going to be people To compare yourself to but what good Does it do you to do that like like Literally what does it do at all it Doesn’t motivate you it doesn’t make you Feel better it doesn’t like give you any Drive it kind of just depletes Everything it’s not good like it there’s Nothing constructive or positive about It so we might as well like Let It Go um We do also have Moon child being Reversed oh my love you are a Divine Moon child being you are a Divine Spiritual being your Natural Essence is Spiritual you came here with gifts to Offer the world and when moonchild is Reversed you’ve been almost running away

From those gifts or denying those gifts Or not feeling good enough or Feeling Again like we have to compare ourselves To other people and um maybe you’ve been Getting frustrated with the process and It’s it’s like you have so much to give You have so much divineness within you And I think you’re going to realize so Much of that and have so many epiphanies Around that as you dive deeper into your Spiritual Practice maybe meditation has been Calling you maybe surround ing yourself With like-minded people who believe the Same things as you who are on a similar Path that’s going to really like help Lift you Up so 10 of Cups this is so positive This is a month for you of growth this Is a month for you of Celebration but we need to let go of These that have been sort of Like stealing our energy and our power Away we also have Queen of Pentacles ooh I love that she came up so Queen of Pentacles she is I also feel like just Turning this one over oh Knight of Wands Okay so Queen of Pentacles she Is like a boss Woman she gets stuff done she’s so put Together she puts effort into herself She loves herself she nourishes herself She cooks good healthy home-cooked meals

She is such a business woman she’s Classy she gets stuff done she is like Successful she creates abundance she Creates wealth she doesn’t rely on Anybody else but she also knows when to Work with other people so that she can Accomplish a goal like she’s just very On it she’s determined she does not Compare herself to anybody else she Knows that she is her own unique being Who cannot even be compared to anybody Else she’s on her own path she’s doing Her own thing and I feel like this is You stepping more into this energy this Month the these cards can also talk About people in your life so there could Be some Earth sign or fire sign people In your life this month Earth sign People would be like Taurus Capricorn And Virgo fire sign people would be Leo Aries Sagittarius energy um but these Cards in general when they’re talking About your energy which I feel like Heavily they are mentioning a lot of Your energy Knight of Wands is when Sometimes we feel like our frustrations Are burning out our inspiration they’re Burning out our fire And I just feel like you need to get Back to that dedication letting go of Comparison like it doesn’t need to be Like other people I feel like you’ve Been comparing all of what you do to Other people and it’s been putting out

Your fire but this is this is a time to Just start loving yourself seeing your Own unique gifts and just living from That Place because then things are going to Go smoothly for you things are going to Get done and I do also feel like you are You are on this journey of improving Yourself but trust the process that all These things that are happening they are Helping you Improve they’re helping You like uplevel but when we’re always Critical we’re kind of diminishing or Slowing down that up level whereas if we Can Embrace and love the Process we we’ll be integrating those Lessons so much faster we will be Continuing that motivation keeping that Flame lit and not putting out the the Fire not putting out the flame so that’s A message coming through as well it Seems like maybe there’s been this Energy of like at times wanting to give Up but at times staying focused and the Energy that I’m getting for you for May Is like this energy of getting back up And being like I am going to hit my Target I’m going to get there I’m going To stay devoted I am going to surround Myself with people who also uplift me And motivate me and make me feel so good This could be a card of of also

Collaboration by the way so there could Be somebody that you’re also working With that can help you on this journey Or maybe both of you are helping each Other type of thing but there’s a lot of This Focus this dedication this energy Of just like moving things forward this Month and a lot more of this willpower And determination and just reigniting That spark that maybe kept putting out In the Past so let’s see what else do we get Here for you we also have devotion oh my Gosh we have the devote card and then The devotion card we like we can’t make This stuff up and guys like I said this In the last group like I Never look at the cards before doing These readings like when the cards are Picked they are all upside down and I Just pick intuitively what I feel for That group and then the first time that I see the card is literally when we are In the reading Like it Just I can’t make this stuff up so Devotion devote this is a month of you Being devoted I also see you just being More devoted to like your spiritual Practices I feel like a lot of you are On like a spiritual journey and you’re Really wanting to get deeper in your Spiritual Practices we also have

Alliance oh the fact that we have the Circle card which is all about the Collaboration the networking and all That then we have Alliance like yeah I Mean here’s the the reiteration from Spirit of just amplifying the message This next month for you is all going to Be about networking connections meeting People connecting to someone that can Really help uplift you to help bring This Vision to life to help keep you Accountable to help keep each other Accountable to reach that goal to stay Devoted to stay committed to whatever it Is that you are doing um and so that you Don’t fall off of it then we also have Flow getting into flow States things Start flowing again oh my goodness if You felt like things just kept like Burning out putting out in the past This is a month where things are really Going to start flowing and they are Flowing because of this devotion this You know um letting go of Distractions letting go of Comparison and just loving yourself Loving the process loving the people you Are surrounded by it is going to create So much more flow in your life Okay we also have Harmony so getting back in touch with Balance doing things that amplify each Other Harmony is when our life just all Of the things that we do amplify each

Other when we go out and have fun we Rejuvenate and then we come back to our Responsibilities with more energy with More internal will power which helps us Do all of our responsibilities and then Our Responsibilities help us get ahead in Life to where we feel good and like oh I Got ahead and I’m feeling good and now I Have time for fun that’s a harmonious Life when things that we’re doing are All in balance that it creates this Beautiful sense of Harmony and the month of May is you Getting back in touch with that sense of Harmony and we also have creativity Coming Out getting back in touch with that Feeling of like that inner inspiration Getting creative when it comes to Yourself getting creative when it comes To the things that you’re pursuing and Doing and and making in your Life this is that reigniting type of Energy the threes are also sticking out To me we have angel number 33 here so Threes are networking connection they Are laughter they are fun they are an Igniting of like a love type of Energy it’s very much like a Mercurial Communication type of energy so I Wouldn’t be surprised if you’re making Some new plans this month Um writing down all sorts of new ideas I

Feel like you’re going to get a lot of Ideas there’s going to be a lot more Flow a lot more energy behind what it is That you’re Doing so let’s see what else do we Get oo that card just flew right out so We also have patience coming through not Trying to rush the Process being patient with yourself to Allow yourself time to Rejuvenate patience also with the Message That um like the story of The Tortoise And the hair which one wins the race is It the tortoise or the hair we know that Story yes the hair can run faster it can Hop faster than the tortoise but does it Actually get to the Finish Line before The tortoise no it doesn’t so even if You’re trying to rush the process Rushing the process doesn’t get you There sooner it creates more Distractions more frustrations along the Way which is exactly what’s been going On in your life so if you slow down the Process if you are more patient with Yourself you take time to smell the Roses along the way you take time to Drink some water to nurse yourself along The way because you’re going at your own Pace and it’s just like the Queen of Pentacles the Pentacles are the slowest Moving element in the Tarot but they are also the more sturdy

They are the most Reliable they are the most most likely To reach the Finish Line just like the Tortoise it moves slower but it it Focuses on all of its Essentials it Focuses on the Self-care because sometimes when we’re Moving too fast we’re not thinking about Like oh wait I need time to like rest And recuperate I need time to renourish Myself I need time To like Breathe so I feel like that’s going to Be one of your secret keys in May is to Slow down a little bit and through Slowing down It’s oddly going to speed Things Up cuz it’s getting act into flow and Harmony slowing down is going to speed Things up what an interesting Paradox But the world is full of these weird Paradoxes and we also have the magician Here you have all what it takes to Create your vision you have all that you Already need the magic this month is Surrounding you spiders are the dream Weavers you’re weaving a dream this Month moving forward getting more things Done uh stepping away from comparison or Trying to be someone that you’re not or Trying to live up to the expectations of Others this is just a month for you of Diving more into your spiritual Practices flowing with life connecting

With like-minded people focusing on your Target yes but embracing the es and Flows of it with patience and with Grace And it’s literally going to make things Move faster for You time to slow down smell the roses Get deeper in your spirituality my group Threes um deeper into self-care and Self-love because the rose quartz is on Your group and rose quartz is a crystal All of self-love it can also be a Crystal of attracting more love more Romance it can be a crystal of Attracting loving friends like-minded People which is very similar to what we Had in this Reading um but yeah the rose quartz Energy is this patience and love and I Feel like this is time to have patience In love with yourself yes staying Focused staying on target but embracing Those es and flows just like we were Saying so um that is what we have over Here and then let’s go ahead and dive Into any last cards these are our Astrology cards so we’re going to maybe Get some zodiac sign inform information Or other information on your month so Let’s See our first card that we have we have The 10th house productivity getting Productive I achieve there’s something That you want to achieve and it makes Sense because we started off with that

Focus Card like the Archer that’s getting Focused and wanting to achieve something This is your month of getting so focused On on achieving that goal and making Sure that it Happens the 10th house is really good Fortune and good energy and good luck When it comes to achieving something Especially career-wise this could be Like a money goal or finishing a project And then we have Saturn which is Discipline but Saturn is also connected To Capricorn and Aquarius which talks About the earthy Energy of Patience it’s Dedication and willpower and Determination through Patience doing things the right way Making time for Rejuvenation making time For yourself it’s also something of of Responsibilities Saturn talks about our Responsibilities being able to navigate Those in a place of Harmony it’s hard to Take care of responsibilities if we’re Solely every day being like Oh I’m Responsible for this oh I have to do This I’m responsible for this without Making time for you to celebrate to grow To have fun to be in flow like H to Create all the good harmonious Energies this is your month of creating More of that balance

So um the fact that we also have the 10th house which is dealing with Saturn And Capricorn is so interesting that we Then also had Saturn and which it’s the Ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius coming Through this is a heavy like productive Month for you but it’s going to be the Most productive if you have that balance Like we were saying and this is very Career oriented I wouldn’t be surprised If some of you have a very big career Goal that you’re really wanting to Achieve and maybe it’s been frustrating Because maybe it’s felt kind of slow to Get results um that’s okay keep going Saturn and the 10th house you have such Great luck on your side to be able to Achieve that goal but it’s going to take That saturnian Earth the energy of just Dedication be the tortoise just keep Going but smell the roses along the way Enjoy the slow process you don’t need to Rush we feel rushed when we compare Ourselves to other people don’t feel Rushed um everyone with everyone with Everything things take time just Dedicate to it and enjoy the journey and Literally like I know it’s like such a Common saying to like enjoy the journey And it’s about the journey not the Destination but it’s so true it’s Literally about the journey and not the Destination like the Journey of slowly Achieving a goal and that Rush of

Excitement you get with every little Sort of tiny achievement along the way That’s like the exciting part the end Goal isn’t like the end goal of it it’s Literally the fun that you have along The way that Rush of energy that you get When you’re when you’re working towards A vision because sometimes when you get To a goal you’re like okay wait where do I go from here though you lose the spark Because there’s you’re like I don’t know Where I’m going next but it’s when you Have a goal that you’re striving towards That things are fun so Embrace that Enjoy that there’s no rush with it but It’s like yeah we want to get there but Enjoy life okay so there’s there’s your Message that’s your message for the Month of May my group thre is Enjoy Life Along the way this is also dedication to A spiritual practice like I’m seeing you Getting so dedicated to that Awakening Your inner magic your inner creativity That Inner Harmony that devotion and I Feel like your spiritual practices are Actually going to enhance a lot of your Journey and a lot of your ability to Achieve that Vision that you have for Yourself and this I just feel like you Putting a lot of devotion into yourself As well and to the self-love to the Self-improvement I wouldn’t be surprised If some of you are on like a Self-improvement binge of like reading

Books or taking courses or doing things To kind of really improve um I wouldn’t Be surprised because this is the vibe That I’m getting from your group so that Is what we have here thank you so much For joining me here for your May Prediction I’m sending you all so much Love and until next time bye all right My group number four is if you chose This pile this is going to reveal your Month of May so let’s go ahead and Dive Right In All right so we have artist Strategist and The Alchemist as your First three cards coming out um the Artist lets me know that the month of May I feel like you’re going to have a Vision there’s going to be a lot lot of Inspiration coming through this month For you when it comes to your future or Just creativity in general maybe you do Something creative for a living and this Is a month where there’s going to be a Lot more pouring out of you a lot more Ideas and I would highly recommend I Feel like spirit is coming through right Now to remind you keep a pen and paper Near you or remind yourself to take Notes like in the notes app of your Phone whenever you get an idea so that You don’t lose it and so that you can Hold on to it and that you can do Something with it um when the time comes So take notes this month this is going To be like an incredibly um creative

Month for you strategist coming up as Well I feel like there’s a message here About this month it’s like you’re Putting strategy and planning to your Vision because a vision is just a vision And it will never come to life if There’s no plan or strategy to take Action and make it happen but what I’m Seeing is for you this month it’s like You’re taking a vision you’re really Making a plan for it and you’re sticking To it maybe you’re done just dreaming About things daydreaming about certain Stuff it’s like this month you really Want to have something tangible and to Actually make progress and I just see Like a lot of plans happening a lot of Um accumulation of just those ideas and Putting it into an action plan The Alchemist Is when things start molding together And I feel like The Alchemist these two Different colored snakes one of them is The creative artist you with that vision And the other one is this strategist Action planner and doer and both of them Are coming together to like really Create something this month I just see The manifestation happening of something Or at least like a lot of progress being Made towards something and getting a lot Done because of this new plan that’s Coming out strategy is also making me Feel like you’re going to be looking at

The structure of your day and possibly Just rearranging a few things so that You can actually make the most of your Time and reach particular goals that You’ve been wanting to reach the rainbow Is good luck and good Fortune the ideas that you have right Now Spirit wants to say there’s a lot of Good luck and good fortune around them This is a time of Illuminating that and Like really taking action and I see That’s going be like a heavy theme for You ooh our next card is the star the Star is a card of hope it’s a card of Trust it’s also a card of when we let go Of other stuff that’s just been like Clutter or it’s been distracting the Stars when we come back down to the Basics and some a message that I’m Hearing for you is getting back to the Basics when it comes to your life when It comes to the essentials of of your Time what is the most essential and what Are other things that have just been Sort of wasting your time and they’re Not really worth your time anymore the Star and the strategist I definitely Think you’re going to be like Decluttering your schedule decluttering Your time possibly even decluttering Your life and becoming more minimal Because the star can also be that more Minimalistic energy and focus focusing Just on a few things so that you do

Those few things so well and it’s so Much better than if you were distracted Trying to do a million different things In one month so I just see you kind of Coming back to more a more minimal space The star is making me feel like there’s This magical energy around you this Month as well there’s like a magical Energy from the universe the universe is Just really guiding you um the star can Also be when we have an opportunity to Step more into the spotlight or to sort Of Shine something in our life like maybe We are shining more or we are shining Something that we’ve created and we’re Creating like a plan Around putting this into the spotlight a Little bit More there’s something though with the Spotlight and being the star following Guidance um creating a plan that you can Follow because that’s like the stars the Stars are sort of a map and they’ve They’ve been used as a map in the past And I feel like the star is just letting Me know like the right action is just Going to come to you this month and and The uh map to achievement is going to Become more clear but I feel like it’s It’s coming through a place of trusting A place of strategy following your inner Guidance we also have nine of Cups Reversed so I do feel like you’re going

To make a lot of progress this month but There’s also a message here of like Trusting trusting the Process so you are going to make tons of Progress With a particular goal I can tell you That and I feel like you’re going to Reach a lot more of that progress in the Next few months coming up after this I Feel like this month is like this Turning point of really taking a lot of Action putting a lot of effort in and I Feel like that effort and that trust is Going to continue over these next few Months and you’re going to start seeing A lot more results from all that action Ooh we also have the Magician oh my goodness if you needed to Know that magic is just surrounding you And that you are full of magic and your Ability to manifest is just at a peak Right now the Magician you are the magician this month I feel like this is a month where you Can radically make big shifts big Changes um And you can also step into so much power This month I feel Like spirit is trying to tell you right Now that you have all that you Need to make a radical transformation in Your life to create a more artistic life O artist is also making me feel like

Possibly you’ve been thinking of Renewing your aesthetic or the aesthetic Of your Home um there’s something artsy and Creative happening maybe you’re going to Like play around with your style or your Look because you just feel more Artistically inspired you’re like the Magician and the star you’re stepping Into more of that more magical energy And where does inspiration come from it Comes from like art um Beauty seeing Things like that are very like aesthetic That’s where a lot of inspiration comes From of course inspiration comes from Other things too but this artist card And this magician and the star is really Making me feel like you’re going to gain A lot of inspiration through re Organizing your life your schedule like Sort of doing a glow up in yourself Around your home I I see you maybe doing A big declutter and rearranging and Wanting to put more effort into making a Beautiful space for yourself um and like An environment upgrade and this could Also be like an an upgrade for you and Putting more effort into you it’s like This beauty you’re stepping into more Beauty in your life you’re being the Magician where you’re waving a magic Wand and you’re like you’re like Abra Kabra changing something making a wish Knowing that you have all the magic to

Create the vision that you Want I just see you doing a big big up Level four of Wands is also a beautiful Card to be coming up this talks about Our foundation it’s also a celebration Of some kind so four of Wands can Indicate like graduating celebrating Passing a test it can talk about Weddings um celebrations of uh like Engagements um setting a strong Foundation of opening a business Completing a project showing off that Project going on stage for something the Four of Wands is some sort of Celebration or some sort of Spotlight Energy and I feel like the spotlight is Going to be on you for Something or on a project that you’ve Been working on and it’s sort of like The reveal of like hey here’s this Here’s what I’ve been working on here’s What I’ve been doing and it’s the Ability to Showcase it oh the word Showcase is so sticking out to me Showcasing something it could even be You being so confident setting this new Foundation for yourself with this glow Up to where you’re going out you’re like Here’s the new me like it’s it’s a Showing kind of energy a showcasing kind Of Energy and this card is also telling me That there’s more success waiting for You I feel like this in itself I don’t

Want you to look at this card as a Negative card I want you to look at this As um this month I feel like you’re Going to be really like inspired and You’re going to be like oh this is Actually a really good month like I’m Feeling inspired I feel like I’m glowing Up I feel like I’m doing all these Things but this card is letting me know That this is just the Beginning this is just the beginning You’re not even at the peak Yet this you’re just starting something New that has the potential right nine of Cups being reversed shows us that this Has the potential to be something very Rewarding that pays off this investment Into yourself investing your time into This Vision into This Idea into your creativity That’s that’s going to pay off the more That you dive into that the more that You trust that process the more that you Follow that guidance you know the the Map of the Stars where a spirit is Leading You um we also have six of Cups being Reversed here and we have another card King of Pentacles being Reversed okay So first off the six of Cups being Reversed is when we’re letting go of the Past and I feel like that’s a huge theme

For you in this reading is like the Month of May is detaching from who you Used to be detaching From what other people thought you would Be or expected you to be and sort of Just forging your own path this month This is a rebirth the star is a rebirth Where we shed our old skin you could Look at the star as like like a snake Shedding its skin and it’s sort of this Rebirth moment and you’re holding that Magic wand of being like okay what do I Want to create from here on out it’s Like you’re becoming this blank canvas You’re the artist drawing your picture On the blank canvas so the month of May Why do I keep wanting to say the month Of March for some reason maybe March was Also a significant month for you in some Way but Um the month of May is like totally detaching from that Old you maybe also letting go of Something in your past that’s been Holding you back and just kind of being At this place of like I I’m over that Now I’m done that I don’t want to stay Stuck on that king of Pentacles being Reversed there’s definitely something That you’re detaching From and maybe you’re also having this Realization that maybe we also need more To focus more on our physical world so When it comes to our money maybe we’re

Needing to focus more on that and and Creating more strategy around that in Order to create the results that we want Maybe we’re also needing to focus more On how we take action to bring a certain Vision to life if we keep taking action In the same way as we have before we’re Going to keep getting the same results So sometimes we need to change our Approach and the way that we take action That’s going to help you uh change your Results but there is absolutely Something to celebrate this month and I Think that you’re going to be Celebrating the fact that you are now Taking action in a new way right and it Feels more right it feels more in Alignment So that message is also coming through We also have generosity and we have Secrets Ooh so with Generosity I do feel like there’s going To be people in your life that are Really cheering you on there could also Be so I’m also hearing a message here That somebody might be very generous and They might want to help you achieve Something like maybe You don’t have all the equipment that You need or Maybe you need somebody to like help Invest in this project or um to to do Something here but generosity along with

The king of Pentacles being reversed Makes me feel like someone wants to help You or you might be Receiving help from someone and then Secrets here as well is making me feel Like there is like like I feel like You’re doing a lot of this inner work And you have this big inner Vision but You might not be telling the world about It quite yet you might just be sort of Doing this internal shift or making These internal decisions of like like Ooh I’m going to do a huge like change Of who I am you’re doing this more Internally inner transformation and I do Feel like it’s happening externally as Well when it comes to like like more of Like your style or the things that You’re surrounded by it’s like you’re Really wanting to upgrade and shift Those things around as well but maybe It’s like a lot of this stuff is Happening internally and maybe you’re Not like quite showing it off yet Because it’s not finished quite yet You’re still working on it you’re Working on that Vision putting the Pieces together and then I feel like Maybe closer to the end of the month is Like more of this big reveal maybe Showcasing Something showcasing something and and That you’ve been working on in the Background that maybe other people

Didn’t quite know about So yeah that message is coming through Here as well we also have the card of Beauty okay that makes so much sense That we have Beauty coming up because I Was so deeply feeling through this whole Reading like you’re wanting to shift Something about you like maybe your Style or the way you do your hair um you Might be getting your hair done entirely Differently than what you’re used to or Again changing something about your look Trying something out and I feel like You’re going to feel more yourself The things that you’re going to be doing And trying out it’s like you feel so Much more in alignment you feel so much More yourself trusting the process I Feel like you’re going to feel more in Alignment you’re going to feel more Authentic oh my God the word Authenticity is just sticking out with This card and it’s interesting we have a Four and a four the three and the one Equals a four and we have a four you’re Also group number four so fours are an Incredibly powerful energy for you fours Are creating a New Foundation we also Have the four of Wands You are setting a new foundation for Yourself I feel like you’re creating a New plan when it comes to your Life like Financially or even in your home as well

Because the fours can also talk about Foundation which is which is your home There could be different plans that You’re making around that this could be Home renovations even or again Decluttering your home shifting Around Furniture changing things up to more Authentically reflect you so that you Feel better you might even like oh you Might even be like giving stuff away Generosity this could even be you being Generous and giving stuff Away um that you declutter or things That you don’t resonate with anymore old Clothes old things like I just see that You’re getting rid of a lot of stuff That just no longer resonates with you Making room for new things to come in You might even like have some somebody That wants to give you some of their Stuff that you’re like oh my God this is Amazing I’m loving this like this fits In my home so well or I love that outfit And maybe you’re also on the receiving End of that there’s some sort of like Exchange there but either way there’s Some sort of generosity you are being Very generous by giving away the things That no longer resonate with you being Generous in your own likeness but then Also there’s other people that I really Feel like are being generous with you Because they want to see you succeed Seed so that is also again coming

Through here so the month of May let’s See what else we get my group fours is Interesting you also have the sunset Orac quartz because Sunset orac quartz Deals with Radiance being in the Spotlight it also deals with money and Abundance and being generous and getting All the juice from the lemon like when Life gives you lemons Sunset orac quartz Okay so it’s interesting that that is The crystal on your group because I feel Like this is your month of doing a glow Up and if I had to name any Crystal for A glow up it would be sunset orac quartz Because this deals with the sun it’s Like the glowing kind of essence and if Feel like that’s your energy this month So let’s see what else do we get for you Ooh these cards really want to come out Withdraw you’re doing things a lot Internally this is a big internal shift Month for you reflection This could also be you you looking in The mirror again doing some sort of glow Up changing something about Yourself withdraw is taking time to rest To recuperate to also do things a lot Internally the secrets is making me feel Like you’re doing a lot of stuff like on Your own maybe you’re not telling all of Your friends about this maybe you’re Going through a lot of internal shifts And changes going through a lot of Internal ideas and things like that that

You’re like okay I’m not quite ready to Share that yet but But like it’s happening in your own life And there’s going to be a time where it Just comes out ready to be Showcased um but yeah I definitely see This like this major focus On you going through a big change your Environment going through a big change That could literally be your home um and Other environments that you’re you’re Surrounded by you might even get into Plants or Gard in or other things that Just that just make you feel like you’re More in touch and More in tune with your Environment So yes also trust in secrets you might Hear a big secret this month you might Have to you might get told that you have To keep a secret this month like maybe Somebody’s going to tell you something And you’re like woo that’s like news but Maybe it’s news that’s not ready to come Out yet it’s not ready to be to be told To everybody so maybe someone’s going to Tell you something and they trust you With that and this is a month of of Trust and things like that you might Also feel ready to open up about Something to somebody close to you so That’s another energy that I’m feeling From this as well is like feeling ready To to open up a little bit um through Somebody that you really really

Trust so let’s go ahead and see what Else we get my group fours for your Month of May Let’s see group fours your month of May Full moon oh this came up for another Group as well and it’s so interesting That it’s coming up for you too so the Full Moons are completions it’s also when we Get to a point of manifesting something Or even shedding something and shedding Something absolutely makes sense for you And the manifestation part also makes Sense for you because it’s like this Month you’re you’re Really moving into more action you’re Becoming more action Oriented because dreams only happen Through taking action full moon is also It connects to our internal self and It’s like you’re shedding the old You and getting ready to step into the New you the six of Cups being reversed It’s like the old you is not really Resonating anymore um it’s not really Authentic to you anymore and now is your Time of like doing that internal shift And also playing around with um other Aspects of you that is are going through A shift we also have Saturn coming up we Have sex tile so sexile is a very Positive aspect um when two things Really understand each other so I feel Like

You’re you’re changing and Shifting to a place where you better Understand yourself and this is going to Be a very positive shift for you there’s Going to be more commitment it’s going To feel more in alignment boundaries are Also um a huge aspect of Saturn it helps Us stay on track it helps us stay Disciplined it helps us stay focused and Taking Responsibility and Overcoming old limitations that we used To Have and then with that sextile with That positive aspect this is moving all That positive energy moving to a more Positive Place making progress on Something is very much that sextile Energy So that is what we have here I also want To mention that um Saturn is of course Related to Capricorn and Aquarius so Those zodiac signs might be prominent as Well I do want to pull one more card for You just to get More more zodiac energy even though we Have a moon card coming up again the Moon is connected to the zodiac sign of Cancer but I do want I want more Specific other zodiac signs coming up as Well I just feel really called to get More of that but waxing crescent is when We’re building something so you’re Building something new inspiration

Creativity growth accomplishments and Learning this is the essence of your Month of May creativity growth Accomplishments inspiration and Learning so let’s see let’s get Another just to see the zodiac signs That might be prominent but maybe the Reason why we’re not getting a lot of Zodiac signs for you Is maybe because this month is very Withdrawn for you and maybe maybe you’re Kind of going into hermit mode a little Bit in order to do this big inner Transformation to focus more on your Plan to execute more of that plan to Kind of direct your energy to more focus And look at even still the cards don’t Want to give us another zodiac sign so Yeah I feel like you’re not going to be As surrounded by other people this month This is very much a you month you might Be surrounded by like the regular people That you’re surrounded by but like I Feel like this is a very you focused Month letting go of your past shedding Your past growing something new the full Moon is all about shedding and then the South node is all about our Past it does also talk about our talents And Gifts so it’s like we’re we’re Uncovering more of that we’re even Recovering talents and gifts that maybe We haven’t used in a little

While so this is you really getting Prepared prepared for this this shift I Feel like you are going through um a Glow up I feel like there’s a new you That just wants to be born and my group Fours that’s kind of your main theme for May is birthing this new you and getting More in alignment to your authenticity Focusing on your creativity and really Creating a a deep action plan to get in Touch with that so that is again what we Have here thank you so much for joining Me here for today’s video my group fours All about your month of May I hope you Have a beautiful and amazing and blessed Month and I’m sending you so much love And until next time bye all right my Group fives your month of May let’s go Ahead and see what’s in store for you so We have the temple the caretaker Divine And Sovereign with temple you are going To be so much more like guarded with Your energy but not not in a negative Way I mean this in a very positive way It seems like you want to really honor Your body your energy and your temple This month and this sanctify de devote Commune reflect you’ve been doing a lot Of reflecting when it comes to the Things that have been stealing your Energy taking your energy away or even Making your body not feel good you’ve Been very aware of those things lately It could be contributed from

People like eating things that don’t Make you feel good having a schedule That doesn’t make you feel good getting Lost into distractions that don’t make You feel good Temple is when we become So aware of those things and we really Start setting boundaries to help us keep Our integrity to help us keep ourselves High Vibe and high energy I see you Creating really good boundaries in the Month of May because it’s just like You’re wanting to honor your temple You’re wanting to feel more in alignment There caretaker I see you caretaking for Yourself a lot more maybe you are also Responsible for other people in some way Maybe you have children or something Like this and caretaker can kind of Indicate that we’re stepping more into Those energies maybe we have a pet that We take care of something like this um However I do feel like with certain Things you’re no longer wanting to care For people that have the ability to to Do it themselves you know what I mean Like um like friends that maybe rely on You too much family members that maybe Rely on you too much um you’re kind of Setting a lot more boundaries to keep Your energy intact to keep more balance In your life so it doesn’t feel like you Are the one carrying everybody else’s Stuff and you’re making more time to Care for

Yourself because like when like that’s So important and maybe when was the last Time that you did that you know like This month I feel like you are really Caring for yourself you’re creating time For that Divine is when we’re stepping Into so much more of our Divine energy I Keep seeing this image of like white Light shining over you and creating so Much more of a harmonious High Vibe Energy this month is you stepping deeper Into a higher Vibe energy cutting away The things that are negatively affecting Your emotions your mentality your Spirituality your energy your physical Well-being and all of that Sovereign is When we step into our freedom Is when we reclaim our power we recall Our power Back this is you stepping into this Higher era of your life of like o I’m The I’m the runner of the show in my Life I’m the main character this is main Character energy my group fives you are Stepping into main character energy in Your life I feel like you are so done Being a side character and a caretaker To everybody else you’re like no I’m Turning this inwards I’m caretaking for Me I’m I’m main character I I’m taking care of my temple I’m Stepping into my divin my Divine energy I just oo there’s a big up level here With that which is going to be so

Beautiful and so Amazing okay um let’s see what else we Get here we also have the Chariot being Reversed so this can indicate when we Have a choice and we don’t know which Way to go or it can indicate that Something that we choose is going to Like it’s sort of like when there’s Consequences no matter what we do and so Maybe the reason why you’ve had a hard Time moving in this more self focused Direction has been because you’re not Wanting to disappoint anybody you don’t Want to create Imbalances however there’s a balanced Way to do everything and it seems like The energy that I’m picking up on is That we’ve been way too focused on other People before and this is a month of Just like finding more of that balance To give to yourself and to create of That energy for yourself um chariots can Also indicate when there’s been delays Or if we keep getting if we keep feeling Behind there’s an energy of feeling Behind maybe in your own Life and an energy that I’m feeling is Like you’re really wanting to change This around you’re really wanting to get The reins moving forward and moving Forward fast rather than feeling like There’s just delay after delay after Delay maybe you’ve been feeling every Time that you try to make progress

Something else comes up that like calls Away your attention that’s like oh we Have to go and do this instead I I Really feel like the month of May is you Putting down those boundaries and that Makes sense kind of what I was talking About earlier of of your temple Caretaking for yourself calling your Power back I just see you putting up Boundaries with those things to like Better navigate your life and to get Stuff done and to start moving forward We have Ace of Wands I love this card This is that spark of inspiration this Can also be when something new like a New idea comes in or a new opportunity Or a new event that makes us really Excited so if there’s anything in your Life o this could also be a plan getting Cancelled that we were looking forward To but all of a sudden it lean it leads To like something new a new idea Sprouting because of it or a new Opportunity sprouting in place of that It could also be you saying no to Certain things that you’ve previously Said yes to and then a new opportunity Coming with that I also want to say just As a side note this is not for all of You I feel like this is literally like a Very small amount of you you’re going to Know whether or not this is for you but If any of you have been experiencing car Troubles you’re getting that fixed this

Month and there could be something new And exciting around Transportation this Month this could indicate things like a New car or a new mode of transportation Or getting things fixed and it’s like Working better than you ever imagined Like something like this so I just want To say that for spirit is definitely Telling me that it’s a small percentage Of you that have been struggling with That issue but if that’s you I do feel Like there’s going to be a really great Solution coming this month in regards to That um so yeah that’s coming through as Well let’s see what else do we have here We also have Ace of Swords two Aces aces are all of that new beginning Kind of Energy there’s definitely an invitation Of something new or a new opportunity Coming through this could also be a new Idea on your end where we’re like ooh This is exciting I want to take action On that Or something goes wrong but it leads to Something going really really Right like a delay and then all of a Sudden we’re just like oh wait I’m so Glad that happened or some obligation That we were supposed to do but then it Gets canceled then we’re like yay um It’s something to deal with that but if Anything sort of like disappointing Happens or if there’s delays with

Anything I really feel like it’s going To lead to something very positive Happening here this month and also with The Ace of Swords this could be you Getting new ideas it can also indicate Signing a contract so maybe we’re Leasing a new car maybe we are buying a New car something like this but this can Indicate signing a contract of some kind So we also have Knight of Swords this is um things are going to Move fast where things used to kind of Feel stuck and Delayed as those things sort this is Like Divine to like get you moving in The right Direction there’s going to be things That just really start amplifying and Moving forward really fast I’m feeling Kind of like the early middle of May and Then through the rest of May but like Early middle somewhere around like like The 8th 9th 10th 11th of May Things Are Are going to really start moving forward For you and stay moving forward for the Rest of the month and um all of that Then we also have four of Cups so four of cups is when we have Been focused on all the things that are Going wrong with then there’s a new Opportunity waiting on the other side Which is sort of exactly what we were Talking about when it comes to our Chariot and all of our Aces so there’s a

Reiteration of this energy it almost Seems like maybe there was certain Things that have caused us to Disappointment and this could be like Taking care of all those other people And it’s just draining our energy or it Could be those different delays or other Things that are happening a big choice That we have to make and we’re kind of Like H but it’s like so much goodness is Going to come from that and there’s a New opportunity coming for you in May That’s going to be very positive it’s Like news or an invitation Or a new opportunity because of this Redirection there’s a whole redirection Happening and you’re claiming your power Back you’re really focused on a lot of Self-care this month focused on you know What let me focus on me for a second let Me focus on providing for me creating a Beautiful life for Me and yeah like this Ace total newness New seeds sprouting new ideas sprouting The signing of something agreeing to Something and it’s going to lead to Things just all of a sudden pushing Pushing forward moving forward really Fast I think that there’s going to be a Spontaneous decision that you make and It’s going to be a really exciting Spontaneous Decision it’s something that going into May you probably weren’t thinking about

It at all in fact you had no idea this Big shift was even going to happen That’s the energy that I’m getting you Know sometimes when when you’re like wow I had no idea that that was waiting for Me in my future I had no idea I was just Going to like you know sometimes those Things happen those just radical quick Decision moments that happen because of Something else and then we’re like wao If you would have told me that that was Going to happen in May I wouldn’t have Believed you that sort of energy is what I’m getting for your month of May but It’s like an exciting thing it’s Something that’s like oh my God that’s So fun and it’s it’s like good news it’s Good energy it’s Newness again I’m feeling it’s around Something that deals with signing a Contract or getting an Opportunity something like that we also Have Liberation so the Liber of old Stuck energy all the areas in which you Were feeling stuck before within April Within March within the this beginning Of this year you’re liberating those old Stuck energies you’re creating those Strong boundaries really putting a lot More care into yourself stepping into Your power liberating any of that energy That made you feel like you couldn’t Step into your power that made you feel Like like you had to be obligated to

Focusing all your attention on other People it’s like no not all your Attention should go to other people you Should have a balance and this month is The liberation of also focusing on you As well then we also have the moon card Which is the card that is like our Deeper emotions it’s also our Intuition this one coming up I feel like You have a very high intuition I also Feel like the Moon it talks about the Unknowns the Unseen the Unpredictable and what were we talking About earlier in this reading the Unpredictable as you liberate old energy As you let go as you step into your Power that’s when you’re stepping into That unknown and oh I just feel like There’s something really exciting Waiting for you this month and um very Positive energy there very positive Energy it’s exciting it’s a yes this Could also be you getting a new Interest there’s a new interest coming In and it’s like oh that’s exciting that That Sparks me up that lights me up it’s Something interesting that’s happening This can also talk about conversations And a lot of communication coming Through so maybe we’re learning Something Ace of Swords can deal with Learning Reading doing some form of communication To create an agreement or gaining

Clarity on an idea forming a deeper idea It’s all of that like communicative Expansion Clarity um figuring something Out agreements commitments things like That it can also be when we cut the ties To certain things to where we feel Liberated because the sword can be used To cut ties with something that was also Holding us back the tarot always has Many layers and usually when a card Comes out um it will indicate all of Those different layers For that sort of thing that it’s Representing or talking about so when We’re talking about your month of May The Ace of Swords is going to have a lot Of layers all of these cards are going To have layers to them and all of them Will will be unveiling and adding a Clarity to the bigger picture of your Month of May so yeah communication and Signing things new ideas but then also Cutting Ties with previous stuff that was Holding you Back this could also be gaining Clarity And gaining truth on a certain subject Matter feeling more authentic feeling Like you can express your authenticity So much more Knight of Swords is also Spontaneously just feeling like I can Express my authenticity there might be a Time where you just feel like there’s a Lot that you want to speak about maybe

You’ve been like holding back on certain Things that you’ve been really wanting To say for Yourself and this month is going to Bring that opportunity to liberate your Voice allow your authenticity to speak And to really like stand up for yourself The Moon is like the unveiling of that The allowing of the emotions to be Expressed and clarified so that other People can understand you and get on to The same page so there could be a lot of That it could also be other people Opening up to you but I really I’m Getting the energy that this is you Getting to the point of like really Opening up and speaking up for yourself Speaking your mind speaking your Thoughts getting more real getting more Authentic maybe you’ve been holding back In some way shape or form and sort of Repressing those things you know it Could even be being a people pleaser Being that caretaker and maybe we’re Just like at the point of like no you Know what I’m laying down the law I’m Cutting ties of being that and I’m Laying down the law of like here’s the New Rules the things that you’re capable of Doing you can do them yourself you know I can’t like hold your hand through Everything you know stuff like that so There could be something like that

Coming up through May we also have the Card of study which Ace of Swords can Indicate learning something um and that Sort of energy so maybe you will feel Called to learn something new to read to Dive into self-development to learn a New subject learn a new skill maybe There’s going to be a new fun thing that You’re excited to Learn so you might dive into learning it To studying it we also have the card of Safe Home safe home is when we’re creating a Foundation where we feel more Comfortable maybe in our home life we’ve Been taking on a lot of responsibility Lately maybe we’ve been feeling kind of Rocky when it comes to our home and our Foundation our sense of Security the month of May Since we have Study and safe home it looks like you’re Learning a lot of things to help bring More stability to help create more Security more safety a feeling of like You’re able to let go and relax your Home should be your sanctuary Right not a place where we feel stressed Out where we feel like it’s all Responsibility of course there are Responsibilities always within our home Life but we need to have that balance Where where we can also relax and let go And it just seems like you’re wanting to Call in a lot more of that particular

Type of energy Um I’m also feeling like there could be Different opportunities for you To learn more when it comes to Like your Finances safe home is also giving me the Energy of like forgiveness and love with The people that you live with and Learning more about them and what they Need and kind of creating a more um Structured environment that is more Sustainable so that’s coming through Here as well and let’s See what else do we have for my group Fives five is the number of change and Also we’re talking a lot about Expressing your authenticity and Communication and all that you have Aqua Orac quartz on your group Aqua Oro Quartz is resonates with the throat Chakra it unlocks your voice to be able To speak your boundaries speak your Authenticity it could also deal with Signing contracts and things like that Because it deals with the Mercurial Energy um which is the air energy of Communication we also have the Observer Here as Well um so Observer I think that you’re taking a Step Back and you’re able to see like these People can like handle their own so it’s Again kind of a reiteration of that

Message but also with Observer makes me Feel like there could be something Around social media where we’re creating More boundaries with That Observer on the other hand like so so For one like what we were saying you Might be creating more boundaries Because maybe we’re like oh I need to Get less distracted by social media but The Observer can also indicate that more People are discovering who we are so if You do work in any type of business Where you need to attract clients or Attract an audience in order to make a Living for yourself in order to have Good business The Observer can also Indicate that we are attracting more Clients or attracting more of an Audience um um within this month that is Going to boost our success and things Like that so it can it can indicate more People are seeing us more people are Discovering us especially if you work in A in a career that sort of needs that to Sustain um so it can also indicate Learning more about that I’m hearing Like learning more about that especially If you work in that field maybe you’re Going to be Studying more about how to attract that How to find more success how to create More clients and things like That let’s see what else do we have

Group fives we also have get Wild oh I feel like you’ve been wanting To get wild for a while maybe we’ve been Like really tame just sort of doing the Same routine doing the same things I Feel like you’re really wanting a change Up get wild is definitely that number Five energy which you are group number Five and it’s all about that let’s Change things up let’s get wild it’s About Freedom so your energy is really to call Back a lot more Freedom okay being comfortable being Seen for your authentic self for your Real self liberating yourself from Chains that you’ve had maybe you’ve been Really wanting to hide who you really Are maybe you’ve been scared about what Other people might think or say and so Maybe we’re liberating ourselves from Our fear of being seen and we’re Allowing ourselves to get wild which is Going to allow more things to flow more Clients to come in more especially again If you rely on those types of things so I just feel like the moon card maybe You’ve been sort of hiding or maybe You’ve been sort of repressing your true Wants needs and desires because there’s Been just way too many other things to Focus on but this month it’s just like No let’s liberate let’s get wild I think There’s going to be new opportunities

For you to just sort of like let loose Kind of do what you want type of thing And just you’re you’re really breaking Out of that stagnant energy and I feel Like that’s been really what you’ve been Wanting and needing is like getting up That stagnant energy so let’s see group Fives what else do we have for your Month of May we also have aquarius so Aquarius Energy might be very prominent or Powerful in your life you might even be An aquarius but it’s also the energy of Uranus which is the energy of radical Change Freedom unexpected surprises Which fits with you so perfectly it can Also talk about technology as well so Perhaps there’s something with Technology where we’re wanting to Upgrade our technology or um maybe we’re Going more online cuz I can also talk About the media Sometimes and um yeah learning something With technology in order to kind of step Out and expand yourself a little bit More let’s see what else do we have for You we also have retrograde this can Talk about doing reflection to kind of See like what’s no longer working for us What we need to revise it’s the Reviewing revising reflecting that That’s retrogrades um if any planet is In retrograde it is reviewing revising And reflecting and renewing those

Things that’s retrograde energy so Retrograde is is bringing that kind of Theme to your month of May review Reviewing revising and doing all of that And um solar eclipse embracing change Revelation courage determination and Connection what are we talking about With change having courage having the Determination having those Revelations That we were talking about that are Going to help you step more into that Sovereign energy of stepping into your Power and then we also have waxing Gibbus alignment refinement nurture Patience and evolution alignment and Refinement that’s literally our Retrograde energy getting more in Alignment with you yourself your needs Um liberating that old energy that has Been keeping you stuck or keeping you in That bubble it’s time to like burst out Of that bubble it’s time to get wild Allow more of that that freedom that Liberation and stepping into your power I do see you making some sort of Decision or something new coming into Your life that’s definitely going to Offer that that change that surprise That excitement where it’s almost like a Little bit unpredictable it’s like I Would have never guessed that that would Happen in the month of May That’s what you’re going to be saying at The end of May literally I guarantee you

You’re going to be saying at the end of The May at the end of the month of May You’re going to be saying I would have Never guessed that that was going to Happen I would have never guessed but It’s going to be like exciting you’re Going to be excited about it’s like oo You’re going to be like riding a bit of A high is what I feel like you know when Something exciting happens that like You’ve always wanted but maybe you just Didn’t think it was going to happen Anytime soon and then it happens and You’re like oh my God and then you’re Like riding that high so that’s what I See for you my group fives there’s Definitely some excitement um or Exciting things happening that bring you More freedom it’s just ah it’s exciting It’s great and I’m so excited for you to Experience the month of May and go Through all those exciting things to Liberate more of your energy stepping More into your power calling your power Back and doing all of that so thank you So much for joining me here for today’s Video I’m sending you all so much love And until next time bye

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