You’re On The Right Frequency To Hear This Message…

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Hello lovelies!
Todays video is a ‘pick a card’ reading. Pick the card you’re most drawn to, to find out ‘You’re On The Right Frequency To Hear This Message…’! Once you’ve picked, skip ahead to the timestamp below where I reveal what it is…

𓂀 *Time Stamps* 𓂀
⁺˖ Intro: 0:00
🀧 Pick Your Card: 2:05
🀧 Card 1 (Danburite): 5:36
🀧 Card 2 (Tanzanite Aura Quartz): 31:16
🀧 Card 3 (Rose Quartz): 1:02:02
🀧 Card 4 (Sunset Aura Quartz): 1:26:24

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Gold Lyre Tarot:
Pink Rider Waite Tarot:
Lioness Oracle Tarot:
Mermaid Tarot:
Archetype Oracle:
Threads of Fate Oracle (discontinued, similar one):
Oracle of Delphi:
Wisdom Within Oracle:

🎥 My Camera Gear:

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• Currently not offering personal readings, I apologize •

The Gem Goddess

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[Music] Hello my loves and welcome back to my Channel today's video we have a new pick A card reading but before we dive into It I have such a special announcement we Are going through something significant Known as the Lion's gate portal right Now it happens every August and August 8th is like the peak of this Lionsgate Portal and this is all about a time of Upleveling yourself and getting to a Higher grer and better version of you This is a portal where manifestation is Really at its peak and in order to Celebrate this my jewelry company Luna Gem is having a massive sale where you Can get 20% off of your entire order and If you have not heard of Luna Jen before We had make the most gorgeous Crystal Bracelets that are made according to Your wrist size so that they fit you Perfectly we use the highest quality Gemstones and we also make them using Gold fill meaning you can wear them in Water and they will not tarnish so these Are literally the best bracelets out There in my opinion they are so amazing And we also have tons of other jewelry On the site including earrings necklaces And rings and other crystals that you Can use to decorate your home to bring In all the good energy and if you are Wanting to manifest something we have Different crystals that can really help

Boost the energy of what your Manifesting so whether that be love or More abundance more confidence more Wealth more opportunity in your life Whatever it is that you want you can Read through the different Crystal Descriptions and see which one you are The most drawn to what you are looking For in your life and for this limited Time you can get 20% off of your entire Order using the code portal and we also Ship worldwide and all the information Is going to be linked down below for Easy access that you can go click and Get to the website and also remember to Use that code portal for 20% off of your Entire order and thank you so much for Allowing me to sponsor my own videos Here I'm so excited to dive into this Pig card reading and I cannot wait so Let's go ahead and Dive Right In hello my loves and welcome back to my Channel today's video we have a new pick A card reading all about what you are on The right frequency to be hearing right Now so if you want a message that is Meant for you if this video popped up And you were drawn to it called towards It it means you on the right frequency To hear your message today so the way That this video works is I read the Tarot cards I tap into Spirit the Universe to bring you information for Your highest good at this time and there

Are four different groups in front of me Which you are going to intuitively Choose which one you are the most called Towards because that is going to reveal The message that you are on the right Frequency to be hearing right now over Here we have group number one this one Has two pieces of dorite on it so if You're drawn to group number one that is Going to be your pile group number two We have this gorgeous piece of t canite Ora quartz so if you're drawn to group Number two that one's going to be your Pile group number three we have some Rose quartz so if you're drawn to that One that's going to be your group and Then group number four we have some Sunset orac chords so if you find Yourself drawn to group number four That's going to be the message that's Meant for you the way that you tap into Your intuition is by one one of the Methods is visually looking at the piles And seeing which one your eyes just dark Towards or one that you just feel Magnetized towards or another little Method that you can use if you are not Visually tapping into one of the groups Is you can take your hand and you can Hover it over each of the Piles to see if there's one that ends up Just feeling magnetic or might even have Like a hot sensation or even a cold Sensation or you're just going to be

Like drawn towards it as you Glide your Hand over top so that is a um sign from Your intuition that's your intuition Speaking to you that that would be your Pile and yeah I'm very excited to get Into this video there's time stamps Linked down below so that you can easily Navigate and Skip right ahead to your Personal prediction all about your Message and if you want a closeup of Each of the Crystals over here we have our beautiful Pieces of Dorite so if you're drawn to the danite Crystals then group number one is going To be your pile group number two we have This stunning tanzanite Ora Quartz so if you find yourself drawn to This Crystal then group number two is going To be your Pile and then over on group number three We have some rose quartz so if you find Yourself drawn to the rose quartz Then group three is going to be your Reading and then group number four we Have the sunset Ora quarts so if you're Drawn to group four or this piece of Sunset orac quarts then that is going to Be your Pile so those are the four group options Take as much time as you need to find Out which one you're the most called Towards and again you can pause the

Video there's time stamps linked down Below so you can easily navigate and all Of that and I'm very excited to dive Into today's reading and I will see you In this Video all right my group ones if you Chose this group this is going to be Your reading so let's go ahead and dive Right into it all right so since Everyone has been loving the Astro dice Lately we're going to start with our Asra dice to get some information right Off the bat for you so we have Neptune In Scorpio in the third house Neptune is The planet of Arts creativity Imagination the things that we fantasize About the things that we've been Daydreaming about the third house is our House of Communication networking meeting the Right people it can be the people that We work with that can end up helping us Out with our vision connecting to the Right people the third house can also be Our house of our communication so there Could be something where you're using Your voice more or you're called to use Your voice more the third house is also Connected to writing reading books it Can also be connected to learning and Education and also short trips and Travel so Neptune being here there could Be something where maybe you are wanting To do some sort of like short road trip

Or if you are being called to use your Voice in any way or to network more or To make more Connections in order to achieve a Particular goal that you have then this Is all saying yes yes Scorpio over Scorpio over here is also it makes Neptune more deep so there's something Deep here like a deep thing that maybe You're wanting to express a deep Pursuit That you might want to go Towards um it can also indicate Deepening connections that you already Have in your life it can also indicate a Transformation in this area of your life As Well so what is it that you are thinking About doing one thing I'm also going to Say is Neptune is very connected to the Media and since the third house is very Social this could indicate social media Maybe doing a transformation around that For yourself so maybe perhaps you've Been called to do some sort of Transformation on social media and that Could be um you know Anything yeah it could even be like Decluttering your social media or if You've been wanting to maybe start a Business on social media that would also Be indicated here if you've been wanting To expand social media that would also Be indicated here but it's coming Through some form of transformation

Because Scorpio is the transformation It's about getting creative with Neptune And then doing some sort of Transformation here in order to achieve More in order to network more and since The third house is all about Communication and networking this could Also be like something like growing your Following on social media so if you do Market yourself on social media or if You like are in any of those categories Where maybe you have a business that you Market via social Media this would be indicating all of That or if you have any other things That You um use media for or social media Then this would be indicating um calling In more people there So what is it that you're being called To to do because spirit is saying that That is that's a good energy for you the Fact that's even coming up that's Already in your energy field we have Knight of Swords being reversed and then Two of Pentacles upright ooh So this is like a delayed action there's Something that you've been delaying Acting on Knight of Swords being Reversed it's maybe like we keep second Guessing ourselves on our Quest like the Knights they go on quests when he's Reversed his quest is being delayed or He's like not taking action on it and

Two of Pentacles is when we're weighing Out the options we're like oh do I have Time for it or maybe I'm juggling too Many things right now or maybe I'm just Constantly back and forth on this Thing right like what are we back and Forth on over here um because I do feel Like yeah there's something here with Communication this could even be writing Right just like I was talking about Before it could be writing Knight of Swords being reversed is like when we've Been delayed but I'm what a message that I'm really hearing from Spirit is like It's time to get creative and take Action and trust in yourself or if You've been noticing a lack of Results where you've been really wanting Results if you've been noticing a Lack all of this is saying it's going to Require a transformation it's going to Require a change in perspective it's Going to require continuing Forward trusting in the process but Re-evaluating and doing some form of Transformation Here some form of Transformation let's see what else we Get we also have the devil coming up for You so the devil is things that we are Attached to things where we are feeling Stuck or we're like in a cage we're Oppressing our true self our true wants And needs so since the third house is

Connected to communication There could be something here where You're restricting your communication Maybe there's a fear of judgment maybe There's a fear of what other people Might think or say of you maybe there's A fear of stepping outside of your Comfort Zone maybe there's a fear that you're Going to fail maybe there's even a fear Of success there's some sort of thing That's keeping you oppressed and held Back in what you are wanting to pursue Or repressed and held back in communic Ation writing networking Speaking putting yourself out there Something to deal with media holding Yourself Back So this is something that we are needing To break free from in order to find the Success that we are Desiring we also Have 10 of Wands and then the Eight of Cups okay there could also be way too Much that you are doing like just this Sense of busy In your life um so the fact that we have 10 of Wands coming up here and also the Two of Pentacles I wouldn't be surprised If a lot of you are just like really Really busy but maybe you're juggling Way too many things you have way too Much going on to even focus it on where The area of your life where you do

Really want to Grow So some things we're going to need to Leave behind not that we need to leave Them behind permanently but temporarily We just need to put some stuff on the Back burner and pick one thing to pursue Because look at like you could almost Interpret this as he's walking away from These stacked cups it looks like there's One or even two missing right to make The full stack it's almost like he's Either searching for them or he's taking Those things with him and he's like I'm Going to focus on these for now and Leave the rest behind for now because we Can only do so much before we reach Burnout or before nothing ever gets done Because we're taking on too many Projects too many ideas too Many this that and the other thing Sometimes we need to focus on one or two Things we need to pursue that fully with Our full heart to be able to find Balance right Two of Pentacles this is This is balance the fact that it's even Upright this is Balance So what are we needing to break free From what are habits too 10 of Wands in The devil it can indicate some like Negative habits that keep taking up a Lot of our time without us even Realizing it so is there something in

Your life maybe even social media by the Way the fact that we have social media Coming up and the fact that we have also Social media talking about a Transformation maybe some of You have been spending way too much time Focusing on that without focusing on What maybe should be focusing on or We're focusing on it in the wrong way Right maybe some of you are having a Career on there or something like this Therefore you do need to focus on it but Are we Doom scrolling or are we taking Action are we in this Perpetual state of Planning and procrastinating or taking Action or are we trying to do way too Many things again and therefore Nothing's actually getting to the Finish Line because there's way too much on our Plate um I feel like there's a little Bit of all of the above for you going on In your life right now and so I feel Like spirit is really coming Through with a message about shedding And letting go and focusing on what are The priorities in my life right now so What else in your energy does Spirit Want you to know what are you on the Right frequency to be hearing right now From Spirit my group number one and it's Interesting because the crystal Dam Brite by the way is connected to letting Go and making transitions so there is Something that you do need to transition

Out of and let go of that is no longer Serving You so let's see what else we get ooh Okay oh my gosh so we have the card the Addict coming Through so this helps you recognize and Confront addictive behavior the devil Card is also connect uh connected to the Addict that's the archetype that the Devil represents so the shadow attribute Is compromises integrity and honesty Allows an addictive pattern to have Authority over your inner spirit so your Inner Spirit has been calling you Somewhere my group ones your inner Spirit has been calling you somewhere You already know what this is About there is no doubt in my mind that You know what this is about You have a calling to take some form of Action to do something to either let Something go and walk away from It or to shed something or to overcome Inhibitions or fears that have been Holding you Back to let go of the distractions that Have been busy taking up your time and It's almost like it's almost like There's this cycle that I'm sort of Seeing here where you are balanced you Do have enough time but then there's This fear and then so we end up sort of Drowning it with spending our time doing Things that are not productive for

Us um whereas we would have that time if We let that go or we would have the time If we let go of the Fear but the fear might keep Perpetuating different circumstances That That's like oh I couldn't because all of These things came up or I couldn't Because all of this stuff Happened Okay you have an inner spirit that is so Strong calling you To to just go for It so look at all these emotional Reasons why we're like oh let me just Stay in the past let me just stay doing What what's familiar you are being Called to the unfamiliar Okay let's see what else we get for you Here also the addict can also talk about Different things that we are physically Addicted to um rather than even just Emotionally or mentally can also talk About like other things that we need to Let go of that are not good for us so if You have anything like that in your life That you're already like yeah I Definitely need to let that go I've been Constantly doing that or I keep making This promise to myself and then it Doesn't happen It's time to make those promises happen Okay imagine what your life is going to Be like one year from now if you make

These changes today what is your life Going to be like one year from now it's Probably going to be so wildly different Than what it is right Now imagine where you could be 2 years From Now three five years from now 10 years From now versus okay what if you don't Change What's your life going to look like one Year from now if you stay the Same what is your life going to look Like 5 years from now if you stay the Same what is your life going to look Like 10 years from Now Okay so Sometimes we need to think about that And that that might motivate us a little Bit to be like right I need to change Because sometimes we don't realize like Our dayto day sometimes we're like oh if I just give in today again it's going to Be fine it's going to be fine cuz it's Just one day that we're sacrificing Right but we don't really realize that We can keep making that decision for an Entire year and then an entire year goes By and 365 days we've now just wasted to I'll start it tomorrow I'll do it Tomorrow I'll do it next week I'll start It next week like we don't really Realize that we can literally lose track Of an entire year an entire 5 years an

Entire 10 years from choosing the easy Route day by day from choosing to delay It day by Day so it's crazy how that like sneaks Up on us right but that's a big message Coming through for you is like we got to We got to move we got to take action Because it's wild how much our time can Get swallowed when we're not really Paying attention and not really you know Making the changes that we really want So why do you want your desire Why are you called to make this change Why does this mean a lot to you to be Able to pursue this I think if you make The strongest why it's so funny because This is almost becoming like a coaching Lesson here from Spirit all the cards That are coming through is like ending Up being a coaching lesson but if you Make a really strong why behind your Desire behind your calling it will help You overcome any hurdle or obstacle that You currently need to overcome and let Go Of if you have a a powerful enough Why then also ask yourself why why stay Stuck versus Why move Forward okay which what would you rather Have Here right of course you have a calling So like let's pursue that let's find out A very strong why that's going to Motivate us so powerfully and

Yeah let's see what else we get for you Here here my group On's all about the Message that you are on the right Frequency to be hearing the universe Look at she is the master puppeteer of Her universe so a huge message coming Through for you right now is that you Are the master of your world and of your Reality but you have to take that power Into your own hands you get to choose Whether or not to act on that power or Not act on that power and what have you Been choosing Lately because the devil is when we're Staying stuck When we choose to repeat the same Patterns over and over again that we Know are not our true calling but we're Just comfortable with them we're just Comfortable doing those things it keeps Us safe gives us a feeling of security Because it's Familiar are you really being the Creator of your Universe are you really you know Creating the your dream Reality I I think it's time to like get Up and create your dream reality because What's coming through is like hey all This stuff is like really possible it's Right around the corner but the hurdle Here is like our attachments our Addictions our addiction to like appr Pressing our true desires for a feeling

Of security and Safety taking on way too much or Focusing on all of the Busyness and it's almost like that's Becoming the thing that's standing in The way of us just being like eff it let Me let go and let me focus on what I Want okay let's see what else do we have Here so I'm going to go with all four of These cards that are seemingly wanting To come out so we have compassion so Compassion for yourself that's a very Important thing so don't be hard on Yourself when you're hard on yourself You can end up discouraging yourself and Pushing yourself further into a hole but When you can have compassion and be like You know what yeah maybe I have been Doing this but let me encourage the Freck out of myself now to move forward That is your key encouragement rather Than Discouragement we also have the outlaw What do you need to give the boot to in Your life what do you need to give the Boot To what do you need to boot out what do You need to outlaw what do you need to Make permanently against the law in your Life what is now like Rules the outlaw can also talk about Rebels but it can also talk about things That we are creating rules and Boundaries and giving the boot to like

Nope I'm not doing that anymore you know Like I'm kicking it Out I'm kicking it out of my life so What are you outlawing from your Life okay the Seeker as well what are You now seeking so what do you need to Give the boot to in order to make room For what you are really truly Seeking then we also have Ascension Because right when you do all of these Things this is your key key to Ascension This is your key to Rising higher this Is your key to growth this is your key To expansion this is your key to calling In more abundance in your life being the Ultimate creator of your reality this is Your key create a strong powerful enough Why that's going to help you overcome Any obstacle any hurdle any fear that's Currently holding you back and that is Your key to Success so with that being said I do Feel like pulling maybe one or two cards From this deck and then we're going to Get into one last thing after we have The Alchemist okay so change the Alchemist Alchemize our negatives or our Weaknesses or our Pains Into our power our learning our growth Our Ascension because one thing that's Important to realizes any hardship that You go through any lesson that you go

Through anything that you have to Overcome in your life literally is Actually helping you ascend it's helping You grow it's helping you achieve Greater even though it might not seem at The time because sometimes it can feel Like we're being pushed down by those Things However it's kind of like a spring Because when you get pushed down it's Going to spring back up and that's kind Of like the lesson of alchemy a little Bit so let's See what else do we have okay we're Going to go with these just Cuz yeah spirit clearly has a lot to say We have luminar so activating your light Activating your inner power saying yes I See this card as like saying yes Determine determine what you want and Then also be determined to get It we also have Dream Weaver okay so This is time to visualize and make clear What it is that you truly desire in your Life what do you wish for Visualize it conceive it and this is Time to emerge as the new you who is Weaving that dream what are those Actions you can start taking now that Will begin weaving that dream Together this is time to emerge and then We have Sanctuary relax soothe revive And return and remember to balance it Right remember to balance it with ease

With goodness what are those good habits That you're wanting to add into your Life because I do feel like you've been Called to maybe bring in some good Habits abits into your life and replace Those um you know the bad habits that You used to have and replace them with Good Habits that is something that's yeah Spirit is like yes let's do that you've Been already feeling that you've been Already sensing that calling and let's See what else do we have for you we have Maintain your peace we also have do you Know when to leave wow do you know when To leave do you know when to say no Do you know when to leave something Behind do you know when it's Time to shed something to let something Go do you know when to leave in order to Maintain your peace in order to maintain Your Alignment with what you really Want let's see do you know when To stop something and shift your focus Towards what's really important to you That's going to get you to your goal Okay I did feel like pulling out some More here so let's let's go with this What are these last messages from Spirit So what are you holding on to that you Need to let go of there we go there's an There's another confirmation what are You holding on to that you need to let

Go Of okay we have not choosing is still Choosing so even if you're choosing not To take action if even if you're Choosing to delay something that is Still a choice you've just made a choice Today okay whatever you decide it will Be the right Decision so remember it's all up to you Whether you believe you can or can't Whether you choose to do something or Not do Something it will be the right decision For you but which what life do you want To create remember you are the creator Of your reality what life are you Creating okay I'm AAG maget for Unlimited abundance of Love health and Money wow affirm that to yourself my Love I am a magnet for an unlimited Abundance of Love health and Money what did you learn from this Connection so maybe there was a Connection of to something maybe it was A connection to security maybe it was a Connection to what made you feel safe Maybe it was a connection to that Addiction that we had maybe it was a Connection to Someone what so what did you learn from This connection what did it teach You when we integrate the learning we See the purpose it had for us I am love I have love I deserve

Love yes another affirmation for you Regain what they took from you call your Power back regain what they took from You So was there anybody in your past who Took some of your light took some of Your Confidence maybe put you down this is Time to regain what they took from you Call your power back right are we going To give the power to them and their Words in their opinion or are you going To call your power back and say you know What my my opinion is more powerful than Theirs that is how you call your power Back regain what they took from you so Who in your your past has maybe put you Down taken away your power made you feel Less than this is time to regain what They took from you this is time To Transform maybe who we communicate with As well okay Transforming who we're communicating With who we allow to show up on our Social media because this deals with Social media right here So who we need to do things that are Going to maintain Peace what are you holding on to that You need to let go of do you know when To Leave regain what they took from you What did you learn from this you deserve

Love you're an magnet for abundance love Health and money that is it that is the Message that you are on the right Frequency to be hearing right now that Is what spirit wanted to say those were The channeled messages from the universe For you right now that you are on the Right frequency to be hearing my love so Group number one that is what we have For you thank you so much for joining me Here for today's video I'm sending you All so much love and until next time bye All right my group number two is if you Chose this pile this is going to be your Reading all about what you are on the Right frequency to here right now all Right so let's begin with our Aster Dice let's see what you are on the right Frequency Ooh we have the sun in Taurus in the 10th house my group number twos first Off something that you are doing right Now within your career something that You might have an idea for or a goal Because the 10th house resembles our Goals our career and our highest Achievements what we are going towards If you have been trying to reach Something or manifest something or call In more abundance or more success or More opportunities in your life to Expand within your career or within your Big goals that you have in your life let Me tell you right now that is absolutely

Coming your way the sun is the planet of Our soul and it's also where we shine Where we radiate it's connected to Confidence so I'm also seeing success When it comes to like you're also going To just feel more confident I feel like You're going to feel more confident in Yourself I feel like your career is Being illuminated right now or at least Some sort of Big Goal that you have or Direction that you are trying to Manifest in your life right now in Regards to Career expansion I'm Definitely seeing more money coming in Because the sun also deals with Abundance and being in Taurus Taurus is The material sign It's The Sign of the Material and it's also ruled by Venus Which is the planet of love beauty and Money so 100% I am seeing a huge Expansion in your Abundance something here is being Spotlighted because if you think about The sun it's our luminary and it Spotlights things it illuminates things So it's kind of like your career is Being illuminated more perhaps there's Some sort of like big recognition or Some sort of opportunity where there's Going to be more of a spotlight for you More um awareness more eyes are going to Be on you more eyes are going to be on What you're doing and yeah with this Taurus energy too this is sort of like

Physical it's moving towards like maybe More inperson things I want to say Either more inperson things or like a Physical tangible thing that you are Manifesting here a physical tangible Thing which again could be in terms of Money or it could be in terms of like a Physical project that you are putting Out there it's kind of coming to its Completion and and yeah I just see this Being Like wildly successful the this Alignment I have Goosebumps this is just Wildly successful there's so much more I Could say about this and I'm going to Like tie in the tarot with it but yeah Just off the bat like Career Success Um and yeah we also king of Pentacles Wants to show up for you okay king of Pentacles if we needed more confirmation That your career is taking off off or Your big goals that you are planting Right now wow abundance is coming your Way king of Pentacles is usually seen as A business owner or he's just really High up in his career so this could be Like a promotion this could be like Finding a lot of success finding your Path so if you are still confused about What you want to do I would say that you Are finding what that is however most of You who chose this group I am getting a Feeling like you are already pretty Aware of your big goals within your

Career where you're going within that And I'm just seeing like so much more Abundance and a sense of security and a Sense of like being organized here like This is where we feel so on top of Things where we no longer feel like we Are working a job it's more like our job Our career is working for us so that we Can live our best lives king of Pentacles he's so just on the top of Everything and if you look at the Regular tarot this one's not colored but In the regular tarot you'll see that He's surrounded by all this Greenery all This Lush Greenery and it's like there's A bunch of flowers and fruits and things Like that and that symbolizes that all Of the seeds that he planted are coming To fruition and um bearing the fruit so It's like we get to harvest the fruits Of our labor so what's coming for you What you are on the right frequency to Hear right now is that all the effort That you are currently putting towards a Big goal or something within your career Is absolutely going to Bud and Bloom and Take off and become even more abundant To truly grow and I'm also hearing like This is the type of growth where it's Not just like a small little like oh I Got my little window of success and then It ends no this is like sustainable this Is longlasting It's setting the Foundation for like growth that is going

To last for the rest of your life like King of Pentacles he's so secure he's so Strong and also I just have to Congratulate you all like just clap clap Clap because another thing that the king Of Pentacles points out is that since he Is the Pentacles the Pentacles are the Slowest moving um like element within The tarot because they are much more Detail oriented they look at all the ins And outs they've been putting in the Work they've been putting in the Blood Sweat and Tears they have been committed They've been dedicated they've worked Through the ups and the Downs they've Overcome so much so I just have to like Give you a clap here because you have Gone through it okay you have gone Through hardships and you've stuck to Your vision and even if you're going Through something that's you know a lot Right now or you know you're really Putting all the effort in really hoping It's going to pay off congratulations to You because that's what it takes to be Successful and spirit just really wants To come through being like yeah we see What you have done and we are so proud Of you because like damn this is what it Takes and because you've been so Dedicated because you've done all of This that's the reason why you're going To be successful is because you have Been putting in all of that work and

Like that's paying off like you're going To get to this place in your life where There's a lot of beauty coming in like Taurus likes to be likes to be com and Taurus is the sign that is again ruled By Venus and likes to be surrounded by Beauty so another thing that I'm seeing For you because of this success that you Are attracting because of this success That you are Getting you are going to be surrounded By so much more Beauty and abundance King of Pentacles like again if you look At the colored version of that card he's Surrounded just by so much Beauty okay So for you what I'm seeing is because of This success like you're going to be Able to really uplevel your life and be Surrounded by things where I feel like You're going to be like I never even Envisioned that I could have this life I Never even knew that I could be this Successful so yeah your Goal continue on my love continue doing What you are doing because wow you have Just opened up this doorway in your life Where so much success is here to come Through through and like it's just like A plant that you are watering like when You plant a seed it's going to take a Second for it to even Sprout but of Course we know like once we plant a seed It's going to sprout eventually Sometimes seeds take like a week to

Sprout sometimes they take a few months To even Sprout but eventually they do Sprout so we have to keep watering it we Have to keep taking care of it otherwise It's not going to sprout right you have Been dedicated you have been Watering Your your seeds you've been Watering Your Intentions they have started growing and You know some fruit trees take like Years before they even Bloom and Blossom Fruit right and the similar kind of Analogy can be taken to our lives like Sometimes we have to work so hard at Something before we can see the fruits Of our labor sometimes we have to Continue putting love and effort and Consistent dedication towards something Before it's going to bear fruit right Like avocado trees I think take like Seven years before you can have your First avocado like that's a long time And and so for you again you're at this Precipice where you've been going at This for so long you've been so Dedicated and the fruits of your labor Are like literally coming in I feel like They're right around the corner for you I feel like you're right on that Precipice right on that cusp of like Okay you're just about to like you know Reach that Peak where all the fruits are Coming in and yeah it's just so Beautiful and honestly like even when

Your first fruits come in I do feel like Like you're going to be like overwhelmed With oh my God it's like successful this Is so exciting However however I want to point out that That's like just the beginning because The image that spirit is showing to me Is like you've been working on these few Intentions which are about to start Blossoming and blooming their fruit but What you don't realize is that every Season to come those beautiful Mature plants or intentions that you've Just created those Those things in your life that you've Just now created every season because They're mature now they're going to Start rooting more spreading more Without more effort from you you just Need to consistently show up and Continue doing what you're doing and Continue watering it but I'm really Seeing that your garden is going to Actually like start to grow more and More get more bushy bear more fruit year After year and so it's funny because I I Really feel like once you once you start Seeing the fruit I think you're going to Be like wowed at the fact that like oh My God it's happening but then also Spirit is showing me like that's just The Beginning that's just the beginning There's so much more to come and

Honestly another thing that I'm seeing For you what you're on the right Frequency to hear is I'm seeing so much More balance in your life the fact that We have The Two of Pentacles um that Card came out a whole while ago and I'm Just getting to it now there's so many Messages coming through but this Two of Pentacles like um there is so much more Balance coming into your life where You're going to feel like oh I'm good And you know how life just always has These es and flows where there's times Where things might feel super great and Then there's times where you know we Might go through a little bit of a like A drier period of Our Lives da d da D Like life is just full of Cycles right It's full of those es and flows what I'm Seeing for you in the next like phase of Your life is it's going to be so much Easier to go through those es and flows Because you're going to have so much More balance and this very strong sense Of security this very strong Foundation To where when you go through these es And flows you're like oh I'm good like I Still have enough even during your dips Of your business or your career or times Where you need to take off take time off Or whatever it is that you're going Through you're still going to feel Really stable like you're going to feel Really good I I see like you're not

Going to be worried About um like success and abundance in The ways that you previously have in Your Life so much stability is coming through And I am also seeing like for some Reason this Two of Pentacles is Reminding me that you're not going to be Doing it all on your own like I feel Like you're either going to have help With you in your career so whether that Be like a team that you work with That like you two you two or you like Multiple people um help take care of Things so for example if you're like oh I need I want to take a vacation or I Want to do this it's like things are Working out really easily um things are Stable they're Sustainable they Are just secure they're easy it's easy For you to juggle these things and I Really also see that like you're not Going to have to overwork yourself like I just see this really nice balance Coming into your life um where your Career is now going to be like the least Of your worries it's like oh it's Sustainable it's growing itself I know Exactly what I need to do to keep Feeding it right and it's going to be Easy for you and again we have another Card that's talking about like Collaborations and things like that so

The three of Pentacles this for one is Kind of making me feel like you are Attracting more people that are going to Want what you Create so for example if you work with Clients or if you are in a career that Requires like Other people buying your services or Whatever the case may be um that Involves other people here you're going To be attracting more people to You um and more High Caliber people That's something that's coming through Like more High Caliber people and um I'm Just seeing your work being more well Known so that's really cool Congratulations to you that's like Really amazing I am also Seeing more opportunities coming through Where more people know you your work and And want more of that uh we do also have The temperance card here so yeah balance Like there's all of this balance coming Through and I feel like just moving Forward your life is going to feel so Much more stable so much more at Ease wow I just need to like Again clap for you because this is so Beautiful let's see what else we get Yeah I do also see you're going to be Pouring your time to even bigger goals Where I feel like you're you're at this Point where you're like how is that even Possible oh and then look at we also

Have four of Wands coming out and then We had another wow Okay okay the cards have spoken it's Also interesting that you got no Reversed cards um cuz there's like a Combination of like you know reversed And non-reversed and sometimes reversed Cards are actually better than the Upright depending on the card that comes Up um but you got just such amazing Cards here and such amazing news in the Astrodice so yeah all the effort that You've been putting Towards like this goal of yours this big Aspiration oh my gosh it's just going To it's it's not easy and I know it's Not because I've like built things in my Life where I've put a lot of effort eort Towards like my business and things like That and I know how much work went into That so for you just reading this for You and seeing what you're about to Create in your life I'm just like in awe Because I know how hard that is so just Congratulations here four of Wands is a Huge celebration there is about to be Something that you are celebrating this Could be like the launch of something The release of something reaching a huge Milestone in your life this could be the Opening of something the starting of Something and it's like a big Celebration where everyone's like oh my God you did it you made it you you had

It you like you got the thing like you Want it um so it's some sort of like Celebration or a big milestone that you Are reaching you are winning and the Four of Wands is also our stable Foundation so it again talks about the Foundation that we've just created in The fact that it's so stable you're Going to have really great structure Um in your life and I really see that Other people are going to be really Proud of you as well like like really Proud of you um and there will be some Form of like actual celebration Happening the four of Wands can also Talk about um physical property so this Could be talking about like um like Starting like a physical business where You like open up your own shop your own Store but it can also be like um Celebrating just like a big milestone if You like work from home or something Like that and like oh my God you got the Promotion here you go or it could be Like a graduation of something or like Yeah it's a big it's a big celebration To say the least where people are very Proud of you another aspect of this is It can be where you invest your money Into like physical like a home or more Into your business and it just is Growing and it's something where you're Like I can't believe I actually got this This is incredible I cannot believe I

Made it to this point it's going to be Mind-blowing okay so big celebration the World card is also when we feel very Whole and complete in this area when We've just completed a massive thing We've completed a phase and it's sort of Where we have like the world at the palm Of our hands and we've really like Achieved it it's the Fulfillment it's The achievement that's the world card There is a huge thing that you are Achieving and the world card when it Comes up it can also talk about like um Being worldly recognized for something Or it can be where we are able to travel Around the world and work from anywhere It can talk about that it can talk about Opportunities that come from completely Far away places where we are expanding Ourselves and our business like so much More um it can be yeah getting more Worldly known worldly recognized it Could be like the release of maybe like A product or book or something like this Where it's like being sold around the World type of thing or people know you From around the world and know your work From around the world things like that So the world card indicates all of that And it's also just like the completion Of something where we're like oh yeah I'm so proud of what I just did and it It's sort of like you at the Finish Line Looking at what you've created and being

Like I did it I literally did it and It's this feeling of like I'm actually Genuinely proud of it um cuz you know Sometimes before like we we finish a Project sometimes we can get stuck in The perfectionism the world card is when We we don't feel like there's anything More we want to change about the thing We're we have finished this this thing We've finished this project we've Finished this goal we've finished This thing and we are looking at it with Just such proudness and we're like I Can't believe I did that so that is Coming up for you there I'm curious to Pull an archetype card for you um a lot Of the times the archetype cards show us Like A like a this or that situation you'll See what I mean in a second but I'm kind Of curious what's going to come up for You um from Spirit here so let's see my Group twos what are you on the right Frequency to hear so we have child Nature the light attributes of this card Is friendships with animals Communication with nature Spirits the Shadow attribute is tendency to abuse Animals people and the environment so I Don't think that's you at all I'm not Feeling this um This energy however something that I am Feeling from you is that Your your relationship with your work

You've tended to overwork yourself at Times And yeah maybe you've you've even like Really pushed yourself really hard and What I'm seeing is like you're coming to This light attribute where instead of Neglecting your needs regle neglecting Your nature it's sort of like all of These accomplishments as we were talking About plants and nature earlier it's Like you're able to flourish and grow You're able to focus more on abundance And fruits and yeah I just feel like Things are moving to a much More abundant time where you if you're The seed and you're the plant and you're The growth you are now like expanding And growing Everything around you is expanding and Growing you feel and even the Green in Here like I'm really just seeing like This Abundance welcoming in more cash flow Welcoming in more abundance and spirit Is right now saying like you deserve This you deserve this you've been Putting in so much work okay let's see What else we get for you my group twoos What you are on the right frequency to Here Okay we have healer and Illusionist so The healer is cleanse grieve grow heal Um one thing that I'm seeing is like Spirit wants to congratulate you for how

Much inner work that you've been doing On healing yourself healing your inner Wounds healing past doubts overcoming Fears overcoming obstacles and spirit is Saying like even if you still feel like You have more to do I mean like healing Is a never- ending process right but Spirit just wants to say like be proud Of yourself look at how far you have Come already with what you have overcome In your life look at look at how much You've already Done like wow take time to like Recognize that because Spirit recognizes That and they're they're really wanting To congratulate you on that right now we Also have Illusionist divert spellbind Revamp unveil so Something spirit is seeing what you're Working on something that you're maybe Thinking about unveiling or something Where you're maybe revamping maybe you Revamped Yourself you you're kind of like Becoming a new you spirit is also seeing This and so one thing that you're also On the right frequency to hear is that The revamp that you've been doing on Yourself the inner work that you have Been doing the growth the transformation That you've been making oh my goodness It's amazing and if you've ever felt Like like something about The Illusionist is is sometimes when we can

Feel like Um nervous about becoming a new version Of us cuz we're like What are other People going to think are other people Going to think that I'm different or are They going to think that I'm being like Fake because I'm becoming a new a new me But the thing is is the message that I'm Really getting from here is as you shed The old you that's the you that that Does not resonate with you anymore That's not your authenticity anymore Therefore it would be fake to stay the Same it would be fake to continue being The old you that is no longer resonant With you so the thing that is resonant a Message that I'm getting from you is Don't fear taking off the mask don't Fear blooming into your authenticity People change and it would be an Illusion to try to keep on the mask of The you that you've outgrown does that Make sense so sometimes we can feel like Nervous to to be the new version of us Because we can think like oh no people Are going to like say that that's not Really me or people aren't going to Understand me whatever whatever it's Like it doesn't doesn't matter what Anybody else thinks you being fake is Keeping on the old you and staying in That old Shell the new You that you feel internally is the true

You the authentic you the you that has Shifted and transformed and changed Because one thing that we know for sure Is everything will always shift Transform and change in the world Everything's always shifting Transforming and changing so like like You know like it's just time to be it You know this candle isn't going to be Full forever as it burns like the wax Burns off and it's going to be you know There's no point in keeping an illusion Like it's some full candle when it's not You know what I mean like so for you It's about shedding the old and not Being afraid to like let the new you out Not being afraid to let the new you Shine so it's just a message from Spirit That Spirit really wanted you to know Right Now okay let's see what else we get for You and I do also feel like you have Something to reveal later like something That you maybe you've been working on Planning um putting work into this could Be yourself or it could be within your Business career or projects that you are Working on a goal that you have and um I'm also seeing that the reveal of that Is going to be really exciting we also Have patience you've had a lot of Patience you have been the story of the Tortoise in the hair you've been the Tortoise where you've been patient

You've been going along you've been Moving along pushing through through and Um that is just really paying off Boundaries is also coming up so one Thing that I'm seeing is also um keeping Your Boundaries safe like making a boundary With you know when I need to heal that's When I need to heal when I need to Rejuvenate that's when I need to Rejuvenate um keeping those clear Boundaries is going to be really helpful For You also protecting your energy From people who might want a piece of of What you've Done um protect your energy from that Especially if they they haven't put the Work in themselves protect your energy From anybody who might look at your Success and be like oh Well you know that sometimes when we're Successful people want to take advantage Of that right and spirit also says you Know this is a time to really keep up Boundaries to be cautious of Where you give your time energy and Resources to because we don't want to Drain our success either so that's just A message coming through from Spirit of Just like use caution around those Things if it doesn't feel right then it Doesn't feel right you have strong Intuition you know what's going to be

Right and what's going to not be right You've already put in all the work to do All of these things you are freaking Smart okay you have put in the work so And you deserve To reap the rewards of that Work so this is going to be a time also Of um boundaries and if you've ever been A people pleaser in the past or anything Like that this is time to overcome that And let that go um so that you can just Really enjoy the work that you know the Fruits of your labor the fruits of your Labor there's this story of like um like A hen who works so hard to make bread But none of the other farm animals Helped her but then of course when the Bread is finally done being made which She made it from like collecting the Wheat creating the flour doing this Doing that she's constantly asking you Know people for help and they're always Like oh no that's okay no that's okay But then once the bread is being made or Has is done all the animals are like oh Can I have a piece can I have a piece And she's like what no I asked you to Help me I asked you to help me I asked You to help I did this all on my own This is my bread nobody's getting any so Like that's I like this is just a Message for you to um keep that in mind Moving forward so of course it's nice to Be generous once in a while of course

But there is also times where boundaries Are really helpful So yes Anyway let's dive into some last cards For you how can you be grateful for a Past experience that has shaped you so There I feel like is a past experience That has shaped you and pushed you to Where you are now and to who you've Become so how can you be grateful for That past experience that has shaped you And pushed you here and helps you become Who you are Today let's see what else we get for you My group Twos o I feel like that card want oo Let's go with It o did you say it did you tell them That you love Them [Music] O Have You Been expressing your Gratitude your appreciation For the people that you love it could be Really beneficial to do that um when you Feel like you don't fit in make Space I love this I absolutely love this When you feel like you don't fit in make Space make space so that you fit in Anyway make space for yourself you Deserve to be here you deserve the Success sometimes people get impostor Syndrome ooh Impostor syndrome if you feel like you

Struggle with impostor syndrome you know When it comes to success that you might Feel like oh did I really deserve this Oh my God and then you know sometimes we Can just feel Like sometimes we can feel like we don't Deserve it however you do you absolutely Deserve this so when you feel like you Don't fit in if you feel like you don't Fit in to this success if you feel like Oh my god do I really deserve this like Oh my God make space make space for Yourself cuz yes you do oh sorry my Camera cut out and I don't know where it Cut out However you know sometimes we can have Imposter syndrome I was talking about Imposter syndrome so if you ever feel Like you struggle with imposter syndrome And you feel like oh I don't deserve to Be here and I don't deserve this okay if You feel like you don't fit in somewhere If you feel like oh my God I feel out of Place make space for yourself because Yes you deserve to be there you got There therefore yes you deserve it Otherwise it wouldn't have happened for You so the fact that you're already There yes you deserve Ser it make space For yourself give yourself permission to Do so so that was the last message when The camera cut out but thank you so much For joining me here for today's video That is the message that you're on the

Right frequency to be hearing right now My group number two so I'm sending you All so much love and don't be or don't Be be sure to check out Luna gem if you Want some really amazing Crystal healing Bracelets and that they are made to your Wrist size and you can wear them in Water and all that and they are just Super high quality if you want any of That the link will be down below and I'm Sending you all so much love and until Next time bye all right my group number Three is if you chose this pile this is Going to be a reading all about the Message that you are on the right Frequency to be hearing right now all Right so we're going to start off with Our Astra Di and let's see what message Do we have for you we have Mars in Scorpio in the first house ooh the first House is about the self our identity Scorpio is a major transformation and Mars is the planet of action getting Stuff done it it is motivated okay so One message that I'm getting for you is That um the motivation that you feel Right now to maybe make some personal Changes or to really shift yourself to Kind of create a new version of you or To implement new habits or become Completely unrecognizable and shift Yourself in some way that is going to be Something that really pays off spirit is Saying saying that yes you are on the

Right frequency right now for doing a Massive self transformation massive like I really feel like you're about to step Into an era where like you are being Productive you are taking action you are Also determined this Mars energy is also Giving me this energy Of really doing things your own way and No longer feeling like we have to people Please no longer feeling like we have to Be afraid of Confrontation okay cuz Mars it's very connected to like fiery Energy it's connected to Aries and it's Also connected to Scorpio but um Whenever I think about Mars I think About the solar plexus chakra which is Where your willpower comes from it is Your center of taking action and Building energy in your life and I'm Just seeing like a lot of like this new Wave of energy coming through but it's Coming through as you step into your Most authentic self that's what Scorpio First house energy is this is time to be The most authentic version of You okay and have enough determination And enough Fire Within you that it's Like I'm unstoppable and I'm no longer Caring what anyone else thinks or says About me and my desires it's like I just Desire to be authentic I desire to be Mean I desire to have this like inner Strength to kind of let my inner warrior

Out okay that's the Mars energy Especially with Scorpio in the first House this is stepping into your like Determined Warrior Warrior or Warrior goddess kind Of Energy and wow I'm just seeing like a Whole new you being birthed and this This version of you is just so much more Detered mined Motivated um kind of like it's a little Bit like Unapologetic but not in the way Of like disregarding other people's Feelings or becoming egotistical like That's not what I see here I'm not Seeing this like egotistical version Because like Scorpio here is also very Intuitive and also very deep and caring About others so what I'm seeing is just Like this motivation for yourself and Kind of being able to set proper Boundaries in your life where yes we are Still compassionate with other people 100% but at the same time we also are Not going to let other people's opinions And wishes and things override our path In life right it's like I'm on my path And I'm going to be on my path and I'm Going to go on my path and all that so Let's see what else we have going on in Our tarot cards Here very deter determined energy coming Through and also so we have Eight of Cups and nine of Cups ooh the eight and

Nine of Cups eight is when we have the Courage to walk away from something that Is no longer fulfilling us so there Could be something that you're just like I need to shed that I need to walk away From that this could be a relationship a Career um like an old version of us and Just our old Hobbies our old routines Our old habits um I just see you having So much courage to just say you know What that's not me anymore and I need to Leave it behind for some reason I'm Getting this feeling like a lot of you Who chose this group there's like a Relationship that you've been feeling Like you need to leave behind um or Perhaps you just Have for some of you I'm also feeling Like again this could be career or again Could just be like habits and things Like that there then we also have the Nine of Cups you having the courage to Walk away from what is no longer Resonating with you what is no longer Fulfilling you is literally Going to open you up to a phase where You are receiving your dreams the things That you've been hoping for this is Going to align you to fulfillment Because whatever this thing was that Wasn't fulfilling you anymore was Actually draining your energy it was Actually making you Feel less yourself it was making you

Feel less Fulfilled was weighing on you as you Walk away from this as you have the Courage to walk away from this nine of Cups right here oh my goodness you are Entering the phase of like I am blooming I am blossoming the nine of cups is Literally the wish card where we get and Receive something that we've been Wishing for so that's what's coming Through right now you are on the right Frequency to be hearing this right now This is something that you have been Attracting and it's interesting that you Chose the rose quartz group and it's Also just interesting that I put Rose Quarts on this group because I feel like This is such a crystal for your energy Right now rose quartz is about love but It's mostly about selflove it can also Be for attracting love and attracting Things like that are resonant with you That are going to bring you resonant Love so if you have been wanting to find Like you know something that really Resonates with you so that you can love Life and also just love yourself this is The era that you are in right now you're Going to do so many Transformations and You are going to love yourself and your Life so much more as you set yourself Free okay that Is like the most major thing coming up For you right now is like this is going

To set you free To really birth a new you and birth a New Life this yeah this is going to be huge For you we also have the Chariot coming Through and then we also have the nine Of Pentacles wow okay so the Chariot is Is choosing a new Direction and it can Also be where we break through old Obstacles or we have big breakthroughs Um it can also be where we figure out The direction that we really want to go In and we're like you know what I'm Happy about this um it's really like a Moving forward kind of Energy I'm also hearing that like travel Or moving could Be something in your future here because Just this Chariot card the fact that we Also have Eight of Cups which is like Leaving something behind kind like there Could be some sort of like trip travel Or move that you are Doing it could also be a move in Career but it could also be like a move In general nine of Pentacles as well This double nines let's talk about the Double nines the nines numerologically Um resemble the ending of a phase the Completion of an old phase of your life Which is exactly what you're doing the Fact that we have the number one right Here you are entering a rebirth you are Entering a new phase and number ones are

Connected to Aries which is the main Zodiac sign that Mars rules but Mars Secondary zodiac sign that it rules is Scorpio so you are all in this Mars Energy right now of breakthroughs Mars Is the planet of Breakthroughs and like Chariot 2 major Breakthroughs in your life having the The courage to break through a wall that Once scared you to break outside of your Comfort zone to break out of the box That you feel restricted by what is the Box that you feel restricted in right Now okay my group thre is what is that Box because this is this is your time of Breaking through that you no longer want To be caged or held back or held down by This thing this is time to expand into Freedom that is what you are manifesting Right now that is what your energy Desperately wants and needs needs and That is like look what's going to happen For you as you do your breakthrough we Get the wish card here and then we get Nine of Pentacles which is also such a Fabulous card because it talks about Abundance it talks about the fruits of Our labor it talks about being Surrounded by luxury Beauty success it's Like this card where we feel successful You are going to feel successful for Honoring your authenticity for honoring Yourself for having these breakthroughs For Having the courage right all this

Mars energy for Having the courage To go for what you really Want this I can't even begin to describe How beautiful that this is about to be For you so yeah you're really on the Frequency right now of closing out a Chapter having a breakthrough inventing A new version of yourself that is so Much more in alignment with who you are This is time to stop repressing yourself Okay and your truest wants and needs um And desires because it's also Interesting Scorpio can talk about Repressed or secret desires that really Want to come through with Mars and the First house here in Chariot this is time To have a breakthrough with that and be Totally honest be totally open and be Like you know what this is actually what I really Want okay this is time to open up and be Authentic this is time to own who you Really are rather than feeling like we Just need to keep these desires secret And keep Living in this kind of almost like box Where where we clearly are not wanting To Be okay this is breakthrough time this Is breakthrough time and yeah charia is There's definitely like Movement movement movement movement Leaving something behind that's no Longer fulfilling then entering your

Receiving your wish feeling like oh I'm In this new phase it's so beautiful this Is being really satis ified nine of Cups It's being really satisfied nine of Pentacles is like oh dang I'm in luxury Again I am in being surrounded by Beauty This is this is it like this new phas For you is going to be really amazing Let me just say that okay let's go ahead And Shuffle some more cards here to get Some more information for you so my Group threes o feel like those I really Wanted to come out and I also feel like That one does too so let's see We have The Alchemist so this is you Stepping into your power and Transforming pain into Motivation sometimes when we're so Uncomfortable with a situation and it Builds up so much it can end up being The biggest motivating factor to have The biggest breakthrough of your life Which is I feel like what's kind of Alchemizing within you right now and I Feel like you feel this you feel this in Your gut there has been an energy that Has been alchemizing like we need to Take Action we need to make some changes we Need to be authentic we need to be real We need to like yeah um we also have Release so yeah I see you hopping from An old lily pad that is no longer Resonant with you hopping away from it

Having the courage to hop away from it And look at it's almost like the frog Has this new Lily Pad but it's almost Like it's not even a physical lily pad Yet it's almost like it's in his mind And he's like I'm just going to find my Dream Lily Pad do you see this like let Me see if I can get it focused right This Lily Pad that's right here it's Almost like it's a lily pad in his mind And he's determined to create it and Find the lily pad of his dreams like the New the new thing where he wants to be Cuz he clearly doesn't want to be here Anymore so it's time to release That then we also have Trust so this is about trusting the Process Trusting that if I hop away from this Silly pad I know that I will find what I Am looking for because I trust myself I Trust the universe this is having that Trust that this will be the greatest Decision because sometimes it can be Hard for us to release the familiar and The comfortable because we're like oh Well it it brings me Comfort it brings Me a sense of security because it's Familiar at least I know it's here right But sometimes when we take a chance on a Dream or something it's like well it's Not here yet I have to like take this Chance but I have to leave this thing Behind first and you know trust the

Process trust the process sometimes we Don't even know how something's going to Happen And we don't see how but when we Trust we let the Universe show us the Path right The Chariot The Chariot sometimes we just Have to get moving and the path will get Revealed to us as we keep moving just Like driving a car like I cannot see Right now from here to New York I can't See the entire road but I do know at Least the direction that it's kind of in And the path will get revealed to me More and more as I go in that Direction so that's like the Chariot Just get in the car let's start going we Don't have to see the whole road we Don't have have to know exactly how it's Going to happen but at least get in the Car and start driving in that direction And the universe will unfold the how it Will unfold the path as you keep Trusting and as you keep going that is The message okay we're also going to Take out an archetype card for You that came out fast we have companion Here okay so let's see what this one is So This says the light attributes are Loyalty tenacity and unselfishness Shadow attributes are betrayal by Misusing confidences loss of personal Identity ooh so sometimes um I feel like

This is talking about for some of you This is a message definitely for all of You um but this is really sticking out To me so loss of personal identity Sometimes when we're in a Companionship um we can lose our Personal identity because we have to Make s Rices right but there's certain Things Where certain things might mean a lot to Us right we also have to pick a partner Right it's it's important to choose a Partner it's important to have Companions that at least have Similar Um desires and directions in life right Similar similar likes and dislikes Things like that otherwise it's kind of Like hard to compromise on a lot of Things so sometimes we can find Ourselves in a situation where we've Lost our personal identity and I really Feel like for you the fact that we have The first house coming up this is about You reclaiming your personal Identity and the light attributes would Be the Loyalty tenacity and Unselfishness so it's like coming to This place of like like also realizing That um like we deserve what we want too So do other people but how can we make a Compromise where we're not losing our Personal identity what are those things That mean so much to you right here in

This in this space So moving on to our next few cards we Also have musician coming Up and then let's See Ooh we got quite a few coming Up okay we have musician Circle Sorceress and lionard oo okay so first Off the musician the musician is Connected to the throat chakra which is Expression so allowing yourself to shine To play to invoke to Express yourself this is expressing Yourself authentically Mars Scorpio the First house this is all about releasing Old inhibitions expressing yourself Authentically allowing the music of your Life to play authentically What's the Tune of your song right now we also have Circle so collaborate Assemble hold Initiate who do you want to be Surrounded by Most okay who do you want to be Surrounded by who do you want to Collaborate with who do you want to Assemble hold and maybe this is time to Initiate something initiate something Let something be known within your Circle okay we also have sorceress Summon conjure weave enchant I see you Really weaving the future of your dreams This is time for you to make big moves Big shifts big changes in your life and I'm seeing like you becoming The

Alchemist taking something that was Once it was boiling up and this is time For you to turn it Into something where we can actually Take action Mars is the planet of action This is turning it into something where We can take Action okay and look at the weave that She's building if you notice spiders or SP webs around in the next little while Or even if you've been noticing them Lately keep in mind that those um what They represent the we like the webs and Spiders they represent dream Weaving they Represent um weaving the path and Weaving an idea into physical tangible Reality okay so if you notice them Around it's actually a really good Sign because they resemble that then we Also have lion heart Prevail endure dare Confront there is something that you Really need to confront there is Something that you need to have the Courage to step up about right Lion Heart this is also connected to the sun Because this is connected to Leo Leo Energy is confidence Leo energy is like What do we want to Roar about what do we Want to express what do we want to put Out there um so yeah what do you need to Confront what do you need to like you Know I just need to Prevail in this I Need

To let like there's something on your Heart look it he has this um like glow Right on his heart there's something on Your Heart Lion Heart this is time to express Like the lion which actually rules the Heart Leo rules the heart there's Something on your heart to Express So this this is the message you are on The frequency to be hearing right now my Love because this all of this stuff like Spirit's giv advice here but all of this Stuff it's like you've been feeling this And spirit knows that you've been Feeling this and there's a direction That you clearly want to go in with this Chariot card there's a direction that You want to go in it is going to bring You so much more fulfillment nine of Cups is the wish card make your wish Make your wish known okay what is that Nine of Pentacles is Oo we are Flourishing we are surrounded by Abundance and Beauty okay let's see Any last cards here and messages from Spirit for you that you are on the right Frequency to hear right now let's see Okay so we have things are always Changing shifting and evolving what is True today may not be true Tomorrow so if you feel like there is no Way that's possible for you to achieve

Your wants and dreams or if you feel Like there's no way you Could you know step into your Authenticity things are always changing Shifting and evolving you are always Changing shifting and evolving Okay so don't be afraid of your Authenticity if you have Changed that's okay you shouldn't be Afraid of the fact that you have changed What was true you know months ago might Not be true now for you That's why authenticity is stepping up So powerfully for you maybe you've been Running from your authenticity because You feel ashamed about it or maybe you Feel bad about it because you're like H Well it feels like my past was now a lie Or something but it wasn't you know Things are always changing and shifting And evolving you change shift and evolve Too that's Okay okay um so that was a message then We also have don't worry about where you Have been or where you're going don't Worry about those things Focus on what feels authentic what feels Right what feels authentic and what Feels right I want to get one last card For you okay perfect oh we have two Here so one of them is how are you Today Spirit wants you wants to know how Are you today also I feel like this is Coming up because spirit's like it's

Time to be authentic if somebody asks You how are you doing be real real okay How are you doing really what has been On your mind like let's let's open up About it let's be real okay so when you Get this question let's be Real okay o and then we have the card Are you Projecting are you projecting a fear Onto the onto the future are you Pro Projecting a fear of what might Happen even though it hasn't Happened okay maybe we just need to like Come back to ourselves come back to for Authenticity like let's be real all These cards are talking about be Authentic be yourself be real I feel Like getting one more Here okay take care of your Rarity you are unique take care of your Rarity embrace your Rarity okay and then Your last message I am Unstoppable and Resilient remember that that that is a Message to end us off here I am Unstoppable and resilient the the world That is about to open up for you as you Become authentic as you express what it Is that you truly want the path that you Truly want to go on because clearly There's a new path that you want to go On um as you become authentic with that It is going to open doors for You it is going to open doors for you it Is bringing you to the wish card and to

The Fulfillment card okay nine of Pentacles the nine of Cups the nine of Pentacles both of those are amazing you Can even Google what those mean if you Don't believe me here and if you want More confirmation those are like some of The best cards in the entire Tarot deck Okay nine of cups is the wish card Getting what you want also making your Wish known okay and then nine of cup or Pentacles is being surrounded by Abundance and luxury and beauty and Feeling So Satisfied with life okay that That's where this is leading you Stepping into your Authenticity you know Reinventing Yourself really allowing your new Authenticity to shine rather than Holding it back or repressing it really Being that new view H my love the places That that is going to bring you is Amazing So that is what we have for you my Beautiful group number three thank you So much for joining me here for today's Video I'm sending you all so much love And until next time bye all right my Group number four is if you chose this Pile this is going to be your reading That you are on the right frequency to Be hearing right now so let's go ahead And find out what that is all right my Love so before diving into our tarot Cards we're going to roll the astr dice

And let's see what your messages that You're on the right frequency to hear Right now so we have the South node in Pisces in the third house ooh so the South node represents our past O what in the past Are we continuing To communicate with have ties with think About the third house is our mind our Communication our networking our Connections to other People and there's something here from The past where Pisces Pisces is like it Also deals with the mind but it's more Of like a deeper aspect of the mind uh It can also be where we're wearing like Rose-colored glasses like we might have Hopes for the future about something in Regards to our past and we're staying Tied to it but Maybe maybe it's holding us back that That could be like a definite a definite Thing right here so there's something in Your past that Spirit wants to talk About right now um that we are keeping Ties to this health node is like things That we should maybe maybe let go of Things that are again from our past that Could be tying us back holding us back From from our Future and again the third house is like It ties us via our mind our thoughts It's taking up a lot of our mental Energy or it could even be taking up a

Lot of our communicative energy you know So what are we continuing to communicate With that maybe is something that should Be left behind in the past let's see What else Spirit has to say about this This could also just be things that were Meant to drop things that were meant to Let go of like like a conversation from The past that maybe we just need to let Go of it we need to choose whether or Not we're going to move on and let go of It we need to choose how we're going to Let go of it are we going to like forget About it and forgive or are we going to Just say you know what this is the end Of this I need to move on and completely Cut ties and free myself once and for All um so that can be a message that's Coming through here we also have the King of Pentacles being reversed and we Have the wheel of Fortune being reversed Okay so when we stay tied to things from Our past Wheel of Fortune being reversed Is sort of like we keep revisiting a Pattern it's if there is a pattern that Has constantly happened in regards to The past but maybe we're hoping to Change it if it has constantly shown us A certain outcome it is going to Continue showing us that Outcome The Wheel of Fortune is kind of Like we keep trying to spin the wheel to Land on a different Um a different outcome but it's almost

Like this wheel has all the same Outcomes like we've seen all the Outcomes that this wheel has we've Already spun it enough times to see the Outcomes and king of Pentacles being Reversed is like when we might not be Satisfied with the result or it hasn't Yielded us the result that we want so How do we get the result that we want in Our lives let's see let's get some more Cards on this because yeah this message That you need to hear right now is all About letting go of a pattern letting go Of something from your past this could Be a relationship this could be a person This could be something that we are Mentally habitually tied to from our Past that maybe we know we know where it Leads us we know the outcome that's Going to happen here if we continue Doing this pattern if we continue moving Through this cycle we know where it Leads Us so what do we need to choose instead We do also have the four of Swords being Reversed and we have the page of Wands Upright this okay the four of Swords When it's upright is US contemplating us Being frozen not doing anything about Our situation it's sort of when we're Just reviewing it and contemplating it And thinking about it and all that all That kind of stuff it's again taking up Our mental energy what have you been

Ruminating on sometimes we need to melt The ice we just need to get up and move Forward we need to like get up move Forward choose A New Path That that's like the major thing coming Through it's like let's stop spinning The Wheel let's stop spinning the wheel how Do we break the wheel so that we're not Spinning this anymore how do we break The pattern break the Habit so that we No longer Circle back to it constantly Because circling back to it I feel like Circling back to this thing in your past Has not been leading you where you want To go and page of Wands here what I'm Seeing is that If you choose a new spark a new Inspiration get excited about something New this is going to bring you a whole New energy this is where things start Moving Forward spirit is giving me the image of Um being stuck with a ball in a chain And it's like we're tied to the past but There's the vision that they're showing Me is that there's this door to your Future and this path keeps unfolding and Unfolding and unfolding and like there's Like this beauty that you can experience There's all these new experiences that Are waiting for you over there but the Longer that we stay tied to the familiar To the Past in hopes that we can

Change it even though we know all the Outcomes that it brings us but the Longer that we stay tied to it for Whatever Reason the more we are missing out on All the future Experiences that are waiting for Us and page of Wands is when she grabs Hold of that Opportunity and oh I'm almost seeing This this is kind of funny I'm almost Seeing this up here as the ball and Chain but it's like you take hold of it You're like you know what the ball and Chain is no longer going to keep me Stuck I am going to Renew this old pattern this old habit And I'm going to get inspired by Something New so for example if this is like a Relationship that you've been stuck on That keeps leading you to the same Outcomes but we keep going back to it Knowing where it's going to lead us Things like that um that's like the ball And chain that's holding you back from Your future but if you grab hold of that Instead and you say you know what I do Still want a relationship but I'm going To Renew the the desire here where it's no Longer this broken wheel I'm going to Renew the desire to where I'm going to Put my focus on a new person I'm going

To go look for a new person because it's Clearly not the old one so that's kind Of like the example that spirit is Showing me here and that's why I'm like Oh you've taken this ball and chain You've still you're still seeking your Desire but now you've changed the way in Which you're seeking it because you're No longer stuck on the past thing that Is broken that's not working right it's Just like a car if a car breaks down and It's like past the point of repair it's Like sometimes we're just going to have To leave it it doesn't mean that we can Never drive a car again but it just Means we have to go seek a new one we Have to go seek one that's going to work You know like that's that's what I'm Getting So yeah like it's time to seek one that Works it's time to thaw out the ice and Let's move forward spirit is definitely Saying like this is time to move forward There's been something stuck on the past Whenever the four of Swords is reverse This is time to move forward page of Wands is also moving forward but she's Moving forward with like a spark A A New Hope because the the wands are like a Spiritual spark in us they talk about The fire within us and if you think About the Fire Within you that's that's Similar to like a hope or an inspiration Or a motivation to move forward

Somewhere new like yes we don't have the Physical we don't have the physical Thing yet in our hands but we have the Motivation we have the spark we have the Hope that's page of Wands and page of Wands eventually leads to the Pentacles Which are the physical manifestation of A thing So let's see what else we get for You so if you want your physical Manifestation your physical outcome There's a Reroute there's a reroute that is coming About and it it all requires just Letting go letting go of the past we Also have King of Swords being reversed As well cutting Away ties commun communicative ties we Might not think it's that big of a deal But maybe it actually is because it's Stealing all of our mental energy it's Keeping us tied to the past so sometimes We do need to like really mentally free Ourselves um that's really the biggest Thing that's coming through like really Freeing yourself it might seem like Innocent and no big deal to stay Mentally tied to something or staying Communicatively tied to something or Tied via socials or whatever to Something from your past someone from Your Past but it's really like is it doing You good is it doing you any good has it

Brought you where you want to Go I'm assuming not so let's see what Else we get for you here my group fours We also have the outlaw we need to give The boot we need to make some Rules we need to give the boot to Something and maybe we just need to give The boot to ourselves and say like let Me stop this pattern let me stop doing This Thing I know I keep tying this to like Relationships but this could also be Like again a mental tie a mental habit a Mental pattern that we keep cycling back Into that maybe is not good for us and We need to give the boot to those things Every time they come up we just need to Be like nope not doing that NOP I'm not Doing that I feel like every time that You say no okay Outlaws this this card Deals with saying no okay every time you Say no you're actually going to be Really proud of Yourself every time you say okay I'm Throwing that thought away I'm throwing That habit away I'm throwing that Pattern away I'm not doing it you're Actually going to be so proud of Yourself every time that you accomplish That okay and that proudness should be Your motivating factor that proudness Should be your like like yes I did it Yes I did it and that's a win every time Right so let's see what else do we get

For you we also have Manifest this is Going to align you to manifesting what You actually Want okay the thing that you're wanting To manifest lies Within you taking action towards your Future we also have get curious so get Curious about all the possibilities that Could happen in your future because There's a lot of them spirit is coming Through right now saying that there's a Lot of possibilities that are available To manifest for you all of these cards Are also pink which is tied to the Higher heart chakra so this is something That where we're starting to really love Life we're really starting to love Ourselves where we also manifest more Love if you spread your wings you get Curious about you know what what else is Out there what what could I explore now Like there's so many more exciting Things than this like all of these cards That are over here there is so many more Exciting things that are out there and The way to manifest It Is by taking Action to move forward rather than Backwards so let's see what else we get For you I'm going to Pull an archetype card for you and let's See what archetype we have coming up for You the message that you are on the Right frequency to be Hearing right now okay oh we have bully

And then child Eternal let's see what These are So the light attributes of the bully Archetype card is highlights your Tendency to intimidate others helps you Confront the inner fears that bully you Helps you confront the inner fears that Bully you that's huge Shadow attribute Conceals deep fears behind verbal or Physical abuse okay another thing that I'm getting CU sometimes these shadow Attributes on the archetype cards are Like really aggressive but they don't Need to be um another thing is it could Just be conceals deep fears and Continues to put like you might conceal Your fears and you might continue to put Yourself in a situation where you are Sort of Being manipulated Or you know something is hurting you Such as when we are staying in a pattern Or cycle where we know where it leads us And it doesn't lead us somewhere good it Leads us somewhere Negative we might be bullying Ourselves by continuing to put ourselves In that situation where that is going to Happen Okay so the light attributes Highlights your or no I don't feel like You're an intimidating person but helps You confront the inner fears that bully You okay child Eternal the light attributes is

Determination to remain young in Body Mind and Spirit ability to see things With fresh Eyes Shadow attributes is inability to Grow up and be responsible extreme Dependency on others for physical Security Ooh that's huge So this could also be an extreme Dependency on it could be on a person Cuz this could be like a relationship That maybe we need to let go of or this Could be Um a habit that we need to let go of and The shadow attribute this could be an Extreme dependency on that Addiction on That habit on that Person because it brings you some form Of physical security in some way You know as much hope as you give into This thing as much as much love and Attention and time that you give into This thing imagine if You converted that to putting time and Attention Towards a better future or a future Where the thing that you desire to Happen actually happens but it just Happens you know in a in a positive way Not with this destructive thing so again Getting out of the pattern fully leaving The past in the past fully leaving this Person in the past and then putting your Time and energy towards let me find

Something that's actually positive in my Future imagine if you put that amount of Time towards your future that amount of Love towards your future imagine what What could be possible for You Right so let's dive into some more cards For you definitely there's a huge Message here about leaving behind the Past huge message about leaving behind The past I'm sorry if this is coming Across like really like you know I don't know like confronting but this Is just how spirit is speaking right now It's like this very like Direct Direct Energy so I don't know Maybe this is something that you needed To hear right now that you were on the Right frequency to hear because like What I'm getting is that you are tired Of This you are tired of this cycle you are Tired of being Here and it it drags you down like this Thing your past literally drags you down And you are aware of that you already Don't want to be dragged down by this Thing you already know that you are Smart you are intelligent you already Know that and so what's coming through Right now is like because we already Know that let's let's really put that Knowing into Action and let's do what we know we need

To do because I feel like already deep Down inside you know what you need to do You already know this Like you know that you need to say no You know that you need to give the boot Like the outlaw is almost making me feel Like blocking something blocking someone Or even if this is a habit or something Like blocking it from your life finding A way to block it from your life Um so let's see what else we get for You my group fours we also have devote So instead of devoting your energy Towards the past what if we dedicate and Inspire ourselves to emerge and devote Ourselves to a new Higher Calling to A New Hope to a new purpose To a new Direction oh my gosh is that ever going To shift things for you but it's about Finding something that inspires you even More finding something that's going to Take your attention even more to where It's like oh I don't even need that old Thing anymore more because this new Thing inspires me so much and this has To be something that's you know Obviously healthy for you this new Vision this new goal this new Inspiration this new thing is so Inspiring and so fulfilling to me that I No longer even think about this thing in The past I'm no longer even thinking About it

Okay let's See let's get another card from this Deck here okay we also have strategist It's interesting we have Angel Number 22 And then Angel Number 44 because this is Kind of like an Ascension that's Happening and also Angel Number 22 is Like dedication it's also self- Transformation 44 is when we are also Setting up boundaries because fours deal With boundaries in your life and when 44 Is together it also is an eight which Opens us up to infinite possibility so Strategist this is like let's strategize A new plan a new plan of action So like every time I'm craving going Back here anytime that pops up again What am I going to do instead what am I Going to devote myself to instead what's Going to be healthy and productive for Me to focus on in that Moment and strategist could also be like You know what do I really want in my Future and like how can I make that Happen how can I make that happen so Yeah um that's going to be a very Positive new outlook and new way to Reroute this energy and let's See what else we get for you so any more Messages for my group Fours we also have the journey is the Process the journey is the process you Are on the journey already so the Journey to your goal is also the process

Of letting this go finding the new thing To be devoted to getting like getting Reinspach shifting and evolving what is True today may not be true tomorrow Things are always changing shifting and Evolving what is true today may not be True tomorrow I feel like this is Helping you with a mindset shift of like You know if I feel negative today or if I feel such way today like that doesn't Have to be true for my tomorrow let me See like what can be true for me Tomorrow let's see my group Fours then we also have how are you Being the best version of Yourself how are you being the best Version of yourself so in what ways can We step into the best version of Ourselves Because that's also going to be what Helps you really Manifest the outcome that you really Want that helps you manifest all the Great things in your Life how are you already the best Version of yourself ask yourself that Because I get this energy like there Might be a little bit of like Self-criticism here and I don't want you To self criticize that's not the point Of this reading like how are you already Being the best version of yourself ask Yourself that because there are ways in Which you're already doing it

There all there are already ways let me Point out one you are already aware of These things you're already aware of the Changes that you need to make you Already know it deep down inside that's Already amazing that's already so Advanced that's already so Advanced okay Um if you are like you Know clearly already like such a Dedicated person with so much to Offer that's already such a great Quality all look at all the ways in Which you're already being the best Version of yourself what have you Already accomplished in your life what Have you already done what are the Amazing qualities that you already have Now let's redirect that To uplifting us even higher going Towards manifesting what we really want Knowing that we are so deserving of that Knowing that this thing in the past Doesn't deserve to be on your timeline It doesn't deserve that Because you have so much to offer so Let's let's go forward and find what Truly does align to us right cuz you Deserve so freaking much my group number Four is Like you deserve the manifestation you Deserve to be happy but we need to Dedicate we need to devote ourselves to A New Vision what is that new vision Look like what inspires you the most

What would be even better that what this Was was here once you realize that There's even better out there it's going To be so easy for you to let go of this So visualize what's even better than That because let me tell you anytime Something doesn't work out in your life It is literally because there is Something more resonant for you that you Just have not discovered yet okay that's Always the reason 100% of the time I've Been through this cycle enough in my Life to 100% know that anything that Does not work out for you was not meant For you and the reason why it wasn't Meant for you is because it didn't fully Actually resonate you might have thought It did because maybe it checked a lot of Boxes for you maybe it helped with a lot Of things maybe it provided a lot of Security fulfillment but the thing is is It didn't work out because it did not Check every possible box that is Actually what is meant for You so imagine that so get excited about The fact that your future is going to be Better than what your past ever was that Is always the case 100% of the time so Remember that your future is always Going to be a million times better than Anything that did not work out for you In the past so that is the message I'm Going to leave off this reading with Thank you so much for joining me here

For today's video I'm sending you all so Much love my beautiful group number four Is and yeah I hope to see you in my next One bye

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